#i understand that this is a gacha game ass thought but in my case I'm gay about it
yusuke-of-valla · 8 months
New idea that's been haunting me all week:
Dating sim where you date the Olympians + Hades and Persephone BUT they're all hot women
I have no real lore or setting worked out and it's vaguely in a modern AU setting but mostly I just... women hot? I like Greek mythology? Wanna Draw???
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khunyuki · 5 months
There's this new game released yesterday called "Tokyo Debunker" and so far I am loving it <3
Before I start my review, I just want to tell you that this is my first ever review and first ever post in tumblr so pls bear with me🥹.
Tbh I was surprised when it suddenly installed itself on my phone cuz I forgot I even pre-registered for it. Before the release, I had no idea nor clue about the existence of this game cuz it never showed up to me as an ad nor did it show in any of my social media accounts. I just remember scrolling through google play then seeing it and liking it immediately so I registered for it.
Anyways, when I downloaded it I thought it would be big and that I won't have any space for it since I also have other games to play. And when I started it, I was waiting for the loading screen to show the downloading files etc but didn't see anything of the sort.
First Impression
I honestly thought that it was a normal visual novel game like the Ikemen series but it wasn't. The opening story was comic-like with voices included (including the MC) and damnn that was engaging. The smooth flow of images unlike any other game where you only get CGs, you can easily visualize the scene because they are literally showing it to you! Not to mention the translation, it was really easy to understand and there's no typos so far.
I love it so much! As I said earlier, it is really engaging and it catches your attention. The transition of normal visual text to comics then back was perfect for showing what actually needs to be shown. Tbh, it would be a lot better to see it and experience it for yourself.
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Tutorial and Settings
Tutorial is kinda useless. It just showed you the basics of where and how you progress then that's it. It doesn't elaborate on how to do battles. There is no guide that has in-depth explanation of how to defeat your enemies efficiently since you can just skip it.
So far it is like an idle game where the character cards you have will do the farming for you, you just need to click click click. This kind of thing is certainly unique to me as usually it would be long-ass lessons that uses SP or LP, or missions that you have to wait hours for a single drop. Compared to those, this is fast and efficient.
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If you're an F2P player like me, vising the shop isn't the most ideal since it is expensive and usually need a lot of irl money for it. Though in Special shop, there are free summons everyday but that's that. Also you can hatch an egg there.
There's also guilds you have to join immediately but it doesn't require much participation cuz you just have to do the activities once then you're done.
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The cases are important, you have to clear it in order to read the latest chapters. It's like the battle system of the game but you can just skip it for free. However, you can be stuck at a level even if your card levels are high or your overall stats. I think it's because of incompatibility with your elements though i'm not sure. Tbh I don't understand how it works i just wing it. The only good thing about this is that you are not alone and a lot of people will be stuck at the same level as you🥲.
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Gacha in this game is the worst. It's just money-grubbing at this point. First of all, they do not even give you pre-registration rewards, just immediately daily log-in. There's no free single pull or free 10 tickets giveaways. Codes are also non-existent. The free gifts are just for EXP and not related to gacha at all. The only guaranteed SSR is for when you buy gems.
As an F2P casual gamer, this is just plain horror. While I don't usually do gacha even in other games, this kind of thing just isn't right! I once heard from the global chat that someone did 500 pulls just to get a single SSR. Like how is that even possible??? The pity system is also non-existent that it's crazy!!!
Gem farming is also hard cuz you only get gems from the bonus cases, occasionally from the guild, 10 gems every episode of the story, and from permanent tasks. It's just impossible even if you spend your gems wisely.
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Although I got lucky and used up all of my luck by getting SSR Kaito on my first 10 pull🥲
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This is probably the part where the most obvious duplicating original works happens. As some reviews might have already said, it's a copycat of Twisted Wonderland or Harry Potter (I could agree to some point but I am not that angry or exaggerating about it). This game certainly has it's own charm if you choose to ignore those and just enjoy playing.
Prime example of uncanny resemblance to characters we know is the guy above ^^^^. Kaito Fuji's looks are certainly deceiving. I didn't choose him at first because he wasn't my type nor did I think his personally would be that interesting. His mannerisms reminds me of Ace (Twisted Wonderland) and mostly Zenitsu (Kimetsu no Yaiba), especially when you hear his voice. Lucas, the guy beside him, reminds me of Deuce (Twisted Wonderland) and Hiiro Amagi (Ensemble Stars) and you really can't unsee it.
To some people, they might be irked by the resemblance and obvious plagiarism but personally, I think it's all part of the charm. Seeing those sides of them like that just like having the same dynamics as Adeuce made me like them even more. Because they are not all that, they have their own personality and stories which I like too.
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This game can certainly do a lot more work and I believe it has potential as long as it is aimed for the player's enjoyment rather than just for their money. The story is really good while the gacha is trash. The battle is kinda frustrating but you can skip it. The characters have their own personalities too. The rest are so-so.
Personally, I play this game because I love the story and I don't usually gamble with gacha so it's just fine for me. If you do not want to download it and play, that is totally fine as well.
I just wanted to share with you my thoughts: of what I like and dislike about this game ^_^
Thank you for reading until the end💕
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crystalelemental · 8 months
Unit Teambuilding - Rosa
Today, we have finally, after all my two and a half years playing, got Rosa to 3/5.  The original free pair support is finally here, and...god, talk about a case of too little too late.
General Overview Rosa is your second ever support pair, right after Misty, and she aims to do a lot more than Misty can. With X Sp Atk and a trainer move that instantly replenishes your full gauge, Rosa actually manages a decent amount. At 1/5, she has On a Roll for Energy Ball as well, which can, luck permitting, roll a coveted Sp Def drop on a target. Giga Drain is rather pricey, but if you've gotten her to 3/5, she does get Master Healer 2, which is a pretty significant chunk of healing to acquire.
"Crystal, why are you lying to people about Rosa?" I'm not! This is true for the first couple weeks! When you're an unestablished new player who's not paying into the game, Rosa's going to be a pretty useful tool to have! Granted, by the time you've been around long enough for 3/5, you have decisively outgrown the need for Rosa. And once you start working on BP, you have BP Barry and Roserade who does a ton more than Rosa can while also taking over her core function. And BP Janine who also does that. Oh, and BP Mesprit, can't forget about how hard that one blows her out of the water with the Spd buffs that are better than PP locked gauge replenishment.
Look, Rosa's a transitional tool. She's very good early game, borderline essential as you get established in Master Mode and the like. But with so many other free tools permanently available, she falls of fast, and she does not come back. Sycamore alone invalidates her entire life, to say nothing of the aforementioned trio. There's also the issue that, while Rosa's Sp Atk buffs seem nice at first, once you're established? Many modern pairs handle all their offensive needs. It's more valuable to have defensive merit as a support, which is how the 3/5 Cheren situation is somehow much more workable than Rosa is. Hell, the meta itself even dunks on her, as the transition to 2.5k meta in Master Mode meant adding Standard Damage Reduction, which was free points for on-type, and a complete death knell for vampire tanks like Rosa. Rosa just doesn't contribute much. You use her early, where she is good, and you use her if you are stricken with a deep hubris that causes you to try really hard in gacha games, and are going for Gauntlet streaks. You don't even see use in High Score because Grass is so populated.
EX and Move Level? Do not use candy on Rosa.  Do not do it, I will hunt you for sport.  The EX is...probably worth it?  While some argue the merits of ignoring a bad EX for others, I don't personally think getting a free EX Support is worth giving up for two (2) 5* power ups.  It's just not a significant reward for giving it up.
Team 1: Rosa, Giovanni/Ghetsis, Bianca/Lucian Rosa's benefits, as an early game player, is that she aligns excellently with many of the free Legendary pairs that are good.  "But isn't Sycamore-" yes, quiet.  Giovanni was a big name one-shot nuker in early CS meta, after he got his grid and EX and mega evolution.  Ghetsis, pre-expansion, was also in much more need of Sp Atk.  Bianca is the Terrain for Giovanni, while Lucian is just great generally, though he does ruin Rosa's TM utility.
Team 2: Rosa, NC Serena Gauntlet solos suck.  They're ridiculously specific and a pain in the ass.  But, with a single addition, you can turn a bullshit solo into a clean duo.  For example, NC Serena can solo Entei.  It's not exactly clean and can really go to shit.  But adding in Rosa to cap off that special attack, and just take a few hits, can turn this into a clean win.
Final Thoughts And that's it, that's all Rosa does. You know. I understand that she's free. But I think Rosa is in the same bracket as pairs like base Iris, Clair, Flannery, Flint, etc. where a grid expansion wouldn't save them at all, but it'd sure be nice to acknowledge they exist and goddamned try. Unlike most of the other bottom tiers, at least Rosa has alts. Plural. Many of which have been pretty alright! Okay no, that's...not entirely true either. Pretty much only her Meloetta alt has been truly good. Hmm. You know guys, I'm starting to think major appearances and alt count isn't a sufficient representation of what makes a character well-liked by the devs or not.
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