#i used to always hate the songs I set as ringtone after awhile
fairytalehag · 9 months
Changing my ringtone to Spooky Scary Skeletons was the greatest thing I ever done for my mental health
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dancingwithdylan21 · 6 years
I Fucking Knew It
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Summary: It’s Thanksgiving at the Stilinski household and a certain guest catches Stiles’ attention.
Pairing: Fuckboy!Stiles x Reader
Prompt: “I won’t tell anyone that you’re scared of a girl.”
A sense of calm washes over Stiles Stilinski as he sets foot inside his Beacon Hills childhood home. The delicious aroma of turkey is wafting throughout and it immediately overtakes him. Not wasting any time, he hightails it towards the kitchen to visit with his favorite person of all time. 
“Hey Mom! Happy Thanksgiving!”
Claudia beams at the sound of her son’s familiar voice and pulls him into a tight hug, “Hi honey! I’m so glad you made it home.”
“Me too.” He delivers with a warm smile before kissing her on the cheek.
Unfortunately Stiles has been missing in action lately, he hasn’t celebrated a holiday with his family in some time. His crazy consuming job at the bureau keeping his ass in Washington DC for the last year.
“Who’s coming today?” Stiles asks twisting the cap off of a frosty beer. “Anyone good?”
“Everyone! They’ll all be happy to see you.“
“Naturally.” He smirks before chucking a cube of cheese into his mouth, earning himself an eye roll from Claudia.
The house soon starts bustling as family and friends start to pile in with goodies in hand. The constant focus on Stiles is overwhelming him to say the least - how many times does he have to answer the same shit?
The agent sneaks away to the kitchen for alone time, only to find his long time best friends making out aka devouring each other, "What the fuck, guys. People eat in here.” He scrunches up his face at Scott and Alison.
Scott detaches from his girlfriend’s lips, “Yeah I was just about to eat something.” He winks making Alison giggle.
“Stop it right now. I refuse to be nauseous on Thanksgiving!” Stiles huffs loudly. 
“Dude, chill...” 
“No, McCall. There’s way too many delicious things to eat...”
Claudia grins walking into the room, the sound of the two boys bickering is oddly comforting. It’s finally feeling like old times again around here. The couple start laughing on their way out of the kitchen making Stiles finally smile with victory. 
"The Andersons just came in the door.” Claudia informs checking on the cinnamon cookies in the oven. "Stiles go say hi to Y/N and see what she wants to drink.”
A confused expression breaks out on the agent’s face, "Who?” He moves around the corner, not prepared for what he’s about to see.
You’re easily the most gorgeous girl that Stiles has ever laid his eyes on and it makes his heart speed up. He’s been staring, not even aware until you break him out of his trance with a friendly wave. A nervous smile appears on his lips before rushing back into the kitchen.
"Smooth, moron.” Stiles groans to himself.
“What does she want?” Claudia wonders with her back to him.
“Huh?” Stiles says distracted.
“What does Y/N want to drink?” His mom sighs, wiping her hands on the apron that she’s wearing.
"I didn’t ask.” Stiles answers with a frown. "Who is she?”
Claudia halts her movements, locking eyes with her son like he’s a mad man, "She lived down the street, sweetheart. You two played video games constantly. Almost everyday.”
“Wait what…”
“I always had to yell about going out and getting some fresh air.” She finishes with a chuckle.
"That's…there’s no way that’s her.” Stiles adds with wide eyes, his mouth now turning dry.
“Yup. That’s her.”
“But she moved away in the eighth grade with her family. I never saw her again.” Stiles squints at his mother, trying to search for any signs of a lie.
“I know. She moved back about a year ago. You’d know that if you ever came home for the holidays.” Claudia sasses with a hand flying to her hip.
Stiles ignores his mom’s comment, too distracted when the image of you as a kid pops into his head. "She was such a tomboy. I forgot she was a girl most of the time.” Stiles adds surprised.
“Not anymore.” Mary sing songs, unable to hold back a laugh over her son’s deer in headlights look.
Stiles is unbelievably caught off guard, still not convinced that you’re the girl who he spent countless hours with. There’s really only one way to find out the truth. He’s going to test you. First he just needs to find the balls to approach you.
"Hi Mary!” You stroll into the kitchen wearing an infectious smile, not missing how your childhood friend tenses up.
“Hi sweetie! You look beautiful.” She greets, wrapping her arms around you for a hug.
Stiles gives you a quick smile when you turn towards him but it barely lasts before he looks away. Well this is strange, you’ve always heard that he’s such a ladies man. It definitely doesn’t seem it though.
You’re about to strike up a conversation with Stiles when Scott mischievously barrels into the room. Without warning, he hoists you up off the ground making you squeal in surprise. When he finally sets you down, you notice that Stiles has weirdly disappeared. 
“Need any help?” You ask Claudia, giving Scott his cue to excuse himself before he’s put to work as well.
“You can move the cinnamon cookies onto a platter.” She gestures to the baking sheets behind her. "It’s been awhile since you’ve seen Stiles huh?”
“Yeah. Seems like forever ago.” You admit. “He seems sorta…quiet. Which I didn’t expect because I’ve heard that he’s a real charmer. And also always talking.”
Claudia bursts out laughing, "Yeah. I usually can’t get the boy to shut up. I think it’s because of you.” She playfully winks.
“Me?” You furrow your brows.
“My ridiculous son doesn’t believe that you’re the girl who grew up down the street.”
“Huh.” You giggle softly. “That’s funny.”
Stiles searches like crazy for his best friend, finally spotting him hanging out in the backyard. "Ya know the girl that you picked up in the kitchen?”
"Uh yeah…” Scott shoots him an amused look. "What about her?”
“My mom said that she’s the Y/N from when we were younger but it’s not, right?” Stiles studies his reaction closely.
Scott knows what he’s about to do is wrong but he can’t help himself, “Nah. Different Y/N. Your mom always gets the two confused, man.”
“That makes more sense! There’s no way that’s the same girl.” Stiles snickers at him.
Scott refrains from rolling his eyes, a smirk then appears when he sees you walking in their direction. His friend soon catches on, resulting in opposite reactions from each guy.
“Hey.” You grin wide at them, getting a friendly smile from Scott and an awkward one from Stiles.
A ringtone breaks the silence causing Stiles to veer off to the side to answer it. He starts pacing as he talks, his unusual amount of energy is definitely entertaining you.
"Is he always this weird, Scotty?”
“Yup.” He cracks a knowing smile. “It’s worse than normal because of you though.”
“That’s what his mom said too! I don’t get it.” You sigh watching Stiles.
Scott shrugs, "Just a heads up…he asked if you were really the Y/N from down the street. I may have lied and said no.”
“McCall!” You gasp causing you both to erupt into laughter.
“I know, I know. He makes it too easy sometimes.”
“Jeez. Was I that shitty looking back then?” You frown getting a shocked reaction from Scott.
“Not at all, Y/N.” He assures you. “You were just different than the other girls we were around. All they cared about was makeup and going to the mall. You were more into sports and video games.”
"Yeah that’s true…”
“Plus you always wore your brother’s clothes for some reason.” Scott chuckles at the memory.
“Yeah well…I hated all the girly shit back then. My brother’s t-shirts had skulls and stuff so I liked them. My mom wouldn’t buy them for me.” You explain with a giggle.
Stiles ends his call and heads back over to you both, the action makes Scott suddenly announce that he needs more beer. Awesome. Now you and Stiles are standing here alone.
So…you gonna talk to me or run away again?” You speak up with a giggle.
Stiles hesitates then rubs the back of his neck, “I didn’t run away, Y/N.”
You shrug lazily, “Don’t worry, dude. I won’t tell anyone that you’re scared of a girl.”
Stiles’ demeanor instantly shifts, he smugly cocks his head at you, "Oh please, sweetheart. No one would believe you.”
Well shit. There’s the Stiles that you’ve heard so much about. That seems to break the ice and you both continue on with the small talk. But in the back of Stiles’ mind, he keeps wondering if maybe you are the girl from his childhood.
Back then you two were very competitive and constantly played Mario Kart on Wii. He always picked Mario and you always picked Luigi. You both would trash talk all day about whose choice is better.
Even when you weren’t playing, Stiles would randomly exclaim “Mario!” making you always shout “Luigi!” in response. He finally decides it’s now or never to man up and test you about his possible theory.
“Mario.” Stiles states casually, no doubt now eyeing you.
“What?” You play dumb like a pro but it’s literally killing you to not scream "Luigi”.
“Did you say Mario?” You quirk an eyebrow at the brunette. He clears his throat loudly with a slight redness flushing his cheeks.
“Who’s that?” You question innocently.
Stiles shakes his head at you, "Never mind.” He’s now avoiding eye contact and it’s the cutest thing ever.
You offer him a kind smile and continue to pretend that you’re clueless. Up until a minute ago, the dynamic between you and Stiles drastically improved. It definitely helped when he became less scared of you.
You find yourself sneaking peeks at Stiles, his handsome features almost leaving you breathless. Of course he’s guilty of doing the same thing, trying hard not to get caught.
“Would you like to go out sometime?” Stiles inquires with a boyish grin.
“I’d love to.” You sweetly peck his cheek then start walking backwards. "I’m gonna run inside and grab us a snack. Ok?”
You spin around fast, not allowing Stiles to respond before you rush off towards the deck. After a quick glance at him, you start climbing up the stairs and then pause at the slider door. Without a second thought, you peer over the deck railing and call Stiles’ name.
"One more thing…”
“Luigi!” You exclaim proudly before booking it into the house with a laugh.
Stiles’ mouth drops open at your confession, "I fucking knew it.” He chuckles to himself.
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little-chimchim · 7 years
20 (Vernon Fluff)
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Copy of ask: Can I request a Vernon fluff based on the song 20 by the vocal unit?
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2757
Genre: Fluff!
Pairing: Vernon x Reader
A/N:  Thank you for the anon who requested this! I know it took a few days to do. This one was a bit hard to write. I had to listen to the song and read the lyrics on loop to get a story in mind. So thank you once again! Love you all! -Kay
He sprung awake, the alarm blaring through his room. He felt around his empty bed for his phone. Once he found it, he clicked the alarm button off and threw the phone gently on to his now messed up bed.
He sighed and walked to the mirror on his wall. Vernon ran his fingers through his hair excitedly, hoping he looked a little bit presentable. He glanced back at the phone on his bed, anticipating the call to come through soon.
Once his ringtone rang, he stumbled over himself to grab it. He slid the accept button and saw your face pop up on his screen. He smiled pleasantly and waved to you. You wanted to wave back but you had your phone in one hand and a coffee in the other.
“Vernon!” You said happily, you looked at his tired appearance and smiled. “Did you get enough sleep?” You asked him. It should have been around seven in the morning in Korea. Vernon nodded and looked away from your face to look at your surroundings. “You’re not in the office?” He asked.
You shook your head and held up the coffee in your hands. “The boss wanted some coffee so I had to grab it.” You told your best friend. Vernon laughed and admired your face. “It looks busy in New York today.”
“Vern...it’s always busy in New York City. It never sleeps here. You should know this, you were born here.” You giggled as you walked through the streets of the bustling city. You had moved to New York a couple of years prior with your family. Your father had gotten a job that transferred him to the city and so naturally you went along with him. You were a Freshman in college now, working as an intern at a news station while you attended college.
Vern shrugged his shoulders and smiled cheekily, “I suppose it’s been awhile since I’ve been there.” He said. He got up from the bed and carried the phone to the kitchen, still having a full on conversation with you.
You and Vern had been best friends since you were five, when he had moved to Korea. The two of you had never been separated until your own move. It had taken a toll on your friendship for a while but the two of you were able to mend it quickly. As long as you promised to call each other at least once a day the two of you were content.
You sighed as you got closer to the station. “I might be able to call you later tonight but I have to get going now.” You blew him a kiss and clicked off your phone.
Vernon set his phone on the counter and groaned. It was exactly those things that you did that made him crazy. The cute things that he couldn’t handle. Those exact things made him realize just how much he missed you. Without you by his side every day was the worst thing he could imagine. Especially now that you were on the other side of the world.
He loved the daily calls, but after a while he realized that they weren't enough to keep him from missing your smiling face every day.
He sighed to himself and took a quick drink of water. He turned around when he heard the soft sound of footsteps enter the kitchen.
“Was that Y/N?” Joshua asked. Vernon nodded his head and set the glass down. Joshua laughed breathlessly and shook his head at Vern. “It's not fun seeing you like this, Vern. Why can't you tell her already?” The older man asked.
Vernon shrugged his shoulders. “She's on the other side of the world, she's just now starting to live her dream. I can't confess to her feelings I've had since we were ten. That's not fair to her. Plus, I have my own career with you guys. I have to focus on what's important.” Vernon said everything like they were lines out of a script.
Joshua reached out and ruffled Verns hair playfully. “I'll talk to the manager about the possibility of you going to New York for a couple of days. You should at least go and see her. It's been too long.”
Vern shook his head and moved Joshua’s hands away from his head. “No need, I'm not going to go and bother her.” He grumbled.
Joshua rolled his eyes “Because that would be so unwelcome by your best friend.” He joked, mocking Vernon’s voice. “Suit yourself Vern,” Joshua said before exiting the kitchen.
You tapped your pencil against the wooden desk of your boss's office. He was late for the meeting and you didn’t know where he was. Minutes wore on until he finally came into the office, files and papers in his arms. “Sorry I’m running late Y/N. I just got a call about a new story that we will be covering.”
Your boss, Mr. Jones, was the lead reporter for the entertainment section of the news company. He covered everything from celebrity gossip to concerts around the country. He did everything. The aging man smiled to you and set everything down on the desk in front of you.
“There’s a very popular Korean actor who will acting in a movie here in America in the next few months. I want to get everything there is to know about him so we can start doing segments about him.” He paused and looked to you happily. “So, to start your reporting career, I want you to travel back to Seoul and interview Kang Jin-Woo. I’ve already set it up, you just need to pack and head to the airport by tomorrow morning.”
You looked to you boss in shock. He was finally going to let you handle an interview and you were finally able to go back home, even if it was just for a few days. You beamed brightly.
“Thank you sir!” You shot up from your seat at the desk and shook his hand. Mr. Jones pat your back and gestured for you to leave the office. You nodded and quickly made your way out of the large room.
Once you were out of there, you grabbed your phone and quickly started texting a message for Vernon. You hesitated before sending him the message, announcing your news. You wanted to surprise him and you weren’t going to ruin that by instantly texting him.
You hadn’t seen Vernon in a couple of years. They were a long, boring years that you wish didn’t happen. Despite the big move from Seoul to New York, you had never been able to become adjusted to New York. It never felt like home.
Being apart from Vernon made it even worse. He had been the only one in this world to stand by you, even in the worst of times. You missed him more than anything. Now was your chance to finally visit him again and you couldn’t be any happier.
Vernon had called you that afternoon after dance practice. He looked messy and disheveled from the hours of dancing and working out. He tried straightening his hair out before you answered his video call, but it was no use because it still clung to his face from the sweat. You smiled to him when you answered his call. You quickly moved to the other side of your room, careful not to show your suitcase and give away any hints of your arrival. “Someone looks like they need a shower.” You told him blatantly.
Vernon blushed and looked away quickly. He made eye contact with Joshua, who only made odd faces towards his friend. Vernon rolled his eyes and focused his attention back to you. “And it looks like someone needs to do a better job on their makeup.” He retorted back quick. You gasped and your hand flew to your face, but you knew he was kidding.
The two of you went back and forward like this for a few minutes before Vernon started talking about the new song he and the group was working on. You loved to see him so excited like this, but you also hated that you couldn’t see it in person. Every single thing about Vernon was perfect and you regretted not telling him about your feelings before you left for New York, now you were stuck video chatting him on the daily. It was nowhere near the same feeling as seeing and holding him in person.
When the two of you said your goodbyes, Vernon clicked off his phone and set it next to him. “Why is she so perfect?” He groaned loudly. The other members stopped what they were doing and looked at Vernon.
Vern stood up and threw up his arms in frustration. “She’s thousands of miles away and I still can’t get her out of my mind! There’s no point in confessing that I love her because she still probably sees me as the little kis she grew up with!”
Joshua held up a finger and winked, “You said probably, that doesn’t mean she does though.” He smirked, trying to push Vernon further. Vernon gave a sarcastic side glance and muttered something in English under his breath. “Hey!” Joshua yelled, “That wasn’t nice.”
Vernon rolled his eyes but replaced his sarcastic look with a sweet smile. “I’m sorry, it’s just… I’m tired of growing older without her next to me. I’m almost twenty and before I know it, I’ll be thirty and I would have lost her all together.”
He saw Jihoon shrug his small shoulders lightly. “Then why don’t you use your twenties to find her and confess to her?” He said it so plainfully, like it was the most obvious answer in the world.
Because maybe it was.
Vernon’s eyes grew wide. He looked to Joshua and nodded, “Tell the manager that I’m leaving for New York tomorrow. Say that I’m visiting family for a few days. I need to go find Y/N and tell her what I’ve been trying to say for years now.” He ran up and hugged the two boys tightly. “Thank you,” he whispered. He gave them both a thumbs up before he stumbled out the door, too excited to keep his body from falling.
The flight was long and tiring. Your head pounded from the pressure of being thousands of feet in the air, but that didn’t keep you from being excited. To ease your nerves, you looked over your notes for the interview with Jin-Woo. You were nervous and excited at the same time. Though, you were most looking forward to finally seeing Vernon again...well, maybe.
The same time you were flying to Korea, Vernon was on his was to America.
You didn’t realize this until you walked into the dance studio after you were finished with the interview. You waited for them to finish their current song before you walked in unannounced.
The first one to notice you was Joshua, who looked at you as if you were a ghost. He dropped the water bottle he had been holding and looked to everyone else. You had known the boys before their debut, not well but you were all on friendly terms with one another. “Holy shit it’s Y/N,” He muttered, starting to worry.
You cocked an eyebrow and looked around, Vernon was nowhere to be seen. “Where’s Vern?” You asked them all.
Jihoon laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his head. “He’s traveling to America right now to go and surprise you.” He said, elongating each note. You stopped in your tracks, too shocked to register anything. You came back home to surprise him yet he was already in America coming to surprise you. You sighed to yourself and looked to the boys.
You bowed to them and backed into the door. “I-I’m sorry for intruding, I should get going now.” You sputtered, fumbling around with the doorknob until you could get it open.
Once you were gone, Joshua looked to the others, shaking his head. “I’m telling this story at the wedding.” He mumbled before the others started dance practice once more.
Vernon had gotten the special surprise from your boss. He walked into the station and started asking everyone around him where you might be. No one had any idea about where you were until you ran into Mr. Jones.
“You’re looking for my lovely, Y/N?” Mr. Jones’s deep voice asked from behind Vernon. He quickly turned around and nodded his head shyly. “Yes sir!” He said enthusiastically, straightening out his posture and looking Mr. Jones straight in the eye.
Mr. Jones smiled and pat Vernon on the back. “Why...she’s in Korea right now doing a story for me. Can I ask what your name is young man?”
“Hansol Vernon”
Mr. Jones’s eyes grew wide as a broad and bright smile spread across his face. “The Vernon? The one my sweet little intern never stops talking about? Wow, it’s a pleasure to meet you. What brings you to New York?” He asked Vernon.
Vernon, now realizing what had happened took a deep breath before answering your boss. “I came here to visit Y/N. She’s my best friend and I needed to see her.”
Mr. Jones looked at him suspiciously, he wasn’t just your best friend, he could tell that from a mile away but he didn’t want to push Vernon too far. Mr. Jones, his smile still on his face, pat Vernon on the arm. “Wait at the airport young man, once she realizes that you’re not in Korea, she’ll come back to see you right away.”
Mr. Jones let Vernon go and waved his hand. “Good luck, young Vernon.” He gleamed. Vernon smiled and quickly exited the station and headed towards the airport to wait for you.
You saw Vernon sound asleep in one of the waiting chairs just outside the terminal. You nudged him awake. Your heart pounded out of your chest. Vernon slowly and groggily woke up from his nap. The second he saw you, he was wide awake. He got up from the chair and wrapped his arms around you like he was about to lose you again.
“I missed you too much.” He whispered. You hugged him back, a small set of tears formed at your eye. “I missed you more.” Vernon pulled away and pressed his forehead against yours.
He had always done this when you needed to be cheered up. He would simply press his face close to yours and murmur sweet words to cheer you back up. You didn’t need to be cheered up this time, not even close. You were just happy to have him right in front of you one more time.
“I’m going to make it really clear and I’m going to rip the bandaid off. I came to New York to tell you that I love you and that I want to spend every morning with you by my side. I’ve loved you for so-”
You raised his finger, a faint blush creeping to your cheeks. “I love you too.”
Vernon shook his head, “Let me finish. Don’t reject it quite yet. I love you so mu-” His face fell when what you said registered in his brain. He looked down to you, unsure what to do with his mouth. Should he smile? She he be surprised or be blank faced?
You answered the question for him when you pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss. He pulled your body towards his so he could feel your warmth against his own. He had been dreaming of the day when the two of you finally kissed. For a while he had thought that it was impossible, that you would never see him in any way other than his best friend.
Now he knew that he was proven very wrong.
You pulled away from him and leaned against his chest. “I want to be with you every morning too, Vern. I want to spend the rest of my twenties having adventures with you then I want to spend my thirties settling down with you.”
Vernon smiled and pecked your lips softly. “I love you,” The feeling of the words on his tongue made him happy, finally being able to say them to you was exciting. It was a rush and he was so excited to say it to you every morning and all through his twenties.
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dangerousimagines · 7 years
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The Watcher (Joker x Reader)
“Your life changes after a bank robbery sends you into the arms of Gothams most dangerous criminal. Little do you know, he’s had his eyes on you for awhile.”
Requested by Anon: “Can you write an imagine where the reader is black and is a loner who doesn’t get out much and is very shy and nice and unbeknownst to her is being watched by the joker who’s formed a slight obsession with her can you also make it so he’s actually been in her apartment before but she has no clue how they meet can be up to you and what transpires after they meet can be up to you just make it romantic and cute but not over the top thank you so much ❤😘”
A/n: This took me FOREVER to write xD I hope I did alright. I didn’t want to go too far with it and end up with something offensive. I’m still too inexperience for this stuff, I’m sorry. But I decided to split this into two parts, the second part is done already and it’ll be posted tomorrow probably.
Warnings: Death of Hostages, violence, gun shot wounds.
The sound of vibrating and the chorus of your favourite song blared through out your apartment, pulling you from your deep sleep. You quickly silenced it and let out a sigh. You’d been so happy when you downloaded that song as a ringtone, and now you were starting to hate the very sound of it. Guess all good things have to come to an end eventually. You pulled your ass out of bed, groaning from how groggy you were. It was your first day off and you wanted you wanted to do nothing but sleep the day away. Unfortunately there were a lot of errands you had to run. So sleep would have to wait.
You walked over to the window, pulling the curtains back and allowing light to stream through your apartment. You got your morning workout out of the way and jumped into the shower. You couldn’t think of a better way to start your day. Stepping out of the shower, you used your hand to wipe away the steamy fog from the mirror. You smiled at your reflection and continued on with your morning routine. Everything was going according to plan until you tried to leave. Your purse banged against the table beside the door, causing a few books to fall and hit the floor. You checked the time and shrugged, you’d pick them up when you got home. You hurried outside, running across the street and just narrowly catching your bus.
Your first stop was the bank, you took a deep sigh as you pulled the heavy doors open to enter the building. It was a Saturday morning and just like you expected, the building was packed. You mentally slapped yourself, you knew that you should of gone the day before. Groaning, you dragged yourself over to the ‘shortest’ looking line. Pulling out your phone, you prepared yourself for long wait.
About an hour and a half passed, you were nearly there. One person away ahead of you. You had your headphones in, music being the only thing that was protecting your sanity as you waited. You looked up from your phone in time to see the glass partition that incased the employees to be shattered by a barrage of bullets. The person who had been in front of you, stumbled back and when she did, she shoved you back. You nearly fell to the floor, your headphones ripping out of your ears as you steadied yourself. You quickly looked back towards where the gunfire must of came from. Your eyes went wide as you saw 6 men, armed, causally strolling through the entrance of the bank.
The security guards were quick to raise their guns but they were taken out before they could even fire. You held your hand over your mouth. Three of the men hoped over the counter and made their way toward the vaults. The other three were left with the hostages and yourself. They were taunting everyone and you were glad that you had stumbled back enough to be further from all of them. You glanced back over your shoulder and saw an emergency exit. Gun shots then exploded through out the bank. When you looked back, you saw them killing off the hostages. Your eyes went wide and you shot up to your feet, running for the exit just behind you. They saw you as you scrambled through the exit.
You ran as fast as you could, your heart pounding against your ribcage. There was a sound that pierced the air and a searing pain that suddenly coarsed through your shoulder. You nearly tripped over yourself as the bullet hit you, but you pushed on. You had to. You continued to run, pushing yourself past your limits until you came to a dead end, an alley with no escape.
“What do we have here?”
You turned around quickly, coming face to face with a criminal you’d only ever seen on TV. “Y-You’re the…”
“The Joker?” He finished with a bored tone. He stepped towards you slowly, taking in your gorgeous ebony complexion. He wouldn’t admit it, but there was something about you that had always drawn him in. Not that you would ever know, you would think this was the first time you’d met the handsome criminal. “Veryyyy correct, darling. Nice bullet wound you got there…I bet it hurts,” his condescending tone was accompanied by a smug grin that was plastered on that pale face of his.
“Are you with them?” You asked quickly, your eyes looking around the alley for something you could use against him.
“Those petty bank robbers? Haven’t you seen me on TV? Im more…dramatic…when it comes to my crimes. I want witnesses to spread the word, but I’m not against killing hostages when necessary.”
You didn’t fully believe him but you pushed that aside, you had bigger problems right now. You could hear the footsteps drawing closer, you bit at your bottom lip, unsure how you were going to get out of this alive.
“There she is!” You heard one shout.
You knew the only way you were getting out of here was to try and push past them. The Joker watched you as you started towards the way you’d came. He waited a few moments before he acted. “The funny thing is,” you heard him call out. “I prefer pretty things to stay alive, rather than bleeding out in a dirty alley.”
“What’re you talking-” you looked over your shoulder at him just as he had wrapped his arm around your waist.
He pulled you backwards and then held you behind him, so he was facing the men who had just emerged from the alley entrance. Your cheeks went red, from anger or excitement, you didn’t know.
The men eyed the two of you, but they seemed more focused on the criminal than you. “Joker…give us the girl. This doesn’t involve you, you know what our gang stands for…”
“Yes yes, 'no witness’ are to be left alive’. I’ve heard of you guys. Quite boring if you ask me.”
“Listen Clown!” The man began.
“No you listen,” he hissed. “This girl belongs to me, so I’m going to need ya both to get the hell away from here before your families have to take a trip down to the morgue to identify whatever’s left of you.”
They didn’t take his threats to well and open fired, you closed your eyes tightly and prepared for the worst. Inside, you were hopefully that this mega criminal was someone you could put your trust in, even if for just this moment. You reopened your eyes when the gunfire died down, one of the men were lying dead on the ground while the other had ran off.
The pain in your shoulder suddenly became more apparent and you pressed your hand against the bleeding wound.“I-I need to go to the hospital…”
“Hm, that’s a bad idea.” You looked to him, trying to figure out just how crazy he truly was. He simply smirked, tsking his finger at you. “Those men, sweetheart, are going to come looking for you. Now, they know you got shot so the first place they’ll look will be the hospital.”
You felt nauseas, were they really not going to stop until you were dead. “So…” he walked over and took your chin in his fingers, forcing you to look up at him. His eyes were so blue, too pure and beautiful for a madman. “I’ll take you home and we’ll get rid of that ugly bullet in your pretty skin.”
You were quiet for awhile before you finally nodded. His grin grew and he pulled something out of his pocket. You looked down at his hands as he held some kind of fabric out to you.
“Press it against the wound,” he said when you didn’t take it right away. He didn’t like you eyeing him so suspiciously, although he didn’t blame you.
The Joker sped down the streets, his trademark purple sports car living up to its reputation. You wish you didn’t have a bullet in your shoulder so you could actually appreciate and enjoy being in a car you’d never be able to afford. The car slowed as it pulled up in front of your apartment building. Something suddenly didn’t feel right as you realized that you never even told him your address, hell you didn’t even give him directions. He got out and opened the door for you, holding his hand out to you.
“Come on, Doll.”
“H-How? How did you…” you stammered.
“I’ll explain inside,” he said with a smirk, his hand still being held out to you.
You swallowed hard and accepted it, allowing him to help you out of the low car. You went inside first, noticing the books you’d knocked over his morning had been picked up. You stared at them as the Joker casually strolled past you and into the apartment. You tore your eyes from the books, hoping you were just overthinking everything. You locked the door and then slowly looked over towards the man who stood on the other side of the apartment, looking out the window and not facing you. You looked back to the door as the sudden realization of your position hit you, you’d just locked yourself in with a man probably more dangerous than the men who were after you.
“Take off your shirt.”
You looked back to him, eyes narrowed. “Excuse me?” You hissed.
“Oh Kitten, I’m flattered but I’m more interested in the piece of metal currently in your shoulder.”
Your anger melted away quickly and your body felt as if it’d been set ablaze. “Turn around then.”
“No,” he said quickly.
“Yes,” you argued back just as quickly.
“If you keep wasting time, you’ll find that it’s goin’ be a lot more painful to remove,” he said smugly, pointing to your shoulder.
You bit your bottom lip, cursing under your breath as you realized he was right. “Fine,” you sighed quietly.
“Good girl,” he smirked. “Now hurry up.”
You closed your eyes tightly. You started to take off your shirt, draping it over the front part of your body and leaving the gunshot wound uncovered. You noticed him walk out, surprised to see him with a random assortment of items that you knew were from your first aid kit.
He hadn’t watched you after all.
The next 20 minutes were pure hell. The pain you’d felt was incomparable. You sat there, tears still staining your face as you panted. The Joker watched you as he cleaned and bandaged the wound. You were stronger than he had originally thought. His eyes focused on your lips as they parted so you could take quick breaths. Your blood stained his hands, not that he minded. He stood slowly, collecting the bloody cloths and bandages, and taking them into the kitchen.
“Do you have anything for pain?” He suddenly asked.
You looked at him through half-lided eyes before you shook your head. “N-No…”
“Nothing?” He checked, watching as you nodded.
“Nothing strong anyway,” you added when he didn’t respond right away.
He stepped out of the kitchen and over to you, “Take this.”
You glared up at him as he held out two little pills, “I’m not taking some kind of mystery drug.”
“Mystery drug?” He rose his eyebrows in amusement. “They’re painkillers, not even a street drug.”
“I don’t trust you,” you lied. You didn’t want to admit it, but you did trust him. He’d saved your life, bandaged you up and now he was staring at you with those damned blue eyes and that attractive face of his.
“I don’t need you to trust me,” he whispered before leaned in closer to you. His thumb caressed your bottom lip, “Now open.”
You knew your face had to be turning about forty different shades of red right now. Slowly, you opened your mouth and he carefully placed the pill on the tip of your tongue.
“Now, you should rest.” He glanced over at the door to the bedroom then back at you.
You were about to argue with him but when he looked back at you, you felt a wave of desire roll through you. You nodded slowly, “C-Can you carry me to the bedroom?”
He withheld his grin and bent down to have you wrap your arms around his neck as he picked you up. He carried you into the bedroom, being careful not to bump into anything. Carefully, he lowered you onto the bed.
“Are you going to leave?” You asked without thinking.
His red lips tipped up into a smirk. “If you want me to stay, all you have to do is ask.”
You swallowed down your pride, “P-Please, stay here with me.”
Part 2
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Set Me Free - Chapter 10 (Previous Chapters)
Fandom - Sing 2016
Pairing - Johnny x Ash (Jash)
Rated: T
Chapter Summary: The group meets up to discuss the game plan before heading to confront Buster Moon…
The week leading up to the following Friday was more or less of a blur.
Ash still couldn't believe (even after more than a week to comprehend it) that she had actually agreed to help - to try and coerce Buster on trying to continue the competition regardless of the lack of prize money or even a real stage to perform on. Still had absolutely no idea what possessed her to call Johnny and tell him that she actually wanted to assist - to count her in to their most-likely fruitless attempts at some kind of reconciliation.
Yes, she was frustrated and miserable at the fact she hadn't been able to get a single gig of her own volition and perhaps that was one of the main reasons for her lack of logic and judgment, but now it was far too late too rethink or re-take back any previous statement. The date was set and she'd already spoken to Johnny multiple times this week - if she backed out now, she'd just end up looking like a total jackass.
It hadn't been easy regardless.
More like a tug of war of sorts; keeping her head above water and depression at bay as she watched her life crumble around her yet she grasped to this diminutive hope as if it was her only lifeline…
Perhaps another chance to sing her own song and to showcase some semblance of forgiveness toward Buster Moon was exactly she needed. At the very least, going to see him would perhaps give this traumatic chapter of her life a nice bookend so she wouldn't have to even think about it again. With it out of the way, she could move on with her life - push forward, possibly ask her dad for a loan so she could start college if nothing or no one else was there to lean on. Ash could start over, do things like she should have done years ago and get a degree and a job like a normal animal instead of chasing her unrealistic dreams…well, that's her mother called them anyway…
…the very inking of it killed her inside…
To imagine that talking Buster into doing something about this show could possibly be the last chance she had at singing - to make a career out of something she lived and breathed for as long as she can remember. Giving those childhood dreams up would possibly be the final nail in her coffin but Ash really saw no other way out. Working a mediocre job and performing at bars and the such on weekends (if she could get the gigs at all) was hardly a glamorous life of a rockstar she so badly desired…
The more optimistic side of her, that had long since fled to the back of her subconscious, secretly hoped this would be the beginning of perhaps something better. The possibility of Buster readily agreeing, they would perform, the news would cover it, and some record label would eagerly sign them all up!
…yeah, right…
The bitter part of her laughed it off for Ash was no optimist, she was a realist and in the end, it would serve her well.
If this inevitably didn't work out, if Buster refused and she had to go back to square one - she had begging her pops for college money to look forward to. To get a degree in something non-music related for what else was college going to teach her about music that she already didn't know? …to give up the dream of selling-out stadiums to screaming fans and instead working the dreaded nine-to-five in a steady job so she could support herself. A part of her dreaded that moment she would call her dad but another expected it.
Yet somewhere in the vast recesses of her optimistic side, there was this part that held onto the unquenchable hope that Buster would at least hear them out and consider it.
But for now…all she could do was wait.
So she did. Spending this past week continuing to clean her apartment and re-organizing things to make it her own space - to divulge the last of her apartment away from how her and Lance decorated it when they first moved in together. It now only held her flair and she was able to do so while simultaneously trying to cut back on certain things such as cable television, name brand foods, and sparingly uses of household things such as electricity and gas to save on bills (also making a few extra bucks by pawning Lance's extensive music and movie collection). Ash wanted to be sure that the money she had saved would last for awhile in the off-chance that perhaps this may just work out and she was in limbo as things got back in order and her would stay on dream on life-support.
As far-fetched as that idea may seem, Ash clung to it harder than she wanted to admit…
A soft sigh escaped her throat before she jumped off her couch; about to head to the bedroom to finish getting ready for the day when a sound froze her mid-step. Cell phone suddenly buzzed from atop the white leather couch followed by an annoying ringtone Lance chose months ago rang out through the apartment (she reminded herself to change it).
"Be there in a few." Johnny's text read and her eyes widened.
"Shit!" she gasped under her breath; tossing the cellular device onto the couch where it bounced once before becoming still. The obnoxious notification ringtone still going on for a few seconds until her apartment became deadly silent once again.
Ash had not even noticed when time was slipping away from her. She really needed to stop spending her days staring at her apartment walls lost in her over-crowded mind… Without another spare thought, she ran back to her room to finish getting ready for a pre-planned "meeting" at Rosita's house before they'd all go to see Buster and Ash's stomach churned at the very thought. Maybe it was seeing everyone again that had her turning into a panicky bundle of nerves…
Rosita, Gunter, Meena, and Miss Crawly (not to mention the very depressed Buster) - more people she was so certain she'd never see again in her lifetime. Thought the whole Moon Theater Saga was behind her and would ultimately end up to be nothing but a strange memory or recollection of images taken from multiple weeks ago, but no… Yet as she stood there, her more logical side of why her stomach was in knots was probably more or less the fact that Johnny was going to be here any minute to pick her up.
Damn bus stop not being in reasonable walking distance to the vast recesses of suburbia that Rosita called home left her with absolutely no choice but to call up Johnny and ask him for a lift.
Well, technically he offered in an earlier phone call:
"Hey, Ash, I finally got some petrol for my truck." he sounded way too damn happy as usual, "A-Are you going need a ride to Rosita's? I can give you a lift if you want -"
She gave him a firm, "No."
Moments later, Ash found out to her growing horror that the train nor bus did not go that far into Suburbia and she'd end up walking over an hour just to reach Rosita's house. Having little to no more options, Ash ended up having to mope for a good twenty minutes before calling Johnny back and un-rejecting his offer and instead had to re-ask him for a ride.
"...still got an empty seat for Friday?" she asked, cheeks burning and throat clogging up with embarrassment as the words fled out from her mouth.
Johnny, chuckling lightly (which simultaneously caused her fur to prickle and annoyed the hell out of her) replied, "Of course, Ash. I'll pick you up around a quarter after 12. Is that alright?"
Couldn't he just say 12:15?
"Just peachy." she replied before she listened to his pleasant goodbyes and hung up without so much as a response.
Ash hated relying on other people and especially of how many times she'd already relied on Johnny in the short month they'd known each other.
After the phone was long since hung up, Ash spent the remainder of that night internally cringing at the swift change in direction her life had taken. Wondering just why the hell just listening to his voice made her stomach feel so damn weird!? There was something really wrong with her but before she could think of any more connotations, she pushed her face into a pillow and hoped either she'd suffocate or fall asleep.
It sadly ended up being the latter.
"Dammit…"Ash muttered while pulling on her shoes and brushing back her quills for the umpteenth time. 'What the hell is wrong with me?' she pondered bitterly as she stared at her reflection in her bedroom vanity, adjusting her eyeshadow and eyeliner yet again. She looked like a damn raccoon already so another swipe of the black pencil wouldn't hurt, right?
Why was she so nervous?!
Ash's stomach was filled with apprehension and hands shook as she finished applying her make-up. It felt too much like those times she was performing for those managers and owners; nervousness about her future at stake didn't seem the time or place as of now.
What the hell?
All they were only going to do was confront a depressed koala that lost his entire livelihood and business. Going to try talking him into reworking the rubble of what used to be an old grand theater into a stage and hope he takes the bait. The possibilities flitting through her mind should he agree - a chance to perform her song and get this heavy baggage off her chest.
To finally move on with her life in one way or another…
A sudden knock on her door had her jumping nearly a foot in the air.
"Coming!" she screamed probably louder than intended; wondering in the back of her mind just why her neighbors hadn't complained about her more.
Fixing her skirt, she ran over to door and opened it up.
"'Ello, Ash. How are you?" Johnny greeted; standing at her doorstep with his normal laid-back smile plastered on his face.
Just what was he always so happy about? She swore this guy was always in an annoyingly good mood…some perfect life he must have been living to be so damn pleasant...
Without even responding to his question, she said "Come in for a bit - I need a few more minutes." before turning around and disappearing back into her apartment.
"Oh… Sure. Alright." she heard him respond, footsteps following her into her the living room as she made a bee-line for her bedroom to change her skirt for probably the dozenth time that day. Why today of all days did her clothes decide not to fit right or constantly ride up!? She hadn't eaten that much crap lately that her clothes were getting too tight, was she? …ugh, just freakin' perfect…
"I'll just be a couple minutes. Sit down for a bit or stand - whatever floats your boat." Ash muttered before closing her bedroom door behind her and running back to her ransacked closet.
It was half-empty since she tossed Lance's clothes out but somehow still felt strangely crowded. The remaining garments she had yet to try on just filled her with dread - she hadn't worn most of them since freshman year in high school (part of her wondered why she hadn't thrown them out). Disheartened, her eyes fell and she took in a pile of clothes she just wore yesterday staring back at her from their rumpled appearance shoved next to her dresser. Slightly wrinkled and the same outfit they'd seen her in before but right now? She didn't care.
They were worn, comfortable and the skirt stayed in place - a final glance in the mirror showcased the multiple wrinkles but they didn't bother her.
Exiting the bedroom, she took in Johnny sitting rather awkwardly on her couch - the piece of furniture looking rather diminutive underneath his larger frame not to mention how the cushions caved underneath his weight. The smile that tickled her lips came from nowhere and Ash didn't like it one bit. A few seconds passed with her just taking him in, the windows open and bright sun filtering though and showcasing the brunette patch of hair on his forehead and bright chestnut eyes that were focused on the phone in his hand. It was rather strange yet reassuring to have someone else in her apartment since she kicked Lance's ass out over a month ago.
So much had happened since…
Before Ash even realized it, Johnny was looking right at her with the most befuddled look on his face. Ash jumped at his stare and internally berating herself for blatantly staring. Her internal mantra of "idiot, idiot, idiot" going uninterrupted when Johnny spoke up.
"Have you finished getting ready?" Johnny asked, taking a second to slip his phone back into his signature leather jacket pocket.
"Y-Yeah. Let's go." Ash muttered out, still refusing to meet his eyes while she made a show of grabbing her phone (which Johnny thankfully avoided sitting on) and shoving it in her jeans pocket. Johnny stood up right before Ash began heading toward the door; apartment keys jingling softy in her hand.
Johnny seemed a bit more surprised at her urgency than anything but followed her out of the apartment without another word.
Ash puffed out a sigh of annoyance as Johnny opened the vehicle door for her, again offering his hand to help her into the tall truck bed. Instead of allowing him to assist her further, she ignored his proffered hand and climbed up the metal step before hoisting herself onto the worn leather seat. Even experiencing a small sense of victory when she was able to click her seat-belt into place on her own.
Johnny more or less ignored her avoidance, smiling and making sure she was all in before he quietly closed the door behind her. Within a few seconds, he was sitting beside her in the driver's seat, seat-belt clicking, and the engine coming to life with a turn of his keys.
A quick glance in his mirror and they were off.
The radio was much more noticeable this time around; soft soothing sounds of R&B filling her ears and while it wasn't exactly her type of preferred music, it wasn't making her ears bleed. She needed more calming music to get through today anyway. Johnny's driving was much less manic this time around even if he cut corners a bit too sharply, causing the tires to harshly squeal underneath them a few times, it was a vast improvement. There was almost a familiarity between the two now; after speaking with him by phone multiple times this week and their once terse meeting was water under the bridge, it felt much more at ease.
Almost friends it seemed even if Ash denied it - acquaintances just felt far too impersonal now…Yet Ash refused to acknowledge this fact - she wasn't in this to make friends. If none of this worked out, these people wouldn't be in her life any longer so clinging to any so called "friendship" she was building was useless…
…that's at least what she told herself…
The drive was a lot longer than Ash initially expected, her own mind drowning in doubt and curiosity of what exactly was to take place later today. Johnny tried speaking with her a few times, to open up some kind of conversation but Ash gave him one word answers or let out a "mm-hmm" or something similar. After awhile, Johnny stopped trying by turning his complete focus on the road and allowing her to get lost in her own mind and the rather catchy song on the radio. Something about it sounding oddly familiar but far more important things were taking precedent over them for the moment.
The city she knew the streets by heart began fading away as they drove deeper into more residential areas. Recalling her mother's house looking far too similar to those she was seeing the tops of now was a bit too familiar for her own liking. Last Christmas when she took Lance with her to visit her mother was the equivalent of hell on earth and it was best it remained lost in her subconscious.
"We almost there?" Ash asked, desperately needing to think about something, anything than her mother and Lance, the bastard of an ex-boyfriend.
"Yeah, a few more minutes." Johnny responded, showing her the screen of his phone where he was using a navigational app.
Ash smirked at that.
"You didn't know the way either?" she asked.
"Nah. Don't recall the last time I drove around here - no one I know lives in nice homes like these - mostly flats, condos, and whatnot." Johnny replied before turning down another winding street filled with seemingly endless cookie cutter houses.
"Yeah, same here." Ash replied.
Within a few more moments, Johnny pulled over in front of a bright, baby blue house. Quaint, adorable, homey - all the things Ash knew precious little of anymore. Her life was too bleak for all this happiness.
"Wow. She has a nice house." Johnny commented, "Oh, there's Meena and Gunter!" he continued a second later when his eyes landed upon another arriving car. Ash could not see anything because of her stature but seeing the gorilla waving gave her a good idea of where they were. Within seconds, Johnny was out of his seatbelt and the truck.
Ash undid her seatbelt but didn't bother with the door until Johnny opened it and she hopped out, immediately receiving an enthusiastic wave from Gunter and a more shy one from Meena, who was standing close to an old-fashioned car with an older elephant still in the driver's seat. Johnny was less shy; pleasant greetings and questions abounded from him easily as he approached and began speaking to the two. Ignoring their conversation, Ash's eyes strayed toward Rosita's house just wanting to get this over with…
"There you guys are!" Rosita was suddenly opening her door and waving at where they still stood on the sidewalk. "Don't be shy - come on in!"
Well, here goes nothing…
Being in Rosita's house was strange to say the least. First off, it was a helluva lot cleaner than she expected a house with 25 piglets living in would be. It wasn't a pigsty like she expected and later on, she knew that was a stupid joke.
There were strange contraptions everywhere; on staircases, doorways, ceilings, doorknobs and pretty much everywhere else you could think of. If Ash didn't know any better, she would think it was some fun house or strange factory. Sparing a glance at Johnny, she suspected his mind was roughly in the same place hers was.
Meena was more or less just trying not bump into anything with her gargantuan frame; awkwardly skirting, ducking, and maneuvering around in that way she was known to do. Gunter strutted around (wearing more sequins than should be legal) like he owned the place and made himself comfortable right away; probably the only one of them (besides Rosita) that felt somewhat normal and at peace in this environment. It had a homey feel and the furniture not too much larger than her own and that alone was enough to put her at ease.
"Thanks for coming you guys. Hope it wasn't too out of the way for you; the city just isn't mine or Norman's cup of tea." Rosita chuckled, gesturing for them to sit at her dining room table; twenty-seven chairs all circling the large wooden table. "Also would be way too expensive to find an apartment big enough for all of us...not to mention the noise complaints we'd receive..." she sighed, an exhausted chuckle escaping amidst the fray.
Ash still was trying to absorb the fact that Johnny wasn't lying and Rosita really had twenty-five kids…how was that even possible!? Rosita looked way too young for that to be normal…
"You have a beautiful home, Rosita." Johnny spoke up politely, thankfully bringing Ash out of further thoughts, "Thank you for inviting us."
Of course he would be the one to speak - he had that easy charm about him. She hated to admit that she envied it.
"Aww, why thank you, Johnny… Um, well, we might as well get to what we came here for, right? B-Before we get started, you guys want anything to drink? I have milk, juice, or maybe some candy? Lord knows my kids don't need to eat it all." Rosita chuckled.
"No dank-ooh." Gunter replied with a smile.
Johnny, Ash,and Meena each gave each other sideways glances before Johnny spoke for all of them (admittedly in a much less shy or impolite tone than the other two would have used.)
"No thank you, Rosita. We're quite alright." Johnny spoke and Rosita just smiled before sitting down to join them.
"Alright. Um, from what the conversations I've been having with Miss Crawly, Buster is staying at Eddie's poll house." Rosita explained with a shrug.
"So, he's hiding out basically." Ash muttered out before her mind could even filter it out.
Rosita flashed her a rather disciplinary motherly look out of sheer instinct but it was gone before Ash could really recognize it.
"...Yeah." Rosita let out a sigh. "He is kind of hiding out, I suppose."
"Who could blame heem? Oh, da heart - it must ache ta lose all ya have." Gunter commented sadly.
"Yeah. That is awful." Johnny agreed and Meena nodded. Ash more or less remained silent. "I think that's why we should cheer him up a bit before confronting him about the show itself."
"That's a great suggestion, Johnny." Rosita approved.
"Ooh, Yah! Dat's a great idea!" Gunter readily agreed.
"Uh - I-I guess we mention how great of a job he was doing and how excited we are to perform regardless of the money, right?" Rosita asked and the group (sans Ash) nodded, "Good. So, what else can we do to cheer him up?"
"I-I-I baked him a cake…I-It's in my grandpa's car." Meena's sweet voice was muffled mostly behind her ears when she spoke up.
"Oh, you did? That was a great idea, Meena." Rosita praised with a kind smile.
"Yah! Ooh doesn't love cake?" Gunter chuckled.
Meena's freckled cheeks grew red and they started further disappearing behind her huge ears.
"From what I heard from Miss Crawly, she's planning on her own speech." Rosita laughed.
"We might just be there all day if that's the case. Miss Crawly can drone on for quite some time." Johnny weighed in and Rosita laughed more, even Meena let out a small chuckle.
"Ees always gud to zee preepared!" Gunter acknowledged.
"Yeah! If he's cheered up and willing to hear us out, we can discuss the idea of perhaps renovating what's left of the Moon Theater. I'm sure we can work something out." Rosita suggested.
"I'm sure there's still some of the foundation left. When I was there digging in the rubble a few days after the theater fell, there was quite a few seats and pillars and whatnot that survived the fall." Johnny explained and Ash worried for a split second that he'd mention that he salvaged her guitar in the rubble or one of the animals would be curious as to why he was digging there at all but thankfully, no one asked.
"Really? So some of it may be salvageable even after the crew went through it?" Rosita asked.
"From what I saw, yes." Johnny answered.
"Dis may just work!" Gunter nodded happily.
"W-We could even help put it back together. I-If we work hard enough, I bet we could come up with something resembling a stage." Meena weighed in, her ears now pulled back enough from her face so it wasn't too muffled anymore.
"Ooh! Oon oonce zee theater is up and we perform, perhaps we can do za charity concert!" Gunter exclaimed excitedly.
"Yeah! To raise money, perhaps even start rebuilding! I-If there's enough people willing to donate time or money, I mean -anything is possible!" Rosita was excited at this point.
"We could do that." Johnny agreed.
"Y-Yeah, it might even be kinda fun." Meena said with a nod.
"Perfect! Even during rebuilding, we can hold concerts elsewhere to raise money and keep the funds steady!" Rosita said.
"That's an excellent idea, Rosita." Johnny smiled and the group (sans Ash again) readily agreed.
The group started weighing different ideas, pleased about the direction of the conversation when a voice rang out.
"...but what if Buster doesn't agree to any of it?" Ash again spoke out before she could stop it and within a split second the once excited voices stopped and Ash just felt horribly out of place.
Four pairs of eyes were suddenly on her very small form and she fought the urge to slink down in her chair. Why was she always the harbinger of harsh reality? Well, she guessed because someone had to - all this optimism was beginning to need a dose of reality eventually.
At first, it was just silent.
Eyes eventually turned away from her as everyone simultaneously got lost in their own heads. As the moments slowly passed, the clock above the nearest window could be heard ticking the seconds away, there was now an almost somberness leeching into the once bright happy room.
Atmosphere changing from hopeful to sheer dread and it was nothing of which Ash wanted to hear or experience right now. Sure, she probably shouldn't have spoken out with such a dreary tone but frankly, she expected more optimism from this group. But with the way Rosita was now eerily quiet and how Meena curled up further on herself and even a rather morose expression filling Gunter's face made Ash realize none of them really thought their plan was 100% really going to work.
From the position right next to him, Ash couldn't see Johnny's face and the little she did see gave her no indication of what the gorilla was thinking. Just his normal lax pose as he lightly drummed atop the countertop with fingers as if he was on a piano. If anyone was still confident they could get to Buster whatsoever, it would be him…and the reason it was somehow comforting to her blew her mind…
The room was almost too quiet as a loud timer suddenly went off; all the occupants other than Rosita and Gunter flinched at the sudden sound.
Rosita immediately perked up as she slipped on oven mitts and walked over to the oven. The fresh scent of chocolate chip cookies suddenly wafted through the air the second she opened it.
Ash's stomach automatically grumbled at the sudden nostalgic aroma. The last time she had real homemade cookies (that weren't just a log of refrigerated dough from the supermarket) was when her granny was still alive - that was well over seven years ago.
Life seemed so much simpler back then…
The scent of pure nostalgia and a promising music career teetered on this delicate string and Ash just was becoming simply overwhelmed even though she was valiant to not show it. Face hardened and expression blank as she watched the kind motherly pig start placing the warm cookies upon a large plate.
"That's true, Ash. We do need to face that possibility as well…" Rosita allowed a frustrated sigh to escape before she continued with a more determined tone, "Regardless of the outcome, we're here to at least give it a try. And that's what we're going to do. Alright? Okay. We all needed a little pick-me-up before we go see Buster. We should hurry because I need to pick up by kids by three." Rosita said almost as an afterthought, "So, please help yourselves! We'll head out when everyone's done."
Rosita's smile looked forced, not as bright and peppy as it was when they arrived and Ash felt partially to blame…alright, mostly to blame.
Yet those thoughts faded when Rosita placed the cookies right in front of her. Rosita caught her eyes for a moment and Ash swallowed at the gentleness in those motherly eyes to let Ash know it was alright. Much like when the kind pig comforted after her horrible break-up and embarrassing herself by sobbing through a horrendous pop song.
Ash felt as if she no where near deserved any of this kindness…
"Thank ya, Rosita!" Gunter said, happily reaching for a cookie which prompted Meena to grab one as well.
"Yes, T-Thank you, Rosita." Meena spoke out.
"You're welcome - well, enjoy. I'll be a down in a few." Rosita said before she left the room leaving the remaining four with the plate of cookies.
Suddenly feeling a bit more at ease, Ash reached forward and took the still warm cookie in her paws. Not even hesitating before taking a big bite; shoving the moan that wanted to escape down as she was hit with huge chunks of real chocolate and a gooey, almost molten center. Why was something as simple as a cookie this effective in making everything seem better?
A sudden recollection and confusion hitting her when she realized Johnny made no move for the plate, his head turned toward a window yet his hand continued the light drumming motion. As strange as his sudden change in demeanor was, it was forgotten when she ignored him and took another bite instead.
Ten minutes later, the group was back outside, Rosita getting into her car with Gunter as Meena got climbed back into the passenger car with the elderly elephant still waiting inside. Ash was rather confused as Johnny never took a cookie even as Ash managed to score an extra three in a small baggie for later. Sure, there were more higher priorities now considering they were about to head to Eddie's house to talk to Buster, but it was still a curios observation nonetheless.
Once in the truck, Ash was going to ask but the question died on her tongue. Rather opting to remain silent as Johnny started the truck and followed after Rosita's red car.
A sudden lump grew in her stomach, things she tried not to think about started plaguing her with doubt and before she can reason them in her own mind, she spoke.
"...do you actually think this is gonna work?" The words left her mouth before she could stop him. His ever present optimism being put to the test by the drag in her voice. Daring him to say something that wouldn't contradict the tenseness of this entire situation and the uncertainty in nearly all the voices they heard today. Between all the optimism and hope, there was always the lingering doubt…
Johnny remained silent for a long time - not speaking even as if he shifted gears multiple times and guided them through traffic to keep up with the others.
Enough so that Ash lifted her head and stared at his profile. An expression on his face she wasn't used to seeing; the barest hints of nervousness and his internal pondering were mostly hidden behind more of a blank stare. Ash watched as his right hand moved, switching the truck's gear shift and speeding up slightly as they got on the freeway. His left hand ever present on the wheel as his deep chestnut eyes refused to leave the road.
Questioning suddenly if he was even listening, Johnny suddenly spoke.
"...heh. I really dunno." he chuckled, accent thicker than usual, "but what I do know is that we have to try. What other option do we have?"
Ash supposed that would have to be enough…
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brainrattlers · 8 years
I Hope I Can Handle It (Pt 1/?)
Summary: Sequel to “Think You Can Handle It?” - F/Reader is in a long-distance relationship with her man.  Traveling for the holidays!
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x F/reader
Words:  2894
Warnings: Fluff fluff fluff. Little bit of implied sexy times. Also I curse, and we know Sebastian does too. I can’t think of much else here.
A/N: Soooo I’m writing a sequel? to Think You Can Handle It?… and rather than bombard you with a big wall of text, I’m putting this one into chapters. My timeline is all off on this, it was supposed to be out around Christmas, but if I can work it right… we’ll end up at Valentine’s Day. (queue the “ooOOOOooh!”)  Y/F/N= Your Friend’s Name
The promise that you made Sebastian that fateful Saturday night stayed true. The two of you continued talking, every day.  Yes, some days it was a handful of texts, some days it was phone calls that lasted hours. Photos sent back and forth of what was going on any given day.  Skype chats watching movies on TV together. And the plans… oh, the plans that were being made.
You were nervous, but so excited.  Sebastian suggested you come visit him for the holidays.  It was a pretty overwhelming thought, really.  Two whole weeks in New York City. Traveling somewhere new.  Getting to physically touch Seb again. The first time you’d not been with your family on Christmas.  And then it really hit you.
Meeting Sebastian’s family.
Your phone started ringing, with the familiar ringtone of the song you first danced to under the stars the night of your first kiss. The phone’s screen lit up with the epic bedhead photo.  A smile lit up on your face as you answered the phone.
“Hey baby girl, what’s up?”
“Oh Seb, you are the one calling me, I should be asking you that question.  Well, minus the babygirl part.”  
Sebastian chuckled.  “S’been a long day.  Super tired.”
You could hear it in his voice.  It was fairly late in his time zone. You also knew it was cardio day at the gym, which would make anyone exhausted.
“Aww, I’m sorry babe.  I have news though… finally got my flight booked.  I can’t believe I’m going to be there in a few days!”  You could feel the smile growing on Sebastian’s face, even though it was over the phone, no video or anything. “I just need to figure out then what I’m doing once on the ground. Taxi? Uber?”
“No no, I’m picking you up. I mean we may Uber back, but I’m going to be the first person you see once you get to the baggage claim.”
After you shared your flight details, you talked about the day, eating dinner “together” while on the phone. A few ideas of things to do while there were thrown around, and finally the question of “so how is Christmas working anyway?” came up.
You were nervous. Meeting the family is huge, as first impressions are not something you can “fix” if it goes wrong. Sebastian assured you it would be okay, that he’d be there the whole time, would be your knight in shining armor.
“You mean, knight in shining ARM…or?”
Sebastian audibly groaned.
“And this is just one of the reasons I am crazy about you.  I hate to say it though, I’m getting pretty tired, and I’m meeting Don in the morning at 7:30 to go over a few things before we work out. Talk tomorrow?”
“Of course babe. Sleep well, sweet dreams.”
Packing. It was your least favorite thing to do, and weren’t really sure how much to pack.  Sebastian convinced you (maybe rather easily) that you weren’t staying at a hotel, but rather his apartment, so you didn’t need to pack clothes for every day… there was this thing known as a washer and dryer you could use.  Regardless, despite him knowing you as a totally casual dresser, you felt it important to wear something sort of dressy for Christmas day with the family.
And with Seb, his day to day clothing options would go from 0 to 60 in the drop of a hat.  It was nothing for him to be in workout sweats one minute, and dressed to the nines in a tux that would kill all the ladies the next.  You wanted to be able to keep up with him… other than something requiring a formal ball gown.
Finally picking out several tops and bottoms, some jeans and tees, you threw them in your suitcase, but then another odd realization hit you.
“Oh shit. Pajamas. Do I go the comfy route? Do I wear something sexy? Do I even own anything sexy to sleep in?”
It’d been awhile since you were planning out clothing because of a guy, minus the weekend with Sebastian.  You took a deep breath in, shaking your head, and let it out slowly as you grabbed a couple pairs of pajama shorts and pants, as well as a few tank tops, and threw them in the bag as well.
“You can handle this.”
After moving your suitcase from the bed, you crawled in, telling yourself the sooner you sleep, the sooner your flight is.  Your eyes closed, and you were out, until you weren’t. The alarm on your phone was blaring, and fingers fumbled along the nightstand to reach for it.  With the alarm silenced, you squinted with one eye at the screen, clearing off notifications that accumulated overnight, stopping to read a couple texts.
“Two more days, can’t wait!”
“Hey sunshine. I can’t believe you’re getting ready to ditch me for two weeks. Grab lunch before you head out?”
Tapping the second message, you punched out a response of “Yes please. I need to get my head out of panic mode. Thoughts creeping in about how I’m meeting his mother.” As soon as you hit send you freaked out a bit, hoping that went to Y/F/N rather than Sebastian.  That wouldn’t have been awkward at all.  After realizing you were in the clear, you texted Seb back as well.
“Getting packed.  I hope I’ve got the right clothes for the occasions.”
“You’re lovely in whatever you wear. Or aren’t wearing.”
“SEBASTIAN!” You sent along a shocked emoji, along with a laughing one, feigning your embarrassment.  He knew better though. He knew just as well as you do that despite blushing, you always loved it and it made you smile.
“Yeah yeah baby girl.  I’ll call you tonight after I get back from this opening I said I’d go to.  I hope you have a good day! *heart emoji*”
“You too, sweetie. *kissy lips emoji* Enjoy the opening!”
Y/F/N texted back a time and place, not surprisingly, Mama J’s.
While you had originally helped out Mama J when she needed some extra staff after her husband had passed, and she returned the favor so many times over by helping Sebastian with your first date, Sebastian’s Instagram post talking about Mama J’s was all the help her little business needed to be kicked into high gear.  Even if the restaurant was packed with a waitlist, you were always a VIP in her eyes and was seated immediately, although most of the time you told her it was okay and would wait. Today was no different, and luckily for both Y/F/N and you, there was no rush as you both had the day off.  Mama J insisted you be seated, but you stuck to your guns.
“Mama J, the new customers should be your VIPs, not me!  We’re really not in a hurry and don’t want to tie up a table when you can be wowing everyone else.  Besides, you know I love watching the customers. It helps me figure out how we’re going to set up the new location!”
She beamed at that statement. Because business was booming, money was coming in more readily, and Mama J had dreamed of opening a larger location to accommodate more customers.  You had promised you’d help out as much as you could, and through your contacts, had found a handful of new sites to look at.  Shooing her off, she ran back to the kitchen to get a few more orders ready to be sent out, and barking out orders to her staff.  Mama J, although the sweetest woman in the world, could be a drill sergeant when necessary.  The good thing was that she respected her small staff, and in turn, despite the urgency she conveyed, they respected her back.  Finding such a crew is tough to do these days.
Once a table opened up for you after waiting along with the others, you and Y/F/N sat down, and Mama J gave you the eye.  Silently, both of you nodded at Mama J, and she rushed off to the kitchen to prepare your lunches.  It wasn’t like the two of you ate there every week, if not more often, and she knew what you wanted or ANYTHING like that.  You both laughed and continued your conversation from earlier.
“I’m super excited for the trip, but seriously I’m running into mini-panic attacks.  This morning I legitimately freaked out realizing I had to figure out pajamas. Or like… presents. Not only do I have to get Seb something, but I feel like I need to get his mother and stepfather something.  Couple all this with the fact I’m going to a city I’ve never been. Just ARGGHHH!”  You rested your head in your hands, taking a deep breath.
“But… Sebastian.  You, girl, are going to see your man.  Sebastian freaking Stan.  You know if I weren’t your best friend, I’d totally be bashing you for freaking out that you’re going to see him.” Y/F/N chuckled. “Seriously though, it’s going to be fine. You know he’s just going to be showing you all the fun stuff in the city, and you’ll spend a day at the in-laws, and you’re going to just have fun.  You always freak out right before trips.”  You choked on your water at the mention of in-laws.
“I know, but,” you were still trying to clear your throat, “ugh. I just want everything to be as perfect as possible.  I’m not sure I can handle this.”
Y/F/N smirked.  Mama J was coming back with your food, interrupting your conversation.
“Child, you know you’ve got this.  Don’t you go letting me down, that boy is head-over-heels about you. You two are beautiful together.  Just be you, and everyone will love you.”
You sighed at Mama J’s statement, but knew she was right.  First impressions are huge, but the fact of the matter was that the only one you REALLY needed to impress was Sebastian, and that means the hard part is done.  You know his mother just wants him to be happy, and if he’s happy, you’re golden.
“Thanks Mama J, you’re the voice of reason I need sometimes.” She smiled and patted your head, before she skipped back to the kitchen.
While enjoying lunch, Y/F/N came up with a good question.
“So what ARE you getting Sebastian for Christmas?  You know it is just a few days away.”
You cringed.  It is so difficult picking out Christmas gifts so early on in a relationship.  Getting something expensive and extravagant is always appealing, but you don’t want to scare off the other person, or make them feel bad if they went the other route of something small and sentimental.  On that note, when you’re not with that person physically all the time, having never been to their home… sometimes figuring out likes and dislikes is a bit more difficult.  You talk all the time, and Sebastian will mention things he likes, but when you’ve got a multi-film deal, you probably have money enough to just buy whatever you want.  Not that you saw Sebastian as the type to just blow his money.  He always seems quite conservative, except for when it comes to clothes.  Those sweatpants he was wearing in the video for Fox NY 5? Easily $100+.  He certainly did make them look good… of course he makes most anything look good while working out.  Your mind started to wander, thinking about some of the latest videos of him working out with Don.  The dopey grin, glazed over eyes, and slight hum that came from you was indeed a cue to Y/F/N that you were spacing out.
“Hey chica, I asked you, what are you getting Sebastian?”
“Oh hey, um, sorry.  I’m not sure yet. I’m hoping if we get a chance to go shopping, he can drop some hints.  I mean, seriously what do you get a guy that is bankrolled by Marvel?”  Y/F/N thought about it for a moment, and felt sympathy.
“You’re right, but you always pick out the best presents, I think you’ll be okay.”
Finishing lunch, you thanked Mama J, promising to keep in touch during your trip.  She still wanted to make sure that Sebastian was being nothing but a gentleman with you. Typical Mama J.  Hugging everyone before you left, you headed out to some local shops to see if you could find anything local to bring with you to give Sebastian and his family a taste of your life.  You had wished you could just bring Mama J with you.  She was like your security blanket at times. Stopping in the candy shop you had issues keeping Sebastian out of when you first took him to Mama J’s, you picked up a few of your favorite homemade items.  You could at least check a few things in your bag.  The idea hit you to get some tomato soup from Mama J to surprise Sebastian with.  Mama J was awesome and canned a few to-go jars (not on the menu, and were sealed so they didn’t need refrigeration).  That might have to be one of your first meals with Seb though once off the plane.   
It was a quick afternoon after the shopping.  Figuring out the best way to pack your suitcase without smashing glass jars of soup or the small packets of candy, your phone blooped with your expected nightly interruption.  You hadn’t realized just how late it was, but the sun had set, and you knew it was even later for him still.  Opening the app, you saw Sebastian’s smiling face.
“Hey baby girl, how was your day?”  Despite being tired, his grin continued.
“Pretty good, finishing up packing. Had lunch at Mama J’s with Y/F/N. Did some Christmas shopping.  Extremely tired though. How was the opening?”
“Lots of people, not enough food, and man am I glad to be getting out of this suit.”
He must have been getting undressed AS he was on the phone with you, seeing him drop out of the camera’s view, coming back with his hair a bit more mussed, and no shirt on, at least that you could see of his shoulders. All you could think of was kissing those collar bones when you had the chance.  You smirked.
“I wish I had seen you IN the suit first… you know how much I enjoy you in suits…” You giggled as he rolled his eyes at you.  Much to your dismay, he threw on a tshirt and hoodie.  Your dirty thoughts would just have to wait.
“So, how about an episode of Stranger Things? We’re on what, episode 6?”  The picture on the screen moved around, finally with a final bounce as you could tell Sebastian had just sat down in his favorite chair. You sat down in your own chair, propping your phone up on the table next to you, then grabbing the TV remote to start up Netflix.  It was always a bit of a game to try to get the episode to start at the same time so one of you wasn’t too far ahead/behind of the other.
“1.. 2… 3!”
You both hit the play button simultaneously. You told Seb to hold tight while you ran to the kitchen to get something for dinner.  
“Bring me back something, will ya?” Sebastian hollered through the tiny phone speaker. You laughed, coming back with a bowl of grapes to munch on. The both of you focused on the show, but gasped, laughed, and finally talked about the episode together.  Sebastian had started to yawn about ¾ of the way through the episode, so it wasn’t super surprising when you didn’t talk a lot after the episode.  You did feel like you needed to confess something though.
“Hey Sebby?” you mumbled, but enough for him to hear, “Can we maybe go shopping one day? I need to find some things to bring back for Y/F/N and Mama J… and a few other presents, too.” You hoped he wouldn’t catch on that you needed to get him something still.
“Sure, I’ll take you to the best stores in the city, babe. I think that is part of the NYC experience. I hate to say it though, but I’m exhausted. Another early morning with Don, and then I realized I need to clean up the place, I have a VIP coming over day after tomorrow!”  He swung the phone around, showing you the living room, looking a little disheveled.  Typical bachelor… cleaning up because a girl was coming over.  You smiled and nodded.
“Sounds good, I need to get a few things ready for tomorrow.. And then…”
Sebastian interrupted.
“31 hours until you’re here!”
“You’re keeping that close of track?”
“You better believe I am!  The best damn handler in all the land will be here!”
You smiled, and blew Sebastian a kiss. “Night, babe.”
“G’night babygirl.”
(Part 2)
Tagging: @dawn121, @sceaterian
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