#i think there are plenty of ways they could more effectively monetize this website without so .... crudely altering the very essence of like
did Pinterest fuck with their algorithm or smth? their suggestions used to have me by the throat but lately theyre shit 
11 notes · View notes
chicagoindiecritics · 4 years
New from Every Movie Has a Lesson by Don Shanahan: COLUMN: The 10 Best Movies of 2019
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Before talking about this year-end best list from one of the most back-loaded ones in recent memory, reflection is needed and a deep breath for the next decade to come.  I am forever proud of what I do. I wouldn’t chase all the press opportunities and commit the time into it if I didn’t. In 2019, a great deal of change came to me and this website of mine this past year.  I am forever proud of what I do.  
The critics group I helped found and co-direct, the Chicago Independent Film Critics Circle, rebranded into Chicago Indie Critics.  We celebrate our fourth annual awards this week and our industry reach and reputation grows every year. Best of all, it’s a pleasure to count my peers there as friends in the press row trenches.  It’s nice to share smiles and handshakes at every screening I can.
Speaking of professional standings, I answered a call for writers and began contributing for another website this year.  Since June, I’ve been providing film reviews for 25YL, short for 25 Years Later.  Founded by Andrew Grevas, what started as a Twin Peaks tribute site has turned into “all your obsession in one place” to cover a wide range of entertainment.  I became their first Rotten Tomatoes-approved film critic and have greatly enjoyed the new audience, increased exposure, and a chance to be a part of a bigger thing.
Here on Every Movie Has a Lesson, this was the first year the site has featured monetized ads.  I’m no longer doing all this for free, so thank you for dealing with the visual noise to help pay the bills.  Also, my site has been open to guest writers looking to get published. I was honored to help an astounding 44 writers get their work seen in 2019, including 21 Washington State University architecture graduate students with their movie-centered essays.  This school teacher couldn’t resist helping folks and I’ve enjoyed their content and contributions.      
Alright, let’s get to the scoreboard.  In all, I published “only” 94 film reviews in 2019, which is plenty, but down from 110 last year and my high mark of 126 in 2017.  I saw a dozen and a half more, but full-time school teachers, husbands, and dads like me only have so much free time to put 1000 words down every time.  Work-life balance, so to speak, is always a challenge, one that I aim to do better in the life direction. No matter, I think I’ve got 2019 figured out. Here are my picks for the ten best films of the year accompanied by, as always and true to my site’s namesake niche, their best life lesson:
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1. 1917
Full Review
I’m going to sound like an Olympic figure skating judge, but no film received higher technical marks on my scorecard in 2019 than Sam Mendes’ harrowing war thriller.  At the same time the filmmaking prowess captivated me, I was overwhelmingly swept up by the human elements as well creating a complete experience. Most people haven’t seen it yet and I cannot wait until you do.
BEST LESSON: WAR MUST BE ENDURED— All of those World War I combatants from over a century ago, including a family member of the Mendes lineage named in tribute during the end credits, may not be distinctly special or flush with a mythic history of certain destiny. Yet, what they endured was shattering and strengthening at the same time. The draw to see summoned bravery and weatherd tragedy in conflict will always be hugely magnetic. Rising with ambitious scale and a colossal level of enthrallment, 1917 will join cinema’s greatest exemplars of such captivation. 
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2. Little Women
Full Review
Greta Gerwig took Louisa May Alcott’s seminal novel, something that could have easily been stiff and stale, and brought new spirit to it.  Yet, in doing so, she didn’t force anything. She didn’t shove showy modernity into faces, just for the sake of doing so. Her Little Women is a mainstream PG rarity.  The spirit she, the cast, and the artists brought was genuine, sumptuous, and vivacious.  What a marvelous achievement!
BEST LESSON: THE STRENGTH OF FAMILIAL LOVE — To borrow this time from the Greeks and a dollop of The Bible instead of the Fab Four, the level of “storge” love in this saga is exquisite. When family is in need, the annoyances and competitiveness of these sisters go away and bonds are renewed. As they say in the dialogue, “life is too short to be angry at sisters.” Once again, thanks to Gerwig’s tonal choices, you see it, plain as day, in the way the cast in character interacts. The emotional wreckage that results is incredibly genuine.
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3. Marriage Story
Full Review
Neck and neck with Little Women comes the Netflix drama with the courage to bare truths from the maddening and draining process that is divorce.  Thanks to dynamite and Oscar-worthy lead performances from Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver, heartstrings are plucked, tightened, and unraveled by Noah Baumbach’s deeply personal tale of resiliency.
BEST LESSON: WHAT WOULD YOU DO? — It is impossible to watch this movie and not have it be a barometer check towards your own relationship status and integrity. Regardless how much yearning desire floats every now and then in Marriage Story, this trauma recovery. Normally in movies like this, we see the indiscretion itself, then the collapse, ink hitting paper, and maybe a gavel banging for a suspenseful decision. Few films go in between and beyond those decision points to show the fractured orbits and restarts of continuing life with heart and honesty. There is blame to be shared, but you feel for both leads and wonder about yourself externally. That is a substantially powerful effect of this film.
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4. Luce
Full Review
Until the awards season parade of November and December releases arrived, this was my #1 in the clubhouse coming out of the fall.  Even though this is a wildly fictious morality play stretched into the settings of cinema, this movie gave me, the school teacher, a jaw-dropping heart attack.  Between Luce and Waves, you need to keep an eye on Kelvin Harrison, Jr., a certain star for this new decade.  
BEST LESSON: VENDETTAS ARE PROBLEMATIC — Simmering behind classroom smiles, what the mounting drama of Luce becomes is a straight-up vendetta, one between teacher and student. The bloodless lines of bitterness fortify to hurt people and force chosen sides. This is a saint versus a monster, with little middle, and a guessing game of which one is really which. It’s a battle the actors sell without flaw.
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5. Parasite
Full Review
I was better late than never to this party for the most talked about niche film of the year.  Leave it to a foreign director in the form of Korean Bong Joon-ho to blow our American minds with the sharpest social commentary of a film this year.  Parasite’s bottle film suspense comes from the smartest and most cunning premise and screenplay of the year.  Subtitle-haters, get over your hangup and see this movie.
BEST LESSON: THE DEFINITION OF “PARASITE”— When you dig into this title (as it digs into you), three variations of meaning present themselves: 
an organism that lives on or in an organism of another species, known as the host, from the body of which it obtains nutriment.
a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others.
(in ancient Greece) a person who received free meals in return for amusing or impudent conversation, flattering remarks, etc.
You read those definitions and wonder, gosh, which one of the three will this buzzed-about Korean film seize or probe. Big or small, any one of them could take a toll.  The staggering thing is, with many flourishes, Parasite, is all damn three of them, in twisted and overwhelming fashion.
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6. The Peanut Butter Falcon
Full Review
The Peanut Butter Falcon was one of a few “Little Engines That Could For Me” this year.  I couldn’t be more pleased that this labor of love and offbeat road movie, starring Zach Gottshagen and Shia LeBeouf, has been able to find a sizable audience. There’s always one movie a year that becomes my top casual recommendation when people ask me for something that haven’t heard of that is simply a good time.  This is the one for 2019. This is independent filmmaking done right.
BEST LESSON: HAVE A GOOD STORY TO TELL WHEN YOU DIE — The Peanut Butter Falcon doesn’t just tell a good story. It tells a great one worthy of attention, praise, and undying appreciation. The purifying freedom that churns throughout this movie could cultivate even the most barren heart. This little lovable film is the kind of experience that makes one rethink how their own story is going. That is a mighty, motivating accomplishment for something that couldn’t stand out more from the usual summer blockbuster fare. 
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7. The Farewell
Full Review
Plenty of critics like myself (though I try so often to say it other ways) will use the expression “through the wringer” often when it comes to weathering difficult or excitable experiences at the movies.  Well, no movie executed that as many ways this past year than Lulu Wang’s family dramedy. It’s got the comedic peaks and the dramatic ones that both crush with frank honesty and genuine love. The premise of this movie is the curveball of curveballs.
BEST LESSON: COULD YOU DO THIS WITHIN YOUR OWN FAMILY? — The crux of The Farewell makes for several of those soul-searching quiz questions every viewer must ask themselves in a film plot as specific as this one. Should, or even could, you carry on like this? To do so would be illegal in the U.S. Can you justify your position? How long could you live with or act out what everyone calls a “good lie?” Is there even such a thing? In this culture, it is characterized as the family carrying the emotional burden for the dying. Sure, but if you’re helping them, who’s healing your internal injuries of the heart living with that weight? How you answer these will inform your connection to this film straightaway.
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8. Joker
Full Review
I found what has stood to be become the most polarizing movie of the year to be one of the year’s best.  Go ahead and judge me. Called a masterpiece by some and trash by others, I fall definitely on the high end with this maniacal comic book tangent.  Joaquin Phoenix was too good to ignore. On every level, I admire the sheer cajones of this blockbuster to pulverize us with kitchen sinks filled with cajones and questions. 
BEST LESSON: THE DEFINITION OF “GALL” — According to Dictionary.com, the four possible meanings of the noun span impudence, severity, bitterness of spirit, and rancor. To saunter a little cruder, which is fitting for the movie in play, the Urban Dictionary defines the word as audacity, balls, or something risky. Hot damn, Joker is each one of those descriptors from both sources and then some.
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9. Jojo Rabbit
Full Review
Yes, it is categorically crazy to reach a point of embracing a movie about Nazis, but leave it to Taika Waititi to pull it off.  He imbues enough heart into this satire to present a transformation of wrongs into rights that is entertaining and affecting in its own way.  The filmmaker said he was making a movie of hope and love that could echo into our own present times. He did that with infinite panache without sacrificing hard reality.
BEST LESSON: WHEN ACTUALITY HITS — Using the word “reality” in this comical setting is leaping too far. Stick with actuality instead and just look at the objects and actions. Knives hurt people. Grenades explode. Soldiers die. War destroys. Germans are fallible. Jews are regular people too. When the wrongs and horrors of war arrive, the movie shifts. Jojo Rabbit swells and elevates beyond farce with this actuality.
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10. Knives Out
Full Review
This will sound poster-quote cliche like that “wringer” sentiment over in The Farewell at #7, but Knives Out was flat-out the most entertaining film of the year for me.  To name-drop a film lower down the list, the second most entertaining and surprising one was The Man Who Killed Hitler and then The Bigfoot at #13.  Back ti Knives Out, my review says it all deeper and better than cliches, but Rian Johnson absolutely nailed subverting the murder mystery blueprint to create pitfalls of depravity and delight.  Everyone involved is clearly having a blast and we do too.
BEST LESSON: HOW TO SUBVERT AN ENTIRE GENRE — The trope-filled mechanics of most murder mysteries create an antagonist while Knives Out has you pining for the killer instead. In flipping the rooting interests from the pursuing authorities to the identified perpetrator, the dexterous filmmaker shifted goals and bolstered energy to a different gear. Where the typical pulse rate of this kind of story opens and ends with a bang between a tedious, saggy middle, Knives Out is all about that rich center. What an equally delectable and sinful treat it is!
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Full Review
I don’t see as many documentaries as I should, and I don’t find it completely fair ranking them alongside feature narratives that have completely different purposes, crafts, and objectives. That said, the argument can be had that Apollo 11 was the best thing to touch a silver screen this year, no matter the discipline and genre.  Edited like a bullet from thousands of hours of content and tuned to IMAX perfection, this chronicle of the first lunar landing mission was incredible in every facet.  I’ll be the school teacher that sees every science student in the country needs to see this documentary.  
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11. Clara
12. Booksmart
13. The Man Who Killed Hitler and then The Bigfoot
14. Us
15. Uncut Gems
16. The Two Popes
17. Waves
18. Ford v Ferrari
19. Ad Astra
20. Wild Rose
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from REVIEW BLOG – Every Movie Has a Lesson https://ift.tt/35gE8pV via IFTTT
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2rQCYni via IFTTT
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activebodi-blog · 5 years
The Top 17 Ways to Make Money Monetizing Your Website
Monetizing a website can be difficult at times, people just don’t know how to do it.
Most people out there are keen to make more money, it’s a fact of life.
A lot of people see the potential in starting a website, or if they own one already, because they can monetize it, earn an income and jump ship form a crappy job or unemployment – yet they don’t know where to start!
These days there are endless options and massive potential for anyone to make not only a living online but a tonne of money. 
When it all boils down though, these “endless” options can be refined categorized into a few key approaches.  So below I look at each and give you an idea of how to get started monetizing your website or blog.
Please note, some of the links in this post are affiliate links that I gain a commission from upon purchase. This is at no additional cost for you and helps keep this website funded and alive. 
So let’s get into it!
Below is a video covering some of the main methods to monetize a blog or website, but the blog post below is much more in-depth. I do recommend watching the as well and referring to the post for further information :)
Please Note: By playing this video, you hereby consent to the use of YouTube’s Cookies.
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel Here
Looking for more ways or in depth info? Keep reading as I go into a heap of detail :)
Sell an E-book or Downloadable File
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The idea is simple, build an audience through your website or blog and sell an E-Book or file people want to download.
This is a very attractive option to monetize with as it means set everything up and walk away.  The sales process will operate without you, taking the money and granting access to the product is all automated. You may have to answer the odd email or give the occasional refund but overall it’s a pretty good deal if you can get it going.
Some ideas of Downloadable Files are:
E-Books (duh, says above)
Music or Audio recordings
Design Templates for Photoshop, Illustrator etc
High-Resolution Digital Artwork or Photography
Editable Documents
Software & Games
Bundles or Packs of the Above
There’s a number of ways to can set up delivery too.  You can go and start a full-on E-Commerce website with Shopify, or you can use the following to set up downloadable goods on your WordPress website.
Some WordPress plugins are:
Easy Digital Downloads
Or you can use a third party service, such as:
So there’s plenty of options to make your digital download a simple pay and receive process that happens completely without you, leading to a very passive income source to monetize your website with if set up correctly.
Sell an Online Course
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There are entrepreneurs and businesses out there selling premium online courses and making millions of dollars. Courses are quite popular and you can charge a decent amount for them, which is why they’re so effective.
You could charge $20, $50, $99, $299 or even $999 – depending on value delivered.
How much you deliver, the benefits if the information or how in demand it is. There are courses out there showing people how to make $100k a year with a certain business model or service and these courses can sell for $3000 or more!
Here are a few platforms you can use monetize with by creating Online Courses:
Learn worlds
Academy of mine
Course craft
Zippy online courses
Click 4 course
Digital chalk
If you’re using WordPress, there are also a number of plugins you can use:
MasterStudy LMS
WP Courseware
Good LMS
CoursePress Pro
I’ve personally haven’t created an online course yet, but as you can see there are definitely some options!
Sell a service
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This is open to your imagination!
This is how I was able to monetize my site and quit my job, by selling my design services online and now, thanks to websites like this one, work with people all over the world from home.
If you’re not sure what you should o, think of a problem you can solve with a service.  Then create a website to help advertise that service!
I tackled this in another post about making money online, but here are some ideas for freelancing or offering a service to monetize your website:
So, here are a few services that do well online in the freelance world:
Marketing / Social Media Management
Blogging / Writing
Graphic Design
Web Design
Teaching / Tutoring (Skype is perfect for this)
Translator / Interpreter
Legal Work
Virtual Assistant
Photo Editing
Video Editing
Audio Editing
Voice over work or voice acting
SEO services
Fitness or Health Coach
Consulting of any kind
Whatever skill you have that doesn’t require a physical presence
You can set up WooCommerce and charge through your website or even just bill them via email afterward.  If you want to get started and earning sooner rather than later than this is an excellent place to start.
Sell / Rent Ad Space
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This one is an oldie but still not a bad option, as it can be extremely passive. You can simply use space on your website to display ads. Industry profitability plays a factor in earnings which means your earnings may vary depending on the topic of your website.
Basically, more traffic usually means you earn more money.
There are several different ad types you can monetize with:
CPC – Cost per Click You display an ad on your website and when someone clicks on that advertisement you earn a small fee. A lot of people set up little niche sites that sit and passively earn money using this model.
Here are your options to sign up and start putting CPC Ads on your website:
Google AdSense – by far the most popular and best choice for many.
Vibrant Media
CPM  – Cost per Mille Basically, it means cost per thousand impressions. For every thousand impressions and ad gets on your website you earn a fee. A $2 CPM ($2 per thousand impressions) is seen as a decent benchmark, but it can go either way.
Here are some CPM Networks you can check out:
Propeller ads
Conversant Media
Exponential (Formerly Tribal Fusion)
CPL – Cost per Lead This means for every lead you generate (could be a phone call or email subscribe) you get paid a pre-determined amount.
Again, here are some options for you to check out to start with CPL Ads. However, the following networks also have other offers so you may need to do some digging to find CPL offers.
Rakuten affiliated network
Rent space by the month or week / predetermined price. You can simply negotiate yourself or use an agency that sells your ad space. A lot of websites monetize their traffic by having a page named ‘advertise’ with a table of rates.
This can be a good option to get a predetermined amount.  If you have time you can easily implement it yourself, although an ad network will offer more statistics for a fee – keeping your clients happy for the ads they pay for.
Here is where you can advertise and manage rented Ad space:
Smarty ads
Blog Ads
So you’ve got some options to consider if you’re going the route of Selling ad space!
Sponsored posts
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People are willing to pay you to post one of their articles on your site. Crazy, right? Well it’s a top way to monetize your blog.
Usually, this post includes a keyword/anchor text link people are trying to optimize for SEO or it could be to advertise products. You can put this under your advertising page or wait to be contacted via email.  Either way, I’ve made thousands from ‘out of the blue’ Sponsored Post deals in the past.
Affiliate marketing
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Sell other peoples stuff and receive a commission!
Affiliate marketing is immensely popular as it can pay quite well, with some products out there offering hundreds of dollars in commission.  You simply add a link to your website, if someone clicks on that link and follows through to make a purchase, a tracking cookie puts your name next to the purchase as an affiliate and you get paid. That’s it.
There is no shortage of Affiliate Programs out there to monetize your traffic wtih.  Look in the footer of many websites to see if they offer an affiliate program, or see one of the networks below.  Just be aware, these are the top networks but even this list barely scratches the surface of what opportunities are out there, so get out and do some digging!
Amazon Associates
CJ Affiliate by Conversant
eBay Partner Network
Heaps of business have their own affiliate program and use no network, as I mentioned earlier, check their website footer for ‘affiliate’ or ‘partner’ program – or even do a Google Search for  “(website name) affiliate program”.
Sell physical goods
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One of the oldest methods in the history of the human race – “here’s my thing, you can have it for $5!”.
Selling physical goods on an E-Commerce platform or through a marketplace like Amazon and send people to it. It can be a good way to make some money and can be relatively passive or active depending on how you go about it.
There are some avenues to consider:
Shipping goods yourself – the most active method, when a customer buys you take responsibility for sending the goods on.
Fulfillment – You buy stock, send it to a fulfillment agency (Amazon offers this) and when the sale is made, someone else ships it, you just pay the fee and receive your money for the sale, no physical work is involved.
Drop-shipping – similar to above, except you only pay for goods when they’re sold.  Someone buys an item you’ve listed, the company you’re buying from is notified and sends it to the customer.  You get paid for the sale, you then pay the dropshipping company.  No physical work involved (nice and passive, no upfront costs on products).
If you run a WordPress website that you want to monetize, you can install WooCommerce and sell through there or try a dedicated platform like Shopify – where you can either sell on your Shopify site or install their plugin and sell from your WordPress website.
If you want to use a fulfillment service, here’s a few you can check out:
Amazon FBA
Sell your own ‘Print on Demand’ Merchandise
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I’ve done a little bit of this in the past and continue to make a small amount of passive income from it today.
You can create a design or quote and upload it to a ‘Print on Demand’ store.  It works by listing the item on a website and printing it individually once it’s sold – you keep the profit.  There are many places you can do this, selling shirts, framed prints, stickers, mugs and a diverse range of goods.
Here are some options you can monetize with:
Amazon Merch
Fine Art America
Design by Humans
Refer products you sell elsewhere
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This kind of works with many of the above avenues.
If you make money anywhere else on the internet outside of your website, don’t be afraid to refer your own products. You could have a website that has no affiliate links, products or method of contact, and simply link out to your other site whether it be a Shopify Store, Merch store, Upwork profile, whatever.
Monetising a website doesn’t require everything to happen o on that exact website.
Rent-out your website (or areas of it)
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This is similar to selling ad space but on a much larger scale. With this method you monetize the entire website!
You create a website, rank through SEO, email marketing, blogging or whatever you do to get relevant traffic – and then you charge rent to someone to use it for their business. You can brand the site with their logo and contact details or rent out areas of the website to send them business.
This is one of the lesser talked about but still very popular methods that people use to make money with their websites.
Use it to promote your brick and mortar business
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Do you have a business or shop with a physical address?  Does your website discuss topics that are in line with that business?
Well, mention your business or shop and send people your way.  This works well if you can expand into online services or E-Commerce to truly take advantage of your online audience.
Connecting these two assets is an effective way to monetize traffic that can really bring in some extra money!
Accept donations & sponsorship
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Sometimes you can bring in some money by simply bypassing the whole exchange approach of selling and instead just ask for donation or sponsorship. It’s not the most effective way to monetize a site but it’s very non-aggressive. Paypal makes this easy with the Donate button you can add to your site which you can use for both options, offering one-off transactions or recurring transactions.
The difference between donating and sponsorship would be that a donation is received for your work and you can simply accept and leave it at that, stating that it will help keep your website funded and active.  Sponsorship would usually require something in return, such as a mention of the business somewhere or even some additional goods if you can think beyond that.
Many websites just have a “sponsors” section at the bottom of their main pages with a series of logos linking off to their websites. But there is another option which is a bit of a step up from there…
Run a Patreon Campaign
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If you have a YouTube Channel or website, you can easily start up a Patreon account.
Basically, users can choose their own fee amount to sponsor you with every month and you offer exclusive extras in return.  You can set levels of exclusive content by how much people are willing to pay and create a nice recurring income.
All you need to do is continually offer quality and keep people interested. You can monetize a website, a YouTube channel or whatever you prefer using Patreon.
Offer Premium Content
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Level up the content you’re already offering and monetize your site by offering it in a premium package.
You can sell a monthly or 12 monthly membership, or simply allow people to purchase each piece of content one by one.  Either way, this can be a good way to generate some extra money for doing a little extra of what you’re already doing.
There are a few options for creating a membership website:
MemberPress (plugin for WordPress)
Wild Apricot
Digital Access Pass
You can offer a ‘pay per page’ option with the use of WooCommerce and the ‘Pay Per Post‘ Plugin
Combine with YouTube or a Podcast.
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You know if you reach 1000 YouTube Subscribers and 40,000+ views over a 12 month period, you can monetize your videos, right?
Well, if you have a highly trafficked website, embed those YouTube videos into your site to get them more views and therefore – more ad revenue. This combination can be advantageous as your YouTube Channel can promote your website, and your website promotes your YouTube channel. It’s like combining superpowers!
If you don’t know how to embed videos or start a YouTube Channel, check out my post How to Start a YouTube Channel (and Upload your 1st Video).
The same approach can be applied to podcasting. It’s another indirect ay to monetize your traffic.
You start a podcast, promote it on your website and then gain sponsorship or sell affiliate products through your podcast. You can even create blog posts and have the podcast available in MP3 format for people to listen to.
Combine some of the above
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You don’t need to stick to only one avenue of monetization.
You can combine a heap of these all into one website. Some of my niche sites sell Ad-Space,  a Premium E-book,  affiliate products and combine with my YouTube Channel.  While many out there offer digital products, an online course, and sponsorship through their Podcast – which they promote on their website.
There’s nothing stopping you from combining as many of these avenues as are compatible – some simply won’t mix well though.  For example, you wouldn’t rent out an entire website to a business and plaster it with ads and your own affiliate links. That’s just poor value.
But you can start with one and expand as you go, or simply respond to the demand of your audience by introducing products that solve their problems.
Flip your website
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If you’re not happy with your site, move on…
…but get paid to move on!
Websites can sell anywhere from $100 to $100 million.  It’s not a consistent form of monetization as you only earn from your website once with this method. But you can do it to multiple websites.
If you get decent traffic and earn a little bit of money, you can usually get a few thousand dollars. You’ll need to get a proper valuation though.
Here are a few marketplaces where you can list your website for sale:
Empire Flippers
It is interesting to look at what’s available for reference – or you may even find a website you’re willing to buy.  You can consider buying a website and using it to earn an income or you can simply by, give it a little work and sell it at a higher price.
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Have a question or option that I missed? Please leave a comment below so we can continue to improve this posts. Thanks for reading, and have a good day!
Get Started Related Blog Posts:
Top 30 Ways to Make Money Online
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44 Affiliate Marketing Tips to Help You Earn More Commissions
source https://wellbuildyourblog.com/make-money-monetize-website/
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caramelstroopwafel · 7 years
brief visitation
aka the mp100 timetravel fic no one (but ao prob) asked for. it's the 19th where u were born so happy birthday u lemonhead
The distant sound of the city’s heart floats in through the ajar window, a muted cacophony of chatter, soles on pavement, and rolling engines. The climate is an odd mix of arid and humid this time of year. The sun is shining, grand cumulous clouds are painted generously just above the horizon, and the sky’s endless blue makes for a good medium to drown oneself in. It’s a beautiful day.
Reigen sits back in his sofa with an open book sitting in his lap and an unlit cigarette in hand. He leans heavily on his side as he twirls the cigarette in his hand. His gaze darts up to the lighter sitting next to the ashtray.
For now, both the eastern and western-facing windows are ajar, inviting a gentle breeze that both cools and keeps the air fresh. There have been no customers to walk in since opening up. He contemplates having his fourth smoke of the day.
The two-note chime signalling a customer rings out in the empty office, and his aborted movement shifts as he moves the book to the end table in a fluid motion. He tucks the unlit cigarette into his jacket pocket for later.
The door to the office closes with an audible click, and he spins around as he affects his brightest smile. “Yes, hello, welcome! What do you need?”
The first thing Reigen thinks is that the man who just walked in looks awfully cool for such heavy clothes. A black turtleneck? Seems a little much this late in spring, in his opinion, and the grey blazer over it doesn’t seem to be made of a light material in the slightest.
The man blinks, then smiles--a small, but strangely warm thing from a stranger. “I guess I’m here for a consultation.”
Reigen has been in this business for a year, which is plenty of time to develop a sense for the type of people that generally frequent this building. Troubled is a solid, general term that fits, as is uncertain (and privately, “gullible” is another, though he prefers to use the words “trusting” and “wise” out loud). A quick glance gives Reigen the impression that the man doesn't seem particularly troubled or uncertain. But he doesn’t turn away potential customers, so.
“I see, I see,” he says as he strolls over to his bookshelf to grab the small chair nestling at its corner. He scoots it into place directly before his desk and makes his way to his own seat, gesturing in front of him with his smile still in place. “So what seems to be the problem?”
The man just manages to make it to the chair when Reigen continues to speak, arms waving about in wide motions. “Is there a heavy weight on your shoulders? Shooting pains? A feeling of someone--or something--watching? A sudden turn of bad luck? Whatever it is, I can surely resolve it!” He pauses, affecting a look of belated realization before turning to his stack of flyers to the side. “In fact, I have a bargain going on right now, with varying reduction rates depending on which course you go with…”
“There isn’t a problem.”
Reigen pauses to glance at the client. His expression is hard to read, but he still seems relaxed.
“Not really, at least,” the man continues. “It’s...something that’ll smooth out eventually. I suppose I’m just passing the time, for now.”
“But if you wait, the problem could get worse!” Reigen shouts emphatically, leaping from his chair. “That sort of lackadaisical attitude is exactly what leaves clients at a loss, making possession a very terrifying possibility and leading to an even worse situation--especially when a particularly malevolent spirit is involved!” He slams his hand down on his desk, staring down the man with a grave look. “Waiting for things to blow over never works with spirits. The more time you spend not doing anything, the more time they have to--“
“No, I think I’m all right,” the man interrupts smoothly. He looks amused. “But thank you.”
Reigen takes a moment to examine the individual sitting across from him, expression smoothing out into one of neutrality. “... Well, if you don’t need any help then I don’t see any reason for you to stay.” He falls into his chair and throws his arms out in a shrug. “I understand that you might be bored while you wait for, for whatever it is to fix itself, but I’m running a business. Can’t afford to lose foot traffic just because a window-shopper without any issues is hanging around.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll pay you for your time.” The man fiddles with a strand of hair to the side of his face. It’s a bit of an old-fashioned look, but it’s worn well. Seems like one that he’s comfortable with.
A lot about the man seems to be comfortable and relaxed.
Reigen isn’t as much.
“My prices are cheap compared to a lot of other places,” he says, “but it still isn’t something pocket change can cover. My cheapest price for exorcism runs at two-hundred.”
The man waves his hand in the air dismissively. It’s an uncomfortably familiar motion. “I have the money, it’ll be fine.”
Reigen bites back the immediate reply of no, and takes a quick glance at his watch. It’s half-past three, and aside from the man sitting across from him he hasn’t had anyone walk into this office since opening up. He doesn’t run this business for money, but it’s pay he could use, and it isn’t as though there’s any guarantee an actual customer will come by anytime soon.
(And if they do, he can just kick the guy out. Or sucker him into helping, if he’s so keen on sticking around.)
“Fine. You can hang around or whatever for a little while.” He juts his finger at the man, eyes narrowed in an intimidating way. “But don’t try anything funny. I’m a green-belt in Shorinji Kenpo and I get ornery customers all the time.”
The thinly veiled threat doesn’t elicit the desired effect. Instead, the reply is a small shrug and a simple, “yes, of course,” before the man about-faces and wanders over to the coffee table.
Reigen pulls his laptop closer and adjusts the angle of the screen when the glare shines harshly in his eyes. He watches the man through his peripherals, his gaze lingering somewhere in the corner of his laptop screen.
He seems to wander the room a bit, taking in the structure and placement of objects and...who knows, really. He picks up the ashtray and inspects it for a few moments before putting it back down in its original position.
He hardly seems to care that he’s hanging around a stranger’s workspace, whether it’s discomfort at the fact he’s in an unfamiliar place or common courtesy in the “don’t touch what isn’t yours” way. Reigen doesn’t really care, and if he did he wouldn’t have relented in the first place.
He does feel an odd swell of offense when the man walks over to the plant and pointedly swipes a finger across one of the leaves, rubbing dust between his fingers. He doesn’t even look over at Reigen but the message (self-fabricated or not) is still there.
A couple more minutes of quiet observing and mere curiosity has Reigen relaxing, figuring the man is trustworthy enough to not filch anything. (Not that there is anything particularly worth stealing here, but Reigen still likes his belongings right where they are, so. The worry was still there.)
With one last glance to the uninvited guest, Reigen pulls up a webpage and decides to surf the internet to pass the time.
Cat video. Cats. Oh, that’s a cute dog. What a good dog. Huh, I didn’t know snakes could do that. What is he doing with that hose? A how-to-bake video… Chocolate chip cookies sound good right now. Oh. It’s one of those videos. With the eggs. Why is he wearing a pink bodysuit?… Is he okay? Oh shit that--fireworks to the ass, all right. Ouch.
Reigen clicks on the next video with an interesting-looking thumbnail, leaning heavily on his left arm when a black screen pops up. He taps his mouse impatiently as he waits for the five second timer to end.
It’s a twenty-second video. Why does it even have an advertisement?
Personally, he thinks it’s a waste of money to have these useless ads on videos. There’s a five-second cooldown that makes any minute-or-more advertisement pretty much pointless, since anyone there for the video is guaranteed to skip the ad. It’s not like it actually nets a large amount of customers. If anything, in Reigen’s own experience, it just makes him want to spitefully avoid whatever it is that’s being advertised.
He also knows he’s talking (thinking) out of his ass and just irritated at nothing.
Now, making his own videos and letting big corporations burn cash by setting their skippable ads on his content… That’s something that could work, actually. Maybe. How does monetizing on this website work? Reigen’s never really thought about it before, but business has been pretty slow this month. Maybe he could use whatever business opportunities reaching out to the internet communities will give him…
He pauses halfway down the FAQ page and sits back in his chair with a sigh.
Of course, he’s not even sure he’s going to continue this business for much longer. The original appeal of having his own spirits consultation office has faded away to a feeling of monotony. He mostly gives people massages, and being a masseur isn’t anything really interesting to him.
Something is dropped on his desk, and his gaze darts over to the book now sitting to the side of his laptop. It’s the book he was skimming earlier.
“Throw this away.”
Reigen turns his gaze up to the man staring down at him, a remark already on the tip of his tongue--
“Ibara Masato is a scam artist,” the man says before he can get a word out. Looking carefully, his expression is more dead-serious than anything priggish. “His works have some credence, but it’s mostly due to him collecting official works from licensed individuals and piling them together to create something that’s half truth and half bullshit.”
Reigen takes a moment to mentally interject I got that book for free, so that’s not too surprising, followed by I guess all con artists operate by that code.
“Read something from Lian, or Zang-hee. They’re licensed individuals with experience in the field.” A pause. “I wouldn’t recommend you try acupuncture without formal training, though.”
Reigen snatches the book away, waving his free hand wildly in the air to dismiss the thought. “Obviously. I only read the books, I don’t--I’m just curious. I wouldn’t actually try something like that on a customer.”
He’s not even lying, either--his interest in this book in particular was only for the information on pressure points. Massages are one thing, acupuncture not only requires the proper materials but is a pretty invasive procedure. Sure, he’s entertained the idea, maybe to test on himself first but…
“I figured I’d let you know anyway. It’s better than trying it on yourself and accidentally paralyzing your arm for a day.”
Well that’s weirdly specific.
Reigen stares at the book in his hand, scrutinizing it carefully as if gazing at it long enough will magically reveal all of its secrets. Unsurprisingly, nothing happens.
He settles for placing the book at the edge of his desk for later consideration. When he looks up, he finds the man is seated in the far sofa, apparently having commandeered another one of Reigen’s books to actually read instead of criticize this time.
Something in the corner of Reigen’s eyes shifts, and he forces the startled surprise from showing on his face when he remembers that yes, there was someone else here.
I forgot he was here. How did I forget there was someone here? I mean, he doesn’t look like anyone really memorable sure, but he’s in my office and--how…?
The man walks up to the desk and Reigen affects a questioning, expectant look.
“I have to go soon,” he says, withdrawing what looks to be a small notebook from his pocket. He motions for Reigen to take it, and hands it over.
It’s not a notebook.
“What--” Reigen stares in shock at the bills folded neatly between leather, but he isn’t so shocked that he can’t thumb through them surreptitiously and shift them into the light to check for counterfeit--oh, okay, they’re real. Holy shit.
Did… Did the guy just give him his damn wallet?
“Um.” A true intellectual inspiration.
“It’s not my wallet if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“It’s not your wallet,” Reigen blurts out, “then whose wallet is it!? I don’t--I’m not going to take stolen money!” He feels just slightly frantic because, sure, he runs a business that isn’t entirely honest but he doesn’t steal and--
Just who the hell is this guy if he stole this much money!?
Silence falls in the office, Reigen waiting for the man to pull out a knife or something and say that it was all a ruse, blah blah “give me all the money you have,” while the maybe-maybe-not criminal stares at him with wide-eyes.
The moment passes and the man laughs.
Which, is kinda surprising, but why beyond “oh god he’s laughing, is that confirmation or something else” is something Reigen can’t actually figure out. Maybe he shouldn’t have come to work today.
“It’s not stolen, either,” the man says eventually, laughter subsided but eyes still creased around the edges. “It’s honest money. I just… I can’t take it with me, is all.”
Reigen is doubtful, but the man doesn’t really…seem...like he’s lying. And Reigen has enough pride in his ability to handle people that he trusts his intuition. Sorta. “This is still too much,” he says, grimacing as he holds the money--a small fortune, why the hell is this guy carrying around a small fortune in his pocket--out to the man. “About a whole digit...or two...too much. This isn’t--“
“Use it to buy some better reference materials. And maybe something for the empty corner over there.” He glances over to said empty corner by the door. He turns back and smiles, the tilt barely discernable but genuine all the same. “This was interesting.”
He blinks, expression fading back to neutrality, and turns. “I’ll show the client in.”
Reigen glances from the man, the far wall, and the wad of cash in his hand. He is confused.
But as the man reaches the door, the chime goes off. A quiet “Excuse me,” is heard, and Reigen hears the man reply “he’s right inside.”
Reigen stands abruptly as the woman is led inside. The man smiles, nods his head and disappears around the corner.
It belatedly occurs to him that he never learned his name.
“Um, excuse me?” the woman hedges tentatively, “I’m here for a consultation…”
True to form, Reigen snaps back to reality. “... Uh. Ah, I mean--yes! Yes, come in, make yourself comfortable…”
He makes one last glance to the door, now shut, before directing the client to his desk.
(It’s something a quick massage fixes easily, and not even an hour later the client is leaving with a content smile on her face. Reigen leans heavily into his sofa and wonders about possible careers, weird customers with too much free time, and bowl cuts.)
(Five minutes later, a client of diminutive size and voice steps into the office. He is troubled.
His name is Kageyama Shigeo, and he is an esper.)
i heard @athanatosora wasnt feeling good so heres ur recycled timetravel trash i hope u feel better saltfry
p.s. pls excuse my dusty af writing it’s been a while+present tense doesnt like me. p.p.s.  i cant title for shit but i hope u liked it anyway
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lisakellner · 4 years
What do you do when art systems crumble?
When it’s time for a total overhaul
Important: If you are in a dire situation, click on this list of emergency resources.
What to do when art systems crumble:
We are in a time of upheaval.  Galleries close, museums cut services, jobs are suspended or lost.  The system we have been relying on for so long is coming apart at the seams.
I want to offer some real tools to help you move forward.
1. Feel What you’re feeling.
What ever you are experiencing right now is okay.  Take the time to really feel the emotions going through you.
 I had a great mentor that gave me some valuable advice.  She told me that whenever she experienced something bad, she would stop what she’s doing and take fifteen solid minutes to really feel the emotions.
 It’s important to acknowledge the impact this particular event is having on you in this moment.
 Whatever you feel is the right feeling to have right now.  Take the time and embrace it.
 One effective tool is to acknowledge the feeling yet separate yourself from it.
Instead of saying, “I am angry and frustrated about xyz”, try this instead:
 ”I feel anger and frustration about xyz.” You can have the feelings without them completely overtaking who you are.
2.  Get in the right Mindset.
When you are ready, ease yourself into a better mindset.  What does that mean exactly?  You can’t get out of this situation, if you have a defeatist attitude. 
You have to be able to shift your thinking.  New scenarios require new ways of problem solving. 
Check out this blog post:  Why the Right Mindset matters.
 Each day, try to immerse yourself in a new activity.  See whether this activity shifts your thinking, even if its for a few minutes.  It takes time to change your mindset.
 I recently went through my own personal journey of shifting my mindset.  I wish I could tell you it took a day or even a few weeks.  Like all good things, it took time. (In my case a couple years.) But the outcome is that this shift became permanent. And I am so grateful for that!
 Just start on the journey of a new mindset for a new era; one that empowers you to achieve, not makes you reliant on systems outside of your control.
3.  Believe (and Know) that you will get through this.
“You are what you believe yourself to be.”
— Paulo Coelho
Make sure your true belief system is in alignment with your actions and your thoughts.
 It’s one thing to say I believe “abc”, but you also have to know it with every cell in your body.  It has to become a part of you; impervious to outside influences.
 Sounds simple, but not always so easy.
 Use this time when all things around you are seemingly declining, to renew your belief system about yourself.  Repeat until you know it innately:
 You are perfectly capable of finding your way through anything.
You are successful and thriving. 
 Nothing can get in your way of your own success.
 If you can’t get there quite yet, the first step is being aware that your belief system is not in sync with your own ability to prosper.  You want to be successful.  If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be struggling right now.  Be cognizant that you might be placing some roadblocks in your own way.
 Once you understand that the biggest thing holding you back is your own set of beliefs, then - and only then - can you change them.
4.  Diversify your income and your strategy
I have been through a recession (actually three) and have learned a thing or two along the way.  The first one hit two months after I graduated college.  As I watched everyone around me being laid off or fired, I spent each day waiting for the ball to drop.
 I decided right then and there to never depend solely on one source of income.
 Diversify your income AND your strategy.
Let’s talk strategy first.
 As an artist in the time we are currently living in, I strongly suggest that you do not rely on one source for exhibiting and selling your work.  Diversify.  If you are completely dependent on galleries (one or more) to get your work seen and sold, then you are NOT diversified.
 What happens when those galleries close or a pandemic forcibly shuts them down?
 In the financial world, not being diversified is foolish - to say the least. An investor would not just invest in oil companies or soft drink companies.  A smart investor would make sure their portfolio is well diversified.
 A smart artist should do the same. Your investment of time, energy and money required to make your work should embolden you to never fully rely on one outlet for your success.
 It’s time to come up with multiple streams for promoting, exhibiting and selling your work. Use this time to gear up and create a strategy that will once again place you on a firm foundation.  Force yourself to think of innovative ways that maybe you haven’t considered before.
 Take a look around.  there are many artists already doing this.  Start an online course or YouTube channel that you can monetize.  Create a Patreon membership offering a service or product that is really valuable.  Use Zoom to show you working in the studio and ask for a “Pay what You Want” donation.  Create your own online exhibition or studio tour.
 The point is stop relying on old systems to get you through this new landscape.
Okay, finances.
 I have always felt that a secondary source of income is a must have, for everyone but especially for artists.  Having that source of income not within the arts makes it a diversified income source.
 You want to be recession proof.
 Look around right now and assess what industries are actually thriving (or at least sustaining) during this time.  I can think of a few.
 All indicators point to a flourishing online economy - like it or not.  Get yourself a foothold online so that you can profit from this already burgeoning system.  The beauty of it is, you can be online and remain independent.
 Another overlooked system is the most local one near you.  What is working and what isn’t right now in your local landscape?   How can you provide something that works here? No matter where you live, growing and providing food will always be in demand.  Is there a way to use your creativity to profit from a local food system?
 What about a passive income source?  Write an eBook and sell it.  Use your art in new ways to earn for you. Create an awesome t-shirt with your own distinctive style!
Passive income streams inside and outside of the arts are a viable source of secondary income.
 Finally, keep your expenses low.  (I’ll have more on this at a future date.)
Suffice it to say there are two things you can do immediately to reduce your expenses.
Eliminate ALL unnecessary monthly subscriptions.
Communicate honestly about your situation to those who you owe money to.  This includes your landlord, credit card company, bank, etc.  You would be surprised how many people, and businesses, are willing to work with you when you are genuine (and respectful) in your communication!
5.  Be of service
I know.  You’re thinking, how can I help others when I am suffering myself?
 When times are tough and people come together, the world opens and the potential for opportunity is suddenly realized.
 It’s important to get outside of yourself and help others.
 When you do this, an interesting thing happens.  You begin to problem solve for other people and it leads to new ways of thinking (mindset revamp) and new ways of doing.
 Be being unselfish, you start to see things in a new light, finding ways around a problem that perhaps you hadn’t considered before. Then, you start applying these to your OWN life.  Amazing!
 I challenge you right now to use your art and your creative skills to find a way to serve your audience.  When we help others we put into context our own problems and take on a larger perspective of how the world works.  Always a useful tool.
6.  Build your own thing
As old systems begin to crumble, the opportunity arises for you to create your own system.  One that relies mostly on you and not on things out of your control.
 A stand of trees in the woods depends on each other.  Yet, each tree has to have a strong root system and trunk in order to survive the worst of storms.
 Decide right now to rebuild your own foundation and be impervious to future crises.
 Creating a strategy and building your won system is something I focus on in my One to One coaching sessions.
 Begin with a website.  If you already have one, do a total revamp and make sure that your website reflects the new you. 
 Start to create your own community.  Don’t just commiserate with other artists about how bad things are. 
Be a part of the change that needs to happen.
What is lacking right now?  Be the solution for it. You are smart and you are creative.  Use these skills to change the problem rather than just succumbing to it.
Take your power back.
7.  Get the right kind of help
Reach outside of yourself for new information, new skills and new mentors.
There is plenty of information online that can help you through.  Or you can find someone you trust to help you with a strategy for the future.  This will pass and we will get through it.  You decide how that is going to happen.
If you want to take this further, here’s how I can help you: The Artist Essentials  One on One Method.
In Summary:
What to do when art systems crumble:
Feel what you’re feeling.
Get in the right mindset.
Believe and Know that you will get through this.
Diversify your income and your strategy.
Be of service.
Build your own thing.
Get the help you need. Sign up for personal, tailored advice with The Artist Essentials Services.
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samuelfields · 4 years
How to Make Money With Photography
Taking a hobby that you enjoy and turning it into a way to earn some cash is an amazing dream. If you love photography, you can turn this dream into a reality.
Whether you’ve been taking photos for years or you’re new to the trade, there are plenty of different ways to make money with this skill.
Depending on how much effort you put into it, photography can become a career for you. It’s also a great side-hustle to make extra cash in your free time.
With dozens of possible ways to make money with photography, I’ve narrowed down the top ten for you to consider.
Take Pictures For Small Businesses
Every business needs visual content. Whether it be for their website or social media channels, the demand has never been higher.
If you’ve got a decent camera and some basic photography skills, you can pitch your services to local businesses. Drop by and introduce yourself in person or contact them via phone or email.
You can take pictures of their storefront, products, vehicles, or even their employees. Local restaurants might need professional shots of their food for the website, digital menu, or social media posts. The opportunities here are endless.
If you’re new and having trouble getting your foot in the door somewhere, take a couple of shots ahead of time to show off your work.
For example, let’s say you want to work with a local pizza shop. Take some photos of the building’s exterior. Go inside, order a pizza, and take a few pictures of your food. Now you can approach the owner to showcase the quality of your work.
Teach Photography Skills
If you’ve mastered the art of photography, you can sell your knowledge through a wide range of channels and mediums.
Consider writing an ebook or digital tutorial on basic, intermediate, and digital photography skills. This will be the best way to reach the most amount of people. You’ll have to put in some work to create these, but the investment is extremely low, and mostly consists of your time.
Alternatively, you can sell seats to photography webinars. In this case, you’ll give a photography lecture to a live digital audience.
The highest-paying photography education would be in-person lessons. You could charge for one-on-one or small group sessions to photographers in your area.
You can even make money by giving free photography lessons. Upload a wide range of photography tutorials to YouTube. If you drive enough traffic to those videos, you can monetize them with advertising revenue.
Sell Your Original Photographs
If you’ve been a photographer for a while, you probably have hundreds or even thousands of pictures saved on your computer, cloud, or external hard drive.
Create a portfolio with your best shots and sell them. There are lots of different ways to do this.
One option is to submit your photos to stock photography websites. You can earn commission by licensing photos of your work though platforms like Shutterstock, iStock, and BigStock.
To sell your work at a higher price point, you can offer physical prints as well. Use a popular website builder like Wix or Squarespace. Both of these platforms have specific tools and features for selling photography.
Alternatively, you can take your original prints to local markets and art fairs. Register for a booth and sell them in-person. This will require a bit more work, and you’ll need to spend the money in advance on prints. But some larger prints can go for hundreds or even thousands of dollars at these types of events.
Blog About Photography
You can make money with photography without selling a single photo. If you’ve got good writing skills, consider starting a photography blog.
There are endless topics that you can publish on your blog. Here are a few general ideas to get your mind thinking in the right direction:
Photography “how-to” guides
Camera reviews
Photography tips, tricks, and best practices
Travel photography stories
Editing software tutorials
Best bags for camera storage and transportation
Niche photography categories
The list goes on and on. You can even use your blog as an extension for some of these other methods, like selling photos and teaching skills.
Once your blog starts generating traffic, there are plenty of ways for you to monetize it. You can sell advertising space, digital products, prints, or join a photography affiliate program.
For example, let’s say you become a Cannon affiliate.
If you write reviews on their products, you can use your affiliate link to direct your visitors to the Cannon website. When someone makes a purchase using your referral, you’ll earn 2.5%+ in commission. Considering that those cameras can sell for thousands of dollars, your commission can add up quickly.
Partner With Real Estate Agents
Like most industries, the home-buying process is moving in a digital direction. Buyers are only considering houses with a wide range of high-quality photos online.
This has created a high demand for skilled photographers in the real estate industry.
Agents are willing to shell out big bucks to photographers who can help them sell houses. You can probably photograph the entire inside and outside of a home in just an hour or two at most.
At a minimum, these types of jobs can easily pay a few hundred dollars. If you’re photographing a high-value home, the agent might have the incentive and budget to pay you more for your work.
You’ll definitely need some good photo editing skills to offer the full package to your real estate clients. But once you establish a relationship with different agents, you can establish a nice stream of ongoing income each time they list a new property.
Become a Social Influencer
One of the most cost-effective ways to make money with photography is by uploading your content to social media. I’m sure the majority of you already have an Instagram account. If not, you can create one for free.
Dedicate your Instagram page to photography. Learn how to get more followers by interacting with other photography accounts and using relevant hashtags.
Once you start to gain thousands of followers, you can leverage your following by partnering with brands.
Companies can pay you to promote their products and services. The more followers you have, the more money this will pay.
For example, a backpack and luggage company might pay you to showcase their bags for transporting camera equipment. A protein bar business could pay you to promote their products as a snack you eat while shooting outdoors. The possibilities here are endless.
Influencer marketing has been trending upward for years now, with no signs of slowing down in the near future. More brands are allocating higher budgets to spend on influencers.
If you’re starting from scratch, the path can be a bit slow at first. But once you hit that 10k follower mark, it will be much easier to make money using this tactic.
Photograph Events
Carve out a niche by offering your photography services at events. Depending on the gig, these jobs can range anywhere from a couple hundred to several thousand dollars.
Examples of events include:
Birthday parties
School plays
Town fairs
Bar mitzvahs
Anniversary parties
Industry conferences
Company events
The pay will obviously vary based on your skill level and magnitude of the event. For example, a small family birthday party likely won’t pay as much as a full-day wedding where you’ll need to travel to multiple locations.
Master Your Editing Skills
Knowing how to use photo editing software is just as valuable as knowing how to take great pictures. Lots of other money-making photography tactics can be applied to photo editing as well.
For example, you can teach other photographers how to use different editing software. You can also join an editing software affiliate program and use your blog to give editing tips.
Editing will definitely come in handy if you’re working with models. They might want some of their photos touched up, enhanced, and brushed before they consider submitting shots to magazines or uploading them to a personal portfolio.
Start a Local Photo Tour
Do you live in an area with exceptional photo opportunities? As a local, you’ll know all of the best spots to capture these images.
Maybe you live by a beach and know the perfect location for catching the sunset. Or perhaps you live in the city and know how to get a cool perspective of the buildings. Does your town have a historic district with old buildings and beautiful fall foliage?
Regardless of the scenario, you can take other photographers on a local tour.
The pay for these tours will vary on a wide range of factors. For example, people are willing to pay more money for a full-day tour with transportation provided to multiple sites compared to a two-hour walking tour.
But you’ll be able to dictate these terms based on your availability, resources, demand, and location.
Enter a Photo Contest
One or two of your photos could strike gold if you win the right contest. Winning the right contest can also have a huge impact on your brand.
The International Photography Awards has awarded $290,000 in cash prizes to date. They are giving away $47,500 in cash prizes at an upcoming photo exhibition.
National Geographic runs annual photo contests as well.
While winning thousands of dollars in a big photo contest might be a longshot, the exposure you’ll get from entering can help you make money using other methods. Plus, there’s always the possibility that your entry will result in a cash prize.
How to Make Money With Photography is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Finance https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/how-to-make-money-with-photography/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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andrewdburton · 4 years
How to Make Money With Photography
Taking a hobby that you enjoy and turning it into a way to earn some cash is an amazing dream. If you love photography, you can turn this dream into a reality.
Whether you’ve been taking photos for years or you’re new to the trade, there are plenty of different ways to make money with this skill.
Depending on how much effort you put into it, photography can become a career for you. It’s also a great side-hustle to make extra cash in your free time.
With dozens of possible ways to make money with photography, I’ve narrowed down the top ten for you to consider.
Take Pictures For Small Businesses
Every business needs visual content. Whether it be for their website or social media channels, the demand has never been higher.
If you’ve got a decent camera and some basic photography skills, you can pitch your services to local businesses. Drop by and introduce yourself in person or contact them via phone or email.
You can take pictures of their storefront, products, vehicles, or even their employees. Local restaurants might need professional shots of their food for the website, digital menu, or social media posts. The opportunities here are endless.
If you’re new and having trouble getting your foot in the door somewhere, take a couple of shots ahead of time to show off your work.
For example, let’s say you want to work with a local pizza shop. Take some photos of the building’s exterior. Go inside, order a pizza, and take a few pictures of your food. Now you can approach the owner to showcase the quality of your work.
Teach Photography Skills
If you’ve mastered the art of photography, you can sell your knowledge through a wide range of channels and mediums.
Consider writing an ebook or digital tutorial on basic, intermediate, and digital photography skills. This will be the best way to reach the most amount of people. You’ll have to put in some work to create these, but the investment is extremely low, and mostly consists of your time.
Alternatively, you can sell seats to photography webinars. In this case, you’ll give a photography lecture to a live digital audience.
The highest-paying photography education would be in-person lessons. You could charge for one-on-one or small group sessions to photographers in your area.
You can even make money by giving free photography lessons. Upload a wide range of photography tutorials to YouTube. If you drive enough traffic to those videos, you can monetize them with advertising revenue.
Sell Your Original Photographs
If you’ve been a photographer for a while, you probably have hundreds or even thousands of pictures saved on your computer, cloud, or external hard drive.
Create a portfolio with your best shots and sell them. There are lots of different ways to do this.
One option is to submit your photos to stock photography websites. You can earn commission by licensing photos of your work though platforms like Shutterstock, iStock, and BigStock.
To sell your work at a higher price point, you can offer physical prints as well. Use a popular website builder like Wix or Squarespace. Both of these platforms have specific tools and features for selling photography.
Alternatively, you can take your original prints to local markets and art fairs. Register for a booth and sell them in-person. This will require a bit more work, and you’ll need to spend the money in advance on prints. But some larger prints can go for hundreds or even thousands of dollars at these types of events.
Blog About Photography
You can make money with photography without selling a single photo. If you’ve got good writing skills, consider starting a photography blog.
There are endless topics that you can publish on your blog. Here are a few general ideas to get your mind thinking in the right direction:
Photography “how-to” guides
Camera reviews
Photography tips, tricks, and best practices
Travel photography stories
Editing software tutorials
Best bags for camera storage and transportation
Niche photography categories
The list goes on and on. You can even use your blog as an extension for some of these other methods, like selling photos and teaching skills.
Once your blog starts generating traffic, there are plenty of ways for you to monetize it. You can sell advertising space, digital products, prints, or join a photography affiliate program.
For example, let’s say you become a Cannon affiliate.
If you write reviews on their products, you can use your affiliate link to direct your visitors to the Cannon website. When someone makes a purchase using your referral, you’ll earn 2.5%+ in commission. Considering that those cameras can sell for thousands of dollars, your commission can add up quickly.
Partner With Real Estate Agents
Like most industries, the home-buying process is moving in a digital direction. Buyers are only considering houses with a wide range of high-quality photos online.
This has created a high demand for skilled photographers in the real estate industry.
Agents are willing to shell out big bucks to photographers who can help them sell houses. You can probably photograph the entire inside and outside of a home in just an hour or two at most.
At a minimum, these types of jobs can easily pay a few hundred dollars. If you’re photographing a high-value home, the agent might have the incentive and budget to pay you more for your work.
You’ll definitely need some good photo editing skills to offer the full package to your real estate clients. But once you establish a relationship with different agents, you can establish a nice stream of ongoing income each time they list a new property.
Become a Social Influencer
One of the most cost-effective ways to make money with photography is by uploading your content to social media. I’m sure the majority of you already have an Instagram account. If not, you can create one for free.
Dedicate your Instagram page to photography. Learn how to get more followers by interacting with other photography accounts and using relevant hashtags.
Once you start to gain thousands of followers, you can leverage your following by partnering with brands.
Companies can pay you to promote their products and services. The more followers you have, the more money this will pay.
For example, a backpack and luggage company might pay you to showcase their bags for transporting camera equipment. A protein bar business could pay you to promote their products as a snack you eat while shooting outdoors. The possibilities here are endless.
Influencer marketing has been trending upward for years now, with no signs of slowing down in the near future. More brands are allocating higher budgets to spend on influencers.
If you’re starting from scratch, the path can be a bit slow at first. But once you hit that 10k follower mark, it will be much easier to make money using this tactic.
Photograph Events
Carve out a niche by offering your photography services at events. Depending on the gig, these jobs can range anywhere from a couple hundred to several thousand dollars.
Examples of events include:
Birthday parties
School plays
Town fairs
Bar mitzvahs
Anniversary parties
Industry conferences
Company events
The pay will obviously vary based on your skill level and magnitude of the event. For example, a small family birthday party likely won’t pay as much as a full-day wedding where you’ll need to travel to multiple locations.
Master Your Editing Skills
Knowing how to use photo editing software is just as valuable as knowing how to take great pictures. Lots of other money-making photography tactics can be applied to photo editing as well.
For example, you can teach other photographers how to use different editing software. You can also join an editing software affiliate program and use your blog to give editing tips.
Editing will definitely come in handy if you’re working with models. They might want some of their photos touched up, enhanced, and brushed before they consider submitting shots to magazines or uploading them to a personal portfolio.
Start a Local Photo Tour
Do you live in an area with exceptional photo opportunities? As a local, you’ll know all of the best spots to capture these images.
Maybe you live by a beach and know the perfect location for catching the sunset. Or perhaps you live in the city and know how to get a cool perspective of the buildings. Does your town have a historic district with old buildings and beautiful fall foliage?
Regardless of the scenario, you can take other photographers on a local tour.
The pay for these tours will vary on a wide range of factors. For example, people are willing to pay more money for a full-day tour with transportation provided to multiple sites compared to a two-hour walking tour.
But you’ll be able to dictate these terms based on your availability, resources, demand, and location.
Enter a Photo Contest
One or two of your photos could strike gold if you win the right contest. Winning the right contest can also have a huge impact on your brand.
The International Photography Awards has awarded $290,000 in cash prizes to date. They are giving away $47,500 in cash prizes at an upcoming photo exhibition.
National Geographic runs annual photo contests as well.
While winning thousands of dollars in a big photo contest might be a longshot, the exposure you’ll get from entering can help you make money using other methods. Plus, there’s always the possibility that your entry will result in a cash prize.
How to Make Money With Photography is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Finance https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/how-to-make-money-with-photography/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
paulckrueger · 4 years
How to Make Money With Photography
Taking a hobby that you enjoy and turning it into a way to earn some cash is an amazing dream. If you love photography, you can turn this dream into a reality.
Whether you’ve been taking photos for years or you’re new to the trade, there are plenty of different ways to make money with this skill.
Depending on how much effort you put into it, photography can become a career for you. It’s also a great side-hustle to make extra cash in your free time.
With dozens of possible ways to make money with photography, I’ve narrowed down the top ten for you to consider.
Take Pictures For Small Businesses
Every business needs visual content. Whether it be for their website or social media channels, the demand has never been higher.
If you’ve got a decent camera and some basic photography skills, you can pitch your services to local businesses. Drop by and introduce yourself in person or contact them via phone or email.
You can take pictures of their storefront, products, vehicles, or even their employees. Local restaurants might need professional shots of their food for the website, digital menu, or social media posts. The opportunities here are endless.
If you’re new and having trouble getting your foot in the door somewhere, take a couple of shots ahead of time to show off your work.
For example, let’s say you want to work with a local pizza shop. Take some photos of the building’s exterior. Go inside, order a pizza, and take a few pictures of your food. Now you can approach the owner to showcase the quality of your work.
Teach Photography Skills
If you’ve mastered the art of photography, you can sell your knowledge through a wide range of channels and mediums.
Consider writing an ebook or digital tutorial on basic, intermediate, and digital photography skills. This will be the best way to reach the most amount of people. You’ll have to put in some work to create these, but the investment is extremely low, and mostly consists of your time.
Alternatively, you can sell seats to photography webinars. In this case, you’ll give a photography lecture to a live digital audience.
The highest-paying photography education would be in-person lessons. You could charge for one-on-one or small group sessions to photographers in your area.
You can even make money by giving free photography lessons. Upload a wide range of photography tutorials to YouTube. If you drive enough traffic to those videos, you can monetize them with advertising revenue.
Sell Your Original Photographs
If you’ve been a photographer for a while, you probably have hundreds or even thousands of pictures saved on your computer, cloud, or external hard drive.
Create a portfolio with your best shots and sell them. There are lots of different ways to do this.
One option is to submit your photos to stock photography websites. You can earn commission by licensing photos of your work though platforms like Shutterstock, iStock, and BigStock.
To sell your work at a higher price point, you can offer physical prints as well. Use a popular website builder like Wix or Squarespace. Both of these platforms have specific tools and features for selling photography.
Alternatively, you can take your original prints to local markets and art fairs. Register for a booth and sell them in-person. This will require a bit more work, and you’ll need to spend the money in advance on prints. But some larger prints can go for hundreds or even thousands of dollars at these types of events.
Blog About Photography
You can make money with photography without selling a single photo. If you’ve got good writing skills, consider starting a photography blog.
There are endless topics that you can publish on your blog. Here are a few general ideas to get your mind thinking in the right direction:
Photography “how-to” guides
Camera reviews
Photography tips, tricks, and best practices
Travel photography stories
Editing software tutorials
Best bags for camera storage and transportation
Niche photography categories
The list goes on and on. You can even use your blog as an extension for some of these other methods, like selling photos and teaching skills.
Once your blog starts generating traffic, there are plenty of ways for you to monetize it. You can sell advertising space, digital products, prints, or join a photography affiliate program.
For example, let’s say you become a Cannon affiliate.
If you write reviews on their products, you can use your affiliate link to direct your visitors to the Cannon website. When someone makes a purchase using your referral, you’ll earn 2.5%+ in commission. Considering that those cameras can sell for thousands of dollars, your commission can add up quickly.
Partner With Real Estate Agents
Like most industries, the home-buying process is moving in a digital direction. Buyers are only considering houses with a wide range of high-quality photos online.
This has created a high demand for skilled photographers in the real estate industry.
Agents are willing to shell out big bucks to photographers who can help them sell houses. You can probably photograph the entire inside and outside of a home in just an hour or two at most.
At a minimum, these types of jobs can easily pay a few hundred dollars. If you’re photographing a high-value home, the agent might have the incentive and budget to pay you more for your work.
You’ll definitely need some good photo editing skills to offer the full package to your real estate clients. But once you establish a relationship with different agents, you can establish a nice stream of ongoing income each time they list a new property.
Become a Social Influencer
One of the most cost-effective ways to make money with photography is by uploading your content to social media. I’m sure the majority of you already have an Instagram account. If not, you can create one for free.
Dedicate your Instagram page to photography. Learn how to get more followers by interacting with other photography accounts and using relevant hashtags.
Once you start to gain thousands of followers, you can leverage your following by partnering with brands.
Companies can pay you to promote their products and services. The more followers you have, the more money this will pay.
For example, a backpack and luggage company might pay you to showcase their bags for transporting camera equipment. A protein bar business could pay you to promote their products as a snack you eat while shooting outdoors. The possibilities here are endless.
Influencer marketing has been trending upward for years now, with no signs of slowing down in the near future. More brands are allocating higher budgets to spend on influencers.
If you’re starting from scratch, the path can be a bit slow at first. But once you hit that 10k follower mark, it will be much easier to make money using this tactic.
Photograph Events
Carve out a niche by offering your photography services at events. Depending on the gig, these jobs can range anywhere from a couple hundred to several thousand dollars.
Examples of events include:
Birthday parties
School plays
Town fairs
Bar mitzvahs
Anniversary parties
Industry conferences
Company events
The pay will obviously vary based on your skill level and magnitude of the event. For example, a small family birthday party likely won’t pay as much as a full-day wedding where you’ll need to travel to multiple locations.
Master Your Editing Skills
Knowing how to use photo editing software is just as valuable as knowing how to take great pictures. Lots of other money-making photography tactics can be applied to photo editing as well.
For example, you can teach other photographers how to use different editing software. You can also join an editing software affiliate program and use your blog to give editing tips.
Editing will definitely come in handy if you’re working with models. They might want some of their photos touched up, enhanced, and brushed before they consider submitting shots to magazines or uploading them to a personal portfolio.
Start a Local Photo Tour
Do you live in an area with exceptional photo opportunities? As a local, you’ll know all of the best spots to capture these images.
Maybe you live by a beach and know the perfect location for catching the sunset. Or perhaps you live in the city and know how to get a cool perspective of the buildings. Does your town have a historic district with old buildings and beautiful fall foliage?
Regardless of the scenario, you can take other photographers on a local tour.
The pay for these tours will vary on a wide range of factors. For example, people are willing to pay more money for a full-day tour with transportation provided to multiple sites compared to a two-hour walking tour.
But you’ll be able to dictate these terms based on your availability, resources, demand, and location.
Enter a Photo Contest
One or two of your photos could strike gold if you win the right contest. Winning the right contest can also have a huge impact on your brand.
The International Photography Awards has awarded $290,000 in cash prizes to date. They are giving away $47,500 in cash prizes at an upcoming photo exhibition.
National Geographic runs annual photo contests as well.
While winning thousands of dollars in a big photo contest might be a longshot, the exposure you’ll get from entering can help you make money using other methods. Plus, there’s always the possibility that your entry will result in a cash prize.
How to Make Money With Photography is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Surety Bond Brokers? Business https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/how-to-make-money-with-photography/
0 notes
kennethherrerablog · 4 years
How to Make Money With Photography
Taking a hobby that you enjoy and turning it into a way to earn some cash is an amazing dream. If you love photography, you can turn this dream into a reality.
Whether you’ve been taking photos for years or you’re new to the trade, there are plenty of different ways to make money with this skill.
Depending on how much effort you put into it, photography can become a career for you. It’s also a great side-hustle to make extra cash in your free time.
With dozens of possible ways to make money with photography, I’ve narrowed down the top ten for you to consider.
Take Pictures For Small Businesses
Every business needs visual content. Whether it be for their website or social media channels, the demand has never been higher.
If you’ve got a decent camera and some basic photography skills, you can pitch your services to local businesses. Drop by and introduce yourself in person or contact them via phone or email.
You can take pictures of their storefront, products, vehicles, or even their employees. Local restaurants might need professional shots of their food for the website, digital menu, or social media posts. The opportunities here are endless.
If you’re new and having trouble getting your foot in the door somewhere, take a couple of shots ahead of time to show off your work.
For example, let’s say you want to work with a local pizza shop. Take some photos of the building’s exterior. Go inside, order a pizza, and take a few pictures of your food. Now you can approach the owner to showcase the quality of your work.
Teach Photography Skills
If you’ve mastered the art of photography, you can sell your knowledge through a wide range of channels and mediums.
Consider writing an ebook or digital tutorial on basic, intermediate, and digital photography skills. This will be the best way to reach the most amount of people. You’ll have to put in some work to create these, but the investment is extremely low, and mostly consists of your time.
Alternatively, you can sell seats to photography webinars. In this case, you’ll give a photography lecture to a live digital audience.
The highest-paying photography education would be in-person lessons. You could charge for one-on-one or small group sessions to photographers in your area.
You can even make money by giving free photography lessons. Upload a wide range of photography tutorials to YouTube. If you drive enough traffic to those videos, you can monetize them with advertising revenue.
Sell Your Original Photographs
If you’ve been a photographer for a while, you probably have hundreds or even thousands of pictures saved on your computer, cloud, or external hard drive.
Create a portfolio with your best shots and sell them. There are lots of different ways to do this.
One option is to submit your photos to stock photography websites. You can earn commission by licensing photos of your work though platforms like Shutterstock, iStock, and BigStock.
To sell your work at a higher price point, you can offer physical prints as well. Use a popular website builder like Wix or Squarespace. Both of these platforms have specific tools and features for selling photography.
Alternatively, you can take your original prints to local markets and art fairs. Register for a booth and sell them in-person. This will require a bit more work, and you’ll need to spend the money in advance on prints. But some larger prints can go for hundreds or even thousands of dollars at these types of events.
Blog About Photography
You can make money with photography without selling a single photo. If you’ve got good writing skills, consider starting a photography blog.
There are endless topics that you can publish on your blog. Here are a few general ideas to get your mind thinking in the right direction:
Photography “how-to” guides
Camera reviews
Photography tips, tricks, and best practices
Travel photography stories
Editing software tutorials
Best bags for camera storage and transportation
Niche photography categories
The list goes on and on. You can even use your blog as an extension for some of these other methods, like selling photos and teaching skills.
Once your blog starts generating traffic, there are plenty of ways for you to monetize it. You can sell advertising space, digital products, prints, or join a photography affiliate program.
For example, let’s say you become a Cannon affiliate.
If you write reviews on their products, you can use your affiliate link to direct your visitors to the Cannon website. When someone makes a purchase using your referral, you’ll earn 2.5%+ in commission. Considering that those cameras can sell for thousands of dollars, your commission can add up quickly.
Partner With Real Estate Agents
Like most industries, the home-buying process is moving in a digital direction. Buyers are only considering houses with a wide range of high-quality photos online.
This has created a high demand for skilled photographers in the real estate industry.
Agents are willing to shell out big bucks to photographers who can help them sell houses. You can probably photograph the entire inside and outside of a home in just an hour or two at most.
At a minimum, these types of jobs can easily pay a few hundred dollars. If you’re photographing a high-value home, the agent might have the incentive and budget to pay you more for your work.
You’ll definitely need some good photo editing skills to offer the full package to your real estate clients. But once you establish a relationship with different agents, you can establish a nice stream of ongoing income each time they list a new property.
Become a Social Influencer
One of the most cost-effective ways to make money with photography is by uploading your content to social media. I’m sure the majority of you already have an Instagram account. If not, you can create one for free.
Dedicate your Instagram page to photography. Learn how to get more followers by interacting with other photography accounts and using relevant hashtags.
Once you start to gain thousands of followers, you can leverage your following by partnering with brands.
Companies can pay you to promote their products and services. The more followers you have, the more money this will pay.
For example, a backpack and luggage company might pay you to showcase their bags for transporting camera equipment. A protein bar business could pay you to promote their products as a snack you eat while shooting outdoors. The possibilities here are endless.
Influencer marketing has been trending upward for years now, with no signs of slowing down in the near future. More brands are allocating higher budgets to spend on influencers.
If you’re starting from scratch, the path can be a bit slow at first. But once you hit that 10k follower mark, it will be much easier to make money using this tactic.
Photograph Events
Carve out a niche by offering your photography services at events. Depending on the gig, these jobs can range anywhere from a couple hundred to several thousand dollars.
Examples of events include:
Birthday parties
School plays
Town fairs
Bar mitzvahs
Anniversary parties
Industry conferences
Company events
The pay will obviously vary based on your skill level and magnitude of the event. For example, a small family birthday party likely won’t pay as much as a full-day wedding where you’ll need to travel to multiple locations.
Master Your Editing Skills
Knowing how to use photo editing software is just as valuable as knowing how to take great pictures. Lots of other money-making photography tactics can be applied to photo editing as well.
For example, you can teach other photographers how to use different editing software. You can also join an editing software affiliate program and use your blog to give editing tips.
Editing will definitely come in handy if you’re working with models. They might want some of their photos touched up, enhanced, and brushed before they consider submitting shots to magazines or uploading them to a personal portfolio.
Start a Local Photo Tour
Do you live in an area with exceptional photo opportunities? As a local, you’ll know all of the best spots to capture these images.
Maybe you live by a beach and know the perfect location for catching the sunset. Or perhaps you live in the city and know how to get a cool perspective of the buildings. Does your town have a historic district with old buildings and beautiful fall foliage?
Regardless of the scenario, you can take other photographers on a local tour.
The pay for these tours will vary on a wide range of factors. For example, people are willing to pay more money for a full-day tour with transportation provided to multiple sites compared to a two-hour walking tour.
But you’ll be able to dictate these terms based on your availability, resources, demand, and location.
Enter a Photo Contest
One or two of your photos could strike gold if you win the right contest. Winning the right contest can also have a huge impact on your brand.
The International Photography Awards has awarded $290,000 in cash prizes to date. They are giving away $47,500 in cash prizes at an upcoming photo exhibition.
National Geographic runs annual photo contests as well.
While winning thousands of dollars in a big photo contest might be a longshot, the exposure you’ll get from entering can help you make money using other methods. Plus, there’s always the possibility that your entry will result in a cash prize.
How to Make Money With Photography is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
How to Make Money With Photography published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
0 notes
mcjoelcain · 4 years
How to Make Money With Photography
Taking a hobby that you enjoy and turning it into a way to earn some cash is an amazing dream. If you love photography, you can turn this dream into a reality.
Whether you’ve been taking photos for years or you’re new to the trade, there are plenty of different ways to make money with this skill.
Depending on how much effort you put into it, photography can become a career for you. It’s also a great side-hustle to make extra cash in your free time.
With dozens of possible ways to make money with photography, I’ve narrowed down the top ten for you to consider.
Take Pictures For Small Businesses
Every business needs visual content. Whether it be for their website or social media channels, the demand has never been higher.
If you’ve got a decent camera and some basic photography skills, you can pitch your services to local businesses. Drop by and introduce yourself in person or contact them via phone or email.
You can take pictures of their storefront, products, vehicles, or even their employees. Local restaurants might need professional shots of their food for the website, digital menu, or social media posts. The opportunities here are endless.
If you’re new and having trouble getting your foot in the door somewhere, take a couple of shots ahead of time to show off your work.
For example, let’s say you want to work with a local pizza shop. Take some photos of the building’s exterior. Go inside, order a pizza, and take a few pictures of your food. Now you can approach the owner to showcase the quality of your work.
Teach Photography Skills
If you’ve mastered the art of photography, you can sell your knowledge through a wide range of channels and mediums.
Consider writing an ebook or digital tutorial on basic, intermediate, and digital photography skills. This will be the best way to reach the most amount of people. You’ll have to put in some work to create these, but the investment is extremely low, and mostly consists of your time.
Alternatively, you can sell seats to photography webinars. In this case, you’ll give a photography lecture to a live digital audience.
The highest-paying photography education would be in-person lessons. You could charge for one-on-one or small group sessions to photographers in your area.
You can even make money by giving free photography lessons. Upload a wide range of photography tutorials to YouTube. If you drive enough traffic to those videos, you can monetize them with advertising revenue.
Sell Your Original Photographs
If you’ve been a photographer for a while, you probably have hundreds or even thousands of pictures saved on your computer, cloud, or external hard drive.
Create a portfolio with your best shots and sell them. There are lots of different ways to do this.
One option is to submit your photos to stock photography websites. You can earn commission by licensing photos of your work though platforms like Shutterstock, iStock, and BigStock.
To sell your work at a higher price point, you can offer physical prints as well. Use a popular website builder like Wix or Squarespace. Both of these platforms have specific tools and features for selling photography.
Alternatively, you can take your original prints to local markets and art fairs. Register for a booth and sell them in-person. This will require a bit more work, and you’ll need to spend the money in advance on prints. But some larger prints can go for hundreds or even thousands of dollars at these types of events.
Blog About Photography
You can make money with photography without selling a single photo. If you’ve got good writing skills, consider starting a photography blog.
There are endless topics that you can publish on your blog. Here are a few general ideas to get your mind thinking in the right direction:
Photography “how-to” guides
Camera reviews
Photography tips, tricks, and best practices
Travel photography stories
Editing software tutorials
Best bags for camera storage and transportation
Niche photography categories
The list goes on and on. You can even use your blog as an extension for some of these other methods, like selling photos and teaching skills.
Once your blog starts generating traffic, there are plenty of ways for you to monetize it. You can sell advertising space, digital products, prints, or join a photography affiliate program.
For example, let’s say you become a Cannon affiliate.
If you write reviews on their products, you can use your affiliate link to direct your visitors to the Cannon website. When someone makes a purchase using your referral, you’ll earn 2.5%+ in commission. Considering that those cameras can sell for thousands of dollars, your commission can add up quickly.
Partner With Real Estate Agents
Like most industries, the home-buying process is moving in a digital direction. Buyers are only considering houses with a wide range of high-quality photos online.
This has created a high demand for skilled photographers in the real estate industry.
Agents are willing to shell out big bucks to photographers who can help them sell houses. You can probably photograph the entire inside and outside of a home in just an hour or two at most.
At a minimum, these types of jobs can easily pay a few hundred dollars. If you’re photographing a high-value home, the agent might have the incentive and budget to pay you more for your work.
You’ll definitely need some good photo editing skills to offer the full package to your real estate clients. But once you establish a relationship with different agents, you can establish a nice stream of ongoing income each time they list a new property.
Become a Social Influencer
One of the most cost-effective ways to make money with photography is by uploading your content to social media. I’m sure the majority of you already have an Instagram account. If not, you can create one for free.
Dedicate your Instagram page to photography. Learn how to get more followers by interacting with other photography accounts and using relevant hashtags.
Once you start to gain thousands of followers, you can leverage your following by partnering with brands.
Companies can pay you to promote their products and services. The more followers you have, the more money this will pay.
For example, a backpack and luggage company might pay you to showcase their bags for transporting camera equipment. A protein bar business could pay you to promote their products as a snack you eat while shooting outdoors. The possibilities here are endless.
Influencer marketing has been trending upward for years now, with no signs of slowing down in the near future. More brands are allocating higher budgets to spend on influencers.
If you’re starting from scratch, the path can be a bit slow at first. But once you hit that 10k follower mark, it will be much easier to make money using this tactic.
Photograph Events
Carve out a niche by offering your photography services at events. Depending on the gig, these jobs can range anywhere from a couple hundred to several thousand dollars.
Examples of events include:
Birthday parties
School plays
Town fairs
Bar mitzvahs
Anniversary parties
Industry conferences
Company events
The pay will obviously vary based on your skill level and magnitude of the event. For example, a small family birthday party likely won’t pay as much as a full-day wedding where you’ll need to travel to multiple locations.
Master Your Editing Skills
Knowing how to use photo editing software is just as valuable as knowing how to take great pictures. Lots of other money-making photography tactics can be applied to photo editing as well.
For example, you can teach other photographers how to use different editing software. You can also join an editing software affiliate program and use your blog to give editing tips.
Editing will definitely come in handy if you’re working with models. They might want some of their photos touched up, enhanced, and brushed before they consider submitting shots to magazines or uploading them to a personal portfolio.
Start a Local Photo Tour
Do you live in an area with exceptional photo opportunities? As a local, you’ll know all of the best spots to capture these images.
Maybe you live by a beach and know the perfect location for catching the sunset. Or perhaps you live in the city and know how to get a cool perspective of the buildings. Does your town have a historic district with old buildings and beautiful fall foliage?
Regardless of the scenario, you can take other photographers on a local tour.
The pay for these tours will vary on a wide range of factors. For example, people are willing to pay more money for a full-day tour with transportation provided to multiple sites compared to a two-hour walking tour.
But you’ll be able to dictate these terms based on your availability, resources, demand, and location.
Enter a Photo Contest
One or two of your photos could strike gold if you win the right contest. Winning the right contest can also have a huge impact on your brand.
The International Photography Awards has awarded $290,000 in cash prizes to date. They are giving away $47,500 in cash prizes at an upcoming photo exhibition.
National Geographic runs annual photo contests as well.
While winning thousands of dollars in a big photo contest might be a longshot, the exposure you’ll get from entering can help you make money using other methods. Plus, there’s always the possibility that your entry will result in a cash prize.
How to Make Money With Photography is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Money https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/how-to-make-money-with-photography/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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templified · 5 years
Best WordPress Video Themes for Blogs, Magazines and Portfolios | Templified
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Best WordPress Video Themes for Blogs, Magazines and Portfolios
This is our collection of the best WordPress video themes on the web.  Video is becoming more and more important as time goes by, it’s a wonderful way to engage with your site’s visitors, giving them a visual way to connect with your content.  Whether you’re creating a video magazine, a blog, tutorials or something else, we’ve got something for you to check out.
WordPress is the best platform for building any site these days and this collection of premium quality video and multimedia themes is a great place to start your search for that perfect web template to gain the attention you deserve.  These themes offer plenty of flexibility, just like WordPress itself, and you can customize any of these themes to work perfectly for either self hosted or embedded videos.  So, here they are, the very best video themes for WordPress.
Oregon, Free, Minimalist WordPress Video Theme by Templified
This one is a whole lot different than the other themes in this collection.  Why?  Well, it’s completely free for one thing.  Another thing, I developed this theme.  It’s called Oregon and it’s from Templified.  If you choose this theme, you’ll get everything you need to create a video based blog or magazine website.  Oregon works with any of the most popular page builder plugins like Elementor or Beaver Builder.  It’s simple to look at, very easy to customize and it doesn’t distract from your content with some over the top design.  Best of all, like I said, it’s free.  So, grab a copy and see if it works for your needs.
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This is a little different than some of the themes you’re going to see in this collection, but I’ve got to include it.  It’s called Leitmotif and it’s built for film and video production studios and film promotions.  Great for animation studios, artist’s portfolios, videography or motion graphic design showreels and film festivals, just to name a few of the many possibilities.  Leitmotif has a bold design, it’s un-apologetically modern, the typography is totally attention getter and it’s easy to use too, which is all important.  Leitmotif  comes with several portfolio layouts, great for both still images and video clips.  You get a big number of inner pages, ready to go variations of all the different types of inner pages any film production company could need.
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VideoFly offer your users the option to add their own videos, from oEmbed URLs, embed codes or even upload their own MP4 videos through a simple and easy to use interface, without letting them access your Dashboard.  Content is important, and your sidebars might have very important content indeed. Even advertising can get sticky so that you get more clicks on your banners. It’s easy and simple to do.  Time to monetize on your videos, not only share them. And banners might not always be the most effective way of doing that. Instead, with Videofly we are offering a whole new pre-roll option for users to see just before they get to see your video. Note: Pre-roll ads do not work on mobile devices, currently devices are not ready for this functionality.  Don’t really like pre-rolls? Or you don’t want to get too intrusive? Text advertising are the most subtle way of adding advertising spaces on your video player. It simple and looks so clean! Note: Text over ads do not work on mobile devices, currently devices are not ready for this functionality.
TouchSize is well known for awesome widgets and options. These theme is no exception and VideoFly has included all the widgets available here as well: Latest posts, videos, galleries, portfolios, Most liked, Most popular, Tabber, tags, etc.  VideoFly  has included 2 different single video styles, just to make sure that you get the most of the theme. Both look awesome, with a clean and flat layout and perfectly balanced content. Sidebars are available as well!  As our other beautiful themes, Videofly also uses video custom post. This means that video posts are separated from the default posts making it easy to categorize your content and also use it as you need. This also leaves the opportunity to use create a blog on the same installation with ease.
VideoFly is looking sharp with minimal, modern design and a great set of features.  This WordPress multimedia journal, blog, magazine, periodical or newspaper theme is beautiful, engaging, well designed, easy to use and modern since it is well made, strong, feature filled, fresh and clean. The design is modern, fashionable, crisp, sleek and elegant and it has many great features.  This multimedia WordPress theme is very powerful, well coded, well organized, well designed and very beautiful for any sort of video blog, video magazine, entertainment blog, viral site or video website.
You’ll have the ability to embed your clips from a site like Netflix, Daily Motion, Vimeo, Youtube or Hulu or host your own videos. With this theme you’ll get numerous significant advantages such as support for many advanced plugins, multiple responsive layouts, incredible support and documentation, front end video submissions and beautiful, functional design.
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Videozoom is an elegant theme with a neat featured slider, ready to play any videos and multimedia files you want to embed into your posts. With JW Player integration you can even play your self-hosted videos!  If you’re a filmmaker or videographer and you don’t want to use YouTube or Vimeo anymore, this could be a great theme.  WordPress video themes must be powerful and well designed if they’re to be successful and WPZoom has created a very successful theme in Videozoom.  WordPress video themes are the best way to create a wonderful website to showcase your video content.  This video blog, journal, periodical, magazine or newspaper theme is engaging, well designed, easy to use, beautiful and modern as it is bug free, well designed, powerful, modern and professional. The design is modern, fashionable, crisp, sleek and elegant and it has many amazing features. This video theme is gorgeous, unique, flexible, sleek and feature filled for any sort of entertainment blog, video tutorial site, video blog, video sharing page or magazine. You’ll have the ability to embed your video from the biggest sites like Daily Motion, Vimeo, Netflix, Hulu or Youtube or self-host your videos.  For more WordPress portfolio themes, try this collection.
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This is BeTube, a theme that calls itself the biggest and most powerful responsive video theme for WordPress.  It’s developed with the specific purpose of video portfolios.  The theme is trendy and well designed, trendy and perfectly coded.  BeTube is ideal for crafting a completely functional video website with one of it’s ten plus homepage designs.  If you need a great looking theme, this might be perfecct for you.  Create video websites with elegant and stylish sliders, create a marketplace for products, embed videos from Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Hulu and all the other big hitters.  Recently, the developer has added four new video magazine styles that you’re going to love, which brings the total of premade designs to over two dozen.  So, that’s all there is to this theme, it’s a great pick for all kinds of video websites and I think you’re going to enjoy it.
This one is a bigtime winner. As you take a look at BeTube, remember, you get ten different homepage layouts to select from when creating your video website with BeTube. That’s a lot of flexibility for a wide variety of uses. These homepage layouts can be imported into your WordPress site in just a couple of clicks, helping you get your new website up and running in almost no time in any way. In other words, fast, fast, fast. You can see all of the ten homepage demos on the BeTube demo site to see what this theme has to offer. As soon as you’ve made a decision, the developers of this theme will probably place up BeTube for you at no excess price.
Another impressive feature of BeTube is the simplicity with which your visitors can sign up and start uploading their movies to your site. If you’re developing a movie sharing or neighborhood website BeTube certainly has all the qualities you will need. Through the front-end forms, your customers can quickly login or register. Once they have completed this, they could then share videos which are hosted elsewhere, or upload their own documents directly to your website.
When it comes to monetizing your website, BeTube is not lacking in features here. Thanks to the added video advertisements plugin, you may decide to display adverts before movies, in addition to display video ads on your site, along with Google AdSense and image ads. BeTube is also packed with personalization options and tools, providing you a simple way to tweak the overall look of your video site. This powerful video WordPress theme will also automatically generate thumbnail images for your videos. A complete series of video documentation is also available to assist you get the most from the theme. BeTube is packed with features and layout options, which makes it one of the most powerful and flexible choices in this assortment of video WordPress themes.
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The Movie, WordPress Theme for Films and TV Series
The Movie is a WordPress theme built for the cinema. This has all of the features that you would expect from a high-class template aimed at one of the most glamorous industries out there, the film and movie business. The theme is equally adept at presenting one project as it is for presenting multiple projects, such as I film or video studio. Here are some of the specifically crafted features that are included with the movie. You get the ability to add unlimited movies and TV series to your database. There are online ticket sales and booking functions. Add Cass, gallery, movie trailers and features. In addition, some of the standard WordPress offerings include one page and multi-page versions, very simple customization via the options panel and full support for visual composer, which is actually included for free. This is a very strong entry into the film and video promo business.
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SOHO, Full Screen WordPress Video Theme
Soho is a clean, minimalist and creative video theme that is great for businesses, for creative sites, for blogs and even for eCommerce sites.  With a modern design, excellent navigation and plenty of features, this one is well worth considering for a video blog.  A lot of people believe that full screen displays are the best for showing off video content.  If you agree, you’re in luck, SOHO is built for full-width displays.  The developer has included the most recent, relevant technology to produce a fast loading, great looking template for a highly optimized, feature filled theme for any sort of video content.
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Leedo, Creative, Colorful WordPress Digital Video Theme
Leedo is a colorful solution for creating the type of video portfolio that can raise your content to the next level.  Leedo is a digital agency theme that works great for all sorts of creative content.  Leedo is responsive, it gives you over a dozen pre-made designs and hundreds of options for giving your site a true custom look.  Another interesting feature, Leedos developer offers free installation of your template with every purchase, which is great for beginners who aren’t completely comfortable installing themes.
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Viseo, Video and Podcasting WordPress Theme
Viseo is WordPress theme for news, video and podcasts, provides a really wonderful platform for sharing the latest visual content and whether you want to host video clips yourself or embed them from any of the most popular video sites, you can create a really great experience for everyone who visits your site.  Podcasting is getting more and more popular all the time and considering how much hard work podcasters put in, this theme can make those podcasts look amazing.
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Divi, Premium, Drag and Drop Video Theme for WordPress
Divi is one of the most popular WordPress themes for a reason, it has one of the most powerful drag-and-drop page Builders and building a video portfolio or blog with Divi is a snap.  Divi uses the best page builder on the web to give you access to any layout, any tool and any style you could want to offer.  If you’re looking for a theme that has more features than Divi, while remaining relatively user friendly, you’re in for a long search.  If you find one, let us know about it and we’ll add it to this collection.
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Empire, Video Portfolio WordPress Theme
Empire is a user-friendly full screen video portfolio theme for creative agencies and freelancers who want to present video content that really grabs the viewer’s attention.  This theme is a clean, well organized and highly visual theme, giving your content a wonderful look to develop an outstanding user experience.  Empire does just as well for promoting still images as it does with video and other multimedia content.
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Benson, WordPress Theme for Wedding Videographers
Benson is photography and videography portfolio theme that places the viewers focus on your content, delivering a great user experience, video and slideshows, multiple image layouts and complete control over the design and functions your site provides.  Benson is one of those themes that flexible enough for any sort of portfolio, with it’s blend of features and it’s array of tools.  This theme is among the fastest loading themes in this collection, so SEO is going to be one of the best things it has going for it.
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Materialism, Material Design Video WordPress Theme
Materialism is a material design WordPress theme that is great for using video to promote your application or service, it’s engaging and the perfect combination of beautiful and classic design with all of the newest features that WordPress has to offer.  Materialism has a very trendy look, the material design style is all over the place, it’s a really nice way to present your content with just a hint of style.
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Vignette, Multimedia, Full Screen WordPress Theme
Vignette is a great-looking portfolio theme for cinematographers, videographers, photographers and anyone who wants to present amazing content with a flexible homepage, plenty of theme options and support for all of the most popular plugins on market.  Vignette provides a lot of tools, responsive design and it’s ultimately customizable.  If you need a great looking theme with an optional video homepage background, this one is worth considering.
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The Motion, WordPress Video Magazine and Blog
The Motion is multimedia WordPress theme for video blogs, video tutorials and lessons, it offers a responsive design and it even supports WooCommerce, making this perfect for selling tutorials or offering other video related services.  The Motion offers plenty of resources for creative businesses and creative people who want a well crafted site for presenting all kinds of multi-media and video projects.
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VLog, Video Blogging WordPress Theme
Vlog is one of the most popular and highest rated video blogging themes, it focuses strongly on videography and blends the complex needs of video news sites and video magazines, giving you several different sophisticated layouts and dynamic features that help present your videos and articles professionally and stylishly.  Making a first impression is all-important and this one really grabs the viewer’s attention from the get go.
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Direkuta, WordPress Video Director’s Theme
Direkuta is a film director and video portfolio theme, it offers a unique design to help prevent your work and your experience, it’s great for video portfolios, show reels and actor portfolios, the flexibility is really second to none.  Direkuta makes sure you can present your personal information just as well as you can present your video work, helping you connect to everyone who arrives on your website.
Direkuta is a web template for movie directors, movie portfolios also it is a special way to show both your job and your character. Direkuta could do the job nicely for a manager or actor’s portfolio, a showreel, a type of restart for all people in the film industry. Responsive and totally inventive, Direkuta is a Bootstrap coded theme that is integrates flawlessly with all kinds of social networking, keeping you in touch with your faithful fans and probably assisting you to create a couple new ones. You truly won’t find another thing similar to this . Each section is intended to be exceptional and present your content in a somewhat different manner. For movie portfolios, performing reels, supervisors show reels and individual portfolios, this absolutely responsive and well-crafted, adaptive and lively theme is a superb place to get started.
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Reel Story, Filmmaker’s WordPress Portfolio Theme
Reel Story is a multimedia and video portfolio theme that is great for any content creator who wants to introduce their video and film work to the world.  Reel Story has a clean, modern style, it’s easy to customize the typography, color, layout and backgrounds, among other things.  This theme is about as easy to use as any on this collection, so even if you’re a relative newcomer to WordPress, it can work out well for you.
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Ananke, Creative WordPress Video Theme
Ananke is a one-page parallax WordPress theme that offers a creative, modern and stylish presentation for any sort of creative work, though I think that it is perfectly well adapted for showcasing video clips.  Ananke has a powerful theme options panel, it offers a page builder for the ultimate in layout flexibility, you get a fullscreen homepage slider, video slider, multiple layouts and a lot of other great stuff.
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Kon/Cept, Minimalist WordPress Video Theme
Kon/Cept is a creative portfolio theme that is focused on video, offering an elegant and minimalist style, several different attractive layouts and it is packed with useful features, short codes and options that help to present your video the right way.  Kon/Cept’s minimalist style makes the most of your content, there’s no distractions and that can make your videos stand out.
Here are some additional minimalist WordPress themes you may enjoy.
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Joker, Full Screen Video and Photography Portfolio Theme
Joker is portfolio theme that specializes in video, it uses a variety of layouts to present your work to potential clients and other visitors to yourself, it offers all the design elements you need to create an amazing personal or business related portfolio site.  With the Joker theme, you’ll get a variety of photo and video layouts, you can win new clients and impress everyone who arrives on your website.  Check out some more photography portfolio themes in this collection.
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Circle, MultiPurpose Video and Film WordPress Theme
Circle is a multi-purpose filmmaker and video WordPress theme that’s great for Creative agencies, film studios, actors and directors, blogs and magazines, this theme really helps you showcase your work whether you are embedding videos or self-hosting them.  This is an exquisite example of an all-purpose video theme, it’s got a really intuitive interface for adjusting and customizing your site and without touching a single line of code.
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Goodwin, Photography and Video Portfolio Theme
Goodwin is an attractive video and photography WordPress theme, it’s a creative way to help present your work in the best possible light, it’s easy to use and there are quite a number of pre-made designs to choose from.  This is a modern theme, specifically constructed to do all it can to make your images or video look amazing.  Goodwin is one of those themes that means you won’t have to work from scratch to build a great looking theme that has a demo import tool to add any of the wide variety of demo designs.
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Plexx, Metro Style WordPress Video Portfolio Theme
Plexx is a simple looking theme, but under the hood, it’s got a lot of outstanding features that make this a really successful blog theme for promoting video content.  This is a blog and portfolio template with loads of features, a user friendly admin panel and it’s easy to adjust the settings to achieve your desired look.  With Plexx, you get all the tools you need to make a highly successful website, no matter your level of expertise with WordPress.  For creative agencies, this video gallery theme is an essential option thanks to all of  the features it provides.  Here’s our collection of WordPress grid themes similar to this one.
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VideoGo includes five basic page designs to pick from, providing you with several pre-made alternatives for producing a video magazine. Not happy with this? Okay, you may just visit Visual Composer and create some new designs. Visual Composer is rather user friendly, adds versatility a static website can not and it is really well enjoyed. Now, some could go forward with their dependence on Visual Composer, but used in moderation, so it is just nice in my view. Video Go includes a type of cross between a normal personal blog theme along with a movie magazine theme such as, oh, I do not understand, possibly a YouTube? It’s frankly not that similar to YouTube, however it will have some hints of this. If you’re interested in finding private site WordPress themes, our entire collection may have everything you’re searching for.
For more general purpose themes, check out this collection of WordPress magazine themes.
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Moview, WordPress Film Trailer Blog Theme
MovieW is a responsive film and video database and reviews theme, you can help you build a website similar to IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes or other film and video related websites.  This theme is more than just a simple database management theme, it’s got a lot of features to make it a well rounded template.  There are several demo designs included to add a lot of variety.  It’s even a BuddyPress ready theme to help build a movie related community.  This could also be a pretty solid theme for personal blogs.
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Drone Media, WordPress Drone Footage Theme
Drone Media is an aerial photography and videography WordPress theme, it is a new, trendy and stylish theme that has a modern feel, it is packed with options and it helps highlight your services and percent your projects in a professional, fresh way.  Drone Media is a modern, functional theme with a lot of shortcodes included, it includes Visual Composer for building lots of different layouts and it’s fully responsive.
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Soledad, Premium Video Magazine WP Theme
Soledad is one of the most popular WordPress themes on the market, it works perfectly as a video magazine and there are hundreds of different pre-made designs to choose from to help you present your content the way you envision.  Soledad is one of the most popular themes for good reason, it’s packed with features and it’s easy to use.  When you want a true premium theme with a lot of flexibility, this theme is a really great choice.
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Attitude, Multimedia Blog and Portfolio Theme
Attitude is a multimedia WordPress portfolio theme for media artists, it has an impressive array of features, it is perfectly responsive and there are multiple layouts and portfolio styles that can help make your video stand out from the crowd.  Attitude includes Visual Composer, the code is clean as can be, it’s a very fast loading theme and really simple and straightforward to create a tailor-made looking website with all the features you need.
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Video Touch, Video Magazine WordPress Theme
Video Touch is a video WordPress theme that offers front-end uploads, reviews, unlimited layouts, responsive design and it is packed with the types of features you need to perfectly present your video magazine content.  Video Touch is that perfect blend of responsive design, it works just as well for a video blog as it does for online video magazines.  You get perfect support and thorough documentation as well, making this theme a solid choice for beginners.
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News Tube, Magazine Theme for Video Clips
NewsTube is a premium at magazine blog and video website, ideal for building clean, powerful online magazines that feature video prominently.  This theme is incredibly well organized, it’s retina ready and responsive for perfect display on all devices.  NewsTube supports embedded video from all of the most popular video sites like Daily Motion, Vimeo and YouTube.  There are an extensive amount of pre-designed layouts that are flexible and easy to edit, thanks to the user-friendly theme options panel.
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VideoTube, YouTube Style WordPress Video Magazine Theme
VideoTube is a handsome WordPress theme that is great for helping you collect and share your favorite videos online, presenting your work in a professional way and helping to broadcast it all over the World Wide Web.  This VideoTube theme is everything you’ll need to create a sort of online television studio, you can effortlessly customize your layout and the style of your content, share videos with social media and it even allows from users to submit their own videos.  Hiding some content behind a pay wall can be a really interesting way to monetize your site, if you’ve created content that’s valuable enough.
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Create, Drag and Drop Page Builder for Vlogs
Create is a full-featured WordPress theme that’s solid for blogs and portfolios, eCommerce and general informational websites.  Anybody who needs to showcase video content is also in luck, Create allows for both self hosted and embedded video content and that can mean a lot for sites displaying tutorials, promotional videos or other multimedia content.  Create is simple to install and just as straightforward to customize.  I’ve personally used several of ThemeTrust’s themes in the past and I believe they’re among the best for offering strong support for all of their themes.
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Glyche, WordPress Theme for Promoting Music Videos
If you want to be the next Lil Nas X, an overnight sensation in the music business, music videos could be a big part of the equation.  Promoting your videos on Tik Tok or YouTube might not be enough, so having your own website is the next step in building your career.  This theme blends multimedia functionality with user friendly design and plenty of features.  With Glyche, you get several different home page designs, multiple inner pages and the flexibility to adjust anything you see on the screen.  This is a premium music video theme that could work wonders for promoting whatever you’ve created.
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Grand Magazine, Creative Video Magazine an Blog Theme
This is Grand Magazine, absolutely one of the most popular online magazines out there. I really like this one. It’s a woocommerce raphine that does a great job of this playing your video projects and news. You get 40 different pre-designed layouts for your blogs and four posts. There are certainly quite a number of these layouts that are ideal for video and multimedia contact. Whether you are creating an entertainment blog or a news magazine, tutorials or viral videos, Grand Magazine does a great job of allowing you to post a variety of content. There’s even a built-in reviews feature so that people can write all of the stuff that you post. Beautiful support for woocommerce as well, that means you can create a really successful and stylish online
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Brooklyn, Business Theme and Video Blog
With over 40 different ‘factory presets’, the Brooklyn theme gives you a lot of great places to start building a wonderful website.  You get all the features you’ll need to set up your site quickly and with relatively little effort.  There’s the one click installation for starters, which gets any of those premade designs off the ground rapidly.  Then, there’s the drag and drop page builder that can help you establish a great looking, custom look for your site.  There are thosands of global and page-by-page options too, giving you granular control over your site.  With all those features, you shouldn’t be shocked to find that Brooklyn works well for video content, whether it’s shared via sites like YouTube or self hosted on your own site.  That means you can hide some content behind a paywall, if you choose to do that.  Perfect for tutorials websites.
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Studio 8, Creative Agency and Video Blogging Theme
Studio 8 is a beautiful blog, eCommerce and portfolio theme for WordPress.  No matter what type of creative you are, from web designer to photographer, graphic designer to video artist, interior designer to creative digital agency, Studio 8 is a great choice for just about any purpose.  I think this theme has the flexibility that a lot of folks are looking for.  Studio 8 was designed with creatives in mind, the styling is simple and attractive, the features are robust and the support and documentation are strong, helping you to create the website you need.  Though Studio 8 comes right out of the box with a stylish and professional design, it’s easy to customize too.
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Ultra, Video Blogging and Gaming Mag Theme
One of the most powerful WordPress themes around is called Ultra.  Themify made Ultra to be as flexible as possible, with a page builder plugin included to help you drag and drop your way to an amazing layout.  Don’t worry, it’s really easy to use, even if you’re just getting started with WordPress.  This is a ‘must have’ theme for developers and web designers, great for video blogs and magazines, creative websites and business portals.  Ultra includes several pre-built demo sites and design skins to help you get started rapidly.  Within just a few minutes, you can have a website up and running, well on your way to customizing it to look precisely like you want it to look.  One click demo data helps you set up the theme settings, content, menus and widgets too, just like each one of the theme demos.  Then, you simply swap in your own logo, your content and you’re well on your way to an incredible new website.  There are demo styles for restaurants, wedding websites, fitness centers, law firms, accountants and plenty more with new demo sites coming online every now and then.  All in all, Ultra is a completely premium theme that’s well worth taking a deeper look at.
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Olivie is an attractive fashion and video blog theme from BluChic. The theme is feminine to be sure, but I think it’s not too girly. I think that this theme blends classic styling with a nice feminine edge, providing just a hint of a softer side. Almost everything and all of the can be adjusted to fit your needs, from the colors and fonts to the design elements and images. All of you provides a great looking theme, as well as the header PSD file. There is sample demo content provided as well as thorough theme documentation. You get unlimited support and theme updates as well. As with all themes created by BluChic, you get a responsive layout that is mobile friendly and SEO optimized. This Olivie theme adapt sits layout to fit any size screen. There’s a featured slider, sticky menus, multiple layout options and three handy promo boxes for typing your most important content.
Before we get too far into this review, here’s a look at the front page of this attractive and stylish theme named Olivie. I think this layout is a really solid one, it is easy to navigate, it presents content in a very concise and straightforward way and it really provides a great user experience, since everything is so easy to find and enjoy.
There are plenty of different options out there for great looking feminine WordPress themes, so you shouldn’t have to settle for an inferior design that doesn’t have all the features that you want. There are almost as many themes out there as there are websites, or so it would seem at times. That doesn’t mean that there are an infinite number of options, but there are plenty and when it comes to selecting a feminine WordPress theme, I don’t think that you should have to settle for something that you don’t truly enjoy.  For more premium WordPress themes, check out our collection.
That’s what we had in mind when we created our collection of feminine WordPress themes. We saw that have the absolute best templates anywhere on the internet, modern and feminine blogs for women, magazine websites for those who love fashion and lifestyle blogging, magazines and blogs coming e-commerce and even a handful of business websites. The one thing these themes all have in common, a great feminine style that readers will really react to. If this theme didn’t live up to the billing, you may want to explore that collection, I’m certain that it’s got something great for you that you will really love.
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Inspiro, Inspirational WordPress Theme for Video Blogging
Whether you need a website for an up-and-coming corporation, a nonprofit organization, your own freelance design work or a personal gallery page, the Inspiro WordPress theme can deliver an ideal solution that fulfills your unique needs beautifully. The professional structure and highly appealing aesthetic make the end result simply stunning, but the work it takes to get to that point is so easy you might not believe you can achieve it. No code knowledge is required since Inspiro comes packaged complete with the premium Visual Customizer and Dynamic Homepage Builder plug-ins that allow anyone to create appealing layouts and eye-catching designs upon the powerful ZOOM framework. All of these offer highly intuitive options so they are very easy to use no matter what type of design you want to end up with. Just some of the options possible with Inspiro include full control over background graphics, color schemes, company logos and included photos. There are both premade page layouts and the opportunity to build your own structure with ease. Include a gallery of artwork or photographs and even build an online store with functional and secure shopping pages. No matter what your purpose for building an online platform, the Inspiro WordPress theme can help you achieve your goals with inspired style.  To showcase your video content, WordPress video themes are the best solution.
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Immense, Full Screen Video Blog and Portfolio Theme
If you’re searching for a simple, elegant solution to help showcase your video or photography in a professional and modern style, Immense could be the theme you’ve been looking for. Immense doesn’t overshadow your content, it perfectly highlights it, creating a simple frame that makes your photography look great, no matter what style of images you use. A theme like this can do wonders for making your business look highly polished and professional.  Add slideshows, multiple gallery types, custom widgets, post formats and more.  Immense is a wonderful way to built a gorgeous, unforgettable portfolio with a high degree of confidence that you’ve chosen the proper theme to do the job.
Immense looks amazing, no matter what type of computer your readers are using.  That’s what responsive design is all about.  Immense promises a wonderful user experience for everyone and nobody gets left out.  GraphPaper Press has ensure that all their themes are perfectly responsive, look great no matter the screen resolution.  For a website these days, it’s absolutely critical to have a responsive design.  For a portfolio, you need it to be responsive and your photographs will look dynamic, professional and appealing with this theme.
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VideoRev WordPress Multimedia and Video Theme
This theme is called video VideoRev, short for Video Revolution, and it’s a responsive WordPress theme that suitable for videos, movies, movie news, video magazines or video blogs. With tons of powerful features for video.
VideoRev is going to bring an entirely new experience to your world. VideoRev works perfectly with WooCommerce and I really enjoy the different styles available for your online shop. VideoRev works with the paid membership Pro plugin to allow you to create different membership levels on your website to restrict content and video to specific membership levels. There’s also recurring payments and introductory prices available.  For more outstanding video WordPress themes, check out our full collection.  There’s a ton of stuff in there and you’re going to love it.
This thing works great with Amazon Associates, the world’s most popular, there’s a smart and flexible light box video and even video advertising. You can create a sticky video that can remain visible even as your visit or Scrolls down the page.
There’s a drag and drop front end page builder, Elementor, that allows you to build an infinite number of layouts for any post or page. You can create video series, video podcasts, fetch data from video clips automatically and a lot more.
One really interesting feature is the social Locker. This allows you to lock your content behind a set of social networking buttons. Until a visitor likes, shares, gives you a plus one or tweets your page, they can’t access your video. It’s a great way to help build your social network.
With this incredible WordPress theme you can create YouTube live broadcasts, automatically creating a list of different live streaming videos from YouTube.
There’s an IMDb rating plug in, Facebook or Discus comments and this theme works perfectly with both buddypress and bbpress, so it’s like a social network in a box. Even though it’s not really in a box. It’s in a file, but that’s okay.
I don’t know what else to say about the VideoRev WordPress theme that I haven’t already said so I guess I’ll wrap this up but if you are looking for an amazing WordPress video theme you might have just found it.
Now if you like to look at some other cool, professional WordPress video themes, we’ve built a whole collection that you might be interested in.
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  Wrap WordPress Video Portfolio an Movie Trailer Theme
Wrap is a WordPress theme that you might look at and think to yourself, there’s not really a lot to look at here. And you’d be right. This theme is quite plain and its style, but I think that could make it very appealing for some people. Wrap is all about your content, not about excluding its own style. There’s nothing or Nate or complicated about this amazing theme, it’s uncluttered and classy, lean and mean, it’s a great way to showcase your videos. Get away from the humdrum websites and entertain your viewers with a scintillating and distinct Style, a fun and user-friendly layout as well as a feature filled template that is completely spiffy.  Speaking of spiffy, this theme would work amazingly well as a WordPress portfolio theme.  Check it out.
Wrap has 3 home page layouts as well as several content Discovery features. There’s also a neat media playback pop up so you can offer your. Wrap has a Cutting Edge, feature filled style that lets you make visually stunning video blogs or video magazines with absolutely no coding skills needed. The same comes packed with tons of features to help your visitors stay engaged, reading and watching what you have to offer.
This Modern and clean template has a variety of color schemes and fonts that you can choose from, there are different listing layouts, category pages and a variety of post layouts. Wrap was crafted mainly with video in mind, but it could be used as a standard type of blog as well. Steam has a perfect rating so far and I think this is a theme Tesla should be proud of.
If you’d like to see a selection of other high-quality WordPress video themes, we’ve made a collection with you in mind. We’ve gathered up tons of amazing video themes and each one is one of the best examples of its kind on the internet. If you see anything in any of our collections, it’s guaranteed to be high-quality and easy-to-use. We only find premium themes to review and we’ll keep adding more as we find them.
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queernuck · 5 years
again, i think that it is necessary to look at critiques and judge them based on their value, not just as flippant “takes” and so on
some great examples include discussing US Imperialism in Syria, the US support for the YPG and other Kurdish groups was absolutely, without a single doubt, conditional and was based on a shift from “YPG are terrorists” to “YPG are brave and fighting against ISIS” that was conditional on the YPG accepting US Aid, allowing for US military power to direct their actions, effectively using the Kurdish people as a kind of extension of military power. This meant that the US could go to war against ISIS, could do so in a way that opposed Assad, and kept with the general direction of US imperialist violence while only committing air assets and small deployments of Special Operations troops, ones who could be themselves part of the propaganda used to sell this to American audiences.
Now? The recoil of accepting American aid, of allowing American Imperialist support to dictate one’s own goals is occuring, and another American ally, Turkey, is almost certainly going to commit atrocities against the Kurdish people. This is going to go unanswered, America is not going to do anything about this and moreover any discussion of “our allies in Syria” leaves out the reasoning both behind Turkey’s actions and the way in which establishing a certain sort of governance was a goal of the YPG, how the YPG was at least nominally (if one does not want to claim genuinely) leftist. American joint patrols with Turkish forces, allied on the basis of NATO, American use of Turkey in strategic nuclear and other military considerations, American sales of arms to Turkey are not contradictory with this, but in fact a continuing policy of America using Kurds to justify imperialism before themselves watching the violence continue so long as it is convenient.
Liberals decrying this move are not doing so because they believe in. the YPG, its principles, or likely even particularly care about what will follow. They will do little, if anything, to discuss the role of Turkey as an American ally in breaking the YPG. Instead, ISIS and its supposed-existential threat to America will become the focus, will become part of what is discussed. It is not in support of the YPG that these politicians speak, it is in support of the Forever War, it is from the same place of imperialist ideology that criticizes Trump for attempting to better relations between the RoK and the DPRK by cancelling military exercises, it is Democrats determined to stay in Iraq and Afghanistan to continue Obama’s legacy and Republicans who will claim that, in fact, it is still Bush’s legacy but this is in fact a good thing.
discussing American imperialists leaving Syria is a question that genuinely at once poses two other questions: was the support given to the YPG ultimately worthwhile considering how it made them vulnerable to attack by ISIS and Turkey at the same time? and as a result, what exactly is a meaningful position when discussing it? weak and ineffective sanctions, war with a NATO member, misdirection at Iran? The meaningful discussion of exactly why accepting American imperialist support is counterrevolutionary, will lead to this exact kind of downfall, is coupled with how groups like Turkish Marxist-Leninists joined the YPG: the genuine ability to fight ISIS was an opportunity that was new, genuinely potentially-revolutionary, but Kurds were simply being used as a buffer between a target of invasion (Syria) and an ally (Turkey) until it was no longer so much. Leaves plenty of troops to go to Mali, or say, get ready for an invasion of Iran.
Similarly, the means by which large corporations such as the NBA, Disney (through ESPN), Blizzard, and others discuss Hong Kong in relation to China, two converging scandals (both involving voicing support for protests in Hong Kong) provides a phenomenal insight into how right-wing ideology is inserted into supposedly left-leaning discussions through various ideological maneuvers.
For players, they are well aware that their paycheck can be on the line when it comes to discussing issues, and so they often are sticking to ones where the demographics are on their side, where the league can monetize their supposed protest and use it to portray an image as a league that is socially conscious, that is self-aware, something beyond the corporation at hand. However, the careful means by which this is done become apparent rather quickly: discussions of racial justice and police brutality are allowed when it comes to NBA stars too big to shut down, but WNBA players can be silenced if they break too many boundaries. There is an awareness that they can only make so much critique before they begin to make themselves targets.
And indeed, American media thrives off of a kind of dual-acknowledgement: there is a recognition of China as an irreconcilable Other, but none at all of the means by which similar measures are instituted in American contexts. A right-winger talks about how easily China crumbles, comparing it to a “paper tiger” while talking about an effort to hamstring Blizzard in response to proactive censorship on their own part. Another discusses the way in which “free speech” should not be determined by corporations, a worthwhile discussion perhaps but one being offered specifically because it allows for an easy reactionary reading, because it dovetails with various platforms attempting to purge fascist content (again, not because fascism is to be opposed, but because it is harder to monetize in a polite, neoliberal fashion)
so much of politics has been signified by processes of consumption-production, so much of it is linked to the way in which one identifies with regard to acts of consumption, and this is not to contrast the “West” with that “Other” in China. Again, the NBA is at a crossroads here specifically because of how it is widely-watched across China, and it was the Rockets’ owner who started the whole thing, one of the most-watched teams within the league in China. The superficiality of expression in American culture begins to become clear when one looks at how exactly American companies control speech in America, couple willingly with a surveillance state, and the discourse on China coming from the right being openly anticommunist when linking it to various conspiracies, imagined or worse, resignified, that allow for the stoking of their fascist libidos.
the simplification of protests in Hong Kong to “pro-democracy” is so often a euphemism for the kind of protest supported by The Economist, a paper whose triumph-of-colonialism ideology is well-known, perhaps one of the most neoliberal and neocolonial publications running today. it is in desire of liberalization that they support these protests, in interest of creating embarrassments for the PRC in order to gain leverage within trade rather than any genuine concern for Hong Kongers, for the implication of extradition on leftist thought with regard to leftist criticism of China.
more generally, this ties into just how deeply-embedded fascism and its ironic aesthetics are in this website. equistrianrepublican is back as vaporwavevocap, fun or funny blogs are only a step or two removed from posters like thivus or porko-rosso (who have certainly not abandoned previous tendencies in posting) and the ability of posts of various sorts to find their way over to reactionary sides of tumblr is abundant. and yes, this includes reactionary leftism like stalin-defender having great posts about the IRA but worrying about how transness is a honeypot on tumblr and the REAL reason Yahoo let the website get devalued, how attempts to critique liberal ideation of sex work are supported as being against degeneracy, rather than in defense of sex workers, in defense of their arming and the recognition of exploitation in sex work as a fundamental issue and the changing of the work-form more generally a necessary discussion, in the way that some reject postmodernism as decadent and unnecessary in ways that attract reactionaries like flies and honey. it is in official-mugi being the person who least deserves that good url. it is in a lot of things, so many of them deniable or subtle, so many of them based on accepting a good-faith reading and spreading implicitly reactionary ideologies.
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tamboradventure · 5 years
Is It Time to Break Up with Airbnb?
Posted: 10/08/19 | October 7th, 2019
There is no denying that Airbnb has changed how we travel. It got people out of the hotel/hostel quandary, gave locals a way to monetize their extra rooms and earn more income, and got tourists into different parts of cities, spreading the benefits of tourism around to a wider part of the community.
It wasn’t the first company to do this, but it made this kind of travel widespread and socially acceptable. The idea of “renting someone’s home” is now seen, not as weird or unsafe, but as a perfectly normal way to see a destination.
I’ve been an Airbnb user since its early days (it began in 2008) and have had some wonderful experiences using the service: the Swiss couple who made and shared dinner with me, the folks in Paris who left me wine as a welcome gift, the retirees in Tours who put a candle in my breakfast croissant for my birthday, the couple in NZ who gave me veggies from their garden, and countless other wonderful experiences where I got to meet locals and learn aspects of life that I might not have otherwise. (I’ve also hosted some really fabulous people too. The site works both ways!)
Over the last few years, I had gotten out of the habit of using Airbnb, instead staying with friends, in hostels, or hotels on points. However, while I was on my book tour over the summer, I decided to start using the service again.
I was nervous about doing so though.
From overtourism to hosts with multiple listings to companies using it to run hotels to a general “whatever” attitude toward complaints, there are a lot of problems with Airbnb. It is no longer the whole “people renting out their room for extra money” service it markets itself as.
I’ve read all the stories. I’ve seen the data.
With over six million listings, Airbnb is one of the biggest booking sites out there. In the first quarter of 2019, it booked 91 million room nights. By comparison, Expedia booked 80.8 million.
But I figured there had to be some gems on the site.
And what kind of travel expert would I be if I didn’t know Airbnb’s current state?
I went in determined to not rent places that were not people’s homes — that is, any rentals run by folks with multiple listings or property management companies, which have the effect of raising rents for everyone. While Airbnb has a lot of problems, the “commercialization” of the service is the biggest.
The growing number of people buying property just to rent it out on Airbnb is driving rent up for locals1 and forcing them out of the city. A recent study from the Institut d’Economia de Barcelona shows that rent in Barcelona’s most touristy areas has increased by as much as 7% between 2012 and 2016.2
Furthermore, in 2016 (the most recent data I could find), true home sharing, where the owner is present during the guest’s stay, accounts for less than 20% of Airbnb’s business in the United States; 81% of Airbnb’s revenue nationwide — $4.6 billion — comes from whole-unit rentals where the owner is not present.
A search on the website Inside Airbnb shows that a high percentage of units are rented by people with multiple listings: in Venice, out of 8,469 listings, 68.6% of hosts have multiple listings; in Barcelona, out of 18,302 listings, 67.1% of hosts have multiple listings; and in Los Angeles, out of 44,504 listings, 57.8% of hosts have multiple listings.
That doesn’t really scream the “just a person renting out their extra space” model the company likes to tout.
And I found avoiding that a lot harder than I thought it would be.
Even having spent hours trying to weed those kinds of homes out, I was fooled in London, DC, and Santa Monica: those listings existed solely to be rented out on Airbnb. Those pictures that made it seem lived in? Faked. (And the place in London, which was supposed to be a room in a guy’s house, was just a room…but in a house for Airbnb guests.)
All that time spent trying to do the right thing…and I still failed!
As this happened over and over again, I thought to myself: Is it time to break up with Airbnb? Was using Airbnb was worth the cost it exacts on residents and the time spent trying to find gems in vain?
Being a responsible traveler is really important to me — but not contribute to the problems Airbnb causes.
Airbnb is one of the biggest drivers of overtourism. It has created a lot of new accommodation for travelers, which in turn contributes to higher tourism numbers.3 On the one hand, that’s good: cheaper accommodation = more tourists = more revenue. But, when unregulated and combined with the issues highlighted above, increased tourism kills the very places we love. It becomes a vicious cycle: more tourists = more money = more properties on Airbnb = fewer local residents. However, thankfully, as I highlight in this article, a lot of locales are fighting back and beginning to restrict the service.
Moreover, the company doesn’t really take action against hosts behave badly. From spying on guests to denying last-minute bookings to substandard conditions to fake reviews, complaints against hosts go unattended until they become news stories like this:
Airbnb quietly shut down a top host amid scathing reviews, but hundreds of guests were left to stay with him
Airbnb Has a Hidden-Camera Problem
A disturbing video of a violent Airbnb host is reigniting fears of racism in the sharing economy
‘Which monkey is gonna stay on the couch?’: Airbnb host kicks out black guests in racist exchange
British couple spends $11,800 on Airbnb rental in Ibiza that doesn’t exist
As such, I’ve found the customer service to be really terrible and slanted toward hosts. There are a lot of protections for hosts but not guests. If I cancel, I have to pay a fee. If the host cancels, there’s little punishment. When talking about my recent experiences with Airbnb on Twitter and Facebook, I found I was not alone. A lot of people have noticed a decline in the quality of the service lately. They still use it, but I was surprised that so many people didn’t do so as much as they used to. Here are some examples:
Super cool how consistently my Airbnb bookings for conferences (WWDC, now XOXO) get canceled by the host the week before the conference (presumably to make more cash by raising the rate).
— Sebastiaan de With (@sdw) September 1, 2019
My Airbnb host cancelled 48 hours before I was supposed to arrive for a two-month stay. Now I am left homeless and have received no help or compensation. This is ridiculous @Airbnb @AirbnbHelp
— Raimee (@doitallabroad) August 31, 2019
There are plenty of people who are still having wonderful experiences with the service. As a whole, I still like it. There are some hidden gems, wonderful people, and cool experiences on the website, especially when you get out of the big cities.
But, given the social problems it causes, the poor customer service, the hassle of dealing with hosts, the crapshoot in quality, the cleaning and other fees that make the service’s costs on par with traditional accommodation options, I’d often rather just book a regular hostel, hotel, or B&B. Those are simple, easy, and straightforward. (And, unlike the Airbnb I had in D.C., will come with rooms that actually lock!)
I don’t want to contribute to overtourism. I don’t want to price residents out of their homes. I don’t give my money to a company that doesn’t want to be a responsible stakeholder. (I haven’t even got to the lengths the company goes to fight against oversight, taxes, and regulation.)
And I don’t have all day to spend finding a room!
And I’m not the only one having second thoughts. Look at this survey I conducted on Twitter about using the service:
In light of my recent tweet on @Airbnb (and some ones from the past), I'm curious:
Do you use Airbnb?
— Nomadic Matt (@nomadicmatt) August 31, 2019
Those are not numbers I’d want to see if I was Airbnb. It’s clear, for most of us, the sentiment has shifted away from the service as it’s become more commercialized.
I’m not fully ready to give up on the service quite yet. I still think you can find some hidden gems and meet some great people.
And maybe their upcoming IPO will change its ways by bringing in new stockholders, activist investors, and more attention (stockholders don’t like negative news stories that lowers their stock price!).
Then again, maybe it won’t, and Airbnb will only get worse and I’ll have to stop using it altogether.
Only time will tell.
But I think the situation is bad enough where one needs to be wary of the service and use it with extreme care.
It’s not the same as it used to be.
Notes: 1: Since my team and I have been using the website a lot this year, we’re updating our guide to Airbnb to reflect changes in the service. It will be out in a few weeks.
2: You can also find another study done by California State University here.
3: Airbnb is not the prime cause of overtourism, but it definitely contributes greatly; the company’s desire to turn a blind eye to the problem is part of my problem with it.
Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe, so you always know no stone is being left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com, as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them both all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it, as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all those I use to save money when I travel — and they will save you time and money too!
The post Is It Time to Break Up with Airbnb? appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
from Nomadic Matt's Travel Site https://ift.tt/33cSCGA via IFTTT
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How To Build
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To finish off my observation and verify my sensible generally subject views certainly are a bit like feet everyone offers one ! Nevertheless all the best financial possibilities need the courage to make a rapidly choice, before they disappear, before they're gone. Earning profits with your web sites or websites applying AdSense is no different. Only point is, the market continues to be in its general infancy and this will provide possibilities for your requirements if guess what happens you are about. At the start, this really is OK but as your traffic develops, you'll need to watch out for other possibilities since there are sites out there that'll pay you a great deal more. Together with our new peers at bing, we're producing new possibilities for monetization, growth and development in web advertising, affiliate advertising, AdSense and several areas as the internet is growing and build exponentially.
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charly-ra · 5 years
21 PPC Lead Generation Tools for More High-Quality Leads
Want more leads? Maybe… but probably what you really want is better leads. It’s 2019, after all – B2B marketers have evolved past “lead gen 101”. They need leads that contribute to pipeline. Leads that become closed deals and real revenue.
Plenty of research backs this up. But here’s just one example: 58% of marketers said their top priority was lead quality.
Only 46% said it was lead quantity.
Getting higher-quality leads is a great goal, but it means you have to think more strategically about your ppc lead generation advertising. You have to think beyond the first click – way beyond it. So while many of the tools we’ve listed here are expressly for ppc, a couple are for optimizing what happens after the click.
Some of these ppc tools may be brand new to you, some will be familiar. Some you may already use. We’ve also included a handful of tools that aren’t primarily known as pay per click tools – but if you know how to use them, they can really help B2B lead generation campaigns.
PPC Lead Generation Competitive Analysis Tools
SpyFu can show you detailed information about your competitors’ SEO and pay per click campaigns, including keywords, estimated spend, estimated traffic, and even the ads they’ve run. It will give you suggestions for negative keywords, tell you who their top organic and paid competitors are, and more. SpyFu’s new tool, Nacho Analytics, even promises to basically show you your competitors’ analytics reports.
Ahrefs is another tool that has similar functionality to SpyFu. They’re primarily known for SEO, but because SEO and PPC are so complementary, you could easily find ways to optimize your ppc accounts with this tool. Same goes for Moz, which is also a terrific SEO analysis tool.
SEMRush is another competitive analysis tool that can be used for both SEO and PPC. It can help you:
analyze your ppc strategy and your competitors’ strategies
organize your keywords into ad groups more effectively
find negative keywords (more on that below)
research your competitors’ keywords and ads
Facebook Ads Library.
This is a brand-new tool Facebook has put out to offer better transparency for its ad platform. It’s excellent for competitive analysis. You can pick up ideas for ad creative testing and creation, and it will show you which countries your competitors are advertising in.
  Audience and keyword research ppc lead generation tools
Google Trends.
You can discover new keywords with Google Trends, but that’s not the most interesting thing about it. It’s the location data that’s so tantalizing.
Google Trends can help you find which locations to target for your lead generation ads. This is important because if your ppc budget is limited, you may not be able to afford to advertise country-wide. But if you can hone in at the state level (or the province level for Canada and other countries), sometimes you can cut off a slice of the market that is just enough more profitable to make a previously-failing campaign work.
If you serve customers across the country but need to optimize your spend, search with your keywords on Google Trends and see which states tend to have the most searches. Google Trends will also show you which terms people use in those states.
If you wanted to, you could even drill down to the metro level. In the example below, New York state looks like it’s a rich opportunity to target. But really, it’s only the New York metro area that’s worth targeting.
If you serve clients locally, of course, you should not be running national campaigns. We still see ppc ads for local businesses in national, (geographically unrelated) searches. If it’s the only thing you get out of this article, please: Don’t advertise to people you can’t serve.
Keyword tools for ppc lead generation
The Google Search Terms Report.
A great negative keywords list is an essential part of ppc campaign optimization, especially if you want quality leads. And while there are many ways to develop a negative keyword list, there are also a few tools that can help.
Start with the search terms report in your Google Ads account. To find it, go to the campaign you’re interested in, then the Keywords tab, then Select “Search Terms” from the Search tab.
Like this:
You might also want to borrow some negative keywords from our own suggested negative keywords list. It’s designed expressly for B2B marketers, and expressly to help you cull the type of searches that might technically generate a lead, but end up going nowhere (like students or bloggers doing research).
Many of the comprehensive ppc tools also offer their own negative keyword features. SpyFu, for example, can give you great ideas for your negative keyword lists. And WordStream has a free negative keyword tool.
There is also the paid negative keyword tool Karooya. It promises to save 10-15% of your monthly ad spend “in minutes.” The cost is based on your monthly ppc ad spend. An ad budget of up to $10,000 would incur a $150 one-time fee.
Track calls with Invoca, Twilio or CallRail.
Google Ads’ call extensions can “significantly increase clickthrough rate” according to Google. But they can be the devil to track. Or at least they used to be.
There are many services that offer call tracking, and several that offer call tracking specifically for Google Ads and Bing ads. Invoca is one; their pricing starts at $1,000 per month. CallRail may fit your budget better, especially if you just want to run a test. Their prices start at $45 to integrate with Google Ads and Analytics, or Bing Ads or Facebook ads.
Leads generated from call extensions do tend to be higher quality than average. It makes sense: If you can get someone to call your company, they’re more likely to actually be interested in doing business with you than someone who downloaded an ebook.
Landing Page and Website Optimization Tools
Speed up your landing pages with the Think With Google’s Test My Site tool.
Conversion rates are directly tied to page speed. So if you want to increase conversions, you want fast pages.
You’ve probably heard of Google’s Page Speed Insights Tool, but they’ve got a new speed tool that’s in some ways better. Better in that it easily lets you benchmark a page’s speed against its competitors. It will also show you how much money you’re losing every month by having a slow page. For lead generation marketers, just enter the value of a lead where the tool asks for Average Order Value.
So if you’ve wanted to speed up your landing pages, but you couldn’t get your team or your boss behind the project, go try this tool. Then go back to those laggards and show them how much it’s costing to have slow pages.
Google Analytics.
This is another tool that speaks to “thinking beyond the click.” What people do after they click through to your site is at the crux of improving lead quality. Ideally, you need to track them past the first conversion. Google Analytics is the best free tool available to do that, though it does fall short in that you can’t track the identity of individual users across multiple sessions.
Using Google Analytics to improve lead quality could be the topic of an entire blog post (and maybe even a book), but we have several resources that will help you improve lead quality without spending too much time:
27 B2B Marketing Measurement Reports in Google Analytics
7 Ways to Increase Accuracy and Insights in Google Analytics
15 Free Resources to Discover & Learn Google Analytics (from Google)
Track and analyze your competitors’ landing pages with Ispionage’s Landing Page Gallery.
How your landing pages perform has a massive influence over the quality of your leads.
So wouldn’t you like a little bit of competitive edge there?
You can, of course, check your competitors’ landing pages yourself. But Ispionage will also track landing pages across multiple industries. It’s a great resource for developing new landing page designs and new ideas for landing page tests. It also has robust competitive analysis tools for PPC, and can help you find more keywords, too.
Speaking of which… you’ll also need a good landing page builder tool. Unbounce, LeadPages, or Instapage all work well. You may also want to rethink how you map your keywords to your landing pages. That alone can make a major difference in conversion rates and lead quality.
Form analytics… did you know that is a thing? It is, and Hotjar does it. It can show you how people are interacting with the forms on your landing pages. I know – analytics AND forms, riveting! But when you double conversion rates, get a massive raise and a promotion… that’s pretty exciting.
Formisimo is another form analytics tool worth testing.
Landing page split-testing tools.
If you aren’t split-testing your landing pages… you’re almost certainly not getting as much out of your ad spend as you could be.
There are many tools for split-testing landing pages, but the two most popular ones are Optimizely and Visual Website Optimizer. Visual Website Optimizer is the more affordable of the two and is often recommended to split-testing “beginners.”
There’s also Adobe’s Target, AB Tasty, Monetate, and Google Optimize. All the full-featured landing page creator tools also have split-testing features. Use whatever integrates with your stack best, but please: Test your landing pages.
Novel Ways to Boost PPC Lead Generation
You don’t have to limit your ppc lead generation to traditional lead generation forms. Interactive content can be used to generate leads and to qualify leads. A tool like SnapApp (or other interactive tool creators) can help you create calculators, assessments, even a quiz or an interactive PDF. Those lead generation formats are all excellent at our real goal here: To generate higher-quality leads.
So consider sending some of your ppc traffic to an interactive tool, rather than a traditional lead generation download/opt-in form. It could get you dramatically better leads… and make things much more interesting for your prospects, too.
Here’s an example of a lead qualifying question that can be embedded into a PDF:
Wistia’s Turnstile lead generation tool.
Here’s another tool to use as an alternative to the traditional lead generation downloads and opt-in forms. With Turnstile you can get leads from video content.
You already know how huge video marketing is. So how about using it for your lead generation? You’ll get higher quality leads if you delay the opt-in form until it’s at least 15 to 20 seconds into the video, or at the very end. You’ll get even higher quality leads (though far fewer) if you make the lead form optional.
Traditional PPC Lead Generation Management Tools
Google Ads Editor.
Are you still clunking around your Google Ads account to make changes via a desktop? Stop. The Google Ads Editor is a power tool for power users. If this much power scares you, build up your Ads Editor skills first.
Bing Ads Editor.
Same principle, different tool. And yes, you should be advertising on Bing.
Tools / Platforms to Manage Your PPC Lead Generation Campaigns
PPC advertising is one area where all the anticipation over AI has become real. This is true both on the user side (many of the tools we’re about to mention use machine learning, if not full-fledged AI), and on the advertising platform side. Google and Facebook’s platforms are increasingly taking more and more tasks away from ppc marketers, and having the advertising algorithms do the heavy lifting – like with Facebook’s Campaign Budget Optimization.
If you’ve ever managed a big ppc account, this won’t be much of a surprise. It’s tedious to change the bids on 1,300 ad groups… every week. So this is one area where marketers may not care one jot if “the machines” take over this part of their jobs.
So here are the tools that can offer you machine-learning level ad management. This is not an exhaustive list, but it covers the major players. We have listed these tools in alphabetical order.
Acquisio’s ad management tool works with Google Ads and Bing. It will set up and launch campaigns, manage running campaigns. And optimize and report on those campaigns.
AdStage focuses on helping marketers with rules management and reporting.
Kenshoo’s “full funnel” tracking features will be especially helpful for ppc lead generation marketers who want higher quality leads.
Marin Software.
If you need to have a multi-channel view of your prospects, this software may be a fit. It works with SEM, social, Amazon ads, and helps identify audiences to improve advertising on any platform.
This tool can automate bids, manage rules, handle reporting, scripts and other automations. It also works with Google Shopping Ads and Google’s Data Studio.
Click Fraud Protection with PPC Protect.
Click fraud is a real problem, and it’s almost certainly affecting your ads. While it’s probably not worthwhile to bother with click fraud software if you spend less than, say, $10,000 a month on ppc lead generation, if your budget is higher, it’s worth a test.
PPC Protect is only one of many click fraud prevention tools, but it’s probably the best known. And they have a 30-day free trial.
PPC lead generation has gotten more complex over the last few years. The tools within the advertising platforms are more sophisticated, and having to find higher quality leads makes the work even more challenging.
Fortunately, we have tools that are up to the challenge. Are you?
from http://bit.ly/2I6x6N6
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lisakellner · 4 years
What to do when Art Systems crumble
When it’s time for a total overhaul.
Important: If you are in a dire situation, click on this list of emergency resources provided by Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts.
Watch or listen here: (with a little nature infusion)
What to do when art systems crumble:
We are in a time of upheaval. Galleries close, museums cut services, jobs are suspended or lost. The system we have been relying on for so long is coming apart at the seams. I want to offer some real tools to help you move forward.
Note: if you are in an emergency situation, go to this list of emergency services for Artists (further down on the page) provided by Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts.
Feel What you’re feeling.
What ever you are experiencing right now is okay. Take the time to really feel the emotions going through you. I had a great mentor that gave me some valuable advice. She told me that whenever she experienced something bad, she would stop what she’s doing and take fifteen solid minutes to really feel the emotions. It’s important to acknowledge the impact this particular event is having on you in this moment. Whatever you feel is the right feeling to have right now. Take the time and embrace it.
One effective tool is to acknowledge the feeling yet separate yourself from it.
Instead of saying, “I am angry and frustrated about xyz”, try this instead: ”I feel anger and frustration about xyz.” You can have the feelings without them completely overtaking who you are.
2. Get in the right Mindset.
When you are ready, ease yourself into a better mindset. What does that mean exactly? You can’t get out of this situation, if you have a defeatist attitude.
You have to be able to shift your thinking. New scenarios require new ways of problem solving.
Check out this blog post: Why the Right Mindset matters. Each day, try to immerse yourself in a new activity. See whether this activity shifts your thinking, even if its for a few minutes. It takes time to change your mindset. I recently went through my own personal journey of shifting my mindset. I wish I could tell you it took a day or even a few weeks. Like all good things, it took time. (In my case a couple years.) But the outcome is that this shift became permanent. And I am so grateful for that! Just start on the journey of a new mindset for a new era; one that empowers you to achieve, not makes you reliant on systems outside of your control.
3. Believe (and Know) that you will get through this.
"You are what you believe yourself to be."  -- Paulo Coelho
Make sure your true belief system is in alignment with your actions and your thoughts. It’s one thing to say I believe “abc”, but you also have to know it with every cell in your body. It has to become a part of you; impervious to outside influences. Sounds simple, but not always so easy. Use this time when all things around you are seemingly declining, to renew your belief system about yourself. Repeat until you know it innately:
You are perfectly capable of finding your way through anything.
You are successful and thriving. Nothing can get in your way of your own success.
If you can’t get there quite yet, the first step is being aware that your belief system is not in sync with your own ability to prosper. You want to be successful. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be struggling right now. Be cognizant that you might be placing some roadblocks in your own way. Once you understand that the biggest thing holding you back is your own set of beliefs, then - and only then - can you change them.
4. Diversify your income and your strategy
I have been through a recession (actually three) and have learned a thing or two along the way. The first one hit two months after I graduated college. As I watched everyone around me being laid off or fired, I spent each day waiting for the ball to drop. I decided right then and there to never depend solely on one source of income.
Diversify your income AND your strategy.
Let’s talk strategy first. As an artist in the time we are currently living in, I strongly suggest that you do not rely on one source for exhibiting and selling your work. Diversify. If you are completely dependent on galleries (one or more) to get your work seen and sold, then you are NOT diversified. What happens when those galleries close or a pandemic forcibly shuts them down? In the financial world, not being diversified is foolish - to say the least. An investor would not just invest in oil companies or soft drink companies. A smart investor would make sure their portfolio is well diversified. A smart artist should do the same. Your investment of time, energy and money required to make your work should embolden you to never fully rely on one outlet for your success. It’s time to come up with multiple streams for promoting, exhibiting and selling your work. Use this time to gear up and create a strategy that will once again place you on a firm foundation. Force yourself to think of innovative ways that maybe you haven’t considered before. Take a look around. there are many artists already doing this. Start an online course or YouTube channel that you can monetize. Create a Patreon membership offering a service or product that is really valuable. Use Zoom to show you working in the studio and ask for a “Pay what You Want” donation. Create your own online exhibition or studio tour.
The point is stop relying on old systems to get you through this new landscape.
Okay, finances. I have always felt that a secondary source of income is a must have, especially for artists. Having that source of income not within the arts makes it a diversified income source.
You want to be recession proof.
Look around right now and assess what industries are actually thriving (or at least sustaining) during this time. I can think of a few. All indicators point to a flourishing online economy - like it or not. Get yourself a foothold online so that you can profit from this already burgeoning system. The beauty of it is, you can be online and remain independent. Another overlooked system is the most local one near you. What is working and what isn’t right now in your local landscape? How can you provide something that works here? No matter where you live, growing and providing food will always be in demand. Is there a way to use your creativity to profit from a local food system? What about a passive income source? Write an eBook and sell it. Use your art in new ways to earn for you. Create an awesome t-shirt with your own distinctive style! Passive income streams inside and outside of the arts are a viable source of secondary income.
Finally, keep your expenses low. (I’ll have more on this at a future date.)
5. Be of service
I know. You’re thinking, how can I help others when I am suffering myself? When times are tough and people come together, the world opens and the potential for opportunity is suddenly realized.
It’s important to get outside of yourself and help others.
When you do this, an interesting thing happens. You begin to problem solve for other people and it leads to new ways of thinking (mindset revamp) and new ways of doing. Be being unselfish, you start to see things in a new light, finding ways around a problem that perhaps you hadn’t considered before. Then, you start applying these to your OWN life. Amazing! I challenge you right now to use your art and your creative skills to find a way to serve your audience. When we help others we put into context our own problems and take on a larger perspective of how the world works. Always a useful tool.
6. Build your own thing
As old systems begin to crumble, the opportunity arises for you to create your own system. One that relies mostly on you and not on things out of your control. A stand of trees in the woods depends on each other. Yet, each tree has to have a strong root system and trunk in order to survive the worst of storms. Decide right now to rebuild your own foundation and be impervious to future crises. Creating a strategy and building your won system is something I focus on in my One to One coaching sessions. Begin with a website. If you already have one, do a total revamp and make sure that your website reflects the new you. Start to create your own community. Don’t just commiserate with other artists about how bad things are.
Be a part of the change that needs to happen.
What is lacking right now? Be the solution for it. You are smart and you are creative. Use these skills to change the problem rather than just succumbing to it.
7. Get the right kind of help
Reach outside of yourself for new information, new skills and new mentors. There is plenty of information online that can help you through. Or you can find someone you trust to help you with a strategy for the future. This will pass and we will get through it. You decide how that is going to happen.
If you want to take this further, here’s how I can help you: The Artist Essentials One on One Method.
In Summary:
What to do when art systems crumble:
Feel what you’re feeling.
Get in the right mindset.
Believe and Know that you will get through this.
Diversify your income and your strategy.
Be of service.
Build your own thing.
Get the help you need. Sign up for personal, tailored advice with The Artist Essentials Services.
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