#i think the crumbs we got about her were my favorite parts of the season honestly
atopvisenyashill · 3 months
i have to watch everything at least twice to understand it but preliminary thoughts
wigs look good so far even tho aegon’s looks dumb. i get they want to go for like “greasy sadboy” here but it looks like they plopped it on his head 10 minutes before they started filming. crazy bc little jaehaerys looked adorable, helaena looked very nice, and rhaenyra’s fucked up wig was divine.
baela and rhaena crumbs were nice and while i think the dresses on the whole looked better, i’m still genuinely annoyed that they consistently choose to put baela in these random no character targaryen style dresses instead of her trousers. it’s fine at least they were at the funeral up close this time, given that luke is their literal brothercousin.
we could have gotten a wall scene AND the cregan tells jace about luke reveal. imo there was time in this episode to have jace at some sort of small dinner where cregan introduces him to some people, talk about the long night, and see jace Relaxed, Funny, And Politicking like the aegon & jaehaerys scenes.
that said, him crying as he tried to report to rhaenyra was well done, and picking up joffrey actually made me yell out loud. i will take these crumbs thanks.
aliotto fatherhusband and daughterwife scene was really really excellent. i might turn into an alicole hater bc i think those scenes were a waste of time and i want alicent to fuck several relatives And larys before that man, if she must fuck a man. we’ll see going forward.
b&c was kinda disappointing? not married to the idea of helaena picking maelor/jaehaera to die over jaehaerys so much as blood or cheese making sure to get in that “hear that your mommy wants you dead” line. THATS what makes it the tragedy, that helaena chooses a child over the other and has to live with it. i Kind Of get the change here, the continued themes of helaena being ignored, the idea that helaena almost wants to spare jaehaerys from ever being king by letting him die (i mean that’s what i was getting from the earlier convo + “they killed the boy” - spare her boy by letting him die, try to protect her girl by ensuring she lives). but then they should have found a way to work in an extra level of psychological torture there with the choice she made.
i DO like that they chose jaehaerys to kill bc they were kinda rushed. they’re doing this for the money, bc they don’t like the hightowers, there’s a different rat catcher for different floors, they’re not thinking about the politics of whether it’s better to risk killing aemond in a messy way or settle for jaehaerys, they’re just trying to get the job done. i think there needed to be a little more oomph in that decision though - either more gore/sadism during the moment of killing jaehaerys or a longer scene with daemon about what to do if they can’t bag aemond that makes the viewer a bit unsettled by daemon.
rhys looked infinitely sexier to me. he dumped his annoying deadbeat husband (viserys) and glowed the fuck up. i respect the game.
in general, it’s the same issue as last season which is too much plot heavy tb scenes whereas tg has a good mix of character & plot driven scenes. it’s so frustrating that they can get the same information across but in a scene that has more character analysis & humor but seem determined to Only do this for the greens. the only one we really got for tb in that regard is maybe the corlys/alyn one.
i don’t want to end on bitching let’s end these with MY FAVORITE PARTS: ✨🖤jace’s fire new look🖤✨ and every aegon scene!
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jay-cult · 2 years
my overall crystalized pt2 thoughts
under the cut because spoilers obviously👍
so uh. yeah. my opinion on the ninjago finale was... drumroll... it was ok.
i have a lot of issues with lloyd’s, garmadon’s, and harumi’s arcs. it should be pretty obvious what the problems are, but i will sum it up with some thoughts. why is sensei garmadon treated as if he didnt exist at all? he and lloyd had a fantastic bond. even the garmadon from s1-2 had a more compelling bond with lloyd, since the evil in his veins was only kept at bay for the love he had for his son, and lloyd knew and believed this. did lloyd just? forget everything about his dad up until s8????? the oni form arc went nowhere, and personally i think it should have been given more attention and been the solution with sacrifices. the dragon forms were a terrible solution and sure, they look cool, but they really should not have been written into this season at all. also, why is harumi suddenly good bro? why does she care about lloyd???? im... confused. and rip people who were excited for the ice emperor episode that must be a painful wound hgkjfkj
also did anyone else find the nya samurai x suit uh... ugly..? most people i see say it’s their favorite nya look and i do not see it at all. like, compared to the s4 samurai x suit too!!!!! that thing looked sick af and does not even compare
some things i like are that okino showed up and had a moment, ronin defended the ninja, fuji dove got his own sick mech and cried over pixane-- which had a lot of cute moments, i think pixane is very sweet and fantastic :) the kai and skylor stuff was very funny to me, same with some of lloyd’s reactions to harumi towards the beginning fghkkjghg. ALSO ZIPPY MY LOVE RETURN OF THE KING!!! the wu and paperboy stuff was incredibly heartwarming. racer 7- i mean, blazy was very very funny and good im happy with her having a moment. there were some other things i cant rlly take off the top of my head rn.
personal and self indulgent point but, jaya crumbs is jaya crumbs, i guess i didnt expect too much anyway but you know what, a moment or two is generous given we have literally the entirety of seabound plus part 1 of crystalized. so it’s chill, also i will be seeing the mechanic in an alley later tonight to beat him up. thanks for listening
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mortiflyer · 2 years
okay I have way too many thoughts about sab season 2 so here goes *deep breath*
on the "main storyline" side: as someone who hasn't read the sab books but has read soc duology, I rlly liked alina's storyline this season and thought it was decently paced for how few episodes there were. i loved mal and nikolai being friends and not having a random awful love triangle and that alina didn't love nikolai except for platonically! made sense.
baghra kicked ass and ben was again amazing as the d*rkling. loved seeing alinas struggle and his side even though i hate him, because we got to see genya. (SIDE NOTE GENYADAVID WRECKED ME.)
mal being sturmhond was actually a nice twist imo. the twins ROCK and i love tamar and nadia sm. adrik too he's so cute.
on the crows side: even though i adore the crows (and there were zero faults with the cast's performances, as usual), i found myself a little disappointed with some of the writing. some decisions to put book scenes in early made sense (MORE SENSE THAN SOME OF YOU WILL GIVE THEM CREDIT FOR, considering they want to feed us crumbs IF the show gets cancelled), but generally it was disorienting to see the ck plotline, or at least part of it.
i think that the one great thing abt the ck plotline is that it opens up new implications for matthias and pekka's motives, both towards each other and towards kaz, and i love that idea. it's something i'm the most excited for, honestly.
kaz's backstory was well-done and well-acted by jordie, young kaz, and current kaz! freddy continues to be an absolute superstar and one of my favorites in the cast. one thing about kaz, tho: i HATED that the dregs weren't already his crew...like girl who tf is running the crow club. kaz is older in this iteration but not by THAT MUCH...anyways i do think it'll provide basis for the big bolliger/not trusting kaz scene at the beginning of the real soc plot but i still didn't like it.
the other major thing i hated was how rushed wesper was (this one is pretty obvious), but let me also volunteer this: it made sense. of the crows, they have the least traumatic relationship (even tho they have personal traumas yk), and because we can't guarantee that the show will get a spinoff, SOMEONE has to end up happy. thus, no slow burn. annoyed about it, but it's not unreasonable + i adore jack and kit together.
kaNEJ THIS SEASON OMG. the scene in the chapel at the end of the season...wow. i thought it was superbly done and made sense in the storyline of the show, despite being from the books. yes, they had some slightly rushed moments, but again, no guarantees for another season. also this means they're probably planning even more development for a spinoff!!
helnik...cal and dani blow me away even when they're not together?? how do they do that?? amazing. i loved the tension; it was just like the books.
jesper's powers becoming stronger after he hallucinates aditi were a nice touch imo. when colm comes around he'll have to reckon with himself even more now, so that's actually interesting + good setup. he was amazing in episode seven!!!
INEJ SAVING ALINA AGAIN. the implications it has for her religious beliefs are so wow. also, her looking for slavers with sturmhond (MAL!) and the crew is great bc we'll see her again, but it also gives her a minor amount of closure. not full closure, but enough to keep fans wanting to see her again.
on a general note: my favorite episodes were five and seven. i thought five did character interactions super well (specifically nina/kaz and kanej), and seven brought the characters from both storylines together in a way that was, imo, better than last season. also, in episode eight: ALINA USING THE DARK CUT ON THE PAREM SOLDIER?? WOWOWOWW I LOVE THAT I'M SO EXCITED. people will be mad kaz knew about parem before van eck told him but my guess is that the van eck kidnapping stuff DID happen and we just didn't see it yet (wait for spinoff!!)
i'll definitely have to write more posts as it settles in, but yeah...that's the gist of it lol. basically: i will always be a show defender, even if there's clumsy writing and some hamfisting!! i love that damn show!! i am really excited to see them again (praying for a spinoff) and i loved the way the season ended tbh.
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hqlmsbury · 2 years
My thoughts and opinions 😱. I honestly really really enjoyed it, it’s different but it’s an adaptation of what I already love. Some parts though could’ve definitely been better.
• I know people were skeptical about Patrick but straight away from episode one where he went “You don’t know me? Maybe in profile. ” that was when I knew Nikolai literally was on my screen. He did a great job!
• I think Jack is lovely. Unfortunately I think that he was a bit too much van sunshine and not enough Wylan. He does a wonderful job on the cute parts but Wylan from the books is witty and brave and reckless even, hopefully we get to see that more in a future season 🤞
• SUJAYA OWNS ME IN EPISODE SIX 🧎‍♀️ Zoyas outfit in Shu Han is legendary. Sujaya IS zoya and nobody can tell me otherwise. Zoya is one of my favorite characters and I really enjoy how Sujaya portrays her!
• I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR DAVIDS DEATH 😭. When Genya found the ring I lost it right then and there it was SO SAD.
• I’m very disappointed in how they did Wesper tho 😭. We got absolutely no slow burn, and while Kit and Jack have great chemistry I was hoping we’d get a bit more of that are they? Are they not? That we got in the beginning of soc
• episode four was amazing. I was a bit upset at first that they were using part of the ck plotline but after I watched it I’m not too mad. I really liked how Freddy did that scene with Pekka it really gave off Kaz in the books vibes. Loved it.
• when amita said “and how will you have me?” And that whole monologue it was PERFECT. Her pauses and her expression masterpiece really.
• I was a bit sad about how they did Alina this season. I very much relate to Alina and I really loved her in season 1. This season it felt like her character didn’t really go anywhere, I would’ve liked to see her start out a bit more hesitant and to grow into who she is at the end. They had Alina be really headstrong about what she wants right from the beginning which I get for time sake but still
• Where was the Tamar and Nadia scenes?? 😭 we got like CRUMBS if you could even call it that it was disappointing.
• That new tide maker lady who was like a teachers pet to the darkling was kind of weird imo. I’m assuming that was where Ivan would have been but I saw Julian’s (Fedyor) post on instagram where they decided to leave them out of this season. Which is unfortunate because the whole darklings crew was a bit weird including Vladim the weird Alekmi lol
• Daisy did a wonderful job as Genya. All her scenes were done spectacularly. I applaud
I can’t think of anything else right now and this turned out to be much longer than I thought lol. But stream shadow and bone season 2 so we can get a six of crows spin off and a season 3!!
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nicolinocolino · 2 years
When Elia was at his mom’s grave and said he didn’t know what was worse, stealing flowers or buying them with Carmela’s money… idk what to say. Just whoever wrote these scenes regarding his mom, bravo.
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mythicandco · 2 years
so can I rant about the new Amphibia episodes because oh my god 
spoilers under the cut
okay so first of all, weirded out that the Hulu thumbnail changed like twelve times (first the map Ivy and Maddie find in TNHT, then the Stone Guardian, then a Sashanne hug, and finally Anne’s birthday presents). not that big of a deal, but still. also weird that we,,, never actually saw the Stone Guardian or even REGULAR Domino in this episode?? like?? did I miss it or was it just Not There???
anyways onto the episode itself:
The Next Hardest Thing was like. SUCH a good way to start S4 I think. we got to see a bunch of characters that weren’t even in the finale (namely Percy and Braddock - I love them so much - also Gunther, that frog who’s basically the hulk - I’m ashamed to say I almost forgot about him lol), plus Sprivy being adorable, plus,,, please tell me I’m not the only one who detected the Sprivaddie crumbs and the aroace Polly subtext?? like?? Polly avoiding the romance section in the castle’s secret library? constantly making faces at Sprivy and Yulivia?? please please please let it be canon-
and then the map. god I’m too lazy to find a screenshot of it right now but WHAT WERE THOSE RUNES? THOSE WEREN’T FROG RUNESsadfjsldfk
(also one last thing - there was a Flipwart board down there in the library. plus it’s the same place Andrias and Marcy went into all the way back in S2. so... could that’ve been where she poured her heart out to him? just a fun lil thought)
I actually forgot to watch it the first time?? my brain died and I only saw TNHT and had to go back sdfjsldkj but I AM SO GLAD I DID. NEW FAVORITE EPISODE
it was great seeing all of the other earth characters too (not Domino though... did she die of old age? ;w; might write some angst about that later), though. kinda weird we didn’t see Terri really. fingers crossed for the portal theory to be canon guys-
OKAY. NOW THE PART I’M DYING OVER. LITERALLY COMBUSTING. LIKE. WHAT WAS THAT END SCENE??? YEAH MARCY WAS ACTING A LITTLE WEIRD IN THE EPISODE (the first thing that comes to mind is the weird reluctance in her voice when Anne says “It’s great to have you back Marce” and Marcy replies “yeah, it’s... nice to be back” with this weird expression and she avoids Anne’s eyes like kjsldfjlskdWHAT) BUT THEY PULLED A FREAKING SEASON THREE SNEAK PEEK ON US
just enjoying the episode and then there’s a black screen before the credits roll like. you barely have time to process it and then say “wait not agai-” before. WHY WAS MARCY LAUGHING LIKE THAT. god if Darcy’s coming back I’m going to rip someone’s eyes out 
that’s like literally all I have to say I’m just going insane over the episode akjdskafsl if anyone wants to add smth go ahead 
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Seasons of PD and Med: Season 0: The Backstory (A Halstead! Brothers + Halstead Sister! imagine)
Hey, I had an idea to pick episodes from every season of PD and Med and write them as if Will and Jay had a younger sister involved. This is the first installment and it will deal with some big things in Jay and Will's young adult years and Y/N's childhood years! Stay tuned for the next update which is season 1 of PD (I'm not gonna say what ep it is yet because I want you guys to be surprised.) I just made up a name for Mama Halstead since she hasn't been named in the show...I'm still waiting on that crumb that the writers neglected to add.
Anyway, enough of the long note, enjoy!
Will's age: 20
Jay's age: 18
Your age: 4
"Dad, I'm leaving tomorrow! It's not like I can change it now!" Jay yelled at his father as he paced the living room, his mom and dad sitting on the couch. His mom was trying to calm his dad, but that wasn't working very well.
"Both of you, keep your voice down," Amelia Halstead hissed at her husband and youngest son. "Y/N's sleeping. And if either of you wakes her up, there will be hell to pay tomorrow."
"Sh- Crap," Jay fixed his language quickly, knowing that he shouldn't swear around his parents. "Y/N."
Amelia's eyes went wide. "Jayson Halstead! You haven't told her yet? You said you wanted to be the one to tell her!"
"He won't have to tell her anything if he doesn't go," Pat Halstead shrugged.
"Patrick." Amelia gave Pat a warning look. "He's his own person and as much as we both hate it, he's an adult in the eyes of the law and can make his own decisions. One of which is whether or not he wants to join the military."
"I just think he should go out and get a real job. Why is it that none of my sons want to do that? Will wants to become a doctor and waste God knows how much time and money in school and this one wants to go and get himself killed. And for what? Because you want to play with guns?"
"Dad," Jay groaned. "We've been over this. I want to help protect people and I want to do that somewhere outside the country because there are others over there who really need it. Also, I like the adrenaline rush."
"Jay, not the time," Amelia scolded in reference to the last part.
"Sorry, Mom," Jay mumbled.
"I'm still not okay with this, no matter your reasoning. I don't need you to come home in a coffin!" Pat yelled.
You heard the booming voice of your dad down the hallway and jumped awake. Why was he yelling? Shouldn't he be sleeping just like you had been? But, maybe he was just yelling at the Blackhawks game as he did that often. Maybe if you got up he'd give you some juice. Your mom was always strict about no sugar before--or during--bedtime, but your brothers and your dad were a lot more easygoing.
So, you slid out of bed and walked down the hallway, excited to see if you'd be able to get some grape juice in your favorite princess cup. You clutched your Build-A-Bear in your hand, which was also dressed in pajamas, as it was bedtime, and walked down the hall. But, you stopped short when you heard that Jay was yelling as well.
"I'm leaving tomorrow and there's nothing you can do about it, Dad! If you hate it so much, feel free to stay home when we all go to the airport!"
Jay was leaving? Did he have another seven-sleep-long soccer camp? He always had those in the summer. And, when you went to his games with your mom when the leaves changed, he scored lots of goals.
"Jay wait--"
"Mom, I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning."
Jay got halfway down the hall before he saw you.
"Hey, what are you doing up? Isn't it way past your bedtime?" Jay asked, his voice softening as he crouched down in front of you.
Your lower lip started to tremble and you pulled your Build-A-Bear, who you had affectionately named Beary, close to your chest. "You go to soccer for lots of sleeps again, Jay Jay?"
Jay sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Of course, you had heard him say he was leaving. And of course, the only thing you had to compare it to was him leaving for his soccer camps which he always went to at the end of July.
"What's the biggest number you can count to?" he asked, trying to sound excited.
"Um...um...um," you furrowed your eyebrows, trying to remember what you had learned at daycare. "Ten," you finally answered.
"I'm gonna be gone a long time," he told you.
"So, ten sleeps?" Ten was a long time. It had two numbers!
"Longer than that." He placed a hand on your shoulder and went to hug you because he saw the tears in your eyes, but you ran away from him. "Y/N, wait--"
"Mommy!" you yelled as you ran into the living room as fast as your little legs could carry you.
Amelia Halstead jumped up from her place on the couch. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" She crouched down and then picked you up.
"Jay Jay," you hiccupped as tears rolled down your face. "Jay Jay leaving for more than ten sleeps! He not my favowite broder anymore!" you wailed.
The door opened, revealing Will who had just returned from the library since he was taking some summer classes. "What am I, kiddo? Chopped liver?"
"Will my favowite now."
Will put his backpack in his room and then entered Jay's, who was sitting on his bed with what looked like a new outfit for your Build-A-Bear right next to him.
"So, I'm assuming you told her?" Will asked after he had sat down next to his younger brother.
"Yeah. And she hates me now, so there's that."
"Nah, she's just confused. She's four, Jay."
"I know that."
"Did you tell her why you're leaving? Where you're going?"
"No. When I told her I'd be gone for more than ten sleeps she started to cry and then ran to Mom. I made her cry, Will. You're the only one who's supposed to do that."
"Hey," Will smacked Jay upside the head. "I stole her bear once and I'm forever dubbed the horrible brother, yeah okay."
Jay laughed. "I mean, it's true, though. She hated you and cried for hours until you came home and gave it to her because you hid it in your car."
"I agree. It was a dick move." Will picked up the bear outfit. "What's this?"
"I got her a military outfit for her bear. Figured maybe it'd help her feel like I'm not so far away. And, it wouldn't freak her out when she sees me in my uniform tomorrow."
Jay and Will looked up at the sound of his door being opened. "Someone wanted to see you," their mom said, still holding you in her arms. "Isn't that right, sweetheart?"
You nodded. "Down peas," you said, trying your best to say please.
The minute you were safely on the floor, you ran to Jay's bed and hauled yourself up all by yourself. "I sowwy," you told your big brother.
"It's okay. But you know what will make me feel better?" you shook your head no. "A hug."
"Okay!" you jumped into Jay's lap and hugged him, unknowingly jumping somewhere that hurt him, causing him to grimace and Will to burst out laughing. After a warning glance from your mom though, Will stopped.
Once Jay regained his composure, he grabbed the bear outfit from next to him. "I have a present for you."
You pulled away from him and looked at him expectantly. "Weally? But I was mean."
"I know you didn't mean it. I forgive you."
You had no idea what he was talking about, but nodded anyway.
"You know how the good guys fight the bad guys?" Jay started. You nodded. "I'm leaving to fight some really bad guys."
"So you a good guy?"
"Yes," he chuckled. "And I wear something that looks like this. So, I thought maybe Beary would like his own. That way, you know that me and him are both the good guys and when I'm gone, he'll fight off all the bad guys in your bad dreams."
"Beary can fight da bad guys?"
"Yes, it's because he has this. He can even just wear the hat and be fighting bad guys."
He handed you the camo shirt, pants, and hat for your bear.
"You not wearing dis," you told him.
Now it was your mom's turn to butt in. "It's because he's sleepy. He doesn't wear it to sleep. But, he'll wear it tomorrow and Beary and Jay will match."
"Beary match Jay Jay 'morrow?" you asked, looking up at your mom expectantly.
"Yes. And they'll match faster if both you and Beary go to sleep."
"Really. Now, how about we go to sleep and you can put Beary's new outfit on tomorrow?"
"Okay. Night night, Will. Night night, Jay Jay."
Once your mom had taken you out of the room, Will spoke up. "Damn, now I'm gonna have to get that bear a white coat once I graduate from med school just to one-up you."
"His name's Beary," Jay told him.
Will rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'm gonna have to get Beary a white coat when I graduate from med school. Happy now, little brother?"
"Beary happy."
You, your mom, dad, and Will all walked into the airport to say goodbye to Jay before he boarded his flight. Beary was dressed in his camo, but you hadn't seen Jay dressed in his yet as he had left early to say goodbye to Allie and some other friends before you had gotten the chance to see him this morning.
"Look, there's Jay," your mom said, trying to be as happy as she could so that you wouldn't get sad. But, on the inside, her heart was breaking. But, once again, this is what her son wanted to do, so she wouldn't stop him.
"Hey guys," he said as he walked up to you, again, trying to be as happy as he could. But, since you couldn't really read the tone yet, you missed the nervousness in his voice.
"You and Beary match!"
"I told you we would! Would I ever lie to you?"
You shook your head no. You trusted both your big brothers to always tell you the truth.
"C'mere." Will was the first one to give Jay a hug. "I'm gonna miss your annoying--" Will leaned in to whisper in Jay's ear, knowing that if his mom heard him swear around you, he'd never hear the end of it. "--ass."
"I'll miss you, too. And all that annoying school talk you do. Dad?"
He turned to his dad and he hugged him, shocking both Jay and Will. "Stay safe out there, son."
"I will."
"Mom, please don't cry," Jay said as he turned to your mom, who was still holding you in her arms.
"I just love you so much. I don't want anything to happen to you."
"Mom," he said as he swallowed a lump in his throat and hugged her. "I love you, too."
He pulled away and then looked at you. "And you, I am gonna miss you the most."
"Yes, don't tell Will, but you're my favorite."
"Mommy! I'm Jay Jay's favowite."
"Flight 51163 now boarding."
"I gotta go. But, remember what I told you, okay? Beary will always fight your bad dreams for you because he has his own uniform now."
"Just like you?"
Jay nodded. "Now, can Mommy put you down so I can get a big Y/N hug?"
Your mom set you on the ground and Jay crouched down to your level and enveloped you in a hug. "I gotta go," he said as he pulled away. "Be good for Mommy and Daddy."
"I will. I love you Jay Jay."
"I love you, too." He stood up and looked at the rest of his family. "All of you."
He turned and started to walk away. More than ten sleeps is too long! And, before your mom could pick you back up, you ran towards him, dropping Beary in the process.
"No no no Jay Jay, peas stay!" you yelled.
Jay's head whipped around just as you attached yourself his leg with tears running down your face.
"Y/N, Jay's gonna be home before you know it," your mom said.
"But- But I don't want Jay Jay leave. I want Jay Jay home!"
"I know, I know. But remember what he told you last night? He's gotta get all the bad guys. And, you want him to get all the bad guys, don't you?"
"You pwomise to get all da bad guys, Jay Jay?" you asked, still holding onto his leg.
"I promise."
Your mom reached down to grab you and then lifted you up into her arms.
Another guy wearing the same clothes as Jay came up to you. "Is this yours?" he asked you.
"Beary! I dropped Beary, Mommy!" you exclaimed as you reached out and took your bear from him.
"I see that. Now, what do you say?"
"Tank you!"
"You're welcome," he said.
Then, you waved goodbye as your mom walked away with you and returned to Will and your dad. All the while, you clutched Beary, making sure he didn't fall out of your grasp again.
"Kid sister?" the guy who handed you Beary back asked Jay.
"Yeah, she's four. Doesn't really get what's going on. Thanks for giving that back. She would've gone crazy if she got in the car and it wasn't there," Jay answered. "I'm Jay Halstead by the way."
"Greg Gerwitz," he replied. "But everyone calls me Mouse."
Will's age: 22
Jay's age: 20
Your age: 6
"Mom is gonna be shocked, man," Will said to Jay as he parked his car in the driveway. "I just hope she doesn't me kill for keeping it a secret from her."
"I think that'll be the last thing on her mind when she sees me. Now, you said that her and Y/N are leaving at 8:15, right?"
"Yeah, so you better go stand outside my car now because it's 8:14."
Meanwhile, inside you ran back down the hallway to your room. "Y/N!" Your mom shouted after you. "We have to go! You don't want to be late on your first day of kindergarten, do you?"
You ran to your room and then grabbed Beary. You had changed him back into his military uniform outfit--or, what you called Jay Jay's clothes--earlier this morning. It was the only thing Beary wore during the day since Jay's been gone. You'd put him into his pajamas at night and then right back into the military uniform outfit when you woke up.
"I'm back, Mama! Beary's coming to school with me!"
"That reminds me," she pulled out a small toy backpack from behind her back. "Beary can't go to school without a backpack now, can he?"
"No, Mommy! Thank you!" you quickly put the red backpack on Beary's back and then your mom took a picture.
Then, you and your mom stepped out the front door.
Jay and Will were both leaning against Will's car. Tears came to Jay's eyes when he saw that your bear was still in that military outfit he'd gotten you two years ago before he left for basic training and then for Afghanistan.
Through a rushed phone call a few months ago, Jay had asked Will when your first day of school was. He didn't want to miss it, being the good big brother he was. So, once he had a date, he went on a mission to get himself off his tour one week early. Somehow, he was successful. Then, he coordinated with Will about what time his flight was landing in Chicago and he'd picked him up. The two brothers spent the night at a hotel--Will saying he was staying at a friend's house--and then driven home that morning.
You were having a very intense conversation with your mom about what you hoped kindergarten would be like when she stopped in her tracks and put her hand over her mouth.
"Mommy, what's wrong?" you asked, looking up at her with wide eyes.
"Hi, Mom."
You knew that voice. But, usually, it only came through the phone and your mom wasn't holding the phone right now.
You looked away from your mom and towards the sound of footsteps.
There, right in front of you, was your big brother in his military uniform that matched Beary's.
"Jay Jay!" you yelled and sprinted towards him.
"There's my favorite kindergartner!" Jay exclaimed when he picked you up. "Did you miss me?"
"I missed you this much!" You spread your arms out as far as they could go.
"Really?" You nodded your head. "You missed me a lot, huh? Well, I missed you more!"
"Did you get the bad guys?"
Jay swallowed, images from his deployment and having people bleed out in front of him coming to the forefront of his mind. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, Y/N. I got all the bad guys."
"How did you- How did you both do this?" your mom choked out, in tears.
"Mommy, don't cry," you told her, still in Jay's arms. "Jay Jay's home, be happy."
"I am happy, baby. These are happy tears. But how did you do this? I thought you weren't supposed to be home for another week, Jay!"
"Me and Will talked about it. I found out when Y/N's first day of school was, and the rest just fell into place. I couldn't miss walking my favorite sister to her first day at big kid school, now could I?" he asked, tickling your stomach, causing you to giggle.
"No, stop! Jay Jay stop!" you giggled and he set you back down on the ground.
"How about you walk to school with us and then the three of us go out for breakfast?" your mom suggested.
"What about me?" you asked, looking up at your mom. "Can I come?"
"You'll be in school, honey. And, remember what I said you'd get after school?"
"A donut!" you exclaimed.
"Wow! Someone's lucky!" Jay said, overexaggerating it.
"Make sure you tell them it was your first day of school, Y/N," Will started, "because I know they'll be sure to put extra sprinkles on it."
"Mommy! I get extra sprinkles!"
"So, I heard. But, we better get going, we don't want to be late."
"Sorry to burst your bubble, Mom," Will started, "But I gotta start heading back to New York."
"Med school can't wait another day, huh?" Jay asked.
"I've already missed one lecture, but it was on the ethics and implications of not respecting a DNR...which is common sense in the medical world. But, I don't think I can afford to miss anymore. Sorry guys."
"You'll be back soon though, right?" you asked.
"Yup, I'll be back for Thanksgiving. A lot faster than Jay got back."
"Okay!" you exclaimed. Then, you grabbed your mom's hand and Jay's and walked to school in the middle of them, excited to have your big brother who fought the bad guys back home.
Will's age: 25
Jay's age: 23
Your age: 9
It's been three years since Jay's first tour ended, and he was currently overseas on his second tour. You were in third grade now, so you enjoyed getting to write letters to him and tell him all about school. You'd also send some to Will in New York so that he didn't feel left out. And, Will would send you these super cool things called postcards with pictures of different places in New York on them!
Overseas in Afghanistan, all hell had broken loose. Jay and Mouse were in the same unit again, which was great, but what wasn't so great was what happened with his Humvee. The Humvee had hit an IED and left Jay and Mouse as the only two survivors. Jay was trying to do his job the best he could, but he wasn't sleeping, the images of that day etched in his mind and always there, even when his eyes were closed.
In the northeastern part of the US, Will was procrastinating all his homework--but somehow still turning it in on time and doing well on exams--while he worked long, unpaid hours at a hospital, learning everything there was to know about treating patients and performing surgery. He was also partying a lot in his spare time. He had seen one of his professors, Yates, at a party, so that was weird and freaked him out. A grown man partying with his students? Why? But, Will had more important things going on to worry about than why the hell one of his professors was at a big ass house party.
Back at home, your mom was crying and you had asked her what was wrong, but she told you not to worry about it. Despite that, you were worried. You had never seen your mom cry like this. She didn't even cry this much when Jay and Will left!
"Mom?" you asked when you got home from school to see her sitting at the kitchen table crying.
She frantically wiped away her tears to try and play off that nothing was wrong. You looked down at the stack of papers in front of her and noticed that one said something about a will. There wasn't an "a" in front of Will's name! He was just Will!
"Mom! They messed up Will's name! See? I'll fix it!" You picked up the pen next to you and uncapped it.
"No!" your mom yelled.
"Why? It's wrong."
"I'm sorry,  baby. These are just really important papers that you can't write on, okay? They're adult papers."
"Will and Jay are adults?" you asked, your eyes going wide. No, they weren't; your mom still called them her baby boys.
"They are!" She laughed at your expression.
"When will I be an adult?"
"You've got nine years yet, baby. You have to wait until you're-- until you're eighteen," she stuttered, trying not to get choked up as she realized that she probably wouldn't be here when you turned eighteen. If the doctors were right, she wouldn't even be here for your tenth birthday.
"Mom, why are you crying?" You sat in the kitchen chair next to her and looked up at her with curiosity in your eyes.
Now was as good a time as any, your mom thought to herself. Both Will and Jay knew and Jay said he'd be home any time now since he had been honorably discharged between the Humvee and IED incident and your mom getting sick.
"Sweetie, mom's really sick," she told you.
You cocked your head to the side. "So, you just need to go to the hospital or get Will to fix you up."
"I wish it were that simple, baby. But, the sickness is way inside my body and is moving around too much to have Will fix it."
"But can't they go inside with those fancy tools that Jay's scared of?"
"It's not as simple as going in with a few needles, baby."
"But what about that yucky stuff you give me?" you asked, referring to the grape flavored medicine.
You heard the door open. "The important thing is that I'm okay right now. I'll just be a little tired and we might have to go to the hospital soon."
"Mom? You here?"
"Jay!" you yelled and ran to the living room, the emotional talk with your mom long forgotten the moment you heard your older brother's voice.
"Y/N!" Jay yelled, matching your enthusiasm as he crouched down and opened his arms wide.
"I missed you!" you told him as you squeezed him tightly.
"I missed you, too! Now, is Mom here?" he asked as he stood back up.
You grabbed his hand. "She's here. Did you know she's sick, Jay?"
You led him to the kitchen, where your mom was still sitting at the table.
Jay glanced over at the paper sitting in front of your mom. He swallowed as it all quickly became real for him.
His mom was dying and he was home. But, his older brother wasn't. Will was off partying while their mom was dying.
"No, chocolate's better than vanilla," you argued as you and Jay both walked the short walk home holding your ice cream cones.
"No, vanilla's better. You're just a weirdo. Now, how about you eat your ice cream before it melts and drips on you and you get all sticky?"
It was the first day of May and Jay had been home since February. Your mom's condition was rapidly deteriorating as the cancer spread throughout her body. You had noticed she had been more tired than usual and that your dad hadn't been as excited to watch you at soccer practice. He didn't even want to come with you and Jay when you went to the ice cream shop today. It was opening day for the season, and it was a Halstead tradition that the whole family go get ice cream together. And, Jay wasn't going to let his dad wreck that for you, so he took you.
Jay had finished his ice cream and you were at the bottom of your cone when you walked up the front porch steps.
"You're just going to give up, Amelia? You do know that's what this is right?"
Luckily for you, you were so focused on finishing your ice cream, that you didn't hear the yelling between your mom and dad right away. But, Jay did.
"Hey, Y/N?" you looked up from your cone at your older brother.  "How about you go grab your soccer ball from the garage and I'll get some water bottles and we can go to the park and practice for your game on Saturday, how does that sound?"
"So I can get better at stealing the ball from the other team?" you asked.
"Yup. Now, let's hurry up, okay?"
As soon as your back was turned and you ran off to the garage in search of your soccer ball, Jay entered the house.
"Pat, that's not what this is and you know it!" Amelia argued, using what little strength she had after chemo to stand up.
"Then what is it?" Pat roared.
"I don't want Y/N to see me deteriorate!"
Jay rushed into his parents' bedroom. His mom was clutching the bedpost as if her life depended on it.
"Mom," he started, causing both his parents to focus their attention on him. "How about you sit down? You're tired."
"Jay, will you get me the phone please?" she asked, still standing.
"Amelia, you are not making that call!"
"It is my life! You are not taking this last big decision away from me!" Her voice softened. "Jay, sweetheart, the phone please."
"What's going on?"
"Your mom wanting to stay at the hospital is what's going on," Pat spat.
"Mom, no. You- you can't. Stay here. Please," he begged. He knew this was the last straw. Staying in the hospital likely meant she'd die there. She only had a limited time left. And, he wanted her to be here, at home with him. He had missed so much when he was away in Afghanistan. He just wanted more time of her staying home, of them being a normal family, despite her battling cancer with all her might.
"It'll be better for me there, Jay. They can give me painkillers and probably other things to help me feel better."
Jay hated it, but his mom was right. It probably was what was best for her.
"Okay, I'll get you the phone."
He walked into the kitchen to grab the phone and walked back to the bedroom to give it to his mom.
He reached out his hand to hand it to her, but it hit the floor with a thud.
"Dad! What the hell?" Jay yelled.
"You know what! She's staying here, Jayson!"
"Last I checked, it was mom's decision, not yours! And, she said she wants to go to the hospital! Respect that!"
"Like you and her respected what I had to say when you wanted to leave for the army? You didn't respect what I had to say then, so why should I respect what she's saying now?"
"Because she's your wife and she's dying!" Jay yelled. "You're stressing her out and stress is bad for her."
He picked up the phone and went to hand it to his mom. She took it.
Pat reached out his hand, but Jay stopped him. "You touch her or that phone, and I will lay you out where you stand. It's mom's decision."
"You'd really hit your old man?"
"Try me."
There was silence for a moment before Pat turned. "I'm going for a drive. I'll be back later."
"You didn't have to do that, you know," Amelia said to her son once Pat was out of the room.
"You did the same thing for me when I left to go to the army. You respected my decisions, so I'm respecting yours, Mom."
"When did you grow up so much?" A tear rolled down her cheek.
Jay sat down next to her. "Army will do that to you."
"Jay? You ready?" Jay heard you call for him.
"I'll be right there, Y/N!" he hollered back. Then, he turned back to his mom. "I was gonna take Y/N to the park, but I can stay here if you want me to?"
"No, go, Jay. You're a good brother. Promise me you'll watch over her when I'm gone?"
"Mom don't say--"
"Promise me. She needs you, both you and Will to look out for her. Who knows how your dad will get through all this. She needs her big brothers."
"I promise, Mom."
"Jay?" he heard you yell for him from outside.
"Be right there!" he yelled back.
After grabbing and filling up two water bottles, he walked outside to be met with your puzzled face. "What's wrong?"
"Why'd dad leave?" you asked, holding the soccer ball under your arm.
"Uh," Jay faltered. No way in hell was he going to be the one to explain this to you. Him leaving for the military, yeah, he could explain that one. But your guys' mom dying and telling you that she was going to the hospital because the end was near? Yeah, not gonna happen. He'd leave that to someone else...someone that was not him. "He's running a few errands," Jay answered.
"Oh, okay. Can Ben come to the park with us, too?" you asked.
Ben was your best friend and also your neighbor. Jay had dated his older sister before he left to fight the bad guys far away. Sometimes, when Jay had to babysit you, Allie would come over and bring Ben. And then, you'd get lots and lots of candy and get to watch movies for a bit. And, they'd promise you both Mcdonald's if neither you nor Ben said that Allie had come over. It always worked. You didn't know what the two teenagers were doing, but all you knew was that you got french fries and candy out of it, so both you and Ben had kept your mouths shut...despite it being against both your parents' rules to have a boyfriend or girlfriend over when they weren't home.
"You know what, I think that's a great idea," Jay answered. And then, you made your way to the Corson's and then to the park, thinking nothing of it.
Jay was sitting in the hospital room, clutching his mother's hand, just wondering how his life had turned out like this. Will was almost to the hospital; he'd gotten a last-minute flight from New York to Chicago, knowing that that would be faster than driving. Your dad was picking you up from school an hour early on a Friday. But right now, right now Jay was alone. And his mom, well she was still here, but he knew it wouldn't be for long. He knew that she was sleeping right now, and he wanted that for her because at least she wouldn't be awake to feel the pain of death, but at the same time, God, he wanted her to wake up. He wanted her to wake up so bad. He wanted to tell her that she was the best mom in the world. He wanted to tell her that he should never have had gone to Afghanistan, that maybe Dad was right, maybe he should've stayed in the States. Maybe he should've stayed in Chicago. He should've stayed home, just so that he could have had those three missed years with his mom. So that there could've been those extra two years before Will went to med school where the five of the Halsteads would be a real family. Because, in a matter of hours, hell in a matter of minutes, the Halsteads would dwindle down to a family of four forever. And, then, when Will left to go back to New York, it would dwindle down to three, at least for the time being.
Damn it. He just wanted more time. More time with his mom. He'd give anything for just a little more time.
"Jay! Jay! How is she?" Will burst into the quiet hospital room looking more worse for wear than normal. He had just gotten off an eighteen-hour shift of his med school rotation when he had gotten the call from his dad to get to Chicago as soon as possible. He found the first available flight--not caring about cost--and left, not even glancing at the clothes he threw in a duffle bag.
"Shhh!" Jay hissed at his older brother. "She's sleeping. And, shouldn't you know from your fancy schooling that as long as those monitors are still beeping, that she's still alive? Or did you just get too drunk and not even study and leave me to deal with dad and a very distraught and scared Y/N?"
"Man, you know I stopped doing that once I started working long shifts at the hospital!" Will whisper-yelled, trying to keep his voice down.
Jay sighed. "I'm sorry. We can deal with this later."
"You said Y/N's scared. What's she actually doing?"
Jay swallowed, trying to hold back the tears of what you'd been asking him those last two and a half weeks. "Um, every morning when she wakes up, she asks me if Mom went to heaven when she's sleeping. And then- And then before she leaves for school, she tells me to tell Mom she loves her if I go to see her."
Will rubbed a hand down his face. He didn't know what to say. He knew he should've been in Chicago for his little brother and sister, but he hadn't been. And, he couldn't change the past now. And, he knew he couldn't stay in Chicago after the funeral. It was no use telling Jay and you that he could stay; it'd just be an empty promise.
"William," Amelia's hoarse and groggy voice broke through the silence.
Will rushed to the opposite side of the bed to grab his mom's hand, the one that had the pulse-ox on it. "Mom, I'm here. I'm here."
"I need to- I need to tell..."
"Here, Mom." Will held the water cup with a straw in front of his mom. "Drink a bit. Please."
Amelia obliged and listened to her oldest son. After all, he was going to be a doctor one day. And, she hoped a damn good one at that.
"Thank you, baby," she said once she had taken a few sips. "My ring."
"What about your wedding ring, Mom?" Jay prompted.
"It's not a race...but whoever finds...the right girl first...gets it."
"Mom, don't say that," Will choked out. "You'll be okay. Everything will be fine."
Jay wanted to scoff. Leave it to Will to say that. He wasn't the one sitting in the hospital every damn day just watching their mom deteriorate and waiting for the inevitable.
"But, I'm supposed to wait until Sunday," you told your dad as you entered the hospital room, clutching the present you had made in art class for Mother's Day.
"I think it's close enough. And, it'll make Mom super happy," your dad answered you.
You nodded, the clay heart clutched in your hand. "Will!"
"Hey, kiddo."
"I missed you."
"I missed you, too. Now, what about this mother's day present? Why don't you come over here and give it to mom?" God, he didn't know how he did it, how he talked to his little sister like this was just a normal day and their mom wasn't minutes away from leaving them forever. He thought that his time working in a hospital and watching doctors and nurses deliver devastating news to families might have something to do with it, though.
"Mom." You stood on your tip-toes so that you could fully see her since her bed was tipped so that she was in a semi-sitting position.
"Yes...baby?" she asked, her voice no more than a whisper.
"I made this for you. I'm supposed to give it to you on Sunday since that's when Mother's Day is, but Dad said I can give it to you now." You passed the ceramic heart which was painted a shade of lavender and had I love you, Mom carved into it in your messy third-grader handwriting. "Do you like it?"
"I love...it, baby...I'll...cherish it...forever."
"I love you, Mommy." You hadn't called her Mommy in years. But, you knew it always made her happy when you called her that. Maybe, this would make her feel happy.
"Where's...Dad?" she asked weakly.
"He had to go to the bathroom," you answered.
"I love...you...my three...babies."
The sound of the monitor flatlining filled the room. Jay let out an agonizing scream, one unlike you had ever heard before.
"No," Will sobbed. You'd never seen him do that before. He always tried to be the big brother who didn't cry. Both your big brothers did.
Will wanted to start chest compressions, but he knew they'd be no use.
"Mommy," you whispered, shaking her shoulder. You knew it was no use, but maybe, just maybe she'd wake up. "Mommy, come back. Please."
"She's gone, Y/N," Jay said. "She's not coming back."
"Jay!" Will yelled.
"She needs to know that! Mom's gone, dammit!"
Jay slid down the wall, his anger, sadness, frustration, all of it, getting the best of him and he cried. Sobs racked his body.
He heard whispering near him and vaguely made out that Will was telling you that Jay didn't mean to sound so mean. And, then, he felt a pair of little arms wrap around him.
"Jay Jay," you whispered.
And that just made Jay cry harder.
Will came over and joined the hug, all three of you sobbing.
You heard a gasp and the sound of someone running into the room. Then, you heard a blood-curdling scream, the sound of a husband losing his wife way too soon.
The ceramic heart you had made for your mom fell to the floor, finally becoming too heavy to stay put in her lifeless hand now that there was no grip left. It shattered into sharp, lavender pieces, much like your real hearts. Despite still beating, they may as well stop, too. Because, just like how that ceramic heart would never be whole again, without your mom, your heart would never be whole again either.
Jay's age: 24
Your age: 10
It had been about a year since your mom had died. Day by day everything was getting easier. But, a part of you was missing, and you'd come to accept that it'd never be filled. Jay moved out right after your mom died and you'd see him sometimes. He worked different hours now since he was a police officer. But, even if you wanted to watch one more movie with him at his apartment, he wouldn't let you and he'd never let you spend the night. He'd always bring you back home to your dad.
You were in bed, Beary laying next to you since you had let go of him in your sleep, when you were woken up by the sound of sirens.
You located Beary from beside you and walked out into the hallway. The light was on as you still didn't like it when you woke up to go to the bathroom and it was dark. So, you walked to your dad's bedroom and pushed to door open.
"Dad," you whispered as you placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Hmmm?" he asked, opening his eyes. "What's wrong, honey?"
Since your mom died, you and your dad had grown a lot closer. You'd always watch hockey games with him and he'd come to every single one of your soccer games and take you out for a snack after. He always made sure he was home from work before it got too late so that he could help you with your homework and make sure you weren't scared of a thunderstorm at night. He was the dad that Will and Jay never had. He just hated that it took the death of his wife for him to become a better father.
"Why- Why are there police officers at Ben's house?"
"Police officers? At the Corsons?" your dad asked.
"Yeah, from my window I saw the flashing lights. What's going on?"
"Just give me a minute and we'll go see if they need anything, okay?" he asked, not knowing there was crime scene tape everywhere.
Once your dad was ready, you walked outside, holding tight to his hand and to Beary.
"Uh, yeah, tender-age male. From the looks of it raped and possible cause of death being asphyxiation."
You had no idea what anything he was saying meant, but you knew that Jay was the one who was talking. He was here! Maybe he'd know what was going on! And, maybe he'd know where Ben was, because, from the people around, you hadn't spotted Ben yet.
"Jay!" You let go of your dad's hand and ran towards him, ducking under the bright yellow crime scene tape.
"Shit," he muttered as he ran towards you, trying to block your best friend's body from your view.
But, he was too late.
Jay grabbed you and pulled you close to him so that his body was blocking you from seeing the body any more than you already had. But, he knew that it was no use; the image of your best friend laying in the grass with a rope tied around his neck and duck tape on his mouth and wrists, pants on backward and shirt haphazardly threw on, would forever be etched in your mind.
"Ben!" you wailed.
"I'm gonna take her back to the house. You got it from here and I'll meet you back at the station?" you heard Jay say to who you assumed was his partner.
"Yeah, who is she?"
"My little sister. Kid was her best friend."
"Take as much time as you need, Halstead. I'll tell the sergeant that you might not be back tonight."
"Thank you."
Your dad stayed with Danny and Gail, while Jay brought you home.
"Do you want some water?" Jay asked quietly as you entered the house.
You shook your head. "What happened?"
"Maybe when you're older I can explain, okay?"
"So, he's with Mom now?" you asked, looking into his teary eyes.
"Yeah, he's with Mom now. She'll look after him." He pulled you into a hug. "I love you, kid. You're my favorite sister."
"I'm your only sister, Jay."
"That's why you're my favorite."
Jay took a deep breath as he held you tight. That could've easily been you laying on the ground instead of Ben.
After that night, any day that Jay didn't have to work in the mornings, he'd walk you to school. He did that for the rest of the year. He never told you why; he'd only say that he wanted to spend time with his little sister and sometimes he'd even bring you a donut. But, you knew it had something to do with Ben...and the fact that the person who hurt him had never been found.
You weren't supposed to know that information, but you figured it would've been on the news if they found the person who did it. After all, the case was on the news when it first happened.
Little did you and Jay know, that it would be three years until justice would be served and that Jay would almost lose his badge over it.
A/N: Hey, sorry this took me so long to post! It took me a while to write since most of the scenes were sad. Anyway, as I mentioned at the beginning, this will be a series, so look for the next installment! Those will be better because the age will be when Y/N's a teenager...and I write those a lot better than I do when I have to write times when Y/N is a kid.
Thanks for reading and please feel free to comment! It gives me so much motivation to continue writing!
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harveyscape · 3 years
IM BORED. my top three farscape eps from each season::::::: looking at these i think season two has the best EPISODE concepts (it was hard choosing faves from that season bc i love so many) but season 4 is my favorite for just,,,,,,, the hecking Yearning + domestication in each episode but i dont particularly favor the episodes themselves 
Season 1:
through the looking glass - i always saw this ep as being the first completely filler ep that really felt like farscape with the crew all working together and having a VERY CUTE little laugh about it at the end. i love the vagueness of it, it’s not annoying or cliche??? and i’m particularly fond of the yellow moya scenes like rygel’s like “shall i disrobe so it will be memorable” is one of my fave lines from him.
a human reaction - mY TRASH. MYYYY TRASH. just one of those farscape eps that are so Abstract in concept, they are just Default Faves for me like Always haha. so many good little j/a crumbs, the kiss in this ep is one of my BIG FAVES, i love everything about that scene and the ones leading up to it. LOVE THE RAIN SCENE. it’s probably the very first time john is like ‘maybe Earth bad’ and,,, ‘maybe space girl Good’ and i love that thruline of the show. this ep stands soooooo far apart from the majority of season 1 for me.
nerve: the hidden memory - “THE RADIANT AERYN SUN.” stark isn’t unbearable in his debut episodes woah! i like him as a sad boy who isnt a plot device! love gilina, love her death (rip), love seeing how far john and aeryn have come since they’d last seen her, love aeryn and crais’s interaction in this episode like YES GIRL SLAY, love whenever aeryn has to juggle with feeling WEAK and having to put her big girl pants on to save her himbo, love any interaction between d’argo and aeryn LOVE THAT.
Season 2:
crackers don't matter - the DIALOGUE in this episode is Insane and i LOVE IT i think there are so many line deliveries in this ep that are so memorable and Iconic they all just live in my mind rent FREE. i wish the commentary for this episode wasn’t about the more practical aspects of it because UUUHUUH i genuinely would love to just Absorb the mindset behind it. GOD TIER FILLER. 
out of their minds - i am such a whore for body swap tropes it’s humiliating. another ep with a lot of iconic line deliveries! i love cb playing as john! love that for her! bb as rygel too is amazing i love all their stupid accent switching SO MUCH. love the skeksis love that they joke about them looking like skeksis because it’s jim henson and they can DO THAT. 
won't get fooled again - any time i think about this ep im like man how Opened Third Eye was it to have john just immediately be like “haha ok this is fake lmao” like it’s so SUBVERSIVE in what it does pretty much right off the bat in introducing the moya crew as “normal” humans. eps like these are just ALWAYS my faves in tv series because of how crazy they can get and this one does and i love it so much for that.
Season 3: 
scratch n' sniff - any time i get the moya crew on a pleasure planet or at a rave im like HELLO. :) I LOVE RAXIL she’s such a funky little freak. describing this ep is so weird its like Oh Yeah The Boob Juice Sucking One. JUST JOHN AND D’ARGO BEING BACHELORS, WHAT BLISS. i wish i got more john + d’argo shenanigans in this show ‘cause they are like such a fave together dynamically mwah mwah mwah. <3 
into the lion's den: wolf in sheep's clothing - its a little crazy how much i Hate the first half of this two-parter which is super PANDERY AND BAD and then the last half is like so Insane and such a good close for the season. EVERYONE’S SO MISERABLE. the scorp shots with the imploding ship and the water UGHGUGHUGH <33333 love aeryn in this love her trying to save the Peacekeepers, love JOHN, love the little scientist nerd who works under Scorp i forget his name WHOOPS he has a nice design. THE CRAIS + TALYN DEATH IS SO GOOD;;;; LOVE THAT FOR THEM;;;;; <3333
 dog with two bones - i think the fact that literally no other tv show has pulled THIS MESS off really speaks to the uniqueness of farscape and its ABILITY TO TELL ROMANCE??? theres so much in this that is just like WOWOWOWOW THIS EP IS SO GOOD. the part where they kill the rogue leviathan and rygel is celebrating on the comms and it transitions to aeryn Going Insane in her prowler over everything that’s happening. FIRE. the dog with two bones analogy UGHGUGHGUGH <333333 I LOVE THE AERYN > EARTH THRULINE WITH JOHN SO MUCH ITS JUST AT ITS PEAK HERE WHICH MAKES IT GREAT BY DEFAULT. the coin scene is SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOD THE ENDING SCENE OF THIS EPISODE IS SOOOO GOOOOOD.
Season 4: 
john quixote - MY FAVE EP OF THE SERIES LOL. love the COSTUMING love the POP CULTURE REFERENCES love that its SEASON 4 love that we GET A ZHAAN CRAIS JOOL AND STARK CAMEO. another conceptually abstract episode so of course i love it lol. love the scene in the end with john and zhaan where he’s kinda a sad boy!!!!! actually funny story about this ep the first time i watched this i was in elementary school still, i grew up on this show this is my Nostalgia Baby series, and did not know what the word “porn” was so like for a very concerning amount of time i always assumed “porn” was an Alien Word and not a real word. BECAUSE LIKE, in context you see chiana holding up a Gooey Boy and going “and this? porn!” and that was all i had to go by the end.
crichton kicks - I LOOOOVE SAD JOHN. I LOVE HIM. I love the character beats we get out of a john that CHOSE THE GIRL over his home and instead of GETTING HER he is punished for it, losing his chance at BOTH OUTCOMES like mentioned in “dog with two bones” despite him having chosen One of the options and not both. love the introduction to 1812 whenever john gets a named thing i am like Yes. :~) my boy, my little man. he’s a little crazy and a little sad.
terra firma - the YEARNING in this ep man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this ep waters my CROPS one of my Biggest Fave scenes is when Aeryn and Jack are in her prowler talking about john and he’s like Do You Wish You Were Human and she doesnt answer and im like LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more of that John Not Vibing With Earth Anymore trope which I LOVE. literally all fics surrounding this episode i will SNORT LIKE CRACK. 
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steve0discusses · 3 years
S5 Ep 15 Pt 2: Don’t Trust Anyone Who Wears a Floor Length Robe Over Their Casuals in Yugioh
Hey, it’s my birthday, so I’m gonna release this early because the rest of today I just have to work like an adult and that’s no fun.
In the first half of this episode we dunked the worlds smallest plane into a lake and so this second half of the episode involved the kids running as far away from their only responsible adults as they could.
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Which like...took whole of less than a second for them to peace out and enter mortal danger.
...I’ve never been in a jungle in India but...I have seen the Jungle book many times...and there’s like tigers and stuff in there, right? and tons of monkeys that are hella mean? And freakin snakes? They sing jazz and scat? That’s some terrifying stuff.
Like these city kids have to learn at some point to fear the woods. But they just freakin don’t. And strangely, the most dangerous thing in these woods isn’t even a snake or something, but a human man just being as suspicious as possible lying prone on the ground.
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(read more under the cut)
The card cultist happens to have a British accent, because this voice acting team freakin loves to pull out their British accents. It’s not as lowbrow as Valon, but it’s not as...well whatever Bakura is supposed to be. He’s a lot more tame than Bakura’s, but still very British.
I don’t know if this is because British English tends to be taught instead of American sounding English in many parts of India, but, most likely they just wanted to do an accent. And like...he’s an archeologist...and so the stereotype is there...but honestly, the decision of making this guy British gets weirder and weirder as this episode goes on, get ready for it. None of you are ready for what I assume is the very obvious plot twist of this freakin guy.
Catfish of the century, this freakin guy, I’m pretty sure.
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Yugi immediately believes this completely out of place white British stranger in the Indian backwoods next to this inaccessible lake and immediately thinks “yes, my Grandfather crash landed in India EXACTLY where I’m standing right now, and now I must save him.”
Thankfully, Yami exists to gently and politely tell Yugi to hella stop.
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Also, I like that Yugi has finally stopped wearing his school outfit out of school. But, he is instead wearing a jacket that is so close to his school outfit I honestly couldn’t tell until the end of this episode. It’s like...I think one shade more purple, it has white piping, and his undershirt has a center seam. It’s nice Yugi has 3 versions of the same black sleeveless undershirt, and this show cares enough to show that tiny factoid about Yugi’s closet.
So, because Yugi is a dumbass and Pharaoh has to just sit back and watch this happen so he can say “told you so” later, they follow this random cultist they found in the woods. Much like Hansel and Gretel, we snack on cake crumbs all the way to the witches house, which in this case, is an undiscovered monolith you would have easily seen from outer space.
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And so get ready for this:
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Hey guys.
Remember how Alexander the great was buried in a pyramid?
Now because they’re name dropping Alexander, that’s actually kind of helpful, because Alexander the Great’s favorite damn horse in the entire world died while he was at war with India so he named a city after it. It’s believed to be in Punjab, which is in the Northern part of India
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Which means we first of all, definitely crossed the tallest mountain range in the world to get here, and also means that we are like...in some really disputed territory of India right now, and it is crazy that these kids went here for a vacation completely unsupervised.
Another fun fact about Alexander is that when he died, it took 6 days for his body to decompose. At the time, they thought it was because he was a God (or in Yugioh’s case, Extremely Cursed) but nowadays historians think it’s because it took him 6 days to fully die. He just wasn’t dead yet. Had to give it a minute and the ancient Babylonians just got way too excited.
Anyway, Alexander super died in Babylon so I don’t know what the hell he’s doing in India. There is a fun spot in History where his body did get dragged to a couple different places, meaning we probably did lose the original Alexander and there’s a lot of people just guessing at where he ended up...but putting him clear up in India sure was a choice when one of his assumed burial sites was literally Egypt, which would be a more fitting location for a Pyramid and a more fitting location for this show.
Especially since Alexander was trying to invent a new race and culture...it seems a little strange he’d be buried in such a massive pyramid, but maybe he got a really, really good pyramid deal from the funeral home when he was like 28 and just figured he’d change it before the time he died at 32.
Which...now that I’m older than 32, how crazy is it that Alexander the Great died at freakin 32? You blink twice and you’re 32. Is history seriously trying to tell me this guy wasn’t like secretly 62? That maybe he just celebrated his 20th for like 20 years in a row as a royal mandate? I just feel like history is playing pranks on me with Alexander.
Anyway, our weird shady new archeologist guy is named Alex and so take that as you will.
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I sure hope Alexander the Great was revived to wear khakis and bother children. Guy conquered the world once and was one of history’s Freakin Worst so he does deserve it, but also...it would explain why he thinks it’s normal to wear a Darth Maul robe over your business casual.
Anyway, lets enter the obvious trap pyramid.
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Joey just wanted a nice time running around Northern India. He just wanted to eat some yummy chaat and look at some tourist destinations and maybe glance at a Bollywood star or two. But instead he’s gotta deal with spike floors because Yugi couldn’t say no to a cultist.
Also...one of those spikes clearly went through Tea’s feet, right? And she is absolutely fine? Just checking on Tea’s godlike strength and clearly it is still godlike.
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Alex gives us a very long explanation of how he went upstairs and Grandpa went downstairs, and there was a door or something so Alex turned back around and Grandpa was gone.
All of those steps were probably plot relevant and I’ll probably forget all about it in 2 episodes.
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The thing is Alex...literally thinks he evaporated. Literally thinks that. But how do you disprove it to this freakin guy who like...might have named a city after his horse once and thinks that’s a normal and acceptable thing to do?
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and so Joey immediately leaps onto the haunted playing floor.
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the way Yugi said this line was sort of hilarious to me so I may cap it. If I remember to do it (I’ve been a little busier lately, with things opening up, as you can tell because my update schedule is in the toilet.)
So, if Joey jumps in...everyone else has to, also.
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And we say good bye to Alex and enter the new forest zone, which looks a LOT like the other forest we were just in.
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Nice Protoss armor.
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We get some hijinks from the local wildlife, which are all cards but real (but not real because we’re in a board game...don’t think about it) and the off brand Sheikah tablets have helpful monsters in them if you touch em.
This season may have been better off as a video game, being honest.
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Joey has gone somewhere else, despite going onto the same game tile, and he’s too busy on a mountain range to really help anyone out. So he’s just gonna vibe up here for a bit.
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Tea got up after this point and said along the lines of “k, what’s next?” Because mortal danger does not affect her and she fears nothing.
At a beach somewhere, Tea and Tristan spend some quality time together forming a new family with whatever these creatures are.
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And Tea’s love of her winged angel comes full circle and now I will suffer this winged orb for the rest of this arc, pretty sure.
Please admire the number of belts on Tea. Her outfit is like max 00′s and I appreciate that. We’ve had a lot of questionable fashion on Yugioh, but they actually dressed Tea pretty on point this arc. Like I often feel like 00′s fashion is hard to define or describe, but it’s Tea right now. That’s it. She did it, it’s right there.
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Yugi gets a new flagship card for this arc, and this time it’s Celtic Guardian. Hell why? I feel like his defining card changes every single arc, and they need to like focus and just give him one. In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s still Dark Magician...and maybe the show forgot?
Anyway, if you just got here, this is a link to read the rest:
I think I forgot that link in the last recap because yo it’s kind of been a while since I’ve updated, I feel. (well I had a graveyard post and those don’t count really) But, we’re back, we’re still going, slowly but surely.
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ohayohimawari · 3 years
And Then They had a Guest
A drabble for Day 3 of @kakaobiweek Yellow | Animals | Domestic
Some cracky humor and feels, with a dash of implied Kagumo (Kaguya/Sakumo), appropriate for teen-and-up readers. I hope that you enjoy reading it!
And Then They had a Guest
Kakashi’s least favorite topics of conversation were those that had anything to do with himself, and as such, much of his life remained shrouded in mystery. Obito didn’t mind, though. He’d spent his childhood alongside Kakashi, and therefore, knew more about the man than most.
There was also the whole missing-and-assumed-dead thing that allowed Obito the ability to snoop on Kakashi for years, never mind the fact that they shared vision. In that time, Kakashi regularly visited three graves; his father’s, Rin’s, and Obito’s.
That should’ve been Obito’s first hint.
“What?” Obito spluttered when Kakashi returned from work to their shared home with the most unexpected news since Sasuke declared that he wanted to be Hokage.
“I told you it was today,” Kakashi replied, surprised to find Obito and their house in the same state of disarray as they were when he left that morning.
“Um, no. I think I’d remember if you told me,” Obito replied from where he sat, swaddled in a snuggie on the couch, elbow-deep in a bag of chips, and excited for the first day of the fall season in his simulated farming video game.
“I put the letter up on the fridge.”
“That doesn’t count as telling me, Bakashi!” Obito shrieked. “Call and postpone it to tomorrow!”
“Ah, I can’t do that,” Kakashi removed the heavy Hokage hat from his head and scratched at his cowlicks, “the reception out there isn’t that great, so the calls drop.”
“How long until she gets here?” Obito focused on the most immediate problem, mentally filing away the multitude of other questions he had for later.
“Within the hour, probably.”
“Why now?” Obito practically whimpered.
“I guess that being promoted to Hokage and moving in with my war criminal boyfriend warrants a visit from my mother.”
Obito activated his Sharingan so he could move that much quicker. He shut off his game before remembering to save his progress, and jumped to his feet, showering chip crumbs all over the floor. “Help me!” He shouted the obvious.
“I will, as soon as, y’know, it’s that time of day for me.” Kakashi pulled the unflattering Hokage robe off of his body and shivered from the sudden chill that overtook him in its absence. Then he grabbed a magazine and closed himself in the bathroom for what Obito knew from experience would be a solid twenty minutes.
Obito’s heart raced as he looked at the mess around him, and then down at the mess that was himself, as he realized that his lover abandoned him to deal with it all alone.
Then, his feet finally began to move, and Obito rolled up his snuggie sleeves as he frantically searched every room for exactly the things that he’d never want Kakashi’s mother to find. It didn’t take him long, they’d ‘Christened’ nearly every room in their home, and Obito knew all the hiding places for the necessities. At least he thought he did.
“Hey, Kakashi? Where did you stash the lube in the dining room?”
“We haven’t done it in there yet,” the bathroom door muffled Kakashi’s reply.
“Okay, cool, then I think I got them all,” Obito hurried to their bedroom with his hands full, intent on addressing the next catastrophe on his to-do list.
He tugged his snuggie up over his head and let it fall to the floor. He caught sight of his reflection and panicked anew. The shower was inaccessible, so Obito bathed in cologne before he donned trousers and a shirt with the least wrinkles, not caring if they matched. He returned to the mirror and used one hand to smooth his spiky hair into submission, while he ran the other over the wayward whiskers that had grown wild on his chin in the last five days without shaving.
Obito zipped down the hall that led to the bathroom. “Hey, Kakashi?”
“Obito, can we please talk when I’m done? I can’t exactly do my thing in here when I know you’re outside the door.”
“I need my razor.”
Even the bathroom door couldn’t silence Kakashi’s exasperated sigh. “Use my electric one; it’s in the travel kit on the closet shelf.”
“Okay, fine, just clean up in there when you’re done, and don’t forget to light the candle this time,” Obito rushed back to their bedroom.
He emerged again with the electric razor buzzing in his hand and his Sharingan eye swirling. He did his best to remove his budding beard without a mirror while uttering, “Kamui!” until the entire mess in their home was teleported to a dimension that only he and Kakashi could access.
Then, three things happened at once.
The toilet flushed, the razor’s battery ran out halfway through its job, and someone knocked at the door.
Obito froze like a deer in headlights, terrified to say or do anything.
Kakashi strode past him with the scent of manufactured clean linen wafting in his wake and reached their door in time for the third round of knocking.
“Don’t open it!” Obito hissed a desperate, whispered plea. “This can’t be your mother’s first impression of me,” he gestured to his half-beard, feeling like a whole hot mess.
Kakashi awkwardly cleared his throat. “You don’t have to worry about that, because, uh, I mean, as it happens, you two have already met.”
Obito gaped in astonished horror as Kakashi opened their door, revealing Kaguya on the other side of it.
“I’m surprised you knocked,” he greeted her.
Obito screeched and flung himself into the privacy of his and Kakashi’s mutual Kamui dimension, where he could freak out in his own mess without witnesses.
“What the hell?” He whispered even though he was alone, but he quickly chuckled when he realized his half-beard was no longer the oddest part of the evening.
Laughter was the bridge to calm and acceptance, the latter being of the utmost importance. There was a lot about Obito that Kakashi accepted without question, or doubt, and he deserved the same in return. Besides, as impossible as it may seem that Kaguya could be Kakashi’s mother, it made a helluva lot of sense, too.
And it wasn’t the only seemingly impossible and loving relationship in their lives.
Obito drew in a bracing breath and prepared to warp back to the chaos that waited for him in the nest he’d made with Kakashi when Kakashi suddenly appeared in front of him, with a mirror and Obito’s razor.
“I’m sorry; I should’ve prepared you for this,” he muttered, thoroughly apologetic.
“I’m not sure you could’ve even if you tried,” Obito brought one hand up and rubbed Kakashi’s arm.
“I didn’t even know myself, until recently,” Kakashi confessed. “I have a lot of questions for her, and I need you at my side when she answers them. So, please, will you come back?”
It struck Obito then that the person who was most nervous about a visit from Kakashi’s mother was Kakashi, and Obito would do anything for the man that stood by him, even in death.
“Of course, I will,” Obito reassured him immediately, “and I would do so much more for you, Bakashi.” He closed the gap between them to kiss the man with whom he shared a home, a dimension, and a lifetime.
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shimmershae · 3 years
My thoughts on Episode 8--For Blood
As always, placed behind a cut for those of you that would rather escape my babbling, lol.  You’re welcome.  
Sadly, I don’t think this is anticipation I feel.  I’m pretty sure it’s dread but okay.  Here we go.  
This episode has to go up from the rock bottom boredom of last week, right?  
Let me preface what I’m about to say with the truth that I in no way hate Maggie.  She’s been with us since Season 2 and I have an emotional attachment to her, mostly due to my love of Glenn and the way he loved her.  She’s not my favorite by any means, but the fact of the matter is, I do like and appreciate her and don’t mind that she is back because it’s nice to have old familiar faces with us to take us into the final season.  That said?  Forcing Maggie front and center after her long absence ultimately, IMHO, has not worked in these first 8 episodes.  I can’t help but feel if ASZ had been the A story with Maggie/Negan and Daryl/Leah/the Reapers the B1 and B2 story?  These episodes would have been better received overall and not feel so much like they’re trying so hard.  Maybe lead me toward the water instead of shoving my head in it next time, Angela?  Hmm?  
Oh goodie.  They’re opening at Meridian.  Should I get my bathroom break out of the way now or give myself an out for later?  Call it Shae’s choice, lol.  
That flicker of a smirk Leah gave to Carver after their mini walk down memory lane had more spark to it than the entirety of her and Daryl’s toxic relationship.  In the future, maybe Angela will lean all in on them instead of Leah and Daryl.  Something tells me Leah knows this “brother” biblically.  
Daryl recognizes Whisperer moves when he sees ‘em.  Somehow, he realizes Maggie and Negan have banded together however reluctantly.  
Pope doing it “Dixon’s” way but not allowing Dixon to do the actual thing shows the level of distrust and paranoia the man still haves for outsiders. 
Look at Daryl chewing his lips with worry for his people.  If he and Leah know each other even a little bit, she has to recognize that as one of his tells.  
Ooohhhh.  Who took the first stab at Wells?  Maggie?  Negan?  Father G?  I swear.  I took my eyes off the “ball” one second and the whole damn play is halfway down the field.  Sorry.  If you cannot tell, I watched football with the fam yesterday, lol.  
The Walking Dead logo didn’t crumble this time.  Interesting.  Parts of it looked like it had been rebuilt.  With brick.  Wood.  Other parts of it looked reclaimed by nature.  Call me crazy, but that almost looks like an eye/part of a face on the first D.  
Okay then.  Babbling nonsense about the logo over, lol.  Tell me.  Please.  Anybody.  How do the events at ASZ line up with the events at Meridian?  Because it’s night and full-blown storming in ASZ and still daylight at Meridian.  But hey.  Thank fuck we’re in ASZ.  
All the babies huddled together giving me feels.  Sorry.  I know some feel they have no place on the show, but I personally enjoy their inclusion from time to time.  It usually plucks hard at my heartstrings.  
Connie tenderly comforting an injured Virgil is sweet, not gonna lie.  
Aww.  Is that Hershel petting a scared RJ’s hair?  Unless it’s a case of me not being able to pick out and place all the little hands, which it most certainly could be, I’m thinking Judith’s got her hand on her knee and that’s Hershel’s hand in RJ’s hair.  Regardless of whose hand is where, it was a sweet little scene.  What can I say?  I’m easy because Baby Glenn and Baby Rick, ya’ll.  
Oh snap.  The windmill’s on fire and pieces of the wall are blowing down main street ASZ like steel tumbleweeds, lol.  
Anybody else having flashbacks to the barn from Season 5?  Good times.  We still had most of Team Family with us then.  They were in a bad place, hurting and lost and just trying to survive--when are they not just trying to survive?--but they were together.  I miss them.  
Carol and Lydia holding each other.  These two, lovelies, have my whole heart.  
Wells is Walker Jerky, Shaw.  Stop wasting your breath.  
“She did.  My enemy.”  I mean, are we supposed to get the impression Maggie’s been a formidable adversary to Pope?  Because she feels more like a roach that simply knows the best rocks to hide under.  Granted, roaches are hard to kill but still.  I’m gonna need them to give us something better than Maggie being Pope’s enemy simply because she didn’t want to give up her home without a fight because this is frankly unbelievable and bordering on stupid.  
Alright.  So they’ve obviously been sowing the seeds of distrust and defiance between Leah and Pope because she doesn’t like losing family but Daryl?  Man?  You and Leah have differing opinions about how family operates.  Trust me on this.  
So.  Three teams, huh?  Aaron fighting the windmill fire, Carol repairing the breach in the wall, Rosita protecting the babies that represent their future.  Choose your fighters, lol.  Seriously, though.  Why do I have the sinking feeling only one group is going to be shown actually doing their thing?  
Listen.  Am I pissed we haven’t gotten the scene we deserve yet between Carol and Connie after all that’s happened and we’re getting crumbs mainly because Angela wrongly feels the Reapers/Maggie & Negan/Daryl & Leah need more focus?  Absolutely.  You bet your sweet asses.  But Melissa fucking McBride just took the crumbs allotted her and made a magnificent, work of art cake out of it trying all on her lonesome to feed us starving Carol fans.  
Bless Connie wanting wanting to go with Carol.  What a show of trust and sister-like solidarity that must have some hate-rotted guts about to turn themselves out.  
I love Kelly and Connie’s sister bond.  No ill will intended, but It takes the good parts of Maggie and Beth and elevates it beyond anything those two ever showed us.  I really feel like that’s a testament to Angel and Lauren’s real life ease with each other.  
Magna choosing to go with Aaron makes me wonder if it’s possible she feels some kind of residual guilt over Connie.  Not guilt for anything she’s actually done, but simply guilt over making it out.  
Virgil volunteering to help.  Okay.  Damn.  I’m honestly starting to like the guy.  
Judith offering to go with her aunt Carol had me all up in my feels.  I mean, granted.  It was a blink and you miss it scene.  We really deserved a longer heart to heart between that little girl and the woman that’s sacrificed so much to keep her safe and loved her for so long, but you know I’ll gobble any and all Judith/Aunt Carol content up.  Seems to me, Little Ass Kicker is just as afraid of letting Aunt Carol out of her sight as Uncle Daryl.  My heart.  
Gracie and Aaron are sweet.  And honestly?  I find them more realistic and true to what normal parents and children would be like in a ZA than Judith and Michonne no matter how much I love that bond.  I mean no disrespect, but I really do.  
“Why am I keeping you around?”  Pope asking the question we’re all wondering.  
Not Apocalypse Popeye comparing Daryl to a stray dog.  Joe from the Claimers already declared Daryl an outside cat that thought he was an indoor cat.  I did have to internally cheer when Daryl was like “I’m ain’t gonna lick it” talking about the helping hand Pope had extended him.  
“Somehow she has turned the dead against the living.  Oh, that’s impressive.”  The thing about Pope respecting Maggie so much as an enemy is I just find it hard to buy, lol.  Like if this had been Carol, yeah.  But Maggie?  Nope.  They’ve mostly shown her (with Gage being the bewildering exception) to be all bark and no bite.  
Has the house in ASZ really become that dilapidated that they can see through its walls?  Because its original owners dodged a bullet if so.  
Look at Grace hero-worshipping Judith.  It’s sweet.  
Virgil telling Judith Michonne would be proud of her is nice but doesn’t feel as earned as if someone like Daryl or Carol that actually knew Michonne well said it.  But maybe that’s the whole point--Judith needs to hear it from someone she knows isn’t going to just say what she wants to hear.  
Call me jaded, it was a touching scene, but also?  It felt designed to allow Judith to move beyond her very normal and realistic feelings of being abandoned by Michonne, even though she gave her the “okay” herself.  Like she’s still a kid.  Wants don’t always line up with feelings.  Anyway.  Cailey continues to be a bright, shining little star and I love how she’s managed to make Judith a true amalgamation of all the people she’s loved who have loved her in return.  Not just Michonne.  I know people like to overlook and cheapen the fact, but it’s taken a village and entire family to raise her from infancy.  
Gracie really should have known better than play in front of the windows during a storm period, but oh well.  Plot point, lol.  
Seriously, though.  I feel like they’ve teased poor Gracie’s demise in a multitude of ways since the beginning of the season.  I hope nothing ultimately comes of it but I fear it will.  All I can say if the worst comes to happen is poor Aaron.  
Where are Negan and Elijah though?  Ouch.  There they are, taking on shrapnel for the cause.  
Ready the what now?  
There’s ASZ’s Baby Sitter Extraordinaire!  Barbara, is it?  That lady’s been putting in the work since Season 5 at least.  
I’ve honestly grown to love Rosita.  More of her and less of Maggie, please and thank you.  
“Let’s stay away from the windows.”  I’m sorry but I had to LMAO at that.  Still a badass moment though.  
Gabe hobbling toward his assigned sentinel.  At least they haven’t forgotten he’s injured like they seemed to forget Daryl was near death last season before the attack on Hilltop, lol.  
“It’s hard to watch something you care about change.”  Listen, Leah.  Chick.  You and Daryl obviously never really knew each other.  It’s always been obvious but I have a feeling “DIxon” is finally going to show you, spoilers or no spoilers.  
WTF are they calling that thing?  Sorry.  I have just as hard a time understanding Pope’s accent as I do Maggie’s sometimes.  
That’s not love that has Daryl telling Leah she can come with him.  That’s care for somebody he used to know.  There is a distinct difference that’s obviously lost on so many.  How can you really and truly love someone you cannot trust?  Especially in Daryl Dixon’s case?
Why does Angela hate us so much?  Giving us all these Reaper scenes and leaving us to simply imagine Carol and Connie and Kelly working side by side to save the wall?  
I think I honestly could have enjoyed this whole Reaper storyline more, at least a little bit anyway, had they not retrofitted a half-assed romance between Daryl and the story’s weakest link and if only they’d made it the B storyline and given earned deference to the goings-on in ASZ instead.  
I wonder if Glenn taught Maggie how to hot write a car?  I miss my baby Glenn.
Apocalypse Popeye is several fries short of a Happy Meal.  What else is new on this show, lol?  
I care for Maggie.  Mostly for nostalgia’s sake and Glenn and Baby Hershel but damn, man.  She’s not actually proven herself got be worth killing your entire “family” for.  But are too far gone, so.  We’ll make allowances.  
I will say at least this episode is not as abysmally biring as last week’s episode.  
Leah finally giving Pope the throat punch he’s been asking for but I’m not fooled she’s on Daryl’s side here.  She’s always been on her own side.  
Look at Father G returning the favor for Maggie saving him in the tower.  Taking Deaver down!  Poor Deaver barely saw the light of day.  
Here comes that woman scorned part.  I can feel it.  
“Pope is dead.  Dixon murdered him.  He’s with the enemy.”  
Please, Angela.  I’m begging you.  Bring Carol into this story and ramp it the fuck up.  You been idling too damn long and the car is fast running outta gas.  
Bitch really has to die to framing Carol’s Pookie.  
Rosita and Lydia and Carol and Connie and Kelly and Magna have literally been holding up this damn show while Angela farts around with the Reapers bullshit.  Honorable mention goes to Aaron but these lovely, badass ladies been putting in the real work and not getting any of the glory.  You just know they’re tired AF.  
Not my babies Lydia and Judith being the cliffhanger!  Oh and Gracie.  Angela?!  A word.  
Listen.  Carol’s already done that fireworks trick.  That Reaper dude owes her royalties.  Granted, it was on a smaller scale but much more impressive for it because she was left to be the sharpshooter.  
Angela has a point.  It is kind of cool how Team Family have learned from their enemies and assimilated their useful points into their own cache of knowledge.  
I truly feel like the Leah/Reaper storyline would have benefitted from a much stronger actress.  Just saying.  
I know Judith annoys some with her precociousness but Cailey just keeps teeing off on what they give her and personally?  I feel she’s so very talented and light years beyond her little acting counterparts so it still works.  
“They’re never gonna choose each other over the people that they’ve loved and fought for because they simply cannot really trust each other.  There’s sort of, like a toxicity at the base of that relationship.”  Straight from Angela’s mouth.  
“At the end of the day, Daryl chose his family.”  Yeah, he did.  That “I belong with you” shit only happened when he felt they were all gone, including the one he loved above all others--Carol.  Fight me.  
Overall impression of the episode?  
On its own, disregarding how much I can’t help resenting how much time I feel has been “wasted” setting this story up, it was much more entertaining than Episode 7 which was only epic in that it was an epic bore.  There was still too much focus on the Reapers when I just just kept wanting to see what was happening at ASZ.  I mean, they cheated us out of Carol and Connie and Kelly working together. Of Aaron and Magna.  Call it personal preference coloring my opinions if you want, but the characters I care about feel like they’ve been shown the backseat for this self-indulgent exploration of Angela’s OC and her version of self-insert FF with Daryl Dixon.  If we can return to Team Family?  The whole Team Family and not just Maggie and Co. against the world?  You’ve got me.  If not?  Well.  You’ll keep losing me by degrees and you don’t want to do that on the final season.  
Anyway.  The ASZ parts were my favorites per usual.  The episode could have used a lot more of those.  
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stitch1830 · 3 years
I think I might be inclined to ship Taang if they like… reworked Aang’s character a bit if that makes sense? They kind of have a neat dynamic going in the first few episodes where Toph is in the show (definitely prefer the Tokka dynamic though) but then he yells at her in the Desert and it kind of goes downhill from there and they don’t really have that much one on one interaction anymore and Aang’s character kind of continues to deteriorate as the show goes on. Like I guess I like the idea in theory but I don’t really like the canon for it in the show?
Omgeee you mean there's a chance to turn you into a Taanger?? Lmao jk.
I'm honestly trying to think of why I started shipping them in the first place, because it wasn't like "one look and I knew, they were my OTP." Probably a combination of fanart and fanfiction, and I think there was a surge in content around the time because it was Taang Week or something... Besides the point, though lol.
I think with ATLA I struggle to ship any ship based on the canon content only because they're kids. So much is gonna change about their character, that it seems weird to pair them up right after the show and have them live happily ever after. The only canon ship that I can see this happening with is Sukka, but I have very little evidence to support this, and I'm just going off a bit of life experience/expectation? Idk.
I agree with you, though, Aang kind of needs some major teen/young adult development based on some of the things we see in the show, especially after season 3. He was never my favorite character when I first watched the show, and after reading some metas online, it made me raise some eyebrows about his actions. BUT I give all the characters slack for their flaws, though, because they're just kids! And Aang was the biggest kid out of all of them; he just really got frozen in time and left a world where he was scared to grow up at 12, and came back to a world where he was expected to be the big adult peacemaker before a deadly comet arrived. My gangly 12-year-old self definitely would not have handled that well, so... My heart goes out to the characters and their lost childhood.
But the early parts of Toph and Aang hanging out together and him learning from Toph... I feel like we could argue he made great strides in his development because of her. She made him face his demons head-on in a way that Katara couldn't, she calls him out when others wouldn't, and... idk. I liked season 2 Aang's development a lot because of the Taang crumbs. And she grew as a character too! Definitely because she interacted with all the characters well, but Aang gave her the main thing she was looking for from the start: respect and freedom. He recognized her first for her earthbending talent and her voice, not her blindness or her namesake, and didn't treat her differently at all when they first met, something she hadn't gotten in life until that point.
They have a really nice opposites attract vibe as well, but they both love to have fun and wreak some havoc when they can. They're also stupidly powerful. Power couple vibes my beloved lol. Kummi/Taang theories are also nice, too!
Their amazing chemistry probably wouldn't be built on or added to unless Aang gets a better development arc as a teen/adult imo, and that's usually what I assume when I write my stories. Because Toph probably wouldn't get with him if he chose to not try and reopen his Avatar State chakra naturally (none of that pokey rock shit). Or if he chose to ignore his Avatar duties. Or if he whined and complained that something didn't go his way or someone didn't agree with him. She'd tolerate him and still be friends with him (like in LOK), but no, she probably wouldn't find him attractive or fall in love with him.
But, we all grow up, some faster than others, and I like to believe Aang found himself and became more open-minded and found someone that pushed him to be better and challenged his ideologies often and still comforted him in just the right way to get him to keep moving forward. And in one of my AU's, that's Toph!
You def don't have to ship them if you don't vibe with them, though lmao. This is just me rambling and ignoring my responsibilities! :)
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iridescentides · 3 years
okay. hsmtmts episode 3 thoughts under the cut
YES i always start with gina, and what about it??? i would die for her. anyway im CRYING over how she thought her mom forgot about her like? youve been gone for like 2 months, literally what parent would stop caring that quick? she doesnt think she deserves love like literally most of the time and my heart is ACHING
i came into this episode knowing the chocolates would be a bait and switch bc the preview 100% wanted us to think it was ricky. and yet i still caught myself believing he did it for a second there. i was looking forward to some good rina content this episode and i cant believe i let myself get bamboozled. like the conversation was nice but completely one-sided, and he ignored her to call nini; i get that hes literally in a relationship but im not a huge fan of how he just stopped giving a shit about gina once it wasnt romantic anymore? like,, they couldnt even stay friends?
generally my thing about rina isnt that i think its some big spectacular ship, but moreso that i always go for ships that make my favorite character the happiest. so most of my rina shipping comes from seeing how ricky was the first person that gina was so happy and open with, and how she trusts him even though she trusts literally no one ever and she just self-discloses around him unprompted. the infatuation and crush part on gina’s side is the part i like. but ricky? annoying n flaky as shit
random offshoot but i wouldve loved to see the chocolates come from ej. it wouldnt have made sense just based on the episode we were given, but what if gina and ricky had had that conversation in the hallway and ej overheard them and wanted to do something nice for her since he didnt have a gf to buy stuff for this year? could you IMAGINE? i know im gonna be complaining about how theyre throwing ej away all season but like seriously @ writers we get it youre getting rid of ej in s3. no need to cut him almost completely out of the show in s2. please someone give my man some PLOT im dying
ashlyn telling gina “i wish i could give you a valentine” is simultaneously gay and reeking of straight people nonsense. you can give your friends gifts on valentines day??? i didnt receive a romantic valentines gift until i was 17 years old but i still got stuff from friends every year? umm
speaking of ashlyn i get the track that theyre trying to go on by making it seem groundbreaking that a disney princess role went to someone whos not a size 2 but like. shes still a white woman and im tired. plus theyre dancing around it anyway. if you wanna give her body image issues then just fucking commit. half assing that conversation helps no one.
redlyn was very cute this episode. im still annoyed that theyre getting so much time and focus this season but like. i am a big red stan. the song in the credits was cute too
speaking of, tell me why they literally crammed all the songs at the end of this episode??? i was honestly thinking they wouldnt have any songs this week, thats how long it took
kourtneys beauty and the beast was pretty. also i know theyre gonna make howie her love interest bc clearly if a boy and girl on tv interact for more than 2 seconds it has to turn romantic. im pre-annoyed. 
the ricky/nini plot didnt make a ton of sense bc... why didnt ricky just... hang out with her in the waiting room at the hospital? i am very confused as to why they had to make it so angsty and tropey like. youre literally in the same city and theres an easy solution here
im wondering if theyre gonna try to make miss jenn and mr mazzara a thing? im on the fence about how i feel about that tho. but i am annoyed that they didnt show miss jenns conversation with rickys dad at all
theyre making carlos so annoying this season, like idk whats going on or why they thought they needed to phone it in with his characterization this time around but like. what even was this seblos plot?
kourtney and seb conversations are always cute so i loved the piano scene
back to kourtney for a sec: why would big reds parents hire her as manager? why are they picking inexperienced teenagers for leadership roles? if nothing else, if howie has been around forever, why wouldnt they just promote him to manager??? instead of someone who has no idea how their pizza shop works like. i get that theyre trying to #girlboss kourtney this season, but was getting a job not enough growth and independence?
overall my biggest Gripe™ with this episode is that there wasnt enough gina or ej. and i get that its a big cast and not everyone can be the focus every time but literally when did redlyn become such a big priority to the writers? why are they getting so much screentime? i dont hate them or anything but like, i thought the main main characters were supposed to be nini, ricky, gina, and ej. so why is one of them getting like,, two lines per episode? im really out here picking up little ej crumbs like they wasted SO much potential with him as a character
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abiteofnat · 4 years
If you’re reading this, I’m coming back to Chicago, beetch
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The non-existent rumors are true. After a brief 10-month exit from the city to soak up the fresh air and social distance-friendly suburbs, I am now returning to Chicago as a single, slightly more anxious version of myself. While I’m still trying to kick some of the anxiety and OCD that COVID-19 pushed from “lifelong tagalongs” to “all-controlling demons”, I feel 97% ready to be back where I feel most myself, and cannot wait to welcome that change. While that 3% still makes me a little uncomfy and hesitant, I’m a believer in pushing your boundaries to allow yourself to grow, and also, I am really sick of suburbs food. 
Ha! I joke. I wouldn’t move downtown simply for access to more diverse & higher quality food... or would I? All I know is while there are plenty of gems in the North Shore, I’ve eaten take out from all of them ten times over, and I did not foster my dislike of cooking out of nowhere. My parents do not enjoy cooking, my sister pretends to enjoy cooking, and I will cook if it is 5 ingredients or less. My latest speciality is a toasted bagel with butter, hummus, and EBTB seasoning. Voila. So when it comes to dinner, we are living off of a carousel of suburban favorites, and are losing steam as we are still not comfortable with dining inside (or dining inside in the city, where the fun food is). 
All of this to say, it’s exciting to imagine what life is going to be like in a few short weeks. While I’m still extra precautionary, I can’t wait to have my own space downtown, where I can enjoy coffee on my little balcony (!!!) and dream of the days friends can come squeeze into my studio safely while I lay out an entire table of sharable spreads and snacks from Ema (Charred Eggplant Spread is the best one, don’t fight me). 
So you may ask, how did you come to this decision to move to the heart of downtown out of seemingly nowhere, you hermit? 
It starts with my mom and I having a brief, simultaneous breakdown and coming to the conclusion that we would both feel comfortable doing a staycation downtown, as long as we wore masks, sanitized always, and braved the cold to eat outside. This was big for me! As a person with real OCD, not cute TV show “I have to keep my pens straight” OCD, this would be the most exposure I’d had to a lot of uncontrollable variables since the pandemic started. If you’re thinking, “you get to spend a weekend downtown in a hotel with your mom, shut up”, know that I hear you. I am unbelievably grateful that I’ve gotten this time with my parents, and that we can do a staycation. However, having anxiety comes at a cost, and that cost is blowing everything way the fuck out of proportion instead of being able to rationalize it sometimes. Let’s! Normalize! Having! This! Discussion!
So, we went downtown in early March for a two-night stay, and oh my goodness. The realization that we got to be in a different space, and do different things, and eat different food for a weekend made it feel like a legit vacation, and not like we drove 30 minutes to get there. The view from our room was of Michigan Ave, and hearing the traffic and seeing the people out and about instantly made me feel a sense of peace I wasn’t expecting. I’ve lived downtown for 6 years, but it always shocks me how much the city feels like an extension of me once I’m in it after being away. My mom and I went out for a walk (gentle yet forceful reminder to please wear a mask), then decided to grab dinner while we were out. The plan was to bring it back to the room, but there was a warm spell, and there just happened to be a table for two at Topolobampo on Clark, and suddenly we were sitting on the patio under the lights eating masa quesadillas dipped in a spicy salsa verde. It just happened!!! 
Before getting downtown, I was tentatively looking at apartments for the spring. I was looking at Lincoln Park, Old Town, maybe Lakeview, and came across a listing in the Gold Cost that caught my eye. That one was swiped out from under me within days, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the area. Then I discovered another unit that was available, and couldn’t shake it from my mind. Over mushroom tacos I discussed it with my mom, and we decided to go see it. Totally not what I had been planning for in terms of location, but why not? 
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Once we polished off breakfast the next morning (Eggs Benedict with fried eggs, extra hollandaise) we headed out to see the place. Let me say I have never seen my mom fall in love with a single apartment I’ve lived in, and she was ALL. FOR. IT. Unreal reaction on her part. Once I saw the west-facing views and the incredible natural lighting, I was 100% in as well.
We spent the rest of the weekend wandering the downtown area, enjoying another dinner outside at The Gwen and my mom’s first visit to the Starbucks Reserve Roastery, which was 95% more empty than I’ve ever seen it given we went in a pandemic at 8:30PM. Shit on Starbucks all you want, but that Roastery is an incredible use of space (in non-pandemic times) and the coffee & Princi pastries are really, really good. 
When we got back home feeling refreshed and like we had actually gone on a vacation, I jumped into apartment shark mode real fast and signed as many documents as the very kind realtor could send over. One week later, whabaam, I was a Gold Coast girl. Ahem, *lady*. What better way to celebrate than going to Somerset and having the Rapini & Roasted Garlic Flatbread and Wild Mushroom Risotto? No clue. As I sat outside, yet again with my mom, I felt a wave of excitement come over me and realized, this is it. This is the sign and feeling I’ve been waiting for, telling me it’s time to move back to the city and start over. The creamy, herbacious risotto also helped solidify that. 
SO. After all of that, the news is I’m moving, and you’re probably wondering why I shared all of this on a blog about food. I meant for this post to be about everywhere I ate during my staycation, but realized quickly we ate at some very basic places - DELICIOUS, but still basic. Oops. Below are all the dishes I had and a rundown of the flavors, textures, etc., however don’t expect to find any new, revolutionary restaurants. Sorry! 
1. Topolobampo 
This Rick Bayless restaurant has been around forever, and unfortunately, you can tell by the interior. We’ve eaten here as a family a couple of times before, but never had a noteworthy experience. I can confirm that in a pinch, the patio covered in fun lights & mini piñatas, and the sharable, filling bites will do just fine. This was my first time going to a Mexican restaurant as a non-alcohol drinker, and instead of my typical mezcal margarita, I opted for a Fresh Limeaide which was refreshing and flavorful. We split the Guacamole and Chips, which if you’ve ever stopped at the Frontera in O’Hare, you know is good as fuck. It’s smooth, creamy, tangy, and topped with chopped onions and cilantro for a little crunch. It’s not the most life-changing, but it is consistently satisfying. Next, we got the Mushroom Tacos and Masa Quesadillas. The Masa Quesadillas were a fun surprise, as instead of a tortilla, the masa is what makes up the outside. They are almost like empanadas and stuffed with gooey, melty cheese, and come with a spicy salsa verde on the side. I would come back for these alone - they’re rich yet light, warm, and comforting, all the things you would want when dining outside when it’s still a little chilly. The Mushroom Tacos were quite frankly unreal, because whatever they seasoned the mushroom slices with and grilled them on made them taste unlike any mushroom I’ve had before. There was definitely some meat crossover on the grill, so don’t order those if you’re vegan, or ask them to prepare the mushroom separately. I however was LOSING MY MIND. Over mushrooms. The joys of being vegetarian! 
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2. The Gwen
On a happening Saturday night in Chicago, Upstairs at The Gwen is sure to be a packed scene. Located in River North, this hotel bar/restaurant offers a somehow cozy rooftop filled with loungey couches, fire pits, and ambient lighting, even though you’re surrounded by apartments and skyscrapers and there is nothing “cozy” about River North. Every table was filled, yet since you’re outside and it’s fairy spread apart, it still felt safe. I got my new classic, a Lemonade, and we got the Burrata to start. With sourdough, roasted beets, squash, pomegranate, pistachio, & arugula, this plate was nothing short of mouth-watering. It has textures! It has flavors! It has pomegranate seeds, the TikTok must have of the moment! The bread was 10/10, the burrata was 8/10, and all of the toppings made for a very find bite of salad on their own. For my main I got the Lobster Fettucine, a beautiful bowl of “charcoal fettuccine with saffron-tomato sauce, lobster, calabrian chili butter, and basil-brioche crumbs” as listed on their website. Take any of those ingredients and it’s going to be delicious, but all of them TOGETHER? INCREDIBLE. The chunks of lobster were huge, absolutely making the dish worth its price tag, and the sauce was flavorful, unique, and unlike any sauce I’ve tasted in the last few years. It’s typical to do a squid ink pasta with seafood and tomato sauce, but the saffron added a new element I very much appreciated. 
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3. The Starbucks Roastery 
I KNOW. THIS IS A TOURIST DESTINATION. All I am saying is if there’s no line, go get an iced latte with two packets of sugar in the raw. That’s all. It’s really good after something like, I don’t know, Lobster Fettucine. 
4. The Penninsula 
You cannot go wrong with hitting up The Penninsula for breakfast or brunch, especially if you are staying there and have the option to do room service. Typically we would go to Pierrot Gourmet, the cafe in the ground floor of The Penninsula, however it has been closed temporarily. If there’s one thing to order with your breakfast, it’s the smashed fingerling potatoes. Delish. 
5. Somerset 
Somerset is becoming a quick go-to of mine for an impromptu dinner downtown, given it’s in the heart of Gold Coast and is cute if you’re sitting indoors or outdoors. The food is nothing too innovative, but it is done well, which is the most important part with “cuter” restaurants that may focus on the Instagram appeal over the food sometimes. Each time I’ve gone I’ve gotten the seasonal flatbread and a pasta or risotto, usually something with mushrooms, and it’s always been plate-licking good. To drink, I got -you guessed it- a Lemonade! For dinner I went with the Wild Mushroom Risotto which was everything you could hope for in a risotto, topped with olive oil, herbs, and local parmesan. We split the Rapini & Roasted Garlic Flatbread which was as it sounds, flatbread covered in rapini, garlic, and ricotta, which added a nice crunch and had enough rapini to feel like it was replacing a boring vegetable side dish or salad. The patio vibes were wonderful, the judgemental girls in the greenhouses looked like they were having a good time, and our waiter couldn’t have been sweeter. I will be going back to try the Fontina Arancini, which I just noticed on the menu. FRICK. 
So there you have it, a very long-winded explanation of the last few weeks of my life and where you can find me on a staycation in Chicago. Hopefully once I move back to the city I’ll have endless new spots to try and won’t be basic anymore! 
Until next time, Happy Eating!
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stormyoceansmain · 3 years
Since you’re about to start Lonestar soon, here’s my essay on the whole screen-time balancing issue:
So, for the original 9-1-1, the show was created specifically for Angela Bassett. They wanted to do an entire show around her, and they came up with this whole first responders thing as a result. Obviously, if they were going to focus on all aspects of first responding, then they would need some other headlining actors to lead those other areas or nobody would care about any parts of the show besides Athena’s. They got Peter Krauss and Connie Britton. Both big names. This makes it where when cop stuff is being shown, we have a big name, when firefighter/EMS stuff is being show, we have a big name, and when dispatcher stuff is being shown, we have a big name. It evenly divides the interest in all three directions. Then, Connie Britton leaves, and amazingly and very wisely, rather than replacing her with a lesser-known actress or just stopping the dispatcher scenes altogether, they snag JLH for the role. And I know there are many people out there who only started watching the show due to being a fan of her. She’s a headliner, and that’s what headliners do: pull in more audience. Anyway, this works perfectly to maintain that balance of the three areas. Now, I honestly don’t think the writers were expecting Buck to be as much of a fan-favorite as he is because now when we’re looking at the firehouse, the focus is usually more on him rather than Bobby, especially now that Bathena is a thing and a lot of their scenes are together outside of work. Regardless, the point is that they set things up really well to have that initial balance of characters in the beginning, and they did a good job of maintaining that by bringing in JLH. This foundation starts to wobble a bit with the more characters they add to the cast, the harder it gets to give everyone proper focus, and this is the main reason I’m so opposed to them giving Taylor a bunch of screen time. Anyway, it was a spectacular formula. You’d think they would try to repeat it with the spin-off, right?
Well, they tried…. I guess? Rob Lowe was obviously the centerpiece to frame the show around just like Angela Bassett had been, but he’s definitely not suited to play the role of a cop, and he has a very small handful of similarities with Bobby I guess so let’s make him the fire Captain. Okay there’s our first headliner. We need two more if we’re gonna show police and dispatch, right?
Eh, let’s just get one more, not two. They get Liv Tyler. So she’s gonna be a police officer? No. A dispatcher (which I personally would have loved)? Nope. See, the thing is, in Texas, EMS is a separate crew from firefighters. Unlike in LA where all firefighters are required to be EMTs at the bare minimum and most are also trained paramedics because they make better pay. In Texas the two are separate entities that just happen to share a fire station. So, let’s make Liv Tyler the paramedic captain. And then we’ll cast two little-known actors to play the only named cop and the only named dispatcher.
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love Carlos and Grace. Their actors are incredible, and when they actually get screen-time, they’re the stars of the show. But the problem is that they’re not headliners. Why would the writers give them much screen-time when it’s Rob Lowe and Liv Tyler’s big names that are pulling in the viewers. So, the focus of the show is almost entirely on the firehouse. To make matters worse, even the other firefighters have a hard time finding any attention in the midst of a Rob Lowe show.
In seasons one (I promise this won’t be spoiler-y), Carlos the sole police officer is best friends with Liv Tyler’s character and so this is the main way they bring him into the story when he’s not responding to police calls or interacting with TK as a love interest. Grace is of course married to the firefighter Judd, so that’s how she is more involved in the plot. Unfortunately, Liv leaves after season 1. Gina Torres comes in as the new paramedic captain, but this presents a huge problem for Carlos in season 2. Now, his only connection to the main story is TK. Gina’s character is best friends with Grace, so that gives Grace some better screen-time, but Carlos is virtually diminished to a love interest rather than an interesting first-responder character in his own right. It’s absolutely heartbreaking to see. I honestly wish they would have brought in another big name to be Carlos’ partner on the job, and then added a secondary dispatcher character with a compelling personality similar to how they added Josh in season 2 of the original show. Anyway, I truly love all the characters on Lonestar (except Rob Lowe and his ex-wife that shows up in season 2), but the writers make it hard to care much about them with the minuscule crumbs they give us outside of anything that is Rob’s giant ego.
I know this is super long, and I’m sorry, but I’ve been ruminating on all these thoughts since season 1 of Lonestar first aired. Anyway, still excited to hear your takes on everything once you get the chance to watch it.
hi, anon!!!! first of all, sorry for the late reply, it took me a while to gather my thoughts and put them down properly, but more importantly thank you so much for remembering to send me this!!! it was a really interesting read, especially for someone like me who 1) has no idea how things in the USA work, and 2) still doesn't know much about how the show came to be
i've never really thought about it, but as far as marketing strategies go, it does actually make a lot of sense to have one big name for each area of first responding to attract the general public and make them interest in all the different storylines, so the moment they decided to bring in only 2 big names for lone star, and not 3, this could definitely have been a factor in the decision of making lone star more rob lowe centric, at least at first (if you have a well known actor in your show, it does kinda feel natural to make him the center of the story)
however, i feel like this choice can be understandable only for the first season, when the viewers don't know the other actors yet, and you can use the big name to make people interested in the show and slowly introduce all the characters so the viewers get invested in them too, slowly giving them more space and screen time
this is why i think the og series did a great job by bringing in JLH, not only because she is JLH, but because they gave maddie a lot of connections (she is buck's sister, she is chimney's love interest) and thanks to her we got to actually see more of the dispatchers and learn to care about other characters (josh, sue, etc.), to the point that now, even if for some reason you took maddie out of the show, the characters she have connections with would still work perfectly fine and have their own story to tell without her
so it's kinda upsetting to me to learn that with liv tyler's character gone, carlos has been pretty much reduced only to love interest, because it means that they didn't really take the time to give him a story of his own, and it sucks, especially when in the original ALL THE CHARACTERS get their moment to shine
okay, sorry, this is getting super long and idk if im making sense, the point is that i do agree with you on the big names, though i also feel like for some reason in lone star there's a reticence to give focus to other characters and after 2 seasons it can't be just 'they don't attract viewers', but of course i can't really give a proper opinion on this until i watch lone star myself, so.. sorry again for the long and messy reply ;;;;;;;;
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purpledaisiesthings · 3 years
********It's a long one. I apologize in advance to whoever chose to read this. Lol********
So I just recently got into Roswell New Mexico and well....it was definitely something. Lots of plot holes and somethings just didnt make sense. I literally had to power through the last 2 episodes.
One thing I will say is that I'm glad I binged the whole 1-3 seasons before getting on social media and did a little digging because I know I would have definitely stopped the show halfway if I didn't.
It was alot...but what else is new. Some fandoms are scary.
Anyways, I'm just ranting about kyluca in this post. I might talk about other things but I'm honestly too tired to open up anything that'll annoy me.
I only talk about tv ships that I like. Most times I'm in the majority and on very few occasions I'm part of a ship with only 10 members...lol. Kyluca apparently is the latter and you know what, IDGAF what happens. I love them together.
Kyle and Maria are actually my two favorite characters on the show. I adore Maria. (I might talk about her some other time but like I said earlier, I'm too tired to bring up things that'll just annoy me e.g. Maria's treatment in the show/fandom)
Maria and Kyle barely had any scenes together the first 2 seasons. I actually started shipping them since season 1 after that 2 second scene with the "die hard" line from kyle back when they were still hiding the alien shit from Maria. Lol I know.... that's smaller than a crumb and doesn't make sense that that was the start for me, but I was curious to see more of them.
Then the scene where Maria saved Kyle's life through her vision and she was like "I saved a life today, not just any life, Kyle Valenti's".
I mean, I LOVED that line. Very quickly I saw that she not only cared for him, she also respected him.
Even though there has been lost opportunities in the past with having those 2 in scenes together, season 3 delivered some really nice kyluca scenes and storylines.
We see how they worked to save each other's lives on different occasions.
Like I don't know about you but that pull to protect each other and it's not just a one sided protection.... that's some endgame shit.
They just make sense together and somehow don't at the same time. Lol I don't know how to explain it. They seem similar but also different. It might be the science versus alternative vibes I get from them. Kyle I think can be more uptight and all about his code but Maria is more free spirited and business oriented. But at the core, they're both selfless people to their friends even at the cost of their own lives. I feel like they will balance each other. And how cute will they be. I feel like with them I can just breathe and not hold by breath when watching them in a relationship. I'm probably not making any sense lol. I apologize, I ramble sometimes 😄
Anyways, seems the show is going another route relationship-wise for them which is also nice. I see the chemistry they have with this other people. But, idk, I'm just not all in with that.
However, I'm happy they can be in relationships that's just for them where they are fully and completely loved. No love triangles, no one sided effort, no complications. Or potentially at least. I'm saving my breath for shit to hit the fan soon. It's still a CW show right. They do love their drama. Like I get the need for drama to spur conversations but to me it's not entertaining.  It's tiring.  I prefer to see people loved up in healthy relationships than seeing toxic, complicated ones on screen.
*sigh* I digress.
All I'm saying is they deserve to be happy though.
I know there are not a lot of us kyluca fans out there. We're not loud so they for sure will not go that route at all and I'm ok with that. But sometimes popularity is not always the best option😉. Just saying.....
But could we perhaps get a friends to lovers arc with them? Should I still have hope? Should I? Should I? Lol
Honestly, I've accepted kyluca won't happen. It's kinda late into the series, 3 seasons in already and we've pretty much gotten our established couples. But IF I do tune in next season, I'll only be watching for them tbh even if it's just scenes with them as friends.
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