#i thought my ears were literally crunching but it's just my ceiling fan making a noise💀
bewitchedmold ¡ 11 months
If you were to ask Kakyoin to get you a Gatorade but you said the flavor instead of the color (like mountain berry instead of the blue one💀) I feel like he'd just start seething with anger and give a you a whole ass lecture on it💀
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bffsoobin ¡ 4 years
Dulce Periculum
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➤ Halloween!au, highschool!au, (vague)80s!au, punk!yeonjun x reader, general horror, ghosts, fluff, angst
↳ when yeonjun’s best friend dares the two of you to spend Halloween night camping in the abandoned old school your whole city thought was haunted; you think nothing of it. After all, there was no way the rumors of spirits that would follow you home were true, and you really wanted the prize from winning the bet.
Warnings: general horror themes, breaking and entering, underage drinking and smoking, mentions of drug use, ghosts, mentions of blood, hauntings, creepy shit in general so don’t read if you’re sensitive/not a fan.
Word Count: 4,994
A/N: I hope no one is surprised that I wrote an actually scary Halloween fic 💀 this was so much fun and totally captured all of the things I really love the most! It also felt so good to write another long fic for Yeonjun since I definitely don’t do that enough. As always, I didn’t proof read or edit this, but I hope you all enjoy it anyway! (also pretend this gif is dark hair Yeonjun for the vibes)
“Seriously?” Yeonjun lifted a dark eyebrow as he popped a potato chip into his mouth. You held out your hand to silently ask for one that he set in your hand with no hesitation. Your usually populated lunch table was eerily empty today, and even inside the walls of your high school, the chill of the October air had you leaning into Yeonjun’s body to soak up his perpetual warmth. Across the table, Johnny sat on the top of a chair, exaggerating his already insane height as he spoke down to the two of you. 
“Seriously, man! The place is haunted. My cousin went there once a few years ago and-”
A laugh bubbled out of your throat at the sight of tough looking Johnny; donning his classic black leather jacket and silver belt chains, a half burnt cigarette glowing eerily orange at the end with a thin streak of smoke leading it’s way to the ceiling, visibly frightened over the idea of a haunted old school. 
“You’re losing it if you think the place is actually haunted. Johnny. It’s just a town legend for gods sake. People just go there and get high and fuck. It’s called Grave Academy. You think that shit is for real?” You spat, disbelief soaking every edge of your voice. You loved a good horror story just as much as the next fucked up teenager, but there was no fucking way that half burnt building was actually haunted. Beside you, your boyfriend had reduced himself into a fit of giggles, draping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you until you were almost sitting in his lap. He pressed a kiss to your cheek, the cool metal of his lip piercing making your nose crinkle. 
“I love when you act like that,” he whispered, gently biting at the lobe of your ear before laughing even more at the gagging noise Johnny had begun to project into the air. Yeonjun backed away just as suddenly as he had descended on you, taking his scent of mint and smoke with him.
“What’s your point, Johnny? Just tryin to scare us?” Yeonjun asked, balancing his chin on his palms as he stared lazily across the table again.
“The point is a dare,” Johnny began, leaning forward as if he were about to tell a secret only your ears could hear. “I dare you to spend Halloween night at Grave Academy. Then you’ll see how haunted that place actually is.” He took a long drag off of his cigarette, ignoring the pointed throat clearing of a cafeteria worker you knew for a fact smoked at least three a day while sitting in the parking lot. Johnny waved her off and reached into one of his jacket pockets, producing the worn leather wallet that he kept on him like a religious talisman. From its folds he produced a crisp, wonderfully green 50 dollar bill and held it between his fingers. Your eyes widened at the bill, and if it weren’t for Yeonjun’s hand on your thigh stalling you, you would have been launching yourself across the table to snatch it from Johnny. “I bet you,” his voice was muffled around the cigarette, “this 50 dollar bill and a six pack that the two of you couldn’t spend a whole night there without getting spooked.”
You and Yeonjun exchanged incredulous looks as Johnny continued to watch over the two of you. 
“Well, yeah,” Yeonjun announced, standing so abruptly that the chair he had once occupied was sent skidding awkwardly against the tiled floor. He extended a paled, jewelry decorated hand across the table and waited for Johnny to meet it in the middle. As soon as their hands connected, the smirk on Yeonjun’s face widened. “It’s a deal.”
Halloween of ‘87 brought along frigid whipping winds that cut to the bone. You and Yeonjun had layered up in all your warmest clothing but he still had to crank up the heat in his old car as the two of you drove to the abandoned school to meet up with Johnny. With your hands tucked underneath your legs, you grumbled, “it’s way too cold for this shit, Jun.” Still focused on the road, Yeonjun hummed in acknowledgement.
“Got another idea for how to make 50 bucks and get a free case of beer?” He finally glanced over to you, eyebrow arched in question as you pouted. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll warm you up when we get there.” Despite the chill of the air, a warm blush sprouted on your cheeks that Yeonjun only smiled at as he made the final turn before crunching the gravel of the parking lot under the tires. Johnny was already there, leaning against the side of his car with a freshly lit cigarette balanced between gloved fingers. Seconds after Yeonjun parked the car, Johnny was next to it in two large strides, leaning down and knocking on the driver’s side window. Yeonjun pushed the door open, forcing Johnny to step back instead of getting nailed in the legs with the heavy metal. 
“Hello to you too,” Johnny grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest like a scolded child. “Nice of you to finally fucking show up.” Yeonjun laughed as he rounded the car to pop the trunk and haul out the copious amounts of blankets and pillows you had insisted on bringing. 
“What, Johnny? Afraid out here all by yourself?” Your boyfriend teased as you scooped a pile of blankets into your arms. Johnny exhaled through his nose, throwing his hands in the air. 
“Well fuck, Yeonjun. I don’t know, is it wrong of me to be afraid of the ghost of the little kid who literally got possessed and killed all of his classmates? Or the fact that all the kid’s spirits are stuck here? Plus, it’s Halloween so you know...the dead walk among us and shit.” He was shifting on his feet, taking intermittent drags from his cigarette as he spoke. You snickered to yourself, the weight of the blankets in your arms making your muscles a bit sore. 
“Can we just get this over with?” You ask loudly. 
“I would love to,” Johnny nods, patting Yeonjun on the shoulder and gently shoving him toward the old, slightly crumbling building. After the initial fire, the lot had been bought and rebuilt as a halfway house for troubled youth. The company ended up going bankrupt and the building was left to rot. 
“If you two make it out alive, my money and beer are yours.” Yeonjun nodded as a gust of wind ripped through the lot, sending a complaint flying from your mouth as you glared pointedly toward your boyfriend. He took the hint easily, maneuvering his blankets under one arm and placing the other at the small of your back. 
“See ya tomorrow, Johnny,” he waved him off easily, pushing you forward through the rusted, overgrown gate. You heard Johnny peel out of the parking lot just as you and Yeonjun stepped onto the first cement block of steps. An old sign hung at the top of the entrance, paint chipped off in large strips that have disintegrated with time. For a moment, you hesitated, your chunky black boots seemingly stuck to the surface under you. 
“C’mon,” Yeonjun encouraged, walking up the next four steps until he wrapped his free hand around the tarnished iron handle. “Aren’t you cold?” He asked, prompting your feet to move behind him. You wouldn’t admit it to Yeonjun, but a slight feeling of anxiety was beginning to make your palms sweat. Producing a flashlight out of his pocket, Yeonjun readied himself to step into the building. 
The door opened with a high groan, it’s hinges crackling underneath the weight of Yeonjun’s push. From your spot just outside the door, it was hard to understand the layout of what was once considered a grand building. Hiding slightly behind your boyfriend’s broad shoulders, all you could see was part of a staircase which surely had steps rotted away from years of disuse. A sudden fear for the integrity of the floorboards shot through you, and if you had had a free hand, you would have clutched it into the soft material of Yeonjun’s jacket. 
Forever fearless, he took the first step inside the building and hummed thoughtfully. 
“Well,” his dark mass of hair swished around as he looked side to side, “no ghosts that I can see.” You knew he was joking for the sake of your comfort, but you couldn’t bring yourself to rally back as you took a tentative step inside. From this point, you could see the interior of the entry hall in its full glory. 
Wallpaper, which you assumed was once a gentle cream color, was peeling in jagged, messy strips to expose the inner structure of the house. A more recent addition, the various colors of spray paint from other visitors, struck a stark contrast with  Above you, a dangerously loose looking chandelier hung. It was small enough, but still obviously made with a tough metal that had begun to fall down with the water-logged sagging and cracking of the plaster ceiling. The image of it falling down had your stomach churning. Maybe Johnny had been right. 
Slowly, the two of you made your way inside, surveying the floors through the measly yellow light of the flashlight until you found a good spot to place your blankets. Although it was “good” in the sense that there were no massive holes in the wall or ceiling to expose you to the cold, you still felt uneasy. As you set to work laying down a thick patch of blankets to protect you, Yeonjun took a lap around the room to see what he could find. This room, like all of the others, had streaks of spray paint on almost every surface. Most of it was harmless, and it almost gave you comfort to know that so many other people before you had come here and made it back out alive. Not that anyone would miss you or Yeonjun if you didn’t. Another shiver, this one not borne from the cold, ran down your back. Once you’d made a successful little nest, you found the will to walk over to Yeonjun again. 
He was slouched a bit, studying something with a surprising intensity. When you walked up behind him and slipped your hands under his jacket-mostly to warm your hands- he startled a bit. 
“Did I scare you?” You teased, pushing your face into his back as you nuzzled up closer. 
“No, just surprised. Can I steal the flashlight?” Pouting, you handed it over and resumed your snuggling in hopes that he would finally catch the hint. If you were going to be stuck in this creepy house all night you might as well have some fun. The vague thought of stealing a cigarette from Yeonjun’s back pocket crossed your mind, and your hand was well on it’s way until he muttered under his breath. 
“Just- look at this,” his voice was higher pitched, bordering a bit too close on surprised for your liking. Your mind buzzed as you slid to his side to lean into the point of interest. While you were making up the blankets, Yeonjun had been messing with what seemed to be an inconspicuous old blackboard, shut tightly due to years and years of misuse. Somehow, he had managed to slide it open, revealing a second layer of blackboard underneath. For a second, you were going to make a joke about skipping school and forgetting what a blackboard looked like- until you saw the writing. 
Inside the ring of light casted by the flashlight, a sentence made of slightly messy, too close together letters stood. 
“Don’t let him catch you.” 
Neither you or Yeonjun moved as you processed the words. 
“Jun,” your voice was wavering, choked over the tears building in the back of your eyes. “Maybe we should-”
“No, I’m sure it was just someone here before who messed with it. It wasn’t even that hard to push and there were obviously other kids here before us.” He turned on his heel quickly, putting your backs to the wall and taking your hands in his calloused palms. His nose and cheeks were red from the cold, but he still looked the image of perfection. 
“Still cold?” He asked, eyebrow cocked as he leaned imperceptibly closer to you. All thoughts of fear vanished, replaced quickly by the heat that swamped you upon seeing the gleam in his honeyed eyes. You couldn’t ignore the way the black metal of his lip ring glinted in the low lighting. 
“Y-yeah,” you confirmed quickly, tearing your eyes away from his lips just long enough to get the message across. Swiftly, he pressed his lips against your own, the cold brush of his nose skimming against yours making you giggle. He laughed back, using his hands tangled in your hair to keep you steady as he walked you backwards in a direction only he could see, deepening the kiss until you forgot that you were deep in the heart of Grave Academy. 
Morning came surprisingly fast after you and Yeonjun had worn yourselves out to your heart’s content. When you woke up, it was to the soft sound of the fall breeze rustling what was left of the leaves on a nearby maple tree. In the stark daylight, the building felt like much less of a scare than it did last night. As you laid on Yeonjun’s chest, blankets piled high over your body for insulation, you almost felt at peace. Even the once ominous looking spray paint on the wall now made you chuckle as you read the curse words and artist tags that overlapped in a rainbow of colors. The movement stirred Yeonjun awake, his eyes blinking slowly until he finally adjusted to the daylight. 
“Hey,” he croaked, voice thick and full with a surprisingly restful night of sleep. “Feel up to a beer later? Celebrate our survival?”
You smacked his chest playfully out of reflex, silently reveling in just how easy this bet with Johnny had turned out to be. Your pile of protective blankets slipped down your back, exposing you to a rush of cold that made you frown. 
“How about we get going? I’m starving.” 
Yeonjun took no more convincing than that, fully motivated by the idea of food. It took almost no time at all to fold up all the blankets and make sure you hadn’t left anything behind. 
“Oh, the flashlight!” You stomped your way back over to the blackboard where you’d left it, feeling much bolder in the sunlight. You pocketed the flashlight easily, tucking it away in the jacket that used to belong to your father. As you straightened back up, you came face to face with the same board that had almost sent you straight home last night, only to see that there was nothing written on it. 
The blackboard stared back at you, totally blank. The cramped, messy words from yesterday night had completely vanished. Not even a trace of wiped off chalk stayed behind to suggest that Yeonjun may have erased the words without you noticing. A sick feeling washed over you, nervousness balling in the pit of your stomach until you felt like you could pass out. 
“Y/N?” Yeonjun called, whining as the blankets weighed him down and his stomach growled. His voice snapped you out of your stupor as you quickly turned, striding toward him in confident steps to assume him- and yourself- that everything was just fine. 
“Yeonjun,” you hissed, leaning across your desk to better catch his attention. He turned lazily, half asleep as a result of the 20 year old projector video. “Did you steal my pencil?” You accused, slightly annoyed that he would have the nerve to take one of the very few school supplies you still bothered to bring, even if just for show. His eyebrows furrowed and he shook his head. 
“No, why the hell would I take your pencil? I stopped taking notes in sophomore year. Are you sure you didn’t just drop it?” 
Violently, you shook your head. 
“I already looked, Jun! It’s gone! I literally just had it!” Anger bubbled in your chest as you abandoned all reserve. Yeonjun’s eyes went wide with concern as the teacher turned toward you and shushed loudly. 
You spent the rest of the day in an angered stupor, having to borrow a pencil from the nerdy kid who salivated over you every day in biology. It bothered you much more than it probably should have, but losing the pencil seemed to set off an odd emotion within you. You were many things, but you were never disorganized or forgetful. There was no way you simply lost the pencil. 
Senior year crawled by and your missed days of school stacked up quick. You and Yeonjun wasted the days away, sharing cigarettes and liquor bottles until the day was over. On one surprisingly nice winter afternoon, the two of you went for a walk. The route was innately familiar, as you’d been walking it since you were both young children. As you curbed the corner near Mrs. Berger’s house, Yeonjun stopped dead in his tracks. 
“Did you see that?” He asked, grasping at your forearm and making you slip a little on a patch of ice. 
“Did I see what?” 
“That- over there!” Yeonjun pointed toward a patch of bare trees laced with snow. There was nothing odd among them, but he was clearly convinced. “You don’t see that?” He hissed, an edge of fear in his voice that made you glance around for possible threat. 
“No, I don’t. Yeonjun, are you okay?” 
“Seriously, Y/N, now is not the time to fuck with me,” he pleaded, pulling on your arm harder. He was scared. 
“Yeonjun, let’s go, let’s just go back to your house, please, you’re scaring me-”
“SHIT, go go go!” Suddenly he yanked you into the snow covered yard to your right to avoid the slip of ice as the two of you sprinted, hand in hand, not stopping for a second until you reached his home. 
Chests heaving, you sunk to the floor with tears in your eyes. Yeonjun slumped into the couch, hand resting on his stomach as he tried to calm himself. 
“It was-” he gasped loudly, “a little boy. He was wearing like-like a fuckin’ school uniform? Just standing there like a- a little demon. And then he started to walk, and when I realized he was coming near us I just fucking panicked.”
If you weren’t already breathless, the words would have sucked the air right from your lungs. 
Don’t let him catch you.
You and Yeonjun had made a vow to never speak of that day again. Silently, you both had an inkling of what was going on, but neither of you wanted to admit it. Who would? 
Two days later, the two of you sat in the parking lot of a fast food joint, passing a cigarette back and forth. Neither of you had slept more than a few hours, and you were starting to feel it as the pull of another tension headache came to wreak havoc. Yeonjun said nothing as you closed your eyes for a few seconds, allowing yourself to succumb to a comforting darkness. The pain began to subside as you let yourself tire, the steady sound of Yeonjun’s breathing lulling you even further. 
Just as sleep began to invade the edges of your mind, a faint whisper sounded. You couldn’t quite make it out, so you just assumed maybe it was the way the wind whipped or your mind filling in some gaps. Just as you relaxed again, the whisper reignited, louder this time. You couldn’t make out the words, but the voice was childish and made your heart race. In a panic, you tried to open your eyes, but they wouldn’t budge. 
“Y/N, why won’t you play with me?” The voice asked. “You came to visit and then you just...left me.” Fear wracked your body the longer you fought against the voice. You knew that you hadn’t fallen asleep. This was not a dream. 
Suddenly, the face of a wide-eyed little boy crowded your vision. His eyes were piercing, upturned nose charming enough to distract you for half a second. But it didn’t take long to register the streaks of blood running from his hairline down to his chin, dripping off in thick drops. It was almost like you could feel them falling down, landing with a wet plop every time. A sick grin split his face, revealing a mouthful of blood just as dark and thick as the stuff running down his face. Your heart was hammering loudly, threatening to burst right out of your chest. Hot tears streamed down your face as you fought against whatever was ailing you. 
“Don’t you want to play?”
Suddenly, like coming up for air from underwater, you were back to reality. The sunlight burned your already sore eyes, washing out your vision so much that you almost didn’t see Yeonjun hovering over you as best as he could within the confines of the car. 
“Holy shit,” he gasped, gathering you into a tight hug as your body shook. “Did you have a nightmare?” He asked, wiping at the tears on your cheeks. 
“I-I wasn’t asleep,” you sobbed, grabbing at his arms desperately. “It was him,” you choked out, shuddering at the thought of that demonic little boy whispering to you. Yeonjun swallowed harshly, slumping back into his seat with a shake in his limbs. 
That night, you both skipped sleep. Yeonjun turned on all the lights in his bedroom and made sure that every single door to the outside was locked before you laid down together. On the small screened television a late night program played nonsense that provided welcome white noise. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t forget the image of the little boy dripping with blood. How he called you by your name and implored you to play. 
“I think it’s the same,” Yeonjun finally said. 
“The same?”
“Yeah, the same...the same kid. The one I saw outside, the one you saw. I think it’s the boy who-”
“Please don’t even say it,” you whined, burying your face into his shoulder. Deep down, you knew exactly what he meant. It was a million times scarier to hear it out loud. 
The sound of the talk show host suddenly quieted, television shut off suddenly with a crackle of light. 
“What the fuck,” Yeonjun groaned, getting up to check the outlet he had the unit plugged into. The plug was still secure in the outlet, giving no answer to the sudden end of your background noise. “Maybe the cable went out,” he suggested, dropping the subject as quickly as he began it. He wasn’t much for late night television anyway. On a normal night, he would have tried to make idle chit chat, or maybe even bite a few bruises into the column of your neck; but today he simply laid next to you and played with your hair. 
In what first seemed like a stroke of luck, the television set roared back to life. Both of you sat up in alarm, confused at the sudden change, but you had almost no time to ponder it as the rest of the lights in the room cut, plunging you into a sick darkness. Immediately you cried out, indescribable anxiety crawling up your throat and leaving you speechless. Yeonjun tensed, selflessly guarding your body with his as the television flickered static patterns at you. A high pitched whine emitted from the speakers, prompting you to search the sheets for the remote until the sound stalled. 
With all other sources of light drained, the television seemed to glow as bright as a full moon as scrolls of distorted text began to roll across the screen. They were a bit hard to make out, pixelated and cramped at first, but soon became clear as day in their full form:
YEonJuN, Y/n
WhY wON’t you PLAy WiTH ME? 
YOU CaMe tO visiT mE, BuT yOu DIDN’t StaY. 
I aM LOnEly. 
i KILled aLl OF mY FriENDS.  
Too stunned to react, you simply clutched onto Yeonjun’s shirt for dear life and squeezed your eyes shut in hopes this really all was some awful dream. 
“Holy shit, Y/N, Y/N!” Yeonjun yelled, forcing your eyes open just to witness the sight of the same horrificaly thick and deep red blood you’d seen earlier begin seeping from the top of Yeonjun’s bedroom walls. Everywhere you looked, streams of blood stained his walls red, ruining the collection of poster you’d memorized. The room smelled so strongly of iron that it made you gag, the threat of puking right at the back of your tongue. The television began whining again, high and shrieking until morphing into the sickly sweet voice of a young boy. 
“Don’t you want to play? I promise I’m nice.” 
Upon recieving nothing for a response from either of you, the voice let out a sigh. 
“Fine. I guess I’ll just have to force you to play with me.” 
The television fizzled out again, plunging the room into temporary darkness as both you and Yeonjun shake with fear. As if nothing had even happened, the lights resumed their warm yellowy glow, exposing completely clean walls. 
“You two look like shit,” Johnny laughed, picking at the soggy tater tots on his plastic lunch tray. He had recently dyed his hair a deep black, and the dye was still staining the sides of his neck and his hands. “On a bender?” 
Yeonjun gave a noncommittal laugh, eyes downcast as you shrugged loosely. 
“Jesus, some bad cocaine? Did you buy from Taehyung? I told you he’s the worst to-”
“Stop, please,” you groaned, a tension headache permeating from the base of your neck to the top of your head. “You wouldn’t even believe us if we told you.” 
“Try me. I’ve gotten blow from all of Bangtan, they aren’t the most trustworthy all the time, especially that Namjoon guy. He charms you into thinking it’s good and then-”
“We did not buy blow from Bangtan!” Yeonjun exploded, drawing the attention of a few passersby. 
“Oh.” Johnny blinked, shocked by his best friend’s sudden loss of temper. “What’s wrong?”
“Grave Academy,” you mumbled, laying your head on the cold tabletop as Yeonjun rested a steady hand on your back. 
“Huh? You were there months ago.” 
“Yeah, that’s the issue. We were there months ago and we’re both still,” Yeonjun paused, unsure of what to even say. “We’re still getting haunted.” 
“You what?” The hurried scrape of his chair had you looking up again just as he crossed the distance until he was right next to Yeonjun. “My cousin...he- he had the same thing happen.” A sudden edge of sadness overtook his voice and your eyes widened. 
“Really? D’you think this happens to everyone?” Desperation spilled out alongside your words although you tried to stop it. 
“I think...I think that I’m definitely fucking with you.” Johnny laughed, standing back up to his full height as both you and Yeonjun deflated. “My cousin is literally insane. Always has been. So it was no surprise to us when he started ‘seeing ghosts’ and finally got himself carted away.” 
“Fuck you, Johnny.” Yeonjun snorted, pulling you up with him as he left the lunch room in a hurry and waltzed straight out of the school. 
“What do we do?” Yeonjun’s eyes were bloodshot, for once a side effect of nothing but lack of sleep. 
“We can run.” You suggested weakly, picking at a loose thread on your sweatshirt. “If we stay here we’ll either get send to the looney bin or murdered. And no one will miss us here, anyway.” Yeonjun knew you were right, but the thought plagued him still. Would running away even help? 
“I guess you have a point.” He surmised, glancing around the home that he had come to run basically on his own. Since the death of his mother, his dad had been reckless and absent, only sending enough money for basics in a manila envelope every few months. If he left, the house would be reclaimed by the town and no one would be any wiser to why the two of you left. Just your run of the mill high school dropouts. 
“I’d rather run away with you than die here.” You added, shrugging again as you imagined some kind of perfectly twisted life traveling the country with Yeonjun, living day to day. “Maybe you can finally start that band and I can be your groupie,” you joked, running your hands through his greasy locks and pressing a kiss to his forehead. “I’ll start packing a bag.” 
The next morning, you and Yeonjun said what little goodbyes you had to make. You visited Johnny, telling him an abbreviated lie about a cross-country trip that he bought well enough. If he suspected anything when Yeonjun hugged him for longer than he had in their entire friendship, he didn’t say much. 
The two of you made a stop at the cemetery, bidding farewell to your respective parents, before climbing back into his old Chevy. It was kind of hard to believe that all of your belongings fit snugly into his trunk, but it made escaping that much easier in the end. 
The town you’d grown up in disappeared in the rearview mirror, and as you held Yeonjun’s hand tightly between your own, you hoped that your misfortune would disappear too. 
You would never tell Yeonjun, but even as you drove miles and miles away from Grave Academy, you could still hear the little boy whispering every time you closed your eyes. 
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pokeheadcannons97 ¡ 4 years
Due to now knowing rules, can I request bede with a s/o who has a (f) meowstic not liking the relationship, and constantly getting in the way? Please and thank you!
I’m so sorry this took so long!!!! I really loved this ask! Thank you!!!!! 
               Bede had been overjoyed to receive your invitation of a day together in Circhester. The weather forecasted clear skies with a chance of seeing the aurora in the later hours of the night. He had a full itinerary of the places where the two of you should head to, to full enjoy your rare uninterrupted day together.
               You had been busy with studies at your local college, completely swamped with schoolwork from the full sets of classes that you were currently taking. When you had a day off, he was busy with the onset of challengers at the gym. When he had a day off, you were occupied with homework and studying. Both of you had responsibilities that you couldn’t stray away from, so when the two of you both had a day off that lined up together, you decided to make the most of it.
               Bede had arrived at the meeting spot early, he glanced up at the park clock which read a quarter to ten. The snow piled on the top of it as it ticked away quietly in the rush of cars and people in downtown Circhester.
               He spotted a flower shoppe a few buildings down, an idea popping into his head.
He handed the money to clerk as he told him which kinds of flowers to put into the bundle. Once picked and arranged he then chose a f/c ribbon to tie around in a large bow around the stems.
He carefully took the arrangement into his hands. “These look absolutely splendid, thank you.” He told the older shop owner who gave him a warm smile in return.
 “Anytime kiddo, it’s not everyday that I get to work on an arrangement for a gym leader.” He replied with a hearty chuckle, wiping the trimmings into a waste basket below. “Let alone for one that’s going on a date.”
 The blond blinked rapidly, his grasp on the flowers growing tighter.  “Who said anything about it being a date?”
The man let out another chuckle, louder this time. “Oh please son, I’ve been in this business for many years, I know what a fella that’s about to go on a date looks like. You may be a gym leader but you’re still a youngin. Your face is about as red as these roses over here.” He gestured to the big, uncut rose stems he was lining up on his worktable.
Bede was about to protest about how rude it was to assume things when the owner spoke up again. “If you want to have a good look at the aurora tonight, I’d suggest heading up towards the gym. With you being a gym leader, Melony should be able to let you two watch from the roof on top there.” He gave the young boy a wink. “Just a suggestion from an old geezer like me.”
The boy looked down at the bouquet in his hands, then back up to the shop owner. He gave a slight swallow as he tried to make the redness of his cheeks go down. “I’ll see about it, thank you for the advice.” He raised the flowers up a little. “And the arrangement, I’m sure they’ll love it.”
The man gave a light hum in approval. “Take care kiddo.”
Bede walked back to the meet up spot, his pink boots crunching the freshly fallen snow below. It was embarrassing to be so easily read by a stranger. He was usually so used to having the upper hand, to have control of the situation… except when it came to you. You made him a mess, and only you could. Why else would he get these flowers fo-?
He looked up from his embarrassing thoughts to see you running from the station over towards him. Your hair was in all sorts of disarray as it stuck out in multiple places under your toboggin.
“You’re here early! If I would’ve known that, I’d catch the earlier train!” You told him while catching your breathe.
Bede gave a light chuckle, and genuine smile. He tucked the unruly strands back into place, fixing your scarf in the process. “Then there wouldn’t be a need for a meet up time, besides, I didn’t wait that long.” He placed the flowers out into your hands. “I used that time wisely though, no need to worry.”
You gave a loud gasp, your cheeks flooding with color. “Bedey! You shouldn’t have!” You marveled at the arrangement in your hands, smoothing a finger over the big bow. “These are gorgeous! And you even got my favorite!”
You leaned forward to give him a sweet kiss on his lips, your other hand that wasn’t holding the arrangement found it’s way to his cheek. “You’re the sweetest ever, thank you.”
Bede’s face flushed himself, but the smile remained on his lips, nonetheless. “I’m glad you like them.” He was about to lean in for another kiss when he felt something nudging in between the two of you.
He looked down and his face immediately fell. “Ah…hello Mochi.”
Mochi was your Meowstic, quite a docile natured female Meowstic usually. She had been your partner Pokemon since you were in middle school. The two of you went everywhere together, and she rarely left your side. Even for such intimate things as a date, much to Bede’s displeasure.
“Mochi! I thought you wanted to nap in your pokeball, silly girl!” You tutted at her, crouching down to your knees to give her head a firm pat, smoothing out the glossy fur.
Mochi leaned her head into your hand a mewed lovingly, her tail swishing back and forth. “Meeeeowwws~”
Bede also reached down to give her a pet, but she stopped him with one of her ears, and eyed him with distain.
“Alright alright, I know they give the best pets anyways.” Bede replied and retracted his hand. “So, do you wanna head out to that café?”
You gave him an excited nod. “Yes! I’m starving!” Your Meowstic purred in agreement, wrapping her tail around your leg. “Maybe they have some sweets that you’ll like Mochi.” You beamed at the psychic pokemon.
‘Wonderful…’ The gym leader though, stuffing a hand into his pocket, and smoothing his curls out with his other. ‘A plus one that absolutely loathes me.’
The day went by exactly as Bede had thought it would, after the new addition.
At the café while the two of you were eating your lunch, Mochi had levitated the spoon out of Bede’s mouth and plopped it down into his bowl of tomato bisque. Which in turn splattered rich red tomato stains all over his cardigan that he just had dry cleaned.
At the theatre, when he had grabbed your hand thinking it was yours, it was in fact Mochi’s who had taken your lap as her seat and swatted at him every time he even attempted to touch you. Eating all the popcorn that he had bought for the two of you. When he had leaned in for a kiss, he was met with a powerful scratch from a shadow claw.
During shopping at the local clothing shoppe, by some odd twist of fate the store was out of all outfits that Bede had taken a liking to, that were in his size. The store owner was even more so confused and repeatedly apologized to Bede and swearing up and down he would figure out why.
The clothes were found in the shoppe’s employees bathroom, tore to literal shreds. You two never went back. 
By the time night had fallen, Bede was beyond exhausted. At every turn and attempt that he had made to be close to you, Mochi had intervened.
She even hacked up a hairball while you two were holding hands on your walk by the water outside of town. Smirking towards Bede as you coddled her and were patting her back.
The two of you had arrived at the gym, snacks and drinks bought before hand to make it more of a leisurely picnic while watching the aurora on top of the gym at the shop owners’ suggestion.
Melony was more than happy to let the two of you use the roof of her gym for your date. Giving you a big warm hug in the process and fixing your hair back into place like a mother would do. She even suggested to use the gym challenge as a sort of couple’s activity.
While Bede insisted that was a bad idea, you were all up for it. Practically grabbing the tongs out of Melony’s hands in excitement.
Bede glanced towards Mochi who sneered at him with her arms crossed, tail swishing back and forth. He gave a sigh, his shoulder’s slumping in tandem. “Let’s do it…”
The three of you cleared the first two levels with ease, you clapping your hands together in happiness and exclaimed loudly. “This was such a good idea! We haven’t even fell once!”
Meowstic mewed loudly with you, raising her hands in the air, sharing your excitement.
Bede watched in amusement and tugged his scarf closer to his body. It was rather easy to clear these levels with Meowstic’s superb sense of hearing. She had maneuvered the three of them through each hidden pitfall carefully. Not allowing any harm to come to you, or him.
Though he knew that if she had her way, he would be underneath the ice time after time.
You marched forward with her to begin the next level of the challenge, when you heard the whirring of machines all around you.
Mist, and thick fog began to emit from the fans up on the gym’s ceiling. It quickly settled down upon the three of you, and obscured the previously clear sight in front of you into a dense, icy haze.
You gave a slight shudder; the room grew even colder when those fans were turned on. “N-Now we can’t see?! This just keeps getting cooler and cooler!” you said eagerly and turned around to Bede. “Isn’t this the absolute best sweetie? We’re gonna clear this next one so quick, we’re gonna be faster than a Snorlax chasing lunch!”
Bede laughed at your childlike behavior, giving you a pat on the head before Mochi could swat him away. “We’d better hurry, but we gotta be extra careful, okay?” He reminded you and you nodded at him in response.
The three of you began to carefully trek the unsteady floor in front of you. Mochi had her ears up in full concentration, using her psychic power to help lead her away from the multiple traps that lay hidden underneath the ice. And all was going well up until the end.
With what seemed like a clear few steps away from the finish line, Mochi had gotten overly excited in wanting to beat Bede, she ran right over the final trap on the floor.
The ice began cracking under her small feet and she let out a small squeak as she fully expected to hit the lightly padded floor below.
But it never came.
The Pokemon cautiously opened one of her red eyes to peer at the pink cardigan that was previously stained by her with tomato bisque. The pokemon then fixed her gaze up to Bede who had managed to catch her in time to cushion the fall from above.
The gym leader groaned slightly, using on hand to prop himself and the Meowstic up. The other he used to rub his now slightly aching back. “Ugh…”
Mochi continued to stare, bewildered at Bede’s actions. The two of them didn’t get along, the pokemon didn’t agree with the relationship because she was highly critical of anyone that came close to her trainer. Let alone in intimate terms such as dating.
But if they didn’t get along, why did he save her?
Mochi mewed softly to Bede. “Murr?”
Violet eyes met with red ones and Bede offered Mochi a smile. “Hey, are you hurt?”
The pokemon shook her head and then nuzzled against his hand softly. “Meow…stic.”
The two of them looked up as they heard frantic footsteps.
“Bede! Mochi! Are you two alright?” You were on your hands and knees from above looking down with a concerned expression on your face.  
Bede gave a thumbs up and a smile, your Meowstic cheering loudly.
After helping Mochi and Bede up out of the hidden trap, you all found an alternative route to the finish line, and successfully finished the challenge.
Melony was waiting at the end to offer her congratulations, and the key to the roof as a “prize”.
You gave another cheer, wrapping your arms around Bede and pulling him into a kiss.
Bede kissed back happily and halfway expected to be interrupted. But he wasn’t.
After he pulled away from you, he peered down towards Mochi who was standing there quietly, looking away from the two of you with her paws together in front of her. Oddly quiet, and non-mischievous for once in her life.
The leader was confused at the Pokemon, but didn’t say anything as the three made their way up to the roof. As they arrived, the new gush of cold air hit everyone at once, causing a shiver to run through each of them simultaneously.
“Let’s get that blanket out yeah?” you suggested, wrapping your hands over your chilled arms.
When Bede had finished laying out the blanket on the cold roof’s floor, and another heavier blanket that quickly followed. You practically launched yourself under it’s cozy embrace and held it open for himself and Mochi to join into.
You dug into your backpack and pulled out several snacks and a thermos full of apple cider and poured your Meowstic some first. She in turn took a large sip and cooed appreciatively.
You then offered Bede a glass of his own, then settled in next to him. Mochi right in the middle of you two.
Once the three of you were comfortable it wasn’t long until a familiar streak of light made its way onto the sky, casting colors from pale blue to florescent pink all through the nighttime sky.
    You let out another gasp, while taking pictures with your rotom phone, totally entranced.
     Bede felt a small weight against his knee as Mochi settled herself next to him and licked at her paw to rub against her face to rid it of the sweet cider she had previously drank earlier. He wrapped a arm around you and petted your Meowstic’s fur softly, listening to her coos of delight.
    The day might not had gone as Bede originally planned, but it did end on a sweeter note. And that he was grateful for.
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squidpro-quo ¡ 5 years
oh my god oh my god please give more blind kaito im literally crying?? i wanna see him in Action
Oh my goodness, I tried my best! I hope it’s alright, I switched up the perspectives for this one! Thank you so much for asking, I had fun getting back to this!
Part 3
A tone sounded in Kaito’s ear, then the soft, barely perceptible tick of the seconds left behind before his performance began. He crouched in the grate, elbow braced against the side and kept his breathing even while he ran over what needed to happen in the next few seconds. He’d cut it close this time, leaving himself only nine hours to figure everything out fully and then to memorize it all as well. But if nothing else, tonight would bring a victory one way or another, with the added challenge of Hakuba’s close scrutiny focused on his every move it would make the exhilaration of escape even sweeter, and perhaps temper the disappointment the Ballerina’s Ballad would likely bring. 
The thought of Hakuba made him settle, which was a betrayal to his thief’s sensibilities if there ever was one. As soon as he’d heard of the detective joining their class he’d expected it to be the perfect way to spy on one of his accomplished pursuers in close quarters, but then Hakuba had to go and be so damn polite, and yet so sharp at the same time. Sharp enough to cut through any pretenses Kaito feigned at for every hazard and barb he put before Hakuba, and sharp enough to consider something no one else, not even the most crazy fans, had ever considered: that Kaito KID, the elusive moonlit phantom, might be blind. 
And that first accusation had sent his heart racing, not least because of the tone Hakuba had used, so determined and passionate about the truth of his conclusion, that Kaito had fought to keep his poker face instead of letting his smile melt into something more touched. From there, it had just kept going. The need to pull Hakuba careening towards him, testing whether it had been just a momentary delusion or something real, and then the date he’d never expected to be asked on, it was all good fun until he’d realized that in the process of trying to trip Hakuba up, he’d been swept off his own feet. He didn’t miss how Hakuba’s touch sent a shiver through him, nor the genuine excitement over the suggestion of dancing with him—hell, he’d even used the sound of Hakuba’s watch ticking as the audio for his countdown. He was well and truly caught, in one definition of the word and he had a feeling it wouldn’t be too long until Hakuba caught him out in another way too. But he was willing to play with fire, to feel the warmth that came from being near him and with him. 
The last ten seconds started and Kaito tensed, laying his hands on the cold metal in readiness and wishing fingerless gloves went better with his top-hat and cape. In the beginning, he’d worn the gloves his father had, but with so much of what he did reliant on touch, it was best not to forgo that sense on top of everything else. 
Kaito flung himself into the darkness that descended on the ballroom outside his post, a wide grin spreading across his face as he heard the startled yells of alarm and the call for flashlights went up in Nakamori’s familiar boom. From the edge of the grate, it took only four long strides for him to reach the corner of the platform and another two steps along it to reach the first square that had to be triggered. 
He had to hand it to the police squad, or more accurately, the ballet director, for thinking up this kind of security instead of a conventional method of lock and key. It had certainly required more than his usual methods to ascertain the combination, but trust Nakamori to be willing to show him the way with a conveniently placed positioning tracker. Aoko’s father had never been one to forgo asking his opinion in times of quandary and the physicality of Nakamori’s fondness was one he’d always appreciated. Taking advantage of it had given him just the slightest tinge of guilt, considering how much it meant when only his mother’s voice reached him from overseas, but for the sake of his goal, he’d brushed the reticence aside. 
As for the sequence, after memorizing the dimensions of so many floor plans and furniture layouts, both for heists and for general school use, it was simply a matter of practice before he could have completed the steps in his sleep. He’d spent the last few hours of his preparation running through it over and over again on the floor of the lair, making sure he didn’t hit the bounds or overshoot his trajectory on the jumps. 
Just as he heard the lights click back on, he reached the display case and was greeted by one of the best sounds in the world: the gasps of the task force as they realized he already had the jewel in hand. It was a true pleasure to catch them off-kilter, even when he’d specifically warned them ahead of time, there was just a thrill to it. 
“KID!” And that voice, Hakuba’s yell that only made his grin grow wider as he tipped his hat in the direction it had come from. “Stop right there!”
“You underestimated my dancing prowess I see, but a magician should be as good with his feet as he is with his hands.” 
He froze in the center pretending to admire the shine of the beryl as he held it up to the newly restored light, instead listening to the sound of the approaching rush of guards and estimating just how far away they were. As soon as the first officer’s footstep changed tone, from the dull thud on polished wood to the sharp clap on the dance parquet, Kaito braced his leg on top of the case and jumped. 
His already upraised hand sprouted a grapple that snaked up to snag on the smooth ceiling, pulling him aloft at the apex of his jump and swinging him towards the door he’d marked ahead of time for an easier exit. The pile of officers that had doubtless formed behind him shouted and swore but the trap that they had so expertly set for him had sprung on them instead. 
He knew his next moves down to the inch: the door was exactly forty-five feet from the parquet, a small lobby beyond fifteen feet wide with couches arranged in a diamond pattern leaving a clean route straight through to another door twenty feet ahead opening onto a corridor. From there it would be a simple escape through a side entrance fifty feet to the right. Anyone who found him outside the building would be treated to a frail old man hobbling along on his walker. 
Confident in his path, he slid along the waxed floor when he landed and held out a hand to tap the door as he passed, starting the stride count in his head. Three feet, six feet, ni—his elbow caught the edge of something as he passed through the middle of the lobby, a pedestal he didn’t remember from his orientation of the room. It shouldn’t have been there, he wasn’t one to miss something so obviously in his path and he’d certainly made his rounds thoroughly that afternoon. Nevertheless, it had been in his way and he should’ve been able to avoid it. He twisted, hands finding the edge of the pedestal and searching for something to grab and right into place but whatever had been on it smashed to the floor a second later, the pieces raining over his shoes and the pristine tiles. 
“KID?” Hakuba’s voice sounded from far too close, somewhere to his left and Kaito startled, a shard of the mystery object crunching under his feet. He didn’t have any time to dwell on this, Hakuba was already a liability from having too many suspicions, there was no reason to give him an opportunity to have any more. Orienting himself again with a swift pivot of the heel, he raced for the corridor again, tossing a pair of smoke bombs behind him as a parting gift. 
A few seconds later, he’d divested himself of his cape and hat, donning the sweater vest and loafers of his disguise and the fire escape opened under his hands quietly and easily. He stepped into the crisp night air to let himself blend into the audience of onlookers congregated near the front of the building, the gem heavy in his pocket, waiting with possibility. But despite the success of the evening, the thought still kept coming back to him, unbidden and unnerving: how much had Hakuba seen? 
Part 5
If you want to know more, prompt me here
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touchingoldmagic ¡ 4 years
Day 4 - Favorite Ghost
Day 4 of the 30 Day Ghostbusters Challenge!
Author's Note: I'm not counting Slimer or any major villains for this one, since there's specific prompts for them later on. Also this is my first time writing the 2016 team, hopefully I did okay.
"Do you think he used to be a music lover when he was alive?" Abby wondered, scanning the darkened vinyl record store.
"This is the second time we've found him in a musically inclined location. Maybe this feels like home to him." She and Erin drifted to the far right side of the store, while Patty and Jillian spread out on the left. The building had been evacuated and the electricity had been cut by the time they got there, the only sound the high-pitched hum of their equipment.
"I think he has bad taste," Patty muttered. "Did you hear that band that was playing at the Stonebrook?" It wasn't a large record store. They could easily keep in contact with each other without the use of radios. Also she could keep all her teammates in sight, which Patty thought made this much better than their usual busts.
Erin shifted uneasily, trying to catch sight of anything in the store that seemed out of place. Their perpetrator liked to possess things to hide in, taking great delight in springing out at the last minute. She followed behind Abby, who had the PKE meter. "I just hate facing the ones we've gone up against before," she said worriedly. "I feel like he knows all our tricks by now. This is the third time in a month we've tried to pin him down, it's like he's got really good at it!"
"Well they say third time's the charm," Abby said, shrugging.
Erin had a habit of babbling a bit when she was nervous. "He was the first successful test of our equipment, remember? Maybe this is fate? Maybe he's supposed to be the lovable green scamp that always shows up, causes some mischief, and then escapes at the last minute to bother us again another day. You know, like a mascot?" She raised her eyebrows at her teammates hopefully.
Patty rolled her eyes. "He has literally killed people, Erin. I don't think he gets a 'get out of jail free card.' Back me up, Holtzy."
The petite blond grabbed her proton pistols. "Nobody knows all my tricks--least of all myself," she said, which seemed to be her way of agreeing. "Party at one o'clock!" Her three teammates jumped as twin streams of protons lit up the darkened store, streaking toward the back wall. A life-sized cardboard cutout of Sting was haloed in light in the instant before contact. Afterward, a smoking hole remained where the smirking face had once been.
"Oops. I mean, successful test. Ha."
Erin sighed.
Abby paced down one of the narrow aisles between shelves of records and cardboard sleeves. "Well he's definitely still here," she muttered, mostly to herself. "Maybe if we piss him off enough he'll come out."
Erin was just a step behind her. She stopped and peered at an old CRT-style television that sat at the end of one of the aisles, a fat little device complete with "rabbit ears" antenna. For a moment she wondered if it was functional or just decoration to help the ambiance of the nostalgic vinyl store, but suddenly it became a moot point. With a metallic screech, the rabbit ears on top of the TV bent themselves into clawed hands that reached for her.
Erin shrieked--it wasn't fear, it was a war cry to shake up the ghost, definitely--and her thumb slammed the button on her thrower. Immediately she jumped back to avoid debris as the TV exploded in a plume of shattered glass and smoke. In the back of her mind she took a moment to be thankful she had insisted their new insurance policy be in place before they took on any more of these close-quarters busts.
At least it had the desired effect. The smoking hole in the TV lit up with an urgent green glow and a wave of ethereal ectoplasm pushed past her, the ghost fleeing the device. He shot up into the air in the center of the record store and hovered, beady red eyes looking down at the four Ghostbusters with an expression of glee on his reptilian features.
"There he is!" Patty barked. "Circle up, ladies!"
They were in a prime position to surround the ghost Erin had nicknamed Mayhem. (It was an appropriate name, since he seemed to delight in causing as much trouble and property destruction as possible wherever he went.) Trying to act before he could react, they lashed out with four proton streams in the hopes of catching him in a cage of energy.
Mayhem, however, was as agile as he was troublesome. He flared his draconic wings and passed through the ceiling of the shop, while the proton streams left scorch marks across the ceiling tiles. As soon as they let up on their streams, the green ghost swooped back down. He skimmed just over their heads, letting out a mighty screech that somehow sounded like it was laughing at them while they scattered for cover. Abby and Erin both ducked behind a display of Top 50's Hits, but Patty crashed into an endcap of cassettes that fell over in a clatter.
"C'mon, girls!" Abby shouted encouragement. "This can't be our Waterloo!"
"I agree, it should be our 'Dancing Queen' or 'Take a Chance on Me'," Jillian said.
"She didn't mean the ABBA song," Erin sighed, trying to herd Mayhem toward Abby's stream using her own.
"How do you know?" Jillian asked, sounding honestly curious.
Patty picked herself up off the floor just in time to get a facefull of slime as Mayhem swooped down and smacked directly into her, screeching angrily. Perhaps remembering their first encounter, he grabbed her shoulders in his large talons and tried to lift her into the air. In the background, Abby yelped for the other two to hold their fire.
"Okay, that is IT!" Patty growled, spitting green goo away from her mouth. The tall Ghostbuster had been working on being prepared for all contingencies, and this time her preparation had paid off. As Mayhem yanked her higher into the air, Patty allowed her thrower to drop and pulled out the Proton Glove hooked to the side of her pack. Instantly the darkened record store was lit up in a burst of protonic sparks, as her uppercut connected with the ghost's chin. The impact was enough to cause Mayhem to drop her as he was flung backward directly toward Erin, who managed to thumb her thrower in time to catch him in her stream.
"You got him!" Abby called out in delight, craning her neck to look over a shelf of records to make sure Patty was okay. She was slimed and sitting in a pile of smashed music cassettes, but didn't seem injured. Quickly Abby turned and added her proton stream to Erin's. Mayhem screamed, a sound like a needle scratching a record made of glass, but he couldn't escape.
"Trap him trap him!" Erin gasped.
"Got it," Jillian said in a singsong, tossing out the trap out in the picture of nonchalance. It rolled into place under the writhing spirit and then it was all over. Silence fell and all light cut out, leaving the room dark and still. Cassettes crunched as Patty got to her feet. Abby coughed and fanned smoke from the broken TV away from her face.
"I'm glad our insurance is in place," Erin sighed reverently.
"I need a towel," Patty muttered. "Nasty."
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youcancallmeelle ¡ 7 years
Friends With Benefits: Bill Skarsgard... Chapter 6
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The next few days passed in a blur and things with Bill were different, a nice different.
He was so invested in me and even kept his word, he didn't push me to talk about what happened on the hill top, he was waiting for me to be ready and bring it up myself.
This morning I'd awoken to him pushing the hair from my face and placing a lingering kiss on my temple.
My eyes fluttered open and I was met with the sight of Bill leaning over the bed, I smiled sleepily at him and I lifted myself up to lean against the headboard, holding the sheets to my chest.
I was so tired from the last few days on set that I'd slept through the night and not even felt Bill get up or heard him get ready.
"Where are you going?" I asked, looking him up and down.
"I have a meeting."
He was clad in a fitted black shirt that was tucked into slim, dark grey trousers that were fastened with a black belt and his hair was gelled into place.
I bit my lip and looked up at him through my eyelashes.
"Don't." He warned, narrowing his eyes.
I tilted my head at him and smiled innocently, before pulling him down onto the bed with me and pushing him onto his back.
I dropped all the sheets around me and climbed on top of him, straddling him and pinning his arms by his head.
He groaned but watched as my breasts bounced and he shifted under me, it was pretty obvious that his trousers had just become tighter.
"I've literally just told you I have a meeting." He laughed, making no effort to remove himself from under me, even though he was considerably stronger than me.
"And? We've got time." I began unfastening the buttons on his shirt, revealing his milky skin to my eager eyes.
"My ego hurts at those words, I must admit and as badly as I want you right now, I really have to go." He sighed, flipping us over and kneeling between my legs as he fastened his shirt back up.
I lay with my arms behind my head, staring at the white ceiling of Bill's room.
"When will you be back?" I wondered, looking downwards towards him.
"A couple of hours maybe, I'm not sure." He shrugged, focusing hard on my naked body and running his hands down my thighs.
"I'm gonna head back to my place, I need to get showered and I bet my post is mounting up. My neighbours probably think I'm dodgy or something, I'm literally never there these days." I laughed, leaning up onto my elbows as Bill removed himself from the bed and adjusted his hair, pushing it back into place and shoving his hands in his pockets.
"Wanna do something after my meeting?" He wondered and I nodded.
"Target trip?" I asked excitedly and he rolled his eyes.
"Fine." He groaned, and I clapped my hands.
"You're such a pushover." I giggled, now sitting up on Bill's kingsize bed.
"I'll show you pushover later, but right now I really need to get going." Bill hurriedly kissed my lips and left the bedroom, I could head him jog downstairs.
I waited until I heard the sound of his car pull out of the driveway, the gravel crunching underneath the wheels and that's when I finally decided to get my backside out of bed to brush my teeth in the en suite bathroom.
I shoved my hair up into a disheveled bun and washed my face, removing any reminents of toothpaste from around my mouth.
I quickly sprayed some deodorant just to last me until I got home and could have a good scrub in my bath or in the shower, depending on my mood.
When I was back in Bill's room I mooched around for the first set of underwear I could find, which just happened to be plain black.
I stole another t-shirt from Bill which was white with a random print on the front and rolled the sleeves up so they didn't hang awkwardly at the crease of my elbow, I hated that.
Luckily, I had a few pairs of Joni jeans hanging around here so I merely shoved a light blue pair on and was good to go.
I was pretty impressed with how briskly I'd managed to get myself ready, although I definitely had the advantage seeing as I hadn't applied any make up.
I tidied up Bill's bedroom and made his bed, pulling up the blinds to allow the morning sunlight to flood the room and wake me up further.
I made my way downstairs and to the door, where I just pulled my vans on, grabbed my bag and had a quick scan inside to make sure I had everything including my wallet, keys, iphone and my glasses.
I was pretty content that I'd got everything and that I'd tidied Bill's place up accordingly so left the house after setting the alarm and locking the door behind me.
I'd driven over here yesterday so my white Audi was parked up and waiting for my entry.
I unlocked my car and hopped right in, dumping my bag on the passenger seat.
I belted up and pressed the button to start my car, seeing as it was a keyless start. I got into gear and began the long descent back onto the road, eager to get home.
I'd been back and forth to Bill's place over the last month and it was starting to feel pointless paying rent for such a gorgeous apartment when all I did was stay at his.
I pulled up to my apartment complex, parking in one of my designated spots and locked my car up once I'd grabbed my bag.
I punched in the code and opened the door to the building, entering the foyer where I collected my post.
I mindlessly flipped through the envelopes,  scrunching my nose up at the sheer amount of junk mail I'd received.
I climbed up the stairs to my floor, where only my apartment was and shoved the key into the lock, happy to be home.
I kicked my shoes off, dumped the post and my bag on the kitchen counter which happened to be around the corner from my front door and also threw my keys down next to the items.
My apartment was in pristine condition, mostly because I liked to keep it tidy because I was a slight neat freak. It worked out pretty well for me though, because Bill was the same.
I flopped onto my couch, grabbing my MacBook from the glass coffee table and placing it onto of my folded legs, logging onto my account and almost immediately pulling my emails up since I’d neglected them pretty bad.
I flicked through the junk emails, sending them straight to trash folder. Most of them were pretty standard, a few asking of my availability for the rest of the year but one in particular caught my eye.
The name was unfamiliar and the subject merely said ‘an interview with the hottest couple of 2016’ and my heart sank just at reading those words, but it was nothing compared to the actual email itself;
An invitation to Miss Mya Williams,
We hope you are able to join us at our Beverly Hill studio to participate in an interview that delves deep into the reality of dating one of the biggest upcoming actors of the year, we would be delighted if both yourself and Bill Skarsgard could attend and reveal all to us and your fans.
I hope to hear from you in the upcoming days,
Lizzie Sharp Entertainment Central
My mouth was agape and my heart was beating so aggressively against my chest, why would this reporter lady want to interview Bill and I over being a couple when there was literally no proof or anything out there to suggest that we were more than friends.
We were so careful about doing anything on the set of the last television show we worked together on, that ceased filming a few days ago. I don’t know if Lizzie was working with information that had sprung from rumours, since Bill had gotten big, the public were interested in his personal life, specifically his love life and people were quick to pin me to him.
I hastily sent the email to the junk folder, where it was going to lay dormant with he rest until I went on a deleting spree.
If I didn’t reply to the email, surely it would all go away, right?
I tried to forget about the strange email, hoping to never receive anything like it again.
I pulled up twitter, signing in and having a mindless scroll through my timeline, favouriting the odd tweet and retweeting a few cool pieces that had some relevance to my life.
I also decided to tackle my mentions, which filled up a lot these days after my work was revealing to the world of critique. I mostly got compliments galore and the odd comment that came from a pre pubescent girl who liked to slate my every move, every breath I took.
After moving to LA I grew a back bone and learnt to take shitty comments on the chin, and because of this grew my delightful personality that consisted of sarcasm and standing up for myself.
I yawned as I weaved through the mentions, not particularly interested.
Well, that was until I came across multiple pictures of myself and Bill spamming my mentions. I rolled my eyes, people loved to be nosey.
Although what I did notice was that it was the same three images across multiple tweets, so I decided to enlarge them and what met my eyes were pictures of myself and Bill looking awfully close.
Sickness overwhelmed me, as did sheer panic.
The first image was of us on set, with me on his back and a huge smile on his face as I whispered something into his ear.
The second was of us walking to the restaurant in Beverly Hills in the other day with his arm thrown over my shoulders.
The final image was of us in the restaurant, taken through the window and we were holding hands.
It didn’t look good for us, and I figured it was better to say nothing than to try and magic up a lie that probably made us look shadier.
I let out a growl and slammed the my laptop shut, throwing it to the side of me and covering my face with my hands.
I knew this would happen, but I thought it’d be easier to deny and it was only a matter of time before the tabloids had the pictures printed in every magazine in America.
The last thing we needed getting out was that we both liked each other and the sheer amount of time we spent together, or to have any more picture taken of us without our knowledge.
To say I was worried was an understatement, being so out there now meant that the press would start digging and the last thing I wanted plastered over the internet was my sad excuse of a life.
I didn’t need anyone to know that I’d dropped out of school and that I hadn’t even wanted to attend college. I didn’t want anyone to know that my parents absolutely hated me for doing these things, I was nothing but an embarrassment to them.
I definitely didn’t need Bill to have to endure the comments that would be thrown at him about my age or my background and it was a blessing that he didn’t have any social media or it was certain that this would have blown up even bigger.
I have no idea how long I was sat on my couch wallowing in self pity but the sound of my phone ringing, along with he vibrations snapped me out of my trance.
I yanked it out of my back pocket taking a quick glance at the caller ID, almost shouting out in frustration at the sight of Bill’s name.
I couldn’t bring myself to answer it, so speedily pressed the reject button on the screen.
There was pure silence for a minute before it rang again, flashing up once more with his name. I knew that he’d keep calling if i didn’t pick up, he was the most persistent man I’ve ever met.
“What’s up?” I breathed, running a hand down my face.
“Oh, hey. I’ve just finished with my meeting, are you ready?” He asked, most obviously speaking to me over the speaker in his car.
“Erm, no. I don’t feeling like going out anyway, feel free to head back home.” I excused, the thought of being pictured out together again making my head spin with anxiety.
“Why not? You love going to Target, you were so up for it this morning… is something wrong?” I could almost imagine him frowning in confusion, because it was true, I fucking loved Target.
“I just don’t feel brilliant, Bill. Look, I’ll talk to you later, bye.” I spoke in a rush, hanging up the phone and dropping back into the cushions of my couch.
Tears spilled over and I sobbed quietly, more overwhelmed than anything.
I didn’t move to LA to become the focus of every gossip magazine, I came to escape my old life. This wasn’t what I wanted, I just wanted to work and be happy.
I merely wanted to be left alone, it’s all I’ve ever wanted. Bill was the only person who knew almost everything about me, he was the one person I knew who would catch me if I fell.
A knock at my door pulled me away from the darkness that was just my thoughts and I wiped the tears from under my eyes, sniffling and breathing deeply before hopping up from the couch and plastering on a smile ready for whoever was on the other side of the door.
I twisted the inside lock and pulled it open, cursing at myself for not checking through the spy hole before opening the door.
“What are you doing here? I told you I didn’t feel like going out.” I muttered, leaving Bill at the door and walking into my kitchen.
I heard him close the door behind him and he followed me, and I could feel him watching my every move as I leant on my sink and looked out of the window in front of me.
“You sounded upset on the phone and I’m not an idiot.” He remarked, his presence strong behind me.
I made a face and gritted my teeth.
“You’re an idiot if you forgot how to use your key and let yourself in.” I whispered to myself, watching as the sun moved behind the clouds.
“What’s up with you? You were fine this morning, right until I left. Now I’ve finished my meeting and you have no interest in being around me, and I can’t figure out why.”
I span around harshly, taking him off guard.
“I told you to be careful with what you did in public, the hand holding, the cuddling! Now the press have got photos of us and they’re all over the fucking internet and I have people emailing me asking for interviews, I knew this would happen, I told you that people would start speculating!” I yelled at him, his eyes widening at my sudden tone of voice.
“What pictures? You need to get a grip, Mya! We take one step forward and two back and I specifically remember telling you to not worry and just let people speculate. We’re the only people who need to be involved in our business, it's our own business.” He spoke back, making me roll my eyes.
“It’s not even speculation that’s the problem, Bill. It’s the fact that people have confirmation that there’s something going on between us, and I don’t know what to do about it.” I spoke, my voice cracking and more tears threatening to fall.
Bill let out a prolonged breath and advanced towards me with his arms outstretched, they wrapped around me like a shield.
“There’s nothing you can do, or that you need to do. But I think it's time to face the facts or maybe our feelings in this case." Bill murmured into my hair.
I nodded against him, my face buried into his neck.
Now was the time.
"I'm pretty damn sure that I'm in love with you." I admitted against the skin of his neck.
"Well that's good then, because I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you to." He replied, pushing me back gently and holding my face between his hands.
I looked up at him and once our eyes met I felt every ounce of hurt, upset and anger leave my body.
He rested his forehead against mine and pressed a kiss to my lips, it was gentle, like a feather touching you for a second.
I kissed him back and let my arms go up around his neck, so grateful to be in his arms.
He pulled back for a second and I almost let out a whimper at the loss of contact.  
"Be my girlfriend, wife, whatever. I just know that I need you, all of you." Bill revealed and I nodded.
"Can we not say anything to the press? or to anyone, just not yet." I asked, touching his full bottom lip with mine.
"Whatever you want." He whispered, grasping my face harder and crushing his lips on mine.
This was it.
This was official.
Friends with benefits didn't really work out the way I planned but I think it was for the best and now all feelings, secrets and confessions are out there.
I just hope nothing ruins it.
- Hey everyone, I’m so thankful for your patience with me and I’m so glad to finally have this chapter up. I hope you enjoy this filler and there will be more tomorrow :) Also thank you for your wishes of wellness, they’re very much appreciated 😘
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chimchimchoo ¡ 7 years
Paper Cranes :: 2
Genre: Fluff/Angst
Word Count: 1,920
Pair: Jimin x Yoongi
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (of 7)
“Every Monday, Park Jimin would come into his white, sterile hospital room and leave a small paper crane at the end of his bed.”
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The day was dark; the Sun was hidden away behind a blanket of thick, grey clouds. The birds outside were quiet and the wind was still. If the temperature dropped any lower, it could snow outside. Yoongi never had the opportunity to go outside and see the snow, as he always spent time in the hospital or locked himself in his bedroom, focused on writing music.
He thought about what it would be like, to bury his hands into the fluffy, white substance, to see his own nose turn pink and watch the fog come out of his mouth whenever he exhaled. He daydreamed about a snowball fight, or building a small snowman with a rock for a nose instead of a carrot.
Instead, Yoongi sat in his bed, sipping hot peach tea with the soft whirring of the oxygen machine beside him. A small knock interrupted the silence but he didn’t flinch. He was used to nurses coming in and out to check his vital signs and make sure the machines functioned normally. Yoongi kept his eyes on the window, ignoring the sound of light footsteps until he heard the dragging of a stool and a familiar, high-pitched voice.
“Min Yoongi, it’s really cold outside today.”
He turned his head to see the beaming pumpkin haired boy with pink cheeks and a thick, green scarf wrapped around his neck. He peeled off his winter coat, revealing a dark brown sweater that contrasted with his hair and light skin. Yoongi glanced away, concerned that he may have been staring too long. “You do realize this is a hospital, right? People tend to be alone so they can recover.” He muttered.
“But it doesn’t mean that they enjoy being alone.” Jimin responded, pulling out a thick book. Yoongi could have sworn he felt his heart flutter for just a moment, but forced himself to ignore it. He was wrong, very wrong. Yoongi enjoyed his time alone; he preferred it than having worried visitors that drained his energy. Right?
“Um, what is that?” Yoongi peered down at the book, gesturing it with his eyes while setting his tea down.
“Min Yoongi,” Jimin dropped the book down on his lap.
“Yoongi. Just Yoongi.” He flinched at the sudden heavy weight on his leg. How many pounds was this book?
“I found this in the library today, it’s a textbook of music and lyric writing. You were struggling with lyrics last week so I thought this would give you some inspiration.”
Yoongi didn’t have the heart to say it, but he was actually touched by the kind gesture. Since he could never leave the room to find inspiration, Jimin bought it to him. Why hadn’t he thought of that? “I might give this a read, maybe it’ll…kick me out of writers block or something. Thanks.” He tried to hide the admiration while flipping through the pages, skimming over the different terms he saw. Already, he came up with the next line of his composition.
“Do you have any siblings? Any family members that come to visit? Should I not come during certain times?” There he went again with the questions. That boy never stood a change to give Yoongi’s brain a break.
“I don’t get visitors often, actually. They visit once in a while, but it’s rare. My older brother is studying abroad and my family has jobs that restrict them from coming. I get more phone calls than visits.” He regretted saying some of these words, Yoongi wasn’t one to share about himself easily, but something about Jimin’s presence makes him feel like he doesn’t have to hold back much. “What about you? What brings you to this hospital?”
“Oh,” Jimin twirled the stool around, staring at the ceiling with a smile. “My dad is in Room 602, I visit him every Monday after class to keep him company.”
“He must enjoy that.” Yoongi responded, growing dizzy just from watching Jimin spin.
“I hope so.” Jimin replied.
Yoongi’s eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean? He can’t possibly be unentertained with that blabbering mouth of yours.”
“He’s in a coma, for 11 months and 9 days now. But he will wake up soon…I know it. His vitals are getting better each day.” Jimin stopped himself, giggling from the dizziness and used the chair to steady himself. Yoongi only watched with a frown on his face. He couldn’t understand how that boy always had a smile, what kept him so optimistic? Yoongi couldn’t imagine having a family member of his own in a coma, especially for that long. Just the thought of it was too painful.
Jimin dug into his bag and pulled out some more papers and a pencil bag, scooting himself closer to the small desk on Yoongi’s bed.
“What are you doing?” Yoongi asked Jimin carefully spread out his papers on the empty side of his desk. “I have homework to do.” He beamed and ran a hand through his hair, pulling the pumpkin colored strands out of his eyes before focusing on the task.
Yoongi’s eyebrows rose as he watched, confused. He didn’t know if he should be annoyed that some kid barged in to do his homework, or comforted by his presence and the fact that he took time out of seeing his father once a week to be in the same room as Yoongi, someone he barely knew.
Realizing that Jimin was actually quiet for once, he turned his eyes away from staring too long, put the black headphones over his ears and continued making his music, occasionally skimming through the book. Every now and then, he would also peek over at Jimin, whose eyebrows furrowed in frustration over the math problems, not noticing that there was a small smile across Yoongi’s face.
With a deep, raspy sigh, Yoongi peered out the window, taking a short break from writing lyrics for a few hours and thought of the snow again. It looked like powdered sugar when he saw it in movies, did it taste sweet? Or was it bitter like the salty ocean? Did it crunch under their shoes or melt into liquid?
A light knock was heard as a nurse walked in with a tray in her arms. “It’s time for another checkup Yoongi, today I need to draw some blood-oh, Jimin! I see you’ve made another friend.” She smiled as Jimin lifted his head and twirled his pencil. “I don’t know how you do it, getting to know everyone in this hall. But I’m sure they appreciate it the company, don’t you Yoongi?”
Yoongi didn’t respond as the nurse set the tray on a small table beside the bed.
“I like Min Yoongi the best though.” Jimin, you literally just met me last week, Yoongi bit his lip and held out his arm toward the nurse. “He’s around my age so I can talk to him more comfortably.” Jimin smiled as the nurse wiped Yoongi’s arm with a small cotton ball.
She picked up a needle, carefully searching for a vein before piercing it through his skin. Jimin didn’t flinch at the sight, as he must have watched the procedure hundreds of times with his father whereas, Yoongi’s eyebrows furrowed in pain, looking away. It must have been obvious how uncomfortable needles made him because he felt a warm hand on his free arm and glanced at Jimin.
“Hey, do you like the beach or the forest?”
“Just answer it.”
Yoongi thought over it for a few seconds and opened his mouth. “Forest.
“Breakfast or dinner?”
“Dinner.” He replied quickly. “I’m not a morning person.”
Jimin smiled at his comment. “What’s your favorite thing to eat?”
“Lamb skewers.”
A flash of surprise appeared across his face. “You know, there’s a famous restaurant just down the street from here that sells lamb skewers. It’s supposed to be the best in this city! Let’s eat there, you will love it-” The nurse looked up and slightly shook her head toward Jimin, silently telling him he couldn’t leave the hospital that easily. “Or, I’ll just bring it to you!”
“You don’t have to bring me any lamb skewers, I can survive just fine on hospital food.” But Yoongi mentally wished he would do it one day. The thought of eating lamb skewers made his mouth water. He was sick of the bland food they served at the hospital.
“There we go.” The nurse muttered, covering the puncture with a Band-Aid and neatly set the tubes of his blood samples on the tray. “You’re all finished and it looks like your oxygen flow is steady as of now. I will be back later with your medication.” She smiled before quickly exiting his room.
“You’re not a fan of needles are you?” Jimin finally took his hand off of Yoongi’s arm and picked up his pencil. Yoongi realized he distracted him the whole time and forgot the nurse was even drawing his blood. He sighed in relief and silently thanked Jimin.
“No, no I’m not. I don’t like pain.”
“No one does.” Jimin chuckled quietly and continued his homework.
Just a few minutes later, the nurse showed up again with a small bag, hooking it over Yoongi’s bed before attaching an IV needle to his arm. To his rescue, Jimin shared a story of how he almost got kicked out of the dance room the first time he snuck in and had to clean the bathrooms for a week as a punishment. A faint smile appeared across Yoongi’s face as the nurse collected her things and left for good.
While Jimin focused on the last few pages of his assignment, Yoongi’s eyes wavered toward him, watching him erase a mistake on the paper. What about Jimin? Had he seen the snow before? Did he know what it tasted like? Did his hands go numb after having snowball fights for hours without gloves? What was it like to build a snowman with him?
“Min Yoongi,” The soft, high-pitched voice interrupted his thoughts. “Visiting hours are almost over, I still have to see my dad.” Just for a split second, Yoongi felt his heart sink, but he understood. His father was much more important after all.
“Hold onto that book until you finish it. I’ll pick it up when you’re done.” Jimin scrambled his papers into a notebook and shoved it in his bag. He made his way to the window next to Yoongi’s bed and checked to see if it was shut and secure. “Make sure you dress warm, there’s cold air leaking into the room.”
Jimin smiled, wrapping the green scarf around his neck and hung the winter coat over his arm. “I think my father will like you, you’re both really alike. Maybe he’ll have the honor of meeting you when he wakes up.” He gave Yoongi a small wave before skipping out of the room, leaving the door opened a crack behind him.
Yoongi couldn’t help but smile, but it went away as soon as he realized the room was empty again. All he heard was his oxygen machine and pacing steps of nurses rushing down the hallway. Perhaps Jimin was right. He may have been alone a lot, but did he actually like it?
Before Yoongi flipped a page of the book Jimin lent him, he spotted a small object from the corner of his eyes. Sitting at the corner of his bed was a small, delicate paper crane.
This time, the color was white, like snow.
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