#i think it fits him incredibly well actually like the lyrics i mean
skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
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Sorry I reallt can't get over this moment for the life of me 😭😭
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i-heart-hxh · 2 months
I read a post about a little killugon easter egg in the Succession Arc. It was when Tyson was talking about love at some point and her guards mentioned Nishino Kana's songs Darling and No Matter How Much. Do you think this was supposed to be a killugon reference regarding their current feelings or is that a stretch? And if these are a killugon reference, don't the lyrics of Darling imply Killua is now aware his feelings for Gon are romantic and his desire to stay with him forever hasn't changed?
Hello! So, I've actually considered bringing up my take on this, but hesitated a bit up until now.
I've listened to and looked at lyrics for both Darling and No Matter How Much... (Tatoe Donna Ni...), and...I think Tatoe Donni Ni... does fit Gon's situation/POV well, but Darling, on the other hand, has some lyrics that weren't included in the original post that make it pretty hard to apply to Gon and Killua directly:
"Hey Darling, which is better? This skirt or dress Ah—, why are you yawning? Hey, we should leave now Wait! I’ve forgotten my phone Ah—, did you just sigh at me?
I once asked Who your favorite actress is I don’t think I’m quite like her, but—"
I was somewhat skeptical that this random musical reference was intended to be about Gon and Killua to begin with because the conversation and situation in the manga don't connect with them in any particularly strong way (it's more just generically about love, which Tyson talks about constantly), and this portion of the lyrics not applying to Gon and Killua well furthered my skepticism.
I think a simpler and more likely explanation is that Togashi, a known music fan and someone who frequently makes music references in HxH, art he makes, and his tweets/etc., included these references because he's a fan of Nishino Kana and he wanted to recommend these songs, and he may have thought they fit the situation with Tyson and her personality/outlook well. So, my personal conclusion is that...I think it's unlikely Togashi included these songs specifically to connect with Gon and Killua.
However, there's still some room for doubt here. Togashi is an incredibly detail-oriented writer, and it is true that the lyrics to these songs do still partially fit Gon and Killua, with some parts of the songs fitting them quite well. Is it possible he's thought of them while listening to these songs? I mean, sure, it's possible! These are songs he decided to connect to HxH by referencing them, whatever his reason(s) might be. I just don't feel like the connection with Gon and Killua is definitive enough for me fully buy into it, at least not without more supporting information.
It's a creative idea and I'm glad the person who made the connection pointed it out because I am intrigued by the places where the lyrics line up with Gon and Killua (whether it's an intentional connection or not), these are just my thoughts after looking at it carefully.
Also, Darling is really catchy and I recommend listening to it in particular. It gets stuck in my head a lot!
Thanks for asking!
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lifes-line · 3 months
I’ve been obsessed with the 2016 Falsettos recently so I’m gonna post about it—
(Esp because Andrew rannells is in it and he’s my favorite actor ever)
Spoilers for those who don’t know how the musical goes if you wanna listen/watch it its on YouTube—
SPOILERS AGAIN (please watch the musical I beg)
In ACT 1 we get introduced to Whizzer through “four Jews in a room bitching” but we really get to know him through “Thrill of first love”
And that’s actually where we start seeing foreshadowing of what happens to Whizzer at the end of this musical.
In the song Thrill of first love we find out Whizzer is a little bit vain, cheap, and very fit.
Through his lines/lyrics
“He doesn’t share my devotion to… style” and then he gestures to his figure which we see that the clothes are pretty snug and fit well on his body. Now the audience knows Whizzer is very fit for his age and he’s physically doing pretty well.
“I was trained in karate.”
Again they get the audience to think about Whizzer’s form and figure a thought to put in the back of their(the audience’s)mind.
“Whizzer screws too much to see, what joys monogamy, what a joy is saving his joys for one man”
So I’ll come right out and say it- Whizzer gets HIV/AIDS in the second act and dies by the end of the musical. This lyric pretty much explains that Whizzer has had sex with men before, possibly during, and even after dating Marvin during the events of act 1(he’s implied he’s stopped once he gets back with Marvin in act 2) - so this tell us how Whizzer got sick.
Next song, act 1
Before the song “this has gotta come to end” - the lights go dark, spotlight on Whizzer and there’s an alarm signaling time is up and it’s obvious only Whizzer can hear this alarm.
Foreshadowing to the audience Whizzer will eventually run out of time.
Next song,
In Whizzer’s song “the games that I play” again explaining how he got sick he quite literally says “I screw every morning” meaning every morning with Marvin or not he has sex.
ACT 2:
Now before things go to shit, in the song ‘Falsettos land’ we get to see Marvin and Whizzer playing tennis(?) with each other and it’s the first time we get to see Whizzer winning at something.
In the song “baseball game” and “chess game” we see Whizzer isn’t strategic or tactical enough to win at chess but he is smart enough to know how to play base ball and tennis. So now he’s winning against Marvin for the first time and it’s lovely and Marvin is usually the first two tire compared to Whizzer who seems to be having the time of his life - and not out of breath.
In this scene he’s also pretty fit and his uniform fits well on his body.
Then when we see them play again (something bad is happening) - on stage we see now Whizzer’s uniform for their game is baggy showing off Whizzer lost weight which is what happens with cases of HIV.
It’s also incredible the “1, 2, 3, 4,” “1, 2…” is similar to how Phillip dies in Hamilton as Eliza and him try to do their “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8(but French)” and his voice fades out as he passes away.
In Whizzer’s case his counting fades as he runs out of energy and breath.
“Hold him down, keep him back, something’s gown out of whack” - Whizzer can tell he’s not usually like this.
“It’s unreal, you’re a quitter”
“I can’t go on anymore.”
“Excuse me.. I’m ready to go.. I’m ready” (alluding to Whizzer’s final song about how he’s not ready to die but he knows he has to/he will)
Finally in act 2 we get his final song - “You gotta die sometime”
And we get the summary and something to look for next viewing as Whizzer contemplates about how things have gone.
“I would cry if I could(no energy, no reason), but if does no damn good to explain I’m a man in my prime(tennis game, baseball)”
In this song as well it’s almost ironic but the way Whizzer describes death as a person or figure - he is almost describing Marvin.
“Death is not a friend - He puts his arms around me and lets me hold his face, he holds me in his arms and whispers something funny, he lifts me in his arms and tells me to embrace his attack!”
Something he almost wishes Marvin would do to him or something Marvin previously used to do. As implied in the song “thrill of first love” when they enjoyed fighting as a way to show love. Hence the “brace his attack”.
And again when he describes it; “death’s a funny pal with a weird sort of talent. He puts his arms around my neck and walks me to the bed(Marvin helps Whizzer to the hospital bed at the end of ‘holding to the ground’ - we can see him helping Whizzer in the background as the set gets more real), he pins me against the wall and kisses me like crazy,(something Marvin no doubt has done before)”
And finally no foreshadowing but back tracking to Whizzer’s vanity and his love for style;
“Give me the balls to orchestrate a graceful leave”
Whizzer by the end of this song is still not contempt with the fact that he’s dying - but he knows/is understanding that it’s inevitable and he’s gotta accept it like everyone else.
Not foreshadowing or backtracking but the way on stage they take away a grey block from the cube or the “bed” signifies that with Whizzer gone there will always be a gaping hole or a missing spot that can’t be fixed or replaced - showing how deeply this family truly cared and loved Whizzer. Now that he’s gone their lives will never be the same.
And even when all the actors come out for their bow, the cube is still missing that block - to show that even with the show is ending and they’re addressing the audience- in that world Whizzer is still gone even tho Andrew rannells is right in front of them </3
This show has wrecked me
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yakool-foolio · 1 month
If the Professor's waxwork model has been returned, hopefully we'll be able to see what it looks like! If the model was always going to be returned even without the ransom, then what was the true purpose of it being stolen, I wonder? My best guess is that it served as a distraction... WAIT GAME THEORY: WAS ASMAN THE PROFESSOR? The killer could've used the model as a nonliving body double for Asman and nobody would be able to tell the difference if they couldn't find the model.
Well, he may be headless, but he's no horseman. Damn Enoch, the stress must've really gotten to ya for your hair to turn all white. SHOLMES FEED YOUR KID JEEZ LOUISE! A thick shard of glass, hm? Like it came from, I dunno, THE CRYSTAL TOWER? My theory very well may be correct, huzzah!
Hooooly shit that's a Hellhound if I've ever heard of one. Sounds incredibly brutal, me likey the grim implications (Blank Week enthusiasts where ya at?). 'The Great Departed Soul' has a double meaning; the 'resurrection' of both Kazuma and The Professor. OH so it was the stress, forgive me Enoch for my joke I was actually /srs.
Unfortunately my friend group had to stop early for tonight cause of technical difficulties, but we're gonna try to catch up to speed tomorrow night. As compensation, have some extra miscellaneous TGAA thoughts of mine (mostly music related cause I can't help myself).
So if Klint's spirit is The Reaper, then there could be some unchecked wrath not just directed at his killer, but perhaps defendants as a whole? Thinking with ghost logic here, ghosts tend to remain on the mortal plane whenever they have unfinished business, such as when their death is unjust and their killer is still walking around a free man. So if The Professor is indeed still alive, then that would be a good reason as to why Klint's spirit seems to follow his younger brother around. The motive Klint's spirit could have in causing the deaths of the defendants prosecuted by Barok might be due to unkempt rage of his own killer still being at large, unbeknownst to most of London. He's not taking any chances at letting other potential killers go free, so he effectively curses them with a curt death so they won't harm anyone else. Klint might also not know what his killer, The Professor, looked like, so he's basically doing the ghost equivalent of firing randomly into a crowd of suspicious-looking individuals. This is all just taking the idea of a ghost causing all these deaths literally so uhhh a thick layering of salt is needed to properly ingest this take. I apologize for your high blood pressure after this.
In my escapades of assigning lawyers n prosecutors Monster Hunter themes, I've made an exception and want to give Sholmes Ruby Basarios' theme. It one of the very few consistently happy-go-lucky sounding monster themes in the whole series, which fits him being the comedic relief while also having a few off-kilter bits much like Sholmes' actual theme to showcase his roundabout way of deducting. It also features some tap dancing-esque percussion, which I love associating with the dance of deduction.
I absolutely love how Adjudication (how the track's named on Spotify is what I go off of) sounds almost like a waltz. It really evokes the feeling of the dance of death--Danse Macabre--between the lawyer and the prosecutor. It's a delicate balance of life and death any way ya look at it. One misstep could lead to your dance partner cracking their head against the floor. And we don't want anyone else to end up with a serious case of amnesia here, right?
Whisper On The Breeze by TWRP is such an Asoryu song it makes me melt. The Great Departure is all the more bittersweet to me because of it. Like hoo man these lyrics:
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(To Whom It May Concern - @raymondshields)
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buildarocketboys · 4 months
a tiny random peterick prompt from moi: argument/fight that turns into sex/making out lol (interpret as loosely as you want)
Thanks babe - sorry I took so long to get around to posting this! I'm also gonna use this to fill the prompt 'Punch in the face' to 'Teddy bear' on my hurt/comfort bingo card @sweetspicybingo
Title: wanna sleep on every piece of fuzz and stuffing that comes out of you
Fandom: Fall Out Boy
Pairing: Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz
Additional tags: Smut, Face punching, Rutting, Coming in pants, First time, Sleep Cuddles, Happily Ever After, Getting Together, Non-consensual groping, everything else is consensual Pete is just inappropriate
Posted on AO3 here!
Pete is being particularly annoying today. They're attempting to write some songs, but Pete keeps distracting him.
They're trying this new thing, where Pete writes the lyrics, and Patrick turns them into song.
Except, well, "lyrics" is an incredibly generous way of describing the reams of rambling scribbles Pete writes in notebooks before handing them to Patrick, expecting him to make miracles.
They're good, Patrick has to admit that. Better than anything he's ever written. Secretly he thinks that Pete might be some kind of genius. What Pete writes is poetry.
Not that he'd ever tell Pete that.
The things Pete writes, however, are not songs. 
Even so, the accidental rhythms jump out at Patrick from the page and he gets excited about turning them into one. 
And then he changes or adds a word to make the lyrics fit the melody that appears in his head, and Pete says, "Uh, no. You can't change that."
"Why not?" Patrick whines, getting more frustrated every time.
"Because it changes the meaning. Sounds stupid," Pete says every time. Then he won't elaborate.
The more he does it, the more Patrick feels like he's calling him stupid. Like Patrick is too dumb to get Pete's poetic soul, or whatever.
His face gets hotter and hotter, until he manages to say, "Maybe you can look at them when I'm done? Let me make them into songs and then you can give me all your criticisms?"
Patrick is impressed with himself. He doesn't even yell.
Pete, however, looks hurt. "Fine," he says, and retreats. Into the kitchen.
Where he loudly proceeds to make a smoothie.
Patrick is pretty certain that Pete Wentz is the most annoying guy in the world.
He growls in frustration, then digs his headphones out and shoves them on his ears. They block out most of the noise.
Now he can finally concentrate.
Only...now the moment's gone. When he looks back at the words, the melody's gone. He groans, covering his face with his hands.
He scans the paragraphs, searching for words that jump out at him. He flips through the notebook, determined to find something worthwhile.
Then he jumps as he feels a hand crawling up his back.
He twists round to find Pete with his hands held innocently behind his back. He pulls the one of the headphones' cups off his ear.
"What the fuck, Pete?" he says, putting all his venom into it.
Pete shrugs. "Wasn't me," he says, looking infuriatingly smug. "It was a hot girl."
Patrick sighs and rolls his eyes. Pete does this sometimes. He's not sure if he's making fun of him or trying to make him feel better about having no game but it makes Patrick feel all weird and squirmy inside. Which he does not appreciate.
He eyes Pete caustically, then grits out, "Fuck you, Pete."
Pete has the temerity to act upset. "Aww, c'mon Patrick, I'm only teasing."
"Well, don't," Patrick says shortly. Then, "Did you actually make smoothies? Or were you just being loud and annoying on purpose?"
Pete's eyes sparkle with a worrying mixture of playfulness and resentment. Patrick swallows.
"I did, actually. If you ask nicely, maybe you can even have one."
Patrick glares at Pete, then says, "Fine. Please may I have a smoothie?" He bats his lashes sarcastically.
Pete rolls his eyes but Patrick can tell he's fighting a smile. Pete loves when he's a little bitch.
He leaves the room and returns with a smoothie in each hand. He hands one to Patrick, then slips onto the floor next to Patrick.
Way too close.
Patrick sips at the smoothie, trying to ignore how close Pete is to him - pressed up against his body on Patrick's right side, from his thighs all the way up to his shoulders - and how hot he feels, despite the ice cream in his drink.
Then Pete puts his hand on Patrick's thigh.
Suddenly Patrick is trembling, though he's not sure why. Pete touches him all the time. Mostly he's just being annoying, but sometimes...Patrick's not so sure.
Either way, Patrick is already on edge. He sets his glass down carefully and then puts his hand on Pete's, picking it up and moving it physically off his leg.
He just catches Pete's smirk as Pete immediately puts his hand back where it was, crawling his fingers further up Patrick's leg.
"Would you quit it?!" Patrick explodes.
Pete removes his hand and bats his eyelashes at Patrick innocently. "Stop what?" he asks.
"Stop-" Patrick has to pause to swallow the lump in his throat. "touching me," he says softly.
Pete's eyes widen. "Oh, you mean like this?" he asks, and then pushes his hand under Patrick's shirt, squeezing his stomach.
Patrick doesn't have time to think about it.
He punches Pete in the face.
"Hey, what the fuck man?!" Pete says, sounding really pissed off. Like he hadn't just been groping Patrick's tummy.
Pete does the exact opposite of stopping. He launches himself at Patrick, knocking him backwards and landing on top of him.
Pete looks down at him, clearly at a loss for what to do next.
Patrick is struggling to breathe.
"Well?" he gasps. "You gonna hit me or what?"
What, is the answer apparently.
Pete kisses him.
Patrick doesn't do anything for several long moments, his body and brain going slack with shock.
When he finally comes to his senses, all he can say is, "What the fuck, man?" He means for it to come out as angry as he had been mere moments ago, but there's a whine to the edge of his words. Patrick hears it as they come out of his mouth and he cringes.
"Oh c'mon, Patrick," Pete says. "It's not like you don't want it." To demonstrate his point, he reaches between their bodies and squeezes Patrick's rapidly hardening dick.
Patrick manages to turn his moan into a growl of rage as he pushes Pete off him.
Pete looks up at him, panting  as Patrick gets to his feet.
Patrick looks down at Pete: panting, sweaty, his usually artfully disheveled hair just, well, disheveled. His eyes travel over Pete's body down to his- well. Patrick's eyes widen. Pete clearly isn't unaffected either.
"Fuck you," Patrick spits out, running his foot over Pete's leg, nearly but not quite to his crotch, before, aiming a kick at the point where his ass meets the floor.
"Don't mind if you do," Pete says, waggling his eyebrows at Patrick.
Patrick puts his hands on his hips. "Really." His voice is completely flat.
Pete shakes his head, bangs falling in front of his eyes. It's maddeningly endearing. "Can't you see the effect you have on me, Patrick?"
Patrick looks away, feeling his cheeks burning, before running his foot along Pete's leg again, this time brushing against Pete's crotch. It's not a trick of the light; Pete is hard.
Patrick gulps.
"I've never...I don't..." Patrick says, shaking his head, even as his dick contradicts his words.
Pete shrugs, looking suddenly shy. "Me neither," he admits. "But how hard can it be, right?"
"Pretty hard, I reckon," Patrick mumbles, which makes Pete break out into undignified snort-giggles. "Oh come on, it wasn't that funny!"
Pete just looks up at him. "You're adorable, do you know that?"
Patrick ignores that, like he does every time Pete says something like that, instead offering a hand to help him up from the floor. 
Pete takes it, letting himself be pulled up.
Then Patrick hauls Pete up in his arms with a grunt, carrying Pete to his room and dumping him on his bed.
"Now that was hot."
"Wanna make out?" Patrick says abruptly, because he figures that's where this is heading and he doesn't want to waste time having more embarrassing conversations.
Pete grins wolfishly. "Always, babe."
Patrick narrows his eyes. They'll have to have a word about the petname thing later.
Right now, though, he straddles Pete on the bed and leans down to kiss him.
And then stops, suddenly self-conscious. "Is this OK?" he asks.
Pete gives him a look. "Patrick-"
Patrick feels himself blush. "No I mean...am I OK being on top of you? Are you comfortable enough?" Sure, he'll get all up on Pete when they're fighting, but that's not meant to be pleasurable. Patrick is suddenly very aware of how much bigger and heavier he is than Pete, despite Pete having maybe an inch on him, height-wise.
Instead of answering, Pete leans up and kisses Patrick. Then he pulls Patrick down on top of him and kisses him for longer.
Patrick groans into the kiss. He's kissed girls before, sure (though not many) but it's never been like this. Pete's mouth is warm and wet, his tongue exploratory, his mouth demanding. His kiss is hard, almost biting, but Patrick finds he likes it. His dick jumps in his pants and he ruts against Pete without meaning to.
Pete moans and pulls him down even further, letting his legs fall open then wrapping them around Patrick's ample hips, pulling them flush together.
Pete bucks up against him and they both gasp.
A grin plays over Pete's lips before Patrick dives back down onto Pete, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth, wiping that smile right off his face.
Their making out and rutting is about as awkward and undignified as their fighting, but damn if Patrick isn't getting off on it.
Pete pants directly into his mouth. "So good, Patrick," he moans. "So hot."
Patrick thrusts his hips harder, his dick rubbing against Pete's through the material of their pants. He doesn’t trust himself to speak. He wishes he could feel Pete's skin on his, but that would mean breaking contact, and neither of them are willing to do that right now.
Patrick pokes at Pete’s lips with his tongue and Pete sucks on it, pulling a moan from Patrick that doesn't even sound like him. He's so close. Closer than he has any right to be, considering he's A) still fully clothed, B) not a teenager anymore, and C) not gay.
But Pete just does something to him. He rearranges his insides. 
The bastard.
"Patrick," Pete gasps out, bucking wildly up against him, and Patrick thinks smugly he might not be the only one who's close.
"Not yet," he murmurs. He's trying not to think about it, but he's already scared of what comes next. What comes after.
Pete whines. "Soon," he says. "Please."
The sound of Pete, wrecked, below him, leads Patrick to rut harder and faster against Pete, the friction too much and not enough.
He groans into Pete's mouth and sucks on his tongue.
Pete whines into his mouth and sucks on Patrick's lip.
Patrick gasps and bucks against him, feeling Pete’s hardness pressing back against his own.
"Fuuuuck," he says. He ruts into Pete a few more times, and then he's coming, wet in his pants, like a teenager.
He collapses against Pete, embarrassed and elated.
"Wait, Patrick, did you just-?" Pete says, like he's surprised.
Patrick nods. As if Pete didn't know. If he's a dick about it, Patrick's gonna kill him.
Pete's face lights up with a grin. Patrick braces himself as Pete opens his mouth.
"Me too," Pete says, and Patrick realizes Pete's erection isn't pressed up against his body anymore.
"Oh." Then Patrick laughs. 
Pete laughs too.
"That was your fault," Patrick says, but he's grinning.
"Oh don't worry, I'll be taking full credit."
Patrick takes in their twin grins for a moment longer before rolling off Pete.
"Hey!" says Pete, then he's diving under Patrick's arm and laying his head on Patrick's chest. "You didn't think you'd get away that easily, did you?"
Patrick looks down at Pete's head pressed to his chest, his heart, and says honestly, "I didn't really know what was gonna happen next."
Pete looks up at him adoringly and Patrick can't resist the urge to pet his hair. "Oh Patrick," he says. "Now we live happily ever after."
That surprises a laugh out of Patrick. "Yeah, OK," he says. He means to be sarcastic, but he finds that he believes Pete. He’s always believed in Pete. And if Pete believes in him, believes in the two of them together, then maybe Patrick does too.
He pulls Pete tighter to his chest, playing with his hair.
Pete sighs happily. "I always knew you'd be a big teddy bear," he says. "'m gonna sleep so well now I've got you."
Patrick snorts. Pete's chronic insomnia is no secret to either of them. But to his surprise, Pete is actually dozing off, starting to snore gently against Patrick's chest.
Patrick spends half a second worrying about the state of their underwear before deciding he doesn't give a fuck and letting his eyes fall closed with Pete dozing on top of him. Heart to heart.
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aardvaark · 2 months
Leverage character asks: 1,3,17,45 (your choice on character)
thank you for the ask & for fueling my leverage obsession lol <3
1. Canon I outright reject
honestly i love the character development on leverage, even when it means the character has some negative traits or weaknesses or something. hmm… i think one thing i disliked was hardison being a super bad tipper (some ep in s5). he doesn’t care about workers? particularly after five years of leverage? idk.
i also wish eliot didn’t seem to like cops so much, but thats more of a gripe with the show’s/showrunners’ attitudes towards police.
3. Obscure headcanon
sophie: that she’s trans! love that hc. shout out to @transsophiedevereaux. also that sophie had a drunken one night stand with maggie, which is actually (word of god) canon rather than a head canon, but seems to be rarely mentioned.
nate: nate x sophie x sterling… it’s happened at least once.
parker: so many!! but the one i’ll share is that. uh. she’s probably killed someone. pre-leverage, she’s known to be dangerous for a reason, and she’s been in a lot of awful situations unfortunately. she would probably have done so out of necessity, it might even have been self defense, but yk. it’s still killing someone. and no, i don’t mean the pilot flashback - according to word of god (ie john rogers) she probably didn’t kill her foster parents when exploding their house. anyway, i’ve seen some cool fics about this idea and discussed this topic w @laser-tripwires and i think it’s really interesting for a variety of reasons, but i won’t list them here bc this is already getting so long lol.
hardison: that he still secretly adds to nana’s income somehow (he canonically paid off her medical bills), that he plays D&D, that he likes [insert media beloved by geeks that i don’t really know much about, but i love that people hc him as enjoying the things they enjoy so much].
eliot: my own silly hc that many of his scars are actually from kitchen accidents rather than fights lol
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
gonna answer this one for sophie only, cause i have quite a few answers just for her!
1) i saw a gif set of sophie once with the lyrics of "thief" by imagine dragons, and it was a really gorgeous gif set and the lyrics fit very well.
2) yk the fable "the scorpion and the frog"? at the end of s1, she seems to excuse her actions (conning the team) like the scorpion - that it’s just in her nature, lying is who she is, she’s a thief and this is what thieves do, etc. additionally, it’s what sterling says about her, that her behaviour was predictable because it’s "who she is".
3) the gambler by kenny rogers. bc the chorus is canonically her life philosophy lmao (according to the last dam job).
45. Their favorite celebrity
sophie: canonically, db cooper. she idolises him in the db cooper job lol. poster above her bed as a teenager etc etc.
nate: man, his would be oddly specific im sure. like he reads war strategy books, maybe sun tzu. or perhaps a chess grandmaster, like bobby fischer. i don’t know much about war strategists nor chess players, so if anyone does, then maybe you can suggest a more specific person.
hardison: i know he loves star trek, doctor who, star wars - im simply not pop culture savvy enough to know who his fave actors from those shows might be. BUT. i think it would be funny if his fave celebrity was wil wheaton (who was in star trek, and who, of course, played cha0s in leverage). also, wil wheaton is famously into D&D, video games, comics, and other "geek" stuff that hardison proudly enjoys too. hardison does not see the resemblance btwn wheaton and his nemesis, no idea what you’re taking about.
eliot: i think he would have people he looks up to or thinks are incredible, who are celebrities but only in a very specific field. like a renowned chef, but not a "celebrity chef" as in one who’s on tv. i mean like a chef who is famous among chefs, for being one of the most talented in the world.
parker: i feel her definition of celebrity would be somewhat different to most people’s. plus, her knowledge of the world is deep but narrow - she knows everything possible about thievery and anything even tangentially related (probably a decent amount of physics, for example), but pop culture? not so much. she later gets into stuff like dr who via hardison though, so perhaps the actor of the current doctor, ncuti gatwa. now, there’s also famous thieves, BUT they’re generally only famous because they eventually got caught. parker does not get caught. she would not idolise someone who ended up caught. maybe the thief of an unsolved heist. honestly, parker is famous in the leverage crime world. so. herself? not that she enjoys being a celebrity lol.
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black-arcana · 2 months
LACUNA COIL Enlists LAMB OF GOD's RANDY BLYTHE For New Single 'Hosting The Shadow'
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Italian goth metallers LACUNA COIL have released a new single, "Hosting The Shadow". After their successful collaboration with Ash Costello of NEW YEARS DAY on previous single "In The Mean Time", the new track includes a guest appearance by Randy Blythe from LAMB OF GOD.
LACUNA COIL comments: "'Hosting The Shadow' is a trip through light and dark, where silence reveals its hidden secrets. Obscure moments can become occasions to evolve, to learn to master one's own shadow — which is crucial in order to prevail.
"Randy Blythe did an incredible job on this track. We absolutely adore his voice and his evil laugh! Our admiration for him is infinite and to have him as a guest on this song is a dream come true. Partnering with a friend you respect immensely, that also kicks ass on stages around the world: it doesn't get any better than this. We're looking forward to the day we can perform 'Hosting The Shadow' live together!"
Blythe adds: "I was super excited when LACUNA COIL asked me to sing on a song with them. Not only am I a big fan of their music, they are truly beautiful souls who have been like family to me for 20 years now. We've played shows together all over the world, and I've always wanted to jump onstage and sing with them. I can't wait until it actually happens with 'Hosting The Shadow'!"
This past June, LACUNA COIL announced the departure of guitarist Diego Cavallotti.
Cavallotti, who joined LACUNA COIL in 2016, initially as a fill-in guitarist following the exit of Marco "Maus" Biazzi, later said in a social media post that "this decision is not the result of my dissatisfaction or desire to explore new opportunities."
When LACUNA COIL announced Cavallotti's departure on June 17, the band wrote in a statement: "As we step into a new cycle, writing and recording our next album, we are parting ways with Diego 'DD' Cavallotti. We thank him for the many unforgettable moments shared over the years and wish him the best of luck in his future endeavours.
"All future live plans remain unchanged and the new songs are taking form, we can't wait to share them with our fans."
LACUNA COIL recently completed the "Ignite The Fire" U.S. tour with support from NEW YEARS DAY and OCEANS OF SLUMBER.
In April, LACUNA COIL released "In The Mean Time", featuring Costello. The song's title is a reference to the mean times the world is living in, as well as a reference to the state the band itself is in, between cycles.
In July 2023, LACUNA COIL released the official lyric video for a new track called "Never Dawn". For the song, the band partnered with CMON, the renowned board game publisher behind the popular game "Zombicide".
In a recent interview with Brazil's Sonoridades Inc., LACUNA COIL singer Cristina Scabbia spoke about the progress of the writing and recording sessions for the band's follow-up to 2019's "Black Anima" album. She said: "I can't really tell you a lot. I can tell you that we are progressing very fast. We are almost, like, 100… We completed, let's say, the demoing. We still have to record the rest of the songs, but we will soon — probably after the tour, after the [May 2024] North American tour. And if everything goes as projected, before the end of the year [it] will be released. And that's already a big news, because we always say, 'We don't know. Maybe.' … I absolutely love the songs. I'm part of the process. But I'm very pleased."
Asked if "Never Dawn" will be on the upcoming album, Cristina said: "I think it will be. I think it will be, 'cause it will make sense. And it also fits with the other songs — it really fits with the other songs. Many heavy songs."
LACUNA COIL has spent some of the last couple of years promoting "Comalies XX", the "deconstructed" and "transported" version of the band's third album, "Comalies".
"Comalies XX" was made available on October 14, 2022 via Century Media Records.
"Comalies" was originally released on October 29, 2002 through Century Media Records. The LP, which featured the band's breakthrough single "Heaven's A Lie", has reportedly gone on to sell over 300,000 copies in the United States alone.
Photo credit: Cunene
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monochrome-stars · 6 months
SPOILERS THE ENTIRETY OF IN STARS AND TIME FOR THIS RAMBLE. im covering acts 1-6 so theres your warning now but the ramble is under the cut. fair warning, may not make much sense either
ok trust me on this. this song right here makes me think of siffrin because of the isat brainrot but IT WORKS. AND IT FITS SO WELL AND LET ME TELL YOU WHY
(this is also my interpretation of it and how i understand the song and link it to the thoughts and ideas in my head. im also picking out certain lyrics because its easier to explain, so i would recommend listening to the song for the full thing)
"And I placed my palm upon your collarbone, and I wished to fall asleep deep in your marrow."
siffrin craves closeness with the rest of the party and in the memory of bad touch and the garden room, for example, its clear that they have no clue how to ask for it, and their way of getting that closeness can be odd or just plain weird. like how the song says that "they wish to fall asleep in their marrow", its a very odd way of achieving closeness with somebody, almost like trying to melt into them. (this may be far fetched but it makes sense to me stick with me here)
"There's a hunger under my skin and its gripping at my bones. There's a hunger like a lions and its ripping right through my bones."
its that feeling of hunger that is mentioned over and over again starting at the beginning of act 2 leading all the way into the end of act 5 that siffrin feels and just cant get rid of
"I'm as calm as a baby lamb that is being led. I'm as blue as blood before the blood goes red."
since finding out about the loops, siffrin just accepts the fact that they wont stay dead when theyre killed, and they use it as a way to delete their mistakes. hes incredibly calm about touching tears, about slipping on the banana peel, about using the dagger, all of it. siffrin gets so used to the depression hes falled into and just feels bad all the time. the glass shard that siffrin repeatedly keeps cutting their finger on, and later in act 5, the same glass shard they use to carve stars into their skin. and it ties with the red that continues to pop up throughout the game.
"And how it hurts even in the sun. Its a goddamn joke how we can hurt even in the sun."
everything is fine from everyone elses perspective and theyre completely oblivious to the fact that siffrin is looping through time, spending actual weeks in a hellscape of their own making. hes dying repeatedly and nobody else is aware that this is happening and theyre all blissfully ignorant
"For a heart beats the best in a bed beside the one that it loves."
isabeau refuses to confess his love for siffrin, and siffrin refuses to admit that they crave touch, and yet, both sides love the other unconditionally. (not to mention they literally sleep next to each other every night.)
"Yes, a heart beats the best when in a head, death becomes irrelevant."
after a while, siffrin has become so used to death and dying that it doesnt even matter to him anymore. killing themself is just another necessary evil they have to face in order to get to the end, have the "perfect" loop, and find answers. since they found out they could loop, it has stuck itself in siffrin's mind that "oh i can just erase all my mistakes and start over again" without so much as blinking at the fact that it means dying repeatedly.
"Cause if you're dreaming about dying, then you're not really living, darling."
siffrins entire existence starts to revolve around the dying, the loops, and escaping them. he cant even be happy with the rest of his party because of how terrified he is of messing up. theyre practically conditioning themself to loop at any mistake they make, and they harshly berate themself for it too.
after doing the friendquests a couple times as well, siffrin has those thoughts of "your friends would hate you if they knew why you were doing this" and "if you mess it up, you can just loop back and try again". siffrin stops even paying attention to the present and is so anxious about getting the "perfect loop" that he isnt even concerned about the present but rather the outcome. i think that is ultimately what went wrong with the attempted friendquests in act 5 as well.
"You've gotta be starving, you've gotta be starving for it."
again with that hunger that cant be satisfied with anything. as the game progresses, siffrins thoughts surrounding the snacks and the food always come back to how hungry he is and how its just never enough. it keeps coming back and siffrin is literally starving during the game and it gets especially bad in acts 3-5
"And if you're crying by the moon, in the sun you better lift up that chin."
siffrin was so depressed for the entire game, but then after act 5, its like the sun rises again and they can finally escape the loops and understand that the rest of the party loves them. he doesnt have to bottle it all up until it becomes too much and he can actually begin to enjoy life again after the loops end.
"You've gotta be starving, you've gotta be starving for it."
everything is over, and siffrin can finally rid themself of those feelings of hunger. the feeling is replaced with a want for love and siffrin is finally opening up and letting themself be taken care of by their friends family after all that they went through. the raw emotion in the singers voice when she sings these lyrics also feels very fitting for this
if i could animate, i would definitely make an animatic of this song and the characters to show what i mean because it makes more sense in my mind. i have so many ideas in my head in regards to this song specifically and its infesting my brain
im debating whether or not i should actually post this because its a bit confusing and strange but fuck it we ball
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fumifooms · 4 months
Hi! I really love your Chilchuck analysis and headcanons. Are there any songs that remind you of him/think suits his character?
😏Why yes indeed I do! I have a couple playlists for him, not one for just him quite yet, but there are still songs that are more about him than the relationship/them in every playlist bc that’s just how playlists are with me, I have this one about him & his wife, (songs aren’t ordered) this marchil one, (ony partially with a song order) this marchil angst one… (believe it or not the songs are fully ordered except the last few songs) And this one I actually haven’t shared yet but just bc of the whole ~working class ethnicity~ thing I see a lot of my culture in Chil/half-foots so have a french canadian Quebecer Chilchuck playlist but uh yeah the songs are all in french, it’s mostly folk. If I worked any faster and better I’d love to make some animatics with some of these… I still got some plans though. So far my favorite Chilchuck playlist not by me that’s underrated banger after banger and each reallt fits is one by my buddy @lyril ! It’s short and sweet, prob with more of the character focus that you’re looking for. Little Lion Man oh my god 😭😭
These playlists are for trudging through lists of songs and finding the good bits & meaning in them yourself buuut I have picked out a bunch of specific lyrics and songs I really like for him in this post before, and not unlike that, I have a couple web weavings with song lyrics for him, one on Chilchuck & wife and a marchil one, and again if you’re not interested in the relationships there are still stuff in there that fit him specifically so I still recommend skimming.
Jackrabbit by San Fermin, Dead Inside by Younger Hunger, TrusT by Half-alive, Cheap Liquor by Ericdoa, Heart-shaped Box by Nirvana... Some songs that come to mind for him rn. TrusT is one of my top songs for him I looove it and I think the music does enhance the lyrics it’s soo…
Trust is like a pond of murky water Too dark to see, mysteriously undercover I can't jump off the high dive, even though I really want to My toes are hanging off the ledge Trust is like the middle of the ocean Can't see the bottom, but I'm floating here, supported I know that it can take me even deeper if I let it But my limbs are trying to swim away It's like a tree that towers 50 feet above us Grown over time through many seasons Believing in something more than just the surface I trust that this is worth it But my toes are hanging off the ledge Hold to this significance And lean into the process Rest and know the love you hold It won't be taken back, no I have faith that the world I'm in Will be redeemed to its place again But there's a weight that I can't explain So tell me why I feel this way tell me why I feel this way (Speaking slowly when I'm out of breath) (Losing confidence between the steps) tell me why I feel this way how sweet, the taste of certainty (Wasting water in a desert bed) (Chasing wind outside the promised land) releasing hope to carry me (Know the story isn't over yet)
Anyone who knows me knows my favorite Chil & Chilwife song is Little Soldiers by The Crane Wives. And well, there’s a reason Hurry Hurry is on almost every Chil playlist. Drunk by The Living Tombstone is a staple for me too. And oughh I recommend this animatic of Well it’s better than the alternative it’s so 😭 10/10 please please watch
Ohh and one of my fav Chil fanart ever is this one if you scroll all the way down and the song that goes with it is Call Boy by Syudou. It’s the only place where you can see it rn sorry, this ask is incredibly timed actually bc just yesterday I went looking for this fanart again and saw that the artist’s twitter got deleted and there’s still the art on Pixiv but there used to be a video and that’s the one that truly fully git my heart </3 I dmed the artist asking on if the video is still up anywhere so crossing my fingers about when/if I get a reply… Here’s the lyrics for Call Boy, give it a listen it gets me keeling over to the floor. CW alcoholism and also gotta scroll through suggestive stuff bc the art link is Pixiv 🎶
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midnightmah07 · 10 months
assigning taylor swift songs to each of your ships, bc i can:
Daisy x Ruggie:
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-"The wine is cold, like the shoulder that I gave you in the street " = Daisy and him at the first meeting not liking each other that much
-"Now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe" = Them meeting upon a dream, kinda
-"I like shiny things, but I marry you with paper rings" = Even with Daisy being a princess/lady like girl, she doesn't mind Ruggie low budge on money
Perse x Idia:
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-They are always the hard one to pick :,)) This isn't exactly a love song, but still a good one for them
-"And though I can't recall your face, I still got love for you", = when idia almost deleted the world
-"Love you to the Moon and to Saturn" = They would do anything for each other
-And I've been meaning to tell you, I think your house is haunted, your dad is always mad and that must be why and I think you should come live with me and we can be pirates, then you won't have to cry", = I don't need to explain, but her staying with him for him not his parents
Jeanne x Kalim:
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-"You're so cool, it makes me hate you so much" = trying to hide the fact that she likes him not for his money
-"If you've got a girlfriend, I'm jealous of her, but if you're single, that's honestly worse 'cause you're so gorgeous it actually hurts" = girlie being his gf and still not sure if its for love or the money
-"Ocean blue eyes, lookin' in mine, I feel like I might sink and drown and die" = LITERALLY, KALIM TO HER.
-"I can't say anything to your face 'cause look at your face and I'm so furious at you for making me feel this way. But what can I say? You're gorgeous!" = Shut up its them
Isabelle x Leona:
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-"He is sensible and so incredible", "I couldn't ask for anything better " "And he says, "You look beautiful tonight"", "And I feel perfectly fine" = Isabelle with Neige even tho she was engaged to Leona
-"But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain and it's 2 a.m. and I'm cursing your name, so in love that you act insane and that's the way I loved you! Breaking down and coming undone, it's a roller coaster kind of rush and I never knew I could feel that much and that's the way I loved you" = them having mixed way to show love towards each other
-"And my heart's not breaking 'cause I'm not feeling anything at all and you were wild and crazy. Just so frustrating, intoxicating, complicated, got away by some mistake and now" = DO I NEED TO EXPLAIN?????
-The lyrics repeat, but like its them
I'm a very casual Taylor Swift listener so the only songs I actually know from these are Paper Rings, The Way I Loved You and I think I have a very vague memory of listening to Gorgeous once........?
But these are so good oh my GOSH SODHSOSHKSHSKSHSOSJ
Paper Rings is literally daiggie :(((((( it's such a sweet loving song it fits them so well ahhh :((((((((
We will ignore at how I just started singing and screaming like a lunatic when you started quoting The Way I Loved You 🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️ this song is SO GOOD it is so leobelle coded UGH SJSJSIJSSJ
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rawrxdinaryheroes · 11 days
XDH as 3DG Songs
Gunil: Time of Dying
"I'll wait here for you"
This song is unique in that it switches meter
It goes from 4/4 to 6/4 which I feel like would be fun especially for someone who plays drums!
I also think this song is his style (especially coming from a Muse perspective)
The lyrics are also incredibly introspective and he seems like a very introspective person to me???
Jungsu: Lost In You
"Now everyday, I find myself saying I want to get lost in you"
Jungsu is a professional cutie patootie sweetie pie with frosting on top
This song is INCREDIBLY sweet
I actually cried hearing this song for the first time because of how sweet it is
This has been a comfort song for me which reminds me of Jungsu bc I feel like he has such a warm presence????
Pure fireplace during the wintertime vibe <333
This song played with acoustic guitar and piano, slower tempo, and Jungsu's vocals would be a godsend
Jiseok: Riot
"You're not the only one, so get up. Let's start a riot"
This song is very high energy and encompasses the feeling of starting a riot
Jiseok, our punk president, would ABSOLUTELY SLAY this song
He has a certain chaotic or devious charm to him that I think would totally match the vibe of this song
Especially since this song empowers those who feel weak, angry, or emotionally down
Seungmin: Painkiller
"'Cause I'm the shoulder you cry on"
Okay so..
This song is preeettttyy heavy lyrics wise (I meann most 3dg songs are but yk my point)
I chose this song because I feel like it would fit Seungmin's musical style
I feel like he would add a few rap verses in the song that would go so hard omg-
This song is also oddly reassuring but in a haunting way and I feel like Seungmin would reallllly portray that super well
Hyeongjun: It's All Over
"When you're on the edge and falling off, it's all over"
THIS SONG has been my latest obsession it's bordering on unhealthy....
This song features a consistent bass and guitar riff that drive the music forward and the tempo isn't quite as fast as the other songs
It also features a very melodic guitar solo that I think Hyeongjun would really pull off super well! (MANS IS SUPER TALENTED)
Overall this song is super subtle and kind of reminds me of a fever dream??
I feel like Hyeongjun would pull off a fever dream type of concept really well????
Jooyeon: I Hate You Everything About You
"I hate everything about you. Why do I love you?"
A Three Days Grace classic~
The verses have very pretty clean vocals and instrumentals only for that to be juxtaposed by a heavier chorus full of gritty vocals and distortion
Jooyeon would actually sing this song so well
I mean we all heard his gritty vocals... Are you seeing ~the vision~
This man puts his whole soul into singing he would actually really eat this up I fear
You guys, this is my first time posting to tumblr... yikes! ANYWHO pls let me know if this was hot garbage, if you agree or disagree with the song choices. What's your favourite Three Days Grace song? How's your day going? I might make more of these little posts bc I have a lot of ideas and nowhere to put them out so pls anticipate more of my antics. Tysm <333
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iheartmomochi · 3 months
giving the dearvo characters akb48 A-sides
Some of these might not exactly fit the vibe of the vocalists’ band style because akb is an idol group. This is very self indulgent as i just love idols and need to relate idols to all my other interests. I’m also a fairly new akb fan which is why i limited this to just a-sides! All the lyrics I use are taken directly from studio48
reodo -> ハート・エレキ | heart ereki (33rd single)
When passionate blood / Pounds through my body / My feelings go crazy / Can I gather them / In one finger? / If you notice / That you're loved / Let me know the truth!
For some reason I had the hardest time deciding what song to give reodo. Heart electric is definitely the slowest paced /least intense song on this list. Don’t really have much to say other than just listen to the song and imagine reo singing it.
joshua -> 10年桜 | 10nen zakura (11th single)
Somewhere the cherry blossom petals / Dance lightly in the wind / As someone flaps their wings / And heads out on their own / I want to be able to protect you even more
oldest akb single and most idol-IDOL-sounding song on this is list (especially the opening and last verse). the chorus is a good mix of longing while still being powerful, which i think his voice would suit really well! also i’m sure someone out there can look at these lyrics and imagine a slowburn childhood-friends-to-lovers.
I was incredibly tempted to give romance irane to joshua but i decided against it mainly because of the lyrics of it. but i think the actual song would work for him.
judah - river (14th single)
Inside your heart too / A river is flowing / So painful, a river of trial / Maybe it doesn't go smoothly, even so / Sometimes you're almost drown, even so / It's OK to repeat again
originally i was debating between giving judah river or koi tsun jatta but after thinking it over, i think river is a better fit! river is such a unique song. it’s starts off with a chant before the instrumental hits riding off the intensity of the opening but the chorus is so heartfelt. i think this song is just the perfect amount of intensity for judah!
2you - 根も葉もRumor | Ne mo ha mo Rumor (58th single)
Rumor Rumor Rumor Oh / Make up a rumor / I'll accept it / I'm sure you'll get it one day / The future, the past, all will become a rumor
i'm not gonna act like i'm that familiar with yu's personality but even with my limited knowledge, i really feel like this song fits! just like what i wrote for reo, just listen to the song and imagine yu singing it and you’ll see what i mean.
momochi - 元カレです | moto kare desu (59th single)
I know that I am self centered / Even if I think about an "If" / The wish will be vain in the end / Maybe I am still in love with you even now / What's wrong with me
moto kare desu is a song from the perspective of an ex boyfriend who sees his ex girlfriend with a new guy. the main reason i picked this song for him is because of the meaning… i want to hear momochi sing lines like “it doesn't matter who the hell he is / If you are happy enough with someone else beside me.” The stage outfits would also look really nice on him In My Opinion.
A’ - UZA (28th single)
You should display love your own way / You don't have to consider the other person / It's okay to love the way you think you should love / And if you're lucky, you might be loved in return
Uza is a more edm-like song with a cool use of autotune throughout the song! the meaning behind the song is also…interesting. i don’t think the lyrics are entirely applicable to atan but this song would go very nice with his voice and fits his style imo. and like all the other songs i was really having a hard time picking between uza and no way man. the lyrics of no way man definitely feel more suited for atan since it’s an uplifting song and not a song about… well i’ll let these lyrics speak for themselves. “I don't care if you're my girlfriend or not / Every time I think of morals I black out”
i really love akb so let me do a quick plug. koi tsun jatta is the a-side of the latest akb single, the full single will come out july 17! it’s sato airi’s first time centering a senbatsu! one of my favorite akb members will be center for one of the b-sides on the single (Surechigau Shunkan)! please check it out if you are interested!
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magicalgirlmascot · 1 year
So uh. I've been moving all my playlists off Spotify and onto YouTube (and downloading the songs ~totally legally~ to have on my computer as well), and largely they're private because they're all OC playlists. HOWEVER. I do have a playlist for KNPS which I felt like people might get a kick out of. So here it is. Several of these were added when I moved the playlist off Spotify since a lot of them aren't available on Spotify, particularly video game soundtracks.
Track list (and reasoning) below the cut.
Move Along by the All-American Rejects I don't think I need to explain this one, actually.
School by Toby Fox (from Deltarune) Also kind of self-explanatory. This is music that I associate with Gali and Lewa's class, specifically.
A New Hero by Nathan Furst (from Mask of Light) I love the MoL soundtrack best of all the Bionicle movie soundtracks, so I had to include some of the songs from it here.
Old Friends (Bookends Theme) by Simon and Garfunkel Technically a harp/violin cover but shhh. Old Friends is a Turaga Metru song if ever there was one. This version is just very pretty :3
Wonderland Round 3 by Griffin McElroy (from The Adventure Zone) I'm gonna be honest I don't have an excuse for this one it just slaps.
As Above, So Below by Essenger and Cryoshell A very recent addition to the playlist. I don't think I need to explain this one either, actually.
Birdhouse in Your Soul by They Might Be Giants Takua song. Could not explain why if I tried.
Dreamer by Supertramp Vakama song, also Takua song. It's about someone with their head in the clouds, which applies to both of them in different (and similar) ways.
Friday I'm in Love by The Cure Matau song. Less in that it represents who he is as a character and more in that he's a classic rock guy who loves wandering into the office singing and whistling incredibly on the nose rock tunes.
Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon and Garfunkel Nokama song. Also a Gali song. I mean listen to it, come on.
Rivers in the Desert by Lyn (from Persona 5) Boss music baby!!
Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush Music that Gali listens to when she's sad.
Toa Reunited and Death of Jaller by Nathan Furst (from Mask of Light) This is on here because of the "Toa Reunited" part I swear. Anyway one of my favourite songs on the MoL OST.
Samurai Heart (Some Like it Hot!!) by SPYAIR (from Gintama) Full disclosure I've never watched Gintama. However. Kohatu song.
Starlight Brigade by TWRP I mean. It's a song about saving the world. "I'd gladly give my life for one night as a justice acolyte" is also a banger line ngl
Supernatural Superserious by R.E.M. I associate this with Kopaka for some reason. Couldn't tell you why.
The Prophet's Song by Queen The most Vakama song ever. Written specifically for him everyone say thank you Freddie <3
The Touch by Stan Bush LISTEN.
The Last Desperate Struggle by Masakazu Sugimori (from Ghost Trick) This is the song I had on repeat while writing the "Lewa gets possessed" chapter.
Running in the 90s by Max Coveri Pohatu unironically listens almost exclusively to this kind of music. The man loves him some Eurobeat.
Time in a Bottle by Jim Croce Whenuju song. Was their first dance at their wedding. The lyrics are literally perfect for them. "I've looked around enough to know/you're the one I want to go through time with" IT'S THEM.
Unite (Redux) by Ron Wasserman (from Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers) YEAH A POWER RANGERS SONG WHAT ABOUT IT. First of all it's literally called Unite. Secondly Power Rangers and Bionicle are like brothers to me. Third and most important it fucks.
A Town Called Hometown by Toby Fox (from Deltarune) Sweet, quaint small town vibes (which is the point lmao). Fitting given that KNPS takes place in a sweet, quaint small town.
Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There by Lyn (from Persona 5) I associate this with school because it used to be on the playlist I used when I got ready for work in the mornings. It's also a sentiment I can see Gali and Pohatu getting behind.
Wonder by Naughty Boy ft. Emelie Sande I think I first found this song on a Wonder Woman playlist lmao. It's basically about like, personal strength and stuff. Good song.
Working for the Weekend by Loverboy Another song Matau likes to whistle on Fridays.
Beach Chant by Justin Luchter (from MNOLG) Iconic early Bionicle music. Had to include it.
Lost One's Weeping by Afterglow Yes this is a cover of a Vocaloid song and yes it's from a fucking. Band anime or whatever. I like it. Also it's the school trauma song so on the school playlist it goes.
Lucretia by Griffin McElroy (from The Adventure Zone) Look, Lucretia and Nokama are very different people, but there's enough overlap (older female characters who struggle with keeping heavy secrets from the protagonists) that I feel pretty good putting her theme on here. Also Nokama would be the world's biggest Lucretia defender, we all know this in our hearts
SAVE the World by Toby Fox (from Undertale) YES another Toby Fox song. Anyway boss fight music hell yeah
The End by Justin Luchter (from MNOLG) Again, iconic early Bionicle music, really captures the feeling that some great victory has been achieved, at least for now.
Everytime We Touch by Cascada Tahu/Gali song. LOOK. It's a Tahu/Gali song okay
Village Bridge (with buildup) by Junichi Masuda (from Pokemon Black and White) Hands down one of the best tracks from the best Pokemon game. Again very small town vibes.
May add more to it, who knows.
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florenceisfalling · 3 months
how about 'thread'
when i was in high school, i got a lovely denim jacket. i was visiting my grandmother's house, the one on my dad's side of the family, and she's incredibly crafty - has a hoard of supplies and a whole room just overflowing with art things like i do. she had the idea of me painting the jacket, so we set to work on it.
i was obsessed with yellow at the time, in an emotional way as well as aesthetically, partly due to an obsession with the singer dodie, among other things. my friend annie was obsessed with yellow too, i made a whole book on it for her - eventually she shifted to green. i don't know when or why i shifted to green too, actually. yellow is still very important to me. i don't think my love of green is as intense as my attachment to yellow was. but anyway! side tangent, sorry.
decided to paint both the pockets with famous paintings, one being van gogh's starry night (part of my branding! thats what astraea means, and all) and the other being the great wave off kanagawa by hokusai (but with a yellow background). the colors and vibes matched nicely i thought.
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then, i embroidered yellow crowns on the collar.
the back was still empty, so i embroidered on a hand holding a flower rather than painting it; it was white and yellow to match the theme. i was considering putting words on it, but wasn't sure what... rolling around different lyrics in my head. declan mckenna was another artist i was obsessed with at the time, so i was highly considering him, but i wasn't sure which lyric.
then, my grandmother wanted to go to a fabric store, so i joined her.
i swear the minute after i walked in the door of that shop, the opening to declan mckenna's "the kids don't wanna come home" started playing and i was ! shocked ! i had never heard his music played on the radio in a public place or anything before and i took it as a sign immediately. what timing! what a moment! and thus!
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i never sealed the paint correctly, as it was just acrylic, so its really cracked now. doesn't quite fit me super well anymore either, too tight in the shoulders. but i keep it and wear it sometimes still occasionally, its very important to me.
i wore it constantly back at first. i was fourteen and thus like inherently fucked up a bit, not really a human being at the time. genuinely looking back on photos from that era makes me feel insane and spaced out because i dont really recognize myself or a lot of my memories from then. but i recognize the jacket and it always makes me smile.
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go listen to "the kids don't wanna come home", btw <3
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I still can’t believe that he wrote those lyrics for slut, I genuinely refuse to believe he wrote them because they’re genuinely some of the worst lyrics I’ve ever read.
To add to that I have a thought that I never shared with anyone and probably an anon ask it’s the best thing: I find interesting how she repurposed the song to fit better with the 1989 vault. What I mean is that I think the song was always about Harry, then she changed because she was dating Matty, and she changed it again to be about Harry. So this leads to my thought: she never saw Matty as this incredible potential partner, he was interchangeable, just another guy that she thought she could have at the snap of her fingers, and this is further proved with TTPD. We know which songs are about him, but she never really describes him, she’s vague and she only accuses him of his shortcomings without actually asking herself why he left (she just asks questions beating around the bush because she doesn’t want to admit that he didn’t love her). In the end she’s simply mad at him because she was the one who got dumped and this to me it’s interesting because she contradicts herself a lot throughout the album: she says that she wants him no matter, but then she says that she realised from the get go that he was problematic, then she’s mad that he left because she was cancelled because of him (I understand she wrote those songs as the relationship progressed, but it’s funny how she tried to portray herself as the victim).
I’ll never know what kind of boyfriend Matty is and it doesn’t even matter here, what’s important here is that she never cared about him, she only liked the idea of being wanted by him (I hope all of this makes sense)
I don’t know much about her vault songs so I can’t speak to the first part of your comment but I think, my feelings about TS aside, I think TTPD is a failed album because it displays a real lack of self awareness and immaturity, setting aside the clunky writing.
Like she’s high on her own supply of performative victimhood at her very best moments. And downright prejudiced at her worst moments. Don’t know why the album didn’t stay in her diary and save us all this nonsense but here we are. Oh well. Glad she and Matty are through. Shame that we will never go our separate ways and never have to worry about her again but there’s nothing we can do about it so whatever.
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prettyoddfever · 2 years
do you like Ryan's or Brendon’s version of Nearly Witches better?
lol do y’all think Spencer just sat in a corner until someone told him to play drums or what? 
Around early 2007 Ryan told Helio “on the new record that we just started to write it has been Spencer and I writing the lyrics together and working out what we call the plot line.” I was excited about that because Spencer had a huge imagination, a flair for the dramatic, and was the creative vision behind a lot of visual aspects of the band in the Fever era. Ryan and Spencer were a strong team for the years while they were still on the same page (and one of Spencer’s favorite authors was Chuck Palahniuk btw). Hopefully this goes without saying, but just because one person gets credit for writing the lyrics doesn't mean that they were the only person involved in creating the song as a whole.
Obviously it was a good thing that the cabin album got scrapped. The band needed to unwind and go in a totally different direction after the absurdly intense end of 2006, but the cabin album wasn’t something they could actually tour with or play on festival stages with normal instruments (more info here). It was way too complex for a start. Ryan was even talking about writing a companion book with more of the story for that album. Songs like It’s True Love didn’t work very well outside of the context of the cabin album when the actual storyline was missing. Brendon’s voice was having a hard time in general at Summerfest on July 7th, but the absolutely brutal fan backlash online for It’s True Love focused completely on the lyrics. People were treating it as a single meant to stand on its own and were totally missing the tone & context of any possible story. It didn’t really work.
Jon was the most eager to put the scrapped album behind them and just move on (maybe because he was such a key player in defining the band’s new direction in summer 2007). Spencer was the one who came to the defense of the cabin album the fastest in many interviews in late 2007 & early 2008. He often said something about how the idea wasn’t bad or the songs themselves weren’t bad… it just wasn’t the right time for them. Now skip to summer 2008: Nearly Witches wouldn’t have made it onto FOB’s mixtape if the band was 100% over it. There was still something there. However, Ryan and Jon were moving in a very different direction with the songs they were writing for P!ATD’s third album that season (they ended up using a lot of those songs for The Young Veins). They wanted to get so scaled-back that Ryan was even eventually talking about how he didn’t want to use any orchestration on the next album (contrast that with how Spencer was saying during the Pretty. Odd. era that “Ideally it would be amazing to play with a couple of string players and a couple of horn players every night” and also said that he hoped the band could eventually travel with “a string quartet and a three-piece horn section” lol. Spencer definitely did want to do something “different” after the Fever era ended, but he absolutely retained his flair for the dramatic and his large-scale creative vision).
The original version of Nearly Witches sounded like it was about Cricket, but we don’t know how it fits into the larger story of the cabin album. We’re missing the context. Spencer and Brendon were able to take the early version of Nearly Witches and turn it into something bigger that could stand on its own. It’s pretty incredible how they made it fit a completely different album too.
Both versions are amazing. I just see them as serving very different purposes for different stages of the band.
I don’t think that Brendon was “mocking Ryan” in the intro to that song during the V&V era or whatever some people think these days. Brendon did that voice sometimes in the pre-split years too when he was being an adorable little weirdo in his narrator character onstage... he even did that voice recently at the Seattle show I was at (here’s a contrast of that same voice over 16 years apart). Plus, google the definition of burlesque and you get:
A burlesque is a literary, dramatic or musical work intended to cause laughter by caricaturing the manner or spirit of serious works, or by ludicrous treatment of their subjects.
That's literally what he was doing. Brendon’s delivery in the “here I am, composing a burlesque out of where they rest their necks” intro to that song completely fit what he was singing. I really have no idea how that could be perceived as mocking Ryan.
Also, AFYCSO is absolutely not the "burlesque" that any version of Nearly Witches is referring to. The more old-fashioned vaudevillian second half of AFYCSO was written in the studio in summer 2005 with the help of Matt Squire, where the guys were drawing inspiration from a whole range of decades and sources (the album’s cover art portrayed that too). The whole vaudeville visual theme with the band wasn’t really around until Lucent Dossier got involved with the IWSNT video in late 2005 and returned for the 2006 summer tour. In between, the band talked about “English dandy” inspiration during their first headlining tour in spring 2006 and the most flamboyant aspect of that show was Brendon’s top hat and bow.
Yes, Ryan wrote most of the lyrics for AFYCSO. But he was very clear that Brendon & Spencer were involved in the overall process of creating the songs as well (see the bullet points in this post). If Brendon or Spencer took a dig at AFYCSO, they’d be targeting themselves too.
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