#i want it so bad but not waste primos on weapon banners bad
catboyazem · 6 months
someone out there with a big heart and a bigger wallet should sponsor me to pull for cashflow supervision. ill give you absolutely nothing in return except probably like a LSKDFGJSLKDFG THANK YUO or something. good deal?
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
Weapon banner is almost never worth it for f2p.
If you do pull, I would say : have at least 40 wishes saved up, be okay with the potential of getting the other weapon, make sure the 4 star rate ups aren’t useless.
For example. I am f2p who saved for a year+ and pulled for Yae Miko, and got her C1. I had 70 wishes left over so I pulled on weapon banner. It was the perfect banner because it had PJC which I could use on Kaeya and Xingqiu, and her signature weapon. I ended up getting both back to back because I was lucky. But it’s always character constellations > weapon for damage difference usually.
But, you also shouldn’t pull for a weapon if it’s so niche like Venti unless that’s your main ride or die team. Yae Miko’s weapon I can put on Lisa and Heizou (if I had him, cry) and possibly Scaramouche so I always saw it as worth it. Hu Tao’s weapon is worth it for many. Raiden’s Weapon would be worth it for Xiangling, etc. Itto good for claymores especially Noelle. Ayaka weapon good on every sword user lol.
Just use good judgement because you don’t want to waste primos 😁😁💕💕
thank you for the advice ill keep that in mind 🥰 im amazed how you saved up for a year for yae 😭 like euhdsfnk what about the other characters? im always amazed by people who save up as someone who spends it when i get 10 to 20 wishes!
i sometimes pull in the weapons banner especially since i like to build all my characters (or at least make them decent lvl60+ with artifacts). if i have too many new characters, i wont be able to build them all and id feel bad hahahha 😅
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glacialltz · 3 years
Hello! I just discovered your blog and I really love the way you write 💕
If it's not too much trouble, could you write genshin men being real? Like in our world, and reacting to reader being a genshin character? And coming to their world? As a bullet headcanon? For Diluc, zhongli, kaeya, childe, albedo and xiao if it's okay with you ^^' it can be any one of these guys ♡
Also do take care if yourself please ^^ sleep well and stay hydrated! 💖
summary: diluc, zhongli, kaeya, childe, albedo, xiao + reader as a genshin character
warnings: modern au, slightly crack, they're in love with you but you're a genshin character
word count: 2.3k
author's note: awh, thank you for your kindness, anon! i hope these fulfill exactly what you wanted, but feel free to send it in again if not. these were fun to write, i hope they're enjoyable, and the Baker would be fine with doing a possible part 2! i also extend the reminder of good health to you as well 🤍
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Diluc wasn't much of a gamer, not by a longshot. He didn't really have any time to waste fooling around with stupid RPGs and, frankly, he didn't really care either. Too bad Kaeya didn't share the same sentiment.
Diluc would always remain annoyed at the way his brother was the one who got him to finally start playing Genshin, not wanting to admit he caved to his brother's insistent nagging.
As much as he didn't want to admit it, however, your character quickly caught his attention. You were fun to play as, he had to admit, and he had some interest in where the story was going to go with you.
He wasn't much for playing games, but even he had to admit that coming home from work and winding down with a little bit of gaming was relaxing after all, just like Kaeya had claimed. Especially when playing as your character.
Diluc was a relatively early game player. He was there before you ever got a banner, knowing you when you were just a story character. That meant, however, that he was ready.
He had more than enough money to whale for you. Diluc didn't care much about that kind of stuff usually, but you were the exception, and he wanted your character more than any other one in-game. He didn't care too much about unlocking your constellations, just wanting to get you once. He wasn't that serious of a player to care about builds or weapons, but he wouldn't be happy while playing until he could see your face light up his team.
He'd never admit to caring so deeply about a video game character, not in a million years, but he did. He was completely smitten with you, so, eventually, he did end up caving and spending a little more than he planned to build you properly. It was a guilty pleasure, but your character made him so happy he couldn't help it, and he certainly had enough money.
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Xiao showed him the game. Zhongli got interested in it pretty fast, but not for the same reasons most do. He appreciated the cooking aspect as well as trying to hunt down everything to upgrade the archon statues. At first, he didn't really care that much for the characters or story.
That changed when you appeared.
Zhongli never really had a lot of primogems stocked up. He's the type to pull almost every single time he gets at least 160 primos, so he wasn't ready for your banner when it came out.
He did finally start composing himself a little when your banner announcement came out. He began doing everything in his power to scrape up as many gems as possible, saving them for once in his life. He was bound and determined to get you, you know!
He honestly wasn't sure if he wanted to try spending real money, however. Zhongli realizes that, as attached to your character as he may have been, you were still, sadly, comprised of pixels, and dumping his already shallow wallet out for said pixels may not be the smartest decision he could make. He decided to first try his luck and see how he fared.
As always, he made out like a bandit. Not only did Zhongli get you in his first ten pull, but he also got the weapon recommended for you. What luck! For the rest of the day, he had a soft, pleased smile etched deeply on his handsome features.
Zhongli did his best building you, he really did. He gave you the best artifacts he could and was sure to level up all of your skills, but that wasn't really his main focus. Of course, you were given a special spot on his team, but he wasn't all that concerned with the idea of damage and numbers.
Really, he was just happy to have you.
Cooking with you was a simple pleasure, not one he could often indulge in. It was hard to get enough ingredients, but the effort was worth it.
The crowning jewel of having you in his account, however, was the ability to take such gorgeous photos with you. Every click of the in-game camera was taken with loving precision, insistent on capturing your charm in every way he could. Sometimes he would share them online and, when he did caption them, they were adorned with sweetly written words.
You were also given a spot inside of his favorite room in his teapot. You should be honored, really.
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Did he ever want you. Yes, he wanted you for you, of course, but did he ever want to show off for having you as much as possible.
Kaeya had every intent to brag about getting you in whatever way possible. Screenshots posted to Twitter, instantly making you his in-game icon, unlocking your namecard as fast as possible, anything and everything. He's an insufferable person to play with.
His luck tried to work against him, but nothing could stop Kaeya when he set his mind to a task. Ten roll after ten roll, he kept not pulling you, and he was this close to dropping real money for you. Thankfully, the screen lit up with a brilliant gold before it came to that.
If it had been some other five-star and not you, Kaeya might have begun his villain arc right then.
You were built instantly, decked out with only the best artifacts. He wanted those damage number screenshots, you know! They always went viral with people begging him for his builds.
His placement of you in his hero showcase seemed like nothing more than a flex, a shallow show of his gacha might, but you really did have a spot on his team instantly. No, you had a spot waiting for you before you even were released, he wanted you that badly.
He was truly happy to have you. When running around, even if you didn't have the most practical passive for adventuring, he almost always played as you. Can you really blame him? If he was the video game character and you the player, he was sure you'd do the same.
That doesn't mean he didn't brag to every other player he knew, however. Diluc was this close to clocking him in the last few hours before your release as Kaeya wouldn't shut up about how certain he was he'd get you. It got worse when he finally had you.
Kaeya loved playing co-op the second he got you, running around in circles to show off to whatever poor player accepted his request before ditching only seconds later. He was laughing like a madman, gleeful at the slight bit of chaos and uproar he could create.
When night finally fell, however, and it was just him playing the game for a moment before heading off to bed, he felt himself smile softly at the thought that he really, truly had you.
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Childe may not have the same sized fortune as Diluc, but he was ready to drop even more money to get you. He wanted you so badly!
Childe didn't really keep up with banner announcements that much, they didn't really matter to him. He was fine with whaling anyway, not really caring how unhealthy that may be. When he got news of you from Zhongli, however, it was all his posts seemed to be about. Counting down for you, trying to figure out the best gear to give you pre-release, everything.
Never really one for trying to get big numbers, he only wanted to try for once if it was for you. That doesn't mean he doesn't accidentally get massive numbers anyway, though. Sometimes they're bigger than even Kaeya's.
You were c6'd instantly, to Childe's delight. It was what you deserved, you know, and he was happy to drop a small fortune on a jpeg.
Sometimes, he'd play with his younger siblings. They'd often crowd around his desk, pushing each other while trying to take the seat on his lap for the best view. He was starting to regret not getting a PlayStation... at least the screen would have been bigger and they could all spread out more around the TV....
When he got you, his siblings cheered too. They all wanted to see you, gawking at your design and the beautiful effects accompanying your attacks. You were such a cool looking unit! They wanted to try playing with you too! To Childe's chagrin, to prevent a tantrum, he had to give in and give his siblings a turn running around and beating up hilichurls (as best as they could).
When he was finally able to just simply revel in his victory against RNG, he was sure to brag about it. Not as much as others, of course, but enough to still be a nuisance.
A lesser-seen, never talked about, more gentle side, however, was his Teapot Realm. He immediately bought the sets that would play into your affection, building them instantly and rearranging the entire layout around your tastes. He made sure a cooking station was nearby as well, so he could stand next to you while making something. Tender and domestic, just the way he liked it.
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Oh, was he ever ready. Albedo was one of many who speculated your release before it was ever announced, and he was already thinking up the possibilities of what you could be.
Deciding to cut out the middleman, however, and eliminate anything that could go wrong, he simply farmed for everything. No one understood how he did it.
When you were, finally, officially announced, Albedo immediately began polishing his ideas for you, writing them down in a notebook that stayed at his gaming station. He was prepared for you, that much was certain.
Albedo wouldn't whale. No, he knew better than dipping his toes into a possible gambling addiction, choosing to trust his luck. Jean agreed that was a smart decision, while everyone else teasingly remarked that he would never get you. Klee was still cheering for him, though!
Of course he got you. There was no struggle about it. It wasn't his first ten pull, but his second. He also pulled the new featured four star beside you, but he wasn't nearly as concerned with that.
He set out to building you, content with the things he had worked so hard for. You were built to perfectly accentuate your kit, making you an incredible powerhouse, whether you were meant to be or not.
Similar to Zhongli, Albedo wasn't as concerned with battling. Yes, he wanted to see what he could do with you and how strong he could build you, but that wasn't his main focus. More of a side project, honestly. He enjoyed taking photos with you as well, though not to post.
You adorned all of his sketchbooks. You had before ever coming out, but the frequency of his doodles increased exponentially with your arrival. How could he be blamed?
You were a new source of inspiration, a well from which his creativity could spring forth. He was grateful for that, often using you as a warm-up sketch before actually setting out to draw something. No matter how much he tried to keep them simple, however, his drawings of you always ended up being near masterpieces. You gave him a bit too much creativity, it seems.
Albedo was never concerned with games like this much. He played it because he had heard about it from Kaeya and never expected to get so attached to you. He didn't regret it, however, as the game was a nice destresser after work, and seeing you on his screen always brought a hint of life into his teal eyes and inspiration into his artwork.
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Xiao didn't have time for stupid games!
Those were his famous last words. He caved rather quickly, downloading it solely out of boredom (so he claimed). He ended up liking it so much that he recommended it to Zhongli.
Xiao was downbad for you almost immediately. Your character was so interesting, it really wasn't something he could help! Venti would tease him anyway. You made him feel so happy, though! Whenever Xiao saw you on screen, standing amongst the rest of the characters, he felt a spark of happiness.
He was extremely excited for you come release time. Xiao was so excited he became slightly sloppy, pulling for you without even thinking if you'd work with his team composition or how he would ever build you. Normally, he was a pretty composed player who did pretty well against bosses and could be considered "good" at building, but not this time.
Finally, he got you. He was so happy he, uncharacteristically, rocketed out of his gaming chair and punched the air. Nothing could beat this kind of euphoria!
You were immediately placed into the number one spot, marking Xiao as a you-main instantly. He didn't feel the need to broadcast it, fighting an internal battle as to if he should put you as his icon or not. He refrained for a little bit, eventually caving and setting it as you, but that was it. His builds were always private so, when he did eventually add you to his showcase, no one else could see how he decked you out. And, oh boy, were you ever decked out.
He tends to fall slightly above casual when playing, being pretty serious about domain and artifact farming, but that was amped up to one hundred when dealing with you. Honestly, however, he was really just happy to run around as you when waiting for his resin to refill.
Xiao would never speak of this, but his favorite part wasn't using you in battle. Really, despite his relative skill with it, he, like several others, didn't care about the fighting aspect much. He wanted to do well when using you, of course, but his real favorite part was picking flowers.
There was nothing like strolling up Starsnatch Cliff with you, gingerly picking each and every single cecilia in sight. It was tender, peaceful. Just what he liked. Playing with you in those moments was the real highlight for him, way more important than any damage ever could be.
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skajlaw · 2 years
okay okay the next banners are out and I gotta share my plan here cuz I don't want to annoy my friends with this again and nobody is seeing it here anyways jdkdnsm
my pity is 22, I have 30 pulls saved and I'll probably buy 40 pulls from the store. that means I have guaranteed 5* but I don't have guaranteed Itto (sadly, I'm scared) SO!
1) Manifesting early Itto and then try the weapon banner from the pulls I will have left. I don't really need his claymore since I have a few good ones I think are even good for him but it's HIS WEAPON CMON PEOPLE and I can try. The Harp won't be a lost either, cuz I'm trying to build DPS Sara so it would be perfect for her *chef kisses*. Bad thing would be not getting either one of them cuz weapon banner is a scam (and therefore I'm not even gonna choose the path) - by bad thing I mean I wasted my primos I could save for Ayato or Ganyu
2) losing early 50/50 means I'll of course continue pulling until I'm squeezed dry of my primos (and not doing the weapon banner at all) and hope for the best (5* back to back!!)
2) the worse scenario is to lose the 50/50 with just a few pulls left. I'll have to sell my organs to buy more primos
I'm telling you, this himbo is coming home either he wants to or not.
Also I'm so disappointed by the 4*... only cuz I don't need either of them except Gorou (ofc) but more Xiangling cons for future?? idk I have too much pyro characters build and I don't like her playstyle.
being higher AR I don't really have much options to farm for primos. I can farm like 5 more pulls maybe but that's it. 🤧
ALSO ALSO Fischl's bow is back! I can try getting that for her on my second acc jfkdnf
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