#i wanna use this so much i wanna do dumb shit
all im saying is ✨Logan with a knot✨ and Wade overstimulating you bc you cant get away -🦐
shrimp anon more like shrimp COLORS bro your vision is INSANE!!!!!!
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soooo idk conventional a/b/o rules and i kinda don't care so im picturing a heat cycle as once a month endeavour. and bc you're on T you're a HORNY motherfucker and you're angry and violent so it's basically whoever can get their hands on you or knot in you first will take care of you. then as long as you get bred at least once you're fine. then you calm down and it's big aftercare hours bc your post-heat clarity endorphins are going CRAZY
now since your heat only comes once a month, wade treats it as a special occasion. and it wouldn't be fair of him to do the honors EVERY month, now would it?
so even though he's home with you, and logan's not, and won't be for a while, wade wilson will refuse to fuck you. it's not his turn. he did it last month.
and your heat is MISERABLE. imagine the worst period cramp you ever had, combined with hot flashes, searing rage, and it gives your cunt the sensitivity of a fucking bear trap. you'll clamp down on anything that touches you.
so no matter how much you suffer. no matter if you scream, cry, beg, grovel, bite, or commit acts of gratuitous violence against him.
he will hold out.
he will hold out until logan gets home and finds you naked, cuffed to the bed by your hands and ankles, a chewy ball-gag in your mouth getting crushed by your gritting teeth, and wade's holding a wand vibrator to your cunt.
he waves gayly at logan, "hey pinkie pie, merry christmas! wanna come open your gift?"
"jesus christ, are you fucking torturing him?! the hell is wrong with you?!"
"with ME?! where's your holiday spirit?"
logan just stares at him blankly, puzzled by what this psychotic dipshit could possibly be talking about. in response, and in the spirit of the season, wade sings him a song.
"🎼it's the mooost wonderful tiiiiime, of the mooonth~!🎵"
now he gets it.
"oh... okay. so then why did you tie him down like that?"
"well, we had a little INCIDENT earlier..."
you had managed to grab one of wade's guns and shot him in the chest
"OW!!! you RESOURCEFUL little shit!!! GRRR, oh~ mysweetboybabydarling i'msoproudofyou, butnoi'mnot, BAD BOY!!!"
"no, i mean why didn't you take care of him your-fucking-self, wilson? you really gotta make this my problem as soon as i walk in the fuckin' door?"
"your PROBLEM?! i hand you some prime-time, limited-edition, hot and bothered, ripe for the breeding, tranny boy BUSSY on a silver platter, and that's somehow NOT where your dick wants to spend its evening? am i hearing that right? please tell me i'm not. please tell me you're not this stupid, pookie bear."
instead of arguing back, logan goes quiet. he's thinking. and then, he laughs. that low, husky laugh that you have when you're marveling at the nerve of whatever dumb motherfucker is talking to you. or maybe, when that dumb motherfucker is making a point.
"heh... y'know what? fine." logan angrily strips his clothes off, one by one. his tanktop, "you want me to be the one to knot him? huh?" his belt, his jeans "can't do anything yourself, can ya?" and lastly, his boxers. then he grabs his cock and shakes it at wade.
"so then get me hard, you faggot." he clicks his tongue twice. "c'mon."
wade throws himself at logan's knees and gives him that gawkgawk4000turbotyphoon treatment to get him up. logan sighs in relaxation, grateful that wade was putting his mouth to such better use. once his eyes flutter open, he nods at you, finally giving you even a modicum of attention while you're under intense distress, and he merely waves at you nonchalantly, like how a pedestrian does to a car that lets him cross.
"hang tight, bub. be with ya in a second."
wade works him over until his knot is just barely starting to swell. he then takes his fattened cock and slaps wade across the face with it.
"take his chains off."
"hm... are you sure you want me to do that, princess? he's feisty, y'know. might get yourself bit, if you're not careful."
logan slaps wade again, but this time it's a bitchslap, using the back of his hand. and his claws.
"take. his fucking. chains off."
"mmm, right AWAY, your majesty~!"
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misstwisted · 3 days
raaaaant time
so, I am very upset over the new Menéndez brothers series that came out. If you’ve seen it, you probably know why. Before I go into this, if you don’t know about this case, the menendez brothers had murdered their mom and dad in 1989 as self defense, fearing of them soon murdering them themselves, after suffering years of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse by their parents hands.
for context I am a long time supporter of these men. I’ve known about this case since I was around 12 (unsupervised internet access, lmao) and I supported them then and I support them now.
This series is fucking disgusting. And not just because of the atrocious, disrespectful, and weirdly comedic relief portrayals of these traumatized men, no no no, it also of course just had to include sexualization and Incestuous fetishization of them. I was SO EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE watching these scenes. I’m sure it’s all supposed to show how their father had fucked up the brothers relationship and how he blurred the lines for them of what’s appropriate and not appropriate to do with your family, but this crosses a god damn line. It’s possible I’m also giving this dumb fuck director too much credit. Idk if it’s just me, but this feels like a writers barely disguised fetish moment. So many scenes felt like the start of a porno, and at times DID BECOME A PORNO!!!!!
I remember so many times of me yelling out loud in shock “WHAT IS THIS SHOW????”
the dialogue is trash, the pacing is trash, the portrayal is trash, etc. The only part I personally think was great was when they recreated the footage of Lyle and Erik walking into court. When I was watching it I felt they really looked and acted like the brothers at that moment. And the fact it’s surrounded by such garbage is sad. It really felt disconnected from the other episodes and scenes because of how much I enjoyed that little moment. And they weren’t even talking or anything.
There’s only like one word I could use to describe a lot of the scenes, especially the sexualization scenes, which is: unnecessary.
Gotta be honest, I really wanted to like this show! Thought it could bring back attention on this case again. Show empathy towards them. But no, I had to watch two actors portraying real life traumatized brothers kiss each other.
I am seriously wondering now if Ryan Murphy wanted two actors with romantic/sexual chemistry casted on purpose for what seems to be some sort of fantasy of his.
I started this show YESTERDAY, I am halfway through episode 7 right now. I wanted to see if it’d get better, and it just never did. But honestly? It’s my fault. What did I fucking expect from a Netflix series that’s directed by the guy who made GLEE? I’m still mad now, but I can’t even describe how even more upset I was yesterday watching it.
I legit could probably go on for days about how disrespectful this show is, and good on Erik for not being afraid to call it and the directors out.
It’s in vain to say this, because obviously they’ll never see it, but: Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan you two are pieces of utter dogshit. What about any of this was a good idea? You guys deserve to be sued for thinking this was okay. You deserve it for making Dahmer, and you deserve it for making this. I don’t even wanna SAY all the horrible things I think about you guys. All i hope is nobody ever hands you two a god damn camera again. Sincerely go fuck yourselves.
I know I’m being a dramatic little bitch again for the 100th time but this is truly horrendous. This isn’t just a story you can add shit to and get creative with, guys, this is their LIVES. These are real human people with dignities and families that care about them. They’ve been disrespected enough, the fact that they were sentenced to life in general just shows how little people empathized with them.
This audacity of this being made. This very serious story of trauma being turned into this weird comedy show.
what is this RPF, Ryan Murphy? ARE YOU BORED??? How about you go make a actual fucking difference? Cause you know what, Erik and Lyle are, and they’re the ones who’re incarcerated!
that’ll be all.
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I continue to be of the opinion that the no1 best use for rivens is "dumb shit"
Time to sink three forma into a weapon I don't know if I'll even bring to sortie-level things just bc the idea of an orange crit bow is very entertaining for me
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mokeonn · 6 months
Before I go to sleep I leave you all with this piece of advice: sometimes you don't actually have to answer big political questions, sometimes you can just say "I am not smart enough to know that, I just know the small things I do to help." Like you can often times completely avoid making a fool of yourself if you just say you don't know.
#simon says#to explain here and not in a reblog:#sometimes when you try to explain big picture solutions you're gonna sound dumb#you might not have done enough research#you might not have a rebuttal to a counter argument#you might not be articulate enough to explain why you think this#sometimes you gotta take a step back and give the simple solution. the one man solution#you do what you can to fight against the problem#you talk to people to help spread awareness and how to fight the bad problem#and you vote and invite others to vote for bigger steps towards solving the problem#like you can talk about theory and how you believe we need to do a huge drastic thing to solve and issue#but people will disagree and argue til you're blue in the face#they'll poke and prod until you mess up or lose your temper and use it against you#and you'll feel dumb and they'll learn nothing#sometimes the best thing to do is step away from the big picture and just say 'idk what the solution is I just know the things I can do“#sometimes you gotta admit you're not a scientist/expert and you can't answer that#i used this while talking with my Dad tonight#he brought up our climate crisis and space travel as a possible solution#and I said I think that's just addressing the symptom and not the cause and we need to care for our Earth now#and he asked me what solutions I think would fix it#and knowing my incredibly smart Dad who is articulate and ready to throw rebuttles at a moments notice to play devils advocate#and my past experience in struggling in this topic with him before#i just told him I didn't know. all i knew is the little things I can and do do to help#and that hopefully by spreading the word and habits and encouraging others to vote for those bigger solutions I could help make a change#but all I really could do is the little things I have control over#and the topic became much less stressful about the little things we have control over#like planting native plants and recycling and adopting habits that are healthier to our planet#which was 100% more preferable to if I tried to give a big solution. because I would reveal i didn't have all the knowledge needed to argue#and my articulation would make me sound like a stupid kid who only thinks they know what's best#so yeah I basically suggest that if you dont wanna feel like shit after debating someone just step away from the big picture for a moment
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bunnihearted · 3 months
the earth is getting hotter and hotter and nobody's doing anything about it but im misanthropic and depressive because i can see nothing that inspires hope 🤙
#sure... we CAN stop it...#but... most ppl are denying climate chrisis.... most ppl in the world are currently voting for rightists#(who are all against making improvements and trying to stop our imminent demise)#in fact.. ppl are voting for rightists and the right are making decisions that only accelerates global warming......#ppl in general dont care nor believe in this chrisis.. outside i often overhear ppl's convos and they say stuff like#'those crazy environmentalist freaks' 💀#and yk those few protestors that do that thing where they lie down on roads and stuff to cause an interruptance in trafic....#they're constantly verbally assaulted but also physically assaulted and run over#by ppl who just fkn HAVE TO GET TO THEIR 9-5!!! or they'll explode bc they loooove working sm#yeah i just dont know... tbh i think soooo many ppl#are like just plain dumb... there is hope if we actually decide to fkn do smth#but just putting your head in the sand and go lalalalal hha peace and love on earth humanity is amazing omg i love ppl 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 wont do sh#now you're just being childish and toxic and fake 🥴#ppl dont even wanna make small changes in their everyday lives for the environment... nobody is ready nor willing to do real things to chan#bc im sorry but skipping around and being a positive little uwu bean is just harmful.. bc theyre not acknowledging reality#and reality is that the earth is getting so fucking hot and it is only getting hotter and there is bno hope in sight#bc ppl are destined to be fucking stupid!!!!#i mean what if ALL of us just simply refused to participate in society?#ppl everywhere all over the world should just go outside and sit down and refuse to contribute to capitalism and the#then* force politicians into taking action#the issue with this? nobody fkn cares! nobody wants to do anything#the earth is being killed. but nobody believes in it bc they just think it's 'conspiratory bullshit' ....#so yeah ofc u can walk around and go nooooo dont hate humanity! we CAN stop it uwu 🥰👍#ummm ok so then why arent anyone doing shit? theyre all still travelling and working and caring abt dumb shit and going to concerts and buy#ng too much and throwing away food and riding their cars everywhere and just fkn doing soooo much damage to the earth in every single littl#thing they do...... they dont care.#plussss dont y'all know that environmental activists are like straight up murdered? bc they're capitalist enemy no 1.#in south america they'll kill CHILDREN who are dedicating their entire lives to fight for the earth...#if u even mention the global warming thing to normal ppl out in the world they'll sigh and shake their heads and tell u to stop being so dr#dramatic*
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nomairuins · 26 days
anyways sry its not srs eventually ill get it together . and be a person again. one day
#its just like atm everything that i need is like . not possible. which is oartially my brain being like We have to do this before we this#which sometimes isnt true but sometimes is#like i cant get medicated again or back seeing a psych or back on t until i get a job again#but i cant get a job again utnil i get my ged <- partially untrue but ged would make it a lot easier#but i cant get my ged until i have a job bc it costs money <- if i asked my parents they would probably help me If they had money 2 spare#since like. yk. they want ne to be able to work again so i have money again and ill be another source of income and they care abt me also .#affirmations . ppl donot just see me as a piggy bank they do see me as a person im not judt someone to squeeze money out of thats not how#ppl view me and its fine its fine its fine its fine . it feels so stupid being scared abt that i feel like a rich person whos like She only#likes me for my money 😭 like stfuuu annoying ass. i just ummmm. have a massive fear of debt and like. ppl demanding money from me#unexpectedly or expecting i am going to give them money. not in like a Ohhh fucking ppl want me to donate not it at all im happy to donate#but in like. god this is dumb. eveeytime i got birthday or christmas money as a kid i had to give it to my parents so they could buy food or#gas or whatever. and it never got paid bsck and it felt like shit. but i couldnt ever say no bc then itd be My fault we didnt have food that#week . yk. my first paycheck i had to give it all to my mom for groceries and we got in a fight in the store bc she was like Ok im gonna go#buy pop and my dumbass got upset abt it bc like. my mom told me itd be Necessities nd like. yk. wtvr. it was fucking stupid my entire family#r caffeine addicts so pop is a necessity i was just. rly upset and it felt like my parents saw my money as just. theirs but they had to ask#abt it so i wouldnt get pissy. yk. and they ask me for money a lot usually for food and i dont mind but it like. idk im rly paranoid abt#being a provider and ive got a Lot of guilt abt like. anytime we dont have enough food it feels like my fault bc it was my fault when i wasa#kid if i didnt give up my christmas money for pizza. or whatever. idk its so dramatic like i didnt need the money i was 8 it was selfish of#me to wanna buy fucking. toys or whatever that wasnt more important than My parents being able to get to work or my siblings being able to#fucking. literally eat. or paying bills. like its selfish that im like wahhh wahhh but i wanted to buy vibeo game wif my bday money i#shouldve judt been fucking grateful i was able to help my family. wtvr. I hate connor. wtvr#n then the shit with ugh last year like. yk. and stuff. and then the them stealing 1000 from me not getting into it b4 i get mad. idk.#and im just lazy now i need to get a job again but all the shit like. as i was saying earlier b4 i started whining. idk. i should be happy#that i get to help w bills and stuff that was my dream as a kid#like ever since i was 5 when i was fantasizing abt my future i was like Im gonna marry a prince and then ill be able to afford to pay all of#my families bills and my parents and siblings will be able to go to college and be happy and maybe never have to work bc ill be able to#handle it and ive always like. yk. when i was a dumbass kid i was like Ill go to college so i can get a good job and be useful. of course i#cant ever go to college bc im fucking. useless. and itd just be another burden on my family if i was in debt bc i couldnt help them as much#if i had debt and itd be selfish. and it doesnt matter bc im too stupid to go to college anyway. idk. i wish i could just fix everything#it just feels awful rn im literally just a drain and my family doesnt say it to me yk like. ik theyre happy imback i think they are
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skunkg1rll · 5 months
the anxiety pills arent even working :c
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returning to my latino roots for 2023′s first talkloid shitpost 😎😎
rough english transcript under the cut for my non-hispanohablantes (with some translation notes)
piko: you drugged me!
fukase: with love~
piko: with PILLS.
fukase: of love~ ₁
piko: DRUGS.
fukase: look, i know i haven’t been the best alpha male—
piko: honestly, there’s nothing “male”₂ about you.
fukase: —but you have to admit that we had something beautiful...
fukase: piko, please don’t talk to me like that in front of your son!
piko: WHAT???
kazehiki: hi, daddy
piko: you’ve got to be fucking₃ with me.
fukase: of course, now you don’t recognize your own son—
piko: okay that’s enough i’m going to call the police
fukase: NO! okay, okay... it’s not necessary. i get it now, come on, little hiki, your dad’s being a bitch₄
kazehiki: goodbye, daddy
extra translation notes:
₁ - “de” usually means “of” but it can mean other things like “with”, “out of” or “for” in certain cases (such as the phrase “lo hice de amor” which can translate to “i did it out of/for/with love”, which is similar to the situation going on here). changed it so it hopefully makes more sense in english this way?
₂ - here, “macho” technically would more be “masculine” rather than literal male, and the whole phrase would more accurately be translated as “honestly, you have nothing masculine” but kept the use of the word male to align better with the previous statement so it makes more sense (in english??)
₃ - “no me chingues,” in its roughest form, can sorta be translated like this. basically it’s an expression of disbelief, like “no way” or “you’re kidding me, right?” but a bit more... vulgar lol since ‘chingues’ does sort of literally mean ‘fuck’
₄ - “anda de apretado/a,” when literally translated, essentially means “going around tightened” (or something like that) but it’s an idiom to refer to someone who’s acting very selfishly with no consideration for others. so essentially, acting like a bitch lmao. this is also just taken from the official translation of where the original audio is even from. also, while “ahora entiendo” can also be translated as “i understand now,” i felt like a more casual “i get it” fit this particular context a bit better.
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
YES I know I said I’m taking a little hiatus from writing on here to focus on finishing my original works, but I’m close to 3k and I kinda wanna do an event!!!!! Im not sure of what though so suggestions are welcomed!!!!!
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vagueiish · 8 months
straight up hate the initial stages of trying to write a canon character in fic. it's oodles of fun getting in the groove and then hitting a point where the canon character speaks, running head first into that mile tall brick wall of '....wait, would he say that? would he say it like that?' and then the whole thing falls apart
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panb1mbo · 1 year
what do you mean i can't immediately be great at everything all the time?
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shrimp1y · 1 year
Every moment that ggf doesnt blow up is a blessing I think. Like I'm like damn I wish for some virality! And less than a second later im like no that would be a terrible idea. This might sound like that fox who want the grapes but bc its outta reach he says its green but do remember my accounts are very hackable and I gptta do smth about that before the internet gets its grippers on me
#my passwords are dumb#i still use my first ever email#and like. the more I think about it the less i care about popularity. im not even on socmed#the only reason why i want virality is bc i want money. i wanna be rich. i want to move out and spend money on so fucking much therapy#i like going to the dentist#ill get all my weird symptoms checked out at the doctors#i want money. i want money!!!!!! i wanna buy houses for my besties#got distracted. anyway it sounds great but virality doesnt always equal to money thats the problem hence im like. ehhh.. nah#like. ill be happy to be viral in 5 years when my shits more together but rn im a weak frail shrimp im like a small victorian boy#ive been eating orzo in veggie broth#the internet will instantly kill me#im still gonna get my symptoms checked out at the doctors mind you. i am rich co#my parents are. and theyre in their guilty 50s stage where they look at me sadly and say shit like 'i dont remember that' when i tell them#they neglected me#so ill still get to go to my doctors. its just a matter of gettin there. but i reaaaaaally hate going out#growing up is learnin tjat no money or fame can fix u#the autism is winning. the asthma is winning. the allergies are winning. the hypermobility is winning. apparently its not just funny that#i cant hold up frying pans and choppin stuff hurts my wrist. its a runnin joke that im super weak but now im like. is this normal#my feet hurt all the time. is that normal. i get a desperate need to lie down after i do anything. 'i love being horizontal'#thats my irl catchphrase. and like. my nose are always clogged. i only recently started visiting the dentist bc they booked me in for#regular visits after comin to them to look at my wisdom tooth. and they say they can tell im a mouthbreather from my teeth#and im like girl what. i didnt know theres consequences to breathing through my mouth. and ive been thinking about the fact that im#congested 95% of the time and im like. maybeeeeee... thats not normal....... its been liek this for most of my life jsyk. is that why my#ears pop and ring all the time. apparently sinus problems can lead to ear problems. like i can sorta tell bc my nose gets completely blocked#and i gotta 'stretch' my jaw to relief the pressure on my ears every once in a while. but i thought that was just normal#i joke that im allergic to joy bc my asthma flares up when i laugh. which is kinda funny#i kinda have warmed up to like. the idea. of me bein disabled. bc im autistic and im regressing as i relearn how to actually do stuff in#a sustainable way. but man. i didnt consider my many bodily failures to be a part of it. but like with becoming more intuned with my body#and my fatigue..... its like yeah. not being able to breath is kinda tiring. i dont sleep very well either. maybe thats why i sleep so much#this is also why i shouldnt ever be known i talk too much
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jaqdawks · 1 year
I swapped the placement of tumblr and reddit on my phone so I use tumblr more. But now every now and then I’m like “oh I really wanna look at tumblr” instead of passively tapping where reddit used to be I have to intentionally open tumblr and I get a bit confused for a minute
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kil9 · 2 years
aauauauuougghghs i need to move out 👁👁
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^^^ [CHEC IT OUT] i need to move out moodboard (available now !!!(
#99.txt#my mom is like ''you seem upset with mee :('' yeah cos straight up like i think i just hate u now#when i got covid it was MY problem i stayed in my room. i wore a mask any time i left. i even wore gloves to the kitchen.#to make sure she didnt get it (and she didnt !!!) and i even cleaned the whole house while i had it lol. and still kept it away from her#so now that she has it guess what !!!!!!!!!!!! everyone guess what !!!! its STILL my problem !!!#i stay in my room ! i use the basement toilet !! i have to wear a mask outside my room at all times !!#and wash my hands so much im gettin rashes because she just goes around doing whatever touching whatever ?#coughing on whatever because she doesnt give a shit !!!!#i made it my mission when i had it to keep her safe#and now that she has it its ''well if you wanna keep safe thats your responsibility'' like ???????#i promise you the thought of making space for another person & accommodating or compromising has never occoured to her once#its all ''well its up to you !!! good luck !!!!!'' yeah fuck me i guess#and she keeps bothering me asking me to help her with shit still !!!!!!!!!!!#''how do i find my documents on the computer ive had for 10 years :('' are you stupid ?????? are you dumb for real ???????#and she puts me in the situation where. im busy clearly busy with my own shit#but she feels SO entitled to my time that she will just insist that i drop everything and do something for her#if i say no or have a slightly unenthusiastic response its ''oh youre SO mean to me youre SO mean. no one will want you :('' ...ok.#but if i ask for help from my own mother once in a while its ''wow you ask so much of me you know youre not a child anymore :\\\''#yeah. i know. i dont think ive been helped with anything by a parent since i was like 15 years old#''why are you mad at me ven you seem mad at me :('' yeah . i think like you just kinda fucking suck
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reineyday · 2 years
why does being an artist so often mean accumulating stuff 🙃
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fuzzyunicorn · 12 days
Hmm yes I’ll explain. So y r Scientologists so fuckin’ weird? Well first of all their dumb cunting asses fell for the trick that aliens r Gods, so what does that tell u about them? They’re foolish af. Dumb as hell. Absolute bafoons. It should say a lot the god they pretend to worship has literally put out a fuckin’ hit on them. How bad do u have 2 b to get ur own god to order ur deaths??? lol god is siccing his own Angels onto people who worship him…. You have to be pretty fuckin’ henious for this to happen. Let that sink in for a min their own god has commanded they all die screaming. 😬🫠 that’s bad! So y do they have an obsession w torturing their victims dogs? Every woman who rightfully accused Dany Masterson of raping her, all those women’s dogs have died in super cruel & unusual ways… y? I’ll tell ya: evil Satanic aliens who come from the Orion star system… okay? The good aliens who r helping me all come from the Sirius star system. The Orion fuck faces GOT House sigil equivalent is a (human) Hunter like the tale of Orion the Hunter; the Sirions GOT House sigil equivalent is a dog and what is dog spelled backwards????? Yeah that’s why evil aliens love torturing & mutilating dogs. So that is why Scientologists who serve & actually worship the evil Gray aliens (who live under da sea!) torture & mutilate the dogs of their victims. Oooouoh & this mad dog (me) has been sicced on the Orinions and their groupies :) ur all fucked fucked fucked! This little doggy (me) just ate her cocain & gunpowder & pounded the slaughter water in my doggy water bowl :) ruff ruff stupid cunts :)
#righto this reminds me on sum TikTok posts don’t remember their username but they consistently post Universe Secret factoids that r complete#& utter bs one quote on quote fact they shared was Heaven (or the Spirit World where god & us all live) those good & freiendly aliens talkin#to that dipshit told them to put on the post Heaven is located in the Orion star system… dumbass that’s the evil Satanic aljens who fooled#their stupid ass into thinking the Orinions r the good aliens 😭😂 bitch please if any alien contacts u & states they r from the Orion star#system u r in fact communicating w the evil aliens who every gov’t on this planet agreed the evil gray aliens may abduct & experiment on#basically anyone they please & ur gov’t is fully aware & will cover it up & silence u so what does that say? all gov’t r in contact &#worshipping the evil grays as well as willingly handing them over any1 & every1 they r sworn to protect & gov’t officials when u made that#vow to the real god u’d protect his vassals oh la la ur soooooo FUCKED!!! oh my lert u r so fuckin’ fucked! 😭😂#that is why the CIA who r controlled by the Satanic elites assassinated JFK bc he was gonna sing like a canary about all the gov’t making#sweet deals w the Satanic aliens that it is a-okay that they abduct whomever whenever for whatever so that the gov’t saves their own arses#so they’re aren’t the ones who end up on alien experiment tables & secret secret that should not b a surprise: the aliens when they#do their lil experiments they don’t give u anesthesia pain meds or nerfin’ it’s just raw dogged the entire time & ur gov’t knows this :)#that is y they ensured they wouldn’t b the ones on the experiment tables :) yeah god is pissed pissed pissed about that especially#considering ur vow to him. & what did the gov’t get out of this deal for them? the aliens willingly agreed (& secretly planned) they the#aliens would not only supply but teach the gov’t how to reverse engineer their alien technology so babe when u🖤 & ur🖤 coworkers read this#all ur military technology every bit of equipment u all use is alien technology & they wanted to give this wondrous gift to humans for the#singular reason of when the bad bad bad aliens launch their invasion of this planet they can emp EVERYTHING to shut down so all computers#phones vehicles EVERYTHING stops working EVEN ALL MILITARY EQUIPMENT so bullets won’t let fly from gun chambers gernades won’t do anything#when unpinned so every human would be at the evil aliens mercy this included u lil Scientologists :) ur own aliens would obliterate u but#good news is I’ll get to u all first :) so it welcum for that mercy :) I don’t wanna c u guys end up on experimentation slabs I really#don’t#so lil Scientologists & all Satanists & Satanic gov’t u really think when ur God aliens invade ur all exempt? think again bitches if humans#r the slaves of Satanic aliens & u all r dumb humans y do u think they’ll spare u? they won’t they hate humans so fuckin’ much & u all r#what? humans lol ur dumb af if u think it’s not been apart of their silly lil plan this whole time to turn on their slaves use ur brains 4#once & think shit thru a lil harder dumb cunts
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