#i think that while toey was pushing him to connect the dots
lafilleestmorte · 4 months
I have been thinking about Q.
Falling in love with the person leaving him notes at the cafe throws him completely off balance. It's his final year of high school, his world must revolve around his art and getting into college. But he's sitting thinking about this person he has never met and how natural it feels to love them and how deep this feeling has settled into his chest and how little he knows how to deal with it.
So he leaves. He goes to university. He spends a year making friends, dating around, drinking. His art surrounds him again and if he ignores the memory of that milk frappe boy whom he left behind then he can return to the person he understands. He loathes that he is able to live with having left him behind. He draws and fools around some more. And so the year ends, and, walking into a new semester, he meets Toey.
Q's mentee is. strange. For a fine arts major, he has the most peculiar relationship to art. He doesn't have the faintest clue of the skills that, to q, are simple as breathing. Armed with blunt pencils and a conviction like none other, Toey paints beauty into the world around him
It's like I'm sitting in a vast grassy field, with a gentle breeze under a bright sky. It's like I'm watching a masterpiece of art.
Q recognizes the way he's starting to care about Toey, but he's still trying to learn how to show it. Small gestures, little invitations. Quite moments with just the two of them. He remembers the milk frappe boy and regrets what he didn't do then. But he likes the person Toey is showing him how to be.
You said I didn't take care of you at all, so I'm treating you to some desserts.
It occurs to Q all at once that Toey might just as easily slip away. Because of a love beyond his hands or someone else who gets there faster or his own lack of action. Q refuses to lose the person he loves ever again. He's never been in love with a boy. He doesn't even know if Toey has a reason to like him back. But he doesn't have the time to give thought to his feelings or his fears. He needs to run towards Toey, faster than he himself thought it possible.
So when he finds out the truth, the feeling of betrayal is difficult to describe. The love that he had kept concealed - from everyone and from himself - out on display for all of his friends. A boy who made him want to reach out and hold onto his own genuine feelings, working behind him to catch him off guard.
The boy he has been in love with loves him back. He has always loved him back.
But the person he has been becoming now feels like he might slip away. How easy it would be to let him go. How easily he had left him in pain and silence, two years ago.
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giuliafc · 3 years
Ladybug's Catalyst - Ladynoir July/July Snippet day 1 (Catalyst/Older)
Read it on Ao3 || Read it on FFN
As much as Ladybug had always tried to deny it, in the 4 years they had fought Hawkmoth and his akumas, the only time that Ladybug could focus so sharply and defeat an akuma in just seconds like today, were always when he had died for her. He was her rock, her support, and most importantly, he was her catalyst.
Wordcount: 999 words
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by (c) Thomas Astruc, TS1 Bouygues, Disney Channel, Zagtoon, Toei Animation. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Written for the "Snippet July" challenge of the Miraculous Fanworks @miraculousfanworks Discord server. Day 1 — Catalyst. Also, tried to age it up and make it older, so it would fit prompt 1 for the Ladynoir July @ladynoirjuly but… I don't know if I achieved that one. Let me know what you think!
Ladybug screamed. Again. Once again, he had taken the hit for her. Once again, he had died in front of her very eyes. Once again, she could only watch helplessly as he fell into the river of boiling lava.
"You will get me back, M'lady," he had said, his lips still curled into a smile as his body was wrapped by the fire and disappeared. Ladybug just screamed. The akuma in the distance laughing without a sound of regret.
How dare it laugh? How. Fucking. Dare. It. Laugh? LAUGH? As her chaton was burned away by lava?
Ladybug closed her eyes, clenching her fists as she pursed her trembling lips. Her small frame shook with the biggest adrenaline rush she had ever experienced.
The akuma laughed again. Ladybug's eyes opened wide, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her fists shook at her sides, and a growing sense of oppression built into her chest. Without waiting another second, she turned on her heel, killer bluebell eyes glaring at Hawkmoth's latest victim.
"Your stupid partner has perished, Ladybug," said the villain with a smirk. "But don't you worry. No need to cry. You will join him very soon!"
A deep growl erupted from her lungs. "You won't insult Chat Noir, or it will be the last thing you do!" She didn't care any more whether the akuma was a victim or not. She had lost her ethicality and her feelings for the 'poor unfortunate souls that got abused by Hawkmoth' the second his partner had been burned alive. She lost all restraints, all self induced obstacles... and plunged forward.
Rena Rouge stared at the scene unfolding in front of her. A devilish looking Ladybug attacked the akuma like a single-handed storm of fighters. In less than three minutes, she was holding it by its neck, breaking the akumatised object and freeing the butterfly.
"I hope someone took a video of this and has sent it to the Ladyblog," she whispered to Carapace. "I can't believe that the one time Ladybug goes berserk, I can't film it."
"Remind me to never make Ladybug angry, dude," whispered Carapace back.
As the polka dotted heroine released her Miraculous Cure and the flock of little ladybugs flew around, Ladybug's eyes were trained to the spot her partner had fallen from. The second he reappeared, she ran. She ran to him as if nothing else mattered in the whole world. Pouncing on him, they fell to the ground in a blur of red and black while she hugged him with big tears streaming from her eyes.
"NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!" she roared and Rena smiled. Carapace smiled. Chat Noir beamed under the orange rays of the setting sun. From their position, they couldn't hear what he said, but it mustn't have been the answer she was looking for, because she started hitting his chest like a drum. "I SAID NEVER! NEVER EVER DO IT AGAIN CHATON! I CAN'T KEEP LOSING YOU! I CAN'T!"
Rena smiled as she glanced quickly at her communicator, connected to the Internet. She could see a video being posted of the fight to the Ladyblog just now, and immediately the comments started to flow. She sighed, hoping that one day her best friend would realise just how much she loved the black clad superhero. He wasn't just her partner as Marinette thought, and fights like this demonstrated it clearly. He was her rock, her support, and most importantly, he was her catalyst.
Four years had gone by, both Ladybug and Chat Noir had faced thousands of akumas and had risked death on hundreds of occasions. The only time that Ladybug could focus so sharply and defeat an akuma in just seconds like today, were always when he had died for her. No friendship, no simple partnership could create a bond so strong. Rena couldn't really put a finger on when it had happened, she had seen Ladybug's reactions to her partner's death becoming stronger and stronger as time went by. But as of now, Ladybug was the only person, in the universe, thought Rena, who would still be in denial and fail to admit that she loved Chat Noir.
He was only her partner—my foot, thought Rena. Marinette loved him, and one day. One day Rena would prove it to her. One day, her ship would sail.
Author's Note:
Hi! *waves* Yes, I'm back. Still alive. Still attempting to write. I don't know if I will be able to find inspiration for all the July prompts, but this one tickled my imagination so I decided to give it a go, so here it is. Hope you'll like it.
I'll be back soon, hopefully tomorrow if inspiration will strike again! Do you think this could count for the prompt "older" for LadyNoir July? What did you think of it? Please let me know, as you're aware, your comments are what pushes me to continue writing. I haven't forgotten my other stories, and I also haven't forgotten the promise I made to you all back in February so… keep following! ;)
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duhragonball · 6 years
[FIC] Luffa: The Legendary Super Saiyan (86/?)
Disclaimer: This story features characters and concepts based on Dragon Ball, which is a trademark of Bird Studio/Shueisha and Toei Animation.   This is an unauthorized work, and no profit is being made on this work by me. This story is copyright of me. Download if you like, but please don’t archive it without my permission. Don’t be shy.
Continuity Note: About 1000 years before the events of Dragon Ball Z.
Previous chapters conveniently available here.
[23 May 234 Before Age.  Planet Saiya.]
"That's it," Zatte said.   "I'm almost positive that's where the killer originated from."
On the bridge of their star-yacht, Luffa looked at the star chart displayed on the main viewer and shrugged.  On one end was the Saiya system, represented by a small white dot.   Dozens of other star systems were marked with various symbols and notations, and many of them were connected by lines of various different colors.   Most of these lines wandered out across the map, only to curl back toward Saiya, stopping short at a solar system relatively close to it.  
"How did you work all this out?" Luffa asked.  
"There's a ship on Saiya registered to one of the killer's victims, a Saiyan named Yarrow," Zatte said.   "By the time I found out about it, the ship had already been abandoned, but the navigational logs were still in tact.   From the planet where Yarrow's body was discovered, the ship went to four other systems, and each one reported at least one dead Saiyan."
Luffa waved her finger at the map, as though tracing the route.  "That only gets you part of the way," she said.  
"Right, but I played a hunch.   I traced the same ship's itinerary before Yarrow died, and found other victims along the way.  The pattern breaks down here, where a Saiyan named Okartish was discovered dead.   Turns out he and Yarrow were partners."
"Are you saying this guy stowed away on Yarrow's ship for months without anyone noticing?"
"It seems that way," Zatte said.  "Look, we're having a hard time finding him now that he's here on Saiya, so it's no surprise that he can cover his tracks.   He must have some way to hide his presence, even while he's aboard a spaceship as small as Yarrow's."
"You think he can turn invisible like you?" Luffa asked.  
"I doubt it," Zatte said.  "I could mask my life energy and hide on this ship for a long time if I needed to.   But I'd need food and other necessities.  Plus, a ship's life support systems would detect the extra oxygen consumption from a stowaway.  I might be able to hack the ship's computer to falsify the readings, but that would mean sneaking out of my hiding place to do it.   Sooner or later I'd give myself away.  And on a smaller ship like Yarrow's, it'd be that much harder for me to move around without being noticed."
"So how's he doing it?" Luffa asked.   "We know he's a Dorlun because of the poison he's using, and each Dorlun has special abilities.  What can this guy do?"
"It could be a lot of things," Zatte said.   "Keda could shape-shift, which works a lot better for stowing away.   She hid among the Tikosi for months, right?  I don't think I could have managed that long.   She probably spent a lot of that time making her body as small as possible."
"Then maybe this guy's a shape-shifter like Keda," Luffa said.  
"Not necessarily," Zatte said.   "He might have some sort of telepathic power.  Your eyes might be able to see him, but he can prevent your mind from perceiving his presence.  Or maybe he had some way to go into a dormant state.   That way he could hide in the cargo hold without food or water."
"This is too complicated," Luffa groaned.  
"For all we know, the killer might not have hidden aboard Yarrow's ship at all," Zatte added.  "He may have paid Yarrow for passage, and made sure his name stayed off the ship's passenger records."
"But if he's been using his own victims for transportation," Luffa said, "then he's been leaving a trail all along."
"Well, nothing obvious," Zatte said.  "It's taken me days to piece together all the victims with spaceships they might have used or owned.   I know you're not a big fan of King Rehval's brand of diplomacy, but a lot of these murders took place in a lot of different jurisdictions.    If Rehval hadn't established relations with so many of them, I might not have been able to get all the data I needed."
"It doesn't matter," Luffa harrumphed.  "Once my technique is put into action, we'll find the killer no matter where he's hiding."
"Maybe," Zatte said, "but you needed Rehval to make that work too, right?"
Luffa rolled her eyes.  "He has his uses," she admitted.  Before Zatte could tease her about this, she turned her attention back to the map.  "So you backtracked the killer to this system, but what good does that do us?"
"Maybe nothing," Zatte said, "but if the trail goes back any further, I might be able to find out something about him that we can use.  I won't know until I go there and see for myself."
"You want to take the ship and leave Saiya?" Luffa asked.  
"Sure," Zatte said.  "It'll only take a day to get there."  
"But Planet Saiya would be at the killer's mercy while we're gone!" Luffa objected.  
"That's why we’re not going,” Zatte said.   “You’re staying behind.”
"You want to go alone?!" Luffa asked.  
"Luffa, it'll only be for a few days.   A week at most.   You've gone on training retreats longer than that."
"But the whole point of you investigating was so the killer would try to come after you," she said.  "If the bait leaves the planet, then there's no trap."
"Let's face it," Zatte said.  "If he was going to try to attack me he would have done it by now.  Either he doesn't see me as a threat, or he knows it's a trap.  At least if I leave the planet for a while, it might make him wonder what I'm up to.   He might get nervous enough to make a mistake."
"What the hell am I supposed to do while you're gone?" Luffa asked.  
"The same thing you've been doing, dummy," Zatte said.  "Try to catch the killer with that technique of yours.   And try to find out something about this 'Honor Guard'."
"I already did," Luffa said.  "They're just an elite squad in the Saiyan military.  They handle special missions, things like that."
"Then why would they recruit a civil servant like Finule?"  Zatte asked.  There must be hundreds of Saiyans who were stronger or more qualified, and she was willing to die before letting hem take her."
"You can always get stronger," Luffa said.  "They probably have a harsh training regimen, and she got cold feet.   She was just being cowardly, that's all.  It happens, even to Saiyans."
Zatte wasn't satisfied with this at all.  "Look, if you think that's all it is, then so be it.  Finding the killer is what matters now, but don't whine about being bored if you manage to tackle him early.   Take in a show.  Spend some time with your grandmother."
"Oh that sounds like fun," Luffa groaned.  
"You'll live," Zatte said.  "If it gets too dull, you can always conquer the planet.  Hey, what's the matter?"  
"It's just... I don’t know.  Be careful out there, Zattie.  Okay?"
"I'm always careful," Zatte said.  "But for you, I'll be even more careful.   How's that?"
[24 May 234 Before Age.  Planet Saiya.]
Less than an hour after Zatte's departure from the planet, Luffa went to the capital citadel to find King Rehval.   By now, the palace staff had grown accustomed to her frequent visits.  They still stank of fear and loathing whenever she passed them in the corridors, but they no longer asked her to identify herself or make appointments.  She waited in his bedroom for five minutes, and when he appeared at the doorway he walked up and seized her in a powerful embrace--one arm around her back, the other gripping her upper thigh.  
"There you are," he said triumphantly.  He hoisted her up until they were at eye-level to one another. 
She planted her hands on either side of his head and pulled until they were close enough to give him a passionate kiss.  As their lips finally parted, she bit his lower lip, drawing a tiny trickle of blood.  He feigned outrage, and tossed her onto the bed.  
Over time, Rehval had learned to indulge Luffa like this.   At first, he had been very respectful about kissing her, almost to the point of being submissive.  This was customary among Saiyans, as she was the stronger of the two, but she had always enjoyed the way her late husband Kandai would handle her, back when she was far weaker.   It pleased her to see that Rehval could pull it off.   It wasn't about physical power, she supposed.   Rehval was far stronger than Kandai had ever been, and he was a monarch as well.   He was used to projecting authority, in a way that Kandai could have only approximated with strength.  So it was just a matter of getting him to stop being so damned polite to her.   He was putting his tongue down her throat, not negotiating a trade agreement.  
Even so, he still knew when to back off.  Their make-out sessions would end the same way every time.  Eventually, her guilt over betraying Zatte would surpass the thrill she got from him, and she would gently push him away.  He never questioned her about this, and if he understood, he never mentioned it.  He simply respected her boundaries like a true diplomat.   It made her wonder what would happen if he didn't respect this.   What if he wanted to press the issue?  Would she kill him for his insolence?   Would he try to persuade her to take things further than they already had   Would she give in to temptation and betray her wife more than she already had?
"Shall we go?" Rehval asked pleasantly.  Normally they would head to the mountains to train at this point.  
"Yeah," Luffa said.  "I think we're almost ready to try this thing out."
"You still haven't named your technique?" Rehval asked.  He rose from the bed and fetched a new shirt from his wardrobe.   Luffa had a nasty habit of shredding them during their more intimate moments.  
"What's the point?" Luffa asked.  
"The point is that you have something to call it," Rehval said.  "When you and I find this killer, I want to tell my subjects how we did it.   That'd be easier if I didn't have to keep calling it 'Luffa's New Technique, the One Where She Spreads Out Her Ki Energy Across the Whole Planet While We Sense For Any Unusual Activity."
"Fine, you name it then," Luffa said.  
"You developed it," Rehval said.  "The honor is yours."
Luffa rolled her eyes and shook her head.   After a moment of consideration, she finally said: "Golden Duster."
Rehval paused putting on his shirt as he appeared to digest the name carefully.   "We should workshop that," he said.
Luffa threw up her hands in annoyance.  
Hours later, at their training ground, Luffa and Rehval watched the stars come out in the night sky.  The air was cold, but she barely noticed thanks to how closely he was holding her.  
"That's the Pflaume system," he whispered into her ear as he pointed to a faint point of light that had just become visible as dusk gave way to night.   "That's where my villa is.  I'd like to show it to you sometime."
"You already showed it to me," Luffa replied.  
"That was a hologram," Rehval said.   "I want you to experience the real thing.   The sounds, the smells..."
He might have added "touch", but instead he gently caressed the side of her neck with his lower lip, and she found this far more persuasive.  
"But we can discuss that later.  I've kept you here for too long," Rehval said.  "You probably want to get back to your ship."
"No, it's all right," Luffa said.  "Zatte took the ship into space.  I'm staying with my grandmother until she gets back."
Earlier, she had resolved not to tell him any of this.   He didn't need to know, after all.  Yet somehow, something about the way he held her and the sound of his voice caused her to forget her mistrust.  
"She left the planet?" Rehval asked.  "Why?"
"Chasing down a lead on the killer," Luffa said.  "Not that it'll matter.  You and I should have him cornered by the time she gets back.  
"Then why don't you stay at the palace until she returns?" Rehval asked.  
She took a deep breath and released it as a long sigh.  
"I take it that's a 'no'," Rehval said.
"Maybe," Luffa said.  "Let's focus on the Saiyan-killer, and then we'll worry about sleeping arrangements."
"Fair enough."  Rehval released her and rose to a standing position.    
"Where are you going?" Luffa asked.  "I told you, I can stick around a while longer."
"Yes, but unfortunately, I have some business to handle back at the citadel.   I can either put in a long night or get up early to take care of it before we meet up.    Either way, I need to get moving."
"Business?" Luffa asked.  
"It's a state secret," Rehval said.  "I'd need to arrange a security clearance for you.   Maybe if you and your wife choose to stay on Saiya for a while, we could make that happen.  You've proven to be a great help to the kingdom.  Both of you."
"One thing at a time," Luffa said.   "I'll see you at 0900 tomorrow."
"Of course,” Rehval said.   As he floated into the air, he waved good bye and made that damned wink that she found so endearing and smarmy at the same time. 
“Don’t be late!” Luffa called out to him. 
“I wouldn’t dare,” Rehval replied with a smile.   “I know how much you hate to be kept waiting.”
"Where is he?!"
By 1000 hours, Citadel Time, Luffa was in General Ratijio's office, threatening to wreck his furniture.  The general was the strongest Saiyan in the royal military, and unaccustomed to dealing with such a tantrum.   Typically, he would have killed any Saiyan who dared to barge into his office and make such a racket, but Luffa was far from typical, and he knew it.  
"I don't know!" he pleaded.    
Without really meaning to, he glanced at the most valuable object in the room, the palladium medal awarded to him by King Rehval II for his fortieth year of service.  The display case hung on a wall just beyond his reach.  It was a simple tactical assessment.   His territory (office) had been occupied by a superior force (a Super Saiyan), and since he couldn't give the invader what she wanted (the king's location), she would sack his domain to vent her frustrations.  All he could do now was try to minimize the damage.  He couldn't hide his medals now, but if he could keep her attention on his desk or one of the file cabinets...
Then Luffa went straight for the display case.  He raised his hand, although he had no idea what good it would do, but before he could even move, she had torn it down from the wall and moved back to her position in front of the door.  He didn't think any Saiyan could move so quickly.  He thought that she had to use her golden-haired form to tap into that kind of ability.
"Do I have your attention now?" Luffa demanded.  She broke the case apart in her hands and let the pieces fall to the floor.  Then, she knelt down and picked up the palladium medal he had been so worried about.  
For a moment, he wondered how she knew that one was so important to him.  Then he realized that she wasn't just faster than any other Saiyan; she had actually caught the movements of his eyes, and noticed what he had been looking at.  She was a monster, and the king had welcomed her into the heart of his kingdom.   Worse, he had actually begun having some sort of an affair with her.   And now, the king, in his infinite temerity, had stood her up.  
"Luffa," Ratijio said, trying to maintain what little composure he had left.    "He's the king.  He doesn't tell me where he goes, but I can try to find out if, you'll just--!"
"I've been trying to find him for the last hour!" Luffa snarled.  I can't sense his ki, he's not in the palace, and none of his staff have seen him since yesterday."
"What about that technique you've been developing with him?" he asked.   "I thought you could find anyone."
"Oh, I'm coming to that, don't worry," Luffa said.  "The point is, he agreed to meet me at the palace this morning, and he isn't there.  Finding him isn't as important as knowing why he isn't where he said he'd be.   We're supposed to be tracking down that Saiyan-killer today!"
Ratijio swallowed hard.  "Are you saying that the king is--?"
"I showed you how Golden Duster works, General," Luffa said.  "I saturate an area with my own power, and sense for any movements within that field.  It's for finding people who might be concealing their own ki, but it won't work on a corpse!"
"He... he can't be dead!" Ratijio said.  "The Honor Guard would never--!"
Faster than he could register the movement, Luffa grabbed him by the chest of his uniform, lifted him out of his chair, over the desk, and slammed him against a wall, upside down.  The sheer speed of this action was made even more astonishing by the fact that she did it all with one hand.  
"The Honor Guard.   Let's talk about them, shall we?" Luffa said with a sneer.   "They're under your command, right?"
She was still clutching the medal in her free hand.   Ratijio found that he kept glancing at it, even as he knew that he had to focus his attention on Luffa.   He couldn't afford to make her any angrier than she already was.  
"No," he said.   "They report directly to the King!   They're his secret police--"
"Secret police?!" Luffa roared.   "What does a Saiyan king need that for?!"
In spite of his predicament, Ratijio made a knowing smirk.  "You really are a back country yokel, aren't you?"  he said.   "I thought it was just an act to fool people, but you really-- ARRGH!"
Luffa's fingers suddenly charged with ki, and he felt a surge of pain in his chest.  
"Dumb it down for me, then," she said darkly.  
"Fine, fine!" he gasped.  "You might think a Saiyan king should rule by strength alone, but Rehval isn't interested in merely ruling the Saiyans!  He wants to redefine our very culture!  The Honor Guard doesn't just suppress dissent, they enforce Rehval's vision of how the people should behave!"
"Then why would they recruit a file clerk like Finule?" Luffa asked.  "The way I hear it, she was no fan of the regime."
"Finule?" Ratijio asked.  "So they finally took her, did they?  I didn't know, but I'm not surprised.  She talked too much.   Sooner or later someone was going to shut her up."
"Then why not just kill her and be done with it?" Luffa asked.  
"To use her for--!"  But he couldn't finish the sentence.   He knew the information was classified, and that he wasn't supposed to share it with an outside like Luffa, but now he found that he literally couldn't tell.  It was as if the words had been trapped in his throat.
"Use her for what?!" Luffa demanded.  She charged her fingers with ki once more, and he convulsed with pain.  
"They probably took her to--!" he tried to say, but rephrasing his answer made no difference.  
Ratijio had never tried to betray state secrets before.  This wasn't a matter of honor or loyalty, but fear of Rehval's immense physical strength.   But Rehval was missing, and Luffa was here, and far stronger than Rehval could ever hope to be, and this alone made a very compelling case for treason.  Only he couldn't go through with it, and Luffa was rapidly losing what little patience she had left...
"You know, I could just rip the answers out of your mind," Luffa said.  
"I'm trying to tell you, but something is--!" Ratijio began to say.   This time he stopped himself from finishing his sentence.  He knew Luffa wouldn't believe him, since he hardly believed it himself.  
She flung him to the other side of the room, where he crashed to the floor.  Ratijio had the physical might to at least soften his landing, but he didn't want to risk antagonizing Luffa any more than he already had.   As soon as he was able, he glanced to her hand to find his medal was still in tact.  Even as he did so, he wondered why that should still matter to him.
"Don't bother," Luffa said.  She approached him, reaching for his face with her empty hand.  "I've wasted enough time on you already.   I should probably use both hands, so before we get started..."
She held up the medal and closed her fist, crushing it into a chunk of twisted metal.  Then she flung out her arm, launching it like a mortar bomb through the window of his office.   Ratijio was horrified to see this, although he still couldn't understand why.  
And then suddenly, he felt something snap inside him.  There was an intense pain in his head, like something was trying to smash its way out of his skull, and he clutched at his face as he curled up into a fetal position.   He heard an undignified scream, and eventually realized that it was coming from his own mouth.   It was so excruciating that he completely forgot the angry Super Saiyan standing over him.
"What the hell is the matter with you?" she asked, though her voice sounded distant to him, as though she were calling to him from across a great chasm.  
And then the pain simply stopped.  Ratijio opened his eyes and looked at the palms of his hands, unsure if it was safe to move or speak.  He gasped with relief, and slowly rose to one knee, until Luffa grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him to his feet.  
"It was the medal," he said quietly.  "Damn his eyes, he did it to me just like all the rest!"
"What are you babbling about now?" Luffa asked.  
He noticed she had raised one of her fists and he quickly held up his hands in supplication.  "Wait, don't!" he pleaded.  "I'll tell you everything!"
For lack of anywhere better to go, Luffa took General Ratijio to her grandmother's house.   King Rehval III had now been missing for over four hours.   While Luffa concentrated her senses on finding any trace of his ki, Arracash served him all the steamed vegetables he could eat.
"You don't see brassicas like that anywhere else on Saiya, now do you?" Arracash bragged.  "You'd probably think they were imported, but I grew them right here in my garden."
"They are impressive," Ratijio said between bites.  
"The secret is the molybdenum powder I sprinkle into the soil," Arracash went on.   "Any idiot knows to use fertilizer in this sort of climate, but they don't know to do their homework.  Sure, they can grow some crops, but if they don't pay attention to the micronutrients, you won't have much to show for it on the dinner table."
"I see," Ratijio said absently.  
"Now, the iron levels in the soil here aren't a problem, but you still have to keep an eye on the others.  Boron, zinc.  Manganese.  A lot of people don't even know what that is."
"If you two are through talking about gardening," Luffa growled, "I'd like to go over what you told me, General."
He swallowed hard at the sound of that.  "I've told you everything I know," he insisted.  
"Yeah, and most of it was stuff I already learned from reading Rehval's mind," Luffa said.  "His father, Rehval the Second, was an alchemist.   He used witchcraft-- or whatever you want to call it-- to hold onto his throne and defeat his enemies.   He even used it on loyal officers like you, like that medal he enchanted to keep you in line in case you ever tried to turn against him."
"He kept his powers a secret," Ratijio grumbled, "but rumors began to circulate.   Some of us in the military began to suspect he had some sort of influence over people.  I didn't know for certain until you crushed that medal.  For the last five years, I've treated it like a prized possession and never knew why."
"Well, the only trouble I have with that story is that Rehval II is dead," Luffa said.  "Rehval III found out about his secret alchemy lab and killed his father in disgust.  Only it looks like he didn't bother to track down all the talismans and potions his dad left behind."
"Why should he bother?" Ratijio muttered.  "The current king may not have approved of his father's methods, but he still benefits from the results.  The spell I was under made me loyal to their whole dynasty.   It's the same with the Honor Guard.   I'm sure they're under some sort of enchantment to ensure their absolute obedience.  That's why I say the king must still be alive.   If he died, the Honor Guard would immediately install his successor."
"Who would that be?" Luffa asked.  
"Don't be an idiot, girl," Arracash said.  "Obviously one of the king's children would assume the throne."
"Obviously," Luffa replied, "except Rehval has no children."
"Of course he does," Ratijio said.  "The king is many things, but he's no fool.   To rule over Saiya without an heir would jeopardize everything his house has ever worked for."
"That's impossible!" Luffa insisted.  
"Why?" Ratijio scoffed.  "Did you really think you were the first woman he ever fancied?"
Normally, such a cutting and personal remark would have embarrassed her.   Her involvement with Rehval had been confusing enough before the General accidentally walked in on them in the middle of an embrace.  He had kept quiet about it, but now that he was finally speaking up, Luffa was too shocked to be self-conscious.  
"You and the king?!" Arracash blurted out.  
"I guess you really didn't know," Ratijio said with a snort.   "His Majesty's quite the charmer, isn't he?   Probably convinced you that you were the only one he had ever loved.   Well, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but it's just a line.  Once he's satisfied, he'll move on to someone else and tell her the same story."
Luffa shook her head.  "I read his mind," she said.  "I didn't find anything about children or other women or..."
"You must have skipped a few pages then," Ratijio replied.  
Luffa's eyes went wide, and she started taking quick, shallow breaths as she struggled to make sense of this.  Somehow, Rehval had thwarted her telepathic probe, and she had never even dreamed that this was possible.  In the past, others had resisted her mental powers, or fought back with psychic abilities of their own, but this was something altogether different.  
"Luffa, he's telling the truth," Arracash said.  Her grandmother had approached her and reached out with a sympathetic hand.   "The king keeps his children out of the public, but he's held ceremonies to announce their births.  I attended one once--long story--but the food was lousy..."
But Luffa wasn't listening to her.   Arracash and Ratijio probably thought she was upset over being deceived by a romantic partner, but that wasn't it at all.  Like a witless amateur, Luffa had overestimated her own power.  She had assumed that a thorough telepathic interrogation would prove once and for all whether the king was friend or foe.   Everything she and Zatte had done since then was based on this faulty premise.   There could only be one explanation: Rehval had been manipulating them from the start.  
Her thoughts turned to Zatte, who was currently headed for a whole other star system.  Was that part of Rehval's plan?  Was he luring Zatte into a trap, or was it just a way to remove Zatte from Planet Saiya while he put his true plan into effect?  
"Luffa, what are you doing?" Arracash asked.  
The old Saiyan had sensed Luffa's ki rising as she ruminated over her failure.  Without really thinking about it, Luffa raised her hand and slammed her fist into her own sternum.   Her jaw was clenched so tightly that her teeth hurt.  As usual whenever Luffa made a mistake, she could almost hear her dead mother's voice scolding her in her mind.  Complacent!  The enemy was right in front of her.  Her wife, her closest ally, had been right beside her.  And what had she done?!  She took both for granted, and now they were both gone.   She could have strangled Rehval last night and been done with this, but instead she held him in her arms, tenderly, and let him whisper sweet nothings into her ear while they looked at the stars. 
"Luffa!  Not in the house!  You hear me?!  Not in the house!"
In her rage, Luffa's ki had manifested like a miniature whirlwind.   Arracash was pleading for her to stop.  Just beneath Luffa's skin, as always, was that thing.   Aside from a private demonstration for Rehval, she had kept it contained during her visit to Planet Saiya.   Luffa wasn't entirely sure why.  Maybe it was because she wanted to at least pretend to fit in with her own species.   While she had grown accustomed to her other form and accepted it as a part of herself, she still didn't relish the idea of showing it off to her own kind, to revealing herself as this yellow-haired, green-eyed monstrosity.  
But now... Now that Rehval's lies were exposed, now that General Ratijio was rushing out of the house in fear for his life, now that Luffa felt like she couldn't make things any worse than they already were... Now, she could see no reason to hold back.  
With a sharp cry, she released her power... released herself, and came to a decision.
If Rehval wouldn't deal with her directly, then she would just take the matter up with his precious planet.
NEXT: Behind the Throne
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