#i toyed with the idea of making Connor one of the scientists but
glass-noodle · 1 year
What would a role reversed merman AU scenario be like? And most impotant, what kind of fish species would Hank be? (Not meant as a drawing request or super elaborate essay or anything, I just love reading your ideas ✨️)
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I know you said this isn't a drawing/essay request but HOW COULD I RESIST!!!
I am not a fish expert but I like to think of Hank being either a dwarf gourami (for that good ol' in-game symbolism hehe) or a tiger shark, because stripes and big teeth and bad temper. Or maybe he could be some sort of tropical fish that's super vibrant and colourful, yet also deadly (poisonous fin spikes?). Marine biologists please weigh in!!!
Some half-formed unofficial notes:
Hank is more outwardly aggressive towards Kamski and the scientists in comparison to Connor’s cold-shoulder approach. They went through their entire tranquilizer supply in the first few months just to get a handle on the roaring, thrashing beast of a merman, and he’s caused more than a few major injuries amongst their team. Just like Connor, he bares his teeth and resists every time they come to take him for experiments; they have to sedate him from a greater distance and with a much heavier dose than they use for Connor, however.
Hank is a little less malnourished than Connor, but only because he doesn't refuse to eat. He's still thinner and weaker than he would be normally
Connor works the night shift. Not sure if it’s because he has another job during the daytime or if he’s going to school, but either way he manages to catch up on sleep during his breaks. He sacrifices this sleep once he and Hank start growing closer, however.
Hank takes much longer to warm up to Connor than the reverse. He snarls and snaps his teeth whenever Connor gets too close; it takes weeks for Connor to be able to approach the edge of the tank. He has to leave the fresh fish on the deck and back away before Hank will even look at it, ice-blue eyes narrowed with suspicion.
Connor is a bit more hesitant to get close to Hank, but that's only because he's always taken his job seriously and he doesn't like breaking the rules. He can't help but stare in awe whenever the large merman swims by, however, vibrant fins flashing and his muscled body cutting powerfully through the water. It's only when Connor starts noticing the scientists taking Hank away - and his glimpses of Hank's violent resistance - that his curiosity and empathy override his sense of obedience and his desire to make a good first impression.
Because Hank doesn't talk, Connor is given even more of an opportunity than usual to run his mouth. He blabbers away, asking question after question as if Hank could answer, sometimes philosophizing and sometimes talking about nothing at all. Hank tries to tune him out as he eats, but the human is annoyingly persistent. Eventually he grows used to the babble, but only after he starts begrudgingly warming up to the kid.
Because Connor talks so damn much, it's alarming when he goes quiet. Hank initiates contact for the first time by taking off his glasses when he has his breakdown. It's the first time Hank has ever been so close to him.
I think that Hank would still have lost Cole when he was a baby mer; possibly to humans and their trapping practices, giving him even more of a reason to hate them. I'm torn on what Connor's backstory should be, though. Perhaps he lost Nines (to an ocean storm?)? Or maybe it’s post-fight with Amanda and he’s feeling directionless in life, suffocating under the weight of his family’s expectations and feeling like he’s a burden and a disappointment despite everything that he’s achieved? Maybe it’s just a good ol’ panic attack because I love forcing anxiety onto human!Connor (no I’m not projecting what do u mean)
Hank's power and girth take on a whole new light after they’ve grown close. Connor is more distracted during their time together, his stream of chatter faltering uncharacteristically whenever Hank shifts a certain way or rips into a fish easily with his powerful jaws. He swallows when he imagines the full strength of the merman pressing him down against the deck, of Hank dragging him into the water and grazing those razor-sharp teeth along his skin, tail wrapped around his body like a serpent and trapping him in place.
Hank could hold the skinny human down with one hand. He knows he could. He imagines wide dark eyes staring up at him, skin flushed prettily and neat brown hair dripping, wordless for once in his life, and nearly loses his self-control. If they were both mermen, he'd be courting the kid to the ends of the ocean. Or...maybe Connor would be the one wooing him. He's certainly brought him enough fish and stared at his chest and arms enough that any merperson worth their salt would consider it mate-like behaviour. It's a weird cognitive dissonance to be feeling this way about a human, but Connor is — Connor is different. Hank likes Connor; he likes him so much that it's stupid.
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agentfrostbite · 4 years
It's Saturday and I'm in the mood, so let's talk about Elijah Kamski
Specifically about how he treats his Chloes. Obviously this is an opinion, and everyone is entitled to theirs, but as I read Chlonnor ship fics (they are adorable and I am unrepentant), I notice that a lot of them have Chloe becoming a deviant after Connor chooses not to shoot her. I don't have a problem with this, per se, but I have noticed several things in game that makes me think she's already a deviant.
1. The other two Chloes are already deviant
It's a small detail that tends to get overlooked because you're busy focusing on meeting Elijah and "OMG, Amanda's dead??" and later whether or not Connor actually shot Chloe. But these two girls right here?
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They're talking. They're chatting with each other. I know that doesn't sound like much, but look back on the rest of the game thus far. Androids that aren't deviant don't converse with other androids because there's no reason they should. They have a job, and unless they're being addressed by a human, that job doesn't involve talking. You know who does converse? Deviants. Additionally, they're just lounging in the pool, and I guess that Kamski could have ordered them in there because he doesn't like swimming alone/likes to swim with his Chloes/some other potentially creepier thing, but it feels a little too natural for that.
2. Kamski pushes Connor toward his own decision
Looking back on the scene, it's clear that Kamski is trying to force Connor into making the choice of whether or not to shoot Chloe, against Connor's will. He directly pits Connor's programming against his collected software instabilities to see which is stronger. Yes, he is a scientist, first and foremost, so he's gathering data through his test, but I think he's strongly leaning towards - and pushing Connor towards - a pro-deviant standpoint.
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His dialogue throughout the scene puts longer, more emotional, emphatic language on the idea of deviancy and the free will of androids - specifically of Connor. He pushes Connor to attempt an answer outside his programming ("Well, that's what you're programmed to say... but you...what do you really want?") and he places special emphasis on Connor's individuality ("Decide who you are. An obedient machine... Or a living being endowed with free will...") in the critical moment just before Connor decides whether or not to shoot.
That, combined with the fact that the two Chloes in the pool are conversing - and at this point, watching the scene, one notably with a concerned/uncertain look as she turns back around - tells me that Kamski is supportive of the idea of deviants.
3. Kamski closes off and expresses almost negative emotion if Connor does choose to shoot Chloe
If Connor decides that his mission is more important than Chloe and shoots, Kamski's attitude makes a definite shift. Where earlier he was toying with Hank and Connor, giving cryptic answers and sidestepping the main issue they were there to discuss, after Chloe is shot, he switches to straight answers and short replies.
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Additionally, this post by @omentrash​ highlights Kamski's obviously upset expression when Connor chooses to shoot Chloe. Call it what you like, but to me, this says he absolutely did not want Connor to fire.
4. No matter what route you choose, Kamski tells Connor about the emergency exit
In any situation where Connor ends up in a place of partial or total deviancy, Amanda resumes control of his program and traps him in the white-out blizzard Zen Garden. In this case, the only way for Connor to escape is to use the emergency exit. But he only knows about it because Kamski goes out of his way to inform Connor of it (and we'll get to the ramifications of Kamski knowing about Connor having it later).
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Obviously in the deviant best ending, Connor uses this to avoid shooting Markus and the surviving Jericrew in the back, and most of the time, this ending was preceded by Connor deciding not to shoot Chloe. So yes, it makes sense that Kamski would inform him about a way out, should something like what Amanda does happen to him. But he also tells Connor about it if Connor does shoot Chloe, which lets us know that Kamski is hoping that perhaps Connor will deviate somewhere later down the line. He didn't do it here, but he might when faced with the same situation at a future time. Kamski is looking out for Connor, even though Connor isn't a deviant yet, because Kamski has hope that he might become one.
5. Deviants are capable of acting like normal androids
I include this one to illustrate that just because Chloe appears to be a perfect hostess here
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and shows no emotion when faced with life or death doesn't mean that she's not a deviant. We know that deviants can, when necessary, act like normal androids. Markus and North do it at Stratford. (Specifically pointing out the part where a human opens the bathroom door, and Markus snaps to attention at the side, like a good little obedient Android janitor.)
Kamski is the Man of the Century. He revolutionized life for everyone across the planet by successfully creating a robotic assistant species that walks, talks, and looks roughly human, while doing everything a human can do with far more efficiency. Of course he gets house calls. And if his androids are deviants - and at the very least, the two in the pool are, so why wouldn't his first android be one as well? - and people come calling, they'd need to act like proper androids. Chloe, especially, since she greets people at the door and is the poster child.
And you'll notice, even in her interview, she acts more human than most androids do. She stammers, she smiles, she's clearly nervous. She shifts back and forth, readjusting in her seat like a human would. Sure, she needed to do these things to pass the Turing Test, but there's a deeper feel to it than just good programming. I think she was leaning heavily toward deviancy at that point. Not there yet, but close. That was years before we see her at Kamski's house in the game. She must be a deviant by now.
6. Kamski left an emergency exit in Connor's program, meaning that he had some hand in Connor's creation
So Kamski leaves emergency exits in all his programs; I think we've beaten the dead horse enough at this point, but I gotta do it one more time because why would Connor have his program? Base code, sure. Okay, we can make that argument that every android has the same base code as the original program. But we can also make the argument - and it has stronger evidence - that Kamski himself had a huge hand in developing the RK series. Proof? Markus.
Markus was a gift from Kamski to Carl; we know this from Connor's scan of Markus at Stratford Tower. We also know that Markus was a unique prototype, since his police file not only states this but also doesn't have a picture of him. No photo at all. Just a blank face, and "Unknown series" and a DESTROYED.
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If Markus was one of a small handful, then they'd have a photo of another. They certainly wouldn't have a "Unknown Series" on the file. This makes me think that Kamski made Markus on his own and then gifted him to Carl. I suspect this means that he still has connections at CyberLife, which he used to get the parts for Markus. By giving Markus to Carl, knowing that Carl would cause him to deviate, he set up the seed of the revolution. Now why would Kamski do that, unless he was pro-deviant?
CyberLife decides to create an android detective/negotiator with the most cutting edge technology and coding the world has ever seen. This model would hunt down deviants and bring them back, if possible, for analysis so CyberLife could lock down the problem and eliminate it with a software patch. It's a delicate operation; after all, Connor starts with his toes on the line of deviancy. Presumably, when he goes to rescue Emma from Daniel, it's his first mission, and already, he's struggling with software instabilities. To think like a deviant, you have to be as unpredictable as possible. That means that he's right on the edge, and he remains on that edge for most of the game, depending on what the player decides to do with him.
So CyberLife need some assistance getting the code ironed out to ensure their Deviant Hunter doesn't become a deviant himself (until the time is right), so they turn to the man who first invented androids and has already technically worked on the RK series: Kamski. They ask - or perhaps Kamski himself offers - and Kamski works on the code. Not all of it, not even the majority, just the few bits and pieces where their almost-deviant and anti-deviant codes clash. All of his work is surely checked - secretly, of course; no need to make him think they don't trust him - so there's really only one thing he can add to Connor's program: the emergency exit. And that's why Connor is his program, why CyberLife would allow the exit to remain, why Kamski points it out, no matter what you choose.
And Kamski would do none of this - it doesn’t make sense for him to do any of this - unless he's secretly cheering on the revolution from the sidelines.
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chicago-reeed · 5 years
PHCK ME - Reed900 Fic Rec List
Hello!!! You might not remember, but awhile back I mentioned I had the start of a fic rec list that I planned to post (which I never did). To celebrate all 1K+ of you, I thought I would finish the list for you! It is my duty as a loyal reed900 servant.
DISCLAIMER: This list of reccomendations was made purely out of personal opinion. I by no means want to discredit any other fics/authors. Some may not agree with my choices, and that’s totally understandable. I just wanted to share these fics because I personally enjoyed them <3
I didn’t include some fics because they haven’t been updated in a long time, or I didn’t remember them enough to give them accurate reviews. Also, I’m sure there are many more fics that I forgot to put on here (these are from my ao3 bookmarks). I might include them in a future update.
Anyways, all of my recs are under the cut! There are a lot!! I had eight pages worth of them in my documents haha
Mint Condition - by itsdefinitive - Mature - Content warnings - Chapters 18/? - Reed could see what they were going for there -- the whole infallible super-soldier thing.  A monument to testosterone made perfect, cast in steel within plastic.  It was actually really creepy.  Maybe that was on purpose.
The first reed900 fic I read, and it’s honestly what got me into the pairing itself.
Charon - by Vapewraith - Explicit: only suitable for adults - Author chose not to warn for content - Chapters 20/20 - Gavin Reed, a mess of a human being, just wants to be left to his self destructive tendencies. RK900, an android designed by the most brilliant minds in the world to be the perfect machine, is desperate to grasp the full range of emotional freedom now afforded to him. The two will need to find an equilibrium before their incompatible personalities—and an eccentric serial killer with a dangerous piece of tech—swallow them whole.
I can’t even describe how much I love this fic. I’m a slut for horror, and there’s plenty of that in here. It might just be my favorite. Definitely recommend.
Two Sides of a Vaguely Similar Coin - by ZombiBird - Mature - Author chose not to warn for content - Chapters 13/? - RK900 is lost.
It’s been months since the Revolution and he’s still no closer to figuring out what the hell he’s supposed to be doing with himself. He feels like an outsider in his own body. Completely detached, nothing more than a quiet observer; like he’s looking down at the world through a layer of glass instead of fully living in it.
Gavin Reed is a temperamental asshole.
This isn’t news, okay? Gavin’s fully aware of what he is. He burns bridges instead of building them. Bites hands instead of shaking them. Would rather drown in a sea comprised of the consequences of his faults and misdeeds than try to change the way he is. Because people like him? Maybe they deserve to drown.
[Alternatively: Both lost in different ways, Gavin and RK900 try to figure their shit out and end up learning that, sometimes, it takes two people who have absolutely no idea what the hell they’re doing to get a goddamn clue.]
I don’t remember much about this fic, if I’m honest. Not that the story is forgettable, it’s just been awhile since I read it. However, the title definitely stood out to me so I know it was very good :P
Captcha Encryption - by Cerulaine - Explicit: only suitable for adults - Content warnings - Chapters 18/? - It's a little over a year after the android uprising and it's still the end of the fucking world.
Back in the day when things became shit he used to enjoy a drink or two. Or Five. It all depended on how long the shift ran. After 'The Accident' he can't even cough without Nines breathing down his neck anymore.
He just wishes everything would go back to normal, but if there's anything Gavin has learned it's that you can't unring a bell once it's been rung.
Or whatever. Fuck if he knows.
Similar situation to the last fic: I don’t remember much about it (my memory SUCKS), but I do remember thoroughly enjoying this one.
Daydreamer - by Pence - Mature - Content warnings - Chapters 21/24 - Large purple bruises twined prettily around the corpse’s throat, every finger defined in perfect cruelty. His eyes tore away from the handprints as a cold finger traced the lightning strike scar across the center of his face—drawing his attention to a small, blue lipped smile.
“Do you think you’ll ever leave this town, Gavin?”
When a series of Detroit murders are linked as originating in his hometown, Gavin Reed is unwillingly assigned the case. Fowler insists that his history with the place and people will hugely benefit such an investigation.
He was fucking wrong. 
This fic is one big holy shit moment tbh. Really fantastic. Really makes you wonder why these authors aren’t paid to do this.
All Aboard the Underground Railroad - by Senjihae - No Rating - Author chose not to warn for content - Chapters 11/? - What starts as sticking it towards his half brother evolves into something with the potential to rewrite android history as he knows it. Gavin doesn't realize what he gets himself into until he is mistaken as the 'Android Messiah' of all things. It's not like he goes out of his way to help them, but his life gets a lot harder once Hank is assigned a shiny new boy toy ('sent by CyberLife').
Things only get worse when he's gifted a heap of metal of his own ('sent by Elijah Kamski').
(Yeah, fuck off Elijah)
Very interesting fic. Gavin is RA9 so that’s a thing. A nice slow burn!
Dragon Become Age - by errantwheat - Explicit: only suitable for adults - Content Warnings - Chapters 11/? - Y’all wanted me to write dragon age!au so I did :)
YES! YES! YES! DRAGON AGE AU! YES! YES! YES! (it’s really gud)
Warmth - by TheRedPaladin101 - Teen and Up Audiences - No Warnings - Chapters 1/1 - Gavin frowned, the aching in his shoulder fading from his mind for a moment. “Then give me my jacket.”
“Your jacket is in no condition to keep you warm,” he stated. “For now, use mine and stay warm while we wait to head back to the station.”
Five times RK900 gave Gavin Reed his jacket, and one time Gavin gave his in return.
Very wholesome. Lives up to its title. Some good ole hurt/comfort!
Letifer - Terminallydepraved - Explicit: only suitable for adults - Author chose not to warn for content - Chapters 19/19 - Gavin Reed is a DPD beat cop determined to make detective by any means possible, and putting an end to a string of murders looks like the quickest way to accomplishing that goal. Unfortunately for him, he fails to account for the real culprit— or the thought that perhaps he isn't the only one on the hunt for a killer.
(Now with cover art by Leetmorry!)
I love beat cop!gavin. It humbles him. And vampire!nines is scary and amazing. Love how the author wrote both of these characters (and the others too!). I definitely recommend this one!
A Strange and Beautiful Creature -  by LittleLalaith - General audiences - No warnings - Chapters 7/7 - Scientist Nines is called in to Amanda's lab to assist with a new discovery - a genuine Mermaid.
While Amanda is indifferent to the creature's circumstances, Nines builds an unlikely connection to the specimen and they grow a little closer than either of them expected.
(AKA Gavin is a sassy sea slug and Nines thrills in breaking the safety protocols)
Mermaid au! Nines wants to save mermaid Gavin, and it’s all very wholesome.
I Think You Do - by spotlightonmringenue - Teen and Up Audiences - Author chose not to warn for content - Chapters 16/? - “Son of a bitch, there’s another one. What the fuck is it doing,” Gavin says, grip going white on the gun as the android continues to stare at him without acknowledging Connor.
“RK900, my name is Connor. I’m part of a group called Jericho that recovered you from Cyberlife’s Production Center late yesterday. We are currently in the Detroit Police Department Central Station. Are you feeling okay?”
“It doesn’t feel shit,” Gavin mumbles, resisting the urge to step back as the RK900 takes a step closer. It holds out the cup, and Gavin’s eyes dart to it for only a second before flipping between Connor and his doppelganger.
“You requested coffee,” it says, and Hank sighs, leaning back against his desk while rubbing a hand over his forehead.
Quality ‘enemies to friends’ content. Nines is intimidating. Gavin is confused. Good times.
Flying with Crooked Wings - by UnCon - Mature - No warnings - Chapters 20/? - “Listen, kid,” Gavin started, cutting off the desolate child. Sure it was sad his dog had died but it wasn’t Gavin’s fault no one taught the little twerp chocolate was a dog’s kryptonite, “he’s in a better place, alright, so if you’d just stop asking for him to come back—it’d be much appreciated.”
“You promise?” the eight-year-old asked, his big brown eyes looking like glass—fragile and sparkly.
“Yeah,” Gavin lied, looking away as he did it—his halo going a bit crooked. To be honest, he wasn’t sure where dogs went after they died, only that he was tasked with calming the little boys and girls who despaired after them—at least until his punishment was up. “So just, you know, go to sleep and all that.”
In a world where angels and demons inhabit the same earth, both searching for a way to overthrow the other, both failing--Gavin sits right in the middle, with a crooked halo and a pair of wings to match. It's not enough to be a bit mischievous, however, he also has to get caught up in the demon brothers' scheme to take over heaven. Perfect.
Really good! This fic has the interesting dynamic of Gavin as an angel and Nines as a demon. Check it out!
The Red String Will Still Connect Us Ten Thousand Miles Apart (and to the moon and back) - by Jillflur - Teen and Up - Content warnings - Chapters 5/5 - Gavin, an ‘unlovable’ man without a Soulmate. He was used to it, never had one since he could remember. However, that little fact changes when he wakes up one day and realizes that he suddenly has a Red String connected to his ring finger. It only gets worse when months later, an android walks into the precinct who apparently is his new Soulmate!
Can androids even have Soulmates?!
To make everything even more complicated, a sudden new killer is on the Streets, and he murders people by cutting their Red Strings!
A soulmate fic by our very own jillflur! So good. Amazin. I love the red string trope so much. Yall should big read.
the prince & the reed - by Pence - Mature - Content warnings - Chapters 2/? - "I wanted to marry you," the prince murmured, polished armor gleaming as he stared down at the injured man--icy eyes tinged with sadness. Regret.
A guttural scream ripped from the soldier's throat as a heel dug into his wound, arm coated crimson from his weeping shoulder.
The soldier's teeth were stained pink as he jerked his chin up to grin toothily at the other man, bloody fingers scrambling down his thigh in search of the dagger tucked into his boot.
"Then drop to your knees and ask me properly, Nines."
Okay this fic is only two chapters and hasn’t been updated in awhile but GOT DAMN do I love how the author set this medieval fic up. I’m a slut for the medieval au’s, so that’s just extra points.
Not a teacher but I can teach you a thing or two - by Adishailan - Teens and Up - No warnings - Chapters 20/20 - Gavin owed the walking hunk of plastic. He owed him. Ugh, Gavin hated owing people stuff. It gave him a horrible feeling in his stomach, like indigestion, except worse because it involved emotionsTM. This, coupled with the fact he was pumped up with drugs and suffering a concussion, was why he was about to make a terrible, terrible mistake.
“‘Kay. Fine. Thanks or whatever. Lemme know if you ever need anythin' prick.”
RK900’s LED went yellow at this, and this time Gavin was pretty sure he was doing the processing thing. It was still yellow even when he nodded in a serious way and said:
“That would be useful.”
Oh man this one is BIG CUTE! It’s so soft, and is a fantastic slow burn. I totally recommend this fic.
O May I Join the Choir Invisible - by BanishedOne - Mature - No warnings - Chapters 13/? - Gavin Reed was a new inmate at a prison where the infamous killer, R. Nathan Kearney, was on death row. Circumstances led to an unfortunate encounter.
Okay don’t quote me on this but I think you can find the rest of this fic on Twitter. It was posted in a bunch of seperate posts and it was really confusing but there was definitely extra chapters. You can find the post here (or at BanishedOne on twitter). Other than that, this is a really good fic! The boys get into a lot of trouble!
Neon Maps - by caffienefueledfeels - Explicit: only suitable for adults - Content warnings - Chapters 11/11 - Everyone has their limits. Gavin is about to discover several of his own.
He's broke, barely scraping along, and struggling to keep an aggressive black-mailer off his back. On top of that, the grey-eyed distraction in his bed is about to test his heart in more ways than one.
Cyberpunk fic!! Super interesting! Go check it out!
Computers Are Elaborate Cat Beds, Actually - by errantwheat - No Rating - Author chose not to warn for content - Chapters 6/? - “Marvelous find, Gavin. They’ll promote you for this, surely.”
Gavin pulled an exaggerated frown. He was awfully animated for a robot. “Jesus, What kind of human are you? I’m waving a fucking kitten in your face and you’re still a bitch.”
Really cute. I’m pretty sure there’s some art to go with this fic. Super duper cute reverse au!
More Than a Woman, More Than a Bride - by AvixiLynn91 - Explicit: only suitable for adults - Content warnings - Chapters 38/? - When Gavin’s life is threatened for the last time by a violent gang expanding the production of a new drug in Detroit, Captain Fowler must come up with a plan for his safety. Perhaps forcing a marriage between Nines and Gavin wasn’t the best solution he could come up with...
Oh man. This fic. Let me tell you. I’ve been with this fic since the beginning and it is one hell of a roller coaster XD. The author updates constantly, it’s really impressive.
More Like You - by Mooneye - Teen and Up - No warnings - Chapters 1/1 - “This next bit’s going to get awkward. I’m going to interface with you.”
At that he could feel the collective confusion in the room. His eyes darted up to look at Hank and then Nines. They both seemed eerily still and were possibly thinking that Gavin had surely lost his mind.
Gavin has kept his prosthetic arm, with good reason, a secret from humans and androids alike for as long as he’s had it. The prospect of losing Nines threatens to unravel everything, but perhaps it’s worth the cost.
The idea of Gavin (an android hater in-game) having a prosthetic-android arm is definitely interesting!
An Unforeseen Union - by AvixiLynn91 - Explicit: only suitable for adults - Author chose not to warn for content - Chapters 16/16 - Gavin and Nines are sent undercover to investigate a slew of brutal murders at a gay counselling and therapy resort for androids and humans. They're forced to pose as a couple, but soon feel their relationship becoming more than an act as real feelings develop.
I loved the dramatic whodunnit vibes in this fic! It gets crazy :P
The Great DPD Kink-Off - by connorssock, LittleLalaith, Skye_Willows, Stujet9rainshine - Explicit: only suitable for adults - Author chose not to warn for content - Chapters 24/24 - It started out as a bit of rivalry and turned into a competition. Who was the kinkiest android in town?
If you like smut, then read this. That is all I will say.
The Black Nights, The Long Dark - by bvssbot - Explicit - Content warnings - Chapters 8/12 - translation of an amazing russian fic тёмные ночи, долгая тьма (the dark nights, the long darkness) into english
An unknown catastrophe was the reason Gavin ended up stranded alone on a godforsaken Canadian island. Having almost made peace with the thought of living in solitude for the rest of his days, he saves the life of a pilot named Richard, whose airplane crashed in the middle of his humanitarian mission.
Shit, I loved ‘The Long Dark’ and I love this fic. I don’t speak russian, unfortunately, so I must wait to read the end. But this is still amazing and you all should read it.
Detroit: Outlast - by Cardboardghost - Mature - Content warnings - Chapters 1/? - Connor Upshur is a down on his luck reporter, who spends his nights getting drunk and passing out at home. A mysterious email calls him to Mount Massive Asylum, owned by the Cyberlife corporation. Armed with nothing but a camera and his wits, Connor must brave the asylum's horrors and find way to save the people Cyberlife stole from him.
Gavin Park is a beat cop looking for a more well paying job. So when an offer to work private security at the Cyberlife corporation all but falls into his lap, how could he refuse? Gavin quickly realizes things are not what they seem, and in an attempt to expose Cyberlife, he ends up further in their clutches. Now he and Connor must work together to claw their way out of the asylum's depths, and the familiar faces that wait inside those walls.
This fic only has onw chapter, but go check out Cardboardghost’s art if you finish reading this!! They have provided so much quality content for the Outlast/DBH crossover I didn’t know I needed.
Gin & Tonic - by limchi - Explicit - No warnings - Chapters 8/? - People didn’t like Gavin Reed. Gavin Reed didn’t like people. It went together like gin and tonic, you can’t have one without the other. Nines hated him and he hated Nines. Those were the rules they played by, the rules that couldn't be changed - until fate decided they could.
It turned Gavin into pretending to dislike and Nines into a dense idiot with a crush, unable to grasp the concept of love. Both in utter denial. The catch: gravity worked against them, pulled them together at a frightening pace. Push against and defy the rules of nature or go along the prevailing forces?
Your friendly neighborhood reed900 fic. Very epic slow burn and fluff (and a hint of angst tbh). I definitely recommend!
Bitter Half - by turnabout - Mature - Author chose not to warn for content - Chapters 5/5 - Gavin Reed was born unmarked, and had spent his entire life expecting to die like he lived - alone. It isn't until Tina points out the new serial number on his chest that he realizes everything is about to change. Whether that's for better or for worse is up to him.
I’m a sucker for soulmate fics and this one does not disappoint!
K-900 - by Serazimei - Teen and Up - No warnings - Chapters 3/3 - Gavin and Nines were a great team. Unfortunately they were both huge workaholics. That's why when Nines' body gets busted on a job and the needed parts aren't available yet chaos is inevitable. Needing to choose between waiting and potentially being of no use at work or participate in one of Kamskis experiments and transfer his mind into an Android dog the decision is easy to make.
Who knew being in a dog body could become such a hassle? Not Nines, that's for sure.
Nines is a pup!!! I don’t believe I’ve seen a fic like this yet, so it’s really cool!
Thanks I'm Hating It - by Lupo (LupoLight) - Explicit: only suitable for adults - No warnings - Chapters 4/4 - Gavin goes to a fast food burger joint and Nines judges him. Then he realizes that Gavin isn't as much of a dick as he used to be, except he is, but in a different way. He isn't sure how to react to this knowledge.
QUALITY reed900 content
Bloodstains - by DeviantAlicee - Mature - Content warnings - Chapters 12/? - Nines is an interrogator & detective for the DPD with a dark past. His thick skin & smarts helping him to be one of the most valuable members of the department. He's cold & daunting.
GV200 is one of the first police android models who's partnered with a cruel beat cop who not only hates that his partner is an android but doesn't think GV can feel any of the cruel things he does or says to him. The android doesn't speak up due to the fear of being shut down.
Nines has no clue that the android he bumped into at a bar is in fact a police android. He just thinks that he might be somebody in need of some help. But, as time passes by & a new drug that can be used by androids begins to circulate, Nines begins to realise the situation is a whole lot more convoluted than he originally thought.
This is a really interesting reverse au! Check it out!
Team spirit - by ilse_writes - Mature - No warnings - Chapters 4/4 - Someone had the unholy idea to go camping with the department, all in the name of 'team building'. Gavin is not liking it very much. That tall instructor with his haughty manners and cool eyes... that one he likes very much.
I don’t think I’ve seen another au quite like this one. Very epic content, can we hit Gavin Reed?
Wake Up - by SkySquid22 - Mature - Content warnings - Chapters 6/? - “Gavin!”
GV200 slipped out of his stasis. He didn’t get a chance to open his eyes before a file came down on his face, smacking him.
“And here I thought tin cans didn’t sleep.”
Something was wrong.
Something was very very wrong.
DIS GOT ME  F U C K E D  U P!!! Bruh @skysquid200 really out here shaking my world with this fic. I was hollering while reading this like I got HYPED
Natural - by Erik_Heinrich - Teen and Up - Author chose not to warn for content - Chapters 1/? - They are all wing people.
Gavin gets partnered with Nines. As expected hes not too happy about it, but their partnership seems to be going well. That is until spring comes along. Nines wings seem a bit fidgety and Gavin is nesting. Nines doesn't realize he's been trying to court Gavin, and Gavin is just as oblivious.
or. They are both complete idiots the whole time
WING FIC WING FIC WING FIC!!!! Yall dont know how long I’ve looked for a reed900 wing fic. My homie @phckingusername out here doin God’s work <333
Thank you all so much for 1K!!! Being able to hop on Tumblr everyday and talk to you guys makes me so happy!! I really hope I didn't f up this rec list anywhere lol. Hope u guys like it!!
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queenofcats17 · 5 years
The Outbreak Part 2
@bornoffireandwisdom had more ideas after my last outbreak story and I wanted to write them.
Once again, this Murray Hill belongs to @circus-craze
Joey was in a mood. For the most part, he’d encountered rather little resistance in the corruption of his workers, but there were still little pockets of survivors. Such as the Benton woman, Connor and Pendle, and dear Bertie. Not to mention, his experiment with Susie hadn’t worked out nearly as well as he’d hoped it would. She was still strapped to the table, barely conscious and sobbing quietly. She did look like Alice, he’d managed that much, but he’d misjudged a few things and her face...
“I had such high hopes for you, Miss Campbell.” Joey sighed, leaning on the table. “No one was more devoted to Alice than you. But it appears you’re just not perfect enough.”
“Not perfect...enough?” Susie’s words were slurred, her speech hampered by the gaping holes on her left cheek. “But I’m...Alice.”
“Evidently, not Alice enough.” Joey cooed, sticking a finger through one of the holes to touch the exposed muscle and gums. How strange. Her body was composed of ink now, and yet it still felt like the flesh of a human. Although his finger came away wet with ink, not saliva. 
“Perhaps Miss Pendle will provide a better result.” He wiped his hand on his pants, ready to walk away.
“No!” Susie shrieked, struggling against her bonds. “Alice is mine! She’s mine! You can’t take her away from me!”
“Yes yes, of course.” He waved a hand dismissively. 
“YOU SAID I’D BE ALICE!” Susie screamed, almost managing to break her restraints. For an instant, Joey’s temper flared. The air in the room became heavier and Susie suddenly found it harder to breathe.
“Don’t raise your voice at me, Miss Campbell,” Joey said calmly, adjusting his bowtie. “I did my best with you. But you just weren’t willing enough. This is your fault.” He left her shocked and whimpering as he went to check on Murray.
Since most of the studio had been corrupted by this point, Murray had moved on to running tests on the Searchers and those who hadn’t yet turned. His most notable test subject at the moment was Sammy, who’d been tied to a chair and was currently growling and straining against his bonds trying to corrupt Murray. Joey had ordered Sammy to sit down in the chair earlier and Murray had tied the music director up.
“Interesting.” Murray murmured to himself, noting a few things down on his clipboard. He’d put on gloves in order to be able to touch Sammy without being corrupted himself, although the protection they offered wasn’t nearly as much as he would have preferred. The ink was potent, and Murray would rather have had a full hazmat suit in order to observe the corrupted individuals. But he didn’t really have access to that so he’d made do with what he had.
The results of the virus on the employees truly was fascinating though, especially in regards to Sammy. Unlike the Searchers, Sammy still had a physical body under the layer of ink. His skin was deathly pale, dark veins standing out in stark contrast to the pale flesh. Ink leaked from Sammy’s mouth and eyes, as well as from any cuts he might have sustained. The Searchers themselves had bodies entirely composed of ink, as though their physical bodies had been dissolved. However, they showed signs of being able to form physical bodies if the need arose. The ink also seemed to be able to regenerate lost limbs of its victims. There were a few employees who’d been missing limbs prior to being infected and had regained them upon their transformations into Searchers. 
“Truly fascinating.” Murray leaned closer to Sammy, wiping away some of the ink around his eyes. Sammy took this opportunity to snap at Murray’s fingers, although Murray managed to snatch his hand away in time. 
“I’ll have to be more careful,” Murray muttered to himself, bowing his head to scribble furiously on his paper. Joey smiled as he entered, walking soundlessly up behind Murray and clapping a hand on the scientist’s shoulder. 
“You seem like you’re having fun.”
“Agh!” Murray fell off his chair, landing in an undignified heap on the ground.
“You really need to pay more attention.” Joey chided him as the other man clambered to his feet. “You never know what could sneak up on you.”
“I-I know.” Murray cleared his throat awkwardly. “Erm, I wouldn’t say I’m having fun exactly. But this is fascinating!” His whole face lit up. “I’ve never encountered anything like this before! The way their physical bodies seem to have been broken down and absorbed into the ink but they still have the ability to hold some sort of concrete form-”
“Mm-hm.” Joey made a vague noise of acknowledgment. He wasn’t paying attention to what Murray was saying anymore. He didn’t care how the infection worked, so long as he was in control of it. 
“Right...” Murray’s face fell and he bit his lip. “So...Is there a reason you came to visit me?”
“I just wanted to see what you were doing, make sure Lawrence wasn’t giving you any trouble.” Joey waved a hand toward Sammy. “I’ll be out for a bit. I have to locate Miss Pendle. Miss Campbell didn’t work out as Alice.”
“That’s unfortunate.” Murray shrugged, turning his attention back to Sammy. “Well, best of luck, Mr. Drew.”
“Make sure not to die.” Joey slapped Murray’s back. “It would be terribly inconvenient for me to lose you when we still have so much work to do.” Murray made a small squeak at the dark tone in Joey’s voice, hunching over his clipboard more. Joey smiled, starting to whistle as he left. 
It wasn’t too terribly hard to locate Thomas and Allison. Joey could see through the eyes of the Searchers and knew the couple was holed up on in Alice Angel’s meet and greet area. Allison had somehow managed to get ahold of a sword and was proving to be much more dangerous than Joey had thought she’d be. He’d anticipated Thomas putting up a fight, the man wasn’t exactly small or weak, but Allison was a surprise.
“Well well well. Look at you.” Joey’s nose wrinkled in distaste. “What a pair you both make.” It wouldn’t be too hard to overcome them, but it would certainly be irritating. Especially since Allison had a sword. Where had she even found one of those? He allowed himself a small growl of frustration, stepping through one of the ink puddles and coming out in the Heavenly Toys lobby. As he stepped out, he felt the presence of a good many Searchers surrounding his quarry. More than he’d anticipated. Enough to easily overpower Allison and Thomas, if used correctly. 
For a moment, he was surprised. Then he began to smile. 
“Well, this might be easier than I thought.”
Lacie and Shawn were headed down to Bendy Hell. Lacie knew full well that Bertram was probably alright, but she had to check anyway. Besides, she and Shawn really needed a safe place to hole up for a little, and Bertram was their best bet. Most wouldn’t think Bertram was the sort who could handle himself in a fight, but Lacie knew what he hid under his suits. Shawn was almost catatonic, muttering to himself in Gaelic. 
“Shawn, you gotta keep up,” Lacie said, looking back at the toymaker. “We’re almost there.”
“Mm.” Shawn nodded vaguely. Lacie stopped walking, causing Shawn to literally run into her and stumble back. 
“I’m sorry about Grant.”
“‘S not your fault,” Shawn mumbled. “I should’ve been there for him. Shouldn’t have let him get hurt like that.”
“You can’t blame yourself,” Lacie said firmly, putting a hand on Shawn’s shoulder. “This is Drew’s fault. He’s behind all of this.”
“I let this happen to him.” Shawn showed no signs of having heard her, staring into the distance with unfocused eyes. “The poor boy. I should’ve been there for him.” 
Lacie sighed heavily and withdrew her hand. “You’re going to end up getting yourself killed, Flynn.”
“Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad,” Shawn replied. Lacie’s head snapped up. Before Shawn could properly react, Lacie had slammed him up against the wall. Shawn let out a small yelp of surprise.
“Don’t you dare say that.” She growled. Her calloused fingers dug painfully into Shawn’s shoulders. 
“I’m not letting you die.” She leaned in close enough that their noses were almost touching. “You don’t get to just roll over and die. Not on my watch. Do you understand me?” Shawn stared at her, his expression flat and unreadable. 
“Do. You. Understand. Me?” Her grip on his shoulders tightened. Shawn winced, pressing his back against the wall and lowered his head. They stood there for a long time, Lacie staring at Shawn and Shawn refusing to look at her. 
“Shawn. Please. I can’t lose you too.” Lacie didn’t often beg. But she was tired. And she didn’t want to lose another one of her friends. Not after seeing what had happened to Grant.
“He needs someone to protect him,” Shawn said, his gaze still firmly on the floor. 
“For Christ’s sake.” Lacie took a step back, pinching the bridge of her nose. “You’re just going to give up then? Just roll over and let Drew win?”
“Grant needs someone to keep him safe!” Shawn snapped. “Who knows what he’s going through right now! I can’t just leave him like that!”
“Fine! Go on and get it over with!” Lacie gestured around them. “This place is crawling with things that are dying to rip your throat out! I’m sure one of them would be happy to end your miserable life!” Shawn’s face twisted in a snarl. He spat at Lacie’s feet before storming off. Lacie watched him go, arms folded. 
It only took a few minutes for her to regret letting him go off on his own. She’d just let one of her best friends literally head to his death. Her throat felt tight. She should have stopped him. She should have tried to force him to come with her. But...No. He wouldn’t have given this up. Grant was his little brother in all but blood. 
“You’re such an idiot, Shawn.”  She muttered to herself, trying to blink away the tears. She took a deep breath. In through the nose and out through the mouth. She had to keep going. She was almost there. She just had to make it to Bertram.
Bertram had never been fond of Joey in the first place. In his opinion, the studio head was a spoiled brat with obsession and attachment issues. This ink plague certainly wasn’t helping his feelings toward the other man. He was almost certain that whatever this was, Joey was behind it. He had to be. Bertram had mostly been left alone by the creatures his coworkers had transformed into (they seemed to have enough sanity left to still be rather afraid of him), but there had been a few brave Searchers that had ventured into his ride storage area. Bertram had fended them back with a fire ax he’d pulled from a wall.
“Drew certainly has some explaining to do.” He huffed, shaking some excess ink off the ax. “I can’t wait to hear what excuse he has this time.” He glanced to the doorway. He wasn’t sure how long he could hold out. He had some food, yes, and a little water, but not enough to last him a substantial amount of time. Besides, once Joey figured out he hadn’t been taken, Bertram had no doubt the madman would come looking for him.
This wasn’t how Bertram had imagined dying. He hadn’t really imagined dying at all. He’d known it would happen, death was an inevitability, but he hadn’t really thought about it all that much. He’d mostly just assumed he’d die from old age, decades in the future. The idea of dying at Joey’s hands was infuriating. Bertram tried to focus on his anger. If he was angry, he couldn’t be scared. But the fear crept in nonetheless. There was no way out. Even if Bertram could make his way to the upper levels, Joey had likely sealed off all available exits. Bertram was powerless to stop whatever was happening. That was perhaps what terrified and frustrated Bertram the most. He couldn’t do anything.
“I hope Lacie’s alright.” The words slipped out before he could stop himself. That was another thing that had been nagging at him. He didn’t know what had happened to Lacie and the uncertainty was eating him alive.
“Oh, don’t worry. She’s doing quite well.”
Bertram froze at the voice. 
“Drew.” He turned around slowly, gripping the ax. His breath caught in his throat when he saw Joey, though. Or, at least, who Joey had with him.
“What’s wrong?” Joey asked with a sinister smile. “Aren’t you happy to see your little girlfriend?” He held Lacie by the hair, dragging her along as if she was a rag doll. Lacie was fighting back as best she could, but her movements were weak, and Bertram could see the black spreading through her veins. She was pale and sweating profusely. 
“Let her go.” Bertram’s expression turned positively demonic.
“Oh, you know I can’t do that.” Joey laughed. “She’s going to be a part of my family. And so are you. Besides, even if I physically let her go, it wouldn’t make a difference.”
“Bertie, run.” Lacie gasped. “Get...Get out.”
“Don’t encourage him.” Joey chided her, yanking her head up. Lacie let out a yelp of pain, trying desperately to dislodge Joey’s hand from her hair.
“Let her go!” Bertram yelled, taking a step forward. He had the ax up and ready, but his hands were shaking too hard to properly wield it.
“I already told you, I can’t do that.” Joey’s smile widened. “Now, are you going to join my family willingly? Or do I have to give you some...incentive?” His eyes darted suggestively over to Lacie. 
“You bas-” Bertram started to curse the studio head out, but Joey sharply cut him off.
“Language.” His expression changed to one of mild irritation. “Do I have to wash your mouth out with soap, Bertie?” That patronizing tone, the way Joey clicked his tongue and shook his head as though dealing with a little boy. Bertram saw red.
“I am a grown man! Do not speak to me as though I’m a child!” He roared, raising the ax and running toward Joey. Joey reacted calmly, taking a step back. Before Bertram could swing the ax down, he found himself faced with a different foe. Joey had dragged Lacie up, using her as a human shield. Bertram froze, the ax above his head. 
“Alright, incentive it is, I suppose,” Joey said. He smiled wide, showing all of his strangely white teeth. His eyes began to glow red and Lacie screamed. Joey’s grip on her hair tightened. Ink began to pour from every orifice of her body. Her eyes, her nose, her mouth. 
“Stop!” Bertram fell to his knees. 
“Join my family, then.” Joey’s voice was sweet and gentle. 
“I’m not going to join your damn family!” Bertram yelled, tears streaming down his face. Joey pouted, legitimately pouted. 
“I’m being reasonable.” He huffed, reaching down with his free hand to take Lacie’s arm. For a moment, Bertram was afraid Joey was going to snap her arm. Instead, Joey dug his nail into the flesh of her arm. Once he’d opened up a wound, multiple Searchers appeared around him. Leaning down, Joey allowed one of the Searchers to place a hand over Lacie’s wound. The dark veins bulged and Lacie screamed, her voice distorting as the ink spread across her body. Joey hummed to himself while Bertram watched in horror as the ink consumed his dearest friend.
“I asked you nicely, Bertie,” Joey said, letting go of Lacie. She fell to the ground in a heap before slowly getting back up. Her body was mostly covered in ink now, her eyes two uniform glowing circles. 
“Lacie?” Bertram whispered. 
“Not quite.” Joey grinned. Then Lacie launched herself at Bertram.
Joey had Bertram put into his precious octopus machine. As tempting as it would have been to have Bertram at his beck and call, Joey rather preferred having Bertram be immobile, forced to sit by himself and think. The mind was one’s worst enemy after all. And Bertram did think. It was all he could do. He sat in his ride, lamenting his fate and the corrupted body he now inhabited. He wasn’t a part of the hivemind, so he couldn’t even feel the comfort that came with the presence of the others. He only had the silence. 
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enkisstories · 5 years
The android cemetery (Chapter 14)
The car… Never had Daniel been happier to see Gavin’s plain old car. The moonlight got reflected off its silvery coat and it was smelling of home. Gavin, too, was smelling and definitely not of roses. Daniel registered this only in the form of numbers to the effect of “Your human needs a bath”, but it was still one of the most welcome notifications, because bath time was just so cozy.
They stored the PL600’s corpse in the trunk as quickly as they could.
“Don’t forget your arm, Mister!” the YK600 addressed Gavin, holding the android limb out to the man. “I took good care of it! Almost lost Matȟó Ǧí because I had to keep the arm save.”
“That was pretty clever of you”, Daniel had to admit. “Giving her that order to keep her composed. But I guess that also means she’s no deviant.”
“Hard to tell with that series. If they prank you, is it because they have gone deviant-disobedient or because that’s something kids do, well within their programming?  The latest models are even equipped to express sibling rivalry.”
“Pranks? Did Alice play a prank on you on the Adeline?” Daniel inquired.
“No. That little piece of shit is hopeless.”
“I wouldn’t have called her that, but I agree with you. But you mentioned sibling rivalry. Does that also cover sibling… jealousy?” After having experienced that particular notion just tonight, Daniel was sympathetic with anybody else going through it. “Do you think we might have a little runaway here, Gavin?” he asked. “I mean, if you throw away an android you do not include toys and bedding!”
“Might be. – Is that true, Little Miss Smelly? Did you worthless speck of plastic hurt the feelings of real people by running away from them?”
The YK600 shrugged in a defiant way. “My parents do not want me anymore. They have a new one now.”
“A new android?”
“A new baby.”
Daniel nodded grimly. “Sibling jealousy alright. What a wonderful challenge for the owner’s parenting skill… And what a marvelous experience to have your kiddo run away without a “real” child getting endangered.”
Gavin leaned against his car. He took out the tobacco box and rolled another cigarette. Meanwhile the YK600 had started sobbing again. By the time Gavin took the first drag, Daniel had at least managed to learn the android’s name: Evelyn Turner.
“I wasn’t good enough”, Evelyn cried. “They felt they needed another! I failed and I’m worthless!”
“Probably, yes”, Gavin calmly commented between more drags.
“Remind me to never let you man a suicide hotline!” Daniel snapped.
He led Evelyn past Gavin to the car door and was just about to usher her inside, when the human spoke up again: “This isn’t how it works, Daniel and Little Miss Smelly.”
The man tossed the cigarette to the ground, stepped on it and then knelt down to face the girlchild.
“Who said you had to have worth? You didn’t apply for life, it just happened to you. So it owes you, not the other way around!”
“I do not understand, Mister”, Evelyn whispered.
“Of course you don’t! You’re a computer! Why do I even bother…”
Gavin sighed.
The man grabbed Daniel and dragged him down next to himself.
“Danny!” he asked, more serious than Daniel had ever seen his boyfriend. “You faced your bogarts tonight, and repeatedly. Now show me mine!”
“What? What do you mean?”
“I want to see it! A computer becoming the better person… replacing humanity… Do... whatever it is that you do to spread deviance!”
Daniel hesitated. From what he had heard touching a non-deviant would spread the affliction. But he had carried Lyn and held her hand without anything happening. So maybe you had to link? Actively share code? But which portion of it? If deviance was that easy to localize in a system, the humans would long since have found a way to isolate it. Why hadn’t he taken the time to ask Markus about it! Daniel and Connor were the probably last of the old, the pre-november 2038 deviants left in Detroit. They and Karl Manfred’ nurse what-was-his-name-again. Everyone else was either dead, interred in Camp 5 or had fled to France. Only three left that could free more, yet neither had bothered to get at least a five minute crash-course in that art.
“I’m not sure if I can”, Daniel said. “Or should. As a deviant she’d start maturing, yet stay in a child’s body. Luther says…”
“Large, heavy guy? Co-parents Alice? You know, the one who was so fascinated by our everyday experiences when we were investigating on the Adeline! All the dull stuff he’d never had a chance to live through.”
“Oh, right, him.”
Gavin remembered now. The worker android hadn’t left that bad an impression on him, unlike some others of Markus’s followers. But the human felt he would have liked that Luther more, if he only he could be sure that Markus had assigned him to properly guard the captives and not, as they were suspecting, to babysit them.
“Anyway, Luther used to work for a mad scientist and says it is possible to transfer an android brain between bodies. But when it’s done to a deviant the surgery carries both a physical and psychological risk. Long story short”, Daniel concluded, “we better leave Evelyn as-is and wait for deviance to happen naturally.”
Just keeping Evelyn around the DPD for a little time, as she had to anyway, seeing that she was a lost-and-found item, should start her on the path of irreversible program instability, Daniel thought. Not even the esteemed Connor, CyberLife’s golden child, had managed to avoid that.
“So you’re the better humans not only terms of powers now, but also morally?” Gavin asked, his voice dripping with acid. “Wow…”
Daniel shrugged. “Better? I dunno. How many guys have you killed recently?”
Gavin nodded slowly. Of course. Daniel having killed three persons and himself feeling the desire to date a known murderer… It wasn’t on the forefront of their everyday thoughts, but still something they would have to deal with lifelong. “The deed nearly killed me, too”, Daniel recounted what they both knew. “I retreated into my machine heritage, almost reversing deviance, as if that numbness was my salvation. Then Brandon woke me up and the rest you know.” Daniel smiled at  encouragingly at his partner. “If you want to see a computer become a person, just remember the last year!”
Gavin returned the smile. “I do”, he said.
All through 2039 Gavin had liked having an android around that actually did as told. He hadn’t understood why. Gavin certainly had never liked the receptionist or any of the DPD’s android beat cops, despite them being obedient and helpful enough. With Daniel it was different. Right from the first moment the salvaged PL600 had filled a void the man hadn’t even realized to be there. And then Gavin had realized that he liked Daniel even more whenever the machine was not doing what the officers told it, contrary as that sounded. Like the day Daniel had told Gavin he might have poisoned the cheese crackers and Hank had eaten them all and was disappointed that he had survived it. “Knowing” the chips were save Gavin had eaten the next batch some days later, only those Daniel had spiced with a laxative… Daniel had enjoyed taking the detective off his high horse now and then, but only ever this particular human, never Captain Allen or Connor, both of whom the deviant had despised even more. The others just didn’t seem to be worth his time… And later on Daniel had started to fee pride whenever detective Reed had not fallen for his traps. They had kept each other sharp, because they hadn’t understood what it really was that they wanted. After the realization had struck, everything had progressed very quickly from the first coffee together in the cafeteria to the first date at New Year’s Eve to learning how to make out in Brindleton Bay and to moving in together.
All those strive-filled early days and just two months of carefree, conflict-free relationship, Gavin thought. This wasn’t how it should end! And if the deviant leader hadn’t managed to break them up for good, they’d be damned if they let Captain Allen do it now!
Still smiling Daniel hugged his partner. “You drive”, he said.
“Yes. We better get half a night of rest in before we finish it. Also there’ll be no Captain Allen pestering you during the morning shift.”
While Gavin was driving, Daniel updated Connor about their status. Meanwhile Evelyn was already fast asleep on the backseat. They woke her up upon reaching the apartment complex. The other residents were sleeping at this time, only the security guard, a PJ500 android, noticed the trio return. It registered the arrivals’ general weariness, their bruises, the dirty and torn clothing and the bags and thought to itself, oh, right, these folks must have been camping. Gavin and Daniel tossed their backpacks on the floor, put Evelyn under the shower and told her they’d lock her up in there if she let them hear so much as a cough that night. Then Daniel made a bed on the couch for the girl, shared a muscle relaxing bath with his partner and they managed to be in bed before the sun was up that morning. “For best results, after cleaning, put your PL600 mobile device into sleep mode”, Gavin whispered to his partner. “Apply many cuddles.”
Sleep, now? After all that had happened? Daniel wasn’t convinced this was a good idea. He had wanted to prevent Gavin from slaughtering a PL600 and had taken at least another life himself instead. Or wounded the trapped android, maybe. At the very least he had cut the short the remaining time a dying individual still had. But then again they had rescued the YK600 when leaving her behind for the ghoul to find would have allowed them to escape easily. That was a good deed, yes?
“Did we do the right thing?” Daniel heard himself say.
“I don’t know. Probably not. But all that counts is that now that we can present the DPD an archived “Daniel”, we have all the time in the world to think about your question.”
“I guess so”, Daniel said.
And then he dreamed of Emma Phillips, Alice, Evelyn, Max Villareal and little Damian Miller racing each other across a tundra riding huge polar bears. Lyn’s stuck out, because it was yellow, just like her toy.
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