#i think the goddesses also cast their family members and those who might have supported them in as well
evintide · 1 year
a habitable state of the twili realm relies almost entirely on the welfare of its people. what we see in the game is the result of Zant taking over and letting things (in all essence) decay. it was comparable to when the interlopers were first thrown into the realm -- inhospitable and seemingly barren. granted, there were no structures or technology in place at that time, but it is strikingly similar to what the twili have in forms of ancient texts that describe their ancestors’ lives.
wildlife and foliage was basically nonexistent, or unusable in its original form when the interlopers were initially imprisoned. magic users and those with wildlife expertise -- farmers, botanists, alchemists, etc -- formed the pinnacle of sustainability for the future generations within the realm. they collaborated to experiment and germinate crops that could grow even in the eternally dim light, cross-pollinating existing vegetation with what might have been on their person at the time or using magic to stimulate growth of different varieties similar to what they were famliar back in the light realm.
it should be noted that the entirety of the twilight realm isn’t populated with these plants and creatures that the interlopers first developed, but the area which is seen and explored within the actual game is the culmination of their work. due to this new ecosystem having been created through artificial means however, it also requires upkeep from the twili people to this day. that is to say, if members of the twili do not make sure things are properly maintained, all that which was created by their ancestors will return to the way it was; a hostile ecosystem with which the twili people would not be able to sustain themselves, no matter how much they’ve come to reflect the realm in which they live.
because Zant’s main goal was dominion over the light realm, the twili who were responsible for caring and upholding their ancestors duties were morphed to better suit their new kings’ needs. though it could be argued the usurper saw no benefit for these stations if the twilight realm was to take over the verdant light realm, the lack of upkeep quickly saw to the twili realm’s dark and wasted appearance during his rule.
this was one of the main reasons as to why Midna chose to return to her realm and shatter the mirror. the prospect of her people facing any further disruption to the dire need of restoration out weighed all other desires she might have had to keep the portal open. the twili needed someone to help them and their realm heal, and the mirror posed too much of a threat to both of those for it to stay intact.
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paintedwarpony · 3 years
(And further ranting and raving and campaign predictions...)
Hey guess what I'm back to talk about today you guys?
Verin Thelyss? Always. But not for this episode.
Yep. You bet.
For those of you just joining this Ted Talk I posed a theory months ago that Eodwulf is NOT infact multiclassed as a paladin for the Raven Queen/Matron of Ravens as most of the fandom has considered. But is something far more dangerous and terrifying.
That Eodwulf is in fact multiassed as a War Domain Cleric.
At least from a D&D combat campaign point of view. Because essentially it creates an absolute malestrom of a NPC. And it turns the gut to think of the kind of fight it would put the Nein through.
Because the facts are this. Eodwulf is already a very highly trained, extremely powerful wizard, which is dangerous in and of itself. Add to that fact that he's ALSO a homebrewed Volstrucker and considered one of Ikithon's elites. That means there's going to be all kinds of shit mixed up in that bag of tricks that we haven't seen or yet to speculate.
My basis as to why I think Eodwulf is a cleric of some kind leans heavily on the fact that Matt Mercer himself very often grumbles and complains during campaign about how "unfair" it is that the Nein have two clerics. Yet to date the Nein have not actually gone to combat with a full party that includes a cleric (that may change with the Tomb Takers, who knows) but its certainly not an oversight by any means. I'm positive Matt is saving the use of a cleric enemy for a particularly nasty encounter or series of encounters.
Because lets be real
Clerics will fuck some shit up no matter what their domain is. Between the ridiculously long list of spells they have access to and the ability to pop other members of their team back up clerics are brawlers in the disguise of supports.
Considering Eodwulf is a wizard, and a homebrewed Volstrucker at that theres going to be alot of fire power there but Wizards are notorious glass canons unless handled or multiclassed correctly. Caleb is EXTREMELY powerful mage wise BUT he still follows wizard format to balance him from becoming to powerful. At lvl 13 his AC 15 (jumps to 16 with Mage Armor) and he has 96HP. They're at a point of the campaign where they are coming up against creatures that deal out damage in the 50s, 60s, 70s, or more in one shot. And in turn the Nein themselves are starting to be able to do that kind of damage back.
Which if Eodwulf was just a wizard played by wizard stats, even just slightly homebrewed, wouldn't make him much of a threat.
You just turned that glass canon into a GODS DAMNED SHERMAN TANK.
That gives Eodwulf access to martial weapons, heavy armor and a PLEATHORA of other equipment that most wizards could only look longingly through a shop window at before. Not to mention the spell list expansion. His AC jumps. His HP jumps. His attack ability skyrockets as he could both cast spells and make (multiple with certain effects) physical attacks in the same round. His magical longevity bolsters as he can save spell slots until more opportune times to but continue to cause damage with physical strikes.
Not to mention the aspect of keeping the rest of his side of the fight up. Healing up other Volstrucker, Astrid, fucking Ikithon himself to keep them in combat. Hell even using FUCKING REVIVIFY to bring one back if he needs to.
Counterspell? Got it. Cure Wounds? Got it. Guiding Strike? Yep got that, too. Divine Intervention? Sure thing! Fireball? Pssht, for sure.
Considering the hint in C2E110 that Eodwulf favors electricity the same way Caleb favors fire I wouldn't be surprised if he has friggin' Chained Lighting as a go to favorite spell.
Some more hints came into focuse during C2E110 to support this theory but the biggest one was said by Eodwulf himself. When questioned about what he did on the front lines Eodwulf admitted:
"I am not much of a front line fighter..."
Its kind of a throwaway line BUT is very much known and considered within D&D that paladins (like Fjord) are considers front line fighter types. But wizards AND CLERICS OF ALL DOMAINS are considered SUPPORT LINE. That they hang back and try to stay out of the thick of danger. Despite the abilities of a cleric to be absolutely savage in combat, as displayed by Jester and Caduceus over the campaign, they're still considered 'support/support line' classes.
It might not be a huge hint but the only time at the table Eodwulf showed any small bit of his own personality was when he bragged just a little about himself and admitted to liking being called a 'living magical weapon', he was also incredibly honest and forthright when he answered questions or spoke about their duty, parents, the torture that he'd been put through at the hands of Ikithon and his faith in the Matron of Ravens was no secret and peppered casually into his conversation. I think that if he was in fact a paladin Edowulf would not hesitate to talk about his pride at serving the Matron of Ravens AND the Empire in direct combat. A wiz-pally combo like that would be formidable but...
A Wiz-War Cleric combo thats a homebrewed Volstrucker and backed by the goddess of death...
Its gonna get real ugly really fast for the Nein if they have to fight him.
I fully believe Eodwulf can be flipped to the Nein's favor but I think to manage that he needs to be separated from Ikithon AND Astrid. During C2E110 he took ALL of his cues from Astrid, looking at her EVERY TIME before starting to speak or reacting to anything. He only acted a little more independent when they were outside the tower. Everything about Eodwulf's demeanor and behavior suggests someone so very lost and used to being bullied or directed one way or another that he doesn't think twice to follow instructions or vomit back up beliefs he was 'taught' but might not be his own. People like that bury their personalities and only find their way to the surface when they're separated from the supervision of their influence. Caleb as expressed multiple times he wants to win both his friends back with a much heavier emphasis on Astrid than Eodwulf. Astrid seems a much more difficult person to turn to their side imo and habors to many secrets and ulterior motives and its worrisome the way she does execute her will over Edowulf. Its clear by some of the interactions at the table that Astrid was very much the 'leader' of the Blumentrio, as she several times tried to cue Caleb with looks to stop or change his behavior and actions. Caleb has been free of Ikithon (and Astrid's) influence for so long now and grown so much in the care of his found family it didn't even cause him to balk but it worries me that if Astrid were introduced into the Nein her influence and manipulations that she does still hold over Eodwulf may start to sink in and control Caleb again as well. The encounter certainly rattled him and left him repeatedly insisting "freeing" her specifically over the course of the campaign since.
But thats a whole different can of worms...
If the Nein turn Astrid to their cause I'm almost positive Eodwulf will follow her. He cued to her FAR more than he did to Ikithon and that speaks volumes.
But I would so much like to see Eodwulf on his own, see his personality and see his own decision to join the Nein's side or not.
But truly... if the answer is 'not'...
Its not going to be good...
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marziblogsworld · 4 years
So finally! I am done with 9-1-1. I know i am super late and the reason i was late because i was waiting for @fandom-101 to catch up on this amazing series which in turn i have to pause and wait so then we can watch it together. So without wasting any time anymore lets jump right into the review.
I am sad and emotional because i have to wait like a whole year so see my crew again, i am missing them soo much, it was rough and after a season like that it is getting more difficult for me now to wait for new content.
Season 3 started with a blast and hit me at various places. I mean putting Christopher (Buck's baby child at risk!! ) the writers were in a daring mood especially when he was out hanging with Buck. The tsunami episodes was nerve wreacking and it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time especially the whole Buck scenes( i applaud Oliver Stark for his outstanding performance).
BUDDIE! was literally thriving in this whole season and especially in the initial episodes. I got BUDDIE angts. I got BUDDIE hanging out.I got BUDDIE acting as a family. I literally got BUDDIE spending alone time at there houses. I think the whole fandom agrees that Eddie has a key to Buck's appartment and so does Buck and many times they have bunk beds together (oooohh it is making me blush just thinking about it).
EDDIE FUCKING DIAZ felt all alone because he couldn't talk to Buck!!!!!!!.Ladies and Gentlemen that part was fucking Cannon. EDDIE ALWAYS THINKING WITH A LEVEL HEAD DIAZ was fucking spiriling because he couldn't spend time with Buck. The writers were literally writing the script at the edge of Mount Everst cuz i could see the daring in them. FYI Eddie begins is like my favourite from all the begins uptil now.. I might change my review because i heard that they are going for a BUCK begins (and we all know that we gonna hail and love our boy). I still cant process,like i still think it was some kind of a weird lucid dream i had of Eddie feeling lonely when he couldn't talk to Buck because he filed a suit against them.
Buck! Oh oh Buckaroooo. I know you have been wronged and you deserved to know the truth from Bobby from the start (i am still pissed about that, what the hell baby captain!!). I completely support yah i didnt know you had it in you to pull a harvey specter. I feel like you were lucky that your friends have a heart of gold that they forgave you so fast and accepted you again after that details you spilled to your lawyers. EVAN FREAKING BUCKLY is Christopher Godfather, there i said it. I wont be surprised if Eddie has put his name under legal guardian and Christopher that child(oh baby boy is really so sweet, a kid who had CP and how his both parents left him when he didn't deserve any of this and still kept a smile on his face is an angel). Evan Buckly will go above and beyond for this kid and that line from Eddie soften my heart. "I trust you with Christopher". Which i have seen and was also pointed out by @fandom-101 that for Eddie giving his trust for Christopher to someone is not easy but he trust Buck with him and honey! You relax Buck is going to be an amazing dad, you dont worry. He might be an amazing husband too if you look the other way😉just a suggestion.
Oh i have a lot to say on BUDDIE alone! and i might do like each scene review on them.. From there first meeting to there current relationship.
Now back to other cast members
First in line is baby Captian Bobby Nash. What the hell dude!! You shouldn't have done that with Buck i know you were acting like a super worried dad or something but still you cant hold of his career just because you weren't ready. Buck and i were very disappointed at you. He was fighting alone and when he was trying to take one step at a time you decided to replace him that was hella wrong. Bobby up your game level man! I wanna see you more in S4 as my baby captain.
ATHENA when are you opening up a marriage and parental counselling because i need to sign up as your first client also honey i also had goosebumps over that whole fight scene, those voices were scary and during that whole time i was holding my sister hand tight cuz i felt every pain you were reflecting it (hands down to you Angela Basett). Also i am worried about you please try to talk to somebody, its a trauma and you need to let it out before it eats you up no matter how strong you are or holding the name of a greek goddess you gotta talk. I am excited to see more of that in S4.
Hen dreams change faster then a train changes its lane( sorry couldn't come with a great thing) but the feeling behind it was true. Now she wants to be a surgeon that fast. You do one aderline thing and you want to change your whole life on it. I wish i had a nerve to change career or life path like this. I fully support all of this and i dont know where they are taking with this but Henrietta where is your talk with Howie, not once you talked to him about all of this. He is your best friend and i remember it correctly how you were crying because you missed howie when he was a captain and you didnt want this dynamic to change so aren't you doing the same thing and i still dont mind if you change it but at least talk to him, he looks sad.
Howie our unsung Hero is finally getting some good in his life. Maddie pregnancy news was amazing and i am soo happy for them they are literally soo perfect and stable and healthy in a relationship, marry each other fast. Also i am more excited when they will break the news to Buck cuz we all know how he is with kids and now finding out that he is going to be uncle, everybody should just hold him before he sky rockted himself. Excited for that part.
Overall the season has its own hype and it kept me on my edge, each episode, each storyline, each character arch journey was amazing. I love 9-1-1 because of how much they are invested in every character whether they are main or side. FYI how many of you think Micheal tumour jumped off from his brain in the elevator when he met that hot Doctor. His gay vibes shrunk that fucking cancer. That tumour was like :bitch i came into his life so that he could meet up with his soulmate, i was a match maker and now i am outta here.
I miss them soo much and i cant wait for all of them to come back on my screen..... See you soon for S4 where we will cross this journey together this time
Make sure to follow me guys for more amazing reviews about your favourite shows, movies and books and if you have a recommendation tell me now!. Oh i almost forgot. I did started 9-1-1 lone star and i am actually liking it alot and i will post my review soon so follow me fast! , fast! fast!
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jq37 · 5 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High Sophomore Year Ep 2
Boggy the Froggy!
Welcome back, ya’ll! We jump back in with our Bad Kids (or 4/6 of them anyway) the very next day. Fabian sends Gilear out on a coffee run on the threat of bodily harm. His mom–who, if you remember is low-key a total badass–tells Fabian that if Gilear doesn’t come back from the quest alive, she’s going to duel him to the death on top of the house. Yikes. At Chez Thistlespring, Gorgug’s parents give him another very detailed sex talk and then remind him that he lives in a world where magic is very real so any and all dreams he remembers should be treated as omens. 
At the haunted house, Adaine wakes up having had portentous dreams like everyone else which is doubly concerning I have to imagine considering (1) she is the eleven oracle and (2) as a full elf she’s supposed to trance, not sleep and dream. Luckily for her nerves, she cast Find Familiar the night before and summoned an emotional support familiar which she gave the amazing name Bogariel Frogariel aka: Boggy the Froggy. 
Meanwhile (and I needed to switch paragraphs because Kristen is doing the D&D equivalent of playing Twister while everyone else is playing Checkers as she is wont to do) Kristen is talking to Tracker about changing Yes? again because she is filled with doubt about her god of doubt but the one thing she clearly doesn’t have doubt about is her relationship with Tracker because it’s been less than a year and she already sees wedding bells in their future. Wild. She also invites Tracker on the quest, rectifying what I thought was a wild oversight last week. 
Everyone meets up and they realize Fig and Riz are missing. They (specifically Fabian) can’t get Riz on the phone (which has never happened before) and all of Fig’s stuff is missing. They head over to Riz’s office to see if they can find him but, before that, Tracker cancels the church of Yes? because, sure. 
There are signs of a struggle at Riz’s office, but no blood. They find a picture of Riz’s super-spy dad (Pok) with his arm around someone who appears invisible to them (though the spot is circled in red). They also find claw marks going up to a mirror. Adaine stops Gorgug from touching the mirror which would have driven him insane and had him attack the group. She sees a twisted version of Riz in the mirror which no one else can see until she describes it (suspicious). Then, she dispels magic and the Riz appears in the room…and attacks them (roll for initiative baybee)!
Fabian is flipped the F out. Kristen decides to chill out and drink Riz’s coffee–much to the incredulousness of everyone else (she’s on those chill existential dread vibes). Adaine and Gorgug are stricken by fear but they’re able to snap out of it quickly. Once they’re sure it’s not Riz (the doppelganger is going full creepy horror movie monster with the head twisting and biting and junk), they start going full throttle but Kristen gets a clutch roll and lands a banishment on Nightmare Riz (who was invisible at the time). Also, Adaine finds a gun but no one is down with her packing heat without proper firearms training so she reluctantly puts it back. They confer with Sandra-Lynn and they find out Fig has, for some reason, gone to Bastion City (the capital) and Gorthalax is missing. Also, because Emily is Emily whether she’s present or not, they find out that Fig has decided to multiclass and she is now a bard/warlock with her demon dad as her patron. Those might be connected because, as her patron, Gorthalax can now find Fig at all times.  
Sklonda, in the meantime, has been investigating a robbery at the mall. They end up there too because Gilear (who is back from his coffee run) said he saw Fig’s bus in the area. They tell Ragh to meet them there and then head over (Gorgug in the old family car which he buys from them for 30 gold (the cost of a pony)–the amount Adaine suggests after the Thistlesprings reject his insane offer of 1000 gold). Also, Kristen leaves her brothers some gold secretly which is sad and also I think not the best way to handle that, but the intention is good. The robbery was of a gem–non-magical I believe–called the Devil’s Heart. [Edit: And apparently Fig’s doing.] Fabian shows up, tries to be helpful, and then eats glass. Normal stuff. 
The group tries to figure out what’s going on with Fig by calling the hotel she’s at and basically doing a straight improv comedy routine, each passing the phone around with a bad story until Adaine just hangs the phone up. Then, they find out from Sklonda that Pok’s partner is a tabaxi (cat person) named Kalina and she is in the empty space in the photo. Sklonda and Sandra-Lynn can see it even though the Bad Kids can’t. 
With that information gathered, the group leaves Elmville for the first time on the way to the Hotel Cavalier in Bastion City and, hopefully, Fig. 
Fabian for Intern Abuse
Poor Gilear. Fabian solicits increasingly complicated coffee orders from his friends to make Gilear’s job harder and tries to get them to threaten Gilear on their behalf. Even Sandra-Lynn was like, bro. Lay off the guy. Bad form, sir. (Hilarious, but bad). 
Honor Roll
Adaine for Rocking Her Portent Rolls
Adaine had a 19 and a 4 for her portent rolls this session and she used them very judiciously. The first was her 19 which she gave to Gorgug who was about to fail his saving throw and touch the mirror which would have led to him attacking everyone (she has a vision of his beheading her in a rage–sidenote love that Brennan makes her portent rolls actual visions instead of just having the mechanical effect of changing the roll happen). The second was a 4 which she gave to Brennan who was rolling for concentration on Nightmare Riz’s fear spell. What a power move to stare your DM in the face and say, “You roll a 4.” Amazing. Portent rolls are so good you guys. Also, bonus points for coming up with the name Bogariel Frogariel. 
Random Thoughts
Fabian’s response to his mom’s ultimatum that she will fight him if Gilear doesn’t return alive? “Damn, guess I have to fight my mom.”
Brennan describes Boggy as just the most archetypal looking, round, squishy frog and I want a plush of his yesterday. Or a stress ball! It would go with his whole emotional support thing in game. I love that Siobhan picked not the potentially “useful” or “cool” animal. She went full Marie Kondo and was like, “What’s gonna spark some joy?” Boggy also can give her the help action, which is great!
The episode was great even 2 cast members down, but they were missed. On more than one occasion, I was like, “This is more quiet than usual. I wonder why–ah Emily.” We better get her reaction to Boggy as soon as she’s back.  
Kristen brings up the concept of patenting a god which is wild. We also get an answer to the question I had last week about Tracker’s cleric status–she still is a cleric of the moon goddess. The moon goddess is just chill with her followers not being exclusive. 
Fabian sans Riz is a hilarious mess. For anyone who likes them together as friends and/or romantically there was a lot of Content. Fabian being like, “Idk about Fig but something is def wrong with the Ball because he always answers on the first ring when I call  him.” Him canonically forgetting that he has a name other than The Ball (that’s the name in his phone, obv). And, the coup de grace, him investigating RIz’s office, but only for signs of his name. Him trying to Investigate like Riz, rolling a nat 1, and literally eating glass (“I thought I could taste fingerprints!”). 
“Coffee’s ordered, is the Ball dead?”
Adaine as everyone is clowning on Fabian for possibly making out with the Hangman: The Hangman is much more human than my bitch sister. 
Nightmare Riz, who they still think is actual Riz at this point, pops out of the mirror and Fabian and Adaine’s reactions respectively are, “You can’t do these things!” and, “It’s like 60% of our grade.”
The idea of Gorgug going from a terrified scream into a barbarian rage scream is very funny. Where are the animatics people?
Oh, speaking of people, Fantasy High was trending on tumblr the morning after this stream. Nice job, guys! 
The talk that Gorgug’s parents give him about all dreams being significant is something I always say in movies/books/shows like this. You have protagonists who *know* they live in a magic world and they have weird dreams and it’s not until 2/3rds of the way into the story that they’re like, “Wait. My dreams…mean something?” Bitch, what?
Gorgug’s initial coffee order is Hot Chocolate with a shot of decaf.
Everyone is very chill with Tracker coming onto the quest. Adaine just has one rule: No sex in the tent while they’re also in the tent. Kristen asks like she’s offended Adaine would feel the need to say that but like…come on. 
At first, I thought the invisibility in the photo was similar to the non-Adaine bad kids not being able to see Nightmare Riz until she described him but they still couldn’t see the woman in the photo after Sklonda described her so not sure what was going on with the mirror. 
I went back to the episode where Riz finds the photo of his dad (First Kisses and Last Words at around 1 hour, 27 mins in) and in that photo it’s of his dad and his mom. So either (1) it’s a different photo, (2) Brennan forgot/retconned something, or (3) something seriously screwy is going on. I will also note two observations here. Sklonda mentioned that Kalina doesn’t drink but was holding up her hand in a toast like she was drinking in the photo. That seems too specific a detail to not mean anything. And the second thing is, last ep, we did learn about a servant of the Nightmare King called the Shadow Cat and Kalina (if that is her real name) is a tabaxi so that’s something to think about. 
With all the complicated coffee orders flying around, Adaine just changes hers to a black coffee to try and make Gilear’s life a little easier (her original order was a Peppermint Mocha–sans the threat of violence to Gilear Fabian was offering). I do really love that Adaine seems genuinely concerned about the guy. SOMEONE should be. And it’s consistent with her characterization of just being generally well mannered and empathetic. 
Kristen getting the banishment on Nightmare Riz is something she did after Ally asked for it and Brennan was like, “lol, sure on a 19 or 20.” Boom. Rolled a 19. Just like in the prom fight. So the lesson here folks is don’t give your players a conditional yes and then expect the dice to bail you out. 
Kristen’s existential crisis is so crazy to me because she’s having, like, a prototypical Crisis of Faith™ (and pretty realistically) except, unlike in real life, she has certain knowledge about the existence of gods, life after death, and the means to communicate with those deities in the present day like…I feel like you’re crisis-ing wrong, girl. She’s crisis-ing like she just deconverted from Christianity when I feel like what actually happened is closer to, like, quitting a sorority or realizing you hate your major or changing political parties.  
the nature of humanity is just that every so often someone accidentally invents homestuck helioism again
Ragh had a dream matching up with Gorgug’s (but he didn’t realize it was Gorgug in his dream) which means something and I’m sure we’ll figure out what soon enough. 
The Fabian eating glass scene is another one where you truly need to see it to understand how great it is. Lou is equally game to have Fabian be the coolest person who ever lived or a huge baby and Fabian running away crying because he has glass shards in his tongue is incredible. Hilariously, he runs into Ragh in the food court who has also eaten glass in the past (“Glass is literally invisible.”) and they bro bond over it so hard (“That’s my boy!”) that Tracker and Kristen are like…are they a thing?
The other crazy scene is the gang passing around the phone trying to convince the hotel receptionist to give them info about Fig. Kristen comes up with the name Teddy Guyger (and Zac and I at the same time are like, “Did you get the name Teddy because you have a teddy bear in your inventory rn?”). Fabian tries to drop his dad’s name. Their first move for some reason isn’t to give the phone to Gorgug who is also a part of the band. Adaine just hangs up the phone like Peppa Pig. Exquisite comic timing. 
“I cast bane on Gilear.”
I love the running joke of Adaine having visions throughout the day of her friends in the process of doing dumb BS.
Nightmare Riz going after Fabian’s good eye was big gross. Thanks Brennan, I hate it.  
I wonder if what’s going on with Fig is completely different than what’s going on with Riz. Just because they’re gone for the same reason irl, doesn’t mean they’re gone for the same reason in game. Nightmare Fig could be a fun fight though.
As someone whose fave thing in D&D is not combat, I thought the fight in this episode was great. Interesting concept, good chance for in-character reactions, not too long . 
Ragh upon meeting Tracker: Check it out: I’m gay. (Tracker: Tight.)
Fabian, who has known Cathilda his entire life: Do maids dream?
In this ep, Kristen and Adaine rolled 2 nat 20s each (Kristen rolled one for initiative also but it was lowered by her modifier), and Gorgug and Fabian each rolled 1. Fabian also rolled a nat 1 (which, again, led to him Eating Glass).  
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