#i wanna make all the things but aaaaaaah
tinknevertalks · 4 months
Does anyone else look at clothes online, think, "Oh my god, why is it all so expensive?" as well as, "I could make that!" (even though all you've sewn is two dice bags (one not that well), three pairs of pj trousers, and a shirt... oh and two face masks).
Just me?
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starsmuserainbow · 1 year
I wanna be able to use my quick tag packs again, I wanna be able to backspace-delete full tags again and not just backspace-'go into the last tag to edit it' ://////
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louebel · 1 year
— [ 𝐑𝐄𝐉𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄 .ᐟ ]
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: g5 luffy × gn!reader 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨/𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: 1717 wc, spoilers for wano... kinda? sfw, fluff, all fluff. a lil' goofy, plot is kinda w a c k y, kaido almost kills you but not in the way you think — and i can't he just looks so silly 'n lovely. i wanna hug him so bad 'n swing him around like a whip. look at him, LOOK. and dripping divider by @ benkeibear !! 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: as the fight continues, you can't help but worry for luffy. you decide to reach him... and you realize it was stupid of you to think he'd be in trouble.
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Specks of dust littered everywhere. Debris replaced what were once massive boulders, crumbling beneath the force of one of the Emperors of the Sea and the man who would one day become the King of Pirates; your captain.
Your eyes widened at just how battered the top of Onigashima was. You shouldn't expect any less from them, but it still baffled you. They were so unbelievably strong. So strong you couldn't help but be worried.
You believed in Luffy, of course, you did. But when fighting such monsters... even he could have a hard time. So you made it your job to reach the top floor and get to him, the same medicine Zoro was infused with resting in your hands (you stole it) — it was no easy task and probably the dumbest thing you could ever think of, but somehow, you managed to do it. Surprise overtook you before as guards were taken out by a surge of haki coming from above; one that managed to shake you too. It was tremendous. You felt a little light-headed from it, but thankfully you handled it well.
As tremendous as it was, you could tell who it was from. It wasn't from Kaido, no. Some of the shockwaves you felt before had violence, brutality, and bloodthirsty intent oozing from them. This one, however, was very different; almost... warm.
Then, you reached the top. And here you are.
Other than the landscape, the air around you was rather chilly. Distinct from inside, another dimension altogether. Too cold, somehow refreshing. A shudder traveled down your spine, goosebumps all over your skin. The moon above was lustrous, the sky limpid and not as bleak as before. You felt at peace.
Which was weird considering...
There was a dragon coming right towards you.
"... H—huh?"
Jaw slackened, eyes widening — your expression morphed from concerned to straight-up comical in less than a second. There was Kaido, in all of his glory, flying in your direction at probably a thousand kilometres per second and you remained still, not even running because whether you did sprint away from him or not the outcome was still the same. Death.
That one time you do something dumb you regret it. How could you possibly dodge that gargantuan lizard? You were an ant compared to him — wait, were you dreaming or he looked as shocked as you? — you were done for.
Screams tore from both of your lungs in unison. Then, the ground beneath you turned... malleable, making you lose your balance and fall — the long blue dragon right above you crashing in a nearby pillar, pebbles and rocks scattering like fireworks. You, on the other hand, were sent in the air thanks to the elastic pavement.
Boing, boing, boing.
Perhaps luck was on your side... strangely enough. The floor felt oddly comfortable; soft yet stiff, the texture not at all feeling like dirt and rocks. Groaning, you pushed yourself up, shaking your pulsing head, the ache faintly going away.
Then, a call; one that made you snap your neck with how swiftly you looked up. Not just a sound. It's him.
Your pupils dilated at the sight — he was so... different. And yet, it was still him.
"Oh? Oooh? Is that you? It's you! It's you!"
How sweet his voice,
"It's youu~ it, is, you!"
how warm his presence,
"Look at me, look at me! Heeeey! Look at me!"
how lovely he himself.
"Shishishi! You're looking!"
Your heart might've stopped at that moment. Did he know? He seemed to know. Grinning, laughing, ah, he's coming closer and closer. Luffy, Luffy...
The little mantra in your head replayed in your mouth, his name slipping out unconsciously — the corners of his lips curving up; broad, glowing, and so so familiar, so comforting. His hair seemed velvetlike to the touch... Perhaps it resembled rubber? No, marshmallows. He was a big marshmallow right now. Was he even real?
"Yeah! That's me! It's me!" twirling, bouncing, flailing around; he did not stop at all. Oh, no, he didn't — not until he saw you laugh. Not until he heard that precious sound. He had to do it now that you were here. You were worried, weren't you? He could tell. That slight inclination of your brows — He had to ease you!
There was nothing to worry about.
... If only he knew you were just analysing him with extreme concentration.
"See? See?"
He spread wider and wider, his arms suddenly changing course and going straight towards you — at the speed of light. He's so, so energetic for no reason. But he always was, wasn't he? And you've always loved it.
You wanted to ask what happened to him. How he felt, how he was, what he was, what was going on. But nothing left your lips, other than a breathless, inaudible mumble of his name. It made him laugh, and with that same buoyant tone, he shouted yours. You could not help but melt further.
"Yeah! It's me, it's me!"
It's him. Luffy. The tottery wobble of your knees quickly became a full-on quake, you couldn't move, you just couldn't. He seemed to — no, he knew. Your brief struggle, your sudden hypnosis.
At that moment, something, in the back of his mind, called to him,
"Come to me. Please come to me."
And it oddly resembled your voice. It came from his heart. Instinct, perhaps — plain as that. Who was he to not follow it, he who always did? It was alright. You didn't have to move at all. He'll come to you.
"I'm coming there! I'm right there!"
His hands finally grasped your shoulders after he yelled. So precious, so... silly. Yes, it's him. He hurled himself like a rocket, just to briskly stop right before you, his face now smashed against yours. His appearance was so different... so adorable. He will always, and inevitably, be him,
"Shishishi! Hey! Hello!"
Not even Heaven could compare to him. Nothing could compare to him.
The biggest grin on the planet — his cheeks, faintly pink and so warm under your palms, were crinkled as he showed all the rows of his teeth. Dazzling, rotund vermilion eyes met yours, twinkling moreso at the sight of you. You looked so pretty right now. Did you know? He always thought you looked pretty. But you had something different now, something he couldn't describe with words. Though his tongue wouldn't collaborate, he could tell it was positive. You... you're—
"You look weird!" ironic how he spurted out those words when he's the one that metamorphosed. Even his clothes... once a vibrant red, now a blinding white.
"Ah... it's just — you're..."
Luffy tilted his head, his grin remaining. "You're wonderful, lovely, ethereal," is what you wanted to say if only your voice hadn't failed you, stuck in your throat, struggling to be liberated. A few moments passed, your mouth agape and your captain happily waiting. Then,
"You're..." something came out, "so, so...  beautiful, Luffy. I can't... you know?"
Ah, there it is.
See, he knew! And so, he laughed. And laughed, and laughed, and laughed; boisterous, contagious laughter that never, ever ends, the one you could hear every time you were down, for he would always bolt there where you sat, no matter what. A constant reminder that you were never alone. He will always be with you.
"Hehehe. I do!" chuckles and giggles seeped from his sentences, rending them clipped and broken. So warm, so warm — your chest mimicked his soon enough, sweet laughter bubbling from your throat too, lighting him up. If a fire was in his heart, now there was a whole festival. Your voice was so, so..! You know?
"You, pff, you do?"
"Yeah! Hahaha, I do! I do!"
If anyone were to see you both, they'd probably think you were out of your minds. You could picture it, your friends scolding you both, just to laugh after too. It was, so normal, so simple, yet it made you smile even more, and that caused him to do so too.
And then, then, he couldn't help himself; please forgive him, okay? He really couldn't help it! Those limbs that stretched so far to grab you, were now enveloping you both like a cute little present — hehe, a cute little present! — getting tighter and tighter, but not too much, just perfectly. Torso heaving up and down, his curious, rough yet tender hands coming to rest on your cheeks, his chortles fortissimo as he poked, pressed, squished them; nimble fingers pinching and pulling the skin, making you giggle even more. It did nothing to ease the heat within you, oh no it didn't. There was only more. More, more and more.
Was he greedy? (He was,) Look at you — you were so happy! You're enjoying it! You're laughing! He wanted to see you happy, always. The crew, his friends, you, you...
Maybe he was a little greedy (so greedy.) But for you, he'd gladly be.
"Oh, Lulu... Luffy!"
"Yeah!! Yes! Heheeheh!"
You both managed to pepper each other with some kisses — his giggles so cute and mellow — before the reality of the situation struck you both. The enemy's sluggish roar rang in both of your ears,
"Oi, Strawhat! What the hell are you doing, getting all kissy-kissy with your partner? I thought we were fighting!"
Right. Your captain was supposed to free this country. You both forgot.
"Oh, right! Kaido!" he perked up, untangling himself from you and shifting his attention to the enormous blue reptile, "Sorry, I got distracted. It'll take no time, just watch!" he tenaciously said, though a noticeable pout was on your lover's face.
"Y—yes, Lu... Go kick his ass." you muttered dreamily, a dumb dopey grin on your face, as you watched your boyfriend building a weird-looking cage with the floor to "protect" you before goofily walking up to Kaido, bouncing around in a frenzy like a spring.
All that was left was the show. And boy... did you have fun watching him beat that overgrown reptile up — your cackles fuelling the Warrior of Liberation. Soon, he'll hear the others, too. Soon, everyone's laughter will echo in this land, free from torment. He'll have a big, delicious banquet with you...
And all will certainly rejoice.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 11 months
howdy, meek lil gremlin anon here, I have more quotes/things to offer:
"Köni look, the lines on this snickers bar look EXACTLY like your dick veins"
"BAAABE I just saw a video of a girl using her boyfriends balls like a beautyblender I wanna try"
"you have the most kissable, huggable, rideable face I have ever seen"
*gropes his pecs* "daddy milkers~"
"why is your ass so fucking juicy? its not fair :c"
*pushes his hard dick to the side with one finger to watch it sproing back into place*
"let me paint your nails, you wear gloves all the time anyway"
"ughhhh everytime you wear those combat boots it makes me want you to step on me"
*squishes his face* "give.me.chubby.babies."
*lifts his shirt and snuggles him while inside his shirt*
AAAAAAAH when I tell you I lost it at the first Snickers bar line already 🫠😭😭😭
I mean seriously! Imagine König coming home to his cute little gremlin girl. He has listened to the stupid jokes (probably a tad misogynistic and pornographic and sad and all kinds of awful, just awful poor tiresome military humor shit) for weeks... and he still knows that the things that come out from his girl's mouth are usually even worse than anything the boys could ever come up with! Far more cute, but far worse too.
And he's just so fucking happy ❤️❤️❤️
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An Angel For Noah || Noah Sebastian x OC [Part 2]
DIVIDER ART WORK BY @cafekitsune
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PAIRING: Noah Sebastian x Jules (she/her)
SUMMARY: Jules knew it would be hard to start her journey as an guardian angel, but the harder part was to let go of her past...
WARNINGS: mentions of panic/anxiety attacks, mentions of blood, swearing, (let me know if i missed something)
A/N: Let me just start with this: AAAAAAAH... thank you... Okay, let's just say this, I cried a little while writing this... This fanfic is gonna break me into pieces, but I can't suffer alone so here is part 2...
TAGLIST: @trvshdxddy @blackveilomens (if you wanna be added, pls let me know in the comments)
Keep in mind, this takes place in an alternative universe. Even though I write about real people, the way I write them has nothing to do with how they are in real life.
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Jules took a deep breath and stared ahead of her. She didn't even know what to do now. Keaton had given her a name and where to find that guy. Noah Sebastian, singer of a metal core band called "Bad Omens", was living somewhere in this street and her first task was to find him.
Jules swallowed hard. She knew Keaton said, it would be easy and how guardian angels are always similar to the person, they need to protect, but at this moment, she couldn't think of a single thing she should have in common with this Noah guy.
She had been a violinist for most of her live, had been what people described as prude or boring and always obeyed to her parents rules. Literally everything she wouldn't think, when thinking of a metal band member.
She never had been a big fan of the harder kinds of music, calling herself a die hard Swiftie, during her short lifetime. The life size cardboard cutout of Harry Styles that was probably still standing in her bedroom couldn't have agreed more to that.
She sighed while walking down the street. She asked herself if Keaton couldn't have been a bit more precise with his explanations and instructions, when she walked up to the third door and didn't read the names she was looking for. It bugged her that she couldn't just pull out her phone to type in the address and she found it rather bold from those angels that they hadn't given her some kind of device or powers to make it easier for her to find her target. What made her even more mad was, when she realised she couldn't fly. She felt robbed. She was literally just an invisible spirit with a task to fulfill that wasn't just finding her well deserved peace.
She couldn't do anything cool and she was literally invisible to everything and everyone.
She stopped in her tracks, when she realised that. She was in fact invisible. How the hell was she supposed to help Noah, if he can't even see her? Was he even allowed to see her? She felt like she was part of an episode of Supernatural and was about to meet the Winchester brothers.
When she started to walk again, she let her gaze wander over the houses. At least she would be in a good neighborhood. Not like she had to worry about being kidnapped anymore (you know, the sad things women need to worry about) but it was still somehow calming her nerves a bit.
When she walked up to the fourth house, she finally read the last names Keaton had told her about. She was about to be pleased with her work, when she notices the next problem.
What now?
She couldn't just ring the bell and show herself.
Hey, I'm your guardian angel, your friend Keaton sent me.
She was pretty sure, she couldn't even show herself at all.
Jules let out an frustrated groan, before looking around, trying to find another way to get into the house. Sadly she had also learned the hard way, that she couldn't walk through walls, when she tried it about an hour ago.
She snuck around the house, just to find a fence, she definitely couldn't just climb over. She sighed again and looked at the building. It looked like a typical upper class house in Los Angeles. At least it looked like their music was starting to pay off.
She still tried to climb up the high fence and if she would have still been alive she definitely would have broken at least a bone.
"Why can't I just fly!" She screamed out in agony. "This is such bullshit."
While she continued to mutter out profanities and tried to climb up the fence, the front door opened and none other than Folio and Davis step out of it.
She stopped in her tracks, when she heard their voices.
"I thought Noah already went grocery shopping with Ruffilo?" She heard one of the guys say and was sure she almost reach high speed after hearing that name while sprinting to the door. She saw two men, one with with short dark hair and one with long hair and a streak of grey in it.
"Nah, Noah was in the studio all day and Nick drove to his girlfriend. I think that's on us today." The man with the grey streak in his hair answered, while fidgeting with his car keys.
She couldn't concentrate on their conversation any longer, her only goal being to slip into the house as fast as possible before it was closed again. Right before the second guy got the chance to lock her out again, she, again, ran as fast as she could and soon found herself standing inside the house. She literally felt like an intruder.
So, where is he? She thought to herself and carefully looked around the room, she was standing in. It was the living room. To her right was a staircase. When she heard some noise from above, she decided it would be best to go after it.
She took her first steps really quietly until she released that nobody would hear her, so her steps became a bit more eager. Quickly, she found the room the noise was coming from and to her luck and surprise, the door to the room stood slightly open. Just far enough that she would fit through.
From the inside, she heard someone singing quietly. She felt the goose bumps creeping up her arms and instantly knew without a doubt, that she would find the person she was looking for inside this room.
When the guy stopped for a second, she carefully made her way inside the small studio and took a first glance at the person she would protect from now on. When her eyes laid on him, she felt something inside of her, she never felt before. A feeling she couldn't quiet describe. There were no words in the world for the pureness she felt when her eyes laid on him. Something inside her just clicked and she knew she needed to be close to him.
She took a careful step towards him and took in his form. He was sitting there and played some soft tunes on a keyboard that was connected to his computer. His ears were covered with headphones. From her perspective, she could get a quick glance at his tattooed neck. A hand grabbing an apple and a snake wrapping around said apple perfectly. A clear reference to the story of Adam and Eve.
When he began to sing again, she felt herself drawn even closer to his presence and without even thinking she stepped next to him to get a better look of his face.
He had really beautiful dark eyes and if you looked close enough, you could notice the small freckles on his face. In this moment she was more than glad that he couldn't see her, because she was creepily leaning on the desk to see him better.
Than for a brief second his eyes shot in her direction. That almost made her fall over in shock. She held her chest when she backed away from him. For a moment she legitimately thought, he had looked her dead in the eyes. When her breath finally started to settle again, she noticed it must have been a coincidence, because when she dared to look at him again, he had gone back to his normal position.
At this moment she realised, how bizarre this whole thing really was. She was sitting in the room of a singer, who she hadn't seen or heard of before and was literally as dead as it gets. She stared at a stranger, while just being a fucking spirit in his room.
She wiped over her face in disbelief, before starting to walk up and down his room, while he was humming a melody. She had a feeling, like she couldn't breathe anymore. She was fucking dead. Her live on earth was over.
How the hell was she fitting to be a guardian angel? She didn't have a good attention span and now was suppose to watch a stranger's every move.
Why couldn't she just have her well deserved rest? She was fucking run over by a car. She hadn't even had her first relationship before she died. Why didn't her grandpa just babysit Noah? He had literally 70 years more of life than she had.
When Noah stood up from his spot, Jules was in tears. It was so unfair. Why her? What did she do to deserve this? She was a literal Straight A student, had good friends and did her utter best. Tried to be as perfect as possible. But nothing mattered anymore. Nobody would remember her and the afterlife was cruel enough to not give her some rest.
Noah made his way out of the small studio, but Jules couldn't get up. Her thoughts just didn't stop. She just wanted to go. She wanted to go back.
She couldn't even think about her parents, her chest starting to burn when she thought of them. They showed her nothing but love throughout her life and right now she had a feeling, like she never appreciated them in the slightest. While she was grateful for everything, she still thought far too often that everything in her life was simply given to her. Her parents worked their asses of for her to get the opportunity to go to Juilliard and she was so dumb to get run over by a car, because her phone was that much more important.
With that it was over for her. It felt like someone was clutching her throat. She couldn't take full breaths anymore. Her mind started to race even faster, while her tears felt like literal lava on her skin. She wanted to go back. Wake up in that hospital bed. See her family. Hold their hands. Never let them go. She couldn't do this. How the hell was she supposed to do this?
She cradled her head in her hands and laid on the floor in fetal position, when suddenly...
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It was warmer around her. She instantly was able to breathe again. She opened her eyes and found herself back in that white room, where she landed after her grandpa talked to her.
She sat up and looked around.
Next to her sat Keaton.
"What's going on, Jules?" He asked her and stroked her back reassuring. Tears were still running down her cheeks.
"I can't do it, Keaton." She cried out so quietly, Keaton almost didn't hear her. "Why are you even here? Aren't you suppose to protect your people?"
"You are one of my people." He quickly told her. "Just because you are as dead as me, doesn't mean you don't need someone looking over you."
Her heart warmed with that statement. She couldn't believe her ears. Never had she felt so save like she did with him next to her. He made her feel save.
"How am I suppose to help Noah, when I couldn't even help myself?" She asked with a raspy voice.
"You can do it, believe me. I could do it too." He reassured her. "I thought I couldn't do it myself and look at me now. Sitting next to the girl I should have protected." He laughed bitterly. "It's okay to fail. It is more important to know you tried."
She saw how his eyes became watery and quickly reached out to put her arms around him. When he hugged Jules back, it was everything the both needed to go on. For the moment, she didn't want to let go of him, knowing the seriousness of their task would come back soon after. But suddenly...
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... Jules heard a shattering noise from downstairs and was quickly snapped out of her thoughts and the save room. She set in the studio for a second. But without even thinking she found herself next to Noah.
She looked around her and was shook to see she teleported herself right next to him. Tears were still streaming down her face, but she immediately looked for Noah, who was now bent over the sink and rinsed his finger, which he cut. He was muttering profanities under his breath, while Jules still tried to contain her cries.
She knew she needed to get over this. It was hard, but this was her life now, if you could even call it that. This was her existence now and she needed to make sure Noah would be save.
She couldn't fail him too.
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fiercynn · 1 year
As it usually happens on here, we become fans of things by osmosis if we didn't seek it out for ourselves. So I've been following you for a bit and I have finally crossed the threshold from "this person I follow really loves this media and I love seeing their love for it on my dash, so glad they're having fun" over to "I wanna have fun, too." And that's all thanx to @thatgothsamurai's photobooth art.
So, I hope you can guide me on where I should start with patpran and inkpa, and the rest. Like, are they on separate shows that crossover? A spinoff? Like, what's going on, where do I start, how do I watch. Like you, I'm in the US. Any suggestions are appreciated.
AAAAAAAH THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY and thank u @thatgothsamurai for the amazing fanart as always (the photobooth fanart in question, a classic in the fandom)
okay so both patpran and inkpa are canon pairings from the thai bl bad buddy and its related special episodes! all are produced by the thai production company gmmtv.
the show and all related episodes are available to watch on youtube with english subtitles - i'll link to relevant playlists.
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directed by "aof" noppharnach chaiyahwimhon (who is gay himself), and starring "nanon" korapat kirdpan as pran, and "ohm" pawat chittsawangdee as pat. the original show is twelve episodes, which aired from october 2021 to january 2022. i watched it for the first time in february 2022 and have not known peace every since
the premise is that pat and pran, who have lived next door to each other since birth, have been rivals all their lives because their families hate each other. after pran's sent off to boarding school for three years, they are unexpectedly reunited at university - where they find that their friend groups are also enemies, so they have to keep up the pretense of hating each other. but of course they fall in love instead!
the main story is about patpran, but inkpa is a canon side pairing featuring "love" pattranite limpatiyakorn as pa, pat's younger sister, and "milk" pansa vosbein as ink, a classmate of pat and pran's. though they get less screentime, i still think they have a delightful romantic arc themselves!
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zero photography: an inkpa special episode that is set after the main show. directed by "tee" bundit sintanaparadee, whom i don't know much about, and aired in august 2022
our skyy x bad buddy x a tale of thousand stars: so our skyy 2 was an anthology of special episodes released between april and june 2023 for a bunch of different gmmtv bls. each show was supposed to have two special eps for their characters, but since two shows directed by p'aof were getting special eps (the other one being a tale of thousand stars, also a delightful show), he decided to use four episodes as a crossover of the two shows. in the bad buddy timeline, these eps take place during a timeskip that happens in the original show between episodes 11 and 12, and features patpran but has a few great inkpa appearances too. you don't really need to have seen atots to understand the eps, i don't think? but they probably are more enjoyable if you have haha
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"just friend" music video: nanon sings two songs on the bad buddy soundtrack, and ohm sings one for our skyy 2, all of which have music videos, but i'm linking to this song of nanon's particularly because the music video its own story unrelated to the show at all! it's very cute and is basically an au where they are employees at the same hotel (and in love of course)
23.5 degrees the series: this is not technically related to bad buddy, but milk and love are going to be starring in gmmtv's first full-length gl, 23.5 degrees, which will be directed by "fon" kanittha kwunyoo (who i believe is a lesbian)! thai gls are just starting to get attention and backing by the major tv studios, and milklove's known chemistry from playing inkpa, as well as an exciting supporting cast and director, are making everyone super excited for this
there are also TONS of behind-the-scenes and making-of extras if you get into the show but i figured this was enough to start with :D
let me know if you have questions about any of this! i'm not sure how familiar you are with thai media or fandoms, so definitely happy to share/explain more as would be helpful! <3
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The yapping anon is back to yap some more about LUKE AND KIERAN BECAUSE AAAAAAAAH I'll give you a seatbelt because boy I don't know how long this one will turn out... Once again I apologize in advance aaldjksj this is actually my 2nd time writing it because tumblr app decides to wiped my first text vomit
LIKE. You don't know how MUCH I reread the fic multiple times after I send the ask up until NOW. Either reading my favorite scenes, reading the particular scene I was craving to reread, or simply reread the whole thing fully again and again! You got me stuck on a brainrot and I won't have it any other way.
THE WHOLE THING IS JUST SO GOOD.... I somehow use Kieran's dialogues as a divider of how it is organized scene by scene in my head, and... Personally, I don't know what about it but "Later. Later. I'm not done with you. Just— shit. Just be quiet." GETS ME EVERYTIME. IT IS SIMPLY THE PART I KEPT REPEATING THE MOST BECAUSE--- AAAAH?? I DON'T KNOW. THE DESPERATION AND URGENCY IN THAT SINGLE LINE GOT ME FEELING SO MANY THINGS EVERY SINGLE TIME AAAAA. AND THE GOOD GIRL PRAISE BEFORE THAT?? I'M WEAK. ALSO THE UNCHARACTERISTIC BEGGING?? AAH!!! ALSO THE AMOUNT OF FRUSTRATION ON THE NEXT SHIT FUCK IT'S SO HOT!!! AND THEN!!! THEN!!! THE ABSOLUTE BURNING DESIRE THAT HE STILL TRIES TO DENIES AS HE SHAKES HIS HEAD AND CHANTING CAN'T WHILE HE KISS US BREATHLESS ALSJALDJSJSJS The way he crumbles afterward, the wall he kept beyond the reach of the mask as he finally breaks down crying!!! I'm sorry Kieran but the part you cried might possibly be my most favorite part- I love the vulnerability of it so so much. Those chants of I can't.... sigh. And don't get me started with the confession that's so soft... I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I've said it in my initial ask and I'll say it again I'M SO HAPPY HE SAYS IT FIRSTTTT I FEEL LIKE THE ORDER OF THE CONFESSION MEANT SOOOO MUCH.
But I also can't get enough of rereading the rules- those descriptions when he knew, and we know he knows. The moments dancing in a thin line!! And the flashback of the first time aaaaaah I really love the part he gives us the choice, taunting us, and then moves so swiftly and quickly to make us come undone like AAH THE CASUAL PETNAMES DROPPPP the authority in his words!! I love the descriptions of the less intimate stuff of his actions that feel like it means something and it is something. You wrap up the canon interaction and lace it up into beautiful description sobs I also love the casual nonchalant of the beginning part and how soft and gentle vulnerable moments slips in at the end ALL IN ALL I JUST WANNA SAY I TRULY LOVE EVERY SINGLE PART OF THIS FIC AND I MIGHT BE REPEATING MYSELF A LOT BUT AAAAAAAH I really can't have enough rereading and gushing about it!!
Also YES!!! Initially, I don't have any thoughts about the twins face, I was satisfied with them faceless behind that mask because they're absolutely handsome and stunning as it is, but GOSH your fic made me finally depict a face for him and essentially them!! Thanks to your fic I now have my own headcanon of their face and I just want to smush that face and pepper kisses all over them GRRR *hisses in cute aggression* I know that descripting something that instead can't be described is a MASSIVE challenge and definitely difficult, that's why I want to compliment you specifically on it in the initial ask! I appreciate so much how it basically gives us freedom to imagine what kind of face is behind that mask, and yet give us(well at least in my case this is absolutely truth:) enough stimulation to explore our own imagination of how the face behind it is. You did an incredible job aaaaaaaaah I cannot put enough compliments into words ;;
AND AAAAAAAAAAH??? THE DRAFT???? OH GOSH THE DRAFT!!!! I WOULD D E V O U R THAT. You got me whipped with Kieran, if Luke were to actually appear in the fic I would be IN SHAMBLES 😭 I WOULD READ THAT NO MATTER HOW LITTLE OR HOW LONG IT IS... I'LL LIVE FOR IT... (Not being actual pressure for you to write it, of course! I'm just fangirling) I love how the fic ended up focusing fully on Kieran but that scene would've tied out the missing pieces so well!!! I'll love it either way sobs
AND YES I REALLY LOVE HOW HE'S THE YOUNGER OF THE TWO!!! ;; I'm usually attracted to the chatty one rather than the quiet one, and I tend to go with the older than the younger one but for Kieran he's just bulldozing his way into my heart with a banner that says "THIS USER IS A LUKE AND KIERAN TRUTHER" and I'm all in for it
Is it now the time for me to says after I read the fic for the first time I decided to dug your entire #(this user is a luke and kieran truther) tag and have seen that, along with the other character analysis, all the little asks about them, along with everything else in between??? 🥺🥺 Also my initial bias is also Xavier!! So I feel you so much, the difference is Sylus AND his henchmen hit me like a truck and made me lose my single bias title....
While on this topic I actually have a question! Has the story so far ever mentioned we've seen the twins' face behind the mask? IF YES, WHERE WAS IT WRITTEN??? I NEED IT. This obsession is making me this 🤏 close to just compile recording of every single of the twins appearance in the main story and the bond and cards... But that'll probably need to wait for me to actually finish up reading all Sylus' card.
You also got me hooked on DLMLU and I Like it!! I'm seeing your masterlist and I respectfully awaits the day you finish Luke's I Like It fic.... 👀 I was actually a cle era stay, so hearing their songs again lately has been nostalgic to me! Hyunjin did great on emphasizing the desperation and denial and the concealed sadness on DLMLU and I live for Seungmin's I Like It intro..... And I do feel like that intro describes the twins perfectly!!!
I LIVE and LOVE to devour any little bits of crumbs of a whole cookie you have and will drop about the twins... I'm so gonna inhale all of it please do keep gushing out for the twins know that I support you fully(no actual pressure and expectations here, please just be yourselves!) I love the headcanon about Kieran being taller!! He definitely gives the tall vibe, though honestly either of them will tower us so there's barely any difference haha
And about Luke and Kieran POV!! I am one of those people who prefer the 2nd POV on these types of self insert scenarios BUT I'M A TOTAL SUCKER FOR THE POV OF THE GUY IN THE STORY.... I'm DEFINITELY very interested if you ever make one!! One of the many things I really love about the fic is the instances where we knows when he knows. But I can't help but be giddy to imagine if there's snippets of how the twins actually feel in those situations!! Since there's a difference in assuming and guessing and understanding the other party and actually reading something precisely of what running through the other party's mind! I guess it's kind of the crave like wanting to hear telepathically what exactly they're thinking? They conceal so much and I'm sure there's millions of thoughts running through their head despite their aloof appearance and I feel like you could DEFINITELY nail the description of it! Of course again, disclaimer, this is all meant to be more for a compliment rather than a request! Please do whatever you'd like to do, I'm all in for anything you so graciously provide for free on this internet!!
All in all I'm just really happy and delighted about everything!! Thank you so much!!!
WAIT OMG 😭 this got buried in my inbox i'm sososo sorry for getting to this late 😭😭🤲🤲🤲
ANONIEEEEE it's so nice to hear from you again omg 🥺 this got me feeling all soft and fuzzy again this morning!!!!!! you're so so so so sweet oh my gosh like i'm just. so happy reading all this, and knowing i have you dragged down the luke and kieran brainrot with me 🤭🤭🤭
and like, i actually really really REALLY love finding situations to push characters to act uncharacteristic of themselves, because to me that means that situation means so much to them that they break character, and it's SO fun to write, just as much as me reading them!! i'm so glad you love those parts, because they're my favorites too 😭🤍
ALSO—it's actually?! surprisingly canon that mc has seen their faces and i know technically we're mc BUT I'M LIKE. SO JEALOUS OF HER. LMFAOFJSJJGBS the first time we talk to the twins (when mc wakes up!), she describes seeing their facial expressions and such! she doesn't narrate/describe facial features, so we don't know how they look like... but there's subtle implications that she does know, because she wouldn't have narrated that way if they were wearing their masks!
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i meed a luke and kieran face reveal so badly...
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gayelectro · 1 year
CHOPPER AND BB-8 !! :] @mechasuit
Oh my gosh hiiii!
Chopper: What pet names do you have for each other?
I call him "Bully" a lot! It took him some time to get used to. He was so concerned when I first called him that, thinking that I was calling him mean! But it's just a cheesy, cutesy way of saying his name. He's grown to like it and understand that I would never mean it like that.
I also call him lots of miscellaneous cute names. "Honey", "babe", "dear", "love". From a cultural stance, Leaguers really don't do pet names! So he repeats these back at me because he knows they're safe bets. It's so cute! I love when he calls me them~...
BB-8: Gush about your F/O!
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AAAAAAAH HE JUST MAKES ME SOOOOOOOO HAPPY! I can think about him and it just eases my mind! Just mundane fantasies (or as mundane as it gets loving a former nurse cow themed robot sports star gets?) make me feel safe and calm.
I think a lot about how Kunio Okawara, the guy who's most famous for designing Gundam, said that the designs he actually holds the most pride in are Iron Leaguers. Like yeah, he designed what became the definitive Mecha Series in the eyes of the world, but it was these robots that he said were his best work.
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He said it was because of how expensive they were. And it's true! Every mech in Iron Leaguer has a soul and you can see it in their eyes and smile. Or even in other expressions.
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I MEAN LOOK AT HIM! I WOULD DIE FOR HIM. I WOULD KILL FOR HIM. And he'd freak out that I would even suggest those things. But how could I not?! He's so cute! His precious pink cheeks! His pretty blue eyes! I didn't even think I liked blue eyes, but just look at him! He's so perfect! I wanna kiss him all day!!!
Uuuum so yes I wuv my Bullyyyyyyyy a whole lot 💝💖💗
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luxpenumbra · 8 months
ugh ohmygod so I saw this post and it made me so mad that I simultaneously wanted to reblog it just to rant in the tags and to not reblog it so that I could avoid sharing it with /more/ people
listen. music is universal. when a singer, songwriter, producer, lyricist, musician, team puts something out into the world, there may be emotions that they are trying to put into it. They will draw on these emotions as they perform and edit and refine this thing they are making. There may be a story they are trying to tell, an experience they are trying to communicate, and this may not be straightforward; there is a level of abstraction between conceptualization and realization that I am convinced exists to some level in all pieces of art like this. This is not a flaw; this is marvellous. When I the listener interact with a song, or an album, or an artist's entire body of work - the emotions that I feel and the story that is conveyed to me may be just. absolutely different from the artist's intentions and their own experience. It may resonate with me in an entirely different way than intended; it may resonate with someone else in a separate, distinct, discrete way. My and others' awareness of the artist and any context they have made clear may play a part in this or it may not; it depends on how I interact with music and how readily available this information is.
All this is to say: the only fucked up thing with this whole gaylor shit is the part where people are convinced that their interpretation of her music and the way it resonates with them indicates some fundamental truth about her identity. The only person who knows that is her and frankly it's none of anyone else's business and it's probably not that interesting anyway. But!!! this does not mean that her music cannot resonate with someone's experience of queerness!!!! It is story and song and a vehicle for emotion, and the details that make something sing true to someone's life and values are not pinned to the artist's "true identity" like a fuckin. butterfly to a corkboard. there is VALUE and DELIGHT in being aware of some additional dimension of queerness by virtue of the singers intentions or identity or whatever but that's a fucking BONUS you NIMRODS the only thing you need is a heart to feel things and a song to feel them about it's about YOU and how you interpret things. you change things just by existing!!! the only person to experience a song the way you do is YOU!!! "if I wanna listen to gay music I'll listen to gay ppl singing about gay sex" good for you!! but what a sad and limited life you must lead to need the significance and meaning of art spoonfed to you by author bios.
AND THEN. fucking condescending ass AAAAAAAH listen. christian rock can slap. i say this as someone who is markedly not christian. and even if you don't think it slaps that's fine. but the fact that someone's out here going "oh poor limited babies who've never listened to real proper good music before projecting sasanaru onto christian rock because they've never known anything else" grow uppppp!!! first of all!!! nobody. NOBODY. is out here saying 10,000 reasons by matt whatever is about sasuke and naruto kissing. you know this in your heart of hearts, just like you know deep down that there is VALUE in eking out meaning in places where you don't expect to find it, and in places that have some connection to the earliest parts of you. (and even if you aren't doing this, aren't interacting with the context of the music and its genre, see above re:universal fucking language). you've probably done it before. it's tumblr, land of transformative works and webweaving of course you have. how limited in scope must you be to think that people who listen to a genre you don't value but who are also queer or something must be just poor deprived children, limited in resource, waiting for that next evolution i'm gonna weep. anyway listen to relient k cowards
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tinknevertalks · 10 months
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Roll up! Roll up! It's that time of year again: the nights are longer, it's all feeling colder, and the shops are all trying to sell you stuff. But here in the Sanctuary side of fandom, it's the start of the festive fic exchange!
Do you like writing fic?
Do you like reading fic?
Do you like putting unnecessary stress on yourself to make a wonderful gift for someone, just to have half of the fandom turn around and say, "Aaaaaaah, that's exactly what I needed to read right now?"*
Then this is the fic exchange for you! Today's post is the sign up post. Under the cut will be a list of questions. All you have to do is send me either a DM or an ask with your completed questionnaire then wait for your match!
Sign up: 21st Nov - 5th Dec
Matches sent out by 7th Dec
Touching base post: 20th Dec**
Collection open for posting: 26th Dec
Collection reveal: 31st Dec
This is open to anyone in the Sanctuary fandom, regardless of character/shipping preferences. When it comes to fic length, the minimum is 300 words. I don't really wanna give a max (because I know how the muse can get sometimes), but if we cap it around the 2k words mark that should be cool.***
I'll be posting a link to this around the place (and reblogging again this evening for the later crew), and you are more than welcome to message/contact me with any questions, queries or concerns.
Under the cut: the questions!
Username on Tumblr/AO3: (I need a method of contacting you 😊. If you have neither, pop me your email or something? We'll figure it out.)
Things I am comfortable writing: (gen or shippy? Fluff writer or angst? Family feels?)
Things I would not want to write about: (all the things you don't wanna write - characters you dislike, pairings you don't vibe with etc. Also heads up on any triggers you might have - you don't need to explain the whys.)
What I'd like to receive: (go for gold! The more info you can give, the more tailored to you the fic will be.)
What I would not like to receive: (All the things that you do not vibe with, or squick you. Please please please again with any trigger warnings - I don't want a gift to upset you. 😊)
Any other info that doesn't fit in the other questions: (General vibes, could you be a pinch hitter, any thoughts, questions, etc)
And that's that. 😊 Thank you for joining in, and see you December 7th with your matches!
*You can answer no to this one - it's just how I am when it comes to these things. XD
**If you find you can't finish, or something comes up that means you have to pull out, please let me know so I can arrange a pinch hitter. I won't be angry or disappointed or anything because this is for fun, and your health (mental and/or physical) is more important.
**Obviously, if you find you go over a bit, don't freak out or anything. This is just for fun, after all.
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AH I love Inuyasha too - it was one of my favorite anime to watch after school when I was younger! And I adore Sango - probably very obvious heh.
And Hitsugaya is very sweet - the way he cares about his friends & family is so precious & it is so funny to watch him get angry/ annoyed lol.
Aaaaaaah Patchy x Ushijima!!!! I can totally see it. Although I think Bokuto & Atsumu would be very good fits too - they’d definitely go above & beyond & try to spoil you rotten! And Bokuto is such a ray of sunshine ready to light up your world - you both are so kind & genuine, you’d have such a pretty relationship together. Also do you maybe wanna share more of your relationship with them? 🥺
Also Patchy x Sero might be my new OTP, the friendly flirty teasing between you two would be immaculate ❤️‍🔥
I could probably guess you were a Sango girl, you seem like his type~ And I agree, Hitsugaya is just a tiny sweet lil baby and I love him with all my heart 🥺
And you like Patchy and Ushijim huh...? Well, he would intimidate me at first so it will be a slow-burn romance that's for sure; like I think he hates me until he just one day asks me out and even then I'm like "...what???". Perhaps in another universe where Bokuto ends up with Akaashi that ship will sail, but as it stands I love my over-energetic owl 💛💛I have this thing, because I plan (well planned cause that job is done) events for my work so I can see myself doing something for the MSBY in terms of like a charity event and that's where we meet, at the registration desk, and over the course of the day(s) he just keeps stopping by and ta-da! Asks me on a date and the rest is history! That or I work with Kuroo, and he bothers me relentlessly and one day I agree to go to a MSBY game with him and meet the team for PR purposes and... yeah 🤭
And Patchy x Sero apparently is quite popular, which I never thought would ever be the case, but here we are! I remember a moot doing match games and they tried to not pair people with their faves but just COULDN'T not do that with me cause evidently we are so good together. So knowing other people agree makes me feel pretty good~ 😏
What about you!! Tell me cause I wanna plan double dates with you and stuff 🥺👉👈
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la-pheacienne · 2 years
Chuck for meme?
@cauldronofmorning Chuuuuuck omg ok (I didn't read yours on purpose even tho I saw you answered this, to not be influenced 😅)
1: sexuality headcanon : sexually insecure, has felt attraction for men when he was in college but he was a coward and he didn't do anything
2: otp : his wife. I liked them together.
3: brotp : Jimmy. Brotp from hell, each scene they shared was an absolute miracle but also made me wanna tear my eyes out.
4: notp : Kim. They didn't vibe at all. Very cold akward vibe
5: first headcanon that pops into my head : aaaaaaah Chuck as a kid bringing his good grades home all happy but his mum was more excited about a silly thing little Jimmy has done to make her happy, like probably a very silly drawing or a funny theater sketch and she totally ignored Chuck and his grades and he was crying alone at night all bitter and spiteful.
6: favorite line from this character : ahhhhhhh let me think fuck fuck so many ok obviously "slippin Jimmy with a law degree is like a chimp with a machine gun" but also "in the end, you're gonna hurt everyone around you, you can't help it, so stop apologizing, embrace it! I would have more respect for you if you did". And then "if you don't like where you're heading there is no shame in going back and changing your path". Traumatising little shit
7: one way in which I relate to this character : well I studied law, I was always the very good student who just isn't cut for interpersonal relationships that are so fundamental for a lawyer, and it's frustrating to see other people who know less than me do better at the job simply for being charming. That I understand very well. But I'm an only child so the similarities stop there.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character : well the CHICANERY scene. Iconic tho
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? : Problematic fave. I love him. During the show I absolutely hated his guts but now I love him. Definitely problematic.
Thank you for asking 💖
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depressed-lombster · 2 years
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helloo! just wanted to say a little somethin, quick chit-chat and such,, (excuse this hlvrai account i havent opened this tumblr thing in such a long time =3=) i remember u bein one of the first artists i ever followed in that forsake blue bird website yeeeeears ago~ when i was still a dumb pea mcnothin- and seeing your art on the daily, how u drew [La Squadra di Esecuzione] and how ur character transitioned in your comic and shit (vry coolcool if i say so myself!) i think the algorithm and my terrible, TERRIBLE memory made me forget to check ur art in like, 2021,, but my memory also can remember things from years ago perfectly, but like: p e r f e c t l y,, at absolute random,,, for some dumb reason,, and then make me remember said random things, also at random times so im minding my business drawing,,,,,,, whatever the fuck i draw nowadays- u dont wanna know. and thought comes up: "hey, wasnt there an artist who drew la squadra and had a trans character with just the right amount of swag? it was, golem, golem something.." and- actually found rather quickly ur twitter,, so now im typing this for... no real reason to be honest!! xDD but since i now have, more courage to like, talk to people online and maybe send a message, i decided to, yknow,, say all of this: whatever it is that im typing,, yeah, thats that, hope u have a good day, ure very cool! keep drawin cause i loved your art and got me really into jojos (its your fault i am a jojo fan now) take care, peace!
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(sorry I infected you with the JoJo's lol)
No but aaaaaaah thank you! 😭😭😭
I'm not very good with words or responses
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yumiluna · 2 years
UHH IDK IF THIS IS THE RIGHT ACCOUNT OR ANYTHING BUT I AM DESPERATE FOR OPINIONS ON THEM SO. Vanlock thoughts? Planning on writing them again soon and I need something to rotate in my mind until then
💜also your content is great!!! The wonders of being able to create your own food,,, self sustenance,,
AAAAAAAH IM SCREAMING YES THIS IS THE RIGHT PLACE BUT OHH MY OPINIONS I okay idk where to start or how to go about this or if im doing this right but i will do my best 🏃‍♂️
First of all, I think they're extremely fucking neat and continues to just Rot my Brain. I always saw Barok as a "I fucking hate this man (affectionate)" towards Herlock whereas Herlock is the "I can fix him" towards Barok but more on the mindset that he knows Barok has been through so much shit and all he really needs is a loving family that Herlock knows he can provide (and more) just so that he can see some genuine happiness cross the man's face for once after so long and I 🧍‍♂️ Herlock knows when and when not to be serious around him, it's just more so that he acts Like That when around Barok because maybe he just loves to piss him off (affectionately) or that's the only way how he knows how to show affection and tbh either is👌👌👌👌👌👌 Just the whole "im gonna tease the person i like because im too shy to say i like them!!" but instead of children it is Two Grown Men. Just love these two men who are playing gay chicken with each other and having their kid be like "lord just KISS already"
I also really like to think about how as a result of Barok wanting to spend more time with ris to make up for lost time, he HAS to spend time with Herlock and just the idea of his feelings for herlock developing into something more because of it makes me do fucking Backflips 😤😤
I also love love love to think about how the two may have bonded over loves never meant to be (Herlock -> Mikotoba; Barok -> Genshin) for just a Drop of Angst. The two being left alone in one of the most vulnerable times of their lives (Barok and the Professor/Herlock and Surprise Fatherhood) with the two probably seeing each other as kindred spirits in that sense and taking solace in each other's company when time allows like "wow your Married w/ a Child Japanese Best Friend that you totally had a thing for left you/betrayed you I'll Drink to That/Wanna Make Out" 😳 Perhaps they find that they have a lot more in common than they thought but they only start to really get together after the events of dgs2 when they've both (barok specifically) really dealt with their trauma...
I could probably just Go On but i hope this helps!!! You make me wanna do the "Understand My Ship in 5 Minutes" meme now LOL thank you for enabling me to ramble on about vanlock
And thank you!!! I love to sustain myself and I'm hoping that my sustenance is feeding others too 🙏🙏🙏 the world needs more vanlock content and i am here to Provide...
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Revice, Episode 48!
Jesus Christ, it's been 47 episodes already... not counting the vast amount of side content, that's a good deal over a thousand minutes worth of demon stamping, compelling family drama, and really poor marketing on Bandai's part. Yeah, I see you collectors, and I realize and sympathize with how unpleasant Revice's merchandising has been to your wallets when it really shouldn't have been.
If I seem a little cranky, it's because I woke up at 6 am after accidentally having a good bit of this episode spoiled for me. ...and also my mattress is awful, but you don't need to worry too much about that.
Spoilers, I guess... Fun fact, this is phrase is a holdover from the ancient days where I used to provide commentary on Chuggaaconroy's EarthBound LP remake. It was mostly meant to be kinda ironic, since I was talking about a Let's Play of all things, but I've said it so much it kinda feels weird to go without it.
...anyways, yeah, let's go then.
-Hewwo Kagerou.
-Oh hell yeah, the Evil suit's back. ...I realize that's not a huge deal, but
-Oh shit, the credits. ...I think I'm gonna be cheered up a bit soon.
-Oh my god, they use the stamps as stamps! ...where the hell was that?
-I realize this isn't very new, shaking the Fullbottles gives you their properties for a short time, and the SB-555P Faiz Phone works as an actual phone, but as somebody who started with late Heisei, it's so weird to see the collectibles actually used for stuff other than powering weapons or transformations.
-Nothing good comes from malice, Karizaki.
-Oh wow, the Demons Driver's fucked.
-Yeah, I know I really shouldn't be surprised, but it's been such an important fixture of the show for so long, that it's kinda weird to see it in this state.
-Yeah, Daddy Issues really do be like that, Dai-chan. Thank God I don't know shit or care about my dad.
-Ikki continuing to fight even at the risk of his own mind.
-Yeah, really having to
-Hello Hikaru-kun. ...think I have one of those shirts, it's real comfy.
-"I have no plan! That's why we're making one!"
-Hello, Hana-chan!
-"Ahhhh, that's cute~! What a little dingus~! ...Wait a fucking second."
-Holy crap, Hikaru's being useful!
-Oh, this is Masumi's house. ...I mean, it was pretty silly to assume that the Ushijimas legally owned it, but
-Guess Hana and Tamaki are doing alright. That's good.
-Then again, killing them might be a bit beneath George's ideal.
-Yeah, Ikki really do be buttin' in.
-And because of that, Tamaki became epic, HanaSaku became best ship, and Daiji went through an extremely turbulent character arc.
-Thank you Tamaki, very cool.
-...y'know, with the Demons Driver scrapped, I wonder how it gets repaired in time for the movie's place in the continuity.
-Burn that bridge when we get to it, I guess.
-Open Sus-ame.
-Yeah Hikaru, go get them tools.
-That's the whole family.
-My heart
-Bath time
-"Please be there for my son, I am consumed by regret and sorrow and am about to die for my crimes against humanity."
-Japan's Greatest Busybody, ready to make George's problems his problems too.
-Man... the art of good overdubbing is something that often goes unappreciated, but wow...
Hiromi: Hey George, you wanna go out for dinner sometime? :) George: Ew, that's gay, I'm not gay. ...well, maybe I am, but not for you Hiromi. Hiromi: :(
-Wow, Hiromi's even dressed his best for this.
-Big man with a point to prove.
-Juuga's transformation fucks, btw. I really like how the Megalodon is actually magenta, that's a really cool detail.
-Oh, and Juuga being an artificial imitation of Kuuga? Really cool call-back to the G3 System in Agito.
-Aaaaaaaaaand... Fight!
-Daaaamn, Crush Genome Edge!
-Hot damn.
-Gotta show George his best, Ikki.
-I don't have a whole lot to say about the action, which is really good by the way, but I do wanna take a bit to talk about something interesting.
-George seeking to completely free himself from Masumi's control is a very interesting motivation... his obsession with the Riders is ironically only possible because of his dad and people like him. Shocker, Noah, the countless organizations like them, they all sought power for their own purposes, damn near all of them extremely selfish ones. And the Riders rose above that selfishness and their own personal tragedies to become heroes.
-That's where the Karizakis come in. Masumi formed his own organization. Combating the Deadmans and the corrupt Fenix is definitely a noble goal, but Masumi's logic and method for doing so are selfish. I have to ponder whether or not Masumi would be so willing to atone for his mistakes if he never had George. With how long he's been playing everybody on the field, how willing he is to dig through his son's garbage.
-And meanwhile, at Fenix, George indulged in his own vices. Sacrificing practicality for things he thought were cool with Revice, creating the TwoSiDriver and letting Kagerou steal it, willingly putting Hiromi in such danger without questioning why... even decades into the future, with the world in outright ruin, we see George holed up in his basement with all of his favorite Riders, tinkering away and hoping for the ultimate lucky break.
-It's just as Ikki's trying to drill into George's head. He really can't forget the good times he had with his Dad, no matter what. I'm sure Ikki is imagining, just as we are right now, what kind of even stronger non-demonic Rider would be created if the two could've truly become a family again.
-Actually, come to think of it, we don't have to imagine what that'd be like. Because we've seen Kamen Rider Century first hand. We met Ryunosuke and Hideo Momose in Beyond Generations, going through the almost exact same scenario. Evil science guy with a love for his family is involved in the creation of a Kamen Rider in the 20th century. He disappears after dealings with demons and turns up decades later in the future. The son has never truly moved on or accepted the loss of his relationship with his father, and understandably refuses to hear anything he has to say now out of a very understandable feeling. Thanks to Ikki's intervention, the two are willing to put aside their conflict for the sake of the world. Ikki murders the fuck out of the big evil scary demon monster, and the world is safe once again, please buy our toys.
-Where's the difference in their story that caused their vastly different endings, you ask? Well, if you ask me, what separated the Momoses from the Karizakis was their willingness and opportunity to communicate. Having a kid of his own had to have put things in perspective for Hideo, and Ryunosuke being so openly happy to see his son again would've made things go a lot smoother. Meanwhile George and Masumi treat each other very aloofly, not unjustifiably on George's part to be clear, and so they were very unwilling to meet in a way that didn't involve the Igarashis or Weekend in some way. I think the biggest difference between them though was time. Both runtime and in-universe time. The Momoses made up basically over the course of an afternoon because they recognized the necessity of working together thanks to the immediate threat of Diablo, but the Karizakis didn't have that epiphany. Giff took his sweet-ass time enacting his plans, and as such, the Karizakis were made to stew in their own failure.
-Side note, I find it very ironic that the Momoses were able to repair their familial bond thanks to the Karizakis' inventions.
-I apologize that was so long and rambling, I had a lot of thoughts and if I didn't get them out there, I'd be thinking about them all week. Call it retreading if you'd like, but I thought this contrast was very interesting.
-Anyways, enough about that, let's kick some ass!
-"Ah dammit, Ikki's really goin' for it."
-"Well, whaddya gonna do?"
-C'mon George, you gotta hit harder!
-Well, we won.
-Look at this, George.
-It's that really cool dinosaur you drew as a kid.
-And all your really cool prehistoric animal buddies, all of whom make up your Juuga Driver.
-There you go man, let it out.
-...I'd do the same thing if it were my mom, I won't lie.
-Oh... right...
-"Who are they?"
-Fuck, man.
-Literally lost everything but Vice.
-Oh fuck, Destream next episode! Finally!
-For the love of god, please end on a good note Revice, I'm beggin' ya on my hands and knees here.
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hikingofthenoldor · 2 years
When the best thing long-term would be to write applications right now but you suddenly remembered Dream Daddy and all you wanna do is date some fictional Dads because then at least you might stop thinking about how cute it would be to ask my actual kinda date guy whether I could kiss him because that would make him all flustered and aaaaaaah...
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