#i turned them into my ocs lol
paper-crane637 · 1 year
// warning for bright colors + implied unhealthy relationship!!
~ the christmas kids were nothing but gift, and love is a tower where all of us can live !
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remember when i said i would never post any warrior cats content?? yeaaaa that was a lie /silly
those are my warrior ocs Coniferstar (yellow cat with the flower) and Gullpad (shadow cat) ! Coniferstar is struggling with the founding of Morningclan and her new duties as Morningclan's leader. being thrown into a position in which you have to take care of an entire group of cats and guide them to safety without any experience is scary for sure! Gullpad is..... maybe having some evil thoughts.
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omaano · 4 days
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Shaak Ti and her tiny charges join the Hades AU, complete, with colourful little highlights and a dialogue box this time (and an alternate version under the cut where I tried my hand at taking the shade/Force-ghost aspect a little further than I did with Fives)
"There is no doubt that Grogu is an exceptional youngling, but I cannot take him on as a Padawan no matter how much I may wish that I could. My duty is to look after the clones as they grow and learn - we cannot just abandon them once their war is over. As a Mandalorian you must understand this. However, I would gladlyassist in your quest in any other way I can."
Linear timeline who? Rex can have a mighty white beard and then look spry and blond simultaneously, there is teenager Omega and Boba sitting on his throne on Tatooine, so just don't worry about it XD Have three of my clone OCs as baby cadets and enjoy how cute they are instead.
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puppyeared · 9 months
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ouppys and kibbys
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achillean-knight · 5 months
Jumpscares you with more attempted Undertale pixel art LOL
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anyways do check out Marble Sky by @somerandomdudelmao it's a very good read so far i'm looking forward to see where it goes ^_^ !
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luckyfrog · 12 days
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some splatoon ocs i put together during artfight this year 🦑 i got jealous of everyone's cute squids so i made my own 😫💘
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Sum Hawke kimsses <3
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happyk44 · 9 months
Nico grabbing an enemy by the wrist before they can strike down on him and it would be easy to steal the life from the pulse beneath his fingertips, turn the air in their lungs into his own, but there's a myriad of fighters around him and one life isn't going to power him enough to blast away them all when he's already so tired as it is. He wishes he was bigger, stronger.
He squeezes his hand tight around the wrist he holds back. It shatters. Their sword clatters to the ground. It's not a human noise they make - well, it is, they're human.
Until they aren't. Until boney spikes rip through their clothes, emerging sharp and dangerous from their spine. He squeezes harder. The skin around their skull ripples, like bugs crawling underneath. Then bursts blood and spit and flesh as their jaw unhooks. Teeth pitter-patter onto the ground as larger, sharper, whiter fangs emerge violently in their place.
Their face splits just above the nose as another jaw grows around their eyes, as their esophagus snaps and elongates upwards, as blood and flesh and viscera pour like an unholy flood, arms tearing, legs cracking, flesh hanging off bloody bone, nothing but a monster left behind.
Nothing but a nightmare.
It croons at him. The soul beneath is twisted, ugly, beautiful, spread thin across their new body, new bones, like the veins of their now still and battered heart. It pulses like the lungs torn by their feet once did.
The world has silenced itself in the emergence of Nico's new pet. He squeezes the new wrist, the bone firm and clean beneath his touch.
"Defend me," he whispers.
It croons again, shuffling back on four feet. The world quakes as it turns. The world shivers as it regards them, predator to prey, standing larger than them all, and far more dangerous as they ever recalled it to once be.
And the world screams when it lunges.
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elk-scribe · 6 days
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i made an oc,, he randomly appears hogging benches until fed a rancid egg.
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sirenetica · 1 year
The beautiful, the poise, the great
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Tejeka <3
Behind the scenes with the heiress! (aka the cooldown doodle that came after lol!)
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threestarsaboveclouds · 2 months
hi tsac!! can you tell us a bit about your observatory?? what kind of observation equipment do you control? what data do you collect? are there any other iterators you talk to that are similarly searching the stars for solutions to the problem? do you have a favorite astronomical formation?
So many questions! I will answer them in sequence.
Firstly, I control a number of different telescopes. Most of my telescopes are located on the roof of my can, but I also have several at ground level in the southern quadrant of my facility grounds. They each have different functions.
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I have two optical telescopes at the top of my city’s observatory spire- these were primarily used by researchers to study specific objects, as they have a very narrow and detailed field of view.
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The largest of my telescopes is my main survey telescope. This telescope has a very broad view and catalogues the positions of celestial objects across the entire sky every few nights. My survey telescope’s data comprise the vast majority of the pearls in my archives, and reduction of this data takes the longest.
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On roof level I also have an array of radio dishes and microwave telescopes- these offer me a different view of the night sky than those offered by my optical telescopes, because they are able to detect different wavelengths of light.
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There are about a dozen smaller optical observatories scattered throughout my city- these were primarily used by my citizens for teaching and recreational purposes. In their absence I have been using them for my own personal research.
Below my can, at the southern base of the mountain, are most of my radio telescopes. There are several arrays, as well as one large stationary radio dish located in the Temple Sector of my facility grounds. This section of my facility was primarily used by my citizens for ritual purposes- only the highest echelons of the clergy were allowed to approach the temple, meaning this area saw very little foot traffic and interference from radio communications. This allowed my nearby radio telescopes to sit undisturbed.
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The array is far enough from my can to be mostly unaffected by the severe rain and snow I produce. The mountain peak also blocks most transmissions from the communications spire to the north, making the temple sector an ideal location for my main radio arrays. I still have to filter out the inevitable radio communications from my distant neighbors, though these signals are growing weaker over time….
Answering your second question about the data I collect: to put it simply, I collect… everything. Images, light curves, spectra, redshift and blueshift... the list goes on. My numerous telescopes generate vast amounts of raw stellar data, which then needs to be reduced and analyzed. After this process, if any trends stand out in the data, it is moved to my archives for further study.
My research focuses on changes in the night sky- monitoring the evolution of the celestial spheres was the primary reason for my construction. The stellar firmament is not static as those long ago believed- it is a living, changing thing. Such changes are hard to notice within the lifetimes of my benefactors, but become apparent on the timescales we iterators are familiar with. Perhaps studying the sky can reveal something about the Cycle. Maybe the Cycle, like the firmament, is not completely immutable.
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I don’t have any space telescopes myself; my instruments are all ground-based. I only have direct access to the instruments located in and around my superstructure. However, there are some others within my field of study who do have space-based instruments. To name a few… Bright Crown, Habitually Stargazing, Quarks Untold, Hollow Intercession, Falling Space, All Mundane Order Towards Unawakened Discovery....
As for other astronomy-focused iterators… there are a few dozen others in my field of study. (This may seem like a large number, but it is a tiny fraction when compared to the demographics of the entire iterator population. My field is rather niche.)
Along with those I mentioned above, I am also familiar with the work of Twelve Endless Nights, Gazing Upon the Stars, Futile Persuit, A Gaze Into the Night Sky, and Firmament of No Stars, among others. We exchange data in our working groups occasionally. Though, I can't say I know any of them personally...
And finally... my favorite astronomical formation? I am quite fond of the constellation known as The Hunter. Within this constellation is a row of three bright stars, which according to mythology, are a string of pearls worn by the Hunter around their waist. These stars are referenced in a poem from the late Green hegemonic dynasty:
"...atop the mountain we saw the Hunter's glittering belt, three stars above clouds piercing the dark of the firmament aloft..."
This poem later became the basis for my own designation, Three Stars Above Clouds.
[ OOC: The iterators mentioned belong to, in order: @singularscissor , @kociamieta , @the-colossal , @enneegon , @overgrownmoon , @darkkeng , @charlie-jpeg , @luminumarashi , and @miikrowelle. I hope you don't mind; I wanted TSAC to mention other iterators in their field and I picked a few astronomy-related iterators that came to mind. Let me know if you don’t want to be mentioned and I’ll remove the tag. ]
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tullecake · 2 months
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My bunch of sonadow fankids!! Except the only one still technically alive is Sony- Woops From left to right, we have Dudley, Vacare, Elegy, Ferox, Pertinax, and then Sonus/Sony!
A little bit of a loredrop for this AU of mine, (as explained briefly in Sony's original post) he comes from ~500 years in the future, made as a lab creation by a descendant of Dr.Eggman called "Ego". Before Sonus, there were 5 others, who didn't survive for one reason or another (I'll definitely make posts in the future explaining the specifics of each of them)
The sort of "code names" under their names are their identification terms; the "PM" in it standing for "Project Martyr", followed by the number they were made in. So Sony was Project Martyr's 6th attempt Project Martyr and "Ego" will definitely get their own post explaining, but for now, here's the Martyrs' designs :D
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limesquares · 2 years
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hands you some Mikas :D
this is their Colossus Fall AU version, where they are just as unhinged but now slightly to the left. their aether integration went a little fucky wucky there and now their veins are permanently discolored (and may or may not be slowly killing them 😔 )
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auriidae · 11 months
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you guys may not know this about me but i'm super normal abt ethubs. anyway here's some doodles of them that get increasingly more deranged
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marblerose-rue · 4 months
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got asked to draw two of my old wc rp ocs :-) left is cicadahop, right is scallopstar
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macabrecravings · 10 months
i played a fun game of dress up by going, “Hrm….. if my OC was real, what would she steal from my closet🤔⁉️”
This is what I came up with,,,
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do not save or repost‼️‼️(reblogs are fine) if i see these uploaded anywhere else like pinterest i’m killing myself ^w^ 💋
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