#i usually go for copies of classics from the 80s that are gross and old and were printed a million and seven times
proteuus · 2 years
okokok I found the perfect most BEAUTIFUL copy of the secret history to replace my other one but its just to have no one let me read it or I'll go rabid
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bestseattleseo-blog · 4 years
What are some of the most interesting facts about animation?
Does animation probably lure you into Walt Disney or Pixar? Walt Disney has made a huge impact on television animation or animation in general. In fact, such practices have changed the way movies are made.
About Walt...
Walt Disney studied art and in the early 1920s, he started filming his first short animation film. Later, he went on to produce full-length movies and became one of the biggest names in the movie industry. Disney movies changed the way that animation was viewed and have changed the way animations are made now.
Animations have opened up a whole new line of revenue for the movie industry. For example, Snow White was released in 1937 and by 1960 it had earned a whopping $22 million. This is just one example of how animation brings in a lot of revenue. Animation also opens up lots of different possibilities for what you can create. Disney was so good at what he did that his films are still being watched 50 years later.
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There are a lot of things that you cannot do with live acting that is made possible once you bring animation into the mix. For example, if I wanted to create some crazy monster then I could easily do that with animations but without animation, it would be a very difficult thing to create. Animations just open up a whole new realm of possibilities that truly make the magic come alive!
One of the things that Walt Disney did with animation was that he didn’t let the audience tell him what they wanted, he told the audience what they wanted. When he was creating Snow White people said he was crazy because they didn’t think anyone would ever sit for a full-length animation. But, Walt Disney wasn’t looking at the here and now he was looking at the future.
This reminds me of Steve Jobs. When Steve Jobs was working at Pixar he would never do market research. He would say, “It’s not the audience’s job to tell us what they want in the future, it’s for us to tell them what they want in the future.” This is what Walt Disney did and this is one way that animation has revolutionized the movie industry.
Animations are a perfect example of the industry's ability to recycle old material. Some of these cartoons are timeless pieces of artwork. This is something that you see especially with Disney’s animations. Disney reinvented a lot of fairytales and when we think of different fairy tales like Snow White and Cinderella we think of Disney’s version of them. Animation has reinvented some of our most classic tales and made them timeless.
One of the problems with animations is the market to which they appeal to. Animators have a hard job to do because animations usually appeal to children which is an audience without direct buying power. They have to figure out a way to also market to adults while their audience is still usually children. Disney does this so well by making all their films family-oriented.
Another way that animation has changed television is by using animations in commercials. Marketers use animation because it grabs people’s attention and keeps them engaged for longer periods of time. Some of the ways that businesses use animations are by using animated ads, character animation, animated infographics, 2D animation, and 3D animation.
The animation is very helpful for quickly summarizing the main points or themes of a campaign. By using animation you can add a soundtrack and other interesting details to really grab your viewer’s attention. Animations can provide a quick overview of a product and a brief visual of the important messages that a company is trying to share.
Animations also encourage high concept ideas and can be more imaginative and creative than stock visuals. This is useful in manufacturing and auto industries where complex new systems can be explained using simple animations. They are transformed into reality in the eyes of the viewer while using animation.
By using special effects in their advertising companies can showcase their products more effectively and grab their customer's attention easier. This helps customers to understand the products more clearly which can lead to better communication. Animation can also showcase new products beyond what regular photography or video can do.
When companies use the latest animation techniques as a part of their advertising strategy it tends to make them seem more modern to consumers. This boosts their high tech credibility and can get them more business especially with the younger generation. The younger generation makes up a large portion of consumers so by using technology and marketing their products more to them they can get more business.
Animations in marketing are also a lot cheaper than traditional marketing techniques. Rather than having to hire actors for the commercials, the marketers can specify the characters in their animation to their exact qualifications. By using lighting and special effects marketers can help their products look more appealing to consumers. Prototypes can also be sold before they even go into production by using the capabilities of 3D software.
According to some estimates that were done in 2008 the animation industry was estimated to be worth $68.4 billion and that was before some of the recent Disney movies had come out. Since 2004 animation has been the most profitable of any film genre. The gross profit margins were 52% compared to the second-most profitable genre at 48%. It’s just been in the past century that animation has turned into a multi-million dollar affair with 3D animation schools popping up everywhere.
Simply defined, the animation is the act of creating the illusion of movement through still images. Pinpointing what the first-ever animation was is a difficult feat, to say the least. Some could say that the cave paintings which depict hunting in motion are the first animation or the Victorians who figured out how to create moving stills to trick the eyes into thinking the image was animated. We could narrow this down a little by saying that we’re just talking about the first animations in the film era but that still leaves the questions of if it's just drawn images? Stop motion? Or animations that only featured a few frames.
In the 20th century, many people were creating short animation films such as Gertie the Dinosaur. The first feature-length animation was El Apostol which was created using the traditional methods of animation. This movie was 70-minutes long and was released in 1917 to a South American theater audience. This film ran at 14 frames per second and was the first commercially profitable animated movie ever made. This film was released once and then the only copy of the film was destroyed in a house fire. Unfortunately, because of that, we will never know what the first feature-length animation was really like.
Next came the rise of Walt Disney which is what most people think of when the topic of animation is brought up. Disney’s studio set a precedent for the entire animation industry and continues its legacy today. Pinto Colvig who is known as the voice of Disney’s character Goofy was known as a talented illustrator and was said to have created the first-ever animated feature film himself a couple of years before El Apostol but we will never know for sure.
Walt Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs that was released in 1937 is known to some as the first feature-length animated film. The reason that it is known as this is that it was the first fully hand-drawn film that hasn’t been classified as a “lost movie”. We will never truly be able to know what the first “real” animated film was but we do have films like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs that come close to being labeled as the first.
Most people would consider the founding of Disney Studios as the biggest turning point in animation history up to this point in time. The second biggest turning point in animation history could be considered the release of Pixar’s Toy Story in 1995. The animation of Toy Story still looks amazing after 21 years but the animations that we are seeing now are so mind-blowingly incredible compared to what it was 20 years ago. The quality has increased exponentially and some say that the animations are light-years ahead of the films that were released just a few years ago.
Animation services have come a long way from what it was back in 1937 when Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was released. Even though it has come such a long way the films that were released 80 years ago are still being viewed today. Animation has a huge impact on television from everything from commercials to children shows to adult TV shows. Animation has changed the movie industry and I predict that it will continue to change it as the years go on.
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