#i want a warm food...... i wanted either broccoli cheddar soup Or butter chicken
nomaishuttle · 1 year
i think paypal messing up and not letting me place my order and me getting 3 yogurt cups and an apple muffin (i had the yogurt for lunch and im abt to eat da muffin) from residents is a sign from god that i shouldnt order food bc its way too expensive both kinds of food that i was wanting . like 30 dollars. but god i want the food really badly though is the thing
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I've got 4 recipes hereeeee
Are you telling me a mixed vegetables fried this rice
Get your vegetables. I used frozen vegetables like a loser but any vegetables oughtta work. Steamed broccoli would be good. Green beans, carrots, and corn was what I used and it slapped.
Make some rice (boil water, add about half as much rice with the understanding that rice grows, simmer for for 10-15 minutes or until it's about as soft as you want it LOOK AT ME: POKE IT WITH A SPOON DO NOT TOUCH THE BOILING RICE WITH YOUR FINGER, fluff and serve)
Butter a frying pan and heat it
Put the rice and veg in the frying pan and let them heat up for a short while. They'll sound pretty when it's ready.
Then crack in an egg.
And scramble it.
I always make my fried rice pretty soft cooked but you can get it crispy if so desired
Easy on the soy sauce. Use sesame seed oil too.
In total, including clean up and buffer time it takes about an hour, but it could take longer or shorter depending on how fast you cook.
Boujee botato burrito
This one's stupid
But it tastes GOOD
Prepare some steak fries however you like to prepare stake fries. I deep fry and my mama bakes them. Air fryer, pan fried, cooked over an open flame idc.
Get a tortilla. Not a tiny one either, we're working with steak fries here.
Here me out. I know this is stupid but AMERICAN CHEESE is actually best in this case. It's got a good texture. And juuuust enough flavor to compliment and give the burrito a little grounding without becoming a main aspect of the dish.
So put your tortilla on your Large Heating Surface Of Choice, I use a grill but whatevers big enough, a frying pan would work, and toast it and melt the cheese a little.
Then put on your fries.
Then, and I need a citation for this because I do not know the exact combination of herbs but use Cajun seasoning. Look up badia cajun seasoning and use that. Or season to taste, you want a slightly sweet and spicy blend, kinda like the seasoning on a barbecue chip but more Green and Yellow
Then top it with romaine lettuce and wrap it.
Or other lettuce or maybe spinach, but you don't want to overload the flavor.
This one takes much less time, the longest part is cooking the fries, I'd say about 20 minutes total, even with clean up.
It tastes.. in the same ballpark as a gyro. Not the same at all, but like if a gyro had a cousin from Weeki Wochi Springs (and... that's pretty accurate actually. As someone who is intimately familiar with the Really Sweaty parts of florida and is reasonably familiar with our next door flood buddy (louisianna) and the food from both places. Look if you've ever been to Natchitoches, LA and try food from there you'll know what I mean)
Thor's comfort food
That's a fucking stupid name sorry
It's soup. So we're clear.
This is borderline stew, and is something to make to feed you for several days, it's very hearty.
And this is a leftover soup! But it doesn't have to be you can make it fresh if you want to.
But chop up some fries and chicken (I used leftover steak fries and chicken tenders, which have a story behind them but not for here, I'm not that southern)
Put them in a deep pot with some butter to start getting them warm. The chicken needs to be all the way cooked beforehand, this is where the leftover part comes in handy. The steak fries less so but yk
When they're warm and popping a little, add a can of cream of chicken soup, milk, cheddar and mozzarella cheese, SALT, chili seasoning, a shake of Tony chachere's, (that's pronounced SaShaRay's if you wanna ask for it at a grocery store), and a dash of honey mustard.
Let it warm and mingle on high heat until it tastes super good.
Put aside and make some rice (sea above). Yellow or brown rice would be SO GOOD with this, especially yellow rice. I only had white on hand tho loll
Mix the rice into the soup, and heat it up again to serving temp.
I'd serve it with some nutty bread. Not pumpernickel or white bread. Rye would be good. Or even just some standard wheat bread. Maybe some cheddar biscuits or cornbread lol.
This one takes much longer just by nature, I'd give it an hour to an hour and a half, clean up included.
This one doesn't have a name right now lol
Goat cheese
Rosemary if you're a homestuck (or have good taste in herbs)
Put it in a (oven safe) bowl or even straight on some thick bread (foccacia would work well. That's fecasha if you've never seen the word written out. Horse divorce).
Put it in the oven, or better, a toaster oven (not a microwave)
Heat it until the berries and goat cheese get soft
Blend it all together
It takes maybe 15mins
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brushdish47-blog · 5 years
paleo egg muffins
Today I have a brand new make-ahead paleo egg muffin recipe! This one is loaded with sausage and broccoli and will totally fuel you until lunch! A serving will give you 18 grams of protein! They are like a portable little omelet made in a muffin tin! 
Hello middle of January! Let’s catch up! How are your healthy eating habits sticking? Are you happy to be making positive changes? Please let me know by leaving a comment below. Honestly, I want to hear from you. What’s working, what isn’t? Jase and I have been doing a paleo diet for the month, and we both feel amazing. He is melting weight off, and my belly is feeling so much better.
I have to say, this month’s paleo challenge has been a real eye opener for me for many reasons. One of which is the fact that I don’t think I had any clue how much dairy I was eating! Like every day, several times a day. Not that it’s a bad thing, but if that is in fact one of the culprits as to why I am having issues with IBS and GERD, then I am pretty much kicking myself about the fact that I have been giving myself a steady stream of it as long as I can remember. 
Take these high-protein Egg Muffins for example, normally I would have topped them with a nice big pinch of shredded Vermont cheddar to seal the deal. Like I did for these Veggie Egg Cups. But being on this challenge, I had to find alternate ways of making them super delicious. Read more on that below! 
Time will tell about if I’ll need to keep away from dairy or not moving forward. I will be adding in each food, one at a time, that I removed after January, and we’ll see what the triggers are for my symptoms to come back. Very scientific, no? 
In other news, after taking two months off from doing our usual Thursday photo shoots in my photo studio, now Stephanie and I are back in the swing of things, working together to make pretty pictures for my freelance clients. This week, I will try to remember to share some behind the scenes on my instagram stories. 
Anywhoo, let’s talk some more about these amazing low-carb egg muffins with sausage and broccoli! 
How to Make Paleo Egg Muffins
To make these muffin tin egg muffins more satisfying without cheese (so they could be dairy-free) I added sausage to them. Sausage is something we enjoy in moderation around here. Usually we have it as an supporting role ingredient in something else, like soup or stuffing. When considering it as a protein source, sausage is really high in calories and saturated fat, about 270 calories per serving. Compare that to boneless skinless chicken breast at 140 calories per serving. It does have a lot of great flavor, and the richness of it does help with satiety. That’s why it is a good option for a paleo breakfast. Two of these have enough calories (290), fat (23 g)and protein (18g) to keep me full all morning long. Without the sausage, I would’ve needed to add something else to my breakfast to make it more caloric. 
I am also really trying to get in either fruit or vegetables at breakfast. This is something, prior to eating paleo I wasn’t in the habit of doing. Adding in 2 cups of broccoli to this recipe gives me a modest amount of healthy veggies per serving of two egg muffins.
When you take cheese out of a recipe, you can loose that satisfying cheese flavor that we all love so much, so I made sure to amp up the flavor a little bit. I added in a teaspoon of Dijon mustard, salt and pepper. And on top I sprinkled on some paprika. It doesn’t add much in the flavor department, but I think it makes them look prettier. If you like, you could also add in a pinch of garlic powder. But I find that the sausage adds plenty of additional flavors.
If you are doing the Whole30 challenge or you follow a paleo lifestyle, then you already know to read the labels of the ingredients you use. Check to make sure your sausage and Dijon are sugar free. If you are Whole30 you’ll also want to check for nitrates too. 
Tips for Making Muffin Tin Egg Muffins
A few things I have discovered with making egg muffins in a muffin tin, is that the eggs can be messy. Unlike an egg bake where they go into a baking dish all in one go, getting the beaten eggs into the muffin pan wells cleanly can take a bit of finesse. The trick I have learned is to make the egg mixture, then run it through a fine mesh sieve (also known as a wire strainer.) This helps to break up the albumin in the egg proteins, and makes it easier to pour in just enough to fill up the muffin tin wells. I have a nice wide glass measuring cup that I strain it into, which works well because it has a little spout to pour the egg mixture out of. 
The sausage needs to be cooked before it is added to the muffin tins. If you are in a rush, buy precooked sausage or smoked sausage, and cut it into small chunks. To cook the sausage, remove the casings. To do that, just run the tip of a sharp knife along the length of the sausage and slide the casings off. Then crumble the sausage into a dry non-stick skillet. It will be kind of sticky, so don’t worry if the pieces are large at first. As you cook it over medium-high heat, you’ll be able to break it up into small pieces with a wooden spoon. There may be an excess of rendered fat in your skillet when you are done cooking. If you like, you can drain the cooked sausage on paper towels as you would for cooked bacon.
The chopped broccoli also needs to be softened a bit before it goes into the egg muffins. I do that by quickly cooking it in the microwave. If you don’t have a microwave, you can do this step in a saucepan with or without a steamer basket. Here’s another shortcut: you can sub in chopped frozen broccoli. Just measure out 2 cups, then thawed and drain it. No need to cook it because the freezing and thawing will have softened it up enough.
Coat the muffin tin really well with cooking spray. Or if you prefer to use another type of fat or oil to do so, that is fine. Egg muffins tend to stick to the muffin pans, so don’t be afraid to be generous with this step.
Layer the broccoli and sausage into the muffin tins. They will look quite full, but that’s okay, there is space around the pieces and the eggs will flow around them and fill in the gaps! 
Pour the eggs into each well of the muffin tins. This is where that spout comes in really handy! 
Lastly, sprinkle on the paprika. As I said this is not necessary technically, but I really like that pop of red it adds to the top of these egg cups. Omit it if you are in a rush.
Carefully so as not to slosh the egg all over the muffin tin, transfer them to the center of the oven and let them bake. They cook through surprisingly fast (about 20 to 25 minutes is all it takes.) They will puff right up. 
Let them cool a little bit in the muffin tin, then run a knife along the edges to make it easier to get them out of the pan. Then just pry them out of the muffin pan with a butter knife. I keep them on a platter covered with a layer of parchment then a layer of plastic wrap or I put them into two large glass storage containers. I love these glass storage containers. (That’s an affiliate link.) They’re great for meal prep in general and the food doesn’t come in contact with plastic. 
To reheat them, put two egg cups on a microwave safe plate. Microwave on high for 1 minute until they’re steaming hot! If you prefer not to use a microwave, make sure to cover them when you reheat in the oven. Or you can always enjoy them cold. They are quite good that way! 
More Paleo Breakfast Recipes To Try This Month
Paleo Clean-Eating Pancakes
Paleo Chocolate Pumpkin Donuts
Paleo Green Apple Smoothie
Please let me know if you make this recipe and come back and leave a star rating and review. It helps so much! 
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Paleo Egg Muffins with sausage and broccoli are an easy meal-prep recipe for a high-protein low-carb breakfast. They’re like a mini omelet made in a muffin tin!
Cooking Spray, avocado oil or Ghee
10 ounces hot Italian pork sausage, casings removed
2 cups chopped broccoli
10 large eggs
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon ground black pepper
½ teaspoon paprika
Lightly coat a large non-stick skillet with cooking spray, set over medium-high heat and add sausage. Cook and crumble until the sausage is broken into small pieces, browned and cooked through.
Place broccoli in a medium microwave safe dish, splash on 2 tablespoons water, cover and microwave for 2 minutes. Carefully remove cover (steam will escape!)
Meanwhile, preheat oven and coat a 12-cup muffin tray (generously) with cooking spray, oil or ghee.
Combine eggs, mustard, salt and pepper in a large bowl and whisk well Pour egg mixture through a fine mesh sieve into a large measuring cup.
Divide the sausage and vegetables evenly among the muffin tins. Pour the egg mixture over the sausage and veggies, dividing evenly. Sprinkle on paprika.
Bake the egg muffins until puffed and cooked through, 20 to 23 minutes. Let cool in the muffin tins until warm. Run a knife along the edges of the pan, and remove the egg muffins.
Feel free to sub in pre-cooked chicken sausage or smoked sausage. Just cut into small bite-sized chunks.
Frozen chopped broccoli can be subbed for the fresh. Just measure out 2 cups frozen, then thaw and drain. No need to cook it.
Serving Size: 2 egg muffins
Calories: 293
Sugar: 0
Fat: 23 g
Saturated Fat: 8 g
Carbohydrates: 3 g
Protein: 18 g
Keywords: low carb,keto,paleo,breakfast,meal prep,gluten free,dairy free,grain free,broccoli,sausage,eggs
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struggling with weeknight meals?
My free ebook, The Best Weeknight Dinners, includes 15 of my family’s favorites — recipes and meals we go back to over and over again. It includes simple entrees you can make start to finish in 20 to 40 minutes. And all are made with simple to follow instructions and easy to find ingredients.
Thanks for signing up! Just check your inbox to confirm your subscription, and then look for a welcome letter from me, including a link to download your free ebook. Every week you’ll receive ideas and inspiration on how to incorporate more fabulous healthy seasonal recipes into your life!
Source: https://www.healthyseasonalrecipes.com/paleo-egg-muffins/
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gethealthy18-blog · 6 years
Hypoglycemia Diet – How To Prevent Sudden Blood Sugar Drop
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/hypoglycemia-diet-how-to-prevent-sudden-blood-sugar-drop/
Hypoglycemia Diet – How To Prevent Sudden Blood Sugar Drop
Charushila Biswas January 28, 2019
Do you feel excessively hungry all the time? Do you also feel dizzy, weak, and disoriented? Chances are that you are hypoglycemic.
Hypoglycemia is a condition in which the blood sugar drops below normal levels (70 mg/dL)(1). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 245,000 people in the US are hypoglycemic (2). Mostly, people with diabetes are affected by it. But people without diabetes may also be hypoglycemic.
To prevent a sudden drop in blood sugar levels and minimize the risk of health complications, you must follow a hypoglycemia-friendly diet. Not just food, the time of food intake and quantity also matter when it comes to managing hypoglycemia. Read on to know all about it and live a healthy life. Let’s begin!
In This Article, You Will Know…
What Causes Hypoglycemia?
Hypoglycemia is caused when there’s more insulin in the body. Insulin levels can be high if you have diabetes and take insulin to lower blood glucose levels. Or it may also occur if you have reactive or fasting hypoglycemia. To understand how excessive insulin causes hypoglycemia, you have to understand its function. Let’s take a quick look.
Insulin is a hormone secreted in response to a rise in blood glucose levels after a meal. The function of insulin is to carry the glucose molecules into the cells. In the cells, glucose gets converted into usable energy. Energy is then used to perform various day-to-day tasks.
When insulin is overproduced, the glucose level in the blood drops. If the blood glucose level drops below 70 mg/dL, you will start to feel dizzy, and your brain will stop functioning properly. You might show the following symptoms of hypoglycemia.
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Symptoms Of Hypoglycemia
Excessive, sudden hunger
Feeling irritated and anxious
Tingling lips
Blurred vision
Feeling weak
High heart rate
Feeling disoriented and confused
Turning pale
Feeling mentally sluggish
If you experience most or all of the symptoms mentioned above, you must see a doctor immediately. Find out in the following section how your doctor will confirm if you have hypoglycemia.
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How To Know If You Are Hypoglycemic
To know if you have hypoglycemia, your doctor will first make a note of all the symptoms. If they suspect hypoglycemia, your blood sugar levels will be tested.
If the report does not confirm hypoglycemia, further tests will be carried out to find out the underlying reason for low blood sugar levels. If the test confirms that you are hypoglycemic, you will be asked to follow a hypoglycemia-friendly diet. What’s a hypoglycemia diet? Find more about it in the next section.
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Hypoglycemia Diet
Scientists have conducted studies and found that an apt hypoglycemic diet can either be a diet rich in complex carbs with some amount of simple carbs or a ketogenic diet (3), (4), (5), (6).
To determine a good hypoglycemia diet, you must look at the sustainability of the diet. Choose a program that blends well with your lifestyle and does not affect your health. Here’s a sample diet chart for you to follow. Get your doctor’s approval if you want to follow this diet plan.
Meals What To Eat After Waking Up (7:30 a.m.) 350 mL warm water with 1 teaspoon organic honey Breakfast (8:30 a.m.) Hard boiled eggs and 1 multigrain toast
Oatmeal with strawberries and almonds
Bulletproof coffee
Mid Morning (10:30 a.m.) 1 banana
370 mL freshly pressed fruit juice
Keto fat bombs
Lunch (12:30 p.m.) Mushroom and quinoa salad
Grilled chicken breast with veggies
Tuna and mayonnaise salad
Evening Snack (3:30 p.m.) 1 multigrain digestive biscuit + 1 cup black coffee
Baked beetroot chip
½ avocado + 3-4 slices of salami
Dinner (6:30 p.m.) Lentil soup with veggies
Grilled fish and sautéed veggies
Cream of mushroom soup
Apart from the foods listed in the diet chart, here’s a list of foods to eat and avoid if you are hypoglycemic. Take a look.
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Foods To Eat
Veggies – Spinach, kale, arugula, bitter gourd, radish greens, collard greens, Swiss chard, Malabar spinach, eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, purple cabbage, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, lettuce, bok choy, scallions, radish, turnip, celery, and fennel.
Fruits – Banana, avocado, apple, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, lime, lemon, grapefruit, watermelon, muskmelon, kiwi, orange, pluot, tangerine, gooseberries, pears, plum, peach, dragon fruit, and sweet lime.
Protein – Chicken breast, mackerel, tuna, salmon, sardine, free-range eggs, kidney beans, navy beans, Bengal gram, mung beans, lentils, tofu, soy milk, and soy chunks.
Whole Grains – Brown rice, white rice (provided you include four types of veggies with it), barley, oats, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, and wheat.
Dairy – Full-fat milk, full-fat yogurt, homemade ricotta cheese, cottage cheese, cheddar cheese, and Greek yogurt.
Fats And Oils – Olive oil, ghee, avocado oil, rice bran oil, almond butter, flaxseed butter, and sunflower seed butter.
Seeds And Nuts – Flax seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, melon seeds, pepita, almonds, walnuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, and pine nuts.
Herbs And Spices – Cilantro, basil, sage, oregano, thyme, dill, bay leaves, coriander, cinnamon, cardamom, allspice, saffron, mace, nutmeg, turmeric, ginger, onion, garlic, chili flakes, green chili, cumin, dried herbs, and nigella seeds.
Beverages – Water, detox water, fenugreek seeds soaked water, low-sodium buttermilk, green tea, herbal tea, black coffee, and freshly pressed fruit or vegetable juice.
Here’s a list of foods to avoid.
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Foods To Avoid
Processed foods
High-sodium foods
Artificial sweeteners
Frozen foods
Canned and packaged foods
The basic idea is to consume complex carbs, healthy fats, lean protein, and grass-fed dairy and stay hydrated. Also, keep yourself active by working out regularly.
Hypoglycemia can get worse if you do not consume anything before working out. Here are a few food options that you may try out.
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What To Consume Before Exercising
Consume a good source of complex carbs and protein. Have it at least 45 minutes before working out. Here are some options:
Apple and almond butter
Freshly pressed fruit juice and nuts
Green tea and digestive biscuit
Carrot and hummus
Yogurt and berries
Protein shakes (check out 15 homemade protein shake recipes here).
So, you have plenty of food options to choose from and be healthy. Before I come to a close, here are a few tips to manage hypoglycemia.
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Tips To Manage Hypoglycemia
Follow the hypoglycemia diet.
Keep yourself active.
Avoid sugary foods.
Avoid consuming alcohol.
Eat every 2-3 hours.
Keep yourself hydrated.
If you feel dizzy, pop a candy in your mouth, lie down, and wait for 10-15 minutes.
Call a friend or the ambulance if you do not feel alright after 15 minutes.
Hypoglycemia may become life-threatening if you do not take care and act quickly. Listen to your body carefully and consume healthy foods. In a few days, you will start feeling better and not be dizzy, weak, or famished suddenly. If you have any questions, post them in the comments box, and I’d be happy to answer them. Take care!
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1. “Low Blood Glucose (Hypoglycemia)” National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, US Department of Health and Human Services. 2. “National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2017” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 3. “Hypoglycemia and endurance exercise: dietary considerations.” Nutrition and health, US National Library of Medicine. 4. “Treatment of reactive hypoglycemia with the macrobiotic Ma-pi 2 diet as assessed by continuous glucose monitoring: The MAHYP randomized crossover trial.” Metabolism: clinical and experimental, US National Library of Medicine. 5. “Protective effects of ketogenic diets on signs of hypoglycemia.” Diabetes, US National Library of Medicine. 6. “Eucaloric Ketogenic Diet Reduces Hypoglycemia and Inflammation in Mice with Endotoxemia.” Lipids, US National Library of Medicine.
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Charushila Biswas
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/hypoglycemia-diet/
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shrinksta-blog · 7 years
43 Keto Diet Recipes That Will Help You Burn Fat Fast In 2018!
The Keto Diet is becoming one of the most popular diets of 2018, with studies showing that it could help you burn up to TEN times more fat than eating a standard American diet.
With this diet, your body turns to fat as it’s main source of energy, thus helping you drop unwanted pounds and lose weight while eating foods you would traditionally not be ‘allowed’ to eat on a diet.
To kick start your weight loss goals in 2018, we have collected 43 amazing Keto recipes that taste delicious and will help you burn fat! Save and share all your favourites on social media. Enjoy!
43 Keto Diet Recipes That Will Help You Burn Fat Fast In 2018!
Chicken Meatballs Stuffed With Provolone Cheese
“Chicken meatballs are one of my favorite things to eat! Keto meatballs consistently pop up on my weekly menu plan. They’re delicious and simple, but lend themselves to a variety of flavors. These chicken meatballs stuffed with provolone cheese are always a hit with the family.” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Keto Butter Chicken
“This may be a little of a curve-ball, but if you want to make the most (nutritiously speaking) out of this butter chicken, forgo the butter. Wait, what? Yeah you heard me… substitute ghee in its place.” Recipe: CastIronKeto.
Mexican Tuna Steak, Sweet Red Peppers & Avocado Salsa
“In my quest to eat more fresh fish this year – and by that I mean to expand my repertoire of salmon – I decided to finally make something with tuna. This recipe features tuna steaks pan-fried in coriander seeds and lime zest brown butter, cumin and paprika sweet onion and red peppers, topped with zesty avocado salsa.” Recipe: EatDrinkPaleo.
Keto Enchiladas
“So you could say I was skeptical when I began prepping the ingredients for this recipe, all the way through shooting the pictures. However, when I sat down with a plate of two enchiladas, I made my way through the first one and was stuffed. I was pleasantly surprised with how filling each enchilada was, and I hope you with be too!” Recipe: CastIronKeto.
Shredded Beef Ragu With Sweet Potato Noodles
“Sweet potato noodles are great as an alternative to pasta, and serve as a perfect vehicle for this hearty, nourishing beef ragu. This Italian inspired meal is a must-have for any season. ” Recipe: EatDrinkPaleo.
Jalapeno Poppers Smoked With Bacon And Cream Cheese
“Football season is upon us. I’m not a sports person, so for me, this means next to nothing besides dodging carb-loaded game day snacks and listening to my friends yell at the tv. Although indulgent, bacon-wrapped jalapeno poppers are usually a safe bet as party food goes. My low carb jalapeno poppers recipe kicks the flavor up a level by adding one of my favorite “ingredients”: smoke.” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Cauliflower Parmesan Soup
“This creamy cauliflower parmesan soup is velvety and rich. It’s amazing how creamy the soup turns out considering there is no cream whatsoever. The trick to a creamy cauliflower soup without cream is adding in butter, or ghee if you’re dairy-free, and using a blender to puree. You can use either a stand blender or immersion blender, what is most convenient for you. Voila! Creamy without the cream and added calories!” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Keto White Chicken Chili
“This Keto White Chicken Chili is an amazing comfort food for the changing seasons. It’s filling, tasty and can easily be a crockpot/freezer meal!” Recipe: HeyKetoMama.
Keto Jalapeno Popper Soup
“This Keto Jalapeno Popper Soup will soon become your family’s favorite low carb comfort food. It’s packed with savory flavor and just the right amount of kick. Make it on the stove-top, in the slow cooker or in your pressure cooker for an easy dinner for the cold Winter months. Be sure to make at least a double batch for leftovers!” Recipe: HeyKetoMama.
Roasted Pork Belly Bites With Braised Cabbage
“Bacon is a way of life for us keto folks. The best way to know you’re getting a quality piece of bacon is to make it yourself.. but that can take quite a bit of work and that’s a recipe for a different day. A much simpler and still delicious route to take is roasting some good old-fashioned pork belly.” Recipe: Tasteaholics.
Cheddar Chicken & Broccoli Casserole
“We love broccoli cheddar! The combination is delicious and we love finding new ways of incorporating it into our day. We recently made a yummy Broccoli Cheddar Soup that will give even Panera Bread a run for its money. It’s creamy and thick, without all the added carbs that come from flour added.” Recipe: Tasteaholics.
Keto Chicken Soup
“When the the weather turns cold, or you’ve got a cold there are few things more comforting than a big warm bowl of chicken soup. I mean you can’t go to a book store and find a section full of Minestrone for Your Soul or Clam Chowder for Your Soul (well, maybe you could in you searched hard enough in New England). But for the most part chicken soup is synonymous with warmth…comfort…healing, and this low carb version doesn’t disappoint your tastebuds or your soul. ” Recipe: CastIronKeto.
Creamy Garlic Chicken Soup
“To prepare the creamy garlic chicken soup, I heated butter in a saucepan and added the shredded chicken. Once the chicken was warmed and coated in butter, I added the cream cheese to the pot and mixed as it melted over medium heat.” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Italian Sheet Pan Eggs With Artichokes & Prosciutto
“You can use this simple recipe as a template and create your own version of sheet pan breakfast. Try a combination of sun-dried tomatoes and Italian sausage, or sliced mushrooms and asparagus.” Recipe: EatDrinkPaleo.
Paleo Bang Bang Chicken (With Mango Cucumber Salad)
“I have wanted to make a paleo bang bang chicken for a long time. You might have come across the name bang bang chicken or bang bang shrimp in a hipster fusion restaurant but the name is actually Chinese (Szechuan) in origin. Also known as bon bon chicken, the traditional dish consists of cold, shredded chicken drenched in spicy sesame sauce. The chicken is tenderised by pounding with a heavy wooden stick, and as such, it is claimed that the name refers to the sound of the chicken being pounded.” Recipe: EatDrinkPaleo.
Shredded Chicken Chili
“I’m all about that meal prep and shredded chicken has become part of my regular routine… it’s always in the fridge ready to go! With a stock of shredded chicken on hand, this dinner comes together for me in a matter of minutes. If you aren’t much of a meal planner or prepper, you can quickly boil and shred the chicken before combining all of your chili ingredients or you can go the rotisserie chicken route and shred that up instead. See! Nutritious cooking doesn’t have to be that complicated!” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Keto Cheeseburger Casserole Skillet
“Gluten free buns are predominantly dry and the texture is off, and lettuce wrapped burgers always end up disintegrating. That’s where this delicious cheeseburger casserole comes in. All the flavors of your favorite burger in one convenient dish. So instead of dealing with a crumbly carb filled bun, or a the puddle left behind from a lettuce wrapped burger, pull up a seat and grab a forkful of this tasty entree.” Recipe: CastIronKeto.
Spicy Baked Chicken Meatballs
“These baked chicken meatballs are SPICY! If you can handle a solid roundhouse kick to your palate, you’re in the right place. Poblanos, habaneros, and jalapeños, oh my! Loaded with spicy low carb peppers, this chicken meatball recipe is not for the faint of heart.” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Low Carb Raspberry Glazed Chicken Wings
“Back to the chicken! Raspberry glazed chicken wings, where have you been all my life? The berry wing sauce is crazy delicious and so incredibly simple. Sweet, tart, unapologetically fruity. Arguably best of all, you just toss the ingredients in a casserole dish and walk away until your timer goes off.” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Low-Carb Smoky Pulled Pork Breakfast Hash
“This smoky pulled pork breakfast hash is the perfect way to start the day. The runny egg yolk almost acts like a sauce, and when you get a forkful of pork, veggies, and egg it’s as perfect a bite as any meal I could imagine.” Recipe: CastIronKeto.
Keto Indian Chicken Curry
“In a crockpot, combine chicken, tomatoes, coconut milk, ghee, garam masala, ground ginger, and garlic powder. Mix well to ensure chicken breast is evenly seasoned. Cover the slow cooker and set the temperature to low for 6 hours.” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Low Carb Keto Chicken Tetrazzini With Zucchini Noodles
“Born out of an insatiable, nagging pasta craving and iron-clad willpower, I now present to you: low carb keto chicken tetrazzini. This chicken tetrazzini is made with zucchini noodles instead of spaghetti, and the sauce is entirely keto friendly. If comfort food and keto fell in love and had a baby, it would be this low carb casserole recipe.” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Keto Chicken Wings
“The blue cheese in this recipe is what really makes it drool-worthy, and it’s also a super nutritious component of the meal. Blue cheese is a good source of protein, potassium, and calcium, but it’s the moldy blue veins that run through it that really pack a healthy punch.” Recipe: CastIronKeto.
Keto Tandoori Chicken Bowls
“Needless to say this was not the greatest introduction into Indian food and I was a little jaded when we tried again a few months later at another Indian restaurant while out of town. I was amazed… The flavors, the spices, all of it was so far removed from our prior experience. I was absolutely hooked; chana masala ✓, tikka masala ✓, palak paneer ✓, but the one dish I can’t get enough of has always been tandoori chicken.” Recipe: CastIronKeto.
Slow Cooker Keto Chicken Tikka Masala
“Chicken Tikka Masala is a super delicious and flavorful curry that you can now make keto! You can serve this on its own and it’s an amazing dish, though you can pair it with some sides to “bulk” it up in a sense. I decided to serve this with cauliflower rice, with a 1/6 serving per person.” Recipe: Ruled.
Sesame Almond Zoodle Bowl
“The sesame almond zoodle bowl is the perfect vehicle for this amazing sauce. Peanut sauce has been one of my favorite dipping and drizzling sauces for everything from low carb egg rolls to an overflowing bowl of stir fry veggies. Sadly, I’ve recently begun reducing my peanut intake. I’ve been focusing on more recipes that incorporate keto friendly nuts and nut butters like cashews and almonds and I have fallen in love!” Recipe: Ruled.
Chicken Tender Lazone
“This flavorful chicken dinner comes together in a flash! Smoky chicken tenders are pan seared in butter then served with a decadent sauce over zoodles. I can get this on the table in 30 minutes or less, so it’s the perfect dinner for a busy night.” Recipe: Ruled.
Zucchini Pasta With Chicken & Pistachios
“This recipe is an homage to the pasta recipes that show up on food magazine covers every spring. You know the ones: they feature a bowl of pasta flecked with herbs and golden chicken—and smiling, painfully chic people gathered around a picnic table on a hillside, all bathed in dappled sunlight.” Recipe: HappyBodyFormula.
Low Carb Broccoli Crust Pizza
“This Low Carb Broccoli Crust Pizza is an amazingly nutritious take on a classic favorite meal.” Recipe: HeyKetoMama.
Stuffed Beef Rolls
“These stuffed beef rolls are wrapped in prosciutto and stuffed with mushrooms, onions, spinach, cream cheese and other cheeses. They are crispy on the outside and gooey in the middle.” Recipe: Ruled.
Baked Italian Meatballs
“Traditional carb heavy Italian dishes can be something people miss when following a ketogenic diet. With this recipe you can recreate those familiar comforting flavors with a vastly reduced carb count!” Recipe: Ruled.
Instant Pot Smothered Pork Chops
“I love using the Instant Pot in the summer months when I don’t feel like heating up with kitchen with the stove or oven. These Smothered Pork Chops are a one pot dish that’s perfect for busy nights when we’re short on time but still want a homemade dinner that’s quick and easy.” Recipe: Ruled.
Keto Cauliflower Pizza Casserole
“Instead of using carb-loaded pasta as a base, we use steamed cauliflower. Not a cauliflower fan? Try the recipe anyway. It doesn’t taste one bit like cauliflower. Instead, it’s more like macaroni and cheese meets pepperoni pizza. The sauce is rich and creamy with notes of tomato, garlic, basil and oregano. The red pepper flakes add just a little bit of heat and complexity. Add in layers of pepperoni and gooey mozzarella cheese, and this recipe becomes comfort food nirvana.” Recipe: Ruled.
Low-Carb Cauli Cottage Pie
“This time around it is not topped with mash potato and a sprinkle of melted cheese (although feel free to sprinkle if you wish) but rather a healthy thick layer of delicious, healthy and creamy caulimash topped with the Paleo favourite, crispy bacon!” Recipe: Eighty20Nutrition.
Keto Egg Roll In A Bowl
“Keto egg roll in a bowl has been an all-time favorite dish of mine since embarking on a ketogenic lifestyle. It’s crazy popular in the low carb, paleo, and whole 30 circles for several reasons: it’s quick, it’s easy, and it captures the delightful essence of an egg roll without all the garbage added.” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Low Carb Chicken Enchilada Casserole
“I have two favorite foods, pizza, and enchiladas. If they were the only food available, I could eat them both every day and be happy. But when you follow a low carb diet, those are two types of foods that are notoriously full of carbs.” Recipe: 730SageStreet.
Low Carb Pizza – Turkey Crust Meatza
“Since then, I’ve tweaked a few things, played around with the ratios, cooking vessels, and a variety of toppings. I prefer to use a cast-iron skillet to get a nice crunch on the crust. Cast-iron skillets get super hot and stay that way, which is great for searing meat. Since your crust is made of meat and cheese, the meat is seared nicely while the cheese crisps up.” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Slow Cooker Chicken Low Carb Nachos
“Make delicious keto nachos with chicken in the slow cooker. These low carb nachos are delicious and use cheddar cheese crisps instead of traditional tortilla chips. Add your favorite toppings like sour cream, tomatoes and onions and you won’t even miss the corn chips.” Recipe: 730SageStreet.
Keto Steak Tacos With Pork Rind Tortillas
“The best part about these Keto Steak Tacos on Pork Rind Tortillas is they are extremely low carb. With so few ingredients, they are sure to become a fast favorite!” Recipe: HeyKetoMama.
Easy Keto Salmon Cakes
“These easy keto salmon cakes are a fun and flavorful low carb meal without any hassle. Great for quick lunches and easy meal prep!” Recipe: HeyKetoMama.
Keto Chicken Enchilada Bowl
“This Keto Chicken Enchilada Bowl is a low carb twist on a Mexican favorite! It’s SO easy to make, totally filling and ridiculously yummy!” Recipe: HeyKetoMama.
Crispy Slow Cooker Carnitas (Mexican Pulled Pork)
“Crispy Slow Cooker Carnitas (Mexican Pulled Pork) Con Ancho Chiles | Poblano Peppers smothered in so much flavour, you won’t be able to put your forks down!” Recipe:
Sun Dried Tomato Cheesy Meatballs
“Tender and juicy Sun Dried Tomato Cheesy Meatballs (Low Carb) spiked with sun dried tomato pieces, garlic and fresh herbs, fried and simmered in a simple tomato sauce with so. much. cheese. All in one skillet!” Recipe:
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