#i think thats why when i post stuff on my art sideblog i just write a little comment about the drawing and thats it.
kuzunoha-xiv · 10 months
whenever i post drawings on my twitter i barely get attention, probably because its not trendy stuff or because hashtags dont work and while i mostly draw for myself and for fun, i wont deny it makes me feel a little bummed out. but at the same time do i really want to get attention or more followers? it would probably stress me out or make me feel unconfident about what i do or post. its my inner struggle, i want people to see my content but at the same time i don't.
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archaictunic · 1 year
Tumblr media
now that i've finished!!! i have THOUGHTS i'm just rambling don't mind me. this is the abridged version of this post because i initially had 12 different points and lost most of my thoughts when i accidentally hit ctrl+z :3 SPOILERS FOR TOTK PLEASE DON'T CLICK IF YOU HAVEN'T FINISHED.
first. i am ignoring that link got his arm back. i understand why it does that, but i am not keeping nor acknowledging that bit of information - not for a while, at least. the gloom can be gone. ganon can be destroyed. rauru still had to REPLACE LINK'S ARM ENTIRELY. unless his weird ghost arm just… slid on top of link's existing one like a glove. but thats SILLY. i like the cool dragon arm. i want link to start growing out his nails on his other hand and get them done in hateno or something and continue to have cool little claws.
second. i want to write up a page or something somewhere detailing my opinion on Ships. like… i didn't ship zelink really UNTIL botw/totk, and even then, it is purely because of my partner and i talking about/developing some stuff with them. and the more i think on sidlink or even link/mipha the more the zora age starts to make me Question things?? and then obviously, despite my personal adoration for revali, he and link would NOT get along super well , especially romantically? ( at the very least, NOT my link, not without some MAJOR work on both sides ) idk. link ships in-universe are hard lmao give me crossovers or something where i'm not working off the burden of canon (this is only mostly a joke) - also urbosa is a lesbian, and daruk is more like a dad. this is hard. riju is ............ viable i guess but i dont know they also don't feel super romantic. yunobo is his hype man not his boyfriend.
third. the ganon fight was SO fun. i absolutely adored the very end of it; and it felt way more involved than the big pig from botw?? so like even though, essentially, those final phases were the same sort of type of gameplay (very hard to lose, honestly) it was STILL super fucking fun i had such a good time exploding his pustules. how many times now has link stabbed ganon in the forehead.
fourth. other than the arm, i'm excited because the ending really didn't step on the toes of ANY of my vague thoughts for development so far?? like i will still be able to take my link in EXACTLY the direction i was hoping to!! where he KNOWS what responsibility rests on him; and he's quiet because of the burden, but also like… he doesn't know WHY he's the hero. why ganon is the villain. he knows ganon did evil things, he knows he's supposed to hate the man for … well, everything, but he sort of sits on a weird little line where he hates him, but also doesn't understand why he should feel anything at all about him? the hatred is a requirement. he has to hate the calamity. the demon king. even if he's never really met him. even if he doesn't know anything about how they got here. he just. HAS to hate him.
fifth. i am thinking about link's scars. not that he canonly has ANY. but i really want to look over the events of these games, and my own personal playthroughs, and find a few scars to really give him more character. i think that scars can be something SO important. something that can have such a heavy story behind it. like… i'm never gonna forget my first lynel battle, for example. idk i really need to draw him a WHOLE reference i'mj ust fufuckcing tired. might also make an art sideblog for that when it comes to it because i fear my content getting notes.
sixth. i want to chew on every character in this game like a stimmy squeaky toy
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mordcore · 3 years
tagged by @lostlovepunk thank you uwu
1. Why did you choose your url?
back when i was certainly a system, mord was our system name 😌✨ and the -core is a nice suffix because short words are usually taken, and using <my name>core always feels accurate (and crowcore was taken)
2. Any side blogs?
so many,
witchcraft: @loki-says-trans-rights
to reblog art: @art-appreciating
writing and stuff: @lamuella-42
aesthetic: @aestherisk
to save tutorials: @tutorials-collection
i gave up on being a gm for now so i can leak my pnp sideblog: @aspiring-gm
and my german sideblog: @official-bvg
most i post to once per month but none i feel confident in titling as "active".
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
this blog, 1 year or so. in total, 7 years 😳
4. Do you have a queue tag?
no i never queue 🤣
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
back in 2014? heck if i know. i remember starting off as a black-and-white blog, reblogging mostly self harm romantization and depression worsening content
this time? cause i missed tumblr and wanted to come back but didnt want to use my old blog because of drama/paranoia. also i felt like a fresh start.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
hello?? aro crow??? thats just a pic of me
7. Why did you choose your header?
halloween pride flag 😌
speaking of which, time to change it maybe
8. What's your post with the most notes?
i have 8k on my "i'm done being gender neutral. starting today i'm being gender antagonistic"
9. How many mutuals do you have?
uhhhh 22 wow this took a while to count
10. How many followers do you have?
11. How many people do you follow?
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
hahaha. enough that theres a tag for it
13. How often do you use Tumblr everday?
my daily average is 1:34 hours in use time and 23 launches (i have an app to track app and phone usage)
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
yes. aforementioned drama was not about blogging or even through tumblr very much but i have had someone get really angry at me for something stupid before and even block evade and find my main blog to yell at me there (it had been on a sideblog)
15. How do you feel about 'you need to reblog this' posts?
that phrase is blacklisted, i will neither get guilt tripped nor expose anyone else to it if i can help it
16. Do you like tag games?
i used to really like them way back when on vent; i think i still do 😌
17. Do you like ask games?
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
don't make me go back and find out who is a mutual again noooooo (also no one? i don't think?)
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
hahaha crushes aren't real everyone knows that /hj
oh now the hard part i need to tag people hmmm
@ratzeflummi @dubbedcorn @catwaifuwu @katpile uwu✨
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the-march-hair · 5 years
hello ! i was just wondering if you’d have any advice for someone considering setting up/starting commissions for the first time, thanks !
I think everyone has different advice and tactics, so anything I say, others may find me to be completely wrong, this is just my opinion on things. As artists tend to work alone there are as many ways to sell art as there are to make it! This is just what works for me.
Firstly understand that commissions are not a “quick and easy” way to make money if you are just trying to avoid finding a “real job”.
Secondly your followers are just people who like to use the internet, and yes potential future customers, but they owe you nothing. No one has to buy your work. Let them want to buy it because they want it not because you beg them to buy it.
Now I got the kinda negative bit out the way let’s talk business!
1) Create a professional art self on the internet. Whether thats just a tumblr blog where you only post YOUR ART or with the addition of a portfolio or otherwise, build a following of people who like your work and yours alone. Tumblr sideblogs are great, I have about 9 for various things, and I am very very strict with my @fionacreates account hence why I have accounts like this one for silly fanlulz. Some people do get away with shitposting, posting art, politics, fandom squees, asks, and lulz, but tbh I don’t follow a single art account that I like that combines it all.
Different people have different successes with different platforms. Find what works for you. I still use deviantART a lot, despite the shit people give it, because often it’s still where people go to find new people to commission and i’ve had an account for over a decade now,
2) Decide what you are selling. From experience “OMG WILL DRAW ANYTHING FOR CASH MONIES” kinda lends itself to either drawing stuff you hate, or no one hiring you because they dont really know what you sell. If you only love to draw portraits in black and white, don’t sell full body colour pieces.
3) Decide what your time is worth. Look at other artists who draw at your level of both talent and online following for a guide, but also make a decision on what your time is worth. If this is not at least minimum wage for the hours you put into it, don’t sell it. I could write a whole essay on why dirt cheap commissions aren’t a good idea. If you have to put your price high and no one buys it, keep improving, maybe find a non art job for income security. Your mental health will thank you. 
4) Make sure you know what copyright you are selling, and what’s more make sure your clients know. My cheaper “private” commissions are cheap precisely because they are private. They are for the client and the clients private use alone. My commercial work (board games, illustrations etc) cost more because the company that buys them, puts them on a product or uses my art to sell their product. For commercial work never ever do anything without a contract. Definately do your research about this.
5) Take a deposit. For most work I take 50% up front, make the piece and get the second 50% when I completed it, and then I send the finished file.
6) Draw your work printable. That is at 300 dpi. Your client will likely want to print the shiny art they bought!
7) Tell people about it and be very clear how they can contact you. People won’t message if they can’t find your contact details easily! Make sure it’s on your tumblr bio, twitter bio, linked in your sidebar to your commissions info, make it loud and clear you accept paid work!
Going back to an earlier point... do not pressure or expect anyone to buy your work. It sounds utterly heartbreaking to do it all right, get the nice folio, make the nice graphics, advertise on all the right places and get no emails! It may be a false statistic but I read a long time ago only 1 in 100 of your followers are willing to spend money on stuff you make, and that number goes down the more expensive it gets.  Use the time you have no work to make kick ass personal work and continue to share it on your social medias, people like artists who post regularly (even just sketches) and people are more likely to spend money on artists they like.
If you want to sell more full body designs, draw more for fun, show people what kind of thing they could be buying!
8) I don’t know where you are from, but for goodness sake look up your tax laws for self employment. Don’t get into trouble because you didn’t declare you sold some art on the internet.
9) You can say no. If you feel uncomfortable drawing something someone is willing to pay you for, do not draw it! Say no. The money is not worth it.
10) You will make mistakes. You will slip up, or your mental health might do something stupid like stop your working for a bit. I have no answer for this as it has also effected my own work sometimes even though I wish it wouldn’t. But talk to people you love about your work and let them in. An artist usually runs a solo business and that shit gets heavy sometimes. 
11) NEVER WORK FOR EXPOSURE you can expose yourself on twitter far more than anyone offering exposure on their account can give you. If their digital reach is large enough to make a difference to you, they have enough money to pay you. 
And lastly.....
Just.. make art! Make what you love and the people who also love it will find you. Get involved in projects, like zines, talk to other artists on social media, take part in hashtag events (such as #portfolioday was the 9th july on twitter and next on the 9th october). Whether you make money or not if you feel like you are an artist, you are one! Whether someone buys your work or not is not an indication of your ability. Don’t give up, go forth and be an artist.
I certainly don’t want to put you off with anything negative I have brought up, but I don’t want to send you forth with “omg ofc people want to buy your work, you’ll be minted soon!” But if you just go forth and do what you do best, and do try to keep a professional head on your shoulders (and let the artist run wild in the work) you’ll hopefully do ok!
As I said this just my opinion, I may have missed things and other artists who read this may do things differently, but this is just based on my own experience!
PS If you find the secret to rich clients who let you paint what you want... do get in touch.
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producedbywonho · 7 years
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 some blogs you would like to get to know better.
I was tagged by @adreamyheize thanks a lot!!!
Nickname: Anna; Sona and Papi(ta)
Starsign: Cancer
Height: 5′4/165cm
Last thing I googled: alice and the witch reformatory walkthrough (its a fun puzzle game but i got stuck in a part so i wanted help jaskasdda)
Fave music artist: 33screamingfrogs.wav but srsly theres too many..... im lazy
Song stuck in my head: Limitless by NCT 127
Last movie I watched: Underworld (2003)
Last TV show I watched: Dirk Gently’s Holistic Dectetive Agency
When did you create your blog: like 3 or 4 years ago ?? i had other blogs before so like i have been in tungle dot hell since like 2008 or 2009....
What kind of stuff do I post? : A lil bit of everything ??!!?! i just reblog whatever i like or think its interesting while keeping my weird organization systems that make sense to only me kaklsdklaad
Do you have any other blogs: as for now.. no but im always thinking abt creating either an aesthetic or a writing sideblog
Do you get asks regularly?: not at all but like 99% of the times its cute and nice asks so im always glad
Why did you choose your URL?: I love sonamoo they are my precious children and i think the word boo is cute so sonaboos
Fave colour: the holy trinity pink blue and purple but lately i’ve taken a big liking to peach and coral tones
Average hours of sleep: 3-7 hours it all depends on the day or better saying the night akdjkskladd
Lucky number: 4
Fave characters: Paige Matthews, Sarah Manning, Raven Reyes, Seth Knightlord and many others lmao 
How many blankets do you sleep with? 1 and when its like extremely cold 2 but thats like an once in a year situation
Dream job: Diplomat? Cinematography Director? Visual Art Producer? Radio Operator? Local Cryptid/Urban Legend? i take whatever
Following: only 100 im very picky ;;
Anyways, I tag @loveoptionsmp3 @shinhoseok @hongsiyongs @maqicalqirls @9snsd @dantesaristotles @sapphickpop and @zoyalina to do this but don’t feel pressured okay!!!1
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mulletprrince · 7 years
Tag thingamajig
tagged by the super fab @snowy-scientist !
Rules: Tag 20 people you want to know better
Name: Emma 
Nicknames: none irl, but online I got by tree, bellabina, and mullet XD
Star sign: Aries, the first and BEST of the signs
Height: 5′6"
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor officially, but I’m a self diagnosed Gryffinpuff
Favourite colour: minty green and red but not together
Favourite animal: Dogs first by principle, then tigers and Amur Leopards and Cats and Wolves and I HAVE HAD TO LONG TO THINK ABOUT THIS
Average hours of sleep: 5-10 whoops
Favourite fictional character: ehhh i love them all but Raven is just… Raven
Number of blankets I sleep with: really depends on how i feel 
Favourite singers/bands: yellowcard, fall out boy, and all time low, (also hamilton and in the heights)
Dream trip: i go to costa rica like every year and honestly that’s my dream trip 
Dream job: wildlife conservationist and freelance artist/ character designer for animation and maybe make my own webcomics
When was this blog created: like this year because I remade my like 5 year old blog XD
Current number of followers: i think like 149 or something? I need to delete a few porn bots
When did your blog reach it’s peak: i have this one post thats voltron i think that is still getting notes but i also had one that got a thousand like a couple months ago? 
Why I created this blog: remaking my old blog, mainly so I could reblog cool things and write and draw (but I post my art and cosplay on my sideblogs)
Time right now: 9:28am
Last thing googled: okay so I was searching up things on google to see the suggestions and i typed in “tumblr is…” and got “tumblr is cancer” and then accidentally clicked it so… tumblr is cancer is the last thing i searched XD
Last movie watched: Hidden Figures!! Amazing movie about civil rights and nasa AND SPACE 
Last TV show you watched: Voltron season 2 FLIP YEAH
What are you wearing right now: the only part of my outfit that matters is fingerless gloves (im also wearing a star wars shirt, a steven universe jacket around my waist, and black Juicy sweatpants), no shoes because i like to walk around school barefoot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What kind of stuff do you post: FANDOM (basically lots of whatever im into at the moment currently vld), also memes, shitposts, signal boosts, art, current events stuff, and more memes
Do you have any other blogs: omg yes i have a lot @pearljames is my blog i made just dedicated to this one au where someone drew pearl as james from pokemon and.. i dont even know. I have a drawing blog that I never post on that i forgot the name of. Also a cosplay blog that i really like @chronicles-of-cosplay. @mulletweeb is my voltron sideblog, though i post a hecka lot of voltron on here so i dont know why i have that. Also i rp there. @yurio-plisetsky-on-ice is my yoi sideblog, and i have a bunch of others that i should probably delete
Do you get asks regularly: psHHHH no
Why did you choose your URL: thats basically a mix of my two internet names treerain and bellabina (bellabina is my middle name, and treerain was my user on the warrior cats forums XD)
Gender: demi-girl
Pokemon team: INSTINCT YO
Lucky number(s): 3, 4
You dont have to do this if I tag you, but it’d be cool >@galactibun @joker-ace @anitabliss @paladin-of-blue @whitthecat @xenavitani @elentori-art @klanced @klance-klance-revolution @toonful
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