#i used an old clip of tony....it was just 2 good not to gif
Caught In A Web ~ 2
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Word Count: 1,305ish
Summary: Fury tells the team to be on the lookout for a new hero.
Notes: We’re going to pretend that Civil War, Infinity War, and Endgame never happen(ed) in this fic. Okay? Okay.
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“There’s been more sightings of that spider-woman in downtown New York,” Fury stated.
Fury was standing in front of the long conference table in the glass-walled room of the Tower. Tony was on the opposite end, with Steve, Bucky, and Natasha on his right and Sam and Bruce on his left. The rest of the Avengers were out on missions or had taken personal time off, leaving the six of them to deal with Fury. There were holograms playing from a small round object in the center of the table: changing from video clip to video clip of the spider-woman.
“My question to you is what are we going to do about it?” Fury continued.
“Do we need to do anything about it?” Sam questioned. “It seems as if she’s just helping out people in need.”
“It seems that way, but it is clear that she has powers.”
“And what’s the problem with that?” Asked Steve.
“The problem, Rogers, is that we don’t know exactly what this spider-woman’s powers entail. We need to find her and bring her in for an evaluation.”
Tony scoffed. “You just want another super-powered human on the roster.”
“What I want is to make sure that we’re all on the same side here. And I hope that’s something that you all can get behind.”
“How exactly do you want us to bring her in?” Bruce wondered.
“We are in a building full of professional trackers and technology that allows us to make it extremely easy, figure it out.”
Tony was struggling, not that he would admit that to anyone. Pepper had broken up with him over a year ago and left Stark Industries, leaving him a broken shell of a man and putting him back as CEO of the company. Nothing interested him anymore; working in the lab, the suits, hero work, none of it. So when Fury told the team about bringing in the spider-woman, he really didn’t care about it. The person wasn’t doing any harm and actually helping the heroes with their job.
To try to help Tony get his mind off his troubles and maybe find this new hero, he decided to go out flying that night. He took one of his older suit models, only him to reminisce of the good old days. Flying between the skyscrapers allowed Tony to scope out the city to see if there were any signs that the spider-woman was out. Though Tony didn’t actually care, he had FRIDAY gathered all the information on the new hero and had determined that there were more sightings on the weekends than on weekdays. 
“Boss, there was a sighting two blocks east of you,” FRIDAY interrupted Tony’s quiet flight.
“I’m not going unless you’re positive it’s her,” Tony stated, not wanting to put any work in if it wasn’t going to be worth it.
“Pulling up the live street cam footage now.”
On Tony’s helmet screen appear the live feed of you, in a white and black masked suit, tying up a man with spider webs. FRIDAY had already changed the suit’s direction without Tony’s orders. Tony was interested in the situation, noticing how there was a clearly distraught woman against the wall of the alleyway you were in.
“Is there any way we could get some audio, FRI?” Tony wondered.
“I tried, boss,” FRIDAY informed. “Unfortunately, the audio is unavailable.”
“Park the suit around the corner or on the roof of a building. I want to observe the situation.”
“You got it.”
FRIDAY parked the suit on the edge of a nearby rooftop. Tony looked down on the scene.
“The cops are on their way,” you informed, voice slightly muffled by your mask. “And the two I called don’t particularly like rapists.”
The man you had tied up in a web, tried to speak but you quickly shot a web out of your wrist and covered his mouth.
“I can’t hear you,” you taunted. You turned around and went over to the frightened woman. “Are you alright?” 
“Y—yes,” the woman shuttered as she nodded. “Thank you.”
“Of course. The police should be here any second. They both are understanding women and will get you the help you need.”
You turned around and shot another web around the man’s ankles and then another at his wrists. “He’s not going anywhere. You’re safe.” You could hear the sirens on their way. “I’ve got to get going.”
“Wait! I don’t even know your name.”
“I don’t have one. And that’s alright. I’m sure I’ll see you around.”
You shot a web up at the edge of the roof and swung up onto the roof, disappearing from the view of the alley. Tony, now on the same roof as you, watched as you crouched down and peeked over the edge. You didn’t move as the police showed up and took care of the man and woman. Letting out a sigh of relief, you went to pull off your mask but you stopped yourself when you felt like you were being watched. Looking to the side you realized that Iron Man was staring right at you.
“Impressive,” he complimented through the suit.
“Thanks,” you responded, swallowing nervously. “What brings you around these parts, Iron Man? A little far from your glamorous tower, aren’t you?”
“You are actually the reason I’m out and about tonight.”
“What? Why?”
"You’ve caught our team’s attention and we’ve been tasked to bring you in for evaluation.”
“Really? That’s interesting.”
“Yeah, so if you don’t mind swinging over to the tower, that would be great.”
“Yeah, I don’t think so.”
“I’m not interested in being a part of your team. I really only do this as a hobby. Besides, your team doesn’t solve the little everyday problems that need to be taken care of. Someone’s got to help with those.”
“And you think you’re the one to do that?”
“Well, you clearly aren’t.”
Tony smirked inside the helmet, secretly enjoying the banter the two of you were getting into.
“Now,�� you continued, “if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got more people to take care of.”
“Hold up,” Tony took a step toward you. “You aren’t going anywhere but with me to the tower.”
“No thanks.”
“I’m afraid you don’t have much of a choice.”
“Yeah,” you shook your head, “I’m not so sure about that.”
You jumped up, doing a flip over Iron Man while tying him up with your webs. You knew that it wouldn’t hold him but you needed time to get away.
“See ya around, Tin Man.” 
Tony could hear the smirk as you spoke before disappearing between two buildings. He was quick to free himself from the webs and try to follow after you. You were already a few blocks away, using the buildings and your webs to swing further. Tony had his suit pick up speed as you turned a corner. Before he could catch up, you threw yourself into your open apartment window. You crawled up onto the ceiling and held yourself there until you heard Iron Man zoom past you. 
When you felt safe, you dropped yourself onto your bed and tore off your mask.
“That was a close one,” you breathed out.
Tony searched all night for a sign of you. Even with FRIDAY’s help, he couldn’t find you. He went back to the tower with nothing but that little interaction with you and a few webs still stuck to his suit. He immediately threw himself into his lab to study the webs. Tony was now fighting the urge to find you, not because of Fury but because he wanted to actually get to know you. To him, there was an undeniable connection as the two of you spoke. He was going to find you, whatever it took.
next chapter >
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swiftzeldas · 5 years
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baseball + astrology
gemini: adaptable, outgoing, affectionate; indecisive, unreliable, nosy
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avenging-fandoms · 4 years
Take Your Time / Bucky Barnes (pt. 3)
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request(s): *ENDGAME REQUEST* like your Steve’s gf but when he goes back in time he stays with Peggy and all you can think about is why weren’t you good enough for him to stay?? (This made me sad but o h well)
- YES! have her and bucky fall for each other while bonding over missing steve and bucky helps her move on and they become best friends and one day she looks at him and realizes she’s in love with him - Please make it into a small fic where the reader and Bucky start to fall for each other it’s to good to leave it as a cliffhanger the reader deserves to be happy buck deserves to be happy too 😭😭😭
plot: after the events of endgame, steve goes back in time to marry the girl of his dreams. but he leaves behind the girl that loves him more than anything. what’ll happen when steve’s not there to love her anymore, but bucky is?
part 1 part 2
steve soon became a memory, you and bucky living together soon after the night of you fixing his arm and slow dancing in the workshop. something about the way bucky held you and softly hummed to the music with your head on his chest made you feel something steve never did.
you yawned as you stretched your arms and legs, flopping your arms down. you looked around, nearly running out of the room when your nose was filled with the scent of bacon. you smile, throwing the blankets off of you. you put on a pair of sleeping shorts and a shirt, fixing your hair and heading downstairs. 
“well well well, look who has awoken” bucky smiles and you bow a little, making him laugh. “i made eggs, bacon and french toast. plus, a fresh pot off coffee” he set two plates on the kitchen table, staring at his work. you put in your creams and sugars, sitting at your plate and licking your lips. 
“this looks really good, buck. where’d you learn how to cook this?” you ask, eyebrow raised with a smirk on your mouth. he rolled his eyes, tying his hair back before digging in himself.
“only from the best” you giggle, eating the last of your eggs. “any plans for today?”
“not really, you?”
“nope” bucky pops the ‘p’ and sips his coffee, looking at you and curling the corner of his lips into a smile. 
“you wanna hang today? you know, a bucky and yn type of day?” you suggest, making bucky perk up and smile. 
“i would love that” 
you two chat as you eat breakfast, laughing and telling stupid old stories. while he was telling you a story about a war he once fought in, peter facetimed you on his school in italy for a field trip. “i miss you guys”
“we miss you too pal. we’ll have a sleepover when you come back?” bucky asks, head on your shoulder. you smile, leaning your head on the top of his head. 
“oh absolutely. it’s hard here.. all i see is.. is tony” peter sighed, bowing his head. you pout, bucky’s hand rubbing your thigh softly. 
“i know sweetheart. it’s gonna be like that for a long time. he was a superhero, an icon. if you ever need to talk, you know where to find us. we love you”
“love you guys too” you blow peter a kiss and bucky waves, hitting the red button. you sigh, looking at the table as you think for a minute. 
“i love that kid” you sigh, looking at bucky with your chin in your hand. “would you ever want kids with your wife?”
“i don’t know, maybe. it depends” he shrugs, looking at your lips then your eyes. “do you?”
“yes. with the right person, of course” you look up from the table, and look into his eyes. he gave you a different feeling than ever. butterflies, nerves. you snap out of it, smiling. “you wanna go watch a movie?”
“sure” bucky smiles, the both of you getting up and bringing your coffees over. you sit down, bucky sitting next to you and resting his hand on your thigh. you move your legs to lay across his thighs, bucky’s hands rubbing your legs as you watch ‘titanic’
bucky had never seen it before you, and when you two first watched it together, he shed a tear or two. it was his favorite movie you had shown him, and it was your guys’ favorite movie to watch together.
you switched positions again, laying your head on his thigh and staying in that position for a while. his fingers comb through your hair, and with a full belly and still waking up, you had fallen back again.
bucky looked down, studying your features as you slept in his lap. he was super upset about his best friend passing away, and you were there to console him. you were always there for bucky when he had his nightmares, his sleep walks, his sleep paralysis, everything, it was always you there. 
bucky always had tiny feelings for you when you started dating steve, but he couldn’t say anything because obviously you and steve loved each other. bucky always hated seeing you two together, but never said or did anything. not until steve went back to peggy. he was there for your nightmares, helping put back the pieces of your broken heart- and it worked. 
the movie had finished and he switched it to another one, softly combing his fingers through your hair. you groaned and shifted, mumbling in your sleep. 
“mm.. bucky.. k.. kiss me please” you mumble, sighing as you softly snored again. bucky didn’t realize he was holding his breath until he felt his head pound. did you actually mean that, or was it just a crazy dream?
he shook his head, watching the tv and playing with your hair again. you quickly shot up, gasping and holding onto bucky’s thigh. you made bucky jump, holding your cheek and rubbing his thumb over your skin. 
“are you alright, doll? what happened?” you hold his wrist, relaxing into his hand and closing your eyes. “yn?” you remember the dream you were having, opening your eyes and kissing his palm. 
“kiss me” you blurted, bucky gulping and cocking his head slightly. 
“kiss me, bucky” he grabbed your neck, pulling you forward and connecting your lips with his. your fingers grip his hair, slowly straddling his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck. his hands rub over your back, grabbing your shirt in his hands. you pull away, the both of you panting with your foreheads pressed together. 
“you have no idea how long i’ve waited to kiss you like that” he breathed, making you laugh and kiss him again. “i don’t want to rush you into anything, i know you’re-”
“bucky.. it’s been amazing living with you together for nearly 8 months. and.. i don’t really know if i should say this.. but.. i love you, bucky. i love how you took care of me, and how you still do. i love how you watch silly movies with me”
“yn” he tilts your chin down, kissing your nose. “i love you too, doll” 
“oh, thank god” you sigh, kissing him again. you pull away, the both of you smiling at each other. you comb your fingers through his hair, pulling it down and smiling as it reaches his shoulders. 
“i wanna cut it” he said and you look at him. “i’m serious, i want to go back to short hair”
“awesome, i can’t wait to see you with short hair” you smile, admiring his locks. 
“can you cut it?” bucky asked and you smile, kissing him over and over. “i’m gonna take that as a yes. have you cut hair before?”
“yeah i used to cut tony and steve’s all the time. so you’re in good hands” you clap and rub your hands together, hopping off of the couch. you held out your hand and bucky took it, standing up too with a smile. you pulled him upstairs, grabbing a stool and putting it in the bathroom. “alright, we’re gonna wash your hair first” 
bucky took off his shirt and leaned back into the sink, your fingernails scratching the shampoo into his scalp. bucky’s eyes rolled backwards and let out a groan from the back of his throat. you cleared your throat and licked your lips, rinsing out the shampoo. you pat his hair, wrapping the towel around his shoulders. you clip it together and brush his hair, bucky watching you focus on his hair. 
“can i turn on some music?” bucky asked and you nodded, bucky opening his phone. “can you help me find the music app?” you laugh, swiping the screen and showing him where the spotify app was. 
“you’re such an old man” you tease, kissing his cheek. you stood back up and he turned on the playlist you made of music you like and the songs you think he would like. you mumble the words as you braid his hair, pouting a bit. “i’m gonna miss braiding your hair” 
“i can always grow it out for the winter” he smiles and you pick up the scissors, your chin on his shoulders as you look at him in the mirror. “i’m ready” 
“alriiight” you said singy-songy, standing up and putting the scissors to the top of his braid. you snipped off his braid, gasping and holding it up. “barney, look it, all your hair is gone” you smile and he blushes at the nickname. you finished cutting his hair, getting it to the short length he wanted. 
“babe.. you made me look good” his fingers ran through his short hair, unclipping the towel. you put away the scissors and hold his arm. 
“you’re so handsome either way, barney. but you do look really sexy with short hair” you sweep up the hair and throw it away, looking up at bucky who still was running his fingers through his hair. you put the broom back in the closet and stood up, flopping on the bed and turning on the tv. bucky turned off the light in the bathroom, laying on the bed in between your legs. 
your fingers ran through his hair, legs over his shoulders as you both watched the movie. bucky adjusted his head and you shivered at his scruff rubbed against your skin. “did i do something?” he turned his head, making the situation worse. 
“your scruff just tickled me” you lick your lips and his metal fingers run up and down your leg. “buck..”
“do you want me to stop?” he whispered, turning to lay on his stomach. you shook your head, bucky looking up at you as he pulled down your shorts. “you are gorgeous, doll” he mumbled, leaning forward and licking a stripe up your slit. he pushes his two fingers inside of your pussy, curling his fingers and flicking his tongue against your clit. 
“bucky.. mm.. fuck yes” you moan, gripping the bed sheets in one hand and his hair in another. your hips roll against his fingers and tongue, the pleasure foreign as you hadn’t done anything sexual with someone else for months. “buck i’m gonna cum.. fuck fuck fuck, right there” you arch your back as he picks up his pace of his fingers and tongue, looking up at you as you cum, a string of moans and profanities roll off your tongue. 
“you’re so gorgeous when you cum, doll” he wipes his mouth and you kiss him, his fingers brushing your clit and you jump. “sorry, are you alright?”
“i’m okay, j-just haven’t done that in a while” you breathe, bucky smiling and washing his hands, cleaning you up softly. you pulled up your shorts and sat up, bucky coming back into the room. “thank you, bucky”
“for?” he sat next to you, hand on your thigh. 
“taking care of me when i needed it the most. always making sure i was okay, and never really taking time for yourself. thank you for taking care of peter with me, too. he really needs someone like you in his life. and thank you for loving me” you tear up and he smiles, holding your face and wiping the one tear that ran down your face. “i love you, james”
“i love you, yn. and i promise to love you and only you for the rest of my days” he leans forward, pressing his lips against yours softly. you deepened the kiss, hugging him into you. you pull away, putting your face into his neck. bucky held onto you, rubbing his hands up your back. when he hugged you, you felt like all your pieces were together again, that bucky put you back together.
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