#i think its worse since im in a city. like i went on a trip with my family to echuca and it was nice and chill
creeperthescamp · 1 year
I think I've replaced dad as the Dad of the family in that whenever we travel I'm the one who is perpetually tired and overstimulated and doesn't want to be in photos and always just wants to find a nice quiet place to exist with a drink or perhaps a treat. unless it's a museum of whatever sort in which case I will read and look at everything until someone drags me away to Next Location
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munamania · 6 months
ok and now i need to talk this out on here cause like in all reality idc that much but this is just a little. awk. i might do this under the cut just so i can talk in a bunch of little paragraphs if thats chill ok ty
sooooo right ive mentioned that sam has been talking abt having beef specifically w his roommates but also that friend group at large bc they went on spring break trips w/o him. The roommate took a duo trip with fellow dyke and everyone else did like a big thing together erm
right thats just the context idrc except for the amount of times sams vaguely alluded to it and idk any other details. um but he has called his roommates like the 'poison pills' of the whole ordeal since they literally live together (but they havent been that close. prob since their freshman year when sam was out for a semester. which isnt inherently er bad but hes acting like hes been victimized for the last few years)
and like last night after this long sesh of working on our assignment sam and i r walking to the bus stop and he says something about finding out just like shitty awful drama and how it sucks having to live with 'two of those people' lmao sorry im not laughing im just like. whatever
this said i have plans to see. should i name sams roommate. ok i cant do that rn but we have plans to hang on monday and i would be seeing sam like immediately after for class. and esp if we're hanging out on campus like we might have a repeat of last time where sam spots us out and im not sure if he'd approach and hang this time. but hes obviously aware that me and them like chat
so it's like not so subtle that hes trying to get me to either ask abt the roommate or flat out not trust/see them anymore and i just havent engaged which might come across as "fake" but like. well ill be honest man theyre all a year younger than me and that doesnt mean much but it does feel very immature to handle things this way idk the whole story but im not gonna get roped into the like Omg i cant talk to this person bc of beef idk about...
and maybe i should feel worse abt not being #loyal to someone who is or at least at one point was considered a friend esp when it comes to someone that yeah ig he does know better than i but i dont... sorry ive been talking abt this bitch like cady and regina george except im not psychosexually obsessed im just like. hes been more insufferable than i remember lately yk.
i feel the Tiniest bit bad and like oh have i taken advantage of u bc yk we've hung and smoked and had dinner together often at ur place and def wormed my way into talking to the roommate via u etc but then i remember the way sam talks abt like anything and i dont feel all that bad
and theres this whole thing abt the eclipse i dont have plans to go see it it might happen last second but now after sams asked me abt it and messaged me like yeah idk we (him and his bestie) could maybe take a bus but we'd need a place to stay (asking to stay w my family bc i mentioned it like once on my close friends) and then theyre like going to a diff city anyway like oh my gooooood it's gonna be seen as shady and i dont really CARE i just need assurance that this is stupid as hell and its ok if im a little bit of an asshole about it. i dont think being mad abt the eclipse would hold up but w/e
has not been at the top of my worries and still isnt but now that this is all coming up in the next week im like frank g*llagher voice (sorry) oh Jesus Christ. you know
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areallybadwriter · 11 months
found the will to provide an update. got inspired whilst reading through my past posts and decided it would do me some good. and jesus christ, the last couple of posts have a lot of run-ons. i need some more practice obviously.
the city is doing me quite well at the moment. i had a brief stint of absolute disdain for my everyday life when i was unemployed and still adjusting to one of the biggest life changes a human being can experience. there was this period of feeling terrible about my self (physicality-wise) which im presuming is because its a new territory full of new people - a lot more people at that. a lot more people that i shouldn't value their passerby opinions but i do anyways. im getting over it now and am starting to like myself again but boy did i slip for a minute. ive been exploring new places, whether it be food or entertainment, which has provided me a sense of understanding of this place i live in. my friend and i were actually discussing how the city still felt a little weird to reside in, still enough foreignness to give off warning signs at times. we decided we hadn't sat at enough coffeeshops by ourselves yet, or we hadn't gotten enough groceries. i try to remember what moving from my hometown to my college town felt like but i don't recall the same amount of difficulty to adjust. i think in time i will feel better about it, maybe when the weather or just the general business of this place has chewed me up and spit me out a bit. i do hope that the winter is kind.
i had this past weekend off of work so i decided to take the train to this cute lakeside town where my very best friend (who ive known since i was 15) who now lives thousands of miles away was visiting her family's cottage. the train was gorgeous and ive never felt such excitement at the chance of listening to my music, sketching a little, and sitting in my own two seater on a train taking me to the beach. i thought of it as something so valuable i think i would only take someone who i truly love on there. to show them. they kicked us off halfway through to exit the train and board a bus to resume the rest of the trip because there was construction on the tracks. that part wasn't as fun, but i quickly arrived at my destination and had a wonderful less-than-24-hours with my best friend. the cottage her family owns has been in the family for many, many years and they've kept it pretty much the same. its an untouched but well-lived part of history and i basically foam at the mouth with adoration every time im there. its all lace and florals and carved wooden floors. we had a bonfire on the beach the night i arrived and all shared barbecue chicken pizza from this place down the road. her and i split a bottle of chianti and got a little tipsy, while her family talked and laughed amongst themselves. being away from home and familiarity for awhile, it felt really good to stretch out on the beach with all of them. it really filled the void of loneliness and missing my family. we took the train back into the city the next day after we drank coffee and ate breakfast casserole on the beach as the sailboats went by. it was a gorgeous little break and im glad i got to see her at the beginning and end of her trip. we plan on me visiting her next or both of us meeting somewhere in the middle.
one of my other best friends from high school (who is in the same friend group as the girl mentioned above) had a psychotic episode this past week and is most likely in an inpatient mental facility currently. she was my roommate up until i moved to the city and she is still living in our college town, now with her little sister and another bestie from that friend group. while we lived together throughout the years, she definitely had episodes and mentally ill tendencies (honestly, we all did) and it had gotten worse in the recent years. she had finally found some good therapy and some good meds that seemed to be doing wonders for her but i believe she went off of them, thus entering another episode. she was texting complete nonsense to a few of us in an aged group chat and from what i heard, didn't recognize her own sister and ended up calling the cops on herself. i hate being far away and not being able to help more and not being more informed on the situation. i just hope that she gets the inpatient help that she's needed for quite a long time and can get to the bottom of some of these issues. i think its interesting how many of us in the friend group have had psychotic episodes. i don't think i have personally experienced an episode exactly like that but there's something to be said about people forming friend groups around shared feelings and similar mental states.
wyoming is coming to visit me in a couple weeks. we are going to a late-night concert and then hopefully hanging out for awhile the next day. he has not been to my place in the city yet, which i think he will enjoy. the last time we were in the city together it ushered in a new era of how we interacted with each other (in a very positive light imo) so i hope this trip will provide us the same. there's something to be said about neither of us knowing many places or people up here. it lacks years of memories like our hometown so we are rid of burdens and guilt we may have experienced otherwise. maybe our purest forms. ive had a couple revelations about him recently as i haven't seen him in person in awhile and can think more clearly without constant thoughts of how our last time seeing each other was or something. the latest one was that i think i like him a lot more than he likes me. it absolutely stewed the last few days and it was hard to even talk to him over the phone because i kept reminding myself of the heartbreak. we had a conversation weeks ago about being able to love things or people and how both of us were scared that we had never actually done that. talked about how maybe every relationship up until this point had felt faked at times. we both related on these things, but he never clarified whether these feelings applied to our relationship as well. for me, unsurprisingly, it has been the most genuine connection ive ever had and there's never been a need or feeling to fake anything. and i know for a fact i love him. can just tell, and honestly ive felt it from sixteen and on. its something that freaked me out years ago but so much time has wilted the panic of it all. what scares me now is the investment of care ive put into it all, and with that comes certain moments of absolute uncertainty on whether he feels the same at all (especially if we've recently had a conversation about being able to love other people or he's in one of his distant periods). i think seeing him in person and spending that amount of alone time with him will mend some things and hopefully give me insight on how to proceed with the relationship. although at the end of the day, i know he will always be around somehow.
saved this is drafts and forgot what i was going to say next so to post it goes.
xoxo anonymous
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
I'll See You in my Dreams- Soulmate AU
AN: First off, sorry I didn't have this up earlier, I went through so tough writer's block that is kicking my ass and my school year has begun so I had to focus on that for a bit. Second, I wanted to say, the next thing I write is probably going to be the next part for Merman!Din because I hit 100 kudos on the fic over on Ao3. Third, starting probably towards the end of this week, maybe Thursday or Friday, I am going to start character takeovers. I will make a post about who it will be and how long it will be around during the morning and reblog it throughout the day along with any disclaimers/rules. I am thinking this is something I can do during the weekends when I don't have classes and Im not writing. Love you all and I hope you enjoy this fic!
Pairing: Paz Vizsla x Reader
Words: 1K (sorry its short....)
Summary: What if you, someone from Earth, miraculously were soulmates to someone in a galaxy far, far away?
Warnings: descriptions of pains, sadness, yearning, soft love confessions and promises, unedited bc I am tired and just wanted to post this
The dreams, oh, the dreams….
They come and they never stop, always leaving wondering and wanting, aching.
You do not understand them, what they meant, if anything other than a manifestation of desires, but when he appears you feel like you are in another world, another galaxy all your own, made for you and him alone. He tells you you are his one, his only, and your heart soars with every small touch and smile. His whisper of your name, and promises sworn in a language so foreign, yet familiar after years of their whispered softness, cause you to feel like you're floating, like you are where you are meant to be, in this loving man's arms.
Only...each day as you wake, you come crashing down into the same disappointing reality, reminding yourself that he is not there, and he is only a cruel trick your mind plays upon you heart and soul each night, laughing as you wake to the same cold loneliness of day, ripped from the warmth of his arms that hold you each night. It had been like this since you could remember, even as you were a child he would appear in your dreams and ask if you wanted to play with him. He told you stories that his family, his culture taught him, the things that were even at that age obviously very important to him.nYou parents would praise you for your creativity when you repeated the stories to them. They never understood.
Your parents didn't understand why you never let go of this imaginary figure in your dreams. They couldn't comprehend why even after you grew away from the imaginary friend stage you still talked about the boy that simply did not exist to them.
The older you got, the more you realized that you wanted no one else but him. No one else could make you smile or laugh the way he could. No one else made you feel safe the way he did. No one could come close to making you feel cherished or content the way he did. No one could touch just how loved you felt each night when he gave you that shining smile, followed by an endearment in his sacred language- he had attempted to teach you a few basics at one point, but he only kept chuckling and teasing you softly as you tripped over the words he said so effortlessly.
It wasn’t until you were graduating high school and looking into colleges when it dawned on you how much you loved the man in your dreams. How you would never be happy with another, not knowing he was there, even if he was not real. You would never find anyone better than the boy you had watched grow into a man, than the person who listened to you talk endlessly about your life, the one you told all your secrets to never holding any information back because you knew he would never judge you. But this, this realization you kept to yourself, not wanting to share and find heartbreak from the one person you knew you would never be able to recover from.
So you pulled back slowly, never fully distancing yourself how could you, but you tried to never come too close, fearing the pain that would follow if you did. And you hated every second of it.
As you progressed through college, you both lamented your stresses to the other seeking comfort in just venting or just listening to the other’s voice. You were busy with school, stressing over finals and papers, while he was worried about his people, his covert who he was now lead and teach, he worried about the future generations as his people’s numbers kept diminishing.
Life and stresses seemed to take over and pass in rhythms. Soon you both found yourselves in a comfortable dance, but one that had each side aching for more but unable to ask for it.
By the time you graduated from school, on track already to work your dream job, you found yourself suddenly feeling hollow. A feeling that started showing up in dreams, a feeling that was only suppressed when you brushed against his hand, or he reached out and hugged you before you both woke. But it did not take long for the feeling to spread into your waking hours. Life became numb at best, painful at most. The feeling only getting worse as you were with him. Some nights it felt like your entire body was screaming for the man you could not have.
But it changed one night suddenly. You had not even got to say hello or hi to him before he pulled you into his embrace, whispering words of defeat, whispering how he could no longer hold back, being apart from you for so long hurt him. He said that his very soul was hurting and he just needed to hold you for the night. And you caved. You caved and held him as tightly as he held you, hot tears slipping down your cheeks as you hiccupped the words you never wanted to tell him. You stuttered through devotions and dozens and dozens of ‘i love yous’, and you were overjoyed, bursting at the seams when he returned each with his own love confession, with his own devotions for you. And you only cried harder, finding yourself slowly being soothed by his rumbling voice in his chest and his calm words.
You both stayed like that. The night ticking by but moving slower than normal, or it could just be the quiet nothing of the world as you held tight to each other. Maybe it was just wishful thinking, hopes to freeze in time and never wake again if it meant staying here wrapped in the other’s soft love and body.
But….like each night come to pass, you found yourself being lulled and pulled away from the man you loved so forcefully. He could feel it too, you knew he could by the way his arms tightened, and as his final words were whispered into your ear before you were ripped apart.
“Mesh’la, my fierce love, I swear on the name of my ancestors, that I, Paz Viszla, will find away to reach you in daylight. I will come for you, cyare, I promise with all my being I will come to you.”
700 Fic Taglist: @shellyc9 @ben-is-a-hoe @mrs-ghuleh @moodsare @mysticalgalaxysalad @eri16 @elinedjarin @reverielibrary @bunny-fair @justnat15 @ollovaemisc @indycaelumskywalker @just-someone11 @peach-child @remmyswritings @gotham-city-uber-driver @mindidjarin @kirinpl @katie-sheep-111 @lovecatsnotpeople @3braincells @bunny-fair @phoenixhalliwell @skellylady @kikiinden @lothiriel9 @misguidedandbeguiled
Permanent Tags: @mysticalgalaxysalad @phoenixhalliwell @moodsare @perpetual-fangirl900 @night-snows00 @dumbass-simp-for-fredweasley @stargazingthenightaway @meabravo @just-here-for-the-moment
Paz Tags: @bunny-fair @elinedjarin @shellyc9 @blackmarketmummy @djarin-junk
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Downtown Detour
ayo its ya boi back with more timari and ignoring my wips cuz im plagued with timari brainrot
written in the same au as: 
Rooftop Rendezvous and 
Alleyway Altercation (NSFW)
AO3 link to the series
Timari 2.2K words, no warnings other than references to intimate relations
“Red Robin makes a breakthrough in his investigation of the new Gotham Rogue and goes to confront her about it.”
without further ado
Tim could not believe this. The new Rogue, Karma—Marinette Dupain-Cheng— had been spotted a total of three times since their last encounter by either his brothers or the cops and none have been able to subdue her for more than fleeting seconds. She was caught breaking into a politician’s house when the man was away on another one of his exotic hunting trips; another artefact was stolen from the museum after that, one they were unable to retrieve; and finally she was last seen escaping from Robin by the mayor’s office, only no one know what was taken from there. All three times she was spotted and nothing to show for it other than bruised egos and missing items. 
During his little investigation into her supposed civilian name, he came across a series of interesting police reports from Paris, France of all places. A penchant for grand theft auto since her teenage years as well as a series of vandalism and reports of stolen student records from her high school at the time. There was even a rescinded expulsion, a litany of suspensions and a plethora of unexcused absences. She was a cookie cutter criminal in the making. But for Tim, it didn’t make sense. While all the evidence points to a child delinquent grown into an adult criminal, something about the situation set Tim’s teeth on edge. There was something missing. Something she wanted Tim to find out, if her giving him her name was anything to go by. But what?
She had no local address on file and the last piece of legal information that had any traceable location was a one-way ticket to Shanghai from four years ago. Immediately after her high school graduation. All her social media was deleted around the same time. She had effectively gone off the grid up until her emergence as a part of Gotham less than stellar night life. But why?
A closer look at her time in Paris led him to discover an interesting trend but it wasn’t anything concrete. Starting about when Karma—Marinette— was thirteen, her unexcused absences lined up with some of their infamous akuma attacks. While at first it could be argued that many children had unexcused absences in the beginning, and she had less than perfect attendance even before then, her disappearances also coincided with attacks far from her school which was where she should have been at those times. Then there were reports filed by police who spoke with her parents about her sneaking out at night which also lined up with notable akuma attacks. Either she was an overzealous fan of the city’s temporary heroes, or she was constantly in the thick of the action and kept it a secret from people close to her, letting her reputation suffer for it.
‘Trust me, I know all about acting in the name of the greater good. The good-girl act got tiring after a few years,’ she had said. ‘Much more rewarding to give into your own self-interests,’ she continued. ‘Something you could try emulating.’
Her words echoed in his mind. He never thought much of them before, his mind preoccupied with other things her mouth was doing that night. It could also be chalked up to everyone being the hero of their own story and she had just coloured her own experiences. But just maybe… 
Before he could entertain that train of thinking, his phone alarm was alerting him of his scheduled patrol. Hopefully he could catch a hold of his current person of interest and get some more answers. And perhaps get a read on what her intentions are in this city. With him.
The skyline was a welcoming sight as he flung himself from building to building. The wind beneath him carried him across the sky like an actual bird and the thrill of the freefall lit his nerves on fire. His route was quiet but his appearance should coax out a certain thief. Red Hood was investigating a weapons smuggling deal that was set to take place by the Gotham Harbour. Nightwing was back in Bludhaven with Signal, introducing him to nighttime patrol. Robin and Black Bat were tracking a drug deal that was rumoured to disrupt the balance of the Narrows. Spoiler was with Batman doing their regular routes and Batwoman was doing her own thing somewhere. Oracle, as always, was on standby on comms and monitoring everything. This was the perfect opportunity for Karma to strike so Red Robin just had to be patient. The night was young.
An hour into his sweep of the city and Oracle was patching him into a radio call about a break-in in some pawnshop back in the Fashion District. It wasn’t on his route tonight but Oracle figured that with their likely suspect, and his arrangement with her, he was their best shot at apprehending her. If only temporarily. 
He arrived at the pawnshop without fanfare and found the storefront window broken into. Further inspection led him face to face with the object of his affection. Karma was posed calmly behind the cashier counter rifling through an assortment of jewelry that was left on display in the glass cases. It was only the faint twitch in her eyebrow that indicated her awareness of his presence. Other than that he went completely ignored. That won’t do. Not tonight. He approached her slowly and stopped on the other side of the counter, leaning into her space. He could faintly smell her rose-scented perfume. Her strawberry shampoo. Even the cherry lip gloss she wears under the mask. He’s tasted it enough times to know how strong it was. For a vision clad in black she was rather fond of red flavours. 
“Can I help you, Tweety Bird?” her voice was soft, sprinkled with faux indifference, not wanting to disrupt the background noise of rings and necklaces clanking together. She hasn’t looked at him once.
“Breaking and entering and attempted theft are serious crimes, Karma.” He saw a faint twitch of amusement in her eyebrow but her posture was relaxed and non-assuming.
“That’s not why you’re here. That’s not why I’m here either.” Her eyes sweep up to him as she stops searching the jewelry. She’s staring intently at him as if he’s to understand the meaning behind the words she’s not saying. He does. They’ve played this back and forth before. Danced their little tango of push and pull. 
“You wanted to see me then? Thought this was the best way to get my attention, hmm?” He leaned in, pressing his weight more into the counter. She matched his advance and propped her face in the palm of her hand. Her finger tapped on her mask. He figured if the accessory wasn’t there she’d be biting that finger instead. 
“Well it worked. Didn’t it? You’re here after plenty of time to conduct a rather thorough investigation into who I am. Or was.” She took off the mask, finally, and he was right. Her lips were shining in the dim light of the night with the familiar hues of her lip gloss. He presses on to not let himself get distracted by the slight smile on her face.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng, daughter of Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng. Paris, born and raised. Above average student in terms of grades but a disciplinary streak about a hundred miles wide.” At this her head tilts in amusement. Her faint nod encourages him to divulge all the aspects of his research. “Absences and tardies more often than any recorded presences. About twelve suspensions in the span of three years and a rescinded expulsion when you were about fourteen. A couple run-ins with the police in regards to charges of theft and property destruction.” Her face scrunched in an adorable pout at that as if it were a reminder of an embarrassing moment and not outlines of criminal offenses.  
“Definitely not my finer moments, I assure, but keep going. You’re doing so well,” she interrupted him. She had shifted so that she could jump over the counter and sit atop it, her legs crossed and her arms bearing her weight behind her. Red Robin was temporarily silenced by the arch in her back and the lean lines of her exposed neck. He rose to his full height; just barely reaching her shoulder, due to her new vantage point. 
“You disappeared after your high school graduation, my investigation says you ran off to Shanghai but I believe there’s more to it than that.” She had uncrossed her legs to accommodate him between them and drew him closer by his shoulders. Acting on instinct, his arms found purchase on her waist and he was brushing the pad of his gloved thumb across the exposed skin. It was uncharacteristically soft but neither heeded mind to it.
“You think there’s more to me than that?�� She leans in, almost breathing the same air as him. “You’d be the first,” she continued while snaking a hand up his neck to scratch lightly at his scalp. The touch sent shivers down his spine and had his toes curling in anticipation.
“So tell me then,” he licked his lips and stared at her through the film of his mask. “What is Paris’s Lady Luck doing here causing mischief in Gotham?” The question was a gamble and could upset the rapport he had with Karma. He was the team’s only lead on her, for better or worse, and he didn’t want to ruin whatever it was between them.
It was probably the right thing to say though, because she hasn’t left him yet but instead was staring at him with something indescribable in her eyes. Excitement? Approval? Affection? Red Robin wasn’t sure what to make of the glimmer of emotion in her eyes other than to take it as a good sign.
“You got this far in your investigation, Tweety Bird,” she leaned in closer, just a hair’s width away. “Why ruin the chase and tell you everything now?” Her lips were brushing against his as she spoke and the cherry flavour was almost distracting. His tongue peaked out to swipe a stronger taste. The arms around her waist tightened and he pulled her to the edge of the counter, her legs wrapping around him on instinct.
“Surely you could reward me for figuring out this much, right?” His voice was pitched so low if she wasn’t already breathing in his words he would have worried that she didn’t hear him. “After all, it’s not everyday someone discovers the identity of the allusive Ladybug.”
“The bird wants a reward, does he?” She finally sealed his lips with hers, stealing any half-baked retort he might have had. This kiss was different from the multitude they’ve exchanged in their times together, carrying over the unanswered emotions from their last encounter and introducing new ones into the mix. The air felt still and cool on his face and the fingers in his hair tightened even further. 
They were like that for what felt like hours but was merely a few minutes; just calmly exchanging kisses, nothing straying beyond that silently defined line. They didn’t need anymore for tonight. Karma had taken to progress this further by trailing her lips to the sharp cut of his jaw. She alternated between small kisses and even smaller bites as she made her way up to his ear. Her breath was warm against the shell of his ear and he leaned into the faint contact. A lick and a bite later, her lips were curled up into a smirk as her hand in his hair held him in place. 
They stayed like that for moments lost to time. Neither making the next move, nerves buzzing with anticipation. He felt an itch for more that only she could scratch and she was denying him that satisfaction. Despite that he made no inclination to instigate more, letting the ball stay in her court. After more silent minutes he felt rather than heard her chuckle against his ear. She jumped off the counter, pressing every curve of her body against his. Even then, he unconsciously tried to pull her closer, pressing her against his front and the tempered glass of the counter. Before he could do as he pleased with his new leverage, she wiggled out of his grasp and moved towards the broken storefront window, mask in hand. 
“It was great to see you tonight,” she throws a glance over her shoulder, readjusting the mask over the lower half of her face. “And I’m glad my assumptions of you were right.”
“What assumptions? What do you mean?” The confusion was almost palpable beneath the traces of cherries. He moved to reach for her, to keep her here for a bit longer. To explain herself. To not leave him. She evaded his grasp and leapt out the broken window. From outside the building she turned to him and aimed what was clearly Red Robin’s grappling hook out to the nearest building.
Instead of answering him she chuckled and tilted her head in amusement at his growing distress. 
“See you around, Tim.” Her parting words were lost to the air as she shot off with the grapple into the night. Red Robin stood frozen, rooted in place at the use of his civilian name. How did she know? Who exactly did he decide to get entangled with? Among the cacophony of new questions one thing was for certain.
He was utterly fucked.
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actualsunflower · 3 years
I have a huge life update to share rn--- My top surgery consultation is scheduled for July 5th!!!! I’M SO EXCITEDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!! I’ve also been vaccinated!! :D ANNNDDD MY LEGAL NAME AND SEX HAVE BEEN CHANGEDD!!!!! :DDDD kind of a lot has happened since I’ve been actually active around here But now I guess is the much harder part, my official surgery date will be set at the consultation, but there’s a required $1,000 fee to set the official date for my surgery. The $1,000 covers a portion of the surgery as well, and the base price for the surgery is $8,500. I’ll get the exact price on July 5th, but that’s their base rate. I need to earn or raise at least $1,000 of the total cost before July 5th to secure my surgery date!! I’m going to take commissions when I can, I have 1 almost entirely complete right now and then I can take on more! I’m gonna have a more detailed explanation of everything under the cut so this isnt super super long so pls read under there if you want all the deets Pls consider commissioning me or donating so I can get top surgery!! read more for more info and me being sappy abt my emotions--
I’ve waited so long for this and I’m fricken excited, it’s the last step in transitioning for me! It really means everything for me, I feel like I’ve been waiting forever and I can’t believe it’s finally happening !?!!! I am forever in everyones debt here and everywhere because I never wouldve even been able to start hrt if it wasn’t for the help here. I’m just so. Overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude I cant even tell how many times Ive cried and just felt like... actual gender euphoria since starting t..
So abt the appointment, I’m getting surgery with Dr. Javad Sajan, and I’m getting button hole double incision. Im serious his before and after pictures make me so emotional I am so happy and emotional for those people and I cannot wait to feel that kind of happiness and relief. But a big problem about this for me, is that he is in Seattle, and I live in southern Oregon. I can’t drive, so I have to rely on someone else, or take the train from a nearby city (Eugene). My consultation is over skype (which is amazing and a huge relief), but my pre-op appointment is in person, and of course so is the actual surgery. We’re planning on taking the train from Eugene because it seems to be the most reliable way to get there and back each time. Aside from my surgery, I’ve got to cover the price of the trip there and back (twice, once there and back for pre-op, once there and back post op,) and the price of a place to stay during the pre-op appointment. Right now my goal cost wise, is just the booking and base appointment price ($8,500, that’s including the $1,000 appointment setting deposit, which is just a part of the surgery cost and the base covers everything, surgery, the stay at the hospital, nips, anesthesia, everything). The full price is due at the pre-op appointment, and that’s the final bill. My insurance doesn’t cover anything because it’s out of state and county, and because its informed consent model. (which Im choosing because Id have to battle insurance for 2 years minimum if I was getting the surgery in Oregon, but I am very set on my surgeon after considering everything and calling many offices and looking through many subreddits and talking to ppl who’ve gotten it here and there) A lot of this information is on their site as well. As soon as I have my consultation, I will be right here to update everything and set the exact price, which I’ll also be including the price of transportation and staying there. As for paying, I’ve been applying to so many jobs, and even when I get interviews I never hear back from them. People keep telling me to stop admitting I’m disabled but I just can’t do that. Lying about being disabled doesnt make me abled and they don’t get that. I’m still trying though, and I am not going to stop trying until I get a job. But until then commissions and donations are my only source of income. I’ve been struggling getting help psychologically, because I have schizophrenia, and because I was diagnosed with adhd as a child, but I think I’m actually autistic rather than having adhd, and it’s been really hard trying to get diagnosed because I keep getting pushed off or told I cant have autism because I have paranoid schizophrenia or because its “just adhd”, but the medications are just making everything worse, and Ive tried more than one already. My medications for schizophrenia have started not working right, and when my schizophrenia meds get under control, it makes my adhd (?) significantly worse. Genuinely, I really dont know what’s happening. I really dont know whats going on with me right now and it’s hard and confusing and I keep swinging back and forth and it’s making everything deteriorate so fast I cant keep up with it. It seriously effects my ability to do anything at all, even art, and its been like this for the last 6 months. I am trying though, still trying to work, still trying to get a job, still trying to get a real diagnosis and help and Im not going to stop any of that. But I think getting top surgery as soon as possible is going to help me too, because dysphoria has just gotten so much worse focusing on my chest since t has started helping me pass and look so much more masculine. It’s like all my attention went from everything DIRECTLY to my chest and its almost unbearable. Even now since my sex has been legally changed I keep having the horrible thoughts of ‘why, why I am a man Im not supposed to be this way’ and shit idk. I’m getting too serious right now I have an appointment with the dmv to get a new updated driver’s permit with my name and fixed legal sex, and when I do that I can set up a bank account (I cant yet bcs I dont have a valid id/ id at all because I actually lost the other one and have been carrying around that paper one you’re supposed to destroy that is literally from 2016) and when I do, I’m going to set up a proper gofundme for my surgery and the travel expenses, but for now all I have is my paypal and online banking savings account. I’ll get that up asap once I have my id, though (Ive already been to the bank with my notarized judge passed papers and they wont take those yeah I know it’s stupid its like the same thing) But uhhh yeah! Thank you for reading this far if you did lol and considering helping me bcs my god, it literally means everything to me. pls share hehe
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themadauthorshatter · 4 years
Man, I do not know how long it's been since I last made a post on Toppat!Charles, but it's been a while!!!!
If you haven't read the previous parts, you can find them here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: https://themadauthors-bitch.tumblr.com/post/634320381188161536/i-dont-know-if-tumblr-showed-it-or-not-but-here
Part 4: https://themadauthors-bitch.tumblr.com/post/634769620050558976/welcome-back-one-and-all
Part 5:
Part 6:
As usual: RECAP!!!
Henry acts on his plan to rescue Charles, said plan being to use the location of the clan's next big heist to get info or Charles himself. The plan went awry with the heist succeeding, Ellie getting severely injured, and Henry getting the snot kicked out of him by none other than Charles himself, who had given up on the notion that he would be rescued and stepped up to join his captors. Confused about and torn apart by Charles's and Ellie's words, we left Henry alone and guilty over the night's events.
HEAVY recap, I know, but one more thing before we truly begin: Two of the clan's previous leaders make an appearance in this chapter.
We good with all that? Great!
We start off in the dead in night, in the middle of the dessert. Quiet and still as the moon shines high in the night sky.
Terrence Suave sprints on the sand as best as he can, panting heavily because he hasn't been full-fledged running in an eternity. CCC trucks are speeding behind him, but there is a bank truck ahead that just started driving and like hell Terrence isn't getting on it, especially if the truck is heading towards the city.
Nets and tranquilizers are being shot at him to retrieve him, but a lot of the darts keep bouncing off his augmentations and thankfully missing him and lqnding in the sand.
The CCC trucks are catching up, but Terrence continues running, tired and sore; his lungs burning and the stumps of where his arms and leg used to be are sore, not the metal, though there is a phantom limb feeling going on and it is not a good feeling to have right now; even if one of his legs are metal, the other is sore as hell.
He gets closer to the bank truck as its speed increases, Terrence letting out a yell as he jumps and snatches the latch of the door and hops on, holding on for dear life as he sees the CCC trucks slow and eventually turn around.
He heaves and breathes very fast and heavily as he watches the sky, noting the orbital station.
"Right," he says raspily, "you sorry son of a bitch."
We find him watching with a hollow expression as Ellie is doing some physical therapy to help her leg; Charles is surprisingly one hell of a shot.
The two partners haven't spoken since the plan backfired and while Ellie waves at Henry, Henry only keeps his expression.
It's hard to live life when you can't stop living.
The words have had plenty of time to sink in.
Ellie and Henry are the same.
And Henry feels dumb for not noticing sooner.
"Whatever happened between you two, you better patch it up before that CCC guy gets here."
Henry looks over his shoulder to see Galeforce walking to stand beside him.
"Bill Bullet called. Even though the mission... didn't go as planned, he still wants to bring you into his facility."
Henry turns back to Ellie in time to see her trip and fall down, her leg shaking. She's been walking for maybe an hour and, while she has gotten stronger, she is also tired and needs to rest.
'Only if Charles came back here safely. That was our agreement.'
"Guess he can't wait."
Henry continues to watch Ellie help herself into her crutches.
Charles is standing in that cafeteria area that Right was in in the Free Man ending and staring at Earth.
The heist was a success. The clan got the sapphire. No one got arrested.
But Ellie got hurt.
Sure, she wasn't there to help him, but she was still busy taking care of the toppat, and she got injured, so there's that.
"Like the view, kid?"
Charles doesn't look at Right when he walks up to and stands beside him.
"Reg always talked about wanting a view like this. 'E really liked the sky. Night, day, didn't matter. 'E jist didn't want to be stuck on the ground."
Charles turns his head slightly. "How close were you two?"
"Closer than you and those two criminals were."
Charles looks back at the window, content to let Right keep talking.
"The clan was in shambles after the last leader took over. Reg 'ad some big shoes to fill, and 'e knew that. Didn't stop 'im from stepping up." Right leans forward on the glass with his arm, his head against forearm. "'E was better than the other leaders. Smarter. 'E got the clan back on its feet. Never met a toppat leader who took good care of the clan."
Charles doesn't look at Right, but imagine if this was a game cutscene or movie or something. We'd have Right be closer to the camera and in better focus with Charles beside him, but seemingly behind him, with how the shot is framed, and out of focus.
Charles is back in focus as he asks, "He was that good, huh?"
Right only nods, not looking away from Earth.
"If that's the case, he should've been more careful, then. None of this would've happened, if he was."
Quick as a flash, Right grabs Charles and smashes him into the window by his collar.
"Careful, pilot. You might be in the toppat clan, but no one 'ere'll stop me from throwing you out there."
Right glares at Charles for a second longer before letting him go and leaving the room with no more words spoken.
Charles resumes staring at Earth.
Sorry, Ellie.
Back to Henry sleeping in his bed. I know, I'm so original, right?🤪🥴
Don't worry, this time is different.😉
While Henry sleeps, someone quite rudely bursts into his room, waking him up.
Before he can draw the gun under his pillow, one cybernetic hand grabbing his mouth while the other holds down the hand that's going for the gun, and a normal, human knee digs into his stomach.
"Sorry to wake you up, but this is important."
Henry's eyes adjust and and he sees Terrence Suave over him, sweaty, ragged, and shaking from running for miles on end.
Henry stares at his father with wide eyes before using his free hand to write a message on Terrence's forehead: 'What. The. Hell.'
"Just stay quiet, okay? I have an idea on how we can get your friend back and keep you out of-"
Henry shakes his head and writes another message.
'It didn't work. He got away with the sapphire and won't let is help.'
Terrence sits back on his heels and pulls Henry up into a sitting position. "What happened?"
Henry looks at his feet and signs, 'We tried hijacking the heist they planned. I think they were expecting us. They got the sapphire and Ellie got shot. Charles was with them.' Henry starts choling up and his signing becomes rougher. 'He won't come back. He shot Ellie. He shot us both. He's one of them now.'
Terrence lowers his head and runs his fingers through his hair at the news. "That's... I... I'm so sorry." After a second, he asks, "How is she? Your friend Ellie?"
Henry shrugs before signing, 'Getting better. We aren't talking right now.'
"You should," Terrence states matter-of-factly with a scowl. "She's the only friend you've got left and she's going through something that'd be easier to deal with with someone there for her."
Henry glares back. 'She's been through worse. And what do you know about being there for others?'
Terrence rolls his eye. "We're really getting into this right now? What did she even do? The clan took the sapphire and not her, right?"
At this, Henry nods, slowly and shamefully.
"Then quit being a baby and man up. Don't you two want to get your friend back?"
Henry doesn't respond for a second, after which he signs. 'What was your plan?'
Terrence's face stretches into a smile. "You might want to throw some clothes on and wake up your girlfriend."
Henry blanches at those words, but doesn't get anything out as Terrence leaves the room.
Nonetheless, he gets up and meets Terrence and Ellie outside, the latter using crutches because her leg isn't strong enough yet.
Remember, neither have talked since the night of the heist, so both are silent before Ellie asks, "So, um, who's this?"
"Terrence Suave," Terrence replies as he ahakes Ellie's hand. "Although he won't admit it, I'm Henry's father."
Ellie's eyes widen as she looks between the two. "Huh. I can see the resemblance."
Henry shakes his head and signs, 'Plan.'
Terrence gives Henry a withering look. "All work and no play, huh?" When neither Ellie or Henry answer back, Terrence sighs; we're done playing around now.
"You remeber that Wall place you were held at?"
"How hard is it to forget?" Ellie groans back.
Despite the unnecessary amount of salt, Terrence continues, "I have a friend there that has connections with the clan."
"As in he got arrested?"
"As in I sent him there to spy so I could plan a heist on the treasury. Guess Reg and Right forgot about him." He gives a chuckle and rubs the back if his head. "And you give me snark for leaving you," he says to Henry.
Henry glares at his father before the gears in his head start turning and he starts smiling.
'I think we need to pack our bags.'
Ellie joins him in this smiling, as does Terrence.
It is a LONG trip to get to The Wall, and a long process of explaining that they're only there for visiting, not arrest.
It certainly didn't help that Dmitri and Grigori had CCC guards and Bill Bullet at The Wall.
At the sight of them, Terrence quickly rushes Ellie and Henry into a nearby office and locks the door behind them.
"What was-"
"Okay," Terrence says slowly and under his breath, "change of plan. We're not doing this."
Where Henry rolls his eyes, Ellie bristles.
"Why not?"
Terrence mumbles under his breath, but both Henry and Ellie hear him say something along the lines of, "I kinda escaped, and now everyone's sort of looking for me."
Ellie cuts in, "You didn't think they'd look there first?"
"Give me a break, Red," Terrence barks. "I figured they'd be looking somewhere else by the time we got here."
Henry slinks past them and cracks the door open enough to look out into the cafeteria.
No wonder they overthrew you.
Henry watches Dmitri and Bill continue talking, the latter nodding at the former's words. When Bill looks over Dmitri's shoulders, Henry slips back inside and shuts the door; there are now more eyes than ever.
"What do we do?"
Henry gulps and shrugs before leaning back.
Terrence, however, is busy looking at files on a computer, specifically looking through the inmates that were arrsted during the time of Infiltrating the Airship.
I know. Great team dynamic, right? Best team ever, 10/10.
"Good news, I found Reggie."
Both Ellie and Henry turn to Terrence, who is very proud that he used a computer after so long and having only one eye.
"Twelfth floor. Just four levels down. If we're careful, we can take the stairs."
Henry shakes his head and points up to a vent, not in the ceiling, but close to it, on the wall.
He begins signing, but Ellie only looks confused as Terrence shakes his head.
"Not a good idea. You can crawl through just fine, but what about me and Ellie? How are we supposed to crawl around with this-" He points to his cybernetic leg, "-and that?" He points to Ellie's injured leg.
"What's he saying?"
"Apparently, our only option is to crawl our way to Reg through the vents, which is going to be impossible."
Henry signs agian, more frustrated now.
"We can't afford to be safe at the moment, if you haven't noticed." Terrence shakes his head and stage whispers to Ellie, "Close minded, just like his mother/father". (YOU decide if Henry's other parental figure was a man or a woman; I know toxic masculinity states men can't have emotional breakdowns that lead their kids into growing kleptomaniac tendencies, but I say FUCK TOXIC MASCULINITY).
Back on track, the comment APPALLS Ellie and makes Henry raise a fist, ready to swing-
All three turn as the guard bangs on the door.
With no more options, the three climb up into the vent, Terrence and Henry helping Ellie before Henry and Terrence climb in, just getting into and closing the vent as the guard, Dmitri, and Bill enter.
"Strange, I thought there was someone..."
As the guard trails off, Bill takes a look at the computer and then the vent as Dmitri yells at the guard; the warrant's reputation has suffered enough already with Henry's and Ellie's escape.
Ellie is wide eyed as she covers her mouth, Terrence is scooting backwards as slowly and quietly as he can, and Henry only stares back at Bill.
"Is there something wrong here, Corporal?"
Bill is silent as he and Henry continue to stare each other. Neither move or blink.
"No," Bullet says after a long couple of minutes. "Nothing at all."
Dmitri turns his heel and leaves the room with the guard following.
Bill takes a second, though, and closes the page Terrence was on.
With a wink and nod to Henry, he leaves the room and shuts the door behind him. "Don't be so hard on your guards, Dmitri. Rookies are allowed to make mistakes."
No one in the trio speaks for a little while, but Henry gives Ellie a smile. 'We're gonna be okay.'
With her leg still healing and his body being more than half metal, Henry is alone as he retrieves Reginald Copperbottom.
Currently, Reginald is lying on his bed and staring at the ceiling of his cell, bored and hungry because the guards lost track of time again.
To say living in The Wall was bad is an understatement. Honestly, Terrence has had it better than our boy Reginald because at least the CCC crew cared about Terrence's well being and mental state. (They don't want Terrence going insame and causing chaos.)
The time alone has also made him incredibly lonely and made him realize just how much he's taken for granted. Having colleagues doing stuff for and with you being one. Privacy is another.
Mostly, though, he misses Right, not having him AS his right hand man, but just having him around.
But he's gone.
He remimds himself of that a lot, but that doesn't stop his mind from wandering back to Right.
Henry kicks the vent open and bursts into the cell, throwing himself to his feet like a badass.
At the sight of the guy who got him arrested in the first place, Reginald presses himself against the wall, getting as small as he can; he has no weapons, no one to defend him, and it's only him and Henry in the room.
"Wait! WAIT! Don't-"
Before he can finish, Henry grabs him by the collar and points to the vent.
"What? What are you saying?"
Henry groans and rolls his eyes before writing on Reg's hand with his finger, like he does with Ellie.
'Want to get out of here and see the Right Hand Man again?'
Reginald is silent for a second, feeling the world stop for a second.
"He... He's-"
'He's alive, yes! And he has my friend Charles!'
Reginald purses his lip and pouts as he 'hmphs' and turns his head to the window. "I'd say it serves you right, given what you did to the clan and my right hand man."
Henry slaps him for that one.
'It doesn't matter now. Do you want to stay here or see him again?'
On the intercom, Grogori announces, "Attention, everyone. There are intruders here in The Wall. Keep an eye out and report to the warrant once you find and apprehend them."
It makes Henry pale and Reginald smirk.
Henry smacks a hand over Reginald's mouth and writes, 'LAST CHANCE. I WILL LEAVE YOU HERE, IF YOU DON'T AGREE TO COME WITH ME RIGHT NOW.'
As guards run closer, Reginald looks between the door and Henry, who hasn't broken eye contact ONCE.
This is his only chance of freedom, and, regardless of who's offering it, it is something he is going to look over.
Reginald nods and replies, "Alright," behind Henry's hand.
Both are gone when the guards arrive.
Inside the vent, Reginald groans in disgust as he crawls. "When do you suppose these were last cleaned? Is there no regard for good conditions here?"
Henry groans again and punched the back of Reginald's thigh.
Ellie and Terrence are sitting outside as guards run around like ants, simply watching as they have acquired a truck. (HURRAY!!)
"What's taking him?" Ellie ponders as she rests her head on the steering wheel. "I hope he didn't get caught."
"He'll be okay," Terrence replies, much to Ellie's surprise because of his earlier comment. "He's smart. Knows what he's doing." He turns to her, noting the slight bags under her eyes. "You two really care about each other, don't you?"
Ellie shrugs. "Well, yeah. Honestly, Henry and Charles... are the first real friends I've ever had." She sits up and tips her head as she smirks. "Ever tried having a game night with a heist partner?"
Terrence hisses and winces at that as he leans against the truck. "Try having a party with FIFTY of them. Don't know what got stolen from my room, but I never got it back."
Ellie chuckles. "Some loyal toppats."
Terrence can't help but snicker back. "Indeed."
Ellie's smile drops as she remembers what Henry told her, and the earlier comment. "Did you... Did you know about Henry before he visited you?"
"Of course I did," Terrence replies, more than a little offended at the question. "He's my son. Why wouldn't I?"
Ellie turns to the road they'll have to start driving on and rests her chin on the steering wheel. "He's just... confused on why you picked the clan over your family."
Terrence chews on his lip at that, more specifically the word Ellie used.
"He said you told him life is for living."
"I did," Terrence agrees. "Guess we have different opinions on what 'living' is."
Ellie nods, though she's more agreeing with Henry's 'living' than his father's.
"And I didn't pick the clan. I chose it."
Ellie scrunches her nose. "Same thing."
"Picking is what you do in an icecream shop when you want cookies cough or mint chocolate chip. Choosing is when you decide whether or not you want to be somewhere because it makes you or everyone happy. Picking is what you do in a shelter when you look for a cat or a dog. Choosing is figuring out what cat or dog you want to take home and take care of. Picking is me jumping form person to person just so I can get what I want from them, valuable stuff of any kind, money, skill, you name it. Choosing is me staying with what I see as having more value that I could use at any given time. Make sense?"
Ellie nods after a second. "Was it worth it?"
Terrence points to her leg. "Was that worth meeting Henry, Mrs. 'Living with many lives?'"
Ellie narrows his eyes, and Terrence holds up his hands.
"Easy, girl. No. It wasn't worth it. And I know because I chose wrong. I literally remind myself every day that I chose wrong. Won't change a thing, though." He turns to The Wall, watching the guards. "If he messes this up, it's all over."
Henry and Reginald sprint towards the truck, Ellie and Terrence waving them over.
The sight of the cybernetic male halts Reginald in his steps.
"T-Terrence... Suave!?"
Terrence glares at Reginald and crosses his arms. "Hey, Reggie."
"Y-You... But, I-... You-eh..."
Henry taps them on their shoulders and points to the truck, signing, 'Save it for later! Let's go!'
Before Terrence or Ellie can ask why, the four hear motorcycles approach, Dmitri riding one as a passenger and aiming a gun at the truck they're commandeering.
Ellie starts the truck and gets it moving as Terrence skids into the shotgun seat as the truck picks up speed.
Soon, Henry and Reginald are both sprinting as fast as they can behind the truck with both doors open. Having had more training and in the time between FtC and this timeline of CtM, Henry can better keep up with the truck, but Reginald is falling behind fast. Henry grabs Reginald's hand and pushes the former leader into the back of the truck.
"Don't stop!" Henry shouts as he grabs a bit of leather or cord hanging off the truck's back door and pulls it down, closing it and surprising Reginald.
As the truck speeds away, Henry makes a turn and darts into the woods.
The motorcycles follow, however, though they're on a path and not through trees.
Henry is ducking, diving, and constantly zigzagging as he's being shot at while trying not to run into a tree. For a while, he does okay, good, even, only getting scraped by stray branches and grazed by bullets, one in particular hitting his cheek.
But we know all good things must come to and end.
Henry looks behind him when he doesn't hear motorcycles behind him, only to look in front of him and get a tree branch to the face, not enough to knock him out but he does see stars.
Dmitri gets off the motorcycle he's on and gestures for the others to stay where they are, circling Henry as he tries to stand up.
"I knew you were here the moment that guard found the office door locked. Clever of you." Dmitri kicks Henry in the ribs and sends him back into the ground. "But not clever enough."
Henry expects another kick when he gets on his hands and knees, but it doesn't come; a punch does when he manages to get on his feet, one right into his nose that sends him spiraling back to the ground.
Remember, Henry just ran for maybe ten or fifteen minutes and got hit in the face with a tree branch.
There would have to be a miracle for Henry to win this fight.
"How long has it been since you and the girl escaped? A year? Two years?"
"Not long enough," Henry groans to mostly himself.
Dmitri slams his boot onto the back of his head for that one, earning a wince from some of the guards.
"Sir," one asks, "shouldn't we hold him up in maximum security?"
Henry's brain kicks into hyperdrive, already showing him how he could possibly escape such a situation, but a hard stomp on his hand snaps him out of it, making him scream because with his mind living another life, his body went numb, like he didn't have those injuries or they healed. The stomp just make every injure ten times worse.
"You've all seen how slippery this one can be," Dmitri shouts, grinding the sle of his boot into Henry's hand. "He escaped before, he can do it again."
Henry tries pushing off Dmitri's boot as he suddenly realizes what's probably going to happen to him; normally he wouldn't be worried because we've seen him come back from getting shot, but with Bill Bullet around there's a chance they can make sure he dies and doesn't come back, with all the CCC lniws already about Terrence.
Dmitri notices this and drives a really hard kick into Henry's teeth, sending him backward before stomping on his face, ribs, and legs.
"You've ruined everything I've worked for since the day I saw you, Henry Stickmin!"
Dmitri kneels down and grabs the hair on either side of Henry's head, smashing him into the ground repeatedly as hard as he can.
Before you start thinking I'm being too unfair to Henry during this scene:
Henry swings possibly the best punch ever and knocks out some fake acrylic teeth Dmitri had to get put in. It catches tolhe warrant off guard, and gives Henry the opportunity to kick him away.
With some more punching, hair pulling, and head smashing, THE FIGHT BEGINS!!!
Even with a busted hand, Henry does okay, mostly relying on right hooks and kicks to fight. Dmitri, however, is able to use simple punches, jabs, and hooks to knock out Henry.
It's something like a stilted dance, as in there's a little bit of a pause before the next attack.
Bith men beat each other bloody, but it ultimately ends with Henry kneeing Dmitri in the side and kicking him back, AND DMITRI CHEATING BY HITTING HENRY WITH A ROCK. (NO FAIR, DMITRI! YELLOW CARD AND FIVE MINUTE PENALTY!!!)
When Henry's down this time, though, Dmitri wastes no time driving his knee into Henry's stomach and slapping his hands around Henry's neck. The action makes Henry gasp because of the sudden air loss, having the wind knocked out of him before getting his air cut off, and start thrashing around, gagging and making all those gross choking sounds that make your stomach flip.
"Look at you," Dmitri spits as Henry tries to break free, kicking the ground and scratching at Dmitri's wrists. "All you rats are the same, but it was you that did all this! You cost me everything! You made me lose everything!" Dmitri tightens his grip on Henry's throat, making Henry gasp loudly. "Allow me to return the favor!"
On the ground, Henry is very quickly blacking out and can feel it as he tries hitting Dmitri off of him.
His movements slow and his eyes roll back as his hand drops.
Dmitri falls back as the guards take aim at where the shot came from.
More shots are fired, a some guards are taken down while the rest chase down the shooter, one ordered to take Dmitri back to The Wall.
Terrence climbs out of the trees and shakes his head at an unconscious Henry.
"Stupid, stupid idiot," he mumbles as he picks up Henry and slings him over his shoulders. "What were you thinking? What the hell were you thinking?"
Terrence walks through the trees as he carries Henry, silent all the way until he reaches the edge of the woods.
Bill Bullet stands waiting for him.
The two stare each other down, but Bill only stands with his hands in his pockets.
"You coming to take us back? We're a little busy right now."
"I can see that." Bullet sees Henry stir a little on Terrence's shoulders and fights the urge to smile; for someone who is so dangerous, he's so cute when he sleeps. "I guess genius over there has another plan?"
Terrence shakes his head. "It started off as my plan, but he had other ideas."
"Credit where credit's due."
After another silent stare down, Bill sighs and stands aside.
"He said he wanted his friend back safe before we brought him in. Better make this plan count."
Terrence nods as he seriously fights a smile and runs to where Ellie had left the truck, waiting for them both to get in so they can make like a banana and split.
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goodnightkisseu · 5 years
Im Changkyun - Pull At My Heartstrings
→ pairing: changkyun (i.m) x reader
→ genre: fluff
→ word count: 1988
→ warnings: make-out session at the end, but that’s about it
→ summary: being apart because of work, whether it was his or yours was normal for the two of you. But why was it that this time, it felt so much harder to be separated?
→ masterlist // monsta x masterlist
note: I had mentioned that I wanted to branch out and write for more groups, and following my puppy collab, this is my next monsta x fic! I’m still trying to get back into the swing of writing, given how busy the end of year has been, but I do hope that you all like this. As always, feel free to let me know what you think! ^^
- ash <3
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You had one of those dreams again. It was a dream so intense that it shook through your whole body. You were running, no, sprinting, away from a crowd of people. Your tired legs led you through rain-stained streets, feet hitting the wet pavement hard. Though you were tired, stopping wasn't an option. Staying meant that the crowd would catch you, and for some reason, you feared that. So instead, you kept running, feet splashing water everywhere. Your body knew you had to find him. In this unknown city whose roads were like a labyrinth, your only goal was to reach him before they did. Yet the moment you saw him, the moment that familiar silhouette came into view, the road below you started to fall away. Your feet no longer hit solid ground, and as he faded away, you felt yourself falling... and then everything went black.
A gasp left your lips as you were jolted from your sleep, your body involuntarily reacting. Your eyes took in your surroundings, your heart settled when you realized that you were indeed out of your dream world. Though it was raining here too, the light creeping through the clouds told you it was morning instead of evening, and likely around the time, you would have usually woken up for work. It was a weekend, however, so the lost sleep was a little unfortunate.
Realizing how quickly you sprung up and how that likely jostled the bed, you were quick to look to your side, ready to apologize to your partner for waking him. However, as your eyes trailed across the dark gray sheets, you realized that the spot next to you was empty. That reoccurring dream was about him, and it was one that you always had when he would be gone for extended periods. So the fact that you woke up alone, without him there to comfort you, made you feel a bit uneasy. However, the shuffling that you heard outside of your open bedroom door signaled to you that he hadn't left. A wave of relief washed over you, realizing that he had just started his day a bit earlier than usual.
Changkyun was departing for his tour today, and this time, he would be gone for a while. His company was planning for longer legs this tour, the group only coming back for a couple of days before they left again. It seemed like their schedule this year favored it over the short trips they used to do in the past. So, essentially, he was slated to be out of the country for almost three months, traveling and doing shows, and being far away from you. Usually, this wasn't a big deal for the two of you, but lately, being apart for so long had become more difficult.
Two years ago, you and Changkyun were casually dating, if you could even call it that. It wasn't supposed to turn into anything serious, because neither of you had the time for it. His schedule was strange, and with work having you frequently travel as well, it didn't leave room for a regular relationship. Yet, you both sought and craved companionship, closeness, and your fast-paced worlds allowed you to find that in each other. Sometimes you would meet up for drinks, other times for meals. When you grew more comfortable with each other, there were even times when the male would end up back at your place. But at the time, you were supposed to be casual.
Despite that arrangement, something changed last year. You weren't sure how, or why, but you found yourself missing Changkyun when he was out of the country. You found yourself waiting for his messages. You divulged more about yourself to him, putting yourself in a very vulnerable spot. And he had opened himself up to you as well. He started letting you into his life, introducing you to his group. Then it was a couple of private events that he took you to as his plus one. And slowly, this very casual little thing turned into more than that. You never talked about how it changed. Neither of you wanted to admit it. Yet, the moment that you both uttered those three simple words when you told each other your true feelings, you knew it was genuine.
Lazily you made your way out of bed, grabbing Changkyun's forgotten phone as you headed out of the room in search of your boyfriend. The familiar noise of a hard suitcase lid against hardwood floors indicated to you that he was packing something. If that were the case, then he was probably in that junction between the front door and your kitchen, where he left his things the night before. Changkyun had stopped by seemingly out of the blue the previous evening. The two of you had been talking about his upcoming trip, and that apparently spurred an impromptu night together. You didn't mind, of course. You were never one to turn him down. Plus, inwardly, you had been missing him, so it was an excellently timed opportunity to be together.
The gentle sound of feet on the hardwood floors signaled to Changkyun that he wasn't alone. After securing some of his electronics and toiletries, he looked up at you with a small smile. "Hey baby," he said softly, zipping up the suitcase and pulling it back onto its wheels. He stood then, eyes watching you as you made your way over to him, draped in only one of his hoodies. Seeing you like this, so precious and soft so early in the morning, pulled at his heart. Knowing the distance that was about to separate the two of you, this was honestly the first time since the two of you became an official couple that he wanted to take you with him. He knew it wasn't possible, of course, but his heart wanted you there, wished that you would be there.
"I didn't wake you up with all the noise, did I?" he asked, hands naturally slipping around your waist as you cuddled into his embrace. Your warmth filled him as you snuggled into his chest, the lingering scent of your perfume filling his senses.
"No, it wasn't you. I... I had that bad dream again..." you confessed quietly, feeling his grip around you tighten. Slowly, you raised your head to look up at him, and you were greeted with a reassuring kiss on your forehead. You made a small noise as you slipped your own arms around his waist. "You weren't planning to leave without telling me again, were you?"
"I thought about it," he answered honestly, not being one to lie to you. "But, I also remember how much it hurt you were when I did that last time, and I can't put you through that again." When the two of you were still trying to figure out your relationship, he had left once for two weeks without telling you. You had found out through the news, and though you never said it explicitly, he knew you were in pain. There were some vulnerable talks that you had to have after that, and he refused to make you feel that way again.
"I can't explain it, but it feels worse this time. Being apart is always hard, but this time... it feels... different..." Changkyun admitted with a sigh.
You nodded, knowing exactly what he was referring to. Before, you could be apart from each other for long periods, and it was okay. But lately, even that last trip you took abroad for a week, that coincided with a time when Changkyun was home was hard on both of you. "Your heart would hurt more if you didn't say a proper goodbye," you stated.
"Mine? Or do you mean yours, hm?" he countered, raising a brow at your words.
He smiled, a low chuckle erupting from deep in his chest, knowing that you were right. "Well, my great escape plan failed. You've caught me in the act."
"And it's a good thing I did. You would have forgotten something important," you pointed out.
For a moment, Changkyun's eyes seemed to search your own, as if trying to decipher the meaning behind your words. However, before you could continue, he leaned in for a kiss. It was meant to be a gentle goodbye kiss, but nothing between the two of you was ever that easy. The kiss deepened as your lips moved against each other, and his hands pulled your closer, not wanting any space left between the two of you. A light mewl left your lips the moment he pulled away, your mind finally remembering how to breathe.
He placed his forehead against yours, his breath fanning your cheek as a smirk played on those lips that you loved so dearly. "Last minute make-out session?" he teased, eyes watching your lips as they curled into a smile.
You couldn't help but giggle at him. "I actually meant that you forgot your phone on the bed," you finally said, reaching into the hoodie pocket and pulling out the thin electronic device, holding it up between the two of you.
Changkyun looked at it in disbelief, but he couldn't help the exasperated chuckle that left his lips. You drove him so crazy, but in all the right ways. "Do you really think I'm going to believe that this was all about my phone? The way you were kissing me told me otherwise."
Now it was your turn to smirk as you slipped his phone into his pants pocket, moving onto your tip-toes to place a kiss on his nose. Your hands slowly moved down to intertwine with his moving his back towards your living room. "Well, you're definitely not wrong, Mr. Im," you said lowly as he fell back onto the couch.
Your boyfriend was quick to pull you down with him, letting your thighs straddle his hips as one hand made its way under the hoodie, pressed firmly to the small of your back while the other slipped up and grasped the nape of your neck, pulling you in for a searing kiss. Your lips moved together fervently. You weren't good with your words, and Changkyun wasn't either, but you were able to convey those emotions physically, as your lips committed the others to memory.
Changkyun trailed his lips down your jaw, leaving little nibbles and kisses along your neck and down to your collarbone, making sure that a rather noticeable mark bloomed in between it. His actions stopped there as he rested his head against your heart, a heavy sigh leaving his lips.
"I'm going to miss you," you told him, fingers playing with the hair at the base of his neck.
"I'll miss you too," he confessed, hands drawing little designs on each of your bare thighs.
"Message me to let me know how you and the others are doing? Send pictures if you can."
Changkyun smiled at your words, the warmth behind them filling his heart. "You know I will," he reassured you gently. His hands slowly moved back up to cup your face, giving you one last kiss.
The moment his arms left you, you slowly moved to your feet, helping your boyfriend back onto his own as you walked to the front door together. You reached for his jacket and handed it to him, Changkyun slowly sliding it on. He grabbed his luggage in one hand and slipped his other bag over his other arm. He gave you one last smile and a quick goodbye before he headed out the door to meet the others at the airport.
You knew that this time apart was going to be hard. Nothing about it would be easy or simple. But knowing how much you cherished and cared for each other... well, it would just make Changkyun's homecoming all the more special...
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I remember getting lost one time
and im going to go into detail about this cuz it was a big moment.
this song reminds me of when i got lost on a field trip one time as a kid. in the city coming from a play. It was the nutcracker. we didn’t stay the whole time though which sucked. when we did leave the buddy system obviously didn't work because no one took my hand.i had to follow the other kids on the fieldtrip and try to grab their hand while people walked everywhere and in between outside the theatre.The only thing i had a good grip on was my tall red lunchkit that i loved. It was heavy but i loved it. Anyway. I followed what i thought was another girl from my school and got on the wrong bus. I didn’t know anyone on the bus. No one looked at me. They just sat with their friends talking while i found a seat close to the front and sat with my lunchkit alone. Which was normal for me since no one ever wanted to sit or talk to me on field trips so i sat patiently waitting for someone i knew. Nope. No one i knew was on the bus. There was one girl who sat next to me. I think her name was Valorie. I think. It was somthing with a V. But soon she left and sat with someone else. I’d give you a detailed description of how scary it iss with few words if i could but it’s hard describing just how lonely and hurt you are when you’re a more oblivious and naive child under the age of 10. it was so scary it was not knowing if you’d ever get home again and see people you know. They didn’t even have to by friends. I didn’t have friends those few years in elementary but i called them friends cuz they were the only kids i knew that were my age and they didn’t like me. so it was scarier for me not knowing if i’d see people i know and I wondered what my mom what do and what would happen if i never saw her again. I still had the grapes and alcohol swabs she gave me in my lunchkit and i sat there looking at how weird the handle looked and how my mom wrote my name in sharpie on the top trying to keep myself from crying. I did cry. But i leaned on the window and hid myself in my jacket cuz i didn’t want anyone to see. And i did look out the window to see where we were going and we were going the right way but looking outside the window scared me cuz i always thought we'd make a turn that wasn't the way i knew. We did get back to my school and i went back to the classroom with a clean face. I guess my teacher was worried. i don’t remember that part.
But why does this song remind me of something bad that happened? i guess its that feeling of being aware of where you are and what's happening around you while people walk by and how small you are. you watch people around you keep moving and know where they're going and all you know is how scared you are. nothing worse happened (thankfully) it was honestly a really sad time but i was an oblivious kid and didn't know what or why it happened. it just did. and this song just reminds me of it. and i love this song. it’s a really calm song. some more context.(SPOILERS) this song plays in an area called the Hidden Forest in a cute and fun little game called Sky:Children of the Light. It’s in a rainy forest of giant trees with glowing mushrooms on the sides, puddles, a small overpass, some tunnels, and a few places to sit and talk to people. I usually just sit and enjoy the music or try to play along. But i usually just sit and listen to the music and think back to that time. Because no matter how scary it was to me it was actually a really calm ride. Nothing worse than getting lost happened. Just the usual of sitting alone on a bus with your favorite lunchkit and your imagination while people or your “friends” talked. I don’t imagine myself as a kid when i listen to this. instead when i listen the music sits me next to younger me so i just watch what i do. it’s a weird feeling but not bad. like being there for yourself when you finally understand.
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inkribbon796 · 5 years
The Other Side
Summary: Anti’s bored, and he does terrible things when he’s bored. Virgil just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. So the heroes have to save the day, without roughing Anxiety up too much in the process.
Encore: Right Here, Right Now
   Virgil lived with Deceit and Remus, and he hated every part of it. The place they stayed at was in one of the worst parts of town, and they’d been living there for over a year now. It was never warm enough. Deceit’s first order of business when acquiring the place was to get his hands on a number of heaters and keep the room they slept in warm. But unless you were in that room, it was freezing.
   So Virgil walked out of the apartment in normal clothing and hung around King’s Park, just crowd watching. He had his headphones in and his hood drawn up.
   His favorite thing about the park was that if you wanted to be left alone, people left you alone. Except for the hiccup with Yan and the police one night, even Dark’s enforcers and network stayed out of the park. It helped Virgil feel like he had some type of privacy.
   He stayed at the park for a while, and when he finally got hungry, went for a walk to figure out what he wanted, making sure to go in costume so that people would keep leaving him alone.
   Something that turned into a bad idea when he heard the sound of a power box on top of the radio arching. Virgil looked back to see Anti scratching his claws against the electrical box, Natemare was standing next to him with a bag in his hands. Both of the chaotic villains were smiling at him.
   Anti was the one who spoke, “Hey, kid, where’s yer old man?”
   “I’m not a kid,” Virgil spat back, trying to get away from the edge of the roof. He was preparing to summon his spider legs to escape. Maybe he could get back to Dark’s area.
   “Can’t fly can ye?” Anti took the bag from Natemare, and the other glitch demon turned into electricity and slipped back into the wires of the electrical box, a smile still on his face as he vanished.
   “I can cling to walls, I don’t need to fly,” Anxiety trying to sound tough even though his heart was beating almost out of control.
   “Good,” Anti smiled. “Yah know, Dark’s usually really tight-lipped about the stuff his boys collect fer ‘im, but he must have gotten wasted because he was carryin’ this . . .”
   Anti pulled out what looked like an MP3 player but it looked like something that was probably cursed. “. . .  Around like he was proud of it. An’ I figured ye should have it.”
   “I’m not touching that,” Virgil snapped. “It looks like it’ll possess me. Why would you even give me that thing?”
   Anti shrugged and the thing went up into a string of code, “Cause it’ll make him furious, an’ he won’t let me get close enough to his desk ta piss in his coffee.”
   “Then why give it to me, he’ll just think I took it,” Virgil argued.
   Walking over, Anti tried to set his hand on Anxiety’s shoulder. Virgil ducked away immediately.
   “Why so nervous, guess ye live up to yer name, huh Anx?” Anti laughed. “Well, I’ll see if I can pawn it off to some third rate drug dealer, that’ll flip the town on its head.”
   “Yeah, just keep that thing away from me,” Anxiety sprouted out his spider legs and just left, trying to get as far from Anti as possible, and was surprised when no one was following him. So, eager to calm down he grabbed a quiet spot of roof with enough of a protection for him to sit on and lean against, he put in his earphones again.
   He was listening to some MCR at first and it was helping, but slowly in the background static began to build and Virgil was getting sleepy.
   It wasn’t until he collapsed onto the ground in a head that Virgil realized something was wrong with him. The world seemed fuzzy and he could barely move his eyes.
   His panic got worse when Anti appeared in front of him, smiling. Natemare was next to him, holding the MP3 player, hooked up to his own ears.
   “Yah know, I think yah got a good head on your shoulders, taking somethin’ from me would’a been a dumb idea,” Anti smiled as he took the player from Natemare but was careful to still keep the headphones in Natemare’s ears. “Shouldn’ta let us walk off with it, though.”
   Virgil could feel he was crying as the static in his head began to build, it was getting harder to think, harder to breathe. Anxiety couldn’t even blink anymore, his eyes were just staring at Anti.
   “So let’s have some fun, it’s been ages since I’ve had a puppet,” Anti grinned and pressed something on the MP3 and Virgil’s body stood up of its own volition. “You’ll love it, N. It’s the best.”
   Virgil was mentally shaking because his body refused to as Anti tossed Natemare the MP3, the other glitch demon was smiling.
   For the heroes it was a normal day of patrols, and Logan coming in and out of their routine. All Logan would say was that he was conducting research as a favor to the Host and if he needed assistance, Logan or the Host would ask.
   Logan was with Eric and Randall, keeping his watch on them more than anything else.
   “At this rate, you’ll make it full time,” Logan smiled, talking to Eric.
   “R-Really?” Eric smiled hopefully.
   “Your control has greatly improved,” Logan praised.
   “Hey, what’d I tell yah,” Randall grinned.
   Eric smiled warmly, and then looked back down the street before he paled, pointing, “Uh, guys?”
   Logan and Randall looked down the street, but it looked completely normal.
   “What do you see?” Logan braced to grab his TASER.
   “My dad,” Eric looked like he was about to vomit or curl up into a ball in sheer terror.
   “Eric, he’s dead,” Randall reminded.
   Eric took a fearful step back and Logan finally saw something, but it wasn’t Derek. Suddenly Logan was alone on a stage with bright lights shining down at him. Everything felt wrong, like he’d been forced to down five cups of coffee, each with about three shots of espresso, one right after the other. He could see a couple wrinkles and old stains on his favorite button-down shirt and tie.
   “Thomas Sanders,” a disembodied voice in the darkness called out before Logan was hit with a string of trivia. Some he could answer, others he couldn’t. Every wrong answer or even slightly incorrect one was met by a harsh sounding buzzer. It barely took three questions before Logan realized he’d been caught in Anxiety’s fear powers, how he’d been caught so flatfooted was beyond him.
   The whole ordeal was a little too frustrating and taxing on Logan, and the situation seemed to be already spiraling out of control.
   “You’re not real,” Logan tried to fight the illusion, but it felt like he was hitting a brick wall with nothing but his bare fists. As if he knew it was fake, could see a way out, but he couldn’t free himself by just denying it.
   Logan kept repeating it, trying to find some crack in Anxiety’s fear illusion. Then, a hand rested on his shoulder. “Lo.”
   Logan turned around to see Patton, who looked like he was about to crumple into a terrified heap himself. “Sorry.”
   “For?” Logan began before he was knocked out by something behind him. The logical side falling to the ground in a heap.
   He woke up an indeterminate amount of time to the sounds of someone arguing. It gave him an instant migraine and he groaned in pain. “Where are Randall and Eric?” Logan asked immediately.
   “Oh look, now he’s awake,” Roman said. “They’re sleeping their ordeal off.”
   “No thanks to you,” Logan groaned, holding his head. His vision was swimming could someone obtain some painkillers and water.”
   “Yeah,” Patton said, “give me a minute.”
   Roman opened his mouth, but Logan cut him off.
   “You will wait until my headache has abated,” Logan ordered. “Or I will not listen.”
   “Fine,” Roman responded grumpily. He was given a little respite to relax and massage his temples.
   When he signaled, Roman began, taking a deep breath before letting out a long rant, “Virgil used his fear powers to blanket half the town in a crazed fear spell and now he’s using it to take over the town. This proves he’s evil and needs to be stopped. See this is why we don’t trust villains because they betray, and-or kill us, and really we should have seen this coming. Patton doesn’t believe me, and I need you to talk sense into him.”
   Logan just stared at him, waiting to see if he was actually done or not. Then he looked around. “Iplier I need a scientific explanation.”
   Roman groaned, “Come on, Lo.”
   “Dude, your friend is whack and took out half the city in a gnarly fear trip,” Bing interrupted.
   Logan groaned, “I was talking to the Doctor, I’d rather have Roman’s explanation than that one.”
   “It was pretty cool though,” Roman praised, offering a fist bump and Bing’s fist tapped his. Dr. Iplier was coming over to explain the situation in terms Logan could understand without a headache
    “S’no problemo dude, glad you liked it,” Bing smiles. “But, uh, Anxiety’s probably not working alone.”
   “Explain,” Logan turned back to Bing.
   “So, I went to scout out what was going on, ‘cause the magic whatever doesn’ work on droids like me and Googs, but Anxiety was with Natemare an’ Anti,” Bing rambled. “So I got out of there, they totally didn’t see me.”
   He was with both of ‘em?” Logan asked.
   Yeah, it was super weird, dude was just staring out into space,” Bing reported.
   “Do you have any video logs on the subject?” Logan demanded. Bing nodded and hooked up the closest Ipad anyone had on hand as he began to play a short clip of Anxiety standing in front of Anti and Natemare, the two of them talking as Anxiety was just staring. Standing unnaturally still.
   “That’s a bit creepy, even for him,” Roman admitted.
   “Something’s wrong with him,” Patton cut in. “Normally he doesn’t have good posture but his back’s like a piece of plywood.”
   “Hold up a sec,” Iplier interrupted, and rushed to the door that contained both his and Henrik’s side offices. “Hey, Henrik, get out here, I need your opinion on something.”
   It took a minute, but Henrik was walking out with Iplier, the two of them talking quietly.
   Once the German doctor was standing with the group he looked at the clip, his frown becoming a tight, worried line, “Zat is not gud.”
   “What?” Edward asked his friend.
   Henrik took the recording back a couple seconds and pointed to Virgil. “He is copying Anti.”
   “Is this a possession thing?” Dr. Iplier asked. “Anti can still do that right?”
   “He’s what?” Patton exclaimed, bringing back Logan’s headache. “What are we going to do? We can’t leave him like that.”
   “Patton, don’t scream,” Logan rubbed at his temples.
   “This is awful,” Patton took the Ipad, looking heartbroken. “He must be so scared. What can we do to stop Anti?”
   “Well, a little nap usually helps,” Henrik admitted. “But he might not like us after’vard.”
   “But he’ll be free, that’s good, right, Roman?” Patton turned to him.
   Roman hesitated, but after looking at Patton and then the Ipad, he sighed, “Yeah, Mopey Frown doesn’t deserve it.”
   “That doesn’t explain what we’re going to do?” Dr. Iplier. “If it was just Anti and Natemare would could probably send a couple guys and have Logan use an EMP bomb.”
   The American doctor turned to Logan, “Do you still have one?”
   “Yes,” Logan admitted hesitantly. “But Anxiety is purely organic, and even if he wasn’t the range on them is too close. I would become consumed by his abilities.”
   “What about Emile?” Bing spoke up. “You guys and King said Em’s got some kind of emotional empathy power like Patton, you just need to see him. Stand five blocks away on a rooftop.”
   Patton made an uncomfortable noise, “Yeah, but Anxiety doesn’t like Emile, and Em can’t really do anything if the person’s fighting him. Anxiety’s gonna fight us on every word. Emile’s a bit of a squishy target. Can’t really fight against either Anti or Natemare.”
   “You know who can though,” Roman’s face lit up. He looked over at Logan with a huge smile, leaning in closer to him.
   Logan groaned. “Fine, if we must.”
   “We kinda do,” Roman’s grin didn’t go away, it only got wider.
   “Don’t pretend you hate it,” Roman told Logan. “I know you like being Remy.”
   “So you two are going to fuse?” Bing asked.
   “Yes,” Roman summoned and iced coffee. “Hold this for me, we’re going to want it in a bit. Don’t drink it.”
   “You got it bro,” Bing promised.
   Quickly Roman pulled Logan into the main area and was still all smiles as the creative Side held both hands up to snap his fingers and the space around them shifted. A twenty foot area around them turned into an old fashioned pub and Logan was now sporting a white button-down shirt and a black vest. Roman in a red vest that wasn’t buttoned.
   “Let’s get started,” Roman smiled.
   “I won’t cut out halfway into the song again,” Logan warned. “I still have a headache.”
   “Oh, I’m counting on it Specs,” Roman smiled. “I wouldn’t dare stop a show tune halfway.”
   Roman snapped his fingers as music began coming from the very room around them.
~::~ One Hour Later ~::~
   Silver and Jackie were walking down Main St. with Remy walking behind them. The fused Side’s sunglasses over his eyes, drinking his iced coffee.
   “So you two coming with me?” Remy asked.
   “As soon as Anxiety’s done, we’ll take care ‘a the demons,” Jackie promised.
   “Nice, I’m not exactly demon proof,” Remy smile, taking his still free hand and snapped his fingers at Jackie.
   Remy set his coffee on top of the closest and safest surface. “Let’s do this,” the fused Side yelled. “Anx won’t stop himself.”
   With that Remy stepped into the start of the fear bubble, as the other heroes had taken to calling it, that part of the city was in various states of disrepair. The people trapped in this part had either been rescued or were still causing destruction. Remy felt Virgil’s powers trying to affect him but with two different minds and two different fears, it seemed like it was having a hard time locking onto Remy himself.
   Remy did try and knock out as many people as he could, just so they couldn’t keep harming themselves or others. He tried to put them in safe locations. The rest of the heroes could clean up behind him.
   It didn’t take long to find Anxiety, neither the glitch demons or Virgil were exactly trying to hide.
   “Hey crawler,” Anti caled out time Virgil. “You missed one.”
   Virgil turned as if he’d been jolted and Remy could see the panic on Virgil’s face. A panic that seemed to become more frantic when he saw Remy. “No. No. No. No.”
   Oh, he looks bad. Roman thought.
   Indeed, we need to make this quick. Logan agreed.
   “Hey, Anx,” Remy greeted, sand already appearing at his fingertips. He was trying to keep calm and keep a pin on where Anti and Natemare were. “You look like you could use a nap.”
   Anxiety’s spider limbs shot out and his hands went up. He took a fearful step back.
   Anti snatched the MP3 from Natemare’s hands. “Where do ye think yer goin’ huh?”
   “Hey,” Natemare snapped at him, but Anti was messing with it and Virgil took a jolted step forward.
   The exchange didn’t go unnoticed by Remy or Logan immediately started studying Virgil.
   Now! Logan commanded and Remy smiled. Then he bolted for Virgil who looked even more terrified than before.
   “Come on, V for Vendetta, work with me here,” Remy quipped, trying to get close enough to him to grab at the headphones still in his ears.
   Virgil dodges, which both Remy and Roman thought was unfair someone with huge spider legs could still be so agile. “No, get away from me,” Anxiety shouted back, he stuck a leg in a piece of metal, probably from a car or a newspaper box and flung it at Remy.
   The fusion barely dodged in time, and it almost hit Anti.
   “Hey, watch it!” Anti hissed.
   Remy glanced back, “Well that works too.”
   Virgil kept throwing things at him, bits of rubble, pieces of smoking rubber, rocks, metal; and Remy kept dodging, trying get Anti and Natemare hit in the process.
   It turned out that the fusion got to Virgil before the other villains could get hit. Remy tackled Virgil and panicked Side was trying to throw Remy back off.
   “No, get off me,” Virgil was in a sheer panic and Remy reached up and grabbed the headphones off, knocking Virgil out with his sleep sand instantly. Anxiety slumping to the ground as the fear effects dissipated almost instantly.
   “Shoot,” Anti frowned, walking towards Remy. “Well that was fun at least.”
   “Woah, back it up, jazz,” Remy warned, standing between Virgil and the two glitch demons.
   “Nah, he was gettin’ borin’ anyways,” Anti smiled, “Hey, interested in a cursed artifact?”
   Jackie ran in at full speed, blinging fast with his super speed and slammed his fist into the glitch demon, screaming at the top of his lungs the instant he made contact. Anti violently fractured, but Jackie was now holding the destroyed MP3 player that the two glitch demons had been using.
   The speedster cursed and looked around, spiking the device to the ground. Remy was quick to scoop the thing into his pocket and grab Virgil, pulling his arm over his shoulder. “Hey, I got Wednesday Adams,” Remy quipped. “Let’s split.”
   “Pass him,” Silver flew over and Remy let the other superhero take the unconscious Anxiety and fly away with him.
   “Take him to Iplier, he trusts him,” Remy ordered before turning to Jackieboy Man who was trying to take on Anti while trying to avoid Natemare.
   “Come on, Lo,” Remy muttered as he pulled the arm of his jacket up, Logan’s arm brace firmly strapped onto his wrist. “Tell me you calibrated it.”
   Remy pressed a couple buttons, using Logan’s memories of the device to time up an EMP blast and grabbed onto of the fake bombs out of his pocket before rushing into the fight and throwing the thing at the two villains. It exploded on contact.
   Anti and Natemare screamed and then they were gone. Jackie held his hands up, his nose bleeding and a bit disorientated from the light that had come from the fake EMP bomb.
   “They gone?” Jackieboy asked.
   “For now,” Remy agreed, holding his own heart. “I’m surprised it got both of them in one go.
   Remy and Jackie spent some time with the authorities and the EMT’s, Silver and some of the other heroes arrived to help. Virgil had been dropped off with Iplier, still unconscious from Remy’s sleep sand. After the situation was manageable, the heroes headed back to the base. Mostly to relax, Remy immediately headed over to the medical ward where Ipler and Patton were, tending to a still-unconscious Virgil.
   “How’s he doing?” Remy asked.
   “You really knocked him out,” Iplier admitted, “but his vitals are stable.”
   “Good,” Remy relaxed. “He’s gonna be pissed when he wakes up.”
   “Hopefully not,” Patton whispered. “But he’ll probably be confused when he wakes up. I’m gonna make some cinnamon rolls”
   “Sounds great, Patt-attack,” Remy lowered his glasses to the end of his nose. “How you doing? Wasn’t any time to ask earlier.”
   “I’m good,” Patton smiled.
   “Good,” the fused side asked. “How’s Em?”
   “Doing well,” Patton’s smile got wider.
   “Hey, am I ever going to actually meet Em?” Remy asked.
   “As much as I’d like to, I can’t,” Patton looked away.
   “A guy’s gotta try,” Remy shrugged, and snapped his fingers over Virgil. The petty thief’s nose twitched, and he groaned. “Rise and shine, sleeping beauty.”
   Virgil’s eyes immediately shot open and his eyes started to look between Patton and Remy. He screamed and bolted off the table.
   “Calm down, we didn’t arrest you,” Remy pushed his glasses up his nose in a Logan-esque manner.
   “Did you need to wake him up so abruptly?” Patton frowned, crossing his arms in disapproval.
   “Where am I?” Virgil demanded.
   “My office,” Iplier interrupted. “The heroes brought you here to recover so you wouldn’t have the news poking at you while you slept.”
   “Uhh,” Anxiety looked around, calmed by the fact he clearly wasn’t in handcuffs. “Thanks. I’ll just go.”
   “You’re in the Heroes’ base,” Remy reminded, using Roman’s creativity powers to summon himself up a new frappuccino. “Prolly don’t wanna just walk out there just yet.”
   “What?” Virgil balked.
   Remy slurped noisily at his frappe. “Yeah.”
   “I thought I wasn’t under arrest?” Anxiety reminded.
   “You’re not,” Patton agreed.
   “Haven’t even been read your rights,” Remy cut in. “Certainly can’t keep you here without cause since you obviously didn’t want to be there.”
   “So, I can go,” Anxiety stood up.
   “Let me level with you,” Remy grabbed a chair and sat down. “You know what I am, right?”
   “That’s a stupid question,” Virgil told him. “Of course I do.”
   “Then you know I speak from experience when I say you’re in every position to start making deals,” Remy told him. “Stay, talk a bit, and then if you still want Patt and I can walk you out so no one bothers you.”
   “Why should I believe you?” Virgil spat.
   “Because I’m not Dee,” Remy took another sip of his coffee. “Sides, Logan says your chances are good either way you take it.”
   “So what do you guys want?” Virgil asked, sounding suspicious.
   “Well,” Patton cut in. “You could join us.”
   Anxiety just stared at him, a little surprised laugh slipping out of him, “Excuse me? You’ve got to be kidding me.”
   “Anx, do you wanna spend the rest of your life trailing after Dee and Remus, cleaning up their messes?” Remy leaned in. “Cause that’s what you’re gonna be doing. If you’re really happy with being part of the League then commit and do it, don’t go off and rescue people and then claim to still be one of them.”
   “Remy, be nice,” Patton warned.
   Virgil was quiet, looking uncomfortable.
   “Anx, pardon Rem,” Patton pleaded. “We don’t want you hurt. And I couldn’t stand to see Anti using you like that.”
   “What do you care?” Virgil spat back. “Like you three ever cared, I got stiffed with the box and you three were too busy goofing off help me.”
   “I regret that every day,” Patton started tearing up. “That I didn’t say something to you first, but I don’t wanna see you keep getting hurt. Logan doesn’t either.”
   “Neither does Roman,” Remy interrupted.
   Virgil glared at him.
   Remy held up his hands, “I can’t turn back into them right now to give Ro a chance to prove it to you. All I can do is ask you to give us time to prove it. Please.”
   The hostility in Virgil’s eyes started to soften. It took him a bit to answer, he started playing with his hands for a bit. “I’m not doing patrols, and I don’t do press conferences.”
   “Deal,” Remy looked at Iplier and Patton. “I’ll talk to Silver and Jackie.”
   “Hey, wait,” Virgil’s anxiety spiked. He stood up, “you can’t just do that.”
   “It’ll be fine,” Remy promised, holding the door open for Virgil to step through on his own. A couple leaps of faith.
   Nervously drawing his hood over his face, Virgil followed him and Patton, Iplier bringing up the rear of the group but giving Virgil room to flee and move if he needed to. When they entered the main area of the base, Virgil hid behind Iplier.
   “E’erythin’ okay?” Jackie asked, looking at Anxiety.
   Iplier looked at Virgil, letting Virgil stay behind him. “Yeah, I think so.”
   “Good,” Jackie nodded. “Anxiety, if you’re on the level, welcome to the group. Take a seat, try and relax.”
   Patton smiled at Virgil and went off to go make some cinnamon rolls.
   “Th-Thanks,” Virgil told him, looking around the room. His heart was still hammering out of his chest, but no one was attacking him or yelling at him. Virgil was so calm he’d completely forgotten about the deal he made with Dark weeks ago. Anxiety was just working on calming himself down.
   Later that night, Anti walked out from the Void and in the middle of Dark’s main warehouse, shaking his head to clear some of the residue bits of the EMP black. He was more than a little angry. None of Dark’s enforcers guarding the place stopped him. “Hey, Dinodark!”
   Dark walked out from his office, leaving the door open, a smile on his face as he snapped his neck to his right and straightened out his tie. “Ahh, Anti, you’re alive.”
   “What did that thing actually do?” Anti asked. “I knew yah weren’t paradin’ it around fer shits an’ giggles.”
   “It served its intended purpose,” Dark shrugged. “I have to thank you for being so predictable and helping out. Anxiety drags his feet and I wanted him out of the League.”
   “Well, the hero’s have a new chump working with Logic,” Anti warned. “He had Logic’s tech.”
   “A new apprentice?” Dark mused. “This new hero have a name?”
   “Don’t know, couldn’t be bothered,” Anti shrugged, pulling a knife out. “You owe me, shitbag.”
   “You stole something from me with the intent to harm my network, I owe you nothing,” Dark reminded. “I could have had Anxiety thrown out without your help.”
   “Ye owe me Google fer the next month,” Anti argued.
   Dark scoffed, already turning around before Anti literally snarled and lunged at the greyscaled entity. The two starting a scuffle between two of them. Dark’s enforcers moved out of the way as Dark’s aura clashed with Anti’s knives.
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mirohed · 6 years
park seonghwa | the trouble with twenty
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pairing: park seonghwa + fem!reader (theres ONE mention of the reader being female im kinda mad i thought this was gender neutral the whole time)
wc: 3.0k
genre: fluff and angst (but the fluff wins)
warning: mentions of death
concept: when you fall in love with someone that isn’t your soulmate, you give a piece of your soul to them; failure to find your soulmate before running out of soul to give results in one’s death + you stop physically aging when you hit the age of twenty.
a/n: ok holy shit i ,, never finish my wips 99% of the time so im glad this could b the 1% !! s/o to @akokj @cheelix @lvryeol @trulyjaehyuk & finally a big big thank you to one of my irls who’s been w it since its beginnings in early january SDHJS
The universe, you find, seems to work in mysterious ways; you meet your first boyfriend in high school. The both of you are wide-eyed teenagers with no sense of how love works, but it's fine as long as you're together. It's Jongho that sits across from you at the diner and sips from your shared milkshake. It's Jongho that takes you to drive-in theaters and plants a nervous kiss to your lips on the ride home.
It's a sweet love that blooms in the summer, a whirlwind sweeping you higher and higher, and you relish the view. Being with him comes with this sweet, bubbling feeling ("Like soda?" he had joked one afternoon) that begins in the pit of your stomach, spreading outward until you sport matching carefree grins and aching cheeks.
The year is 1939, and you're on the cusp of your nineteenth birthday when all that has gone up begins to come crashing down.
You're about to fall asleep one night when you sit up, a sharp pain shooting through your whole body. You know what this feeling is; you've had to help Jongho through it when he went through the same thing.
Everyone says losing a part of one's soul is both a tragedy and an expected outcome. You've always maintained the opinion that the universe enacts its own cruel, unusual punishment on those who love anyone besides their fated partner. Those you love more than life itself are the ones who end up killing you.
Loving Jongho burns. It sears your whole body with an inhuman heat, and your mouth opens in a silent, pained scream.
And just as quickly as it had come, the pain vanishes, leaving a faint heat under your skin.
You turn nineteen. You still live in the same town you were born in. You reexamine your life.
Growing old isn't for you; too much to do, too much to see. You're meant for things greater than wasting away as his housewife and nursing his children.
A few nights later, you disappear with nothing but a few bags, whatever fuel remains in your car, and the road ahead to keep you company.
You wish you could say you lose track of time from there, but you don't. Time passes, and the world patches itself from years of war and anger. You return to what could be considered the new normal a little hardened from harrowing times, but otherwise no worse for wear.
You spend time with others — enough to break a few hearts. The feeling of new life, pieces of other people’s souls, being breathed into skin that grows older is a high unlike any other. You push down any thoughts of love, running from town to town the second things feel too real for you. Your body stops aging, and it’s a little jarring at first, but you grow used to seeing a twenty-year-old you in the mirror, even as you age far past it.
Your friends and family are still alive and well. You write to them sometimes, letters with no return address. You know your family wants you back, wants you to find the one your soul aches for, wants you tied down. You tried to understand it, you really did, but all it got you were sympathetic looks and a divide that wedges itself deeper and deeper and deeper.
At some point you realize that the letters you wrote, once full of emotion, have become monotonous, mere updates with no real commentary. You stop writing them.
The transition from summer's vivid green to autumn's dusty orange marks your arrival in a new town. You're idly swirling a drink in your hands when you lock eyes with a leather-clad young man from across the bar.
It's 1953 when you meet Mingi. He's exhilaration, speeding down empty land on a motorcycle he keeps pristine. He's everything your parents might have frowned at, bruised and bloody knuckles that have seen one too many bar fights. You come to find that he keeps a surprisingly soft heart locked behind it, one that opens easily to you.
The two of you are on a road trip when you feel that familiar rush, and you help him pull over. He grips your hands, bites into the blanket in the backseat, until it's over. He lets you take the wheel until you reach a rest stop.
You remember the night you gave the second piece of your soul away. It's a chilly autumn night — your anniversary. You hadn't listened to him when he had told you to dress for cold weather, and you were paying the price. Shivering, you run your hands up and down your arms in an attempt to warm up as you get off his motorcycle. It doesn't work, and Mingi notices, doing his best to hide a grin.
"What did I tell you?" he teases. You're about to open your mouth for a retort when he shrugs his jacket off (that same worn leather piece you saw a year ago) and helps you fit your arms in the sleeves. It's an action he's used to, but there's something about the atmosphere tonight that makes your breath hitch. You look up at him, and he grins before leaning in.
The kiss is slow, his mouth moving languidly against yours as the city sleeps below. He pulls away first, biting back a chuckle when your lips try to follow. “I love you,” he whispers as he pulls you into his embrace.
And again, the pain that makes your blood boil. Somewhere in the haze of pain, between bunching your hands in his shirt and loud curses into the night, you tell yourself this is the last time you give your soul to another.
You feel a subtle pain in your chest as you head to the next town, leaving Mingi and the memories in the rearview mirror.
Time passes, and you see enough winters to make you sick of snow. You become the longest-lived person in known history, and it makes you famous.
You're contacted to speak about your accounts from major historical events (none of which are particularly useful), and find yourself in movies and documentaries, on talk shows, and more than once as a speaker for a new museum. There was a point where you could turn a corner and someone would recognize you as the only living "immortal."
It's one of those corners turned, on one of those countless winters, that you run into a young man. You don’t miss the way he swallows lightly before clearing his throat to apologize.
You've long since lost track of time when you meet Hongjoong. (But if you had to give an estimate, you'd put it around the 21st century.) You don't think it matters when he takes you for coffee, pulling you into a cozy corner cafe. He draws you in, little by little, and you pretend to not notice.
Where he is open, you are closed — on your fifth date, he tells you that he doesn't think he'll find his soulmate anytime soon.
("The world is too big," he says, bumping shoulders as you walk side by side. "I'm too old to keep going."
"How old?" you ask. He hums, takes a preparatory sip from his drink.
"Almost forty by now, I think."
You wonder if he's forgotten that you must be more than twice his age. Instead you say, "Really? You don't look a day over twenty." He grins at that, a beautiful thing that leads to a laugh you could never tire of hearing.)
You stay with him for much longer than you need to, long after he's given one of the last pieces of his soul to you. You wait for the "right time" to leave, but the right time never comes. Time passes. Seasons change. The two of you stay together for many winters before you finally come to your senses.
It happens one morning when you wake up shivering because he's hogged the blanket (again). As you try to reclaim it, you feel the familiar heat threaten to boil over.
You barely manage to get to the bathroom before the pain begins to crash over you in full force. After it's over, you remove your hand from your mouth, refusing to look at the tooth marks left behind.
There’s no more waiting for the right time, you think over the klaxon that blares in your head. It’s here and now.
Leaving Hongjoong is a terrifying thought, and somehow even harder to follow through with. His love isn't like Jongho's, sweet and awkward; it isn't like Mingi's, a fast-paced adrenaline rush; it's different. Softer. He reminds you of home — or at least, as home as a person can get for someone like you.
And unlike with Jongho and Mingi, the thought of staying with Hongjoong is very realistic. You've caught yourself picturing it more than once, and had to chastise yourself each time.
You pack your things for the millionth time, but as you glance back at your soon-to-be ex-boyfriend, you realize you can't just leave him without an explanation. The years you’ve spent together mean more to you than that.
Hongjoong wakes up hours later to a tear-stained letter. (By the time he finishes it, the ink is smudged and barely legible. His tears have mixed with yours in a sort of last kiss between them, and the thought causes him to sob once more.)
If you’re reading this, I guess I must have already left. I wish things could be different I know you, and I already know that you’re gonna take this personally and blame yourself for not being enough. You are enough. You’re more than enough. I think I’m just selfish
Anyway I just want to thank you for...everything. The past few years have been better than I can express, and I think that’s what scares me. You’re the You’ll find your soulmate soon, whether they’re your meant to be or not. I’m sorry it couldn’t be me.
I love you.
You definitely keep your guard up after that. Through every date you go on and every significant other you burn through, your walls stay up.
You've grown nostalgic over the past decade. Using the wildly advanced technology of who-knows-when, you track down a list of death sites.
You visit your family first. Your heart breaks a bit seeing the empty space in the shared family headstone. This was where you were supposed to be laid to rest. You turn away from the dilapidated cemetery, pulling up the coordinates to your next destination.
You find yourself staring at the fountain in the middle of a shopping mall. According to your holotech, this is where Jongho is buried. Your lips form a disapproving line as you close your eyes and try not to think about how he would have loved this place. You try not to think about him taking you here and nudging you in the direction of the arcade or food court as you rush out the doors.
They've gone and built a neighborhood over the cemetery where you would have found Mingi. From the looks of it, it looks like its residents are particularly affluent, and you can hear him snort in your ear. Even after years apart, you swear you can still smell the strong scent of cigarettes that followed him like a lost puppy. He would have hated his fate, and you offer a morbid chuckle in his memory.
You're crouched beside Hongjoong's tombstone, running a thumb over the warm stone. The birds chirp amongst themselves in a nearby tree, and you're thankful for the distraction. He wasn't buried with another person; you hope he managed to find someone regardless. You read the inscription — To you, forever and always — and swallow the lump of guilt that’s lodged itself in your throat.
It's on a calm spring morning that your holo rings. The centennial edition of a documentary you were in is currently being filmed, and the staff is requesting you interview with them again. You were going to accept anyway, but the producer piques your interest when she mentions another similarly...long-lived person. The trepidation in her voice is obvious, but you ignore it. Instead, you ask for the name of this immortal and to be interviewed with them. ("I thought I was the only one around," you had laughed into the phone. "It'd be good to make a new friend." The producer gave a pitying hum before agreeing.)
You try to search for any evidence of this new immortal, but come up with virtually nothing. You're more than a little disappointed that this person isn't milking their age for all it's worth, but you suppose they’re just more private than you are; after all, their existence is a relatively recent discovery.
When you first meet Seonghwa, you find it difficult to breathe. He's handsome, with a tall frame and a cute smile that would have caught your eye regardless.
Seeing him also hits you with a feeling you've dreaded for hundreds of years that makes your chest tighten. (In hindsight, you should have known exactly who he had to be, considering his similarly long life.) When you make eye contact, you can tell he feels the same immediate attraction. He has the audacity to smile.
"Finally," he murmurs. It's reverent, as if he's finally fulfilled his life's purpose. Your clench your jaw, ball your hands into fists so tight your knuckles go white, and narrow your eyes. Your heart's going a mile a minute, and you're choosing to interpret it as anger.
You've spent centuries building your fame on a foundation of nothing but broken hearts and your own ambition, and for what?
You're not sure how old you are when you find yourself on the downswing. You know that your body will start to physically age, and in about sixty years, you will have met the same fate as everyone you've left behind. The thought leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, but you swallow it, at least for the time being.
The interview goes off without a hitch, and you make to leave after thanking the staff when —
"Wait!" Biting back a curse, you continue moving (and make an effort to go faster). Unfortunately, Seonghwa's more than capable of keeping up with you.
"Look," he begins, running a hand through his hair, "I don't claim to know your relationship situation, but I'd at least like it if we were friends." He focuses on the polished toe of his shoe and gives an anxious chuckle that seems to be more for himself than you. "After all, we're soulmates. You might not believe in them, but I've imagined what it would be like to finally meet my soulmate since I was young."
You don't know how (you blame the universe), but you go out for lunch with him after that. Much of the meal is spent in silence (although you've got to take the blame for this one), and it's not until you're almost done that he strikes up a conversation.
"Were you hiding?" He twists the straw of his drink between two fingers before making eye contact.
"I don't hide. You've probably seen me around in some ad or another on the holo. Maybe even before that, when people still used computers and printed newspapers." He narrows his eyes a bit, trying to remember, but comes up with nothing. "I always thought it was you that hid. I've been all over the world, but this was the first time I've ever heard news of another immortal."
"I believe in fate. I've taken things as they came because I knew that in the end, it would be you and me. Turns out I was right."
You don't know how (you're still blaming the universe), but you exchange contact information. You go on more...friendly excursions with Seonghwa.
("Why not cut out the middleman and call them dates?" he asks, settling down on the couch next to you.
"They're not dates. We're not together, are we?" You turn the movie on, marking the end of the conversation.
When you fall asleep latched onto his arm, your head on his shoulder, he plants a soft kiss on your forehead. You wake up that morning wrapped in a blanket that wasn't there last night.)
You don't know how (actually, you do), but "friendly excursions" eventually turn into dates.
(The two of you sit at a park bench, listening to rustling leaves and the distant noise of cars passing.
"Is this a date?" you ask, taking a spoonful of his ice cream, your own sitting empty on your lap.
"They're not dates," Seonghwa parrots. "We're not together, are we?"
"Let's change that. Date me?"
"I thought you'd never ask.")
Dating Seonghwa is much like being wrapped in a warm blanket. He's caring and sweet and so thoughtful that it makes your head spin. You realize that somewhere along the way, you had lost the joy and wonder that came with life. Luckily for you, each date (whether it's a shared pizza in his apartment or a hike somewhere new) restores an optimism that you didn’t know you missed.
Decades pass, and the two of you are on your daily walk. Your bodies start to show their age, but when you look in the mirror, you still see youth alight in your eyes.
("When we first met, I thought that it was all downhill from there, but I was proven wrong."
"It's been a long time since I've heard you say you were wrong."
"And each time, I tell you to not get used to it.")
When the life slips away from you both, you promise to meet each other in the next life and every one that follows.
The universe, as mysteriously as it may work, hears this request and tucks it away, ready to see it through.
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lookbluesoup · 5 years
OC Interview Meme
Tagged by @tarberrymentats and @wastelandwandererstuff​ B)
SORRY IT TOOK ME A WHILE TO GET TO THIS GUYS spring break kept me busy xD But I AM BACK NOW AND READY TO ANSWER THESE TAGS THANK U ALL <33 It’s been a blast getting to read about everyone’s Fallout characters ;w; I’m trying to get braver about leaving comments/reblogs but in the meantime just know I SEE YOUR AWESOME CHARACTERS and I APPRECIATE THEM.
This was actually a challenge answering from Nate’s POV xD There’s stuff that I KNOW ABOUT HIM AND WANT TO SHARE but he wouldn’t volunteer or he wouldn’t view the same way so… take it for what it is! And feel free to ask questions! ;w;
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It is long. Long long long. Not sorry. 16, 19, 28, and 33 are my favorites c;
1. What is your name?
Oh. Wow. We’re starting this interview off with some tough ones, hunh? Uhh… hm. My name. My name… Let me think. (overly dramatic pause) Nathaniel Christian Ronan? Yeah. That sounds right.
2. Do you know why are you named that?
I was told my name means “God has given,” because my parents didn’t actually think they’d be able to have a second kid. That and Pops was an army chaplain - wanted me to have a name reflecting the faith. He was very literal in his approach. Ronan is an Irish surname, which seemed a lot more important 200 years ago than it does today. It means… uh, oh, shoot, I used to know… Don’t worry, it’ll come to me.
3. Are you single or taken?
(chuckles) Sorry folks, my roving days are over. Got a nosy reporter waiting for me back in Diamond City... whatever time I’ve got left I’m giving it to her.
4. Have any abilities or powers?
Powers? What, like, superpowers? That’d be awesome but, hah, no. Though I’ve been told my ability to talk myself out of trouble is uncanny. My martinis were legendary, and still would be if I find the ingredients for them in this apocalyptic wasteland. Friends say I’ve got a good ear for music… Oh, and ventriloquism. That’s always fun.
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
I know you are but what am I?
6. What’s your eye color?
Blue, like my grandmother. (blinks dramatically several times for emphasis)
7. How about your hair color?
Coal back. (runs a hand through it almost nervously) And holding up better than the rest of me, considering the complete lack of well-deserved grey hair.
8. Have any family members?
I have a son, Shaun. Piper gave me roots, and Nat’s pretty much my little sister, too, at this point. The Railroad’s been more family to me than most of my own blood ever was.
9. Oh? How about pets?
Legs Washington, an orphaned radstag I brought to the Castle. He’s a bit of a mascot for the men, follows Shaun everywhere. Yeah, it’s adorable.
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
You guess? Look, after this interview, I’m taking you to the Castle to meet them yourself. Your life will be changed. There’s plenty to dislike about the Commonwealth, enough to go mad over. It’s not exactly the charming old homestead of days gone by. But we’re making it better one day at a time.
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Hah! “Duck and Cover” is a big one. Got me suspended from Railroad HQ once, though. I still say that was Deacon’s fault. I like long walks through the woods, playing baseball with Shaun, and a General’s work is never done but it does bring fulfillment. I like all those activities infinitely better when Piper’s around. Is that mushy? God, that sounds mushy. (smiles shamelessly)
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
Yeah. Some deserved it… some I’m still trying to make up for.
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
(stops smiling) Yeah. I have. You want a kill count? Six-word soundbites about all the blood and screams and the way men look when they realize they’re about to die? It’s not a fun fact. It’s not fun. Next question.
14. Name your worst habits?
I’m afraid that information’s classified. I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you. OH! LITTLE SEAL. That’s what Ronan means! Yeah, you know, like, selkie babies.
15. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
Aha… seriously? I’m Pipersexual, end of story. Unless you count the undying affection between my best mate Deacon, and me, which I’ve been told occasionally inspires jealousy. Honestly, I never gave putting a name to my romantic inclinations much thought. It’s always been women, but maybe I just never met the right man.
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Piper, for sure. She’s - the way she sees the world? It gives me hope. She’s brave, brave enough to fight for what she believes in. No matter how bad it gets she always finds a light to hold onto, somehow, and keep going. And she’s genuine. I didn’t know what courage really was until I met her. Scribbles’ friendship is… a hell of a lot more than I deserve. I wouldn’t be the same without it. And, God, she’s funny. Sweet, and - a-ha, hm… we’d be here all day if I tried to list all the reasons why I love her.
I also have immense respect for Nick Valentine. He’s a good guy. Without ‘im, I might still be chasing my tail out in the woods somewhere. Or worse. Nick was a friend to me when I needed it most, put everything on the line to help me find my son - didn’t even hesitate. I’ll never be able to repay him for that.
17. What kind of animal are you?
One of a kind. (winks)
18. Do you go to school?
The Commonwealth has a way of schooling everyone, doesn’t it? I’m a bit too old for arithmetic and hall passes, but I never stop learning, if that’s what you mean.
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
I’-ve… been down that road before. (breaks eye contact abruptly) Times were uncertain enough when Shaun was born. Now? Scribbles and I roll the dice every day of our lives. Asking her to marry me – starting over – was the scariest thing I’ve ever done. A baby would be, uh, a really big change. (smiles briefly, uncertain) Maybe if – no, I don’t know. Piper’s never shown any desire for something like that. If she did – even if she did... (sighs) I – look. Let’s just move on, okay?
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
Oh yeah, I have an ensemble of groupies that follow me around the wasteland with a pack brahmin and an eyebot.They pitch my tent for me and cook all my meals. I pay for services with my autograph instead of caps. (rolls eyes, but keeps a smile)
21. What are you most afraid of?
Losing someone I love. I know we don’t get any guarantees out here in the wasteland, but… loss never gets any easier. It makes it hard to open up, y’know? I spent a long time keeping folks who cared about me at arm’s length, and some days it’s still a challenge.
22. What do you usually wear?
What you see is what you get! Derbys, slacks, a shirt as white as I can get it in these conditions, and a black vest, because that never goes out of style. My favorite hat is - take a look at this. It’s a bicorne. Has anyone worn that since the French Revolution? It’s great. I love it. Piper doesn’t.
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
You know what I miss? Chocolate. I’d kill for chocolate. … kidding.
24. Am I annoying to you?
Hah! I married a journalist. This is just another Tuesday.
25. Well, it’s still not over!
Look, if I’m not back by seven…
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
I mean… it’s not like anyone’s ‘wealth’ compares to what it was like before the war. I’m not living off charred molerat, but I certainly won’t be moving into the Upper Stands anytime soon. Most of what I have, I made myself.
27. How many friends do you have?
More than I deserve. Piper and Deacon are probably my two best friends though. Nick, Preston, and Kent oughta be mentioned, too.
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
You mean those damn perfectly preserved slices stuck in the Port-A-Diners? God, I’ve tried everything. I spent an entire afternoon trying to break in. What is the glass even made of? I couldn’t put a scratch on it. You have to just keep pushing the button. Over and over. I’m convinced it’s all some Vault-Tec conspiracy. There is no pie. The pie is a lie. Piper says she managed it once, but I don’t believe her.
29. Favorite drink?
Nuka cherry! No question.
30. What’s your favorite place?
There’s a spot up at the top of Diamond City. I mean the top top, even higher than the Stands. Clear night with a full moon? You can see for miles. Can’t be beat.
31. Are you interested in anyone?
You’ve - been listening, right? Aha, was I unclear about being madly in love?
32. That was a stupid question…
You’d be surprised how often it gets asked. (chuckles)
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
Lake. Definitely. I’m marginally less likely to get eaten there. That being said, I was up in Maine once, went out to pick lure weed. You know, those radioactive yellow flowers that grow in muddy ponds? Bad idea.Terrible idea. Maine is a terrible place and I will not be building a summer home there e-ver.
34. What’s your type?
Kickass reporters with the brightest hazel eyes you’ve ever seen, hair like Aphrodite, and a smile to make you melt.
35. Any fetishes?
Look, you’re very nice. Really. And I appreciate the interest, but ah, this isn’t any of your business. Only one person gets to ask me about those and - you aren’t her.
36. Camping or outdoors?
Camping? Oh man, those were the days. An RV trip would be the bomb. It’s not much of an option these days. But I’m used to sleeping rough, and I gotta admit, it has its charm.
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khaosgaming22 · 5 years
Backstory Part 1- Recording
Alright i think im ready, Chase start recording, copy and paste when finished onto memory unit 14. Heh 14... oh right im live! Hi! So if you’re seeing this, im dead, in the ground, ripped apart, fed to a Hive god. Ugh I don’t want to go out like that! Anyway, before I start rambling, because I tend to do that, trust me that’s going to happen throughout this, im gone...or ive stepped to far into the shadow of quote unquote “the darkness” whatever that is.
In other words im a Dredgen, now if there are any greenhorns out there who don’t know what that is...ask Ikora. Im not a teacher, and... oh stop- okay fine. Since my ghost is looking at me like that ill explain. Ties into my story anyway...
*Ahem*, a Dredgen is basically a guardian who has turned to the darkness and is an enemy of the Vanguard...and i guess Shin Malphur.
Now that that’s out of the way, we can move on to my story and the reason ive become Dredgen if i have...
I think it begins with a name, Aleina. Love of my life before i started glowing and shooting high powered weapons everywhere. We were in the owl sector of the city and she wanted to show me something, she dragged me into a ship and flew to an area of earth i don’t even know where. But we got there and it was the most beautiful thing id ever seen. To be fair id spent most of my life in the city and its not that pretty but I digress... She told me Malcom had showed her this place when they were on a joyride, she called it Sacramento. Still not sure what it means but whenever i think of her it goes through my mind. Also the reason I remember this was because of what happened next...
We were sitting on the beach and watching the sun go down, waves dying down slowly and coming to a rest at our feet. She was leaning on me and about to fall asleep when I said “Im glad that Im not a guardian, even if i was immortal, if you weren’t...I would have to live without you forever...”
This is the part where karma bit me in the a**. Just as I said this she took her head off me and said, “Ken, You’re...glowing???” From that point on, my life was forever changed. I was the one thing I never wanted to be, a Guardian, immortal servant of the light.
We went home to the tower after and told Malco- Oh right! Ha Ha! Im an idiot! Who’s Malcom? That’s probably what you’re wondering. Let me back up a sec, Malcom Rayez was Aleina’s adopted father. He was also the person id soon look up to when I became a Guardian, but before that happened I hated the light. I hated being immortal, I hated being a guardian and having a destiny that was already predetermined...that didn’t include Aleina...
Now that I was a guardian I figured I had to make the best of it, I learned about the 3 types of Guardians from books and Malcom, and decided to follow in his footsteps and be a hunter. I went on a few small missions with him at first, nothing big like a vanguard strike, more close to patrols. Gathering info or holding a line, that kind of stuff.
Anyway, I went with him for a long while, back and forth from the tower to the city and back to space trying as hard as I could to still be with Aleina when I could. But no matter how many patrols and enemies of the light I took out, I still hated being a guardian, I referred to myself as a slave to the light once, Malcom didn’t like that.
Even worse, the further I went with the thought of hating the light and being stripped of my life with Aleina, the more I pushed her away...
Years went by and eventually she became sick, this was around the time I started to do more interesting missions with Malcom, I wanted to be there for her but I couldn’t. Again the light had pushed me even further away from her, I couldn’t take it anymore. That’s when it got bad...
I mentioned earlier how if you were seeing this there was two reasons; 1 I’d suffered my final death, or 2 I’d become a Dredgen. This next part will finally explain all that. Back to what i was saying, I had reached the end of my rope, my leash to the light, I needed to find a way out.
Malcom was, at the time researching Luna, he had told me of a place on the moon he had seen, a massive Hive fortress. He said he could sense the darkness seeping out of the cracks, turning his warm light cold as ice. Told me how a fireteam of six guardians went to quell the source of this evil and died for good.
I figured, no one really knew what the darkness was, we just knew it was the opposite of the light. Something about doing this rubbed Chase the wrong way and I told him to leave me alone, so he did. Then I did the most dangerous, stupid, craziest thing I have ever done...
I jumped into the damn H-E-double hockey-sticks mouth. Without my ghost.
I visited the city hospital one more time before I left, she was knocked out cold, I kissed her one last time, pulled my cloak over my head and walked out. I asked Amanda for a favor, told her if anyone asked where I went tell them I went to Venus. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into but I knew Malcom would come after me if he knew where I was.
I arrived on Luna pretty quickly and landed my ship a little further from the landing zone just in case. I had read about another guardian, a titan? Maybe he was a hunter? Not important, a guardian who went to Luna and came back a changed man, a worse one at that. I think his name was Rezyl...
I transmatted my sparrow and jumped on, seeing a few Fallen Dregs but nothing I couldn’t handle, just lackeys. Soon I came to a pit, almost crashed my sparrow but braked in time, lucky. I looked into the pit, had to be at least a mile deep, no way down. No stairs, no transmat pad, no cliffs and smooth all around. Like it wasnt a formation, but made.
Fortunately for guardians we can survive long drops, but even this would take some inginuety. I grabbed my knife, turned around so my back was facing the pit, my front the Earth on the horizon, and jumped into the chasm.
I flip myself around, plunge my knife into the rocky side of the pit and start sliding down. I get about halfway down until I realize the pits bottom was solid shut. I quickly jump off the side of the wall, holster my blade and take the rocket launcher off my back. I aim the missle at the bottom and pull the trigger, the projectile races down to the bottom and blasts a hole in the hard stone. I put my launcher back and ready my hand cannon.
I make it through the hole in the bottom and its pitch black, I send some solar light to my knife and use it to see. I hear them before I see them, Thrall, tons of them, they’re drawn to my light and the chittering is getting louder. I load my hand cannon and charge toward them. The bullets that exit the chamber echo in the cavern until they find their mark.
Eventually the wave of Thrall are strewn across the cave floor and im walking over the dead hive trying not to trip over them. I keep treking through the cave and eventually get to a large room with some light. I see three Wizards trying to summon something, I decide I don’t want to know what it is and take out my sniper. I land shots on the first and second but it didn’t seem to do much and the third is summoning Acolytes to chase after me. I switch back to my hand cannon and start firing. I jump up on a ledge and take out the first Wizard as it lets out a screech that makes me pull my cloak up over my head. When the screeching ends I focus on the Wizard sending Acolytes trying to shoot at me and screwing up my aim. I load my last rocket into my launcher and aim for the head scoring a direct hit.
I move down from my ledge and throw a grenade at the group of enemies eliminating two of three problems. Then I move onto the last Wizard trying to take out my sniper but he throws a cloud of poisonous gas and I have to stop to dodge it. Then I summon my Golden Gun, I put 3 rounds into his head and he goes down. Im about to move on until I hear a rumble. I turn around to see the biggest Hive Knight i had ever seen in books or on missions, standing in the middle of the summoning circle and it looked...dark....
...You still here?
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alyssa-ward · 6 years
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Alyssa stands on the drizzly streets of the ruins of Gilneas, wearing her long dark coat, a relic from home that she’s cared for ever since.  A hood up underneath it.  She fidgets with the dream catcher in her hands, the one she worked up the night before at camp of sticks and twine, just the way her mother taught her, so very many years ago.
She glances between her two companions, at Ranek, who in many ways seems lighter than she’s ever seen him.  Not even a day past they saw his old farmhouse, the first time he’s ever returned to this place.  He’s faced down his own demons, and come out the other side stronger.  And at Quinaeris, the Quel’dorei woman who has been such a comfort for both of them on this trip.  Who seems so unsuited to this place, but who has hardly complained in it all, there for those she travels with.
“Can I ‘ave a moment?”  She asks of them, pausing briefly to crouch down to her pair of stalkers that sit on their heels flanking her.  “You two stay with them.  Guard, alright?”  Not that there’s trouble to find here in the moment.
The Gilnean woman steps away from her group, moving up to a row of dilapidated and collapsed townhomes, damaged badly by fire in the fall.  She stops in front of one of them briefly.  Home.  For twenty one years of her life.  Then moves on, passing the row of homes to an alley that stretches off alongside them into the dark.
She pulls back her hood, letting her fiery locks tumble free as she starts down the alley, bringing up one hand and conjuring a ball of felfire into it to illuminate her surroundings in eerie green.
Dream catchers.
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Dozens of them hang along this alley, some fallen apart with age or weather, some looking fresher.  Some crafted with haste, some with time taken and detail.  Each and every one a marker of one of Alyssa’s past visits.  She works her way down the alley towards the dead end, the cobbles giving way to soft muddy earth from the water that manages to seep into here.  A pause, as she finds a place in the overlapping awnings to hang the new dream catcher, before turning her attention to a half fallen over wooden marker at the end of the alley.
Hand comes to her throat, clutching her mother’s wedding band that hangs about her neck in her palm, hard enough to feel the imprint it leaves.  “’ey mum,” she starts.
“It’s been awhile since I visited.”  She shifts, lowering to the ground to kneel on the muddy earth, unworried about the muck it gets on her pants as she settles before the makeshift memorial she made for her mother on one of her earliest trips into the city.  “I don’t even know where t’start catchin’ y’up on all o’it.”
A fond smile, “I guess I owe y’an apology first, f’taken so long but...I left finally.  It’s ‘ard t’let you go, t’let our ‘ome go, but it was time.  I know y’wouldn’t want me t’spend the rest o’my life wallowin’ in a ruined city pinin’ for somethin’ else.  Worse yet, t’die ‘ere t’the dangers left be’ind.  So I went t’Stormwind.”
She grins to herself, remembering how those first few days went, “I found Damien, e’s still alive, ‘e got out o’all this mess and mum, you would be so very proud of ‘im these days.  Y’know ‘ow ‘e always was.  Stickin’ up f’me, solvin’ every little problem I put m’self in.  Takin’ care o’the both o’us.  These days ‘e does that f’pretty much everyone.  ‘e’s a detective, ‘e finds those in need, ‘elps connect them with family again, find their lost connections, make their lives better.  And when the elves ‘o came t’elp Gilneas at its worst needed ‘elp, ‘e was right there off t’Kalimdor t’lend ‘is aid.”
A soft breath, a fond sigh, recalling it all.  The last eight months have been some of the best of her life, and no small part of it is in the people she surrounds herself with.  “I found father too o’course.  ‘e’s well, ‘e never remarried, ‘e still keeps y’picture on the mantle.  ‘e says I look a lot like you did when you were my age, says ‘e misses you, every day.”
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A hint of tears in her eyes, “As f’me, I’ve got steady work.  I ‘ave a cottage in Elwynn.  I make jewelry f’the rich, so, y’know, that apprenticeship y’badgered Mister Collins t’take me on for isn’t goin’ t’waste.  I ‘ave a pretty good reputation in Stormwind now, and even some business in Boralus.  Kul’tiras opened up again I guess, so, that at least feels a bit like home.  I’m doin’ well though.  My life is confusin’, and I wish you were ‘ere, because I know you’d ‘elp me make sense o’it all.  I miss you.”
She lets go of the ring, letting it fall back against her neck.  “I don’t know when I’ll be back.  It might be never, and I just want you t’know that if you’re lookin’ in on Damien and me still, we don’t ever forget you.  We love you, and we miss you.  Its time f’me t’stop lettin’ this place ‘old me though.”  Eyes turn up to look back over the dream catchers hung in the alley.  “Whatever life comes next.  I ‘ope you ‘ave good dreams.”
Alyssa pushes to her feet, hand squishing in mud for a moment as she looks down on her little memorial.  “Goodbye f’now mum.  I��‘ope I make you proud, I’m sure goin’ t’try.”
She turns away and walks back down the alley, letting the flame in her hand peter out, and pulling back up her hood as she comes back to her companions in the late afternoon drizzle.
“Thank you.  I think we can go now.”
(Mentions to @ranekvilmas; @beautiful-beacon; @dardillien-ward)
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dwightkschrute · 6 years
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In 2014 and 2015 I did a my year in review kind of thing where I, of course, reviewed it and accompanied it with a picture from that month. I somehow forgot to post 2016 (until now) and forgot to do it at all for 2017 but unfortunately, I am back with a really disappointing year. I was debating not putting myself through the legit pain of “reviewing” this year but I think of how I love going through my 2009-2010 posts and seeing how much I’ve grown so this is for you, successful and cooler future me.
2016 and 2017 were amazing but 2018 was my most promising year. My boyfriend and I were going to move in, I was going to start my dream job; everything was perfect. It definitely started out as one of the best years of my life! Then exactly halfway through the year everything changed and I was left having to pick up the pieces and completely restart, making it one of the worst years of my life.
I started January in Mexico, which was the best, but my family and I got home early in the month. I had quit my job the month before so I dedicated the entirety of this month to job hunting. Our friend (my bf’s bff who became mine and my brother’s bff early on)’s dad got a boat so it was like we got a boat too because despite the cold, we lived on it. (My boyfriend couldn’t go on the trip with us, which he was super bummed about (and that we had to spend like 10 days apart which was killer then), so he was the one to pick us up at the airport and he greeted me with a bouquet of flowers. Out of the many gifts/gestures he gave me, that was one of my favorites.)
February I started my amazing new job so life was back to 40 hour work weeks and not having much time for much else. I was always attached to the hip to my bf so almost every day after work entailed going out with him or having dinner with my family or his. That was my month. My favorite part of every February is Valentine’s Day and this one was as amazing as the rest. I don’t even have enough space (of the allotted space I give myself for each entry at least!) to describe that day. (My bf at our Valentine’s Day dinner. We finished our long day at this restaurant (so, so cool, once popular with Old Hollywood stars) on Hollywood Blvd and it was dreamy and romantic and amazing.) Oh man, I don’t have a lot of interesting things to say about March. Oh, my parents got Influenza (A/B/idk tbh), so it was two weeks of my brother, bf, and I taking care of them. My dad has a serious chronic disease so it was especially dangerous for him so it was a stressful time. Once we weren’t in hazmat suits anymore (no but really, we were gloved and double masked around them and kept them quarantined), I’d be at work or with my bf. I also started to get close with a co-worker, who I quickly became close friends with! (My bf’s two huskies. I’ve just loved that picture since I took it! I’ve never been loved by a dog more than the one in the back of this pic. Not even by my own! He has a special place in my heart.)
April was barbecues at my house or my bf’s, trying every brewery and bar around, hikes, bike rides, beach visits, baseball games, boat rides, late night cooking and baking. It was lots and lots of love and happiness and I would give absolutely anything to go back to those days. (My brother and bf grilling on Easter. This was a familiar scene, I have so many pictures of this exact scenario, yet looking at it just now made me so emotional! Stop! They’re just grilling!) May was so exciting! Very first day I got a new car! I was so happy! It was long overdue because my finicky, expensive Volkswagen had to go and I’d fallen in love with the new Honda Civic (I’ll admit I have basic taste but I don’t care!) so I finally bit the bullet and did it. This month my bf and I, after a long time of “oh wouldn’t it be nice!”, bit the bullet as well and decided to finally get serious about finding a place together. So the apartment search started, but we soon realized our home, Orange County, was super expensive. My bf, in that “ha ha jk but I’m down if you are” way, suggested we pick up and move to Oregon and I immediately agreed. It just felt right and despite us being the most careful and non-spontaneous people ever, we decided to do it! So we began to research, look for apartments but most importantly, jobs. (My car the day I took it home!)
Uhhhhhh, well, June hurts to think about! We went to visit Portland, where we decided we���d want to live because that’s where the jobs were, on a quick trip since it was strictly “business.” Portland was everything I imagined and more. We loved it and I think we loved playing house in our airbnb more than anything about the city. Back in LAX we came to the easy conclusion that though we lived Portland, that’d require a lot and for our first time moving out we’d like to stay close to home and above anything else, we just wanted to live together as soon as possible. We immediately started to look for places in LA, we spent the month apartment hunting, and towards the end of it, decided on one we really liked, one he begged me to please say yes to so we can move in already. I was so, so, so happy this month but what made me happier was seeing my bf, I swear, even happier than me. I seriously felt unstoppable and was beyond excited for our future. (I had a lot of Portland pictures to choose from but my bf and I liked this one because it reminded us of Always Sunny for some reason.)
In July, everything changed. To start, I left my job. I thought, new chapter in my life, new job coming, I’ll live really far, I should leave now. So I did. My last day was an emotional day because I loved my job so much and every single person I worked with. That very same day, my bf and I broke up. For unrelated reasons to my last day, to our moving in, to our relationship, etc. We had an amazing, amazing relationship but he has a lot of demons and issues/insecurities he has to deal with and conquer, and though I was aware and was there for him and would continue to be by his side no matter what, he decided that this was a battle he had to handle by himself and I figure before he got into a more committed situation. It didn’t have to happen, though. I hadn’t talked about the specifics of the breakup on my blog so  sorry for changing the mood of the post, but yeah, July happened and it felt like my world stopped. Really regret quitting my job now, huh? I was hit by two huge losses and changes right at the same time.  (I took this on my friend’s boat 20 tequila shots in, drunk and sad as fuck. Not to get fake deep but how sad. Literally on a boat, beautiful sunset, would rather die.)
August was a blur and I’m still not convinced I didn’t just dream it. God, alright, here we go, the rest of the year is a mess so get ready. I fell into a deep depression fast. It also didn’t help that my dad had to start getting radiation/infusions for his illness shortly after the breakup. I couldn’t believe how much my life had changed. I started dating someone else and then I dated another guy shortly after. I wanted to replace and/or forget and I really thought that’d be the solution. I was miserable when I was with them. I took absolutely any opportunity to get really drunk or high, and the opportunity came often so I spent most of my days desperately trying to not feel anything. The only time I’d feel okay was when I was extremely high and I couldn’t even think. Since I had a lot of savings for my out of state move, I had a lot of money to blow, which I did. I realized I even liked the feeling of the temporary “high” of spending a lot and receiving the stuff. I’d hang out with any friend who offered (out of boredom? loneliness?) and even ended up on a mess of a Vegas trip. Worst month ever. Maybe. (Here’s a positive! I like that bathing suit and my tiddie looks so round!)
When September came I realized two months had passed and all I had done was be a huge depressed mess. I no joke forgot about work. I just straight up forgot. I started to look for a new job, which hurt me so bad because I had to face the fact that it wouldn’t be my Cool LA Dream Job anymore. I stopped dating. Most importantly, I completely stopped drinking and smoking because it’d almost always make me sadder but also it scared me that I had no self control nor did I care. I saw a whole lot of my close friends and they, along with my immediate family, kept me afloat this month because time felt like it was going so fast. I couldn’t believe that at a blink of an eye it was night again and then a new day. Time had no mercy for me, please let me hold on. (Me at a baseball game. Tbh I’m looking at this thinking, did this really happen?)
October started out nice because my best friend of years, who I unfortunately had a falling out with three years ago, reached out to me. I’ll always give her all of the credit for doing that. I can’t begin to explain what this meant to me. It was a nice, bright shine of light that managed to shine through the dark clouds. Having my best friend is exactly what I needed. I’m a big believer in the universe acting in mysterious ways and though I had grown disappointed in its little surprise for me lately, this was the kind I always appreciate. I spent a good part of that month with her, catching up and doing things just like we did back then. It was like nothing had changed. That’s all I remember about this month, and a super fun Halloween! That day was probably one of the best days in months. (My best friend Rylee and me the first time seeing each other in 3 years. We’ve had our blogs for 8-9 years so please follow her for quality content)
November was rough. I was frustrated because surely things should had been better by then. I was still feeling so low, I was going to job interviews to no avail, I “relapsed” and had a high/drunk off my ass on a boat messy moment.. To make matters worse, I accidentally drove up on a cement divider in a parking lot and my airbags deploy, which is so expensive to fix, so my car was out of commission for a month. Then I got so sick and I rarely ever get a small cold. I seriously felt like I was cursed, even the smallest thing felt like an insult towards me. The one good thing is that since July I had been forcing myself to go to the gym five times a week. My mom said exercising was the only thing that’d help her feel that sweet release of seretonin, endorphins, dopamine, and all that good stuff when she was depressed so, though I enjoyed going to the gym before, I did it just for that reason alone. It worked and as another result I got like pretty fucking fit. Revenge body, you’re one of the few good things in my life right now. (I literally had no idea what to choose so I said fine, here’s a pic of the scene of the crime. Whatever.)
In December I turned 26. Which I hate, naturally. I went to a million more job interviews. I’m seriously so embarrassed to admit that but whatever, it’s the truth. (I have a degree, experience, and an awesome cover letter..I’ll keep blaming the curse!) What kept me sane was that we had different family members visiting from the very beginning of the month. Playing with an energetic, adorable baby kept me distracted and happy. Having so much company around also distracted me (slightly, but it helped!) from the fact that the holidays and my birthday would be quite different now. I’m one of those annoying Christmas lovers, usually at least. This year everything just happened and I didn’t care. But I survived December! (I don’t care. This is the appropriate representation of 2018 and how I feel at the end of it.)
Jesus if you’ve read all of this.. I’m sorry you had to read about the mess of my year but really more like the mess that is ME. Yknow those like “people my age I went to HS with vs me” memes? I seriously went from being that bitch with a good paying job, brand new car, a serious, great relationship with a promising future together (Like. We would color coordinate outfits! LMAO. We would have dinners with both of our families together. We were obsessed with each other. You’d roll your eyes if you saw any of this. I can’t get over how perfect we were, it’s hilarious what happened to us.) and then at the blink of an eye I went to not having absolutely any of that, casually dating (something I’d NEVER done) anyone who resembled my ex and sadly and drunkenly puking off the side of a pier. Who is she? I don’t know, I got whiplash. (Queen of parentheses and side notes, I know. But another thing about me is... I’ve never been affected by people leaving my life. I’m used to it. I’ve never been anywhere as affected as I was when my ex and I broke up. This isn’t normal for me, my ENTJ/Capricorn ass doesn’t know what this feeling is.)
Please curse that has been put on me, release me. Whoever is attacking my voodoo doll, calm down! Please! I’ve gone through enough sadness and loss. If 2019 is even slightly as bad, I’m going to be like that pigeon I reblogged the other day that’s like “fuck this I’m just going to sit here.” I can’t even make a cute but corny, hopeful “hope 2019 is great!” comment. I’m literally begging you...pleading you... I don’t believe in karma but after all of this shit, I better have something much better in stock for me. “Good things are coming!” I fucking hope so. Like, I’ll be even more annoying right now and say that it’s not fair that I didn’t get to have the future I was about to have. I don’t care about any cliche you may have for me. One door closes, everything happens for a reason, God has a plan, etc. No. Why did all of this have to happen? What can be better than the future I was going to have? I felt so unlucky. It all feels like a nightmare and I’m just waiting to feel whole again. Oh shit I got really intense. I know I’ll get over it and life will be good again eventually but for now, I am still so mad. I would have never in a million years guessed this is how my 2018 would go. 
So fine, I’ve accepted things now, so now I’m impatient and say please prove me wrong, 2019. I’m THREATENING you to be amazing!
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jigsisanalien · 3 years
Why do i agree to the same shit knowing the outcome will be the same?
I keep complaining that whenever i go out with my friend, go out of my way to drive, waste gas to go to this places just to take pictures because she doesnt want to do anything else. I always think we will go and at least sit down for a while to have a coffee and a convo, then take pictures, but nope. The last time was literally the last drop, i went to a place really far away because first i havent gone there, plus it would be fun.
Well, I wanted to have a sit and eat something but she wouldnt budge, she just wanted to take pictures and you can barely see the place, i literally spend gas on it, she didnt payed shit btw or even offered, just wanted to go because "our city was staled" for her, i went the whole day just taking pictures of her, while on hunger, then when i told her i needed to go because i had stuff to do (i warned her previously), she wouldnt budge, she continued to do so, then i told her i was getting worse(i was already with a cold and it was windy cold as hell), still she wouldnt budge, i ended up not doing anything else since i got home late.
Plus also the fact that she keeps bringing up our oldest mutual friend (and our past with her) who was toxic and triggers the shit out of me and i never know what to talk to her.
This time around, i told her to chose something nearby, like 10km tops, since i already had to drive to her place which is quite far, and low and behold, she shows me a city an hour away, i was like "is she for real?" my dumb self actually said yes because i actually go there for my tattoos but from my house there is not that far, and i actually wanted to explore that place better so why not.
Then a couple of days before, she tells me shes going to be at her bf, i didnt think at first so i said sure...then on the day before i went to check and literally i had to go way back then forward, the whole trip was exactly the same as visiting my nana, literally 85km away...which 30km of it was a back and forward, with that i would need to spend a dime on gas, once again i never heard her offering for it at all. I was like, hell to the no, if it was at least from her house i would think twice, but riding for 40min just to pick her up, hell to the nope.
She was pissed, i told her at least around our city, for crying out loud im not a photographer but you can take any picture in any place and look good, she just doesnt want to have something so visibly like our city, its an absurd. At least i was able to convince her.
Well next day, my sister asked me to go with her, she doesnt leave the house at all, plus it was my bils bday the next day and we needed to prepare a few last things, also my nephew wasnt going to school because he was sick, so they definitely needed to leave the house. I tried to tell her but she doesnt understand, she was like "oh just because your sister left everything for the last minute you need to go", i mean, i feel bad changing plans at last minute, but fuck she doesnt help at all, she doesnt understand my sisters situation either what she does, we are fucking adults, we dont have time to just go out like that just to take pictures, my time is very precious and i much rather spend it with my family, for that reason i dont tell people when i have a day off sometimes, i just want to rest and spend it with my family, plus do what i need to do relaxed, not rushing to go through, going out, driving for km just to "work" isnt technically a resting day for me.
She just cant graspt at the idea, shes unemployed and has made no effort to get a job because "every job requires to work on a saturday and thats the day im with my bf", my sister barely leaves the house because bil is always working, im grasping for a couple of days off so i can be with my so, and shes here complaining because god forbids shes not with her bf on a saturday and cant definitly change plans....
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