#i find fun stuff abt myself while doing it so yea
29121996 · 7 months
#ok. got a 50 n i have to ration this to last a week . maybe#see a 50 used to last me . a week a few years ago#or like . 5 days . not it lasts 3 . 2 if im rlly . yea#this is a whole thing in my bbrain bc i get addiced to stuff and this is Bad for my bank acc. so i gotta limit it#or ration it . n after realising why i do smoke (addiction ASIDE)#and consulting the council (myself) . i decided i cannot watch tv shows while high#like#i smoke bc its fun yes . but examining further . idk how to explain it#but i only get high to stem severe episodes / listen to music n do that weird mental shit i do.#but bc im dependent on it . i smoke it all the time regardless#so . to like limit how MUCH . if im planning to watch a tv show i cannot b high.#bc not smoking for . 2wks meant i had to find shit to fill my time and i apparently cannot merge the two#this would b worded better if i was sober i think#not having a job rlly had me examining my fucking routine i HATE it#dawg . anyway. ooh i forgot . waht this shit does to my .#uh . spiritual abilities . oh my god#the vivid scenes are Back . go away boy .#i wish it was socially acceptable to go ' are u thinking abt me' without soundin conceited or feeling crazy . bc#i would love to just . get 100% confirmation on this. but#side note my poor cat#my legs going 100mil an hour rn (literally another fucking sign . i call it energy portal#n its shaking hte pillow my cats sleeping on#i feel bad hold up#there we go#fyi i feel this shit sober . so ik its not being induced by the weed BUT its 100x stronger when im high . and its more intense . its fucked
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minmin-pal · 1 year
im just gonna nab that "dead man's questions" and stick it in between watching part 4 and 5, kinda gives me vibes of like spy secrecy type stuff lol and ngl i was about to search it up automatically but i'm glad i refrained from it now. so the plot follows a character whose passed away? is it some type of flashback or maybe an 'afterlife/ghost' adventure? i don't know which or if either are right so i'm just pulling stuff outta my guessing hat lol
i might just have to accept this inevitable heartbreak either way tbh, just watching characters go on an adventure, have fun, develop and just generally live makes it very hard not to get attached though ig that just comes with the viewing experience. the 'waiting for them to bring the person back' bit is so real though, ngl i always end up forwarding and end up ruining a series for me because "when is this character getting brought back???", to the point i end up not paying attention to the rest of the series lol(/lh) though i'll make sure to not do that when watching jjba :D W series fr
and oh! you've watched naruto? you said the 'original naruto' so i'm gonna go out on a leg and assume you didn't watch Shipudden?(/genq/nf) could I ask what were your thoughts on the story (however far you got into it?) maybe like favorite/disliked characters? parts of the plot you liked and didn't, did you have any critics of the series (both manga and anime, assuming you read the manga too)? (/lh) any opinions on the legendary Sannin? generally, just your thoughts on it i suppose
and oh yeah fair fair, the intro bit i brought up since i kinda tiptoed around it when i was searching up watch guides and didn't want watch anything that might've spoiled anythin lol (may have been too careful for no reason lmao) the intro was just the first clip i saw of the actual 3d bits (i'm in the 'not know' side whether that style/model was consistent with the actual 3d used in the show tho) but wait they animated the powers n stuff to be 3d?? that's actually super cool wha (/gen)
took me a while to understand that 'death 13' was the name of the episode, and ohh it never occurred to me about the 'copyright issues' bit though i guess it's the same reason why people will always use names like '"barbucks" for a shop in their story whose icon looks awfully like Starbucks lol. i usually watch my anime subbed, though which would you suggest for this one? do you usually watch in subbed or dubbed? but eh yeah, might not matter much but still ty for the heads up! (/gen)
no but truee, the foundation parts make the lead up to the big punchy monster powers bit even more satisfying though :( and jonathan, yeah yeah! i've seen very small smidges of him here and there, i briefly consulted the wiki page of his because i wanted to find a clip of his voice without spoilers and omg he sounds so cool! :D i didn't scroll down any further down the wiki though, there weren't any "spoilers ahead!" warnings but i didn't wanna take any chances :')
oh yeah, sxf is actually a pretty good example of a 'polished' anime artstyle similar to other modern animes tbf, the sharp difference when i try to compare the two in my head made me snort a bit ngl (/lh) the style and story (from what i've seen of jjba and sxf so far at least) are so stark in contrast but they're both so good too (/gen)
twt has already shoved in my face that apparently, eren dies for mikasa or something? i'm not in the know of all the details but the shock factor is definitely eh- minimized now i suppose lol, and oh a tier list might be a fun idea if your up for it! how do you manage to keep track of the ones you've read/watched? or is it just a 'welp i'm relying on my memory for this' type thing? (/hj/lh) sxf really carrying both jjba (with no one being safe lol) and aot in terms of fluff, i feel as though i'm jinxing myself and that the ending might not be happy either but i;m crossing my fingers it is lol, and yea dw abt getting off topic, it's fun to read tangents (is that how you use the word)
mangakas favorite drink are the tears of their fans :') (/j) but props to you for managing to get the titan lore, i've seen a lot of people say it just confused the heck out of them and some said they dropped it so i hope you were able to enjoy it :D (both the series and the 'head-ache inducing' lore /hj/lh) 
and yay no problem! i'll admit when i read your description of it, i tried to do the same actions? like laughing but not making any sound, i definitely looked very goofy while doing it but i remembered the term 'croak/croaking' so it was a fruitful endeavor :D (/j/lh) i apologize for the tmi ;')
 "Chainsaw Man is a character-driven story that manages to conclude itself in 97 chapters, and its due to the author focusing on the main characters and its themes," i didn't think it could be explained so simply in word form but that actually does make sense. "All the battle shounen stuff is just being used a medium to tell the actual story, it's not the story itself." just this description alone summarizes it well i'm assuming and now that i think about it, really makes csm stand out tbh. Almost all anime i can name off the top of my head (action/battle genre ofc) really does focus on "different states and nations all preparing to fight one another for [ cue overarching plot point ]." Character development and personal introspection don't tend to be the top priority, well aside from the 'shonen mc moments' such as ya know- tanjiro, izuku, etc.? (/lh) or from what i can gather at least lol
but honestly, i didn't know csm concluded at 97 chapters! the fact the author was able to just- start it, do what he wanted to do and end it as planned (or at least i'm assuming? i haven't seen any articles with the clickbait tagline of "csm creator dislikes/isn't happy about [ ... ]!") it got pretty popular too so that's awesome to hear, and yea true actually, i can see you and other people like denji and the fact that both the "Mineta Minoru is Expelled from U.A. High School/Shinsou Hitoshi Replaces Mineta Minoru" tags on ao3 collectively have over 5.8k fics says enough lol 
spy was definitely a very wholesome show and it's just so, so nice to watch the family dynamic form and grow<3 dunno why but i liked how they were able to incorporate bits of yor and loid's profession into their parenting styles what with yor helping to cause the iconic damian scene and loid with attempting to sneak in to change anya's grade lol, but oh! what's your thoughts on franky? ngl i kinda love all the goofy stuff he pulls and gets twilight to do lol, but yeah tbh yuri's bit of being secret police and his scenes with anya are some of the only highlights of his char i remember when watching ;; (/lh) obsessive brother still kinda shocks me with how it's pretty prevalent as a trope tbh but also what's your thoughts on bond? also what was your favorite and maybe least liked episode or mayb chapter of sxf? 
it's been a bit since i found the site but i can binge all the chaps now so heads up an ask abt that in a few hours :D (/lh/gen) your so right about that thoo, having characters that could just be irrevocably bad people can be done but managing to make them appealing/getting the readers to feel for them is such a sign of being a good writer, but also yeah managing to cause your readers pain thru them is to be applauded too lol (mangaka's really do enjoy their reader's pain /j/lh) 
how have all the scenes you've shown be so pretty, my brain would assume it's just specific detailed scenes but i have the very sneaking suspicion that the whole manga is styled like this and i'm very much looking forward to it,  even if i covered her facial expression her hair swaying and clothing ripples(is that what u call it) somehow portrays emotion so well, how even? (/lh/pos)
i was confused on who 'nameless white-haired guy' was until i read the next sentence and i just went "ah" lol, and oh kinda sucks he got gassed too much but damn that personality is just yikes lol (from what i've seen of the one scene ofc) and oh there'a dif other guy? in about 30 minutes i'll see this hoodie dude so i'll end up finding out, i know he won't be 'as bad' but i'm looking forward to seeing how bad? uhm, basically looking forward to the chapter, hope that made sense or the sentiment at least got across lol, and yea no worries i'm reading your response at the same time so there might be dead ends/random tangents in mine that i didn't notice so- sorry about that :') 
And ah yea that makes sense, I'd actually be pretty surprised if you were able to remember specific little details but glad to hear you enjoyed it :D the analogy of 'cramming before a test' hit me on a personal level lol (/hj) and oh, was nijimiya the girl mc? she really does seem like a sweetheart and help I never knew she had a younger sister, that's super cool! And yeah! The dude's character development was nice to watch too but alas ofc, tears lol
I remember reading 'Kichikujima (Freak Island)' quite a while ago, I remember it's pretty gorey though I don't know if it qualified as phycological horror? Don't remember too many details so I may be wrong, but oh yeah! I don't know for sure if you were reffering to these types but I kind of made some terms for it lol, idk they're pretty simple labels
Jumpscare Horror - self explanatory, there's a lot of jumpscares and "dun dun dunn" type music/scenes right before the jumpscare.
Gore Horror - I assume this is where kichikujima falls into? Typically, zombie and slasher movies fall into this one lol
Phycological Horror - what you just described :D and ngl ig the name for this one is self explanatory enough lol
I haven't met many people that actually enjoy phycological horror, what's oyasumi punpun if you don't mind me asking? I'm mildly familiar with junji ito's works, i only ever watched vids that dubbed over it tbh but is uzumaki the swirly one? Lackluster description ;; but I'm assuming that's the one, I also heard there was an anime about junji ito's work(s)? Have you seen it? If ya did, what were your thoughts on it? Ohh have you already watched neon genesis? I don't see many people talking about that anymore, what'd you think of it? Seeing your summary of your taste for manga/anime/etc., have you heard of dororo? I only ever watched the anime so I'm not sure whether you'd enjoy it or not, but it's one of the things that come to mind when I think of things that are 'depressing at their core' (/lh)
Figured they'd be under the isekai category tbh, the dif labels just confused me for a bit lol and yeah makes sense it'd depend on the story itself, blue lock is that one popular sports anime recently isn't it? Tbf it's been a hot minute since shield hero gained much media attention as it did before so I don't imagine much talk about it could've been going around lol
Very valid reasoning ngl TT always a genuine whiplash whenever you compare the male and female character designs, the 'probably do not see people of the preferred sex at all' comment both made me cackle and makes a lot of sense lol, the manga started at 1997 and since it's a 'weekly title', technically a chapter comes out every week, I assume that doesn't leave much time for socialization? I dunno but doing this for close to 3 decades, you'd think some actual body diversity or dif styling would be developed as the story progressed but- how did it seriously evolve backwards? This is biologically impossible??(/hj/lh)
I remember a review video I watched citing the author's response as basically saying the target demographic is teen boys anyways? I need to find the video but I'm definitely sure that was the gist of the first bit of his response, it's as if his made unique and customized molds for all of the male characters while using the singular body mold fkr every single one of the female characters ;; the fact he prolly just chooses not to is def a massive let down tbh :')
While scrolling down, my eyes instantly went to the pic so I went "Miles :D!" then woah second pic jumpscared me real bad lol, when you said you had an example in mind I didn't think it'd be such a good example yikes, the longer I look at the artwork the more I understand your point, it's making- a lot of sense, the "you can tell a lot about someone by the way they draw" part is true tbh, this whole bit is just giving me the icks ;;
But ahh, I'll be reading the killer in love manga now :D also very sorry for answering so late, I know it isn't compulsory or anything but really just have my sincerest apologies ;; /gen/pos
And yay alright, I'll try to switch it up sometime for variety lol, minjae, d'you have any that you prefer or prefer not to use?
I watched the outro as it's own clip and I swear the meme was scratching my brain since it seemed so familiar, I'm questioning how'd it even turn into that meme lol, did it take you a while to find out?
(may contain some grammar/spelling errors, srry abt that)
HI!!! :grin: aot spoilers and..... just walls of text under the cut i didnt answer some stuff since there really wasnt anything for me to add of worth-- i read everything though dw
you should read deadmans questions right after thus spoke rohan kishibe (which i forgot to mention is technically a prequel- i shouldve said that.. u watch it after tho cuz its only rlly fun if youve watched rohan throughout part 4 already) i think- (so between 4 and 5 as you said) i cant really... tell you without sorta ruining it so u just have to wait and see. i can say its like.. not the same person he was when she was alive (im messin up their prns on purpose. for extra concealing) and theyre kinda like trying to become happy by doing.. assasinations.. :grin:
my one piece of character death-related advice is to not expect their return in this series. like once theyre dead theyre dead basically would advise to not forward aswell- going backwards fine :grin:
yes ive watched the first naruto it didnt end on a bad note or anything, and i started shippuden and he was suddenly like fucking 16 so i put it on the backburner (for whats been... 4 years now.. i dont think ill get to it ever honestly naruto was fire though. when he would transform into that.. posessed fox form i ALWAYS had to rewind and watch the scene again. idk if its top 3 anime :grimacing: like people say but its not a bad show either (i watched it instead of reading it cuz it was Free) for characters i LOVED naruto. ofc i did hes the mc but like hes such a cool kid honestly. the kinda kid everyones friends with in primary school (apart from in show). the entire main gang was great but naruto and kakashi were my top 2 .. and gaara now that i remember him i liked him more than naruto when i watched it tbh-- he was just so angry and emo and fine ive matured past the age of calling fictional characters attractive but when i was 11 i was in love with him honestly heavily disliked sasuke. which is ironic cuz i hated him for the reason i loved gaara he was so angry and emo all the time-- but he hurt naruto with his edginess (technically gaara did too but i excuse it.) also he was just being a bit of a asshole. like anime rival esque asshole but an asshole nontheless this is getting long so i'll get to the show itself honestly. because its been so long i cant remember what i really disliked the stuff that i can remember are just dumb stuff that all older animes do i guess all the "sexy-jutsu" stuff were kinda off-putting plus jiraiya as a whole. i loved him but damn he was WEIRD i had to google what the sannin were cuz i genuinely forgot-- but i think theyre cool jiraiya is a bit icky, the blonde one (forgot her name) was pretty funny- i liked her dynamic with sakura and orochimaru i think his name was; was so cool. his entire look influenced who i am today i owe it all to him /hj
death 13 is both the episode name and the ability name of the person in that episode and- id wholeheartedly recommend subbed for jjba a LOT of the jokes only work cuz its japanese, aswell as the emotions in scenes personally i dont like dubs since i find that its usually more "colorful" in its original form (for that reason i generally cannot watch korean dubs of animes.. they just throw me off ever-so-slightly
jonathan looks better in the anime than the manga to me, but this is mainly because i dont really like anime characters with muscles as big as. uh.
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the hercules-corona borealis great wall :grin: and in the anime they werent as ginourmous its a REALLY good thing arakis art style did not stay the same for the entire series honestly picturing the later characters drawn the way the first parts were drawn is honestly whiplash-inducing
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you really cant compare the jojo artstyle with sxf (probably because of all the muscles + how "harsh" jojo's shading is, and the personality in both styles)
this is the best thing i could find ^ and honestly it looks cool as hell- the artist is really talented but with the art style i just cant envision it would be as lighthearted as sxf is it carries its own vibe to it
if youve already heard that eren dies it wont pack as hard of a punch (the punch being that THE main character died) but it will still tug on your heartstrings, if you dont know the specifics. i wont say its for mikasa, but more for everyone really eren. is honestly a result of knowing too much thats what i love about aot really.. theres no bad guys other than the big man eating monsters, but even those monsters arent truly bad everyones doing what they have to do, and thats most evident in eren once you sit down and absorb the lore its gutwrenching for remembering what i watched... i honestly have no way of tracking it. theres been a good few times i watched a show, and then realized id finished it already i probably shouldve done that, but theres no point to it now so i just use memory (which honestly shows if a show is good or not-- theres a lot of shows i immediately think of despite having watched them 3 years ago/ ex: death note, erased, jjba, and school live) (and yes thats the correct way to use the way tangents)
thats whats great about csm its not just ur average battle shounen, and its battling is second to its characters whenever i see debates abut goku vs naruto and such its just like the main thing anyone got from the series was the fights (which is fully valid) but like.. there usually isnt much character depth this is usually combatted by making the characters one character trait- something that csm flips over idk what im on about. its 11 pm and i havent slept in 2 days im so sorry if this comes off weirdly written
csm was a really short read and im so happy about that since as you said, fujimoto did what he wanted, finished, and was satisfied with it hes also working on csm part 2- which is not from denjis pov it has a whole different protagonist ive heard, and takes place somewhere else i wont be reading it, since i dont want to start anything i cant finish, but i do push you to once youve finished jojo/killer in love/ other things you feel like reading
it is really nice that yor/loidś work influenced the way they parent (esp with how yor tried to teach anya to defend herself from bullies) franky was a fun character- i liked his disguises he got from loid
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bnd is cute i dont really have anything to say about him.. the whole looking into the future thing is cool though my favorite chapter has to be the one where loid is convinced yor is upset with him so he takes her to a bunch of different places.. but she was just in pain after a mission bad explanation but you get the memo i hope
i wouldnt say ALL scenes are the exact same quality as everything ive been showing, but everything is generally *really* pretty
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^that was a generally regular scene, so thats just how the art is as a default its really beautiful (also that guy with white hair is the arata i mentioned-- he isnt bad in comparison to all the other ¨bad" characters.. hes just sorta a prick)
i honestly,,,.... shouldnt have said hoodie guy isnt as bad hes really bad but morally speaking white hair guy is even worse so he isnt as bad, but he isnt tame either, esp later on all your points are getting across just fine btw :grin:
i havent read kichijuma before, but i searched it up and it honestly looks really cool like really cool it has 24 volumes from what i read though so i dont think ill check it out
of the three you mentioned, i dont like jumpscare horror its just lazy same with gore horror if thats all there is to it i dont really enjoy horror mangas/animes much in general minus a select few, but for games im all for them (chillaś art's stuff is great) people i think don't like psychological horror because its more of a thing that gets to you (?) in contrast to with jumpscares or something, that it hits you and youre scared and thats sorta that you dont really shriek in fear over psychological horror, which is what some people look for in horror (yes uzumaki is the swirly one) oyasumi punpun,... is... about punpun and him traversing life (him and his family are drawn as birds. everyone else is drawn normally. he is human) i would usher you to check it out yourself :thumbsup:
also- i started dororo, but i never finished it i probably should tonight since i cant sleep ill tell you how i feel about it if i get to it (no promises though)
i get the one piece demographic is manga loving teenage boys but i guess its just dissapointing that he just... chooses not to put effort into his female characters
im so sorry :sob: i saw it on twitter afterwards and i immediately remembered what id said before it was the best example ever (and have fun with killer in love tell me all about how you felt about it :pray: )
i dont rlly mind any variation whatever u feel like
last but not least when i heard the outro music it took like 3 seconds for me to realize what it was afterwards my world was just flipped by its head (the typos are fien i made evern mroe) (and sorry this took me a minute i kept responding then drafting it then editing then drafting it again)
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phantomswolf · 1 year
here, i answered the art questions
1. Art programs you have but don't use
aseprite, krita (nightmare to draw in), i used to have a totally 100% absolutely-not-pirated copy of photoshop but not anymore
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
depends on the day, but usually the left. i hate doing side profiles tho
3. What ideas come from when you were little
A LOT. but my story Nightfall has been a work in progress since I was 11
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
i hardly post most of my art on Tumblr atm, but that’s because almost all of it regards the Kirby Gemini AU and my partner and i are making a blog for that. so, as a percentage for the last few years, i’ve probably only posted maybe. less than 1% of my work?
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
honestly a lot of old emo art fksbfjfbd jhonen vasquez was a huge inspo to me for a while
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
PLUSH MAKING AND FURSUIT MAKING god i wanna learn but i don’t think sewing is my thing
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
i’ve had a lot, but i wanna keep them to myself in case I wanna salvage bits and pieces
9. What are your file name conventions
Depends on the day and the art piece but usually shit like “sorry if this looks gay”, variations of AWOO, “normal”, “k i l l”, “straight people”, etc
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
Uhhhh armor (i say like a fucking freak)
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
this nightmare of a playlist
12. Easiest part of body to draw
Uhhhhhhh depends on the day, usually the face
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn't your thing
iunno, i don’t think abt that
14. Any favorite motifs
A LOT. i cant think of any specific ones rn but i guess. religious imagery is pretty baller. that and super dark palettes with bright neon highlights and accents
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
my room for digital stuff, but i usually bring a sketchbook with me if i’m going out
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing
oughhh coloring and shading
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
usually water. hydration is important 👍
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken
traditional, i have no clue. too many. digital supplies uhhh i didn’t break per se, but two art tablets have given out (my first one lasted years, but the second only lasted a few months coz it sucked booty hole)
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
expression work!
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
my partner’s style!! i love it so fucking much
22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any
i do a lot of hand stretches. carpal tunnel was too much of a bitch not to
23. Do you use different layer modes
all the time! always for shading and for glowing bits. multiply and add glow layers my beloved
24. Do your references include stock images
sometimes yea lol. i don’t use refs as much as i should tho
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
Too much for me to be happy about it.
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
i drew a vent piece and people took it as me just being edgy. wild times
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
somedays i do. usually just shitposts or my sona
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
i have participated in 1 (one) collab
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
uhh ace attorney and persona
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
is it weird to say a lot of my works? like the finished ones. iunno, i feel like i get overlooked a lot and it’s a cowabummer
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thetypingpup · 2 years
what is it in particular abt cat!yangie and pup!reader in terms of personality and dynamic that feels so different this time around?
Actually there’s a few things. For one, you're both deeply unserious people with those you're close to. Even when you have discussions that are more grounded, like discussing how your fwb arrangement is gonna go, you keep getting sidetracked by making quips. In that conversation it’s actually a good thing, bc it helps break up the awkwardness and ease your nerves since you can joke about it. Your dynamic relies a lot on how much you can joke around together, and the more you can joke and laugh, the more comfortable you are. This is how I feel irl but I don’t write dynamics that rely on humor too much, mostly while I like to think I’m funny 😅, it’s very hard to transcribe my type of humor bc it relies a lot on delivery. The dialogue isn't gonna be the silver tongued, drawn out metaphors I'm used to writing. The dialogue relies a lot more on banter and quick timing, and it don't flow like a perfect script, which I don't write a lot but it feels right for this dynamic. So blending the simpler dialogue with my...let’s call it ✨elaborate✨ prose, will definitely be interesting.
Second, the relationship is not as seamless as I’m used to writing. There’s a natural progression with a basis of friendship first, but like I said it’s more natural, which means it takes more time and starts from a less than romantic place. Most of the stuff on my blog is about characters that're obsessed with each other and completely head over heels for each other, or at the very least become obsessed very quickly, a lotta very unrealistic amplification of feelings bc that shit is fun for me. With these two, it takes a while for them to build up to that. Like yea you both think the other is hot objectively, but you never thought about each other sexually before, it was just like “oh hey there’s my hot friend wanna run out to the convenience store at 2am?”. I'm frankly not used to writing about people that don't immediately lust after each other so that’s been an adjustment 😅. There's also awkward spots before they find their groove and I'm not used to that, but it makes so much sense here. It makes the eventual sweetness that I’m more used to so rewarding.
Another other part is the fact that y’all don’t talk a lot during sex, and when y’all do talk, there’s not that much dirty talk or praise it’s mostly just asking if things are cool before y’all keep going. This was mostly a decision I made as a personal challenge to myself, bc normally I write people who can’t shut tf up during sex. This forces me to focus more on the facial expressions and the actions to let that do the talking, all the other ways to communicate besides words. The music is another element that I’m toying with here, trying to incorporate that more. I’ve incorporated music in my fics before a long time ago, like before I was on tumblr, so I wanna take a new angle, bc what I did before was over the top even for me. I want it to be intricate and elaborate, but still natural for y’all yknow?
If I think of more I’ll add to this, but the tl;dr is I’m stepping out of my comfort zone for this one in a really good way 😁. 
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starsdailyjournal · 3 months
Journaling for my mental health as an epic scene girl (not clickbait) Day 1!
Today (sunday) I woke up at like 12:44 am or pm idkkkk but it was when the sun was up and like my dad had asked me to call him and since I have like ptsd I tweaked out but I brushed my teeth first because like I'm trying to get myself into the routine of doing that now. Anyway I called him and he just wanted me to like make my sister breakfast and put the food we made in the fridge but like he rlly freaked me out by just texting me "Call me when you wake up.". And he said he was getting us pizza which is now one of my least favorite things to hear from him (because of the c-a-l-o-r-i-e-s and because I'm really bad at expressing grattitude to him since we are sorta close (he is my bio dad I've known him all my life its complicated). But anyway I made my lil sister (10 yr old nerd) an awesome omelet with mozerela and sausage slices AND a cheese crust idk how to explain it basically I put cheese in a pan after I made the omelet and when it was still melty and not hard I put the omelet I already made on it and the I folded the whole thing when the cheese was cooked!! I bet it was yummy idk tho but anyway after that I scammed someone on adopt me (l-o-l) for like an fr panda, r sloth and nfr or nr hydra they got 20k rh diamonds tho soooo yk its fine!!! I was gonna scam sum more but like I got stuck trying to figure out how to use razer cortex (because royale high is so laggy on this dumb laptop) and I was stuck on that for hours legit untile dinner!! but while I was stuck on that my dad came home and gave me some chocolate which was nice but it also sucked because I CANT express grattitude its rlly hard for me bc I'm too grateful that I feel like if I tried to put into words the gratuity I feel I would spaz. BUT anyway I haven't eaten the chcolate yet (also its dark chocolate and if u dont fw dark chcolate ur ai generated) but I did eat 2 slices of this rlly oily garlic pizza for dinner just now! it was gross and I lowk cant stand that it's in my system (iykyk) but I can't do nun abt it BUT I am starting my fast rn and it should last this whole week!! So that'll make up for this but erm IDK ahhahahaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't like talking abt eating but this is an honest journal... Should I add TWs?? Bc I rlly dont wanna I be sleepy at night which is when I'll be typing these out. Omgeee also like I've wanted to go back to being quarantine level chronically online 4ever now bc I love doing that in the summer but my dad has parental controls on all my stuff (including this laptop) so I cant go on disboard n stuff to find online friends to give me entertainment n stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!! but I FOUND A WAY YALL!! I'm just gonna be ROBLOX chronically online tho I am a robloxian already (since 2018) I want to be one of those ppl who are always on it yk (thats why I was scamming today n trynna unlag royale high) SOOO when I'm not studying I'm gonna be scamming and trading in royale high and adopt me!!! Maybe I'll try n make sum friends but rn I'm focused on the games I'm already planning on getting my dp from starpets n I have a decent halo + ltbs on rh n all my dream stuff besides 1 set n 2 accesories!! so like I'm prettyyy good but I wanna get REALLY good like those ppl who have 5 owls and 8 parrots lolz! And I literally love roblox and everyone who plays it (besides anyone with brainrot humor ironic or unironic idc) everyone else are so cool!!! So like yea and I have 30 dollars that I'm prob gonna use on robux I might try n get headless bc my mom pays me to do computer science courses and my dad pays me half of whatever my mom pays me!! Honestly I feel like journaling is sm fun rn i love talking but nobody ever listens screaming into the cyber void is so fun!!! Also I'm gonna likeeeee eat my chocolate after I shower rn probs and then my fast starts!!! ALSO omg halloween is coming up!! I'm def gonna be a vampire! If anyone enjoyed my journal tell me what your gonna be for halloween!! Omg if my journal/blog gets big I would call the ppl who read it bats!! that would be sosososo cooool ANYWAY FOLLOW ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
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frostbite-the-bat · 8 months
goofy ass ms paint werewolf eating a mango as a divider between the rant under this bc i do not wish to be precieved rn but i still wanna rant some thoughts out
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random lovely guzma urge to delyeet everythin on myne site bc not only did i make it for petz things back when i was active between petz folks and got some encouragement there and ended up never finishing petz things for it, but i also feel horrible and uncommited for it being hosted and made on weebly and for bein too lazy to yeet my shit over to neocities just cause that shit gives me a headache and instead of getting inspired by people i feel jealous and unwelcome
also been working on my sleep schedule its a bit better now and im like. better in general now..? idk how long i can keep this up but getting up early makes me just. so tired like all day urgh i do not understand how i used to keep myself up when this tired. tired tired. brain empty. hard to do shit for long. defo needs more breaks but i swear to god everything feels like its frying my brain but i got nothin to do indoors. guess i can go draw traditionall but i end up putting such high expectations on myself i just yeah. fuck it up. get stressed. not fun. i need to stop thinking about others bc i keep thinking i put effort into smthn i need to show it off.like if i wasted time here i might as well. no this isnt showable it sucks damn it
even stuff i do draw purely for myself as self indulgent shit i go urhh this aint right
oh and then i try doin a lil excercise so im not like. physically diyng but my god that tires me out like instantly. but its okay, baby steps.
dont know what sort of place i am in mentally. the type id prolly spiral a bit over if it werent nice and 2 pm. wacky stuff. i wanna maybe do some stuff but ugh my brain just. isnt big thoughts when im tired. but honestly when am i not tired. and i am getting art done but i cant get myself to draw all day again ill end up in pain again my hand rn already is being a bit of a bitch
uhhh played pokemon in the morning but i need better pokemon already. i fuck up every raid (raids i need so i can get better mons easier) (and my shiny ralts i want easier)
hmm maybe i need a break from stuff but what kinda break what even is relaxing in my case? and "break from people" is a slippery slope of self isolation i always slip into. bit difficult to figure myself out
also, different thing, but ive been considering this for a good few months now and kinda ignoring it but i read one (1) thing and i m intrigued to do more n more research now but man do not like how moral ocd clicks perfectly with a lot of my most common issues . so i guess thats a thing to consider going into (like research) . if it helps .bc dear god i am Sensitive
but uhmmm yea sleeping better now ig like i went to sleep around ONE. my usual sleep time was 5-6 am a while ago !!!!!!! 1 am has always been my kinda usual time. man and i used to do that even when i had school and i *functioned* with less sleep. how did i do that. uhm. not well i guess
but yeah. things.. arent feeling right and i kinda wanna wipe my brain. also the neocities thing seems to be a part of my issue of (ppl who dont care abt me) r gonna thingk i suck bc i dont do (this that i find difficult) (coding) i will be exploded forever and shunned andhated
uhmmm what else yea last thought i forgot as i was gonna type it and the last thing i am deciding not to share anyway bc Shame so hooray
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guy who is eeypy tired
i am just realizing how like tired i am but if i go nap ill make it worse so uhmm cope i guess lmfao at least it keeps me going to sleep at a more regular hour but like srsly brain we got around 8 hours of sleep why are you tired we used to get less and function fine. maybe not as good but we functioned
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redgemwink · 8 months
random midnight fe rant
i feel like i'm less of a fire emblem fan and more of a mercedes von martritz fan these days.. it feels weird bc i've been into fire emblem since i was a teen but i rlly feel like the interest just isn't there for me anymore.. but i do still love mercie. she's still my ultimate comfort character and one i see a lot of myself in. but idk, the series itself i just don't find myself enjoying as much anymore,,
even when engage came out i could tell my spark for the series wasn't quite there anymore, i literally could not push myself to do a second playthrough bc i just was not having fun.. i kept getting distracted and did not care at all. i'm sure i'll still play fe games as they come out and stuff but i guess i'm just sort of.. exhausted of it. and don't get me started on the constant fandom discourse. i've never seen a fandom quite like fire emblem's lmao. the fandom is full of talented artists but god, the discourse is always so miserable when it pops up. and people are always so toxic with said discourse, 3h especially just had SO MUCH discourse, even abt the most random pointless things and i think it rlly soured my feelings for the series. the main problem though is that i just don't enjoy playing fe games anymore, and that's okay! i just wanted to get my thoughts out bc this is kind of a big realization for me, like wow i'm rlly not an fe fan anymore sdfkdfk but yea go vote mercie for cyl8 <3 :33
tbh though i guess most of my friends won't even be shocked abt this revelation bc i,, kinda don't talk abt fe much at all anymore?? i've been way more fixated on d4dj and sun haven for a while,, even smt games which i just tend to pick up and play at random, even that i think myself more of a fan of than fe.. it's rlly wild tbh dfskdfskfds sorry fe oomfs, but i'll still yell about mercie and lapis dw <3
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juvederm · 9 months
idek if new ppl in the fandom are looking at my stuff, or if returning fans are seeing it either, but i wanna get something off my chest ,!??! in regards to how i draw josh and whatnot
i don't draw josh in feminine outfits with the thought "yas he'd totally wear this" i don't. like rly i don't. and if anyone thinks that, trust me i know. i do know he wouldn't wear it. but it's genuinely like a fun thing. i'm not rly considering his personality when i do it. i like this character, i like this outfit, put it together and boom
i'm starting to think the outfits were never the issue tho. sometimes i'm even second guessing very Simple outfits i draw him in before i post stuff. i'm like "this won't have anyone looking at me sideways right. he's just in a black shirt and jeans." and i'm so overly cautious about it, and have been for years actually. for as long as i've made content about this game, especially art, i didn't post it. i have a loooot of josh drawings that i haven't posted, most of them in physical sketchbooks. only reason i didn't post them was bc i somehow had a spidey sense abt being judged for the looks i drew for him
i mean, when i was in a public smg discord, they said my art of josh was "risqué", when it was just a tank top and shorts. if i'd drawn a cis character in that, there wouldn't have been an issue. and i draw josh as trans, and i have made a million posts and documents about this hc of mine, i'm not gonna bore anyone with the details of it. but yes, he does still have boobs. yeah, he's a trans man to me and yet, i can still draw him in feminine outfits
mostly bc i'm a feminine trans guy. honestly i'm not even strictly feminine, i lean more toward androgynous but occasionally i'll dress up, doll myself up and stuff. i'm not against appearing masculine either, and when i'm in public, i prefer to be masculine. but like, my exprsssion isn't limited to that. trans men don't have to be Strictly masculine or else they're not trans or men. like. if cis men can paint their nails and be praised for 'not caring about toxic masculinity' where is that energy for trans men. for real.
and yea this ties in w my art bc i project a shit ton. but in reality when i'm making like in universe fanart, i'll draw josh in fitting clothes. like no he's not gonna wear whatever Heavily Stylized outfit i drew him in that took under 2 minutes. i'll actually put emotion and feelings into something for the "real josh" or whatever the fuck.
i talk about this sometimes and maybe some ppl even saw it, but whenever that person was in my inbox saying "how did you make the heterosexual guy feminine" (that's basically what the question was) i was so confused bc... what does sexuality have to do w that anyways??? i mean the answer is as simple as "i'm projecting and having fun" but being straight as a man doesn't stop you from dressing feminine, there's a lot of guys like that
and i'm at a certain point where i'm starting to think it's bc i draw josh trans. like bruh. if i was to draw mike in his white tank top and posted that in that discord, it wouldn't be seen as risqué. but i draw josh in the same thing, who just so happens to have boobs, all the sudden it's risqué
like seriously what is up with that. and yeah i know right away you wouldn't think that it's him in any of the feminine outfits i draw him in, but again, that's me having fun. i don't really wnana keep drawing him in his flannel??? like can we do other things
for "real josh", yeah he's not gonna wear any of that. i know that. any time i've written for josh (usually an in universe, canon thing), he's not wearing anything too flashy. which is normally how i see him anyway. instead of like this overly stylized and accessorized outfit, i would actually see him wearing a simple tee and jeans. i just wanna have fun so i find outfits i like and draw him in them
idek why i'm saying all of this. it's just been on my chest for a while and i feel like i haven't been able to properly enjoy being apart of the fandom bc it just feels like everyone's constantly judging me. i don't even like tagging my josh stuff w the game's tag bc i'm scared of everyone in there lmfao
my friend rose can attest to this, i was nervous about posting my art anywhere bc i was convinced someone was gonna say something abt me drawing josh with boobs or something. and i was so nervous abt that i was like. Plz. Just don't ask about it. it's not a big deal to me so why is it for anyone else. like he's got boobs and what. what about it.
i'm tired and my mouth is dry so i'm just gonna shut up
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producedbywonho · 8 years
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 some blogs you would like to get to know better.
I was tagged by @adreamyheize thanks a lot!!!
Nickname: Anna; Sona and Papi(ta)
Starsign: Cancer
Height: 5′4/165cm
Last thing I googled: alice and the witch reformatory walkthrough (its a fun puzzle game but i got stuck in a part so i wanted help jaskasdda)
Fave music artist: 33screamingfrogs.wav but srsly theres too many..... im lazy
Song stuck in my head: Limitless by NCT 127
Last movie I watched: Underworld (2003)
Last TV show I watched: Dirk Gently’s Holistic Dectetive Agency
When did you create your blog: like 3 or 4 years ago ?? i had other blogs before so like i have been in tungle dot hell since like 2008 or 2009....
What kind of stuff do I post? : A lil bit of everything ??!!?! i just reblog whatever i like or think its interesting while keeping my weird organization systems that make sense to only me kaklsdklaad
Do you have any other blogs: as for now.. no but im always thinking abt creating either an aesthetic or a writing sideblog
Do you get asks regularly?: not at all but like 99% of the times its cute and nice asks so im always glad
Why did you choose your URL?: I love sonamoo they are my precious children and i think the word boo is cute so sonaboos
Fave colour: the holy trinity pink blue and purple but lately i’ve taken a big liking to peach and coral tones
Average hours of sleep: 3-7 hours it all depends on the day or better saying the night akdjkskladd
Lucky number: 4
Fave characters: Paige Matthews, Sarah Manning, Raven Reyes, Seth Knightlord and many others lmao 
How many blankets do you sleep with? 1 and when its like extremely cold 2 but thats like an once in a year situation
Dream job: Diplomat? Cinematography Director? Visual Art Producer? Radio Operator? Local Cryptid/Urban Legend? i take whatever
Following: only 100 im very picky ;;
Anyways, I tag @loveoptionsmp3 @shinhoseok @hongsiyongs @maqicalqirls @9snsd @dantesaristotles @sapphickpop and @zoyalina to do this but don’t feel pressured okay!!!1
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storfulsten · 3 years
In your au how would you explain how bf and whitty met?
I guess mostly the same way as it happened in the mod probably, with just minor story differences or whatever I actually wrote a whole-ass document about basic au story stuff back in march and the whitty encounter and its aftermath took up over half of it lol, and while a lot of what was written in that document would end up different, the ramblings about the encounter itself I guess are still mostly accurate. so I guess I can share that part bc I guess it's relevant to this question sort of ha
so yeah here, enjoy my awful retelling of the encounter at your own risk or whatever
disclaimer: I just copypasted all of it straight from the document so if stuff are way off, as said I wrote this in march knowing even less about things than I do now and can't be arsed to correct myself rn sorry lol
k so, most of what happens in the mod is how it goes down probably. Whitty has some past drama or feud with GFs dad (he took his soul also maybe dunno abt that part), and is on the run from some people (maybe a cult still idk) who wants to cause him harm and/or wanna use him as a weapon. cause yeah somehow he got them reality-breaking powers that risk going bonkers with extreme emotions and all that, also his head can still explode if needed bc that's neat (dunno how fast it'd regenerate but fast enough to not be too much of an inconvenience whenever it happens I assume)
so yeah at some point for some reason BF just wanna go challenge some random peeps to rap-battles, all in good fun of course, so him and GF are just out for a walk with a boombox and everything bc you never know when you'd need one, just cruising for people to challenge. they walk past an alleyway, sees something burning or something in the distance and are like "hmm sus, let's check it out with no regards for our own safety!"
the burning ofc being Whitty setting flame to the daddy dearest poster bc salt. BF and GF get closer and sees it's a person so ofc BF wastes no time challenging him before he's even turned around bc ofc it's a proven fact that everyone can rap in this universe apparently so of course whoever this rando is will accept.
Whitty turns around and is like "oh geez not these runts pls go away" bc apparently he sorta knows who they are through seeing them around GFs dad from a distance or something and as such by association are dinguses that he needs to stay away from.
BF on the other hand is like "oh him tall" once they get close enough to the guy and he turns around and is looming over them being grumpy as heck. so he's like kinda taken aback and distracted barely paying attention to what Whitty said and just got even more hyped and insisting on battling this tall, dark, mysterious stranger or whatever the heck. so being too excited getting ahead of himself he just launches straight into it, giving Whitty no chance to back out of it.
so they do a battle, BF wins ofc, then Whitty tries again to ask them to just leave him the heck alone, slightly less nicely this time bc these rude-ass shrimps need to mind their own dang business. BF ofc is now even more hyped up bc holymoly this guy is good, let's go again pls. Whitty, exhasperated, tries to rap-battle him again to get them to leave. BF still hyped as fuck is having the time of his life, not even realizing what he's doing to this poor man. so yeah BF beats Whitty again, causing him to fucking snap, breaking reality slightly, you know, the usual.
GFs been paying slightly more attention I guess, and kept a respectable distance from both of them, just in case. still manning the boombox being a supportive homie though ofc. but yeah, the microphone-yeeting, angry yell from hell and the universe slightly breaking apart around the dude, yeah that's kinda scary stuff.
and that's when BF knew, he fucked up.
so actually starting to realize something's happening he's like "oh shit" and considers maybe we should leave this dude alone yea ok, but then he sees GF basically frozen in fear and again is like "aw fiddlesticks" and then don't have time to think of much else befor the third round starts.
BF, despite being on the verge of pooping his pants the entire time, somehow still manages to keep up with Whitty's catchy howls of anguish, by the end of which there's a short moment of just eery unnatural stillness, Whitty just staring blankly in defeat down at BF, eyes flashing faster and faster then boom, he fucking explodes.
so ye there you go I guess. there's slightly more au stuff after this about what happens after. won't copypaste all of that but what happens is basically just: whitty's unconcious bc explosion and bf (and to a lesser extent gf since she was an accomplice) feels really really bad about it. they gotta stay around until he wakes up to make sure he's alright but can't stay in the alley bc whitty's a wanted man apparently and they can't just leave him there, so they call pico to pick them up in his car. he does, they shove an unconcious whitty into the backseat (with bf cradling his now grown back head to make sure it's supported and all that. he finds it to be very pleasant to the touch for some reason), and head over to the dearest's mansion. they sneak the still unconcious whitty into bf's room (he has his own place but has been gifted a room in the mansion to use as he wishes bc gf's parents like and respect him and has kinda adopted him as an honorary family member or something, idk long story), bc bf insists bc he's gotta keep an eye on the dude to make sure he's ok and that's as far as I wrote, whitty still unconcious, no resolution to the problem lol probably some stuff that would be different if written today but I'm too lazy to do much about it atm ha
but ye I'll shut up now ok cool
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misterbitches · 3 years
what i like abt muren and li chen
i’m sorta burned out and my vagina is bleeding so lemme see if i can type this. probably can lmao. my brain is going ten miles a minute.
1. the fact that they were friends first.
 someone on here said this and idk who but i don’t want to seem like it was my idea. 
the fact that they are friends and didn’t have like a connection previously and it developed. most times friends-to-lovers has a basis of some sort of romantic interest from another person so they were not truly ever friends, you know? and many relationships people aren’t friends first but that’s the best kind. and they are the truest form in that (i wouldnt say truest means good but just i think a representation of) they were truly friends, no attraction at least consciously, and were lead into it. 
2. bc they know each other well and are friends they know each other and LAUGH and if you can’t laugh with your love then there is no point. 0. lmao. i love it
idk they fell easily in2 the luvy duvy part and u can actually believe they are into each other like outside of kissing. gee. also hello! when lichen like threw the heart in the office and muren caught it? bitch! i woulda been like ew!!!!! and blushed but muren was like that’s right that’s my bitch
3. bouncing off 2 um uhhhhh the way they interact so i guess this is 2 but whatver i like lists now
muren is >:O but super sweet and receptive to others. so he responds to people and it isn’t just stoic for stoic sake or with not much substance. idk how to say this but oftentimes sometimes i feel like characters will be too oppositional to offset their partner and it can be extremely annoying to watch because it’s part of the dynamic but sometimes there’s a lack of reciprocation. i like that even if muren is quiet he smiles a lot and lets people know through his actions and shit. esp his mans. and when he needs to talk, he will. 
lichen is perfect for this because of reasons. what do you even say about this dude holy shit. first of all he really is a fucking himbo. he’s not even dumb he’s just a fucking himbo. it’s great to say the way they express their excitement and the best thing to hear, “i can be myself around you”
4. u cannnot tell me that this top/bottom discourse is actually not ridiculous esp for them bc there is no way that my eyes are seeing what i see yet there’s some struggle when they’re trying to constantly grapple with the masculine/feminine aspects (this is a good thing)
with the way that they hang off each other. esp bc lichen is shorter than him and stockier and he can attach himself like a barnacle. the way he expresses glee and love is very “feminine” at times IE reliance, support, putting your head on his etc but then there are times when he is the one to hold muren too. so it’s like they are clearly on the same  level in how they exchange love and stuff and exploring the dynamics but it clearly isnt as structured as the usual ones and it shouldnt be so they should just stop talking about this shit cos ur both getting fucked god shut up
lichen squeals like a girl and is obsessed with him. he is clingy and also says “what do you want to do to me.” if this show is gonna sit us through the agony of this stupid discourse and they tell me they arent gonna sw*tch or whatever (not that they cant have other forms of sex bc that is not that difficultand as adults w eknow this but anywaaay) then they simply are wrong
5. the ~gay 4 u~ thing is dumb and i cannot believe it tbqh cos it’s like sir....but i am glad that lichen like expresses attraction to his physique and personhood as a man and acknowledging that that is something and a part of the attraction.
 it was probably a happy accident but it’s still a good one. there’s sometimes an idea of like sexual attraction being sorta nebulous when someone is like getting into a rship with the same gender but not being sure about their sexuality or whatever or still liking another gender explicitly where they cant admit they find things attractive or enticing even when they are in a same sex relationship and it is so fucking confusing and doesn’t make sense. i wish instead of trying to make it cut and dry they just went honestly mabye they dont know but theyre both men and thats a factor. ok lets move on now. :) 
6. they make u feel nice
especially in comparison to the show being messy and also there’s some crazy stalker man running around you know they temper that 
they’re just really fun to watch. it’s an interesting dynamic and particularly with xing si in their lives it’s nice and i’m so glad there’s no one else to ruin it like say a brother who is a waste of space. but it’s mostly good feelings for them and you can see why they like each other, that they can stay together, and how helpful a relationship can be as you grow as an individual
7. while i am sure there will be further misunderstandings...comm...unic...ation?
literally boys are dumb as hell but idk if my reading is correct on this one but SO FAR TO MOI im like wow u guys like actually talk. woah. and i think that’s nice. yest i had a breakdown in front of my fam bc i am sometimes emotionally stunted when faced with distress so it’s nice to see people talking that out in particularly with like jealousy and stuff
AND their interactions in public and the understanding. knowing it takes time and stuff for them to adjust and allowing them the time. they are extremely different to other people and they want to be distinct and they can be and arre to each other they dont need to follow anyone else’s rules (except the costume department sometimes needs to get better pants for muren like that’s my rule tbh but that’s neither here nor there)
did some1 call them emotional support himbos? i think so cos word. 
oh one more thing idk the name of the actor playing li chen and im too tired to look it up but i like him a lot i think he does a good job of going seamlessly between like a jubilant person and an actual human being. he plays well at being oblivious but not outright stupid and emotionally stunted or not picking up certain signals. i think at times it seems like he doesn’t always have a sense of self  like trying to be something else for other people but then he realizes like he can’t do that so all he can do is be himself which leads him 2 his mans but yea. the actor does a decent job! it’s a fun character to wathc
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datastate · 3 years
as it turns out im bad at tone, probably!! but yea honestly idc about differing interpretations on shit and i honestly find it rather fun looking into how people got to where they are. like so long as you aren't trying to deny the more important points the narrative itself is making (example being like. colonialism bad. you can't just wipe away the worldbuilding that makes this point) i could talk on in discussion on characters and just how good the actual material is.
while there are some dynamics id rather avoid based on My interpretations (interpreted familial relationship being read by others as romantic) like, i can usually get how others get to where they are in thinking how they do. all i ask in normal discussion is to avoid this leaning into [aspect of this one dynamic] - but a lot of the time they can still bring it other aspects of the relationship between the two and introduce new concepts with them or other characters i hadn't previously considered. it's really fun to me to talk with others on how they see things in media (so long as they're decent about it) and while i may feel whiplash bc ive spent so long thinking abt these characters in this situation - at the end of it, i dont really care much!!
i may try to persuade you (like markoth/thistlewind rather than markoth/xero, or my hegemol & Iurien stuff), but when it comes down to it... im just a dude who likes talking on about worldbuilding and who does character studies for fun. and bc it's a huge special interest, i do get caught up in myself. but just. sharing ideas and different analyziations of a piece is something ill treasure regardless. esp if others return that interest.
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caernua · 3 years
im indulging you and wanna hear you talk abt basim for the ask 🍀
first impression
heheh sexie i think i first saw the promo pic?? instantly intrigued and then i was DELIGHTED to see the hidden ones at the docks bc they seemed so mysterious and the way the camera lingers on them for a moment when you meet them the first time i was SO READY for some wild shit to happen and you know what. wild shit did happen and i am grateful for it
impression now
i think he’s one of my fave antagonists ac has ever had. it’s so fucking cool how interesting they managed to make the modern day just through his character and the fact that he comes back. i never thought i’d find myself wanting to see more modern day, i actually wasn’t a huge fan of it in the ezio games either so now finding myself thinking ‘oh boy hope there’s more modern day in siege of paris’ IS INSAAANE
favorite moment
okay we all know what i’m about to say yes the campfire scene even when i was watching gameplays of valhalla trying to decide if i should get it it stuck with me there’s something magical about it and i absolutely love that the team behind it knew it as well when they saw it completed!!! it’s just such a neat way to do foreshadowing while also strengthening the red herring that they already established. and it’s just beautiful how very lowkey intimate and... respectful it feels?? despite them being surrounded by people
BUT! i also need to mention in the ending because the rollercoaster of emotions i experienced during it was something that again i never expected out of assassin’s creed and boy it got me so bad, especially because i expected him to betray eivor but i expected NOTHING of what followed after. plus he’s just such an interesting character i was just happy that they brought him back and i think i deadass yelled when i heard his laugh in the grey when layla was in the yggdrasil.
idea for a story
i need a full sitcom of him annoying shaun and rebecca as much as possible.
AND honestly i feel like i would have loved to see eivor do a mission with both the hidden ones in england at some point i think it would have been a cool way to include a more traditional asscreed type of mission (or a heist!! imagine doing a heist with basim and hytham) and the banter would have been amazing, i am convinced ✨
unpopular opinion
i’m just gonna go ahead and steal alli’s answer <3 and say yea i don’t think basim is entirely to blame for sigurd’s behavior, obviously he was the one who manipulated him by using sigurd’s desire for glory to motivate him into doing what he wanted esp in the context of styrbjorn taking the kingship from under him, but sigurd is still. a grown man. ya know. i mean it’s at the point where people are willing to blame basim for sigurd calling his dad an old goat at the end of the game lmao. he was just willing to sacrifice a lot for legitimacy of grabbing power and basim exploited that weakness
favorite relationship
HEHEH eivor for sure... they really go through 5394538 stages of enemies to allies to... whatever. children of gods, one who is almost entirely linked with his god and the other broken off. ♡ there’s so much fun banter, so much curiosity on eivor’s side, basim complimenting her during sieges and stuff.. the feeling of yes i must take my revenge but at the end of it all you are an enemy i admire and we are linked... i actually feel like the devs really wanted to give you the feeling that despite everything there is respect between them and that’s just so interesting... the bleeding effect scene!!! the idea that there would be reconciliation after all this time, specifically at a campfire again!! absolutely beautiful and i am obsessed with it
favorite headcanon
that he, like every other respectable assassin, is a devout cat person.
♡ send me a character! ♡
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aresrl · 3 years
I hihi I am!!! A little nervous w/ doing this bc I've never done this b4 so please bear🐻 w// me💦 May I request a match up? A vision, a romantic partner and maybe a friend and/or enemy? If that's too much feel free to just assign me a vision + partner, ehe/// Preferably male for a romantic match-up, but either gender is fine with a friend and enemy match-up^^ I tried to be as detailed as possible but I think I ended up just ranting, so im v v sorry if it's long! I sort of fluctuate when it comes to being an introvert/extroverted. W// strangers and irl, I'm very introverted and shy!! Rarely speak and if I do it's just the usual "Hi how are you? That's good. I'm good too, thank you for asking:)" yeayea I'm not too. Keen on social interaction irl. But I always do my best to be very nice!! I never wanna come off as mean bc wow what a bad first impression that would be. But with friends / ppl ik online?? Whew I am very very friendly n chatty ^^ Either very high energy or very chill, there's rarely any inbetween. Sometimes I like to jokingly tease my friends but I'd never go too far / make them uncomfortable!! And if I do I always apologize right away!! I like to say that I'm affectionate?? My strongest love language is def physical affection, if not quality time. Idk man there's just something about vibing with someone or hugging them that just aaaaa/// Although I usually display affection w// words of affection bc. Literally most of my friends are online friends so I can't actually hug them, sad times. Idk if this is needed/important info but I just remembered: I'm 5'6 around??? Need glasses bc. Whew i am blind (near sighted), I'm poc (specifically black) anndd, hm. Actually I think thats it for this section, aha. As you can see I'm, not really all that organized. Also I don't have the best attention span - while writing this I'm circling between 4 different apps - and I'm a bit of a mess. And also a little stupid. Just a smidge dumb. But I have my moments - I solved like. 2 puzzles in Inazuma by myself so I think that counts for something. I also find that I tend to talk a whole lot when I have an idea or smthn to say abt a thing I'm super interested in!! That's info-dumping. I info dump. Yes. I also really like to listen to other people talk abt things they like!!!! Its so nice :) I'm protective over people I care about!! I've never done it but 100% would bark at someone who messed with someone close to be. Arf arf yaknow. I tend to he impulsive. I'll do something, and be all "YEAH>:D" and then regret it later. And then I'll do it all over again in a fun little cycle :) I consider myself an optimist, but quickly turn into a pessimist whenever it concerns myself. Fun funfun. Should probably mention that I am. A very insecure person w/ dangerously low self esteem, which is super fun esp when you mix that with the fact that I'm rarely ever motivated to improve. Yayayay Also sort of a pushover?? Like most often than not I'll be convinced to do something, even if I'm not too keen on doing it. Also afraid of confrontation when it comes to my friends and strangers (that is, if it's concerning me!! I'll order smthn for my friend but if I need to order for myself?? uhh stutter time aha). I'm also a mega simp ahah! Srsly though if I fall for someone/get infatuated with someone I. Will be so obvious abt it even though I try very hard not to be. Would gush over that person probably. I don't really like mean people tbh. Like yes I'll be nice and civil with them but!!! I cannot stand!!! Rude people!!! Esp when they're mean for no reason like sir??? maam??? homie??? chill pls ty<3 People who aren't necessarily mean, but moreso have bastard energy and are just really "hehe>:D" but playfully are p poggers tho!!! I think I get along with kids!! I have a little sister,, around like. Nine? And we get along really well!! I also try and match a kid's energy whenever I'm tasked with looking after them. I take pride in the fact that kids like me >:].... even if they sometimes scare me-- Ok, interest time!!
I like art!! Quite a bit!! Less of a realistic artist and more of a cartoonist!! Idk there's just something fun abt drawing cartoons, hehe. I also like self ships - I have quite a bit of them, actually ! Idk its comforting drawings your fictional crushes loving you idkidk. I like writing too! Both original stories, and one-shots or personal fics that are associated with already created media!! Writing character backstories and personalities and stuff is also fun too! I've even made my own fictional world with a full fledged backstory n everything! It's very fun to think about. I'm a day dreamer!!! Yea remember when I said I write stories? I day dream abt potential stories even more. Mmm daydream world so nice so warm so fun I read aswell!! Mostly fantasy books, or stories where animals are the protagonists. Think Warrior Cats. But my favorite book series has got to be Guardians of Ga'Hoole. Fantasy owl books, anyway! X Readers are also things I enjoy reading :) Again, s I m p Also gaming!!! Is something fun I do sometimes!!! Although it's usually Genshin Impact, or Wii Sports/Resort w// my little sister. Oh, also pokemon! I rlly like Primarina, Vaporeon, Sylveon and Vulpix/Ninetails! I absolutely adore sweet foods, and baking is smthn I'm def interested in! Don't like foods w// weird textures though, like beans or mashed potatoes. Also I. Love spice so much. Mmm love it when my mouth burns so bad. Don't have a favorite animal but I've had three cats in my lifetime (btw not important but my current cat is named Sylvester and. He's my baby boy) so I am. A very big cat fan. Probably not needed but I really like sword and claymore characters. Literally all of the characters I main are either sword or claymore users. Although I did get Diona, so I miiight start forcing myself to learn how to aimmm. I see that I tend to like people/characters that are a little more extroverted than me. Upbeat, happy type beat!!! Nice sunshine babies, :) I think thats it! I hope this was good enough? Again, first time doing this (at 2am nonetheless) so forgive me if I got too rambly or did anything wrong ^^ Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this! And I hope your day is good / you had a good day, depending on when you read this, ehe!
Hey! Sorry if the wait has been long! I also love Warrior Cats (I promise myself, one day I'll finish it.)
You received... A Pyro vision! Optimistic, enthusiastic, impulsive, reckless, and a lot of energy are the general characteristics held by the Pyro vision. • I hesitated between the Pyro and Hydro vision, but your energy distinguishes you from the Hydro vision. • You said you were impulsive, always doing something you might regret later but still doing it. • You react quickly: as you said, if somebody hurt someone you love, you won't think twice before barking. Your partner would be... Xingqiu! “This feeling was unexpected.” • At first, you were just friends, and Xingqiu really loved to tease you. Actually, you both teased each other. But eventually, a feeling of love towards you grew into Xingqiu. And that was reciprocated. • Your relationship is filled with teases, jokes, and good/funny moments where you mostly share what you commonly appreciate. • He also knows when to get serious: for example, he does everything to support you during your moments of struggle concerning your self-esteem. Your friend would be... Childe! “Luckily, I'm here!” • You two also share funny moments, especially during situations where your “stupidity” is overtaken by his insight. • Sometimes, he finds you cute. • He likes the fact that you get along well with kids. It leads you to great moments with him and his siblings. • You're quite the opposite in terms of self-esteem. I think it's a good thing because it makes you complementary. Your enemy would be... Albedo! A misunderstanding. • You wouldn't hate each other, but I think Albedo wouldn't like the way you use your energy, and when you're more in a chill mood (meaning you're more available for him to talk), he could get pissed at how much times he'd have to repeat himself for you to understand something. • He's very patient, but he understood quickly that his interests would maybe not be within your reach. • You would just be too different. Worth to mention • You and Venti are like drama queens in Mondstadt. You are good friends. But you both know that you can't be more, as it would eventually both drag you down (because of similar problems). • Klee is also your best friend: both of you share decisions that you definitely will regret later. Or maybe not. • Hu tao and you are kinds of silently competing over who's the best tease, and she beats you. My goal is definitely not achieved. I hope I can catch up tomorrow. And don't worry, it was surprisingly good for a first description!
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crow-feathxrs · 4 years
I’ve never seen a warrior oc with DID before, it’s really nice to see! Can you tell us more abt Blazewing and his alters?
YEA!!!! ok so. i actually have did myself, or at least a form of osdd, and blazewing is based off of one of my own alters who frequently fronts with me!! his name is scott :’D blaze takes a lot of personality from scott too: they’re both really funny, charismatic, have a little bit of dumb bitch energy, and they are very uhhhh. they tend to sacrifice their own needs for their friends’ needs. they’re both really good though and try their best to get better at understanding others and knowing their own emotions and feelings and stuff :) blazewing’s story itself is kinda depressing for funsies, but to keep it short, he was manipulated and coerced into killing other cats and stuff for this one dude who was like, a leader of a gang sorta thing. the leader was abusive and shitty! thats how he got the scars on his face (not the nose scar) i’ll continue under the read more!! nothing’s graphic or goes in depth either, just very vague mentions of abuse and thats all
he was told to go into a burning building and bring something out of it to prove himself once, and thats where the burn scars come from! turns out it was actually supposed to be a way to get rid of him, and he wasnt supposed to survive that. so he was alone then, wandering the forest/mountain area where he lived, until a sudden avalanche happened because of the gods of the world. blaze was supposed to be part of a warriors rp group im in, i just havent added him yet!! so, he comes out with amnesia! he’s eventually found by one of the clans of the forest’s oldest warriors, wargtuft, and she becomes something of a mother figure to him while he tries to remember his past, as well as fit in with his new clan! :) as for the did, it all started coming about because of the acts he was involved in (murder, territory disputes, etc, yknow, mainly bc of the leader being abusive and shitty). there’s no clear time when all of them formed, but they all have their own sorts of roles and aspects of himself in them. blightstar: this guy was only known as blight until blaze discovered the clans, which he then took the name blightstar because he’s.. just like that. blight is a really rambunctious sort of chaotic mischief-maker who likes to be in leader positions. he’s great at fighting (because he cheats), and tends to think cleverly about situations, usually managing to make things better for the system in general. he’s also super dramatic! tinypaw: this is basically a little sort of alter! he’s just a kid who likes to fight and have fun :) he’s not always conscious of what’s right and wrong, and tends to just do what he thinks is the most fun. he’d have character development as time goes on though, where he actually starts to learn more. his role was something of a coping mechanism for blazewing, finding fun in everything and generally just being playful. cold: ok so sometimes, if youve been abused, a sort of figment of your abuser  can form with did. blazewing vied for attention from the leader all the time, listening to his every command, and in a way, he can’t imagine life without the leader. the cold formed as a sort of... yknow, needing that guy around. he’s just kind of a jerk and doesn’t care about others outside of that though silentsea: silent is blaze’s depression and guilt and everything all balled up into one cat. he’s just quiet, listens to whatever ppl want him to do, etc. he’s the part of blaze that feels like he’s responsible for everything, even if he was manipulated into doing it. he’s just trying his best though :( and he’s a pacifist! he hates fighting and stuff. also hunting inferno: ok now this dude is basically blaze’s anger and hatred at himself for what he’s done, and how he wasn’t able to fight back. he’s generally just mad and like... sort of mocks blaze often? specifically silentsea. silentsea and inferno go hand in hand. but uhh he’s more prone to outbursts and bouts of like, self deprecation and self hate and stuff so, now that descriptions are out of the way, i’ll just say that blightstar and tinypaw are the most active alters, while the other 3 arent too apparent and dont really come out as much. theyre also not as verbal in their headpsace too, which is ok! they’re all very crucial parts of blazewing’s system though, and since after his amnesia, he’s never experienced a moment WITHOUT them, he thinks that every cat has special friends in their head too. he’s just a fun character all around and i really gotta get back and add him to that rp cuz WOO he’d be so fun... ANYWAY YEAH!!! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED ME WRITING A FUCKING NOVEL FOR YOU!! SORRY THAT IT WAS SO LONG, I JUST GET REALLY EXCITED TO TALK ABOUT MY OCS :DD oh yeah his story also fits this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrJZJtY6u7o
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heyy xy its been a while again idk how long i wanted to send smth earlier but my brain wouldnt let me so:// im kinda Going Through It rn tho& surprise its abt my romanticality again but this time it has nothing to do w a crush. its ,, i was wondering how romantic attraction felt so i did a question thread on twitter but the answers ,, were all stuff ive felt ?? &i think maybe ive been thinking of romantic attraction wrong this whole time but ?? how do i know ?? -H (it is. frustrating)
its like ,, i love the idea of cuddling& holding hands& hugging& yes that could be platonic but ,, ive never kissed anyone but i think it could be smth i enjoy& maybe even smth i want but it wasnt ever anything i thought abt until now ,, recently ive kinda been wanting to date someone nonromantically ?? but how do i tell if the way i want it is romantically or not ?? romantic attraction is just a thing u feel right u dont get to decide whether or not its romantic attraction it just is right?? -H
&i have gotten my own version of crushes but its always ,, i just rly want to be their friend or in extreme cases just ,, like me the way i like them, like liking me best ig ?? but maybe i have wanted to date them& just didnt realize it ?? when i get crushes i think of them a lot& want to be around them& i get butterflies& all the things ppl say they get with romantic attraction. but then ill ask myself if its romantic& i just feel like No. It's not ??? -H
romantic attraction always just felt so ,, other ?? so even now that i realize what i want is what ppl who feel romantic attraction want it just doesnt feel right ?? ive never kissed anyone& ive never dated& maybe if i did those things id know ?? &sometimes ill wish i had a partner but like in a queerplatonic way i think ?? i just want to do traditionally romantic stuff but ,, without it being romantic ?? but thats not how it works is it ?? -H
like if u feel& want all the things that comes with romantic attraction then that means u experience them romantically ?? maybe ?? i cant wrap my head around wanting all those things but not romantically ?? bc romantic attraction is defined as wanting things like dating& kissing& cuddling - not some other alien feeling i thought so ?? maybe im greyromantic or lithromatic or bellusromantic but ?? how do i know ?? -H
maybe im just too young to completely know how i feel ?? maybe if i dated someone or kissed them id know ?? &i kinda rly want to do those things just to know how id feel bc im tired of not knowing im already confused abt my gender identity if i dont know my romanticality what do i know ?? -H
lmao so im over my crisis nvm -H
i dont remember exactly what i was saying but theres a difference between wanting those things& like ,, wanting them from a person yknow maybe i want to be kissed but only theoretically bc who do i want to kiss me then ?? any strong feelings usually fade when i get to know the person so. also apparently romantic attraction is Not just wanting those things apparently theres supposed to be a feeling that comes with it idk -H
help i found u on tiktok while looking through aroace tiktoks skjdjk i saw u& i was like xy ?!?!! u exist in places outside of tumblr ?!?!??! unbelievable -H
i saw ur undertale hcs tiktok& i highkey panicked bc ive been hyperfixating on undertale for like ,, a month now, so it was my 2 favorite things : aspec hcs& undertale. personally i see papyrus as aroace bc of his whole speech after ur date with him& its like ,, a v v important hc to me bc hes the only character ive ever felt i had representation in sjdhfks idk hes like my comfort character now -H 
aahhh but yea ive been hyperfixating on undertale so badly but :/ we lost our switch :/ so i couldnt play :/// i had to resort to watching playthroughs on yt. i have watched dan& phils playthrough 3 times& i am going on a 4th. luckily we did find our switch !! &i cant wait until i get papyrus' phone number so i can go through every room& call him& then befriend undyne& go through all the rooms& call him again to see if the responses have changed -H
I’m So Sorry it took me literally like 2 months to answer these, I promise i wasn’t ignoring you, I just have Stupid Brain!!
Imma be honest with you, romantic attraction is so confusing, and I can’t say I understand it myself. Also, that’s totally how it works. You can do romantically-coded actions with a queerplatonic partner and not have it be romantic at all. Sure, kissing and dating and cuddling are romantically-coded, but that doesn’t mean you have to be in a romantic relationship to do them; doing those things in a queerplatonic sense and not having any romantic emotions in it is totally valid. You can want all these things and still not have/experience romantic attraction. Take all the time you need to figure it out, though. I may tell everyone I’m grayro, but for sure that does not mean that I have it all figured out. I just say that because it’s the closest to whatever confusing feelings I’ve had lol. It takes time to work these things out, just do what feels right for you. You don’t need to force yourself into a romantic situation just to try and see if you’re aro. Honestly, to me? Nothing you’ve described seems inherently romantic. That all seems like it’s queerplatonic or just platonic.
Lol, yes I exist in places outside of tumblr on occasion. Tbh, since we all know I have no time-management skills, tiktok is a little bit why I’ve been so absent around here lately lol. I was focusing a lot on building my account and content there, but I really miss everyone over here and i miss writing my fanfics so I am Back and I’m gonna try and split my time better, now! Undertale is such a valid thing to fixate on, and Paps is such a valid comfort character. Aroace Paps is so valid, I only said grayroace Paps because 1) brain said “make him you” lol and 2) sometimes I think Papyrus/Mettaton can be cute if done right. And yeah, it’s so fun going through the rooms and just calling them lol
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