#i thought the nozzle would extend but IT DIDN'T
remnri · 1 year
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old drawing i did last time hu tao's banner ran and i won the 50/50
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disabled-dragoon · 1 year
Hey Curio!
Not sure where this goes, I don't know if you have a post about accessibility aids that I can't find, but something not a lot of people think of that is super helpful is extendable shower heads. There are ones that can reach pretty far so that you can sit on the floor or on a shower chair, most are pretty easy to install and don't permanently change anything (meaning you can put them up and take them down, replacing them with the original showerhead without your landlord knowing if need be), and can be pretty cheap but high quality. They also mean that you can stick your head over the shower and just wash your hair if you need to, for example.
Just thought I'd send this in case there was a good place for it.
Thank you so much for all the amazing work you do! Truly, your page is amazing.
Have a wonderful day/night!
I don't actually have a specific post about showerheads/bathing aids, but yes you're right! Not a lot of people think about this so thank you for reminding me!
It's actually reminded me that we used to have a cheap little portable one that would attach to the sink taps for the days I physically could not get in the sink, so I will add a link to that below.
And here are a few others I've dug up. I know some of these go for well over £500, so I tried to find some cheaper options:
HealthandCare: This isn't a showerhead, but it is a showerhead holder, and it is adjustable. It's about £66, so not great, I know, but I've seen worse. This is UK based, and unfortunately does not offer shipping outside of that at the moment, but they can deliver across mainland UK, and to offshore UK islands. Deliveries to the Scottish Highlands, Northern Ireland and offshore UK islands may have additional charges, but they will contact you about it.
HealthSmart International: I don't actually know if this company delivers outside of the US, so anyone interested will probably have to contact them. This a handheld body showerhead, with a 6ft long hose that "fits standard 1/2 inch threaded shower pipes", which I assume means it can be attached. It also has a little hinge thing that looks like it can be nailed into the wall to hold it up. At the moment of writing it is priced at $34.56.
Essential Aids: This is another shower head holder and adjuster rather than a simple showerhead. It has a "lockable suction cup attached to a showerhead holder" and can be attached to the wall at whatever height you wish. It essentially means you can lower the shower hose to your preferred height, which is particularly handy if you're sitting or cant reach very high to begin with. Unfortunatley, this is priced quite steeply at £116.23 (£139.48 inc VAT), and I'm not entirely sure if they deliver outside of the UK, but there are contact details on their site to check.
Showerhead HQ: This is a US company that deals in everything shower. Showerheads, pipes, extensions etc. etc. I can't find anything on the site to say they deliver outside of the US, but they do have an Amazon shop! Just type in the shop name and hopefully something should come up.
Portable Shower Head: This isn't the exact one that I had but it's pretty damn close. Essentially, you attach it to bath taps or sink taps and then use it like that. This one has two nozzles so would probably be better if you have separate hot and cold taps, but you can easily get ones that need only a single tap. They can be a bit fiddly so I recommend a holder of some kind when you're not using it. But, from experience, they're quite decent, and they're portable as well! This one is about £16.
That's all I've got at the moment, but I'll be sure to keep an eye out for more.
Thank you for bringing it my attention! This has made me realise just how difficult getting a good shower is; I'm genuinely shocked that most of the links of my aids list didn't have showerhead aids. So I hope this helps somebody!
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ask-spider-lore · 2 years
"Hey, Lore..."
Peter Parker is on his way to his English class, hands in pockets, eyes firmly fixated on the floor in front of him, when a sly, almost teasing voice cuts through the cacophony of white noise.
He stops in his tracks.
There are only two people that call him Lore, and that voice did not sound like Gwen Stacy nor Henry Osborne, which means one thing...
This must be MJ. The girl who's cryptic message had been haunting him for days.
Peter slowly turns his head around, looking for the source of the voice, but finds no one addressing him. All he sees is the horde of his fellow high schoolers, a sea of people pushing past him on the way to their classes. He notices a shock of bright red hair disappear into the middle distance, but nothing else.
After a couple seconds of searching for that distinctive crimson shade, Peter decides to quit being a roadblock and get to class. He'd figure this out later, he tells himself.
Peter takes a moment to thank his lucky stars that his Aunt May respects his privacy, because after a long and overwhelming day at school, he really needed some alone time.
Recalibrating his senses was not the only reason he needed to be alone, however. His web shooters had broken the day before, and they required a bit of tinkering. He allowed himself to enter a sort of flow state, fiddling with his tools and humming to himself as he worked on various fixes and upgrades, until his train of thought was violently derailed by... singing.
"Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can..."
Peter jolts in his seat and rushes to obscure his mechanical project with his body as he turns to see an auburn skinned girl with a dramatic poof of hair that was dyed a familiar shade of red. She leaned on his door frame, smirking at him mischievously.
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There's only one thought that enters Peter's mind. This must be MJ.
Realizing that, if he weren't Spider-Man, he'd have no way to know who this is, he opts to begin the conversation with:
"Who the hell are you?"
"Now, now," MJ tuts. "That's no way to greet a new friend."
"That is a way to greet someone you don't know who just showed up in your apartment."
"Oh! I must've forgotten my manners. The name's Mary Jane Watson, but you... can call me MJ." She says it teasingly, as if waiting for a reaction. Peter refuses to give her one, frustration churning in his stomach.
"Say, what's that?" MJ points at the web shooter behind Peter.
"It's a personal project," Peter lies.
"Oh, neat!" She begins to approach him, and he begins to panic. Before he can react, she reaches out her hand.
"What does that button do?"
"Don't press that-"
She presses the button. Immediately a blast of web fluid fires out of the nozzle, sticking firmly on his bedroom wall. MJ turns and smiles at him, like a child who had just been caught doing something bad and was not sorry in the slightest. She turns and shuts the bedroom door, offering them some much needed privacy.
Peter throws up his hands, cursing himself for being so easily outmaneuvered. "Alright, MJ, you got me. What do you want?"
MJ blinks.
"You... do want something from me, right?"
"I honestly didn't think I'd make it this far."
Peter can't help it. He laughs. Loudly, unapologetically, and to be perfectly honest, rather rudely at that.
MJ scowls. "Hey, cut me some slack! What would you do if your neighbor was a superhero?"
As Peter's giggles subside, he for some reason fixates on a very particular part of the question. "You're my neighbor?"
"Y-yeah. Right next door. Your aunt and my mom go out for drinks, like, every Friday. Did you really not notice?"
"I don't... really pay attention to people..." Peter rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Well... how about starting now?" She extends her hand. "Hi, I'm MJ, and I'd like to be your friend."
Peter arches an eyebrow. "That easy?"
"That easy!"
He pauses, but eventually decides to shake on it. She smiles, wide and bright so that her dimples are visible, and he tries to ignore the flutter in his chest when he sees it.
"You can call me Lore," he says.
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
10 Massive Rockfalls Caught on Camera
Someone is hurling these rocks and having them fall and their son and daughter remembers seeing some show where they say they open the brook or something by letting a rock plow through it and it sounded like baloney and it is so we don't know if they other ones doing it or not but it was on the Twitter type thing and people will look at it and it does look a little suspicious but it does happen by accident no this guy Johnny is saying a lot of stuff and he's saying he's talking about asteroids and how you need to deflect them and what we know is it's very lame at this time it's ridiculous he needs to stop and if he doesn't he's going to get it all sorts of problems anyway we're starting now I'm sick of it
Thor Freya
What did check this guy is people you need to stop having to talk I need to get by here we need him somewhere else he needs to leave
I'm ready for this now I am writing up orders now not the first part of the sentence you see here
Thor Freya John remillard has court tomorrow they're going to check his friends and try and match them against Adolf Hitler and yeah I know legally his name came out a few minutes ago actually and they said this is the guy that shot me it was Arnie and he didn't like him didn't like general stuck to him and he says I know who she is and he didn't he said that a girl is not her and he said who the hell is that and he started getting flashes like his body was heating up and he tried testing DNA and he couldn't get a good sample what he got said it was she was a giant and her physique says it and he says he found one and he is no she found me and all sudden he said laughing he says is that how it is and then it's lights out he thought it was cute and he kept it in mind and all sudden he saw Jen or Melissa or something no so the other ones and he thinks it was really hard he says he met you and then it was all over that's what he said he says what's over he says he's not a bachelor anymore and she said good let's keep it that way and left and said thank you for talking to me I can't believe it okay that last part was Hera and she says you're being obnoxious and good I think and that's how it's working huge army is going down. Huge armies are going down to these caverns and to try and access nozzles and to try and find the diamonds they said they might line up and they might and tons of people are saying it these computers are stupid and they're going after him and pretty quickly we have a major project hitting our way it's huge and it is Nevada and Ariana and he's been right there the whole time for years and getting ready he wants to make an impact we need to hire more people right now and we are. But the numbers are fantastically huge literally I'm out of the morlock there are 0.5%, it's half a percentage and that includes the islands they're going down there the foreigners are going down and the pseudo empire the first one has about 0.4% and then the pseudo empire 0.04%, it's not real big but they aren't foreigners are huge that's a huge chunk of the population but they have to to verify some things requires a lot of witnesses so we are going to see some fireworks is it enormous enormous number and they brought equipment and they intend to test and sooner and things like that and it should send it back right away but really underneath there's probably only a few caverns that are empty and the ships are below those they're also below the other ones they're below most of them and the ships don't extend that far some are like 12,000 20,000 but these diamonds would have sucked pretty deep so stay tuned but they are also attacking the pseudo empire in the northern hemisphere of the Western hemisphere and the north portion of the South American continent and their bunkers are depleting and badly and they're trying to replenish when it's difficult they're asking for help here. The situation for our son here is deteriorated his little big groups pulling from but they need to stop these people right here they noticed an independent state too no it's Independence Day 1 tons of them get toasted Independence Day 2 the movie has a different feel to it now they're kind of sick of their garbage and so we all those movies are going to start up in New York City and it's because of the court case and because of Newfoundland more so and attacking the bunkers of the pseudo empire is going to heat up like madness tomorrow. And the area will change hands a few times the numbers are going to be pretty big but it's not the hugest because the area is small it's pretty big though and there are artifacts in New York. It is a big problem because they don't want to move the cars and we think they're fighting over the cars and we're going to put up with a movie it's in
Thor Freya
Olympus they're going to try and move in West when you can't do it lower they tried several times
Oh good I finally waited for this
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lebenspurpur · 3 years
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AN: Helloo, I am not dead!! :3
Pairing: Vincent Sinclair x reader
Summary: You enjoy the domestic life with the boys.
Warnings: None, I think, I didn't proof read this, and it's also bad.
Wordcount: 1278 words
40s music echoes through the small cinema, happy swing that you can just imagine your grandparents dancing to. It's a bizarre contrast to the corpses, the people encased in wax. Their happy expressions would never be able to showcase the pain they felt during their last few moments.
The latest one is a man. He's tall, taller than you anyway, with dark hair and soft eyes that would melt any person's heart. Well, not anymore you guess.
You and Vincent always called him Jake during his creation process. Not only did he look a typical Jake, he also had the demeanour of a Jake. With that you mean, he played football, he liked to go on frat parties, and he thought hugging his friends was gay. Being gay was the biggest sin ever, at least to him.
Vincent had fun with him anyway. He was ecstatic during the work process, only really leaving the workshop to pass out for a few hours of sleep and then gulp down a can of coffee and an entire pound of grapes.
You helped him carry Jake up to the cinema. Not that he needed help, but you always like to watch him place the latest tourists. He always looks so proud, like a dad sending their kid to school. It was nice seeing Vincent happy and somewhat confident for once.
Right now you're watching your tall lover fret over a small scratch in the wax. It's adorable, seeing him fuss over his art. Vincent is always so focused, so caring when it comes to his work. It's inspiring to see how much work he puts into what he does.
He fixed the scratch already, and is now walking backwards, hands extended to immediately save his new baby, should it randomly fall.
It looks slightly amusing and you giggle at his concentrated expression. Hearing the sound, Vincen turns around. Thanks to the "Phantom of the opera" kind of half-face-mask you made him wear, you can see the proud but exhausted smile on his face and man, it fills you with pure excitement.
'I think he's gonna do well here.', he signs as he walks closer, fingers shaking a bit due to the excitement of another long project finished.
"He looks great!", you compliment, "He fits very well to Lizzy."
You point to another statue, this time a young woman, dressed in a pink dress that matches her pink bag, and the collar of her little dog friend. Vincent spent whole days on that dog, trying to get every single hair look good. It frustrated both, you and him, and you still remember the huge relief upon finding out he finished it.
'Yeah, and the light falls very good here, it makes him look intimidating in a way, strong, and you know, the color of the curtain matches well with the green blazer you chose, I didn't think it'd look that convincing but it's really aesthetically pleasing and-'
You can't help but grin as Vincent keeps rambling about the piece, nearly exploding with motivation and excitement. His signing is unusually rushed and shaky and you can feel him vibrate with pride as he skips over to you.
Your hand finds his arms and you lovingly squeeze the muscle as he arrives next to you.
"It looks really, really good, Vince. I'm really proud of you, if that means anything."
Apparently it does. Vincent grins, it's so bright it nearly blinds you. Man, you can't describe how happy that makes you.
He turns around a last time, eye shining with seldom seen pride before he absentmindedly takes your hand in his, squeezing it reassuringly.
"How 'bout a snack, hm?", you ask, knowing that if you stay here any longer, you'll never get away.
He nods, you know he hasn't paid attention to a word you just said, and you tenderly drag him out of the room, step by step.
It takes a few seconds but soon, he realises what you want and chuckles while gripping your hand tighter.
You nozzle closer into his side while your steps boom through the echoey space of the foyer.
"I'm really glad it turned out this good. You know how much I love it when you allow yourself to be proud.", you mention, eyes watching him cautiously.
Vincent's eye finds yours and he nods, adoration visible in the azure. You know he'd like to sign an answer but one of his hands is captured by yours, so he settles with another sweet squeeze of your fingers.
It's silent while you walk up to the house, there's no need for words. Vincent's still astonished about the success of his latest accomplishment, and you're busy admiring his concentrated expression, framed by a few silken black strands of hair that escaped his hair-tie. The usual.
The door is open when you arrive, you can hear Bo's radio running inside. It makes Vincent chuckle next to you, before he leaves your side, most likely to tell his twin about his latest success.
Smiling, you close the door with a thud. Last week, Bo threw a tantrum and threw it shut and ever since, it doesn't close properly. A damn shame. Especially because you know no one is ever going to fix it.
Shrugging your thin jacket off, you make your way to the kitchen. You're greeted with the sight of Vincent excitedly signing to his twin, and Bo looking rather disinterested inside his beer can.
Grinning, you greet him, and his expression changes to a surprised one before he sends a genuine smile your way. A year ago, that would've been a reason to celebrate. You're really glad Bo has decided to warm up to you.
"Boys..?", Vincent's signing halts and he sends an angry pout your way. Trying not to laugh, you raise your hands in an apology, "You can continue in a second Vinny, is pasta alright with the two of you?"
Vincent just nods and shakes his hand in your direction - a dismissal.
Chuckling, you start working on the food, soon the twins across of you are forgotten as your mind wanders off... - and comes back just as fast when two icy hands slide beneath your shirt.
Gasping loudly, you turn around and are faced with a shit-eating grin.
"Vincent, I swear to god.", you lightly slap him with the towel in your hand, "One day I will accidentally stab you."
Vincent just laughs your statement off and retreats to lift himself onto the counter.
The two of you are interrupted by Lester, who is now home too, and excitedly skips over to press a chaste kiss on your cheek.
"Honey, I'm home!", he grins and lifts the lid of the pot on the stove, a aromatic smell immediately fills the small kitchen, "Naw, sweet cheeks, ya didn't have to cook. You're treatin' me like a god, sugar."
"Welcome home, Les.", you grin at the younger brother while Vincent rolls his eyes theatrically, "Care to put some plates on the table?"
"Anythin' for you, sweetiepie.", he winks and skips out of the room while you chuckle at his adorable behaviour.
A few minute later, the boys are all seated, and all eyes shift to you, carrying the pot inside and setting it down on the table.
"Here ya go, boys..", you shrug off the oven gloves and thankful smiles are sent your way as the brothers dig in.
While they eat, you look around, letting your gaze wander over the men you started calling family. A familiar warm feeling of nostalgia and gratefulness bubbles in your stomach and you can't help but grin.
You feel home.
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kim-poce · 2 years
Bloodbag Neo and Celeste
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14
CW: pet whump, burns
So Tobias fucked up.
It was one thing to describe those kind of injuries to vampires. They were intimately familiar with blood and injuries; it was kind of a requirement of the species. And he was a PI; he'd seen more than his fair share of shit.
What he didn't take into account was how the boy would react.
Honestly, he couldn't even say what he was thinking. Probably because I wasn't, he thought ruefully. Maybe he had the idea somewhere in his head that as a pet bloodbag, he would be desensitized to this kind of thing.
Which was 1) stupid, and 2) very obviously wrong. The boy had gotten steadily more terrified as Tobias talked, which he would have noticed if he had bothered to look. The boy being scared just made the vampires angrier (and wasn't that interesting, that kind of protective anger over their pet), and then Alex lost control of his strength and broke the pot of soup.
Which spilled over him and the boy both.
The boy was letting out little shocked gasps, probably all the noise he allowed himself to make. And Alex and Evelyn were fighting over... who would heal the boy? Another thing to file away and think over later.
It was when Evelyn raised a dishcloth to wipe at the burns that Tobias knew he had to intervene. As the only other human in the room, he was probably the most qualified in non-vampire-related healing.
"Woah, hey, don't rub at the burns," he said.
Evelyn glared at him. Tobias was rather glad he hadn't eaten or drank anything in a while; if he had, he might have been in need of clean pants at the moment. But this wasn't about him; this was about the boy, and the fuck-up that Tobias had to do his best to mitigate. He forced himself to continue.
"Run cool water over them first," he said. "It pulls the heat out and flushes the wound of anything in it."
He eyed the boy, and the location of the burns. Arm and shoulder... those could probably both be treated in the kitchen sink, rather than having to resort to a shower. If the kid leaned over the counter, or if the Forteries didn't mind Tobias making more of a mess of their floor, he could use the extendable spray nozzle from the sink to reach the burns.
"May I?" he asked, gesturing to the sink.
He was painfully aware of just how precarious his current situation was. He could at least try to not make it worse.
Crossovers - Masterlist
CW: drugs (vampire's venom).
Alex was feeling more useless by the time. If only he could drink human blood. If only he could heal the boy himself. If only he was stronger. If-
"May I?" Tobias asked, gesturing to the sink.
"You are hurt, you are only going to make a mess," Alex sounded more angry than he wanted to show, but even if he was at fault for breaking the damn pan, Tobias still had scared the boy with his description of torture. "I'll do it myself."
"No," Evelyn declared, still glaring at Tobias, who just now seemed to notice how thin was the thread his life is hanging on, "Give me your hand."
Tobias' face went pale, and Alex hadn't to think much to guess why, Evelyn was putting him in place, and she obviously had done it before. Tobias was hesitant to agree, but after everything, he would truly die if he tried to refuse.
He groaned out when Evelyn pulled him closer by his already broken arm, "Be quiet," she said before sinking her fangs into his neck, too fast for him to do anything about it.
She didn't drink blood –not that she bothered on telling him– she only used her venom as a painkiller, not enough to get him high or out of it but enough to make the pain more bearable.
"Now get over it," she ordered, letting him go and gesturing to the sink.
@neverthelass, @latenightcupsofcoffee, @rose-pinkie
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