#i wanna draw and i wanna watch markiplier
socksandbuttons · 9 months
theres quite a bit hapenign inthe channels i dont have the brain to focus on that rn
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zincbot · 1 year
i can't focus on any of the stuff i'm trying to do I NEED TO DO SMTH ACTIVE GRRRR
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
31 asks! Thank you! :}} ☯️
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Now I'm gonna be totally honest, I DO have a favorite twin and its Ingo <XDD But I also fully understand and support your point!
What makes Ingo and Emmet so fun and interesting to me is their bond! How they mirror each other, how they interact, their strength as a team! Sure separating them for the angst is great an all- but truly showing them together and more importantly as equals is where the good stuffs at!
This is also why I usually try to wrap up their separation arcs in my AUs, and also don't really enjoy reading any Legends Arceus content.. seeing Ingo alone is not only heartbreaking,, but its also just not as fin. Ingo and Emmet are stronger together :)
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@sallychaosaura (In response to this post)
Miiiight be a bit too late for that <XDD
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Thank you! :D I'm glad :))
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Sorry, no can do! <:( Also thank you! :))
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(Post in question)
(It was very intentional! :}) He's stressed. 😔
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Ugh.. well, thanks for letting me know.. and at least the commenters know I don't consent to reposts..
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@soulful-rodent (Post in question)
Well in-game we was traded to a friend and back so he'd evolve..
Buuuut lore wise, without a trainer..? <:D No idea-
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Probably somewhere around 100 <XD
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Absolutely terrifying! Next question XD
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No, no, aaaaand poorly, XD I'm doing fiiiiine won't worry! :)
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I can imagine when he first gained the ability to hide in peoples shadows, he probably gave many people quite a scare without meaning to <XDDD
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Thank you! :DD And Their stories are kind'a vague when I take out my trainer..
I'm thinking that somehow, Midori met Gloria in their first evolutions and became friends. Then they found Grim..
later on Midori found Anastasia after she had run away from a battle. She tried to hide but her shiny gold color made that impossible.. Midori took her to Gloria and they took care of her.
Afterwards they met Sylvester..
Beyond that, I don't have any details in mind.. 😅 Sorry!
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Typically I prefer horror games/movies, but ONLY when they're being played by or watched by someone else in a YouTube video XDD
Some of those YouTubers being Elvis The Alien and Markiplier! :}}}
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@fragmented-ghost (Pokémon Violet team master post)
AAAA I'm so glad you like them! :DD I plan to draw them more at some point, but atm I kind'a got sucked back into the Violet grind XDD I'm just about to beat the main game! :0000
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I have! :DD I like it quite a lot an have drawn some things for it here and there! Though I never got around to completing the game..
Someday I'd like to go back and beat the game. I can imagine I'd jump right into the fandom afterwards if I did XDD
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XD Probably!
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I don't remember talking about that.. if you had a link to the original post maybe I could remember with context..? <:0
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@tallchest13-blog (Post in question)
XDDD I'm glad you like them! :))
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XDD All of those titles made me laugh! And I see your point, but I have a few counter points to this ask..
For 1, to keep with the theme, I would want to/have to make this cape IRL in order to add it to my sona. Now if the last 4 quilts have shown me anything? Its that I'm not super great at making quilts <XDD
If it was that challenging to make it on a smaller scale? I cant imagine how much trouble I'd have trying to make a full size one! <XDD Plus buying the materials... having to physically get up, go buy the stuff I need and make it. With these health issues I've been battling, that's not something I wanna do atm.. 😅Not to mention with how hot its been lately, I don't think I need a quilt anyways-
And then lastly- I'd have to draw myself with it every time! I like my sona being a simplistic blob that has minimal colors and not much of a model to keep too. I worry a quilt might take that away.. :(((
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XDD I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the potential! :))
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I have a few times here an there. Just to hang out with some friends :)
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I mean, I don't know the history between you two... But my advice is to leave them be. If they ghosted you, they probably want space..
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I altered the story of Welcome Home to make my version of Sally a teenager. So I was thinking she could be bluish-white to look like a young star..? But looking back I don't like the blue.. For story purposes she might stay a teen, but I think I'll keep her yellow <XDD
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Yoo! :DD She's so colorful! And that black shadowy arm is so spooky.. Does she have a story? 👀👀
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(Pixel art tutorial in question)
I'm glad it helped! Happy pixeling!! :}} 👋👋
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XD Don't worry its fiiiiiine!
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I've wanted to draw evil Grim and Sylvester again in general, but I don't really have any ideas for them yet.. 😅
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staticcryptic · 2 months
hi! can i request something with cg markiplier and a little reader who keeps fooling around while mark is recording, distracting him but staying just off-camera? and eventually he just gives up to give the reader attention and we get some soft fluff? thank you, youre awesome :D
ੈ♡˳·˖✶ distraction ✶˖·˳♡ੈ
pairing - markiplier x reader
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authors note - idk if I got mark’s speech pattern correct but I tried & hope you like it :3
tags - little!reader, cg!mark, pet names, cg!amy mentioned
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Mark adjusts his headset for the fifth time in the hour he’s been recording, glancing over to the side of his filming room where you sit on the floor. There’s a perfectly good beanbag right behind you but you’ve taken to coloring across the floor, your favorite stuffies situated around you in a circle so they can color too.
Mark can’t get himself to focus on the game he’s supposed to be playing, not when you look so cute, and not when you keep flashing him beaming smiles while holding up your drawings. It’s not unusual for you to sit in the same room as Mark as he works while you’re regressed, but Mark has never had this much of an issue with being distracted by you.
Maybe his mind is just preoccupied with other things, maybe it’s the stress catching up with him, or the knowledge that the time he spends recording he could be spending time with you while you’re little- whatever the reason, he can’t keep this up.
“Mark, pst, look.” You mutter as quiet as you can as you know Mark is busy with work and you shouldn’t be bothering him. You just want to show him the drawing you’ve just finished of you stood between him and Amy with Chica and Henry at your feet.
“Very nice, little one.” Mark praises without a thought to how his camera’s still going and this footage will now be unusable. Hopefully he can re-film this all tomorrow, because for now he’s switching his camera off and saving his game.
“Don’t you gotta work?” You ask as Mark makes his way over to sit in front of you.
“It can wait. Do you want to do something aside from coloring?” He reaches to pick up the stack of drawings you’ve made in the hour you’ve been in here, sifting through to see some of them are video game characters, there’s a couple of the dogs, many of you, him, and Amy, and some miscellaneous ones he can’t place but finds cute nonetheless.
“Can we go watch Tv?” An instant nod is all Mark offers before standing and holding his hand out for you, you happily jump to take it and allow him to lead you both towards the living room where the dogs are sleeping on the couch.
“What do you wanna watch?” You both settle into the corner of the couch, Mark opening his arms so you can curl up against his chest, and your legs folding atop his to get as close as humanly possible.
“Mm, Bluey?” A small huff of a laugh leaves Mark but he nods and flips it on. You guys must’ve seen the show all the way through at least three times by now, but if it’s what you want then it’s what you’ll get.
“Thanks Mark.” You say and let your head sleepily lull against his shoulder.
“Course sweetheart.” He’d much rather lay and watch Tv with you than sit at his desk trying to engage in work he could care less about at the moment.
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wintercandle42 · 3 months
explain the shut in au to someone who’s never heard of the game (i beg)
Oh boy you don’t even have to beg
So, the game Shut In is about a guy trying to get ready to go Outside but. His house is. Rather dangerous and strange.
Sleep in bed too long, get crushed by a shelf. Go to the basement and you risk being boiled alive by streams of steam. The staircase has been ripped up and huh how did that happen? Ig it can’t be a big jump- wrong you’re dead.
The creator of the game says it is based off their own experience with agoraphobia and things. It’s a beautiful game, though very very dark. If you are alright with such topics I highly recommend checking it out. Personally I watched Markiplier’s playthrough of it. It’s like an hour and a half or something.
Now. What made my friend @/justsomedumbstuff recommend it to me was how the Narrarator could totally be Nagito’s inner monologue. It’s so casual, self loathing, and grim. Some examples:
(If you jump down the stairs assuming the jump can’t be too far) “There’s certainly a ground floor somewhere, though. Your mangled corpse is smeared all over it. By the way, that wasn’t a very impressive jump. Lets just pretend you slipped, shall we?”
(If you pull the plug on a rather sketchy outlet) “For a split second, you feel the searing heat of over 200 volts of electricity coursing through your body. Luckily, before your head can process the pain your heart stops completely. You’re dead in seconds. You don’t even have time to reflect on your poor decision making capabilities. Which part of you thought that was a sensible idea?”
And every single death ends in “But don’t worry. Try again tomorrow.”
So uh. Yeah. Very Nagito. It got me thinking.
What if, instead of death, the Future Foundation wished to punish the Remnants of Despair further? Well. Most of them have already been killed or jailed, but they only need one or two in order to make an example of them to the world. Show everyone what happens if you stick by despair’s side.
Despair so terrible not even Ultimate Despair can withstand it.
So they place Nagito Komaeda and Izuru Kamukura in two separate simulations where time is slower, and life is torture.
Nagito’s torture is essentially the game. He wakes up in his childhood home and. Quickly learns how dangerous it is. The first day, he succumbs to the bugs in the shower. He sees them falling out of the shower head but oh no, where is the door handle to the bathroom? He’s stuck. Oh no no no no.
And he dies. It’s horrible. He remembers every detail of his death. But then he wakes up in bed again. Huh weird dream yeah and then it happens again and he knows something is Wrong.
And he has to live like this for months. In a house where one wrong step and he’s bleeding out on the floor for hours in agony before he dies. And sure, he isn’t super afraid of death at first, but after dying again and again and again and again and again and again it takes its toll.
He doesn’t wanna be blinded on the floor by a broken lightbulb again, unable to do anything but bleed out until he falls unconscious. He doesn’t want to tip over the boiling pot again, burning himself so badly that he can’t even move.
He grows paranoid. He doesn’t want to move but he’ll die if he stays in bed. He’s so hungry but going to get food means he has to climb down to the first floor and ohh it’s so uncomfortable. The walls covered in drawings and markings… and then when he gets into the kitchen. Oh it’s awful. The smell of gas. The monsters trying to get him. The darkness. He doesn’t want it but. He needs to eat.
Over and over and over again. It’s hell.
And Izuru. Izuru is stuck in that room he was kept in for so long. It’s the same routine every day. Same meals. Same time. There is nothing to do. Nothing to stimulate his mind. Just months of Nothing. He can pace but for how long will that be less boring? He can starve himself but he just. Wakes up again in bed if he dies. There is nothing he can do. He can’t escape. He cannot do anything.
He is so under-stimulated and it is driving him crazy
But thankfully, resident cutie patootie of the Future foundation, Makoto Naegi, has mercy on them and breaks them out of the simulation, realizing they’re. Not gonna be actively searching for and spreading despair anymore.
And. The state they’re in is just… depressing. He can’t let them live like this.
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confettiepup · 7 months
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🐋 Hii! My name is puppie or confettie! Welcome to my colorful little world! ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡ My pronouns are she/her, I’m 22, autistic and an age regressor, I also have vision disability due to a rare eye disease
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I’m a promoter for the shop Oopsie Daizee! They are a sfw paci shop! My promo code is “puppie” if you want 10% off
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🍮 I’m a kawaii/cutecore (jojifuku) girly, I always dress up im that style and it makes me so happy and my room is my heaven I love surrounding myself with cute stuff and healing my inner child, I used to hide it but now I embrace it <3
🐠 My big age is 22 and my little age varies from 3 to 5 mostly, can be up to 11. I’m pretty sure I’m a permaregressor: leaded by my neurodiversity (mainly and my traumas (coping mechanism). I’ve never felt connection with people my age, I’m either too emotionally mature or too childish in my interests. I’m French Canadian 🇨🇦, I speak both French and English comfortably
🐬 My disability: I have the Best disease, (vitelliform macular dystrophy). Here is a site explaining what it is exactly. I’m also on the spectrum, tone indicators are welcome if you want or have to use them I totally understand <3
🐇 Pet regressors, therians and furries are welcome too! I don’t really identify as a pet regressor but I identify a lot to puppy, kitty, bunny and dragon space! I just don’t know what term to use but I’ll always tag petre and therian in my posts
🍭 I’m regressing for a lots of reasons (one of them is due to trauma). My regression is a coping mechanism diagnosed and is potentially linked to my autism. I regress both voluntary and involuntary!
☆Here’s my links for my other socials and more! ☆
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✿ animals: my favourites are guinea pigs, crows, ravens, octopus, bunnies, whale sharks, parrots, american woodcock (timberdoodle) bird, dogs, bumblebees, capybaras!
✿ Japanese fashion: fairy kei, kawaii/cutecore, decora, jojifuku, gyaru, harajuku
✿ Drawing (traditionally and digitally)
✿ Crafting; like sewing, painting, diy’s, making bracelets, wanna learn crocheting and more!
✿ Toys! I collect lots of them!
✿ Cartoons/videos games
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✩Cartoons!: My little pony (g4), Bluey, Peppa pig, the Octonauts, Young justice, paw patrol
✩ Video games: I looove animal crossing, Spyro, five nights at freddy’s, I also really like watching Markiplier’s horror games videos
✩Animals: Guinea pigs, ravens and parrots makes me so happy, dalmatians, dragons and raptors, I also love sea life! Octopus and whale sharks are my fav! Bumblebees looks so cute I try to not stim when I see them lol
✩ Toys: I collect my little pony toys (g3, g3.5 and g4), littlest petshops, plushies (I have an unhealthily amount of them-), calico critters
✩ Characters: Fluttershy - Pinkie pie - Discord (mlp), Nightwing - Klarion the witch boy (DC young justice/Earth 16), Spyro - Cinder - Ignitus (tlos and the spyro og trilogy) , Bingo (Bluey), Everest - Jake - Rex - Captain Turbot (paw patrol)
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ᯓ 「 ✦ DNI ✦ 」
General DNI: N$fw, l0li/sh0tacon, p3do/m@p, k!nk, pr0-@n@/$h, racist, drama, etc
My dog Cloe protects this blog υ´• ﻌ •`υ!!
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˗ˏˋ my dms and asks are open if you want! ˎˊ˗
ᯓ★ just consider that I’m very shy and can get nervous when interacting. English is not my first language and I’m autistic so please be patient with me <3
ᯓ★I might open drawing commissions soon!
˗ˏˋ Tags ˎˊ˗
ᯓ★ To be determined! (Work in progress)
{#marine 🪼 #confettiepup #wishfish🐠#plushies }
See ya! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
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ask-edd · 8 months
hey edd, how do you vibe with your friends? like are they all the same or do you do different things together? im nosey and I think you're all so cute
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Awww this is such a sweet ask! Lemme think now..
We do stuff together of course, we go on adventures together and play video games and watch movies and go to the park, y'know group friend stuff like that. It's a ton of fun, we all get along just fine, outside of Tom and Tord poking at each other
As for Matt, when we do solo stuff together, we kinda goof around a lot! Like we watch youtube videos and go out looking for fun and sometimes we even try to make our own skits like Tom does, though we can't write jokes as well as he can, oops Though I do unfortunately tend to overstim him sometimes so we can't always hang out for a looooong time
With Tom, since we work together on the animations on my channel, we actually hang out solo a lot. Working is like, writing jokes and brain storming and back n forthing, it's a lot of creative fun! When we're not working though, we like to listen to music together and watch new music videos, go CD shopping, maybe go look through pawn shops and thrift stores for crazy shit
Oh with Tord, we play footie out in the yard, and Tord is teaching me Norwegian (ei og velkommen til bloggen min!) plus we draw a lot together which is fun haha And well, let's just say when we're together, laws are a lil bendy
With Dan, we like to set up a space in the living room, put Youtube on the tv, and get caught up with like Game Grumps and Markiplier and stuff, it's really nice. Or we'll listen to music, I know much Dan loves it hehe
tbh I do a lot of drawing with CL too, it's fun to see her character designs. Oh dude and she kicks ass at Mortal Kombat! I finally have someone who's at my level, plus she knows all the lore And we take walks too, if I wanna walk anywhere too far for Dan to tag along, she'll come with
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virusgeist · 1 year
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Isaac | he/him | 25yo | aro/ace
big dork | angel boy | artist | disabled
stupid emo twink | sex hater | Dec 2nd 🎂
pacifist | pescatarian | vampire coded
nostalgia junkie | probably scared
look like 💀 act like 🌸
-> i'm very shy and have anxiety so sorry if i'm awkward when we talk lol
-> i love Love and I'm a sucker for romance.
-> i just look a little scary but i'm nice i swear
-> i am super passionate about my OCs... making little guys and stories is my favorite thing to do
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My blog will NOT contain NSFW content but have occasional suggestive or dirty jokes.
My art blog!!! -> @virusgeist-art
My hazbin/helluva sideblog -> @loosey-furr
My tags:
I tag most of everything accordingly I think. Sometimes with silly tags.
Me talking bout random shit - #isaac talks
Other socials -
Twitter (art)
Instagram (selfies)
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cats and kitties, drawing, art, guitars, video games, horror, spooky things, Halloween, lots of musics, cute stuff, nostalgic things, plushies, cosplay, emo/scene/alt/goth/punk/harajuku stuff, kandi, making DIY clothes and fashion, pizza lover, watching movies, I LOVE cartoons and animation... anime is okay I guess, I get BRAINROT over my OCs
vvv some of my OCs in question vvv
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CORPSE, Ashnikko, Rabbit Junk, Younger Hunger, Paramore, Mother Mother, Marina and the Diamonds, Simon Curtis, Call me Karizma, Crystal Castles, The Hoosiers, Rebzyyx, KAMAARA, New Medicine, Slipknot, Panic! at the Disco, LOTS OF MUSICS!!!
^my playlist if you wanna see em all
tiktok, stand up comedy, drugs, fighting/arguing, tickling, dishonesty/manipulation, SNORING!!!
(not necessarily in the fandoms just like it)
Trigun, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, The Wolf Among Us, Borderlands, Gravity Falls, Sanrio, Cookie Run, Villainous, Monster High, Animal Crossing, Batman, Danganronpa, Invader Zim, Adventure Time, Your Turn to Die, Panty and Stocking, Sonic, Overwatch, Cuphead, Pokemon, Arcane, Bloodborne, The Evil Within, Silent Hill, Death Note, Soul Eater, Five Nights at Freddy's, MySims, Trolls, LOTS OF STUFF.
Jerma985, Corpse Husband, Ashnikko, Kitboga, Call Me Kevin, DigitalNex, The Click, Rebal D, Film Cooper, Oompaville, Markiplier, jacksepticeye, Johnnie Guilbert, Jake Webber, Kurtis Conner, Danny Gonzalez, BENOFTHEWEEK, courtreezy, Naomi Jon, Gabi Belle, kallmekris, Onyebabeyyy
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(I do NOT support; heavy Christians that push beliefs, pro-life, pro-ship, ableism, racism, sexism, anti-lgbtq+, TERFs, pedophila, beastiality, incest, looking down on homeless people/sex workers/retail or fast food workers, belittling serious topics, not liking a person based on media they enjoy, anti-fun, generally hateful folks and bullying)
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
heyo I was tagged by @callsigncrash (thanks so much for the tag!) I didn't wanna spam reblogs/notifs so I decided to start a fresh thread if that's okay, lol.
tag nine people you would like to get to know better;
last song: Everything Sounds Like A Love Song by X Ambassadors (when I tell you I wanna write a fic based on this song SO BAD, just don't know who oof) also breaking the trend here, because I don't use Spotify so have a YouTube link lol
Currently Watching: various gaming commentary channels like Game Grumps, Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, etc...or YouTube Commentary channels...it's mostly for background noise when I can't choose what music to listen to why I work on stuff lol
Currently Reading: I'm on the third book of Christina Henry's Alice series (highly recommend by the way, but do check trigger warnings list). It's literally the last book in the series with short stories in it. I just don't want the adventures to end lol. Other than that, a lot of drawing reference books
Current Obsession(s): General DC Comics (mostly Batman and his Rogues, of course), Spiderverse/Spiderman stuffs lol, and Alice in Wonderland is a dormant obsession lol (as in animation as a whole, always obsessed with animation)
Tag nine people: (no pressure at all! Also feel free to do this if you'd like!) @lonleydweller , @whimzical-dreamz , @punch-aholic , @empatheticsadist490 , and @iepurasdepraf
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suntimeswolliw · 1 year
i wanna watch markiplier but i wanna draw but i wanna write but i wanna sleep
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zdux · 1 year
Help I'm obsessed with resident evil village
So i meant to watch someone play RE8 when it came out... which was now 2 years ago and I JUST finished watching Markiplier's playthrough all of like 2 days ago and I have been OBSESSED with it since, and I mean HELLA obsessed. I read a 36K fanfic this morning after I woke up, just binged the whole thing, bam, all because it was Wintersberg. And speaking of that fic, it took Sturm, which is this fella:
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Yeah, propeller man, and said fic made him hot as shit and not a propeller.
Basically, it took him and made him Lady Dimitrescu's great nephew, (possibly great grand nephew? His mom was her sister so make of that what you will) and made him like 7'4", and a hot as shit like, mine overseer. And this idea has LATCHED in my brain. I have spent the last 8+ hours trying to design him, trying to write him a backstory that fits the lore (I managed to do so with the literal ONLY problem being the timeline of the actual fucking game because ofc thanks capcom) like i went NUTS, I'm even working on drawing everything like I am SO obsessed with this idea, so please, enjoy my fucking brainrot if I end up posting about this.
Or just send me RE8 themed asked for fics or drabbles or headcannons or something please the hyperfixation is GRIPPING ME
Btw I give FULL credit to the fic author for this idea!! SlayQueen16 on AO3 is a genius!! (Please note the fic is somewhat NSFW if you chose to read it so proceed with caution if that is not your kind of shit!!!)
I'm gonna post my notes/ideas or whatever on AO3 prolly as a gift to the author so they know how much I am in love with this idea so if you wanna check out that it'll be on my AO3 which is here (and also in my masterlist if that link doesnt work ive been having issues with my links actually working :/)
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flower-zombie-rob · 2 years
@archivefullofyoutubers Did a thing and I keep seeing people filling this out for new community members so I thought I would do one too just for the hell of it
Preferred name: either robbie or flower. Neither are my real name because i value my internet privacy, but most default to robbie so im comfy with either :)
Preferred pronouns: i dont really care
When did you start watching JSE?: I started around 2016, but 2017 was when I really got into the fandom and started watching the whole channel addictively on the regular.
Why did you start watching JSE?: I had a (really toxic) ex friend who liked it and at the time I wasn't that fussed so i watched a few vids, fell in love with his personality, went down the ego rabbithole and ended up getting so connected with it that im still here to this day and its been a really positive thing for me. I don't think she's involved with the community anymore, but I still am and will be for the foreseeable future.
Favourite thing about the channel?: its between the sweet personality of the man running the channel and the wonderful community of amazing people who inhabit the fandom. I love the whole ego thing because I am a sucker for weird characters who are played by the same person. I love the amazingly kind community and the charity work that we help sean to do. I adore all of the spectacular people and friends that I've met along the way in this community and the absolute talent that lines every part of our niche intrests. I just love JSE as a whole.
Do you have a fav ego?: Its no secret that I among the very rare few whose favorite ego is Robbie the zombie(second place is marvin). He is non-cannon and was a community creation that came about after a thumbnail was made with him in it. From there, the creatives took him and made him a great custom character who is fully up to everyone's interpretation and usually he is the sweetest little cinnamon roll boi that I have ever seen. He also has an incredibly strong connection to me personally and my blogs branding throughout the years, and I could never forget how much, as a character, he has contributed to my persona online. And hes just as cute as a muffin, i wanna hug him and squish his cheeks and pat his head and hes my little blorbo now id die for him.
What kind of community member are you?: I am a very active member of the community and thoughni dont think my art is comendable i have to condsider myself(due to others perceptions) to be a community artist. I am not a theorist because I do not have the brains for that, but I do like to entertain theories and read them. I like to get very interactive with other members of the community and according to someone on a jse discord server I am a tumblr OG of this community (though I'm not sure how true that is...)
What else do you enjoy?: In terms of content: I like sander sides, I like markiplier, I like the owl house, im obsessed with all things neil gaiman, im head over heels for good omens and the sandman, i love my own ocs even if i rarely draw them, and id like to dabble and try out cosplay because its an intrest of mine among other things. As most people do, I like music and films and I am actually a grade 3 vocalist doing a filmaking course(no way! I have a life outside tumblr!?😱)
Are you open to nice messages and new friends?: Oh yeah, 100%. Please! I absolutely love interacting with people and I get so many really kind and supportive people interacting with me! I love all of you so much!!! In terms of making online friends, I don't tend to give away much about myself personally or my information outside of what I share on my blog (like my age or my real name or my face most of the time or anything), but i have been branching out more with that, having met some of you at comic con this year. So sure! im open to friendships that dont push my boundaries :)
Thanks to the og creator for the questions and I'm glad to introduce myself to some new members of this community or migrators from Twitter
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earnestlyegos · 1 year
alrighty boys! seeing everyone else do an intro post, so now its making me wanna do one as well!
my full name is Damien Emmet Dixon, and im one of the youngest in the system at the ripe age of 23! although i do identify as a trans male since I am the host, im of course actually a guy, dick and all! I stand at a whopping 5’7, and in all honesty I dont know as much about myself as i should-
i like to listen to music, watch markiplier (wow surprise), draw, code, and build legos! im also one of the more social people in our system, so i very much enjoy hanging out with the few friends we’ve got— my role in the system is Host, uhhhh i cant be serious for long cause my job is to be funny! this is real! i hate saying that man, its so weird— anyhow uh, i just live life! i try to be a goof, so youre often gonna see me on this blog, despite it being for my markiplier introjects.
in the past TWO days, two people have made me realize i am technically a fucking introject of our previous hosts OC/ sona!! which!! wow!! like, i knew that, but it makes more sense to me now to call myself an introject. and i DO!! have sourcemates! Twoey is one of them, he doesnt come on this blog or talk very often, but hes another version of me (though im technically a version of him, but we’ll get into that later!)!! hes a brother to me, i love him very dearly and oh BOY have we gone through a lot together-
i also enjoy being a social embarrassment, both on purpose, and purely by accident— im autistic, so please do be kind if i don’t understand something, as i struggle with tone, and i can be a bit dimwitted sometimes!
heres a few pictures of what i look like, though i dont draw myself as often as i should-
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anyways uh, there you go!!!!’ yippee!!!!
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magicalara · 2 years
honestly im so bad at words of affirmation im better at physical touch and gifts so like if you want anything drawn tell me right now i will draw it when possible
my grelle bitter rabbit says hi and she says youre super sick. stay funky stay fresh!!!!!!
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impulse im so sorry it was impulse ill send the image i wanted to send now
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!!! :3 dont mind ronald in the ba
I'm a swagger mutual :D
You don't have to draw me anything it okay I don't wanna bother (I'm bad at accepting gifts can you tell)
Give her pets for me, she is quite adorable and deserves it 😌 I'm already a bunny lover and the fact that it's Grelle??? Icing on the cake lol
And Markiplier we watching Mark I love that literally one of my favorite youtubers been watching him since I was a kid. I haven't gotten around to watching the glitched attraction is it good?
Grelle 🥰 our wife, so beautiful, so amazing and Ronnie's there too ig. Nah I love Ron too, he's in my top three reapers
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mrfandomgage · 1 year
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So, way back when in 2015, Undertale came out, right? I was 13-14, but if I remember right, I was in Middle School, and one of my friends made an OC for it. I didn't know what it was so I asked about it, and I vaguely remembered Markiplier's first 2 episodes on it, before the fans harassed him into streaming the entire game. I wondered why Mark didn't play it, but I heard JackSepticEye played it, and because I was a kid without money, of course I watched him play it.
After watching Jack's playthrough, I fell in love, and basically watched everything I could about it. Learning all its lore, watching fan dubs of comics, wondering why Sr Pelo made that April Fools Genocide route (this is before I knew how Subtitles worked, and JFC when I learned that a lot of content creators were being harassed I got upset). I joined fan groups, joined Amino (hell hole), drew shitty art (I do leagues better than my old art, still shit tho), and because I loved AUs and lacked art skills, I started writing more often because of it. Hell, "Mr Fandom" was a name I made up because I was into Undertale, FNAF, My... that one I don't like talking about, but I wanted to express my interests in everything and embrace it. Gage Fandom as a name and character came later.
I have so many positive experiences with Undertale and its community, not to say it's all sunshine, but it definitely helped me out a bit. So why am I tired of it? Simple. I was obsessed with it since I was 13-14. A lot of my thoughts and ideas were about Undertale, I am 21 now and edging towards 22. I once was talking to my little sibling, and they called it a Hyper fixation, I found that wrong, because this wasn't a short term thing like those can be, I've been into this thing for nearly 9 years now. I'm just growing tired of thinking about it all the time. Don't get me wrong, if you wanna know anything about Undertale, one of the many games in my life that made me a furry, I can still recall most of it's lore, if something is only fanon or canon, if it's a myth, or even those messages Toby Fox made for when people inevitably shared them on the internet, good going Toby, you made a game interesting that the secrets that say people wouldn't be impressed with if they were put on the internet, people were legitimately impressed and made animations about that, good on.
I will tell you, Undertale is a fantastic game, it inspired me to write stories and even to an extent practice drawing (tho I definitely started drawing more when I got into HomeStuck around 2018, and I definitely started taking my own artwork a bit more seriously after accepting I'm a furry). I may have a hard time ever finishing a story I write, but I got into it because of Undertale and its writing.
Oh, and let's not forget Deltarune. I love it for some of the same reasons I do Undertale, Character writing is one of my favorite subjects (this is Kinda why I like Homestuck, a lot of characters are well written, even if also as much aren't, lol). Yes this is why most of my writings on this blog are of characters talking to each other, I'm primarily practicing Dialogue and trying to get to a point where it feels natural.
I love Undertale. I do not want to think about Undertale for a while.
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archivalofsins · 2 months
sooooo a little birdie told me that you like long-form videos what are some of your favorites I am in desperate need for things to listen to as I draw
I love longform videos of all kind! Mostly because I need something playing in the background to slightly focus on while doing anything. If it's not videos it's music.
Now it comes down to what you like I tend to circle through
Commentary/Political Essayist YouTubers
D'Angelo Wallace Kat Black (not that long but I tend to listen to multiple in a row) Khadija Mbowe (videos of decent length ranging from 10-50) FD Signifier (most videos over an hour) Alexander Avila (most videos also over an hour) Foreign Man in a Foreign Land Elliot Sang (Has started doing readings of books on his other channel reading with elliot) Saji Sharma (On the shorter side but good to binge) sixteenleo Kennie JD HasanAbi (Literally there are long as hell videos. Piles on piles of vods all over YouTube not just posted by him but by fans that is just an endless amount of content that I haven't seen all of yet myself.)
Let's Players
Won (I've been watching his Class of '09 let's play which is good!) ManlyBadassHero (Haven't been that many long ones lately but has a pretty long backlog) MistaGG Vods (His regular channel is good as well Mista GG) Markiplier (Because of course like of course. Play In Space it's good.) Kubz Scouts (He's that dude. Content varies in length but his 60 Seconds let's plays tend to be long and there's a backlog.) 8-BitRyan (He has some long fucking videos.) RDCWorldGaming and RDC Live
Media Commentators/Reactors
La'Ron Readus (If you like dissections of media then this guy has a good few videos on it.) KhunShawn (Looking for a Milgram reactor well there's this guy!) Roartherapper (And this guy has Milgram reactions as well! If anyone want's more people to react to Milgram or make fan content engage with what we do have! That's a good place to start.) Quinton Reviews (Sadness that he focuses on Nickelodeon so I will never see a long in depth Fusion Fall video pain suffering sadness) Mike's Mic ( That unhinged recap of Pretty Little Liars that was on it ridiculous Scooby-Doo 2 yes please doing Lost now oh my god.) CJ The X (Has a decent backlog)
Long Shows to just have on in the background
Yellowjackets (A really good show but you can just not look at times and do something else) X-Men '97 while I'm talking about disney WandaVision half the time you do not have to be looking at that to know what's going on. Ridiculously long and also gets really stupid How To Get Away With Murder you'll stop paying attention eventually you'll feel yourself stop paying attention. There's also this show calledd Cleaning Up that Star and I were watching that literally takes very little attention to follow. I was dissociating at a points and was like mm hm yeah I still know what's going on. To really age myself there's Grimm which is like it also gets very convoluted.
Things I'm checking out today! One watcing Roar's reavtion to the end of trial notice- Two watching Teaching 9th Grade in a 93% Mormon Town (I'm really interested in teaching in general I was going to college to be a school psychologist so education is really important to me) and Hawk Tuah: From Harmless Meme to Right Wing Symbol because I just wanna know.
And while the dramatization of it may not be to everyone's tastes Rotten Mango covers some rather interesting events and the MissMangoButt channel has some good videos too!
Favorites of mine are hard to choose because I watch a lot. I really like the Readus Candyman video, the unhinged recap of Pretty Little Liars but I actually need to catch up on a lot off videos right now. Oh I also really liked the TikTok Gave Me Autism: The Politics of Self Diagnosis video too.
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