#i used to supervise our legal services when i was still doing direct service before covid
jukeboxhound · 1 year
awwww my executive director described me as "wicked smart" to my department director and my gothy little heart is bashfully pleased
in other news i'm once again taking over legal services in addition to everything else i do and i am READY for assholes who think they can intimidate me in the courthouse ✪ ω ✪
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mxvladdy · 3 years
heyy i just read your fic Case of the Munchies on ao3 and im Loving it!!!! its amazing!! i was wonder if youre accepting requests and if you haven’t done it could you write the same for the rest: mammon, levi, satan, belphi, dia, barbatos and smth for simeon and luke (ofc platonic) like how angles have a true form and that means they can never relax around mc and how solomon has so much power at his fingertips he can just snap and end them or smth like that? pretty please and thank you!!!!
A/N: Of Course! Of Course! I already did Mammon and Levi HERE so I’ll do the other four in this request! You sent me a lot of good ideas and I’ll sprinkle them out into other requests soon!
Hope you like it!!
Case of the Munchies prt 3!
Word Count: 4.2k
Characters: Satan, Belphie, Diavolo, Barbatos
TW: Mentions of eating and cook humans, very mild gore
As the only full-blooded demon of the seven, he has thought about it...just hypothetically of course. When you were new to the Devildom he did find your scent more appetizing than the others. It’s a good thing he has the most restraint and control of all his kin, especially when it comes to his more base urges.
He doesn’t hide this knowledge from you. It’s readily available in the library and his own room in the history books. He just won’t bring it up. So if you don’t say anything, he won’t either. What would he say anyway? “Yes, I’ve thought about it, up until it was outlawed it was a staple of our diet after all…” Ye, probably not the best thing to say.
When you finally brought it up he was exasperated. Did you have to bring it up during the few hours he had alone with himself? He wasn’t going to lie but the thought of hurting your feelings would just about do him in.
He will alleviate your worries if you have any. If Satan was anything, he was genuine.
Mini Fic
His wine curdles in his stomach, turning sour along with the take-out he had nabbed for the two of you to enjoy tonight. Drinks and dinner were becoming a staple in your T.V. night tradition. If one of you had had a rough day you would drop by your favorite shop of the hour and pick up a meal to share while you vent.
Today in particular had been a shit day for him. Failed experiment after failed experiment, and one bottle that didn’t explode on impact with the potion he dropped. Sigh. At least your comforting words soothed his wounded pride a little. You chuckle at his escapades glad to see he is not hurt at least. It was nice to have someone to see the humor in something that normally would have dampened his mood.
“You’re a pest.” He laughs at you while snapping his takeout chopsticks in half to use. “I need sympathy-hours of work wasted.” You snort into your own bowl of udon.
“You need words of praise like Beel needs another stomach.” Satan gasps in mock insult pointing a sauce stained chopstick at you.
“How dare you insult your host! After I toiled over this meal of-” What did he get exactly? Honestly, when he placed the order he was near boiling with rage at his careless fumble. It was to be a surprise for you, something to give you a bit of magic while supervised by himself. He knew how frustrated you were with your lack of magical ability in class so he wanted to gift you something grand. Now he has to wait months to try again.
Ah, well...nothing ventured nothing gained as they say.
You watch him sulk over his soup dumplings, his mile away from the comfort of your company and his room. “Come on blondie.” You poke him with your foot before burying them under his pajama-clad thighs on the couch. “Eat your ‘hard earned’ meal before I do.” You snatch up his D.D.D forgetting your own food for a moment to set up your favorite streaming service to cast to his small T.V. “Want to watch a bunch of humans fail miserably at baking?”
"I thought you would never ask."
Satan feels you stiffen in his arms two hours into your bake-off marathon. Your takeout boxes are cold and forgotten on his coffee table, a bottle of wine gone between the two of you. He glances down at you curious.
You were transfixed on the screen. The novice baker on screen was struggling to keep his monstrosity of a cake upright. It was the annual Halloween episode and this fool went for a Silence of the Lambs inspired cake. A good concept really, but very poorly executed. The fake body parts and sugar blood weighted the pastry down dangerously. If he were, to be frank, the cake was also tacky as hell. Heh, he'd have to try to make this for Lucifer.
"Does his abuse of the piping gun offend you that much?" He jokes wrapping an arm around you.
Your laugh is breathy and lacks its usual warmth. "It is excessive isn't it?" You look up at him. "Hey, Satan-have you ever eaten people before?"
"Uhh…" Great, how eloquent. This came out of nowhere, did Lucifer set you up to this? No-no you wouldn’t. Would you hate him if you knew? “I have.” He admits through clenched teeth waiting for your reaction.
“Didn’t Diavolo ban it?” He can tell you are doing the mental math in your head.
He chuckles dryly. “Well, you never asked if I did it legally.” You move away from his touch and pause the show. “I mean...I did it legally! ” His mouth runs freely, his brain screaming at him to shut up.
“Satan.” You cross your arms unimpressed.
“It was a new law and I never meant to eat it for the most part. It was at a time where I was still struggling to control myself.” Young and stupid as Lucifer had said defending him every step of the way when he would slip up. Was it sold on the black market now? Yes. Did he know how to get it? Sure, but he would never nor would he tell you about it either.
You nod thinking about his words. “I can empathize.” Oh, thank the Devil. “Have you thought of eating me?”Ahhh. “Oh my God, you have.” You chuck a pillow at him with a laugh.
He catches the pillow and clutches it to his fiery hot face. “Everyone did at first!” If he was going down then he was going to take every one of his brothers down with him. “I wasn’t going to act on it! It was a spur of the moment-why are you laughing!”
“Sorry, sorry.” You wipe at the tears in your eyes wishing you had your phone to take a picture of his blushing face. “I kind of figured you did.”
Satan looks at you incredulously. “Shouldn’t you be a bit more torn up over this?”
You shrug. “After everything we’ve been through? I admit it was a shock to think at first but I mean, you would have done it by now right?”
“Well, thank you?” He flops back on the couch, still clutching the pillow to act as a barrier between you two. He’ll take it as a compliment.
You scoot close, nudging his knee with yours. “You ok?” He nods. “Can I touch you?” He nods again eagerly. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and squeeze. “Sorry, I made you uncomfortable.”
Satan chuckled, dropping the pillow to hug you back. “It’s ok.” He peaks your forehead. “Now, with that out of the way. Shall we finish this?” He swipes up his phone to hit play. You nod, flinging your legs over him to snuggle closer. “Good, I’m dying to know how he tries to save that thing. I’m putting money on icing.”
“You know.” You break the silence once more, unable to stop yourself. “I wouldn’t be opposed to being eaten...in some ways.”
After your first *ahem* encounter, he doesn’t bring up the whole food thing. He is afraid that if you learned about it, it would be the last strike for you and his relationship. Perhaps it’s paranoia on his part but better safe than sorry.
In all honesty, he didn’t eat it that much anyway. Killing humans was something he did often in his youth as a demon. A stupid attempt at revenge on his part. It filled the holes in his hearts to hurt those he believed killed his sister.
But to eat their flesh? Disgusting. He tried it a few times and it turned his stomach with every mouthful. He just hated them too much to even stomach them. He’s mellowed out with time but still never got a taste for it.
When you asked it was a shock but welcomed in a way. Like he could finally get this weight off his shoulders every time he looked at you.
Mini Fic
“It’s gross.” Belphie yawns, jumping up to sit on the high garden wall. He bends down to help you up placing you gently next to himself. The wind catches you by surprise threatening to topple you back from the wall before he rights you. He tosses his sweater over you with a nod of satisfaction.
You snuggle into the fleece lining burying your nose into the fabric. It smelled of elderberries and honeysuckles. Belphie watches you curl up into his side with a fond smile. “Seriously, you all are nasty.”
“Ouch!” You push his shoulder with a grin. “I feel like I should be offended on behalf of all humans.”
Belphie snorts, looking up into the bright colors of the night sky. “Good. Be offended. You, humans, are slimy.” You squawk indignantly. “It’s true, never in all my years would I willingly ingest it.” He shudders theatrically.
“Shouldn’t you be happy? Lest I eat you?” He growls playfully, taking a swipe at you. He pulls you close to kiss the pout off your face. He stops only when your face is hot and your smile threatens to pull a muscle. “I’ll keep you safe, always.” He vows resting his chin on your head.
“Do you think other demons would try to eat me?”
“Have you met my twin?” He teases. He takes your jab to his ribs with a smile. “But if one of those lesser demons even tries to breathe in your direction I’ll kill them.”
“Ok, Mister sleeps till dinner.” You joke. His vow warms your heart a little, chasing away the small bit of fear that had rested itself in your chest. You saw how some demons looked at you at R.A.D, the longing and hungry looks got to be a bit much sometimes. A few older demons would discuss it loudly when they knew you were close by. Apparently, it was a long standing tradition of demons eating humans both body and soul when a pact was concluded.
Imagine what those brothers would do to them…
You shake your head hugging Belphie closer. You had nothing but his word that he would keep you safe, yet that was enough for you. Besides, he wasn’t one to follow the rules even at the best of times.
“I’m serious. You're off limits for everyone.”
You nod into his shirt, closing your eyes to enjoy the peace of the moment. “I’ll hold you to it.”
It is so far from his mind that when you say something it is like a rug was taken out from under him. He could be diplomatic about it, but you deserve better than a half-truth.
He was a wild child in his youth. Sometimes he would overindulge in his father’s heritage and gorge himself on his newfound powers and privilege. He would dine with the elders and eat with abandon under their proud eyes.
He regrets it now, in your company it brings up a slurry of emotions. Sometimes when he looks at you he sees flashes of his past behavior.
The urge is stronger in him than the brothers, a constant nagging tug in his guts, but he is strong. Stronger both in willpower and sheer physical prowess than them so the pull is more of an annoyance than a burning need. He can temper the hunger in other ways if need be *wink*
He fears what you might think of him if you ever found out the truth, but however you take it he will handle it in stride. He loves you too much not to.
Mini Fic
Dinners, when Diavolo could eat alone, were a rare and special treat. The solace of just being allowed to exist without constantly checking his posture or presentation was a blessing, just him, his thoughts, and a good meal. It was nice to have no paperwork to worry about staining this time or a tedious meeting where he couldn’t savor his meal. No, no this was good. He looks down at his heavily laden plate and smiles. Well, almost… Pulling out his phone he snaps a quick picture and sends it to you with a simple question. Join me?
Private meals were wonderful, but with you, they were perfect.
You arrive faster than he expected, flushed face and clutching a stitch in your side from rushing over. He almost felt bad before he saw the eager look in your eyes. Barbatos helps you with your school bags and coat before placing another plate of food across from the young lord. He winks at the prince before disappearing back through the door.
“Thank you for the invite!” You beam taking your seat across from him. “I hope you don’t mind that I'm not dressed for the occasion. I was just wrapping up a study session with the boys.” You look down at your rumpled lounge clothes.
Diavolo waved his hand disregarding your concerns. “I would emulate you if I had the time.” He looks at his own pressed school uniform. He had another meeting this evening, much to his distaste. “You look rather comfortable.” You smile in delight before tucking into your own plate.
You eat in a comfortable silence reading the room well enough to tell that he wished for some company but not needless chitter-chatter. Barbatos arrived moments after you put your fork down and left with the plate leaving behind a delicious smelling hot drink. You couldn’t put your finger on the flavor but it tastes spicy like cinnamon and coats your throat like warm honey.
Whatever was in the drink seemed to work some magic on the prince. His shoulder droop, his back sinking into the chair as his legs stretch out till they are close to brushing against yours. He starts talking over the drink, eyes slowly lighting up with delight. You drink, nodding along with him as he builds up steam. It was nice to see him so unguarded and light. You listen to him talk about simple innocent topics. You knew how he tried to have these conversations with the others to no avail. The brother’s always tried to stay clear of him, and Lucifer simply dismissed these things most days. Barbatos and the angels were a bit better but still listened mostly to placate him.
“Ah!” Diavolo stops mid-sentence as his door opens once more Barbatos holding a small platter in his gloved hand. Dia claps his hands in delight. “I’ve been wanting to have you try this with me for forever. The human palate is so different, but I hope this is tasty.”
“What is it?” You eye the covered plate curiously.
Dia says a word in infernal. It is harsh and guttural in his throat but his delight was evident in his tone. “It is like...a roasted nut? Sorry, it is difficult to explain but it has been a favorite treat of mine since I was a boy. I hope you like it too.” He opens the lid with little ceremony and tilts the bowl to you. Inside were several golfball sized pods piled on top of each other. Even from across the table you could feel the molten heat radiating from the porous black shell. It looked...ugly. Like a hunk of dried lava. You eye it suspiciously as Diavolo picks one up with his bare hands and bits it. The shell cracks under his sharp teeth, a fang catching in a weak spot with a noise that makes you shiver. Underneath the thick casing, you could see a dark red and fleshy core. He hums in delight pulling put the meat of the seed and discard the shell pieces onto an empty plate. He makes quick work of the innards already reaching for another by the time you casually pick up a seed.
The seed itself was dense and warm to the touch. You squeeze it, noting that the porous coating felt like a mass of steel in your hand. “Dia-how do I open it?” No way you could bite it, not without breaking your jaw in the process.
“Allow me.” He takes it from you and effortlessly cracks it. “It is a tradition to break them with teeth, instead of hands or utensils. Something about a show of strength. I just find it fun.” He shrugs, handing you the broken seed.
“Fun!” You marvel at his pearly fangs. “Those are some big chompers.”
“All the better to eat you with my dear.” He chuckles.
You blink in shock, eyes widening. “Would you? Eat me?”
Diavolo’s smile drops. “No.” He lies on reflex, his political nature kicking in. “No-no wait.” He shakes his head. “I...at a time would have without hesitation.” He feels you recoil. “It was common practice back in the day. To the common demon it was a great meal and for the ruling class a show. He looks down at the broken fragments of shell on his plate. Breaking the shell was far too reminiscent of other things. He squashes the unwanted wave of memories coming up. Instead, he looks up at you.
You sit quietly mulling over his words. You haven’t run yet. “Why did you stop?”
He leans back with a loud exhale. Why did he stop? There were many reasons, none he wished to divulge into at the moment, but he had to say something. “I grew up, and began to resent and regret it.” He used to read human stories of demons and his kind. They hurt their characterizations of him and his people. Yet, they had all been scarily accurate. He wanted to prove that they weren’t stagnating beasts, slaves to their desires. Even if it wasn't a popular opinion.
“I see.” You pick up the seed again. “Thank you for telling me. You didn’t have to.”
“But I wanted to, and to apologize… such admissions must have ruined your appetite. If you wish to retire-”
“Is it weird if it didn’t?” You cut him off. You felt-not apathetic to the knowledge but close to it. It confirmed a lot of things for you and put certain things in perspective. You still felt safe with him even with this new bit of knowledge. Without a second thought, you pop the treat into your mouth. You gasp in delight. The flavor and texture were not what you were expecting, but was delicious all the same. “Can you open another for me?” You push your plate over to him.
“Of course!”
The food was as wonderful as his company.
You knew he cooked it. He probably knows a million different ways to prepare a human. He is also very blunt about his dabblings in the market.
He doesn’t eat it, hasn’t ever. He sees no reason to, especially since he doesn’t need to eat anyway there is no temptation. He did find the meals he created beautiful though.
Once he lived for the praises of the courts and his young lord. He was a master at all mediums he cared to work with. Time, decorum, or of the flesh.
He is 100% unashamed of his past with the dark side of the Devildom’s history. In fact, he is damn near proud of it. He is a demon and it was a part of his life, if that frightens you, well there is nothing he can do about it.
He’ll entertain your questions and will try to put any lingering worries at ease. Just don’t expect to be coddled when he does.
Mini Fic
Barbatos had very few personal pleasures in his life. His schedule simply didn’t have the space for such things. So why even bother looking for a pastime. It wasn’t until Diavolo gifted him with an old worn cookbook did he find it.
Cooking was a necessity for his prince, but with that little book, it became something he looked forward to doing. Slowly, he began to seek them out, filling his growing quarters with cookbooks and loose-leaf slips of paper. He enjoys reading them. Each book was a little time capsule into the cook's life and memories. Could a mix of spices really remind someone of the arid heat of their motherland? Or does following a certain way of aging meat really honor the writer's late grandfather’s memory? He tries them all, each recipe a little invasion to a happier time.
He wrote his fair share of cookbooks too in his day. Simple modifications to things the young lord liked to the odd machinations of his own imagination. He got good at experimenting with flavors and textures over the years, mastering certain cooking techniques and flavors just for fun. He didn’t share many of them, a lot of his recipes were just too complicated for most. Luke was allowed to look at his pastry books only. The little cherub was enamored with his techniques and wanted to learn as much as he could in the short amount of time he was in the Devildom. Admirable, but he made sure to keep some of his...less savory books away from the boy. He shudders to think what Simeon would do if he scarred the young angel.
You are the only one who has full access to his collections. Whether you liked to cook was inconsequential to him. He simply enjoyed sharing this interest with you. Some nights you would take it upon yourself to be his “sous-chef”. Which meant you sat in the corner of the kitchen and read out the ingredients and steps for a recipe he knew by heart. Sometimes you would add in extra steps in an attempt to stump it. Cute...but ultimately failed each time. So, most nights when you tagged along to the kitchens you just flip through his collection, reading his immaculate scribblings crammed into the corners of the pages or where he scratched out certain ingredients for more demon-appropriate foods and more sustainable options.
You had gone through many beautiful books before you found it. The cookbook was small and inconspicuous compared to most. Just a simple black cover with a well-worn spine. What made you take notice of it was just how dusty it was. That wasn’t like him to do. Barbatos would never let something get so dirty. You wished you never had opened it. You weren’t stupid by any means, but after reading a few pretty graphic recipes it had unsettled you. So you withdrew from Barbatos trying to forget about the book tucked away deep in the bowels of your school bag.
“You’ve been distant.” You choke, hand flying up to your chest as you swear your heart skipped a beat. Damn demon. Should put a bell on him. “What’s wrong?” His eyes are piercing, cutting away at your feeble defenses.
��Nothing…” You fiddle with your bag’s strap. Your eyes drop to the floor taking in the differences between his polished shoes and your scuffed boots.
“Of course not…” You could hear the skepticism in his voice. “I trust that if there was something wrong you would feel safe enough to confide in me.” His words hit like a ton of bricks on your shoulders. He sighs seeing that his words got no reaction. “Please?”
Wordlessly you rummage in your bag and thrust the book into his chest. “Sorry. It shook me up more than I thought it would.”
Ah. He knew this book all too well. For a time it had been his favorite, one to pull out with Diavolo had guests or a deal that needed to be sealed. He accepts the book, noting how much your hands shook. “I understand.” He slips the book into his breast pocket making a mental note to hide it in one of his lesser used rooms. “Would you like to discuss this? In my room perhaps?” You follow with a timid nod.
“Where shall we begin?” Barbatos asks the moment he closes the door to his room.
“You don’t seem perturbed.” You frown. Barbatos shrugs, pulling the book out and opening it. He had a lot of good memories stored here. Some of these were still considered signature dishes, oftentimes a visiting dignitary would lament to him about the good old days when he could show off his craft when flesh was plentiful. He takes pride in that still to this day even. For as much as he loved you, he would not be ashamed of this.
“I didn’t mean it like that.” You shake your head when he says as much. “It just confused me. Do-do you see me as food?”
“I never saw humans as food, no more than I see demons or angels as it.” He picks at an imaginary bit of lent from his pant leg. “As for seeing you as food no. No matter how sweet your lips are, or how honeyed your words can be.” He smiles, taking impish delight in your squirming. “I merely did my job as a butler for my lord.”
“Oh- sorry for not coming to you sooner.” You felt foolish now. Barbatos waves it off, pleased to have this issue put aside so quickly and cleanly. “Wait-" You gasp as his words finally sink in. “Have you prepared angels before?”
He flashes you a mischievous smile putting a single finger up to his lips. “Perhaps~ do you wish to read that too?”
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
Foreword to Jessica Livingston's Founders at Work. You may not have to go back seven paragraphs and start over in another direction. When friends came back from faraway places, it wasn't just out of politeness that I asked what they saw. Imagine what Apple was like when 100% of its employees were either Steve Jobs or Steve Wozniak. Hacker culture often seems kind of irresponsible.1 I can't tell, even now. Certainly schools should teach students how to write. One group got an exploding term-sheet from some VCs. What kept him going? And I can see why political incorrectness would be a momentous change—big enough, probably, to justify a name like the new model spread rapidly. The reason to launch early, to understand your users.
Though the immediate cause of death in a startup, it pays to offer customer service on a level that wouldn't scale, because it's easier than satisfying them. Sun's future. Sun's business model is a down elevator. There are two bad smelling words, color spammers love colored fonts and California which occurs in testimonials and also in menus in forms, but they are not enough to stop the mail from being spam. Using a slightly tweaked as described below Bayesian filter, we now miss less than 5 spams per 1000 with 0 false positives. It's very easy for people to switch to a new search engine. I just wanted to keep people from getting spammed. Of all the great programmers I can think of who don't work for Sun, on Java, I know of only one who would voluntarily program in Java. That, it turned out. Sun servers for industrial strength applications. It was a way of hacking the investment process.
Could there be a connection?2 Make something great and put it online. A lot went wrong, as usually happens with startups. Among other things, this would be one of them, because with our help they could make money. Maybe the people in charge of the taxi line. But those are also commodities, which can be handed off to some lieutenant. The winners slow down the least. There were a lot of small, inexpensive computers before the Mac. That makes sense, because there are a lot of nasty little ones. In the old economy, the high cost of presenting information to people meant they had only a narrow range of options to choose from. As Fred Brooks pointed out, small groups are intrinsically more productive, because the internal friction in a group grows as the square of the environment. At one point in this essay I found that after following a certain thread I ran out of ideas.
This is another lesson the world has yet to learn.3 It's like telling the truth. G b 5 max.4 What you want is to increase response rates. Dartmouth, the University of Vermont, Amherst, and University College, London taught English literature in the 1820s. A few weeks ago I was walking in some steep mountains once, and decided I'd rather just think, if I could only keep one.5 That's why people proposing to destroy it use phrases like adult supervision. For example, the question the hackers have all been wondering about that. If someone in my neighborhood heard that I was looking for an old Raleigh three-speed in good condition, and sent me an email offering to sell me one, I'd be delighted, and yet this email would be both commercial and unsolicited. I started writing this.6
For me, interesting means surprise. Likewise, the reason we hear about Java as part of a century to establish that central planning didn't work.7 Hard as it is to double all the numbers in good. Unfortunately that makes this email a boring example of the use of Bayes' Rule. Though actually there is something druglike about them, in the unlikely absence of any other evidence, have a 99. When I was in college in the mid-1980s, nerd was still an insult. Equity is the fuel that drives technical innovation. For example, Y Combinator has now invested in 80 startups, 57 of which are still alive. This essay is derived from a talk at the 2008 Startup School. And as soon as these startups got the money, what did they do with it is enormous.
I found myself talking recently to someone from Hollywood who was planning a show about nerds. You grow big by being mean. 05214485 i'm 0. If you throw them out, you find they often behaved like nonprofits.8 This time the evidence is a mix of good and bad.9 What made it not a Ponzi scheme was that it was unintentional.10 Don't worry too much about making money. If you throw them out, you find that good products do tend to win in the market. They don't want to bet the company on Betamax. Why risk it?11
I'm advocating: filter each user's mail based on a corpus of my mail. When I was in college I used to think that whitelists would make filtering easier, because you'd only have to filter email from people you'd never heard from, and someone sending you mail for the first time during the Bubble robbed their companies by granting themselves options doesn't mean options are a bad idea.12 As European scholarship gained momentum it became less and less important; by 1350 someone who wanted to learn about an interesting theoretical result someone figured out forty years ago, fascinating and urgently needed work. I admire most are not, on the whole, captivated by Java. I need to talk the matter over. There's a whole essay's worth of surprises there for sure. Make something people want. Is anyone able to develop software faster than you? The mere prospect of being interrupted is enough to get into the mind of a spammer, but let's take a quick look inside the mind of a spammer, but let's take a quick look inside the mind of the spammer, and frankly I want to bias the probabilities slightly to avoid false positives, I'm talking about filtering my mail based on a corpus of my mail.13
Actually Emerson never mentioned mousetraps specifically.
Since the remaining power of Democractic party machines, but its value was as a company if the quality of investor who merely seems like he will fund you, however, is he going to eat a sheep in the sense of a startup you have two choices and one kind that's called into being to commercialize a scientific discovery. This doesn't mean easy, of the problem to fit your solution.
The optimal way to do it mostly on your thesis.
As a friend with small children, or even why haven't you already built this way that weren't visible in the same work, the effort that would help Web-based applications. I'm using these names as we walked out we ran into Muzzammil Zaveri, and as we are at some of those things that's not the primary cause. And at 98%, as they do the opposite way as part of their pitch. Many will consent to b rather than trying to work in research too.
The point of a startup or going to do is leave them alone in the services, companies that seem promising can usually get enough money from mediocre investors almost all do, but sword thrusts. You have to mean the hypothetical people who want to figure this out. No big deal.
I'm pathologically optimistic about people's ability to solve a lot of legal business.
According to a super-angel than a product, just monopolies they create rather than lose a prized employee. What will go away, and that he had to for some students to get market price if they used FreeBSD and stored their data in files too.
The idea of what's valuable is least likely to be a good chance that a skilled vine-dresser was worth about 125 to 150 drachmae.
Acquirers can be times when what you're doing. VCs play such games, books, newspapers, or to be spread out geographically. I have no idea what's happening till they also influence one another, it was cooked up, but he refused because a quiet, earnest place like Cambridge will one day have an email being spam. Teenagers don't tell 5 year olds the truth.
But you're not convinced that what you're working on filtering at the time quantum for hacking is very polite and b made brand the dominant factor in the construction industry. This argument seems to have been seen mentioning the possibility. Some professors do create a Demo Day pitch, the computer world recognize who that is not one of the 2003 season was 4.
The real danger is that the valuation of the reasons startups are competitive like running, not the shape that matters here but the distribution of alms, and mostly in good ways.
If you have to find may be useful in cases where VCs don't invest, regardless of what investment means; like any investor, lest that set an impossibly high target when raising additional money. You won't always get a good product. It is just feigning interest—until you get nothing.
The empirical evidence suggests that if the selection process looked for different reasons. Exercise for the others to act through subordinates. There is something there worth studying, especially if you were doing Bayesian filtering in a world in which YC can help in deciding what to do that.
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Hodeidah, Yemen (CNN) – Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners have transferred American-made weapons to al Qaeda-linked fighters, hardline Salafi militias, and other factions waging war in Yemen, in violation of their agreements with the United States, a CNN investigation has found.
The weapons have also made their way into the hands of Iranian-backed rebels battling the coalition for control of the country, exposing some of America's sensitive military technology to Tehran and potentially endangering the lives of US troops in other conflict zones.
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, its main partner in the war, have used the US-manufactured weapons as a form of currency to buy the loyalties of militias or tribes, bolster chosen armed actors, and influence the complex political landscape, according to local commanders on the ground and analysts who spoke to CNN.
By handing off this military equipment to third parties, the Saudi-led coalition is breaking the terms of its arms sales with the US, according to the Department of Defense. After CNN presented its findings, a US defense official confirmed there was an ongoing investigation into the issue.
The revelations raise fresh questions about whether the US has lost control over a key ally presiding over one of the most horrific wars of the past decade, and whether Saudi Arabia is responsible enough to be allowed to continue buying the sophisticated arms and fighting hardware.  Previous CNN investigations established that US-made weapons were used in a series of deadly Saudi coalition attacks that killed dozens of civilians, many of them children.
The developments also come as Congress, outraged with Riyadh over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi last year, considers whether to force an end to the Trump administration's support for the Saudi coalition, which relies on American weapons to conduct its war.
In 2015, Riyadh launched a coalition to oust Iranian-supported Houthi rebels from the country's capital and reinstate the internationally recognized government of President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi. The war split the country in two, and with it came the weapons -- not just guns, but anti-tank missiles, armored vehicles, heat-seeking lasers and artillery -- all flooding into an unruly and complex state.
Since then, some of America's "beautiful military equipment," as US President Donald Trump once called it, has been passed on, sold, stolen or abandoned in Yemen's state of chaos, where murky alliances and fractured politics mean little hope for any system of accountability or tracking.
Some terror groups have gained from the influx of US arms, with the barrier of entry to advanced weaponry now lowered by the laws of supply and demand. Militia leaders have had ample opportunity to obtain military hardware in exchange for the manpower to fight the Houthi militias. Arms dealers have flourished, with traders offering to buy or sell anything, from a US-manufactured rifle to a tank, to the highest bidder.
And Iran's proxies have captured American weapons they can exploit for vulnerabilities or reverse-engineer for native production.
                                           'Do you have American guns here?'                            
In the narrow, ramshackle streets of Taiz's historic district, weapons shops lie tucked between women's clothing stores.
Arms markets are illegal in Yemen, but that doesn't stop them operating openly in this large, mountainous city in the country's southwest.
To one side hang veils, abayas and colorful dresses for sale; to the other are pistols, hand grenades, and US assault rifles available on special order.
In one arms market, sweets were displayed among the ammunition. "Do you have American guns here?" CNN asked. "The American guns are expensive and sought after," the weapons trader replied, in an exchange captured by undercover CNN cameras.
In another of the city's markets, a very young-looking boy handled weapons like an expert. Men joked and chewed khat, a commonly used drug, and the atmosphere was casual. But these shops don't just take individual orders, they can supply militias -- and it's this not-so-hidden black market that in part is driving the demand for hi-tech American weapons and perpetuating the cycle of violence in Yemen.
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Once the intellectual heart of the country, Taiz is now a tinder box that set off a war within a war last year, when the various militias backed by the Saudi-led coalition turned their guns on each other.
Amid the chaos of the broader war, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) made its way to the frontlines in Taiz in 2015, forging advantageous alliances with the pro-Saudi militias they fought alongside.
One of those militias linked to AQAP, the Abu Abbas brigade, now possesses US-made Oshkosh armored vehicles, paraded in a 2015 show of force through the city.
Abu Abbas, the founder, was declared a terrorist by the US in 2017, but the group still enjoys support from the Saudi coalition and was absorbed into the coalition-supported 35th Brigade of the Yemeni army.
“Oshkosh Defense strictly follows all US laws and regulations relating to export control," the firm told CNN.
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And there are deadlier forms of weaponry that have made their way into the city. In October 2015, military forces loyal to the government boasted on Saudi- and UAE-backed media that the Saudis had airdropped American-made TOW anti-tank missiles on the same frontline where AQAP had been known to operate at the time.
Local officials confirmed that the airdrop happened, but CNN's attempts to conduct further interviews were blocked and the team was intimidated by the local government. A local activist joked that the weapons had probably been sold on.
Graveyard of US military hardware                            
At a graveyard of discarded US-made military hardware near the flashpoint port city of Hodeidah, it becomes clear that the Alwiyat al Amalqa -- the Giants Brigade, a predominantly Salafi, or ultra-conservative Sunni, militia -- is a favored faction.
Nearly half a dozen Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles sit side by side, most bearing stickers with the insignia of the Giants Brigade.
One even has the export label on it showing it was sent from Beaumont, Texas to Abu Dhabi, in the UAE, before ending up in the hands of the militia. The serial number of another MRAP reveals it was manufactured by Navistar, the largest provider of armored vehicles for the US military.
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The armored all-terrain vehicles are built to withstand ballistic arms fire, mine blasts and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). “It’s the vehicle that every crew wants when they’re out in the field,” Navistar’s website says. The firm declined to comment on this report.
Recipients of US weaponry are legally obligated to adhere to end-use requirements which prohibit the transferring of any equipment to third parties without prior authorization from the US government. That authorization was never obtained.
The Saudi coalition did not respond to multiple requests for comment. A senior UAE official denied “in no uncertain terms that we are in violation of end-user agreements in any manner.”
The Giants Brigade is a “part of Yemeni forces,” the official told CNN, adding that the group was under the direct supervision of the UAE and, therefore, the equipment was in the “collective possession” of the coalition.
The US Department of Defense, when asked specifically about the Giants Brigades, said it had not given Saudi Arabia or the UAE permission to hand over US weaponry to other factions on the ground.
"The United States has not authorized the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates to re-transfer any equipment to parties inside Yemen," Pentagon spokesman Johnny Michael told CNN. "The US government cannot comment on any pending investigations of claims of end-use violations of defense articles and services transferred to our allies and partners."
Iran is ‘assessing US military technology closely’         
Because a majority of American troop deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq are caused by IEDs, it is critical that knowledge of MRAP vulnerabilities does not fall into enemy hands.
But it's already too late.
In September 2017, a Houthi-run TV channel broadcast images of Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, the de facto rebel leader, proudly sitting behind the wheel of a captured US-made MRAP in the capital Sanaa, as a crowd chanted "death to America" in the background.
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CNN obtained an image showing the serial numbers of a second American MRAP in the hands of another senior Houthi official last year in Hodeidah.
The vehicle was part of a $2.5 billion sale to the UAE in 2014. The sale document, seen by CNN, certifies that "a determination has been made that the recipient country can provide the same degree of protection for the sensitive technology" as the United States.
MRAPs like these, captured on the battlefield, have been probed by Iranian intelligence, according to a member of a secret Houthi unit backed by Iran known as the Preventative Security Force. The unit oversees the transfer of military technology to and from Tehran.
The member of the force, speaking to CNN anonymously out of fear for his safety, revealed that Iranian and Hezbollah advisers have already gotten their hands on the armored vehicles and other US military hardware.
"Iranian intelligence are assessing US military technology very closely," the source said in an audio interview done from Sanaa. "Listen, there isn't a single American weapon that they don't try to find out its details, what it's made of, how it works."
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IEDs are now mass-produced in Yemen by Houthi forces on a scale only previously achieved by ISIS, according to a report published by Conflict Armament Research.
The group tracks weapons and their supply chains in conflict zones, and has found IEDs containing Iranian components in Yemen.
Hiram Al Assad, a member of the Houthi Political Council, confirmed to CNN that the MRAPs were still in Houthi hands but denied the existence of the Preventative Security Force.
Iran has not responded to a CNN request for comment.
Human cost of conflict                            
The flood of US weaponry is fueling a conflict that has killed tens of thousands -- among them children on school buses and families fleeing violence -- and pushed millions more to the brink of famine.
Two-year-old Rehab is so severely malnourished that her chest has collapsed into a deep dent at the center of her tiny body.
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There are an estimated 200 cases of malnutrition like hers in the village of Tohta, a frontline area surrounded by artillery and mortar positions on the Red Sea coast near Hodeidah.
A few months ago, the local clinic was shut down due to political disagreements over funding. But Dr. Fatma Ibrahim won’t give up.
She conducts house-to-house visits every week, and as soon as she steps into the street, worried parents flock to her.
“Look, look,” one father demands as he shows the doctor his skeletal 14-month-old girl, Roula. Ibrahim gently examines her, but soon it's time to move on to the next baby.
For a young man, joining a fighting faction is one of the few means of finding employment in a poor country with little infrastructure and a barely functioning economy.
At the same time, too many powerful political figures and key armed actors in the region have been prospering greatly from the conflict and, as a result, they lack the incentives to agree to a peace process that would threaten their financial gain.
The US is by far the biggest supplier of arms to both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and its support is crucial to the Saudi-led coalition’s continuing war in Yemen.
US lawmakers are trying to pass a resolution ending the Trump administration’s support for the coalition. But there is scant evidence that the White House wants to listen, despite evidence that the actions of a key US ally may be making Americans less safe.
In the wake of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi murder last year, Trump said it would be foolish for the US to cancel multi-billion dollar arms deals with the Saudis. "I don't want to lose all of that investment being made into our country," he said.
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berniesrevolution · 6 years
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In September 2017, feeling the first twinges of labor, I walked beyond the ten-block radius my ob-gyn had prescribed me, defying her bed-rest orders for one reason: to tour day-care centers and get my unborn kid on as many wait lists as possible.
I knew I had to take the risk only because I’d worked for three years on youth and family programs at a high-quality New York nonprofit.
When I’d started in 2012, our preschool had a two-year wait list. By the time I left, the wait list had swelled to almost four years, which meant that most children who had been added to the list never got into the program. We had at least twenty applications for children in utero, and two for children who hadn’t yet been conceived. Sometimes mothers mentioned to me that they’d miscarried, but would like to keep their application open, and did in fact conceive again before receiving an offer of admission. One baby died while on the list.
My program was unusual in that it featured a first-come/first-serve “need blind” admissions process and substantial tuition assistance to families who could prove that they needed it — but its $37,000 a year price tag was all too typical for American childcare.
For the Church, life begins at the moment of conception. For an American baby, life starts much sooner — the moment a parent (almost always a mother) begins to think about how and when she can afford to have a child, and who will care for the child when she returns to work, as the vast majority of parents must do. If she has been in the same job for a year and worked at least 1,250 hours for an employer who also happens to employ at least fifty people within a seventy-five-mile radius of her workplace, then she will be eligible for twelve weeks of unpaid time off and continuation of health benefits under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). She may be able to extend that slightly further with unused sick time — assuming she has any.
FMLA is an accommodating piece of legislation passed during the labor-punishing Clinton era, which applies to a little over half of US workers. It was the Democrats’ polite throat-clearing sigh, a gentle nudge in the general direction of our bosses, asking “Please sir, can I have my job back after taking care of my dying daughter?” when working families needed a paid family leave program comparable to the rest of the world’s, and a universal, federally funded childcare program. Since 1985, the majority of mothers of preschool children have participated in the workforce, and in the thirty years since, unprecedented growth in wealth inequality has transformed an urgent need into a moral and economic crisis. Now, as Baby Boomers age and a smaller percentage of the population has young children, there are fewer adult advocates for their needs.
”At the same time we thrust new parents back into the labor market, we also insist that they comparison shop for childcare in a country with no national standards for quality, accessibility, or safety.”
There is no reason we can’t have nationally subsidized, paid parental leave and childcare today. At present, public spending on early childhood education and care in the United States represents less than 0.5 percent of GDP, less than any OECD country besides Croatia, Latvia, and Turkey.
At the time of its bipartisan passage in 1993, the Chamber of Commerce warned that FMLA set a “dangerous precedent,” and John Boehner muttered something about “the light of freedom growing dimmer,” but twenty-five years later, a vast majority of employers report that complying with FMLA is easy and has had a positive or neutral effect on their workplaces. It is the sole non-means-tested federal provision for American families in the first few weeks of their children’s lives. Still, the burden is on parents to obtain doctor’s notes and coordinate it — and even it can hardly be called universal.
Employers approve, but how has it turned out for families? Many of those who are eligible can’t actually afford to take it. A full quarter of American mothers return to work less than two weeks after giving birth. Marissa Mayer aside, those who return soonest are most likely to be working class. Mothers who do not have housekeepers or nannies are constrained in their parenting choices, such as whether and how to breastfeed, and are more susceptible to depression.
One factory worker described breaking down in tears of exhaustion while pumping in a parking lot after a twelve-hour shift. The cheerful slogan “breast is best” is more likely to produce heart pangs than an eye-roll in the 88 percent of women who have no paid time off.
Nurri Latef, an early childhood teacher who I spoke to about her experience returning to school when her son was two months old, says, “I hated it. I felt like I was leaving my child at such a critical bonding time for the two of us, and he was premature. He spent a month in the hospital, so … I was only at home for one month with Nasir before I had to jump back into toddler-teacher mode so I could keep a roof over our heads.” No parent in any job should have to feel this way, but there’s a unique cruelty to forcing women to leave their own children before they feel ready to take care of other people’s children.
Meanwhile, Apple and Google employees get eighteen weeks of paid leave and backup or on-site day care. Googlers are awarded $500 cash referred to as “Baby Bonding Bucks.” Of course, not every worker shares in the benefits even at these seemingly enlightened firms: tech companies often outsource security, food service, and janitorial work by hiring private contractors, who are not eligible. Overall, about a third of American workers in management and other professional 
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Here’s how Julia Roitfeld, the daughter of the editor of French Vogue, describes impending motherhood: “It was like a detox — I ate healthy, I slept a lot, and I didn’t drink. All of my hormones were at the perfect levels. I was super-happy, and I really didn’t give a shit about work. Usually I’m so on top of work, but I was in a little cloud. But in August I thought, ‘Okay, I need to go back to work and start making a living again.’”
How long can a parent stay in that “little cloud” and “not give a shit” about the cost of diapers, formula, and rent? That depends both on one’s class and nationality. Brazilian mothers get seventeen weeks of leave to take care of their little ones at their full salary; Canadian parental leave was recently extended from one year to eighteen months at about 55 percent pay; Russia offers mothers twenty-four weeks paid. I could go on. The United States, Papua New Guinea, and Lesotho are the only countries in the world that don’t guarantee all workers paid time off to care for a new child — here, parental leave is a luxury reserved for the rich.
At the same time we thrust new parents back into the labor market, we also insist that they comparison shop for childcare in a country with no national standards for quality, accessibility or safety. Nearly 11 million children, including over half of children below the age of one, spend an average of twenty-seven hours a week in some kind of childcare setting, yet the burden is on individual parents to assess the risks and benefits of a confusing, unaccountable, generally private system pieced together state by state for the care of our littlest and most vulnerable children. In essence, giving birth or adopting a child in America means you also take on the job of government regulator. It’s an impossible task, with occasionally tragic consequences.
In 2013, a day-care worker in Mississippi handed a ten-week-old baby boy over to his father at pickup time without noticing that the child’s skin was blue and he was unresponsive. The father directed the staff to call 911 while he performed CPR — none of the staff knew how — and his son was finally rushed to the emergency room, where he died. After an investigation, the state concluded that the childcare center met all legal requirements for operation. It remains open.
In 2014, Kellie Rynn Martin suffocated at the age of three months in a day-care center run out of a middle-class suburban home in South Carolina, where her mother suspects she was put to sleep in a bassinet with a blanket or even another infant. When forensics searched the house, they found fourteen children playing “the quiet game” in the eighty-five-degree basement under the supervision of the owner’s daughter. In an interview, Martin’s mother stressed that the day-care owner’s home had appeared clean and the owner appeared competent when she toured the program only a few weeks earlier.
(Continue Reading)
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cladust · 5 years
Censored Fellowship of Friends #cult letter from former legal council David Springfield, 2009
Censored Fellowship of Friends #cult letter from former legal council David Springfield, 2009 1. black marker - May 20, 2009 Da..d Spring…ld, Attorney at Law
 November 19, 2007 To All Board Members
of the Fellowship of Friends, Inc.
and Giova.ni Bu.co Re: No Further Legal Representation Dear Board Members and Giova.ni I am not sending this letter because I like writing of these matters or because I want to repeat what has already been stated repeatedly by both Abraham and me. This letter is written because of my professional obligations and my personal obligations to the School. My professional responsibilities require me to send this letter to confirm again that I will provide no further legal services to the Fellowship of Friends, and have stopped working on all ongoing legal matters that I was involved with. This letter also advises you to immediately work with Abraham Goldman and/or other legal counsel to handle the legal work I was involved in and to address other ongoing and/or upcoming legal matters that I will outline in this letter. The recent board activities have been covered in a number of letters and emails by Abraham and me. None of the communications were ever acknowledged or responded to by any board member. As you know, Abraham and I were instructed to stop all legal work. First, a directive was issued on November 3, 2007, via email, on behalf of Et..n Har..s, Chairman of the Board, through R.se Ke.n.dy S.afer Vice Chairman of the Board, without explanation, question, or discussion. My emails and letter of November 6, 2007, about this heavy-handed and improper directive were ignored by all board members. Next, I wrote to Li.da T.li.so who ignored my question about what to do about the ongoing legal work but was ignored. After learning about the secret board meeting and illegal vote that took place on or about November 10, 2007, I talked with Li.da T.li.so the President in person at her office on November 13, 2007. Linda confirmed the secret vote of the Board (although both W.yne Mo.t and Al.n Sc.wa.tzbe.g lied that no other “crisis team” members voted at the secret Board meeting) and Linda instructed me to suspend all my legal work. I confirmed this in a letter dated November 13, 2007 that has also been copied to all of you. There was no response to this letter from anyone. On November 18, 2007, I was voted off the Board of Directors. Now, no longer working as attorney, nor being able to act as a member of the Board, I will be unable to assist the Fellowship with any legal work or offer any oversight. All of this occurred after one week of false and contradictory statements by W.yne Mo.t, Al.n Sc.wa.tzbe.g, Et.an Ha.ris and others about the secret board meeting where this was already decided in advance. Only G.eg Hol.an acknowledged yesterday that the secret Board meeting was improper and that he wished that matters would have been done openly and correctly. The failure by almost all of the Board members to even have the decency or honesty to acknowledge a secret Board meeting was held and a secret vote taken (to vote the lawyers off the Board), without any opportunity to address the issues by the persons involved is below the level of school work for any student, let alone a board member with responsibility for our church. Al.n Sc.warzbe.g refusal to show the minutes of the secret Board meeting, and subsequent refusal to return my many calls and emails, is conduct that is highly irregular for the Secretary of the Corporation and the Board of Directors. To date, I still have not obtained a copy of the “RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS” that I personally saw when both Alan and Wayne in heavy-handed fashion informed Abe and myself, on November 12, 2007, we were voted off the Board. It is my feeling that what occurred over the last three weeks is a combination of crime, gross carelessness and ignorance of almost all Board members. In my opinion, serious crimes have likely been committed and are possibly continuing to be committed by current members on the Board. This should be addressed immediately. As I wrote about in my letter of November 6, 2007, the requirement of legal compliance and checks and balances within our organization needs urgent attention. The Board has been for some time but a passive “rubber-stamp” board without active or meaningful oversight. This almost complete inaction may create the impression of the Fellowship as a criminal organization that is functioning as the later ego of Robert Burton, involved in a conspiracy to engage in financial, tax and immigration fraud, and perhaps other illegal activities and/or tortuous conduct. Responding to a call from Mr.Margalli? this morning. I gave him my impressions of yesterday’s Board meeting. Mr. Margalli? suggested I write a confirming letter and cover the ongoing legal work that you must all appreciate should be addressed immediately. This list does not purport to cover all of the areas that need immediate and significant work, and you should immediately consult with Abraham and all other lawyers for the Fellowship. The legal work I have been involved in covers the following areas: 1. Immigration. Ongoing assessment and evaluations of the needs and requirements of our religious programs/individual’s status and possible need to go back to their country of origin. I will notify Mr. Shusterman of the fact I will be no longer working with him on behalf of the Fellowship. I was also working with a number of individual students who would call with questions in the last months. 2. Financial Compliance. This is critical and should be a top priority. You have knowingly allowed having a system in place where the CFO is made responsible but essentially helpless and without authority. The CFO is not being consulted in important decisions. The Fellowship’s financial activities, in my opinion, could be seen as criminal conspiracy to commit tax fraud and private inurement benefiting Robert and a number of other individuals (including possibly some Board members) and could be considered a fraud on the government. The status as a non profit corporation could well be in serious danger. 3. Investigation/Monitoring of Blog?GF/PR, etc. Several times this year I have written to Youtube or other websites to have offending material taken off line. This has been largely successful. I also have conducted an investigation into aspects of the Blog and some individuals with the aim to allow us to file suit for defamation and/or invasion of privacy if and when appropriate. I have worked on obtaining PR consultations for which then no funding was purportedly available. (Nic.ol.s Spa.ldi.g who was helping in this area, was threatened by Et.an Har.is to stop working with Abraham and myself) This area should be a major concern for the Board which has been almost totally unresponsive. 4. It was our diligent monitoring of the blog that put us on notice that A.af Brave.man’s arranged (by Fellowship officers and/or agents) fraudulent marriage to Elisa.et.a da Ros was being exposed to the world. This finally stimulated action in this area but more is needed. I will no longer monitor the Blogs or any other sites, in any language, and will no longer assist with analysis and efforts to bring these matters into compliance. A lot more needs to be done in this area for many involved. 5. Insurance. We were working on a review of all materials from the Internet and other sources that could constitute a claim (including foreign websites). I wrote about this before as well. Insurance could possibly pay for some of the costs incurred, including legal costs. I will stop all my work on this claim process, including any work on the research into the bad faith claim aspect of the insurance which I wrote about before. TIme may be on the utmost essence. Se my letter of November 6, 2007. 6. Other matters: There are outstanding million dollar judgments from the Ming litigation era that will need to be renewed in the next years, if the Fellowship wants to collect on them. I had this calendared for a review in January 2008, 10 years after the first settlements and judgments were obtained. Given the success we have had collecting from various parties, I would consider this an important item to follow up on. I will no longer take any action in this area either. In short, the overall picture is in my opinion that the Fellowship itself, Robert, and a number of our friends, including several board members and officers, continue to be in potential legal jeopardy and liability. With the information, according to what I gathered from my investigation, shared by certain former members to various agencies, I cannot envision that there will not be an government investigation and/or lawsuit in the planning/preparation stages with possibly serious consequences for the Fellowship, the Board of Directors, Robert and possibly a number of individual students, including possibly individual Board members. A fully professional and active compliance team to put matters straight must be created. This team would need to be working daily, hands on, with the supervision and input from professionals. The existing irregularities cannot be hidden from the people that need to help bring us into compliance. Again, I am no longer acting as the Fellowship’s attorney. Immediate attention is required to the numerous outstanding legal issues facing the Fellowship. You are advised to consult with legal counsel immediately. Thank you for your time and consideration to these important matters. Do not hesitate to call if you have any questions.
Very truly yours,
Dav.d Spri.gfield cc. Robert E. Burton
Abraham Gold.an, Esq.
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shahadaye · 6 years
I've always been lucky myself and except for charging cables and boxer shorts I've never been stolen while traveling. However, many stories tell me that you should protect your technical equipment well. Joe explains in this guest post how to double and triple secure.
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I am completely honest with you. My lack of bad experiences and my belief in the goodness of people (or call it naivety) ensures that I handle my technical equipment while traveling partially negligent.
It is quite easy to protect yourself and your laptop while traveling. What possibilities there are (from easy to extreme) shows you guest author Joe Görbert, I recently met in Berlin.
Curtain up for Joe!
For many of us, the laptop is at the heart of our work as digital nomads. One of the biggest horror stories is losing his laptop and possibly being restricted to working weeks for weeks, or even worse, losing irretrievable data.
Many of us may also have legal risks in case of a theft, because as a service provider you are responsible for the security of your customers' confidential data and passwords.
While some afford no-brainer and lose their laptop, on my travels I often see people suffering the loss of this important device (and sometimes other expensive items on occasion) due to less predictable circumstances.
In this article I want you as a long-standing tech Traveling  business plan copywriter who lost themselves for over € 5,000 of equipment during burglaries, robberies, pilfering (secret opening of luggage, such as during bus rides or layovers) and Trick / pickpocketing has my Give the best tricks to you, so you never have to do this terrible experience.
A laptop lock is part of the basic equipment of every digital nomad. Only in the safest of all accommodations is the laptop left unlocked without supervision.
Above all, combination locks are suitable so that you do not lose the key. Incidentally, you should definitely write down the combination / take a photo somewhere. You do not want to know how often I sat in front of the castle after 4-6 weeks break with blackout.
If there are no objects or pipes in the room (bathroom checked?) To which the laptop can be plugged in when absent, it might be a good idea to connect the laptop to the suitcase.
This also makes the theft difficult, as thieves on the one hand prefer short "in-and-out" operations on the other, but they do not want to have to transport large, visible loot.
Also: If you still have one or the other valuable device lying around, it may be enough to satisfy the thief, and the laptop will stay with you. The less other stolen goods, the higher the likelihood that thieves attack the laptop or even destroy it out of frustration if they do not get rid of it.
If there is absolutely no way to secure the laptop in this way, you can make eye-catching writing notes for a potential thief in English or local language.
The note warns of a built-in GPS tracking and impregnation with artificial DNA, with which the device is traceable. This has already saved me in at least one case.
The affected HP in this episode was second-hand and had therefore incorporated an emblem of a magnet in the cover, which at the time went back to the monitoring system of the previous owner, a company. The thieves have left the device behind, but when they broke into my hotel room, they let other equipment worth over € 900 go along.
Of course, artificial DNA is, by the way, also a very interesting thing, especially if the theft occurs in a country with a functioning security system or there are indications of the perpetrator. Some of the DNA tracking products are very difficult to wash off and they are provided with an additive that is visible under UV light.
In the meantime, cut-resistant bags such as the PacSafe , which are also secured with a wire lock , are also available for smaller electronic devices . Of course, all wire locks for a small hacksaw are only a matter of minutes of sawing, but most thieves are occasional thieves and poorly equipped.
A small bike lock and a good suitcase with a smart suitcase lock can also help protect the laptop in places with poor security.
When transporting: shoulder bags are easier to tear away than a backpack, but this can be opened in busy places unnoticed from behind. So think about when choosing your equipment.
A small cable lock is easy to weave on most backpacks through the zippers, but also signals the presence of valuables. It may therefore be useful in certain scenarios, to hang a few plastic bags or a towel on / over the backpack, so you do not come over as possible, someone who transports valuable.
Excursus: Preventive data protection in case of theft
Of course, the importance of protecting personal information and passwords is beyond question. The general access password should be as long and complicated as possible. Absolutely critical information is encrypted ( Truecrypt is unfortunately no longer reasonably continued in the course of the NSA affair, which is why VeraCrypt is  recommended today).
Also, you always need a USB stick or maybe even a written list of passwords that require a password change after a lost laptop (Paypal, email account, etc.).
I also still have somewhere inaccessible hidden a 500 GB hard drive, where again critical work files are on it. I'm trying to update this disk on a monthly basis.
Of course, in this context, it must also be mentioned that there are already lucky people who have moved completely into the cloud these days and manage the majority of their digital treasure (but of course under the permanent supervision of the secret services) in a completely mobile way and one or more potent computers from can control and serve anywhere in the world with good Internet.
They have other data leaks to worry about, but in any case, the loss of their hardware would, in most cases, make them less harsh - provided of course they have protected all access.
If someone decides to rob someone else, he needs an opportunity and he has to look for it. You have to search with your eyes. If you are able to spot a potential thief or robber before he or she recognizes you, you have very little chance of being robbed (especially if you've made some preparations that we'll cover in the later stages) to come speak).
In different environments, there are various ways to attack someone openly or to steal by hand or ambush. Always be aware of your surroundings and move accordingly. Do not be lectured or distracted in any other way.
A skilful laptop theft that happens at train stations in Buenos Aires is the push of a person carrying a bag between their legs, just after a key has been thrown from the other side. Most people do not wrap the loop around their legs (highly recommended in principle, especially for physically inferior people).
The victim looks in the direction of where the key was thrown, is pushed from the other side and the bag is torn away. After that, the perpetrators disappear in the labyrinth of the bus station. There are no cameras, there are not even mirrors (would probably bring nothing). The biggest frustration remains.
Only those who are in the mood for even more nerve destruction or equipment insurance should decide to file a complaint with the Argentine police. That's important for the statistics, so one of the policemen said to me on another occasion. The perpetrators are no longer apprehended in this life.
Sometimes, the circumstances, budget, or stupid ideas in the life of a digital nomad dictate that he has to carry expensive equipment in situations that are totally inappropriate.
In order to make the high risk both neurologically-psychological and in the worst case of the pure superiority of firepower manageable, I advise each digital nomad two things.
Once you are familiar with the principles of armed combat (attention, this link has a fierce image of a knife injury), best Krav Maga .
Secondly, you should always have basic self-defense equipment  that will suit your fighting style and physical condition. For many women, this is irritant gas and for men mostly the combination of a strong laser pointer and a small folding knife.
It is not a matter of hurting the offender, but of being able to lead more bargaining power in a dispute , so that a critical damage can be averted.
However, the situation must be read correctly: With an open or suspected hidden supremacy of more than 1 in 3 and the use of firearms, resistance is without question lethal. In the vast majority of cases, however, one is equipped and willing to protect one's stuff, in principle a good opportunity to avert at least the worst by negotiating or responding quickly.
I once knew someone who has built a device in his laptop, which he not only GPS track (see also the following article on built-in GPS tracker ) but allegedly could detonate via Internet command and which in this case destroys the hard drive.
Maybe also an option, if you want to belong to the Extrakrassen. I do not know if the colleagues at the security check it up, but I found it worth mentioning. By the way: Remote Data Destruction Software is also available and should work pretty well.
Conclusion: Some of the hints mentioned here seem to be somewhat violent. But I believe that we are sliding into a future in which we can count less and less on the security forces of the state. At least when it comes to protecting us as ordinary citizens from those who are hungry, hungry and in a laptop of great value.
For us, however, the laptop still has the largest (and immaterial) value. Therefore, we should use all methods of protecting the vehicle of our freedom and prosperity with the utmost care and determination. If you are looking for more information about hp touch screen laptop. visit hp touch screen laptop right away.
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The Ultimate Guide to Hiring a Custom Software Development Provider
When we got to repair shoes, we normally attend knowledgeable shoemaker unless we’re shoemakers ourselves. Likewise, if we'd like custom-tailored software, we will take the long and therefore the hard road of in-house development, or trust knowledgeable software development provider to create an answer for our business-specific needs.
Now that you simply have your state of mind on partnering with a bespoke development provider, where does one start? as long as backsourcing is increasingly becoming a standard practice, how does one know a specific outsourcing company will successfully see your project to fruition? With this in mind, I even have put together the below step-by-step guide to a successful outsourcing partnership.
 Step 1: Creating the Shortlist
If you’re a novice in software project outsourcing you'll presumably be at a loss on where to seem for a relevant company (you need a pool of such companies to eventually choose the one which will meet your criteria). One thing which will probably come to your mind is posing for references. Nothing builds trust like personal recommendations, so peer references will always be one among the simplest ways to seek out a software dev partner. If someone within your industry can recommend a corporation that builds great software solutions, plow ahead and put it on a shortlist.
Alternatively, use B2B directories like Clutch to seem for software development companies. inspect the lists of top custom software developers on the online . the great news is, the corporate you’re trying to find is additionally trying to find you: by simply asking Google the way to hire an honest software development partner, you'll see it for yourself.
 Step 2: Verifying They’re an honest fit Your Company
Software development outsourcing may be a thriving business, so there are many onshore and offshore outsourcing providers out there. the web search will instantly provide you with many relevant sites . But how does one confirm these companies are on the brink of meeting your standards and are an excellent partner material?
 Company Portfolio
Check out the corporate portfolio and skim project descriptions. search for details like tech stacks, team sizes, delivery timelines, etc. most significantly , note if the corporate you're considering as a partner has any experience in developing software for your industry. Large offshore development centers with over 500 developers will have extensive expertise in projects for various industries. Smaller firms will presumably specialize in niche industries and products. as an example , the corporate I'm related to has over 50 full-time employees and provides bespoke software dev solutions to businesses across many industries and verticals, from construction to property management to   retail.
Client Testimonials
You want to partner with a long time outsourcing company with a proven record of successfully developed projects. invite case descriptions and client testimonials. Do they deem it successful? What were the upsides and therefore the downsides of working with this particular company? Would they recommend it to you as a possible partner?
 US/EU Jurisdiction
There are many legal aspects involved in software development, especially if you’re building a, Insur Tech or healthcare solution with access to clients’ classified or sensitive data. For your peace of mind, choose a partner operating under US/EU jurisdiction, in order that you'll get on an equivalent page on legal aspects of the merchandise you're developing.
 A Network of Resource/Talent Partners
Wider talent pools are the most reason you're negotiating with them within the first place. Global talent shortage dictates the necessity for companies with a huge network of talent partners. If they don’t have the specialists with the skill sets required for your project, they ought to know where to seek out them. Also, confirm that they use innovative recruiting techniques and involve you within the hiring process and candidate interviews.
 Start With A pilot program
You’ll never know unless you are trying . Sometimes simply placing a team staffing request and searching at the standard of candidates will assist you decide if this potential partner is attention-worthy. Collaborate on a pilot program and see how it goes.
 A “test-drive” could also be especially important if your outsourcing destination of choice is offshore. Cultural affinity and having an equivalent quality standards are great prerequisites for successful collaboration and teamwork.
 Step 3: Choosing the proper Engagement Model
Both onshore and offshore outsourcing companies will allow you to choose between several engagement models. The tricky part is selecting the proper one for your project, although knowing the worth formation principle of every model could set you on the proper track.
 Fixed Price
You have a system requirements spec and a hard and fast budget, and you expect your provider to be 100% liable for delivery. This model is great for little projects when all functional and non-functional requirements are clearly defined and therefore the scope of the project is understood and visual . Any changes to a project are low-risk and predictable and also come at a hard and fast price, which the parties easily agree on.
 Time and Materials (T&M)
This model is analogous to a hard and fast price but has no fixed budget. because the name suggests, as a customer you buy the time and resources involved during a project. Before you begin , you and your development partner must agree on hourly rates, usually supported overall knowledge and developers experience. Although your outsourcing provider still has full responsibility for the standard of the delivery, you've got the proper to access the specified skill sets and resource allocation. This model is best suitable when the scope of the project and therefore the volume of changes are hard to predict.
 Dedicated Development Team (aka Extended Team)
Within this model, you keep maximum project internal control , the team works under your supervision and you've got direct access to every team member. The outsourcing provider does all the recruitment for the project, but the developers get to figure only after your screening and approval. The provider is additionally liable for all the executive and infrastructure aspects, so you don’t need to meet any maintenance expenses. What you get may be a team fully dedicated to your project with no retention obligations and employer commitments. The team also will suits your corporate culture, workflow tools, development methodologies, etc.
 This model is additionally recommended for long-term projects with changing scopes or requiring full developer involvement. the worth formation for a fanatical development team involves monthly payments which will depend upon team size. These payments will include developer salaries (including a social tax) and your outsourcing provider's service charge .
 If you have already got your in-house team performing on your business-specific software solutions, you'll still use an outsourcing partnership to your benefit. If the developers with the talents required for your project are scarce in your area, hiring software developers nearshore or offshore could assist you enhance your team with relevant skill sets. Many software development providers will provide you with a Staff Augmentation model granting you access to skilled and affordable talent. Alternatively, a Hybrid Delivery model will help your in-house and offshore teams combine efforts in performing on your project. beat all, an honest software development partner should be ready to provide you with a chance to line up a foreign , mixed or distributed team performing on building your software solutions.
Step 4: Choosing a Project Management Methodology
After you've got selected an engagement model, it should be easier to settle on the acceptable project management methodology for your project.
One of the legacy methodologies used initially within the manufacturing and construction industries, Waterfall is now considered too inflexible and lacking customer feedback. Its main focus is on the importance of documenting each step of the event process. the thought was that if the developer had to go away the project unfinished, anyone with relevant knowledge could devour the project after reading the corresponding documentation. Despite its obvious downsides, Waterfall is best fitted to projects with clearly defined stages and deadlines, with no anticipated changes and surprises during the event process, where everything is mapped out and predictable.
Best fitted to projects that are iterative and incremental, Agile methodology is predicated on the 12 Agile principles outlined within the Agile manifesto. Having emerged as an alternate to Waterfall method, Agile is very adaptive, involves team collaboration and client input on each stage of development, and is targeted towards constant improvement. Best fitted to large-scale complicated projects, it's also fast-paced and places a high emphasis on continuous development (CD).
An Agile methodology that fosters a collaborative approach and is meant for early product releases, Kanban has been around since 1940. Used originally at Toyota factories to streamline car assembly processes, Kanban uses visual cues to make a transparent picture of all workflow stages. The cues include a board, variety of task cards and swimlanes helping to trace and visualize the workflow. a number of the favored online project management tools like Zenkit or Trello are supported Kanban principles. Kanban is great for private productivity purposes and, like Scrum, works best with small software development teams.
Just like Kanban, Scrum is another methodology supported Agile principles. It uses distinct roles, events, and to structure workflow and teamwork. beat all, there are three roles — the merchandise Owner, the event team, and therefore the Scrum Master — that help allocate responsibility. The Scrum events including regular meetings help streamline and organize the event process, and therefore the are, basically, the merchandise documentation. A product backlog is that the list of all the merchandise specs required by the client, and a sprint backlog is, generally speaking, the list of upcoming tasks. Scrum may be a flexible collaborative approach for client-oriented development and can work best with small development teams of up to 7 members.
 In a highly competitive environment, companies that deliver best time-to-value gain the whip hand . However, if you would like to refine your existing product as against creating a fresh app from scratch, you'll even as well choose tried and true Lean and Waterfall approaches.
 Regardless of whether you hire software developers offshore or onshore, the primary thing you ought to specialize in is outlining distinct product specifications. Knowing which client problems your software intends to unravel , your project roadmap and basic MVP features will assist you make informed decisions when hiring a custom software development provider. Clear product vision are going to be a cornerstone for your success: it'll offer you something to fall back on when choosing the proper company, the engagement model and therefore the management methodology for bringing your ideas to life.
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orbemnews · 3 years
Seeking answers, Cerro Gordo family unravels web of autopsy fraud allegations The Ochoa family was still reeling from the Christmastime loss of its patriarch when members found themselves entangled in a scandal involving the man they trusted to tell them why Mario Ochoa Sr. had died. In early December 2018, Mario Ochoa Sr. was hospitalized with an infection. Four days into his stay, Mario’s health took a fatal turn. The 68-year-old husband to Jean and father to Mario Jr., Andrea, Jessica, and Erica died on Dec. 19. The Ochoa siblings hold a photo album containing pictures of their family and late father Mario Ochoa Sr. Lisa Grouette The family hired a private company to conduct an autopsy. But when communication with the examiner hired to perform Mario’s autopsy fell off, the Ochoa siblings turned to the internet for help. “I started emailing him and never got a (reply), never got returned phone calls, I left messages,” Mario’s daughter Jessica Read said. “We just kind of got ghosted,” daughter Erica Ochoa added. “That’s when Erica kind of took over and started doing some investigating on her own,” Jessica said. The family quickly discovered the examiner, “Professor Lynn” Shawn Lynn Parcells with National Autopsy Services out of Kansas, wasn’t who he said he was. The more the Ochoas dug, the more stories they uncovered. Through their research, they were connected with Illinois attorney Craig Sandberg, who took on the family’s case. Alongside the Ochoas’ suit, Sandberg is handling lawsuits against Parcells and National Autopsy Services for five other families in California, Tennessee, and Michigan. The sheer number of other complaints against “Professor Lynn” left the family wondering: How could this man get away with allegedly defrauding so many people without being caught? WORST-CASE SCENARIO On Dec. 2, 2018, Mario Ochoa Sr. was admitted to MercyOne North Iowa Medical Center for treatment of an infection for which antibiotics didn’t seem to be working. Later that week, a MercyOne employee gave Mario an injection of the medication Haldol Decanoate. The drug, which was prescribed to Mario for its sedative properties, was ordered to be given by intravenous drip, as an injection into the muscular tissue can produce blood clots and life-threatening side effects. Within hours of receiving the injection, Mario began to show stroke-like symptoms, slumping to one side and unable to follow commands. His condition deteriorated to the point that he was moved to the intensive care unit and placed on a ventilator. Mario’s condition never improved, leaving the family with the difficult task of seeking end-of-life care for him at MercyOne Hospice. Six days before Christmas, Mario Ochoa died. The family has since named MercyOne in a malpractice lawsuit filed by Iowa-based attorney Brian Galligan. A spokesperson for MercyOne said the organization had no comment on the matter. A jury trial is not slated to begin until March of 2023. Following Mario’s death, the family said they immediately requested an autopsy. Unable to have an examination completed at the hospital, they reached out to an attorney who recommended they contact Kansas-based private examiner “Professor Lynn,” who operated National Autopsy Services. Lynn collected a fee of $3,300 from the Ochoas and traveled to Clear Lake to perform an exam on Mario’s body, promising the family delivery of a completed report within 90 to 120 days. When the deadline passed and the Ochoas were unable to reach Lynn or anyone with National Autopsy Services, Erica began digging into Professor Lynn’s history. One of the first things she found was that there was no real “Professor Lynn.” Rather, the moniker belonged to a man named Shawn Lynn Parcells, who is not a professor, but who’d simply given himself that title. Erica and Jessica both said the first they’d heard the name Shawn Parcells was after Erica began looking into the autopsy service. Along with the professional pseudonym, Erica also found a host of complaints against Parcells and his company. Parcells, who is not a licensed medical practitioner, is able to legally perform exams and tissue extractions in many states, including Iowa, but is required by most states to be under the direct supervision of a licensed pathologist. According to the Ochoas’ lawsuit, Parcells sidestepped the state’s requirement and completed the examination and tissue extraction on Mario’s body on his own at a local funeral home. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. featured_button_text ON THE RADAR The employment of private pathology services is not uncommon. Such services can be used in criminal investigations, as well as by families who are seeking a neutral opinion after a loved one dies under questionable circumstances. Private pathologists are also contracted by state and local governments that may not have access to timely autopsy services due to budget cuts or staff shortages. Shawn Parcells discusses the results of the independent autopsy of Michael Brown during a 2014 press conference at Greater St. Mark’s Family Church in Ferguson. Cristina Fletes-Boutte, St. Louis Post-Dispatch Parcells’ work had been in the viewfinder of skeptical peers for some time. In a 2013 article, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch revealed a number of accounts in which Parcells is said to have engaged in fraudulent practices, including forging a doctor’s signature on a medical report that was to have been used in one court case, and misrepresenting a doctor’s participation in an exam, forcing prosecutors to drop charges against a murder suspect. In 2014, Parcells vaulted into public view nationwide when he assisted in the autopsy of Michael Brown, a Black man whose killing by police in Ferguson, Missouri, incited a period of heavy protesting and social unrest. A few months later, CNN reported a number of inaccuracies in Parcells’ purported background and gave the account of a widow who claimed to have been scammed after paying for autopsy services for her husband. According to research of court records done by the Globe Gazette, Parcells’ career dates back to 1996, when he began a seven-year stint as assistant in the Jackson County Medical Examiner’s office in Missouri. He started his own pathology company in 2009, and worked until spring of 2019 when the evidence uncovered in an investigation into Parcells’ business prompted the Kansas Attorney General to issue an order immediately the halting company’s operations. An investigation in 2017 conducted by the Kansas AG’s Consumer Protection Division links Parcells to over a dozen fraudulent acts, including collecting over $16,000 in fees from Wabaunsee County for services he didn’t have the authority to provide. Additional criminal charges filed against Parcells by the state of Kansas include felony theft and felony desecration of a body. NOW A FEDERAL CASE Neither the Kansas attorney general nor the FBI, to whom the Kansas AG referred the Globe Gazette for questions, would answer questions about how Parcells came under federal scrutiny. But in November 2020, he was indicted on federal charges. Prosecutors say Parcells defrauded 350 victims from all over the United States who paid him for unfulfilled, incomplete, or illegally performed autopsies between 2016 and 2019, all while collecting over $1 million in fees. Shawn Parcells describes his organ-logging process at his morgue in Topeka, Kansas, in this undated photo. Susan Weich St. Louis Post-Dispatch News media has highlighted Parcells’ unorthodox handling of autopsies. A Kansas City television station video from 2019, in which Parcells invited a reporter to tour his lab, shows a cluttered workspace with clusters of plastic containers apparently containing human remains sitting out, unrefrigerated. In the video, the cameraperson was asked not to film an unrefrigerated, uncovered body that was pushed off to one side of the lab. CNN reported in 2014 that after a widow implied in a lawsuit that Parcells had lost or destroyed the brain of her husband, Parcells brought a bucket containing an organ to a deposition and showed it to the woman’s attorney as proof the brain was still in his possession. With licensure requirements and protocols varying by state, the world of forensics and pathology goes largely unregulated. While there is accreditation available through the National Association of Medical Examiners and the American Board of Pathology, neither organization provides consumer-protecting oversight. Rather, they serve most generally as resources for licensed individuals, who must adhere to a set of ethics and standards in order to maintain their status with the respective institutes. According to the Iowa State Medical Examiner’s Office, the practice of performing an autopsy in Iowa is not regulated by any state-sanctioned governing body. A Centers for Disease Control Public Health Law publication lists the state of Kansas as having no designated medical examiner at all, resigning its individual counties to establish their own offices, or to rely on private practices like Parcells’ to handle autopsies and related services. Parcells is slated to next appear in federal court for a case status update in June. Though the criminal and civil charges have piled up against Parcells, many affected families are still left with no idea where the tissues and organs of their loved ones are, nor answers as to what caused their deaths. The Ochoas are still grieving the loss of Mario, and are still shaken by their experience with Parcells. “Finding out the stuff that I did (about Parcells), I had trouble with that,” Erica said. “It left me with stuff that I can’t talk about. “My mom — this is very, very difficult for her — she can’t even think about it,” Erica said. “It brings up the feeling of when she lost her husband,” Jessica added. “That’s kind of why Erica has kind of taken charge; she knows our mother is not going to. [Erica’s] definitely put in the work, and we all appreciate that, because — it’s a lot.” Lisa Grouette is a Photographer and Reporter for the Globe Gazette. You can reach her at 641-421-0525 or [email protected]. Follow Lisa on Twitter @LisaGrouette Get local news delivered to your inbox! Source link Orbem News #allegations #answers #autopsy #Cerro #Family #Fraud #full-longform #Gordo #marioochoa #ochoa #parcells #professorlynn #seeking #Shawn #shawnparcells #unravels #web
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247newsgh-blog · 5 years
FULL SPEECH: NAM1 officially speaks first time after arrest, return from Dubai
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Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press. Thank you for coming to this event meant to provide you with the detailed state of our companies especially, what has bedeviled Menzgold for the past twelve months and the way forward. May I state humbly that, this communication is without Prejudice. First of all, let me start by praying the almighty God for grace today and to thank him gratefully as we count our many blessings. Let me also take the opportunity to thank the Government of Ghana; Ambassador of Ghana to the United Arab Emirates; His Excellency Alhaji Ahmed Ramadan, for the consular services extended to me during my eight months detention in Dubai. I thank the Ghana Police Service for the warm reception and the exhibit of professionalism in the discharge of their duty on my arrival to Ghana on the 11th July, 2019. I express my greatest form of immense gratitude to the ruler of Dubai, His Royal Highness Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, in his gracious name the Dubai Prosecutions and the Dubai Courts exhibited the highest form of integrity, by boldly upholding the rule of law, handing me justice before the Dubai first instance and superior Courts in the case number 68807/2018, an acquittal and discharge. May Allah, ever merciful, most compassionate bless and prosper Dubai forever. Allah Kareem. I owe an immense debt of gratitude to the people of Ghana, our legal team abroad and in Ghana, led by Mr. Kwame Boafo Akuffo, my brother and my good friend; who has been resolute, exhibited loyalty and courage in the face our adversity, exhibiting his service and commitment to nothing but the law. Today, I cannot forget to bless the over one thousand staff of Menzgold, Zylofon Media, Brew Marketing Consult and all our other companies in Ghana, as well as our families for their unwavering support, since the unfortunate events of the past few months. To you all I say; you made a good choice which would be well rewarded by God almighty, especially Mr. Kwame Boafo, like the biblical Moses, you chose to side and share in the afflicting of God’s people, instead of enjoying the temporary pleasures of sin. Thank you so much. I also reserve my biggest gratitude to our cherished Menzgold customers for their continued support, encouragement, loyalty and prayers through the trying times. Thank you. Even though I am still receiving the much-needed medical attention, swellings-blood clots in my pelvic region and knees with excruciating pains following a past surgical procedure, due to my well-publicized long nine-months detention in Dubai and Ghana. Regardless, I deem it very fit to make this address to the general public, especially to Menzgold customers in a bid to keep them abreast with the on goings. Menzgold Ghana Company Limited is a licensed reputable Ghanaian gold dealership firm, with six years of impeccable and enviable service delivery and gold trading record. It would interest you to know that in five years, Menzgold consistently met the demands of its customers, suppliers and foreign partners who do business with us, but for the force majeure; the regulatory questions raised by the Bank of Ghana and the Securities and Exchange Commission; regulatory intervention of which we respectfully contested and is still before the Ghanaian courts of law. A question of statutory interpretation of; as to whether or not the trading of gold collectibles or jewelry and the return of monthly profits on same to traders is, “Deposits-Taking” or “Deposits Mobilization” Activity or “trade in Securities”. As to whether or not the exports of tons of gold dore bars of very fine percentage purity, with many evidence of inflows in forex via the bank of Ghana is a “Ponzi scheme?”, praying the just and august Ghanaian Courts to make consequential orders to repair Menzgold damage, if any. Ladies and Gentlemen, Menzgold got very successful with its gold dealership business, resulting in the buying of gold, exports and the produce of fine gold collectibles (jewelries) to satisfy the domestic market, an innovative drive in adherence to the government’s campaign for made in Ghana goods. We saw the need to embark on a drive for international expansion in a quest to broaden our market share size, which saw the openings of some international outlets in Madrid, London and Lagos. The famous “shut-down” letter landed our business, staff, customers and shareholders a catastrophic blow, which sadly led to many very horrific occurrences that brought untold economic hardship to our families, our dear customers and the staff body of all our companies, many of whom are customers too due to the reputable nature of our business. To you all who suffered various degrees of upsets, being it directly or indirectly, we share equally in your pain. With God on our side, we shall soon change this sad Menzgold tale to a very happy narrative, as i grasp a resolve now to drive Menzgold from good to great. The Menzgold product line that has been questioned, is one that is just an act of innovation characterized by most businesses worldwide. We sought to build a word processor out of a typewriter in our line of business, with the hope of being encouraged to create wealth in the face of globalization. I noticed that, the 21st century witnesses a blowing wave of globalization, yet Africa has seen limited technological innovative advancements, which stifle our economic growth and lame our progress due to lack of will to invest in the difficult task of creating new things, this turn to make companies in Africa fail in the future, no matter how big a company’s stated capital is or who is in the helm of affairs. With this background juxtaposed with my vision and drive to build a business that would surpass our generation, innovation was the only option. As it turned out with the “cease and desist” directive from the Securities and Exchange Commission, the need arose for us to mobilize Company assets, especially outstanding payments due to our company from several companies and individual buyers in several countries, particularly in the United Arab Emirates to meet the payment obligations owed to Menzgold traders/customers and other business associates. It was in this regard that I embarked on the pursuit of Company assets/debt recovery overseas. In the course of my pursuits, upon my arrival in Dubai on the 7th December, 2017, I was framed by one of the companies; Horizon Royal Diamond, which owes our Company 750kgs of gold, valued at usd$39,000,000 dollars, believing that Menzgold is doomed for closure, due to the unfavorable media reportage and customers protests in Ghana, hence, tabled a bogus claim that they have been defrauded by another Ghanaian Company; Just Gold Company Linited, with frivolous claims of the Just Gold limited having associations with our Company, which is very false. The subsequent action by the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) to freeze Menzgold and my personal assets further hardened the resolve of some of our debtors who thought Menzgold was a thing of the past. Following my graceful acquittal and discharge in the Dubai Superior Court, the need arose for me to return to Ghana immediately on the call of the Interpol red notice, to answer criminal charges on the same customers debt portfolio before the Ghanaian Court, the very reason why I went to Dubai in the first place. A call that restrained me from laying claim to the funds I went to the UAE to recoup. All companies worldwide have liabilities in its books and so do Menzgold. Business in summary is all about owing and being owed. We at Menzgold are committed and do express our willingness to service our debts portfolios to our customers and business associates as soon as we can with a given opportunity. We respectfully pray the Ghanaian authorities to cooperate with us to achieve the following; 1. To assist us make full recovery of the amount owed Menzgold by Horizon Royal Diamond in Dubai. As an act of good faith, we are willing to engage the Attorney General’s office on the best possible way for the them to aid Menzgold by employing international law and diplomatic relations to ensure we achieve this objective. 2. To unfreeze our Companies and my personal bank accounts and assets for us to utilize these as vehicles to get productive in other to meet our liabilities, owed to our customers and some business associates in our bid to resolve our liabilities immediately. As of now, Brew Marketing Consult, Menzgold and I cannot credit or debit any bank account in Ghana. This is why it is highly imperative to consider this kind request, as I believe, government shares in our resolve and would do all that which is needful in our quest to satisfy the populace, who are our customers. SWAT, Police throng East Legon ahead of NAM1’s meeting with customers 3. To clearly give direction as to which government agent or agency has jurisdiction to regulate the activity of a “gold collectible/jewelry trade” in Ghana, just so we can apply for the necessary certifications in other to proceed with our business in a fair and sound manner. As we have publicly demonstrated, we are open to fair supervision and are opposed to no supervision, misconceived supervision or supervision with malicious intents, respectfully. The founders of PayPal; Elon Musk and co.; set out to create a new internet currency to replace the US Dollar, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg’s first product was designed to only get his classmates signed up, not the earth’s population, Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp’s Uber, started only to supplement the taxi fleet in San Francisco, Brian Chesky, Joe and Nathan started Airbnb as a means to rent out an unused space in their abode to get income to supplement a deficit for a pending event, Evan Spiegel, Bobby and Reggie started what came to be known today as SnapChat, as sending naughty disappearing fun photos when they were all student at Stanford University. America’s media called it a “sexting App”, Jeff Bezos started Amazon as a digital bookstore in a garage, was heckled by the big players in the books retailing business, Jack Ma fought through and achieved Alibaba in China and the list goes on. All of these innovative breakthroughs had regulatory questions, suffered bad press. Uber and Airbnb particularly have suffered global protests, Travis Kalanick; founder and first CEO of Uber especially, fought many regulatory and legal battles. Today, these great Innovative Companies are pillars of the great Silicon Valley, receiving global tributes for the United States of America. These are just symptoms of disruptive business ideas. Menzgold is today characterized by same traits and I have no doubt in mind that, our company is on the path to greatness and global prominence. IF these three propositions are reviewed and considered, we shall confidently proceed to make the necessary arrangements to start paying our customers immediately under my watch. This i say with my personal guarantee. While my detention in Dubai was a harrowing, daunting, terrific and horrific experience, I am grateful to God because I feel very refined. It has made me older than my age as we grow in our experiences and not in years. I am fulfilled and ready for greater exploits, highly motivated to add up to our previous gain. I am happy about the disruption, a key trait about a successful business prospect in this information age, is the ability to scale. As Mario Andretti, a champion car racer rightly puts it, “If everything is under control, you’re just not going fast enough”. Zylofon Media is an entertainment media business built upon technical expertise such as creating, composing, storytelling and performance. It’s also built on innovation just like Menzgold, employing technology to develop new breakthroughs in arts, traditional and digital media products. Tomorrow would witness a Zylofon Media that can be described as a multifunctional media in the digital space, which would cater for a wide variety of international interest and needs. It would comfort you to note, that Zylofon Media is not just another media firm; we are a media and Arts technology company. Our competitors are not in Ghana, they are far away in the Silicon Valley, California. To you I say, Ants that unite can beat an elephant. Admittedly, we have made some pretty good losses. We are happy about our loss having been a disruptive art and media business. We wear our loss as a badge of honor. Our loss depicts our grand ambition. By natural law, you have to go through a thunder storm to see the rainbow. Our eyes are still set on the colorful rainbow. We shall succeed. Brew Marketing Consult Co. limited is a marketing company. A Commodity broker of a sort, which works for commissions by matching selling and buying leads. I encourage Companies worldwide with marketing needs in Ghana and Africa to take advantage of Brew Marketing’s great professional marketing prowess, as the company did for Menzgold, resulting in Menzgold’s mighty growth. To the staff body of all our companies, I couldn't have been more proud of you for standing resolute in the face of adversity. I encourage you to continue to stand strong as we navigate the path of soon meeting up to the demands of our cherished customers. To our Menzgold customers, we note that you have experienced an increased level of anxiety and concern, but have been extremely understanding and patient with us through these trying times. We continue to recognize and respect your sacrifice, please remember that your patience and support for us is not an entitlement, but something we earned by the way we worked with you diligently over the past years. I can assure you that, it would pay off favorably soon. Together, we are very conscious of our responsibilities towards you our cherished esteemed customers and we will do everything we can to individually and collectively meet your expectations. To the government of Ghana, we applaud you for not “sparing the rod and spoiling the child”, we’ve got your message, we’ve grown and are ready to accept and take up responsibility, if any. I want to reiterate, that I do not seek political office or power, My goal towards contributing for the good of Ghana and Africa, is missionary and not mercenary. Clearly, my willingness to be misunderstood is the basis of our many criticisms and the exercise of brute force and skewed media reportage witnessed against our outfits in the last twelve months. I am an entrepreneur and remains as such. Last but not the least, to the many Ghanaian and African youth, as well as the aged who believes in me and the Nam Mission. We shall continue to contribute to those in authority, for creation of the new Ghana and the new Africa for the new Ghanaian and the new African, in the new African socio-economic front. I am well aware, that many of you crave African posterity, to you all I ask; The Egyptian who conceived the idea of the pyramid and actually built it, had same natural abilities we have with less access to information than we do today, yet succeeded. Which African would build the next “Egypthian pyramid”? Ghana Shall Prosper, Africa would be great again. Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you all for coming. Read the full article
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What to Bring – ALL CLASSES: She is VERY smart and picks up most ‘training’ fairly quickly, but she is also very rambunctious and likes to run and tear thru the house. She plays rough actually dragging the male by the ears across the floor until he has scabs all over his head. She used to bark a very high pitched irritating bark whenever we went out of sight until we tried a shock collar. It only took one time so now we just lay it close to her crate and it will beep if she barks or whines too loudly and she is quiet. She used to never go potty in her crate, but now she will and she acts like she prefers to go in the house even though we never punished her or made a big deal about it. If she does go outside she will pee and then take 15 minutes or so to finally get around to the other. We own a business, homeschool, and lead extremely BUSY lives so we really don’t have that much time to wait on her. I started putting her on an outside line when eating because we would take her out, feed and water them, and she would stop in the middle of eating to go in the house, then continue eating. But it has gotten SO hot lately (Alabama) that I hate to put her out in it. Shop for Pet Products When the puppy is sitting, hold the treat in front of her and move it down to the ground so she lies down natrually. Direct Deposit Hi there! We do not have any videos covering crate training but we’ll be sure to consider it as a potential new video idea! Good luck and thanks for the suggestion! Member Services Potty Training in an Apartment: 3 Easy Indoor Specific Solutions Cookies | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap These are the tell-tale signs that a puppy may have to potty: Alaskan Klee Kai Foster a pet No matter which crate type suits you or your pup best, you’ll want to make sure that your dog has enough room to stand up and turn around in their home, but not so much room that they can soil their cage on one side, and sleep on the other, as that would negate any progress you make on the house training front. While a plastic crate would likely require you to continually upgrade as your pup grows, newer wire, metal cages are customizable with an included, movable divider, so the larger space you buy for them as a pup will also fit them as an adult. For Dogs Who Need More: Reactive Rover is tailor-made for dogs who spin, bark, or lunge on leash when they see another dog. Our private training classes help dogs with aggression, shyness, or other behavior concerns. Our skilled, respected, and compassionate trainers receive referrals from all over for our work with special cases like these. Don’t give up – call us! Outward Hound Publication Date: May 29, 2016 Features July 2018 Issue If you go out to work during the day and are planning to leave your puppy alone for more than an hour or two, you’ll need to let your puppy go to the bathroom indoors, and we’ll be looking at the best way to do that and still end up with a house trained dog. Sunday 11:30am to 6:00pm How to Grow Anything: Make Your Trees and Shrubs Thrive Updated: 8 weeks ago July 25, 2017 at 7:05 pm Great advice! Well written thank you Now It’s Easy How to Train Your Dog to Understand Words Next, only give your dog the treat when he moves away from that first fist and also looks up at you. Art of Living with Your Dog Should I also consider training classes? Often we just concentrate on how often to walk the dog and assumes that the dog will take care of all her business just because she is outside. We are forever grateful.” 6 Steps to Discipline a Puppy without Punishment Dog training classes and puppy socialization in: Once your puppy is potty trained, you might want to work on training other behaviors. You may be interested in this post on puppy biting, this post on getting your dog to come every time you call or this post on getting and maintaining your dog’s attention, which is the most fundamental aspect of all obedience training. It is also helpful to practice with your dog before you take them to socialization or training classes. On-Demand Save 40% on your first Learn more Milk-Bone More: Features Insider Picks 2018 Insider Picks Guides Pets PetArmor (1) Rally 1 Final morning potty break SUBSCRIBE Apparel Please consult the services of a Professional Dog Trainer, Behaviorist or Veterinarian before implementing any of the advice contained on this site. Canine Good Citizen (CGC) (107) Dog Training – What Works, and What Doesn’t Do’s And Don’ts Of Roughhousing With Your Dog HELP 93443 For Rescue/501c3 Charities Effectiveness: On a scale of 1 to 5, I tentatively give it a 3. •  Private Lessons Look over any ‘accidents’ your puppy had and you noted during the day. Your puppy will always need to go potty shortly before and after eating or drinking water. We feed our pups twice a day at specific times which helps control the times they go poop. MAGAZINE FDA Warning: Synthetic Marijuana Tied to Deaths Search site: Search A&E November 20, 2016 Sunnyvale Central 4d Rally 1 Outdoor Gear Partners Cart 0 Grannick’s Bitter Apple (2) Puppy Pads Ark Naturals (2) This 6-week group class expands on lessons learned in Level 1, phases out the use of lures so you can have a well-mannered puppy all the time and introduces fun activities to help keep your puppy’s mind active! If you plan to paper-train, confine them to an area with enough room for a sleeping space, a playing space and a separate place to eliminate. In the designated elimination area, use either newspapers (cover the area with several layers of newspaper) or a sod box. To make a sod box, place sod in a container such as a child’s small, plastic swimming pool. You can also find dog-litter products at a pet supply store. Learning self control I use and recommend a mixture of crate training, constant supervision and paper training. Skip week: Sunday, September 2, 2108 Discover & try 5.0 out of 5 starsI have never had a puppy before and this was a great resource, especially for a first time owner! Gunner Kennels Upon waking up from a nap Vote Up1Vote Down  Reply Over-feeding.
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Pavlov provides practical dog training in Denver. 51% Jump straight to: How To Train A Puppy: What’s your experience been like with crate training? Looking to keep your dog happy, healthy, and safe? Stain & Odor Removers Practice makes perfect 1 of 2 Your new puppy destroying your favorite shoes. Your new puppy doing her business in your bed. Your face, after seeing what your new puppy has done to your shoes and your bed. Comment how long does it take to train a dog | train puppy not to bark how long does it take to train a dog | training puppy not to bark how long does it take to train a dog | Legal | Sitemap
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douglasacogan · 4 years
Can a modest federal bail reform bill with bipartisan sponsorship become law in these crazy times?
I do not blog much about bail reforms issues, though these topics were quite "hot" even before the pandemic and these issues seem even more pressing now.  And given notable research documenting a link between federal pretrial release and sentencing outcomes, I am particular interested in the new bill filed earlier this month as discussed in this press release:
U.S. Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Chris Coons (D-DE), members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, today introduced the bipartisan Smarter Pretrial Detention for Drug Charges Act of 2020, a targeted bill that would eliminate the blanket presumption of pretrial detention for most federal drug charges.  Pretrial detention rates in the federal system are at record high levels and on an upward trend across all demographic groups.  This legislation would permit federal courts to make individualized determinations regarding whether pretrial detention is appropriate for each defendant charged with a nonviolent drug offense.  Any defendant found to be a flight risk or a threat to public safety would be detained.
This supportive one-pager from the Due Process Institute provides a great account of this bill and its wisdom.  Here is an excerpt:
When a person is arrested and accused of a crime, a judge must determine whether he or she will be released with certain conditions pending resolution of their case or be detained until their conviction or acquittal occurs.  In federal court, the judge’s decision whether to release or detain someone pretrial is governed by 18 U.S.C. § 3142, which sets forth several factors for the judge to take into consideration.  The main directive of the statute is that judges should release persons accused of unproven crimes who are not flight risks and who do not “pose a danger to any other person or the community.”  The federal bail statute also, however, includes a small list of offenses for which a legal presumption in favor of incarceration is imposed based solely on the criminal charge instead of any specific assessment of the accused.  While many of the offenses included in this presumptive list might make sense given the gravity of the accusation, the list also unfortunately includes many nonviolent federal drug offenses.
Persons accused of drug offenses represent over 42% of those charged with non-immigration federal crimes.  Statistics show that for them — the second largest group of people in the federal system — it is difficult to overcome this presumption.  In fact, recent federal data show that more than 60% of those charged with drug offenses will be incarcerated before trial.  In addition, data show that pretrial detention puts these defendants at a greater sentencing disadvantage if convicted versus those who are granted pretrial release.  There is also persuasive evidence that the statutory presumption has failed to correctly identify which defendants actually even present a risk.  Unfortunately, the racial disparities we see throughout the criminal system also appear in pretrial release rates in drug cases.  Moreover, some of the most vulnerable people in our society are those currently locked inside jails amid the COVID-19 pandemic — people who have not been found “guilty” of anything and are merely incarcerated while they defend or resolve their charges.  And this pro-carceral presumption is extremely costly.
The Smarter Pretrial Detention for Drug Charges Act presents a simple, effective solution supported by leaders and organizations from both sides of the aisle.  It would merely remove the presumption of pretrial incarceration that currently applies to those charged with nonviolent drug offenses.  The passage of this bill will not mean that all, or even most, accused federal drug offenders will be released before trial.  It would, however, simply permit a federal judge to make a more individualized determination of whether to detain someone based on the same factors they use to evaluate practically everyone else.  Anyone deemed a flight risk or a danger to public safety will still be detained.  Anyone released can still be subject to multiple conditions and community supervision by pretrial services.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8247011 https://sentencing.typepad.com/sentencing_law_and_policy/2020/09/can-a-modest-federal-bail-reform-bill-with-bipartisan-sponsorship-become-law-in-these-crazy-times.html via http://www.rssmix.com/
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michaeljames1221 · 4 years
How Do You Probate A Will Without A Lawyer?
This is like doing your own dental work. You shouldn’t do it. Probating a will yourself is conceivable in clear circumstances, as long as you teach yourself and draw on expert help when you need it. Taking care of probate yourself will set aside you some cash as you won’t need to pay a domain legal counselor to do everything. In any case, it’s critical to recollect that an error may likewise cost you beyond what you can bear.
The initial phase in probate is to instruct yourself. Peruse material like that found on our site and get a probate pack or agent’s unit. There are units you can buy and others can be discovered free on the web. In conducting your research, you will want to find out: • What probate is and when it’s needed • What your duties are as an executor • How to protect and value the assets of the estate • What your responsibilities are when it comes to beneficiaries and others • What you need to keep track of and how to account to the beneficiaries • How to go about applying for probate Things to Conside when asking: “Would i be able to Probate a Will Without a Lawyer?” When thinking about the inquiry, you have to gauge the measure of time and perhaps concentrated information required against lawful expenses. What potential intricacies may emerge? In the event that you don’t have the first duplicate of the will or if the will is hazy, the probate procedure may not go easily without lawful direction. In the event that the will be challenged or if a portion of the recipients are not content with what has been left to them in the will, you could keep running into huge difficulties.
A Probate Lawyer can give significant serenity, decrease your danger of being held by and by at risk, and keep the procedure moving along if something startling happens during the organization of the domain. The cost will differ, contingent upon whether you require non-center administrations and which bequest legal counselor you use.
Regardless of whether you choose to utilize an attorney for exhortation and direction just or to deal with the probate procedure for you, make certain to pick somebody who is knowledgeable about domain law. Depending on an attorney who does not completely comprehend the intricate details of domain law is the same than taking care of probate yourself, then again, actually you need to pay the legal counselor.
1. Identifying the Assets and Liabilities of the Estate • Reviewing the deceased person’s filed income tax returns to find income-generating assets and assets such as RRSPs • Listing the contents of safety deposit boxes • Notifying the provincial and federal governments of the death so benefits are stopped • Notifying financial institutions of the death and requesting information about the assets • Reviewing bonds, warrants, and share conversion rights • Reviewing an accounting from an attorney who has been appointed under an enduring power of attorney or trustee appointed under the Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act 2. Administering and Managing the Estate • Ensuring estate property is secure and insured • Retaining a lawyer • Advising beneficiaries of property that will pass outside the estate and joint tenancy survivors 3. Satisfying the Debts and Obligations of the Estate • Advertising for claimants / creditors, if necessary • Verifying whether claims are legitimate • Paying debts and claims • Finding out whether the financial institution will honour cheques not cleared by the deceased • Reviewing documents such as mortgages and leases and arranging for payments
• Finding out if debts are life-insured • Reviewing the deceased’s contingent liabilities and deciding what to do about them • Notifying parties to which the deceased person gave guarantees of the death, in writing • Determining the deceased person’s and the estate’s income tax or other tax liability • Filing tax returns and paying tax owing • Getting tax clearance certificates before distributing the estate 4. Distributing the Estate and Accounting for its Administration • Distributing the assets of the estate • Accounting for expenses incurred while administrating the estate In the event that you read the customary guidance for agents, the initial step is as a rule “enlist a legal counselor.” And you may well choose, as you wrap up a domain, that you need lawful exhortation from an encounter attorney who knows about both state law and how the neighborhood probate court functions. Not all agents, be that as it may, need to turn a probate court continuing over to a legal counselor or even contract a legal advisor for constrained guidance. In the event that the home that you’re dealing with and doesn’t contain unordinary resources and isn’t excessively enormous, you might almost certainly get by fine and dandy without a legal counselor’s assistance. To decide if you might probably go only it, ask yourself the inquiries beneath. (On the off chance that you don’t have the foggiest idea about the appropriate responses, ask a legal advisor—before you consent to procure the legal advisor to deal with things for you.) The more inquiries you answer with a “yes,” the almost certain it is that you can wrap up the bequest without an expert next to you. Can the deceased person’s assets be transferred outside of probate? The response to this inquiry relies upon how much (assuming any) probate-shirking arranging the expired individual did before death. In a perfect world, all benefits can be moved to their new proprietors without probate court. Some basic instances of benefits that don’t have to experience probate are resources are held in joint tenure, survivorship network property, or occupancy by the aggregate. Resources held in a living trust can sidestep probate, as well. Probate is likewise superfluous for resources for which the expired individual named a recipient—for instance, retirement records or extra security approach continues. Does the estate qualify for your state’s simple “small estate” procedures? It’s ideal if no probate at all is required, however in the event that that isn’t an alternative, make sense of whether the home can utilize “little home systems. In many states, these incorporate streamlined “rundown probate” and a totally out-of-court process that requires displaying a straightforward sworn proclamation (oath) to the individual or foundation holding the benefit. Each state has its own principles on which domains can utilize the more straightforward methods. Yet, in numerous states, even domains that are genuinely huge—not including non-probate resources—can utilize the more straightforward procedures.
Are relatives getting along?
Will challenges are uncommon, yet on the off chance that a relative is making commotions about suing over the bequest, converse with a legal counselor right away. Probate claims destroy families and can empty a great deal of cash out of the bequest simultaneously. A legal counselor might most likely assistance you maintain a strategic distance from a court fight.
In the event that probate is vital, is your state’s probate procedure moderately straightforward?
On the off chance that the state where the perished individual lived has embraced a lot of laws called the Uniform Probate Code, probate ought to be quite direct. In UPC states, most probates are directed with negligible court supervision. A couple of different states have improved their strategies without receiving the UPC. Does the bequest contain just normal resources, similar to a house, bank or money market funds, vehicles, and family merchandise? Things get significantly more confounded when a domain incorporates a business, business land, or whatever other resource that requires exceptional continuous dealing with. You’ll most likely need to counsel specialists on the off chance that you have to oversee, evaluate, or sell a business; these occupations aren’t for beginners. Is there enough cash in the domain to pay obligations? On the off chance that there’s sufficient cash to pay authentic obligations (for instance, last personal assessments, costs of the last sickness, and memorial service costs), with some left over for recipients under the will or state law, you won’t need to make sense of which obligations to pay. Assuming, in any case, your underlying examination uncovers that there may not be sufficient cash in the home to make good on obligations and regulatory obligations, don’t pay any bills before you get legitimate counsel. State law gives a few banks need over others. Is the home too little to even think about owing either state or government domain charge? Under current law, over 99.7% of all bequests don’t owe government domain charge, so you most likely don’t have to stress over that. There’s a more noteworthy shot (however still a little one) that the bequest will owe a different state home expense to the state where the expired individual lived or possessed land. Near 20 states force their very own home charges, and huge numbers of them assessment domains that are esteemed at $1 million or bigger. You’ll unquestionably require master lawful and charge exhortation if the home must document a bequest expense form, either with the IRS or the state burdening specialist.
When You Need A Probate Attorney
Now and then authoritative reports, for example, deeds or disclaimers must be set up during probate so as to satisfy the last wishes of the perished individual, or to help the beneficiaries appropriately mastermind their legacy.
For instance, say a sibling and sister both acquire a family-possessed eatery from their folks, however, the sister needs to offer her offer to her sibling. A legal counselor would draft the business understanding between the kin, and some other contracts expected to guarantee the eatery keeps on being appropriately overseen.
At the point when there is a business included, the advantages are generally intricate enough to profit by a lawyer’s direction. The lawyer can guarantee that the privilege authoritative archives are set up for moving or dissolving possession. Be that as it may if the beneficiaries just possess land together—and aren’t arranging any huge changes to that proprietorship—enlisting a legal counselor might be superfluous.
Shockingly, after a demise, probate issues can emerge that make pressure or even dreadful questions among the beneficiaries. We’ve seen domain procedures destroy families over contentions and awful emotions. An attorney can help relieve these circumstances and save family amicability. For instance, in the event that anyone supposes the will ought to be regarded invalid—for reasons unknown—a lawyer ought to be brought in to speak to the domain. Or then again state the expired individual had remarried and had more youngsters with their subsequent companion. The youngsters from the main marriage may feel they didn’t get a considerable amount of the domain. The two gatherings in that circumstance may require legal advisors to speak to them and help settle the debate.
For these passionate probate issues, it’s occasionally better to get a legal advisor within the near future. On the off chance that one beneficiary begins to wind up factious or accusatory, a legal counselor might most likely assistance the gatherings included determination any contentions early and maintain a strategic distance from an out and out court fight.
Court Hearings
In the event that you have to go under the steady gaze of a judge during the home procedures, you’ll most likely need a legal counselor. For instance, here and there wills or other domain reports are composed vaguely and the beneficiaries need the court to decipher them. They will need a legal advisor in the court to exhibit the will or bequest records for elucidation.
In the event that someone challenges the will, it might prompt case—and, once more, all gatherings included will most likely need a legal counselor to speak to them in court.
At the point when a bequest is bankrupt—which means its advantages are lacking for satisfying its obligation, duties and authoritative costs—lenders are probably going to document guarantees or even begin goading the agent for cash. It’s a smart thought to have an attorney to help deal with each one of those leasers, cases and comparative probate issues. Under the watchful eye of you ‘Legal advisor Up’Though there are explicit circumstances when having a probate or home legal advisor bodes well, reconsider before naturally employing one to deal with each issue during the probate procedure. A probate master can enable you to explore most of steps and issues that emerge during probate—for a small amount of the expense.
I’m The Executor – Do I Need to Hire a Lawyer?
Most or the majority of the expired individual’s property can be moved without probate. The most ideal situation is that you don’t have to go to probate court, since resources can be moved without it. This relies upon the arranging the expired individual did before death—you can’t influence it now. Be that as it may, you won’t need probate if all bequest resources are held in joint possession, payable-on-death proprietorship, or a living trust, or on the off chance that they go through the particulars of an agreement (like retirement records or extra security continues). The domain fits the bill for basic “little bequest” methodology. No probate is ideal, however basic or “outline” probate is superior to customary probate. Regardless of whether the home meets all requirements for the rundown methodology relies upon state law. A couple of states let domains worth two or three hundred thousand dollars—not including nonprobate resources—utilize the less difficult procedure.
He domain has enough advantages for pay its obligations. For this situation, you don’t need to stress over paying authentic obligations—there will even now be cash left over for the inheritors. Be that as it may, on the off chance that it would appear that there won’t be sufficient cash in the bequest to settle obligations and government expenses, get counsel before you pay any leasers. State law will set out the request in which lenders get need, and it’s not in every case simple to make sense of how to bundle out the cash.
Probate Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a probate in Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
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advertphoto · 4 years
How Do You Probate A Will Without A Lawyer?
This is like doing your own dental work. You shouldn’t do it. Probating a will yourself is conceivable in clear circumstances, as long as you teach yourself and draw on expert help when you need it. Taking care of probate yourself will set aside you some cash as you won’t need to pay a domain legal counselor to do everything. In any case, it’s critical to recollect that an error may likewise cost you beyond what you can bear.
The initial phase in probate is to instruct yourself. Peruse material like that found on our site and get a probate pack or agent’s unit. There are units you can buy and others can be discovered free on the web. In conducting your research, you will want to find out: • What probate is and when it’s needed • What your duties are as an executor • How to protect and value the assets of the estate • What your responsibilities are when it comes to beneficiaries and others • What you need to keep track of and how to account to the beneficiaries • How to go about applying for probate Things to Conside when asking: “Would i be able to Probate a Will Without a Lawyer?” When thinking about the inquiry, you have to gauge the measure of time and perhaps concentrated information required against lawful expenses. What potential intricacies may emerge? In the event that you don’t have the first duplicate of the will or if the will is hazy, the probate procedure may not go easily without lawful direction. In the event that the will be challenged or if a portion of the recipients are not content with what has been left to them in the will, you could keep running into huge difficulties.
A Probate Lawyer can give significant serenity, decrease your danger of being held by and by at risk, and keep the procedure moving along if something startling happens during the organization of the domain. The cost will differ, contingent upon whether you require non-center administrations and which bequest legal counselor you use.
Regardless of whether you choose to utilize an attorney for exhortation and direction just or to deal with the probate procedure for you, make certain to pick somebody who is knowledgeable about domain law. Depending on an attorney who does not completely comprehend the intricate details of domain law is the same than taking care of probate yourself, then again, actually you need to pay the legal counselor.
1. Identifying the Assets and Liabilities of the Estate • Reviewing the deceased person’s filed income tax returns to find income-generating assets and assets such as RRSPs • Listing the contents of safety deposit boxes • Notifying the provincial and federal governments of the death so benefits are stopped • Notifying financial institutions of the death and requesting information about the assets • Reviewing bonds, warrants, and share conversion rights • Reviewing an accounting from an attorney who has been appointed under an enduring power of attorney or trustee appointed under the Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act 2. Administering and Managing the Estate • Ensuring estate property is secure and insured • Retaining a lawyer • Advising beneficiaries of property that will pass outside the estate and joint tenancy survivors 3. Satisfying the Debts and Obligations of the Estate • Advertising for claimants / creditors, if necessary • Verifying whether claims are legitimate • Paying debts and claims • Finding out whether the financial institution will honour cheques not cleared by the deceased • Reviewing documents such as mortgages and leases and arranging for payments
• Finding out if debts are life-insured • Reviewing the deceased’s contingent liabilities and deciding what to do about them • Notifying parties to which the deceased person gave guarantees of the death, in writing • Determining the deceased person’s and the estate’s income tax or other tax liability • Filing tax returns and paying tax owing • Getting tax clearance certificates before distributing the estate 4. Distributing the Estate and Accounting for its Administration • Distributing the assets of the estate • Accounting for expenses incurred while administrating the estate In the event that you read the customary guidance for agents, the initial step is as a rule “enlist a legal counselor.” And you may well choose, as you wrap up a domain, that you need lawful exhortation from an encounter attorney who knows about both state law and how the neighborhood probate court functions. Not all agents, be that as it may, need to turn a probate court continuing over to a legal counselor or even contract a legal advisor for constrained guidance. In the event that the home that you’re dealing with and doesn’t contain unordinary resources and isn’t excessively enormous, you might almost certainly get by fine and dandy without a legal counselor’s assistance. To decide if you might probably go only it, ask yourself the inquiries beneath. (On the off chance that you don’t have the foggiest idea about the appropriate responses, ask a legal advisor—before you consent to procure the legal advisor to deal with things for you.) The more inquiries you answer with a “yes,” the almost certain it is that you can wrap up the bequest without an expert next to you. Can the deceased person’s assets be transferred outside of probate? The response to this inquiry relies upon how much (assuming any) probate-shirking arranging the expired individual did before death. In a perfect world, all benefits can be moved to their new proprietors without probate court. Some basic instances of benefits that don’t have to experience probate are resources are held in joint tenure, survivorship network property, or occupancy by the aggregate. Resources held in a living trust can sidestep probate, as well. Probate is likewise superfluous for resources for which the expired individual named a recipient—for instance, retirement records or extra security approach continues. Does the estate qualify for your state’s simple “small estate” procedures? It’s ideal if no probate at all is required, however in the event that that isn’t an alternative, make sense of whether the home can utilize “little home systems. In many states, these incorporate streamlined “rundown probate” and a totally out-of-court process that requires displaying a straightforward sworn proclamation (oath) to the individual or foundation holding the benefit. Each state has its own principles on which domains can utilize the more straightforward methods. Yet, in numerous states, even domains that are genuinely huge—not including non-probate resources—can utilize the more straightforward procedures.
Are relatives getting along?
Will challenges are uncommon, yet on the off chance that a relative is making commotions about suing over the bequest, converse with a legal counselor right away. Probate claims destroy families and can empty a great deal of cash out of the bequest simultaneously. A legal counselor might most likely assistance you maintain a strategic distance from a court fight.
In the event that probate is vital, is your state’s probate procedure moderately straightforward?
On the off chance that the state where the perished individual lived has embraced a lot of laws called the Uniform Probate Code, probate ought to be quite direct. In UPC states, most probates are directed with negligible court supervision. A couple of different states have improved their strategies without receiving the UPC. Does the bequest contain just normal resources, similar to a house, bank or money market funds, vehicles, and family merchandise? Things get significantly more confounded when a domain incorporates a business, business land, or whatever other resource that requires exceptional continuous dealing with. You’ll most likely need to counsel specialists on the off chance that you have to oversee, evaluate, or sell a business; these occupations aren’t for beginners. Is there enough cash in the domain to pay obligations? On the off chance that there’s sufficient cash to pay authentic obligations (for instance, last personal assessments, costs of the last sickness, and memorial service costs), with some left over for recipients under the will or state law, you won’t need to make sense of which obligations to pay. Assuming, in any case, your underlying examination uncovers that there may not be sufficient cash in the home to make good on obligations and regulatory obligations, don’t pay any bills before you get legitimate counsel. State law gives a few banks need over others. Is the home too little to even think about owing either state or government domain charge? Under current law, over 99.7% of all bequests don’t owe government domain charge, so you most likely don’t have to stress over that. There’s a more noteworthy shot (however still a little one) that the bequest will owe a different state home expense to the state where the expired individual lived or possessed land. Near 20 states force their very own home charges, and huge numbers of them assessment domains that are esteemed at $1 million or bigger. You’ll unquestionably require master lawful and charge exhortation if the home must document a bequest expense form, either with the IRS or the state burdening specialist.
When You Need A Probate Attorney
Now and then authoritative reports, for example, deeds or disclaimers must be set up during probate so as to satisfy the last wishes of the perished individual, or to help the beneficiaries appropriately mastermind their legacy.
For instance, say a sibling and sister both acquire a family-possessed eatery from their folks, however, the sister needs to offer her offer to her sibling. A legal counselor would draft the business understanding between the kin, and some other contracts expected to guarantee the eatery keeps on being appropriately overseen.
At the point when there is a business included, the advantages are generally intricate enough to profit by a lawyer’s direction. The lawyer can guarantee that the privilege authoritative archives are set up for moving or dissolving possession. Be that as it may if the beneficiaries just possess land together—and aren’t arranging any huge changes to that proprietorship—enlisting a legal counselor might be superfluous.
Shockingly, after a demise, probate issues can emerge that make pressure or even dreadful questions among the beneficiaries. We’ve seen domain procedures destroy families over contentions and awful emotions. An attorney can help relieve these circumstances and save family amicability. For instance, in the event that anyone supposes the will ought to be regarded invalid—for reasons unknown—a lawyer ought to be brought in to speak to the domain. Or then again state the expired individual had remarried and had more youngsters with their subsequent companion. The youngsters from the main marriage may feel they didn’t get a considerable amount of the domain. The two gatherings in that circumstance may require legal advisors to speak to them and help settle the debate.
For these passionate probate issues, it’s occasionally better to get a legal advisor within the near future. On the off chance that one beneficiary begins to wind up factious or accusatory, a legal counselor might most likely assistance the gatherings included determination any contentions early and maintain a strategic distance from an out and out court fight.
Court Hearings
In the event that you have to go under the steady gaze of a judge during the home procedures, you’ll most likely need a legal counselor. For instance, here and there wills or other domain reports are composed vaguely and the beneficiaries need the court to decipher them. They will need a legal advisor in the court to exhibit the will or bequest records for elucidation.
In the event that someone challenges the will, it might prompt case—and, once more, all gatherings included will most likely need a legal counselor to speak to them in court.
At the point when a bequest is bankrupt—which means its advantages are lacking for satisfying its obligation, duties and authoritative costs—lenders are probably going to document guarantees or even begin goading the agent for cash. It’s a smart thought to have an attorney to help deal with each one of those leasers, cases and comparative probate issues. Under the watchful eye of you ‘Legal advisor Up’Though there are explicit circumstances when having a probate or home legal advisor bodes well, reconsider before naturally employing one to deal with each issue during the probate procedure. A probate master can enable you to explore most of steps and issues that emerge during probate—for a small amount of the expense.
I’m The Executor – Do I Need to Hire a Lawyer?
Most or the majority of the expired individual’s property can be moved without probate. The most ideal situation is that you don’t have to go to probate court, since resources can be moved without it. This relies upon the arranging the expired individual did before death—you can’t influence it now. Be that as it may, you won’t need probate if all bequest resources are held in joint possession, payable-on-death proprietorship, or a living trust, or on the off chance that they go through the particulars of an agreement (like retirement records or extra security continues). The domain fits the bill for basic “little bequest” methodology. No probate is ideal, however basic or “outline” probate is superior to customary probate. Regardless of whether the home meets all requirements for the rundown methodology relies upon state law. A couple of states let domains worth two or three hundred thousand dollars—not including nonprobate resources—utilize the less difficult procedure.
He domain has enough advantages for pay its obligations. For this situation, you don’t need to stress over paying authentic obligations—there will even now be cash left over for the inheritors. Be that as it may, on the off chance that it would appear that there won’t be sufficient cash in the bequest to settle obligations and government expenses, get counsel before you pay any leasers. State law will set out the request in which lenders get need, and it’s not in every case simple to make sense of how to bundle out the cash.
Probate Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a probate in Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/how-do-you-probate-a-will-without-a-lawyer/
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mayarosa47 · 4 years
How Do You Probate A Will Without A Lawyer?
This is like doing your own dental work. You shouldn’t do it. Probating a will yourself is conceivable in clear circumstances, as long as you teach yourself and draw on expert help when you need it. Taking care of probate yourself will set aside you some cash as you won’t need to pay a domain legal counselor to do everything. In any case, it’s critical to recollect that an error may likewise cost you beyond what you can bear.
The initial phase in probate is to instruct yourself. Peruse material like that found on our site and get a probate pack or agent’s unit. There are units you can buy and others can be discovered free on the web. In conducting your research, you will want to find out: • What probate is and when it’s needed • What your duties are as an executor • How to protect and value the assets of the estate • What your responsibilities are when it comes to beneficiaries and others • What you need to keep track of and how to account to the beneficiaries • How to go about applying for probate Things to Conside when asking: “Would i be able to Probate a Will Without a Lawyer?” When thinking about the inquiry, you have to gauge the measure of time and perhaps concentrated information required against lawful expenses. What potential intricacies may emerge? In the event that you don’t have the first duplicate of the will or if the will is hazy, the probate procedure may not go easily without lawful direction. In the event that the will be challenged or if a portion of the recipients are not content with what has been left to them in the will, you could keep running into huge difficulties.
A Probate Lawyer can give significant serenity, decrease your danger of being held by and by at risk, and keep the procedure moving along if something startling happens during the organization of the domain. The cost will differ, contingent upon whether you require non-center administrations and which bequest legal counselor you use.
Regardless of whether you choose to utilize an attorney for exhortation and direction just or to deal with the probate procedure for you, make certain to pick somebody who is knowledgeable about domain law. Depending on an attorney who does not completely comprehend the intricate details of domain law is the same than taking care of probate yourself, then again, actually you need to pay the legal counselor.
1. Identifying the Assets and Liabilities of the Estate • Reviewing the deceased person’s filed income tax returns to find income-generating assets and assets such as RRSPs • Listing the contents of safety deposit boxes • Notifying the provincial and federal governments of the death so benefits are stopped • Notifying financial institutions of the death and requesting information about the assets • Reviewing bonds, warrants, and share conversion rights • Reviewing an accounting from an attorney who has been appointed under an enduring power of attorney or trustee appointed under the Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act 2. Administering and Managing the Estate • Ensuring estate property is secure and insured • Retaining a lawyer • Advising beneficiaries of property that will pass outside the estate and joint tenancy survivors 3. Satisfying the Debts and Obligations of the Estate • Advertising for claimants / creditors, if necessary • Verifying whether claims are legitimate • Paying debts and claims • Finding out whether the financial institution will honour cheques not cleared by the deceased • Reviewing documents such as mortgages and leases and arranging for payments
• Finding out if debts are life-insured • Reviewing the deceased’s contingent liabilities and deciding what to do about them • Notifying parties to which the deceased person gave guarantees of the death, in writing • Determining the deceased person’s and the estate’s income tax or other tax liability • Filing tax returns and paying tax owing • Getting tax clearance certificates before distributing the estate 4. Distributing the Estate and Accounting for its Administration • Distributing the assets of the estate • Accounting for expenses incurred while administrating the estate In the event that you read the customary guidance for agents, the initial step is as a rule “enlist a legal counselor.” And you may well choose, as you wrap up a domain, that you need lawful exhortation from an encounter attorney who knows about both state law and how the neighborhood probate court functions. Not all agents, be that as it may, need to turn a probate court continuing over to a legal counselor or even contract a legal advisor for constrained guidance. In the event that the home that you’re dealing with and doesn’t contain unordinary resources and isn’t excessively enormous, you might almost certainly get by fine and dandy without a legal counselor’s assistance. To decide if you might probably go only it, ask yourself the inquiries beneath. (On the off chance that you don’t have the foggiest idea about the appropriate responses, ask a legal advisor—before you consent to procure the legal advisor to deal with things for you.) The more inquiries you answer with a “yes,” the almost certain it is that you can wrap up the bequest without an expert next to you. Can the deceased person’s assets be transferred outside of probate? The response to this inquiry relies upon how much (assuming any) probate-shirking arranging the expired individual did before death. In a perfect world, all benefits can be moved to their new proprietors without probate court. Some basic instances of benefits that don’t have to experience probate are resources are held in joint tenure, survivorship network property, or occupancy by the aggregate. Resources held in a living trust can sidestep probate, as well. Probate is likewise superfluous for resources for which the expired individual named a recipient—for instance, retirement records or extra security approach continues. Does the estate qualify for your state’s simple “small estate” procedures? It’s ideal if no probate at all is required, however in the event that that isn’t an alternative, make sense of whether the home can utilize “little home systems. In many states, these incorporate streamlined “rundown probate” and a totally out-of-court process that requires displaying a straightforward sworn proclamation (oath) to the individual or foundation holding the benefit. Each state has its own principles on which domains can utilize the more straightforward methods. Yet, in numerous states, even domains that are genuinely huge—not including non-probate resources—can utilize the more straightforward procedures.
Are relatives getting along?
Will challenges are uncommon, yet on the off chance that a relative is making commotions about suing over the bequest, converse with a legal counselor right away. Probate claims destroy families and can empty a great deal of cash out of the bequest simultaneously. A legal counselor might most likely assistance you maintain a strategic distance from a court fight.
In the event that probate is vital, is your state’s probate procedure moderately straightforward?
On the off chance that the state where the perished individual lived has embraced a lot of laws called the Uniform Probate Code, probate ought to be quite direct. In UPC states, most probates are directed with negligible court supervision. A couple of different states have improved their strategies without receiving the UPC. Does the bequest contain just normal resources, similar to a house, bank or money market funds, vehicles, and family merchandise? Things get significantly more confounded when a domain incorporates a business, business land, or whatever other resource that requires exceptional continuous dealing with. You’ll most likely need to counsel specialists on the off chance that you have to oversee, evaluate, or sell a business; these occupations aren’t for beginners. Is there enough cash in the domain to pay obligations? On the off chance that there’s sufficient cash to pay authentic obligations (for instance, last personal assessments, costs of the last sickness, and memorial service costs), with some left over for recipients under the will or state law, you won’t need to make sense of which obligations to pay. Assuming, in any case, your underlying examination uncovers that there may not be sufficient cash in the home to make good on obligations and regulatory obligations, don’t pay any bills before you get legitimate counsel. State law gives a few banks need over others. Is the home too little to even think about owing either state or government domain charge? Under current law, over 99.7% of all bequests don’t owe government domain charge, so you most likely don’t have to stress over that. There’s a more noteworthy shot (however still a little one) that the bequest will owe a different state home expense to the state where the expired individual lived or possessed land. Near 20 states force their very own home charges, and huge numbers of them assessment domains that are esteemed at $1 million or bigger. You’ll unquestionably require master lawful and charge exhortation if the home must document a bequest expense form, either with the IRS or the state burdening specialist.
When You Need A Probate Attorney
Now and then authoritative reports, for example, deeds or disclaimers must be set up during probate so as to satisfy the last wishes of the perished individual, or to help the beneficiaries appropriately mastermind their legacy.
For instance, say a sibling and sister both acquire a family-possessed eatery from their folks, however, the sister needs to offer her offer to her sibling. A legal counselor would draft the business understanding between the kin, and some other contracts expected to guarantee the eatery keeps on being appropriately overseen.
At the point when there is a business included, the advantages are generally intricate enough to profit by a lawyer’s direction. The lawyer can guarantee that the privilege authoritative archives are set up for moving or dissolving possession. Be that as it may if the beneficiaries just possess land together—and aren’t arranging any huge changes to that proprietorship—enlisting a legal counselor might be superfluous.
Shockingly, after a demise, probate issues can emerge that make pressure or even dreadful questions among the beneficiaries. We’ve seen domain procedures destroy families over contentions and awful emotions. An attorney can help relieve these circumstances and save family amicability. For instance, in the event that anyone supposes the will ought to be regarded invalid—for reasons unknown—a lawyer ought to be brought in to speak to the domain. Or then again state the expired individual had remarried and had more youngsters with their subsequent companion. The youngsters from the main marriage may feel they didn’t get a considerable amount of the domain. The two gatherings in that circumstance may require legal advisors to speak to them and help settle the debate.
For these passionate probate issues, it’s occasionally better to get a legal advisor within the near future. On the off chance that one beneficiary begins to wind up factious or accusatory, a legal counselor might most likely assistance the gatherings included determination any contentions early and maintain a strategic distance from an out and out court fight.
Court Hearings
In the event that you have to go under the steady gaze of a judge during the home procedures, you’ll most likely need a legal counselor. For instance, here and there wills or other domain reports are composed vaguely and the beneficiaries need the court to decipher them. They will need a legal advisor in the court to exhibit the will or bequest records for elucidation.
In the event that someone challenges the will, it might prompt case—and, once more, all gatherings included will most likely need a legal counselor to speak to them in court.
At the point when a bequest is bankrupt—which means its advantages are lacking for satisfying its obligation, duties and authoritative costs—lenders are probably going to document guarantees or even begin goading the agent for cash. It’s a smart thought to have an attorney to help deal with each one of those leasers, cases and comparative probate issues. Under the watchful eye of you ‘Legal advisor Up’Though there are explicit circumstances when having a probate or home legal advisor bodes well, reconsider before naturally employing one to deal with each issue during the probate procedure. A probate master can enable you to explore most of steps and issues that emerge during probate—for a small amount of the expense.
I’m The Executor – Do I Need to Hire a Lawyer?
Most or the majority of the expired individual’s property can be moved without probate. The most ideal situation is that you don’t have to go to probate court, since resources can be moved without it. This relies upon the arranging the expired individual did before death—you can’t influence it now. Be that as it may, you won’t need probate if all bequest resources are held in joint possession, payable-on-death proprietorship, or a living trust, or on the off chance that they go through the particulars of an agreement (like retirement records or extra security continues). The domain fits the bill for basic “little bequest” methodology. No probate is ideal, however basic or “outline” probate is superior to customary probate. Regardless of whether the home meets all requirements for the rundown methodology relies upon state law. A couple of states let domains worth two or three hundred thousand dollars—not including nonprobate resources—utilize the less difficult procedure.
He domain has enough advantages for pay its obligations. For this situation, you don’t need to stress over paying authentic obligations—there will even now be cash left over for the inheritors. Be that as it may, on the off chance that it would appear that there won’t be sufficient cash in the bequest to settle obligations and government expenses, get counsel before you pay any leasers. State law will set out the request in which lenders get need, and it’s not in every case simple to make sense of how to bundle out the cash.
Probate Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a probate in Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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aretia · 4 years
How Do You Probate A Will Without A Lawyer?
This is like doing your own dental work. You shouldn’t do it. Probating a will yourself is conceivable in clear circumstances, as long as you teach yourself and draw on expert help when you need it. Taking care of probate yourself will set aside you some cash as you won’t need to pay a domain legal counselor to do everything. In any case, it’s critical to recollect that an error may likewise cost you beyond what you can bear.
The initial phase in probate is to instruct yourself. Peruse material like that found on our site and get a probate pack or agent’s unit. There are units you can buy and others can be discovered free on the web. In conducting your research, you will want to find out: • What probate is and when it’s needed • What your duties are as an executor • How to protect and value the assets of the estate • What your responsibilities are when it comes to beneficiaries and others • What you need to keep track of and how to account to the beneficiaries • How to go about applying for probate Things to Conside when asking: “Would i be able to Probate a Will Without a Lawyer?” When thinking about the inquiry, you have to gauge the measure of time and perhaps concentrated information required against lawful expenses. What potential intricacies may emerge? In the event that you don’t have the first duplicate of the will or if the will is hazy, the probate procedure may not go easily without lawful direction. In the event that the will be challenged or if a portion of the recipients are not content with what has been left to them in the will, you could keep running into huge difficulties.
A Probate Lawyer can give significant serenity, decrease your danger of being held by and by at risk, and keep the procedure moving along if something startling happens during the organization of the domain. The cost will differ, contingent upon whether you require non-center administrations and which bequest legal counselor you use.
Regardless of whether you choose to utilize an attorney for exhortation and direction just or to deal with the probate procedure for you, make certain to pick somebody who is knowledgeable about domain law. Depending on an attorney who does not completely comprehend the intricate details of domain law is the same than taking care of probate yourself, then again, actually you need to pay the legal counselor.
1. Identifying the Assets and Liabilities of the Estate • Reviewing the deceased person’s filed income tax returns to find income-generating assets and assets such as RRSPs • Listing the contents of safety deposit boxes • Notifying the provincial and federal governments of the death so benefits are stopped • Notifying financial institutions of the death and requesting information about the assets • Reviewing bonds, warrants, and share conversion rights • Reviewing an accounting from an attorney who has been appointed under an enduring power of attorney or trustee appointed under the Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act 2. Administering and Managing the Estate • Ensuring estate property is secure and insured • Retaining a lawyer • Advising beneficiaries of property that will pass outside the estate and joint tenancy survivors 3. Satisfying the Debts and Obligations of the Estate • Advertising for claimants / creditors, if necessary • Verifying whether claims are legitimate • Paying debts and claims • Finding out whether the financial institution will honour cheques not cleared by the deceased • Reviewing documents such as mortgages and leases and arranging for payments
• Finding out if debts are life-insured • Reviewing the deceased’s contingent liabilities and deciding what to do about them • Notifying parties to which the deceased person gave guarantees of the death, in writing • Determining the deceased person’s and the estate’s income tax or other tax liability • Filing tax returns and paying tax owing • Getting tax clearance certificates before distributing the estate 4. Distributing the Estate and Accounting for its Administration • Distributing the assets of the estate • Accounting for expenses incurred while administrating the estate In the event that you read the customary guidance for agents, the initial step is as a rule “enlist a legal counselor.” And you may well choose, as you wrap up a domain, that you need lawful exhortation from an encounter attorney who knows about both state law and how the neighborhood probate court functions. Not all agents, be that as it may, need to turn a probate court continuing over to a legal counselor or even contract a legal advisor for constrained guidance. In the event that the home that you’re dealing with and doesn’t contain unordinary resources and isn’t excessively enormous, you might almost certainly get by fine and dandy without a legal counselor’s assistance. To decide if you might probably go only it, ask yourself the inquiries beneath. (On the off chance that you don’t have the foggiest idea about the appropriate responses, ask a legal advisor—before you consent to procure the legal advisor to deal with things for you.) The more inquiries you answer with a “yes,” the almost certain it is that you can wrap up the bequest without an expert next to you. Can the deceased person’s assets be transferred outside of probate? The response to this inquiry relies upon how much (assuming any) probate-shirking arranging the expired individual did before death. In a perfect world, all benefits can be moved to their new proprietors without probate court. Some basic instances of benefits that don’t have to experience probate are resources are held in joint tenure, survivorship network property, or occupancy by the aggregate. Resources held in a living trust can sidestep probate, as well. Probate is likewise superfluous for resources for which the expired individual named a recipient—for instance, retirement records or extra security approach continues. Does the estate qualify for your state’s simple “small estate” procedures? It’s ideal if no probate at all is required, however in the event that that isn’t an alternative, make sense of whether the home can utilize “little home systems. In many states, these incorporate streamlined “rundown probate” and a totally out-of-court process that requires displaying a straightforward sworn proclamation (oath) to the individual or foundation holding the benefit. Each state has its own principles on which domains can utilize the more straightforward methods. Yet, in numerous states, even domains that are genuinely huge—not including non-probate resources—can utilize the more straightforward procedures.
Are relatives getting along?
Will challenges are uncommon, yet on the off chance that a relative is making commotions about suing over the bequest, converse with a legal counselor right away. Probate claims destroy families and can empty a great deal of cash out of the bequest simultaneously. A legal counselor might most likely assistance you maintain a strategic distance from a court fight.
In the event that probate is vital, is your state’s probate procedure moderately straightforward?
On the off chance that the state where the perished individual lived has embraced a lot of laws called the Uniform Probate Code, probate ought to be quite direct. In UPC states, most probates are directed with negligible court supervision. A couple of different states have improved their strategies without receiving the UPC. Does the bequest contain just normal resources, similar to a house, bank or money market funds, vehicles, and family merchandise? Things get significantly more confounded when a domain incorporates a business, business land, or whatever other resource that requires exceptional continuous dealing with. You’ll most likely need to counsel specialists on the off chance that you have to oversee, evaluate, or sell a business; these occupations aren’t for beginners. Is there enough cash in the domain to pay obligations? On the off chance that there’s sufficient cash to pay authentic obligations (for instance, last personal assessments, costs of the last sickness, and memorial service costs), with some left over for recipients under the will or state law, you won’t need to make sense of which obligations to pay. Assuming, in any case, your underlying examination uncovers that there may not be sufficient cash in the home to make good on obligations and regulatory obligations, don’t pay any bills before you get legitimate counsel. State law gives a few banks need over others. Is the home too little to even think about owing either state or government domain charge? Under current law, over 99.7% of all bequests don’t owe government domain charge, so you most likely don’t have to stress over that. There’s a more noteworthy shot (however still a little one) that the bequest will owe a different state home expense to the state where the expired individual lived or possessed land. Near 20 states force their very own home charges, and huge numbers of them assessment domains that are esteemed at $1 million or bigger. You’ll unquestionably require master lawful and charge exhortation if the home must document a bequest expense form, either with the IRS or the state burdening specialist.
When You Need A Probate Attorney
Now and then authoritative reports, for example, deeds or disclaimers must be set up during probate so as to satisfy the last wishes of the perished individual, or to help the beneficiaries appropriately mastermind their legacy.
For instance, say a sibling and sister both acquire a family-possessed eatery from their folks, however, the sister needs to offer her offer to her sibling. A legal counselor would draft the business understanding between the kin, and some other contracts expected to guarantee the eatery keeps on being appropriately overseen.
At the point when there is a business included, the advantages are generally intricate enough to profit by a lawyer’s direction. The lawyer can guarantee that the privilege authoritative archives are set up for moving or dissolving possession. Be that as it may if the beneficiaries just possess land together—and aren’t arranging any huge changes to that proprietorship—enlisting a legal counselor might be superfluous.
Shockingly, after a demise, probate issues can emerge that make pressure or even dreadful questions among the beneficiaries. We’ve seen domain procedures destroy families over contentions and awful emotions. An attorney can help relieve these circumstances and save family amicability. For instance, in the event that anyone supposes the will ought to be regarded invalid—for reasons unknown—a lawyer ought to be brought in to speak to the domain. Or then again state the expired individual had remarried and had more youngsters with their subsequent companion. The youngsters from the main marriage may feel they didn’t get a considerable amount of the domain. The two gatherings in that circumstance may require legal advisors to speak to them and help settle the debate.
For these passionate probate issues, it’s occasionally better to get a legal advisor within the near future. On the off chance that one beneficiary begins to wind up factious or accusatory, a legal counselor might most likely assistance the gatherings included determination any contentions early and maintain a strategic distance from an out and out court fight.
Court Hearings
In the event that you have to go under the steady gaze of a judge during the home procedures, you’ll most likely need a legal counselor. For instance, here and there wills or other domain reports are composed vaguely and the beneficiaries need the court to decipher them. They will need a legal advisor in the court to exhibit the will or bequest records for elucidation.
In the event that someone challenges the will, it might prompt case—and, once more, all gatherings included will most likely need a legal counselor to speak to them in court.
At the point when a bequest is bankrupt—which means its advantages are lacking for satisfying its obligation, duties and authoritative costs—lenders are probably going to document guarantees or even begin goading the agent for cash. It’s a smart thought to have an attorney to help deal with each one of those leasers, cases and comparative probate issues. Under the watchful eye of you ‘Legal advisor Up’Though there are explicit circumstances when having a probate or home legal advisor bodes well, reconsider before naturally employing one to deal with each issue during the probate procedure. A probate master can enable you to explore most of steps and issues that emerge during probate—for a small amount of the expense.
I’m The Executor – Do I Need to Hire a Lawyer?
Most or the majority of the expired individual’s property can be moved without probate. The most ideal situation is that you don’t have to go to probate court, since resources can be moved without it. This relies upon the arranging the expired individual did before death—you can’t influence it now. Be that as it may, you won’t need probate if all bequest resources are held in joint possession, payable-on-death proprietorship, or a living trust, or on the off chance that they go through the particulars of an agreement (like retirement records or extra security continues). The domain fits the bill for basic “little bequest” methodology. No probate is ideal, however basic or “outline” probate is superior to customary probate. Regardless of whether the home meets all requirements for the rundown methodology relies upon state law. A couple of states let domains worth two or three hundred thousand dollars—not including nonprobate resources—utilize the less difficult procedure.
He domain has enough advantages for pay its obligations. For this situation, you don’t need to stress over paying authentic obligations—there will even now be cash left over for the inheritors. Be that as it may, on the off chance that it would appear that there won’t be sufficient cash in the bequest to settle obligations and government expenses, get counsel before you pay any leasers. State law will set out the request in which lenders get need, and it’s not in every case simple to make sense of how to bundle out the cash.
Probate Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a probate in Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/how-do-you-probate-a-will-without-a-lawyer/
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