#i wanna draw the rest of the lads as well
vampyriix · 1 month
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spooky!lads rt my beloved
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b4kuch1n · 7 months
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about ready
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firewalkzwit · 1 year
arabella // hobie brown x reader (one-shot)
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oneshot of hobie trying to pursue a reader who's effortlessly cool and has strong arabella vibes cuz i love that vibe. inspired some on slc punk and sex pistols lore, cool fic for the music enthusiasts
New girl's hip New girl's cool New girl's interesting New girl's hot.
"She came straight out of 70's New L.A. She's no rockstar's girlfriend, she's a rockstar herself! Crazy hair, mysterious bassist, she's from outer space."
And when she needs to shelter from reality she takes a dip in my daydreams...
"Ay, who's the new girl?" Was the first thing Hobie asked as he nudged Pav's shoulder, not breaking his intense stare at the new recruit. 
"New girl? Oh that's YN." Pav shifted his narrowed eyes into Hobie's, a teasing grin drawing on his face.
"Yea' but what's her full name...?"
"Go ask her yourself man, everyone calls her YN." Hobie never got her name, she refused to be called anything but those particular initials.
To say she was pretty was an understatement. She was stunning, show-stopping, alluring. 
At least to Hobie, all adjectives were perfectly applicable.
She had this quirk, this confidence and these slight Chrissie Hynde vibes, boldness when she spoke that made her so attractive, and to top it she was a great musician. 
Back in her dimension it was the seventies, and she was the leader of a girl band where she played the bass, doing small gigs in downtown New L.A.
She wore flamboyant black cowboy boots and scandalous skirts, with chunky sunglasses that looked like the eyes of a bug. She had crazy hair and wore Vivienne Westwood's accessories on her pierced ears and fingers before it was even cool in the US. Her dark tights were always ripped but she didn't care, she called it a fashion statement. So did she call her Spidey suit, which had a unique design that caught anyone's attention. 
Love was for posers Hobie thought, but what's more punk than going against your own structures?
"Gwendy I gotta' talk to this girl more." Hobie's frustration was something Gwen wasn't used to seeing. His nature was often relaxed, only energic when invited to disrupt the order, but hardly ever frustrated.
"Well, you don't have to." Gwen shrugged as she tried to mask the frown that was forming in her face, but her wrinkled nose gave away her displease of jealousy.
"I know, but I want to." His attention was fixed on YN, how she moved and talked. "I wanna hear her play. You're a girl right? When you girls think a lad's fit, how much of that comes from his coolness?" He asked as he leaned on Gwen's side, resting his body weight on her. She scoffed in disbelief at the absurdity of his question, something only a man could ask. 
"Since when do you want to conform to the arbitrary standards of women?"
"I don't, I just wanna' know how many I can get away with breaking and she can still like me yea'?" Hobie chuckled before getting up again. "Don't get too jealous on me alright?" He joked, patting his friend's shoulder as he jumped down from where they were sitting, approaching her once again.
"He's never gonna give up is he?" Miles sat once again close beside Gwen, who sighed at the sight of Hobie attempting to come off as nonchalant with a girl who only seemed to curve his insinuations over and over. 
"That's such a man thing to do, no offense." Gwen spat as her hand slid down her face, pointing at what she could only describe as a humilliation show.
"Yeah... right." 
It's not that she didn't notice, she just dodged him. She thought there was more important things to do than let herself be conquered by some co-worker. But she was lying if she said he wasn't winning her over.
He also was so her type.
The funky hair, the spikes on his leather vest, the stickers and carvings on his guitar, his Iggy Pop vibes and his weird slang. But he thought he was so it, he was a nice guy but he needed some humbling. Their first conversation was about Bowie, and he played her a bit of Moonage Daydream as she recalled when she saw him live, getting all starry eyed whenever she'd narrate the part where she gave him a ride in her car.
"You gave Bowie a ride?"
"Spider's Tour, yeah..." She giggled, flipping her hair in a way that had him starstruck. "In my mom's car."
"In your mum's car? Oh get out." She went on to talk about how that changed her view on music, going on about her gigs in New L.A and how she moved there to make it big. 
Hobie was sure he was listening, but as much as he tried to contain himself, keeping in comments was not in his book.
"You always dress this mad? Like, all the time?" He bursted out with a smile, cutting her off. They were sitting on a counter table, with his guitar on his lap. He leaned closer to pick on the fabric of her coat. 
"Always. Do you always dress so pretentious?" She retorted with a smug grin, pushing her hair out of her face. His eyes shot up to look at her, puzzled. "I mean, aren't you like... rebelling against society?" Hobie let out a slight laugh, his head tilting in interest as he looked into her eyes. 
"Well, yea'. Why?"
"Don't you think it would be more of an act of rebellion if you didn't spend so much time buying stickers and pins and going out to get punky clothes? Stop me if I'm being offensive, I think the style's hip, but it just seems counterproductive to your cause."
"Na' its cool, keep going." He struggled to discern if he was actually listening, or simply invested in watching her mouth smart words as her long painted nails tapped on the counter.
"You want to be an individual, but it's like you wear a uniform. It's just punk fashion, not rebellion." Hobie's eyes fixated on her's, leaving a strong silence as she ended her phrase. 
"I'm not judging you, just kind of a general critique to what they call punk movement."
Hobie brushed her off with his usual humorous comments to maintain his pride, but he was dazzled. Even if she had criticized his way of thinking and how he dressed, she was so outspoken, without caring what he had to say or thought about her opinion, and he was crazy for his first impression of her, as much as he hated to admit it as he'd call 'Love is for posers'. Hobie was sure he was just trying to win her over, to prove a point he'd say, but deep down he loved the way she smiled and shook her head whimsically everytime he'd say something or take time off his schedule to nag her.
It was a few times that she gave Hobie the chance to play with her, to which she soon learnt that he did not know how to read tabs. Of course the punk kid is self-taught. Trying to lead, they would play messy numbers and solos. It was ocasionally just her and Gwen, who had let YN grown onto her sharing her love for girl bands, doing some jamming with their instruments as Hobie payed vague attention. But he would pound on any chance to be alone with her and try to take her out.
She didn't know what was in her that day, but she let him take her out.
He toured her around his universe, before taking her to what he called "his palace". 
The small canal boat was ridiculously a very Hobie place to live. If she were to guess, she'd think he lived in a tree somewhere in Birmingham. However it had it's charm, it was very humid and it wobbled when they walked, but it was unique and she loved it. Hobie showed her the collection of things he had stolen, proving himself to be a brilliant thief. He owed most of his 'talent' to his Spider-Sense and speed, but he'd never bring it up. 
As she sat on the mattress where he slept in, Hobie picked up one of his records, sitting beside her to show her the signed insides of the vinyl. Her eyes paced from the inscriptions to his face, as he ocasionally caught a glimpse of her through the corner of his eye. He left the vinyl aside to go on about his encounters with the infuential musicians on the area, how he attempted to steal the microphone the Bowie of his dimension had used when he was touring in his city. Her gaze shifting from his eyes to his lips back and forth. 
He was hesitant about making a move, afraid he'd mess up what had taken him so much work. But wasn't even given time to think it through before the proximity between them grew, and her hand softly caressed his bony cheek and down to his neck, inviting him to lean into a kiss. As they made out, his cold piercing was quickly warmed by her damp tongue and soft lips that sucked and kissed his. His hands caressed up and down her waist, undoing the buttons on her blouse with his slender fingers as she revealed her naked torso, no bra underneath. YN did her usual hair flip to watch him undress her, and himself, jumping on her once finished to continue what he had briefly interrupted.
"We won't sink, will we?" She asked between soft giggles as the boat quivered at his abrupt movement, Hobie nibbling down her neck and kissing her chest. 
"I wank pretty crazy here every night, we won't." He teased before crawling backwards, kissing down her navel. 
songs i listened to while working on this:
(ofc) arabella - arctic monkeys
moonage daydream, lady grinning soul and starman - bowie
hey, velouria - pixies
rhiannon, gold dust woman - fleetwood mac
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captain-pheonix · 4 months
Currently menstruating, id like to see the TF2 men (or support classes) experience the wild ups and down of mother nature when Reader lashes out at them over something comically stupid and then starts crying dramatically out of guilt for being so mad. Then goes back to happy and normal a moment later. Because i am an emotional wreck when the blood flows and i need an outlet for it. Thank youuu!!! Angle 📐 😇🪽
A/N: I know your pain bbg ❤️ tysm for sending it in Angle! I did a sort of half oneshot half headcannons thing, hope that’s ok, here you are! (Sorry this took a bit, life had been terrible recently)
Warnings: talk of menstruation (duh)
- Whenever your on your period he would probably go to Medic for advice and some remedies
- He might think it’s really gross but he knows you can’t really control it after he got it explained to him
- He might notice if something is a little off about you that day
- Maybe by the way you seem annoyed or you trying to fight a fed up expression
- Most likely you would just be hanging out in his room at the base, laying in his bed and Scout drawing in a notebook, chatting with you
“Hey, d’you wanna try drawin’ somethin’? I’ll teach ya!”
“Oh, sure? Why not.”
- While you two are drawing you start having trouble following along with him
- The lines don’t match up with the ones you draw next and you start getting annoyed
- Eventually, you snap and just tear the paper in half
“Why are you such a good artist!? It’s unfair!”
- You get up off the bed and start pacing around, uncontrollably fuming
- After going from one wall to the other, you look back up at Scout’s crestfallen expression, sad kicked puppy eyes with a hint of realization
- The tears start falling and Scout smiles and lets out a little sigh, and beckons you to come sit beside him
“Hey, sweetness. C’mere.”
“No, no, no, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you.”
“It’s all good. I get it. Just let me take care of you.”
- Scout presses a kiss to your forehead
- Would likely enjoy it quite a bit if you just wanted a few lazy days with him
- He might go get candy and snacks to take care of you for the week
- He might not fully understand how periods work but he’s probably heard some things
- you two could hang out in his camper and read magazines/listen to music/cuddle
- maybe you start thinking about how you have chores to do and how you’re not doing anything
“Jeez, what is wrong with me? Why can’t I just get up and do dishes or something?”
“It’s alright, roo. You have all the time in the world. Just rest.”
“But—I mean c’mon, I have to do something.”
“Well, do ya feel up to it?”
“Uh…no, I’m in a lot of pain, but—“
“So don’t.”
- the feeling that you need to something starts making you feel bad about yourself and you start silently crying and trying to wipe your tears away
- when Sniper notices he gets concerned and wraps his arms around you
“Hey, hey, you alright?”
“Yeah, heh, sorry. Stupid hormones.”
- Sniper just huffs a laugh and keeps hugging you
- ok let’s be real he would offer you some booze for the pain and stuff
- a movie night would work nicely, because demo could probably pass out sometime during it and it would be a calm night
- the characters in the movie start making you angry, but weirdly angry
“Why do we have to watch this? It never ends up well for the main character! This is depressing!”
“Uh..We could watch something else, ya know.”
- Demo turns off the TV
- you start crying after realizing you snapped at him
“Wait—no no I’m sorry.”
“Hey, lad/lass, c’mere.”
- Demo and you end up cuddling and then both passing out on the couch
- I feel like he might know a bit about periods
- But it would really gross him out
- At least he might romance and charm you to make you feel better
- 100% get you fine wine and snacks to make you feel special and loved
- Lounging in his smoking room 10/10, might even offer you some of his special cigars or something if you smoke
- Treats you like high royalty
- Probably goes to medic for painkillers and other things to make you feel better
- Totally a chance to learn to dance to some music on the record player in his smoking room
- I feel like making a bunch of mistakes would set you off
“This isn’t working. Why aren’t my feet working? You’re the best teacher there could be, what am I doing so wrong!?”
- You break away from Spy and hide your tears by turning away from him
“Mon Chérie, are you alright?”
- He walks back in front of you to see you crying
- Spy gives you a forehead kiss and wraps you in a warm embrace
- 10003939/10 gentleman he rubs your back until you feel better
- Heavy would likely not care at all, growing up with 4 other women for most of his life
- Considering this he would probably be at least a little educated
- Any questions he had would likely be answered by Medic
- I feel like Heavy would be one of the most understanding mercs
- At Heavy’s turn for making dinner, you decide to go help him because you feel like you’ve been lazy all day
- You burn your hand and start cussing wholeheartedly
“Am I just that bad at cooking!? I’m honestly so useless. Why can’t you teach me to be better!?”
- Heavy’s just straight up confused for a second
“Oh..oh no. I’m sorry.”
- tears start falling
“Is ok. Heavy understands.”
- bear hugs and then finishing up dinner <3
- Bro has every remedy on hand and definitely tracks it for you
- So he would already know hormonal vs. Actually being mean/sad
- A good scenario might be a lazier day when you just hang out in his lab, and he educates you more on what he’s doing and why
- It starts you feeling like you’re not good enough and that Medic is so much better at his job than you
“And das how it’s done! Fascinating, ja?”
“Yeah. I guess I just wish I could do all this great stuff like you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, c’mon, you know everything! You know so much you can just do surgery on someone and everything works out!”
“Well, it’s not that simple,—are you crying?”
- You just nod
“Ah. Come here, mein liebling.”
- gives you hugs and kisses until you’re better 🥰
Thank you for reading!! Again, I’m so sorry that took so damn long. I’m getting back into writing today!
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(Cabin) Pressure
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A/N: This is probably unnecessary and super indulgent, lmao. I just have this impossible urge to baby him, OKAY? he's so....UGH!! anywaysssss!!! As requested by quite a few of you, here's part 2 of the flight one-shot. on a scale from 1 to absolute dumpster fire, lmk how bad it is, lol. Honestly I’m so conflicted about posting it, I might end up deleting later. AND YES SMUT COMING TONIGHT, I PROMISE. Just can't be writing smut at work in case one of my students comes to my office.
Read Part 1 here.
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, depiction of panic attack.
The guys hurried ahead to give her and Matty some privacy. She felt Matty's hand stiffen in hers as soon as he watched the automatic doors of the Departures Terminal open and his bandmates walk right in. He swallowed the lump in his throat, his breathing quickened.
She squeezed his hand, drawing his attention back to his body. "Hey," she looked up at him. "You're gonna be alright, yeah?"
Matty gave her a weak smile, nodding slowly. He wasn't sure he believed her. He wanted to. Desperately. But he couldn't control it. It was like his body reflexively reacted to his surroundings before his mind could step in and control how he felt. He could physically sense the tension seeping into his body, right on cue.
"Well, shall we?" he turned to her.
"No pressure. Take as long as you need. We've got time. We'll go in whenever you're ready."
"But the lads-"
"Matty, look at me...there you are. We'll catch up with them at the gate, yes? It's okay." Her free hand moved to touch his face, the sensation grounding him.
"Right, sorry, I'm being silly." he smiled timidly. "Okay, think I'm read. Let's do this."
"Lead the way."
She kept her eye on him as they made their way through the airport, watching his body for any signs of stress.
Matty stopped dead in his tracks as soon as he saw the airline counters at the end of the hall.
"Fuck! My passport! Don't think it's in my bag! I don't remember seeing it-"
"Oh, god, sorry! I- I took it." she winced and looked apologetically up at him. "Sorry, I- uh, I thought if I kept track of the tickets, paperwork, and passports it...would give you some wiggle room so you didn't have to worry about sorting that stuff out...It's all with me! I have them here..."
To her surprise, and relief, Matty burst out laughing. "I think by thinking so hard about not panicking, I'm startin' to stress myself out. Alright, deep breaths."
She watched Matty close his eyes and take two deep breaths. Inhaling slowly, then opening his eyes as he exhaled.
"Okay, I'm all good now." He smiled, genuine this time. "And, thank you, baby, that was really kind of you to do." He dipped his head down to give her a quick kiss.
She rummaged through her bag, pulling out their documents as they approached the counter. "I can do it if you'd like..."
"No, it's okay. Think I can handle this. But, umm, keep holdin' my hand?" He blushed as he heard his own words leave his lips.
"Of course. I'm right here. All the way until security physically separates us."
With check-in and security now behind them, they wandered the airport in search of their gate, and the rest of their group. Matty seemed to relax a little, so she took the chance to suggest breakfast.
"Hey, wanna go over there and get something to eat?" she point towards the express version of some chain restaurant.
"Too anxious to eat. Afraid I won't be able to keep anything down."
"Please, baby? the nausea's probably worse when you're operating on an empty stomach. Let me buy you a little snack? you don't have to eat it right away..." She noticed Matty's attention shift from her gentle pleading to something else, something right behind her. "What're you looking at?" she frowned at the faint smile on his face. Turning around to check what was behind her, she saw a pair of young women, roughly in their early 20s, eyeing him hesitantly and struggling to contain their excitement.
"do you mind waitin' a bit? Think I'll go over there."
"Matty, are you sure? You know you don't have to do that if you're not feeling it."
He rolled his eyes. "C'mon, my love. Put yourself in their shoes...you're tellin' me that if we bumped into, I don't know, Harry Styles, right now, you wouldn't go up to him to say hello?"
She giggled and shook her head. "I- I wouldn't expect HIM to be the one to come to ME."
"Oh, so now you're telling me that, if Harry Styles were right here, right now, you'd actually have the courage to go up to him yourself?"
She couldn't help but smile. At least, the fact that he took the opportunity to tease her about her celebrity crush was an indicator that he was in a good enough mood. "Alright, let's go say hi." She relented.
"I appreciate you watching out of me." He placed his hands on her cheeks, kissing her, and giggling against her lips bit at the sound of the girls squealing behind him before he went over to greet them.
He sweetly introduced himself as Matty and gave each woman a hug, whispering "nice to meet you, Darlin'" as he pulled them in. He signed the backs of their itineraries, agreed to FaceTime a friend, and stood for pictures with them.
"Do you wanna take it or do you want me to take it? Actually, you know what? My girlfriend, here, can take it...Babe?" He gestured for her to come closer, "do you mind?" handing her the girls' phones.
"See? That wasn't so bad, was it?" he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer and whispering in her ear as they walked away, waving the girls goodbye and wishing them a safe trip.
"I never said it would be bad! I was-"
"Just trying to take care of me, I know." He kissed her cheek. "But I'm okay. Really. Cuz I've got you."
The flight seemed off to a good start, with her and the guys taking turns at sitting with, and distracting, Matty from his thought spiral. Take off was a bit rough for a moment; he visibly broke a sweat and almost crushed her hand in his while the plane settled into altitude. She quickly brought him back the a calm enough state after that, though. They argued over which film to watch, eventually agreed to each watch their own choice, before Matty petulantly abandoned his screen and begged to watch whatever she was watching instead. This, of course, meant that she had to pause and explain the plot to him, bring him up to speed. She pretended to be annoyed with him, but secretly, she was glad for it because, the more that she actively participated in distracting him, the less likely it was that he'd let his mind wander and start overthinking.
Her plan seemed to be working, until it wasn't. 7 hours into the flight, Matty's senses were overwhelmed. He could no longer block the anxious thoughts away by steering his attention towards her, his friends, or whatever forms of entertainment were available to him. He even got out his laptop, tried to do some work to keep his mind occupied, but as time went on, his anxiety sucked more and more of his energy, until his will inevitably weakened, and he succumbed to the catastrophic thinking...
His eardrums pounded with the sound of his own heartbeat, the sounds of his surroundings being reduced to a faint, persistent whisper. He felt the air get sucked out of his lungs, panting and sweating as his eyes scanned the tight quarters. The voice inside his head screamed for him to leave the airplane, but he was aware enough to know that it was physically impossible to escape. Both sides of his brain locked in an impossible battle, the result was a near-complete paralysis. He lost the feeling in his limbs, his vision going blurry. Even breathing became a consuming conscious task. He felt like he was drowning underwater.
"M-matty? my love, what's the matter?" She was immediately alarmed when she'd glanced away from her book to check in with him. "You look like you're gonna be sick...Do you need me to call for someone?"
With great effort, Matty shook his head, looking helplessly at her.
"Talk to me, honey..."
"P-panic attack." he stuttered, short-winded and struggling to breathe.
The words brought instant tears to her eyes, and for a moment, she was overwhelmed by how quickly his pain had crushed her heart, but she wasn't about to make this about herself.
Delicately, she reached around his neck, loosing his tie. "I'm gonna take this off, okay?" explaining each of her movements as she did them so as not to startle him with anything unexpected. Matty's scattered brain was, of course, much too overwhelmed to process anything that she was saying to him, but the softness of her tone somehow made him nod anyway. She stood up, looking a few rows behind her, for George. They'd made an agreement that she would signal to him if she needed his help. Unfortunately, though, George was sound asleep, from what she could tell.
Shifting her attention back to Matty. "I'm gonna undress you, okay?"
She unbuttoned his button-down. "Honey, are you with me? need you to take off your undershirt, okay? it's much too tight."
When he made no effort to follow her instructions, she reached over and took it off for him. “Okay, I’ve got a better shirt for you in my bag. I just need to get it from the overhead bin, alright? I’ll be right back, okay?” 
Matty might as well have been asleep; he made no movement or attempt to acknowledge her, which broke her heart to a million pieces. 
She hurried over to George’s seat kicking it roughly to wake him up. 
“He needs you.” She simply stated as soon as she saw George’s eyes flutter open. 
George cleared his throat several times. “R-right. I’m up; I’m up. I promise.” He stood up, peaking ahead of him to wear Matty was seated. “He’s…naked?” 
She rolled her eyes. “Obviously, I’m getting him clothes. But I need you, you gentle giant. Help me get my bag before you sit with him? Just need to get his stuff…”
George sprung into action, following her commands swiftly while she went through her bag to find a 1975 crew neck that was two sizes too big on Matty, and a pair of his joggers. She’d packed them when he insisted on wearing his shirt and tie to the airport, hoping she’d use them under happier circumstances, but right now, she was just glad she’d thought ahead. She went over to the flight attendant and grabbed him some water to go along with the sleeping pills. 
By the time that she’d made it back to their seats George, had somehow talked Matty into reclining his seat, closing his eyes, and apparently leant  him some headphones. “What- how-“
George, ever the wizard, just shrugged. “It’s all I could think of, alright?”
She broke into a smile, kissing her friend’s balding head. “You’re an Angel, George.”
“Hmm.” George hummed, smirking. “Listen, I’ll go get a coffee to wake myself up. Give me a shout if you need me, yeah?”
Matty got through the reminder of the flight relatively alright. While he didn't manage to fall asleep, despite the sleeping pills she'd given him, nor did he manage to eat any real meals, the first class reclining chairs were comfortable enough for him to close his eyes and focus on an audio book for a couple of hours, and he did nibble on a piece of buttered toast while wrapped himself up in the blanket she'd bought him and shuffling through her especially curated playlist. The anxiety never completely left him, but he was happy to endure a lower-level persistent anxiousness instead of the sudden panic attack that had gripped him earlier.
At long last, they'd touched down and began their journey out of the airport. Matty always wondered if the arrivals terminal is universally more difficult to get through, or if his impatience to finally be done with the travel part always made it seem so, regardless of where in the world he'd found himself.
At baggage claim, the stress of the journey seemed to catch up to him. He wrapped his armed around her waist, burying his face into the side of her neck and breathing in her scent. Just when he'd closed his eyes, hoping to catch a breath while they waited for the couple of items that they could neither ship ahead of time, nor bring in their carry-ons, to appear on the carousel, he became aware of a couple of people catching on to his presence.
"No, Matty, please." her hand grabbed onto his arm around her waist when she felt him slip away from her, getting ready to greet the fans.
"It's fine, Darlin'" his voice was heavy with sleep, as were his eyes.
She sighed, this time, she couldn't be supportive of his decision. As she spotted his guitar and got ready to retrieve it, she overheard him apologize to a few people for "looking sweaty" and mumbling something about jet lag. Ross stepped in to help her with the bag, listening silently and nodding in agreement as she whispered her complaints about Matty's lack of boundaries. If she'd let him get a word in edgewise, he'd have said "you should've seen him when our career first started, he was acting like he was every fan's best mate." George joined Matty for a moment, saying a quick hello to everyone before politely excusing himself and pulling his friend away. "We've gotta go, Matty, c'mon."
Though George had succeeded in extracting Matty away, his victory was short-lived. At the airport gates, the guys were surprised to find a group of more than just a handful of fans waiting for them. Phone cameras flashed as soon as the gates opened, the crowd calling out and vying for the band's attention.
Adam was the first to jump into their designated car as it pulled up by the side of the building. Ross and George followed shortly behind him. Matty, on the other hand, was quickly separated from them when he paused momentarily, slightly thrown off, by the presence of people on both sides of the gates.
She rushed over to him, taking his hand and pulling him towards the car. For a moment, Matty let her lead the way, trailing behind her with a hand on her hip to keep from losing her. He kept his head down, but closer he got to the crowd, the louder they were, and the faster his heart beat. His palms were beginning to sweat and breathing was getting difficult again. A voice in the back of his head told him to stop, to take a look around and stop staring at his feet, and when he did, he saw the faces of the people looking at him and he couldn't help it. He let go of her hand, walking over to one group, while the other screamed out his name.
She attempted to call out his name, but her voice was drowned out by the phones beeping, cameras flashing, and excited chatter. She stood there, astounded as he smiled and hugged a few people, apologizing that he couldn't sign someone's phone case because he didn't have a pen on him.
He turned around to the second group, "I promise, I'll get to all of you if we don't cause too much trouble and security doesn't get involved. could we...maybe just move away from the gates?"
She sighed, exasperated by the lengths he was going to. He was practically behaving like a event organizer, ushering people away from the rest of the public.
As well intentioned as his plan was, it did not work out quite as he’d imagined. the moment that he moved people away from the airport gates, everyone naturally formed a circle around him, a few people elbowing their way to the front. He was trapped.
Matty froze in place, fighting to keep his expression straight and suppress the fight or flight response that had kicked in. What had he done? The illusion that he had any control at all over the situation was quickly blown away. She could see his hands shaking by the sides of his body as he struggled to regulate his breathing. She couldn’t take it anymore.
She squeezed her way past an appreciable number of people, trying to get to Matty. “Excuse me, yeah, could I just- get through. Thanks.” She grabbed his hand. “Hey, you,” and leaned into his ear “Matty, whatever you think you’re doing, it’s not smart. Let’s leave.”
“Just a second. Almost done.” He whispered, fully aware that there was no way people weren’t listening to their conversation.
“You’re not feeling well, let’s get in the car, please?”
“A few more people-“ she pulled him by the arm dragging him away from people and towards the car. Matty waved apologetically at groaning people who were mumbling how unfair this was, dipping his head low and rushing to keep up with  her. 
The chatter between the guys in the car fell silent as she and Matty climbed in. They settled into the backseat with Matty instantly clinging to her and resting his head on her chest as the car drove away. Her hands reflexively found his hair, running her fingers through it and kissing his forehead.
“Baby? Could I just say something?” Matty spoke, finally breaking the dead silence, once they’d made it onto the highway. 
“I don’t wanna hear it.” She said firmly.
Ross and Adam exchanged a look of surprise. Clearly impressed with, and in support of, her new tone.
Matty lifted his head halfway off of her looking up at her. “But I’d just like to explain-“
“I said I don’t wanna hear it. Can we not talk about it right now?”
He replaced his head back on her body, her hands resuming their soothing motions through his hair. “Can tell you’re angry.” He mumbled. 
“No shit! Of course I’m angry.” He heard her heartbeat rise as she spoke. Her hands still comforting him though her tone was definitely sharp. 
“I just wanna-“
“I said I don’t want to have this conversation right now, and yet, you keep fuckin’ pushing. Look, I know you love your fans. You’re grateful. And, honestly, it is one of the greatest joys of my life watching you interact with them. The knowledge that you can be so tender and compassionate- not just with me me, not with your family, the boys, your friends- but with complete strangers as well…that’s what makes you a man in my eyes. So, trust me, Matty, I don’t say this lightly, but you have absolutely no boundaries. You’re a pushover!”
Matty was quiet for a moment, taking in the gravity of her words. “Okay, I can see why you’d think that.” he opened his eyes, looking up her through his hair. “But could I just explain my side of things?”
“There is no ‘your side’! You are mentally and physically exhausted. Matty- you were literally shaking. And, this wasn’t a professional event! This wasn’t a signing or a meet-and-greet!”
“That’s exactly why l-“
“My point is, it wasn’t safe! What if someone’d gotten hurt? What if you’d gotten hurt? There was no security to control the situation. Nobody to help or be held accountable! There’s a reason everyone else was sitting in this car, and not out there with you.”
“I get it.” Matty conceded.
“We were all bending over backwards to make sure you’re okay, then you go and willingly put yourself in a stressful situation that would trigger you. I mean,” she shook her head, speechless. 
“I just- I’m sorry.”
“I know. Let’s just not talk about it anymore. Alright?”
Matty’s arms squeezed around her waist as he nuzzled his face deeper into her chest, kissing her skin in a silent apology.
The car fell into another silent lull, until, several minutes later, George peaked his head from the passengers seat and told her and Matty not to check Twitter. 
“Oh, god. What’d you have to say that for? You know Matty’s gonna wanna see it now!” Adam groaned, chastising George. 
“What?” George shrugged. “I said ‘whatever you do, don’t check Twitter,’ I didn’t say to hurry up and check it.”
“I’ve literally been biting my tongue this whole ride.”
Matty, who’d been  half asleep in her arms, pulled out his phone, blinking rapidly to adjust to the light of the screen. 
Just as he’d suspected, photos of him being dragged away from adoring fans were already circulating the internet. All captioned with dramatic out of context narratives. 
“Matty Healy and gf argue in the middle of airport parking lot”
“1975 front man  physically dragged away from fans by possessive gf.”
Comments embellished the description using every colorful name in the book. From “jealous” and “immature” to “frigid witch.”
Matty set his phone down, neither one of them said anything. They spent the remainder of their ride to the hotel in silence. 
“How’re you feeling?” She emerged out of the bathroom, walking over to Matty’s slumped over figure on the bed. 
“I’m sleepy, and hungry, and tired, and I smell like airplane.” He mumbled. “I’m also sad.”
“Why’re you sad?” She bent down to kiss his nose. 
“Cuz you’re mad at me. You don’t seem to understand- the fans…they’re like the most important thing. Unless I’m physically tied down, I will always go out there and meet them. Never gonna be dismissive. Never gonna make them feel like they don’t matter to me.” Matty sat up in bed, taking her hands in his, and pulling her closer to him. “You can’t put out the kind of music that I put out, and then pretend not to want anything to do with the people who listen to it.” She nodded, attempting to signal that she was on his side. “There are ways of saying ‘sorry, not today guys.’ Without being dismissive or rude.”
“I hope you know, that’s never gonna be me. I’d never say that to them. It’s just not who I am.”
“I know. I don’t expect you to suddenly change. I just hope you don’t expect me to either. Cuz I’m still gonna worry about you and try to protect you when you’re in over your head.”
Matty smiled at her with droopy eyes. “Deal.” He kissed her lips. 
“Sorry they’re saying mean shit online.”
“Are you kidding me? I’ve wanted to be a witch since I was a little girl!” She giggled. “Now, c’mon. I ran us a bath.”
“Wait…us? Like you AND me?”
“You had a really rough day today, huh?” She whispered as she snuggled into him, getting comfortable in their hotel bed. 
Matty turned on his side to face her, the smell of her freshly washed hair calming his mind. “Couldn’t have gotten through it without you.” He kissed her cheek. “Thank you.”
“Of course, baby.”
“Could we just…stay here, in this bed, for ever. Just you and me. Where it’s safe, soft, quiet.”
“Sounds like a great idea. Yeah, let’s do that.”
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lukaherehelp · 7 months
Playboyy EP1 - "Sex is about everyone"
okey, let's get it:
The fountain a la WAP really fits the show, ain't going to lie.
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Something tells me that Zouy liked/likes Nant, idk why. Like, they are showing us that Zouy and Nant were pretty close and Nant was definetly a safe space for Zouy for everything, sex talk included. September 15th, 2022 - what was your wish, Zouy?
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"Pacebook". I love this show, I swear. Now, the video is posted on the 18th although the video is from a year ago, but also: First's comment asking "where are you? are you coming to class?" was made 2 weeks ago. So... Nant went missing at the beginning of 3rd year.
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as I said before, hilarious that Zouy and Jade share the same laptop, "Deadline is faster than Karma" is the true collegue/uni experience!
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The parallels to OF are strong but I'm not going to go deep into it. A little tmi: I'm a virgin, I'm not ashame of it and never will be. On contrary to Zouy (and Mew) I'm lucky to have friends since my high school years that never cared neither pressured me into changing this about me. As everyone fuckin should. And that's the commentary both shows are doing on this. But we are going to focus on Playboyy here. Zouy pointing out that Porche, Captain and First being so on the nose about each others sex lifes is the reason Nant went missing, is a really valid point. This group probably met each other on 1st year, so at 18 years old. That's still an age were you can easily sucumb to pressure from your "friends" whom are just giving "friendly advice", while you are trying to "fit in". But it can get you into serious trouble. Porsche, Captain and First are finding out now that their "harmless" behaviour can lead to bad things happening to others only because these others (Nant and Zouy) wanna "fit in" with the group with them.
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Feeling all those eyes on you, even if they are "friendly", is a heavy burden.
Now, the whole scene with Jump was highly amusing at the begining, but when it came the time to be Jump and Zouy to be alone, it was painful to watch for the same reason I just talked about but also gives us more insight on Zouy's relationship with sex: he's not ready to get physical yet but he still gets horny like the rest of the lads in this household (everyone is horny 24/7, I love them)
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baby boy was so out of his element, come here, let me wrap you in a blankie. is okey.
Now, I must say: Him asking Jump to pose like Rose in Titanic IS FUCKIN HILARIOUS. PEAK ART CLICHÉ. He really said "I want to paint you like one of my french girls" and I almost busted a lung laughing.
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I feel like this is some random model drawing, not Nant. But I could be wrong.
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Another moment that knocked the air out of my lungs: Porche and Captain walking on Zouy and First. CAN WE PLEASE START LOCKING THE FUCKIN DOORS? DIDN'T WE LEARNED FROM VENUS IN THE SKY?!
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This "punishment" is not effective at all but deeply amusing.
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Zouy comments again how uncomfortable this makes him and I feel so sorry for him. I know the rest are just trying "to help" but they are not helping at all. Their behaviour got Nant into trouble in the first place and Zouy clearly doesn't wanna end like him as well...
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Now, the demon @respectthepetty has teached us well about color and I wanna point out:
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Zouy's backack is yellow... and so is Teena's bike
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Also, lowkey introducing us to Keen. Captain gets so distracted side-eyeing him that he ends up bumping into Puen. And it adds another problem: the rich kids don't like the scholarship students.
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They know what they are doing...
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... and I thank them for it *cue chrome arts by onlyoneof*
See, this is when I started loosing my shit:
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Sir, we get it, you are hot af, BUT 5FT WAY PLEASE, WE JUST MET.
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fuckin hell Kaowoat, you are a beautiful man, lord have mercy on me.
I'm going to end up with a collection of this three and there reactions, am I not?
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bubblegum-gf · 6 months
Can we interest you in rtumblr, all of the time?
I covered @dweebodoodle's Welcome to Rtumblr with SynthV Kevin!
Lyrics and stuff under cut
Original song by Bo Burnham SVP/Tuning by me Lyrics by Dweebo (I made a few edits just so it fits with the song better)
Welcome to Rtumblr! Have a look around Anything unexpected you think of can be found We've got mountains of lore, some wholesome, some cursed If these things are confusing you, well you ain't the first
Welcome to the Rtumblr! Come and take a seat Would you like to see Plex News or maybe Kevin having feet? There's no need to panic, this isn't a test Just nod or shake your head and we'll do the rest
Welcome to the Rtumblr! What would you prefer? Would you like to see preggy Clippy or observe Cuppy's tits? Be happy! Be horny! Be bursting with rage! We got a million different ways to engage!
Welcome to Rtumblr! Put your brain aside Here's some adorable fan art and RTSans fucking died! We got Boards, and roleplay, and some therapy And a bunch of colored pencil drawings of all the different RT AUs and personas fighting each other
Welcome to Rtumblr! Hold on to your ass Cuz a random guy just kindly blazed the Board onto your dash It is lengthy and it's low-res Your tumblr just crashed! Don't be surprised, you ain't seen shit just yet so-
See a capitalist, but what is this, he's a twink Here's some all new RT AUs and more at least every week Start a theory, wanna hear-y Fluffy's dandelion theory? Where Magical John from Miitopia says that they have milkies in their-
Do you wanna join our roleplays? You should take their hat Here's the canonical mpreg and here's Magic John x Chat Which Irish Lad are you? Take this quirky quiz So tell me now do all these things just make you want to scream?
Can we interest you in Rtumblr all of the time? A little bit of Rtumblr, all of the time? Apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime Anything and everything all of the time
Can we interest you in Rtumblr all of the time? A little bit of Rtumblr, all of the time? Apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime Anything and everything all of the time
You know, it wasn't always like this...
Not very long ago Just before our time Right before the RTBreaks Year 2020 There was art, headcanons, a fan song or two We set our sights and spent our nights Waiting...
For you You... Innocent soul you Watched RTGame on your IPad The Rumble Tumble himself Tumblr did all the things we designed it to do
Now look at you Look at you! You, you! Innocent, confused Your time is now, you know it now Honey how you grew! And if we stick together, who knows what we'll do? It was always the plan to put these things in your head
Can we interest you in Rtumblr all of the time? A bit of Rtumblr, all of the time? Apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime Anything and everything all of the time
Can we interest you in Rtumblr all of the time? Little bit of Rtumblr, all of the time? Apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime Anything and everything and anything and everything and anything and everything and All of the time
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bippot · 2 years
Do you think Eddie would be good at drawing¿? He's a creative guy clearly. (Just wanna see some artistic smut, if possible (if not, don't worry)
I totally think this absolute lad can draw.
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Summary: Can Eddie Munson draw? Hell yeah. He even has a favourite thing to sketch. Well, it's more a who rather than an it.
Additional Tags: Fluff and Smut, Established Relationship, Drawing, Biting, Mommy Issues, implied childhood neglect
Song Recommendation: Knock on Wood by Eddie Floyd
Stranger Things, Eddie Munson Masterlist - here
There were a few skills that Eddie loved to show off. His sick guitar abilities being the main one. His singing voice was pretty good too. And the way he crafted engaging stories for his campaigns was one of the things he was most proud of.
Eddie Munson was an all-round creative guy. He could do it all.
Can he draw, I hear you ask? Yeah, But, strangely, that was one talent that he didn't like to show off. It was something he always did with his mother when he was younger, and he remembered how much fun it would be to create little comics and write songs with her. He liked to draw, yes, but he only let those closest to him know that he could.
Members of the Hellfire Club all got little portraits of their PC's for their birthdays. 
Wayne would often walk into Eddie's room and see him doodling away in his sketchbook, which was a recurring Christmas gift from uncle to nephew every year.
And Y/N loved watching him sketch and doodle so much. She was especially supportive of his art and would read to him while he did his drawings, which he enjoyed immensely. For better or for worse, she knew almost everything about him.
Yet, there was one thing she didn't know. She had no idea that his favourite picture to draw was... well, it was her. His girlfriend, his sweetheart, his love, she was the prettiest thing he'd ever seen, so he had to capture her beauty whenever he could.
The girl whose picture he was currently drawing was lying on the bed, sound asleep, looking completely adorable. His pencil hovered over the paper, and he took in every detail of her features. Her hair was spread around her on the pillows, and her lips were parted slightly in sleep. The sheets pooled around her body, and her eyes were shut tightly, her chest rising up and down slowly. It was unfair that anyone should have that kind of beauty.
Under the lamplight, he couldn't take his eyes off of her. He had to capture this moment forever, so he carefully took a pencil and started to outline the contours of her face. The curves of her jawline and cheekbones, and then the delicate arch of her eyebrows, her eyes, her lips…
"What are you drawing?"
Her soft, sleepy voice caused him to jump in surprise and turn quickly to look at her, startled. "Nothing," he answered, a slight blush painting his cheeks as his gaze flicked away, back down towards his drawing, flipped the cover over and threw it to the floor.
"Real subtle, Munson."
Sluggishly, she crawled on top of him, sitting on his lap with her knees flush to his hips as they rested against the headboard, and looked down at his face. There were dark circles under his eyes, and his hair was messy and unkempt. She brushed the fringe of hair out of his face with gentle fingertips, tucking a lock behind his ear tenderly.
His hands came up to rest on her waist, fingers brushing lightly along her sides before finding their way into her hair and pulling her close. Their lips met softly in a tender kiss. "You look exhausted," she commented softly after breaking their kiss.
"Couldn't sleep."
He yawned slightly, closing his eyes momentarily. She kissed his temple gently and rubbed his shoulders soothingly, trying to calm him. He seemed to relax slightly under her touch, sighing softly and leaning into the warm caress she provided for him.
"Come here," she whispered, pulling him closer. She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly, her own tiredness temporarily forgotten as he buried his face in her neck, breathing deeply. She stroked his back soothingly, her hand moving slowly up his side until it was playing with his curls. They stayed like that for what seemed like hours to her, enjoying the closeness of each other, both lost in thought about nothing in particular.
Eventually, Eddie pulled back slightly, gazing at her lovingly, resting his forehead against hers as he pleaded, "Kiss?"
"I've got morning breath."
"Don't care." She laughed quietly and kissed him softly, pressing herself against his chest. He ran his hands down her body in slow motion, feeling the curve of her hips as he trailed them from her waist to her waistband and then lower again.
After a while, they reluctantly disentangled themselves from each other, smiling goofily at each other. He climbed down on the bed and turned over so that he faced her, propping himself up on his elbow an inch or two away. She mirrored him.
"So, why aren't you sleeping?" She asked, her voice still husky and full of sleepiness. Eddie shrugged his shoulders and leaned forward, placing one of his hands under her pillow and using the other to brush some stray strands away from her face.
"Bad dreams."
"Nightmares?" Her voice sounded concerned, her brows furrowing together as she studied his expression. She reached out to hold the side of his face in her palm, caressing her thumb along his cheekbone. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Dismissively, he shook his head. "Nope. Don't really wanna bother you with my problems," he joked half heartedly, attempting to lighten the mood. She didn't seem amused.
"I'm listening if you need to talk," she told him sincerely, her voice now full of worry and compassion. He nodded, taking her hand in his and bringing it to his mouth, kissing the palm of her hand. They were silent for a couple minutes while he tried to think of what to say to her.
Finally, he admitted quietly, "I guess... I guess I just miss her sometimes." She cocked her head and watched him closely. He didn't look up at her. "I know it's stupid, but I'm just... missing her. I don't know why. I mean, she left me and I miss her."
Y/N squeezed his hand reassuringly. She knew he was talking about his mother, who wasn't the nicest lady in the world.
"It's okay. You're allowed to."
"I shouldn't miss her though..." His voice trailed off and he swallowed thickly, blinking hard as he stared resolutely at the wall opposite him. She scooted closer to him, wrapping both her arms around him and hugging him tightly as he pressed his forehead against her shoulder. He closed his eyes, trying hard to control the emotions surging through him.
Honestly, it took a while, but when he felt calmer, he lifted his head and smiled faintly at her. "Thank you."
"For what?"
"For listening to me." He kissed her softly and laid his head back down against her shoulder, his arm wrapping around her waist and closing his eyes. It was moments like these that made her fall even more in love with him. He was the sweetest person she had ever met, and he was so open about how he actually felt. He never hid anything like that from her.
"Anytime." Her hand found its way into his hair once again and started running through it gently. He sighed contentedly and nuzzled his nose against her collarbone. She felt him smile against her skin before kissing it. They remained in that position for quite some time and eventually fell asleep, curled up together, holding each other tight, their arms intertwined. Neither of them were pulling away any time soon.
When the sun began to become too bright to ignore anymore, they woke up. Eddie opened his eyes, instantly regretting it when the brightness hurt them. He blinked rapidly and adjusted to the sudden, harsh light. He turned his face away from it in disgust and pushed it further into her skin to block it out as his arm tightened around her waist.
"Good morning, darling."
A pair of lips kissed the side of his head, and he hummed softly in response. His lips curved into a small smile despite the fact that it hurt him to move so much right now. He was still extremely tired and didn't want to leave his spot, and she wasn't letting go.
"You're so warm," Y/N breathed softly into his ear, pressing another kiss against his forehead. He let out a hum, not wanting to be separated from her any longer than he absolutely needed to.
The moment she knew he was waking up was when his occasional kisses turned into bites. Tired Eddie was a complete sap. Awake Eddie was a fucking gremlin. She groaned lowly at the pain that ran through her shoulder but didn't move away from him, not even when he bit her again, harder this time.
"Ow, you little bitch!" She giggled as she rolled onto him and pinned him against the mattress. He gazed up at her adoringly, running his hands down her body, feeling her smooth skin underneath his hands.
He noticed the bite mark he'd left on her shoulder and ran his finger across it gently. "Sorry," he said, his tone filled with mock remorse. "I couldn't resist."
"How would you like it, huh? If I used you as my own personal chew toy like you do with me?" She poked his stomach playfully as he ran his thumb gently back and forth against her hip bone.
A mischievous grin spread across his face, causing her stomach to flip flop inside out. "You could try it...but I doubt you'll get very far," he muttered teasingly, his eyes sparkling wickedly. His hands impishly began to squeeze at her sides, making her squeal loudly. She pushed his hands away, laughing, and tried to roll off him, but he held her fast and tickled her mercilessly, forcing more laughter out of her.
Finally, she gave in and stopped fighting against him, simply allowing him his amusement without protest. "Stop, stop. Eddie, stop. You win. You win," she laughed breathlessly.
After a couple seconds, he finally stopped, smugly grinning and staring down at her with wide brown eyes which glowed brightly with triumph. "That's what you get," he teased with an air of self satisfaction.
"You're such a jerk."
"But you love me anyway, baby."
She rolled her eyes fondly, reaching up to ruffle his messy bed head affectionately, but he grabbed her arm on the way and placed a gentle kiss on the spot where his teeth had touched her earlier.
"I love you, too," she confessed, honestly. "Even if you are an annoying and immature bitch boy." He grinned and moved his free hand to trace patterns across her skin, occasionally rubbing circles around her nipple, eliciting a moan from her throat.
"What did you just call me?" he smirked cockily as he slid his other hand between her legs, brushing his fingers lightly against her wet centre.
"I didn't... Oh fuck.." She was flustered suddenly, biting her lip as she stared helplessly at him. He chuckled at her reaction and pressed one of his fingers deep inside her, eliciting yet another moan from her.
"Oh, come on, you can't deny it," he grinned, continuing to tease her as he worked. Her eyes flashed down in pleasure as her body arched towards his. "There we go," he whispered, lowering his head towards hers to kiss her slowly and deeply.
As he began to move his hand faster and deeper inside her, she began to whimper, grabbing at his shirt, desperately searching for support, which only made him pull away and laugh, shaking his head at her. He added another finger and almost drooled just seeing her face.
Unsurprisingly, he was enjoying playing with her, and he relished every second of it – especially when she reacted to his ministrations by clenching around his fingers tightly, moaning softly, and squeezing her thighs together as she threw her head back with pleasure. When he realized she was nearing the end, he pulled away slightly and smiled wickedly, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
"Come on, baby, you know how much I like it when you beg for me." Her face flushed immediately upon hearing what he said, biting her lip as her hips jutted upwards in response, desperate for him to continue.
Frankly, she was a little annoyed at the power he had over her, annoyed how easily she'd follow his instructions.
Using all the resolve she had left, she inched closer to his ear and coquetted in a seductive whisper, "I'm not going to beg for you. For once, I want to see you beg for me." Her voice had dropped an octave, and she could feel his erection growing beneath her. He stiffened and clenched his jaw, biting his lower lip, visibly struggling to control himself.
"Wha- What?" Her words seemed to dumbfound him for a moment. A smirk formed on her lips as she continued to stroke her hips against his.
"Beg for me."
Like an eagle, she was watching him carefully as his breathing became uneven and his pupils dilated considerably. She was certain that he wanted her more than anything now. So much so, he didn't notice she had removed one of her hands from his chest to rest it on the side of his neck, caressing his cheek tenderly. His breathing increased and he stared intensely at her, a slight smile on his lips. 
Trying to regain some composure, he weakly joked, "That's not how this tends to work, sweetheart." He chuckled dryly, attempting to regain some of his usual confidence.
"Really? Because it seems to be working." Her fingers slipped from the side of his neck to caress his jawline slowly, sliding along his cheek and down to rest over his pulse point. She felt it jump violently under her fingertips at her touch.
Slowly, she began to trail downwards, dragging her nails slightly against his chest, drawing out soft moans from him. She smiled smugly as he shuddered underneath her. "See?"
Eddie swallowed thickly, struggling to fight the urge to buck his hips upward, and instead, he merely gripped at the sheets below him and let her run her nails across him slowly, a low whine escaping his throat every few seconds.
"...Fuck…" he gasped quietly, squeezing handfuls of the blankets in desperation to stop himself. He tensed at her movements and looked down at her apprehensively, but she didn't meet his gaze, instead focusing on what she was doing to him. She trailed her fingers down his stomach, stopping briefly at the waistband of his boxers, before moving her hand back up to his chest.
Why was her taking the lead turning him on so much? Wasn't he supposed to be the dominant one here? The one who would take charge? 
He gritted his teeth at the sensation. She could have just taken the opportunity and fucked him then and there, but no, she wanted this, wanted to give him exactly what he craved.
"You're pushing your luck, Y/N." The corner of his mouth twitched upwards when he saw her eyebrows raise, almost as if daring him to stop her. And he had to say... he kind of liked it.
Feigning innocence, her voice was playful as her fingers played around with the hem of his boxers. "Am I? Because I've got a hunch that you're completely and utterly obsessed with me." Her hand reached his boxers, and she pulled them slowly down his hips until they were hanging low around his thighs.
"A hunch?" he repeated, swallowing roughly. He watched as her eyes fell to where he had thrown his sketchbook earlier in the morning, and she reached down to retrieve it. 
Somewhere in his mind, he got the urge to playfully push her off the bed, but refrained from doing it because that might kill the sexy mood.
Y/N lifted his sketchbook, which was a different one than the one he usually used around her, and laid it on his chest, explaining, "Did you think I didn't see you drawing me earlier?" She smiled down at him, looking pleased with herself as he blushed furiously and averted his gaze, embarrassed at having been caught red-handed.
"Oh." He cleared his throat. "Well... yeah." She raised her eyebrow at him in disbelief, and he chuckled uncomfortably. "Okay, fine. Maybe I did draw you a little bit, yeah."
Smiling, she opened his sketchbook. Her face soon dropped into one of pure shock. She'd expected one drawing of her. One. There were a lot more than just one. Dozens upon dozens upon dozens, all of her. He'd sketched her countless times. He never drew all of her. 
Instead, he always focused on aspects of her. How her eyes crinkled in happiness. Or her lips curled upwards into a mischievous smile. Or how her long hair tumbled wildly around her shoulders. 
There were a few more raunchy ones, like what she assumed was her ass (because honestly, a lot of asses look similar) being grabbed by his ringed hand, or her neck littered with lovebites, or how her back looked just after he'd unclipped her bra and...
"Oh look, my blowjob eyes." 
In awe, she flipped through the sketches with wide eyes, her cheeks growing warmer with each picture she saw. Each one brought about new memories for her, both happy and painful in their own right. It made her wonder just why Eddie had even bothered drawing some of these things in the first place, but knowing him, he probably chose random pieces from his memory, hoping to somehow recreate her in his mind.
"I know it's kind of creepy, but I don't know...you just look really beautiful," he shrugged shyly, scratching the back of his head. "I guess I just needed to capture it permanently."
She gazed up at him adoringly, smiling widely, tears threatening to spill as she brushed a stray strand of hair out of his eye. He still looked nervous and uncertain, as though he wasn't sure how she would react to seeing such intimate pictures of herself. 
"They are quite adorable, actually." He breathed a sigh of relief, chuckling and running his hands gently up and down her sides. "And perfectly backs up my point: you're obsessed with me."
There was no way he could deny that now. Even if his ego didn't appreciate it, his love definitely enjoyed it.
Looking back down at the drawings, she pointed to one of her mouth with his thumb between her lips (which presumably happened because they needed to be quiet) and seductively offered, "Want to recreate this one?"
He nodded.
"Okay. Win me over. Make it really whiny."
"Y/N, my love, my life, my everything…please..."
All of her attention snapped to him. 
"Please fuck me," he whispered hoarsely, his eyes dark with desire. "I'm all yours. Please, please, please. Just fuck me."
The desperation in his voice sent chills through her whole body, making her moan softly as she leaned forward and kissed him feverishly, kissing him deeply, trying to drown his pleas in hers. Her hand roamed through his curls and tangled around the strands while she cupped his face, pressing her tongue against his parted lips as her kisses became softer and more gentle. 
As their tongues danced around each other, she slid her fingers between the elastic band of his boxers and ran her hand down the length of his shaft, revelling in the deep moan emitting from his lips, and lined them up. She started slowly, sinking down on him inch by agonizing inch, savouring the delicious sensations of him stretching inside her.
"Ask me to start moving." She commanded huskily against his lips. She had been playing with him for far too long already, and he was clearly getting impatient.
"Y/N," he groaned, lifting his head slightly to speak. His voice sounded strained and desperate, causing heat to flood her abdomen at the sound of his pleading. He begged breathlessly, "Please move, or I will move you."
Grinning wickedly, she began bouncing on him steadily, feeling his muscles contract beneath her. He arched his back and clutched the sheets tightly as she moved rhythmically, rubbing up and down on him. His eyes fluttered shut involuntarily, and he let his head fall back against the wall, moaning loudly. He was clenching his fists tightly beneath the sheet and yanking at it desperately.
"You know... you could always draw this later, if you promise not to show anyone." Her words came out slightly slurred, her lips brushing his earlobe every time she spoke. She smirked as she heard his gasp, her fingers lightly tracing patterns on his skin. "How does that sound?"
He moaned louder, pulling her closer to him, gripping her waist tightly with his hands as she continued thrusting slowly against him. She pressed her forehead against his and closed her eyes, enjoying the intoxicating taste of him. 
"Fuck, Y/N...I will." She felt him tugging at her hair, and she turned her head to press a tender kiss to his neck. His voice was deep and hoarse with passion, a little broken as she continued to thrust against him.
Instinctively, his grip tightened around her waist and he lifted his hips upward, thrusting up into her. "Fuck me harder..."
"Anything you want, baby." 
Her words were seductive as she nipped at his neck, relishing in the sounds of pleasure he was making. She rocked her hips faster against him, digging her nails into his skin. He let out a borderline embarrassing squeak, bucking his hips against her roughly, and she laughed against his ear, loving the sound of his breathless moans filling the room.
If it wasn't apparent before, she had him hooked. Hook, line, and sinker. She knew that. He knew that.. But hearing the raw emotion laced in his tone only heightened her arousal, sending shivers through her.
Pulling away to catch her breath for a moment, she sucked hard against his jaw and nibbled on his neck. He growled lowly, the vibrations making her shudder, and he shifted on top of her, his erection buried painfully deep inside her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and she gripped the sheets tight, letting out a soft moan when she felt him pull back and enter her again.
It went on like that; her fingers tangling themselves in his dark locks, their lips colliding with feverish abandon, and her leg wrapped around his waist, holding him tightly against her as he slammed into her with an almost feral intensity. 
With every thrust, she felt his entire body tense, shaking violently with lust as the intense pleasure coursed through him. Every nerve ending was electrified and every fibre of his being burned with desire. 
"Can I come yet?" He asked, panting heavily. 
"Nope." She shook her head against his shoulder and grinned at his disgruntled expression.
"Are you fucking kidding me? I have to come."
"This is payback," she said teasingly, rolling her hips against his. He growled low and panted hotly against her cheek, reaching back to grab onto her butt and pinch her skin harshly. A low grunt slipped past his lips, which caused her own to curve into a satisfied grin.
Their movements became more frantic. His movements were fast and rough, and he gritted his teeth every time he hit her g spot. She clung to his shoulders, burying her face in the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent as she moaned quietly at the sensation. The bed creaked under them, and the floorboards groaned loudly as the bed pounded against them.
"What about now?" He grunted as he pumped inside of her relentlessly, the sounds of their moans echoing off the walls.
Honestly, she wanted to give in. She was having a hard time holding on, too. But, no. This was revenge for all the times that he'd done this to her. "No...not yet," she muttered breathlessly, biting at the skin of his neck.
"Hush, you big baby." 
Reflecting his normal moves, he slid her thumb across his bottom lip and waited for him to take it into his mouth. He did so without hesitation, sucking greedily as he thrust deeper inside of her, his fingers tightening around her thighs in an effort to keep himself upright. She felt his chest vibrate with every powerful stroke and moaned softly, her hips twitching eagerly under his.
"Mmmhh, Eddie..." she moaned, feeling herself starting to slip towards the edge, and held his face with both her hands as she nodded. "Let go, baby. You deserve to come."
"Oh god! Fuck!" He groaned loudly and came undone in one quick movement: he pushed her leg open further and thrust one last time. She cried out loudly and clenched her eyes shut, unable to hold back any longer. Her orgasm ripped through her, shooting straight into his body, leaving him quivering as he came after her. 
Afterward, they lay completely still for a minute, taking in a few gasps of air as they recovered. She smiled lovingly at him as he rested against her collarbone, wrapping his arm around her waist loosely.
"Well... I just found out something new about myself," he chuckled, leaning up to look at her. He stared at her, admiring every inch of her beautiful features as he traced the outline of her jawline. "Turns out I'm a switch. Who would've guessed?
"Just about anyone who has ever laid eyes on you."
They shared another kiss, his lips lingering gently on hers before he pulled away abruptly, sitting up on his knees. "Shit, what time is it?" He glanced at his clock. "Almost noon. That's good. Uncle Wayne is working five to two, so he didn't hear me sound like a whiny bastard."
She snorted softly and playfully pushed him, causing him to lose balance and slide off the bed.
"You sound like a whiny bastard all of the time. He's used to it."
Gremlin mode: activated. He quickly got to his feet and launched at her, pinning her to the bed, pinning her arms above her head and trapping her body against the bed frame, grinning smugly. "So, I get to fuck your brains out today," he purred as he leaned down close to her face, running his nose along her cheek until he reached the corner of her lips. His lips grazed her skin lightly as he whispered, "And I get to do it twice."
'That's what you get for having a smart mouth', she thought to herself with a mischievous smirk, watching his face light up with excitement.
"And then I'm going to draw it."
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jamietxrtt · 1 year
like roy doesn’t even really have any friends besides jamie. keeley says “don’t you ever want something more than just the yoga mums?” and roy says “nope this suits me just fine” but c’mon we know he’s lying. his only friends are people who know nothing about him. and that’s how he likes it, he claims. so he can remain guarded and stoic and keep everything under control. having friends who know nothing about you is Better Actually because then nobody really gets you and if nobody gets you then nobody can hurt you.
AND THEN JAMIE COMES ALONG, jamie who is so similar to roy’s past self that it makes him want to scream sometimes, jamie who has so many parallels and shared life experiences with roy that they Get each other even if they don’t Like each other, and jamie decides “i want to be friends with roy now” and By God Nothing Will Stand In His Way, not even roy himself. so it’s just jamie going “hey can we be friends now :) can we be friends now :) can we be friends now :) can we be frien” for like a whole season straight until roy is finally like UGH. FINE.
and now they will be besties who got all of their hatred of each other out early on so that now they just Get each other. they get each other and they get how to keep each other in check. and jamie is the only one who could ever draw roy out of his shell! because of course he could! he gets roy out seeing the sights of amsterdam and teaches him how to ride a bike and takes him to see a windmill! you know what roy would’ve been doing if not for jamie? sulking for hours on end and that’s it. and that’s what he usually does at home too. but jamie JAMIE is the only one who can fucking pester him enough into going outside and Actually Enjoying Himself For Fucking Once. partially because roy just doesn’t wanna put up with jamie’s Persistence if he says no but also after a while i think it just becomes habit to, if jamie wants to go out and do something, just go with him. he might grumble and complain on the way there but he’ll be smiling on the way back :)
and from jamie’s perspective. HOO BOY. i mean hello roy kent??? childhood hero roy kent??? on the poster on his wall for 10 years roy kent hello???? there’s a reason jamie’s been trying so hard to get through to him. roy laughs at a joke jamie said once (1ce) and jamie is On Fucking Cloud Nine for the ENTIRE rest of the night. literally Beaming for hours on end.
and also i think just like. with his teammates and all that, jamie loves them, but he’s still often very concerned with how he comes off to them. he’s still trying to be very considerate about Being A Good Teammate, and being Cool, and being One Of The Lads. he likes the lads and hangs out with them but i think he worries about what they think of him a bit too much.
but with roy.... like he and roy were at each other’s throats for fucking months. they know how to handle each other’s bitchiness. jamie lashes out and says something mean to sam and sam will just get all sad puppy dog eyes until jamie’s guilt crushes him. but jamie says something mean to roy and roy is just like “fuck u dick” and jamie knows to shut his mouth and that’s that.
roy’s hated him and tolerated him and held him sobbing in his arms. they’ve both seen each other at their worst and ugliest and weakest. jamie doesn’t need to pretend to be nice bc roy knows hes a prick and jamie doesnt need to pretend to be “tough” because they’ve both seen each other cry before. so there’s no need to pretend anymore, there doesn’t have to be any work to keep up pretenses. there’s no more reputation left to burn!!! they know each other too well for that!!! which is very freeing for jamie i think as someone who’s so so obsessed with his image.
i just. roy jamie friendship has such the potential to heal them both SO SO MUCH and i need it. i need it for my soul. thank u
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mistydeyes · 11 months
Hallooo :DD I wonder if your pairings are still open so could I gracefully have a COD pairing? Ty<33
Pronouns: She / They
Appearance: Medium black hair with dark brown eyes(almost looks like black—) a thin like hourglass body shape. 5'5(HELP...) Mostly wearing turtlenecks, hoodies, n' oversized stuff.
Personality: I am an introvert and sometimes panics when ever I talk to someone I don't know. I keep myself reserved and dislike going out as much. When you get to know me better I lean onto the extroverted side and likes showing you stuff I made. A very moody person at times and my friends, based on what they say, I am a chaotic yet mother like friend. I am very easy to talk to and easygoing, I overthink a lot which usually leads to panic attacks. My friend say I laugh at the wrong time and I am not so proud of that—I am also easily distracted and place my focus on something I like rather than something I dislike. I could be manipulative at times as well as having trust issues because of past trauma :')). I sometimes have a flirting demeanor and tons of playful flirting to my best/friends and sometimes I come off as secretive based on my friends words. I prefer to care for my friends other than myself, once again trauma, and I seem to be a trustworthy friend. I have a goldfish memory which shocks me hoe much I know myself despite forgetting everything from the apat 3 hours. Also I'm very artistic! But I still suck at it smh 😔
Hobbies, Interests, work(?):
Drawing, Listening to music, Singing, and dancing! My interests are probably painting, collecting random stuff I found, playing the piano, and learning new languages! (I wanna be bilingual) I favor dogs a lot and probably adopt every dog i see which is a problem cause I can't handle so much 😭 I am currently studying in psych! Becoming an actual therapist because my friends need help, so do I.
John Price
How you met: Civilian You weren't sure what to tell people when they asked how you and John met. Technically, you didn't meet face to face until about three months after you stayed talking. You were connected through a friend of a friend due to your hobby of painting and him wanting to have a new landscape piece of artwork for his flat.
When you first heard of the request, you thought it would be simple commission. However when you talked to John and he revealed his laundry list of details, you knew this would not be something you could complete overnight. He wanted a specific landscape of a lake with trees and rolling mountains but also asked for details such as a man fishing in a boat and wildlife poking through the trees. If that wasn't bad enough, he also wanted it to be gigantic, a piece that he could display in the main foyer. If he wasn't so kind with your timeline and also the payment wasn't lucrative, you would have referred him to someone else. But unfortunately, you found yourself continuously buying paints and moving furniture around to fit the gigantic canvas in your flat. After exactly three months, you sent John a picture and agreed he would pick it up the following week. The day came and you heard your doorbell ring. You excitedly ran down the stairs to see your client in person. "John, so nice to finally meet you," you greeted as he shook your hand. "Can't thank you enough," he continued with a smile, "it was exactly how I remembered it." "Oh so this wasn't just something you found inspiration for online?" you questioned as you led him to the wrapped and packaged painting. "No, it was actually something I remembered when my Grandad used to take me fishing as a young lad," he said as you helped him to carry the large item to his car. "Well, I was happy to make that a reality for you," you replied and you both shared a tender moment. When you finally managed to get it secure on the bed of a truck, John asked if he could treat you to a meal. Maybe it was because you wanted to learn more about his past, but you readily agreed and the rest is history.
A peek into your relationship: "Y/N, we can't," John said as he tried to lead you away from the window. "But sweetheart, look at their eyes," you pleaded as you leaned down and held a hand to the window. The absolute sweetest English terrier was looking back at you and excitedly wagging his tail. John knew he was doomed as you looked at him and practically pleaded just to stop in the shop. "It's just to say hi," you promised as you entered but that was a complete lie as you fell in love with the excited puppy running around you and almost jumping into your arms. John tried to supply you all the reasons why you couldn't adopt a dog. "You don't time!" "Yes I do, I'm done with uni and plus I specialize in virtual therapy." "What if you forget to feed him?" "John, I have a goldfish memory but I would like to think I would remember to feed a pet that's right in front of me." "It doesn't make for a good guard dog" "Okay fair, but thats why I have you." No matter what he said, you always had an answer. Plus, your fiancé could deny that he loved the small pup as it pawed at his leg. With a sigh, he said you could adopt him and you peppered him with thousands of kisses. While John had to now buy all the amenities for a new pet, it was a noble sacrifice to see you so happy.
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sammywolfgirl · 1 year
Alright ramble time for my dark matter swordsman headcanon arc lore whatever the fuck
Wall under the cut!
So this guy gets Yeet from the hive mind right? And has no idea what to do. So he lives in a cave in dream land just trying to get by until gooey and friends find him.
Gooey immediately recognizes his brother and swordsman is just stunned this guy is alive! Somehow gooey convinced his caretakers (Rick Kine and Coo) to take him in too.
I haven’t got an exact timeline so this can take place before or after his character arc:tm: but someone makes the suggestion he can work as a bodyguard since the guy is a bit sturr crazy.
Some mad lad suggests he guards dedede’s castle and dedede is (very understandably) highly against this. Meta knight proposes a compromise. He works on the halberd for a time and If meta determines this guy really is no threat then he can work at the castle.
So we get dark matter swordsman arc 1: finding your purpose when you feel you’ve lost it.
Again don’t know the details but I know what plot beats I wanna hit. One is the crew slowly warming up to the beast, as well as swordsman doing so in tern, learning how to socialize and stuff because you know this guy has the social skills of a grape.
Another is him and meta knight having w conversation about purpose. Swordsman admits he isn’t sure what he should do, and also admits he feels unworthy of the kindness given to him. But is unsure how to fix these conflicting feelings. So meta suggests finding something he wants to do, a smaller goal to start out.
Dark matter swordsman admits he wants to become someone worthy of the kindness given to him, Someone proud to be called gooeys brother. Meta says that’s a start.
Also somewhere in there meta and swordsman duel and he’s crictened an honorary member of the Meta Knights. After that the crew calls him Matter Knight and he likes the name.
Some time after that is when we get the ‘sic arc’ aka dark matter gets sick because dark matter and positive emotional energy don’t mix very well and the guy has finally reached a limit. So he needs to rest while he adapts, kinda like what happened to gooey a long time ago. Dark meta knight is here btw I forgot to mention he’s friends with swordsman don’t worry bout it I’ll go over that another day.
Anyways after the guy recovers is when he gets the new form aka legs aka the gijinka I draw mostly. Gg.
Anyways after that is when he actually gets to work at castle dedede. The king sets him at his ‘spare castle’ that’s overlooking Cappy town (because of course the guy has two castles) and honestly the guys a little awkward at first but with the good word from meta knight and a few cappy friends who got to know him he’s kinda thriving.
Anyways long story short edgy goop sword boy gets a job and is now one of dedede’s bodyguards because the irony makes me giggle
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b4kuch1n · 2 years
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I know what I want to see.
I know what I want to see.
I know what I want to see.
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luvingbencarolan · 4 months
𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 | 
ᴅᴀʀʀᴇɴ (sɪɴɢ sᴛʀᴇᴇᴛ)
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𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 💌:
!! I don’t claim to own any layouts used in my writing but credit to anyone who has similar layouts, I’m just using layouts that I’ve used in the past !! 
heyyy, I wasn’t sure whether to post this or not but ah sure, I might as well post it! 
I’m not sure if this is good or not but 
I’m thinking of making this into a fanfic series we’ll see if this does well first,
please let me know your impressions of this in the comments and if I should make this a series or not,
enjoy my lovelies <33 ~Jess
𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 📝:
in which, Eamon’s sister Jasmine, 
known as Jazzy meets the band 
𝒥𝒶𝓈𝓂𝒾𝓃ℯ’𝓈 𝒫ℴ𝓋:
Band practice with my own band finished earlier than usual, so I walked home and I get my keys to unlock the door but before I could Mam opens the door for me,
“I’m surprised to see you home so early pet, Eamon’s band are still practicing so you can go into them in the sitting room 
if you want” 
“Yeah our practice went really well so that’s why I’m earlier than usual, 
I’ll go see Eamon’s band I suppose” 
I drop my backpack at the end of the stairs along with my guitar in it’s case and I shuffle towards the sitting room, I glance in to see Eamon surrounded by lads  playing instruments along with one singing too, 
then I notice one lad sat on the couch, 
he has bright ginger hair, that reminds me of fire in a way. 
I stand in the doorway and no one notices me, the song draws to a close and I catch them off guard when I clap for them.
“Eamon I must say I’m very impressed and also why didn’t you tell me that your friends were good - looking?”
Before Eamon could open his mouth, 
one of the lads began to talk who looked like he was playing bass 
“Eamon who’s this, your girlfriend?”
“Garry that’s my twin sister!”
I couldn’t help but burst out laughing, as I sat down on the couch beside the 
ginger - haired lad 
“I’m Darren” he tells me 
“Jasmine but everyone calls me Jazzy”
Eamon then introduces me to the rest of his band 
“Jazzy, cute name for a cute girl”
Ngig comments and I give him a soft smile, 
“Aww thanks”
“The real question is who’s the best looking out of all of us? except for obviously Eamon as he’s your brother and Conor is pretty much off the market”
Larry questions,
“Jesus straight to point aye?”
“Yeah, so just tells us!”
Larry has a tone of eagerness in his voice,
“I must admit, I think that Darren’s 
pretty cute”
I look over at Darren beside me to see his cheeks have turned all rosy,
“I wasn’t expecting you to say that Jazzy”
Conor comments and Eamon turns to him 
“Me either, you’re always too scared to say anything when it comes to romance”
“Eamon stop exposing me especially in front of your friends”
“It’s the truth though and you know it!”
Eamon shouts loudly and Mam rushes in,
“Eamon don’t be shouting, you usually don’t, it’s typically your rebellious 
sister who does that”
Luckily things die down as I didn’t want a fight, the lads tease Darren for a while until he finally gets to talk to me well more like whisper so no one else can hear,
“For what it’s worth, you’re really cute too, I think we’d be a great match”
Darren whispers in my ear and he winks at me,
“Oh you really think so?”
“Yup definitely! Here’s my card”
I was expecting to see a number on his card but all I could see was an address 
“Thank you”
“We don’t have a telephone so you’ll just have to call around if you wanna get to know me better” Darren gives me a bright smile,
“Okay cool, I’d love that!”
Soon enough after that interaction, 
Darren along with the other lads go home.
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djarrex · 3 years
Howie + Rex sandwich you say? Oh, I'm listening. 👀
Kendra I am SO GLAD you bring it up because !!!!!! lemme tell you :’)
Quick lil summary: Howie finds out about the relationship you have with Rex, but that only encourages the sinful idea that pops in your head.
|| Captain Howzer x f!reader x Captain Rex || 18+ only!!! unprotected piv, creampie, cumshot, teasing, vaginal fingering, spanking, licking, hair pulling, oral (m receiving). boy oh boy this is... yeah. 2.4k words of pure filth tbh. (also: minor tbb spoilers because, well, Howzer) and who knows, maybe there will be a part 2? We love Howie in this house ♡
Two identical pairs of darkening, golden eyes watch as you saunter over to them - their gazes lustful and voracious. It's nerve-wracking, the prospect of being shared between two captivating soldiers like Rex and Howie. Although, it was kind of your idea in the first place - the two captains had no rebuttal, no qualms, no argument as to why not.
For the most part, your little relationship with Rex has been kept a secret. You'd been working closely with Captain Howzer from the start of the Republic occupation on Ryloth, which was about a cycle or so ago. Then he started becoming a little suspicious about Rex's random, unannounced visits to the Twi'lek populated planet, and soon after, the loth cat was out of the bag. The high probability of Howie finding out about the two of you was never something that overly worried you, because quite honestly, they're more similar than they may realize. You knew he wouldn't report you two, and you were correct in that assumption. What you did not expect, though, was for your own mind to turn the corner to such a dark and filthy place when you had nervously suggested giving Howie some first-hand experience in the physical aspects of you and Rex's relationship. 
“Look at her, Captain,” Howzer says with a dark chuckle while palming himself over his blacks. His eyes rove over your body, totally blatant and eager as he continues, “Such pretty lips... I wonder what she can do with them, but I’m sure you already know all about it.” Rex smirks at that little jab, nodding in agreement and keeping his gaze on you; you’re standing in front of them, front and center, completely bare - a wanting, waiting meal for their hungry eyes to feast upon.
“You’re right, Captain, I know just how well she can put those pretty lips to use.” Rex lifts a hand, reaching towards you and you tentatively grab it; he pulls you stand between his parted legs, softening his expression for the moment while searching your eyes for any signs of hesitation. “What do you say, cyare? You wanna show Captain Howzer what you can do with those perfect lips of yours?” Hearing them refer to each other as “Captain” in this back-and-forth power trip has your cunt tingling and clit throbbing - this is going to be fun. Rex notes the sly smile curling at the corner of your mouth - wordlessly telling him all he needs to know. Your eyes flick over to the other captain as a surge of confidence washes over you; you nod slowly, squeezing Rex’s hand in yours before retracting and taking the two steps to stand directly in front of Howie. His hair is tidy in that brushed-up style he so often sports, and all you want to do is yank and tug to where it’s beyond repair. 
“Where do you want me, Captain?” you breathe out while lightly brushing your nails through his buzzed undercut, just above his ear. The quiet groan that falls from his lips only encourages you as you press your nails just a little harder into his scalp. You’re lost in Howie’s eyes with the way he peers up at you more desperate than before. His teeth peek out as he takes his lip between them - his eyes glued to the way you so subtly run your tongue across your bottom lip while continuing to run your nails through his prickly, buzzed hair. He’s so pretty - staring up at you like this all while is cock grows harder and harder in the confines of his blacks. The scar on his cheek is the next thing to draw your attention - it’s unique, a sign of a warrior, a sign of surviving battle. Howie must not have been wearing his teal-accented bucket in one, unfortunate instance to have acquired such an interesting facial scar, and for some reason that image has your knees getting weaker the longer you stand in front of him. The scar looks pretty, engrained into his cheek this way - it adds to his already striking features, making him even more breathtaking. The same goes for the smaller, matching one on his chin, just below his adorable pout. You want to taste him, feel him on your tongue, feel it on your tongue. Fuck, you want to do it...
So you do.
Before you can even register acting upon such a wild desire, you’re leaning forward - Howie’s eyes widening as your tongue sticks out and lands flat against the sharp curve of his jaw. Slowly, you begin applying a good amount of pressure with your tongue before moving upwards and gliding across his scar - the little divots along the thin, destroyed tissue tickles your taste buds. He shutters as another low groan falls so effortlessly from his parted lips - a sound you desperately want to hear more of. Upon standing back up you notice the faint shimmer along his cheek and how he goes back to biting his lip in that way that's sending spiraling desire throughout your body.
Rex clears his throat suddenly, deliberately, breaking your little trance.
“Captain,” Rex barks while grabbing your hand and pulling you away. “She asked you a question,” he so matter-of-factly reminds his entranced vod.
“Right.” Howie blinks and shakes his head before turning to point at the center of the mattress - you mentally take an educated guess as to where the lads want you positioned for them. “Pretty thing,” he coos. “Why don’t you get on your hands and knees right there in the middle of the bed, hm?” Nearly tripping on Rex’s feet, you dart onto the mattress, positioning yourself so that you’re facing the wall and your ass is angled the way you know they’ll appreciate. Simultaneous chuckles erupt from both of them, no doubt aimed at the eager way your hips rock back and forth so impatiently.
After a few moments of undressing, Howie climbs onto the bed and shuffles on his knees to move in front of you - his cock now free of its prison and jutting out just inches from your glistening lips; you’re practically drooling at the sight. It's his turn to rake his fingers through your hair; as soon as his blunt nails make that first scrape along your scalp, you whimper aloud and he just grins.
"So, so pretty," he murmurs while tracing your lips with the bulbous head of his cock - the dribble of precum catching at the slit of your mouth. "Open up, gorgeous." You do - letting your jaw slack, allowing him to push in as deep as he'd like. The same fingers combing through your hair now travel to the back of your head - threading between your roots and gripping at your scalp firmly. He slowly begins inching into the warm cavern of your mouth, groaning every time your tongue involuntarily swipes along his girth as it pushes towards the back of your throat. Your lips tighten around him when he begins his languid thrusts, and you do your best to keep your gaze up and at him while engulfing nearly every last centimeter of his throbbing cock. With one hand in your hair and the other caressing your cheek, you’re being held in place while he makes you swallow him whole - your own hands pressing into the mattress with the single job of keeping you up and balanced.
Howie is so achingly beautiful in this moment - his now unkempt, thick strands of hair hanging over his forehead, resting carelessly just above his furrowed brow and squeezed-shut eyelids. His jaw is hanging wide open, allowing the deep, gargled noises of pleasure to filter through. Watching Howie like this, and hearing him - it’s making you clench hard around nothing, even more so than before. 
"Captain," Rex calls from behind you. Howie’s eyes snap open, now looking in the direction of where Rex is surely ridding himself of the rest of his garb out of your sight. It's clear to you that non-verbal communication ensues between the two of them as Howie picks up the pace; the sudden dip in the mattress at your feet from the weight of Rex joining you excites you. As if Rex can read your mind, he slowly swipes a finger through your folds - gathering the evidence of your arousal and spreading it around before prodding at your hole. You moan - a deep hum erupting from your center that is muffled by every thrust of Howie’s hips, making him echo you from the feeling of those vibrations buzzing through his cock. His thumb brushes the apple of your cheek as drool seeps from the weakening seal of your lips, descending down like syrup and onto the sheets beneath you.
“F-mmm- is she wet, Rex?” Again, you whimper with your lips loosely enclosed around his cock when Rex continues fumbling around in your folds - you can hear how wet you are, even over the dull gargling sound of your throat getting hammered. “Whatever you’re - mmph - doing back there, keep d-doing it. I’m - shit - gonna cum on this pretty little face.” 
Wordless, Rex slides two fingers into your molten entrance - turning the pair back and forth while slowly pumping them in and out. You’re so worked up that your body is already screaming for that release, and you feel it building up quicker than you have time to realize. That familiar tingling sensation burns through your lower stomach, and only intensifies when Rex curls his fingers and quickens their pace - rapidly hitting that glorious spongey spot along your walls that you're never able to hit going solo. Your muffled squeal has Howie growling and pulling your hair tighter than before as he pops you off of him before taking his drool-coated cock in hand, working himself that last little bit with the help of a firm grip and quick motions at the head. You’re trying to catch your breath and Rex continues to finger-fuck you through it all, and seconds later, your cheek is being splashed with spurts of thick, tepid release. Instinctively, your tongue pokes out and catches the tangy spend that’s painted around your lips - letting out a sinful sound of approval. 
“There you go, pretty thing,” Howie says with a smirk while leaning down to be eye level with you and pinching your spit-soaked chin between his fingers - turning your head slightly to the right as he admires his work. “Since you like my scar so much-” he chuckles darkly while rubbing your bottom lip with his wet thumb before guiding it into your mouth, “-now you have a little something to match.” 
It takes you an embarrassing amount of time to catch on to what Howie was implying - it hits you but disappears within seconds because Rex has lined himself up behind you and slid into your wet walls all in one fluid motion. You mewl in both shock and pleasure - Howie opting to keep his thick thumb secure between your lips with his fingers clamping under your chin to keep your jaw closed around him.
“Suck,” the man in front of you commands, his eyes narrowing beneath his untidy hair. You’re unable to process anything of the sorts - totally unable to form any coherent thought with the way Rex’s hips are smacking so loudly against the meat of your ass and the feeling of him prodding at your cervix, making your body wince with each hit. The flesh surrounding your hips fall victim to a bruising grip - Rex holds you steady while fucking you so hard and deep that you’re practically choking for air.
Suddenly Howie rips his thumb from you and traces it along your cheek - collecting the thick release coating your skin and bringing it back between your lips. You’re panting and moaning and trying to lick up everything Howie offers to you - trying to be good for him. Peeking down quickly you see how he’s already hard again, his cock bobbing with each beat of his heart, and that makes your mouth water for more. He must’ve noticed how your glossy eyes are glued so shamelessly to his groin, staring hungrily at his revived member from the dark curls at the base to the swollen head, when he starts to pump himself at his own leisure. 
“No, pretty thing,” he shakes his head and makes you look into his eyes with the fingers still cradling your jaw. “I want what the Captain’s having.”
Rex’s grunts become louder, more desperate, as he approaches his climax. You’re right there yourself, whining and whimpering while looking into Howie’s eyes as Rex pounds you into the next system. Howie is just sitting patiently on his haunches, relaxed and pumping himself to the sight and sound of you getting railed from behind. You clamp around Rex’s cock with a shout, and seconds later he stills his hips as his pulsating length spits its release into your strangling walls - that warmth blooming deep inside you making you shutter and moan from the sensation. 
“Shit, Howzer, come take a look at this,” Rex calls him over from behind you as he eases himself out of your clenching cunt. Howie climbs off the bed and disappears from your vision - leaving you to stare at the paint peeling off the dull wall, miraculously still holding yourself up on shaky hands. A quick slap on your ass has you rocking forward - low groans coming from the men staring at your puffy folds behind you. “Cyare, tell your Howie how beautiful this tight little pussy looks with my cum dripping out of her.” Your face burns at Rex’s filthy command but you’re too far in this to care.
“I- I look beautiful with Rex’s cum dripping out of me, Howie.” You’re shocked at how effortlessly those words fell from your swollen lips - but fuck, you love it, and the men’s shared mumbles of filthy praise only egg you on. 
“Fuck, what a good girl she is, Captain, but I believe it’s my turn now, hm?” Howie’s voice is firm yet careful - he knows who you truly belong to.
“Cyare.” Rex steps into frame with his shimmering, semi-hard cock in hand. Your eyes lock with his, and his expression hardens. “I want to hear you beg your Howie to fuck your tight little pussy.”
Tags! Please fill out my form if you wanna be added ♡ This time I’ll go ahead and link my masterlist on here, too.
@bvcketfvcker @deewithani @chromia7567 @threevie @letitrainathousandflames @latenightsthoughtsnstuff @thefact0rygirl @justanothersadperson93 @ohtobeamoth @14mcmd1122 @tacticalsparkles @cheesemachine44 @damerondala @buckethead-over-heels @kriffclone @purgetroopercody @socially-anxious-fangirl @cloneygoodness @marya-komar @beskarprincessjenny @awkward-katiesaur @katiebits1 @kawaiitimecharm @shiny-mando @sapphichorrorpictureshow @fat-zygerrian @foodandbooksplease @the-siren-writes-it @ken-obiwan @parkotedarasuum @ladykatakuri @bjm2020 @dinner-djarin @501stgirl @99squad @obiwan-djarin @zazzysseoul @quantumowl @sugarpuffstuff
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missluckycharms · 2 years
Ohhh baby, buckle up.
Y/N pulls off her robe, discarding it onto her bed gently before resting back down, grabbing her led lights remote and clicks it on red, grabbing her mask, a black one with red feathers around it, only blocking the upper half of her face, eyes and lips on show.
The red lights makes her hair darker than what it is, disguising her natural colour. She fluffs it out, making sure her black lingerie is all in tact, push up lace bra with straps on her tummy strapping down onto her lace thong, straps holding her stockings up and heels on her feet — everyone goes nuts for her heels.
She hits play on her playlist that’s designed for her shows, letting it hum lowly before she’s hitting on the go live! button. Her figure immediately flashing up on screen illuminated in red as she kneels, hands running down her body.
Harry is sat back, watching as the red flashes up on this screen her figure illuminated, showing off her curves and the way her hair frames her face that’s covered by a half mask, her lips stained red also, plump and so fucking inviting.
“Hello my babies.” She purrs out, lip being taken between her teeth and smiling at the way her tips immediately go up, comments flooding in and Harry is in awe of her, how confident she is and how well she holds herself.
lovemeplease: hello, mommy.
He immediately sighs sending it, feeling himself hardening yet again when she tucks her finger into her mouth, reading over comments as she sucks it, making Harry nearly whimper.
“Hello baby, how are you? Been good for mommy?” She asks, everyone replying with begs of wanting to see her and wanting to touch themselves but they want her permission first — she’s dominating the entire internet.
lovemeplease: I’m good mommy. Want to see you :(
Harry feels himself hardening when she sits on the bed, legs bent and feet clad in heels resting on the mattress as she shows the camera her clothed cunt, smug smile on her lips when she sees how much everyone is begging for her, and her only.
“You want to see me? Hmm, I thought I give commands around here? Touch yourself for me, baby.” She commands, her eyes darkening under the red lights, her own hand running down her body, touching herself up slowly as Harry immediately grabs his cock again.
Anything she says, he’ll do.
It’s nearly forty minutes of her teasing everyone, bouncing on her dildo while she tells everyone what to do, her body moving effortlessly and her moans filling up everyone’s ears, her commands making people tip more and more, begging her to let them come as she herself tries to get herself off. She thrives off it all, makes her body shiver from how much people want her, all the attention on her only.
Harry’s a mess when she finishes up, come all over himself again as he feels himself nearly falling asleep from how exhausted he is from wanking twice in a row — she knows exactly how to get him like this, and he fucking loves it.
A chime from his phone makes him groan, reaching for it on his desk and tapping on the screen to see a text from Niall.
Lad! Where are you?! Everyone’s asking for you, you are the captain of our team after all! Come, quick!
That draws him back into his reality.
The captain of the football team. The most sought after jock on campus.
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hollandsmoose · 3 years
kiss me more
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A/N: Kinda thought a lot about "Kiss Me More" by Doja Cat and SZA a lot when writing this. So here you go, my lads, here's 1.6k of basically just pure blowjob smut!
The movie playing on the TV in Tom’s room is long forgotten, his lips on yours far more important right now. It had barely been on for ten minutes before his hand was up your shirt, his mouth on yours, and you were pinned underneath him. But, to be honest, it's what you expected to happen.
Freshly returned from filming in another country, Tom has barely let you leave his side. He's always been clingy after reuniting with you, but, this time, it's on a whole new level. You can hardly complain, though - not with the amount of times he's made you cum in the last week.
Sadly, all of that had to come to a temporary end. Your period made its arrival, and while you knew it was going to happen, it bummed you out nonetheless. So when Tom's hand glides down your front, toying with the waistband of your sweatpants, you're forced to pull away from his kiss.
"Tom…" you pant, breathless, and he gives you a somewhat worried look. "I'm on my period, remember?"
"Oh, shit, yeah," he says, exhaling rather deeply, and even though he tries to hide it, his disappointment is still clear. "I'll keep my hands to myself, then." He shifts a little when moving his hand up to rest beside your head, and as he does, you get to feel just how disappointed he is. His bulge, hard and firm, presses into your thigh, and it gives you an idea.
You may not really be able to get off right now, but that doesn't mean Tom can't. When he leans down to kiss you again, you gladly accept it. Your hand travels down to where his cock is straining against his sweats, palming him through the soft fabric, and you can't help but giggle when Tom helplessly moans into your mouth.
He breaks the kiss, his eyebrows raised. "What are you playing at, darling?"
You grin at him, offering a small shrug. "I just wanna make you feel good, Tommy," You emphasize your words by rubbing his bulge again, and he whines, unable to stop himself from grinding into the palm of your hand.
"But what about you?"
"It doesn't have to be about me," you say, placing a soft peck on his chin. "You've been loving on me all week. Let me love on you a little," He's just about to protest, but then you put your finger over his lips, shutting him up. "Let me make you feel good. Please?"
He hesitates for a moment, but then he nods and presses a kiss to the tip of your finger. You giggle, your heart fluttering, and Tom smiles at the sound of your laugh. After that, he rolls off you and lands on the mattress, the springs squeaking slightly at the movement.
You crawl down the bed and climb off it until you're kneeling on the floor at the foot end. You gently tug on his legs, and he gets the hint, shuffling down the length of the bed. Tom sits up, inhaling sharply at the sight of you on your knees for him, and enthusiastically helps you peel off his sweatpants and boxers. His cock springs up once it's freed from its confinement, hard and already leaking precum from the tip. You're just about to reach out to touch him when he interrupts.
"Wait!" Tom speaks out, and you halt instantly. "Can you… can you take your shirt off?" You snort at his request. You'd actually been worried about him for a second there. Nevertheless, you pull your T-shirt over your head, rolling your eyes at the way he ogles your chest, now only covered by a bra. “That’s my girl.”
With a smile, you finally touch him. You spread the precum over his tip, and Tom sucks in a breath, his thighs clenching and his cock twitching. Teasing him is always fun. He lets out a strangled whimper when you withdraw your hand and spit in the palm of it, well aware of what's going to happen now. His hands grip the edge of the mattress as you finally grasp his length, and you quite enjoy the groan that escapes him.
You start with slow strokes, warming him up gently, and the way he bites his lip to hold back a moan has your pussy clenching around nothing. Fuck, he looks good. You watch Tom intently as he reacts to your touch, and it makes you giggle when you see just how quickly he gets worked up, his cheeks pink and his breath labored. You've always had that effect on Tom, but, to be fair, he's always had the same effect on you too. Even his mere touch is enough to send you into overdrive.
When he releases that telltale, drawn-out whine you know so well, you remove your hand from him. He's getting close, and this isn’t the way you want him to cum. And just when Tom’s about to complain, you lean in further and place a little kiss on his tip, and the words die on his lips.
You begin by just giving him a few kitten licks, but it's enough to make him gasp your name, and you suspect that this really won't take long at all. You rest your hands on his thick thighs, caressing the firm muscles softly. In all honesty, you've lost count of just how many times you've fallen apart on his thighs.
Feeling yourself get distracted, you try and shake off your thoughts so you can get back to business. Back on track, you make your tongue travel up from the base of him, and his cock twitches delightfully when you swirl the tip of your tongue around the head. You're teasing Tom again at this point, and it is a bit unfair, to be honest, but it's fun to watch how desperate he gets. Maybe, if the situation was different, he'd scold you for teasing him like this and leave your ass bruised and sore as punishment, but the ball seems to be in your court today.
"Please, darling," he begs, impatient and needy. "Please just… do something."
"You're gonna have to be more specific than that, Tommy," you say with a voice you barely recognize. It's low and seductive, but it makes you feel quite powerful. "Tell me what you want."
He exhales shakily. "I want… I want your mouth on me… on my cock. Please, love?"
You shrug rather smugly. "Well, since you asked so nicely…"
And then you finally give him what he wants. With a deep breath, you take Tom in your mouth. His reaction is instant, his thighs jerking slightly under your touch, and your name falls from his lips in a moan. Your hand wraps around the base of his cock and moves in sync with your mouth, knowing that that's just how he likes it. You go slow and steady; you don't want Tom to topple over the edge just yet.
His hands are still gripping the mattress, his knuckles white, and you know he's trying his hardest not to buck into your mouth. Tom never wants to hurt you - at least, never without your consent. And while you do let him fuck your mouth from time to time, it's not what you want today.
But, as a treat, you pull away from him for a second, inhaling deeply before you wrap your lips around him again and take him as far as you can. When the tip of his cock touches the back of your throat, he practically shouts out a string of profanities, and it's so loud that you're sure the others in the house must've heard. It doesn't matter much to you right now, though. Let them hear.
You're fighting off your gag reflex, trying to breathe through your nose, and tears are forming in your eyes, but Tom looks so pretty that you don't give up just yet. So you keep your head where it is until he, rather unwillingly, pulls you up himself.
He's completely breathless, needing a few seconds before he can even speak. "Babe, I'm… I'm close," You can't help but smile when you hear just how affected he is.
You appreciate Tom's warning, returning to your previous tactic, your lips around the head of him and your hand jerking the base. His one hand lets go of the mattress and caresses your cheek instead, and when you look up to make eye contact, Tom's staring at you with such a wonderful mixture of lust and love that it makes both your pussy and your heart melt a little.
He gasps in that special way you've picked up on by now, and you know what's about to happen. Drawing back a little, you rest the tip of his cock on the tip of your tongue, and, with one last jerk of your hand, he finally gets to cum.
Tom curses uncontrollably as he paints your tongue white, his hand now holding your jaw in place. His head is leant back, his eyes screwed shut, and his mouth is half-open. He looks absolutely beautiful.
You watch him as he slowly comes down from his high, his eyes blinking open and finding your face immediately. And Tom watches you as you swallow his cum and put on a little show for him, licking your lips for any leftovers.
"Fucking hell," he says, completely overwhelmed, and falls back against the bed, and you laugh, satisfied with your work. You crawl onto the bed as well, settling on top of him. "You're gonna be the death of me, darling."
taglist: @spideycents @linanilssonfurberg @to-the-road @hallecarey1 @harryhollandsgirlfriend
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