#i wanna put him in a test tube or some kind of containment and study him
comet-wire · 4 months
Last night I cried, and I mean UGLY cried at a foul hour because I love Albert Wesker and I hate it. (/Lh)
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Like first off, the man's name is Albert??? Need I say more? But then, his name is kinda gothic when you say his full name. I don't know if that's just me. But just simply referring to him as Albert is goofy as fuck considering he's supposed to be a villain in RE. Not only that, he's got paper thin lips. How's he gonna get a kiss kiss??☝️🤨/ref
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But it wasn't only that, mind you, it's also because this absolute FUCK, this evil David Bowie and Johnny bravo looking mother fucker, has consumed my life and every waking thought that sometimes it genuinely hurts and that's what I hate about being autistic. It's just how much I want to consume of something once it becomes a special interest and/or hyperfixation. On top of that, Wesker is a special case for me because I found out I technically trauma bonded to him as a comfort character. For the past year and a half now, I got back into RE because of the RE4R and began hyperfixating on said game then it spiraled into hyperfixating about the Wesker's storyline, with project W and so on. I already have a tendency to go back to RE periodically every like two or so years but this has low-key been probably the longest I've consistently fixated on RE without a single break in-between. My dad and I bonded over resident evil, he's one of the people who got me into RE, albeit he watched the movies and I got into the game's. Which means RE means a whole lot to me and since he passed my fixation on it only heightened as a source of comfort. I also found out when you have a comfort character during a horrible period in your life, you very well can trauma bond with said character. So that means out of all characters, I have trauma bonded to Albert Wesker and I am two seconds away from tweaking. 🤩
On top of that, every time @rainbowroadonsteroids sends me something remotely Wesker related I start punching my wall and they bully me for it smh./Lh+nm
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Shout out to my favorite human nightlight, Albert Wesker. ☝️🗿
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fuck-goes-on · 3 years
pairing/s: peter parker x reader
summary: peter exhibits strange behaviours... maybe he's more spider than he thought?
warning/s: comedy, fluff, spider-like behaviour, ballooning, dead flies, eggs (?), unnecessary jealousy, pheromones, venom-suit vibes
note/s: i'm in a crack mood yall, as always i wrote with tobey! peter in mind, but it can be read as any spiderman, also i got most of the behaviours from this site
masterlist ¦¦ navigation
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Peter Parker was... weird. That much people knew when he first entered college.
The first time you met him, you were rushing back to your chemistry laboratory to find a notebook you left. As you entered the room, you saw Peter hanging from the ceiling, with only a thin thread holding him in place. The faint air from the aircon gently blew him back and forth, which almost hypnotised you before he let go of the thread and let the momentum push him to the wall on the other side of the doorway.
You looked around the area; test tubes, beakers and flasks containing an unfamiliar substance scattered across the lab tables, and a weird device was propped up with the same thin string coming out of it. Upon closer inspection, the string seemed to look like silk, raw silk that spiders wove from their spinnerets.
Peter rushed towards you with his hands flailing around as his mouth rambled words you half-understood.
"—not what you think! I was j-just— You were hallucinating! Yes, this is all a dream—" His hands waved in front of your face, "You are experiencing a heart attack! Wait— no— that's too much—"
"Peter, that's enough," You said as you pushed him away from you. He stumbled back, mouth finally shut. "I've known you were Spiderman for a while now."
Peter paused, panic filling his expressions once more, "Spider-who? I-I don't know no man spider and if I did, I would definitely walk away and act as if nothing happened."
"What do you think I've been doing this whole time, weirdo?" You crossed your arms and quirked a brow. He instantly relaxed, slumping over one of the lab stools. "Anyways... You think I can help you out with your webs?"
It's a month since you've been helping Peter with the creation of his webs; You were taught the formula first and foremost, and were tested with small amounts of the needed substances so you could make your own webs. To put it shortly, he was very impressed.
"You wanna help me?" Peter asked you. You merely nodded, and he seemed to consider you for a moment, before ultimately saying, "Alright."
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From then on, you've been creating your own webs with his formula as a base; funnel webs, tangle webs, sheet webs, orb webs, and many others. They're inspired by actual webs spiders create, which amused Peter to no great deal.
"What? If you're Spiderman, then you gotta have some spider webs!"
"I already do!"
"Those? Nah, homie, those are Peter webs, not spider ones."
No matter how much he likes to complain, Peter is grateful for your assistance in making webs, especially since he has web block almost every other day; An incredible hassle during patrol nights.
One day, when you went to study with Peter at the Avengers Compound — they let you in there? — you couldn't find the guy for the life of you.
But there are other ways he's grateful for your webs as well.
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You looked at the kitchen, the lab, his room, anywhere he would be seen by the others; However, none of those places had that red-blue spandex wearing man in them.
It took you longer than expected just to find him outside in the garden, where Tony and a webbed up Steve were talking. They were standing next to this huge funnel web, all the spokes spiraling inward to a large hole where a little dug-out hole was. When you extend your neck, you could see your friend laying down inside, sleeping comfortably on his bed of webs.
"Hey! You!" Tony called out to you. You walked closer to where the Ironman and the Captain stood. "You think you can get Pete out of there? I kind of need him in the lab, and Cap can't get him without being webbed together."
You nod your head and walked closer to the funnel, very carefully stepping on the intricately made webs. Just as you stepped down, Peter's head popped out of the hole; His foggy and narrowed eyes tried to focus on you as he assessed whether your were a threat, prey, or a friend.
Peter perked up when he noticed it was you, though, and immediately scrambled up with a handful of something.
"Pete! What are you doing?" You asked him as he got closer to you, "Tony Stark had to ask me for help. He doesn't as people for help, Peter!"
"Yeah, yeah, I'll deal with him later, but right now, hold out your hand," You suspiciously did what he asked, and he beamed brightly at you. Before you could ask him again what he was doing, he dumped whatever he was holding into your hands.
Flies. Dead flies.
You screamed in shock and shook your hand to drop all of them on top of the web you and Peter were standing on. He preciously bright smile twisted into a crestfallen look, sadly glancing down at his trophy of flies.
"You don't like them?" He genuinely asked you, which both confused and scared you.
"And you do?!"
"Well, I just thought you'd like some..." Peter said with sadness. You winced at the utter genuineness of the guy and tried to smile.
"Thank you for... that, Peter, but Tony Stark needs you right now and afterwards, we need to work on our chem homework."
Peter looked a bit better after you thanked him, and instantaneously looked happier at the thought of working with you after whatever Mr. Stark needed him for.
It's a month after that incident that you two started dating, and everything was bliss.
"Okay! Let me help you out of the web and I'll be quick with Mr. Dad!" You chuckled and nod, holding tight onto his arm as he maneuvered you out of his web.
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Peter took care of you like a housewife to her army husband. It was almost overbearing if it wasn't so gosh darn adorable of him to worry about whether you ate or not.
The first time you invite him over your apartment, it was for a movie night. It was just the two of you, a bowl of buttered and salted popcorn between you two, and a movie both of you weren't really paying attention to.
After a while, Peter stood up to get some water for the two of you. However, it took a little bit too long for him to come back.
"Pete? Are you okay?" You called out to him, reaching down for some popcorn to munch on.
"Y-Yeah, I'm okay..." He replied, sounding kind of far-away, "I just... didn't realise you had eggs."
"Well, I have to eat something for breakfast, don't I?" You half-joke, finally standing up to face whatever he was doing in your kitchen.
What you didn’t expect, though, was Peter holding your batch of organic eggs and wrapping them in his webs.
"Peter, love, what in the name of the good Lord are you doing?" You watched in horror as he grabbed yet another egg from your fridge to wrap with his webs. Before he could get more, you stop him with your hands, holding his wrists to your chest.
"What? I'm helping protect our eggs!"
"Protect— What— No, Peter, what you needed to do was get us some water," You pulled him away and made him hold two glasses that you filled with water.
When you faced him, Peter had the most pathetic and pitiful face on. It made you feel so bad that you reached to kiss his cheek, "Thank you for protecting our eggs, Peter. But only do that when I ask you to, okay?"
Peter caught you talking to Pietro the other day, and the effect was hissing towards the speedster whenever he got too close to you. But it was all for naught as Pietro didn't care for what people thought, except for Wanda.
Placated, Peter skipped as cheerfully as he could with two full glasses in his hands. You shook your head and followed him back to finish the movie you've both forgotten about.
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Pietro would tease Peter, though. Sometimes the Sokovian would grab you and spin you around as a greeting, right in front of Peter. Other times, Pietro would get you things you wanted faster than Peter could; You want cereal? Sure, Pietro's got you covered. You're craving that meal you had down the street? Suddenly it appears right in front of you.  
One day though, for the nth time, you think, Peter has gone bonkers.
You woke up in the Avengers compound, having gotten used to spending weekend nights there with Peter whenever you can, alone. Before you could question where Peter was, a scream tore throughout the hallway; An impressive feat, considering the fact that the walls were soundproofed.
You rushed out of your shared room with Peter, seeing Wanda do the same as well as Clint who fell out of a vent. All of you ran toward where the noise was, surprised that it came from Pietro's room, and stumbled inside.
It was a sight, for lack of better phrasing.
Peter was on top of Pietro on the speedster's bed, crouched in his signature spider pose. Pietro, on the other hand, was bound with your boyfriend's webs, stuck inside with no way out.
"Peter!" You shouted, making the boy himself freeze at your voice. When he turned around, he faced your fury, "What the fuck is going on right now?! Release Pietro right this instant!"
"No! If I do, he's going to take up all your time just like the week before and the week before that!"
"Spider, if you don't release my brother right now..." Wanda threatened, eyes glowing red and swirls twisting and turning around her fingers, "You won't forget my name ever again."
Peter looked apprehensive, hesitant, before taking out some web dissolvent out of his pocket. It was a relief that he had some on his person; It showed that he wasn't completely insane.
After Pietro was released, he ran toward his sister and Clint, and sped the three of them away from you and Peter.
It was silent for a moment, Peter looking at the ground in shame, and you glaring at him like there's no tomorrow.
"What is going on with you, Peter? You've been acting out of it the past few months!" You exclaimed loudly, making your boyfriend flinch.
"... I'm sorry, angel, I didn't know what I was doing, honest," He said, looking up to show you how sincere he was. "I consulted Dr. Banner and Mr. Stark about this, but all they told me was that I've been behaving more and more like a spider since the bite and—"
You furrowed your brows as you walked closer to him, carefully laying your hand on his chest, "Why didn't you tell me about this?"
"I didn't wanna worry you... This all seemed so little, so insignificant that I didn't want to burden you with it."
"You could never burden me with anything related to you, Pete. I love you, and I mean all of you. Spider or no spider." He smiled at you and leaned in to press a kiss on your forehead. Pulling you into an embrace, he thanked and apologised to you numerous times.
That's when you knew, everything would be okay with you and your spider.
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noonaduck · 4 years
In the eye of storm pt.2
Pairing: reader x Hoseok /OT7 Genre: Superhero &super villain AU, Smut, fluff, angst. series. Warnings:  angst, gore themes Words: 4055
Summary: You lived in a world where superhuman abilities were reality. Around 15% of world population went through a mutations in their mother’s womb that scientists weren’t able to explain. These people with supernatural abilities were called meta-humans. Some of meta people decided to serve the world as superheroes whose job was to keep everyone safe. Like every coin people gaining superpowers had its down side. Because there wasn’t choosing who would born with extraordinary abilities sometimes the powers ended up manifesting in wrong people. Those people used their abilities for their own gain and the counter force for the superheroes was born. A/N: At first I’m sorry for the wait. i have been lacking the motivation to write so that’s why publishing the second part took so long. I wanna give big shout out and thanks to my new beta @s0seo​ . I don’t know where I would be without her patience to fix my grammar mistakes and her suggestions on how the plot should proceed.
1. < 2. > 3. coming soon. 
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[GIF belongs to it’s rightful owner ]
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9 years ago in Scarlet City
Min Yoongi was proud to call himself super. Even though he hadn’t  gained his superhuman abilities through  a mutation like other super humans, he didn't mind.  His  father was one of the leading scientists in the field of gene research following the discovery of the first superhuman. Their home was filled with  articles detailing the accomplishments and crimes of these super humans. Many of them were decorated with scribbles from both yoongi as well as his father. You could say that he was obsessed in figuring out the secrets of supernatural abilities. That was the main reason that he had spent most of his time in his laboratory focusing on his work. Yoongi's mother died in a car crash when Yoongi was only two. Although Yoongi couldn’t remember much about his mother, he could  vaguely recall the comforting scent of her hair and how patient and kind she was always with him unlike his father. Following his mother’s funeral  Yoongi’s father buried himself even deeper into his work than he had before, and Yoongi found himself spending most of the time with his father in his cold, desolate  laboratory playing with empty test tubes and befriending the lab rats his father used for his experiments. Dr. Min looked like a real life mad scientist with his too big lab coat, messy black hair, and half moon glasses that he kept pushing up his crooked nose. He didn’t ignore his child on purpose; it was just that he was always so focused on his work that he sometimes forgot that he even had a son. The lack of other kids' presence in Yoongi's early years robbed him of any potential social skills and later caused him to become an outcast.  When Yoongi was old enough he was sent to one of the strictest boarding schools in the country. He was often punished harshly for insubordination and  was often misunderstood, because he struggled with expressing himself in ways that didn’t make him seem rude. He spent countless hours scrubbing dishes and mopping the halls as punishment. However,  kitchen duty had its own benefits, and it was through those countless hours that he learned how to make basic meals, and was able to sustain himself and his father during school holidays when he was sent back home.During his free time Yoongi often buried his head in his comic books and closely followed the news about his favorite  heroes while continuously finding himself wondering if he was one of them would his father finally notice him? Yoongi had always had mixed feelings towards his father. He wanted his father to see him as someone who was worthy of his love and attention. At the same time Yoongi found himself becoming more and more frustrated with his father. The only things he seemed to care about were the super  humans he was studying and the powers that they processed.
The city was covered in a heavy blanket of snow, and Yoongi tried desperately to make his way through the buzzing city. Christmas was already knocking on the door, and panicked shoppers were running around like headless chickens hunting for their last minute Christmas presents. As he got close to the large building, he felt a shoulder ram into him from the side almost causing him to drop the plastic bag which carried a christmas gift of his own. 
After glancing angrily towards the stranger only to find him already walking away with his phone glued to his ear, Yoongi  let out a heavy sigh and watched a cold puff of air escape from his lips. He didn’t know what had come over him when he had decided to visit his father while he was working. When Yoongi finally reached the wide glass two story building he  frowned and felt snow begin to fall from the sky. It was getting dark, and the only lights in the building were coming out from the second floor where he knew his father's laboratory was located. Yoongi knocked on the front glass doors and a few seconds later a security guard appeared from his booth to unlock the door for him.
‘’Merry Christmas Yoongi.’’ The familiar old mad man greeted him while flashing a toothy grin. ‘’Merry Christmas to you too.’’ Yoongi answered back, his lips in a straight line. He had always hated the holiday season. ‘’Is your father expecting you?’’ ‘’No. I bought him food.’’ Yoongi raised his arm holding his plastic bag to show the guard. ‘’Ah that's good. I don’t believe your father’s been eating enough. He didn’t even leave for his break.’’ ‘’I see.’’ Yoongi nodded as the guard stepped to the side. ‘’Say hi for your father from me.’’ ‘’Will do.’’ Yoongi nodded as he  headed towards the main hall and ascended the stairs leading to the second floor.  He  walked  quietly through the dimly lit hallway, stopping just outside of his father’s door. He hesitantly reached for the handle and released a deep breath before raising his  arm and knocking on the locked door. After a few minutes, and a bit more knocking, his father finally appeared in the doorway looking surprised to see his son standing in front of him.
‘’What are you doing here, shouldn’t you be at school?’’ Dr. Min asked, confused, his mind already returning to his current experiment. Yoongi looked at his father and took note of his disheveled state
“He looks like a mess’’, Yoongi thought to himself. The  stains on his shirt, his messy hair, and the bags under his eyes spoke volumes. Not to mention one of his lenses was missing from his glasses. ‘’Christmas is in two days.’’ He responded dully. ‘’Really? I didn’t even notice. Well, come in since you’re already here.’’ Dr. Min said, stepping away and letting his son in. Yoongi wasn’t surprised at how unorganized his father's workplace was. ‘’I bought you soup.’’ Yoongi told him reaching his arm out to hand the bag to his father. ‘’I see, thank you.’’ Mr. Min said, his mind elsewhere as he put  the bag down near a metal table. ‘’Follow me I want to show you something.’’  he called over his shoulder already walking away, his face, lighting up and his hand gesturing to Yoongi to follow. 
Mr. Min led Yoongi towards the tables where the cages containing the test animals were held. He saw a white rabbit with red eyes and three mice sleeping in the cage next to it. ‘’Animals. Why we are looking at your test subjects?’’ Yoongi asked his father with a raised eyebrow. I might have figured out a way to extract the DNA from one species, dissect it, and place it into another species to expand their traits. ‘’Seeing only confusion on his son’s face he continued. ‘’For example those three mice are paired with the DNA of snakes.  I’m waiting for results now. I hope that I’m able to implant the ability to produce venom for these small creatures’’ ‘’Don’t you think that what you are doing is unethical. We shouldn’t mess with nature?’’ Yoongi questioned. Despite all he has been through he had high morals.
‘’Don’t you see son?! If this works we can soon create real life hybrids! Human’s with reflex like a boa and sight like a hawk! With enough time we could even create super humans of our own. just think about it, no more worrying about being too slow or too weak, we could make ourselves gods"  Dr. Min’s face looked almost lunatic. ‘’Do the higher ups know what you are doing?’’ ‘’They wouldn’t understand! just think of the possibilities! I’m sure you understand after all you  know how much this means to me! Before Yoongi could respond, one of the mice woke up and started coughing up blood. Soon the other two started coughing up blood as well. Yoongi saw that one of them had already begun to bleed from its eyes. ‘’The mice are rejecting the combination of the dna chains!’’ dr. Min yelled and pulled at his his hair in panic. ‘’What I did wrong!’’ Yoongi took a few steps back and turned away ,barely managing to reach a bin before emptying his stomach. Dr. Min, not even noticing his son’s distress hurried to open the cage of  the now dead mice.Yoongi glanced towards the rabbit whose breathing had started to hitch, and in the spur of moment  pulled the cage door open and picked up the shaking animal. The next thing he knew, he was running down the hallway  holding the rabbit to his chest as he faintly heard his father yelling after him.. The only thought in his mind was saving  the rabbit from the same fate that the mice had experienced at his father’s hands. However, what Yoongi didn’t know was that the bunny had already received an injection of something that would change both of their  lives. ~
You knock on Yoongi’s bedroom door quietly and step in. Heavy black curtains are pulled in front of the long glass windows and only light in the room is coming from the slightly ajar door of the ensuite bathroom. You walk next to Yoongi’s double bed and look at him with worry covering your face. 
 Yoongi is moving restlessly in his sleep and sweating heavily. ‘’Yoongi wake up.’’ You shake Yoongi’s shoulder and he wakes up with a loud gasp, his hand reaching around your neck in reflex to defend himself. ‘’Yoongi it’s me.’’ You rasp as you feel the growing pressure on your neck. Yoongi’s gaze is wild and unfocused until his eyes finally make their way to  your face. ‘’Y/N! I’m so sorry.’’ Yoongi cries out letting go of your neck, and you see a mixture of  shock and guilt covering his face. 
‘’It’s okay. It was just a dream.’’ You tell him as you take a seat on the bed next to him and take his still raised hands into yours. ‘’I could’ve hurt you.’’ Yoongi whispers quietly with an ashamed voice. ‘’Please,I was never in real danger. If I thought I was you would be on the floor right now suffering from literal and metaphorical shock.’’ You assure him as you rub his hands gently and ask. ‘’Do you want to talk about your dream?’’ ‘’I don’t remember it anymore.’’ Yoongi says, looking into your eyes. Even though his face doesn’t expose anything, something in his voice makes you feel that he isn’t being honest, but you won’t push it. ‘’Okay then, we need you in the meeting room. Namjoon wants to go through today's plan one more time. ‘’ ‘’I will be there in a bit. Can you give me maybe like fifteen minutes to shower?’’ Yoongi asks and pulls his hands away from yours. ‘’Sure. Come downstairs whenever you’re ready.’’ You get up from Yoongi’s bed flashing him an assuring smile and exit his room closing the door quietly. Your home was a penthouse  located on the top two floors of one of the highest skyscrapers in the city. On the first floor was the kitchen, living room, one smaller bathroom, and Namjoon’s bedroom which sat next to a small home library (not by coincidence). The second floor was made of a balcony that opened over the living area granting clear view to the space. On the second floor were 4 other rooms, three of them being bedrooms in use paired with an ensuite bathroom in each and the fourth unused room had been turned into a gaming room. Even villains needed to let loose sometimes. You start walking down the stairs leading to the living room when you hear a door open behind you. ‘’Y/N wait!’’ Jimin hurries after you and stops you on the halfway point of the stairs. ‘’Yes?’’ You turn to look at him over your shoulder already prepared to hear bad news. ‘’Nothing, I just wanted to go to the meeting room with you.’’ Jimin grins and you roll your eyes in response. ‘’Let’s go then.’’ You say with a little sigh and lead Jimin towards a wall where a huge painting hangs. The painting wasn’t anything extraordinary. In fact the huge size of it was the only thing worthy of any attention. The picture was a abstract mix of red, blue and yellow lines and shapes.  You touch the right side of the painting gently and a small hatch slides out of the wall next to the picture and reveals a small keypad. You type  in the code, and the painting swings open like a door revealing the small hallway behind it containing three doors. On the left side of the hallway is a door that leads into the room where you keep your gear, your suits, weapons and other objects used for combat. On the right side of the hall is your practice room where you have  some basic gym equipment and a large area  to train your skills. You walk straight past the doors on both sides of the hallway and stop in front of the final door resting at the end of the hallway which leads to your meeting room.  You push the door open and are greeted by the familiar space. The walls of the room are cluttered with multiple monitors displaying data, police reports, diagrams and other classified information.. what pulls your attention though is the big round glass table placed right in the center of it.you look across the room to find the all too familiar half moon shaped work desk thankful that it's placed right across the entrance.This table has even more monitors than the wall and is  the place where Yoongi spends most of his free time. The table is faced towards the door so Yoongi can  see whoever enters the room.  However, this time it's not Yoongi who you spot behind the table. Namjoon is standing up and leaning over the work desk rapidly typing something into  the keyboard while mumbling to himself.  You sit in one of the( many chairs surrounding the round table, and Jimin takes a seat right next to you. Noticing that Namjoon is still unaware of your arrival, you raise your brows at Jimin in amusement , and  he puts his finger to his lips to signal you to keep quiet. A wicked grin  makes its way to his face but is quickly replaced with a focused frown and furrowed eyebrows. You watch as  the half empty water glass on the spot where Namjoon usually sits at the table makes its way towards Namjoon. You can hardly keep yourself from giggling when Jimin stops the glass in the air right above Namjoon and begins to tilt it forward. Just as  Jimin pours the glass of water on top of Namjoon's head Yoongi arrives, causing Namjoon to look up and  instead feel the liquid pour down his face. Yoongi only smirks, quietly amused from the sight and takes his seat next to Jimin. Namjoon’s shocked face is hilarious, and a burst of giggles escapes your lips followed by Jimin’s cheerful laugh. ‘’Jimin!’’ Namjoon grunts angrily and wipes his face on his hand. ‘’Are you twelve or something?’’ Instead of answering Jimin answers between his laugh. ‘’You should have seen your face. It's usually so hard to catch you off guard with your hearing and all, but  this is hilarious. The mighty RM completely misses me and Y/N entering the room and finally falls victim to a prank.’’ Jimin wipes his eyes, breathing  heavily. 
Namjoon sighs and shakes his head in annoyance. ‘’Well, since we’re all here, let's start our meeting.’’ He continues and comes to sit on the edge of  the table across from everyone. Your giggles dry, and your faces turn serious as you all straighten your posture. You knew when it was time to focus on the situation at hand, and although Jimin liked to play around; he did too. Yoongi continues sitting quietly in his seat  taps the glass table with his nails causing small clicking noises to erupt through the sudden silence. Namjoon clears his throat  and the meeting begins. ‘’Thanks to Yoongi we have gained information about the whereabouts of the key. An armored convoy escorted by the Big hit’s private agents will be arriving in our city on the tomorrow night. At first Yoongi and i tried figuring out how to break into the van, but then we figured out that the van is just a decoy.’’ ‘’Are you saying that we were going after a false lead again?’’ You ask frustrated and squeeze your hand into a fist  already feeling your temper rising. ‘’No, but we almost did.’’ It's the first time Yoongi speaks since  his arrival. ‘’The real key will be arriving to the city on the 8:15 pm train from Sunside City escorted by three agents dressed as civilians. Isn't that the same time as the decoy?’’ Namjoon points one of the bigger screens on the wall with a remote, and a picture of a train car seating system comes into view. ‘’The problem is that we don’t know what the agents look like or where they are going to sit, but luckily we know its the fifth cart from the engine.’’ Namjoon circles the picture with a laser pointer and you arch your brows deep in thought.
‘’So how are we gonna find the key? Are we just supposed  to raid the whole cart?’’ Jimin asks tilting his head on the side. ‘’No,  that would draw r too much attention. We have came up with a better plan. Y/N and I will board the train in our civil clothes and pretend to be young couple.’’ Namjoon says, smirking. ‘’I have few ideas in mind how to get the key without being detected but I will return to them in private with Y/N’’ ‘’Are you sure that it's safe to show our faces in front of the agents?” you ask.
You know that you are capable no matter what you do, but you’ve never committed a crime without some form of disguise. Even when you were just a teenager breaking into stores in the middle of night you used a mask that you had stolen from a Halloween store. The irony of that was it was that the mask was shaped like a bat to represent a fictional superhero. ‘’I know that you aren’t the fan of putting your face out there but it's our best option.’’ Namjoon tries to assure you. ‘’Wait, won’t the guards notice that the key is missing?’’ Jimin asks. ‘’What's the point of revealing your faces if they are going to notice anyway that the key was stolen?’’ he adds frustrated. ‘’I was getting to that, but I’m being interrupted constantly.’’ Namjoon sighs brushing his damp hair backwards. ‘’I had to pay a long penny but I got JB to forge a replica of the key for us.’’ Namjoon reaches for his pocket and pulls out a small package from his jean pocket. You had heard of JB. He was the leader of a group called GOT7. Even though none of the seven members of the group had  powers, they were highly respected in the business when it came to possessing items or information you weren’t supposed to have. The group runs a blackmarket tightly connected to the spiderweb. Some people believed that their gang was the one who ran the organization on the spider web, but no one could say for sure. There was a saying that if you didn’t find what you were looking for in their hands; it probably didn’t exist. ‘’He made a copy?’’ You ask, surprised. ‘’Yes, Jackson told me once that when JB was a teen he was a forger. He was skilled with art, passports, and money. If there was something that would make money he would learn to copy.’’ Namjoon confirms. Jackson was one of the members of GOT7 as well as one of the few people Namjoon could call his friend, and in this business that was rare.  ‘’So let me get this straight. We are going to sneak on to the train as civilians, somehow switch the real key with  fake one, get out and pray that nothing goes wrong and leaves us  exposed?’’ You repeat slowly to understand everything. ‘’That sounds wonderful, I just have one small question.’’ ‘’Which is?’’ ‘’How we are sure that the BTS won’t be disturbing our plans?’’ ‘’I’m glad that you asked.’’ Yoongi answers instead of Namjoon. ‘’Jimin and I  will attack the fake convoy escorting the decoy key and cause the attention to fall on us.’’ Yoongi’s eyes flash with excitement. ‘’We are going to be a decoy?’’ Jimin smirks pleased.  ‘’Indeed.they went through all the trouble just to fool us, it's only fair that we have a decoy of our we should return the favor.’’
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bakugous-abs · 6 years
Maybe a scenario where Bakugou or kiri or Denki finding out their girlfriend is pregnant but like they aren’t married or engaged yet or anything? Or a domestic au Christmas thing where their wife reveals that they’re having a kid? I don’t know just do whatever you want lol.
I did kind of a cross between the two! Hope you enjoy!
Nervous. Excited. Scared. Euphoric. Anxious… not a very good combination of emotions to feel when wrapping up a pregnancy test for your angry hedgehog hair looking boyfriend, let alone a positive one
What were you going to do? A child while in the hero course? How was that gonna work? Will it just… not work? Will you have to put the baby up for adoption? Will you have to do an abortion? What will Katsuki think?
You wiped a tear from your face, sniffling as you carefully wrapped a long strip of gift paper over the face of the test, the two little lines staring at you before they disappeared under the thin green paper. Once… twice… three times it wrapped around, completely out of sight
Tape held the little strip on as you grabbed a clear plastic tube with a small platform at the bottom and placed the pregnancy test inside, stuffing and packing some gift paper around it to prop it up
Sitting next to you was a few glitter stars that were quite big for glitter, maybe about a centimeter or two tall, but you grabbed them and dabbed a tiny bit of glue on their backs, using tweezers to carefully place them around the paper, making it look a bit more festive against the plain red paper
10 minutes of careful placing went by, sticking on stars, and looking for spots that seemed more full, or more empty to fill with a star or two, and moving around random tails of paper. And the decorating was finished
You put the tweezers down and picked up the tube seeing it’s terrifying beauty
Oh All Might, how was this gonna play out…?
Your phone suddenly pinged, scaring you and almost making you drop your gift. You set it down while your heart racing six hundred miles a minute, getting your phone from your hoodie pocket and seeing the group chats name flash on the screen with a message from Ochako
Ochako: How’s it going y/n? Is it wrapped?–
After you had found out you were pregnant, you had contacted Ochako about it and what to do
–”Kirishima: Yeah! Is it ready for tonight?”–
To which Kirishima had overheard from Ochako’s house on the phone when you were freaking out. They were having an emergency study session that you forgot about. You had sworn them to secrecy, and to not tell anyone, and they’ve kept their promise, which you are very grateful for
You smiled and carefully set the gift down, typing out a small “yep” not registering that the door had swung open to your dorm room till it closed shut, making you whip your head over and see the very two standing there, large smiles on their face
“Well? Lets see it!!!” Ochako demanded giggly, hopping up and down and her hands rolled into fists, her pinky sticking out to not make herself float
“Yeah dude!” kirishima was in a similar manner, not so bouncy and giggly though
You smiled and picked it up, standing to carefully hand it to them while the glue dried. Kirishima carefully took it, and Ochako peeked over at it, their eyes sparkling
“Its beautiful! For a pregnancy test anyway.” Kirishima smiled, looking at you, his shark teeth very apparent
“Yes yes thank you. Now give it back, I need to put the cap on and wrap it up.” You grabbed it from him, smiling as the cap was put on and you wrapped it up in bomb wrapping paper that you had specially made for him and wrapped it up, sticking a name tag to it
Ochako and Kirishima leaned over your shoulder and smiled, hugging you tightly
The day dragged on slowly, night coming a lot later than you hoped and everyone was in the common room, a gift or two in their hands that they opened earlier, and you sat nervously, your gift on the floor and hidden from Katsukis view while you had a few gifts, one each coming from Kirishima, Ochako, Katsuki of course, and Midoriya
“S/o, why the fuck are you fidgeting around so much?” Katsuki asked a bit harsher than he expected, but you knew he meant well. Others were around and he didnt wanna show them his soft side, but he managed to grab most of their attention
“Huh? Oh, I’m fine, I’m just, nervous to give you… my… gift.” You smiled nervously, everyone now staring at you as you reached down and grabbed it, sitting on your legs as you turned towards him, telling him to be careful while he opened it
He hesitantly took it from you, his rough hands becoming soft in the face of a present, a gift, wrapped by his girlfriend. His scowl receding just slightly as Ochako and Kirishima starred the most intensely, giddy
But his eyebrows crinkled when he got it all off, staring at the back of the present, seeing the tube seemingly filled with paper, but the pregnancy test turned to face everyone else as they gasped and went wide eyes
You blushed from embarrassment and turned it around in his hand, allowing him to see it before he could say anything about about the gift or the people staring widely and their gasps
All scowl was erased from his face, and now he was lost for words, and his eyes were big. He reached up and took the cap off, turning the container upside down and allowing the test to fall into his hands
He looked at you, everyone in silence as he unwrapped the small strip of green, seeing the two lines, a positive, in his hand
He didn’t say anything, only stared, and you feared the worst
Your eyes began to tear up, and asked a question that snapped him out of his trance
“Are you gonna leave me?”
He snapped back to reality and saw your face, it was scared
“Like hell I’ll leave you!” He yelled, holding the pregnancy test in his hand as he stood up. “I’m not one of those fucking assholes that leaves their girlfriend because they are pregnant that’s our fucking baby in your stomach and like hell I’ll leave it!” He shouted. While everyone thought he was angry, you knew he was sincere
You stood up on the couch, wrapping your arms around his neck as you cried into his shoulder, and he didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you
The spectators smiled as they got up, saying their congratulations, or “You should have told me! I could have bought baby supplies!”
But you smiled and told them it was ok, and wiped your tears, getting a hug from everyone, except Miners, Katsuki made sure to keep him far far away from you, getting more and more protective it seemed by the second
And eventually he had enough of the socializing and people clapping him on the back and swept you up bridal style, stomping off to his room while you shouted goodbyes to everyone, smiling and leaning into Katsukis chest as he made his way to his room
You sat in the bathroom, peeing onto the tab of the pregnancy test in the school bathroom
What were you gonna do? Jirou and Momo had advised you to take a pregnancy after a pretty uncontrollable urge to puke bad interrupted your guys study session in the common room, just making it to the outside to puke in a hedge
Your boobs had been swelling, feeling painful when running or laying down on your stomach. Strange cravings for things you never liked before suddenly tasting good as you ate them
You weren’t on your period, so what gives? You had asked them, and Momo and Jirou looked between themselves as they became worried, asking when the last time you and Kirishima had sex. After hearing it was maybe a month ago, they suggested a pregnancy test
You were completely against it at first, denying that you could possibly be pregnant. But after them slapping some sense into you (metaphorically), you freaked out and ran out the common room and straight to the convenience store in hopes of there being a pregnancy test in stock, or there at all
And that’s how you ended up here, pacing back and forth, not able to look at the results even though all signs pointed to positive
“Come on y/n look at it!” Jirou urged, getting impatient
“But I can’t! I’m too nervous!” You shouted back, shoving the pregnancy test in her chest, “YOU look at it!”
Jirou held it gingerly in her hands, face wrinkling it disgust. “No, what?! This has your pee on it!” She handed it to Momo. “You do it!”
Momo stared at Jirou confused as she flipped it over, face turning to shock. Her eyes flicked up to you as she had a small smile. “Positive” she whispered
You heart sank. Did you hear that correctly?
“Positive! You’re pregnant!” She yelled
“This is terrible!” You shouted
“What?!” They asked in surprise. Watching your hands comb through your hair and panic sweep over your face
“I’m in the hero course for fucks sake! Villains would be going after my family to try and get to me, hurt them.” You gasped. “Hows Kirishima gonna react? Is he gonna be mad? What’s gonna fucking happen?!”
“Wow wow wow there. It’s gonna be ok Y/n. Kirishima isn’t one to get angry like that. He’ll be supportive to the very end. As for the villains. I have no doubts you’ll be able to protect it.” Momo rubbed your back, Jirou kneeling down to your level to give you a few sentimental pats on the head
You sniffled, wiping your eyes. “Are you guys sure?”
“Positive.” Jirou smiled, making an accidental pun with the positive pregnancy test. You all giggled
“Oh god… oh god oh god oh god.” You began pacing again at the front of the elevator, too scared to go in. Most of the girls were up here, trying to comfort you as you held the small present in your hand. You had told them all of your situation, and they were immensely supportive and just as worried as you were
“Come on! You’ll be fine!” Mina urged
“Everything’s going to be ok” Hagakure cooed
“Yeah. We have your backs no matter what”
“Ok… ok! Someone, push me into the elevator!” Ochako put her fingers on you, making you float, and having Momo pull you in by your foot and everyone else piled in, keeping you afloat till the bottom floor
Reaching the bottom floor spiked your anxiety as Ochako released her quirk, allowing you to fall onto your bum on the floor, an ‘ouch’ escaping your lips
“Sorry! Now let’s go!” Ochako picked you up excitedly, everyone else filing pass you and to people in the common area giving you a thumbs up and “good luck!”
But this was totally not that time! Stay with me assholes! I’m kidding. Y'all ain’t assholes. But still!!
“Hey, s/o!” And, of course, the one man you were so nervous about approaches you first
“K-Kiri!” you sputtered out, holding the gift close to your chest
“You ok?” His toothy smile faded as he saw your concerned and almost scared stature, approaching much less suddenly now
“Uh, yeah, just dont know if you’ll like my gift to you.” You smiled awkwardly, holding the light box more out to him
“I’ll love whatever it is, coming from you!” He smiled, gently grabbing your face and giving you a sweet kiss on the lips, doing wonders for your nerves
“Ok… um, here it is!” Handing it out to him was probably the hardest thing you got your muscles to do, as they went stiff halfway through the process of lifting it to him, but you managed, and he took it from your hands with a smile
You were kinda thankful he decided to open it up here and away from everyone, not really in the mood for a bunch of spectators for such a serious gift
The ribbon came off with ease, tied neatly on top as they fluttered down, using his body to hold one side against him as he popped the lid off. But his eyes widened as he noticed the small white device, recognizing the shape,,, and the kind of news it delivers
He looks at you, eyes wide with an unreadable array of emotions swimming in their ruby depths. But you nodded, biting lips as you indicated for him to pick it up, the music almost blurring out in the intensity of the moment
He set the lid down on the floor, letting it drop a few inches as he stood back up to carefully take it out of the box, bending down again to set it next to his feet encased in red crocs. His eyebrows crinkled as he turned it over, entire face suddenly plastered with shock, almost like a carved porcelain doll
“I… youre… we're…” his words werent coming out as he held the test in his hands, seeing the positive reading it. He looked at you, ruby eyes asking you a silent question
And you nodded. Yes. You were pregnant, with his baby
And just like that he broke into a smile, tears brimming his eyes as he couldn’t stop his mouth from making a loud noise it excitement
“I’m gonna be a dad! Woohoo!” The entire dorm heard, and there were smiles and claps from the girls as the guys came over and shoved to see the pregnancy test
And you couldn’t be happier at his reaction. He’s happy. He’s happy that you’re pregnant. He’s happy that you are carrying his baby
You carefully came up behind him, putting a hand on his shoulder and looking at his toothy smile and tear filled eyes, happy year filled eyes, now getting congrats from everyone
Kiri turned around at your touch, turning around to give you a big smooch on your lips, and lots of small ones all over your face, making you giggle. And he stopped, dipping down to place a tender and gentle one on your stomach
Your cheeks reddened as he rubbed his hand over it, a small snaggle tooth hanging out his mouth as he came back up again, his eyes soft and filled with love as they stared into yours, and he came in for another kiss, and you kissed back
God damn youre so happy to be his
“Come on babe! You got this!” You shouted to your yellow haired boyfriend, watching as he raced against Kirishima in a Mario Kart 8 battle
“I’m going! Bagel please!” He leaned sporadically from side to side, somehow thinking it’ll help him turn and you picked up his bagel lathered in cream cheese and put it up to his mouth
He didn’t take a second in monching down on the bread, taking a piece of as cream cheese smeared across his top lip like a mustache
“Oh my god, you’re messy.” You giggled, getting his paper towel and carefully wiping off his face, making sure to not get in his way, or get hit by his arms or have his body rammed into yours
“Kaminari don’t you dare!” Kirishima yelled at him, seeing his yoshi creep up on his toad
It was their 5th game this Saturday, and all of you were thankful for a day off you miraculously got for homework. The school somehow had time to issue a christmas break, and 1-a was planning an all-nighter on christmas day where everyone stays up all night in the common room, and we have the choice to buy presents for other students if they want to
It was gonna be hella fun. Christmas is in four days and you couldn’t be more hyped. You already gifts for Kirishima, Jirou, Koda, Shoji, Ochak-oooh
Your stomach fell, and you suddenly became queasy, feeling bile begin to slip up your esophagus
You stood up and rushed to the bathroom, harshly opening it as you leaned over the toilet, puking up your breakfast
“S/o!!/Y/n!!” The two boys called, pushing pause on their game as they ran into the bathroom to check on you
Kami was the first one in, hurrying to pull your hair back so you don’t put it in the toilet water or puke on it, rubbing your back
Kirishima came in next, asking if you were ok and what happened
But you were too busy emptying out your stomach to answer, but after a few minutes you were good, coughing a little, but good
Kirishima ran out the room, yelling he would come back with water
You raised your head from the toilet, sneakily reached your hand up and watching as the puke filled bowl rise for a second before swirling out, emptying out and filling with new clean water
“Hey babe, are you ok?” Kami asked, gently letting go of your hair, but still rubbing your back softly
“Y-Yeah, guess my stomach just didn’t like what I had for breakfast today, hehe. But I could really use that water from Kirishima right now”
And speak of the devil and he shall arrive. Kirishima walked in, heading to the bathroom immediately as he sighed, seeing you ok and sitting up
He handed you the water bottle, and you opened it, drinking at least half the bottle at once to try and get the taste out your mouth
“Are you ok?” Kirishima asked, squatting down to your level
“Yeah. Like I told Kami, I think my stomach just didn’t like what I had for breakfast today.”
“Buy why wait till 2 to empty it if it didnt like it?”
“I don’t know. I don’t really question what my body does. It just do what it do.” You giggled, lightening up the room
“Just… don’t scare me like that again?” Kami asked, helping you get up
“I promise I’ll try.” But you knew the words that slipped from your mouth was a lie. The positive on your pregnancy test you took earlier this week indicates there was a lot more of that to come. And suddenly, you weren’t so hyped for the christmas party anymore
“Are you sure you’re ok, S/o?” Kami asked again, watching as you ate a large bowl of Soba
“Yeah, you’re starting to look a lot like Todoroki over there.” Mina butted it, pointing over at the peppermint looking man
“Stop pointing.” She retracted her hand and sat down, pouting. “And Yes, I’m fine. I’m just really hungry”
“Is it your time of month?” Kami asked, head tilting
“Uhhhh…” Shit. What should you say? Oh! “Yeah I think so. It should be coming any day now, might just be early cravings. I haven’t been keeping track. Excuse me, lemme go check”
You shooed Kaminari out of the seat, making sure your tummy was safe from ongoing crowds as you climbed out of the seat, walking to the bathroom
As soon as you got there, you locked yourself in the stall and leaned over the bowl, ready for your lunch to come hurling up
The baby doesn’t seem to like Soba very much. At least cold soba anyway. It seems to like warmer foods
“Y/n!! Are you ok?” Mina voice ranged through the bathroom, and you cursed. But maybe you could tell her what’s going on. Just so she can help you possibly
“Mina!” You called out. Opening the stall and going towards her. “Im glad you came”
“Well Kaminari and Kirishima were worried about you and how your rushed out the lunchroom. What’s going on?”
“Mina… I’m pregnant” and from there you explained the situation. How you’re about a month along, and you’re really fucking scared. You had contacted Aizawa as soon as you found out and he’s taking you out of physical training till your pregnancy is done and you’re back up and ready
“Girl! No way! Do you still have the pregnancy test?” She asked, and you nodded
“Its up in my room, safe and sound. I was hoping to be able to show him tomorrow night at the christmas all nighter, but I don’t know how he’ll react…”
“Are you kidding?! That pikachu has been talking about having a baby for the past two months! Of course he wasn’t gonna try and get you pregnant now, and certainly not without your permission to try for one in the future, but he’s been crazy about a baby for such a long time!”
Your cheeks were red and radiated warmth. He’s been thinking about a baby in the future for the past two months? “What has he been saying?”
“Lots! Like, “I can’t wait to have a child with S/o in the future” and “I wonder whos eyes they’ll have. Hope it’ s/o's” and a bunch of other crazy things. He’s been so excited about the idea of a baby when you guys were able to have one. He’s gonna love the surprise. Trust me”
She grabbed your hands, hopping up and down excitedly
A tear ran down your cheek, relief washing over you. Your anxiety was settled a little. But he was wanting a baby when you were older. So what’s gonna happen now? Will he regret wanting one?
You shook your head to clear those thoughts, thanking Mina as you asked her to help keep your body safe till tomorrow night when you would be revealed
Oh dear. This entire situation was planned out in your head but when it came to actually executing it… you were lost
Mina was off somewhere else after you told her you got this. And you wanted to do it on your own. Which wasn’t a lie, you really did wanna tell him yourself, and by yourself. But it all seems so much harder now that you were looking at him from a distance, seeing his bright eyes wrinkle when he smiles that handsome grin of his
Oh how you have fallen for this man. And you almost didn’t see him start approaching you when he caught you staring at him
“Hey babe. You ok?” He asked, but made an oomf sound when you shoved the box in his chest
“Ah! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. But uh, you need to take this present now and open it, right now too, or I’ll try to take it back. Its very special” you grabbed his hand and dragged him over to where Mina stood. Her eyes proud seeing the gift in his hands
“Mina helped me work up the courage to give it you and wrap it up.” You smiled as she gave you a very gentle hug that contrasted from her normal ones, confusing the crowd around her a little, which consisted of Sero, Kirishima, Deku, Bakugou, and Shoji
Kaminari gulped as he stared down at the box. “Are you sure you want me to open it? You seem almost like you don’t want me to” He looked at you, seeking approval
“No, please, open it. I really want you to see it”
The corner of his mouth lifted and he tore it open, seeing a smaller and longer box inside. It was a pregnancy test box
“Holy shit.” He whispered as his jaw dropped, hurrying to open it
He dumped it into his hand as he flipped it around to look, seeing two lines on it that showed a positive pregnancy
“Holy shit holy shit hoLY SHIT!” He had the biggest smile on his face, everyone around him wondering what it said while you put a hand over your mouth, muting your crying just a little. It was happy crying though. He looked so happy!
“It’s a Positive! I’m gonna be a dad!” People grabbed for the pregnancy test, wanting a look and he eagerly passed it around, handing it off before charging for you, but being careful when he finally approached
“You don’t know how badly I wanna squeeze you. But I don’t want to hurt you or the baby. Oh my god babe you make me so happy.” You heard hid sniffle as he laid his face in your hair. Feeling the tears through your hair
“You don’t know how scared I was. I love YOU so much Kami. I love you.” You hugged back, wiping your face as you pressed your body against his very softly
“I’m gonna be a dad. And you’re gonna be a mom. You’re having our baby. I’m so lucky. I love you.” His mouth spewed compliments and obvious things that didn’t seem to set into his mind just yet, but you were happy
He accepted the baby. And you. And holy hell were you going to spoil them, but for now, you worried about the party, and living it up with your friends while you still had free time
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urmysilverlining · 6 years
What if...(Part 2)
MacGyver x Reader
Read Part 1 here
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Frankie tell you that she faked her death because she understood that someone was trying to kill her. She shows you her refuge and what remains of her researches. You studied Biology at college and got a degree master in it, before attending Military Academy; so you and Mac have no problem to understand what Frankie was working on. She needs some material to recreate her experiment to find out who was the person that tried to kill her.
“I leave you nerds talking about your science things, and I go find what you need for your experiment” Jack says moving towards the door.
“No, wait I can come help you” you say trying to avoid to stay with Mac and Frankie alone. “…I mean you don’t even know what is the difference between a beaker and a test tube” you add to see more credible.
“You two spend too much time together. You’re becoming just like him.” He says weavering his finger to indicate you and Mac. “And then I know what is a test tube. It’s that thing that looks like Harry Potter’s potions container”
«Have you just named Harry Potter? I didn’t know you watch any not-Bruce Willis-movies» You all start laughing and you push Jack out of the door.
While you’re walking through the campus with Jack, you see a lot of guys staring at you.
“Hey Y/N, you are weird today” Jack says.
You look at him and say “Thank you very much, Jack. I needed today. I was just feeling not interesting.” You say with sarcasm. “Weirdness could be the reason why everybody’s looking at me” You say trying to avoid other people’s looks.
“No, that’s because they never seen a girl in their life. Or maybe not one dressed like you”
“This is the most sober outfit that I have in my whole wardrobe!” You replies.
«What I want to say is that you are acting strange from the commemoration. If it’s because of what Mac has said about Frankie, you don’t have to worry about“
« What makes you think that I am worried about anything? »
« Because even if you always play the cold-hearted one part, I know that you have feelings for that dorky kid. Strong feelings. And since I know how much you underestimate yourself, I am afraid that you’re tearing you down comparing yourself to Frankie. »
« I could never do such a stupid thing! » you lie.
« Well, I hope so...because you’re one of the most talented spy and one of the best person I’ve ever known. You’re intelligent, kind and as much special as Frankie. And then Mac surely thinks you are the prettiest since he’s all heart eyes when you’re around. »
« It’s a little bit cheesy, but I appreciate it. Thanks, Jack. »
You are now arrived in front of the door of the laboratory. You go in with the box full of material in your hands, while Jack answers to Bozer calling his phone. When you enter, you see Mac talking close to Frankie and saying to her that he doesn’t want to loose her again or that her work goes wasted. She answers him that she never understood why he left college since he was so talented. He tells her the story of how he discovered that one of his grandpa’s Army mates, that saved his life, died and then he understood that he needed something more than just scientific theories, that he had to do something practical to help people. At this point you make some bruises to let them know you’re arrived. Frankie starts her experiment and you and Mac help her. Suddenly some people with guns break out into the building and you have to find a solution to free yourselves from them before the end of the experiment. Mac makes a sort of electric whip and you and Jack start hitting people that wanted to attack you. During the next hours you discover the identity of the man who tried to kill Frankie and with the help of Bozer, Riley and Matty you make him arrest. 
Back at the campus you and Jack say goodbye to Frankie.
“It was a pleasure to meet you” she says hugging you.
“I’m happy that you can go on with your researches, and your life.”
You hug her back, then you walk away, to leave Mac and Frankie a private moment. You go sit on a zone with some grass. After some minutes, you turn yourself to look at them and you see that Mac’s coming to sit on the grass next to you, so you smile in his direction.
“You’re better?” You ask to him. He nods.
“Thanks for coming with me. I know what you may have thought about me and Frankie…” he says.
“…the only thing I thought is that you’ve been so sweet with her” you say without letting him finish his sentence, caressing his cheek. You don’t want to tell him about how you felt lower than her, because you know that these are only your insecurities and neither him or Frankie have done something to really makes you feel this way.
He puts one arm on your hip to getting you closer to him. You let him do it, and then lean your head on his shoulder. “Do you ever regretted to have joined Army?” You now are looking in his beautiful blue eyes. 
“No, and you?” He asks.
“There was a particular moment in my life in which I felt like if I wouldn’t worked as a secret agent, I would have achieved some goals that I had at that time and that I had to renounce.” His look is full of questions, maybe because he understood at what aspect of your life you refer.
“And now, do you still feel this way?” He asks a little bit worried.
“But now I feel like everything that fall to pieces at that time, is now back at the right place. And I think that I am so lucky to have persevered with this job because if I didn’t I would never arrived until here. With you.” You say looking deeper in his eyes. He moves your hair behind your ear and pull your face close to his mouth softly. You touch his wrist and smile, feeling his breath on your skin. Your lips meet his, in a slight kiss. Before you could even realize Mac’s taste or enjoy the sweetness of the moment, you hear Jack screaming at you “Hey, guys, Matty wants that we come back to LA now”.
When he screamed at you, he didn’t see that you and Mac were so close. When he realizes it, he says “I hope I didn’t interrupted anything ».
“I don’t wanna work in one MIT lab, I want to work with you! You’re happy now?”. You hear Mac and Jack talking while you are walking ahead of them in the airport.
You half turn yourself, and smile at Mac, still feeling thrills running through your body, like electricity. He smiles you back trying not to be seen by Jack.
“I know that I am not the only reason why you don’t want to come back to MIT, man” he says not so low.
Mac smiles watching you walk in front of him.
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