#i think they'd traumabond
glove-head · 27 days
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@thefantastician made a comic asking what if Surge met Shadow and tbh I really wanna see that
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courtblacksmith · 5 months
As I've promised before, even if I feel extremely tired, I shall bring forth the list of reasons why Wes/Pendle honestly works as a contestant for another minor 'romantic' (in quotations because of a point I'm going to make later on) subplot, or just how they work so well that it would be really good for them to be canon. it's also a list of reasons why it's the best written dynamic so far and how it shows Weaver's improvement in writing
to start I want to bring forth the famous board which is a staple of my long lasting brain rot ..
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This one's obvious. Everyone(the small following of Divequest fans) loves the oddly tragic gay people trope. Probably. Well some of us do!
Oddly enough, they have the most intriguing and strong in a sense dynamic out of the entire cast, somehow suppressing the Only Ever Canon Divequest Couple in terms of the feels.
The inherent homoromanticism of letting your closest comrade to break your limbs for the sake of his and that girl you almost killed's safety. Need I say more?
You might just say "but Quinn, that does not make sense!!" Well, you are extremely wrong with this one! It was mainly due to Wes's thoughts as it happened, and while it might be just read as 'extremely close friends(tragic)', it somehow doesn't.. feel like that to me, and.. uh. This small following of fellow people who get me. I mean.
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This one is so important to me. The fact that a portion of that messed up lore really brings them together and makes them important to each other's stories and lives in general in such a heartwrenching way. As the user @renardtrickster said,
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To the part above, this is what gets me the most. Even if all of the interactions they had before the end of 26 weren't even Pendle, but the Spider masquerading as him, it always stayed the same. Wes still treated Pendle as his closest comrade, and not a foe,especially when it got revealed that he is still there, if the 'buddy'(which was said twice, once in 26 and the other time in 28) meant anything special, and the genuine concern even though they both knew that it had to be done. Chapter 28 delivers with the most heartwrenching conversation too.
Speaking of chapter 28! This is the second moment that ever made me almost cry. They make me so emotional in every way. There's something so oddly intimate(in my own meaning of intimacy I guess) in this part that it's so sad it was this short.
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As I mentioned at the beginning, I don't think they'd be presented in the stereotypical romance way, but something more based on traumabonding and healing together. You can really go crazy with their relationship
They're mirrors, and they reflect each other quite well! Wes doesn't like to talk as much, Pendle rambles like crazy. Wes isn't squeamish when it comes to gore and corpses, because he got used to the sights due to being a war veteran, and Pendle faints at the sight of bodies. Wes doesn't really care about how he lives, he only cares about if he gets to do his job, and Pendle has special 'rules' to the quality of his life because he's used to a more noble life. There's also many more stuff I can mention
This is just a more general thing but I feel like they can bond over the whole thing with death and all. Even if their standpoints and roles were different, they still couldn't stop any of the deaths surrounding them , even if Wes was just used to the sights and Pendle had to watch the Spider murder in his body while he couldn't really do anything.
Anyways, as a last thing, I'd really hope for an interlude chapter related to just Pendle and his journey of healing and re-establishing his relationships. I think he deserves it
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How would a meeting/conversation between all your protagonist go down? Like who would like or dislike one another, who would get along etc.
Also how would a conversation go amongst them of who has it the worst (in their current situation)
(Which imo has to be Jacob(which i think is his name forgive me if im wrong), with Serena being a close second, and borrower kid 3rd (cus everyone he know is probably dead, and he's also very young) the rest in between, with light house dude (can't remember his name) being close to last because they objectively imo are in the best position/situation compared to everyone else despite having a broken limb.)
Ooooohhh interesting...let's see, if we skip any secondary characters and focus only on the protags which are the tinies, we'd have -- Jacob, Jamie/Nano, Serena, Jasper, Milo, Kumiko, and Felix. But we can knock off Kumiko and Felix for now since they only exist in art and don't have a story written yet.
It's very funny to imagine because all of them are regular sized humans except Milo who's a borrow, so I think they'd be a bit freaked out that something smaller than them can also exist and have no idea how to cope with being the 'giants' for the first time.
Jacob and Serena would probably get on pretty well via traumabonding since they have similar vibes (college student minding their business before being kidnapped by a monster that's killed like 50 ppl). Jamie would probably hang out with Jasper more since those two don't have too serious of an issue with their giant counterparts, but Jamie would be sooooo fucking bored being used to doing hero stuff while Jasper just sits in a lighthouse all day.
Jamie is also Milo's unofficial babysitter because they have the ability to shrink down and take care of him at a similar scale, which they don't overly mind, but they're still kinda annoyed they're the one stuck with the job when Jacob is way better with kids from experience (Mibao, and just being the baby in the family himself). Jacob thinks Jasper is hella cool and living every artist's dream life, but Serena thinks he's hard to talk with since he's from the late 1800's and doesn't know what a toaster is.
Everyone keeps making jokes that Jacob is the only one of them not in their 20's besides the actual child, which makes him a baby by default. Milo likes all of them but definitely prefers Jamie since they can be small like him. Serena thinks Jamie is kind of annoying but deals with it. Jasper is sweet but all of them have to explain at some point or another that certain things aren't very politically correct to say anymore, especially to a bisexual man, a black woman, and a Latino nonbinary.
In terms of who has it worst to best, its fairly agreed that its:
Jacob, Serena, Jamie, Milo, Jasper
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basicallyjaywalker · 4 months
For the OC ask game
Jackie Fei: 1, 11, and 19
Hannah Stone: 4, 12, and 24
Roxie Andrews: 8, 20, and 25
TOASTY!!!!! Back again to allow me to lore dump (ty for the ask!!!!)
Jackie Fei:
1: Her voice? Hmm, I don't have a voice claim for her yet but I always imagined it as very clear and firm, like a bell ringing the time. There's something very sure in the way she speaks.
11: Her family life? Hmm, in terms of biological family, her parents are dead. Her relationship with her mother is very loose, built on stories she's told by those who knew her. She knows nothing about her father, since he was someone her mother met long after she lost touch with the other elemental masters.
She was raised by a caretaker named Madame Donadieu who really, really didn't like her. Treated her more like a servant than a child. Jackie doesn't consider her family, but does acknowledge that woman raised her, unfortunately.
Her family as she knows it now is her team and the ninjas. Master Twyla is the closest thing to a mom she's ever had and she considers Misako like a second mom. Kai is very close to an annoying brother. She, Hannah, and Roxie all have a close connection, each due to the similarities they share in their pasts. Traumabonding talks at 3 AM when?
19: Reaction to betrayal? Absolutely crushed, but depending on the severity of the betrayal, ready to cut ties. Worst case scenario, you've also got a pissed off magic-user who it's on sight with.
Jackie stakes a lot in her trust, especially because sometimes she's trusted too easily and it's come back to bite her (Hello, Overlord). Betraying her, getting her or her friends hurt in the process, is an excellent way to make a terrible enemy.
Hannah Stone:
4: Her insecurities? Feeling weak or helpless. When she was still on Chen's Island, she constantly dealt with taunts of her being weak. She was constantly beaten and bruised to train her to take on every other elemental master in the future. As a result, she's very insecure about being vulnerable and it takes a lot of trust from her to see her in any state that's not trying to be "tough."
12: Romantic life? Mwahaha, shipping chart time
Her first girlfriend was Skylor! Though she didn't know that Skylor was Chen's daughter and figured she was the child of another cult member, like Kyle was. Skylor was sometimes sent to check on her and take care of her and they ended up taking a liking to each other. Unfortunately, you shouldn't combine the daughter of a manipulative cult leader who has yet to unlearn her brainwashing and the volatile human weapon he's training, that's not healthy for either of them. They broke things off right before Hannah and Kyle escaped. They're on good terms post-s4, but anything romantic has been tabled.
She and Nataly had something for a little while, but it didn't last. It was way too soon after Hannah left Chen's Island and she still wasn't willing to be emotionally open or available. They're still good friends and close confidants.
Her and Kai... well, they're kind of my end game. They mesh well with each other. Whereas Kai's mellowed out more already, Hannah's still got that hotheadedness. I think he'd provide her with some stability and support she desperately needs. Plus, I love couples who, while they bicker and poke fun at each other, still love each other all the same.
Bonus: Kai helps her cut and dye her hair sometimes. When they'd been dating for a while, she got red streaks and he helped her put them in.
24: What motivates her? Two things:
Self-motivation: spite and malice! Listen, is it super healthy? No. But something that kept her from turning tail and running during the Tournament was going in there and winning the damn thing so she could spit in Clouse's stupid face. Often, that desire to spit in the face of whoever is what drives her to do other things. Bonus if that whoever is a shitty authority!
External motivation: protecting her friends/family. While the opportunity to spit in Chen's stupid face kept her going on the Island, it was her friends who got her there to begin with. They were going to go and she wanted to keep them safe. She knew the Island and Chen better than them, so she swallowed her fear and came with.
Roxie Andrews:
8: What she likes to eat? Anything home-cooked tbh. Homecooked meals for her were a rarity and it shows that you care enough to put time and effort into making something for her, and that means a lot. It can taste terrible even and she'll still love it.
20: Reaction to a mystery love letter? Schoolgirl giggling and daydreaming about who it could be. Flustered and embarrassed but in a good way!!! Absolutely telling all of her friends about it.
25: Why I enjoy her? Roxie is one of my most down-to-earth characters, compared to the others. She's unshakeable. She's caring. She's one of the few who are so genuinely goodhearted and noble that I have trouble imagining her turning evil or hurting people. There's something about her that just makes me want to hold her and give her only good things. I gave her parental issues and a crippling sense of self-doubt instead, but that's neither here nor there.
Also, it's really funny to imagine her dealing with her team. She is the leader because she is the most stable of the six, which isn't saying much. She's got them all on child leashes except for Jackie, who just cannot be the leader because she's too likely to get herself killed. Somebody get this poor girl an aspirin.
Original ask game here!
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giggly-argent · 1 year
fuck the nap my mind is Awake!! oc ship rambling time 😈
Ok I had a 100% concrete endgame relationship for Aries but uhhh. Difficult so here are all the characters that I've put him with so far (in order of least to most reasonable)
Aries and Hades being weird exes is Canon so they are Nottt getting back together 💕
like a good chunk of Aries's problems stem from his inability to get over losing Hades to Raiel 💀
As of right now Noel's supposed to end up as his bf but ... It's lookin bleak!
the original appeal was the whole Rivals → Lovers + bonding over secret identities thing, then Aries would Fully fall for him after he found out about Vie
but im starting to like the idea of them staying Highly annoying and competitive coworkers instead lmao
Zidenna's his bestie!! They make him feel all safe n shit so obviously they go p well together
traumabonding 1.0
Kinda like with Noel tho, the idea of them staying as friendly Menaces instead of dating is v nice too!
Polaris and Aries go SUPER well together and I didn't realize it until I finished w her redesign augh
They're both nerdy and talented, and Aries's more easygoing attitude balances out Polaris's reclusive nature!
Plus she literally NEEDS him to accomplish her life goal-
She's deathly afraid of him at first bc she's heard all kinds of horrible rumors about his family, but when she finally gets to meet him and finds out he's just some Geek, it's all over 💙💙
man here we go
traumabonding 2.0
When I first made Zero he was just gonna be a straight Villain to Aries but now he's literally the perfect matchup for him ??
Stoic/Silly ships are godtier, and the longer Zero sticks around, the more Aries helps in bringing out his soft side 🖤
Because of their job they're like. Always around each other, so they know more about each other than anyone else in the castle
Zero usually knows how to solve Aries's problems, and vice versa. Even if they can't help they'll always try, or just stay as a shoulder to lean on
they joke flirt. a LOT. dangerous levels of """"fake"""" sappiness
when Aries finds out Zero plays bass he's ALL over him begging him to play smth and maybe sing with him sometimes (boosts Zero's ego by 500% :D)
Shit even their dads know each other (Huge L for Vega and Osiris, they'd die a second time if they found out their sons were coworkers 💀)
oughgh wailing aobbing caterwauling they are So cute together 😭 the only thing keeping me from making them endgame is Zero/Zidenna/Meri-
when the guy who Desperately thinks he needs to be loved actually figures out that he's alright by himself :)
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