#snippet july
sing-in-me-oh-muse · 1 year
Snippet July - Forevermore
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Blond hair. Green eyes. Smoking hot body.
Kagami definitely had a type.
Fortunately for her, though, her fiance, Félix, fit that type and more. He was much more decisive than Adrien, which she appreciated and which helped when they were planning their wedding.
“I definitely think we should serve cucumber sandwiches as a starter.” Félix smirked at her, his eyes glittering maliciously. He crossed his legs, seated next to her on her couch. “My aunt hates cucumber sandwiches.”
Kagami chuckled, looking over their menu of scallops, lobster, beef filets, duck breast, and medallions of veal--with the main meats all served pink. “Cucumber sandwiches?” Kagami wrinkled her nose in disgust. “They’re not bad, but foie gras is traditional.”
“Bah, foie gras.” Félix threw his hands in the air, almost smacking Kagami, which she glared at him for. “Who likes foie gras? Not me.”
“I bet your aunt does.”
Félix grinned at her, shooting her the fingerguns. “Okay, you got me. She loves the stuff.”
Kagami barked out a laugh. Hilarious. “We can’t plan our wedding around things your aunt doesn’t like.”
“Why not?” Félix flopped down into her lap, upsetting the paperwork comparing various venues there, which annoyed Kagami but didn’t cross the line into pissing her off. Yet. “She’s awful.”
Kagami set her menu down and booped his nose. “As awful as you?” 
Félix shrugged, an interesting maneuver given that his shoulders brushed her thighs. “Eh. If you want, I can let bygones be bygones with my aunt. Just for the wedding.”
“You’ll be too distracted during the wedding to even pay attention to her, I’m sure.” 
Félix raised a brow. “That’s because you won’t let me see your wedding dress. Let me see it?”
Kagami’s tone was as dry as dust. “No.”
Félix folded his arms, giving her the worst pout. He stuck his lower lip out, letting it quiver a little. “You’re mean. I’m marrying a mean woman.”
Kagami picked up the menu again, deciding to ignore him. If her fiance was going to be silly, well, she didn’t have to give him the time of day. “You can get over yourself anytime now.”
“Hey.” Félix poked her in the cheek, causing a flare of irritation to build in her chest. “Hey, Kagami.”
Kagami huffed, setting her menu down. Now he was treading the line between ‘annoying’ and ‘truly-angering.’ “What?”
Félix batted his eyelashes. “You know I love you, right?”
“So I’ve been told.”
Félix rested his palm on her cheek. “It’s true. I love you like you hung the moon. I love you like you’re the air in my lungs. I love you forevermore--”
Kagami placed a finger on his lips, effectively cutting him off. “Poetry is not your strong suit, dear heart. You don’t need to tell me you love me when you show me everyday.” 
Kagami knew that Félix loved her. She loved him, too, even though their relationship started as a matter of convenience. But he was dead set on explaining himself, the reasons of which Kagami couldn’t fathom.
Félix smiled against her finger. “Kiss me?”
Now? Kagami shook her head. “I can’t; you’re in my lap. Bending down like that is awkward.”
Félix grumbled, sitting up. “Now kiss me?”
Kagami pecked him on the lips, but he captured the back of her neck and pulled her close, slanting his mouth against hers. Grunting, she opened up to him, her shoulders going slack. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and tugged her close to him, and though the position was awkward, kissing Félix was always thrilling.
But Kagami had a job to do. She spoke against his lips between kisses. “We have to…” A kiss. “...do the…” Another kiss. “... menu.” A third kiss, and this one was long, deep, and lovely.
Félix trailed kisses along her jawline to nip her ear. His breaths came thick and fast, and as he traced the shell of her ear with his tongue, Kagami’s arms and legs broke out in goosebumps. “Screw the menu,” he whispered. “It’s kissing time.”
Kagami pulled back and placed her hand on his face, shoving him down into the couch. “No.”
Félix squirmed, so she placed her hand on his chest instead. “Wedding planning is boring.”
“Between your mother and mine, if we don’t plan this perfectly, there’ll be hell to pay.” Kagami pursed her kiss-swollen lips. “Sulking doesn’t become you, dearest.”
Félix furrowed his brow. “I’m not sulking.”
“You are.” Kagami traced circles on his chest, causing him to shudder. “We can kiss after we decide on where to source the croquembouche.” 
“Can we plan the cocktail reception instead?” Félix asked hopefully, his eyes shining playfully. “With actual drinking involved? I would love to taste test some alcohol right now.”
“I am not allowing you to get drunk during wedding planning.”
“I wouldn’t get drunk, per se.” Félix’s grin was as sharp as a bear trap. “Just a little tipsy.”
“And then you wouldn’t be able to drive home, and you’d have to crash on my couch.” Kagami wagged her finger in his face, irritated all over again. “Tonight is not the night for that. My mother’s coming over tomorrow to inspect the planning we’ve done.”
Félix’s brows rose. “Wait, she is?” He plucked the menu up immediately. “Why didn’t you say so? I think we should have our parents spring for lamb.”
Lamb was delicious. First wise decision he’s made all night.
Félix offered her another one of his characteristically-knife-like grins. “My aunt hates it.”
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weee another fantasy au snippet <3 a little shorter than usual cause that's what the scene is <3 shorter <3
Something is wrong with Wally. 
It’s not serious, or at least Barnaby doesn’t think it is. If he didn’t pay such close attention to his buddy, he’d never know that anything was amiss at all - Wally has an excellent straight face. But not so excellent that Barnaby can’t read him.
There’s a different curve to his smile these days. It’s sort of pinched, sort of sad. It matches a look in his eyes that puts Barnaby on edge, if only because that deep, dark pensiveness is so wildly out of place on Wally’s soft face. 
It scares him. Something is off.
What is it?
Barnaby taps his claws on his middle as he stares at the tent roof, thin enough that firelight from outside bleeds through. Despite the late hour, his eyelids feel magicked open. The other side of the tent yawns empty, and that is precisely the source of Barnaby’s insomnia. 
Everyone is asleep except for two - and Barnaby is only awake because of one.
With a deep sigh through the nose, Barnaby sits up and clambers out of the tent. He shivers as he stands up and crosses his arms, rubbing at his fur. The night sky is clear, but the breeze cuts him through to the bone. It isn’t even winter yet, sheesh…
The campfire casts a fuzzy outline of red-orange around Wally. He doesn’t turn away from the embers as Barnaby shuffles behind him, and Barnaby doesn’t have to look to know that he’s staring directly into the low flames. He tweaks Wally’s raised hood as he passes, just to make sure Wally knows he isn’t alone anymore. He spaces out, sometimes. 
“Can’t sleep?” Barnaby asks as he takes the log next to Wally’s rock of choice. Wally just hums, and Barnaby frowns.
There’s that look again.
With how Wally is perched, his legs drawn up and arms folded on his knees, his smile is hidden. It’s unsettling. Barnaby scans Wally from the corner of his eye, taking in the tension in his shoulders and the nearly invisible pinch of his nonexistent brows. 
“Yeah, me neither,” Barnaby says. Another breeze, another shudder, and a quick glare at the stars. 
Should he press? The obvious answer is absolutely not, but… Barnaby isn’t sure how much of this - thisness he can take. He has no idea what to call it. A mood? It’s too serious to be considered a mood. All Barnaby knows is that when Wally is like this, something itches under his skin. 
Tonight would be a perfect opportunity to ask. Everyone else is fast asleep. Wally isn’t putting up the fronts he usually does. The knowledge that this Wally, the Wally all covered up and curled in on himself, is as vulnerable as anyone will never see - it makes Barnaby want to reach.
“Hey,” he murmurs, nudging his knee against Wally’s boot, “I’m starting to worry for the fire with how you’re glarin’ at the thing. What, did it emberass ya? Give ya the coal shoulder?”
Wally doesn't laugh, but his gaze softens. Barnaby curses himself.
“Not that there’s anything wrong with glarin' - I’m sure the fire deserves it,” Barnaby is quick to add. “But really… is everything alright, kid?”
“Yes,” Wally says, but it rings like an untruth. It's just something he’s saying because it’s what he always says. Everything is always fine with Wally. 
“You know you don’t gotta pretend with me. There’s somethin’ bothering you, I can tell.” Too far, too much, Barnaby is sure. He shouldn’t be so pushy.
But instead of clamming up, Wally’s eyes flicker down and away, guilty. The bloodhound in Barnaby perks up its ears. It’s all he can do not to point and shout AHA!, because that would assure that Wally would put up the same masks around him that he does with everything else. Vindication wars with his concern, as if he thought he might have been imagining the funks Wally has been slipping into.
Those too-long periods of silence that no one notices because Wally isn’t much of a talker. Moments of utter stillness that no one notices because Wally is always so stationary. The way he doesn’t drink in every new thing with a hunger like he usually does, as if Wally has been starving his whole life.
Those passing glances where his pupils seem too big, the blackness of them infinitely deep as if someone could fall into them. Maybe Wally is. Barnaby doesn’t want him to.
“You don’t gotta say a word,” Barnaby says, wishing the campfire log was just a smidge closer to the rock. “I just want ya to know that I see you, and I’m here. Whatever’s goin’ on in that pretty head ‘a yours, I’ll be right there for whatever you need. I got your back, Walls.”
Wally’s smile peeks over his arms for a moment - he always has liked being called pretty, or handsome, you name it. Barnaby preens over being able to coax him even the slightest bit out of the pit he’s slowly spiraling into. He’s winning big at the whole ‘best friend’ thing, Barnaby thinks - a complete natural.
For a long while, Barnaby doesn’t care to keep track, they sit in companionable silence. The fire cracks and pops when Barnaby adds a chunk of wood to it, coaxing it into a flame that actually takes the bite out of the breeze. Crickets chirp in the forest around them - something howls far away. 
The tension doesn’t leave Wally. In fact the longer they sit, the worse it gets. Barnaby keeps his mouth shut and eyes on the fire, the woods, the stars - anywhere except Wally. It’s the kind of tension that makes him suspect that Wally is gearing up to speak. Sometimes it feels like there’s a sinkhole of silence that opens up whenever Wally has something of his own to say. 
Reviving the fire was either a smart move, or a dumb one. It depends on how quickly Wally thinks of how to share. Without the brisk chill of night keeping Barnaby fresh-faced, sleep is finally starting to sink into him with the fire’s warmth. He briefly considers sneaking into Howdy and Sally’s tent to sneak an energy potion from Howdy’s pack. Pros, he’ll certainly be awake for Wally. Cons, he’ll be awake long past Wally’s spiel, Howdy will have a fit over missing an item, and Sally will have a bigger fit over Barnaby sneaking into her tent when he inevitably comes clean. Also, the potions don’t taste great. Or maybe he should fetch his pipe-
“I think. I don’t…”
For a second, Barnaby misses that Wally spoke at all. He double-takes when the half sentence registers, casting a quick look to Wally. Okay, no, don’t do that. Focus on the fire. Be casual - give him space. Barnaby nonchalantly pokes the coals with the fire stick.
Wally sighs - such a small sound that the crickets almost drown it out. But Barnaby has big ears, and they perk up. When does Wally ever sound frustrated? Curse him, but Barnaby finds it novel. Wally shifts on the rock, curling up impossibly tighter and turning his head away. Barnaby watches the back of his hood. 
“I don’t think I’m a good person,” Wally admits in the smallest, deadest voice Barnaby has ever heard. 
“What?” Barnaby says, or he means to. The air in his throat doesn’t quite form sound. He turns to Wally and clenches his paws on his knees to keep from reaching, floundering for words. 
How could he - why would he - who told him that he - 
“What do you mean?” Barnaby says, a disbelieving chuckle slipping out. “Wally, kid - you’re the best guy I know. You’re my best guy. Out of all the ways I could describe you, a bad person isn’t one of ‘em.”
Wally whips his head around, his eyes flashing - Barnaby tenses his entire body to keep from recoiling, though he can’t keep his eyes from widening.
For a second there he thought… he thought he saw… it must have been the firelight reflecting in Wally’s dark eyes.
Wally’s intense gaze pierces straight into Barnaby’s soul. He feels flayed raw and seen in a way that makes him want to run. But there’s something else. Something scared. Wally is searching for something, and Barnaby doesn’t know what or how to give it to him. His claws splinter bark.
As soon as it appeared, the look fades. Barnaby can take deep breaths again, and he lets go of the log. Wally blinks slowly and lets his sleepy gaze slide back to the fire. “I don’t know… maybe.”
Barnaby carefully lays a paw on Wally’s back. “You’re a good person, Wally. I don’t know who told you otherwise, but don’t listen to ‘em. You’re a fantastic friend, an even better best friend, and I gotta say - you make a pretty bang-up wizard. You’re the most.”
“I’m the most?” Wally murmurs, sounding surprised. He makes a sound that might be a laugh, might be a scoff. “No… you’re the most.”
“Tell ya what- we’re both the most.”
Wally casts him a sideways look, but doesn’t protest further. He hums.
“C’mon, lil’ wizard,” Barnaby says with a pat to his back, “let’s give the fire a break and turn in for the night.”
Just as he was starting to relax, Wally shies away from his touch, curling up like one of those shelled bugs Frank likes so much. “I think I’ll stay up a little longer.”
Barnaby swallows down the hurt and pulls away. “Alrighty. Don’t stay up too late - we got a day tomorrow.” 
“Ha. I know.”
With that, Barnaby stands. He gently squeezes Wally’s nape through the hood as he passes, and breathes a silent sigh of relief at how Wally leans into the touch.
All’s forgiven. Though he isn’t sure what for… whatever Barnaby said or did wrong, he’s just glad Wally doesn't mind.
Barnaby clambers into the tent and another shiver ripples through his fur. All the darn heat leeched out of it... He wraps himself in his thin, too-small blanket and shivers as hard as he can manage to generate some kind of warmth. It’ll heat up soon, he just has to wait. Wally usually casts a little sun spell on cold nights, but Barnaby can do without. Even if the tent gets comfortably warm, Barnaby isn’t sure if he’ll sleep.
Wally didn’t believe him. 
And Barnaby doesn’t know how to make him believe.
How could he think that he isn’t a good person? Barnaby meant what he said - Wally is the best person he knows. Wally is kind, patient, and just - just - him. There isn’t a single bad thing about him. Barnaby is so proud to call him his best friend. 
There has to be something that started this. A moment that made Wally doubt himself. Did someone say something? Not anyone in the Neighborhood, they all love Wally to pieces. He’s their wizard! He’s saved their lives and countless others, and their group simply wouldn’t be complete without him. He rounds them off with an artsy flourish.
So. There’s no reason that Wally should be feeling like this. But that look in his eyes… the guilt… there’s something else going on. Something deeper than just ‘I’m scared I’m a bad person.’ 
Something is wrong. 
Firelight flickers outside the tent, and Barnaby watches it until it goes dark.
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I'd like to request a snippet for a justice-driven homicidal Vampire Hunter getting bitten by his long-time femdommy Vampire rival and enjoying it far more than he expected. Can be as suggestive as you wish <3
He didn’t talk for a long, long time. He just watched her curiously, not really sure what he would do, now that he was alone in a room with her again.
Last time turned out horribly wrong with her destroying all his weapons and pushing him against the wall. He wasn’t one to lose his composure easily but that one was…challenging.
“Ugh. You again?” she asked. Her pupils were dilated, two massive black holes in a dimly lit room that sucked him in. “Come back later.”
His eyes fell on the shards on the floor, the deep scratches in the wooden desk. A drawer was destroyed, torn into pieces. Usually, order was important to her. Wherever she was, there was a certain grace that followed her.
“I’m here to finally end this,” the vampire hunter said. “And I’m not leaving this room until I do.”
Usually, she would’ve laughed at that. She liked to tease him. Make fun of him.
But she didn’t say a thing, she just rolled her eyes and groaned. One hand sank into her smooth hair, grabbing her skull as she was squeezing her eyes together.
He’d never seen her like this before. Tortured like that.
Oh god.
She seemed to be in pain, fingers grabbing the desk hard enough to make the wood crack. Was she sick? Injured?
“I’ll make this quick. Some hunters capture vampires and force them to walk in the sun until they die.” This was mercy, wasn’t it? It’s what he had to do, what he was trained to do.
“Aren’t you a sunshine?” she asked. Her eyes found him again and hunger and insanity seemed to mix in them. He was more enticed than he should’ve been.
He’d been after her for months now, had spent years trying to end her. So many times, he’d been this close.
And he kept hesitating every single time. Sometimes he cursed himself for that. She seemed to be so much better at being his enemy.
“Look, pretty boy.” She looked at him and he noticed that her eyes were bloodshot. “I will decapitate you with my hands and let your head rot on my desk if you don’t leave now.”
“You’re sick.”
“So I’ve been told,” she said.
“No. You’re sick. You’re ill. Something’s wrong.” He took a step towards the desk, watching her hands, her body to detect any signs of danger but she didn’t seem to be capable of fighting right now. Her muscles tensed and relax almost rhythmically. “I can’t kill you when you’re ill.”
Technically, not true.
He took another step towards her, trying to reach her with his hand.
“I’m good with medicine and I have enough knowledge about vampires to help you, just let me—”
He didn’t know exactly why he was acting like an absolute idiot. When it came to her, his brain shut off and showed no signs of going back up.
She snatched his wrist and slammed it into the wall, panting as she pressed him against it once again. Her fangs hovered over his bare skin. He felt her breath on his neck, heavy and fast, and god, he realised how lonely he was.
“You have to go,” she said.
“I’ve never seen you act like this,” he said, his heart hammering in his chest. He concentrated on her body, trying to think of any sickness she could have. Nothing came to mind. “I’ve never seen a vampire act like this.”
“I…” She let her head drop, still panting, still clawing at his wrist. Their chests were touching and he was sure he was going insane when her forehead rested on his shoulder. “I’m trying to starve myself.”
“What?” he whispered, angry at the thought and confused why she would want to do that.
“My niece died three months ago of old age. She was the last of my family. They’re all dead now. I haven’t tasted blood since.”
“Are you insane?! Three months?” Her breath was slowing, her grip loosening. He knew she was probably at the end of her tether, with his heart beating hard enough for the two of them to hear. It probably took all her composure not to make a meal out of him.
“I didn’t know what to do,” she said. “I would’ve asked you but…I don’t think you can kill me.”
“Excuse me?”
She raised her head to look up at him.
“No offence,” she said, studying his face. He was probably drenched in red, even though he wanted to play it cool. “Fuck, you’re so adorable…”
He knew how unfair life could be. A long time ago she had mentioned that she never wanted to be a vampire in the first place.
To watch everyone around her die, to be alone for good…he swallowed, touched by how much he could relate to that.
It wasn’t easy, this profession. Most people didn’t make it to their 30s.
“Bite me,” he whispered gently.
“Bite me,” he said again. “Please. I’ll beg for it if I have to. Please, help yourself.”
She was tired, he could tell. Maybe that was why she didn’t argue. Her nails dug into his shoulders and if that wasn’t enough to ruin him already, she licked his neck generously, sucking on the spot she wanted. He cursed quietly, trying to hold onto her hips but she was faster and pressed his wrists above his head with one hand.
The other found his jawline and followed it. When she was done with her preparations, she pressed a kiss to the wet spot on his neck and moved on to brush her lips against his.
“Is this really what you want?”
“Might as well have some fun before I kill you, huh?” He chuckled nervously. God, he was rusty. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been touched like this.
“Don’t get cocky now,” she warned, lifting her knee to press it between his thighs. “Don’t get cocky…”
He groaned, nearly whimpered and leaned his head back, eyes rolling into the back of his head. He wondered if this was how everyone who got bitten by her felt like and that thought alone made him jealous.
He was a starved man, he realised. Starved like her, for other reasons and maybe for the same reason. He had expected her to be ice cold and though her skin was a lot cooler than his, she was comforting.
Being close to her made him feel at peace. It was as if he’d known her in his previous lives, as if this was meant to be. He couldn’t allow himself to think thoughts like that…
“Shhh, my love.” She sucked a hickey into his neck and it slowly dawned on him that she was edging herself. Sucking that blood to the surface, taking her time…or maybe she just wanted to edge him.
Maybe she was just as nervous as he was, maybe she was just as rusty. He couldn’t tell. And he didn’t care. He cursed himself for all the wasted years.
One last time, her tongue went over his skin and then, he felt a sharp pain, followed by sweet release and an overwhelming amount of pleasure.
He wanted to hunt her for eternity, he wanted to hate her, he wanted to call her his undying nemesis so bad but above all, he wanted to fall asleep on her chest with her long fingers buried in his hair.
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thedeathdeelers · 10 months
idk why but i can so vividly picture julie dancing and singing along to dancing queen as the clock inches closer to midnight for her 18th birthday with only the flickering glow of fairy lights guiding her while luke sits back and watches with a bittersweet feeling in his hollow chest, truly realising for the first time that julie was about to outgrow him and there was nothing he could do about it
only keep his eyes glued on the girl who stole his heart and soul decades after he lost them, and wish with all his might for the magic that constantly surrounded julie to maybe just maybe work on him, just one more time
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miraculouslumination · 10 months
I might go further into detail on this and I haven't really looked much in the tag to see if anyone else has offered this idea, but, like
Here's one of my biggest theories regarding the shenanigans in Welcome Home, summarized in one sentence:
Wally is sick.
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callmeblake · 11 months
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L.S. Dunes performing a snippet of Benadryl Subreddit at an acoustic set for 97x at Sad Summer Festival on July 7th, 2023 at The Sound in Clearwater, Florida
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satashiiwrites · 11 days
Snippet Sunday/Summer Fic Preview
Wasn’t tagged but getting some writing done now that my social calendar is more open on this lovely Sunday morning. If you’d liked to be tagged when I post/update this fic, please like, comment or reblog and I’ll take that as permission to add you to the tag list for updates.
Happy Pride!
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Title: Welcome to the Jungle
Fandom: 911, Jumanji
Pairings: Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Robbie Nash/Danny Buckley, past Eddie Diaz/Shannon Diaz mentioned
Fic Summary:  From the concrete jungle to the actual jungle, five players will be summoned to Jumanji to save it from the wicked Van Pelt.
Rating: Explicit (sex, stereotyped villain, implied/mentioned child neglect) 
Tags/warnings: explicit sex, canon-typical violence, Jumanji AU, time travel fix it, slow burn, long fic, pod fic welcome, deviating from canon where it suits the story, canon timeline is a mess and we’re just not going to stress about it, author doesn’t do straight up adaptations, eventual happy ending, mention of divorce and canon character deaths, aged up Robbie and Brook, mentions of child neglect/abuse from the Buckley parents,
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Mom is off somewhere, supposedly talking to his doctors, when the play therapist Tiffany stops by, announcing her presence with a happy little series of knocks and a smile. “Danny! How are you doing today?”
Danny likes Tiffany—she always remembers to call him Danny instead of Daniel, like Mom insists everyone call him because she detests nicknames. Tiffany also always has a smile for him when he’s having bad treatment days. She’s the one who snuck him in his favorite stuffed animal, a golden eagle he’d dubbed Aquila after one of his early babysitters had read him a book about constellations. Aquila is currently standing guard over Evan’s crib since Danny can’t be there, which is more important than being with Danny while he’s in the hospital. 
“Hey, Tiffany. I’m doing okay.”
Tiffany’s blue eyes narrow as she inspects him playfully before she breaks and winks at him, and the smile returns. “Just okay?”
Danny shrugs. He’s stuck here, and they’d had the first hint of spring weather this week. He can’t wait to make a flower crown for Evan like Maddie had made for him last year. 
“Aw, buddy, I get it. Hopefully, the doctors will let you fly the coop soon.”
“Mom’s talking to them.”
“Well, I got a great selection of things to keep you busy while they talk. We even got a donation of a few of the new Game Boys yesterday. How’d you like one of those?”
“What? Really?” Danny perks up. “Which games do you have?”
Tiffany hands him a brand new Game Boy. “We’ve got a few games. Zelda, Mario, Kirby,” she says idly as she sorts through the cartridges. “We’ve got multiples of those but only one of this jungle adventure game, so it’s the only one if you want that one.”
“Jungle game?”
“Ju…man…ji? I’m not sure if I’m saying that right.”
“Let me see it. You said it’s an adventure game?”
“I think so? The label looks adventurous.”
“Give me that one and Zelda.”
“Here ya go. I’ll be back tomorrow to switch you out if you beat both of them by then. Stay out of trouble, kiddo.”
Rolling his eyes at Tiffany’s playful admonition, Danny puts Zelda in first as he’s heard a lot about it. Soon, he’s joyfully adventuring as Link and spends a few hours running around Hyrule. Mom comes back and leaves again, which she’s been doing more and more. She’s spending a lot of time with that one doctor—Dr. Barnes. 
Dr. Barnes is young and has been the biggest advocate for Danny getting a stem cell transplant. He also has the same blue eyes as Evan. 
Danny’s heard the nurses say that more than once. 
Link’s adventures prove to be preoccupying through the dinner hour, and Danny manages to eat a few chicken nuggets before refusing more food (hospital food is generally gross, but even they can’t screw up chicken nuggets). Mom checks in on him briefly before saying something about going to call Dad and then disappears again, leaving him alone.  
There aren’t any good cartoons at night, so he picks up the Game Boy again and decides to try the other game—Jumanji. The screen blinks, and drums echo through his room, startling Danny. It sounds like it’s coming from the walls, not the game in his hands, which vibrates synchronously with the increasing tempo as if the drums are coming closer. 
“Wow,” he says as the drumbeat climaxes and abruptly cuts off, the room silent around him. “This game is wicked.”
Text scrolls across the screen, and he reads it aloud, faking a British accent as it seems to fit the game’s mood. “For those who seek to find a way to leave their world behind, choose your avatar.”
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outtoshatter · 11 months
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Tagged by @satashiiwrites !! Thank you 🥰
A snip from Kingdoms Fall~
Stiles took a plate of thin sliced meats and light, crisp crackers from the table and tried to get back to his table unnoticed.
Blake intercepted him. “Seer, you look a bit grim for a party.”
He twisted a smile at her. “I’m not a guest, just the entertainment.”
Her brows drew together, then her mouth opened. “You-” Her eyes narrowed and she looked toward Princess Kate. Her cheeks flushed, not the sweet pink from earlier but dark, outraged red. “You are the Royal Seer to King Gerard, not a plaything—a street performer—”
Stiles shook his head. “I’m used to it,” he said under his breath. Louder, he said, “I am here to serve the Argent family.”
Tagging to look or participate: @cephalog0d @pinkviper @raisesomehale @sterek-stuffs @fyeahsterek72 @2dents @rosieposiepuddingnpie @halevetica @midnightwinterhawk @rxsterek @ohhalefire @ladiekatie @nerdy-stilinski @thebestbooksaround and anyone else who'd like to play or take a ~gander lol
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breakaway71 · 7 months
I know about a lot of your WIPs, obviously, but for the WIP titles game, tell me about The Song you Sing in the Shadows because I don't think I know that one?
You might know it without realizing you know it LOL, although I haven't talked about it in some time. This was what I tentatively titled my Vampire!Reggie fic, which was basically... The boys died from vamps instead of hot dogs, Reggie got turned instead of killed, has to spend the next 25 years adjusting and trying to forget his best friends. When Julie finds their old demo album and accidentally summons Luke and Alex as ghosts, Reggie is not prepared. I still go back and poke at this one sometimes, but it turned into something really daunting and kind of got backburnered. (I also started a different vampire Reggie fics in the meantime, wondering if I should just scrap this one as Too Much, but in the end, I couldn't do it, so I keep hoping I'll go back and really give it the time and attention it deserves one of these days!) snippet:
He hears the approaching footsteps, the sound of a steady heartbeat, like something out of a dream. It drags him out of the darkness he's trying to drown himself in, makes the torrent of tears slow, then stop. Reggie has the half-hearted idea that he should move, he should run, because anybody who finds him like this is going to think he's homeless or dangerous (he guesses maybe he's both, now), but he doesn't want to move.
Let them come, he thinks. What's the worst they can do?
"Reggie?" he hears, and it startles him enough that he looks up, blinks through wavery vision to see the young woman coming towards him until she's close enough to kneel beside him. "It's Reggie, right? Your name?" Her voice is soft. Accented. He recognizes it, but it takes him a long, addled moment to place her.
"Dios mío," she breathes. "I heard what happened to your friends, but you weren't with them when the ambulance came, everyone said it was just two from the band, and I feared… So I came looking." She places a hand on his arm. He blinks down at it, confused, thoughts moving too slow for whatever is happening right now. "Come, we need to leave the streets. I can help you."
Reggie doesn't know how anyone can help him now, but she's been the single bright spot since this nightmare began and at this point, he thinks he'd be willing to follow her anywhere, if only to have some sort of direction.
"I can hear your heartbeat," he tells her, very quietly, as they walk.
There is the slightest hitch in her step, something Reggie isn't even sure he would have noticed if his senses weren't dialed up as much as they are. It's easier to focus on her movements than the blinding streetlights or the blazing club signs or the cars…so many cars and they're all so loud. "I know," Rose finally says.
Reggie stares at her, the clench of her jaw and the tightness around her eyes and the purposeful way she's walking. But it's her heartbeat he notes above all, the way it remains entirely steady. "Why aren't you scared?" Because he's still oscillating between numb and terrified out of his mind, and it might be nice to have some company there.
She darts a glance at him, frowning. "You're not hungry yet, are you?"
Hungry. God, in all the time since he woke up and realized what happened, what had been done to him, he somehow never stopped to consider the connotations hungry would have for him now.
 "No…not really." The street dog dinner he'd been looking forward to feels a million years away from this moment, and the only thing he's feeling in his stomach is gut-roiling nausea.
"Then I've got nothing to fear," Rose says.
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minks-country-club · 1 year
Julie Black x Edward Cullen
Here’s a little sneak peek of the Julie x Edward fanfic I'm working on hehehe (No warnings apply)
Damn that girl. Oh, how he hated her. 
She would be the death of him. Edward swore it. 
Her and her stupid thin, flowy tank top — not even wearing a bra either. And her stupid jersey shorts. And her stupid...muscular arms. And her stupid tattoo on her arm. And her stupid...pretty face. And her beautiful, long, wavy hair that was also kinda frizzy. And those thighs that could absolutely crush his skull. 
She does it on purpose. Edward knows this. She does it for Bella.
She does it for him.
And he's not sure what pisses him off more. 
Oh, Julie. 
She was so cute at first. Just a sweet little thing. It was endearing, the way she looked at Bella with admiration and her innocent little crush. Eyes wide, and her smile like sunshine. Her mind was stuffed with softness, and it was a lovely place to rest for the telepath. Edward had no problem with Julie whatsoever and even took pleasure in the peace of the girl's mind.
But then she had that growth spurt over the summer. And those muscles came from nowhere for a fifteen-year-old girl. And she looked at Edward with a fire in her dark eyes as she hugged Bella. And her thoughts were getting darker. 
Edward told Bella that it was being taken a little too far. He felt threatened by Julie. Like she was on a mission to steal Bella from him. 
Bella told him he was being ridiculous, that there was nothing to worry about. Bella loved him and only him. And he believed her. 
He wasn't even mad about the fact that Bella would blush in front of Julie. He understood because if he could blush, he sure as shit would be too. 
But it was getting worse. Julie was sixteen now, and Bella found out that she was a Quileute werewolf. Edward insisted he didn't feel comfortable with Bella being around Julie, that she was more volatile now that she had phased, and her affections for Bella would be more obvious and pushed harder. Bella ignored him.
Which is what lead him here. Eyes locked with Julie in a glare — per usual — as she hugged Bella tightly. She was a lot bigger now — more height, more muscle, more legs, more... you know. 
And they were... big. Edward had to swallow the lump in his throat and break eye contact as he read Julie's mind. Heard how nice it felt to push up against Bella's petite body. He wondered what they would feel like against him. What her everything would feel like against him.
Listen, he was a hundred-year-old virgin, alright? He refused to touch Bella like that, at least while she was still human and fragile.
But Julie could take it. 
Edward couldn't lie, Julie was the most beautiful girl he had ever met. Like... ever. He never imagined a girl of her physic ever appealing to him. But there he stood, gawking at her. In his very long life, he had never seen a girl quite like her. He would never admit that to anyone, though. And definitely not to Bella. 
Stop it, Edward. You have a girlfriend. It doesn't matter how pretty that stupid girl is, you shouldn't be thinking of her in that way. 
The hug only lasted for seconds, but it felt like a lifetime for Edward. He was here to drop Bella off at the border and go. That was it. So, leave. 
He just... didn't want to, though. But Julie took Bella's delicate hand in her strong one and led her to the Rabbit to drive away together. Leaving Edward standing there alone at the side of the road, looking like an idiot. 
Damn that girl. 
When Edward came to pick Bella up hours later, his mind was attacked with...a lot of horny thoughts. Girl-on-girl action. And they weren't his thoughts.
'I'm going to fuck your girl, leech,' Julie smirked at the vampire as she hugged Bella goodbye. 'She'd be such a good girl for me.'
That...did something. Snapped something inside of him he couldn't quite explain. 
Julie let Bella go and kept eye contact with Edward as Bella hugged him and got into his car. 
'That's a promise.'
Edward rushed over to Julie with vampire speed and grabbed her arm to drag her away into the forest in the blink of an eye. Julie didn't even realise Edward had picked her up and thrown her over his shoulder as he ran into the forest, and she got whiplash when he threw her to the ground just after she realised she had been picked up and carried away in the first place. 
Bella will have no idea where they are and would be helpless to stop whatever went down. By the time she realised what had happened and got out of the car to look for them with worry, they were long gone.
"What the hell?!" Julie scowled at Edward from the ground, pulling herself up with a groan. 
But Edward pushed her back into a tree, causing it to shake and leaves to fall around them.
"If you ever touch her-!" Edward shouted to the wolf's face, his hands gripping the girl's biceps harshly, enough to cause bruising. His breathing ragged. 
"Or what?!" Julie shouted back, looking into Edward's golden eyes fiercely. "What will you do? If she wants me, then you just gotta deal."
Edward huffed, and he puffed. But she was right. He couldn't really do anything if that was the case.
"You know what I think?" Julie smirked, "I think you're jealous. Of Bella."
Edward reared his head back with a scoff.
"Oh, you know I'm right. You want a piece of this too, huh leech?" She grinned, arching her back off the tree trunk slightly in confidence. 
Edward really tried to ignore the way it made her soft, squishy chest push up against him.
"I know what you think of me. I can see how it makes you feel. I make you so pissed that you wanna use me as a stress ball," Julie snickered before her voice dropped to a low, sultry tone.
"You wanna touch," she reached for Edward's cold hands to drag them down from her arms and place them on her hips. Edward let her. "You wanna feel," she smiled, leaning in close, dragging Edward's hands up her waist beneath her thin shirt and letting out a shaky breath at the cold caressing her heated skin.
Edward couldn't help but grip the flesh and squeeze it. Her waist was slimmer than her hips, creating a slight hourglass figure, accentuated by her thick thighs and broad shoulders. Edward was still taller than her, but not by much. Maybe an inch or so. 
She giggled at the touch and leaned in closer to whisper in Edward's ear. "You wanna taste."
This was wrong. So fucking wrong. 
But Julie kept moving his hands up her smooth, warm body until they were cupping her breasts. And Edward made no attempt to stop her. His breathing was getting shallow, and he shivered at her sweet giggle in his ear. 
Yep. She was absolutely going to be the death of him. 
Julie craned her head down to slowly swipe her wet tongue across Edward's icy skin up his neck and jaw. Oh, the heat was so nice. 
"Kiss me, leech."
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enbysiriusblack · 11 months
for dorlene july, here is a lil preview of the prequel im writing for dorlene once i finish tdwaaf!!
Marlene remembered begging on her knees for eternal life, her own blood dripping down her neck and onto her dress. She had prayed to the devil in that moment, and it saved her.
Now, Marlene stood in front of the cave, and prayed to no one. She saw the faint shadow of Dorcas Meadowes. And heard the shouting and felt the fire coming from the bottom of the hill.
Marlene had two options. Flee- live on in the promise of eternity. Or stay- face the possibility of dying.
Dorcas stepped forwards slightly, their eyes wide and terrified.
Marlene could practically feel her own burning flesh as she made a decision.
She stepped into the cave.
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greatgigintheskiess · 11 months
G/t July #10: Ancient
Yeah, I know I skipped the other days... but I wanted to participate anyway so here's a snippet for ya :P
Word Count: < 1 k
Finn couldn't even remember how he got lost. But there he was, aimlessly straying through the thicket. The boy was miles away from his home by now. And slowly but surely, he was losing hope to ever find a way back.
Looks like he has to find a place for the night. Bad thing was, he didn't carry any weapons to defend himself from wild animals. And his stomach was growling as he didn't eat anything today. He was so exhausted.
The boy kept on walking further in an unknown direction and for as long as his legs would carry him. Eventually, Finn spotted a path that led out of the forest and to some ancient ruins. He stood on a clearing, surrounded by abandoned remains from what might've been a castle once. The one he entered was so huge and enormous and, if he wouldn't know any better, he'd say even gigantic.
Soon Finn perceived a very pleasant smell and went after it. He was still so hungry. The boy found a room what appeared to be a kitchen, poorly furnished though. A cauldron stood in the middle, on the walls were shelves filled with different herbs and jars of wheat, pickled food and more. But the only odd thing about this was the size. Everything was huge in comparison to him.
Someone really tall must live here but giants only existed in myths and legends, right?
The child didn't hesitate long and climbed onto a table that stood beside the cauldron. There he found food almost as big as himself. But the boy went over to a plate and started eating as much as he could until a deep voice caught him off guard.
"Well well, look what we have here. Don't you think it's rude to just steal someone's food?"
The boy turned around and froze when he saw a giant talking to him.
But that's not possible! Giants are not real!
Finn wanted to say something but nothing seemed to come out of his mouth. He just stared at the old giant in fright.
"What's the matter, kid?" The giant asked with amusement. "Have you lost your tongue?
Eventually, Finn answered meekly. "I-i'm not looking for trouble. I'm sorry for d-disturbing you... I'll go right away!"
The boy already stepped a bit backwards and wanted to run over to the table's edge when he was scooped up by a pair of large hands.
"Wait a moment, I'm not done with you yet." The giant said and peered at the tiny boy in his hands. Finn was scared to the core. He already imagined how the giant would throw him in the cauldron and eat him with neck and crop. The boy shivered by the mere thought of what he could even do to him. Finn shielded himself with his trembling hands.
"Please, don't eat me! I didn't mean to steal!" The child pleaded, close to tears.
That's when he heard a loud deep laugh which completely confused him. Finn lowered his arms and saw the giant laughing amusedly.
What's so funny about it?
"I ain't gonna eat you, kid." He chuckled. "Just look at you, you're only skin and bones!"
Finn had no idea what was even going on here. He continued staring at the buff guy who laughed his head off. Suddenly the giant tilted his hands, causing the child to tumble on one palm. The giant placed the boy on a counter, where he had a good view of him.
"Hm, I'm starting to like you, little boy." He said with a cheeky grin. "What's your name?"
The boy noticed pinning light eyes on him. He could see the giant's long dark hair, some strands braided, and his tied beard. Only now the boy realized he looked nothing like a regular human, telling by his pointy ears.
"Now, you probably heard of me, didn't you?" The giant stopped his train of thought.
But Finn had no idea what to say. So he just shook his head, feeling uncomfortable.
"No?" The giant gave him a disappointed look. "C'mon, toots. The giant of Eldham? Does that ring a bell?"
The boy rummaged in his mind. He could remember having heard about it but wasn't that just an old fairytale parents told their kids?
"Uhm, I guess. But I always thought it was just a legend." Finn replied awkwardly. He really just wanted to get away from here. But the giant seemed to think otherwise, continuing their little conversation.
"You see, it's not. And I haven't seen humans around in ages but somehow you found me here."
The giant rested his chin on his hand, stemming on the counter. Finn felt a warm breath on his skin, tousling his blond hair. As if this talk wasn't awkward enough, the boy heard his stomach growling loudly. His face turned crimson when the giant chuckled softly.
"You're hungry, aren't you, kid?" He uttered, handing him a piece of the food from the table. "Here, have a few bites."
The child peered a while at the offered food and eventually took it thankfully. Finn was hungry, indeed, so he could hardly refuse, couldn't he?
And besides, wasn't he looking for a place to eat and sleep before anyway?
But little did the boy know then, he would be in the company of an ancient giant. And if Finn told anyone about it, they would think he made this up.
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jmrothwell · 8 months
Pretty sure I posted this before somwhere but sharing again. Especially since when(if) we eventually do get to this moment, it's probably gonna get rewritten from Reggie's POV.
Reggie’s shoulders shake as he wraps his arms around two of the men. The three of them collapse onto the pavement, tear filled laughter etched into the faces she can see.
Julie’s happy for them, she really is. But there’s an ache she can’t quell and watching their happy reunion only serves to rub salt in the wound. Isolated and alone in a way she never thought possible.
Should she give them some space? The question rings around her head, no clear answer in sight. Yet, her feet move underneath her, backing up until her back hits the facade of the corner store. The whole time her eyes had been glued to the scene playing out in front of her, but as their laughter grows so does the chasm forming in her chest.
Quietly she rounds the corner, trying to convince herself she isn’t hiding. She’s just giving them their privacy. That’s all this is, she reiterates to herself as she slides down to sit and hugs her knees to her chest.
“Julie?” Reggie nearly screeches and she stumbles tripping over her feet as she tries to stand up and run at the same time.
“Reggie?” She yells back, and he rounds the corner out of breath, eyes wide. Though she struggles to fully read his expression, didn’t even realize she’d walked so far away.
“What is it? What’s wro–” She begins to ask as they sprint towards each other. Her question is cut off as he nearly tackles her back to the ground. Crushing her to his chest, she swears her spine cracks under the pressure.
“Don’t,” he pants, squeezing her harder still, fingers digging into her jacket. “Don’t do that..I thought you.”
“Oh, Reggie.” She says with what little breath she can manage to gasp under his hold.
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thedeathdeelers · 9 months
idk i feel like we’ve already talked about this (we did!! it’s here!! by the lovely @mac-lilly) but a sweet home alabama-ish juke au. yknow. childhood friends to lovers to strangers to enemies to lovers again
mostly for this scene:
“nice dress,” he shouts over the rain and the sound of waves crashing against the shore. “where’s your husband?” he barely throws a glance at her, his eyes quickly averting back to his task at hand — burying the rods deeper i to the sand.
julie is drenched from head to toe, her wedding dress ruined, her hair a nightmare — her make up is probably leaking all over her face, and her feet are aching. but as she gets ready to give him her answer, she can’t help but smile — a genuine one.
“i’m looking at him,” she says simply.
luke stops moving, his back to her as his arms hang on either side of the metal rod he was now gripping with a little more force than necessary.
for a moment neither of them say anything, with only the sound of nature roaring around them.
it represented them well — the pouring rain, the crashing waves; the thunderous clouds and blinding lightning: it was a lot, all-encompassing and overwhelming.
their love was a force of nature, and they both knew it.
luke slowly turns around, hands dropping to his sides.
“what are you talking about?” his eyes scan the darkened area behind her, trying to spot the blond head he knows will inevitably pop up. “where’s nick?” he finally asks when he fails to see him.
“he’s not here, luke,” she says, taking a step towards him. luke’s eyes are back on her, as he watches her warily. what was she up to? torturing him until the last minute?
“he left for new york an hour ago.”
just hearing the name of the city that had become julie’s new home reminds luke why he had tried so hard to guard his heart.
he nods brusquely at julie, walking past her as he shouts over his shoulder.
“you should hurry and catch up to him — wouldn’t want to miss your wedding night.” he grimaces as the words leave his mouth, instantly regretting it.
he sounded petty. and he also definitely didn’t want to picture julie on her wedding night with someone…..that wasn’t him.
luke stops to pick up his equipment off the ground, shaking his head as he digs around in the sand to make sure he doesn’t leave anything behind.
“i’m not joining him.”
luke stops moving, his fingers freezing mid-search as her words slowly sink in.
she couldn’t-
she didn’t-
“we didn’t get married, luke.”
her words hit him like a bag of bricks, dropping everything he had picked up as he slowly straightens up, his back still to her.
he takes in a deep breath- and another, eyes closed and fists clenched as he tries to squash down the hope that stubbornly started rising up in his chest.
“why not?”
“apparently,” she starts, her voice slowly getting closer. “…we’re still married.”
luke’s eyes snap open at her statement, swirling around to find her standing only a few feet away.
“still married? but i signed the papers, just like you asked me to.”
“yeah well turns out…i kinda forgot to.” she shrugs, shoulders moving up and down as a small smile makes its way on her face.
“forgot?” he asks incredulously. “forgot?”
luke groans as he rakes his fingers through his hair, letting out a humourless laugh.
“julie,” he says, eyes on hers. “what do you want?”
“you,” she answers simply. “you were my first kiss,” she continues, taking a step closer. “and i want you to be the last.”
that throws him off for a second, recalling a time when they were kids and julie had told him the exact same thing.
they were older now- things were different…right?
luke just shakes his head to clear it, and asks again.
“no i mean- what do you want to be married to me for anyway? wasn’t nick what you were always looking for?”
julie shakes her head as her smile turns blinding, taking a step towards him, and then another, until she was crowding him, standing in his space.
“so i can kiss you whenever i want.”
she grabs his drench collar, and pulls, until he was only inches away.
“and no luke, it was always you.”
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bedlamsbard · 9 months
About ten words written today, largely to not have a zero day -- I spent the day running around frantically between class, taking Problem Child to the shop, tutoring, family stuff, picking up Problem Child from the shop, going down to CVS to get a flu shot. (I'd have got the new covid booster too but my CVS texted yesterday to say they hadn't gotten it yet. want to know what makes this really ironic? so many people who work at the CDC live in my neighborhood, because, get this, the CDC is literally next door to my university. many CDC employees just take the university shuttles.) I am in...excruciating pain. Back pain, probably stress, this pops up occasionally. also I can't really lift my left arm, so there's a reason I scheduled this for a Friday.
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dozenssporks · 11 months
the videos Vash posts online are funny and friendly but also in a way very impersonal, showing nothing of his deeper thoughts. There’s a two minute video of him laying on his back in a parking lot talking about unrealistic gun techniques and handling in shows, one video about using doughnuts as targets to see if he can shoot through the center without destroying them, but he never voices opinions or broaches serious subjects. It’s all lighthearted, no shadows.
which is why the video discovered online several weeks after the July Incident is such a shocking contrast.
*There’s something wrong with the camera, the image is so distorted it might be pointed at a face or it might just be random shadows. The audio is full of static and it takes a moment for the voice to come through*
“--actually made it, I can’t believe my phone actually survived that. That’s beyond ridiculous, it’s insane.”
*there’s a sound something like laughter. It cuts off abruptly*
“. . . insane, it’s insane, it’s completely . . .”
*static for several seconds*
“I need to say something, I need to tell you . . . but they’re not--the ones I really need to tell--they aren’t--”
*there’s something wrong with the speaker’s voice but beyond the slurring of words its hard to pinpoint what exactly with all the static interfering. The patchy shadows swoop into fractured lights and colors as the camera is re-positioned*
“. . . never put dates on this videos they’re not important, They automatically go into a queue to post whenever . . . But right now, today . . .”
*a distorted face and red torso are discernible now but the image is fractured and repeated so the person doesn’t look so much human as made up of too many human parts with with bright flares of light feathering the red edges into white*
“I’m having trouble, my head won’t work right. I don’t--I do know, I know, that today the date is important, I need to remember, I can’t let myself . . . what I’ve done. It’s my fault, I did this.”
*the audio is becoming more and more distorted, the semblance of an eye surrounded by a dozen copies looks at the camera, blue and alien but clear*
“Today is July 21st.”
*the next words spoken are strained as if said through clenched teeth and so soft they are almost lost in the static*
“I have no right to say this, as if it will fix something, but I can’t not say it--”
*several seconds of static*
“. . . I’m sorry--”
*the video ends*
Though widely believed to have been posted by Vash the Stampede the video has never been concretely linked to him
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