#i think pre-canon is the funniest option
hauntedarbys · 2 months
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rooolt · 3 months
In-Depth Rant About Possible Scamster Relationship Timelines Because They Plague Me
okay so! Scamster relationship timeline has been something I’ve tried to puzzle out since episode 23 dropped because the everything about it was so absurdly captivating and Anthony just dropped it and gave us nothing. So originally (and I think I’ve talked abt this before) I had perceived the timeline thusly:
we know for a fact they are together in the flashback in Alright which based on Anthony’s description of the teens most likely takes place a couple of years after s1 bc the kiddads are all still teens. I think 3 years is a reasonable estimate bc if you see the oldest kiddad in s1 as being max 14, that would leave them at 17. I’d say minimum two years and maximum five. Now, there is no way of knowing how long the two of them have been together by the time this flashback is occurring. I think it may be reasonable to assume that it’s relatively new as we know Morgan was still with Jodie in the finale and presumably had to experience some amount of time being together with him to want to leave him. Additionally, the way they talk to each other gives very much “honeymoon phase” energy, not that that’s concrete evidence, but still. Now with the information we were operating under for a large portion of s2, (probably up until episode 45ish if I remember correctly) scam and Jodie were Hermie’s parents, and scam left Jodie pretty immediately after Hermie was born. Working under that assumption, and the long held assumption that Hermie was 15, this would place them as having been in a relationship for about five to seven years (s2 takes place 25 years after season one, meaning Hermie (if he was actually 15) would’ve been born 10 years after season one and if they had been dating starting anywhere from three to five years after season one, there’s the math) WHICH IS A BIG NUMBER. And for a while that was crazy to me, that plagued me right I thought about that all the time.
AND THEN Anthony Burch dropped a piece of information that SHATTERED MY WORLDVIEW. Hermie the unworthy is not a person (or demon scam creature) he’s just a scam and he’s AT MOST like three years old. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR THE SCAMSTER TIMELINE!!! Here’s the thing. There is nothing Anthony Burch can say that will fully retcon Hermie in my mind as not Jodie’s son. It comes up so much, Jodie sees him that way, literally claims he was “scammed out of a son”, Hermie and Taylor are referred to as related multiple times, there’s nothing you can do to retcon that. Therefore, despite being a creation of scam, Hermie is still technically Jodie’s son. What do I mean by that? Personally, I like to think that whilst creating Hermie, scam knew that it takes two parents to make a child and thus pulled “dna” (I assume it’s like magic bc neither of them are human) from both himself and Jodie, either because that was the last long running relationship he was in, or because it was the funniest option. This, I think, leaves us with two possible options for the scamster timeline.
Original scamster timeline is correct/they broke up sometime earlier, but then three years pre-canon scam likely decided it would be fun to make a kid but didn’t want to deal with baby stuff so he pulled stuff from himself and Jodie to make like a 12 year old and then when he got bored of it not only did he implant fake memories into both hermie and his adoptive parents, but also within Jodie, making him believe that they had a son together 12 years ago but scam ran away with him, breaking up with Jodie in the process
scam and Jodie had actually been together for almost 20 years straight and Jodie was aware of, and maybe even excited about, the kid scam was making, but then scam just immediately whisked him away, implanting him within a mortal family. The reason I say they stayed together instead of breaking up and getting back together is the way jodie talks abt it, it seems as though he was blindsided by scam leaving him. This is obviously the less likely (ha!) option, but I think definitely still a possibility
n e ways, I’ve most definitely considered this in far more depth than either Anthony Burch or Jimmy Wong have, but there is something deeply wrong with me and they plague me.et me know if you have further thoughts or evidence suggesting a more canonical scamster timeline.
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tiredspacedragon · 3 years
Some thoughts on Ga-Koro:
- This village is small. Like really small. Obviously that's not canon; there are supposed to be over a hundred Matoran living in every village; but it does make you think about how much of the villages we don't see. Like we have this very clear image of what pre-Bohrok Ga-Koro looked like. We know how many huts there were and which ones connected to which, and what was in each one. But really the actual village would have looked nothing like this. Parts of it would have looked similar, like I'm sure the amphitheatre would still be there, and the boat launch, and Nokama's hut in the middle, but there would also be so much more. Okoth's shop would be somewhere, Hahli and Amaya's huts, the rest of Marka's shipyards, and more than we can imagine. And the same would be true of every village. Just some food for thought...
- The Gali vs. Tarakava cutscene is pure, raw, unadulterated cool. My instinctual reaction is to say it's one of the coolest scenes in the whole game, and it may well be, but there's still plenty of cool left to come, so maybe I'm judging too quickly.
- Yup, Peri has ruined me. That Tarakava is Kiriri now. He's adorable, I love him, and he and Kotu remained best friends forever even on Spherus Magna. You cannot change my mind.
- Also, yeah, for anyone who didn't know, the Pakari-wearing Ga-Matoran tending to Kiriri in the un-sunken hut is supposed to be Kotu. The more you know.
- Do I even need to say who I'm talking about when I say "love is canon" at this point? The poster literally says "To Maku, with lots of love, from Huki." Like? 💙🤎💙🤎💙🤎
- Nokama with her framed fish
- So Maku spies on Huki. This creates a number of possibilities: either 1) Nokama does not know Huki and Maku are good friends (good enough for that poster anyway) and assumes Maku is spying on him, 2) Huki and Maku are deliberately keeping their friendship a secret, or 3) Maku does spy on Huki, but she's so terrible at it that the two have wound up close friends. Given that she wears a Huna, the latter is by far the funniest and most ironic option
- What is with all these weird water contraptions? All the glass vials and shells that pour water into each other. Do they do anything?
- Nixie, you lovable grump. Are you sure you're not part Ko-Matoran?
- I have to wonder what the Red Star was originally planned to be, if anything. It's one of the most fascinating aspects of the lore, and it just feels like it could be a never-ending font of mystery and story developments. And yeah, now we know about the whole zombie factory function, but why leave it there? Here, have a headcanon: Pohatu and Kopaka eventually figure out how to disable the Star. No more revivals, and everyone is evacuated. The Kestora are either imprisoned or put to work on something else, and those who were revived without their souls are finally laid to rest. But, for an unknown reason, the Red Star keeps flying. Its supposed primary function is disabled, and the Great Spirit Robot no longer functions, but the Star continues its journey across the sky, as if it still has a purpose, or purposes...
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 204: Chintetsu
Previously on BnHA: Shouto left Endeavor on read. Team TodoIidaShoujiRo attacked Team TetsuHonePonySen head-on, hitting them with a wave of ice and freezing them all in place. But it turns out Honenuki’s quicksand quirk is actually a “softening” quirk which can soften anything he touches. He used that to melt the ice to allow his teammates to escape. It also turns out that he had pre-treated some of the surrounding area with his quirk, and Ojiro and Iida came crashing down from their hiding spots shortly after as the softened ground gave way beneath them. Sen attacked Ojiro with his drill quirk while Pony took on Shouji. Meanwhile Tetsu went for Shouto, realizing a direct attack was his best bet. And Honenuki trapped Iida under a layer of the softened ice, but then made the mistake of rehardening it, intending to keep him stuck in place. Instead, Iida blasted free with his Recipro, revealing that he’s built up his endurance to the special move. So now we’ll see if he can take Honenuki down.
Today on BnHA: We get a wholesome Iida flashback to when Tensei explained how to upgrade his Recipro by -- wait, what? Mutilating his own fucking leg?! Holy shit. That’s not wholesome at all. What the fuck. But anyway, it worked I guess because back in the present day Iida is zipping along at speeds faster than Gran fucking Torino, and he’s able to maintain this speed for up to ten whole minutes. The only downside is that he can’t fully control himself because he’s so goddamn fast and so he keeps skidding around. Anyway, so Honenuki is like “nope” and gets the fuck out of there. Meanwhile Sen continues to whoop Ojiro’s ass, but then Iida shows up to save him so yay. Elsewhere the Tetsuroki fight has heated up, quite literally, as Todoroki activates his left side to create a wall of fire, and Tetsutetsu proceeds to walk right through it and attack Shouto as a red hot steel man. Shouto thinks back to his dad’s training and decides that the solution to this is clearly to make shit even hotter, so he starts up with that, and the chapter ends.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my mostly-unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’m caught up with the manga now at chapter 223, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
ohhh my god
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but seriously though. also he’s supposed to be rich too isn’t he? c’mon
also! Iidamom looks exactly like I expected her to. welcome to our canon full of other awesome moms, Iidamom! a few more moms and I’ll be ready to do a top ten moms post. spoiler alert, the winner is not who you’d expect (unless you’re expecting Aizawa, because then you’re absolutely right)
anyways so I got SUPER distracted just now but apparently Tensei is talking about “tuning up” Iida’s engine!
wow can they do that?? fucking quirks, though. wild
oh my fucking god
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just yank that fucking muffler right the fuck out. and a new one will grow in!! fucking QUIRKS, though. WILD
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just yank that fucking muffler right the fuck out without anesthesia. what are you, a pussy!?
gee thanks Horikoshi for this graphic image of Iida biting down on something while he uses his bare hands to yank what are essentially bones -- or organs, or whatever! the point is they’re part of him! -- right out of his fucking body. might wanna add some vodka to that OJ tonight Iida
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okay maybe I got a little overexcited. but damn though!
so he’s DRRNing over to Honenuki and
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oh my god
loool at the thought of Iida zooming around wildly for the next ten minutes while he tries to figure out how to stop this thing, and meanwhile Honenuki can’t land a hit on him though
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oh fuck
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can he breathe under there? you know, depending on how long they still have until time runs out, he could just hide for the next ten minutes and then emerge and drag the paralyzed Iida to Rat Principal Jail
(ETA: actually that was a stupid thought. obviously Iida doesn’t have to keep Recipro activated the whole time if there’s no need to.)
but no, he’s swimming back to Tetsu and the others for now
meanwhile Iida’s still up top and trying to figure out what he’s up to
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maybe you should do the same
holy shit we’re cutting back to the kids outside and Deku says Iida’s even faster than Gran Torino
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“by a long shot.” that’s fucking fast. and I love it
by the way, with the way Mina was pointing, I thought, “oh, maybe Ojiro’s finally getting the upper hand!”
but no
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Horikoshi why do you hate poor Ojiro
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it’s probably the pain of this guy kicking you in the chest with his rotating fucking foot
so he’s trying to figure out what to do because he can’t really attack, and he keeps getting hurt whenever he tries to guard
oh hey there
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trying to decide if I’m disappointed that Ojiro will never get to do anything cool, or ecstatic that Iida fucking Tenya just pulled off a badass save of this caliber
leaning more toward ecstatic, honestly. sorry Ojiro
oh, Iida
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nice use of the word “forthwith”, Iida
(ETA: and nice use of the word “slammer”!!)
and now he’s telling Ojiro to go help Todoroki and that he’ll be right back
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well I guess class 1-A will need some sidekicks too
meanwhile we’re sticking with Iida, which means I’m going to keep right on posting all of his panels, because his dialogue honestly deserves a fucking pulitzer prize
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never, Sen!
Sen’s trying to reason his way out of this and telling Iida that he shouldn’t let Honenuki get away because he’s more of a threat
and he’s also grumping about Iida interrupting his and Ojiro’s fight. “you shouldn’t interrupt a one-on-one fistfight like that”
um, says who? fuck that. we’re trying to win here, we can make friends after
Iida says if he allows his will to be bent here, it will be bent in the real world as well
basically he’s treating this seriously. well, good
meanwhile! we’re cutting back to two minutes prior!
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I guess Tetsu’s best option is to somehow knock him out. but the problem is that Shouto’s reflexes are too good and he can create an ice barrier in an instant
I think Tetsu’s steel would allow him to withstand Shouto’s fire long enough to punch him on his left side, though, so that would be my personal strategy if it were me
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A+ attack name. Shouto I’m sorry, I love you, but if I’m being honest I’m rooting for this guy here
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so you think he should try the fire instead? I’m not so sure that’s the best play in this case though. at least with the ice he has better control and he can hold him at bay. I just don’t think the fire would be that effective against Tetsu, but I’m sure we’ll find out shortly
because Tetsu’s bragging about how easily he can break through Shouto’s ice defense
ah here we go
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for some reason Bakugou actually wanted to go up against this. still don’t quite understand it. my baby boy got a death wish
lol Pony’s running off. honestly a miracle she wasn’t incinerated just now
Shouto’s yelling at Shouji to go after her and Shouji’s all “got it”
yeah I’m thinking my initial assessment was right and this was indeed a mistake
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fucking great. now you’ve got a molten steel man after your ass, Shouto
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holy fucking shit. just in case anyone isn’t aware, “chinchin” means “penis” usually. so yeah
and I fucking love that here he’s using it to mean “hot”, but it could also be a throwback to the whole “five peepee man” thing, which he doesn’t actually know about but I do, and so to me this is the funniest thing ever okay
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I have no further comment
oh fuck
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no but as you can plainly see he is no stranger to burns, so please try not to maim him too badly...!?
lol Vlad has started narrating again. no doubt elated that his team is somehow eking out a win in what initially appeared to be the most one-sided matchup we were going to see today
uh oh but now it looks like Tetsu may have accidentally triggered the quirk development that Endeavor was trying to trigger but couldn’t because Shouto won’t return his damn texts
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before I continue to the next and presumably final page of this chapter, I’m just gonna take a moment here to appreciate the irony of Endeavor accidentally conditioning Shouto to never listen to him ever, even on the occasions where it turns out he’s right. he spent years trying to get Shouto to use his flame side, but failed utterly, and then in the span of one fight Deku did what Endeavor had spent Shouto’s whole life trying to get him to do
and now it’s happening again here, where we see that Endeavor was once again trying to teach him something, but Shouto just ignored him until a random kid from the class next door just happened to say something similar. and then it clicked
like, it’s a major burn on Endeavor (no pun intended), but it’s also really unfortunate for Shouto, because his dad has been such a prick until recently that he’s missed out on absorbing the few worthwhile things he actually had to teach him. lot of lost time to make up for here, on both sides
anyways, let’s watch as Shouto slowly processes all this
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well I assume (a) because of the “surpassing my limits” thing, and (b) because he’s been texting you nonstop and it was probably on your mind even though you were stubbornly trying to pretend it wasn’t
lol what kind of cliffhanger is this??
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he’s not even doing anything! come on Shouto what are you doing to us. this isn’t fair
also, what happened to your hand? why is it all smooth. I assume because of some fire bullshit you’re about to do, but that’s still just weird looking
oh and on the last page there’s a long translator note explaining what I mentioned before about “chinchin” meaning penis. sometimes on select occasions I’m down with Horikoshi perpetually having the mind of a 12-year-old. if he wants to make this a recurring thing I won’t complain, lol
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gwinnetts-archive · 6 years
2, 3, 4, 6 15 for macneedy pls
canon muse questions ;; accepting | @starkunlimited
>  maccready
2: Do you have any controversial headcanons that go against what is generally accepted by the fandom? Do you incorporate this into writing your muse or keep it to yourself?
6: What is the general opinion of your muse’s fandom about them? Do you agree with it?
i’m combining these, since they pretty much go hand-in-hand. /DEEP BREATH
it’s very common to see people talking about maccready being a “uwu soft boy,” and i... i’m sorry, i just. i can’t... do it. i can’t. n... no. no, he isn’t. he... he really isn’t, though. like, okay, let’s talk about this, everybody get in the pillow fort (aka come under the cut, because it’s gonna be long and my other answers are long too)
everybody comfy? got enough pillows? okay here we go
maccready is absolutely a sap for the person he’s in love with. he can let his guard down and be the giant dork he really is, and under it all he still has that childish charm and energy that’s infectious. that’s where this perception of uwu soft boy comes from, i think — he’s a popular option for romancing, so a lot of people get treated to this... and i guess they forget about what he’s like the rest of the time
maccready left the gunners, but he still ran with the gunners. he still had to pass whatever tests in order to get in. he still did the jobs. and before that, he was still just a regular merc, just like afterwards. he still kills for a living. and he has a reputation, because the goodneighbor watch will comment on it. the amount of nice / altruistic dialogue options and decisions that he dislikes or outright hates — including the fact that he isn’t happy if you give the vault 81 cure to austin, instead of keeping it yourself — listen, you and me and the trees know that maccready can be a mushy little nerd, but he would not make it as a mercenary and would not have been able to run with the gunners at all if he was a “uwu soft boy”
most people aren’t going to get to see the softer sides of him. they’re going to meet a merc with a sharp face and sharp sarcasm who will, without hesitation, leave them out to dry if someone paid him to. because that’s the thing, too — he’s not a nice person. his priority is to take care of him and his, and at the end of the day, is not concerned about greater morality or faction warring outside of that
i am... not fond of uwu soft boy maccready. and i’m not gonna be writing him that way, because there is so much more to him that it’d be a disservice to his character for me to do so. if other people prefer to write him that way, that’s fine, it’s their prerogative to write how they want and the kinds of tropes they like. bbbbuuuuuut it’s not for me at all
3: What is something that was never addressed at all in the canon material that you have independently developed for your muse?
i love that maccready is actually pretty decently well-read. he has the kind of wastelander mishmash of knowledge that comes from an education made out of whatever you can scavenge from pre-war ruins, and it’s my favorite thing
and while we can assume that lamplighters have scavenged material over the years and years and years, maccready still makes a lot of pop culture references, even taking that into consideration. like. a lot. second only to deacon. mac, what in the world did you get into and where did it come from?
... okay, i haven’t quite developed an answer to that yet, but it’s been at the front of my mind recently. listen — wastelander education is the funniest thing to me, and it’s one of my favorite things to play with, and i don’t get to often enough (usually i do it through elle). but the area the lamplighters live in is extremely dangerous, so scavenging parties would be taking a huge risk from that alone, not even covering the fact that they’re kids
maybe the lone wanderer helped with supplies in big town and maccready got his hands on it there? that may be what i go with for simplicity’s sake :|a
4: Have you made any outright changes to the canon material in order to write your muse the way you wanted (entire scenes you chose to omit, chapters you say never existed, things you assume were never said, etc.)?
there are a couple of things — one of them being his reasoning for taking out winlock and barnes’ unit, as covered here, because maccready’s quests needed an editor to go over it more for consistency and logic. because, honestly, two lines of dialogue contradict each other, one right after another. what the hell?
another thing is the toy soldier. it’s cute that he gives the sosu a keepsake, but like... really? he’s giving something lucy made to the sosu, instead of duncan, who would infinitely appreciate it more when he gets older? really?
there’s also the fact that vadim knew lucy, when she died up in D.C. uh, what? i mean, sure, they could’ve taken a trip to the commonwealth before everything happened, but maccready never mentions it, and why did they go back, and — listen, i love the idea of vadim and mac being buddies, but this is gonna drive me nuts. little details like this completely screw maccready’s timeline sideways, and i’m gonna have to decide what i’m gonna do with it all at some point
15: What plots/interactions leave you feeling protective of your muse?
mac is still a new muse for me, so i haven’t had a lot of chance to put him in a wide variety of scenarios yet — so nothing has really come up where i’ve felt protective of him. i won’t lie and say i never have that kind of reaction, because i’ve had it before — always when people approach from the perspective of, like, making their characters the victims of mine without discussion about it beforehand, that kind of thing. but with maccready, so far, so good
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thedosianexplorer · 7 years
1, 6, 7, 8, 19, 22, 24, 27, 31, 32, 38, 39, 41, 44, 47, 51, 53, 77, 92, 100, 101
1. How did you get into Dragon Age?I was a fan of KOTOR, but hadn’t played many RPGs. I heard about Dragon Age from @momochanners, back when I followed her on KOTORFanMedia and DeviantArt, and she drew the most AMAZING art from the pre-release info BioWare was putting out. That settled it for me, and Dragon Age: Origins was literally the only thing I asked for as my Christmas gift that year.
6. First Inquisitor (gender/class/race/personality)?Ladwyn’s my first Inquisitor, and my canon one. Female Dalish Knight-Enchanter, who was recently described by @whatthefawxblogs as, “indomitable and giving no fucks”, which is a pretty fair assessment. 7. Favorite DA:O backstory?I take this to mean “origin”, and the answer is female City Elf. Hands down. It’s upsetting, but cathartic as fuck. 8. Preferred class overall?Unrepentant mage trash over here. 19. Favorite mission from DA2?The Deep Roads! I am a huuuuuge fan of anything Deep Roads, and the lore I gleaned from the DA2 Deep Roads segments were fantastic. Fuck that rock wraith fight though. If DLC counts, I absolutely LOVED Legacy. EVERYTHING about Legacy. My only regret is that A) it wasn’t part of the main game and B) Tony Jay is sadly no longer with us to voice Corypheus. 22. Favorite DA2 party combo?Fenris, Merrill, and Varric/Isabela. 24. Favorite main-story quest from DA:I?In Hushed Whispers, hands down. I had such a blast, got backhanded with feels, and it introduced me to my bff Dorian. Seconded only by the Battle of Haven segment, because THEY LET ME PULL A MULAN. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I YELLED ABOUT THAT (it was a lot. Mulan is my favorite Disney heroine). 27. Which did you leave behind (Abyss)?I sort of answered this before, but Ladwyn picked Alistair. It was the most in-character for her, because she doesn’t know about the Dark Ritual and would have thought, “He killed an archdemon and lived. He’s got this.”31.  DLC for the first 2 games: All of it, some of it, or none of it?I bought all the DLCs on sale, with the exception of Shale and Sebastian who came with my copies.32.  Favorite DLC mission overall?Jaws of Hakkon. Meeting Ameridan was genuinely life-changing for Ladwyn, and really helped me shape her character, so it wins out over my other faves Descent and Legacy.38. Funniest moment in the games?Infiltrating Fort Drakon with Sten, Zevran, and Dog, no question. 39. Creepiest moment in the games?Encountering Hespith, but not quite for the reasons you’re thinking. Let me set the scene: I got DA: O for Christmas, but my parents gave my little brother and I a PS3 to share. As the eldest, I was told I need to share my games too, so my brother got first crack at Origins. To avoid spoilers from him I only played between the hours of 11:00pm and 4:00am. I first played the Deep Roads at three in the morning, in an old house in a rural town that didn’t have street lights at the time. It’s pitch black, middle of the night, and so quiet, and then I hear: “First day they come, and catch everyone”Friends, it was really really hard not to scream at the top of my lungs. I powered through, and actually got to the broodmother fight that night, but I did not sleep that night.41. Who did you romance in your first playthrough for each game?In order: Alistair, Anders, and Cullen. Of those three, only Cullen is my canon romance. 44. One romance you just can’t stand/doesn’t make sense/etc?I actually like all the romance options (save Sera’s, but I was playing a Dalish so), but one thing I can’t stand is that Sten calls you kadan and yet he is unromanceable answer my messages BioWare. 47. Best antagonist in the series?The Archdemon. There’s nothing like that fight on top of Fort Drakon, with Denerim burning behind you, and a giant Maleficent-esque dragon bearing down on you. It was and is still an absolute delight to play that fight. 51. Answered53. Answered77. What moment/memory still gives you chills/feels?Every single time Leliana starts praying at the end of In Hushed Whispers. It’s such a great juxtaposition to her first appearance in the Sacred Ashes trailer and dammit, it just gets to me. 
92. Did you get someone into DA?A good chunk of my roommates, past and present, and a lot of people I know. I need to spread the good news. 
100. Circle, Templar, Chantry, Guard, Seeker, Inquisition, or none?Inquisition! The French Foreign Legion of Thedas. 
101. If you could meet your Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor, what would you say?In order: “Thank you”, “I’m so sorry”, and “Hey, coulda been worse! You coulda fucked the Dread Wolf!”
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takemetotheoceaaan · 7 years
this could be paradise
Yesterday (11.03.2017) I came back to Quito after having spent the most amazing 3 weeks of traveling through Ecuador and Peru. I am so in love with South America, everything is just beautiful around here. 
I started my trip in Baños, which was directly way too crazy up in the sky at the casa del arbol, doing canyoning and learning to salsa with the funniest people! Was great to have some Heide (crazy Laura), her boyfriend from Galapagos and a bunch of guys from Südtirol around me for the first days of experiencing this new world with my really bad spanish word pool. Oh and I met Brenda, an argentina chick who was meant to be my travel buddy for the next couple of days. (Great Hostal Backpackers)
Down to Cuenca, we met a magician called Juan who left us speechless performing lots of crazy as card tricks I would love to know more about. He invited us for some beers at the restaurant of his parents before the pre-carneval session began. Please, google “Carneval - Ecuador”; what you are about to see is just hillarious and even though I was a tough victim, I am really happy about the timing of my travels. Generally what I have learned is that you have to trust the timing of your life and also that everything that happens is meant to happen. I guess this is the main attitude for a happy ever life. (Couchsurfing at Ecuador´s most famous magician Juan Estrella)
New Adventure began in Vilcabamba, the so called hippie-town of Ecuador. Most of the People who come here once will stay forever since it is such a chill place. Especially for retirees from the US. I actually stayed there in a kinda jungle lodge with some Americans I met on a hike in Cajas National Park one day before in Cuenca. Plus a French guy who was making amazing food all the time and who was going to be my travel buddy for the following two weeks! Oh, and Viktor from Bonn who was like a Bendix doppelgänger and who had the most entertaining horrornight stories to tell haha. The real carneval fiesta was just about to start now, so we needed to buy heaps of foam and water to defend ourselves; the streets and all the life over those days is simply loco. It is like war but instead of blood everybody is wet and white. Kind of like Holi Festival but completely different. And the kids are your worst enemies since they are the most agressive ones. (Rumi Wilco Ecolodge)
Way too spontanously, Titu (Frensh Guy) and I decided too go to PERUUUUU for like 5 days. This was another huge adventure, I can tell you. A stupid but funny decicion I definitely don´t regret - it just ensured me about the fact that one day in not too far future I really need to come back to South America to discover all the beauty the rest of the continent all the way over the Atlantic Ocean has to offer. So, the bus ride we thought was about 2-3 hours turned out to last nearly a whole day- we spent 17 hours in buses and tuctucs, crossing the worst paths and borders, together with the funniest ever Estonian couple! When arriving in Peru, it felt like finally reaching South America since the infrastructure was way worse than in Ecuador, much more like I expected it to be all around. And although Peru is just right below Ecuador, turned out naturewise it already has to offer a completely different view.
Chachapoyas was our first destination in Peru. Its preinca-ruins in Kuelap were amazing, I still can´t imagine that mankind was able to build something like that up so high. Or was it simply magic? I really can´t tell. At night time we decided to cook for pretty much the whole hostel. The following day, we really wanted to go to the second highest waterfalls of South America, but because the Frenchie and I misplanned nearly everything (not in a bad way), we ended up visiting an incredible canyon, the so-called Canon del Soncha. While staring into the width, we found ourselves in the middle of a photo shooting of two Peruan guys who were taking professional photos and who ended up spending the rest of the day with us. After we took hundreds of photos next to the steep hillside, we went for super yummy veggie food, a really fancy beer bar and shortly after, we had to jump on another bus, next stop: COAST! (Aventura Backpackers Lodge)
After hours and hours and hours non-sleeping but also not-awake we finally arrived in Mancora which was supposed to be the party beach of Peru! This was actually the first time ever in South America I left the Sierra (Mountains) and reached ground 0 again (after wandering around in a height of 2000-3000 meters, which can actually be exhausting!). Even though everyone told me, I couldn´t believe that such a heat is possible after we´ve been freezing all the days before. At the beach, we decided to go camping - without tent, sleeping bag, air bed, nada! At first, I was kinda afraid that some snakes, spiders or malaria mosquitos would straight come in our beaten-up tent with like a hundred wholes, but turned out that everything was okay and we were not going to die. This camp side right next to the beach was just the perfect place to relax a bit for the next two days. Our neighbours had the weirdest accents: only Argentinos and Chilenos all around! Which really wasn´t that easy for me since I was still totally new and my spanish skills muy bajos, but they were definitely fun! Later, we found some other chicks from Spain we got along with really well and ended up having one, two, three drinks together (I hate aguardiente) while playing card games (champiñones!) and later dancing salsa at the beach which actually is worthy to be known as a party beach! (Camping de Tito)
All of a sudden, our 5 days in Peru were over and it was time to cross the border again. Our way back might was a bit more confortable, but still it was really shitty, especially because we paid way more than we should have. And also, the wanna-be taxi drivers didn´t have any idea about were to check-out and in again and I can definitely tell you: the time we spent during transportation was really horrible but is not at all worthy to talk about it anymore. All the rest of the trip totally makes up for it anyway.
In the middle of the night, we were having some CHIFA (worst chinese noodles, once and never again, at least for me; Titou could have had it every single day) at the terrestre of Guayaquil before taking a taxi to a hostel of a friend of Titous´. Another thing I learned while travelling: connections are everything. Luckily, that is not a big deal for me and I already can´t wait for all the people I met to come to Quito to see each other again and exchange all the stories everyone has to tell. It is common around Ecuador that Guayaquil might be the biggest, but not really the most beautiful town around. For one day though, I think it is definitely worth a visit. At least if you know such a nice local hostel owner and guide who just takes a day off to show you the best places, including parcs with iguanas and turtles and amazing view points. Even the fact that I lived to see as much rain as never before in my life, only made the day better. It was hot and rainy and we were wet all over and the rain just wouldn´t stop all day long, but my god never have I felt that alive before. Back in the hostel, we got offered some special prices for the home-made vegan burgers and I had to try Michelada (which is salty beer, kinda mexicana style but truth be told I figured that was literally the first beer ever I couldn´t finish because the taste was so damn strange). This night, una gatita mala ha acompañado nosotros, y en verdad ella estaba locísima. (Hostal Funky Monkey)
Still travelling with my French Buddy, we finally decided to move forward into different directions. But because all the plans were changing once again, Titou and I found ourselves going back to the coast again - together! This time, Montañita was calling. Pretty much what Mancora is for Peru, Montañita should be for Ecuador. But since I am addicted to the ocean, I could´t be anything but happy to arrive at this touristic surfers´ paradise. We arrived in the rain but it didn´t matter. After I while of wandering around, we found a little crazy veggie place at the beach for lunch and stayed there for a few hours since I met a very inspirational man (half Portuguese, half African) who was travelling since 20 years and he kinda made me wanna do the same thing. In the hostel, we met the Spanish girls we got to know in Mancora and a few other fellows from Peru. One of the girls (Judiiit) was having birthday the next day, so after watching a stunning sunset at the beach we went out for cocktails and party with a bunch of Latinos. Definitely another way too crazy night. Judit´s birthday was chuchacky/beach/cat/tattoo/foood day all at the same time. It was great. (Habitaciones Don Flavio, no recomendable)
In the evening though, I decided to move up north a little to spend my last days of travelling in Puerto Lopez. Once I arrived there, Titou was already cooking for us and we got to know chevere chicas from France and Germany as well as the first turkish guy I´ve seen here so far. The next day, we hiked around in Los Frailes National Park until we reached incredible lonely beaches we had completely for ourselves. That day, not many people went out there and the few who did would have straight gone to the main beach which isn´t even the nicest one. When back in Puerto Lopez, I tried my first ever Ceviche (not with fish oviously, but I finally found a veggie option) which I, to be honest, couldn´t stand at all, even though it is the dish of the coast. Later on, some hostal compañeros and I decided to go to the beach for another unbelievably beautiful sunset (never seen the sky as red before, kinda felt like I was in Africa) before having our own little hostel party drinking some more aguardiente, playing pooooool (champiñones, otra vez!) and listening to really great french electronic music (Polo&Pan!, gracias a Marie&Lyla). As it was getting late, a bunch of us decided to go for a night swim in the ocean. The water was nice and warm but everybody was scared to death when once in a while someone apparently saw a shark and freaked out completely. This was actually supposed to be my last night before heading back to Quito. My very last day started with a Yoga Session at the beach (thanks, Debbie!), went on with an amble to the market for some delicious fruit and agua de coco and ended with a horrible “goodbye“ to those lovely people I just met two days earlier. (Hostal Sol Inn)
While the others were continuing their travels, Debbie and I took a night bus to Quito (she was on her way to Baños where all my adventures started 3 weeks earlier; so en verdad, I was kinda jealous) and how it has to be after a trip like that, after having fallen into my bed terribly tired and sleeping for hours I found myself totally sick for the next few days. 
I am so greatful for all the experience I made, places I´ve seen and people I met! Also, those 3 first weeks of travelling helped me tons to improve my really brackish Spanish so I´m sorry for asking the same word over and over again until I finally could remember it. Well, I´m pretty sure it was, at the same time, the reason for hundreds of laughs and funny misunderstandings! 
For now, my travels are over (disregarding the weekends!) and my internship is about to start. I don´t know what the next 5 months will have in petto for me, but I´m looking forward to take the chances life offers and wherever I go from here, I promise it won´t be boring!
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