#Zeus I have a very good idea for hair and face wise the outfit is hard through
yusuke-of-valla · 9 months
New idea that's been haunting me all week:
Dating sim where you date the Olympians + Hades and Persephone BUT they're all hot women
I have no real lore or setting worked out and it's vaguely in a modern AU setting but mostly I just... women hot? I like Greek mythology? Wanna Draw???
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raphpanda21 · 5 years
Cause you got me in my feelings
Last time
Hermes: I will see you Monday.
Persephone glared at him as she tried to set her hair to rights again.
Persephone: Sure thing. See you Monday!
Waving bye over his shoulder he soon disappears from her sight the sound of the elevator gate rising and falling quickly followed by the sound of the elevator descending. All to quickly the large loft falls silent and Persephone is left with only her thoughts for company. Not wanting to focus on them she instead moves towards the boxes setting aside her coffee cup as she digs out a change of clothes. Finding an outfit that she deemed comfortable enough to unpack in she moved back upstairs to make use of one of the showers. It might be a late start but better to start out her day feeling fresh she resolved. As she was stepping into the shower downstairs her phone screen turned on with a ding and as a text notification appeared on the screen.
After much effort and plying them with alcohol Hades had managed to successfully excuse himself from the emergency bro brunch. Pulling into his driveway he took out his cell and checked his text messages for the thousandth time. Still no response from Persephone. Was she okay? Was she mad at him? He groaned audibly at all the imagined horribles. Locking his screen once more he climbed out of the car and made his way to his front door. Putting his keys in the door he realized it was unlocked. Strange? He was positive he had locked it before he left.
Opening the door he was greeted by Cerberus who he absently pet as he walked into the house pushing the door closed behind him. The sound of soft mood music wafted through the house. As he walked further into his house he quickly figured out who the intruder was when he spied a very familiar pair of heels and limited release bag. Both of which he had been coaxed into purchasing for Minthe in the past. This could not be good news for him. Well best to face the music she obviously was not going to let him run away. Searching the entire downstairs he finds no sign of Minthe inside or out. With a deep breathe for courage he made his way upstairs. The smell of her cigars was his next hint that he was getting closer. Following his nose he entered his bedroom and unexpectedly discovered a pile of her discarded clothing and underthings. Perhaps things wouldn’t go as badly as he thought. Moving to his bathroom he finally found the lady in question reclined in a bubble bath reading some sort of magazine her cigar resting in an ash try. Seeing her phone resting on the counter ledge Hades clicked pause on her music app.
Hades: Making yourself at home?
Minthe lowered the magazine laying it down on the floor as she leaned over the bathtub edge to grab her cigar giving Hades more than an eyeful of her bare chest. Looking away his eyes fall on what she had been reading and his stomach dropped seeing that it is the latest tabloid. He had hoped to do some damage control before Minthe saw it.
Minthe: That’s kind of the point of having a spare key isn’t ?
Minthe exhales a swirl of cigar smoke as she rolled her eyes at him
He settled on the edge of the tub not comfortable with standing awkwardly in the doorway of his own bathroom.
Hades: Not exactly the intention I had but I can guess your reasons for being here.
Minthe gives him a look that’s says without her speaking a word she thought him and idiot.
Minthe: Oh really? Would that reason be the fact your face is splattered across every bit of media that exists alongside Persephone’s and now double shock Thanatos.
Hades: Like I keep telling everyone those gossip mongers have it all wrong.
Minthe hmmms exhaling her cigar smoke into his face.
Minthe: Of course I am sure you are completely innocent.
The tone seemed to imply she hardly believed him at all and as she took one last puff from her cigar and ground it down into one of the pictures of him on the magazine front. Hades sighed reaching out to stroke her face.
Hades: Have some faith in me Minthe.
Minthe tossed the spent cigar in the ashtray and leaned back lifting one of her lithe legs from the bath and laying it across Hades lap.
Minthe: Sure, I will have faith when I see you have commitment. How long has my relationship request sat unanswered on Fatesbook?
Hades brows knit as he frowned in annoyance.
Hades: That has nothing to do with this.
Minthe sunk down more her hair hallowing around her as she looked ever much a wild water nymph. A seductress full of sweet promises that could very likely lead to the foolish victim’s death.
Minthe: Perhaps you don’t think so but remember I have always been more shrewd than you. I am offering you my help but you are too stubborn or stupid to realize it.
Minthe really was like a rose at times like this. So beautiful and enticing but she had hidden thorns that sliced deep.
Hades: Well since you are so certain of yourself enlighten me.
Minthe pulled back her leg suddenly the sudden exposure of his now soaked pants making him shiver. Pulling her legs up to her chest she wrapped her arms tightly about them and leaned towards him.
Minthe: It is simple. Make us official and I will move in. There is no easier way to dispel such a asinine rumor. Sure you maybe villainized for a time in the press but you are no stranger to being the tainted one.
Hades was shocked at Minthe’s suggestion. In all there years together she had never even left a toothbrush at his house and now she was talking about moving in together. Making things public. The laugh slipped out before he could stop it.
To say Minthe was miffed was an understatement. With a huge slosh of water she rose from the bath and grabbed his terry robe tying it around her much smaller from with far more force than was needed. Hades could almost hear the ticking of the time bomb he had started and he moved quickly to cut the right wires before she exploded. Standing up he moved behind her grabbing her shoulders and giving her a squeeze.
Hades: Sorry , I shouldn’t have laughed, you just caught me of guard. I think this is all to fast. Perhaps we should start with moving some of your stuff over a little at a time see how things go from there?
Minthe turned in his hold glaring up at him her ears pressed back showing her rage clearly.
Minthe: You said you wanted to work on us yet nothing with us has changed. To throw your words back at you have some faith!
Hades sighed loudly rubbing his hands up and down her robe covered arms. He both hated and admired her skills at turning his words back on him. Looking her in the eyes he felt his resolve beginning to waver as behind all the anger he saw the loneliness that was all to familiar.
Hades: Fair enough. Go dry off and get changed into something warm before you catch a chill. We can talk more after. Perhaps over a nice bottle of your favorite.
Minthe pouts but her ears pull forward slightly as her anger begins to abate.
Minthe: Fine, but don’t think you can ply me with alcohol to get your way. I am serious about this.
As if to prove her point she thumps him in his chest before slipping out of his grasp and disappearing back in the bedroom.
Hades let out a long slow breathe he hadn’t realized he had been holding and rubbed his hands through his hair. Hanging his head his eyes fell on the discarded magazine. Minthe was always the worst about not picking up after herself. It was one of Hades pet peeves but she always accused him of being to much of a neat freak when he brought it up. He no longer bothered to bring it up and right or wrong would just take care of it. Bending down he picked up the magazine glancing at his scorched face briefly before he folded it in half and tossed it in the bin. Getting burned by Minthe was nothing new for him .
Back on Mt Olympus Hera had just made it home. Walking in she tossed her keys and sunglasses onto the entryway table. She needed a bath and nap stat. Making her way through the house she paused as she passed the living room and saw Zeus engrossed in some sort of sporting event. Perhaps the bath could wait a few moments. Moving into the living room she plopped down beside him kicking off her heels before sinking back into the couch.
Zeus: Long night I take it?
Hera snorts at this rolling her head back and forth trying to work the stiffness our of her neck.
Hera: That’s the understatement of the day but everything is falling into place. Your Bellyhand’s take their jobs very serious. Much more than my little birdies told me.
Zeus didn’t comment on this uncertain if it was wise or not to boast about the secrecy of his former love nest. Hera sensed his hesitation and smirked smacking his shoulder
Hera: Calm down tiger. You aren’t in the dog house yet. You did after all agree to give up your hideaway for my use exclusively. I have to be a tad forgiving considering. The sex swing was a shock though, poor Persephone hadn’t a clue what it was and would have hopped right in if not for Hermes and myself.
Zeus coughed nervously at the mention of the swing.
Zeus: So I take it that the swing is no more?
Hera’s eyes narrowed at this question and Zeus quickly hurried to back peddle.
Zeus: Which would totally be fine with me. It was more a novelty than practical really.
Hera flicked her hair in annoyance his coverup not exactly what she was wanting
Hera: The Bellyhands made a nice bonfire out of it yes and I had to pay a small fortune to have the place deep cleaned in addition. It was shamefully disgusting Zeus. I had no idea going in how bad it would be. I was honestly a bit shocked.
Zeus could feel his guilt rising. He was a horrid husband and it was times like this when he saw Hera’s beauty cloaked with sadness that it really hit him in the gut. It was just so hard sometimes. He was a creature of passions with no will to want to resist. This only seemed to get worse whenever they had a row. It was as if he wanted to show her that she wasn’t special that he could have whoever he wanted and she couldn’t do anything about it. It was a sick power trip for him plain and simple but once the endorphins passed the regret would hit him like a truck. There was no way to make up for his actions but he could try to be better going forward and perhaps in its own small way it might help.
Zeus: I am sorry you had to see that, be in that place. It couldn’t have been easy for you.
Hera sighed reaching out lace his left hand’s fingers with her right and gives them a squeeze
Hera: It wasn’t easy at all but I survived. I really truthfully wanted to burn the place to the ground but it will serve a better purpose now. In that place I saw I think the worst of you. Now that I have faced it I want to move forward together and leave the past in the past. Can we continue to try together?
Zeus heart was breaking and growing at the same time for the beautiful goddess before him. How many times would he hurt her, tear her down, and yet like the most stubborn of weeds she would never fade away. Reaching out with his free hand he gently cupped her cheek turning her face to face him as he leaned in and kissed her forehead with tender reverence before pulling back to look her in the eyes.
Zeus: Yes, I would like that as well. Perhaps when Persephone need for the place ends we can sell it and put the money made towards a getaway for the family instead.
Hera smiled at Zeus nuzzling her check into his palm.
Hera: That sounds like a wonderful plan to me. It makes me so happy that you are actively working now to make things better.
Zeus chuckled softly a smile spreading in response to hers
Zeus: I am not perfect Hera despite the pedestal everyone puts me on but I would like to be better for us. We were so happy once.
Hera leaned over resting her head on his shoulder and he unlaced their fingers wrapping his arm around her shoulder to pull her closer.
Hera: We both have our faults but the first step in fixing them is the steps you are making. Admitting to your faults and facing them can be the hardest part. I will be your anchor through this if you promise to be mine.
Zeus laid his head on top of Hera’s hair savoring the sweet smell of honey and spring rains before kissing her head gently
Zeus: Always.
Hera wouldn’t be getting her shower or nap anytime soon but she didn’t mind. She wanted to linger a little longer and enjoy the rare moment of genuine contentment and happiness. She knew that there might be many more dark days ahead of them. Bad habits like addictions often had relapses so she wanted to savor this experience to have something to cling to if he did falter.
It was nearly sundown before Persephone had finished unpacking all her things and getting them situated the way she wanted. Coming down the stairs she stretched her arms up high trying to work some of the stiffness from her back. Looking down on the large living room area she suddenly realized as modern and neat as it was it lacked any personal touches. Perhaps she could bring in some houseplants and things would seem less chilly. Maybe she could even convince number 1 to add a trip to a nursery on their agenda for tomorrow. Mind made up she headed into the kitchen to grab a glass of water and her phone to scope out possible nurseries in the area. Acquiring both items she went back to the living room and settled down in the pit couch. Setting her drink back on the floor behind her she unlocked her screen surprised to see several notification alerts on it.
Clicking on the most recent one she saw it was from Thanatos concerned over her well being. She felt her guilt grow at reading that he to had been hounded by the press as well. Her thumbs hovered over the screen not sure how even to begin to type it all out. Wait she didn’t have to type it technically. She could call him or at least try to. Biting her bottom lip she hesitatesd for just a moment before hitting the call button. As the phone began to ring Persephone’s doubt and worry grew. Would he answer? Was he mad at her? As the third ring went unanswered she felt she had her answer and just as she was about to hang up the sound of the phone clicking with an answer followed by a jumble of words stopped her.
Thanatos: Persephone is that you ?!
Persephone’s earlier anxiety began to lift away at hearing Thanatos’s voice.
Persephone: Yes it is me. I am sorry it took me so long to respond.
Thanatos who had been having to practically shove the Furies out of his home when the phone started to ring let out a large sigh of relief.
Thanatos: No that is fine I am just glad you responded. Have the press come after you? Do you need help?
Persephone: They were around earlier but Hera and Hermes helped me get to somewhere safe. Hestia was going to kick me out so if it hadn’t been for them I would probably have already been forced to move back into my Mother’s.
Thanatos rubbed his face in annoyance hearing about Hermes. Why was he not surprised? They had all agreed to keep their distance unless she asked for help but it seemed the young god could not resist.
Thanatos: Well if Hera was involved I am certain at least that your new abode is safe and habitable. What will you do though when you leave it? The press are not going to be backing off anytime soon with this sort of story. You aren’t planning to quit the internship and school are you?
Persephone absently picks at the embroidery design on the throw pillow besides her as she ponders his question. Would she eventually have to quit? She hoped not but there were still unknown factors that might come into play.
Persephone: I have no plans so far to change anything. Hera has assigned some bodyguards to look after me here and when I leave here.
Thanatos: Bodyguards huh? I mean I know she is like Queen B goddess but how did she get all of this pulled together so quickly?
Persephone chewed on her lip unsure if it was her place to reveal the true nature of her new sanctuary. Well maybe if she was vague he wouldn’t question her more, better than changing the subject and raising suspicions.
Persephone: It seems this is a place Hera and her family use whenever they want to get away and have some privacy. The Bellyhands are always stationed here to ensure no one messes with the property or the family.
Thanatos: The Bellyhands? As in super large cyclops Bellyhands?
Persephone: Yeah those are the ones! You have heard of them ?
Thanatos: Yeah, the coven of seven are somewhat legendary at their craft. They have been masters of fortification and protection long before the Titanomachy happened. Unlike many of their Cyclopean brothers though they had no involvement in the conflict. As their name implies they don’t do anything without payment that will see their bellies filled. I had no idea that they were now under the employ of Zeus and his family.
Persephone: So you would say I am in good hands then?
Thanatos laughed at the terrible joke.
Thanatos: Anyone that dared to mess with you while you are under their protection would come to regret it dearly.
Persephone: What about you ? You said the press have been hounding you as well?
Thanatos: Don’t worry about me. I few vultures at my door are hardly a bother and for now they have been handled.
Persephone: Well, if you say so. I still feel awful though.
Thanatos rolled his eyes hearing the guilt in Persephone’s voice.
Thanatos:Don’t you dare start Princess. If you try to apologize to me I will hang up. You didn’t ask for any of this to happen so you better not apologize or feel awful.
The guilt she felt began to waver under his scolding and she smiled. She was so thankful he was always so forgiving. Sometimes she felt like such a child when she was around him. Just like an older classmate or brother he always seemed to protect her and push her back on the right path.
Persephone: Alright, I won’t say a peep.
They continued to talk for a time Persephone telling Thanatos all about her new abode and some of the more luxurious features. As the sunset started to burn into twilight she stood from the couch and made her way to the window to enjoy it. She was just telling Thanatos about her plan for the next day when her eyes spied someone having what appeared to be a rather heated conversation with the Bellyhand stationed at the front gate.
Persephone: Oh! Someone has come to the gate
Thanatos:Seriously? Is it a reporter?
Persephone tried to squint and make out the figure more in the growing twilight.
Persephone:I can’t tell from here. I guess I can ask them later who it was.
Thanatos didn’t like the sound of the stranger but didn’t want to alarm Persephone either so he didn’t voice his concern aloud and instead got her back on the subject of her plans for Sunday.
Meanwhile at the gate a very irate Thetis was about to become unhinged. Zeus had been coming less and less to the office choosing instead to work remotely and only communicating with her via professional emails. She had tried to text him but he was seemingly ignoring them. She wasn’t sure what his issue was but she was not going to be tossed aside like yesterday’s news. She had come here planning to set up a rather seductive scene and text Zeus some enticing photos of her in the new set of lingerie she purchased just for this occasion but all her plans had gone out of the window the moment she arrived. Instead of finding the gates swung upon with barely a glance she found her path blocked by a very bullheaded cyclops.
Thetis: What do you mean I am not allowed to enter?! You have seen me here a million times before!
Bellyhand: Can’t say I remember. Types like you all look the same to me. You best just be on your way miss. A new lady has taken residence here.
Thetis eyes narrowed with rage. A new lady?! Had Zeus taken on a new mistress? Was that why he was ignoring her!
Thetis: What do you mean a lady?! I should be the only lady you ever see. Who is she!
The Bellyhand lets out a huff of air crossing his large arms over his chest as he looked down at the tiny female before him.
Bellyhand: I think miss your definition of a lady and us Bellyhands definition are two different thing. Who she is or isn’t wont be any of your business miss. The lady is under our protection that is all you need to know. Now kindly be on your way else things might get a bit messy if you catch my drift .
Thetis was livid but she wasn’t stupid and she knew when to cut her losses. Spinning on her heel she was grinding her teeth in agitation as she made her way down the street ordering a new car to come get her. Whoever this bitch was she did not know whose territory she was messing with. Zeus might stray but he always came back to her in the end. This time though she would make him suffer for his unfaithfulness. He had never dared to treat her so poorly in the past and she was not going to tolerate it now.
Persephone saw the lady depart with what seemed liked little incident as she continued to chat with Thanatos laughing at some of the antics the furies had pulled so far. It wasn’t until he mentioned needing to get off and find something to eat that she realized how hungry she was as well. Saying their goodbyes she hung up the phone and head towards the kitchen to look for something to possibly eat. Unsurprisingly the cabinets were basically bare except for a bag of melting chocolates. Well she could add grocery shopping to the list of Sunday activities but until then she would need to order something in. Moving to the elevator she pressed the intercom button waiting for the other side to pick up.
Bellyhand: Needing something Miss?
Persephone: Umm yes please could we order some take out? There isn’t really anything up here for dinner.
Bellyhand: Of course, there is a stack of menus in the kitchen by the fridge. You figure out what you want and we will see to it ma’am.
Persephone: Alright thank you.
Moving back to the the kitchen she quickly located the stack and begins to peruse trying to decide what she might want to eat. The rest of the night was uneventful. After devouring a small pizza she went up to her room and let herself get lost in some mindless television. Eventually she nodded off under the soft glow of the screen sleeping deeply and thankfully peacefully through the night.
In the Underworld another was not sleeping as peacefully. Slipping free from the sleeping Minthe’s hold he quietly slide out of bed taking his cellphone with him. Exiting the bedroom he carefully pulled to door closed behind him before he made his way to his home office. Walking into the room Hades settled into his chair pulling open a desk drawer to take out a cigar and lighter. Lightening up he takes a few slow puff before unlocking his cell screen frowning at the still unanswered text screen that loaded up. Still nothing. Was she okay? If something had happened it would surely be all over the news so she must be okay. Maybe she was cross with him. It wasn’t his fault exactly he had tried to handle the earlier incident but it seemed it had all been for naught. He sighed sagging into his chair as he let himself get lost in the pleasure of his cigar. Glancing back at the earlier text he made up his mind to leave it alone. If he didn’t hear back from her he would just speak to her directly on Monday. He was supposed to be keeping his distance not loosing sleep over her while another woman was lying in his bed. What was wrong with him ?! Putting out his cigar he locked his screen once more before heading back to the bedroom to settle back in bed with Minthe. Still sleep wpuld allude the weary King for many hours to come because the mind and heart were not creatures so easily swayed even if the will was weak.
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