lookbluesoup · 1 year
71. Who can rap better?
You can answer for anyone, but I'd love to know about Piper and Nate!
Thanks so much for the ask and the excuse to draw these two again! :D I've missed them!
I'm not sure about rap, though Nate's propensity for tongue twisters and smart mouth would probably make him pretty good at it!
He is really good at tongue twisters. Insanely good. Piper's competitive enough and she's getting better, and the two of them can probably outspeak about anyone else in Boston, but it's still no contest. Not yet, anyway.
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OTP Questions
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homeosloven · 2 years
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Our justice minister is such a giantess that people TWO STEPS above are still slightly shorter than her
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peterjancic · 1 year
POP TV: Golobu se je druženje z Jankovićem in Kučanom splačalo, bolj popularna tudi Švarc Pipanova
Precejšen skok popularnosti Svobode Roberta Goloba je pokazala raziskave Mediane, rezultate je sinoči objavil POP TV. To najbrž kaže, da so bila javna druženja Goloba z Zoranom Jankovićem in Milanom Kučanom in ideološki boji, ki jih je vlada sprožala za obrambo prejšnjega nedemokratičnega sistema, med volivci bolj na levi dobro sprejeti. Svobodo bi, če upoštevamo le za stranke opredeljene…
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vulgaren · 1 year
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kattahj · 2 years
Hjalmar Gullberg, Förklädd Gud/Disguised God (VI/IX)
I was so disappointed with the last couple of verses in John Hearne’s translation that I looked up my old CD leaflet, which has another (unsigned) translation. So that’s the one I’m using today! And since I like yesterday’s part better in that translation as well, I’m reposting that in this other version. Going forward, I will do a comparison each verse to see which translation I like best!
Vad faller över träden för silverglans, vid pipans bröllopskväden och djurens dans?
Vad är det för ett rike han kommer från, han som ej är vår like, men blott ett lån?
Erinrar han sig, fången vid äng och vik, en värld som är förgången, en glömd musik?
Erinrar han sig lyra och jungfrukör, ett liv av helig yra, som aldrig dör?
Now blessed be Thessalia’s lord within whose courts we toil. When cock-crow summons him abroad he is on hallowed soil.
For he who dwells with hinds in stall, whose common fare he shares, has moon for sister, sun at call, and walks among the stars.
What woodland is transmuted in radiance, as wedding-songs are fluted, and creatures dance?
From out what unknown portal took he his way, who is not as a mortal, nor come to stay?
Does he remember, banished by mead and shore a world of music vanished and known no more?
Does he recall the singing, the virgin choir, the ecstasy outwinging a deathless lyre?
Today I listened to a bunch of different sopranos and opted for Hillevi Martinpelto, who I think had softer high notes than the others! With the Gustaf Sjökvist Chamber Choir and the Stockholm Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Music as always by Lars-Erik Larsson.
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starerazglednice · 9 days
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Brata Franc in Valentin Pipan, Šmartno pod Šmarno goro
Na vse večji pritisk nemških in italijanskih društev na Slovence, zlasti na obmejnem področju, je maja 1910 v Ljubljani prišlo do ustanovitve narodno obrambnega društva Slovenska straža z namenom zaščite pred vse hujšimi pritiski potujčevanja. Cilj društva je bil pridobiti katoliško opredeljene Slovence v avstrijski monarhiji in tako zajeti najširši krog naroda. Do začetka 1. svetovne vojne je Slovenska straža imela že 220 podružnic. Leta 1910 je bila podružnica ustanovljena tudi v Šmartnu pod Šmarno goro, kjer je od 1908 delovalo Slovensko katoliško izobraževalno društvo, ki je prirejalo igre in imelo odsek telovadnega društva Orel. V društvenem življenju domačega kraja in tudi širše sta bila zelo dejavna brata Pipan, p. d. Turkova. Franc Pipan (1889 -1915) je nastopal kot odličen telovadec društva Orel in igralec v igrah katere je prirejalo domače izobraževalno društvo. Bil je tudi odbornik Slovenske straže in njen tajnik. Valentin Pipan (1891-1914) je bil predsednik Slovenskega katoliškega izobraževalnega društva Kres v Gradcu in načelnik tamkajšnega društva Orel. Žal pa je bila njuna življenjska pot kratka kot številnih mladih tega časa. Oba sta kot avstrijska vojaka padla na vzhodnem bojišču. Valentin je padel zadnje dni decembra 1914 pri Przemyslu, Franc pa maja 1915, kot vojak 7. lovskega bataljona ob reki Dnjester. Na poslani razglednici društva Orel v Šmartnu pod Šmarno goro z dne 3. 8. 1914, stojita v zadnji vrsti. Med zbranimi člani društva Orel je bil župnik Janez Lesar (1861-1948), ki je v Šmartnu deloval od 1905 do 1948. Rojstne hiše obeh bratov na kateri je bila v steno vzidana spominska plošča danes žal ni več.
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forislynx · 2 months
Människor i mitt liv är som tuvor, de som har funnits och de som fortfarande finns, nej, jag är en tuva hopsatt av stråna efter dem jag bär med mig, mor med pipan, far med ilskan och sångerna, det är en märklig tanke att de inte längre finns ...
Ingeborg Arvola, Kniven i elden
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raducotarcea · 4 months
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primaryhealthlinks · 5 months
Walk-In Drive @ Amneal Pharma, SEZ, Matoda Plant | 17thDec'23 (Sunday)
Walk-in Drive @ Amneal Pharma, SEZ- Matoda Plant for Production department (Injectable/ Parenteral) on 17th Dec, 2023 (Sunday)We are looking for suitable candidates for INJECTABLE / PARENTERAL units for1) SEZ MATODA PLANT, AHMEDABAD2) PIPAN-SANAND PLANT, AHMEDABAD3) PALLI, SACHANA PLANT, AHMEDABADInterview Venue Details:Date : 17th Dec’2023 (Sunday)Time : 9:00 am to 2:00 pmVenue : Amneal…
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sonicboooom · 5 months
Tur att min katt Alice inte gillar granar trots att jag alltid har en riktig...annars hade det gått helt åt pipan!...bruh!:)))
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globalmediaplanet · 8 months
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lookbluesoup · 2 years
amazing how I can spend the day feeling frustrated and unfocused and borderline overstimulated. Finally put some jazz music on and let myself daydream about Piper and Nate just, living their lives, dancing, readying the next paper for print. Being happy and fulfilled
Instant calm.
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lamilanomagazine · 8 months
TRIESTE NEXT 2023: Inaugurato oggi il Festival della ricerca e della divulgazione scientifica
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TRIESTE NEXT 2023: Inaugurato oggi il Festival della ricerca e della divulgazione scientifica. Taglio del nastro per TRIESTE NEXT 2023, il Festival della Ricerca e della divulgazione scientifica, alla presenza dell'assessore alle Politiche dell’Educazione e della Famiglia, Maurizio De Blasio, del rettore dell’Università di Trieste, Roberto Di Lenarda, del direttore di Trieste Next, Antonio Maconi, del presidente Area Science Park, Caterina Petrillo, del direttore della Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA), Andrea Romanin, di Michele Pipan dell'Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS, del presidente Fondazione Internazionale Trieste, Stefano Fantoni. A introdurre gli interventi l'assessore comunale alle Politiche dell’Educazione e della Famiglia, Maurizio De Blasio “E' un piacere inaugurare Trieste Next e vedere tanto entusiasmo. Il mio auspicio è che tutti comprendano l'importanza della ricerca e della divulgazione scientifica, perché la scienza può contribuire a formare una cittadinanza più matura e consapevole”. L'assessore Maurizio De Blasio ha concluso augurando a tutti una buona permanenza tra gli stand e ringraziando tutti coloro che hanno lavorato alla riuscita dell'evento. Il festival della ricerca scientifica si svolge da oggi fino al 24 settembre e il titolo di questa edizione è “Un mondo nuovo. Scienza, cultura e innovazione per un futuro sostenibile” a cui partecipano 300 grandi nomi tra scienziati e umanisti provenienti dall'Italia e dal mondo, 100 gli eventi in programma, 65 attività per le scuole, 45 spazi espositivi in piazza Unità. Diversi saranno i temi trattati accomunati dal filo conduttore della sostenibilità. Inoltre, durante Trieste Next sarà annunciato e premiato il libro vincitore della prima edizione del premio Science Book of the Year. Il calendario completo della manifestazione è disponibile sul sito di Trieste Next (www.triestenext.it), dove saranno a disposizione anche la lista completa di relatori e relatrici e le relative biografie.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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korrektheiten · 8 months
Sloweniens Regierung entschuldigt sich bei Bürgern für Corona-Unrecht und erstattet alle Strafen zurück
Norbert Häring: »22. 09. 2023 | Das Parlament des sozialdemokratisch regierten Sloweniens hat ein Amnestiegesetz erlassen, wonach alle Strafen wegen Verstößen gegen Corona-Maßnahmen rückerstattet und entsprechende Einträge getilgt werden. Die Justizministerin entschuldigte sich bei den Bürgern für den Missbrauch des Strafrechts. Nach einem Bericht der österreichischen Kronen-Zeitng sagte die sozialdemokratische Justizministerin Dominika Svarc Pipan bei einer Parlamentsanhörung, […] http://dlvr.it/SwSdzD «
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moss--creature · 10 months
"Kan du förstå, att det finns något som det här stället. Med blå sjöar, som solen lyser på och glittrar på och dansar på, och ut över vattnet stå flammande träd och spegla sig – aspar och björkar som eldslågor, och vassar, som susa. Som stå och susa alldeles för sig själva och låtsas, att det är vind. Men det är ingen vind. Röken går rätt upp från skorstenen och bara darrar i små, små böjningar intill pipan, innan den stället sig rakt mot himlen. Jag skulle vilja vara en rök, som steg mot himlen i dag – steg och steg, tills den med ett är borta, tills den är upplöst i allt det blå och gyllene däruppe. Eller jag skulle vilja vara ett strå i vassen, ett guldstrå bland de andra och susa med dem. Eller ett rött aspblad i skalv över vattnet. Eller en sten, eller lite mossa, eller vad som helst – bara jag hörde till."
Nordström, Ester Blenda. Patron förlovar sig. 1933. Print.
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Gender-based violence against older women remains largely a taboo subject as the gender aspects of elder abuse and violence against older persons are too often obscured. Older women are not a monolithic group, but rather include women from all countries, ethnicities, sexualities, gender identities, professions, and health and socio-economic statuses. Those from marginalized populations continue to be at greater or unique risks for violence throughout their lifespan, including in older age. An expert panel will provide updates on combatting violence against older women policies. The #event will be held in hybrid mode (in person and on Webex platform).
Opening remarks:
- Ambassador Federico Villegas, Permanent Representative of the Argentine Republic to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva
Panel speakers:
- Claudia Mahler, Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons
- Todd Howland, Chief of the Development and Economic and Social Issues Branch, OHCHR
- Claudia Garcia Moreno, Head of Unit on Addressing vulnerable populations, World Health Organization (WHO)
- Elizabeth Broderick, Expert of the UN Working Group on discrimination against women and girls
- Silvia Perel-Levin, The International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) (INPEA)
Closing remarks by Ambassador Anita Pipan, Representative of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Slovenia to the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva.
Monica Ferro, Director of the UNFPA Office in Geneva;
The World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is observed on 15 June. It was officially recognized by the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution 66/127 in 2011, following a request by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA), who first established the commemoration in 2006.
The event is co-organized by Missions of Slovenia and Argentina in Geneva, International Network for the Prevention of Elder
Abuse, NGO Committee on Ageing, UN Decade on Healthy Ageing, UNFPA, WHO and OHCHR Special Procedures Branch.
The event is cosponsored by Missions of Permanent Mission of Austria to the UN - Vienna, Permanent Mission of Brazil, Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic to the United Nations, Permanent Mission of Serbia and Montenegro, the Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the United Nations, and Uruguay mission in Geneva,
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