#i want him to spin while wearing poofy dresses and long skirts
seokka0o · 2 years
omg speaking of nasty dressing room moments with hyeongjun imagine wearing this super fancy long ball gown type thing cuz ur an award show host with the poofy skirt and everything and hyeongjun (yknow secret bf style) decides to have have fun and climb under the skirt to eat you out cuz the dress would keep him covered and “no one would guess that I am eating you out in a semi-public place like this”
When suddenly the staff enters the room and you feel your heart stop in your throat, hyeongjun under your skirt without moving a muscle other than the naughty tongue on your clit, about you having to contain your moans while they retouch your makeup and you feel your body contract on and on, your limit wanting to be reached, but having to hold back so that no one notices the situation "y/n are you okay?" Your body is so hot that you feel everything inside you burn deeply, hyeongjun imperceptible, sucking you tenderly and licking subtly, you trembling with despair "y-yes....you can buy me a water...please?" It's a matter of seconds, the staff leaves and your body gradually loses strength, your head starts to spin and soon your liquid spills over hyeongjun's plump lips, leaving you completely out of orbit.
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an icarus and his sun: chapter 5
A/N: it's formal ball time :) where nothing will go wrong :) (also this morning i saw a tweet from scott smajor casually mentioning he looked at the empires smp tag on tumblr AND mentioning something about liking the "art and stories." so i've been dealing with the mortifying possibility of being known all morning, hope y'all are having a good day/night/whenever aksfdgkl)
Warnings: kissing, explosions, betrayal, violence, swordfights, mild disassociation 
AO3 Link - Tumblr Masterpost
The night of the House Blossom Ball had arrived. Jimmy had to admit, getting Lizzie’s help with an outfit was a good idea. He wore a black suit with intricate, swirling bronze details that shimmered when the light hit them. He had a dark green bowtie as a nod to his empire, and he had indeed ditched the cod head. Instead, he wore a bronze colored masquerade mask that looked like two cod fish curling around his eyes, their fins spreading out and covering his forehead. It felt weird to have his hair exposed, but Lizzie helped him make sure it was presentable. Speaking of Lizzie, she was wearing a dress with the typical navy blue color of the Ocean Empire, but it had an ombre shift into the magenta of Mezalea at the end of the skirt. Joel wore his typical Mezalean garb, but with a navy blue sash instead of a green one. They walked into the ballroom as quite the dazzling trio- and then Jimmy’s heart just about stopped at the sight of Scott.
He was chatting with Pixl and one of the new rulers, a man with colorful wings like a parrot’s. But Jimmy was too busy staring at Scott to really pay attention to Pix and the other ruler, because Scott was wearing a ballgown. The main body of it was long sleeved and form fitting, made of white lace with shimmers of gold worked in, and was backless to allow room for his wings. Then there was a light blue overskirt to go with it, making the dress look like a full ballgown. Gold jewelry adorned him as well- on his wrists, around his neck, and hanging from his ears.
“Close your mouth, Jimmy,” Joel murmured with a teasing lilt. Jimmy snapped his mouth shut, looking down at the ground and extremely relieved that his masquerade mask covered the blush on his cheeks.
“How about we go and mingle with the other guests, I think Jimmy needs a minute to compose himself,” Lizzie teased. Jimmy nodded, too flustered to even protest. The three of them walked over to Katherine, who was chatting with Gem, Pearl, and a gnome girl in a dress that reminded Jimmy of a mushroom, with its red poofy top and white floor length skirt. The girl jumped a bit at the sight of Jimmy and Lizzie, but quickly composed herself.
“Hello! I am Shrub of the Undergrove. You may call me Shelby if you like though,” she said, seeming a little skittish as she spoke. Lizzie smiled gently, giving a curtsy. Joel and Jimmy quickly followed her lead, bowing at Shelby.
“Ocean’s blessings. I am Queen Lizzie, of the Ocean Empire. This is my husband, King Joel of Mezalea. And this is my dear friend, the Codfather of the Cod Empire,” Lizzie said, gesturing to each of them in turn.
“You can call me Jimmy though, if you want,” he added with a smile. Shelby jumped a bit when he spoke, but nodded and gave a hasty curtsy. Joel looked at her with gentle concern.
“Is everything alright?” he asked. Shelby nodded, a bit too hastily.
“Yes! Just not uh. Not super used to this many people,” she said with a nervous laugh, eyeing Lizzie and Jimmy warily. Joel frowned a bit at the way she was looking at them, but didn’t say anything.
“Jimmy, you aren’t making an enemy of our new friend already, are you?” Fwhip’s voice asked from somewhere behind them. Jimmy whirled around to glare at Fwhip, and of course Sausage was at his side.
“I’m just saying hello, Fwhip. Surely that’s allowed,” Jimmy huffed.
“Sure, that’s how it always starts though- next thing you know he’s stealing your things,” Sausage chimed in. Shelby looked rather alarmed, and Jimmy let out a frustrated sigh.
“For the millionth time, you had said that I could-”
“Oh listen, the music’s starting! Let’s dance!” Katherine interrupted him, and the whole ballroom seemed to let out a collective sigh of relief as people found their dance partners. Jimmy fully intended to step to the side and watch as the others danced, but then he met the mischievous glint in Lizzie’s eyes.
“Joel, is it alright if I go dance with Scott? I simply must compliment his dress,” Lizzie said airily. Joel smiled, just as wickedly as the glint in his wife’s eyes.
“As long as you don’t mind if I dance with the Codfather for a bit,” Joel replied.
“Of course!” Lizzie chirped, before heading off towards Scott. Jimmy squinted at Joel suspiciously as he led him to the dance floor. It wasn’t the first time the two of them had danced together, Joel had insisted that Jimmy practice with him before his wedding day. But it had frankly been a while, and he didn’t like the look he and Lizzie had exchanged before she went to dance with Scott.
“What are you up to?” Jimmy asked as he rested his hand on the small of Joel’s back, and Joel rested his hand on Jimmy’s shoulder. Their other hands were clasped together, and the two of them began gently swaying.
“Oh, nothing,” Joel replied, and that was all Jimmy could get out of him as they danced. They slowly made their way across the ballroom floor, and soon they were close to where Lizzie and Scott were dancing. And gosh were they a sight, all swirling skirts and elegance. Jimmy could tell Joel was just as distracted by Lizzie as Jimmy was by Scott. Then Lizzie noticed them staring, and she and Scott twirled closer.
“Jimmy! Let’s trade partners, I’d like to dance with my husband now!” Lizzie chimed, and before Jimmy could process what exactly that meant, he was spun into Scott’s arms. They were almost as close as they had been the day they fought- and there were those butterflies again. He didn’t know what to do with his hands- there was the issue of Scott’s wings and the fact that his dress exposed a lot of the skin on his back. But there wouldn’t be a point to worrying about that, Scott would surely push him away- but then Scott chuckled and took Jimmy’s hands in his, guiding them to where they should be.
“Here,” he said softly, placing one of Jimmy’s hands on his shoulder while his fingers laced with the other, then moved his free hand to rest on Jimmy’s back and pull him impossibly closer. Jimmy swallowed nervously, glancing over at Lizzie and Joel (who nodded encouragingly) before looking back to Scott.
“You look gorgeous,” Jimmy blurted as the two of them began to sway. Jimmy internally cursed himself for saying the first thing that popped into his head- but then Scott’s face flushed and it suddenly all felt worth it.
“Thank you. You clean up pretty well yourself,” he teased. Jimmy laughed.
“Lizzie helped,” he admitted. Scott laughed as well, the sound all sunshine and glittering gold.
“Should’ve known,” he replied, seeming distracted for a moment. Jimmy wanted to ask what was wrong, but Scott plastered on a smile and gently spun the two of them. Jimmy couldn’t help but smile along, heart soaring.
They continued dancing until the song ended, and then Scott was just… gone. He had twirled Jimmy and when he had finally managed to stop spinning and catch his balance, laughing and about to make a teasing remark about Scott making him dizzy- he realized he had vanished into the crowd. It felt like Scott had taken a bit of Jimmy’s heart with him. Jimmy looked around for him, and met Katherine’s concerned gaze instead. She gave a comforting smile as she walked over to Jimmy.
“I saw Scott go upstairs, I think he just needed some fresh air after dancing. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind some company,” she said with a wink, nudging Jimmy towards the stairs. He chuckled, thanking Katherine before heading up the stairs. She was right, there was no need to be worried! Jimmy just kinda wished Scott would have said something.
Jimmy’s breath was once again taken away when he saw Scott standing on the balcony. If Jimmy thought he was beautiful in the sunlight, he was even more stunning in the moonlight. The white of his wings practically glowed, and while the gold didn’t shimmer quite as bright as it did in the sun, it still sent Jimmy’s heart fluttering all the same. The only thing that ruined the image was how… distressed Scott looked. His hands were fiddling with the gold bracelets he wore, and his mouth was fixed in a frown. Maybe he needed some space, clearly something about the dance upset him- he probably hadn’t really wanted to dance with Jimmy, and just played along cause everyone was watching. Jimmy should definitely apologize before giving him some space.
“Scott? I promise I’ll leave you alone after this, but I just wanted to apologize,” Jimmy said, trying not to let his heartbreak show. Scott jumped in surprise, turning to look at Jimmy.
“Apologize? For what?” he asked, seeming genuinely confused.
“The dance. Joel and Lizzie schemed against my will, I just wanted to say I’m sorry,” Jimmy explained, guilt welling up in his stomach. To his surprise, Scott gave a soft laugh.
“You don’t need to apologize for that. I… I liked dancing with you,” he confessed. Jimmy’s heart was sent fluttering once more, and he stepped closer to Scott with a grin.
“Oh! Good, I was just worried because you left and you looked upset when I came up here,” Jimmy said, deflating only a little bit when Scott only smiled and nodded in response before gazing out over the lands of the Overgrown. There was awkward silence for a moment or two, until Scott suddenly moved closer to Jimmy, almost as close as they had been when they were dancing. Butterflies sparked in Jimmy’s stomach at the little distance between them.
“I need to tell you something,” Scott blurted. He looked nervous, almost like he had been when Jimmy first had come up to the balcony.
“Of course, what is it?” Jimmy asked soothingly. Scott looked him in the eyes, mouth opening and closing uselessly- until he broke eye contact for a brief moment before locking eyes with him again, something desperate in his gaze. Then suddenly Scott’s hands were gently cradling his face and there were lips on his. Scott’s lips. Scott was kissing him. Jimmy gasped in surprise against his mouth before quickly sinking into the kiss and running his hands through Scott’s stupid perfect hair. Scott’s hands drifted down from his face to his waist, pulling him in closer as his wings wrapped around them both, shielding them from the outside world so it was only Scott and Jimmy. Then Scott tilted his head and the kiss went from pleasantly warm to blazing, sending sparks racing up Jimmy’s spine. It left him dizzyingly breathless, like Scott had spun him a thousand times on the dance floor, and Jimmy never wanted it to end-
And then a thundering BOOM rattled the castle, breaking them apart. Scott clung to Jimmy, arms tightening around his waist as his breath hitched in fear, and Jimmy held him back just as tightly. There was something unreadable in Scott’s expression alongside the fear, but Jimmy didn’t have time to decipher it before another BOOM shook the castle. Jimmy was about to ask what was going on, but the sound of someone landing on the roof behind him and the voice that went with it stopped him cold.
“Well what do we have here?” Fwhip crooned, and Scott practically snarled as he shifted his hold on Jimmy so that one arm was curled protectively around his waist, his wing shielding him as well, as he drew a sword from somewhere within his skirts and pointed it at Fwhip. Dimly, Jimmy remembered that there weren’t supposed to be weapons at the ball, Katherine had made a rule.
“Leave before I make you,” Scott growled, the sound of his voice sending liquid fire through Jimmy’s veins. Fwhip gave an incredulous scoff, shaking his head.
“Playing the part a little too well, are we?” he sneered, and just like that the fire in his veins went cold, and he realized what that strange look on Scott’s face had been before. Guilt. Scott’s grip on him suddenly felt suffocating, more like he was holding Jimmy hostage rather than protecting him.
“Let go of me,” Jimmy demanded, voice hollow. Scott’s grip only tightened on him, and Jimmy’s heart rate spiked in fear.
“Don’t listen to Fwhip, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” Scott said shakily. Fwhip let out a cruel laugh.
“Oh come on Scott, you’re the one who helped make this possible,” he jeered, and the castle shook with another explosion. Jimmy’s stomach dropped. Scott was in league with Fwhip. Scott had plotted against him, and lulled Jimmy into a false sense of security with dazzling smiles and soft lips.
“Jimmy-” Scott started, but was cut off by the sound of people bounding up the stairs and shouting. Jimmy’s head whipped over to see Katherine, Lizzie, and Joel coming up to the balcony.
“Fwhip! How could you do this!” Katherine demanded, tears streaming down her face. Fwhip merely laughed.
“I told you the ball would be a blast, Katherine,” he sneered. Anger boiled in Jimmy’s stomach at Fwhip’s tone towards Katherine, and he squirmed against Scott’s hold.
“Jimmy,” Scott warned, voice low. Joel mistook the tone of Scott’s voice, and leveled his sword at him- somehow Jimmy missed that he was holding it, he must have grabbed it from the chests at the front of the castle.
“Release the Codfather. Now. I won’t let you destroy this castle and take an ally hostage,” Joel growled.
“Joel, stay out of this. You don’t understand what’s happening,” Scott said, voice calm and even. Joel let out a harsh laugh, tightening his grip on his sword.
“I understand plenty,” he snarled, leaping at Scott. Scott was forced to toss Jimmy to the side to block the incoming strike, and Jimmy watched them fight with some sort of dazed confusion as he fell to the ground. Everything felt cold and hollow, and Jimmy didn’t really feel connected to his body as Lizzie scrambled to his side, helping him up and murmuring words of comfort.
“C’mon Jimmy, we’ve gotta get out of here,” she said, voice soft but no less urgent as she gently squeezed Jimmy’s hand. He met Scott’s eyes briefly as he was holding off Joel, and that was decision enough for Jimmy. He squeezed Lizzie’s hand back, and ran with her.
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mamashitty · 5 years
Samwell Elementary AU - Chapter 1
I started the thing. You can read it below or on my AO3. I am really terrified about this but going to keep on writing and keep on sharing. This is a work in progress and I hope to finish and post chapters on Thursdays. 
Jack is seated across from his daughter’s room, absentmindedly humming the Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood theme song. Maisie’s door is closed, but he can hear her banging around in her room as she picks out her outfit for the day. Jack tries to ignore that anxious feeling he has, tries to squash it down deep. It will be her first day of Kindergarten, and that is a big change for her. But Jack reminds himself that she went to preschool for three days a week last year, and did fine and then the year before that when she was only just three years old, she went to preschool twice a week and did fine. Kindergarten just feels an awful lot bigger, and he knows it is. But, he also knows, that worrying too much about it won’t do either one of them any favors.
“Maisie…” Jack calls through the closed door once he finishes his humming. He glances down at his watch, wondering how long it will take his daughter to pick out her outfit. She insisted that she do it herself today because she’s a big girl now. Hearing that felt something like a gut punch to him, but he had managed to school his facial expression—forced a smile though it hurt—and agreed.
“Almost done, Papa!” Maisie sounds almost winded and that causes Jack some concern.
His phone vibrates in his pocket and he fishes it out. His lips curl into a smile as he reads the text.
Uncle Crappy: Jack-attack! How is your beautiful ass today? Oh, and you?
Jack: Both of us are fine. I’m waiting for Maisie to finish getting dressed. She is picking out her own outfit today, and I’m not allowed to help. Then Camilla will be coming over, and we’ll both be dropping her off at Samwell together.
Uncle Crappy: Excellent, I will see you there, brah! Also, Bitty is the best kindergarten teacher we’ve got. And Maisie is going to kick ass as a kindergartner.
Jack: Thanks, Shitty. See you then.
Jack pockets his phone once more, and as he does, Maisie’s door opens. She steps out of her bedroom, looking almost shy. She is dressed in a Falconers’ jersey, bright pink leggings, and one of her poofy purple skirts. She’s wearing rain-boots that do not match, one is blue with pink unicorns all over it and the other is black and shiny. Jack hopes she remembered to put socks on with those boots. Her dark hair is a mess and needs to be brushed. Her big, brown eyes that look just like her mother’s, are gazing up at him.
“I love the look, kiddo,” Jack says, and Maisie’s face lights up. She jumps up and down excitedly before hugging him tight around the legs. Jack laughs, “we need to brush your hair before your Mom gets here,” Jack explains as he ushers her to the bathroom.
The conversation on the way to Maisie’s new school is light and easy-going. It was a couple of years after their daughter was born (about a month before her second birthday) that Jack and Camilla realized they no longer worked well as a married couple. They struggled a little while longer, trying to rekindle what they had had back in college and at the start of Jack’s professional career. But the sparks weren’t there, and they realized, it would be better to call it quits. The divorce had been painful even if it was something they both felt was right for them, and their daughter. There have been ups and downs, but Jack is confident and he knows Camilla is too, that they made the right decision for their family. Co-parenting can be difficult at times, but they work hard at it and have fallen into a routine.
He is grateful to have a partner like Camilla in parenting.
“Did Papa do your hair?” Camilla asks lightly, craning her head to look in the back seat at their daughter.
Maisie nods her head up and down, making her slightly uneven pigtails bounce up and then down. “Yep!”
“You are getting better at it, Jack,” Camilla says just loud enough for him to hear, before speaking up louder for Maisie. “It looks great, just like your outfit.”
Jack can’t help the way he feels proud about getting better at doing Maisie’s hair. He is best at pulling it back into a simple ponytail. Braiding hair is still beyond his skill level, even after watching numerous videos on youtube. He has even tried to practice braiding on Shitty’s hair, but it always ends up a mess. Probably because Shitty seems incapable of sitting still long enough, and he is always exaggerating how much Jack pulls on his hair when braiding. Pigtails, he likes, even if they are somewhat lopsided, but he would like to be able to do more for his daughter.
They pull into the school parking lot and Jack climbs out of his car. He moves around to the back, opening the door. Maisie has unbuckled herself and jumped down from her seat. She looks at him with bright eyes, absolutely happy and thrilled with the upcoming adventure of a new school year. Jack feels a mixture of emotions as he looks at her: happy, excited, terrified, and anxious to name a few. His daughter does not seem to have an ounce of fear or anxiety. She has jumped down from the car, holding onto his hand for minimal support. Camilla hands her herDaniel Tiger backpack, and it looks impossibly big on her small frame. Jack is aware of other families with kids walking into the school, and some look just as small as Maisie while others look too big. Way too big to be going into the same school as his daughter. It is a little jarring to know that she’ll be that big too one day. Maisie reaches her left hand out towards him, her mother already holding her right. Jack forces a smile as he takes his daughter’s small hand in his. He tries to forget how scary this is to him, and instead, tries to feel only happy about it like Maisie is.
“Uncle Crappy!” Maisie squeals as she spies Shitty standing near the school entrance. Jack has to hand it to his friend, he cleans up nicely for work. Maisie wriggles out of her parents’ hands and runs towards Shitty, who scoops her up into a hug and spins her around. Seeing and knowing that one of his oldest friends will be teaching at the same school, will be in the same building as Maisie, settles Jack’s nerves. Shitty is hugging Camilla now and looking expectantly at Jack who moves in for a hug of his own.
“Okay, Sir Maisie, your favorite uncle needs to get to his own class. Killer outfit, by the way.” Shits says, setting down Maisie who pouts.
“I wish you were teaching me, Uncle Crappy!” Maisie says, crossing her arms over her chest. There’s a stubborn look in her eyes, and Jack knows she is rearing up to argue her case.
Shitty squats down to Maisie’s level, resting a hand on her shoulder. “I know, kid. Me too, but you know what? Mr. Bitty is a great teacher. You told me you liked him when you met him the other day.” Shitty pauses for a second or two, before stage whispering, “I have it on good authority he bakes little pies for all his students on the first day. You wanna get your pie, don’t you?” He straightens up, winking at both Jack and Camilla. Maisie now looks absolutely thrilled, once more, to be going to school.
They say their goodbyes to Shitty, and his daughter takes the lead. She walks a little ahead of her parents, not wanting to hold either one of their hands. Jack at least knows he can grab her quickly if he needs to. They weave between parents and kids saying their goodbyes to each other. He plays professional hockey, and this won’t be the first time he has left Maisie. But it feels different because when he is on the road, he knows she is with her mother. But today, they will be dropping her off with a virtual stranger, and not just for a couple of hours, but all day long. He feels Camilla nudge him gently in the shoulder with her own. Jack looks over at her quickly.
“It is going to be okay, Jack,” Camilla says, loud enough for him to hear.
“I know. I just… I can’t help but worry,” He admits, and Camilla nods her own head.
“Yeah, me too.”
They have reached Maisie’s new classroom. The teacher, a short blond man with brown eyes and a ridiculously cute nose, is standing by the door. He smiles to the three of them, before crouching down towards Maisie’s level. He has the promised mini pie in his hand, and he hands it to her.
“Hello Miss Maisie, I really like your boots.” He says, and Maisie takes the pie. She frowns for a second, looking at her teacher.
“Uncle Crappy calls me Sir Maisie because I’m a knight.” Jack watches as the teacher’s lips twitch into an amused expression before he schools it and manages to look serious.
“I am so sorry, Sir Maisie. I had no idea you were a knight,” he explains, looking sufficiently shamed.
Maisie watches him for a few seconds before her face lights up into a smile. Then she sing-songs, “It’s okay to make mistakes! Try to fix them, and learn from them too.” Good ol’ Daniel Tiger, Jack thinks. Maisie then turns to her parents.
“Bye Mom! Bye Papa!” She gives them hugs and then bounds into the classroom. Camilla had slipped into the classroom with her and is showing Maisie where her cubby is to put her backpack. Jack watches the two of them, oddly frozen on the threshold of the door.
“She will be okay, Mr. Zimmermann,” Eric Bittle says, and Jack looks over at the smaller man. He has an encouraging smile on his face that reaches his dark brown eyes. They seem to twinkle and Jack feels momentarily breathless. This isn’t the first time he has met Maisie’s teacher—there had been a parent’s night the week before and then just last night, an open house for the students to see their classroom and meet their teacher—but a smile from Mr. Bittle being directed solely at Jack, does things to him, that he really needs to not focus on. Jack manages what he hopes is a natural smile of his own.
“Uncle Crappy?” Bittle teeters, “I may have to start calling Shi-… Mr. Knight that myself,” and then he laughs and Jack finds himself laughing too.
“It seemed better than Uncle Poopy,” Jack admits, his cheeks turning a little red. Mr. Bittle laughs even harder and Jack likes it.
“Well, I won’t keep you from getting your goodbye hugs, Mr. Zimmermann,” Bittle says gently, and Jack nods his head before stepping into the classroom. Maisie calls him over excited to show him her cubby and the table she will be sitting at during class.
“Jack, I have something I want to tell you,” Camilla says. They are almost back to Jack’s house for her to pick up her car. Then he has to go to practice. Jack glances at Camilla out of the corner of his eyes. He still feels a little tense from dropping their daughter off, and he is looking forward to skating with his team.
“What is it?” He asks, his gaze now focused on the road ahead of him.
“Steve and I… well, I’m pregnant Jack. We are going to tell Maisie about it soon, but I wanted you to hear it from me first.” Camilla says, somewhat breathless like she had been holding those words in for way too long. Once the meaning of the words sink in, Jack finds himself smiling. He knew that Camilla and Steve were serious. They lived together and Steve was just great with Maisie. His Maisie was going to be a big sister… and then Jack realized he had stayed quiet for too long. He could feel Camilla staring at him.
“Camilla, that is great news! I am happy for you both. Really,” he adds.
When they pull into his driveway, he gets out of the car to give Camilla a tight hug. “Congratulations again,” he says.
He watches as she gets into her car and drives off. Jack stares at his own car, knowing things are definitely going to be different now. Mostly, though, he does feel happy for his ex and he holds onto those feelings. Tries not to let the worry about how Maisie will feel get to him. He gives his parents a call before he heads to practice.
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ezmodo · 5 years
Dancing for Dunces
Surveying the room from her seat, Weiss was genuinely impressed with Atlas Academy’s school dance. The hall was spacious, the music tasteful, the food and drink more refined than she expected from a military school. Even the decorations were adequate, lack of doilies notwithstanding. There was one glaring issue, however.
“I’m going to kill that dolt.”
“Which dolt is that, Weiss?” Yang asked from across the table, her knowing grin adding to Weiss’ mounting frustrations.
“Her. Him. Them!” she fumed, angrily whipping her hand towards the two sources of her irritation.
On the far side of the room stood Ruby Rose and Jaune Arc, hiding behind the punchbowl.
Weiss didn’t think her friends appreciated just how much work went into setting this up for them. She didn’t organize the academy’s social, no, but she did everything else in her power to make the night memorable for her team, some of which required some uncomfortable visits home. Her team didn’t have clothes suitable for a dance and she wasn’t about to let them wear borrowed formal military uniforms for the occasion. But with thankfully just one promised appearance at a future function of her father’s choosing, Weiss had access to the Schnee wardrobe and, most importantly of all, Klein.
She gave Yang and Blake free rein and naturally they went for matching ensembles. Yang chose a surprisingly modest black gown that went down past her knee while Blake chose a rather risqué halter dress, a stunning yellow piece that showed more than Weiss wanted to see from her teammate outside of a changing room. Yang certainly appreciated it though, loud and often. Weiss was happy for her friends, she really was, but couldn’t they show some restraint? Ruby’s mock gagging every time they started up mirrored Weiss’ thoughts on the matter. No one wanted to see their family acting like that. Just imagining Winter in such a scenario was enough to cause the bile to rise to the back of her throat.
For Ruby, Weiss had to take direct control. Left to her own devices, Ruby would have shown up in her hood and combat boots. Or, more likely, not shown up at all and stayed in her room to play video games instead. Which wasn’t an option, naturally. Ruby would have a magical evening even if Weiss had to drag her kicking and screaming into it.
Weiss chose for her a simple off-the-shoulder dress, a deep red to match her hair. The bodice had a tasteful bustline and the skirt was suitably “poofy”, to use Ruby’s vernacular, for her partner’s tastes. A silver hairpin kept her hair neat and out of her eyes. Weiss had wanted to include a stole as well for Ruby to wrap about her shoulders, to round out the look and provide her partner with the bit of comfort that she knew losing her hood would cost her, but Nora had fought her on it. Let those puppies breathe, Nora had argued. Weiss was scandalized, but Nora insisted she just meant her shoulders.
New knowledge of Jaune’s possible...proclivities made Weiss consider adding a heavy winter coat to all of her outfits.
She left Jaune himself in the care of his teammates and Klein. Nora aside, she could trust the two men to smooth out the rough edges of the moronic knight into something presentable. She had only two instructions for them. One – do something, anything, with that disaster he called hair; and two – pin a red rose to his breast. They had settled on a simple tuxedo and bowtie, the only color coming from the lovely red rose standing out proudly on his chest.
As she watched Ruby and Jaune gawk at each other when they first met before the dance, Weiss just knew the night was going to be a rousing success.
This is an unmitigated disaster… Weiss thought sourly as she watched her partner take a drink from the same empty glass for the fifth time in the last ten minutes.
The night had started so promisingly. She was initially worried that they’d be too flustered to talk, too dazzled by her and Klein’s perfect makeovers, but a timely joke from Yang snapped Ruby and Jaune out of their respective stupors long enough to bring back their usual dynamic. The group made their way to the hall and quickly secured a table and the two dunces actually tried to sit separately before she and Nora boxed them in. Was Jaune too stunned by Ruby’s elegant beauty? Was Ruby put off kilter by Jaune managing to look almost halfway dashing? A dinner full of quick peeks and long sideways stares confirmed the theory in Weiss’ mind.
As soon as dinner was cleared away Nora leapt to her feet, grabbed both Ren and Oscar by the collars, and dragged them away shouting that “this was happening”. Yang and Blake followed, telling the remaining three that they’d save them a spot on the dance floor.
This was it. Jaune would offer a hand to Ruby, which she’d accept demurely, and off they’d go to share a magical evening that they both thoroughly deserved. At least until Jaune mumbled something about dancing “requiring proper hydration” as he fled from the table. Ruby was quick to follow, offering her own squeaky excuse before stumbling along after him, faster than Weiss had ever seen the girl move in heels. They’d been at the punchbowl ever since.
Face in her hands, Weiss finally realized the fatal flaw in her plan. She wasn’t dealing with normal, sane people. She was dealing with Ruby Rose and Jaune Arc, the two biggest dorks to ever come out of Beacon Academy. Weiss had so graciously presented them with the best night of their lives, so easy to grasp that they could practically fall into it, and they had made it awkward.
They’d even spoiled the hard work she and Klein put into their appearance. Ruby had taken the hairpin out at some point and now half her face was hidden behind her red fringe. Jaune’s own hair had transformed back into its usual messy mop from the boy constantly running his hand through it while his bowtie hung loose and crooked from constant tugging.
“Why are they being so difficult?” Weiss groused, glaring at the pair across the room. “You’re at a dance. Dance.”
“Chill out, kettle,” Yang joked, earning an icy glare from the heiress.
Yang laughed uneasily before adding, “You know Ruby’s not into stuff like that, right? Maybe she doesn’t want to dance.”
“Nonsense,” Weiss scoffed. “Every girl wants to dance with the person they like.”
“They certainly do.”
Blake snuck up behind Yang and ran a hand down the girl’s arm as she joined her partner at the table. Weiss fought the urge to roll her eyes. These two…
Yang grinned dopily at Blake before turning back to Weiss. “What’s the big deal anyway? They’re having fun.”
She’d allow that. Even from across the room she would occasionally hear one of the two laughing, Jaune with his heaving guffaws and Ruby with her high pitched cackling. They’d occasionally bump hips or elbows with each other, starting an impromptu “fight” that would end with them standing just a bit closer than before.
It was cute. It was endearing. It made Weiss grind her teeth in frustration. They were so damned close but neither would take the first step.
“How goes the mission, Ice Queen?”
Nora announced herself loudly, Neon in tow, as they joined the group at the table. Neon sat to Yang’s left while Nora joined Weiss opposite them.
“Where’s Ren?” Blake asked. It was strange to see Nora without the boy, especially on a night like this.
Nora harrumphed as she crossed her arms. “He took over Oscar’s dancing lessons. Apparently I was going to  ‘break him’ and ‘scar him for life,’” punctuating each complaint with air quotes.
Weiss looked back to the dancefloor and sure enough, Oscar and Ren were moving back and forth in a simple waltz. Oscar’s face burned red from embarrassment while Ren, unflappable as always, quietly offered direction as he allowed Oscar to lead him around the floor.
“Mission?” Neon asked, leaning eagerly across the table. “What mission?”
Weiss simply hooked a thumb towards the pair across the hall.
Yang explained. “Weiss wants my sister and Jaune to share a magical evening full of dancing and awkward se-”
Yang just managed to keep her seat as Weiss’ glyph rocked her chair back dangerously.
Neon laughed as she watched the two leaders chatting at the punchbowl. “They both the shy type or what?”
“Shy and awkward and dumb,” Weiss growled.
“Then just give them a little push,” Neon offered with a shrug. “Spin the bottle, seven minutes in heaven, recreational dru- I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” Neon jumped out of her chair, hands raised defensively as Weiss rose threateningly to her feet.
“I’ve got it!” Nora exclaimed. Jumping to her feet, she dragged both Neon and Yang into an improvised huddle as they whispered.
After a minute of excited conspiring, the three girls all raised their heads in confidence with a unified nod.
“Got any hot friends to do the job?” Yang asked, grinning up at Neon.
“Babe,” Neon said, wrapping an arm around Yang’s shoulder and pulling her into a friendly side hug, “all my friends are hot.”
Yang was oblivious, but Weiss didn’t miss the angry twitch of Blake’s ears.
Luckily, Neon practically hopped away before a cat fight (literally in this case, Weiss supposed) could break out with a happy “leave it to me!” before disappearing into the throng of dancers.
“What are you two scheming?” Weiss asked suspiciously.
“Simple, Weissy. The quickest way to get a huntress to pounce is for another huntress to threaten her prey,” Nora stated matter-of-factly.
Before she could puzzle that one out, Weiss noticed a girl approach their table. Tall with long brown hair, rather ridiculous curves, and a dress that made Blake’s look modest, the girl looked more like a model than a huntress.
“Hey,” she greeted the group. “Neon sent me. Apparently there’s a hunk looking for a dance?”
“Yup! Tall blond dude by the drinks,” Yang said, pointing discreetly towards Jaune. “Can’t miss him.”
The girl nodded and made her way towards the leaders. She stopped briefly, adjusting her dress in ways that showed even more skin, and sashayed her way towards Jaune.
Weiss sputtered. This was their master plan? To have some...some hussy steal the target of her partner’s affections right in front of her? Unacceptable. She made to stand but was grabbed instantly by Nora, who pulled her back to her seat.
“Have some faith, Weiss. You’ll see,” Nora said with a pat on her back.
She watched the seductress approach the table where Ruby had just told some joke that had Jaune wiping a tear from his eye. The girl centered herself, cocked her hip, and made a show of clearing her throat. The leaders looked to their new arrival and simultaneously froze, probably when the harpy asked him for a dance. Weiss’ hands clenched into fists, nails digging into her palm as she watched some stranger break her best friend’s heart.
Until Jaune’s head suddenly snapped to Ruby, surprise evident on his face even from a distance. His gaze slowly shifted down and that’s when Weiss noticed – Ruby’s hand had found his. Ruby offered some hurried excuse and promptly started dragging Jaune after her out towards the dancefloor. The brunette sent to steal Jaune turned towards their table with a thumbs up raised high which both Yang and Nora returned with gusto.
I can’t believe that actually worked, Weiss thought as her eyes followed the pair squeezing by other couples out on the floor.
“All’s well that ends well,” Nora chirped happily. “‘Bout time I go find my man.”
“Ayup. Sis won’t let anyone take her sweets.” Yang stood, offering a hand to Blake. “Up for another dance, kitten?”
Blake rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide her blush as she took her partner’s hand.
Weiss stood as well, straightening out her dress. I suppose I should get a dance in as well. Maybe Nora will let me borrow Ren for a song…
She turned towards the dancefloor and froze when she saw Ruby pinching her nose.
Did that idiot Jaune seriously…?
A goofy grin broke out on Ruby’s face as she raised her free hand and pantomimed sinking to the floor, wiggling all the way.
“The swim huh? Talk about a blast from the past,” Yang laughed.
Jaune looked like he was trying to knee himself in the chest as he ran in place.
“Ooo! Count me in!” Nora shouted, brushing past Weiss on her way to the dancefloor.
Weiss buried her face in her hands and let out a long suffering sigh.
Idiots. I’m surrounded by idiots.
This wasn’t romantic. This wasn’t magical. This was tomfoolery.
Dragging her hands down her face, Weiss finally noticed her partner smiling at her. With an exaggerated wave, Ruby beckoned her to join them.
They were her idiots at least.
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“A Christmas Wedding”: Sequel to “Secret Santa”
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A/N: This is a sequel to my Advent 2016 story, Secret Santa, where Regina received mysterious gifts until learning they were from her best friend and the man she secretly loved, Robin. Let’s see how those two crazy kids and their kids are doing…
Most brides probably would’ve panicked upon waking up to snow on their wedding day. When one got married on Christmas Eve, though, it was a welcome sight. It added to the magic of the day, creating the perfect backdrop for the happy couple to exchange vows.
At least, that was what Regina Mills thought as she stared out the window at the white snow blanketing the ground as more fell from the gray sky overhead. She watched the flakes dance around in the wind as she sat in a room at Prentiss Manor, an elegant mansion in Storybrooke and a historic site mostly used for grand events like her wedding. Even through the closed door, she could hear the string quartet playing to accompany their wedding party down the aisle.  
It was almost time.
“You excited, Mom?” Henry asked her. She turned to face her son, who was standing behind her in the room. Almost thirteen, he looked very grown up w in his black tuxedo and silver cummerbund with a white rose pinned to his lapel. His brown hair was gelled back and she knew it was probably a look he was going to adopt as he headed into his teen years. It wasn’t a bad one…it was just another reminder that he wasn’t her little boy anymore.
Today, though, wasn’t a day to be melancholy about the past. It was a day to be happy, to celebrate the present and look forward to the future. Even if it meant one with a teenager. Because it also meant one with a bigger family and a home full of love.
“I am,” she said, taking his hand. “How about you?”
He smiled, nodded. “We’ve been a family with Robin and Roland for so long, I know this is just a formality but it still feels exciting.”
She wrapped her arms around him, holding him close. “It is exciting. This isn’t just a formality. This is a celebration of the fact we’re a family. So let’s celebrate.”
“Okay, Mom,” he said, hugging her back. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she replied, holding him close a little bit longer.
They then pulled apart as the door opened. Tink, her assistant even on her wedding day, smiled at them. “We’re ready for you.”
Regina nodded, smoothing down her skirt. The soft white organza material went down to her ankles, leaving her silver heels visible. She had debated wearing white again as it was her second marriage but once she stepped into the bridal boutique, she knew she wanted to wear it. It would symbolize their fresh start.
Her dress had a narrow A-line skirt with a sweetheart bodice. Sparkly silver snowflakes were embroidered into the bodice, adding to the winter feel. Regina paired it with a white faux-fur half-cape that wrapped around her shoulders and upper arms, held closed by a rhinestone encrusted clasp that rested just below her neck. Her dark curls were loose, falling around her shoulders, and a few pieces were pulled away from her face, pinned in the back by the jeweled clip of her tulle veil. It went to her midback—she didn’t need anything too long. As she had stared at herself in the mirror that morning, she thought she was the perfect Christmas bride.
“You look beautiful, Regina,” Tink said, beaming at her. “Robin’s mouth is going to hit the floor when he sees you.”
“Then it’ll be a normal morning,” Henry quipped, making Regina laugh. Robin told her she was beautiful every day, even when she didn’t feel particularly beautiful. It was one of the many things she loved about him.
Tink chuckled as well, leading them out and toward the door that would let them into the room where the ceremony was being held. “I’ll go signal the band to start the bridal march and then you can head up to your handsome future husband.”
She threw open the door as Henry held out his arm to his mother. “Here we go.”
“Thank you for walking me down the aisle,” she said, kissing his cheek.
He grinned. “You named me after Grandpa. Since he can’t be here, I felt it was only right I do the honors.”
The bridal march started up and Regina tightened her grip on Henry’s arm as well as her bouquet of white and red roses. She took a deep breath as they moved forward. It was really happening—she was about to become Robin Locksley’s wife.
She wished she had a time machine so she could go back in time to tell her past self that the new Department of Environmental Protection agent that had just arrived in town would one day be her husband. Regina could just picture the look on her face—a mixture of surprise, disgust and horror. She and Robin certainly had had a rough start. They overcame it though and soon became good friends, doing everything together with their two sons. As time went on, their friendship blossomed into something more...though both were hesitant to make the first move.
In the end, it had been Robin who did it. He had come up with an elaborate Secret Santa plan, leaving her gifts throughout the holiday season with the intention of professing his love to her on Christmas Eve. She had figured out it was him easily enough and their friends guessed what his end goal was, though she had doubted them. Especially as she had mistaken Robin’s partnership with local librarian Belle French as being romantic. She had been brokenhearted until Robin had surprised her with a romantic dinner, finally confessing his feelings for her.
They easily transitioned from friends to lovers, their relationship only growing stronger once it became romantic. She enjoyed being with him, whether they were out on dates or just spending a quiet evening at home with their boys. Robin had acted like a father toward Henry almost from the moment they had met and she had always treated Roland like he was her own son. The two boys acted more like brothers than friends, so they didn’t have to really blend their families into one—they had already done that. When the Locksley men moved into her house, it only caused a few hiccups. Otherwise, it was another thing that came naturally.
Marriage also felt like the natural next step in their relationship. Though she knew that there would be some difficult logistics to navigate, she and Robin knew they had to marry on Christmas Eve. It held too much significance for them, even if he had to confess his love to her before Christmas. Robin and Roland had moved in the following Christmas Eve, which was also when he had gotten down on one knee in front of their boys and Christmas tree, asking her to marry him. She had said yes without hesitation.
Robin came into view as she grew closer the arch of roses where they would exchange their vows. Like Henry, he wore a black tuxedo with a silver cummerbund, a white rose pinned to his lapel. His groomsmen—David, Killian, Will and John—all wore the same as did Roland, now almost eight, who held their rings on a white pillow. His dark curls were as wild as ever, which was just what she wanted.
She then glanced over at her bridal party. Ruby, Emma, Mal and Mary Margaret stood on her side of the gazebo dressed in silver satin gowns. Their dresses had long lacy sleeves but they also wore matching faux fur-lined capes around their shoulders as well. Ruby, Emma and Mal all held bouquets of white roses while Mary Margaret held their flower girl.
Regina had gotten a very surprising birthday present earlier that year when Dr. Whale had called with the results from her annual physical. Her bloodwork revealed she was pregnant. She and Robin had consummated their engagement once the boys had gone to bed and it appeared that was when she had conceived. Robin had been over the moon when she told him the good news, picking her up and spinning her around as he repeated how much he loved her. They had considered postponing the wedding as her due date was in October, but she felt confident they would be ready by Christmas Eve.
Their Natalia, though, had decided to come in September instead. Though born a few weeks ahead of schedule, she was considered full term and had been healthy and strong. She completed their family and her brothers were especially protective of her. It was sweet to watch Henry and Roland take care of her as well as entertain her.
Natalia slept in Mary Margaret’s arms, her little white pacifier bouncing every so often. It matched her dress, which had a poofy skirt that matched Regina’s. One little hand was clasped around a piece of organza while the other gripped Mary Margaret’s cloak. Her light brown curls were held back by a white headband that had little silk flowers attached to it. She looked so sweet and beautiful, it almost brought tears to Regina’s eyes.  
Regina and Henry reached the arch and Robin. He reached his hand out to shake Henry’s hand but the boy threw his arms around him instead, hugging him tightly. Robin hugged him back, cupping the back of his head. “I love you,” he whispered.
“Love you too,” Henry whispered back. “Be good to my mom.”
“Always,” Robin promised.
Henry let him go and kissed his mother’s cheek before heading up to join the other groomsmen. Robin took Regina’s hand, smiling at her. “You look beautiful.”
“You don’t look so bad yourself,” she told him, handing her bouquet to Tink. Her assistant stepped back, tears already in her eyes as she watched Robin lead Regina up to where Tuck stood.
“Friends,” he said, starting the ceremony, “let me be the first to say this to you—Merry Christmas.”
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A Coffee Connection Chapter 17
Chapter 17
Day Eight, the day of the wedding [Afternoon]
Kay was very uncomfortable. She loved Tiffany but damn, why did she have to choose such tight bridesmaid dresses? The satin of the top was very confining and the tulle of the skirt made it difficult for Kay to know if she was walking or not... but this was Tiffany’s wedding, she wasn’t going to complain. She still did not understand the hats given that it was an indoor wedding but the opera gloves were a nice touch. She looked over to her cousin who was getting the final touches put on her. “You look beautiful Tiffany.”
Tiffany smiled as Penelope placed Tiffany’s wedding tiara on her head, “Thank you!”
“You know,” Penelope started, “This is so not the type of dress that I would have wanted to wear at my own wedding but it is so you Tiff.”
“Thanks Penny.” Tiffany’s dress was definitely something... special. From the puffed sleeves, the tight decorative corset, to the giant puffed out skirt. It kind of reminded Kay of the wedding dress from that Disney movie Enchanted. Cameron had forced them all to watch it a few weeks ago claiming it was a modern classic.
Hillary smiled, “Are you ready?”
Tiffany nodded. Kay smiled at her cousin, she looked so excited. Just then Tiffany’s father walked in, “It’s almost time Sweetpea. Bridesmaids, you better start heading down to the wedding hall.”
The bridesmaids dresses definitely a bit difficult to move in. How they were going to pull off that dance they had been practicing all week, Kay had no idea. When they reached the reception hall, there were six groomsmen already waiting there. Kay couldn’t help but crack a tiny smile at the fact that Cameron was in this very sophisticated tuxedo and then there was a bright yellow tie that completely clashed with his eyes. Although the tie he was wearing did match her dress. Each bridesmaid took the arm of their matching groomsman. Cameron smiled as Kay took his arm. He smirked slightly at her outfit, “You look beautiful.”
She rolled her eyes, “Shut up.”
“Whatever you say Princess Lemon-Drop.”
She squeezed his arm slightly, “I’m serious Cam.” He nodded in agreement, making the “zip-it, lock-it” motion with his other hand. They walked down the aisle following Pierson and Mimi. When they reached the end of the aisle, Kay let go of his arm as they parted to stand on their respective sides. Cameron kept glancing in Kay’s direction as the others made their way down the aisle.
Once the final pair made it down the aisle, there was silence for a moment. Suddenly the wedding march started playing. Everyone smiled as Tiffany walked down the aisle with her father but it was clear that Harris’ smile was wider than everyone’s.
The ceremony was a bit of a blur to Cameron, only because he kept subtly sneaking glances at Kay when she wasn’t looking. He was fully aware when the priest said, “I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Harris pulled Tiffany in for a deep kiss causing some of the groomsmen to wolf-whistle because hushed-up-Harris was taking charge of that first kiss of the marriage.
Everyone cheered as the bride and groom along with the bridesmaids and groomsmen made their way to the reception hall. About fifteen minutes later, the guests made it to the hall as Tiffany and the others waited on the other side. “Well guys, are you ready to blow the guests away?” The excited bride asked. Everyone nodded and she clapped excitedly, “Wonderful!” She took Harris’ arm, “Come on Husband. Let’s go greet the guests first.”
“Ladies and Gentlemen.” Everyone heard the DJ say, “Please welcome, for the first time anywhere, the newlyweds, Tiffany and Harris!”
Cameron discreetly took hold Kay’s hand. She responded by squeezing his hand back, “You okay?” He asked.
Kay nodded and gave him a quick smile, “I’m fine. I’m happy for Tiffany... I’m just a little nervous about this dance.”
“Hey, don’t worry.” He said nudging her with his shoulder a little then smirking and raising an eyebrow, “That is one poofy sleeve.”
“Shut up.”She said fixing her poofed sleeve.
Just then, Tiffany and Harris came back out, “Okay everyone, the music is about to start. Get in positions.” Tiffany beamed.
They made their way into the reception hall. As they got into position, Cameron whispered in Kay’s ear, “I’ll be right here.”
“You better be or that lift near the end is gonna be awkward.” Kay joked.
The music started and everything went off without a hitch. Every spin, every dip, and everyone’s step-two-three were perfectly in-synch with each other. Just before the final lift, Kay tripped on the tulle of her dress but Cameron was quick to grab her waist and pick her up before anyone noticed. Then the final spin came where the groomsmen dipped the bridesmaids and Harris picked up Tiffany bridal style. Everyone clapped as the music stopped and Harris placed Tiffany down, almost getting lost in all that white sparkly tulle that was in the skirt of her dress. They all headed back out of the reception hall as Tiffany bounced up and down in excitement, “Thank you guys so much. It was amazing.”
Kay squeezed Cameron’s arm to keep him from saying anything about being amazing. That’s when Pierson spoke up, “Well, I think I strained a muscle during that last lift.” His dance partner Mimi gave him a look.
“Well, you can have one of your fancy doctors fix it after the wedding.” Tiffany said with a ‘Don’t mess with me today’ look. She clapped her hands, “Alright boys, you all go get your drink on, the girls and I are going to change.”
“Well, you expect us to walk around in these giant dresses all day?” Tiffany grabbed Stephanie and Kay’s arms, “We’ll be back!”
About half an hour later, they all came back dressed in the gowns Penelope had made. They were a little more breathable and functional. Tiffany ran over to her husband as everyone went about their business. Kay walked over to Cameron who was drinking a beer with a smile on his face as he saw Kay coming over. She sat down next to him, “Hello there. Bride’s side or groom’s side?” She joked.
“Bride’s cousin’s side and I somehow ended up as a groomsman.”
She raised her eyebrows in mock interest, “Oh really, how’d you swing that?”
He shrugged taking another drink, “Not sure really. Guess I’m just likable and...” He pulls a joker card out from his suit, “I can make people smile.” Kay rolled her eyes and gave a small smile, “See? I just made the most beautiful woman in the room smile.”
“You also made her roll her eyes.”
“She does that with everyone, I’m nothing special.” He joked. He placed his beer down on the table in front of him and took her hand, “How are you?”
She sighed, “Just a little tired... these heels are killing me.”
“Why not change them?”
“Anything else I have clashes with this dress but it’s okay, I’m just going to sit for a while.”
“Mind if I sit with you?”
She squeezed his hand and gave him a smile, “You already are.” Cameron leaned over placed a kiss on her cheek. Just then Penelope walked over carrying her young daughter, “Hey Penelope.”
“Hi Kay. Could you do me a favour?” Kay nodded, “Do you mind watching Leilani for a few minutes?” She asked sheepishly, “It’s just-”
Kay waved her hand, “It’s fine, you go dance with your husband.”
Penelope handed Kay her baby, “If she gets fussy, just distract her or tickle her. If she’s whining, she just wants attention.”
Kay adjusted the baby on her lap, “Go. Have fun.” Penelope backed away to go dance with her husband. Leilani stared at Kay long and hard look before giving her a toothless smile, “Hi Leilani. I’m your mom’s cousin.” Leilani cooed as she waved her little arms. She then pointed at Cameron and made a giggling noise. Cameron and Kay smiled at each other, “Yeah, that’s Cameron.”
“Hello young lady, how do you do?” He joked, holding out his hand for a handshake to the little baby.
Leilani gave him a smile and grasped his index finger. Kay smiled, “She likes you.”
“She’s just friendly. I’m nothing special.” He waved his other hand a little at the baby’s face, “Hey Leilani. Look.” He pulled a playing card out of his breast pocket. Leilani looked at him with curious eyes. He shook the playing card and it changed from an ace to a queen of hearts. The baby’s eyes widened with amazement and she let out of squeal of joy.
Kay chuckled, “How do you do that?”
“Sorry Kay but I gotta leave some mystery in this relationship.” He smirked.
She rolled her eyes at him, “Well, Leilani seemed to enjoy your little trick.” Leilani giggled as she turned her head and smiled up at Kay, “Hi Leilani. You’re a happy little girl aren’t you?” Cameron beamed as he watched Kay with her cousin’s baby. For a second, it was like he saw a glimpse of the future but... it was probably just wishful thinking on his part. Kay noticed his soft smile, “What is it?”
Cameron shook his head slightly, “Nothing.” Kay gave him a look that made it clear that she wasn’t convinced but she let it slide.
Just then Penelope came back over to Cam and Kay’s table with a smile on her face. Kay smiled at her cousin, “You have fun Penny?”
Penelope nodded, “My husband and I haven’t danced together since... oh geez, since Leilani was born.” She took her daughter from Kay, “He’s off the hook for a while.” Leilani giggled, “Yeah! Daddy’s off the hook for a month. Thank you again Kay.”
Kay grinned, “Wasn’t a problem at all.” As Penelope left, Kay turned her head back over to Cameron who had his hand held out to her. She raised an eyebrow at him, “I’m not going to tip you Cameron” She joked.
Cameron laughed, “Actually, I was going to ask you to dance. I know you said your heels are killing but I just thought that maybe-”
“I’d love to.” She said, taking his hand. They got up as they walked over to the dance floor where some other couples along with some children were dancing as well. Cameron spun Kay around and pulled her close making her laugh a little bit. “So where did you learn to dance? You seemed to know more than most of us during the lessons.” She asked.
He chuckled, “Well, they teach you a lot when you go on Dancing with the Stars.”
Kay raised an eyebrow, “You’ve been on Dancing with the Stars?”
“I never mentioned that?”
She shook her head, “No, and it seems like something you would brag about.”
He chuckled, “It does, doesn’t it?” He looked into her eyes as they continued to dance, “You know...” He spun her around, “Dancing with you is way more fun... maybe a little intimidating though.”
“Well, when you wear heels, you become taller than me.”
Kay scoffed with a grin, “We are the same height when I’m wearing heels.”
“I don’t know about that.” He joked, trying to get on her nerves.
“Cameron...” She started before she sighed and gave him a smile as she shook her head, “I...” Her smile turned soft, “I’m glad I have you in my life.”
Cameron grin widened as he pressed his lips against hers and felt her smile into the kiss. Little did they know, someone had taken a picture of the moment. When they parted, Cameron rested his forehead against Kay’s, “I’m glad I have you in my life too.”
Just then, Kay’s father walked over to them, “Hello Kadence.”
Kay raised an eyebrow, “Dad?”
“Cameron, would you mind if I danced with my daughter for a moment?”
Cameron looked to Kay and she gave him a slight nod, “Of course Mr Daniels.” He gave Kay a quick kiss on the cheek, “I’ll go get us some drinks, meet me at our table.”
Kay nodded as Cameron gave her a reassuring smile and walked away to the bar. She hesitantly took her father’s hand as they started to dance, “What is it Dad?”
“I’m not going to lie, your mother had me come here to talk to you about you date.”
Kay rolled her eyes and with an exasperated tone, she said, “Dad, I don’t want to hear it. I am a grown woman. I can make my own decisions.”
“Actually, I’m not going to try to talk you out of your relationship.”
Kay raised an eyebrow, “You’re not?”
“Something my mother said at the reunion dinner really struck a chord with me.”
“Something Nana said?”
“She reminded me that while I lost one daughter, I was allowing myself to lose the one I still had.” Kay didn’t say anything. Her expression didn’t even change, “I may not approve of this man you’re seeing-”
“It doesn’t matter to me if you don’t.”
“But I can see that he makes you happy and that’s all I could ask for my daughter.” Kay looked at her father with a glimmer of surprise, “Your mother and I should have been there for you when we lost Caroline. You were grieving just as much as we were. I know that I haven’t been the best father to you but... I would like a chance to make things right.” Kay was silent. She really didn’t know what to make of this. “I know that it would take a long time to regain your trust but-”
“Maybe.” She finally said.
She nodded, “I might not be ready to give you a chance to... be the father I deserve now but... maybe one day.” She gave a teeny tiny smile, “A good start would be if you stopped calling me Kadence.”
“But that’s your name.”
“It is... but everyone calls me Kay, and I like it.”
Darien was silent for a moment, “Alright... Kay.”
She gave her father a slight smile, “I’m glad we could have this talk.” She let go of her father, “Enjoy the rest of the wedding and the rest your trip.” She walked back towards her table where Cameron just sat down with two coffees in hand.
He smiled as she sat down and handed her a cup, “Extra shot, some foam, splash of milk, and a sprinkle of cinnamon.”
Her smile appeared as she took the mug from him, “Thank you.”
He took a sip of his coffee, “How was your talk with your dad?”
“Not horrible.” She smirked taking a sip of her coffee.
“That’s progress!” He smiled, “I’m glad you could patch things up with him.”
“Well, I haven’t really but I think we’re on the right path.” Cameron chuckled causing Kay to raise an eyebrow, “What?”
“It’s just that my eye caught Pierson dancing with someone and he’s trying really hard to get you to look over to him.”
Kay laughed, “Well, he’ll have to keep trying.”
“Thank you for inviting me here. I’ve had fun.”
“I’m glad.”
He scooted a bit closer and took her hand in his, “And I’m also glad that I got to learn more about you.”
She smirked, “Well, you still don’t know everything yet.”
He let out a laugh, “What? Do you have a tattoo or something that I don’t know about?” Kay didn’t respond and instead took another sip of her coffee, “Oh my God, you do, don’t you?” She didn’t respond and looked like she was trying to refrain from laughing, “Kay?”
“I have the right to remain silent.” She chuckled. Cameron was about to say something in retaliation when the cake was brought out. Everyone watched with glee as Tiffany and Harris cut the first piece of their wedding cake. When the cake slices were brought over to everyone, the music quiet downed as everyone took their seats to enjoy some delicious wedding cake. It didn’t matter what flavour it was. Wedding cakes are always delicious. Kay laughed when she pretended to steal the icing flower from Cam’s plate before he had a chance to eat it and they ending up having a tiny sword fight with their spoons.
The party was still in full swing, at least for the adults, when the clock struck midnight but Cameron and Kay decided to duck out a little early. Not just because they were tired but they also had to head back to the city the next day. As they made their way into the elevator, a thought suddenly crossed Cameron’s mind. They were heading home tomorrow... to their separate homes with their separate beds. Kay noticed the serious look on his face and took his hand in hers, “You okay?”
“Hmm?” He turned to look at her, “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine... just can’t believe this week’s already over.”
“Really? To me it feels like this week has lasted for months.” She joked. She cleared her throat, “Cameron?”
“Hypothetically, where would you take me on our first date?”
He let out a chuckle, “Well, I thought that I would take you out dancing and then invite you over, cook you something fancy and then when you think epically failed, you will be proven wrong.”
She nudged him with her shoulder, “You know how to cook?”
He shrugged, “It’s just something Johnny and I kinda had to learn growing up. I tell you, I make a mean lasagna.”
“I’ll have to try it sometime.”
“How about next Saturday?”
She smiled at him, “It’s a date.”
He smiled back as the elevator door dinged and opened, “It’s a date.”
They walked back to their room and when they entered Kay gave a sigh of relief, “I really do mean it Cameron. Thank you so much for coming with him. You had no idea how much this meant to me.”
He smiled, “I’m happy that you were able to enjoy yourself this week. You deserved it.” He tried to undo his tie but it was in a tight knot, “Hey, can you help me with this?” She nodded as she walked over to him and started to fiddle with the knot to undo it.
She stopped for a second and looked into his eyes. His damn smiling blue eyes that always made her melt. When he gave her that soft dimpled grin, she released a breath she didn’t know she was holding and looked back down at his tie, “Remember how you said that you’d be willing to wait until I was sure that I was ready” He nodded, “What if...” She started to say as she began to undo his tie, “What if I was ready... now?”
Cameron’s eyes widened, “N-now?”
“I mean, if you’re not-”
Cameron ran his hands up and down her arms in slight excitement, “No, no. I-I am, it’s just...” He bit his lip, “Are you sure?”
She lightly tugged at his tie and pulled him in for a tender kiss, “I’m sure... nothing impairing my judgement this time.”
“I...” Cameron tugged on her waist as he pulled her in for another kiss, “Kay, I-” He was interrupted by Kay pulling him in as their lips met once more, this time, the kiss becoming a little more heated. When they pulled away, they rested their foreheads against each other, “I just don’t want you to regret it. I want to do this right”
She lightly shook her head, “I won’t regret it Cameron. I almost waited too long to tell you how I feel. I’m not making the same mistake again.”
“I...” Cameron looked into her dark eyes. God, he wanted to look into those eyes forever if he could. He said three words he knew he could say now, “I’m glad.” Kay could have sworn she saw his eyes darken before his lips met hers in a hungry passion. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she kicked off her heels and he pushed her against the wall as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss.
She moved her hands to rest on his chest before moving them to push off his suit jacket. She began to pepper soft kisses on his jaw line, making him smile before she kissed him again. He placed his hands on her neck as he deepened the kiss again before pulling back.
Kay pulled him over to the bed where they laughed a little when they tripped and fell on top of each other. Cameron and Kay gave each other soft smiles before he pressed his lips against hers once again while her fingers fumbled as they tried to undo the buttons on his shirt.
He ran a hand through her hair, releasing it from its loosely tied bun and falling onto her shoulders as he pulled her closer with his other arm. His kisses began to trail down to her neck as she undid the last button of the formal button-up. She grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him in for another kiss.
His hands found their way to the buttons on the back of her dress as she wrapped her arms underneath his shirt to pull him closer. He responded by holding her tighter and burying his head in her shoulder. They had left in order to get some sleep. However, neither of them ended up sleeping much that night... and they certainly wouldn’t have any regrets in the morning.
*Blinks multiple times* ...So that happened! It was planned that this would be the chapter where... this happens. I really have nothing to say for this...
I hope you guys liked this chapter and if I am not mistaken there really are only... two chapters and an epilogue left.
Wait is this the first time I mentioned the epilogue? It is? Well, that’s gonna have some foreshadowing for the sequel.
Hope this chapter was worth the wait! XD *Runs and hides*
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phoenix-downer · 6 years
First Dance
Final post for SoKai Week! I’m happy to announce that @anasten27 and I collaborated on one more theme: Sora and Kairi’s first dance together. Check out their lovely art here, and enjoy the story!
An invitation to a royal ball to celebrate the marriage of a certain Eugene Fitzherbert and Rapunzel, princess of Corona.
A pretty dress, a trip to another world, the chance to meet new people, and the best date she could ever ask for. On paper everything looked great. There was just one problem. Kairi didn’t know how to dance.
Too embarrassed to admit this to Sora, she decided to seek help elsewhere in the form of Donald and Goofy.
Her parents had invited everyone over for dinner, and her mom had really gone all out with the meal. Pork ribs stewed in soy sauce with brown sugar, popping hot tofu and gourd stir-fry, paopu fruit juice… and of course her signature dish, sweet potato tarts, for dessert.
Taking a quick glance over at Sora to make sure he was still embroiled in his competition with Riku over who could eat more of the tarts, she scooted her chair closer to Donald and Goofy.
“Donald, Goofy?” she whispered. “I know you guys have to go back home soon, but…”
“What’s wrong?” Donald asked, whispering back just a little too loudly. She glanced at Sora to see if he’d heard. Nope. He’d just eaten his fifth tart, and her parents were laughing and offering him another one. The tart-eating contest was something of a tradition at this point, and he and Riku were both trying to break each other’s records.
She fiddled with her necklace. “Um, can we talk about it outside?”
They agreed, and she led them to her backyard. Her house, an elegant affair befitting the mayor of Destiny Islands, was up on a hill, and the view from up here was great. The stars shone bright in the heavens, and the ocean waves far below beat their steady pulse against the sand.
You could see all the houses and shops from here, too. Kairi’s eyes wandered to Sora’s, a habit of sorts ever since she’d arrived here long ago.
“Alright, what’s wrong?” Donald asked, now that they were safely out of earshot.
Goofy cut right to the chase. “Is this about Sora?”
Kairi chewed her lip. “Yes. The thing is… I’m going to the ball with him, but… I don’t know how to dance!”
“Gawrsh, is that what you’re worried about?” Goofy offered his hands. “Don’t worry, I’ll show ya.”
Donald provided the, um, music, if it could be called that. Donald didn’t exactly have the most dulcet tones, but Kairi had to work so hard to stifle her giggles as he belted out cheesy love song after cheesy love song in his nasally quack that she soon forgot all about her nerves.
It was a good thing the house was far away from everyone else’s. Otherwise the whole island would have heard what was going on.
Goofy was a surprisingly good dancer though. When she asked him where he’d learned, he simply told her that everyone in King Mickey’s court knew how. Kairi wondered if she would have learned, too, had she stayed on Radiant Garden.
Oh well. At least she was learning now. Besides, Destiny Islands was her home. Her adopted parents were wonderful, and Sora and Riku were the best friends she could ask for. The circumstances leading up to her arrival might not have been the best, but she was happy with this new life she’d made here on the islands. She wouldn’t change it for the world.
“Atta girl, you’re gettin’ the hang of it,” Goofy crowed, spinning her around and around till they were both so dizzy they had to stop.
“You’ll do great,” Donald said, giving her a thumbs up, and she giggled and nearly plowed into Goofy, as off balance as she was. He just grinned and held her steady till she had recovered enough to go inside again.
“Kairi?” Sora asked as they reentered the dining room. “Where were you guys?”
She settled into her chair and grinned at him. “Secret.”
She was ready. She couldn’t wait to dance with Sora now.
Being back home was nice and all, but it did have one serious downside: school.
Ugh. Missing an entire year and then some meant that Riku had to play serious catch up if he wanted to graduate on time. Which meant that once he’d scarfed down his lunch, he had to make a beeline for the library so he could get some extra studying in.
Trying to study in the classroom was hopeless. Maybe it was because he was older, maybe it was because he’d stopped acting like a prick, maybe it was because he’d started following his heart more, maybe it was because he’d cut his hair. Who knew the real reason. But somewhere along the way, he’d gained a fanclub. Half the girls in the school were following him around at any given moment, giggling and flipping their hair and saying hello every chance they got.
It wasn’t that he minded the attention, and the girls were nice and cute. No, they weren’t the problem; it was just that he wanted his peace and quiet.
But he and Sora and Kairi were celebrities now. Well, Kairi always had been, as the mayor’s daughter, but he and Sora’s fame was new. While Sora handled it well enough, as extroverted as he was, it just really got to Riku sometimes, and he had to retreat every now and then to recharge.
The library was his usual refuge, because the rules forbid loud talking. That was usually enough to keep other people from pestering him while he was trying to study.
Too bad it wasn’t enough to stop Sora.
“Riku, help,” he said, sliding into the chair next to Riku and fidgeting with his checkered tie.
Riku sighed and closed the book he was reading called A History of Destiny Islands. Not even in the school library could he get some peace and quiet. “What is it, Sora?”
Sora pulled a piece of notebook paper out of Riku’s folder and began folding it into a paper airplane. “You know that ball Kairi and I are going to this weekend? For my friends Eugene and Rapunzel?”
“Oh, you mean the one you haven’t been able to shut up about for the past month?”
“Yeah, that one.”
Riku raised his eyebrow. “Yeah, and?”
Sora leaned closer and whispered, “I don’t know how to dance. Everyone there will be dancing and they’ll expect me to know how, too.” His face flushed. “Especially Kairi. What should I do?”
Riku shrugged and shoved his book into his bag. Lunch break would end soon, and he had to get back to class. “Beats me. I don’t know how to dance either.”
Sora groaned and ran his hand through his hair. “Not helpful.”
“Why don’t you ask someone who does?” He nodded towards the group of girls giggling at a nearby table. “Selphie’s in your class, right? Just ask her.”
Sora looked at him like he was crazy. “I can’t ask Selphie!”
“Why not?” Riku picked up the paper airplane. “She probably knows how.”
“Not the kind of dancing we have here on the islands,” Sora hissed, prying the paper airplane out of his grip before he could throw it at her, “waltzes and polkas and stuff. The kind of dancing they have on worlds with princesses and castles.”
“Good luck finding someone who knows how to do any of that around here then,” Riku said and stood. The five-minute warning bell had rung, and it was time to get to class.
The day of the ball had arrived, and with it, the time that any host of a wedding party knows: the mingling stage. Eugene gave his lovely bride a quick peck on the cheek, then it was off to thank half of the guests while she took care of the other half. A lot of people were outside in the gardens, so he decided to tackle that area first.
And what would you know, the first person he spotted was one of the people he wanted to talk to the most. Funny how life works like that sometimes.
“Sora! Good to see you!” He set his punch in a nearby potted plant and slapped Sora on the back. The kid had cleaned up nicely. His hair was still as gravity defying as usual, but he was wearing a suit and tie. For someone who normally ran around in a hoodie, black t-shirt, and baggy pants, that showed effort, real effort.
“Thanks for coming,” Eugene said. “He searched around for the lady of the hour to see if she was still nearby. “Hang on, I think Rapunzel’s—”
“Actually, can I talk to you for a minute?” Sora asked. Sweat dripped down his forehead, and the napkin in his hands was a wadded up, wrinkly mess.
“What’s wrong?” Eugene asked, steering him into a nearby rose garden for some privacy. Sora’s plus one was conspicuously absent, and Eugene wondered if his current distraught state had anything to do with that. “Need more smoldering tips? Remember what I told you, it’s all in the pout.”
“Um, that’s not the problem, exactly,” Sora said, rubbing the back of his neck. “The thing is… this is a ball, and I don’t know how to dance.”
“Oh, is that what you’re all worked up about?” Eugene elbowed him and grinned. “Leave it to me. You will be the master of the waltz by the time we’re through.”
Kairi popped another set of cheese and crackers into her mouth, not sure where Sora had run off to. A quick look over the lavish refreshments room still revealed no trace of him. Not even by the chocolate fountain, which was the first place she’d thought to look.
“And that’s how I met Eugene,” Rapunzel finished, a big smile on her face. She looked radiant in her dress for the ball, a pink floor length affair with a poofy skirt and lace-up bodice. Sora had said her hair had once been long and blond, but it was short and brown now.
“A frying pan to the face, huh?” Now that was something Kairi would like to see. She was almost sad they wouldn’t be staying longer. She could talk to Rapunzel like this for hours. They’d bonded over mysterious pasts, missing family members, and boyfriends with reckless, self-sacrificing tendencies, and that was all just within the first ten minutes.
“Yes,” Rapunzel said. “Not quite what you would expect, maybe, but that’s us.”
All the frying pan decorations and frying pan shaped food suddenly made a lot more sense, and Kairi grinned. “Nothing wrong with that.”
“No, not at all.” Rapunzel stole a glance at the grandfather clock in the corner. “Look’s like it’s almost time!”
“Time for what?”
“The dancing, of course. Everyone’s waiting!”
She took Kairi’s hand and led her through the rooms of the castle to the great courtyard outside. A large symbol of the sun was painted on the ground, and a great crowd of people had gathered to witness the bride and groom’s first dance.
Loud cheering erupted when they saw Rapunzel. Eugene made his way through the crowd to her, and the cheering got even louder as they walked, hand-in-hand, to the center of the courtyard together.
The music began, and Kairi sighed and clutched her glass. How romantic. As she watched, she imagined Sora spinning her around like that and got so lost in her own fantasy that she didn’t even realize when the music had ended.
“Kairi?” a familiar voice called, interrupting her reverie.
“S-Sora?” she stuttered, almost dropping her glass. She hadn’t expected to see the subject of her fantasy. “Where have you been?”
“Sorry, there was something I had to do.”
Kairi raised her eyebrow at this, because the collar of his shirt was damp and his tie had disappeared.
“Don’t worry, it wasn’t the Heartless or anything like that.”
Well, that was good at least. He coughed and fidgeted with his suit jacket, and she tried to discreetly dispose of her glass because she had the feeling she knew what was coming next.
Sure enough, he offered his hand. “Now that the floor’s open, Kairi, may I have this dance?”
She took it and smiled to calm the butterflies in her stomach. “I thought you’d never ask.”
His palm was sweaty, and Kairi resisted the urge to let go of his hand and wipe hers on her dress. It was brand new, purple with off the shoulder sleeves and a skirt that was great for twirling, and she was trying to keep the sweat stains to a minimum.
He took a deep breath and led her to the dance floor. Putting his other hand on her waist, he pulled her closer. His touch was gentle but firm, and she placed her other hand on his shoulder.
A new song began, a slow waltz, and he stepped forward just as she remembered to step backward. He stepped to the side, and she mirrored him. So far, so good. Then she stepped forward just a little too soon and landed right on his foot, and he yelped.
“Sorry!” she said, cringing and letting go of his hand. At least she was just wearing flats and not heels.
“No, it’s fine,” he said, smiling softly and reaching for her hand again. “We just have to get used to dancing together.”
The next time, he forgot how to do a certain spin properly, and they had to stop and go back to the base position to fix it. There were a few more bumps and collisions along the way, but little by little they adjusted to each other’s rhythm.
It, um, helped immensely when she remembered Goofy’s instructions to let Sora lead. Dancing was a lot easier when two people weren’t trying to direct the show.
And boy did he. He spun her and twirled her through the streets of Corona, the music growing more and more faint, but Kairi hardly noticed. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him, and the way he was looking at her right now made her head spin.
“Where… where did you learn how to dance?” she finally managed.
He gave her a cheeky little grin. “I asked Eugene to teach me half an hour ago.”
“Sora!” She couldn’t believe him. That was taking procrastination to a whole new level.
“What?” he asked, all innocent blue eyes. “When did you learn how to dance?”
“…Last week, when Donald and Goofy came to visit,” she admitted.
He threw his head back and laughed. “So that’s why you snuck off. Drat, I wish I had thought of that.”
The distant strains of the music indicated the song was winding down, and he got that look in his eyes that told Kairi he was up to something.
“Sora…” she warned.
He put his arms around her back and lowered her so quickly she was sure she would fall. But nope, he held her tight and leaned over her so that their faces were only inches apart.
He had the cutest smile on his face, and she wanted to thank him for such a nice first dance. Tilting her head up, she cupped his cheeks and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
Looking back, maybe she should have waited until they were in a more, uh, stable position. But hey, even though he lost his balance and they both went tumbling to the ground and had to limp back to the castle together afterwards, it was still a pretty good first dance.
Not quite what she had expected, but it was theirs, stepped on feet and falls and giggles and all, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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chaos-weekly · 3 years
say yes to the dress: starring nollie + ainsley
“Hey, bestie!” Magnolia called out over the Taylor Swift blaring from the sound system, dancing through the door of Ainsley’s studio with two cold brews in hand. She sipped one and swirled the other. “Come on and get your sugar, sugar.”
Magnolia had never seen a power walk like Ainsley’s. He burst from a fitting room with such finesse and energy that she almost regretted bringing him coffee.
“You’re late, but I’ll forgive you because you have coffee.” Ainsley paused to take a long sip and turn down the music. “Come, your dress awaits.”
He led her back to the fitting room he’d been in before, pulling back the curtain to reveal the most stunning dress she’d ever seen. It was champagne and sparkles, the sheer bodice and tulle skirt covered with flowers, butterflies, and exquisite beadwork. Off the shoulder, poofy tulle sleeves gave the gown a medieval touch, alongside the bodice’s corset back. Nollie tried to open her mouth to say something, anything, to compliment Ainsley, but her jaw just hung silently.
“Close your mouth, you’ll let flies in,” Ainsley scolded, but there was a hint of pride in his voice. Scratch that, not even a hint. It was undeniable that he was proud of his work. “It’s inspired by the Queen of the Faeries, Titania. It should fit the theme perfectly.”
“It’s beautiful, Ains. I can’t believe I’m going to wear this!”
“Well you deserve the best, darling, and of course I’m going to provide that for you. I can’t have my muse looking anything less than perfect. Now let’s get this on so I can marvel at my handiwork.”
Putting the gown on was no easy feat, but before long Nollie was out of the fitting room and in front of Ainsley’s huge mirrors, spinning and walking and genuinely feeling like a goddess. Meanwhile, he was looking at the dress like it was a convicted felon serving a life sentence for a triple homicide.
“This is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever made!” he cursed, stalking over to his work station to grab his iPad. 
“Ainsley!” she exclaimed, wide eyed. “Ainsley, stop, it’s stunning!”
“Please, stop lying to yourself. We both know it looked better on the mannequin. Not that you’re not perfect, the dress just isn’t doing you justice.”
It was the most gorgeous dress she’d ever worn and Ainsley was scrutinizing it like they’d gotten it off the clearance rack at TJ Maxx. 
“God, it needs a million more flowers. And sparkle. What do you think about some more beadwork in the bodice and adding more of that gorgeous glittery fabric? It just needs more everything. We need this to be fabulous, Magnolia. You’re gorgeous, beautiful, stunning, but this dress… this dress just isn’t it yet. And the neckline is cute, but it isn’t sexy enough. I’m going to make that a deeper v. I think that would be perfect. What do you think, bug?” He was circling her like a vulture, scribbling little notes on his iPad. Nollie thought the dress was gorgeous as is, but it didn’t seem to live up to his high standards. 
That’s what Nollie admired about Ainsley-- he always seemed to know what he wanted and how to get what he wanted. She did not. 
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
“Come on, you couldn’t give me feedback just once?” He cursed as he poked himself pinning the extra flowers on, and Nollie couldn’t help but giggle.
“We both know that even if I had something to say you wouldn’t compromise your artistic vision. And besides, you know I love whatever you do. The dress is stunning, Ains.”
“That isn’t the point, Magnolia,” he sighed. Pinning a final flower to the back of her gown, Ainsley smoothed the fabric and stood behind her, staring at the dress in the mirror. “You know that people want to hear what you have to say, right? That people listen to you?”
No, she wasn’t sure she knew those things. People kind of tended to ignore her opinions and desires, and even if they asked for them, she was positive they weren’t being genuine. She was a model, for God’s sake. What did people expect her to know about? Fashion and beauty, sure, but art or science or politics or their work? Who was she to have a say in those things?
“Of course I do.” 
Nollie apparently didn’t sound convincing enough. Ainsley gave another sigh, resigned.
“I’m not going to argue with you about this today. Let’s get you out of this dress, I’ve got work to do.” He started un-lacing the bodice, and Nollie, suddenly self conscious around her dearest friend, stepped out of the dress. “Are you sticking around? I could use some company while I’m finishing the beadwork.”
“Not today, sorry. I’ve got to get to a shoot.” Another lie. 
“You’re all good, honey. I’ll see you on Saturday, looking as gorgeous as ever!” He gave her a little hug, and she returned it half-heartedly. 
Hopefully one day she’d feel like the fullest version of herself, but for now, a pretty dress would give her the confidence she needed to make it through the week.
0 notes
turnertimeline · 7 years
Dresses and Family
Collection: Tim and Annie/Turner Family
Year: 1967
Characters: Annie Thompson, Shelagh Turner
Content Warnings: none
Rating: K+
Style: Prose
Summary: Maybe start with Shelagh popping around for a visit, and she sees Annie almost guiltily hiding wedding magazines?
Annie had been flicking through wedding magazines on the sofa, and Shelagh had popped around unexpectedly, and Annie had sort of shuffled them into a pile when she'd shown Shelagh in. Shelagh doesn't want to pry, but she’s curious.
"Seen anything you like?"
Annie blushes and ducks her head. "There are a few, but I'm not sure I can even...." Annie trails off as she sits back down on the sofa.
Shelagh sits down with her. "Not sure about them?"
"Yes. Not sure about wearing something so elaborate....something white." Her voice goes quiet.
Shelagh reaches out and squeezes her hand. "You don't have to," Shelagh tells her quietly. "But if you want to.. you should."
"I don't feel like I deserve to really." Annie admits.
"And it's not just about Kenneth." She adds quickly. "Tim and I haven't exactly been abstinent." her cheeks flush at that.
"What is it, then?" Shelagh asks quietly. "If you don't mind saying?"
"White is pure...it's not for people like me." Annie mutters.
Shelagh takes a soft breath
"Why not?"
Annie picks at her fingers. "People will talk, they talk as it is. I'm getting married but we already have a child. We shouldn't even be having a big wedding."
She'd known a few girls who'd gotten married quickly and quietly because they were expecting.
Any that she'd known with children that had second weddings had small ones as well that no one mentioned.
Except for whispers behind hands.
Shelagh is quiet for a few moments before taking a deep breath. "I almost didn't wear white. The only reason I did was because Tim got - the wedding was postponed. I guess I felt..." Shelagh chuckles a little, mostly resigned now. "I guess it felt a little like I had been divorced, as the ladies at church used to say."
"That first wedding was so - so simple. I even chided Patrick for buying me roses."
"For the bouquet."
Annie looks over at Shelagh, her eyes rimmed red. "What made you decide to wear white? Other than the wedding being postponed?"
"I'd sort of wanted to, before, but I just... couldn't. I think the main thing was - when Tim got sick, at first I couldn't be with him, they wouldn't let me in. I wasn't family. I went to - my Sisters."
"I hadn't seen them for so long. I felt like I'd - abandoned them. Turned my back on them. Betrayed them, even."
"They convinced you that wearing white was okay?"
Annie looks down at her hands again.
She was being truthful when she said it wasn't just Kenneth. It was all of it. White was reserved for girls who stayed pure. That's what she'd always been told. But that had been stolen from her, and then she willingly gave her body to Tim. Which is something she doesn't regret at all.
But there's still a deep sense of guilt instilled from her parents.
"It was less that they convinced me and more that... they helped me feel like I deserved it."
"I don't feel like I deserve it." Annie whispers.
"You do," Shelagh replies, voice still quiet but so sure and firm. "You deserve to wear white. You deserve to wear anything that makes you feel beautiful."
"I haven't even gone to look at anything." Annie admits quietly.
She needs to redirect the conversation a little.
"Would you like me to come with you?" Shelagh asks, letting them change subjects. "Trixie and the girls came with me, and it really helped."
"Would you? I don't think i can face going alone."
"Of course," Shelagh replies, squeezing her hand again
When they go to look at dresses, Shelagh pointedly avoids the one where she bought her grey dress.
They go to a few places before the clerk mistakes Shelagh for her mother
After two or three shops Annie has relaxed a little
Has found a couple of dresses she sort of likes
She's mostly looking for designs she likes. Because rather than having a shop bought dress, she'd prefer to ask Violet to make it. Looking for cuts and styles and materials.
And she's starting to enjoy it, a little bit, with Shelagh there.
Annie is in the fitting room, looking at herself in the  mirror.
She's got on a dress with lace sleeves to her elbows, a skirt that's not quite as poofy as Shelagh's was, and the bodice has the same lacing as the sleeves.
It's simple, but Annie loves it. She's trying to memorize every bit so she can help Violet recreate it.
Shelagh has been keeping an eye on the things she likes, too, and trying to remember any names and things. She's not as gifted a seamstress but she wants to be able to help too.
Shelagh's wandered away from the dressing rooms a little to look at the veils. Annie seems happy and the clerk is very pleasant .
Annie opens the curtain and steps out looking around for Shelagh.
The clerk notices her and walks over. "Your mother is looking at the veils, would you like me to get her?"
Annie jumps and looks at the clerk. "O -oh, um, please?" she stammers, now sure how/if to correct the clerk.
Shelagh has a similar reaction when the clerk tells her that her daughter is looking for her. Annie blushes and seems shy when Shelagh goes over to her, looking down.
"Sorry," she murmurs quietly to Shelagh
"Whatever for?" Shelagh asks, slightly concerned.
"She thought..." Annie replies, and shrugs a little
"That I was your mother?" Shelagh hazards a guess.
Annie nods.
Shelagh clears her throat a little. "I...I would be honored if you saw me as your mum." Her voice is quiet.
Annie looks up at her, surprised. "You - you would?"
"Of course I would." Shelagh reaches a hand out to take Annie's.
Annie clings to her hand
"Really?" Annie can't believe it. "I - I would love that."
"Truthfully, I've thought of you as my daughter for quite awhile. Since before you asked Tim to be Daniel's father." Shelagh tells her.
Annie looks at her, feels herself beginning to tear up.
"You..." She doesn't have any words."
Shelagh gives Annie's hand a squeeze.
"Annette, you being part of this family does not hinge on your relationship with Tim."
"I just... my own mother didn't want me," Annie whispers. "That you do is..."
"She doesn't know what she's missing out on, and it's her loss. The same goes for your father." Shelagh's voice has a bit of a hard edge. She has stronger feelings towards the Thompson's now that she knows Janie and what they're putting her through.
Annie makes a soft noise and hugs her tightly.
Shelagh lets out a little half sob/half laugh and hugs Annie back.
"Now, let me see this dress." Shelagh says pulling back.
Annie smiles and wipes her eyes carefully, gives Shelagh a little spin
"I think this is the one." Annie says happily.
"It's beautiful," Shelagh agrees, smiling at her widely. "And you look..."
Shelagh just shakes her head.
Annie grins at her. "It shouldn't be too hard to make. The fabric is common enough."
Shelagh laughs. "Well that's no reason to buy a dress, but it does look wonderful on you. Do you want to try a veil?
"I'm not so sure about a veil, just more that Daniel can tug on." Annie laughs.
Shelagh laughs. "There is that. Well, you have time if you change your mind."
Annie goes to change back into her clothes, and informs the clerk that while she loves the dress, she won't be purchasing it today. Hoping that she hadn't over heard the comments about making her own.
The clerk nods. "Of course. It's an important decision."
She  is used to brides coming back two or three times. If for no other reason than it's fun to try on pretty dresses.
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Finale, Part I
Project Runway Season 16, Episode 13
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The Challenge: The designers must return home to create ten cohesive looks with a budget of $10,000. Two preview looks will be shown to the judges, who will then choose at least three designers to show at New York Fashion Week.
{ Prelude }
Tondy: Tim visits each designer in their home studio after meeting their families (this is one of my favorite parts every season, Bolo!)  He offers a little constructive criticism. Bolo: The home visits are always interesting. It’s fun to learn more about the designers, “meet” their family and friends, see where they live, etc. It’s also fun to get an early peek at their collection and see how it changes before New York.
{ The Runway }
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Tondy: I don’t care for look one at all. I’ve never liked “paper bag waists,” and I thought they went out of style years ago. If not, they should have! The second look was better, but I think Brandon was so sure of the win that he didn’t try very hard. The flamingoes got old really quickly. Score: 3.5 Bolo: The first look is awful. It’s ill-fitting, the top looks poorly made, and the crop top looks terrible with the skirt waist. The second look is cute, and I like the way it’s styled. Score: 3.75
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Tondy: I loved her first look! The pants fabric was awesome and pairing with a fairly simple, but well-cut top was a great decision!  The second look wasn’t quite as successful for me. The shorts looked like the shorts that boxers wear, and another paper bag waist!  They weren’t very flattering, but the jacket was amazing! Score: 4.0 Bolo: I’m completely in love with her first look. That’s the girl I want to be! I love the pants, print and cut, and I love the top. The second look, though. Yikes! I don’t understand why she chose to show a bathing suit covered with shorts. The jacket is lovely, but the print-on-print with solid bottoms look didn’t work for me. I really wish she’d at least left out the shorts. Score: 4.0
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Tondy: Look one was adorable! I loved everything: the fabric, the long over vest, the pants! Then came the big OOPS moment with look two! Even with the black trim on look one, it wasn’t enough to tie-in with the all black dress and negligible peach sheer jacket.  Although I liked the black dress, especially the unusual cut on the top and the fit, I didn’t care for the ruffled bottom. It just did NOT look like it belonged in the same collection as the first look. Score: 4.0 Bolo: I thought the first look was adorable, and I was confused as to why the judges liked it better with the jacket off. They never tear layers off Brandon’s absurd creations. If he’d sent this down the runway, they would have peeled off their faces from sheer ecstasy. I actually love the black dress in look two, and I liked the sheer jacket-thing, too, I just didn’t like them together, and they definitely didn’t make for a cohesive preview. Score: 3.75
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Tondy: I hated the first look. It would have been really cute without that awful poofy atrocity on the side of the skirt. I don’t know what he was thinking!!!  I really like the long peach pleated skirt, and I thought the top was amazing. It was very “sculptural” and just lovely, as was the flow of the skirt! However, I also hated those awful black eyebrows on the models! Score: 4.0
Bolo: I have a visceral negative reaction to that first skirt. The poof is just bizarre and has a very fungal feel that is extremely off-putting. Look two is quite lovely, but the styling of the models--with those thick dark eyebrows and strange top knots, just throws it completely off for me. Score: 3.5
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Tondy: I adored the jacket on the first look, and I thought the pants were great, too, and so beautifully fitted. The second look was also beautiful. The material on the blouse was so pretty, and the top with its beautiful flow would be flattering on so many different shapes! Score: 5.0 Bolo: Ayana knocked this preview out of the park! I’m SO glad she stuck with showing these two looks. I love everything about look one, but my favorite part is the way it looks in back, with the cute waist of the jacket and the shirt peeking out. This look has a cool, gritty edge to it without losing her modest aesthetic. Look two is adorable! I would LOVE to wear this! I love the shape of the top, the unusual trim, the slightly fluted sleeves, and the high neckline. Modest but also sophisticated, cute, and again, a little gritty. Score: 5.0
{ The Results }
Judges’ Top Four: Brandon, Ayana, Kentaro, Margarita Our Top Four: Ayana, Margarita, Kenya, Kentaro Judges’ Bottom Choice: Kenya Our Bottom Choice: Brandon
{ Afterthoughts }
Tondy: Honestly, as much as I love him, I think that Kentaro should have gone home. I just thought he kind of lost his confidence, and also his desire to go to Fashion Week. I know that Brandon has no doubt that he’ll win, but at this point, I’m pulling really hard for Ayana. I admire her desire to create modest clothing, because, religious beliefs aside, not all women are comfortable showing a lot of skin. I love Margarita, too, but I just think that Ayana is the more talented designer.  What do you think, Bolo? Bolo: I’m very confused about what happened to Kentaro here. The peach look was lovely, but the fungal-poof and styling of both was off-the-charts bizzarro. Still, I think he’s a super talented designer, and I want to see his whole collection. And as much as Brandon annoys me--for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that he is the judges’ pet, and as such can do no wrong--even though he had our lowest score, I wouldn’t send him home either. Truth be told, although it was not (apparently) possible, I think I would have let all five show. I don’t think Kenya’s black dress and peach wrap were any more offensive than Kentaro’s fungal-poof or Brandon’s paper-bag-waist catastrophe. In fact, I felt her black dress was the best out of the three. So why is she going home? Who knows? It’s a shame, because I thought the rest of her collection looked top notch. And frankly, there didn’t appear to be anything really new or interesting with Brandon’s collection. It’s just the same crap he’s been making all season, with a few minor tweaks and flamingo fabric. I felt like Kenya, at least, put a fresh spin on her aesthetic.
I can’t wait for tonight! See you all here next week for the finale wrap-up!
And thanks again to our guest judges from last week, Daisy & Sam, for picking up the ball and running with it while we were on vacation. :) <3
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ohshimaacademy · 7 years
Sonic Boom: Sonic man heroes part 1
Sonic Boom: sonic man heroes part 1: It was a peaceful day on bygone island. The sun was beaming down on the crystal clear ocean, showing off the undersea inhabitants below the surface. On the island, birds were chirping happy songs, feeding their young, and resting in their nests. Everything was peaceful. Mayor Fink: "And if you follow me here, this is the last place Sonic The Hedgehog fought Dr. EggMan." New Villagers: "Oohhhhh... " Mayor Fink: "And ov-" All of a sudden two missiles fall from the sky and explode when they hit the ground, scaring the villagers. Mayor Fink: "Every man for himself!!!" *runs* New villagers: "AHHH!!!" Soon, Obliterator Bot lands. It fires missiles from both its shoulders, and the missiles explode as they hit the ground, barely missing the panicking villagers. EggMan is revealed to be floating in his Eggmobile nearby. Dr EggMan: Look at those fools scurrying around like ants! Might as well treat em' like ants. Mike The Ox: *turns head to EggMan* " You mean you're taking us on a picnic? " Dr EggMan: "What? No! Obliterator Bot, magnify!" A magnifying glass sprouts from Obliterator Bot's left arm. The sun causes the magnifying glass to fire a beam aimed at the panicking villagers. The beam chases Mike, who runs up a tree and grabs a branch with both his hands, causing him to hang from it. Mike The Ox: "H-H-Help!!!" And just in time, Tails' plane, which has Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks all hanging on it with their Enerbeams, flies towards Obliterator Bot. Sonic: "Incoming heroes! * Dr EggMan: " what? No!!...Obliterator Bot engaged!!" Obliterator Bot: "Affirmative. Playing up-tempo music while destroying hedgehog!!* Speakers pop out of its shoulders, blaring up-tempo rock music. Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks all grunt as they let go of their enerbeams and fall. Amy and Knuckles land on Obliterator Bot's left arm, while Sonic lands near a trash can, and Sticks lands on the tree branch Mike was hanging from. The walrus child and the monkey child look at each other in amazement. Obliterator Bot walks over Sonic and fires two missiles at Sonic, but the blue hedgehog quickly dodges them. Sonic: "Over here, you over sized can opener!" He picks up the trash can lid and holds it up like a shield. Amy and Knuckles grab Obliterator Bot's magnifying glass with both their hands and position it at the trash can lid. The beam deflects off the trash can lid and zaps Obliterator Bot's head, causing Obliterator Bot to shut down. Dr Eggman: "Come on! Can't a guy test out a deadly super weapon on a town of innocent civilians without being interrupted? What's this world coming to?" Sonic picks up the trash can lid with both his hands and holds it up like a shield. Amy and Knuckles grab Obliterator Bot's magnifying glass with both their hands at position it at the trash can lid. The beam deflects off the trash can lid and zaps Obliterator Bot's head, causing Obliterator Bot to shut down.] Dr Eggman: "See? That's exactly what I'm talking about!" Sonic aims the trash can lid towards Eggman, causing the beam to zap the bottom of his Eggmobile. Eggman grunts, then growls as he turns and flies away whilst sparks emit from the bottom of the Eggmobile. The villagers cheer as Sticks slides down the trunk of the tree, with Mike riding on her back. Mike jumps off Sticks as Mayor Fink past up to them and blows into a noisemaker he is holding in his left hand. He then reaches into a bag he is now holding in his right arm with his left hand and tosses confetti as he walks past the Walrus Child and the Child Monkey. Mayor Fink walks up to Sonic, Knuckles, and Amy. Mayor Fink: "Congratulations, Sonic! This is the millionth time you and your friends saved the village! You'll each receive a "Greatest Role Models of All Time" award! As soon as I punch the final hole in your "Hero Rewards" card. " Mayor Fink reaches behind his back with both his hands. He has Sonic's "Hero Rewards" card in his left hand and a hole puncher in his right. All the holes except for one are punched in the card, until Mayor Fink punches the last hole. Mayor Fink then reaches behind his back with both his hands again. This time, he pulls out the noisemaker with his left hand and blows into it. Fastidious Beaver arrives, pushing a wheelbarrow with both his hands. Tails, Knuckles, and Amy all run up to the wheelbarrow. Amy picks up her award with both her hands and turns to face the villagers. Amy: "Thank you all! We promise to live up to this fine award, and set a good example!" She looks at  Knuckles, who is laughing while spinning counter-clockwise on his head as he holds his award in his right hand. It then cuts back to Amy. Amy: "Starting now." With sonic he was admiring his award and talking to his fans. Walrus child: "you were all awesome!" Monkey child : "Yeah!" Sonic: "thanks kids,now if you excuse me I gotta go" A dark shadow with a devilish smile walked up to sonic,the shadow is near sonic's neck..it got closer and closer..and closer!! Until finally it grabbed him. Sonic: "ahh!!" *jumps in fear* ???: "Sup sonic." It was sonic's girlfriend honey the cat,She has close-lying orange-yellow fur, a peach muzzle, and long black hair that she keeps in two voluminous ponytails. She also two triangular and perked ears with peach inner ears, a small black nose, large sharp black eyes, thin arms and legs, and a slim tail. Honey's attire is very detailed. She wears a red hairband and elaborate white and laced cloth-like hair barrettes around her ponytails, along with a red dress with poofy shoulders, black straps on the cuffs, a black collar, a pair of white wings on the back, and white laces on the lower rim. Her dress also has black outlines around the waist and shoulders, and a black area on her front skirt with white fasteners. Additionally, she wears white gloves with red backs and laced cuffs, black arm wrappers around her wrists and pointy black and red high-heeled boots. Sonic: "oh it's you honey,how's it going with your job." Honey: "Great i started a new sonic the hedgehog cloths line" *pulls out a magazine* see Sonic: "sweet!!" Honey: *kisses his cheek* "Your welcome." ???: "Ahem." Sonic turn around to see a anthropomorphic ferret wearing a Checkered wine and pink flat cap Glasses with a Wine jacket White gloves and red boots Sonic: "who are you?" Dixon: "I'm Dixon I'm a manager working in public media,and I have to say it's a honor to meet you" *shacks his hand* Sonic: "thanks always happy to meet a fan." Dixon: *gasp* "are you honey the cat?" Honey: "yep." Dixon: "well I must say you are prettier in person." Honey: "why thank you." Sonic: "so what are you here for?" Dixon: "I'm here because you and your friends are going to be stars!" Sonic: "like a movie star?" Dixon:.."well a tv star,anyway the show were doing is called!!..drum roll please! " Drummer:...."oh right *plays drum* " Dixon: "thank you..ahem it's called sonic heroes!!" Sonic and honey: "Sonic Heroes?" Honey: "sounds like a video game." Sonic: *Snickers* "imaging that me having my own video games" Dixon: "so whatta say?" Sonic: "well I always wanted a tv show..okay I'll do it." Dixon: "great! I'll let the producers know" *walks away* Amy: "who was that?..Honey? Honey: Amy it's good to see you again *hugs her* Amy: "you too anyway who was that guy? Sonic: "some guy named dixon." Honey: "he said were all gonna be in a tv show,called-" Sonic: "SONIC HEROES!!" Honey: "uhh I wanted to st that." Knuckles: "a tv show about you..what's next a live action cgi hybrid movie? * Tails: "or a tv show where's you have a brother and sister,and your in a rock band." Amy: "or A-" Sonic: "okay we get it. * slaps forhead" Sticks: "wait where gonna be on tv?!!" Sonic: "yeah awesome right?" Sticks: "no people will be watching us making fun of us..learning about us,*gasp* what if aliens will be watching us?" Sonic: " why would aliens be watching -forget it. " Dixon: "oh huh..okay  * puts phone away* ready?" Team sonic: "yeah. " And so the  gang got ready,Amy packed clothes water and stuff to do her hair,with knuckles he packed a blanket..that's it...with tails he packed stuff so work on some inventions on the trip,sonic packed chili dogs and honey packed her favorite clothes make-up and sticks...weapons
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