#and i put the nozzle back in so i could adjust the car but like
remnri · 1 year
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old drawing i did last time hu tao's banner ran and i won the 50/50
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
I'm going to put my Coleman right next to his cars and my wife put AMC there too in Mexico maybe those three and really inexpensive cars for people they could buy and we'll see how it goes and someone says AC Delco we don't remember that we haven't made those yet and it's true and AMC has a muscle car to the sports car and if you trim it down and just put a basic motor in it and it's just painted with a basic interior roll up Windows it's still going to be around $8,000 it'll be the fastest car in town and it'll go probably about 500 miles an hour and most cars don't to Mexico so they want to bring it in there now so we're developing a portable store they said you can use the store that's here and we think that's a good idea and they have a whole bunch of empty and we're going to go ahead and check the politics and sometimes it's tough there sometimes it's not like Nissan and stuff they don't really care about even Kia and there's a bunch of those it says correct so I'm going to ask them to help pick one I'm going to work with them down there and we're going to go ahead and it's not Daniel or Ernesto but it's people they know and they're not in between they're more lock but they say they know the guys are so we're going to bring it down there and see what they do and see what they say and what we say is this is perfect they have shocks that you can buy that are adjustable they have all sorts of different paints you can buy at the shop and it's like a disposable spray thing at the nozzles you actually can clean it out and get different nozzles and the things good for like 10 uses and you guys will use it forever but and they have all sorts of add-ons for different types of cars different looks I mean it's intense for Mexico it's going to be everywhere it's going to be all over the place
They're going to make everything out of these I mean they're just going to be everywhere the place needs it okay and the Coleman and the Briggs & Stratton and the AMC their cars the first two are just two-door and four-door but the AMC has a SUV and a pickup truck and they need pickup trucks and it's the perfect size and they're very sturdy they're sturdier than any of them that they've ever had and AMC can get Jeep pickup trucks but they're not that cheap Briggs & Stratton was supposed to make one but they never got to they have a prototype they want to see it and they want it down there now and my husband says I don't see why not if they want to be stinkers about it well I guess that's the way it is we leave the cars there and they can look at these cars and just stare at them and in a week they want more and here's the thing the dealerships are going to go the other way meaning it's Canadian company but the dealership will come from Mexico and we'd probably end up having plants down there so now they're starting to think a lot more seriously about it and it's going to go through their minds tonight. So we're going to have a good time but really it's going to be a celebration because this is so much fun and you're going to have a lot of fun tonight it's crazy too much stuff don't spend 20 30 an hour here and there come back and look at the light cycle route and it's going to be awesome. Yeah we'd have to have Budweiser so we have to talk to Mac in Miami and he's setting it up now the first time so get some true indication I'm going forwards with it now.
She kind of took over now she's doing the whole thing this is a great thing this idea and vital and caught his wife for steaming to get it done we're going to go forwards with it it's starting to happen now there's a huge number of people who are interested in Mexico and what he said was we'll assemble a lot of it there in the summer in Canada and they'll come across the border it's intense this is going to happen this must be with a Cisco kid they're talking about and the outlaws to stop them look like Trump and company but they're not they're imitating them and they're in that movie and they shoot up the whole gang. At some pointed out the problem you can't see them they tried throwing lantern and say it didn't work well enough and someone threw a whole bunch of bottles and they can see them and they started shooting and hit a few and some got away and then came back with a bigger Force and that's a problem some people in panics can't see it or in heat a battle wait every time you kind of helps but here it is we are moving out we're going to send those places down there and I'm back again in the Hera And right now
And it's a Thor and Freya and we're going to get ready to send them down, doing a bunch of the cars and they want a bunch of the trucks that come with AMC and they want the Jeep truck and some Jeeps and we say we'd like to bring them down there but we don't want to be like willy-nilly so you want to put it on a dealer's lot and have test drives and will bring a certain number for you guys to hang on to for personal use to see if you approve them and they say both would be nice and different vehicles though so to get that then we driving around test driving them and they'll probably bring back to the dealership and use them as personal vehicles to use the dealer and that's awesome cuz you chosen pride in the product and Frank Castle hardcastle Duke and Blockbuster are getting ready now they know what it entails and they know how important it is and it's a good idea and we're going to go down there and install the store we have a place it is Baja Mexico it's not too far and I'm going to bring down the videos of assembly plants they have a huge area that's kind of just sitting there has some stuff there already and we can fit it out and get it ready and a few days and we know how to do it and we do it for like the leading vehicles and they say the Jeep truck is probably going to be the leading vehicle they need work trucks and we have accessories too and we're moving out and vital and got a swipe for welcoming us and he says about one of these Briggs & Stratton boots I called the Volvo Briggs Stratton says that's terrific and we're going to we're going to make it decent 1900 bucks painted he says that's a really good price you can't get a car here I use one for less than 5 grand these are brand new although the bare Bones and Brad had the idea just make it bare Bones people need a car now and it's it's going to really sell these are great ideas and we could use some ATK and they're a little big for us though it really they are it's not a bunch of huge people down here and I think she has an ATK 125 and he can make one it's lower and smaller and also need to see this for Mexico that would be a higher price vehicle though so he's thinking it would be nice but it'll put it with the AMC cars and being a duro mostly Enduro and it's true you've seen it down here and the Chinese American motorcycle company and that's what we want to put in and he says I think you're right exactly right and they do lower them all the way down mostly okay but those are not enduro's and it's streets and dirt down here all the time do we have any zero that's lower the recycled motorcycle company it's not really that well so he's going to think about that but we're off down there to do the work and yeah we need a lower bike
Thor Freya
Yeah okay I was in there too you don't have a little bike but we do their motorcycles they're not in girls they're not enduros they're motorcycles as a few differences trail bikes would be good and my husband says it they don't really need enduro's as much as they need trail bikes and a trail bike is like the one that will Pierce's sister had and she's swedish and they can handle certain mud and certain dirt and vital and got a swipe say that's probably sufficient it's not really the look but it's kind of the it is the look kind of so we're going to think about it and try and figure out what we can do an ATK should make a trail bike and they do and it's shorter and smaller and gets bigger so he's going to find it for you
Bitol and Goddess Wife
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collecting-stories · 3 years
Pretty Places - 90s!Luke Patterson
Summary: You and Luke head out on a roadtrip.
A/N: This is using the same prompt as I got for Naps. I actually had this idea too  so I wrote them both 😂😂
Julie and the Phantoms Masterlist
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Your dad’s old convertible mustang was a treasure in your family. He had restored the classic car from the old junkyard heap that his dad before him had wheeled home for his birthday when he was your age. It was a relic of a golden age and he almost never let it out of his sight. When the weather cleared up, he would drive her around the block as if he was exercising the car for the season but he was always in the driver’s seat.  
“Just a week,” but you were determined. You had been talking about a road trip before tour with Luke for as long as he had been talking about tour and that car, that beautiful convertible mustang, was just the car for the drive. “Luke’s totally reliable.”  
Your family loved Luke. They thought he was great. Your dad was something of an amateur musician himself and an avid fan of Sunset Curve, frequently talking to Luke about the band and where it was headed. He seemed to have a kindred spirit in your boyfriend, one that worked in your favor because your dad, who was reluctant to lend you the car to drive to the end of the street, perked up at the mention of Luke.  
“Luke will be driving?” He asked.
Luke would not be driving. You loved your boyfriend and he could totally shred on the guitar but he lacked the coordination to drive a car well. He was constantly distracted by everything and frequently stopped in the middle of doing things to write down some song lyric or another in his notebook. Letting him drive a car was asking for an accident. But your dad had convinced himself that Luke’s greatness extended to car driving and who were you to disagree?
“Yeah, of course.”
You left early in the morning, sun barely risen, bags packed for a week on the road and Luke in the passenger seat. He’d put a mixtape in the cassette deck the minute you backed out of the driveway, Iron Maiden whispering words that were meant to be screamed through the tinny speakers on your dad’s radio. Luke didn’t seem to mind, half whispering the words along with them under his breath as you drove, the top already down on the convertible so that you could enjoy the crisp, early morning California air, before it got too hot.  
The road you were taken had been mapped out ahead of time, a little spontaneous in the exact details but less so in the overall plan. Luke wanted to spend a few days in Big Sur, camping because he’d never been before and he honestly thought he would be good at it. You had every confidence that he would end up hating the place and ask to go to a hotel somewhere before the first night was entirely finished. You would be fine either way. You’d spent a good deal of your childhood camping and could rough it with the best of them but you would happily spend a week with a motel room as your basecamp if Luke wanted.  
Either way, you were just looking forward to a moment of solace before the hectic tour schedule broke through your bubble.  
“Luke,” You glanced over at your boyfriend as you pulled into a gas station before the freeway. The car was half on empty from your dad test driving around the block a couple of times before biding his mustang farewell for the week.  
He hummed, turning to look over at you, still a little sleepy from the early morning. Even the music didn’t seem to pull him out of his trance. “What’s up?”
“I’m gonna fill up, do you wanna get snacks or something?” You asked, already opening the car door to get out.  
“Yeah, okay,” Luke replied, nodding his head against the headrest, eyes already closing again.  
You laughed at the way his bottom lip jutted out into a pout as he tried to make himself comfortable, the trip into the mini-mart not even a thought anymore. “You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this.” You teased, “but I do want snacks so you’re gonna have to wake up.” You flicked the dial on the volume, cranking up the song louder than necessary and sending Luke into a mild shock as he jumped in the seat, grabbing his chest at the sudden noise.  
“Holy shit!”  
“Snack time, Patterson, get in there.” You joked as you turned the volume back down again. You could hear Luke cursing under his breath as he got out of the car, slamming the door shut and heading into the mini-mart that was attached to the gas station.  
This vacation away from the band and your friends wasn’t just because you wanted to spend time with Luke and you knew that he probably knew that. If you wanted to spend time with him before the tour you could’ve done so just as well hanging in Bobby’s garage as going on a road trip. The thought that you had been dancing around was one that you really wanted to avoid bringing up. If tour went well, there would be other tours. Other opportunities, more shows. You’d be in college, working and trying to get a degree and Luke would be travelling all over the country and somewhere in the back of your head you kept telling yourself that maybe this would be the end of your yearlong relationship. You’d been on cloud nine when Luke asked you to go out with him but you were starting to come back down again.  
“Alright,” Luke called, full bag of snacks in one hand and his other adjusting the hood of his black sweatshirt. He still looked sleepy in the best way. “I got twizzlers, chips, soda, a bag of sour patch kids and a bag of those mini reeses, also blue gatorade and some of those weird granola bars you like that get little crumbs everywhere.”
“So you bought the whole store?” You joked, hanging the gas nozzle back up and sealing the cap on.  
“I left the shitty coffee that was burning in the bottom of the pot.” He replied, getting back in the car and laying the snacks at his feet. He took out one of the gatorade’s and chugged some, “alright, lets do this shit.”
“You make it sound like this is gonna be painful,” you laughed, “it’s a road trip, it’ll be fun.”
“Hey, trust me, I know it will. There’s nothing I wanna do more.” Luke said, “I even found a book of sights at Big Sur for us to check out.”  
“Yeah...” He shrugged, trying to play it off as no big deal but the fact of the matter was that Luke had been planning for this trip as much as you had. He felt like taking a week together, even if it was only to be alone before going away, was a pretty big step. “Besides, like, you know...play a sold-out stadium tour.”
“Luke!” You groaned, trying to keep your eyes on the road and resist the urge to look over at him. “I’m being serious!”  
“So am I! You know how awesome that would be?” He said, leaning across the armrest to look at you. His smile was infectious, you could already feel yourself breaking under his gaze, “hey, I am really excited about this. We need this.”
“I agree.” You chanced a quick look at a stop sign, leaning over and giving him a kiss before you started driving again. “and when you do play sold out stadium tours...which you will...I’ll be screaming my head off in the pit with all the crazy fans that you guys are gonna have.”
“Alright but I expect at least one bra thrown at me.” He said, sitting back in his seat and pulling his hood up again as if he was going to try to sleep some more.  
“I’ll bring an extra.” You laughed when he reached across the small space of your dad’s mustang to shove you gently, sticking his tongue out at you. Worries that you had, that wouldn’t go away in one conversation or one trip up state, were pushed to the back of your mind for the moment.  
taglist: @ifilwtmfc
If you wanna be tagged in any JatP, I guess, lemme know!
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Broken Down (p.2)
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Pairings: Arvin Russell x F!Reader (I just realized that though there’s a few little flirty parts or thoughts, it’s actually pretty platonic and open ended) 
Summary: (Part 2 of Broken Down) After escaping from Carl and Sandy, you and Arvin find yourselves in Knockemstiff. Little did either of you know, there was somebody else following you there. 
Warnings: Murder, Mention of Suicide, Canonical gore and violence, Reference to sexual assault but no depictions
Word Count: 6.6k
Find Part 1 here!
Meade was the last big town until you hit Knockemstiff and you had decided to pull off at a gas station to fuel up to avoid accidentally running out of gas in the middle of nowhere. When the car’s tires rolled to a crunching halt, Arvin jumped out to pump the gas for you. You stepped out of the car and stood beside him while the tank filled with fuel. “What do you wanna do when we get to Knockemstiff? It seems like why ever you’re here is pretty personal so I understand if you wanna do this alone.” 
“Where ‘re you gonna go?” He dodged the question, the pump clicking to a stop in the background. He moved to shake the last few drops from the nozzle before replacing it at the pump. 
You and Arvin had talked a bit on your long overnight trip about your lives and your plans. He had told you that he was from Coal Creek and admitted to murdering a preacher named Preston Teagarden that impregnated his adopted sister, Lenora, which led her to committing suicide. He had told you all about this monster of a human and why he felt he had to do what he did and, though it felt twisted to genuinely support the murder of somebody, you couldn’t help but support Arvin’s actions. When you asked what was so special about Knockemstiff, he confessed that it was where he used to live, where his parents had died. 
Arvin had never found himself the overly talkative or trusting type. Coal Creek residents only seemed to judge him and his family, from bullies to the richer folk who looked down on his family simply for not having much money. There was something special about you though, and perhaps it was some unspoken bond that came about from nearly being murdered and then murdering said murderers, but it made him feel like he could open up to you more than he’d ever felt with anyone. 
You told him about your life and family thus far. You told him about your hometown of Barren Springs, not that there was really much to tell. It was just some small town full of cows and churchgoers. When he asked you what you were gonna do after today, you really weren’t sure. Hell, you were barely sure what you were doing now. 
You looked around at the surprisingly clean gas station before picking at your nails, “I don’t really know. Figured I’ll drive around for a few days. Maybe head back to Meade after I drop you off and stay here for a few until the story comes out in the newspaper. Just gotta make sure they don’t have any leads, y’know?” 
Arvin adjusted his baseball cap, “You ain’t gotta just disappear. I mean, you been mighty kind givin’ me a ride all the way out here but I don’t wanna just use you for a ride ‘n send you on your way. Not after everythin’.” He paused to think for a moment. His story wasn’t a pleasant one and his entire point in coming all the way out here was to try and find some peace with all ghosts in his closet. It was a personal journey, one that he didn’t really want anyone else to join in on, but he really did feel terrible just using you for a ride so far away and leaving you alone.  “‘M gonna go visit my old home from back when I was a boy. There’s some things I gotta do there. It’s, uh, it’s somethin’ I gotta do alone. You’re more than welcome to leave me here if you wanna go somewhere else but I don’t want to make you feel like I just used you for a ride.” 
You chewed your lip to hide the small way the corner of your mouth turned upwards at his ever-courteous manner. “Well what’re you gonna do after all this? You gonna be able to make it wherever you need to go?” 
“I ain’t got anywhere to go but I’ll figure it out. Don’t you worry ‘bout me,” he admitted, leaning against the car beside you. 
You looked up at him with your arms crossed, “How ‘bout I wait in town till you’re done doin’ what you need to do and then you can come stay with me in Barren Springs until you get a plan. It’s better for you to know where you wanna go and what you wanna do before running off.” 
Arvin’s eyes narrowed skeptically, “You sure you’re alright with that? I don’t wanna put you out anymore than you’ve already done for me.” He was never one for charity and didn’t want to take anything he felt like he couldn’t reciprocate. 
You nodded, pressing yourself off the side of the car and swinging towards the driver's side of the car, “It’s no problem, really. Now how much further to Knockemstiff?” 
The drive to Knockemstiff wasn’t long at all and within the hour you and Arvin found yourselves driving along the road that he found hauntingly familiar. Even so, everything looked so different. Arvin couldn’t imagine the town changing much over the last eight or so years so he figured that the place just must have felt darker and grimmer with the ghosts of the tragedies that took place there. 
“Where’s your house?” You leaned forward over the steering wheel to peer further ahead up the road, trying to see through the thin layer of condensation that had built up on the inside of your window from the contrast of the heated interior with the dreary drizzly outside. 
Arvin gestured up the road you were headed down, “Should be just up there but it’s been a while.” You could see the way the road split off into a fork just up ahead and you could tell by Arvin’s face that he wasn’t quite sure which road was the right one. 
“Should we ask someone?” You pointed towards a small building up ahead, pulling over when Arvin nodded. 
The pair of you got out of the car to see an older man sitting in a rocking chair on the porch. “Howdy,” he greeted with a thick accent, “You pair look like you been travellin’. Where you headed?” 
Arvin shoved his hands in his pockets as he answered, hiding beneath the brim of his hat from the rain. You shielded your face with your hand from the mist, tiny droplets accumulating on your eyelashes. “There used to be a house and a barn up on that hill over there. Some lawyer owned it. You know it?” 
“Sure I do. Up in the Mitchell Flats.” The man answered sure as could be. 
“Still there?” 
The man leaned back, eyeing Arvin, “Well, I’ll be damned. You’re that Russell boy ain’t you?”
You felt the way Arvin tensed up a little beside you, clearly not comfortable with the legacy he seemed to have in this town, but stepped forward nonetheless. You followed him under the shelter of the porch awning, brushing a strand of hair from your face. “I just thought, seeing as I was this way, I’d stop by and see the old place again.” 
The man sighed heavily and stood, “Son, I hate to tell you this but that place burned some years ago. They think some kids did it. Wasn’t nobody livin’ there since you and your folks.” 
“Well, heck, we came all this way. May as well walk up there anyways.” Arvin insisted. 
The man’s eyes flicked over to you and back to Arvin, “Sure, just cut across Clarence’s pasture. Don’t know if you remember but there’s some pretty flowers growin’ up there this time of year for your girl there, too. He won’t mind if you take a few.” He glanced at you with implying eyes and you tensed up. 
“Oh, uh, we’re not- it ain’t like that.” You stammered over your words, hands waving slightly with a flustered chuckle. 
The man put his hands up, “My bad, ma’am. Just figured since you two were…” he paused and cleared his throat, “well, anyways. It’s nice to know you’re doing alright, son.” 
Arvin nodded in a brief farewell before turning to head back to the car and you followed, only stopping when he turned back to the man on the porch, “I never did thank you for the night my dad died. You were awful kind to me and I just want you to know that I ain’t never forgot it.” 
Even though you didn’t know the extent to which Arvin had suffered that night, the fact that he was thanking this old man that barely recognized him for the good deeds of nearly a decade ago spoke miles in your opinion. You stood back silently, knowing that this was his path to healing and resolution and that, at least for now, you were merely a spectator. 
“You had that pie smeared all across your face,” the man reminisced almost as if it were a happy memory, “Damn Bodecker thought it was blood. Remember that?” 
You looked at the ground with a silent chuckle at the thought of Arvin as a young boy with pie smeared across his face but that faded when you heard the way he said, “Yeah, I remember everything about that night,” with such heaviness. 
“He ain’t the lawman that I expected,” he continued, “Shame about his sister though.” 
“Why? What happened?” 
“His sister and her husband were found dead. Not far from Meade.” 
Your heart stopped beating and you glanced over at Arvin to find him already casting a nearly imperceptible but highly aware glance at you. “That’s awful. They know what happened?” You questioned, trying to force as much sincerity into your tone as possible. There was no telling with certainty that Bodecker’s sister and her husband were Sandy and Carl but that would be a huge coincidence for two different couples to wind up dead not far from Meade on the same day. 
The man nodded, “Last I heard, they don’t know for sure. I got a friend who’s son works in the sheriff’s department, though. Said they thought it was a murder-suicide at first but found bullets from a gun that they couldn’t find at the crime scene so they ain’t so sure no more. Looks like they’re investigating it as a murder.” 
Your mouth fell open, trying to find the words that would secure your innocence, as if this man had any reason to believe you were guilty anyways, but it took a moment for you to find your voice, “That’s terrible. I hope they figure out what happened,” you lied, less convincingly than you hoped but this man had no reason to not believe you.  
He nodded in agreement, “Yeah, real unfortunate to hear. But, uh, I won’t keep you any longer. You two stay safe out there.” He waved the pair of you off and you and Arvin returned to the car. 
The second both doors were securely shut, you let out a breath of air you weren’t aware you’d been holding, “We’re fucked, ain’t we?” 
“They ain’t got no reason to suspect us.” Arvin tried to reassure but the way he gripped onto his thighs tightly made you nervous. 
“He said they found bullets that didn’t match the guns at the scene. Did you pick up the bullets at the church? Can they trace the gun back to you?” Your questions flew frantically, pulling out onto the road and following the fork that the man had pointed down earlier. 
Arvin nodded, fingers rolling over the lumps in his pocket where the empty cases had been residing since yesterday. “Yeah, I picked ‘em up. ‘M pretty sure I got ‘em all.” 
You let out a shaky breath, feeling sick to your stomach, “Good,” You lied, feeling anything but, “good.” 
You sat at the tiny diner in town at a booth all to yourself, sipping at a soda and picking at a basket of fries. At first, you had thought that you could possibly read the book you’d packed into your bag for the trip but it sat on the table beside the napkin dispenser, untouched since you set it down after giving up at trying to read after your third time rereading the same paragraph and retaining no information. 
How could you read at a time like this? No matter how much you thought you had processed what had happened over the last twenty-four hours, it felt like the reality never truly weighed in. They knew that there was an additional gun so they knew someone else was involved. Carl and Sandy were murdered and the police knew it.
And of course Sandy would turn out to be the fucking sheriff’s sister! Just your luck, right? Carl probably could have disappeared and nobody would have noticed but the sheriff’s sister was going to be a hard one to hide from, especially now knowing that they suspected foul play. There’s no reason for anyone to suspect us, you breathed deeply, trying to calm yourself. 
The picked at basket of fries hadn’t been nearly as much comfort as you had hoped and your soda was none too great a therapist either. You didn’t realize you’d actually miss Arvin, the man you’d only known less than twenty-four hours, when you’d only dropped him off at the site of his old home thirty minutes ago but there was a loneliness now that made you uneasy. When Arvin was around, the last day’s events felt bearable but now that you were alone, the paranoia gnawed at you. 
Reaching for the ice cold Coca-Cola brand glass full of soda, you dragged it towards you, the sparkling liquid fizzing against your tongue as you took a long sip. Focus on the bubbles. Focus on the bubbles. Arvin will be done soon and you can get the hell out of Knockemstiff and as far from the crime scene as possible. 
There was a light chime from the small bell that hung over the door that drew your attention and you watched a tall dark haired man walk in, looking around like he owned the place. One of the waitresses walked right up to him with a warm smile, “Heya Sheriff! What can I get you?” 
Your blood ran cold at the realization of who this was and your fears were only confirmed when he turned and you could see the heavy expression in his eyes, “‘M not here for food, Sally. You seen a boy and girl come through here? They’re both young and pretty good looking. He’s kinda average height, brown hair?,” he went on to describe you briefly as well before continuing, “Might have been hitchhiking.” 
As casually as you could, you picked up the book and buried your face in it, letting your hair drape over the sides of your face to conceal yourself as much as possible. Sally thought for a moment, “Hm, we get the usual hitchhikers through here. The boy got a name?” 
“Arvin Russell.” Bodecker’s voice was flat and serious and the waitress could tell that he was in no mood for stretching this out. 
She shook her head apologetically, “‘M sorry, Bodecker. I ain’t seen nobody come through here with that name or a new couple at all. I saw Henry talkin’ to a pair who might’ve matched that description though. Saw ‘em on my way into work. Couldn’t see ‘em too well but sounds like they might have had the same hair color. I don’t know… they didn’t look familiar though. Maybe check with him?” 
It was amazing how your breath could reverberate so loudly off the thick walls of paper that shrouded your face from view. Your heart pounded in your chest as you continued to eavesdrop in silence. “Yeah, I’ll go do that. Thanks, Sal.” 
You peeked over your book to see her nod and perch up on her toes while she gestured to the kitchen, “Can I get you somethin’ for the road? Coffee maybe? You know it’s on the house.” 
Bodecker just shook his head, a solemn look on his face, the look of a man on a mission, “Nah, I better just head out.” With that he walked out the door and you watched him carefully as he climbed into his police car and drove off down towards the old man’s house that you and Arvin had been at not more than an hour ago. 
This was bad. 
As quickly as you could, you paid for your meal and hustled out to your car, practically throwing yourself into the driver’s seat and speeding down the road after the officer. If he was stopping at the old man’s - Henry, as you just learned - house, that could possibly give you enough time to find Arvin at his house and drive off before Bodecker could even find the pair of you. 
Your knuckles turned white on the steering wheel as you sped down the road, grateful that the roads were mostly empty at this time of day. The only sound was the wheels spinning against the asphalt and you talking aloud to yourself, trying to devise a plan. “Just get there before Bodecker, pick up Arvin, get the hell outta dodge.” You repeated it over and over again as if it were that simple. 
Soon, you passed Henry’s humble abode and, sure enough, the sheriff’s car was parked just outside and you saw his large figure questioning the old man. Neither of them paid your passing car any mind, which you were grateful for as you peeled off down the left fork of the road, the one that led up to the Mitchell Flats. 
You pulled up to the flat area that only had remnants of a house’s foundation now. Slabs of cement were the only signs that a house ever was here, mostly broken from years of abuse from the elements and teenagers. When you pulled up, you noticed that Arvin was nowhere to be seen. “Shit!” You hissed, jumping out of the car and jogging down towards his backyard, the direction he had headed when you dropped him off earlier. He couldn’t have made it far. 
“Arvin!” You called out, arms reaching out in a desperate attempt to keep your balance as your feet skidded every few steps along the leaves and moss that slicked the hill you hustled down. “Arvin!” 
“I really need you to fucking respond…” You groaned the words meant for Arvin aloud to yourself as you nearly tripped over logs on your trek through the woods. The trees all looked the same and you kept glancing behind you to ensure that you weren’t going in circles, often choosing little landmarks, like that one log that had mushrooms growing on it, to make sure you could find your way back. 
Finally, you saw Arvin’s form kneeling before an eerie wooden cross, his white t-shirt dirty from several days of less than ideal situations. You ran towards Arvin, tripping slightly over a few rocks here and there along the way. He turned, ears perked up at the sound of your footsteps. “Arvin! Thank God I found you. We gotta go. Bodecker’s onto us. He came into the diner looking for us and is at Henry’s now.” 
Arvin stood up hastily, “Where’s the car?” 
“Up by where your house used to be.” You pointed over your shoulder in the direction you came from, “C’mon! If we leave now we might be able to get outta here before-” There was the distinct rustle of footsteps coming from uphill that made you freeze. Your voice lowered to nearly a whisper, “Did you hear that?” 
Arvin froze as well, the only sound being your breathing, as you both waited for the sound again. Sure enough, there was a rustle of footsteps again. “Arvin Russell! I know you’re down there somewhere!” Bodecker’s voice rang through the forest clear as day, “You ‘n that girl you’re with. I know y’all are out there.” 
Arvin literally tackled you to the ground and hugged your body close to his as he rolled the both of you into a small crevice between a fallen tree and a hole beneath it. He pressed you close into the tree, hiding you as far into the small space as he could while he fumbled around in his pocket for his gun. 
“It’s Sheriff Bodecker, kids! I just got some questions to ask you!” 
Arvin perched up on his elbows to try and peer over the log. You reached up and fisted his shirt, trying to drag him back down. “What the hell are you-” 
A gunshot blasted through the empty forest and both you and Arvin flinched aggressively. His body dropped against yours and you held his chest tightly, burying yourself in his body and pulling him as close to you as possible, concealed in the shelter of the log. You let out a tiny shriek of surprise that you muffled by biting your thumb. His arms wrapped around your body in both an attempt to shield you but also as a knee jerk reaction looking for safety himself in you. 
“Sorry ‘bout that! Goddamn bird scared me!” Bodecker breathed heavily somewhere to the west of where you were, his footsteps getting closer and closer. “I ain’t here to hurt you! And I know that y’all don’t wanna hurt me. Come on out so we can have us a talk!” 
While Bodecker spoke his lies, Arvin laid back on his back and fumbled around with his gun yet again, this time gripping it and loading the clip with shaky clumsy hands. Finally, he got the clip loaded and he cocked the gun, holding it with both hands like an inexperienced marksman. 
You looked around frantically for something to use as a weapon, anything to not feel helpless. Rocks and sticks seemed to be your best choices but you knew damn well that wouldn’t do jack shit against a gun. Arvin glanced over at you with fear in his eyes, the fact that you both found yourselves facing death yet again for the second time in two days. Tragedy seemed to loom over Arvin like a storm cloud but, looking in your wide beautiful eyes, he’d be damned if he let you become another ghost in his past. 
“I had a feeling you’d be here. Remember that night you brought me up here? That was an awful thing your daddy did.” His footsteps were terrifyingly close now and you did the only thing you could think of to help. You tossed a stone as far away as you could. According to plan, Bodecker jumped and shot at the sudden movement. “God damnit, don’t fuck with me!” 
Arvin may have had the gun but if you could make Bodecker waste his ammo, that was less chances he had of shooting you and Arvin. It was the best solution you could come up with in the heat of the moment. Bodecker sounded furious now and when you peeked over the log, you saw him hiding behind a tree. 
You threw another rock in his direction and he wasted yet another shot. “Fuck! I swear to God-” He cursed angrily, knowing he was wasting his shots on nothing. 
“Put the gun down, Sheriff. I got one pointed right at you!” Arvin yelled back and your eyes blew wide in panic. You smacked him on the arm and the question in your eyes was clear: What the hell are you thinking?
“Can’t do that son!” 
“Just set it on the ground and step away.” Arvin’s voice shook despite his attempt at sounding firm. 
“What?” Bodecker asked with a notable change in his tone. Footsteps started approaching again. 
Poor Arvin fell right into the trap. “Just set it on the ground and step away!” He repeated even louder. You smacked his arm again and held a finger to your lips. 
“So you can kill me like you did my sister and that preacher in West Virginia?” Bodecker hollered back. “You and that girl murdered my sister, didn’t you?” 
For the first time since the incident, you felt actual guilt for what you’d done. Hearing the way Bodecker’s voice cracked with grief made you realize that Sandy’s death did actually have an effect on other people, even if she wasn’t a good person. Arvin swallowed hard too, “We ain’t bad people, Sheriff. That preacher weren’t no good. He hurt my sister so bad she killed herself, Sheriff. I had no choice!”
You shook your head and waved your hands at him, desperately pleading him to stop talking. Bodecker’s footsteps were only getting closer and you knew he was getting Arvin to talk so he could locate the two of you. Arvin just had to explain himself, though, and before you could move, Bodecker was right on top of you. From your new position, awkwardly creeping up a nearby tree, using its trunk for cover, you could see Bodecker’s shotgun peek out from around a tree. 
“I hate to be the one to tell you this, Sheriff, but your sister and her husband… they weren’t no good neither.” Arvin continued to explain yourselves to the sheriff. By then, your upper back was pressed up awkwardly against a standing tree but you were still lying down, hiding mostly against the fallen log still. Arvin stayed laying on his back, gun up against his chest. “I got a snapshot in my pocket of her huggin’ on some dead guy. And Y/N… you shoulda seen what they was doin’ to her,” Arvin’s eyes met yours and you could see a well of unshed tears as this poor boy was on the verge of breaking at the thought of watching you relive that horror. It was a brief moment that he wanted only you to see before he continued,  “What they wanted to do to us. We had no choice! Let loose that gun and I’ll show it to you!” 
Suddenly, Bodecker jumped out from behind the tree and Arvin pulled the trigger as soon as he saw him coming but not before the sheriff got a shot off right at the two of you as well. You shrieked out in pain as a few pellets from the shotgun grazed your arm, tearing holes in your jacket. They weren’t deep wounds but they tore long thin gashes across your flesh that began bleeding immediately. 
“Agh!” You yelled out, clutching your bicep that was already wet with crimson liquid. Arvin rolled over next to you, having flinched away from the bullets in the opposite direction. You wanted to ask if he was alright but he rolled back over to look up at Bodecker, confirming that he was thankfully at least alive. 
Your attention went to the sheriff as well who stood there looking dumbfounded at the red spot blossoming on his shirt. His jaw went slack and his knees buckled before he finally dropped to the ground. You and Arvin shot each other glances of disbelief. You both pressed yourselves off the ground and hopped over the log towards the sheriff. 
Bodecker was on the ground, gasping and trying to hang onto what was left of his life. The first thing you did before even looking at him long was kneel down and take his gun from his hand. Now that you were sure he couldn’t hurt you, you looked down at him sadly. Killing Sandy and Carl had been disturbingly easy because they were genuinely terrible people who were trying to murder you. They also died quickly. Bodecker lied helpless on the ground at the mercy of two young adults, gasping and gripping desperately to this world. This time, the murder made your heart feel heavy. Yes, he had been trying to murder you and Arvin but it was for his sister’s sake. There was a twisted nobility in the action that you could empathize for. 
Bodecker looked up at Arvin and then up at you. “So it was you in that picture,” he attempted to say, his voice a hoarse whisper. 
Your brows furrowed in confusion, “What do you mean?” 
He laid his head back, too tired to continue straining himself, “In… in my pocket… Found some pictures in Carl’s camera of… of a girl crying with her shirt.. With her shirt…” Bodecker attempted to explain but his voice failed him as much as his the rest of his body was beginning to shut down. 
You gasped at the mention of the photographs. In the heat of everything, you had completely forgotten that Carl had taken a few pictures of you. You patted down the sheriff’s pocket until you found a developed picture of you with your shirt torn wide open, bra out for the world to see, and tears streaming down your face despite the defiantly angry look on your face. Sandy was topless behind you, her lips pressing against your neck and her hands gripping your breasts, pressing them up and inwards to amplify their suppleness. Her direct eye contact with the camera was chilling. 
You shuttered at the picture, shoving it in your own pocket instead of giving it back to Bodecker. You weren’t sure what you’d do with it but you couldn’t risk anyone else seeing it. 
Arvin had caught a glimpse of the picture and noticed the way it shook in your hands. He noticed the way your eyes glazed over looking at it like you couldn’t believe it was actually you. When you shoved it in your pocket, he sighed and pulled out his own photograph to show the sheriff, the one of Sandy posing nude behind a man’s corpse. 
“We had no choice.” He told Bodecker. There was such sincerity in his voice and almost an apology in his eyes for the harm that he had caused to Bodecker and his family. It was never meant to be like this for either you or him. Neither of you were supposed to have become killers. Your hands were never meant to be stained red but life or death situations called for extreme measures and it had been you or them every time. “They was gonna kill us. I swear.” 
“We didn’t wanna do it but they had a gun to our heads and tried to force us to... We didn’t have a choice. They were gonna kill us.” You reiterated, voice just as shaky as Arvin’s as you had to sit and come to terms with the events of the last twenty-four hours. 
“I’m so sorry.” You and Arvin apologized in uncoordinated unison, hanging your heads low to genuinely show how sorry you were for causing him pain and that it had all had to boil down to this. 
Bodecker’s eyes left the pair of you and stared upwards at the trees. You glanced up to see what he was looking at and saw a beautiful clearing in the branches that framed the perfectly clear late afternoon sky. It was a beautiful view to have to be your last, you thought morbidly but truthfully. 
You and Arvin sat by Bodecker’s side, listening to his ragged strained breaths until they finally stopped and you knew he was gone. It felt like the least you could do after everything, staying with him so he didn’t die alone. You hoped that maybe it counted as some shred of redemption for the sins committed over the last two days. 
When Bodecker’s body finally went limp and his eyes glazed over, you reached up and brushed your hand over his face, closing his eyes. You couldn’t stand to see the empty blue orbs stare off into nothingness and know there was nobody behind those eyes anymore. Arvin stood up and walked over to where you had been hiding, not giving Bodecker’s body much attention at all after he finally slipped away. 
With a heavy sigh, you pressed yourself to your feet and walked over to where Arvin stood, looking down at a hole full of animal bones that you hadn’t noticed earlier. You visibly cringed, wondering what in the hell you walked into, “What’s that?” 
Sadness overtook Arvin’s features as he stared at the pile of bones, “My best friend from when I was a boy. I had to come back and give him a proper burial.” His vague answer clearly had a story attached to it but you didn’t have the heart to press him further on it right now. Arvin turned his attention to the pistol in his hand, the one he had used to shoot Teagarden, Carl, and Bodecker, and saw nothing but the bloodshed it had caused. 
You wished you could know what was going on in Arvin’s brain as he twisted that Luger in his hand. His eyes were deep with remorse, grief, and heartache and you could tell that this boy had seen too many tragedies for one lifetime and somehow, they were all related to the gun he held in his hand. 
After almost a minute of silence, he placed the gun gingerly on top of the bones in the makeshift grave and piled it full of dirt until it was indistinguishable from the rest of the forest floor. The only landmarks to signify its location were the three crosses that humbly stood above it. “Why’d you do that?” You asked with gentle curiosity. 
He stood up but kept his eyes trained on where the hole once was, “My daddy always told me to wait for the right time to do anything.,” He nodded his head, as if agreeing with his own decision, “I think it’s the right time.” His answer was cryptic and, yet again, you could tell there was a story behind it that you would have to wait to discover. 
There was a cool breeze that sent goose bumps rising across your arms and you glanced around the forest to see the leaves rustle and fall to the ground. That was when the black and white clothing of Sheriff Bodecker stood out against the gold and brown foliage and reality settled back in. 
“We should probably get outta here soon, Arv.” You urged with a gentle tone, a hand coming to rest softly on Arvin’s bicep. 
Arvin’s jumped slightly, eyes darting down to where your skin gently grazed his own. The softness of your touch and the sincerity in your eyes was one that he wasn’t sure he’d experienced since his mother. Even Lenora hadn’t filled that gap that he was secretly desperate for to be filled. She was kind and gentle but had a childlike naivety that you lacked. Arvin’s mother had never looked at him the way you did either. His mother had been tender and compassionate but there was a different kind of understanding in the way that you looked at him. One look into your eyes validated all of his sins over the last few days, for better or worse. 
His opposite hand reached across his body and rested over yours, revelling silently in the way your hand fit against his. “Yeah… you’re right.” Arvin took one last look at the three crosses that had haunted his dreams for years and it was almost as if he could feel himself kneeling before them with his father. These weren’t memories he ever thought he’d want to hold onto but now that he was faced with the possibility of never coming back, a part of him felt reluctant to leave. “Rest easy now, Jack.” He let his hand fall from yours with his last good bye and while you weren’t entirely sure who Jack was, you were fairly certain it was the name of whoever those bones in that grave belonged to. 
“‘M sorry,” Arvin said out of the blue from the driver’s seat of your car, shaking you from the silent daze that both of you had been sitting in for the last thirty minutes. 
You tore your eyes from the dashboard where they had long since zoned out on, emotionally overwhelmed, to look over at him. “For what?” You asked, brows furrowed.
“If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have gotten caught up in all this.” 
You shook your head, “That ain’t true, Arvin. We both ended up in Carl and Sandy’s car yesterday and we both pulled those triggers. Bodecker was shooting at us because he couldn’t settle with the fact that his sister was a monster. It’s like you said, us or them. I probably would’ve died with Sandy and Carl if it weren’t for you being there so if anything, I should be thanking you. You saved my life.” 
Arvin looked over at you, his eyes red from holding back tears for so long but he still shed none. He wasn’t sure what to say to that. The way you had been sitting so quietly had him convinced that you hated him for dragging you into a life ruining situation. “Well I wouldn’t have made it this far without you either so thank you.” 
You nodded with a small appreciative smile but there was an exhausted sadness behind your features that Arvin shared. Silence settled back over the car aside from the faint ever present sound of the wind outside the car as you and Arvin drove on down the highway headed for Pennsylvania. Neither of you knew what your next steps were but since killing Bodecker, you’d both decided that heading back to Barren Springs was not a wise decision. The two of you needed to get as far away from this area as you could, at least until everything blew over - that was, if it ever would. If Bodecker could track Arvin, that must have meant the other police officers knew that he had killed Teagarden as well. You weren’t sure if the police knew that you and Arvin were responsible for Carl and Sandy but you could assume as much since Bodecker came after the two of you. Even if they didn’t, there were pictures of you on Carl’s camera but your body wasn’t at the crime scene. Finally, when Bodecker didn’t return, wouldn’t that just put you and Arvin at the top of the suspect list? 
So with all the uncertainty in the world, you sat in the passenger seat of your own car with a stranger who you felt like you understood more than you’d ever understood anyone, driving across state lines with no clue as to what you future held. You didn’t know where you were going, when you’d get to come back home, when you could safely see anyone you cared about again, or what was going to happen to all your life goals now. Everything that had been planned and comfortable had been stolen away by a twisted couple picking up a poor girl with a broken down car. 
You didn’t know what was waiting for you in Pennsylvania, or anywhere for that matter, but even with all the uncertainty, one thing felt beyond doubt. Maybe it was the exhaustion from going two days with no sleep but you just knew Arvin Russell was going to be in your life from this day forward. There was something you couldn’t explain between the two of you. A spark felt like an inappropriate way to put it under the circumstances of your relationship thus far but it was an understanding, an empathy, a trust, a sense of protection of one another. When you tore your eyes off the road ahead long enough to look over at the man sitting beside you, his hair parted messily down the middle and his face and shirt smudged with dirt, you could have sworn you saw your future. Whether it was a future in prison together, as partners in crime, friends, or lovers, you weren’t quite sure, but a content smile crept up on your face at the inexplicably comforting knowledge that Arvin Russell would be there with you for whatever ups and downs were to come.
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The Spotlight, chapter 3
This is the last chapter of this story within @bertrumstrousers‘ Step Right Up AU. I hope you all enjoy.
The machine roared to life. Bertrum, with his eye beginning to swell and the blood from his scratch-marks and sweat from his exertion trickling down his face, turned to face Joey. All Joey could do was stare in horror.
“What was that? Who was that? Bertrum… why are you doing this?”
“Oh, Joey,” Bertrum purred in a gentle, comforting, and rather anxious tone, “I would never use the machine on someone unwilling. I know how much this machine means to you and I would never betray you like that. Norman wanted to go through the machine. He warned me ahead of time that some old phobias of his might act up while I put him through, but he trusted me to get him through even if he started to fight it. And he did put up quite a fight!” Bertrum smiled a very fake smile.
Joey didn’t believe any of that, but saying as much to an eight-foot-tall man who could easily put him through the machine as well would be very bad idea. Better to play along, tell Lacie about this later and then plan from there. “That makes sense,” Joey said, “I know you wouldn’t sacrifice Norman unless he wanted it. It’s almost touching that he trusts you with something that was so scary for him.”
Bertrum nodded. “He knew it was the right thing, for Susie, for the circus, and for himself.”
It was then that the machine stopped roaring, and a creature fell out its extraction nozzle. The creature was ink-black and even bigger and stronger than Norman had been. Instead of a head, it had a spotlight. The creature looked down at its own hands, trembling. Vulnerable.
And then it started screaming. The screams were so ear-piercing that Joey barely registered that the creature was charging for him before Bertrum tackled it to the ground. Joey watched as the creature writhed and struggled in Bertrum’s arms, still screaming.
“Shhh! You’re going to wake the whole damned circus you barmy idiot! Calm down. It’s me. Your friend, remember?”
If the creature even understood him, it showed no signs of it.
“Joey, get the doors for me. We need to get this thing caged up in the animal car.”
Bertrum did not sleep well that night, and not just because he could still faintly hear that traitor screaming and rattling the bars of its cage. Everything was coming back to haunt Bertrum’s mind that night. Nathan’s ghost taunted him.
You may have had problems with me, Mr. Piedmont, it said, but at least I never murdered anyone, let alone my best friend.
He is not my friend. He betrayed me. He was never my friend, and I only did what I had to in self-defense. Bertrum countered, And he isn’t dead. He’ll adjust. They all do!
Frustratingly, Nathan’s ghost gave no response, forcing Bertrum to duel his conscious. After a few sleepless hours, Bertrum got up again. He had to find a way to hide his wounds anyhow, so maybe it was for the best that he was up.
Bertrum’s knees still throbbed from the fight, forcing him into far more of a limp than he’d have if he were just having a bad day with his arthritis. He’d have to pass that off as a symptom of aging. Once Bertrum got to the costume car, he covered the scratch marks the best he could with foundation and concealer. It wasn’t a perfect solution, but it was the best he could do. It also did nothing to hide his swollen eye. He dug around the costumes for something to cover it, and eventually settled on using Norman’s old half-mask. He would tell the others that it had been a gift.
Everything had gotten wildly out of hand.
“I told you not to get involved,” Lacie grumbled. She’d wanted to meet with Norman alone as soon as possible. Thankfully, he was done screaming. He’d tired himself out the previous night and was now sitting limp in his cage.
“All you had to do was talk to him. That’s all I asked. But don’t worry. We ain’t leaving you like that. Now that we know for a fact that Bertrum is turning people against their will, me an’ Joey are gonna stop him. That’s a goddamn promise!”
In the days following Norman’s disappearance, a lot more people became wary of Bertrum, and it was in large part due to Lacie and her desire to protect the troupe. “Don’t anger him, he’s goin’ through a rough time right now,” she’d tell them, “Don’t go to meetings with him alone if you can help it. And whatever you do, do not tell him that I told you this.”
There were people that Lacie couldn’t tell those things to- people she feared were too close to Bertrum, who might tell him why people were so anxious around him now.
There were also those that Lacie and Joey had absolute trust in, whom they started inviting to their secret meetings. For Joey, it was Jack and Sammy. Lacie had made the difficult decision to let Buddy in on it- better that the kid was armed with knowledge, she figured. They were trying to come up with a plan to stop Bertrum, but came up blank as to how. As much time was spent planning on how to keep everyone safe from him.
A few days later, Bertrum gathered everyone in the Colossal Wonders troupe to make a special announcement- a rather common occurance nowadays. Lacie watched him with careful eyes. His limp had diminished and he had finally taken off the mask, now that the swelling had mostly disappeared.
“Good morning, everyone. I’m sure a few of you have noticed our friend Norman’s disappearance by now. It’s about time I told you where he went! I was spending time with him a few nights ago, and he told me that, since it had worked out so well for his girlfriend, he wanted to go through the machine! Well, here he is! Our latest marvel. Spotlight, come and show yourself!”
The pitch-black figure stepped out from behind one of the train cars. It wasn’t screaming anymore. It looked very docile and almost ashamed.
Susie’s heart was going a million miles a minute. She’d snuck into the animal car two days ago to see him, and seeing Norman in his feral, screeching state had worried her to no end. She was worried that he would be like that forever. That the ink machine really could be evil. But now, all her fears were put to rest. He was fine.
“Norman! You did it!” Susie cheered, running up to give him a hug. “I know you had your doubts about the machine. But I’m so glad you did this.”
It was a good thing he couldn’t make facial expressions anymore, because Norman wanted to cry. The troupe was a mix of cheers and horrified faces. Norman looked to Lacie’s stone-cold face as though asking for help. And Lacie didn’t know what to do.
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Chizuru Town - Killer Instinct
Yoooo, the MC has killed people before Cassell.
“Shouldn’t we hurry?” Even though it was clear that something serious was happening in this Chizuru town, Chu Zihang was only walking ‘somewhat briskly.’ not even a jog. You strolled with him, lightly petting the cat who was nestled tight in your arms. The air was still warm with early summer. The two of you looked like a boyfriend and girlfriend out for a stroll at night and wouldn’t have turned any heads. Were it not for the circumstances it might have been romantic. But your heart held no room for any sort of romantic feelings at the moment. You just wanted to feel safe.
“We need to save our energy. And I wanted to ask you. What’s your connection to the Lenin?”
You glance up at him. “I guess I do owe you an explanation don’t I?”
“Not really. Truthfully, I'm just curious. It pertains to the mission, but only Caesar needs to know. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” His voice was quiet.
As you continue to walk, you suddenly notice that the sky seems brighter than normal. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness of the power outage in Chizuru, the stars had started to become visible in greater and greater numbers. Perhaps in an hour or so, the sky would start to appear like the one over your old home.
“Looking back, it was truly a dreadful place where I came from. But it was home. It was beautiful in a lot of ways. Life was hard, but that made any level of joy and happiness so secret and special.” Smiling faces float into your vision, one by one, like an old photo album.
“The Lenin came by to resupply the port every Christmas. We always looked forward to it.” Your steps slow to a crawl. “It’s just as Chisei said to you. The Lenin made a stop in a nameless port in Siberia after which it took the dragon from the port and the port was burned. That was the last time I saw the Lenin, until today.”
“Why was the port burned?”
“It wasn’t… just that the port was burned, Zihang. It was bombed. There were people shooting at us from helicopters.” You couldn’t keep the tremble out of your voice.
“The scarring then… you were shot. Was that when it happened?”
“When you were hurt. I saw the scars. It looked like you were hit by a high powered weapon. A wound that should have been fatal.”
“I wasn’t the only one shot that day… just the only one that survived.” You drop your face to fight the rising sorrow.
“The port wasn’t just burned then. It was specifically to kill the people there. Is that what you’re saying?”
You nod.
“Then I understand Caesar’s words to you much better then. It’s not just the fact of revenge… you’re a witness, MC. You have to live to tell the story. Don’t be so reckless with your life.” Chu Zihang said.
“Senpai, are you caring for me?” You say. “Hmm… what would Little Dragon Lady have to say about that?”
Zihang’s back straightened a little and you flinched internally. But then he relaxes. “I’m not sure if she’s the jealous type. You’re probably fine. After this mission is over, what will you do?”
“Assuming I’m still alive? I honestly… don���t know. I haven’t thought that far.”
“Understandable.” He suddenly stopped walking. A building was being surrounded by cars and motorcycles and from the rumble of the streets nearby, more were on the way. Vans blocked the windows of the first floor and men were making an effort to roll up the security door keeping them from the entrance.
“This way.”
“Is that the Internet Cafe?” You whisper as you’re ushered through the shadows and into a nearby alley. “I thought it was safe!”
He didn’t answer. He was watching people get out of the car with pistols and automatic weapons.
“On my signal… three… two … one…” He darts out of the alley way and sprints behind the people, approaching the building, hiding behind the backs of those in the rear. You follow as quickly as you can into the alley right beside the building. Sure enough there was a side entrance.
Zihang slices off the padlock holding the door closed and it swings open. But no one was guarding here. He motions you inside and you follow him into a narrow corridor. There was no light at all but the moon reflected off the rippling vinyl tile and the shining metal shelving. This seemed to be a storage and maintenance area. Zihang was moving silently and rapidly, not giving you any more instructions. He suddenly paused. There was a vending machine. It was off but Zihang could see what was inside. Clean packaged panties. 
He pointed the sword at the glass and carved a near perfect circle with the tip. Your jaw drops. Was Zihang seriously this sort of pervert? The circle falls from the glass with a quiet tap. And he reached inside. “Here put these on.”
You’re stunned. How could he have known you weren’t wearing … your eyes widen. “You peeked?”
“I couldn’t help seeing when you kicked.” He tossed you the package.
With anyone else you would want to slap their face, and you scowled as you caught the package. “Can’t believe you.”
“It’s not like anything I haven’t seen before. Like I said, I saw your scars.”
“Stop talking!” You hiss. “And turn around. I’m not putting them on in front of you!”
Chu Zihang immediately turns around as you take off your shoes and set the cat down.  Kitty darts under the vending machine as soon as he’s on the floor. Your embarrassment isn’t warranted. It wasn’t his fault but still, you can’t believe he saw that! But when you’ve got one leg in, he starts to run without another word, down the hallway, leaving you behind! You rush to finish dressing and slip your shoes back on. When you get to the end of the hallway, you’re suddenly blinded by bright headlights. The intense glare stung your eyes, but not before you caught the dark silhouette of the person standing in front of the car.
You blinked rapidly to clear your vision. There he was standing, in a leather jacket. That broad back. That blond hair. Your heart leaps in your throat. Caesar! He was alive!
But before you can even call out to him, another shadow darted past him.
Your eyes had just adjusted to the brights of the car only for those lights to immediately go dark. The car's front end crashed to the ground, cut cleanly from the rest of the car. You were blinded by the lights and now you’re blinded by their after image. As you’re trying to blink that away, you hear the crash of metal blade on metal blade and then a sharp sounding gunshot! The sparks hit the car and ignited the fuel lines and once again the space was lit up this time by firelight!
Caesar was engaged in a furious battle with an assailant that was taking advantage of the rapid cycling of light and dark. He was moving quickly, parrying every attack. Caesar couldn’t slow down, flinch or make any mistakes. He was pinned.
Without a doubt, this was the elite fighter of this gang, meant to slow Caesar down. The lobby of the cafe was filled with people with guns but they were all watching this man attack Caesar, like it was some sort of ballet performance. 
No one had noticed MC.
You crouch low, like a panther stalking in the dark, prowling around the chairs that were propped up on tables. You reach the man at the very end of the wall closest to you. His eyes were fixed on the fight. The speed of the two combatants was similar and their strength was almost equal. It was now a competition of swordmanship and endurance. Who could be perfect the longest. It was quite the nailbiter. 
You leap up and wrap your legs around the unsuspecting young man’s waist and your arms around the man’s throat. By compressing the arteries in his neck, he’s unconscious in a mere second! Then you grab his gun. You immediately point the barrel of the gun up towards the ceiling and fire it at the sprinkler system! The combo of the smoke and the damage to the nozzle sets off the entire system and soon everything and everyone is drenched in the heaviest down pour they’ve ever experienced! The fire on the car goes out and the hall is full of shouting. They’re waving their guns and looking for the target! Caesar dove behind a thick heavy wood receptionist counter and you take the gun and follow him in the dark and wet confusion.
"Is it necessary to fight even now? Stop when you recognize me, okay?" Chu Zihang yelled. 
"Damn, how can I be sure it's you? I can't see clearly! It wasn’t like I was practicing. If I stopped you would take my head off!" Caesar yelled. 
"Internal conflicts will be resolved when we escape! Unity! Unity!" Lu Mingfei also yelled. 
“Caesar! You’re okay! I’m so glad you’re okay!” You didn’t care what they were going on about. Your voice brought Caesar around to look at you. His smile was bright but then he looked appalled. He quickly took off his jacket and covered over your white button down that was soaked with sprinkler water and rendered completely transparent. Chu Zihang had given you a pair of panties but not a bra.
“Zihang! I thought I could trust you to take care of her and you’re letting her walk around like an exhibitionist!”
Lu Mingfei’s face was completely flushed. “I didn’t see! I didn’t see!”
“We have more important things to think about! Duck!” Caesar grabbed the back of your neck and forced you to the floor.
It would have been nice for everyone happily to come back from the dead, but there was no time for pleasantries and hugs ...... they heard the sound of short-barreled shotguns being loaded in droves. 
The sound of gunfire was deafening, and the barrage of bullets came overwhelmingly.
"MP7! Lie down!" Caesar yelled. 
Caesar knew the power of such rounds all too well. two seconds after he pulled you and Lu Mingfei down, dense bullet holes appeared in the wall opposite you. The MP7 penetrated the wood and still had energy to pierce the wall. 
"You can't look at them as ordinary punks, they're here to kill us!" Chu Zihang lay on the ground, not daring to look up. "Very well prepared!" 
“Don’t compliment them, Zihang!” You scream. 
All you can think is that the people from Black Swan Bay had come back. They’ve come back to kill you. They’ve realized you’re a witness to Black Swan Bay and they’re here for you! You have a gun in your hands and you can fire back, but it was nothing compared to this level of pressure. They were cheering and reloading, confident in their win. You look up at Caesar. He was wearing a dangerous smile. The wood was turned to splinters but the marble countertop was still intact. He casually tipped the marble counter so it laid more on its edge.
 The boys screamed with excitement, but the screams were soon replaced by screams of pain as the dense lead bullets bounced off the marble countertop, then bounced off the floor and ceiling, covering the boys from the front, above, left and right. 
Ancient chanting echoed in the darkness, as if ancient bells roared. 
The air instantly heated up and the light was almost like a sunrise. The wall of crimson pushed past to cover the boys. The temperature around them rose to five or six hundred degrees in an instant. The boys felt as if they were staying in the sun. The hot air entered their bodies and could even burn their tracheas! 
The black shadow stood where the crimson wall was born, black and red arcs of light flowing over the circular transparent interface around him. 
The Spirit of Speech- Royal Fire, at the most conservative way to explode with instant heat, not enough that it would kill. The gangsters thought they were unarmed, and they were indeed unarmed, but Chu Zihang himself was a Vulcan cannon! 
The high temperature quickly fell back, Caesar stepped on the blazing ground to pick up the short-barreled shotguns and bullet belts dropped by the mob. You hurry over to join him, looking like a child wearing his jacket. “Caesar… I’m so glad…” You were instantly reminded why you needed to stand behind him. While you were perfectly fine on your own, with just a shrug of his shoulders, Caesar had managed to get back at a room full of gloating loonies.
“Save your words.” He waved a hand. “We have to keep moving.” He kept his voice gentle but every muscle in his body was still taut. “Nice shooting by the way. I’ll put that in my report. Is there anything you can’t do?”
“Die?” You respond immediately with a cheeky grin.
Your answer stops him short and he regards you again with an intense stare. “Remind me to invite you to the Student Union when all this is over. Though I’m sure I won’t forget.”
The boys were badly burned on the surface of their bodies, and now the adrenaline was useless. They were rolling on the ground in pain, and Lu Mingfei rushed over to stomp on these little bastards. The youngest of these guys may only be 16 or 17 years old. The oldest is only in his early twenties, but human life in their eyes is not something that needs to be taken seriously, the problem is that they really chose the wrong opponent. 
More importantly, they were too young to know who you were. They couldn’t be assassins targeting you over Black Swan.
“The high heels are really good for kicking people when they're down.” You quip with a little bit of irritation. Lu Mingfei had no clue how ridiculous he looked in that tight dress and heels kicking a guy with second degree burns. You seriously wonder how in the world he ever got on this team being so completely honorless? You wonder if you should tell Caesar what you know about his feelings toward his fiancee and then you realize that its likely that Caesar already knew and just didn’t care. It’s not like Lu Mingfei was any competition.
“Look down on me all you want. Hmph.” Mingfei shot back. “I’d said I’d stomp them and I won't’ be breaking that promise!”
You’re both interrupted by the roar of motorcycle engines coming closer and closer until the noise makes it impossible to hear! Bright headlights shone into the room and the black motorcycle veered around the broken car. The rider was holding a sword in the air. He opened his mouth and shouted a loud cry then dropped the sword forward.
The roar of the bikes was like the roar of the helicopters over Black Swan Bay. It’s not that you weren’t afraid. It’s just that experience told you that running in this situation was pointless. They’d just catch up with you and shoot you in the back. The only way to escape was to kill your opponent first. You didn’t think of yourself as a killer. Experience had taught you there was no other option.
You lift the gun into your other hand and aim directly at the closest motorcycle rushing at you. He was holding a knife, leering at you but his confidence burst at the sight of the gun in your hand. You aimed it right at the center of the forehead but then the wheel of his motorcycle exploded and the young man went flying off. You pull the trigger but the shot misses completely.
“MC!” Caesar snarls. "Don't clash with the madman! Retreat back the way we came!” 
When you catch up to him, he pulls the gun out of your hands. “If you want to criticize Mingfei, don’t use guns against knife wielders.”
“He was on a motorcycle!” Of all people, you thought Caesar would understand. They were nearly killed just now and he was already resorting to gentle tactics?
“Don’t question me.” He wrapped the rifle’s band around his shoulders. “You’re not getting this back. Let’s go!”
“You’re too stunned to speak. You had imagined that Caesar of all people would understand a true life and death struggle. It seemed only weeks ago that your friends’ blood was being soaked into the snow and you were not going to survive unless the enemy died. You stood next to Renata who wielded the automatic machine gun and mowed down a helicopter, killing those inside.
You have to do this to protect the ones you love.
Caesar, the one who understood so much about you, didn’t understand this.
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randomly-a-fan · 3 years
How Can “IT” Love a Human? Finale
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
At the private airport, Scarlet got out of the taxi and walked into the waiting room for her private jet plane to land. Scarlet took out her family photo from when Kandy was being held by her big brother. Scarlet never have forgotten when Pennywise shouted ‘Fat Chubbies’. When she made a chuckle, she started to cough worse than before. “Ma’am, are you feeling alright?” asked the attendant. Scarlet nodded as she’s saying that she’s fine. “I’ll be fine... What time is it?” Scarlet asked. “It is... 9:49 pm,” the attendant answered.
Meanwhile, Cassandra was driving Pennywise and the kids to the airport after giving her some threaten-like persuasion. “If what you’re telling me is true, I really hope we make it...” Cassandra said to Pennywise as she was concentrating on the road. Just then, the train came by and had no choice but to stop. “What the hell are you doing?” Pennywise asked. “There’s a train you dope! I can’t past a train.” Cassandra scolded. 
It was 9:55, and he knew that by the time the train leaves, they won’t make it in time. “Give me the wheel, I can get us to the airport.” Pennywise offered. “No freakin’ way... I don’t trust you.” Cassandra argued. “If you care so much about your cousin, you’d obey my request and give me the freakin’ WHEEL.” Pennywise said with red in his eyes. Cassandra had no choice but to let Pennywise drive. “Hang on kids, daddy’s driving...” Pennywise adjusted the mirrors and put on his nighttime shades and floored the speed pedal and drove off the road to beat the train. Cassandra was freaking out as she was regretting for letting Pennywise drive. Archie too was petrified, except for Kandy who was sleeping the whole time.  
Pennywise drove neck to neck with the train and spotted the perfect spot to use as a ramp, but he had to drive past the train, so he adjusted the nozzle and hit the speed that was impossible for a corvette to handle but succeeded. As Cassandra and Archie screamed in fear with Kandy screaming with excitement after waking up from a commotion, Pennywise speeded up and made the leap before the train could crush them all. Pennywise looked back to see if his kids are alright. “You kids okay? When this whole nightmare is over, I’ll take you kids to McDonalds for a Kids Meal.” Pennywise said while patting Archie’s leg. Then he turned to Cassandra. “You want a Big Mac later, cuz-in-law?” Pennywise chuckled. Cassandra stared angrily at Pennywise as she was fixing her hair and adjusting her glasses.
When they finally made it to the private airport, Pennywise noticed a private jet was about to fly, so he leaped out of the car and ran after it, thinking that it was Scarlet’s plane flying away. 
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“NOOO... STAR...” Pennywise shouted as the private jet flew away. Pennywise collapsed to the ground in grief.
Cassandra and the kids rushed over towards Pennywise as the kids wanted to comfort him. Cassandra noticed another private jet landed, so she checked the time on her watch. “Pennywise, that was the wrong plane; that was a 9:55 pm plane. Scarlet’s plane just landed.” Cassandra told Pennywise with excitement. Pennywise looked over and saw Scarlet walking over to the pilot. 
Albert the pilot escorted Scarlet onto the plane, until she stopped, she couldn’t feel her pulses and is starting to lose clear vision. “Ms. Jones are you alright?” Scarlet then started to weaken and began to lose her balance. “STAR...” Pennywise rushed over to Aquarius at an impossible speed to catch her before she hits her head hard to the ground. Scarlet couldn’t see very well, but she can recognize the white face. “...Penny... What are you doing here?” Scarlet asked weakly. 
“What do you think? I have Cassandra drive me and the kids to the airport to fetch you--” 
“You never loved me though--” 
“Just shut up and listen!!!”  Pennywise said in a stern tone. Scarlet decided to stop talking so she can let Pennywise speak. “To you you’re Scarlet... To me, you’re still Aquarius the Singing Clown, and you don’t have to be a clown to receive my affection... I know I said I can’t ever love you as a human, but that’s only because I don’t want to hurt you...” Scarlet started to cough hard before Pennywise could finish. “I still love you Penny... Both you and the kids... But I don’t think I can make it...” Scarlet said. “Yes you can; the only thing that can keep you alive is being with your family, and me and the kids are here for you... I love you Star.” Pennywise said as he saw Scarlet smiling weakly with tears in her eyes. 
Pennywise gently kissed her by the lips for a long while. He thought that Aquarius will be alright after that... apparently... Star gave up her last breath after the kiss ended. “Star... STAR?” Pennywise said in shock. Cassandra crouched down to feel her pulse on her arm. “She’s... she’s gone...” Cassandra said as she teared up. Pennywise’s eyes were wide open after hearing the fact that Aquarius actually died. Pennywise screamed to the heavens and hell with a mix of ferocious animal noises. Pennywise held Aquarius against his chest while crying with his face pasted to her head. “Star... I’m so sorry... I’m so very sorry...” Pennywise whispered. normally his tears would float up, but this time, his tears dripped down onto her cheek.
After a while, Pennywise walked away with grief with Cassandra following him, leaving Archie and Kandy behind. Archie cling towards his mom while Kandy crawls out of her big brother’s backpack and crawled towards her mommy. “Momma...” Kandy said, as it was her very first word. With Kandy’s word being heard by Archie, they also heard another voice. “Did... Did Kandy just said her first word...” “MOMMY,” Kandy squealed with excitement. Not only did Scarlet came back to life, but she regained her clown form. Archie also cling to his mom with happy tears, as she was hugging both her kids with happy tears. 
Aquarius noticed Pennywise standing back facing her while Cassandra tries to comfort him, as both of them were unaware of Aquarius being revived. She walked over to her husband and laid a hand on her husband’s shoulder. “Penny...” Pennywise turned quickly and saw the part-human and part demon clown girl he loved. Pennywise immediately grabbed hold of her and lifted her up in the air before kissing her hard. “I thought I lost you... How is that possible?” Pennywise asked while tearing up. “I don’t know... I was blackened out, until I’ve heard Kandy’s first word.” Aquarius answered. Pennywise turned towards his daughter and walked over and picked her up. “Didja just said your first word, Kandy?” Pennywise asked in a cute cooing sort of way. “Momma...” Kandy said as she extended her arms towards her mommy. Aquarius took her daughter into her arms and kissed her by the head while Archie was being picked up by his dad. “Dad, I think Kandy has discovered her secret power; the power of reviving...” Archie said. Pennywise chuckled before he hugged his son. “Kandy is still a baby, son; I think your mom coming back to life was a lucky coincidence.” Pennywise said to his son. 
When Archie looked over at his baby sister, he could have sworn that he just saw Kandy smile with little fangs and made a wink at him. Archie realized that Kandy is a lot smarter than he thinks; however, no one is going to believe him, so he decided to leave it at that... Until next time perhaps.
The next morning, Aquarius was sleeping peacefully until she smelled something good. Pennywise came in, wearing his comical black waitress costume. “Penny, what the hell are you wearing!” Aquarius laughed. “I thought I just try on  a new look. So I thought I make you Bacon and Legs-- uh I mean-- Bacon and Eggs...” Pennywise chuckled awkwardly. Aquarius laughed at Pennywise’s performance and his word error; known to the fact that she usually cooks Pennywise some bacon and legs, which explains his word error. Pennywise’s eggs and bacon are a little imperfection, with the bacon kind of burnt and the eggs had a broken yoke... Just the way she likes them. “What made you want to do this for me?” Aquarius asked while eating her breakfast. Pennywise sat next to his wife while lying down in a sexy pose; exposing his garter. “You’ve been through a lot; ever since we’ve started a family, you do most of the house work... Since the other day when you were human because of The Dream Demon, I have to raise the kids myself... It was hard, and I really missed you. So you deserve some time off...” Pennywise got on top of Aquarius with his legs spread apart and gently removed her plate. “I took the liberty to send the kids to the Voorhees place for the day... so you and I can have the time for ourselves... You deserve some nice pampering... What do you say... Scarlet?” Pennywise asked with a wink.
Aquarius smiled in fondness since she knew that he was doing this because he was feeling guilty for the way he acted. It made her feel so loved. So she placed her hands on his cheeks. “From all the trouble you’ve been putting yourself into just for me, made me realize that I’ve been more loved than ever before... I’m glad that I became your mate...” Aquarius said before they kissed. Pennywise broke the kiss to ask Aquarius a question. “Can I remove this outfit now? it’s making me feel itchy and my garter is starting to block the bloodstream.” Pennywise asked with a little whine. Aquarius laughed as she agreed; since he had to remove it anyway for... Well, you get the drift.
[In Hell]
While the Satin Clown was distracted, Freddy was getting close into breaking free from the chains, even if he had to cut off his own hand to do so; after all, he is a The Nightmare Demon and his limbs will grow back. So Freddy Krueger escaped the carnie hell and back to his lair.
So at night, you can almost hear his maniacal laughter.
The End?
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avengerscompound · 4 years
Like Rabbits - Chapter 15
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Like Rabbits:  A Black Widow/WinterHawk Fanfic
Masterlist // PREVIOUS
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Rating: E Square:  @ladiesofmarvelbingo​ - N4, "If this is love, loving you is easy."
Word Count:  2510
Warnings:  Labor, Clint uses Nitrous Oxide
Synopsis:  While you and Natasha are contemplating starting a family together, Bucky and Clint are doing the exact same thing.  So two couples go take the same path to parenthood together.
A/N: This is a Nat/Reader chapter.
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Chapter 15
Natasha had started to worry.  Things had been going really well … with everything really.  The babies had been growing well and you’d had minimal issues.  Just a bout of sciatica that made your whole left leg go numb for a few days and the weird vivid dreams.  Your blood pressure had been good.  The babies were the same size.  You were a little uncomfortable but otherwise fine.
That should have meant Natasha would relax.  It did the opposite.  She kept waiting for the other shoe to drop and everything to fall apart.  So when you started making little pained noises and rubbing the middle of your back, she was sure that something bad was about to happen.  She had visions of when she’d miscarried and woken up in her own blood.  You kept reassuring her that it was just Braxton Hicks contractions.  But all Natasha could think was it was still too soon and something was about to go wrong.  The fact that Clint and Bucky had decided to go away this very weekend seemed to solidify that fact.
By the afternoon you had started to stop much more regularly and the sounds you made really were beginning to sound like you were in a lot of pain.
“I don’t think it’s Braxton Hicks, zaika,” Natasha said, coming over and rubbing your back for you.
“It has to be, Tasha.  It’s too early.”  You whined.
“Dorogaya,” she cooed.  “They said anytime and we need to make sure they’re okay.  If you’re in pain we should get to the hospital.”
You huffed.  “Maybe if I call them?”
“Alright, zaika.  But if they even say you should maybe come in just in case.  We’re going in.”  Natasha said.
“Okay, Tasha,” you said and waddled over to get your phone.  As you walked Natasha noticed you were dripping some kind of fluid on the floor.
“Zaika,” she said gently, pointing at your crotch.  “You’re leaking.”
You looked down at yourself and frowned. “Did I pee myself?”
“I don’t know.  Did you?  Or did your waters just break?”  She asked.
“No… Tasha.  It’s too soon.”  You said, trying to make it reality by just arguing about it.  “Besides, Clint and Bucky went away.”
She came over to you and wrapped her arms around you, letting you melt into them.  “Call the hospital, I’ll call the dumbass exes.  We’re gonna have our babies, zaika.”
You nuzzled into her neck for a moment and pulled away.  “Okay.  Can you pack a bag too?”  You asked.
“Of course, my love,” she said.
You went and grabbed your phone and Natasha headed upstairs, dialing Bucky on her way.
It didn’t take long before he’d answered.  “Tasha?  Is something wrong?”  He said in his usual greeting.
“James,”  Natasha answered, attempting to remain calm but not 100% sure she was managing it.  “I realize you probably only just arrived.  But you need to come back.  She’s in labor.”
“Fuck.  What the hell?”  Bucky cursed down the line.  It actually made Natasha relax a little and she dug out the bag that was already half packed with things for the hospital.  She could hear Clint and Bucky scrambling around in through the phone as she started to pack.
“She’s been having labor pains all day but she kept telling me it was false ones.  But her water just broke.  So we’re going in.  I will call again, but I think you should have time to get back.  But… you know.  Hurry.”  She said.
“We’re leaving.”  It was Clint this time, obviously having snatched the phone off Bucky.  “Tell her to keep her legs together.”
Natasha laughed and disconnected the call.  She finished packing the last few things you needed and brought the bag down.  “Ready?”
You were leaned over the table panting.  She moved up behind you and began to massage your back.  “Why didn’t I realize?”
“You were just being optimistic.  You thought they’d make it until your induction day.”  She said, her hands kneading your lower back.
The contraction seemed to pass and the two of you went out to the car together.  It was a long drive from the farm to the hospital, and while you only had two contractions on the way the second seemed closer and stronger to Natasha.
You checked in and changed into your button-up nightshirt in the labor room, another contraction hitting as you were putting it on.  Natasha worked your back again as it hit, wishing there was something more she could do to help you.
The first of what would be many midwives came in and put a monitor on you and set you up in bed, telling you they just needed to monitor the twins for a little while, and if everything was fine, you could get up and move around.   She also checked how far you were dilated and it was only four centimeters.  “You’re in for a long haul.”  She warned.
Three contractions hit while you were on the monitor and they definitely seemed worse for being stuck in the bed.  Natasha held your hand through them and in between she put on the music you wanted to listen to and lit a scented candle to help cover up the hospital smell.
You had been let up to move around when Clint and Bucky burst into the room.
“Are you okay?  Did we miss it?”  Clint said as he skidded to a halt in the room.
“Still a long way off.  It’s fine.”  Natasha said.
“Thank god,” Bucky said.  “Do you need anything, bun?”
“Ice chips.  I’m so hot.”  You complained.  “Can you make the aircon colder?”
“You got it.”  He said and went and adjusted the aircon before heading back out into the corridor.  Natasha knew how he felt about hospitals and she knew he’d try and keep busy to distract himself from where he was.
Unfortunately, the nurse was not lying.  Three hours into your labor you had stripped naked because no matter how ice-cold they made it in the room you were sweating.  All concept of shame shoved right out of your head.  You didn’t care who saw you at all.  Natasha took you to the bathroom and you stood under the cool water of the shower.  After an hour of doing that you couldn’t stand up anymore and Clint put on a pair of swim trunks and hopped in with you.  Bucky had gotten you an exercise ball and you sat on it, leaning against Clint while Natasha rubbed your back.  Every time a contraction hit, she’d up the heat of the water and hold the nozzle against your back.
An hour after that they made you go on the monitor again for two hours.  In that time, you lost your ability to cope at all and they gave you the nitrous.  That didn’t seem to help with the pain exactly.  Each contraction you still reacted exactly as you had before.  Squeezing Bucky’s metal hand as Natasha rubbed your back and you moaned and cried out in pain.  But it did seem to make you cope for a little while.  You started giggling in between contractions and when you were asked what was so funny you couldn’t explain it.  You ended up sharing the nitrous with Clint and the two of you just completely lost it in fits of giggles.  Natasha was just glad you were still in good spirits.
It didn’t last though.  The nitrous started making you really confused and disorientated.  Thankfully they let you off the bed again and you returned to the bathroom.  This time filling the tub and climbing in.  Bucky sat on the edge, letting you doze against him as Natasha held the nozzle against your back through each contraction.
You stayed in the tub for two hours.  The water gradually getting topped up each time it cooled off too much.  When you got out to have everything checked again you had pruned up from the water.  The babies were doing fine.  You were still only five centimeters dilated. 
The process was repeated for another ten hours.  Walking.  Bath.  Monitor with nitrous.
“Why is this taking so long?”  You cried.  When the nurses left the room.
“They said with twins natural is much harder,” Natasha soothed, as she patted our brow with a cool cloth.  “Do you want to try an epidural?”
“No.  No.  I wanted to be present for this.”  You sobbed.
“Honey.  You will be.  It just numbs you below the waist.”  She said.  “Remember?  “You could try pethidine,, but that will actually make you feel high.”
Another contraction hit and you doubled over, breathing through it.
The monitors started to make loud beeping sounds and two of the midwives came rushing in.
“What’s going on?”  Bucky said standing and trying to look over their shoulders.  “What’s wrong?”
“The babies are in a little bit of distress.”  One said as the other checked you over. “We’re going to get your doctor in here.”
The one nurse rushed off to make the call as the other stayed and started to do an ultrasound.  Natasha's heart was racing.  This was it.  This was where it all fell apart.  There would be no babies to take home.  She wouldn’t be doing midnight feedings or singing them to sleep.  It was being taken from her again.
“What does that mean?  What’s going to need to happen?”  Bucky asked, sounding just as panicked as she felt.
“We’ll wait for the doctor to get here.  Okay?”  She said.  “Try not to panic.”
Which of course only made it worse.  The doctor took half an hour to get there.  By the time he arrived, you’d thrown up and Natasha felt like she was going to too.
She looked at the charts and the reading and frowned.  “Okay.  We’re going to need to get this show on the road.  You’re going to need to have a cesarean and it’s going to need to happen now.
“No,” you said with obvious panic setting in.  “Tasha.  I wanted to deliver them naturally.”
“I know honey, but things change.”  Natasha soothed.
“Listen to your wife,” the doctor said, as two orderlies rushed in.  “We’re going to take good care of you, and when you wake up, you’ll have two healthy babies, but if we don’t do this now, I can’t promise that.”
“I won’t even be awake?  Tasha?”
“It’s okay, zaika.  I won’t leave your side.”  Natasha said.
Bucky had started cursing under his breath and Clint took his hand and held it against his mouth.  As the orderlies pushed the bed out into the hall, Natasha walked with you, holding your hand and soothing you as the boys followed on behind.  They washed up and she returned to your side in a surgical gown and cap
You were put under a general anesthetic and when you counted off, everything happened so fast.  Maybe it was the lack of sleep not allowing her to process things, but it felt like the had only just set up the screen when they had taken out the first of her daughters.  Bucky and Clint stood with her and Bucky had gone so white she worried he was going to pass out.  But when Rebecca’s cries filled the room, all the color returned again and tears filled his eyes.  They were only given a moment to see her before they rushed her way to give her medical attention.  She had only just been whipped away when Lyra had joined the world.
“If you want to go and spend time with your daughters, we’ll be here for another half an hour.”  The doctor said.
“I’ll stay,” Natasha said.
“You sure, Nat?  You don’t want to see them?”  Clint asked.
“I promised I wouldn’t leave her side,” Natasha replied.  “I’ll meet them when she gets to.”
Clint and Bucky nodded and each of them kissed her cheek before following the nurses out to the NICU.
Natasha stayed by your side as they stitched you back up and wheeled you out to recovery.  She was there when you groggily opened your eyes and looked around confused by your surroundings.  She held your hand and soothed you as you started to cry and couldn’t form the words as to why you were so upset.  And when the nurse came over and checked you over and gave you some juice and a sandwich to help get your blood sugar back up she held your juice cup for you so you could just lie and sip it through a straw without spilling it everywhere.
“Are they okay, Tasha?”  You asked.
“I haven’t seen them yet.”  She said.  “I assume so or I think Bucky and Clint would have come to let me know.”
“Why didn’t you go see them?”  You asked.
“I said I wouldn’t leave your side, zaika,” Natasha said.  “So I haven’t.”
“But your babies?  Why would you stay with me?”
She leaned down and kissed your forehead tenderly.  “Because I love you.”
“If this is love, loving you is easy.”  You whispered.
She smiled and ran her fingers over your scalp.  “So easy.”
You let out a breath and smiled.  “Can we see them?”
“I’ll go find someone.  Will you be okay?”
You nodded and she got up and went and found a nurse.  That kicked things into gear again.  The truth was Natasha was anxious.  She wanted to meet her daughters and the no news thing wasn’t helping at all.
They had some orderlies move you down to your room and switched you on to your hospital bed.  You were just settling in when Clint and Bucky came in followed by one of the nurses pushing an incubator.
“Hey there mommies,”  Clint said.  “You ready to see your girls?”
The nurse moved the crib close to the bed.  Natasha’s heart caught.  They were tiny and wrinkled and dressed in diapers that looked huge on them and pink onesies.  They had what looked like a heart rate monitor attached to them, but other than that no other tubes or wires, which Natasha took as a good thing.  And they looked like you.  A tear escaped and for a second Natasha questioned who exactly she was because she didn’t cry.  Not ever.
“Would you like to hold your babies?”  The nurse asked.
“Yes, yes, please.  Is that okay?”  You asked.
“Of course, they’re both very healthy.  You did a good job, mama.  They took a little oxygen and warming up but they recovered very quickly.”  The nurse said taking out the baby with the name tag reading Lyra Yelena Barnes-Romanoff.  She put the tiny little bundle in your arms and you held her close and sniffed her head.  “You can try feeding them if you like.”
Rebecca was taken out next and placed into Natasha’s arms.  Natasha smelled her just as you had done with Lyra.   She wore that distinctive newborn scene and right away Natasha knew she was in love and that would never get taken away from her.  Not ever.
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wintryethereal · 4 years
Shift: Captured Memories
Captured Memories — 2 
Description: Kim Hongjoong was completing his road trip to his friend Park Seonghwa's house in Chuseok city and stopped to fill his car with fuel and ask where Dawny Road was. He was given false directions and trespassed on the property of Ha Minkyu and kidnapped. Minkyu sent a message to Seonghwa the next morning: he would leave Hongjoong's corpse at Seonghwa's doorstep the morning of the following Friday, if Seonghwa didn't surrender. Seonghwa sent one of his best Stars to infiltrate. The information the member came back with made Seonghwa's decision to free Hongjoong clear, but the catch of becoming the owner of the estate revealed Ha Minkyu's secret to Seonghwa and made him unsure if he could win with his Stars alone. Luckily, he had also been informed about the wishes and secrets of Minkyu's servants and fifteen year old son.
Genre: Supernatural x Mafia ATEEZ
Pairings: Seongjoong, Seonghwa x OC, San x OC
Story Rating: 18+
Chapter Content Warnings: Violence, course language, non-consensual sexual contact (off camera this chapter).
Word Count: 9346
Note: The language Master (I ain’t spoiling anything, folks) speaks with San is the Elvish of my own Nursery series. This will be explained in a later chapter, but I thought it was worth bringing up now. The Elvish a pig Latin language. It, like other parts of the Nursery canon, is something I love practicing and playing with in fanfictions. You might be able to figure out what they’re saying before the language key is implemented into the story. Good luck if you decide to decipher it, and don’t worry too much if you can’t understand what they’re saying until then! If you want to come back and translate what they said for yourself, have fun. 
Hongjoong drove down the highway in the late morning of Friday, November 20. He was a little too warm, so he turned down the fan to a lower setting. His eyes flicked down to his dashboard. The hand on the fuel gauge was about where it should be for Hongjoong to stop for gas without being in a panic. He thought about whether he should stop at the gas station that he would be coming upon soon, or if he should keep going and refill later. He decided the first option was wiser. He saw the Petro-Canada building on his left, a few minutes later. 
Hongjoong turned on his blinker, looked to make sure the road was clear, then steered onto the dirt road and pulled into one of the aisles. He turned off the ignition, grabbed his wallet from the console and exited his vehicle, closing the door behind him. He stuffed his wallet in his jeans and lifted the gas tank door, grabbed the nozzle from the pump, fit it in his car, and interacted with the pump. Hongjoong watched the screen, and once the tank was full, he removed the nozzle and returned it to the pump. He closed the gas tank and went inside the convenience store. 
Hongjoong stopped at the till and said to the male employee who was there, "$116 on pump 2, please."
"OK. Will that be all, sir?"
"How will you be paying?"
"Debit." Hongjoong answered. The employee nodded, then slid the machine slightly. Hongjoong tapped his card, and the machine made a noise.
"Thank you."
While putting away his card, Hongjoong asked, "Could you tell me where Downy Road is? My friend said it's after this gas station, but he didn't tell me which side of the road he said it's on, and I'd hate to drive past it." 
"Take the first right. Downy Road is linked to Bawdy Road all the way down at the end."
"Ah, OK. Thank you." 
"You're welcome. Have a safe drive!" The man waved.
Hongjoong waved back as he made the short distance to the door. "I will! Bye."
"Goodbye." The employee replied, as the door closed. He watched Hongjoong reach his car and  turned his back to the door of the store, picking up his cellphone from the table across the till. He opens his messages and texts the person registered as 'Boss':
A gullible friend of Star is coming to what he thinks is Sir's house. Bright red hair, green eyes, short. Drives a silver Hyundai.
He watched his phone for a short time, then heard the tone of his conversation partner typing and saw the bubble with moving dots. The message read:
Thank you. I'll make sure he's met well. 
The man smiled wickedly and turned the app off before turning off his phone and pocketing it. 
Hongjoong only had to drive for another two minutes to find Bawdy Road. He switched on his blinker before turning, then steered into the gravel road and drove onwards. Both sides of the road were heavily forested with pine and a surprising amount of saskatoon bushes. Seonghwa had told Hongjoong that there were lots of bears around Chuseok because of the abundance of berry bushes that could be found in its forests. 'It must be dangerous to have his house so close to a forest, but probably appreciates the seclusion.' He thought. 
Hongjoong came to the end of the road, which turned left into a paved half-circle. The two-story house was mid-olive green with a black roof, the windows and shutters black and the door and balcony that wrapped all around the second floor also black. Two black cars were parked in the lot, close to the door. Hongjoong stopped before the curve. That was not Seonghwa's house. It was much too big, and it was the wrong colour. 
He'd been lied to. But why? Hongjoong's stomach churned in worry. He looked away from the house and was turning his head to look out the rear window and leave when he saw a seven foot tall creature with dry, golden skin in the passenger window. White strings of hair hung from its limbs and head like an elderly man. Its body was malnourished with a depressed belly and ribs that looked ready to puncture through the creature's skin. Its giant eyes were black and didn't reflect the sunlight. Its chapped lips formed an evil grin as the boy met the monster's eyes.
Hongjoong screamed. His hand scrambled to put his car in reverse. He heard the passenger window break and winced, closing his eyes so that glass wouldn't come into his eyes. He felt a bony hand grasp his nape and pull his head up. Hongjoong tearfully looked at the monster, its face inches away from his own. It smelled like gold and semen. 
The creature's other hand suddenly reached for Hongjoong's neck, and its index finger dug into the boy's trachea. His reaction to the monster's scent turned into pain that he was unable to vocalize. The creature hummed a few notes in a low register. Hongjoong's eyes became heavy, and his head dropped. The monster stopped singing, pulled out his finger, and blood gushed out of the wound. 
"Sahikto." The monster cursed, covering the injury with his hand. Its voice was thin yet loud, and sounded parched. "Dinikdin'ni'to moeani to'o peokhre tohato dineep. Saorryi abouto tohato." 
It fished Hongjoong's body through the window. "San. Chomoe outo, peheasae." A boy with brown hair with a blonde streak who wore black jeans and a black blouse stepped out from the cover of the trees left of where the car idled. He hurried to the monster and walked with him to the house. "Run'ni aheadin anidin perepeare tohe toabhe phor tohisa boyi. He waaikhh nieedin saunrgeryi."
"Yiesa, Moastoer." Replied San. He ran to the door, entering the house and leaving the door open for the creature. San proceeded in the foyer past the silver stairs dressed in red carpet that came down on both sides in an arch. The light grey polished tile squeaked under his shoes. The white drywall flew past his vision like a child racing their toy car.
San threw open the door to the small room and flew to the cabinet right of the metal operating table. There was a chair on the left side of the room with leather straps attached to the arms and legs. The floor was white tile, and the room had no windows or decorations. San snatched gauze, medical tape, the bottle of sterilizer he knew was open, an encased needle, a rubber tourniquet band, medical tubes and a clear bag of anaesthetic from the cabinet. San closed the locker as the monster entered the room. 
San placed the gauze, tape and sterilizer on the cabinet and hung the bag on the IV stand. The monster laid Hongjoong on the table and placed his left arm on the adjustable metal table. "Ik torunsato yioun cani toakhre tohisa phromo here." Said the monster.
"Yiesa, Moastoer. Sahahh Ik peunto hikmo ikni tohe basamoenito?" San asked. He had connected the bag to the tubes and was linking the tubes to the needle.
"Yiesa. Moakhre saunre he waaikhh be comophortoabhe." The creature said. San wrapped Hongjoong's left arm with the rubber band poked the nerve of his elbow, pushed the catheter, and removed the needle, leaving the catheter behind. "Toreato hikmo hik'khre a gunesato." San nodded, dropping the needle in the garbage bin beside the cabinet.
"Heto hikmo khrniowaa hiks saiktounatoikoni." The monster said. San held his right hand on Hongjoong's wound. An azure blue light came from San's skin, mingling with Hongjoong's and stopping the bleeding. "Ik waaikhh tohiknikhr abounto waahato to'o rehayi to Saikr."
"Yiesa, Moastoer." San replied. The creature hummed, then left the room. He heard its thudding steps go to the foyer. His mind recalled the broken groans of pain and the grotesque sounds of the shrinking skin of his master. In particular, he remembered literal gold falling from the monster's skin and collecting on the snow covered stone balcony on the roof. 
San's eyes drifted to a near close as he thought his then fresh wound. His master started to cry when he saw he had hurt San, and he reached out a hand. Master stuttered, “I'm so sorry… you have… permission to go where you want to heal, tonight.” San went inside the house without another word. His master's bedroom felt especially massive and empty, in the moonlight.
Yoonha started to sing. She had waited until the end of their fight to begin her nightly serenade. She had a lyric soprano voice type. Although ‘Phorgikvniesa’ was sung in mezzo piano largo, Yoonha’s voice carried through the hallway and echoed in the foyer, a little. San walked past her room and rounded the corner two doors down, leaning against the wall and letting his body slide down until he sat on his rear. San began to heal himself, the blue light brilliant in the shadows. 
Master’s footsteps came down the hallway and stopped at Yoonha’s open door. San heard him enter the girl’s bedroom. He tried not to imagine Master touching Yoonha as the girl softly moaned through her song. Master was using her powers to heal himself as he couldn’t do it himself. San couldn’t picture himself touching Yoonha so that he was the one causing her to make such pretty noises. He couldn’t with the knowledge that Master was the one creating those reactions, at the time.
Soon, Yoonha stopped singing. Her groans became short and quick, and then she let out a longer noise. San clearly heard her pant once, and the following breaths were softer. Master hummed with content and said, “Goodin’nighto.”
Yoonha replied, “Goodin’nighto, Moastoer.” 
“Khreepe saiknigiknig, peheasae.” Master said. Yoonha made a noise of reply, then Master left her room and returned to his own, sighing. San heard the man’s bones crack as he raised an arm to soothe his face. Yoonha resumed singing. San waited a few seconds longer, then walked to the doorway of her bedroom and stood there.
Yoonha was dressed in a light grey, furry bathrobe, its string tied around her waist and its collar dipping low to partially expose her chest. Her thin black hair went almost halfway down her back, and her skin was a gorgeous dark tone. She was eight centimeters shorter than San. The left wall and the one where the door came from were full of theatre posters, some framed and hung on nails and others thumbtacked. Her bedding was white and yellow, the bedsheet brown to match her furniture and bed frame, and the chair at her desk where a computer was set up had a yellow cushion.
Yoonha felt San’s presence and turned her head away from the window to look at him. She beckoned with a hand for him to come closer, and so he did, coming to a stop beside her. Yoonha took San’s hand that was on his chest and lifted it to see. His wound was almost gone. Yoonha bobbed her head upon seeing this and let San’s hand rest on his body again. 
She put her hand on his, and a daffodil yellow light came from her skin. The colours mixed and became a warm green, and both let out a sigh, Yoonha’s vocals tenderizing with her breath. They gazed into each other's eyes and smiled, enjoying the energy between them. A break came in the song where Yoonha was required to sing ‘la’, and San heard her voice in his head.
‘Are you feeling OK?’
‘Yes, I’m fine. Thank you for your help. You must be tired, now.’
‘Yes, I’m a little sleepy. You know how much energy it takes to heal Master.’
‘I do. How is Chankyu?’
‘He’s fine. He was heating up so quickly, I wasn’t sure I could calm him down in time. But he heard me, and now he’s asleep.’
‘That’s good. Have you heard anything, tonight?’
Yoonha shook her head slowly. ‘No. This isn’t good. You know what this means for us, and for Master and Chankyu.’
San sighed. ‘Yeah. At least we have plans for when it comes to that.’ The break of the song ended, but rather than continue singing, Yoonha stopped. ‘I’m still worried, though. Do you really think our new Master will be better to us, and everything?’
‘I do, yes. Have faith, San. We’re good creatures, and Chankyu is a good boy. We’ll be alright.’ Yoonha said. 
San nodded. “Sing with me?” Yoonha asked, tilting her head with a small smile. San beamed, nodding. “Two, three…” Together, Yoonha’s voice served as the structure for the melody, and San’s fluttering voice served as the decoration.
“Ik waaikhh rechahh yiounr vikoche, 
Andin ikni tohe saunriksae, Ik waaikhh have hearniedin oph hove.” Their song complete, the friends smiled, removing their hands from San’s chest. The light went away instantly. They hugged for a long moment, then they said ‘goodnight’ and San left the bedroom.
San cleared his throat and brought his thoughts back to the present. Hongjoong’s wound had healed during his space-out. San’s magic was still active. “Oops.” He yawned and ceased his powers. He gently felt Hongjoong’s neck to make sure his windpipe was fixed. 
Nodding, San took a shallow dish from the cabinet and put it on the table. He poured sterilizer into it and dipped the gauze in the liquid. San cut off a bit of tape with scissors from the cabinet that he put back in the container it came from as soon as he was done with them. He removed the catheter, covered the tiny hole with the gauze and taped the piece of cotton on Hongjoong's arm. San took the anesthetic down, sealed the bag and disconnected it from the tubes, and put it away. 
San went to the sink left of the door and washed the tubes thoroughly with water, followed by sterilizer. He closed the bottle and put it and the tubes away, then lifted Hongjoong onto his back, draping the boy’s arms over his shoulders and holding his legs close to his ribs. San left the room, closing the door behind him, then went across the hall and opened the door. He flicked the switch up, and the lights of the basement came on. San did his best to go down the stairs gingerly so he wouldn’t wake Hongjoong, though he knew the anesthetic wouldn’t let him wake up that easily.
The laundry machines were across from the stairs, a large freezer left of them. A cold room made the wall that was on the left side of the stairs, if one was coming down. The cell on the remaining wall was ten meters long and five meters wide. A reasonably comfortable looking mattress with a black fleece blanket was against the wall, and the concrete flooring was covered with a grey wool rug. The basement was clean and quaint, even if the cell stuck out like a sore thumb.
San stopped at the right side of the cage where it faced the stairs and held out his palm. Its door swung outwards, then San stepped inside and laid Hongjoong on the mattress. San left the cell and closed the door, which clicked into place. He squatted by the freezer and plugged in the night light that was on the floor by the vacant outlet. San sighed and got to his feet, then marched upstairs, turned off the light and departed the basement.
San knew that Master would want to be alone in his office, and that Yoonha was occupied with her duties in the forest. Mingi was probably tending to his plants and might appreciate some company, and Jongho was probably taking a nap in the barn. He hadn’t heard anything from the barn in hours. He decided to check on both his friends. San went to the end of the hall, passing the open library on his right and its white wicker chairs and couch that had rose red cushions, its glass coffee table, its white oak bookshelves and the ivory that hung from the ceiling in white plastic pots near the windows that had light, white curtains. There was one door following the small medical room, and that room was a bathroom.
San came outside and breathed in the mild, fresh air deeply, closing his eyes to absorb the scent of the forest and garden. The fifty by eighty meter lawn was occupied by flowers with a path leading from the door and around the curves of the flower beds. To the left were six white wooden boxes with strawberries, raspberries and carrots. Chicken wire was attached to a lid on each box to help stop animals from foraging. The white framed greenhouse with plastic walls and a wooden door was on the other side of the yard.
The white and green barn was on the far side of the property, left of the circular flower bed in the middle of the yard and ten meters away from the white gazebo with a black roof. The gazebo was big enough to house a wooden swing on the right and a glass table with four metal chairs that had green cushions. There was another twelve acres of forest that belonged to Master. A 250 by 200 meter section, to be precise. San spotted Mingi in the greenhouse and walked there, opening the door and grabbing the tall boy’s attention.
“Hi, Mingi.” San said, closing the door behind him.
Mingi wiped his brow with the back of his hand, smearing a bit of dirt onto his skin. “Hi! I heard screaming. Did Master kidnap someone? Their car was still running when you went in, so I turned it off. The keys are in the basket with the others. I labelled them ‘stranger’s keys’.”
San laughed. “Thanks Mingi.”
“No problem.”
“But yeah.” San sighed, stepping forward and cleaning Mingi’s forehead with a few gentle brushes of his fingers. “He got a text from Seojoon. This guest is a friend of someone in Star and wanted to know where Dawny Road is. Seojoon gave him the wrong directions, for some reason.”
“Seojoon is gay, you know. He probably wanted to impress Master in hopes that they might get together.” Mingi chuckled. “Ambitious little demon, that Seojoon.” 
“Oh yeah, that’s right.” San sighed again. “I feel bad for Sir. He’s in over his head, and he doesn’t even know about our guest, yet.”
Mingi nodded. “Me, too. It would be nice to have someone like Sir as our master, though.”
San quirked an eyebrow. “Do you think Sir would even want to be our master?”
“That’s a good question. Sir is busy as is. He might not even survive.”
San shook his head. “No, I think he’d survive.”
“You do?” Mingi replied, leaning his arms against one of the boxes.
“Yeah. Sir has to be at least a decent person, to have a gang that does good things. But like you said, he might not be able to because of his existing responsibilities.”
“But then…” Mingi’s face fell. “We won’t have a home. The imps are one thing, they’ll go back to Hell. But the pond is broken, so we can’t leave. San, he’ll have to become our master. It’s life or death for us.”
San lowered his eyes and frowned. “You’re right. I forgot about that.” He ran his hands down his face. “What can we do to let Sir know that we need him?”
“Master is thinking of what to trade with Sir for our guest, right?” Mingi questioned. San nodded. “I bet that Master wants to own everything that Sir has, for Sir to completely surrender. It’s in his nature, his sin. Is there something we can slip into the message to warn Sir about Master?”
“Warn him, and then what? Master isn’t weak to bullets or blades. Sir would have a death wish, if he were to seize our house. Sir would have to…” San’s face stilled, his mouth open.
“What?” Mingi asked, quietly.
“Infiltrate. Mingi, that’s it!” San hoarsely exclaimed. “Sir will decide to infiltrate our home to scope it out, right?” Mingi bobbed his head. 
“Sir will send his scout out at night; that’s just common sense. One of us will sneak out and wait for the scout to arrive. Our person will tell our story as much as necessary and convince the Star to go home with the information. Master won’t be able to interfere if…” He swallowed. “If Yoonha agrees to help distract him.” He groaned and made a face. “Ugh, I hate that part.”
“I understand your feelings for Yoonha.” Mingi shook his head. “I don’t like the idea of her asking to please Master.”
“Me either. She’s never done it before. Master would become suspicious.”
“But she’s so good at comforting him. She’s one of his only comforts… maybe she can come up with a lie so Master will be more likely to accept?”
San nodded. “Maybe so, yeah. She has the right kind of personality for it, definitely.”
“So that’s settled, unless Yoonha says ‘no’.” Mingi said, and San nodded more. “Which one of us do you think should meet the Star?”
“Chankyu. He’s the only one of us who Master won’t suspect. He goes out at night sometimes, remember?”
“Right, yeah! Yoonha does, too, to stargaze.”
“Right.” San nodded firmly.
“Hey, wait! She might be able to come out, after she’s done with Master. The Star might want to hear her out, too.”
“Mm, yeah. But what if the Star doesn’t trust either of them?”
“Then…” Mingi stared at the floor. “That part of the plan fails. Then what? And what if Yoonha doesn’t want to help out with Master?”
San grumbled and rubbed his eyes. “I don’t know, right now. I’ll have to think about it, more.”
“I’ll try to think too, but if I think too much about something that serious, the garden will look weak in the morning and Master will want to talk to me. But I’ll try.”
San gave a small smile. “Thanks, Mingi. Don’t worry about it too much, OK? I really don’t want you to get in trouble. It’s fine if you focus on your garden.” Mingi bobbed his head, smiling a little. “I’m going to talk to Jongho about this, and then I need to see if our guest is awake. Have fun with your plants!”
“I will! Have fun too, I guess.” Mingi laughed. San giggled back, then the two waved and San left the greenhouse, closing the door. San travelled to the barn and opened the rightmost door just enough so he could see inside. 
Jongho, who had California blond hair, was asleep on the top of the hay bales at the back of the barn. If he were to try and stand, he would only be able to straighten his back halfway. San smiled upon seeing the sleeping boy. “Cute.” He mumbled.
The four horses welcomed San to their home with their eyes. The chestnut close to Jongho, on the left side of the structure, whinied. Jongho stirred, quietly mewling as he sat up, rubbing one eye and looking at San with his other, half-opened eye. “Hi, hyung. What’s up?”
San walked further into the barn, coming to the hay. “I need to talk with you about something. I just came from the greenhouse.”
“Oh? Is everything OK?” Jongho shuffled forward on his knees and swung his legs over the edge. “I kind of heard something, outside. Did Master kidnap someone, again?”
San nodded, chuckling silently. “Yep. A friend of someone in Star. Seojoon gave him the wrong directions. Mingi thought it was because Seojoon wanted this to help him start a romance with Master.”
Jongho guffawed. “Fat chance. Master isn’t gay.” San laughed loudly.
“OK, we didn’t think about that. Anyway, since Master is thinking of what to tell Sir he wants in trade for our guest, we know that Master will want Sir’s everything.” San said. Jongho nodded softly, humming. “Sir will send someone to scout our home at night, so our plan is to send Chankyu out to meet him.”
“Who’s going to distract Master?” Jongho threw up a finger. “Wait, no, let me think…” He made a face. “Ew, Yoonha? Do you really think she’ll agree to that?”
“Maybe. Probably. I know how fed up she is with doing favours for Master, already, so that’s the only counter to her agreeing. But we all want him gone, and Yoonha’s a smart girl, so I want to believe that she’ll say yes.”
“Chankyu will say yes, for sure. It’s worth a shot. Asking Yoonha to help, I mean.” Jongho said. San bobbed his head. “So what are we gonna do if the Star panics and tries to shoot Chankyu?”
San quirked an eyebrow. “Did your brain forget that Chankyu is Master’s son?”
“Oh yeah…” Jongho replied. San giggled. “The plan has to work. At least on Chankyu’s end. If Yoonha can’t distract Master for long enough, we’ll have to step in.”
San made a small noise, shaking his head. “No. I’ll have to step in. You and Mingi have never fought Master before. You wouldn’t last two seconds against him.”
Jongho looked offended. “Are you forgetting my faces?”
“That’s not what I meant, Jongho. I’m not saying your lion face is incapable of fighting. Even your ox and eagle faces could fight. But Master is stronger than you are. It would break my heart, and Mingi, Yoonha and Chankyu’s hearts, if he hurt you.”
“Like how he hurt you, two winters ago?” Jongho shook his head. “I already have scars, hyung. Our world is hurt, just like you and me. Actually, so is this world.”
“I appreciate your worry for me, but if our plan goes wrong and Master tries to go outside and hurt the Star, I won’t let you fight Master alone.” Jongho’s face was red with warmth. His chest rose and fell with heavy breaths. He spoke with a dry mouth. “Maybe, if we work together, we won’t get hurt so bad.”
San kept eye contact with Jongho for a moment. He knew Jongho would keep his word and come out and fight Master with San, regardless of what he said next. San sighed tediously and nodded with a heavy head. “OK. I’ll fight with you, if it comes to that, Jongho. We won’t even need to practice, since we know Master so well.”
Jongho said, “I think the only thing we’ll have to worry about is Yoonha. She might accidentally get hurt by Master or us.”
San nodded more leisurely. “I agree. We’ll have to be wary of where she is. We should try to take it to the forest too, so we don’t have to fix the house.” Jongho bobbed his head. “I think that’s everything I need to tell you?” San turned his eyes to the ceiling in thought.
“I can’t think of anything else we need to talk about, either. But I’m sure you’re going to talk with Yoonha and Chankyu to get more ideas, so we’ll talk later.”
“Of course. The five of us will have a chance to talk together this evening, anyways.” San said. Jongho jerked his head. “I’ll let you get back to your nap.”
“Nah, I shouldn’t sleep for any longer, if I want to sleep tonight. I was going to take Seungmin out for a ride after my nap, too.”
San giggled. “How long were you planning to sleep in here?”
“Only an hour. I fell asleep at nine.” Jongho pouted. “Why?”
San laughed. “It’s twenty to twelve, Jongho.” 
The younger boy gave an exasperated sigh. “I guess I’ll take Seungmin out after lunch, then.”
“Why don’t you head inside and see if Yoonha wants to start making food? She’ll give you something to do, at least. I’ll walk you there. Need to check on our guest.”
“Sure.” Jongho replied, his voice strained from motion as he dropped two rows down. He stepped onto one bale of hay before he was safe to skip the partial row of hay onto the concrete. San led Jongho out of the barn, though Jongho paused to give the chestnut’s muzzle a pet. “I’ll be back in an hour, and then we’ll go for a ride, OK?” Seungmin whinied in response. 
The boys left the barn, San closing the doors. He picked up the white wooden plank on the ground and dropped it into place on the doors. The two glanced at the greenhouse, wondering if Mingi would notice them. After a moment, he did, waving excitedly to his friends. They waved back, laughing.
San and Jongho reached the back door and came into the house, San opening the door and Jongho closing the door behind them. They scuffed their feet on the mat, then proceeded to the foyer and looked left into the kitchen and right into the dining room. The kitchen counters and tiles were white and the appliances steel, everything spotlessly clean. There was a pair of transparent glass vases with fake red roses and baby’s breath on the island, and another plastic white pot of ivory hung in the window that faced the front yard and dressed with curtains matching those in the library.
“She’s not in here.” Jongho stated. “Must be in her room.”
The dining room furniture was white oak with red cushions. The long table had ten chairs with simple back railings plus two with taller back railings on the ends. A red table cloth ran along its polished surface, and three more transparent vases with red roses and baby’s breath were on the cloth. A grandfather’s clock was in the far left corner, beside a window with the same curtains as the room across the hall. A beautifully crafted white chest was against the left wall, two meters behind the chair.
Jongho and San went up the rightmost staircase. San rounded the right corner and came to the door on that wall, while Jongho went to the other end of the hall. San knocked twice and said, “Chankyu? It’s San. Can I come in?”
“Yeah, come in.” A teenage boy with a lyric tenor voice answered. San opened the door and peeked inside. Chankyu’s black hair was fringed and had long, split bangs. He had a small nose and dark blue eyes.
Chankyu sat on his bed reading a hefty book. His bed was red with furry throw pillows and black metal framing, and it was six meters away from the door. His walls had colourful, graphic murals of a man and woman fighting dragons and monsters. The large window behind his bed had light filtering red curtains. His wooden nightstand on the right side of his bed was black, and so was his desk, where a computer was set up. 
Chankyu reached over to his nightstand, grabbing the shiny, black bookmark with a black string and placing it in his book. “What’s up?” He sat forward and dropped his book on his bed as San entered the bedroom and politely shut the door behind himself. “Oh…” Chankyu pursed his lips and lowered his volume. “Something Dad shouldn’t find out, eh?”
San sat on the end of his bed. He spoke at a low volume, as well. “Yeah. You saw what happened outside, right?” Chankyu nodded. “Our guest is a friend of someone in Star. We think Master is going to ask Sir to surrender everything he has in trade for him.”
“Wouldn’t surprise me. His sin is greed, and Sir has a lot of things for Dad to take.” Chankyu said with a blunt tone, reaching over to grab his red water bottle and taking a long drag from it. He licked his lips and put the bottle back.
“Sir is likely going to send a Star to look at this place. We’re hoping that you’ll go out and talk to him about our situation while Yoonha distracts Master.”
Chankyu raised his brow. “Has Yoonha agreed to this, already?”
San shook his head. “We haven’t talked to her, yet.”
“So if she says ‘no’, you’re just gonna fight Dad so I can talk with this guy?”
“I guess so…” San’s eyes fell to the blanket. “We haven’t talked about what to do if she says ‘no’, yet.”
“Is it just gonna be you fighting him? Is Jongho going to help?”
San nodded. “Yeah, Jongho will be helping.”
“Oh, OK. Well, I know just what to tell whoever comes here, so you don’t have to worry about that. But Yoonha…” Chankyu hissed. “She might say ‘no’. You two have a special relationship. Everyone in this house knows that.”
“Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that.” San tucked in his lip.
“But she might say ‘yes’. Out of all of us, she’s the best liar. Dad can’t detect lies with his powers, so that’s a plus for us. You know what? I’m not worried about her saying ‘no’, now that I’ve said that.” Chankyu said. San nodded.
“I am worried about how badly Dad’s gonna hurt you and Jongho, if something goes wrong on her end. Especially since Star is kind of on my ass about my little crimes.”
San’s eyes flew open. “Chankyu, no. You don’t have to go on a killing spree just to help us.”
“I will have to, if he hurts you badly enough. You can’t use your powers if you’re like that. You’ll black out if you try. This is one of those times where we have to trust each other, right?” Said Chankyu. San bobbed his head reluctantly. 
“Then, let’s trust each other.” Chankyu threw himself back to lay on his bed. “Maybe Sir will overlook my criminal record and be my friend, as our new master. Heh heh.” San chuckled and laid on his side, at Chankyu’s left.
“Aw man, that’s gonna be a hell of a surprise for Sir, isn’t it?” San said. Chankyu hummed, nodding. There was knocking on the door. San turned his body to see. “Who is it?”
“Come in.” Chankyu said. Jongho entered and closed the door behind him.
“She’s in.”
“What?” San responded, sitting up rather quickly.
“For real?” Chankyu propped himself up on his elbows.
“I know, I was shocked, too.”
San said, “I didn’t think you’d tell her about our plan, right away.”
“Oh, you thought I’d just ask her to let me cook with her, huh?” Jongho replied, and San bobbed his head. “Well, I did, and she said ‘yeah’, but she knew I had more to say ‘cause I never come in her room.”
“True, you don’t.”
“It smells so nice in there.” Jongho said, scratching his head with a flushed face.
“Just like daffodils, huh?” Commented Chankyu. Jongho jerked his head enthusiastically, a little smile on his face. San giggled at his reaction.
San inquired, “So how did you ask her about… what she’s going to do?”
“I told her about what Chankyu was going to do and what we wanted her to do. Before she could answer, I told her what would happen if she wasn’t able to distract Master for long enough. She said ‘I hope you’ll take it outside so we don’t have to repair the walls and stuff.’, and I said ‘Well yeah, of course.’ ”
“Did she look… troubled, when you told her about her job, in our little mission?”
“For a second, when I was talking about ‘plan b’, she looked angry. Or frustrated. She tucked in her lips and closed her eyes.”
“Ooh, she was angry, all right.” Chankyu said. San and Jongho gave him puzzled looks.
“How are you so sure?” San asked, his sentence broken into sections. 
“Really?” Chankyu looked surprised. “Do you not remember the look on her face, whenever Dad leaves the room after playing with her?” San nodded slowly. “She’s pissed at him. She wasn’t angry at you, Jongho.” Jongho bounced his head up and down.
“I know the way she looks at you, San. The way she looks around when she talks about you. She’d be happier than a cannibal with a pile of warm corpses if Dad was dead. You know how much she yearns to be with you, San.” Chankyu said. 
San spaced out as Chankyu talked, envisioning an autumn day, last year. Yoonha was outside with Chankyu and had squatted to cry, her body mostly concealed by the flowers. Chankyu rubbed her back and looked up to the windows of the library to meet San’s eyes. The boy’s stare was intense and expectant. His power surged forth redness in his irises as Chankyu relayed a message: “This can’t go on forever.”
San shook his head and replied: “But it might.” Chankyu frowned and looked at the grass to lose himself in his memories. San bit his lip and went away, retreating to his room to cry.  Along with other futilities, San and Yoonha’s romance was impossible because of Master. 
Master had forbidden Chankyu from exploring his powers, so there were only Warm Embers and a dog bored in Hell. Furthermore, Master’s weakness was hidden somewhere none of them could find. Master had wounded the boys, even Chankyu, when they searched for the treasure. Master had yet to have sex with Yoonha, but it was a matter of time before Master got bored of favours and wanted her virginity. It was a wonder he hadn’t done so, already. But that was because lust wasn’t Master’s sin. 
San shut his eyes tight. He knew that turning point was what he was afraid of. Yoonha’s body would be strong enough to grow a nephilim full term. The possibility of her surviving labour, however… San groaned and let his body fall flat on Chankyu’s bed. He covered his eyes with one arm and closed his eyes. 
“Deep in thought, I see.” Chankyu said, but San barely registered his voice. Yoonha had needed San since the first time he had embraced her after Master had used her. San had been brought to the estate that day. Yoonha had bawled in his chest and found comfort in him from that night onwards, even after Yoonha became accustomed to her role in Master’s life and told San that he didn’t need to come and check on her, anymore. San liked to hold Yoonha. It was his own comfort. A pure one, immeasurably far from the kind Master had with her. 
He knew their love, no matter how early in bloom, would help Yoonha’s spirit fight against evil, if Master impregnated her. But San knew it would only protect her so much, because they hadn’t made any milestones, hadn’t made any memories. And that was where the powers of Heaven came in, that was what separated the servants, and, in part, Chankyu, from Master. Master was forgetful and lowly, simple minded and pathetic with sparks of brilliance and terror. Even as a human, he slept almost all day and only woke to fulfill his body’s basic needs.
Now and then, and at times like this, San was reminded that Heaven was technically on their side. The Fourth Circle was pitiful, its demons predictable and ugly. God would be thankful, if Master was returned to his place. He might fix the pond, and then they could go home. San’s fretful face changed into bliss as he thought of the Garden. 
It was so beautiful, and went on as far as pangea had. He missed the saints, especially Faith and Emmanuele. San thought of his herd and the passage of rite he had been torn from right under the watch of Chente. His lip quivered as he recalled how his heart raced as Master pulled him through the pond. He saw Master and screamed. San tore at the grass helplessly. His ankles were sore from how the demon held him. 
Chente rushed forward with his lucid power, within the fraction of a second it took San to blink. Chente grabbed San’s hand, and suddenly the saint’s  panicked expression turned solemn. He said, “You will come back, so have faith and be good.” And let go, the damn sheep. 
San’s face became heated, and he spun around on the bed, grabbing one of Chankyu’s pillows and burying his face in it. Chankyu and Jongho glanced at each other. Jongho quietly sat on the edge of Chankyu’s bed. Chente could have saved him! He must have heard Raphael and been told to let go. San had realized this was fate long ago, but he still hated it. 
He should be travelling the Garden with his friends or courting the pretty doe he was dotting on. He deserved that life. He had dreamed of his home and singing just to sing, of dancing with his friends and sitting by the river with the doe, but Master and Hell always ruined the peace. The waking world was kinder, even though Master was there. Mingi, Yunho, Chankyu and Yoonha were there, and Earth wasn’t all that bad.
San would have been able to choose where he wanted to spend his life, had it not been for Master. His choice had been made for him. God’s law had been disrupted, and the saints were capable of correcting that. But San had been let go to… what? Again, right now, San was frustrated because he didn’t know where all of this was going.
“Dad’s going to die.” Chankyu said, frankly. San moved his head to look at the teenager. “That’s where all of this is going.”
Jongho choked on his breath. “You shouldn’t say that so loudly, Chankyu…”
“So?” Chankyu shrugged. “He knows that I hate him.” He lowered his voice. “The only risk is if I talk about you guys so loudly.”
“I thought you couldn’t read minds?” San questioned, pushing himself up to sit.
“Me too, honestly. It must have been because you were thinking so hard about your anger.”
“More evidence to suggest that your sin is wrath?” Replied Jongho, tilting his head.
Chankyu shrugged. “I guess so. Anyway, San: if Chente said you’d come home, to have faith and be good, I’d say you’re on the right track. So far as I know, you’ve been good to everyone here.”
“I’m positive he has been.” Jongho stated, shaking his head and shrugging.
“In that case, you’re sure to go home, after all is said and done. Which means Mingi, Jongho and Yoonha will get to go home, too. Your species don’t interact much, if at all, but now that you’re connected through memories, you’re sure to meet again, yeah?” Chankyu said. San jerked his head up and down. “Then that’s that! I know how hard it is for all of you to be so far from home. Hell, even I don’t feel at home here.”
“You wanna go to Hell?” San chuckled, blinking.
Chankyu shrugged with pursed lips. “Never been there, before. I hear it’s fun to explore, beyond the Circles. Maybe I’ll find some pals to journey with. Battle buddies, ya know? I don’t care what Circle they’re from or their gender and etcetera, so long as they’re decent.”
“That makes sense, for you, Chankyu.” Jongho said, looking around at the murals.
Chankyu smiled a little and looked around his room. “Yeah. It’d be nice to be free, like that. It’ll be good for all of us, when Dad’s gone. Let’s be hopeful, even if parts of our plan aren’t guaranteed.” 
San and Jongho nodded. “All right, that’s all there is to say. Leave me alone now, will ya?” Chankyu reached for the book on his nightstand, opened the book and put his bookmark on the table. San and Jongho laughed while they crawled out of Chankyu’s bed and started towards the door.
“Thanks for talking with us, Chankyu.” Said San, turning his body to the boy.
Chankyu nodded with a tiny smile in response. “See you in a minute. Yoonha must be almost done with lunch.” San nodded, then he and Jongho left the bedroom, Jongho closing the door.
“Wait here, hyung?” Jongho requested. “I’ll run down to the kitchen and ask Yoonha if she’s close to being done.” San nodded again. Jongho trotted down the left side of the stairs.
San leaned forward against the railing, attention on the chandelier that hung in the foyer. It had a black frame, nine lantern shaped bulbs on the bottom circle and five on the second circle. It was the fanciest light fixture in the house. Every other was an unpatterned dome with a black frame. San sighed and scratched his brow.
This little mission of theirs was going to be unnecessarily bothersome. He consciously tried to push his worries about his friends to the back of his mind, but it only made his head ache. San rubbed his temple and leaned further into the railing. He wanted to just snap his fingers and solve everything in an instant. But he wasn’t that strong of a demon. He wasn’t even a demon.
San held out his arms and looked at his hands: pretty and soft yet, veiny and sexy. His species believed that those with hands like his were perfect, most desirable for breeding and service to God. At the time of his kidnapping, San had scarcely practiced his skills and had only recently begun to talk with the angels and saints about the House and what he could do to achieve higher living. Controlled blind faith, like controlled blind magic and love, was the most he knew. Because God gave freedom to mankind, their choices were both purposeful and random. The strength of one’s actions and words were dependent on one’s understanding of that freedom, it’s connection to God and all living things.
One didn’t need to believe in God to achieve that strength. The connection was faith in oneself and others, it was love, acceptance and the will to protect oneself and others. The ways of life in fairy tales and epics was, in those ways, the way of God. Those who could realize the endless freedom this meant would find happiness, regardless of fate and consequence, because the power of God would rescue the good from evil, no matter how long one had suffered. This meant that one could cheat their fate, and this was how Faith had discovered the way to defeat Benajah. 
The most painful thing of all was not abuse or abandonment but time. One must understand that faith and the other links to God in order to withstand that pain and overcome it. Sorrow, anger, fear and loneliness were needed to reach joy, empathy, courage and company. Some could live their entire lives without experiencing the poor side of life first-hand, but others would live and die with that life. The role of those who knew people from both paths was also important, as their actions and words had the power to encourage or discourage change, positive or negative. But the goal was to see all of this and guide oneself and others, as much as possible, to goodness, so that victims, suspects and witnesses could reach utopia, even if that was not in life on Earth but in the technically non-existent afterlife. 
The Nursery and Basement made the afterlife a reality, even if the Judaist way of God meant it wasn’t wholly true. Death was a blank slate of peace unless one had sinned or done a great thing, and then one would be damned or sainted. But the Nursery and Basement was created by the imagination of man, in a wonderful way. Dante Alighieri had created this canon, this place for the dreamers of man to be sent to after death. There were two canons, and both were good and filled the House with life.
“San-hyung!” Jongho called, spooking the boy so badly that his heart jumped in his chest. San lost his grip and threw his hands out to grab the handrail, spreading his legs. Jongho laughed. “You’re daydreaming a lot today, aren’t you?”
San cleared his throat and rubbed his chest. “I guess so, yeah.”
“Lunch is ready. Go and tell Master and Chankyu, please?”
“Wait, already?”
“San, I left you, like, three minutes ago. Yoonha only started cooking ten minutes ago.”
“Oh.” San heaved, bowing his head. “I’ll go and tell everyone.”
“Thank you, hyung.” Jongho smiled, then went up the hallway towards the library. San guessed he was going out to get Mingi. San went back to Chankyu’s room and knocked.
“Lunch time, Chankyu.”
“OK, thanks.” Replied the teen. San went to the other side of the hall, stopping at the door that was attached to the wall that made the other corner. He knocked, then waited three seconds. He knocked louder. He heard Master stir with surprise.
“Yes?” The man’s dramatic tenor voice croaked.
“Lunch time, Master.”
“Thank you.” San went downstairs and entered the dining room. Yoonha sat at the very left end, her back to the corridor. The table was set with white plates with sandwiches, white bowls of what San’s nose determined was beef and potato stew, tall glasses and a plastic pitcher of water, and silver cutlery. San stopped behind Yoonha’s chair, and as the girl smiled, craning her neck to look at him, San smiled too, resting his hands on her shoulders and rubbing her joints.
“Hi, San.” She said.
“Hi.” He answered. “How are things, now?”
Yoonha blew air through her lips. San heard Jongho and Mingi come in through the back door. “Fine, I guess. Armaros was playing dirty, as always. He almost had my ass in his palm, but I got an assist from Titan and made it out fine.” San gave a noise of surprise.
“I thought you were going to get our guest?” Jongho asked, as he and Mingi walked into the room.
“Oh, shoot!” San jumped where he stood, pecked a kiss on Yoonha’s head without thinking, then dashed into the hallway and went to the basement. Yoonha tucked in her lips and gingerly touched her head. Mingi and Jongho had also sucked in their lips and glanced upstairs to make sure Master wasn’t there. Chankyu came down the stairs while the two looked that way, his head bowed. 
Once he stood before the boys, he said, “I just felt Dad snap his head one way. He was looking at the floor so intensely I swore he was going to start firing lasers like Superman. Where’d San go?”
“To get our guest.” Mingi and Jongho lowly answered, peeking in that direction.
“Let’s excuse San’s slip-up by saying he was in a hurry and wasn’t thinking, yeah?” Chankyu said. Mingi and Jongho nodded shortly. Chankyu led them into the dining room. “That’s probably the truth, anyway.”
“I think so, too.” Yoonha added, clearing her throat and relaxing her posture. San almost slammed the basement door behind him. He regained control of his strength during the motion and closed it politely. San coughed twice and jogged downstairs.
He turned his head to look at the cell as soon as he passed the wall and saw that their guest was awake. Hongjoong was sitting stark upright on the mattress, his pupils blown wide. San came to a stop at the cage and opened it with his powers. The guest’s chest jolted back in shock. 
San bowed his head slightly, folding his hands over his abdomen. “Hi, I’m San. What’s your name, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Hongjoong.” No sooner had he said it than he bit his tongue and moved his eyes to the ceiling. He asked himself if he should have lied.
“Nice to meet you, Hongjoong.” San bowed his head again. “Sorry I had to put you in here. It was an order, you see. How’s your throat feeling?” 
Hongjoong’s eyebrows jumped, and he touched his throat. His eyes widened in realization. “Did you do this?”
San nodded. “I was hiding in the trees. Master didn’t mean to poke you so deeply. He carried you into our medical room, and I healed your esophagus, then took you down here.”
“I see… what is your Master, if I may ask?” Hongjoong narrowed his eyes a tad.
“Master, as the audience have probably guessed, is actually Ha Minkyu, the owner of this estate.”
Hongjoong looked surprised again. “That was Ha Minkyu? I had no idea… Seo—” His mouth hung open for a moment. “—Sir probably doesn’t know either.”
“No one knows, except for the audience and those watching from Heaven and Hell.”
“The…  audience?” Hongjoong repeated, almost closing his eyes in bewilderment. “You’ve said that twice, now.”
“Ah, don’t worry about it.” San threw his hand. “This Story must be consumed in sections, rather than all at once, by people like you who don’t know about the House and are not mentally ready to chew on that canon.” Hongjoong squeezed his eyes and slowly shook his head. “Let me just talk about Master, a little.”
“Please, yes.”
San chuckled. “Master is a demon of greed. We expect him to offer you to Star in trade for everything Sir has.”
Hongjoong raised his eyebrows. “You realize Sir is going to send someone to look at this place, right?”
San bounced his head a little. “Yes, we do. We have a plan, but I can’t explain right now. Master will suspect I’m plotting something, if we stay here much longer. Come with me, please?” He nodded to the exit. ”We’d like to have lunch with you.”
“You’re going to trust me not to run?” Hongjoong replied, lifting his brows. 
San nodded again. “Yes, I am. Minkyu’s son is half-demon. Master has ordered him to stop guests who have tried to flee many times. Chankyu has Warm Embers. We don’t know much about his powers because Master doesn’t allow Chankyu to explore them. In any case, it would suck if I had to heal you again, right?” Hongjoong nodded. 
“Then trust us.” San said. Hongjoong bit his lip and closed his eyes in thought. “I’ll talk more about Master and our world, when I bring you back here. Master is fine with us talking to our guests. He trusts us because we have been good to him.”
Hongjoong opened his eyes to look at San, huffing and smiling. “You sure are talking a lot, for someone who doesn’t have much time to explain.”
“Ah, you’re right. At least we can say I was talking about Master. Are you good at acting?”
Hongjoong swayed his head from side to side. “I’m all right, I guess.”
“Then act terrified of Master. He’ll stop asking questions and start talking about things we might not have predicted, then.” San said. Hongjoong nodded firmly. “OK! Let’s go.” 
San led Hongjoong out of the cell, leaving the door open. As they came to the stairs San said, “The stairs are safe, don’t worry. No ankle stabbers.” Hongjoong laughed.
San opened the door and held it open for Hongjoong, who instinctively looked left into the dining room and found the scrutinizing stare of Minkyu. His eyes were a dark brown that seemed black, from a distance. His black hair had a slight fringe, his face, long and mask-like, bare of wrinkles. An unnatural thing for a middle aged man. San lightly bumped Hongjoong’s arm with the back of his hand, startling Hongjoong a little. Hongjoong heard a sound of amusement from Minkyu. 
He followed San into the room, and Minkyu gestured for Hongjoong to sit to the right of the girl, who Hongjoong decided was Yoonha. A blond boy was on Hongjoong’s other side. San sat across from Yoonha, a tall, peach haired boy beside San. Hongjoong guessed the black haired boy at the other end of the table was Chankyu from his hair. The father and son’s faces were nothing alike, but their round ears were similar. Hongjoong wondered what else was different between the two.
12 notes · View notes
hardyimagines · 5 years
Alright let me try this, aight. Okay okay... First, I've been living of your imagines and stories for the last few days, so here we go...!! After typing this I don't remember the numbers, so one was like #150 or something and was along the lines of "What are you wearing?" And the other #155 that said "It's not what it looks like.... Okay... Maybe it is". Preferably the first one by the oc/reader, the second by the character... That character is up to you, I'd like either Max, Alfie or Eddie...
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“What are you wearing?” + “It’s not what it looks like.”
Warnings: Sex & Masturbation.
The bed creaked beneath your adjusted weight. Kicking the comforter off of your recently shaved legs, you hissed under your breath and lowered your hand to your skin. Scratching viciously at your irritated flesh, your eyes rolled to the ceiling, annoyance glistening evidently in your orbs. This is why you didn’t shave during the winter! The pain afterward drove you crazy. The cold weather was your favorite because jeans or leggings shielded the prickly hairs on your body. You folded your arms over your chest and huffed in defeat. No amount of lotion had seemed to heal or cease the pain.
The ringing phone to your right drew your attention away from your itchy legs briefly. Lowering your hands away from your body, you hunched over the crumpled bedding and retrieved your phone. The grey duvet fell to the floor in a heap, forgotten and unneeded. Pressing your thumb against the green, answer button, the annoyance in your gaze vanished and excitement filled them instead. Eddie Brock’s handsome face filled the screen, far too close. His cheeks were red and his features glistened with sweat. He looked as if he’d been running and his harsh breaths told you that he had.
“Hi, baby.” Your soft voice floated through the phone. He smiled widely at your greeting before brushing his hand through his brunette locks. He set the phone down on the dresser, propping it up crookedly. You couldn’t see anything apart from his shoulders, neck, and face. The bare skin of his arms made you bite your bottom lip. Business took him far from you. An hour maybe didn’t sound far, but it was when you couldn’t just go visit. He’d been gone for two weeks and the two of you had talked, multiple times, about meeting up for lunch but it hadn’t happened. He was just too busy. He was working on a certain story — being a reporter wasn’t exactly suppose to take him far, but what his boss said, he did.
“Hello, gorgeous.” His husky voice filled your silent bedroom. Adjusting the pillows that resided behind you, you fixed the slouched position and fluffed them up before leaning back and against them. Holding your phone at eye-level, you tipped your head to the side.
“How are you?” Your lower lip pushed out. “Suffering without me?” His blue eyes flooded with amusement before he nodded his head. He didn’t have a chance to answer you verbally before you spoke up again. “You should come back home to me.. I’m so lonely.” You told the man with a cheeky grin.
“Just a few more days.” He promised. His hands pressed against the wooden surface of the table. He was so in love. You could see it, plain as day, and it made your body feel hot. You returned the admiration and the strong feeling, a feeling that you never knew could be so strong. Eddie straightened, popping his tight back. “And then I’m never leaving for work again. This is too far and I’ve been gone for way too long, haven’t I?” You whimpered out softly.
“Yes, yes, you really have.” Suckling on your bottom lip, you sighed gently before rolling on to your side. Standing your phone up against the lamp so you didn’t have to hold it, you let out a breathy sigh before once more looking to his bare shoulders. “So.. what are you wearing?” Your soft question made his ears twitch. “Or are you even wearing anything?” Setting your elbow on the bunch of pillows, you set your cheek in your palm and gazed at the man. Eddie smirked slowly, tongue gliding over his lips.
“I’m about to get in the shower.” He informed you. Lifting the phone, he made his way into the hotel bathroom before setting it on the counter. The placement of the phone gave you a beautiful view of his chest and stomach. The hem of his boxers could be seen, hugging his waist. You pouted.
“You’re teasing me, now.” You mumbled out, eyes running along his body. You were starved of him.
“I’m not! I swear it!” He argued. “I’m just taking a shower, you’re the one getting all worked up.” He chuckled lowly. Hooking his thumbs in the waistband of his underwear, he smirked toward you. He pushed the material to the floor. You couldn’t see much of what he’d revealed so you pouted further.
“You’re an ass.” You hissed out before rolling on to your back. Gazing at the ceiling, you placed your hands on your tummy and shifted. The want bubbling in your stomach was growing stronger and stronger. Sitting up, you drew your strands up hair up and into a snug bun.
“I’m not.” He told you before kicking his underwear to the side. His eyes moved along the phone screen, glued to you. “I’m just..”
A sharp knock at the door silenced your boyfriend. He looked over his shoulder before reaching for the robe that hung on the door. Dragging it on to his body, he heaved an exhausted sigh. His blue eyes looked so worn and eyelids ready to drop. He looked back to you, lips pursed.
“I’m sorry.. I’ll call you back, alright, baby? I think that’s probably my boss.” You saw the disappointment on his face, and you could tell all he wanted to do was come home. You didn’t fuss though about not being able to talk. You knew he had to work.
“Don’t apologize. Have a good night, call me in the morning.” You kissed the phone before waving to him as he pressed the hang up button. Dropping your phone on the bed, you climbed off the mattress and moved to the closet. Seeing him, so lonely and drained, it made you want to go to him. So you were going to. No more cancelling or letting work get in the way. He was only an hour away and too much time had passed. You lugged out a worn backpack and tossed it on to the bed before dragging out some clothes. It was a good thing you’d shaved. Smiling to yourself, you pushed two pairs of jeans, some leggings, and three sweaters into your bag before zipping it shut and snatching your car keys off of the table. Heading for the door with a hopeful grin, you rushed from your apartment and headed out into the cold city.
It was crowded which meant the roads were no doubt packed. People bustled along the streets, shoulders bumping and apologies automatic. You climbed into the small car and immediately stuck the keys into the ignition. Turning the nozzle that controlled the heat, you ensured it was on high before strapping in and beginning the journey. The hour would probably drag out to be a little longer than expected, but only because of traffic and you wouldn’t know how bad it was until you got to the highway.
Eddie was sat on the bed, elbows on his knees as his droopy eyes moved over his boss’s face. He was being chewed out and he really wasn’t even listening. All he acknowledged was the tone of voice being taken, but he didn’t let it bother him. He instead thought about you, envisioning your sweet smile and warm eyes, pouted lips and clingy body. He’d give anything to be able to hold and kiss you again. A few weeks felt like an eternity. He couldn’t wait to get back home. He heaved a loud exhale before looking to his boss when the man went silent.
“Do you understand?” His boss spoke up.
“Yes- Yeah.” Eddie grunted put before looking to his boss.
“So you’ll stay?” The man spoke again.
“I’m sorry?” Eddie frowned suddenly. “Stay?” His Boss wore a look of confusion, features twisting with distaste because of the clear fact that Eddie hadn’t been listening.
“Yes. You, Eddie. Stay here.” He spoke slowly, attempting to make the task much clearer. “For another week or two.” Eddie stood then, adjusting the ties on his robe.
“Sir, my girlfriend..” He began to explain, but he immediately fell silent. His manager definitely wouldn’t care about how much time he got to spend with you. “I mean, yeah. Sure.” He whispered. He felt so defeated. He couldn’t lose this job. He didn’t know what he’d do if that was the case. He needed it. His boss shook his head in disapproval, but he didn’t want to be here any longer, so he stood with a short nod and headed for the door.
Eddie stood from the bed and made his way back to the bathroom. He wanted to call you back and tell you what had been said, but right now he felt so.. vulnerable. He felt like he was going to collapse. Another 7 days — if not more, without seeing you? He groaned out before looking toward his phone. Opening it, he hunched over, elbow pushing into the counter. His blue eyes slid along the screen, finger tapping on photos so he could swipe through them. Each one was a picture of you of himself with you. A little twinge of delight fluttered in his stomach before floating south to his groin. He narrowed his eyes, cheeks reddening in the slightest. Was his body serious? Right now? Eddie let out a quiet growl before moving his hand to his face. He couldn’t believe he missed you enough to get worked up just over a photo.
The man tongued his cheek before locking the phone. Despite the fact that he wasn’t looking at you anymore, your face was imprinted in his brain and the longer he thought of you, the filthier his brain envisioned you. Laid out beneath him with your mouth hanging open and your nails embedded in his shoulders. He let out a shaky breath, groin twitching with excitement. He clenched his jaw before moving to the shower. The hot water instantly met his body, droplets sticking to his body and hair the second that he was beneath the jet. You were impossible to not think about and the longer he thought, the harder he grew.
The hour drive was cut in half. Traffic had been gone completely. The festival on the other side of town had drawn in all the people. It’s festive lights and carnival rides had been enough to lure in majority of the city. No stoplights to delay you. No jams. No road work. You arrived in 30 minutes and your heart was beating against your chest rapidly.
The hotel was nice. The lighting inside was almost overpowering and the scent smelled like chlorine. Your legs shook anxiously as you moved toward the front desk. Setting your elbows on the surface, you smiled shyly.
“Hello,” The quietness of your voice immediately grabbed the attention of the man running the lobby. His green eyes lifted to you, brows lifting in question as he waited for you to speak further. “I’m here to surprise my boyfriend. Eddie Brock.. I didn’t know if you’d be able to give me his number so I can just go up to the room and surprise him or, do I have to call him and get permission.” The fellow behind the desk moved his gaze along your features. It was against protocol to just give up a customer’s information and room number, but he was relatively new and since you’d had the guests name.. that meant he could just let you go up, didn’t it? He looked to the computer that sat to his right and without hesitation, he typed in eddies name. It was the easiest thing to do in the world, you could done it yourself. He extended his arm, keycard in hand, and gave it to you.
“Fifth floor. Room 512.” You pinched the room key with a wide grin and a thankful flutter of your eyes.
“Thank you so much- I’ll return it by morning!” He could see as you spun around on your feel with the overstuffed backpack on your arm, that you were really excited to see this ‘eddie’. He wasn’t worried about getting in trouble, he sensed you weren’t lying about being the man’s girlfriend. And if you were, well you were a terrific actress.
The elevator doors pinged open loudly as your thumb pressed against the up arrow and when you stepped inside, they thudded closed without warning. The cold wall pressed against your back as you slouched. Two mirrors bordered the walls on either side of you, it would’ve been the perfect moment to check yourself and ensure you looked somewhat presentable but you were too excited to just get to the hotel room. Rotating the key repeatedly in your hand, you swayed lazily, waiting impatiently for the doors to slide open. They did, after what felt like ages. The purple, spiral-patterned rug made little scuffling sounds beneath your feet. The numbers on the wall told you which room wasn’t your boyfriend’s and when you got to the end of the hall, your throat grew tight. A scratchy sensation formed in your esophagus, one that made you lift your shaky palm to your flesh and cradle it. The nerves in your stomach were stupid — this was Eddie. Why did you suddenly feel so out of place? Swallowing the feeling of uncertainty down, you stuck the thin key card into the slot and watched as the unlit light above the card insert turned green. The latch unlocked and the handle turned with the gentle movement of your hand. Opening the door, your twinkling eyes ran along the interior of the room.
The shower could be heard, water droplets angrily beating against the tile wall and your boyfriend’s skin as he washed away the stress of the day. You licked your lips and made your way inside as silently as you could. Your keys, the key to the room, your purse, and your phone found their place on the table beside the door and after you twisted the lock and kicked off your shoes, you made your way toward the bathroom. Beneath the door, a glow of light could be seen and when you noiselessly opened the door, the steam inside almost blinded you. The mirror was blurry, completely destroyed by the fog in the room. You could barely see a thing. Eddie was absolutely milking this since he didn’t have to pay for hot water and he was taking his time.
What could a man be doing for this long in the shower? The silent question was met with a verbal response.
A very quiet whimper, one that sounded trapped and breathless filled the room. It was followed by a groan of relief, one of appreciation. Your ears twitched, straining to hear more of the sounds that you were only use to hearing when he was pinned beneath you or covering you like a blanket. His silhouette could be seen on the bathroom door. His outline was visible, and although it was foggy and unclear, you could make out — for the most part — what he was doing. From the side, you could see that he had one hand extended out in front of him, no doubt pressed against the wall to steady himself as his other hand worked on drawing more noises from his lips. A groan. A grunt. A swear. His palm massaged his shaft, fingers assisting him in his task by tracing his cock. You let out a shaky exhale, mouth falling open to announce your presence but he beat you to it.
“Y/N.” He hissed out, a desperate plea. You’d at first thought you’d been caught, but when he tipped his head back and slunk his hips forward and toward his hand, you realized he was simply thinking of you. A little bubble of pride filled your chest. This was quite the ego boost. Temptation pushed you toward the shower and guided your hands to the buttons on your blouse. Undress. Join him. Finish him off, help him out. Eddie needed you.
Lost in your thoughts, it was only when the cold in the room — despite the steamy atmosphere — tickled your skin and tugged on your nipples that you realized you were naked. Your clothes were a pile on the floor, thrown down and forgotten. Goosebumps covered your skin, noticeable beneath your palms as you poorly attempted to rub some heat into your flesh. You approached the shower. One, dont give him a heart attack. But two, surprise him. Your hand wrapped around the handle, ready to tug it open. Your goal would be hard to accomplish seeing as it was a bit contradicting, but without much further common sense, you yanked it open and revealed the man. No more foggy glass to prevent you from seeing the beautiful sight. Eddie Brock was touching himself, and touching himself to the thought of you.
Eddie was red. Bright red. And the need to sputter our excuses and explanations was strong. His cock was hard and pulsing from it’s painful throbbing. Pre-cum escaped the tip, a plea for him to drag himself to release. Eddie looked guilty. Like he’d been caught by his mother instead of his lover.
“I-it’s not what it looks like..” Apparently seeing your girlfriend after days and being caught masterbating by her wasn’t the most romantic. “Or.. okay.. maybe it is.” He set his hand on the back of his neck before moving his fingers up to his hair. He scratched the messy tresses in distraction. He was looking for a way out of this situation. And you weren’t going to give him one.
“My poor, poor, baby.” You laid your hand on the cool glass and stepped forward. “You couldn’t wait to be back home?” You asked, brows lifting the second that you stepped toward him. The hot water hit your arm as you made your way into the hot space. Tsking playfully, you set your hand on his belly. “And what a greeting you’ve given me.” Eddies eyes moved from yours to your lips, watching the way your tongue flopped around inside your pretty mouth as you spoke to him. He cleared his throat quietly before biting on his bottom lip. He should’ve said your name. He should’ve explained how excited he was to see you, but instead he’d acted like a 13 year old who should’ve have been rubbing himself so selfishly. You smirked slowly. You rather liked that he was.
“What are you doing here?” He whispered. The water droplets clung to his nose and eyelashes as he stood in front of you.
“I came to surprise you..” You whispered, fingernail lazily tracing his stomach. “that’s alright, isn’t it?” Eddie nodded.
“More than alright.” His palm lifted to your cheek, fingers lazily tracing your skin as it grew wetter and wetter beneath the faucet. He smiled before dragging you toward him for a soft kiss. You spoke against his lips.
“I couldn’t stay away from you.” You mumbled out against his full mouth. “I missed you too much.. and I see,” You drew back and looked south. “It looks like you missed me too.” He would’ve complained about the lack of privacy, but he didn’t mind at all that he’d been caught. It was only by you and you’d seen him naked enough times. He was rather shy about being caught doing something so private, but the second your hand moved to trace his shaft, he couldn’t focus on that sliver of discomfort. It vanished. “Let me help you, baby.” Your mouth pressed against his jaw, a very tender, soft, sweet motion, but the second you started to kiss him and also massage his cock, he lost all control.
His hand found your hip and in one swift movement, he twisted you around and pressed you against the tile. It was cold against your back and rear, but his chest, molded so tightly against your own, was keeping you warm. One leg lifted, thigh hooking around his hip, as your lips interlocked. This was a battle to convince one another that you’d missed each other more. His tongue swiped over your own, so desperate to win, but you had the upper hand, rubbing and squeezing and massaging the hell out of his dick. He was in heaven. And even more so when he felt you wiggling to angle your hips so you could guide his aching member into you. His eyes clenched shut. He’d just been daydreaming about this and now, here you were, surprising him just so you could make sweet love to him. He smirked into the kiss.
“I love you.” You both spoke out, a simultaneous confession spoke at the time that he slid into you. Your head was tipped back, pressed against the wall, and his was tipped forward, nose bumping your own and then moving to your cheek. A burst of giggles left your lips and a harsh chuckle left his. Both of you felt so giddy to be reunited and neither of you were going to part anytime soon. Eddie reached around you to shut off the shower and without any sort of intention of separating, he lifted you and carried you toward the bedroom.
The city outside would no doubt be blessed with the sight of Eddie Brock’s bare, wet ass as he passed by the window that overlooked the world below, if anyone were to look up at the hotel window. You clutched on to him like a needy child, so desperate for some love and affection. Lucky for you, he was more than willing to oblige. Afterall, a few days felt like a lifetime when it meant you couldn’t see your other half.
Tagged: @peakblogbecauseimweak @bsotstory @mollybegger-blog @morphoportis @ghost-of-student-sufferings @drippydownes2002 @ellar21 @sovereigngoth @willowick13 @xxxxxeroxxxxx @wheresthewater @anrm1 @pansexualginger @marvelgirl7 @evilspretty-dead @heyitscam99 @wow-he-cute @haroldpain @justrepostandlove @sparklyreaderx @emerald-bijou @multireality @innerpaperexpertcloud @giftofdreams @ihclipse @meer0rauschen @inkedfandom @thatsamegirl @doct0rstrange @jakechillenhaal @shanty-lol @centerhabit @clevertheoristpainter @jamierdr @favouritereadings @badmaax @thephuonganh @wewillfindourwaythere @uhhhemilyrose @scarrasco1325 @matoki-darkpanda @bignastyfan-nz
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thetakenpokemon · 5 years
Act 2 - ‘Gas’ Station
[PoV: Bladesong]
Back before I was a cyborg, I used to be able to walk for a little while before needing to rest. Sure everyone can walk quite a distance, but eventually your feet will start aching to the point where you really need to sit down.
Now a few miles? I admit that my feet weren’t really tough enough for something that far, especially since it takes about an hour to walk that. Now that I’m a cyborg though, walking that is laughable since I can travel several miles at a full sprint and not feel an ounce of exhaustion - the travel time being far less than an hour I might also add.
Chimera’s the same way in this regard, due to his Deoxys genes he experiences exhaustion on a level different from us. So trekking several miles is simple to us two. Velvett however? Not quite as simple. We had to make a brief stop for her to rest her feet, but it didn’t take very long since she was ready to continue after around ten minutes.
For the walk itself? It wasn’t until we were getting close to our destination I began to see traces of Progrian life - the most noticeable being the roads.
I’ve seen asphalt roads before, since some cities and places in Evolutia have cars. But these roads? They’re different. It’s white with glistening yellow lines on it, the road being so smooth that it only seems like metal. Lining it are countless metal lamps, their similarly white bodies strangely not reflecting any sunlight.
Not a single car though.
“The station is over there~” Velvett says, pointing towards a small building in the distance. “Once we get into my car, I’ll take us straight to my place in New Falkhom City.”
“Sounds good.” Chimera responds neutrally.
His mood still hasn’t improved much since the name fiasco, sadly.
The rest of the walk was in relative silence, although not quite as uncomfortable - from what I can tell at least. I spent a lot of my time observing the road mostly, the whole shininess of it making it incredibly tempting to just walk up and touch it. I didn’t do this though, since Chimera gave me several rundowns on Progrian laws involving traffic and what-not.
‘Unless during an emergency or if there’s no assigned walkways, pedestrians aren’t allowed to walk on the roads where vehicles drive.’
Well, honestly that sounds less like an actual law and more of a personal rule of his. I didn’t argue though, and I won’t do that now - especially since there’s a sidewalk beside the road for us.
Once we arrive at this gas station, I notice that the place really is...rather tiny. It’s just a small convenience mart, and it only has enough fuel dispensers to house up to two cars.
Sheesh, I guess this area doesn’t get much traffic.
As I’m checking the place out, the second thing I notice is that the fuel dispensers look...very different. Back in Evolutia I’m used to seeing the standard gasoline pumps - with the nozzle and all, but these? They look akin to that of generators, and their ‘nozzles’ share a strong resemblance to plugs.
Then I saw the sign.
"Zach’s Charge Shack?” I say aloud, reading the prices for how much it costs to charge vehicles. “Wasn’t this supposed to be a gas station?”
Velvett shrugs. “That’s what the people in Progria still call them, although they’ve long since switched from gasoline to electricity for their cars.” She taps her lip with a finger. “They’ve massively increased the efficiency of electrical cars from what I remember. That and combining the fact that they’ve found far superior methods of producing power? Fossil fuels are practically nonexistent in Progria now.”
Chimera nods his head. “Various corporations realized how profitable it was to sell electrical power instead of gasoline, so the switch was relatively fast.” He crosses his arms, his expression becoming thoughtful. “This was also due to the fact that vast amounts of technology being made also depended on electricity, and with nuclear fusion now being a staple for power plants? It’s-”
“Wait wait wait wait!” I interrupt him. “Nuclear fusion?! They’ve succeeded in creating fusion reactors?!”
He looks at me with confusion. The look didn’t last though since he realized that I’m not well-versed in Progria - besides the essential stuff he told me. “I don’t remember the exact date, but I do know that it was around twenty years ago that fusion reactors were being produced wide-spread for commercial use within Progria.” He cups his chin with a hand. “I often forget that us Progrians tend to guard our knowledge on technology, not only from Pokemon of Evolutia but also from the rest of the outside world.”
“Us Progrians?” Velvett repeats, stopping and turning to him with her own confused look. “Are you saying that you’re a Progrian?”
Both Chimera and I blink.
Hold on, she doesn’t know that he was originally a Human? I kinda thought that the GoT might’ve informed her about this, since...well...that’s kinda important since we’re right in the middle of a country consisting ENTIRELY of Humans.
Chimera looks at her for a long while before shaking his head. “Forget it.” He mutters. “We need to keep going, we’ve hung around long enough.”
Velvett didn’t look very happy with this response, but she wisely chose not to press the issue. Instead she turns and walks towards one of the corners of the lot in the ‘gas’ station, in which I see a black car.
Now, I’ve seen a few cars when I’ve went to the more advanced towns and cities of Evolutia. They looked pretty cool and all, ranging from ‘SUVs’ to ‘trucks’.
But this car? Damn.
It has a very smooth and sleek design, reminding me that of the rare Sports Car in Evolutia. However this thing looks much bigger than those - since said Sports Cars tend to be rather cramped for size. But besides that, I have a strong feeling that this car would easily beat any regular Sports Car in a race tenfold.
Velvett reaches behind her back and pulls a set of keys seemingly out of thin-air. The only explanation I could give would be that they were hidden in her extremely long hair - which is currently disguised to be very short from her illusion. With the keys in hand she presses a button on it, and the car immediately lights up with several flashes from its headlights.
“Alright, time to load up!” She says, pressing another button that causes the trunk to open.
The trunk was surprisingly spacious, being big enough for us to fit the numerous stuff we brought with us. Once everything was packed away we all climbed into the car - carefully in my case due to my extremely heavy weight. Much to my surprise though the car didn’t even budge when I got in - nor is it even slightly leaning towards the side I’m sitting in. All this can tell me is that this thing is built to carry heavy loads - whether this is a specialized trait though I’m not sure.
Also...damn... The inside looks just as nice as the outside too.
The seats are very soft and comfortable, being made of a black fabric that I don’t recognize. There’s lots of buttons and knobs around the place as well, allowing the people inside to adjust the interior to make themselves more comfortable.
Currently I’m sitting in the right-rear side of the vehicle while the suit-case holding Trojan is on the left, Chimera is currently in the passenger seat while Velvett is obviously in the driver’s.
“Buckle your seatbelts!” She says, tapping the keys against a glowing blue light on the side of her steering wheel. Upon contact the car starts up, unlike the normally loud rumbles that a gasoline engine makes, the sound coming from this car is instead soft hum.
It took me a little bit to figure out how to put on a seat belt - to my embarrassment, but I managed to wrestle the thing into the slot.
With all of us secured in our seats, Velvett shifts the vehicle in drive...
...and then we were off.
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It’s all about the money, honey (pt 2) (connor murphy x reader)
alternatively titled “it’s not about the money, honey”
Part 1 is here
I got a lot of good feedback on part 1 so thank you so so so much for that!!
It’s almost 1 am and I have to be up in like 6 hours and there is no way in hell im proofing this tonight lmao
also this is seriously 10 pages long i’m soRRY ITS A LOT
warnings: swearing, a teeny tiny bit of angst, asshole cousins i think thats it? also i tossed in some of my personal hc’s for evan oops
“So does this mean you’re done prostituting yourself out to Murphy?” Jared asked after you told him what went down Friday night.
Evan shot Jared a disproving look.
“I’m not a prostitute, Jared. I was just--”
“Getting paid for the “girlfriend experience” by someone who can’t get laid?” he popped a baby carrot into his mouth. Evan and Jared were the only two who actually knew what was going on between you and Connor. And sometimes you regretted telling the latter. Like right now, for instance.
“I never slept with him, Jared. I never even kissed him. The most I ever did was like, hold his hand.”
“Somehow that’s even more pathetic on his behalf.”
“So what are you going to do now?” Evan asked, ignoring Jared completely.
“I don’t know. He’ll probably make up a story to tell his parents why we broke up.” you tried to sound nonchalant about the entire thing. You barely tolerated each other away from his family, so why did this feel like the end of an actual relationship?
“Uh oh,” Evan said, eyes locked behind you.
“Well speak of the goddamn devil.” Jared laughed.
You turned around to see Connor approaching you from behind. He looked horrible. There were deep purple circles under his eyes and his hair was a frizzy unwashed mess. You pushed down any feeling of pity you had for him as he walked up to you.
“I need to talk to you.” he said.
“Just tell them we broke up. It doesn’t need to be a discussion.”
Evan shifted uncomfortably across from you while Jared watched on, clearly amused.
“I don’t want to-- just. Please, can we talk?”
You sighed and gestured to the seat beside you.
Connor eyed your friends.
“Away from them?”
You rolled your eyes but picked up your bag nonetheless.
“I’ll see you guys in econ.” you told them, giving a small wave before following Connor to an empty lunch table in the back corner of the cafeteria.
“Look, Y/n, I’m really sorry. You were just trying to play along and do what you thought would be best. I shouldn’t have snapped at you.”
“It’s fine.” you shrugged it off as if it were nothing. As if you totally hadn’t cried yourself to sleep Friday night after you got home, or spent all of Saturday at Evan’s place ranting about it.
“It isn’t. I was an asshole and you didn’t deserve it.”
“Yeah, you really were.” you agreed. His jaw clenched and he took a deep breath. It brought you a small sense of satisfaction to know you got on his nerves.
“If you’re still willing, I want us to keep… doing this,” he gestured between the two of you and took a deep breath, as if what he would say next was going to hurt him.
“And for you to come with me to my cousin’s wedding.”
You blinked at him, a bit taken aback.
“You… You actually want me to go? You can just tell your family I’m busy that day or something.”
“No, I, uh,” he sighed, “I want you to go. I don’t want to be alone with my family.” He looked down and began to pick at his chipped nail polish. “Things, um, they aren’t as bad when you’re there.”
You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face.
“Aww Connie,” you cooed and poked his cheek, “do you like having me around?”
He flushed pink and swatted your hand away.
“No! You just… don’t always totally suck to be around.”
You put a hand over your chest in an exaggerated manner.
“Oh Con, that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me!”
“Oh shut the fuck up,” he grumbled, rolling his eyes at you, “And don’t call me ‘Con’.”
“If you say so, Lawrence.” you shrugged, smirking.
He only ignored you.
“So we’re cool?” He asked, glancing over at you.
“We are.”
“Okay so the wedding is the 1st of next month. It starts at 3 but it’s like an hour away so i’ll be there at around 12:30 so we’ll have time to get gas and maybe stop and get a drink for the road and still get there a little early.”
“Got it.” You nodded, punching the information into your phone’s calendar.
“Cool.” He stood up to leave but stopped. “Also, uh, do you maybe wanna come over for dinner thursday? My mom said she’ll make that casserole thing you like.”
“They asked me back already?” you were kind of surprised. It was usually every other week you came over.
Connor was quiet for a few seconds while he adjusted the strap on his messenger bag.
“Uh, yeah. They did.” he wasn’t looking at you. “I’ll see you in science, yeah?”
“Of course.” you answered, a little confused by his behavior.
He mumbled a goodbye and headed off, leaving you wondering what the hell was going on with him.
The last couple weeks of the month flew by and the 1st came up sooner than you’d expected. You were ready at 12, having had Evan come over to help you with your hair. He was actually really good at, which was surprising with how bad his hands shake. He said he learned to braid in boy scouts when he was little and used to do his mom’s hair all the time when he was younger. You’d have to ask him is he would do your hair for prom, too.
You wondered if Connor would ask you to prom. Just to appease his parents, of course. It would only make sense for a boyfriend-- a fake boyfriend- to ask his fake girlfriend to their senior prom. It’s all fake, Y/n. you remind yourself. He doesn’t actually care about you like that.
You shook the thoughts from your head and straightened out your outfit, a pretty swing dress with a  lace overlay. Connor pulled up at 12:15 and just kind of… sat in the driveway. After watching him from your bedroom window for a couple minutes you went downstairs to say goodbye to your mother (who was quite excited for you to be going on a “date”. And kept giving you that knowing Mom Look) and headed outside towards Connor’s car.
You approached the door and looked inside to see him sitting there, scrolling through his phone. You knocked on the window and he jumped, looking over at the window with wide eyes. He unlocked the door and you climbed in, laughing at him.
“Why were you just sitting in the driveway?” you asked, pulling on your seatbelt
“I was early and I didn’t want to bother you, so I was just going to wait until 12:30 to text you.”
“Since when do you care about bothering me? That’s, like, all you do.” You looked over at Connor to find his eyes fixed on you. You shifted uncomfortably and adjusted your dress.
“Uh, Connor? Is something wrong?”
“Yeah.” You tilted your head in confusion at him. “I mean- no. No, nothing’s wrong.”
He turned back to face forward and put the car in reverse, backing out of your driveway,
“Okay… Well, um, you look really nice.” you told him. And it was the truth. He had his long curls pulled back into a bun, wearing black dress pants and oxfords with a maroon suit jacket over a pink shirt with a tasteful floral print tie. It was a very classic look, but with a fun twist. And it looked great on him.
“Zoe said I look like a bellhop.” he grumbled. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“You don’t.” you assured him, “You look really, really handsome, Connor.”
The tips of his ears turned pink at your compliment.
“Thanks. You look okay too, I guess.” he said in a teasing tone.
“Asshole!” you laughed, hitting him lightly on the arm.
“I’m kidding, Christ!” he laughed too. “Really though, you look great.”
“Thank you, Connor.” you smiled and rolled your eyes, trying to fight the heat rising in your cheeks.
Connor pulled into the 7-Eleven down the street from your house, parking beside a pump and turning the car off.
“You want anything?” he asked as he opened the door.
“Nah, I’m good.”
“No, Connor. Thank you though.”
He shrugged and shut the door and you waited until he was in the building before pulling out your phone and snapping a picture of yourself, sending it to the group chat with Jared and Evan.
Jare-Bear: damn. hot mama.
Ev: you look great!
Ev: you sprayed your hair again before you left right?
You: yes, ev
You: thank you
Jare-Bear: evan ur gay
Ev: only half
Ev: ish
Jare-Bear: whats connor wearing
Jare-Bear: a trenchcoat and bandolier?
Ev: jared, thats not funny
You: can you not be an asshole for like 2 minutes?
You: he looks really good, actually
Ev: think you can get a picture with him?
Jare-Bear: why? So u can have material to jack off to both murphy siblings
Ev: shut the hell up
You glanced up from your phone to see Connor walking back towards the car with a plastic bag.
You: gtg
You: message you guys later <3
Ev: okay have fun!
Jare-Bare: use condoms
You stuff your phone in your purse and watch Connor leans against the car as he pumps the gas. He tugs the little curls at the nape of his neck, the ones that wouldn’t fit into the bun, twisting them around his finger and letting them spring free. A nervous habit, you assume. A replacement for his usual compulsion of running his hand through his hair, probably. Why do you know that? That’s so weird that you like, consciously recognize that. What the hell--
The nozzle clicks and you quickly turn to look straight ahead, pretending like you hadn’t just been analyzing his behavior.
He opened the door and folded himself into the driver’s seat, starting up the car. Once getting situated, he opened the center console and pulled out a bottle of hand sanitizer, squirting a few pumps into his hands and rubbing them together.
“What?” he asked when he realized you were looking at him.
“Do you have any idea how dirty gas pumps are?”
“I don’t suppose I do.”
“Well, they’re fucking filthy.”
“I believe you.” you couldn’t help the amused grin spreading across your face.
“Then what’s so goddamn funny?” he was pretending to be angry, but you could tell he was fighting back a smile.
“You’re just so…” Please don’t say it. Don’t fucking say it, y/n.
“I’m so…?”
Cute. You’re fucking cute, Connor, okay? Everything you’ve done today has been unbearably adorable and I can’t stand it.
“We should go.” you say instead, glancing at the clock on the dashboard.
He eyed you suspiciously but didn’t say anything.
“Okay, but first,” he dug around in the plastic bag and handed you a bottle of water and a pack of M&M’s. You looked down at them and then back up at him.
“I know you said you didn’t want anything but I thought since it’s kind of a long drive you might… y’know, change your mind or something.” his voice suddenly changed from it’s half bashful tone to something a little stronger, but still light. “And I’m not about to pull over for you to go get a snack or some shit. So really it’s in my best interest, y’know. Just so I don’t have to hear you whine.”
“Sure.” you smile, taking a sip of water
“Whatever.” there’s a ghost of a smile on his lips as he pulls out onto the road.
“Thank you, Connor. Really.”
Connor turns on the radio in favor of answering you.
Connor pulls into the parking lot of a rather large synagogue roughly an hour later. He finds a parking spot near his parents’ SUV.
“Holy shit,” you say, getting out of the car and admiring the architecture of the building. Connor snorted as he rounded the car to come get you.
“Oh, oops.” you covered your mouth, realizing what you’d just said.
“You are such a dork.” Connor smiled, holding his arm out for you to take.
“Shut up.” you laughed, nudging him.
Inside the synagogue you met up with Cynthia, Larry, Zoe, and their grandmother, who greeted you both with a big hug and kiss. and found your seats. You talked easily to Connor and Zoe until more people began filing in, filling up the pews. The ceremony was simple yet beautiful, and the bride’s dress was utterly breathtaking. You didn’t know them, sure, but you did tear up a bit (which made Connor smirk and poke you in the side).
After the ceremony and before the reception, Connor, after being instructed to by his parents, bashfully introduced you to some of his other family, all of whom commented on either how well Connor did or how beautiful you were. Except for one cousin.
He seemed to be a few years younger than you, maybe 15 or so. Connor immediately tensed when he saw him approach. He looked over towards his parents, almost like a scared kid would, but they were too wrapped up in a conversation with some third time removed somebody to even notice.
“Hey, hey! Larry Junior! How’s it going?” the kid said, clapping a hand over Connor’s shoulder.
“Don’t call me that.” Connor said, glaring at him, and taking a step back to escape his cousin’s grasp.
The kid put his hands up in mock-surrender.
“No need for aggression, buddy. Don’t need a repeat of your 6th grade summer, do we?”
You glanced up at Connor in confusion.
“Oh he didn’t tell you?” the kid continued, “He had to go to, what was it called, Connor?”
“You need to shut up. Now.” Connor growled.
Connor was at least a head taller than this kid, and one of the most intimidating people you’d ever met. Why wasn’t he scared?
“Oh yeah!” the kid snapped, “”Behavioral Correction Camp”! He didn’t tell you that, did he?”
You stayed quiet, chewing on the inside of your mouth anxiously.
“Anyway,” he continued after getting no response for you, “how long have you been dating this charming cousin of mine?”
“Three and a half months.” you said, grabbing Connor’s hand protectively.
“And what exactly are you doing with him?”
“Why are you with him? We thought Connor would never get a girlfriend. He was such a problem child, freaked out over every little thing, threw tantrums.” the kid laughed a little, “Hell, the reason he had to go to Batshit Crazy Camp was because he beat the shit out of me when we were younger, isn’t that right?”
Connor was absolutely fuming. You could feel his hand shaking in yours. His jaw was clenched so tight it was a wonder his teeth didn’t just shatter. He was using a lot of self control right now, that much was evident.
“You wanna know why I’m with him?” you asked, squeezing Connor’s hand tighter, “Not that I owe you any kind of answer. I’m with him because he’s sweet and thoughtful. He cares about me and my feelings and my wellbeing. He’s got a great sense of humor and he gets me. He makes me feel like no one else can. He can be gentle despite everything he’s been through, despite what people like you say to him, and he admits when he’s wrong and he’s trying. He tries so hard to be a good person. And he is a good person. And that’s a lot more than I can say about you.” You didn’t realize you were crying until you finished talking. You wiped your eyes on the back of your free hand before tugging him towards the big wooden doors out to the parking lot.
“The reception is in half an hour, you two! We’ll meet you there!” you hear Cynthia shout cheerfully as you leave the building.
You walked to the car, not letting go of Connor’s hand until it was absolutely necessary.
Once inside, you pulled down the visor and looked in the mirror, wiping at your eyes with a napkin from your purse, doing your best not to smear your makeup. You took a swallow of water from the bottle he bought you earlier before taking a calming breath.
“I’m sorry.” you told him, shaking your head. “I-I didn’t mean to--”
“Y/n, shh. He grabbed your hand and laced his fingers through yours. “Thank you. For saying all that. You didn’t have to do that.”
“What was I supposed to do? Just stand there and let him insult you? Connor, you’re my--” you cut yourself off. He wasn’t your boyfriend. He wasn’t really your friend, either. That doesn’t mean what you said wasn’t true, though. “I care about you.” you finished, looking out the window.
“I care about you too.”
“Shut up.” you smiled, not looking at him.
“Wanna head towards the hotel for the reception?” Connor asked, removing his hand from yours. You nodded and he put the car in gear.
You pulled out your phone and opened your group chat.
You: shit you guys
You: this is bad
Ev: ????
Jare-Bear: did he hurt you
You: no
You: i think i like him
Ev: really?
Ev: like, LIKE like?
Jare-Bear: gay
Ev: hey jared?
Jare-Bear: ya
Ev: shut up
Ev: for once in your life
You: yeah
You: i think so
Jare-Bear: i thought you had better taste than that
You: shut up
Ev: shut up
Ev: just be happy for her
Ev: unless youre about to like
Ev: profess your undying love for her
Ev: then its really not your business
You: thank you ev <3
Jare-Bear: i think shes just in denial u know
Jare-Bear: using murphy as a distraction from her lifelong crush on me
Jare-Bear: its okay u can tell me
You: lmao
Jare-Bear: rude
You: thats me
You put your phone on silent so it wouldn’t constantly buzz with Jared and Evan’s inevitable bickering.
“You want something to drink?” Connor shouted over the music. The reception turned out to be one hell of a party. There was tons of food and drinks, flashing lights and balloons and streamers and a massive dance floor, and it was loud. Really loud. It was kind of like prom, but with a lot of old people.
You nodded and gave him a thumbs up in confirmation. He got up and wandered off towards the far wall where the refreshments were.
You made small talk with Zoe until he came back.
He handed you a clear plastic cup full of what you assumed to be sparkling cider, and clinked his own against it in a toast. You smiled and took a sip. You froze, eying him as you swallowed.
“Connor,” you said slowly, “Is this alcohol?”
“Yup.” he grinned, taking a big swallow from him own cup. You didn’t bother asking questions. You didn’t really care how he got it.
You laughed and talked about nothing in particular for a while.
“Oh, I like this song.” you commented absently as the first few notes played over the speakers. Connor stood up pulled off his jacket, laying over the back of the chair, and held his hand out.
“Dance with me?” he asked.
“What?” you almost laughed.
“Will you dance with me?”
“I don’t know how.” you admitted.
“I’ll show you.”
“You can dance?”
“Is that so surprising?” he feigned offense.
“I mean, yeah.” you laughed.
“Just come on, jerk.”
He took your hand and lead you towards the center of the dance floor.
“Okay, now put your hand here.” he placed your hand on his shoulder. “And I put mine here.” He rested his hand over your hip and you felt heat rise in your cheeks.
“And then we just,” he began stepping in a simple pattern. You picked up quickly and were able to keep up, only stepping on his toes a few times. It got easier with each song.
A slower paced oldies song came on and you laughed as he spun you around out of tune with the song, the skirt of your dress flaring out in a big circle around you. You came to a halt in front of him, stumbling a bit as you regained your balance. He held tight to your waist to keep you upright. A wide, crooked smile was stretched across his angular face as he looked down at you. You couldn’t help but smile back. He continued to sway you to the beat of the music.
“Thank you for coming with me tonight. You really didn’t--”
“Hush.” you smiled. “I’m having fun.”
“I am too.”
You leaned your head against his shoulder and he snaked his arm from your hip to your lower back.
“Oh!” you said, pulling back after a couple of minutes. “I told Evan I’d send him a picture of us together. Is that okay?”
“Oh. Uh, yeah. Sure.”
You hurried back over to the table and grabbed your phone, ignoring the flood of messages from Jared and Evan arguing, and opened up your camera. You took different pictures and chose a random one to send to Evan and Jared and promptly shoved your phone back in your bag.
You stayed a couple more hours, dancing and eating and having a good time with Connor, before you decided it was probably time to go home.
“Hey, Y/n. Come on, wake up.” Connor was shaking you gently.
“What?” you yawned, sitting up straight. “Oh god my neck hurts like a bitch,” you groaned, massaging the aforementioned area.
“Yeah, I bet. You fell asleep with it at like a 90 degree angle.”
“Ugh… wait. I slept the entire way home?”
“Yup. And you snored too.”
“I did not!” you gasped.
“Totally did.” he laughed, nodding. “Full on sawing logs over there.”
“Shut up oh my God.” you rubbed sleepily at your eyes, forgetting all about your makeup. “What time is it?” another yawn forced its way out of your mouth.
“Half past one.”
“In the morning?!”
“No, it’s just after lunch, Y/n.” Connor replied sarcastically.
You rolled your eyes and stretched out, grabbing your bag from the floorboard.
“Can I walk you up?” Connor asked. You nodded.
He walked around to your side of the car and opened the door for you. Your heels made you a  bit unsteady on your feet, having just woken up, so Connor looped his arm around your waist as he walked you to your front door.
You began digging through you bag for your keys, swearing under your breath at the ungodly amount of junk in your bag.
When you successfully found them and looked back up Connor was holding at least half a dozen twenties.
“No.” you shook your head, pushing the money away.
“No, Connor. I don’t want you to pay me.”
“We had a deal, Y/n.”
“Please, Connor, I’m too tired to argue. I had an amazing time with you today. I don’t need your money; it was my pleasure. Really.”
Connor hesitated before putting the money back in his wallet, still looking unsure.
“I, um. I don’t want you to pay me anymore.” you told him. “When we hang out. I… I like just being with you. If you want me to keep being your fake girlfriend or whatever around your family, that’s fine but… I don’t want you to give me money for it. I meant what I said to your cousin.”
Connor stared at you for a moment before speaking.
“I don’t want you to be my fake girlfriend anymore.”
Oh. That’s okay, Y/n. It’s fine. You freaked him out by saying that and he has literally no obligation to stay around you if he doesn’t want to.
“That, um, that’s fine. It’s totally your decision. Uh, whatever you wanna tell your parents happened is fine just-”
“I don’t want you to be my fake girlfriend.” Connor interrupted, grabbing your hand. “Maybe I could take you out next weekend? Like on a real date?”
Your stomach fluttered and you nodded a bit too fast.
“Yes! Yes I… yes. That would be amazing. I-I’d really really like that.”
“Okay.” he grinned.
“I should, uh, I should get home.” he gestured with his thumb at his car.
“Yeah, totally.” you couldn’t wipe the dopey grin off your face.
Connor headed to his car and you began to unlock the front door.
“Oh!” he called just before you stepped inside, “Can you send me those pictures?”
You nodded and he gave a thumbs up.
You snuck inside as quietly as you could, creeping into your room and shutting the door softly. You stripped off your dress and hung it up before pulling on a big t-shirt to sleep in and using a makeup wipe in a half-assed attempt to wash your face. You were too tired to go all the way across the hall to the bathroom. Your skin would give you hell, yeah, but that’s a problem for future you. So is the rat’s nest your hair will be when you wake up in the morning without brushing it out but you really couldn’t be bothered right now.
You climbed under your covers and unlocked your phone, seeing messages Jared and Evan had sent in response to the pitcture.
Jare-Bear: shit dude
Jare-Bear: hes got it bad for u
Ev: he really does
Ev: look at the way he’s looking at you
You tapped the picture to make it bigger. You were smiling at the camera, head tilted slightly to the side, while Connor watched you with soft eyes and a gentle smile. He looked happy just being there beside you.
You forwarded the picture to Connor and sent a quick goodnight message before settling into your bed, smiling even as you drifted off to sleep.
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sammy-moo · 6 years
Still Here
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam
Request: Part two to Wreckage
Words: 1,052
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: To the anon who wanted a part two, I’m hoping this was the ending you were hoping for. :) Since you just said part two I just started writing and let it take me where it went. 
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Dean’s jaw clenched tightly as he pumped the gas, patting his right hand on his leg begging the gas to pump faster and to click with a full tank. His tired eyes were fixated on the gallons and dollars that ticked up every second.
“Come on,” he whined out.
As if on cue his prayer was answered and he heard that little click. He swiftly pulled the nozzle out and replaced it, screwing the cap. He climbed into the car while Sam paid and came out with some food to keep them energized for the ride.
Sam climbed in, the food in hand. He was barely in the car with the door shut before Dean drove away from the lot.
“Jesus…. Couldn’t wait for me to shut the door?”
“She could be dead, Sam!”
Sam sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, “I get that Dean… But she could be fine okay? Hope for good news.”
“We never win Sam… We never get news. I’m expecting to get there and have to give her a hunter’s funeral.”
Sam gulped. Admittedly he worried that you were gone too, but he had to put a brave face for Dean. Dean had done the same for him long ago, and now it was his turn. “Hey, if there’s anything I know is that she’s stubborn. She won’t go without a fight.”
Dean glanced to him and sighed.
Sam frowned and looked back to the map, telling Dean where to go.
Time seemed to drag by in a haze as you watched all sorts of emergency vehicles flash on forward. There was a police car on sight to collect all the information he could while there were a few ambulances to tend to anyone who needed it.
The woman who helped you out moments ago smiled softly, “You should get checked out.”
“What? But you’re bleeding. You need checked before I do.”
The woman sighed. She must’ve been a mother. There was no way she would tend to a stranger like this. Unless she was a nurse? Who knows…
“You hit your head pretty hard,” she said softly. “Just be sure to get checked out?”
You nodded, “Yeah. Sure. Uh, thank you.”
She flashed a kind smile before practically staggering to the ambulance.
You gulped and looked around, seeing the carts smashed or on their sides. Many of the passengers were lucky. However, it seemed those near the cabin weren’t so lucky. They were already taken away from the scene, and the conductor of the train was the unluckiest of them all. He had suffered the worst injuries. Deep down part of you knew what was to come. The reaper would come take him to where he belonged.
You looked between the cart you were on and the ambulances. You knew who you were, you knew what day it was, and you sure as hell knew what you were doing on that-
You quickly looked around, checking your pockets as it all came back to you. It felt like you ran into a brick wall as you remembered the moments before the wreck. Your head began to pulse and ache.
You grunted from the pain, caving and walking to one of the paramedics to be checked out.
The man checked everything he needed to, asking you questions, giving you a small smile. “Well good news, Ma’am. You just have a minor concussion. So I recommend getting a room and resting.”
You nodded, brows furrowed, “Uh… Phonebook. Do you have one?”
The paramedic blinked. It was like he had no idea what a phone book was.
“I lost my phone during the crash I think.”
He nodded, “Let me check.” He climbed into the vehicle, searching. “It seems we don’t but I can tell you the nearest motel?”
“No… I need to know all the ones in the area…”
“Okay?” He quickly got his phone and pulled them up on Google, showing you the results.
Your eyes scanned, looking for the Google equivalent to what you’d do with the phone book. Once you had the address you got up, “Thanks.”
The paramedic was about to stop you but someone else needed their help.
You walked in the direction of the motel you needed.
And the hours dragged by for the boys while you rested them away. By the time they got to the location of the wreck most of it was cleaned up and the paramedics were long gone.
Dean looked out the window for any sign but there was nothing. “Damn it!” His hands collided with the steering wheel in frustration. “Damn it!”
Sam frowned, “Hang on… Let me call the hospital and see if they know anything.” He quickly dialed and spoke with a receptionist. There was no one with your name. He gulped thickly before looking to Dean, “I have one more idea.” He quickly pulled up all the motels in the area, looking for the one you’d most likely be at. “Okay let’s try this one?” Sam quickly told him where to go.
Dean sped over and quickly jostled the car to a stop. He shoved the door open and hurried into the building, speaking with the person at the front desk. Dean’s words flew out a million miles a second as he described you to them, looking for a sign they knew you.
“Uh yeah. She was sorta out of it when she came in.”
“What room is she in?”
They looked at their chart, “4A.”
“Thank you!”  Dean hurried out, “4A Sammy!” Sam grabbed the keys and got out, going after Dean.
Dean was already at your door picking the lock and swinging it open. He sucked in a giant breath when he saw you in the bed sleeping.
You hummed, having been startled out of your sleep. You blinked hard, adjusting to the light coming in. “Dean?”
Dean hurried to you and pulled you up into his arms, kissing you.
You gasped and slowly cupped his face.
Sam smiled softly, trading that for his usual eye roll.
“I thought I lost you. I heard the wreck on the phone and,” Dean let out a shaky sigh, trying to forget the sounds he heard.
You smiled up at him softly, “I know… But I’m okay, I’m still here.”
Tagging those who were excited for part two: @alyssa6marie, @pecanpiefedoras, @fightmeandmy100fandoms, @animegirlgeeky
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firesoulstuff · 6 years
For the awkward thanksgiving day prompts, 10. Or 5. Or combine 10 and 5. For legends of tomorrow/Captaincanary?
Happy Thanksgiving!
No Thanksgiving Goes as Planned
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16706920
“Listen. I’m just saying,” Leonard starts for at least the third time this morning, and if they’re really about to have this conversation again Sara might just ask him to turn the car around. “If you’re not frying the turkey you might as well just throw it in the trash.”
“And I’m just saying we fried the turkey last year.” She reminds him, turning to fix him with a pointed glare. “Can we get through one Thanksgiving without someone going to the ER?”
“Wa’s the mer-mergency room?” Rory pipes up from the backseat and it’s all Sara can do to keep from bashing her head against the headrest behind her.
“It’s a special office in the hospital,” Len explains, shooting Sara an apologetic glance for bringing up the subject at all; he knows she’s anxious enough about today as it is. “Remember last Thanksgiving when I left early with Uncle Mick?”
There’s no word from the backseat for a moment, presumably because Rory is thinking. Truthfully Sara doubts her daughter remembers all the way to last Thanksgiving, especially since they hadn’t exactly let her know what was going on.
“You might have been asleep baby,” she offers, “It was before dinner.”
“What happened?”
“Uncle Mick wasn’t being careful,” Leonard supplies, “He was cooking the turkey and he turned the dial up too high, so he got hurt.”
Sara almost laughs, because that is certainly one way of putting it. The full story is Mick had somehow managed to convince them all to let him use a fryer for the turkey, Leonard had backed him up with the claim that he’s done it before and it always comes out great. It probably would’ve been fine, really, if Ray hadn’t gotten involved. He meant well, he always does, but he was convinced that Mick had the heat set too low. Mick argued it was fine, one thing led to another, and somewhere in the argument the nozzle got turned too far to the left and the whole fryer went up in flames.
It wasn’t nearly as bad as it could’ve been. Ray got clear in time and Mick only suffered a few burns, he had only gone to the hospital to make Ray feel better. Still, Sara is hoping that there aren’t any incidents this year.
When they finally pull up in front of the Stein’s house there are already plenty of cars parked along the street, much to Leonard’s obvious distain. Sara can’t help but to laugh as he brings the car to a stop behind Ray’s, grumbling as he does so.
Sara goes around the back of the car to help Rory out of her car seat, Len going around to the other side to grab the pot full of mashed sweet potatoes off the floor. The two of them exchange a quick look through the back, and even though Len looks just as nervous as she does it still makes Sara feel better. She doesn’t exactly think anything is going to go badly today, she certainly hopes not at least, but this Thanksgiving is different than any of the others they’ve celebrated together.
It’s their first Thanksgiving without her dad, and without Martin, though Clarissa has still insisted on hosting. It’s also the first Thanksgiving since Laurel woke up from her coma, and while she says she is adjusting just fine to everything that changed while she was asleep Sara knows it’s all still a little unsettling.
She doesn’t know if today is going help that or be the final straw.
Zari is sitting on the living room floor at Jax’s feet when she hears a voice call from the front door of the house, and not even a second later Sara and Leonard Snart appear in the entrance to the living room. Leonard is carrying a pot, Sara their daughter who is quick to hide her blushing face from the sudden onslaught of people. Clarissa approaches them first, giving Sara an awkward hug from the side that the younger woman can’t exactly return thanks to her burden, whom Clarissa tries to say hello to but it’s unsuccessful. She then greets Leonard and points him to where he can place the pot in his hands. The others all say their hellos as Sara makes her way deeper into the party, her daughter protesting against being put down. Zari smiles a little at the sight, she doesn’t know the Waverider’s former Captain very well but she knows enough to know this is a novel sight, and therefor she suddenly feels a little out of place.
She gets up and heads into the kitchen, asking Clarissa if she needs help with anything.
“Oh thank you Zari. Actually, if you wouldn’t mind putting the rolls and the butter out on the table.”
Zari nods, taking the two bags of rolls off the counter and heading into the dining room. The table has already been set, for the most part, but there are two clear-ish spots at each end for the bags of rolls. She sets them down and heads back to the kitchen for the butter, and when she returns she finds none other than Nora Darhk rounding the corner of the other doorway.
Nora stops, briefly, upon seeing her and then offers a small, awkward smile. The two of them are still sometimes a little… odd, around each other. They have nothing against each other, at least not that Zari knows about. But Nora is still new to the team; her relationship with everyone is still new and a little awkward. Except for Ray. She and Ray have practically been joined at the hip ever since she came on board, yet right now she’s alone.
“Where’s Ray?” Zari asks and Nora shrugs.
“Downstairs I think, talking to Lily about something. I’m just looking for a place to hide out.”
Zari nods, she can understand that. She spent most of last Thanksgiving hiding out; in fact she’s doing that a little bit now.
“Come on,” she says, putting down the butter dish and nodding towards where Nora’s come in. “Let’s get a drink.”
There are some times more than others in which Laurel really wishes she could have a drink, and today is definitely one of those times. She’s just walked into the house of Clarissa Stein, a woman she’s never even met, and into a room of mostly strangers. One exception to that statement, however, is her sister’s husband Leonard.
“Hey Laurel,” he says, greeting her at the door. He hesitates for a second, and then awkwardly gives her a hug.
She wraps her arms around him gratefully; she knows he isn’t big on being touched except for by a very select few people, who she really isn’t one of but he’s willing to make an exception.
“Hi,” she returns as he leads her deeper into the house.
“I think Sara just went-”
“Oh you must be Laurel!” A voice cuts him off and suddenly there is a middle-age blonde woman standing in front of her and pulling her into a hug.
“Yes… Hi.” She says before pulling back from the hug. “You must be Clarissa, thank you so much for having me.”
“Oh of course!” The woman practically cheers, “Please make yourself at home, I’ll be in the kitchen if you need anything.” With that she hurries off, and when Laurel turns she finds Leonard is gone.
She doesn’t exactly want to continue standing there in the middle of the hallway, so she ducks in through the nearest doorway, and immediately regrets it.
The room, unlike the rest of the house, isn’t crowded with people. It’s a study, not a large one but filled with books and knick-knacks all the same, along with a small liquor cabinet over in the corner from where the room’s lone occupant is retrieving a bottle.
And looking very much like a thief caught in the act.
“I… I’m sorry.” She stutters out, though she suspects this man should be the sorry one. She’s seen his face somewhere before, though she can’t put her finger on where, but in any case he certainly isn’t the late Martin Stein, whom this study very clearly belongs to.
The man shrugs, she straightens up with a bottle of amber liquid still in his hands.
“Drink?”She shakes her head, “No thanks,” she declines and the man shrugs, and then begins pouring himself a glass.
“You’re Blondie’s sister?” He asks, “The one who’s been asleep for four years.”
And here she was worried people might be walking around eggshells around her.
“Yes…” She drawls, arching an eyebrow at the man. “And you are?”
He regards her for a second, just before he tips back his drink and approaches her, one arm outstretched in the offering of a handshake.
“Name’s Mick.”
After Clarissa ambushes Laurel Leonard smirks to himself, and he’s planning on staying right there until it’s over, he really is, but then he sees the bathroom door is still closed and he decides that it’ll be better if he’s alone when he knocks on that door rather than with Laurel, so he slips away.
“Sara?” He calls, following a light rap of his knuckles. “Are you in there?”
“Come in.”
He does as he’s told, opening the door barely a crack and slipping inside. His heart clenches in his chest at the sight before him, that of his wife sitting in the cramped half bathroom with her back against the wall and her hands pushing back her hair.
“Your sister’s here.” He informs her, crouching down to her level.
She nods at his words, sort of, as much as she can.
“How are you feeling?”
The response he gets is nothing more than a groan, and with a frown he begins to rub her back.
“How is she?” Sara asks after they’ve sat in silence for a few seconds, and she must see it in his eyes that he is about to tell her she hasn’t answered the same question, because her mouth presses into a firm smile.
“Please,” she adds, “I’m worried, and that isn’t doing me any favors.”
Well, she has him there.
“A little overwhelmed I think,” He admits, “But she’ll be ok, she was talking to Clarissa when I came in here, I’m sure she’s showing her around.”
Sara chuckles at that, her eyes closing but her smile still on her face.
“If you aren’t feeling up to being here-”
“Nice try crook,” she interrupts him. “You aren’t getting out of today that easy.”
He chuckles this time, he had to try.
“Come on,” Sara says, placing her hand on his knee and using it to help herself up. “Before someone finds us in here.”
“So this is what normal people do on Thanksgiving?” Nora asks as she follows Zari out into the backyard, where Ray, Nate, Jax, and Charlie were presumably playing football at one point. Although right now it looks more like Charlie and Jax searching the bushes for the ball.
“I guess,” Zari shrugs, taking a sip of her beer as she watches the commotion. “My Thanksgivings were pretty small growing up, though that doesn’t mean stupid things like this never happened.”
Nora hums at that, thinking back to her own childhood Thanksgivings. Sometimes it’s a little odd to remember that 2018 isn’t the time she’s supposed to be in right now… it seems like she’s always been here.
Right now, technically, she’s only fourteen years old. On this very day, her fourteen year old self is locked away in a temple somewhere, likely being tortured, by doctors of all people, or so they always called themselves. That girl doesn’t even know today is Thanksgiving, she hasn’t yet figured out that the occasional changes in her food signify a holiday. By the time she does it won’t matter, she’ll have long ago lost track of the years. It’s just easier, less heartbreaking at least, to let herself believe that 2018 never ended.
“Hey!” It’s Ray’s chipper voice that brings her from her thoughts, as usual. He’s waving at them and approaching, leaning down to give her a kiss when he reaches them and giving Zari a smile.
“You guys want to play?”
“Oh, uh…” She looks to Zari, who looks back, and then tilts her beer to her lips for one last sip before putting it down on the patio.
“Sure,” she agrees, her eyes moving back to Nora along with Ray’s, and so Nora follows Zari’s example.
“Sure,” she repeats, “Why not?”
Laurel is… interesting, to Mick. She isn’t what he was expecting, although now that he thinks about it he doesn’t really know what he was expecting. He knows about her from before, she had quite a reputation around Iron Heights as the Assistant DA who could call you on even the tiniest lie and get you sent away. Not mention after four years of knowing Sara…
Well, he wasn’t expecting this. This quiet woman sitting so stiff on the couch of Stein’s back room. He’d brought her in here cause the study had seemed too quiet, too heavy with the shared knowledge that they weren’t really supposed to be in there. But the living and dining rooms are crowded with people, all of them either strangers to her or friends who have become strangers. This room is quieter, but also just around the corner from the party. It’s only a matter of time before someone walks in and notices them hiding out, so when it happens he is grateful for Laurel’s sake that it happens in the form of stubby little legs moving in their usual hurry.
Rory stops in the doorway for a second, looks between them, and then promptly toddles over to Laurel where she begins urgently patting her Aunt’s knee.
“I can’t find mommy!” She complains as Laurel lifts her into her lap, bringing her arms around her protectively.
“Oh I’m sure-”
She doesn’t get to finish, because as though summoned Sara and Snart show up in the doorway and Rory launches herself off Laurel’s lap and hurries over to her mother.
“What?” Sara mockingly groans as she lifts Rory up, hugs her, then settles her on her hip. “You’re ok. You’ve got Uncle Mick and Auntie Laurel. You don’t need me.”
Rory responds to this by giggling and wrapping her arms around Sara’s neck, to which Sara rolls her eyes before heading to sit next to Laurel. While the girls begin to talk Mick look’s over at Len, a silent question in his eyes and his friend nods with a small smile.
Snart knows better than to try and hide what’s going on from him. All the others, sure, but not him. They both know he’s more intuitive than he lets on, and he was the one there at the very beginning the first time around. As soon as he saw Sara dart into that bathroom he knew-
“Uh… We need some help outside!”
Raymond’s voice suddenly calling through the house gets everyone hurrying into the yard, Leonard going out the back door with Sara, Rory, Mick, and Laurel on his heels. He doesn’t know what could possibly be going on out there, it isn’t like they have a deep fryer this year, but when he gets there he stops short.
Heywood and Zari are both staggering to their feet with their hands pressed to their faces. Haircut and his girlfriend are standing back and looking like they want to help but aren’t sure how. At first Len isn’t sure why Haircut has made such a big fuss, but then he sees the blood seeping from under Zari’s hand, and notices Heywood’s hand is completely covering his eye.
“Oh dear!” Clarissa exclaims; rushing for Heywood and taking that as some sort of cue Raymond moves for Zari. “What happened?”
“They were both running for the football and they ran smack into each other.” Nora supplies just as Clarissa gets Heywood’s hand away from his eye and, shit, the skin from the side of it is just gone.
“Ok.” Clarissa gulps, looking like she is trying very hard not to faint. “Ok, you two need to go to the hospital.”
“We’ll take them,” Raymond quickly volunteers with barely a glance back to Nora, but she nods along with the idea and takes his place by Zari, so he moves onto Heywood and they start heading for Palmer’s car.
“Well,” Sara says, coming to stand next to him. “I guess that answers my question, apparently we can’t get through one Thanksgiving without someone going to the ER.”
He smirks, not that this is funny but still, and then he leans close to her ear so that only she, and Rory of course, will hear his words.
“Looks like the plan of telling everyone at once that you’re pregnant is out the window.”
She smiles, like she can’t believe that’s really what he’s thinking about right now, and suddenly Rory perks her head up as though a bolt of lightning has hit her.
“Can I tell them?!” She begs. They had told her last week and sworn her to secrecy, letting her know that they were planning on telling everyone at Thanksgiving dinner.
“How about this?” Sara says, smoothing a hand over Rory’s blonde curls. “You keep the secret a little longer, until daddy and me tell everyone at dinner, and after we’ll go to the hospital and you can tell them.”
“Ok!” Rory agrees happily and Len smirks, the group one by one heading back inside.
Len shakes his head as they go in, they really can’t ever have a normal Thanksgiving.
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boshbashbish · 7 years
false alarm
The stomach pains were unbearable, beyond any physical pain she had ever experienced before. She was sure it was just period cramps, and tried to alleviate the pain by doing what every girl does: painkillers, a hot water bottle draped over her stomach, stretching… you name it, she’d tried it. However, nothing was helping.
“Y/n, I think we should go to the hospital. Three days ago you said that if the pain doesn’t go away within 2 days, you’d go see a doctor. And as far as I’m aware, this is now the third day and  your stomach still hurts,” William worried and watched y/n laying on the bed in a fetal position. Her face was all crunched up in pain and he could tell she was having a hard time breathing normally.
“No… I’m already feeling a little better,” she lied and got up, but was wincing so bad that William rolled his eyes.
“Stop lying. I know your scared of needles and doctors and all that, but we’re going to the emergency room. We’ll be back home for dinner.” William helped her to put her shoes on and practically carried her into the car. If only he had known what was going to happen.
4 hours later at the ER, the doctor had taken multiple tests, but none of those explained what was causing the pain. Y/n had been hooked to an IV, and she was given stronger medicine to ease the pain. She was laying peacefully on the hospital bed, the meds making her feel better and better each minute. William rested his head on her legs, and looked exhausted. This was not what he’d had in mind, he had expected the pain to be her appendix which would have been easily treated, so now after multiple tests and check ups he was growing more and more worried.
“Alright, Miss…” the doctor started as he re-entered the room for probably the 13th time at this point. “We are still clueless as to what could be causing the pain you’re feeling. We are going to bring in an ultra sound technician, who is going to check your ovaries for cysts”.
Y/n was nodding along, listening carefully and William just stared at the doctor, unsure of what to say. He wanted to argue like a little kid, ask him questions like “why aren’t you making her feel better”, but knew it would only make the situation worse.
“While you’re here though, is there any chance you could be pregnant? Are you sexually active?” the doctor continued, writing in his little notebook. She glanced at Will, half-expecting him to faint after hearing the word “pregnancy”, but he was showing no emotion, just listening and looking at the doctor.
“Yes, but I’m on birth control,” she replied and was sure she always took the pill at the same exact time each day, to maximise its effectiveness.
“Well, as I’m sure you know, no method of birth control is 100% effective. Even the combination of two different methods does not guarantee anything. I’ll send in a nurse to do an ultra sound checkup,” the doctor smiled and clapped his notebook shut. Will squeezed her hand.
“You alright?”
“Yeah. Sort of surprised you’re still here though, I was expecting you to run away when the doctor mentioned pregnancy,” she chuckled and missed the offended look on Will’s face. When she didn’t get a response from him, she turned her head in surprise.
“Why would I have ran away? If we’re pregnant, then we’re pregnant. ” Y/n was taken aback: did he just say “we” and not “you”? She wondered if she had been pumped so full of meds that she was hallucinating. Looking at her stomach she couldn’t help but wonder.
“You want to have a baby?” Now it was William’s turn to be surprised.
“Of course I do and you know that. Not necessarily right now, but if it happens, it happens,” he shrugged. Y/n was now sure she was having a dream, the guy sitting next to her was a far cry from the Will she’d started dating nearly a year ago, who had insisted on getting her on the pill. The look on her face must have given away her astonishment as William gave her a reassuring smile, kissing her forehead.
“Would you really be okay with it if I were pregnant?” she asked quietly, still not believing what he’d said before. He looked really puzzled for a moment, and sighed.
“Of course I would. I mean, it would be a big shock at first, but we would adjust. We’d be fine. We would move to a new house, and paint the baby’s room either pink or blue. We’d attend those parenting classes, and learn how to baby-proof our home. And you’d be glowing the entire time, oh man I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off of you. The baby would start kicking in a few months and we could hear his or her heartbeat. It would be amazing.” Y/n was smiling and smoothed her hand over her stomach. Maybe having a baby with Will wouldn’t be such a bad thing.
The nurse strolled in with a miniature ultrasound machine.
“We just need to roll up your shirt to expose your stomach. The gel I’m going to spread will be cold, just a little heads up,” the nurse smiled and squeezed a small amount of transparent jelly on y/n’s stomach. As soon as the the small nozzle touched her stomach, a heartbeat could be heard.
“There’s a heartbeat?” she gasped and grabbed Will’s hand.
“That’s yours,” the nurse laughed assuring her and kept moving the small nozzle around. She circled around y/n’s lower stomach, and kept looking at the screen. Will had never been as nervous and he let out a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding in.
“That tiny thing is what is making you feel so terrible,” the nurse nodded and pointed at a small lump. “It’s a cyst. I will have to draw some more blood and run a test to figure out what kind of cyst it is, but you don’t have to be worried. It should go away around the time of your next ovulation,” the nurse explained and started packing up. Y/n’s eyes fell from the screen to the linked hands between her and William.
“I will come back soon to do the blood work. I will also bring you some medicine that you can take home,” the nurse said and pulled the small machine out of the room, leaving Will and y/n alone. For a moment neither of them moved or said anything, until Will coughed.
“Good to finally know for sure what it is…” William sighed and ran his thumb over her knuckles. In a matter of minutes y/n had become excited about having a baby with him, only to be told the “baby” was a fluid filled cyst. She knew it was for the better, both she and William were only in their 20s, but hearing Will describe what their life with a little child would be like had made her hopeful. At least she now knew that if she ever ended up expecting a child, Willy would be okay with it. She couldn’t help but feel disappointed though, and he must have noticed this as he pulled her in a hug and kissed the top of her head.
“One day when the time is right,” she heard him whisper.
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tomboy-writer · 7 years
Can You do a Roman Reigns Imagine? Where we have to share a hotel, and we get into a heated arguement which leads to rough , passionate sex?
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  A/N: I’m so sorry that this took so long to get done. But I hope you love it!
Warnings: Daddy kink, strong language, shower sex (is that warning??) uuuuh, can’t think of anything else. I write before the requests before I give the warnings so sometimes I forget :P
      “I have to do what!?! No, there is no way that I’m gonna share my room with her! Come on, Triple H, can’t you just get her a different room? Hmm, I didn’t think so,” I said to Hunter over my cell phone. He had just informed me that I had to share my room with Y/N, the new WWE Diva. I guess with her being new and everything, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon forgot to book her a room so now I had to share mine with her.
     "Can’t she just sleep in her car,“ I asked, continuing my rant. But, of course, Triple H said no. (I just hope that he knew that I was joking.) He then told me to ‘be a man’ and deal with and it and said that Y/N should be up to my room in a few minutes. So I hung up the phone, unlocked the door, sat down back on my bed and kept an ear out for the newbie.
     The knocks on the door came half an hour later ('in a few minutes’ my ass). Already I knew who it was, so I said 'the door’s unlocked’ and in walked Y/N. She had her bags in her hands and a towel around her neck, telling me that she just came from the gym. That and Y/N was wearing a tank-top and shorts. Plus, she was drenched in sweat; which, I hate to admit, was kinda hot.
    “Hey, Roman,” Y/N said to me after she closed and locked the door.
       “Hey,” I said back to her. I leaned back on my -or I guess I should say our- bed and started to play a game on my phone just to show the new comer that I wasn’t interested in anything that she had to say. Unfortunately she wasn’t getting the message.
    “Sorry you have to share your room with me,” she said. “I know that this wasn’t your idea, but-”
“You can say that again,” I retorted with a roll of my eyes.
    “I know this wasn’t your idea, but-” Y/N annoyingly repeated herself and then laughed at herself. I narrowed my eyes at her and she just shrugged her shoulders.
“What,” she asked. “You said I could say it again.”
    “You know  I didn’t mean it, smart ass. Now, why don’t you go to sleep on the couch so that way I won’t have to hear your voice anymore?”
  “Seriously, Roman? The couch? I thought that you would be a gentleman and let me have the bed.”
      “Normally I would, but you’re such a newbie that you just don’t deserve it,” I said laughing to myself.
  “Whatever,”she scoffed back, “I have to take a shower first, anyways.”
   “In that case, I think I have to pee.”
  “No you don’t; you’re just saying that cause I said that I want to take a shower!”
      “Probably. But you’re still not going in the bathroom, and there’s nothing you can do about it, Newbie.”
    I was completely wrong on that part cause after I said that, Y/N came over to the side of the bed that I was on, lifted one of her legs up and slammed it down onto my stomach.
   “Fuck,” I groaned in pain. Then I rolled on my side and watched as Y/N walked into the bathroom with a smirk on her face.
          A few minutes later and I could hear the shower running.
                                         *                *                  *
      It had been a whole hour after Y/N had started her shower, and I had to piss. Badly. But she still wasn’t out of the bathroom. So I went to the door and heard the shower still running. I knocked hard a few times, but Y/N wasn’t responding. Look, I’m a gentleman and everything, but when a man’s gotta piss, a man’s gotta piss and I ain’t tryna piss through the window. I tried the doorknob and noticed that the door was unlocked, so I opened it and saw something that made my dick hard: Y/N had the shower head in her hand and it was pointed at her pussy. The look of pleasure was all over her face. Moans were escaping her lips, but it was hard to tell what she was saying exactly, so I listened more closely. “Fuck! Ro- Roman,” she purred my name. She purred my name!
   “Me,” I accidentally asked out loud. I still couldn’t believe that shit.
       “Shit! Roman? What the hell are you doing in here,” Y/N asked in return as she dropped the shower head. She quickly covered herself up with her hands at first and then with the shower curtain.
     “Uh, I had to take a leak,” I answered, “and you were takin’ way too long. By the way, were just playin’ with yourself….and thinkin’ about me?”
    “No! Now fuck off!”
      I took a few more steps into the bathroom and and put a smirk on my face. “Baby girl, I’d rather get you off,” I replied with a wink.
    Y/N let out a nervous gulp but had let go of the shower curtain, letting me see her in her whole naked, wet, beauty. “What’re gonna do to me, Roman?”
       “Pick that shower head back up and hand it to me, Newbie.” She did what I told her to do and I chuckled. “Baby girl, you got this on the wrong setting.”
   “What do you mean, I got it on the wrong setting,” Y/N asked impatiently, making me chuckle again.
      “Cause yo got it on spray when you should have it on massage.” I changed the setting and aimed the nozzle at Y/N’s clit. I smirked when she instantly moaned. The look on her face told me that she was enjoying this more than when she was doing this to herself.
       After a while I decided to get in the tub with the newbie. So I handed her the shower nozzle, got shirtless and pants-less and sat on the side of the tub. I took the nozzle back from her and watched as she started to rub herself. I licked my lips before I smacked her hand away and put two of fingers in her glorious hole.
   “Roman, oh my god,” Y/N screamed.
     “You like that, Baby-girl,” I asked her while I pumped in and out of her. God, I wish it was my cock filling her pussy up, but I had to wait til I got her good and ready and I had a great way to do that. I slowly pulled my fingers out of her, stood up and put the shower head back where it belongs.
     “What’re you doing, baby,” Y/N asked me in an innocent voice.
       “Nuh-uh, Newbie,” I said with a wag of my index finger. “You only get to call me Daddy.”
        “Yup, just like that; sounds fuckin’ hot too. Now, bring you fine ass closer to so I can eat you out.”
     Y/N smiled as she said “yes, Daddy”.
      She moved close enough so that her lightly trimmed bush was on my chin. I dipped my head a little to give myself a small taste of her dripping pussy. It was a quick swipe of my tongue and Y/N couldn’t help but to whimper.
    “Damn, baby, you taste so good!”
           “Fuck, how do you go from hating my guts to eating me out,” Y/N wanted to know.
    “Who cares, baby,” I answered, “just let me enjoy my feast.”
     Y/N rapidly nodded her head and I lapped up her moist opening. I went slow at first, but Y/N told me to stop teasing, so I went faster earning many loud moans from the newbie. She moaned my name plenty of times, holding on to my long hair as she came on my tongue with shakes and screams.
     “Damn, Newbie. I would’ve been doin’ this to ya much sooner if I had known that you were gonna taste so sweet and sound even sweeter.” I laughed while standing up in the tub.
      “Well, I would’ve let you do it sooner if I had known that your tongue was so powerf-” Y/N cut herself off when she saw my hard cock spring at my abs after I removed my briefs. “Holy shit,” she whispered, eyeing my dick, “you’ve got a mighty hammer there, Thor.”
    “Haha, thanks, Newbie.”
      Y/N groaned in annoyance. “When are you going to stop calling me that, Roman? You know that I’m great in the ring and I’ve beaten almost all of my opponents!”
   The whole time that Y/N was ranting, she was also looking at my naked body body up and down. She saw how my cock was dripping with pre-cum and licked her lips.
    “I’ll start callin’ you by your name once you prove to me that you can take this dick. Oh, and you can stop callin’ me Daddy while we fuck…unless of course you want to keep callin’ me Daddy.” A smirk made it’s way on to my face as Y/N made an ‘o’ shape with her mouth. “Now come on, Newbie, lets get started.”
   I helped Y/N wrap her legs around my waist and I was back in her glorious hole, but this time with my thick dick. When it got in her, the newbie gasped and asked me to give her some time to adjust to my size. Once she was ready, I slowly went in and out of her and both instantly moaned. I picked up the pace some after a few more slow thrusts, and I loooooved the way she felt around my cock. I told her that and she moaned while sucking on my neck.
    “I love the way you fill me up,” she finally said. “Your cock feels so fucking          good in me, Daddy.”
    “Mmm, I see you have no problem with still callin’ me Daddy, Newbie.”
    “Aw, fucking shiiiiit,” she moaned as I continued to pound into her and suckin’ on her nipples. “Can you blame me? You’re so fucking hot!”
     Y/N saying that got my motor running faster than before. So I made it so that Y/N’s back was right on the shower wall, picked up my pace and really pounded into her tight, wet pussy. God, it felt so fuckin’ good. My long hair got in my face and I so desperately needed to see the newbie’s sex face. So I flipped my hair over and saw her staring straight back at me with a tear falling down her cheek. I knew it was from pleasure, but I still felt the need to ask.
    “You okay, Baby-girl?”
      “Fuck yeah, Daddy,” she answered, out of breath. “You’re just really hitting my G-spot and it feels so fucking good and I -ah, shit!”
    I hit Y/N’s G-spot several more times, that’s how she cut herself off that time: cause she was enjoying my D too much. But I was enjoying her P just as much, maybe even more.
    “Come on, Newbie,” I growled, “cum all over my cock!” I told her that cause I knew that she was close; I could feel it. But I wanted her moans to be captured in my mouth, so I quickly put my mouth on hers and continued to thrust into her hole.
  Our tongues fought for dominance as we kissed and moaned in each other’s mouths. A few more thrusts later and I had the newbie shaking with pleasure. Her moans vibrating in my mouth added with her pussy pulsing around my cock had me cumming my own damn self.
    “Fuck, that was hot,” I said after I finished shooting my load in Y/N’s dripping pussy. I let Y/N back down and kissed her passionately on the lips.
   “I know, best sex ever,” Y/N replied. “But I took your dick. Hell, I loved taking it. So, I guess that means that you’re not gonna call me Newbie anymore, right?”
   I smirked at her before caressing her cheek. “That’s right, Y/N.” Her eyes lit up when I said her name. “Now lets get washed up and then go to bed together, Newbie.”
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