#i think suguru understood satoru in a way no one else bothered to do
i guess it’s less that they Completely Understood each other and more that . just. they met each other at the perfect time . they had a bond that could never be replaced . they could be their true selves around each other, even if it only lasted for a year or two . but it still meant so much to the both of them !!! those two years alone meant so much more than the ten years they spent apart and that completely fucking Destroys me . they had something that neither one of them would ever find again and if it’s not Total Understanding then i truly believe it was unconditional love . soulmatism. the feeling of finding your other half . they had each other for two little years and it was the single most vibrant blue spring of their lives
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clamenstell · 9 months
thinking about lovesick!gojo
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- lovesick!gojo who fell in love with you when you held his hand in comfort when he was upset from being scolded by the higher ups about something reckless he did.
- lovesick!gojo who noticed the way you understood that he was still young and even the strongest made mistakes, which is okay as he's still learning.
- lovesick!gojo who started noticing little things about you, like how you pick your nails when nervous, how your eyes light up when talking about your interest, how you tap your pencil in thought when working in class and when you smile, little dimples appear on your cheeks.
- lovesick!gojo who gets butterflies in his stomach whenever you giggle at his terrible jokes while suguru and shoko both roll their eyes in annoyance.
- lovesick!gojo who jokes around even more in order to hear you laugh again, even when the others grow even more tired of him.
- lovesick!gojo who doesn't try to hide how much he wants to hang out with you, who makes up ridiculous excuses to spend time with you. "What do you mean Suguru is busy? Isn't he right there?" "HAHAHA! That's hilarious, let's go somewhere else..." as he drags your form in the opposite way.
- lovesick!gojo who falls even more when you indulge in his teasing. "Need some help?~" You roll your eyes. "I wouldn't want to bother the strongest one~ I'm sure you have better things to do." His grin widens. "It's ok, I don't mind sparing my time for you~"
- lovesick!gojo who tries to impress you everytime you're both assigned on the same mission, showing off at every chance he got and turning his head expectantly to you to see if you were watching him. "Did you see how I exorcised that curse?" "Yes, you did great Satoru.🙄" ":))))"
- lovesick!gojo who feels the pit of jealousy when he sees you conversing with a kyoto student, even more when he sees you laugh at something he said. You were suppose to laugh at his jokes, not a random nobody's.
- lovesick!gojo who appears right by your side in the middle of your conversation, sliding an arm around your waist, pouting and batting his eyelashes. "Baby, I thought we had something special :((( 🥺🥺🥺" "Satoru what the fuck."
- lovesick!gojo who grins in victory when the kyoto guy leaves in panic from seeing the affectionate display, but frowns when you scold him for disturbing your conversation. It doesn't matter, he still won and now your attention is on him instead :)
- lovesick!gojo who loves sharing sweets with you. Whenever he bought pastries from your favourite bakery he will always get extra to share with you. He especially loved seeing your face light up whenever he mentioned getting your favourite pastry.
- lovesick!gojo who gets surprised when you always return the favor, always sharing baked goods you bought, even getting the extra sweet ones just for him.
- lovesick!gojo who's ears turn red at the thought of you buying something just for him, no one else.
- lovesick!gojo who swears he will marry you one day, no matter the circumstance, not even the higher ups would stop him. All he need is to ask you out first, but seeing you chuckle as you two shared a chocolate cake, he thought staying by your side is good enough for now. After all, he's not getting cured from this sickness anytime soon.
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he's so 🥺❤️😍🥺🤗😚❤️😳🥰❤️ to me
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misspennymelodies · 11 months
Where We Run
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Song: Sol by Kati Ran 
NSFW. MDNI. Seriously. Turn back now. I'll make things for you later.
For everyone else: Start/end of smut is clearly marked, just in case spice isn't your thing. If you choose to skip, smut is still implied throughout the rest of the sections.
CW: Swearing. Reader gets a little physically aggressive at points.
Smut TW: Slight praise kink if you squint. Use of "good girl" and "princess". Overstimulation. Multiple Orgasm.
I think that's it? Let me know if I missed anything between the tags and the TWs
This is a bit of a long one, so buckle up.
Your POV
Raindrops fall from the sky in steady sheets as your feet carry you forward, not bothering to steer you around the puddles in your path. Your clothes and hair are soaked from the lack of protection a raincoat or an umbrella would have provided. You should have brought at least one if you were smart - but you weren’t. Right now, you're just done.  
Done with all the violence, and the pain, and the death. It had been painful enough when Suguru abandoned your close-knit group so many years ago to… what? Massacre over a hundred people? Even then, even though your heart grieved, he was still there. He was still physically present in this world. You could still reach out and touch him, even if the touch would likely have come in the form of a punch to the face. But now? He was just…gone.  
You could only imagine the pain that Satoru was going through, having been the one there during his final moments. The two of you had only shared a few words after you recovered from your own injuries, and you understood enough to know that he had been the one to end his best friend’s life. And then, he, too, was gone. Not in the same sense – he was still here, alive, going on missions. But he pulled away from you, keeping you at arm’s length instead of safely within them.  
You gave him his space, understanding that he needed to grieve in his own way. But days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months, and soon you barely spoke anymore. You two had once been inseparable, but he had been the one to change that. He was still there, but you could no longer touch him. No longer feel the warmth of his skin over yours. Despite the dark sky and the dense forest, your feet knew exactly where they were headed, even though your heart was lost. 
The rain mixes with your tears as you push forward, feet slipping on a smooth stone. You land on your hands and knees with an audible thud. You're sure it hurt, but you're so numb on the inside that the stinging never registers. You don’t move for a minute, your mind wandering back to earlier that day, and your heart painfully tears just a little bit more.  
You had just finished a class, and you spotted him walking past your classroom window. You quickly shoved your things into your bag and rushed after him, hoping he wouldn’t outpace you. You were determined to talk to him, to have a goddamn conversation with him today. You were so fed up with the silent treatment, and he couldn’t shut the world out forever. 
“Satoru!” He didn’t even acknowledge you as he continued to amble forward, his hands stuffed into his pockets. “Satoru, wait up!” You caught up to him and went to place a hand on his arm to get to stop – but it never connected. His Limitless was up. And you hit your own limit. “Will you just fucking STOP?” You yelled, continuing to push against the barrier. He whirled around, forcing your arm back.  
“What the hell do you want?” he seethed. You felt yourself falter slightly, taken aback by the way his words bit at your resolve.  
“We need to talk.” 
“No, we don’t”.  
“Yes, we do! Look, I know you’re upset about Suguru, but – “ 
“Don’t you DARE say his name!” His eyes were ablaze behind his glasses, and you immediately recoiled, burned by his sudden outburst. “You don’t get to say his name. Not in front of me.” Tears pricked at your eyes, but you refused to stand down.
“Look, I lost him too,” you spat. “Suguru was like a brother to me, and –“ 
“No, you stop! You’re acting like such a fucking child, Satoru! Just because you’re hurting doesn’t mean that no one else is!” 
“Well, if I am, then it’s your fault.”  
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” You asked, taking a step back, his words lashing out at you. You could almost feel them rip at your skin, leaving marks with their intensity,  
“If I wasn’t so busy having to keep all eight of my eyes on you all the FUCKING time, then maybe he’d still be alive.” A crack formed in your armor. Did he blame you for Suguru’s death?  
“How DARE  you.” You spat, clenching your hands, but he continued as if you hadn’t spoken. 
“All that time I wasted in your bed instead of at his side, all those moments that I spent trying to keep those curses away from you, I could have saved him. It’s your fault he’s dead.” Time seemed to stop, and pain radiated through your hand as your fist came to a stop inches from his face.  
“Take. That. Back.” All you could see was red. You willed your hand to break through his barrier, even though you knew it was fruitless, but you didn’t care. “You. FUCKING. Take. That. BACK!”. Your fist made contact with Limitless with each punctuation. 
“Why?” He was almost nonchalant now. “After all, you know it’s true.” His sudden change of tone tore the wind from your lungs. 
“You’re… you’re serious, aren’t you?” Your brain spun, and you staggered back, more tears threatening to spill out. What was happening? 
“Deadly.” He was a mixture of cold and flippant, and you were struggling to keep up. He… he really did blame you for Suguru’s death. “You always held me back. Always pulled me down with you. Always so weak, needy – if I didn’t waste so much time on you, then maybe things would have been different. But I can’t change the past, so better to change the future.” 
That was it. Your heart didn’t break; it shattered. It crumbled into so many tiny pieces that you didn’t think you’d ever be able to pick them up again.  
“So that’s it then,“ you stuttered, tears now freely falling down your cheeks. “You’re just done with me? Done with us? Did it even mean anything to you?”  
“No.” You thought you caught a glimpse of remorse in his eyes as the words left his lips, but it passed too quickly to tell before your own vision went blurry. You sank down to your knees, hands pressed to the rough cobblestone as you struggled to see, to breathe, to even comprehend how things ended up here.  
You loved him, you loved him, you loved him…  
By the time you stopped hyperventilating, Satoru Gojo was nowhere to be seen.  
(end flashback)
You come back to yourself, still kneeling on the ground in the rain. You cursed yourself for being so stupid. You knew he was just lashing out because he was in pain, but why didn’t you stand up to him and fight back? Fight for the both of you? Satoru was the strongest, but why couldn’t you be strong for him?  
Maybe you were weak. 
You stand up, the broken skin on your knees stinging from the movement. You continue moving as if you had never stopped. A few minutes and a million thoughts later, you reach your destination. The city lights seem to dance and flicker in the rain as you look down from your perch.  
You and Satoru used to come to this lookout to pretend that the world didn’t exist outside of you two wrapped in each other’s arms or, sometimes, each other’s bodies. But now? Now, you just want to pretend that the two of you don’t exist either, feeling more alone than you ever had. You slump down onto a nearby log, bury your face into your hands, and cry. 
Satoru POV
He is lying on his bed, the occasional bolt of lightning the only source of illumination he can be bothered to accommodate. It had been hours since the two of you spoke – well, at least that is what you had tried to do. Him? He had eviscerated you.  
He turns onto his back for the umpteenth time, getting lost in the blankness of the ceiling. He had never been good at dealing with emotions. No, that wasn’t true. The happiness that came with being near you was as easy as breathing. He had even accepted that he was in love with you long before either of you said those words to each other. He was even good with death, in a sense. He had known countless people who had died… but betrayal? The sense of loss that came with murdering your best friend, even if it was the only mercy you could give them after they themselves had slain so many others? That was new to him, and he didn’t know how to handle it. 
So he did what came naturally – he didn’t deal with it. He bottled it up and just hoped it would go away. But every time he saw you, saw your heartbreak, he was sorely reminded of his own. Maybe if he just put his head down and moved forward, he could outrun those feelings of hopelessness and insecurity that kept chasing him. Maybe then he would be strong enough to keep either of you from falling away.  
But what he didn’t do was let you in on this plan. He knew he was stupid for not talking to you, for thinking he could do this on his own. He was going to be your knight in shining armor, and he didn’t want to be reminded of just how weak and vulnerable he was. But in reality, he could barely breathe without knowing you were breathing right next to him.  
Time passed too quickly for him. Just when he thought he was ready to be vulnerable for you again, you were right there in front of him, eyes on fire and Suguru’s name falling from your lips. It was like all the pain he had been running from suddenly overtook him. Became him. He could only watch as he tore through each and every one of your defenses – blaming you for both of your losses and… *his heart clenched*… and even insinuating that the time you had spent together was…  
He rolls onto his side and sits up, feet touching the cool floor beneath him and elbows resting on his knees. He buries his hands in his face, digging his palms into his eyes as his long fingers grip and pull at the edges of his hair.    
He had caused you pain. So much pain. More pain than even he had been feeling at the time. Why? Because you dared to love him when he could barely love himself?   
He eventually lets his hands fall to his lap. These were the hands that killed his best friend. And now they were responsible for ripping your kind, sweet heart from your beating chest. But he couldn’t just let you die a cold, heartless death. No, he would give his heart to replace the one he had so mercilessly taken. Even if he couldn’t make it up to you, he had been the one in the wrong and had to at least try to make it right. 
He walks slowly down the dark hallway, the rain against the roof helping to steel his resolve. Once he makes it to the other side of the faculty building, he pauses outside your door. He wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t forgive him – hell, he didn’t know if he could forgive himself. But he had to try. He couldn’t rest tonight without you knowing that each moment with you meant more to him than his own life did.  
*Knock. Knock. Knock.* 
He pauses for a moment. Nothing. He knocks again, calling out your name in a hushed whisper. Nothing. He puts his hand on the handle, and it gives way underneath the weight. The door gently swings open to reveal…nothing. You're not there.  
He steps into your room, looking around. It was well past midnight, so where were you if not sleeping? You weren’t typically a night owl like he was. He notices your bag slug over the back of your desk chair, the same one that you had been carrying earlier. So, he knew you were here at least at some point after he left you.  
Lightning flashes again, and something glints on the floor beside the trash. He takes a step forward, his stomach dropping. Your necklace. He gently picks it up, running his thumb over the charm. 
He had given it to you a few months after the whole star plasma vessel incident. It was a cheap pendant on a chain from some festival, but he had bought it mere hours before the two of you stood at your favorite lookout spot, watching the sun set over Tokyo and exchanging shy, heartfelt ‘I love yous’ for the first time.    
You had never taken it off since. And now here it was, discarded like you couldn’t bear the weight of it anymore.  Another flash of lightning, and suddenly, it was like all the pieces fit together. Panic surges through his veins as he tries to shove the necklace into his pocket. He just hoped you were okay. By the time the thunder rolled, Satoru had already transported himself away. 
Your POV
You're exhausted. Every fiber of your being hurts. Your heart still lay shattered within your chest, the dust from its collapse threatening to be washed away with the rain. Maybe if you just sat here forever, somehow, just somehow, the world would right itself again. You were alone, but all you wanted was for Satoru Gojo to show up behind you, bring you into his arms, and never let go.  
"Hey...." You turn, not quite believing what you are hearing. "Thought I would find you here." 
You sit there, shellshocked. How? What? When did he...? Your eyes follow him as he walks around to squat down in front of you. He doesn't have his glasses on, and the heavy rain is already starting to mat his silvery white hair against his forehead. His crystalline eyes bore into yours, somehow shining against the darkness of the night. 
"Look, I - " 
You slap him.  
Satoru's head turns to the side with the impact. You had wished so deeply for him to show up, but how that he's here, all you can feel is the anger and hurt from the last time you looked at him. The slap had actually surprised you. You didn't realize your arm was moving until your palm had made contact with his face. 
"I guess I deserve that." He says quietly, meeting your gaze again.  
"You think?" You bit back. There were so many emotions, and you feel yourself being swept up in their wake. It was like there was a storm raging both inside and out. But Satoru just continues to sit there, unmoving. You feel the broken pieces of your heart lurch in time with a pulse of pain from your hand. It was stinging...from when you hit him...he didn't have his Limitless up this time.  
It was just him. 
Just 'Toru.  
You angrily push him back, a sob bursting from your lungs. "Asshole!" Satoru falls back, landing in the wet grass. "You. Fucking. ASSHOLE, Satoru!" He gets to his knees, kneeling in front of you. Tears were once again streaming down your face. You're not sure if Satoru can see you crying with all the rain, but you damn sure hoped he did.  
His eyes never left yours. You go to push him again, but he catches your hands.  
"I'm so sorry," he says. Another sob wrecks your body, and you wrench your hands back from him. He lets them go in exchange for bringing his own hands up to your shoulders. "What I said before... baby, I didn't mean it." Satoru tries to bring you into a hug, but you fight back, closed fists beating against his chest.  
"You're such an asshole!" you cry. Satoru just pulls you closer, letting you pound against his chest until you sink to your knees in front of him, crying uncontrollably in his arms.  
"I know, I know." He puts his face into your shoulder, just hugging you, afraid that if he loosened his grip, he would lose you for good. You were only half aware that you could feel his body shaking alongside your own, his own sniffles drowned out by the rolling of thunder moving off into the distance. 
Eventually, the rain begins to let up. You pull back slightly, and Satoru gives you a small, lopsided smile. You brush the wet hair from his forehead.  
"I don't deserve you," he mumbles, tracing a thumb over your cheek.  
"No, you don't." Yet despite your words, you could feel your heart pieces gravitating towards each other again, as if Satoru had placed blue right in the middle of the destruction that he caused within you. "I'm sorry I hit you." Satoru lets out a breathy laugh. 
"I'm the one who said all of those things to you, and here you are, apologizing for hitting me? Babe, I deserved each and every one of those punches. Even the ones that didn't hit..." He trails off but brings his other hand to the back of your head, smoothing your wet hair. "I don't expect you to forgive me anytime soon, but let me at least try to make it up to you, yeah?" You nod, allowing his sincerity to melt into your skin.  
"You better." Satoru stands and offers you a hand. You take it, and he gently helps you to your feet. You look up into his face, memorizing every aspect of it. You know him; you know how hard it is for him to bear his soul in such a vulnerable way. Yet here, right now, you feel like it's so exposed that it wraps you up in its very existence. He loves you. And you love him. 
Satoru wraps an arm around your waist, and the world vanishes. 
Standing in the middle of your room, Satoru kisses your forehead.  
"Get some sleep, Love. We'll talk in the morning." 
"You promise?" 
"Cross my heart, baby." You instinctively roll your eyes at him, a playful grin tugging at both of your lips. Satoru turns to leave, but you grab his hand. He looks down at it before back up at you quizzically. 
"Make it up to me," you whisper, looking at and feeling the smooth skin of his hand under your fingers. The room is warm, far warmer than it was outside. It makes your body tingle.  
"What?" You meet his gaze and pull him gently toward you.  
"Make it up to me." He brings both of his hands to your face. 
"You sure? We don't have to do this now." You nod, your body physically and emotionally desperate for him.  
"Please." His lips meet yours. The kiss is soft and tender and filled with emotion. 'I'm sorry,' his lips seem to say. You let yourself sink into him, enjoying the feeling of being connected to him again. But as sweet as the kiss is, you need more. You want more. You want to feel him need you as much as you need him. 
You bring your arms around his torso, your fingers digging into his back through his clothes. Satoru grunts, and you feel his grip tighten on the sides of your face. You nibble at his lower lip and press yourself closer to him. Satoru's left-hand moves to the back of your head, gripping your hair tightly. Your tongues battle for dominance.  
You let out a breathy gasp as Satoru's hand makes its way under the back of your shirt. Despite the warmth of the room and the arousal blooming under your skin, his hand is still quite cool to the touch.  Satoru takes advantage of this and quickly overwhelms you, forcing his way into your mouth and circling around your tongue with his own.  
His hand rests across your back, pulling you closer. You can feel his dick hardening against you. You rub yourself against him, the slight friction sending shocks straight into you. 
"Mmmm, fuck," Satoru groans, pulling from the kiss. His left hand is still buried in your hair; he gently pulls it, guiding your attention to his face. "You don't know what you do to me, baby."  
"Then show me," you challenge, standing on your toes and nipping at his bottom lip. You can practically hear the instinctual growl that emanates from his chest. Despite the gentle sincerity of the few prior moments, you're still very much angry with him. You don't want to make love to him. You want fuck him –  long and hard. 
That's all it takes. Satoru releases you and brings both of his hands to the hem of your wet shirt, removing it from you in one swift motion. His hands grip your hips, and he lifts you up. Your legs instinctually wrap around his waist, your arms around his neck. He buries his face into the juncture between your neck and shoulder, immediately finding the spot that makes you arch into him. You moan into his ear. Your skirt has risen up, and his dick is pressing maddeningly against your clothed clit.  
Fuck he feels good.  
Satoru is not small by any stretch of the imagination, and you don't dare repress the onslaught of dark and dirty thoughts that invade your mind. You grind your hips against him, seeking more friction. You're sure that your thong is already - 
"Satoru!" Satoru is sucking and biting at that spot on your neck. He brings one of his hands to your back, unclasping your bra and splaying his hand out against your skin, holding you tight against him as he continues his assault. You can practically feel him grinning against you.  
"Like that, baby? You like it when I mark you like that?"  
"I could say the same thing to you," you whisper, biting at his ear. Your hips circle his again. This time, his hips thrust up to meet you. You clit spasms at the unexpected extra contact. Yeah, your underwear is definitely soaking.  
He walks the two of you over to your bed, not breaking his suction on your neck. Satoru lays you down gently but is quick to remove your bra, tossing it carelessly to the side. You pull at the top of his shirt, anxious to feel his skin against yours. He takes it off, and you can't help but marvel at him. He's like a god. His tall, thin frame is toned with muscles that you can see shift as he moves. Who the hell made this man?  
As Satoru is distracted by removing his own shirt, you lean up and kiss along his jaw. He groans, his hands gripping your sides. Much like he did to you, you grab at his hair and kiss down towards his neck. He leans into you, enjoying the feeling of your lips against his skin. His hands slide up your body, and soon, his thumbs are grazing over your nipples. You moan into his neck, your body trying to arch into the contact.  
"Easy, baby," he laughs, leaning back. "There's much more where that came from." His smirk is sexy and disarming...and you could so easily lose yourself in him. But you had a mission that you wanted to accomplish first.  
"Don't I know it," you smirk, wrapping a leg around him. His hand rests against you, keeping your leg in place. Perfect. Just as he leans down, presumably to put his glorious mouth to your chest, you push against him, flipping him so you are straddling his waist.  
As much as you wanted him to make things up to you (and God, did you want him to), you also wanted to make him need you. You had waited months for him. He could wait a few extra minutes to have you. 
"Ooo, someone's fiesty today."  
"Fiesty doesn't even begin to cover it." You wink at him and slowly crawl your way down his body, maintaining eye contact with him and occasionally kissing your way down his chest. "You made me wait for you, made me wait for so damn long. I needed you. And now you're going to need me..." 
You trail off when you get to the bulge in his pants. You gently run your nose against it, trying not to provide too much sensation for him. He bucks up against you, but you move your head back, grinning.  
"Ah ah ah, patience is a virtue 'Toru".  
"Yeah, and a virtue you know that I don't h-have." You bring your mouth to his pants, slowly undoing the zipper with your teeth as your fingers deftly open the button. He lifts his hips and shoves clothes down, but you pretend not to notice his haste, taking your sweet time removing them the rest of the way. He practically guides your hand to him. You cock your head to the side and grasp him lightly, your fingers barely grazing his length.  
"Hurry it up, babe. I need you." 
"But do you?" you tease. Satoru's eyes dance wildly, but you know that this is just the beginning. He doesn’t really need you. Not yet. Your hand tightens a little, and you bend down, licking the tip of his member.  
"Fuuuuck. Baby, come on."  
"Did you say something?" you ask. Your hand strokes him a few times before you stop, blowing on the tip where your tongue had just been. 
"Nghhh..." He moans, throwing his head back into the pillows. You know he could easily overpower you and force his dick into your mouth – he had before, on several occasions -  which is why you appreciated the fact that he was holding back. He was trying. That meant more to you than he could know. Plus, it was so fucking hot.  
Perhaps a little reward, then. 
Without warning, you take him fully into your mouth, lips suctioning against him.  
"Fuck!" Satoru's right hand comes to grip at your hair – partially for leverage and partially to keep it out of your face. His other hand is fisted into the sheet. God, this man... 
You pull out until just the tip is in your mouth. You circle it with your tongue before retaking him, letting him hit the back of your throat. You do this a few times, enjoying his breathy gasps as you suck him off. Once you feel like he is getting a bit too comfortable, you add your hands. You let one pump at the exposed base of his dick while the other cups his balls, your thumb running over them in time with your mouth. 
Satoru's breath hitches, and you look up. His eyes are scrunched, and his back has arched slightly. You increase your pace slightly, and his hands dig into your hair, urging you to go faster. But you refuse. Instead, you go slower until he lets you continue your chosen pace. Then he tries bucking up into you; you just lay your arm across his hip, making sure to keep the pressure at his base, twisting and pumping as you continue to take him into your mouth.   
You were practically drooling; you could feel the saliva dripping from your mouth and down his shaft, giving some lubrication to your hand. When you start to taste the saltiness of his precum on your tongue, you back off. You sit back on your heels as you stroke his full length, squeezing at random intervals.  
"Babe... Baby..." He pants, his lidded eyes partially obscured by an arm that moved over his face at some point. "I need you." 
"I'm sure you do." You blow onto the tip of his dick again and watch as he shudders at the feeling. "So show me. Show me just how badly the great Satoru Gojo needs me." 
You blink and are on your back, your hands pinned above your head. You almost forgot just how fast Gojo could be when he wanted to be. His hand is large enough to cover both of yours, and he towers over you, his body already covered in a slight sheen of sweat. He is panting slightly. He leans down until your faces are practically touching. 
"Now it's my turn, doll. I've got a lot of time to make up for." He nips at your lower lip before moving down your chest, taking a nipple into his mouth. You moan, arching up into him. His teeth gently graze the skin, torturing the bud until you are sure you could cum from that alone.  
Then he moved on to the other one. His right hand moved up to pinch and twist the one his mouth had just released.  
"Mmm, 'Toru... please," you sigh, raising your hips in an effort to get him to bring his attention lower.  
"Uh, uh, uh," he chides, his right hand leaving your heaving chest to wag a playful finger in your face. "It's like you said, doll. I need you. Not just to touch you" - he scrapes his nail over your nipple - "but to taste you, to feel you. I'm a starved man, so I'm going to take my time savoring your body." He pinches your nipple again, and you moan, your eyes closing at the pleasure as his mouth - 
"Fuck!" Your hips snap up, and your eyes open as Satoru drives two fingers into you without warning. You were so focused on his damn mouth that you didn't realize that he had moved his right hand away from your breast.  
"But then again..." He seems to stop and think as he slowly pumps his long fingers in and out of your slick folds. "… I do have a debt to repay." He thrusts his fingers into you again, sinking them straight up to the third knuckle and curling them upward. "I'm going to make it up to you." Out and In. "Even if it takes all night." Out and In. His fingers quickly speed up, and you can feel yourself practically fucking his hand. You want to reach up and touch him, but his left hand still has both of yours pinned above your head.  
"Mmm...yeah, 'Toru... fuck...fuck!" Satoru smirks and rests his forehead against your own. His impossibly blue eyes burn into yours.  
"Say my name, baby." His thumb starts to rub circles into your clit. You practically cry into his mouth as he claims your lips in an intense kiss. "I want to hear you scream my name as you come." 
"'Toru...'Toru...." Satoru curls his fingers in you again, his thumb still deftly circling your clit, which is now throbbing with the anticipation of release. You're close. You're so close. 
"My name. Say it," he punctuates as he presses his thumb harshly into your clit as his fingers roughly press into your g-spot.  
"Satoru!" You come crashing down into an orgasm, toes curling at the sheer intensity of it. Your walls spasm around his fingers as you continue to ride it out. He always knows just where to press to make you come undone. 
"Good girl," he praises, kissing his way down your stomach. He lets your hands go, and you wipe away the hair and sweat from your face. "But you didn't think we were done, did you?" 
"Wha-?" Satoru looks up at you from where he's hovering over the apex of your legs. His arm wraps around your leg, pulling you open for him.  
"We're just getting started, darlin'. Gotta make it up to you, remember?" Any words that you would have said all change to his name, wrenching itself from your lungs. His tongue laps at your folds while his fingers start thrusting into you again. Your hands fly to his hair, gripping it as he buries himself further into you.  
"'Toru, please, I'm so – fuck – I'm so sensitive. Mmmm... fuck!" He's alternating between lapping and sucking at your clit, and your vision feels like it's swimming, the coil in your abdomen tightening up surprisingly fast. Satoru tilts his head up.  
"I know." He sends you a devilish grin before diving back into you, this time flicking his tongue rapidly against you.  
"I'm coming! Fuck Satoru, I'm coming again..." You buck against him, throwing your head back into the pillow as the coil snaps. Your orgasm feels like a tidal wave, crashing through you with such force that you see stars, even though your eyes are forced closed.  
Satoru hums against you, the vibrations sending tremors through your thighs, straight to your core. His fingers are still buried inside you, pressing and curling into your g-spot over and over again... they make such lewd sounds with your wetness all over them. He's not stopping.  
"'Tor...'Toru, baby, please... I … I..." His teeth gently bite down against your clit as he roughly rams a third finger into your sopping hole. "FUCK!" A third orgasm rips through you. Your entire body stiffens as your back arches. Are you even breathing? You can't tell. Satoru finally comes to a stop, grinning like a Cheshire cat.  
"That's my girl." He hovers over you. You smile languidly at him, running a sweaty hand through his own damp hair. "But you've had your fun. Now it's my turn." He kisses you. You can taste yourself on his lips, and you can't help but moan into his mouth. Your passionate kiss turns desperate, and he pulls away, staring into your eyes. You can see the wonton need behind them, the desire to take you barely being held back by something else." 
Satoru brings one of his hands up to the side of your face. 
"I love you." Your heart leaps at the words. He doesn't say them often, even when it's just the two of you. But that's what makes it powerful; that's what makes them mean something to you.  
"I love you too, Satoru." He leans down and kisses you again, this one deep and longing, the growing primal desire starting to slip through the cracks.  
"Tell me if it's too much." 
"'Toru, I-" 
"No, please. Tell me because I'm not going to hold back." You hand moves to grip the back of his hair. 
"Satoru, I will tell you." You stare into his eyes so he can see the truth in your words. "Now fuck me." He lets out a breathy laugh as he positions himself with your opening.  
"As you wish." 
He sheaths himself in you with one long, deep thrust. You arch up, and he hovers over you, arms on either side of you. It's been so long since you've had his dick buried in you. God, you forgot just how big he was. You can feel him pulsing up against your halls, his head rubbing against your overly sensitive spot.  
Satoru sets a brutal and fast pace right from the start. You wrap your legs around his waist in an attempt to anchor yourself. You would try to meet his thrusts, but he's moving far too fast and hard. All you can do is hold onto him and let him fuck you mercilessly. You did ask for it, after all. You teased him, and them asked him to fuck you. What else did you expect?  
Well, certainly not to come for a fourth time. Not so soon. This one starts deeper than the past three but moves quickly. You barely have time to groan out his name before you're crashing over the edge again. Your entire body is shaking, but he doesn't slow down. He takes your legs and hooks them over his shoulder as he leans into you, allowing himself to go deeper. You feel him brush against your cervix. 
"Fuuuuck. You're gripping me so damn hard, babe. Nghhhh.... yeah, baby, just like that. Don't you fucking stop gripping my cock." Your head is spinning, and your entire body spasms against the sheer amount of pleasure. You can feel Satoru's thrusts start to waver, and you know he's close. He's panting, and you can see the concentration etched on his face. He moves his hand to your mound, fingers quickly finding your clit. 
"Satoru! Oh my -  Fuck! Fuck, 'Toru!" This time, you can feel your orgasm building from your toes. It is deep and thrumming, filling every fiber of your being with pleasure. It's too much. It’s too much. You're going to...  
"Come for me, princess."  
You let out a loud moan, so raw and deep that it cracks as it forces its way past your lips. It is joined by Satoru's own moan – stuttering and gravely as he pulls out, his warm seed spurting out across your skin.  
You both stay there for a moment, panting. Fuck that was good. He finally lets your legs down as he gets up to grab a tissue to clean you off. You don't want him to leave, but you know you'll be more comfortable when he's cleaned himself from you. Once your skin is no longer stained with his cum, you draw the covers back and climb under them, holding a hand out to Satoru, who has paused near the garbage can.  
"Hmm?" He meets your gaze, coming back from...wherever his mind was.  
"Please?" You question, patting the space next to you. "I need you." He smirks at your choice of words, and you let out a laugh, but it's true. Now that you've been thoroughly fucked, you just need him. Just him. You want to feel him next to you, to make sure that he's not going to disappear from your side again. 
Satoru nods and climbs into bed with you, pulling up the sheets and draping an arm across your body. You both lay there in a comfortable silence before drifting off into sleep, the best both of you have had in months. 
The next morning, you wake to find Satoru sitting at your desk, seemingly deep in thought. He is fully dressed – he must have been up for a while.  
"Mornin'," you say, your voice still rough with sleep. He turns, startled from his pensive state. He smiles, but you can still feel his mind trying to pull him away again. Your own mind follows suit, and you replay the events from last night. It's hard to believe that all of that transpired less than 24 hours ago. "Hey, "Toru?" 
"Hmm?" He props his head on his hand in an effort to maintain focus on you. 
"How did you... I mean, I had hoped you would, but I still can't help but wonder..." Satoru raises his eyebrows, and you chuckle at your stream of consciousness. "What I mean is... how did you find me last night?" 
He lifts a hand up, and you can see your necklace dangling from his fingers, glinting against the early morning rays of light. Your hand subconsciously goes to the front of your neck, and your heart pangs at the memory of taking it off yesterday. You had sworn you never would, and even though the events did indeed justify the action, you still felt bad.   
"I'm sorry..." You trail off, but Satoru just shakes his head.  
"I told you, I deserved it." He takes another look at the necklace before coming to sit next to you on the bed. He motions with his finger for you to turn. You comply and brush your hair to the side, allowing him to fasten it around your neck. Right where it was meant to be. "I'll always know where you run." The words are softly spoken, his breath ghosting over your ear as he leans his head against yours. "At least when you leave clues as obvious as that." You scoff playfully and elbow him lightly. He laughs and wraps his around tightly around you.  
The two of you sit in a comfortable silence, just enjoying being in each other's presence.  
"Maybe we should just run away," you muse, drifting your fingers over his own. "Someplace where only the gods know where we are." He hums into your head, both of you only half contemplating the selfish thought. You both knew that you were needed here.  
*buzz buzz* 
You're broken from your thoughts by a text message coming to your phone. You plan to ignore it, but it buzzes again. Sighing, you reach over into your bag, reading the text messages.  
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*buzz buzz* 
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*buzz buzz* 
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Your face goes red with embarrassment, but you can't help but laugh. "Or at least far enough from Shoko." You show Satoru the texts, and he bursts out laughing too.  
"So, my room tonight? Unless you want to try and be REALLY quiet -" You smack his arm.  
"Your room. Definitely your room." You quickly get ready, and Satoru flicks his glasses onto his face.  
"You know...I'm sure I can figure out how to soundproof a room. Or maybe we can try out a ball -" 
"What?" He's grinning impishly at you.  
"Your room. Unless you plan on running those ideas past Shoko..." You let out another laugh as he sweatdrops. 
"Maybe you're right. But at least we'll be there together." A devilish grin spreads across your face. You tap his shoulder and then make a break for the door. 
"Last one to breakfast is a rotten egg!" He's in front of you before you can even reach the threshold, his grin now mirroring your own.  
"Nice try, Love." He leans down and brings you into a kiss, a hand grazing your - 
"Ow, 'Toru!" He pinches your butt and then runs off, cackling. You laugh and sigh, locking up your room behind you. You turn around and see that Satoru has already made it outside and is standing in front of a slightly annoyed Shoko, waving his hands in an exaggerated manner. You don't know what he's saying, but Shoko tries to hit him on the back of his head. She notices you and waves you over, looking less annoyed as she sees the smile across your face. Satoru is standing behind her, making faces.
Your heart swells. He is back. You are back. Everything is back to normal. And you wouldn't have it any other way. You could probably do without Shoko overhearing you guys again, though you couldn't lie, Satoru's offer was quite tempting. Maybe later.  
But for now, coffee.  
Thanks for reading! :)
Feel free to reach out with comments or suggestions for future works/songs to use. I can't guarantee regular posting or if I'll use a particular idea, but I'm always open to new ideas to get the brain juices flowing.
Cross-posted on AO3 (misspennymelodies)
Much Love,
Penny <3
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