#i wanna make it clear i'm not going to deny anyone's individual experience
dragongutsixofficial · 2 months
Me again!!!!
What do you think of a roleswap AU with Edeleth? Byleth, being the emperor/empress who was tortured and has big plans that would tear Fodlan apart, and Edelgard, an emotionless mercenary who travels with Jeralt (or her actual father if you wanna go that far LOL).
I'm thinking of writing it! I just need to plan it out LOL
Mmmmh it sounds really interesting !^^ What do you envision yourself ? Would Byleth be the daughter of Ionius then ?
I think the way I see it, and that's just because I think there's a lot of potential regarding Byleth's struggle with their identity and how that can appeal to darker, more desperate aspects of Rhea, is that instead of having them be the future Emperor of Adrestia, Jeralt would have failed to run away from Rhea with them. Maybe she would have even pulled a reverse Uno on him and make him think his baby was dead when she discovered his plans to set the monastery on fire to make an escape. That would, in turn, leave her to mold the future reincarnation of the Goddess according to her wishes.
Now, Rhea is morally grey, but I don't see her physically torturing a child just like that, especially with how much she cared about Sitri (although very, very misguidedly. Keeping someone's cadaver in your basement is not a sign of a healthy bond). That being said, the depths of her longing for her mother might lead her to progressively start denying Byleth their individuality and freedom, which is its own kind of psychological torture in itself. Byleth pushing back, in turn, might lead her to more abuse to assert her dominance and narrative over them.
Eventually, like a lot of abused kids, Byleth would learn to play the long game. They would become an actor, and hide their true feelings. They would struggle with spontaneity in particular, because everything would be a careful calculation not to let anyone see through them. They would appear subdued and content with their fate and Rhea's guardianship, but they would just be buying their time and planning their escape- and downfall of the Church.
Jeralt, meanwhile, devastated by the loss of his child, would have still left the Knights of Seiros. As to how he would've met Edelgard, I'm not quite sure ! Maybe Ionius would've tried a last-ditch attempt at having his children escape from TWSTID instead of being the disagreeable, incapable pussy he actually is. Edelgard would be fucking traumatized because who wouldn't. But Jeralt would feel a sense of duty and attachment to this child after failing his first kiddo and raise her as his own- though it's never clear whether she reciprocates his filial affection.
The rest of the story would go on as it does in Hopes- Byleth would convince Rhea to let them learn how to fight at the Academy, and hire some bandits to scare off/kill off Claude and Dimitri: Jeralt's mercenaries would save the day, and Edelgard's scars and Crest would catch Rhea's attention. She would probably suspect that she's a victim of TWSTID, and maybe even who she truly is- and appoint her as the teacher in Byleth's class.
As to how TWSTID would tie into all this, I'm not quite sure. Though Byleth could reach out to them, they wouldn't have their hand forced like Edelgard did when she accepted their help, and TWSTID would probably just want to kill them to death or kidnap them for some more twisted experiments. Not to mention Byleth cares so much, they probably wouldn't see the appeal of getting them on their side without being coerced into it. So, I dunno !^^
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anshikapandeysblog · 1 year
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When i think about the word love i get these pure feelings
I mean everyone says love is confusing love is blind, love is hurtful, love is pain and what not
And i totally totally believe the alternative.
Because you know for me love is comfortable, love is crystal clear and visible... you can sense it love is supposed to make you feel like home it isn't supposed to make you nervous it's supposed to make you feel free and forever young, u shall like being around them and not because you like their presence but also because you value it..u value every second you spent with them it's like this beautiful dream for you
When you're in love you don't feel the need to be perfect..you don't feel the need to hide.
You just know that the person will accept your scars no matter how brutal or deep they are.
Love is supposed to heal you not hurt you,
Love is something which is supposed to last long, because when you are really really in love u would never want this thing to get over. Some of these things that I'm saying are so unrealistic in this world.
I feel like people have lost the meaning of true love they don't even wanna know.
Every time I see anyone defining what their definition of LOVE is... they always somehow end up giving it a negative aspect.
U aren't supposed to FALL in love u are supposed to BE in love..you are supposed to FEEL the love... you are supposed to be comfortable with feeling that way.
You aren't supposed to FALL in love...i read this in a book Reminders of him by collen Hoover and it said --
" People say you fall in love, but fall is such a sad word when you think about it. Falls are never good. You fall on the ground, you fall behind, you fall to your death. Whoever was the first person to say they fell in love must have already fallen out of it. Otherwise, they’d have called it something much better."
Yk there are a lot of different aspects of love and i don't wanna deny that love can't be hard,
Of course love can be real tough sometimes
And it's okay and somewhere i just know that if your love is TOUGH that can only have two reasons
1. Maybe one person loves another more.
2. Maybe one of them isn't healed enough for a healthy love maybe they just need time to figure things out for themselves before stepping into a commitment
Here i never used the word people could end up making it hard, and the reason is because i think that, it is never in other people's hands to ruin something as pure as love.
They can make things hard for "THE INDIVIDUAL" but can never make LOVE as a whole "feeling" hard
Cuz loving is easy... when you're with the right person everything just feels right and everything feels slow and soft like u are sitting on your little picnic carpet watching sunset with them feeling comfortable, him coming over because he was bored, watching our comfort show to together..summer midnight rides , winter coffee special, tea while watching the rain... making random stuff... having a all dressed up photoshoot... sitting in silence just enjoying each other's presence and I CAN GO ON AND ON AND ONNNN....
Love can make u feel a series of emotions but every emotion you would ever experience while being in love will never make you sad even the anger, the ruthlessness, the arguments, the ignorance NO FEELING at that time would make you feel bad about "LOVE" cuz u just know that it all comes with it...it's like this whole package, u get every emotion together sometimes it sweet, sometimes it can get salty, sometimes spicy but NEVER bitter.
Love can never be bad it isn't supposed to be bad
We can never compare it with anything "bad".
Love is passionate, love is adventurous, love is like a magic box which is filled with MANY different feelings.
Even the crazy nonsense feelings that u would never wanna experience but you just do it anyway and maybe while you are feeling it you might feel that... nah maybe this isn't right i don't wanna feel all this it comes with responsibilities I don't wanna burden myself with all of this and whatever.
But trust me when you're ACTUALLY REALLY IN LOVE u just feel free you don't feel the sense of burden you feel complete you feel genuinely content and i just can't define how beautiful it can be
I will never let the reality of gen z ruin my thoughts over love
I know it can't always be rainbows and sunshine
But it's about the view darling
Some people see scars on the moon beside the fact that how beautiful it shines even after that
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edwardprendick1896 · 3 years
BBC: *publishes title suggesting trans women are a danger to lesbians*
me, an afab lesbian:
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faveanimeships · 5 years
oooo hi!! can i requests for a matchup? i'm 5'7, straight, blue hair and a big smilee. i'm an INTJ, my sign is aquarius sun leo moon and gemini rising & i belong to ravenclaw. i talk a lot once u know me but some say i can be detached & unpredictable at times. i'm,,,, also weird,,, in a way that i say stuff weirdly without thinking. i hate it when people tell me what to do and i would always like to have my own way. i have a difficulty showing love thru words, shy when i like someone & i would-
stutter around my crush. love science ( major in chemistry) and also naps!! always exhausted but not at night. i like entertaining people with my jokes & i think rhat i have the best humor out here akdjajdjajdjs. my friends describe me as crazy, stupid and smart at the same time, stubborn, creative and a fun person to hang out with lol. i dont have a type i think i can handle anyone ( in the haikyuu world) except um… ushijima? because hes too serious sjjs idt he would laugh at my jokes.. -
thanks!!! i hope i made myself clear iejajdjwjj im sorry its too long u can take ur time :D!! thank uuuuu
if you’re interested in the astrology, personality types, Hogwarts house, please check out the rules!! I have included all the relevant links there
Girl we literally so alike istg also you so tall wat the hell is 170cm (sorry I had to convert TUT)
I ship you with Ennoshita Chikara !!
You’re stubborn, independent, you tend to shift between ‘ideal’ and ‘reality’, you’re creative, original, unpredictable, straightforward, you are determined and versatile. You want a smart boy, you need that intellectual stimulation, you probably look for an ‘equal’ when you’re looking for a relationship, you’re probably clueless when it comes to love and you probably want a reassuring companion who is willing to put up with your whims and keep up with you.
AND THUS, MY GOOD FREN, I ship you with Ennoshita! Ennoshita provides a very calming, assuring and reliable presence in the relationship, he acts as your ‘rock’ when you drift from reality into ideal mode. It is also canon that Ennoshita will probably end up being a director (genius director yeesh), he works in the artistic field where he is prone to encounter all types of weird and I assure you he will NOT be weirded out by you. I think he would appreciate a partner like you since he’s a director, he’s probably away for filming a lot (appreciates your independence), needs different inspirations (in which you are able to provide), and your ability to be original and creative will probably help build his career and push him further and explore different genres. On the other hand, Ennoshita will also help you push yourself further by giving you amazing advice and also be the shoulder to lean on when you’re stuck.
++Ennoshita does well in school and it is safe to assume that he understands most of your science jokes (eg: ARE YOU A CARBON SAMPLE BECAUSE I WANNA DATE U !!! him: yeesh stop) = number 1 intellectual couple #goals
NOT ONLY THAT he also really appreciates your straightforwardness, because he needs REAL opinions about his movie, and you know who doesn’t want to kiss the genius director’s ass and star in his movie?? Yes but you’re different you’d just say “I feel that part’s just weird like??? Wtf is going on” and he takes your opinion seriously = healthy relationship!! Also Ennoshita really loves the humorous side of you he uses your jokes sometimes to ease up the tense atmosphere on set !!! Also Ennoshita probably has an equally fked sleep cycle, so he’s always up at night with you and naps with you during the day uwu
Things he likes:
1.    10pm walks
2.    Subtle PDA
3.    Holding hands under the table during family reunions
4.    Face to face cuddling + yall talking about your day
5.    Mutual trust
6.    Individual time off, both of you probably need personal space, so yall would take time off to recharge yourselves individually
7.    Ice cream dates
8.    Napping when there’s a storm outside
9.    Domestic things like cleaning the house or grocery shopping
10. Making decisions together
11. Talking to your parents (lets be honest he’s like the perfect son in law)
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I will also ship you with (under the cut)
Futakuchi Kenji
He’s stubborn, provocative and an idiot really, he knows how to rile you up, but at the same time he provides you with that intellectual stimulation??? Futakuchi isn’t a big fan of affection but he shows that he cares with his actions (eg: breakfast in bed) he probably denies a lot (like you know, he deliberately woke up at 6am to prepare a breakfast in bed feast for you but he’ll say it’s because he was already awake) excuses we know you’re in love UWU!!! He lowkey loves cuddling but he will NEVER admit it. He also fixes things around the house which is super convenient, your parents probably ask him to fix their stuff, leaky taps, old car, he does it all for free (brownie points) and when you ask him why he’ll probably say “its for practice”. He will tease you A LOT!!!!!!! Because both of yalls are stubborn yall probably will fight a lot at the start, but yall will learn how to compromise and communicate with each other (–=+) so like this also improves your human communication skills.
As an ace and captain from a powerhouse school, he’s bound to have exceptional observation skills. He knows when your off days are and he will stick around to pamper you, like run a bath, give you a hug, less snarky retorts, order uber eats, cuddle with you, etc. He also understands that you need your individual space so just talk to him about what you want, and he will definitely respect that. Overall, a very respectful relationship + fun bantering. Also because Futakuchi loves volleyball a lot he is very likely to join a social team after he graduates, and he would absolutely love it if you support him when he plays.
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Akira Kunimi
He’s laid back, indifferent, emotionless, lazy, calm, efficient and smart. He has good observational skills. He knows when you’re down, and he’ll just move close to you. He dislikes loud people but he is a great listener, he might just chuckle at your jokes, but he appreciates them (in his bland life). He loves taking naps with you, and he lets you do most of the talking because he loves to listen to your voice (its defs NOT because it lulls him to sleep), he doesn’t really have a preference when it comes to things, so you’d be doing most of the decision making but unlike with Futakuchi, this relationship is really calm, almost no bickering. Kunimi respects you a lot and looks up to you because you’re diligent and opinionated (unlike him), but because of his love for efficiency and his lazy personality, he might just give you great advice (eg: how to write a simple but academically sound lab report withinin 2 hours instead of 2 days)  (A/N: YES THAT TOOK ME  DAYS TO COMPLETE ONE LAB REPORT PLZ DON’T JUDGE ME)
He’s also a big fan of cuddling and just playing with your hair, holding hands and staying indoors especially during winter. Overall it’s just a very calm and quiet relationship.
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I would also ship you with Kuroo Tetsurou !!
- nerd couple 
- dates: making weird experiments (eg: lets titrate acid and something weird together and calculate the equivalence point!!!!! u: its probably impossible him: TEST THE LIMITS OF SCIENCE), watching khan academy (nerd), talking shit about orgo, trying to create a weird element (sorry hunny not that easy), reading nature (and hoping yalls will be on it), cafe dates + buying apple pie for kenma
- kenma, kenma like your son (u: kenma plz brush your teeth kenma: k kuroo: plz be my wife)
- roasting his academic papers uWU (hahahahahaha) (OFFENDED VOICE: CONFLICT OF INTERESTTTT) (cues kuroo groaning) 
- fun couple, fun amusement park dates 
- not using gloves in the lab >:( (tbh its been a long time since i used gloves in the lab lolol) 
- cuddle bug (loves hugging you so much )
- has normal sleep cycle but is always down for naps (lazy cat kuroo) 
- loves your weird (tbh all academics are weird) 
- roasting each other
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YEET I HOPE YOU LIKE IT TUT feel free to send in more requests uwu!!!
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