#i thought it was beautifully animated but yk..
gogolizards · 2 years
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i’ve got you inukawa 👍
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bonyato · 1 year
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—“Really? Are we bound by a psychic bond?”
Here's what I meant in my previous post!! Bit of an insignificant detail, but I feel like that small change in dialogue made this exchange feel a lot more heartfelt <:3♡
Also bonus:
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Nothing much to note here, I just love the way the ESP translation made O-mitsu go from saying 'complaints' to using the term 'chismes' (gossip) instead, not to mention the way the whole thing's worded hskfjkfj it's so silly
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starpunkssgalaxy · 1 month
you already know, a little short but its wtv
- Ben has a bunch of weird shirts, yk those ones that are like “I got my lobotomy done at Claire’s!” Aiden bought him one as a joke but Ben thought it was hilarious and got more
- if the group even makes it to adulthood i see aiden as a drag racer or something, he’d get a kick out of the thrill of it
- can you even imagine when they all have to get jobs? ash’s first job would be some kind of customer service and on rough shifts she just goes in the back to scream then come back out like “☺️ what can i do for you?” she quit that job and got a quieter one
- i could definitely see ash working at a library or something though, she gets to listen to music and stock shelves with books and barely interact with anyone? dream come true
- taylor and tyler are lifeguard material for sure, they would love working at the pool/waterpark
- logan once ripped a mannequins arm off in a store after jokingly shaking it and got so scared he hid it in the men’s bathroom
- ash loves old animated movies. the last unicorn, secrets of nimh, the black cauldron, arthur and the invisibles, she just has a collection of these kinds of dvds that are borderline nightmare fuel
- taylor is such an art girly idc, especially with coloring and i dont mean little kid coloring books but those adult insanely detailed ones and she can color and shade them beautifully
- in summertime taylor loves drawing on the sidewalk with chalk she just has such an eye for color
- aiden on the other hand is a doodler at heart, he and taylor will sometimes draw/color in class together
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dazaisleftarm · 17 days
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"if im going to hell so are you."
Priest fyodor x incubus Nikolai.
This is based of fanart i saw,so whoever drew that shoutout to u for the idea‼️ Sorry if this is shit yall i am writing this with 4 hours of sleep,sorry for any grammer mistakes or bad explained situations,i love yall and i hope you have fun reading this<3 (Apologies if it gets boring too,imma try to make this one interessting story‼️)
Fyodor,a priest,was asked to perform an excsorsism in a old yet still good looking castle,while fyodor was walking there,holding the cross around his neck now tightly,he felt a incredibly dark aura,he looked at the castle infront of him,it was black and brown,it looked so beautiful yet scary,he walked up a couple of stairs leading to the front door,yes,yes this place was haunted,it felt like a demons house,such dark feelings,there must be one bad little demon here,fyodor walked around the dark castle,the only source of light being a candle,and the bright white moon that was shining through the dusty black Windows,after walking around for a while he found a big room,it looked perfect to perform the excsorsism he placed down a small bag he was carrying,taking out three items,a cross,a bottle of holy water,and a pretty,white candle,he puts down the candle he was holding for Light previously and lit the other one, while he was getting ready to preform the excsorsism,holding a cross necklace(yk the one w the beads,sorry i forgot the name :( ),he started saying a prayer, while doing so,a figure appeared from the shadows,it was a young looking male demon,pretty white hair done in a neath braid,his clothes much like a..clowns..? Except his clothes didn't have any of the bright colours clowns would wear,no reds,no bright greens,just black and white,what an odd demon. Fyodor felt his presence and turned around holding out his cross. "Stay back you filthy unholy creature" fyodor growled out,this only made the demon get closer putting out his arms "allow me introduce myself,will ya? And put that cross away,only looking at it gives me a headache" the man said,his tail swishing from side to side, fyodor took a few steps back and looked at the demon in discust still holding out the cross. "My name is Nikolai gogol,who are you,you seem like a important person,ah yeah- i can feel it,your aura,so Pure,so innocent,you must be one of those patethic believers" nikolai scofted out,fyodor looked at him with discust "you piece of filth,how dare you, go back to the deepest pits of hell where you belong." Fyodor said in a stern voice "oh you see mr priest,i could go back,but why go back when its way more fun here! Getting to feast on those idiots who enter this place,its so much fun! Fucking and sucking all their energy out,then making them go home, clueless of what happend!" The white haired man said with an excited giggle,by now fyodor lowered the cross,he studied the man for a second looking at his facial features, he was absolutely stunning..no fyodor! Focus! "From the mark on your stomach i assume your a dirty incubus,Arent you" said fyodor,looking at the pretty mark,it was red and decorated his tummy beautifully. "Ah yes,yes i am ! Good observing sir!" Nikolai said with a smile approaching the black haired male,by now fyodor couldnt back away anymore,he was already propped up in a corner,the pretty moon light and the 2 candles making it all honestly look.. romantic? "Back away you filthy animal" fyodor said with a loud growl, ofcourse one thing led tho another and...yeah!
Nsfw ahead!! I reccomend people sensetive to this kind of stuff click away and imagine how the rest of the story would go,idk:3
"Ngh..~⁠♡ d-discusting..filthy sinner..ugh~" fyodor said while gripping on Nikolais braid,Nikolai was sucking him off like a Hungry beast who hasnt eaten in ages ,this was all so sinfull,would god ever forgive fyodor for this? I mean,he was gods chosen one after all,or so he thought,so he'd surely forgive fyodor for this sin,right? "Your saying i am discusting while your drooling and moaning all over the place" Nikolai said in reply, "shut your mouth you animal,once this is over il send you- ngh~! Back to the place where you belong! Oh god..~!" He said with shaky breaths,Nikolai rolled his eyes,now touching his own dick while continueing to suck fyodor off,not long after fyodor came in Nikolais mouth. "Ngh~! Oh god! Ah~!♡" fyodor whimpered and moaned as Nikolai helped him calm down from his orgasm,fyodor was shocked, discusted and extremely tired,"there,if im going to hell so are you."
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reiners-milkbiddies · 8 months
lola!! (spoilers) i’m reading the tokyo revengers manga right. i just finished the part where it all comes together that shin is also a time traveler & i’m literally destroyed.. the first timeline?? mikey illness? shin meeting takemitchy? like i’m so in awe how beautifully this is written (i want to cry lol). i was an anime only first so i could never imagine that first season coming to this yk? anyways, so sorry for my rant.. i just thought about you after i read those chapters!! im a shin stan now, he’s so perfect. take care <3
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Aww I’m glad you thought of me ! 🥺🫶🏼 Okay so don’t hate me lmao but I’m anime/manga ish but not like religiously. Plus Tiktok/tumblr spoiled a lot for me which I don’t mind tbh lol but PAIN.
It really is so beautiful even though we got our happy ending, I did feel it kinda rushed but I’m not complaining, just felt like they left a lot of like potential to give us more with Hanma. for example, I BELIEVED Hanma was the other time traveler & like they could’ve used him for so much more, but it’s funny af to me because Hanma was just a freaking menace for fun
As to Shin, it’s so freaking crazy dude ! After everything I learned/read/watched I started liking him. But for the life of me, it’s F Mikey (senju too) ✈️ I just can’t forgive him for what he did to Haru. Poor baby :(
Feel free to keep asking ! I enjoy this ! 🫶🏼
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bokutosmeatythigh · 2 years
Bokuto x GN! Reader
I’ve just been thinking about this wholesome bean for a while and decided to come back from the dead with writing this shitty fluffy thing. 
TW: Anxiety, minor panic attack, takes place in a big crowd
                             ~ Keep reading beyond this point ~
Every second that passed you could feel your breath getting hurried and more panicked.
“It’s okay, your okay, just find Kou and get out of here” (if you feel like your going to have a panic attack, don’t brush it off like this, reader is making a bad decision rn) you thought to yourself as you navigated through the crowded stands of the festival. 
                                   ~ F L A S H - B A C K ~
Your boyfriend, whom you loved very much had been exited to come to a festival that had just opened up and you couldn’t wipe the smile off his his face by telling him that you weren’t the fondest of crowded places. You admit, you were having a lovely time, until you look down and didn’t see his beautifully calloused hand intertwined with yours. 
                                          ~ P R E S E N T ~
Your mind raced with the endless possibilities of what could have happened, he could have gotten kidnaped, YOU could have gotten kidnaped, what if he decided that dating you was a big mistake and didn’t know how to end it? 
Tears brimmed the edges of your eyes until you heard an angel;
“Y/N?” the angelic voice said, you looked up and saw non other than the Fukurudani setter, Akaashi Keiji. “What are you doing here? I thought you hated large crowds” Akaashi stated with a worried expression in his eyes,
“I do, Kou thought it would be fun to come, I’m a victim to his puppy-dog eyes” you sheepishly stated while frantically wiping any trace of tears from your eyes. 
“I just saw him by the petting zoo (if yk where I’m going with this, no you don’t), I would show you but I entered a raffle and they are about to announce the winners” your savior said with a comforting smile on his absolutely gorgeous face. He pointed to where your boyfriend would be and politely walked away. 
You made your way over there, trying to keep the little ember of hope you had flickering. You had enough pride to not break down in the middle of a crowded area, that would attract un-needed attention. When you stopped in front of the stand, an employe came over and got your ticket, as well as directed you towards the main animals. When you finally stopped, you heard the person who you had traveled aways over to see
“Y/N!” your lovable boyfriend yelled over at you.
“Kou! What were you thinking, wandering off like tha-” you cut your scolding short as you saw an exact replica of Bokuto sitting on his shoulder, except it was an owl. “Cute friend you got there” you nonchalantly said while pointing to his shoulder.
“I know! As an apology for making you come, I wanted to get you some F/F *favorite food* but my journey got delayed when I made eye contact with this blessing to humanity.” He said with the signature anime sparkles in his eyes.
You wanted to savor this moment forever, it was so adorable and you couldn’t feel luckier to have an amazing boyfriend by your side, as if he was reading what you were about to say he cut your breath short and said, “You know Y/N, you are the most amazing lover I could ask for, sometimes I’m not even sure if I deserve you, I know it’s selfish of me but even if I don’t deserve you I don’t think I could ever let you go”. He said, looking down with a beet red face
“Oh Kou, you know just what to say just at the right time” you said with the exact smile he fell for when he first saw your face.  After you left the petting zoo, thanking the employees for letting you guys play with the owl you went back home.
                               ~ S H O R T - T I M E - S K I P ~
As you laid your head on Koutarous chest, you could hear his steady heartbeat, what you didn’t know was that you were part of the reason his heart was beating, he fell in love with your smile, the way it would instantly light up a room on what seemed like the darkest of days, how your eyes would show so much emotions, you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen, and he would be a damn idiot to ever let you go.  As you nuzzled deeper into his chest, the love he felt for you depend by the second and you both fell asleep enjoying each others company and basking in the love you felt for one another.  (THIS IS SO CRINGY BUT I TRIED LMAO)
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exploringfiction · 7 years
Yuri On Ice - Groundbreaking representation or cheap fanservice?
DISCLAIMER! This is all my own opinion. If you disagree with what i say, ignore the post, or better, start a debate with what you think, and I’ll be happy to discuss our points of view.
If you’ve had any sort of internet connection in recent months, you’ve heard of Yuri On Ice, the ice-skating anime that’s taken the internet by storm. The hype grew out of nowhere - Yuri On Ice (YOI) has no manga or light novel source material. The show grew so massive for one reason; at face value, YOI is centred around two male ice skaters who fall in love. Yes, I said at face value, because on further inspection into the anime, the two ‘romantic leads’ never actually confirm their relationship. So why all the fuss?
The premise
Yuri on Ice starts out as the story of Yuri Katsuki (YK), a figure skater with anxiety who majorly messes up his skate in the Grand Prix Final (a skating competition), thus coming last place and losing his self-confidence. So far, so basic shounen sports anime. He goes back to Japan, where *plot twist* his childhood idol Viktor Nikiforov (VN) is chilling in the bath, and says he will be YK’s personal skating instructor. This causes some beef between YK and Yuri Plisetsky (YP), who VN had earlier promised to train. The rest of the story is YK overcoming his anxiety and performing in competitions, and the season ends with him placing second after YP in the Grand Prix. With fanservice.
Why does everyone think it’s gay?
Firstly, YOI started out strong with astronomically high levels of homoerotic fanservice. Like, higher than Free! levels of fanservice. In the first episode alone, VN turns up naked in YK’s home, and makes sexually charged statements, such as asking to ‘sleep’ with YK. The turning point however, from Free! knockoff to ‘hey this might actually be LGBT rep’ was the infamous ‘kiss’ in episode 7. Of course, there is a slight issue with this scene.
We don’t actually see the kiss.
This was chalked up by the fandom to gay censorship by Japanese television, however this is not actually true. M/M kisses have been shown on television multiple times, the most notable examples in recent years being NO.6, Mirai Nikki and Shinsekai Yori. This is when the first alarm bells go off, because this is blatant queerbaiting. The promise of a kiss that is never seen and could be easily put down as a hug is Grade A, perfect queerbaiting. This is furthered in episode 10, where YK and VN exchange rings in a romantic style, yet YK insists that they are good luck charms, and VN jokes that he will only marry YK if he wins the Grand Prix. The relationship remains unconfirmed, although there is a pair skate after the credits on the final episode, although this is also not confirmed as a ‘couple skate’.
But what’s the issue, you ask? The relationship is never explicitly stated, yet you can quite easily infer that it is canon, as most of the fandom has. Well, ask yourself - if the couple in question was straight, would this even be a question? The answer is no. Straight couples in romances almost always make the relationship explicit, whether that be through a direct confession or a kiss on the lips. As YOI stands, it is similar to Free! in that the romance can only be inferred, although it certainly has a lot more ‘proof’ (and less actual plot, if we’re being honest here).
Many members of the fandom would disagree, but I firmly believe that YOI is a queerbait anime, and that YK/VN is not canon.
The pros
As much as YOI may be queerbaiting, it did manage to do some good things.
The soundtrack. The opening was an instant hit among fans, and I personally loved the ending theme.
The scenery shots. Although the skating animation left much to be desired, the slower and more scenery-based shots were beautifully drawn.
The diversity. The other skaters were from a range of countries, including Thailand, Kazakstan, China, and Canada, and the USA was represented by a Latino, which was lovely as we do not usually see these nationalities represented.
The side characters. Not going to lie, I thought some of the side characters were better developed than the two mains, especially JJ, Phichit, Otabek, and YP (does he count as a side character?).
YK didn’t win! Now there’s a deviation from a popular trope.
Georgi Popovich. That is all.
The cons (don’t hate me i beg)
The characterisation of YK and VN. I felt like YK was a bland character, with only the anxiety as a real character quirk. TBH, he felt like a self-insert character for the watcher to project their own personality onto. VN didn’t have much of a personality and seemed to be put there as a saviour character/love interest for YK.
YK’s character design. Just my opinion, but I felt like his design was bland and standard anime protag-ish.
The skating animation. Kind of beating a dead horse here but yeah, it’s iffy. They also reused a lot of sequences and spent waaaay too much time on the competition skates, which got kind of boring after a while.
The plot. It was very stereotypical - protag meets saviour who teaches them shizz and they go on to do GREAT THINGS.
The fanservice. I’m not judging anyone who likes a bit of fanservice (I’m not impartial myself), but to me the fanservice in YOI was creepy and left a bad taste in my mouth. However that’s just how I felt, so don’t feel bad if you enjoyed it. Better in anime than real life eh?
So why is it so popular?
If you’ve come this far, and have never seen YOI, you may be wondering, ‘but how did this mediocre show come so far?’ YOI has enjoyed insane popularity - it crashed Crunchyroll and Tumblr when the final episode aired, and it took the Crunchyroll awards by storm, taking home first place in every category it was nominated in (it was decided by popular vote). Some people (me) would even call it the biggest anime since Attack on Titan, due to the amount of non-’otaku’ viewers - that is, people who do not usually watch anime.
My theory is this. Despite YOI being a pretty mediocre show, the creators know their target audience incredibly well. The teenage girl. What do teenage girls, especially those who like anime, tend to be into? Gay boys.
Usually shows aimed at this demographic go one of two ways. The way of Free!  where there is plenty of fanservice, and lots of homoerotic tension, but nothing is ever canon, or goes as far as creating a believable but not canon romance. Or the way of Diabolik lovers, where there is a reverse harem situation, with the girl’s personality so bland that the audience can project their own personality onto her and ‘live’ the romance through a proxy. Maybe with some sexual tension between the boys for laughs (and shippers)
So what did YOI do? It combined the two. It took a bland protagonist, and mixed it with a very heavily implied gay romance, and stuffed it into a plot about ice skating. It then added moderate fanservice, but nothing too strong that would force it into a sort of reverse-ecchi genre. Combine this with a couple of moments that will convince the fans that the relationship is real (and to add interest to the show), and you have the perfect anime for teenage girls.
And it paid off. Sales of YOI Blu-rays and merch are extremely high, and the fanbase is massive enough to call it a total success. I admire YOI to be honest for knowing their target demographic so darn well. To be honest, I think the reason they didn’t make YK/VN canon was to avoid any potential homophobic backlash, but if they had made it explicit I think the show would be just as, if not more popular. And despite not being a canon romance, YOI has indeed sparked a larger discussion about LGBT representation in media, and the fandom has certainly shown showrunners that gay couples = big money. Hopefully, more anime, and indeed Western, directors, will notice the success of YOI and use it to create shows with legitimate LGBT leads and romances. And if you are a fan of YOI, don’t worry! Just because I dislike the show does not mean you are wrong or bad for loving it, canon couple or not. That’s the great thing about opinion!
Who knows, maybe after all the positive feedback, VN/YK will become canon in season 2?
TL;DR: Yuri On Ice is certainly a queerbait in my opinion, due to Viktor and Yuri not being a canon couple. However, the show has still opened up a valuable dialogue about LGBT rep in media, and has shown that a show with a leading gay ‘romance’ can be just as successful as one with a straight couple.
Thank you for reading!
- H
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