#i want to participate in things but y'know. i'm a parent with a lot of other things to do.
simplepotatofarmer · 11 months
fandom is so hard ;__;
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jplopsjournal · 3 months
Main World Understanding
Our worldview in the original Punch Out is EXTREMELY limited, restraining us to simple cutscenes so we can focus on the fights at hand. This is basically the same as putting all this unexplored world in my lap and saying "do whatever" so I ran with it. Important Punch Out: Expanded World Details: -Magic is, at its core, an ambiguous word. In theory, it is the raw spirit a human possesses, taking form and reacting with the material world. Obviously Great Tiger is using magic, but this rule also applies to things some may think aren't magic. Piston Hondo's uncanny speed and hyper-vigilance? Magic. Don Flamenco being able to punch a bull into the sky? Magic. Glass Joe's ability to miraculously come back after 99 straight losses? Magic. Sandman's raw ability itself? Besides hardcore training, it's MAGIC. It's SPIRIT. That's what empowers some, if not all of the boxers, and therefore all people. I will go into magic lore in a later post. -The timeline is ambiguous. This isn't for a real reason, I'm just bad at math. Like. So bad. A math skill so HORRID It would kill Albert Einstein himself. So sorry if some of the info I lay out is off, just know I'm trying my hardest </3 -In POE (or PO = E/PO:E, all acronyms for this fanwrite/au), Doc is Mac's adoptive father. I will elaborate more later, but for now I will just say that Doc found him when he was a baby, after a horrific accident that took the lives of both of his parents. Since then, Mac has been living in the Bronx with him, and as of the beginning of Punch Out Wii, is 18 years old. I aged him up just the year so he'd, y'know, be legally allowed to box.
I know, I know, "how is all that other crazy stuff legal", it's not. It's just slick movement depending on the boxer. Plus, the WVBA outlawed people under the age of 18 from participating ever since a couple incidents kinda put the sport in a bad light...
-Like people, boxing evolves over time throughout the years which pass. I...don't have many details on this yet. -SPO Aran and Wii Aran are NOT the same person. The former goes by the name of Andrew, and is the older brother to Aran, as well as the oldest of their four siblings. Or...was, the oldest. -Pizza Pasta is renamed Peter Zachelli (actual name) as well as Pete Zepasta (stage name), because I do NOT want him named Pizza Pasta. That's crazy for a name lmao -I take creative liberties on some of these character's personalities, just because those which both predate AND are not featured in the Wii version lack a significant amount of it. This especially applies to Kid Quick and Pizza Pasta. -All backstory stuff, living environments, and anything we don't directly see, is created by yours truly. PHEW that was a lot of typing but I'm glad I could jot this down
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fanatical4creation · 9 months
This post contain sensitive topics, such as sexual themes, s/a, abortion and others similar to these. This post is intended to PG-13 audiences such as my account, so you're warned, if you read this post even if you're not the target audience then it's your fault, not mine
INVERTED!Underlust (Fanatically Underlust)
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Uuuuuuuuuuh, let's talk about the elefant in the room of my brain. To begin with, i've sorta re-written Underlust as i like, so i call this version of mine "Fanatically UnderLust".
These characters are the main ones btw...
Uuh Grillby and Sans are a canon couple, just like the og UL.
Paps and Mtt are also a canon couple, but they got some drama going on bc Paps is uuh, addicted to drugs and uuh..y'know, so they're in a complicated situation. Also Paps is like a cupid and goes around the multiverse making couples, i guess... it rarely happens tho.
Mtt runs a Quiz show (hooray!) that broadcasts for the whole multiverse, a lot of other people also participate on it, the most current wuest is Paps.
Grillby had christian parents and he has this whole arc of "bro let me live my life sucking dicks", it's awesome. He's like the song Collared by Vane lily
Alphys and Undyne don't got THAT many things going kn, just.. just being happy lesbians, and that stuff of homophobia
Alphys has the main lore of F.U.L, Luster a.k.a Gaster is sort of an asshole and does a lot of s/a, and uuuh she's his main victim, this also complements mtt's lore, he's been created specifically for Luster, for... y'know, Alphys scape... god this is awful lets move on.
Undyne is also like a popstar thing, y'know verosika from helluva boss? That's her, but nicer.
All of the characters has at least an level of hypersexuality
The FUL cast needs to use masks and have all of the preventions against an contagious thingy (like that 2019 virus) when they're in contact with other universes. it'll be explained furthermore...
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The dreemurrs, omg, i like them ngl, specially Toriel, she just deserves love, man.
Alright... uh.. Frisk and Rosie (btw just notice i wrote flowey instead of Rosie, i'm so sorryakbdksjakak)... i mean, they exist that's for sure, in FUL Frisk sacrifices himself to free the monsters, i mean.. Asriel isn't here to save the day... but Hopeful ("Dream Sans") saved everyone aren't they the best?
Asgore is an interesting one, he's also addicted to drugs like Paps, but i have to say, this drug monsters from FUL takes are something else, it's the cause of everything. But i'll explain it furthermore.
Also, Asgore is sort of a religious guy, yup! You read me right. The first human brought a bible with him, and oh god he believed it, i mean i can guess he already was a religious guy before the war but now he's THE religious.
^^^(Btw I'm not blaming all christians or believers of another religion, it's just a stereotypical character, i'm using bad believers as character/example not good believers)
Asgore participates from that school i mentioned in the underfell post, i don't remember the name, but yeah.
Btw Frisk, Rosie and Toriel are a happy family! Instead of Frisk wanting to leave he just stayed with Toriel, oh wait i need to let this clear they're like mother and son okay don't get things wrong hold on. Oh yeah Frisk still has no gender but... i mean he just wants to be called as he/him that's all
Frisk is slightly affected by the Lust contagious thing, that's why he has fat thighs and some large upper format.... sorry. I tried to make him have both of genders characteristics.
Attention. Asshole characters ahead
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Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh, i don't like them at all, but they're the main villain and all of that shit so they're important.
Alright.. uuh, y'know Underlust reinmaniged by @/zirkkun Lust Syrup? Now imagine it 10x worst. Yup, that's what this human's soul is composed of, it doesn't have a name so just call it substance.
Basically the substance multiplies itself (it's almost alive) and smelling, entering in contact or digest it could infect you and alterate you completly, and also give you human traits like 5 fingers, yup, i have this headcanon where monsters has 4 fingers and humans has 5, just a way of differentiate the both species more
And Gaster... uuuh, he fell for the human's temptations and he's like..... theirs.... pet, i guess..??? But i mean, i like to think gaster is still not innocent, being too close to the literal font of the Lust would change him to be eventually what he is now
Don't worry they're in prision, forever... i Hope
Underlust by: @/nsfwshamecave-pb
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chocowhomps · 2 years
Hi there, I found your Blog a few days ago & fell in love with the Keveddy Posts,
Anyway I wanted 2 ask, How did Kevin & Eddy’s react when they told them they were a couple & if they’re parents were supportive or not?
AWWW HI THERE!!! I'm so so glad u like them! Keveddy is very important to me and ive put a lot of thought into their relationship so I've totally thought of this
Kevin's relationship with his parents is excessively strained for various reasons. So while theyre more or less "supportive" it's better described as their reaction being "neutral". They are very inactive participants in Kevin's life and Kevin basically had to parent himself when he was very young in my take (part of why he is so aggressive/defensive, is usually seen doing very intense chores potentially dangerous for a kid his age esp unsupervised, and has things like sweets entirely locked away from him as punishment for misbehaving BC they aren't there to enforce rules in person.)
They more or less shrug and say oh that's nice. But sometimes don't really even acknowledge it. They have this same vibe towards Kevin's gender as a trans boy, so he isn't really that surprised despite it rly hurting his feelings.
Eddy's parents on the other hand are INSANELY supportive. Like SO supportive like ECSTATICALLY supportive. Eddy's dad is a gruff guy who's loud and rough around the edges and Eddy's mom is a loud, sassy chatterbox who can be somewhat catty at times. Eddy's mom is very Intune with her sons emotions (Eddy's a ginormous momma's boy and was spoiled to hell and back as a kid which is why he's like that personality wise mixed with his issues w his brother) so she knew before they got together that eddy liked him.
Kevin's and eddy hung out alone at his place a lot and she was just so excited to herself over how cute they were in her eyes just waiting for one of them to ask the other out. So when they tell Eddy's parents she jumps up and squeals like "OH THnk GAWDD FINALLYYYY! MY BABYS FIRST LIL BOYFRIEND OHHH" embarassing the hell out of Eddy to the point he becomes a tomato.
Eddys dad takes the calmer approach but he's kinda Y'know so hes the type to be like "calm down woman I'm trying to eat my supper" and she and him lightly bicker BC they're that kinda couple. But he expresses his genuine approval which means a lot to Eddy BC his father always read as hard to approach. So it really hits him hard how genuine he expresses himself for once to show he fully is happy. Kevin feels this way too and it means a lot to him to have a guy like Eddy's dad call him a "good man".
And Kevin's just happy to be so accepted by them and immediately be considered family.
Eddy's dads also full of it BC it doesn't take him long to call Kevin "son" as well BC both he AND his wife are insanely giving people. Theyre very well off for what they do and Eddy's dad more or less let's Kevin buy his car from his dealership for dirt purely BC "anything for my future son in law" which sends Eddy into a spiral BC "DAD!!!!! DONT SAY THAT!!!!!" and Kevin's just giddily twiddling his thumbs heheheheh
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edenfalling · 6 months
Fifteen Questions for Fifteen Friends
Tagged by @thatgirlnevershutsup
are you named after anyone? Nope! My parents specifically went out of their way to avoid giving either child a family name (though in Nick's case that was only managed via creative spelling). They did wind up making some classical mythology references, but I think that was accidental rather than a deliberate theme. I am also not named after a celebrity despite what A LOT OF PEOPLE assumed when I was a child. (*)
when was the last time you cried? I dunno. I don't tend to cry dramatically, but a handful of tears at an emotional moment isn't surprising.
do you have kids? Nope.
what sports do you play/have played? I played soccer in high school (badly). I also took years of swimming and gymnastics lessons, though I never competed in either activity. I was bad at gymnastics, but I probably could have done pretty well on a swim team. (I talked my swim coaches into letting me be an assistant teacher for pre-schoolers instead of swimming competitively, which I think was much better for my mental health.)
do you use sarcasm? When it feels appropriate.
what is the first thing you notice about people? ...Probably their height, if we meet in person? Or vocal pitch/timbre. Typing style if we meet online.
what's your eye colour? Brown :)
scary movies or happy endings? This is a false dichotomy and I refuse to engage with it.
any talents? I used to be a good singer and a good enough oboist that I took private lessons for a couple years, but I am woefully out of practice. I think I write pretty well too, but I haven't been doing that much for a few years either.
where were you born? New Jersey. You wanna make something of it?
what are your hobbies? Reading, writing, miscellaneous art stuff (lately cross-stitch and paint-by-numbers projects). I keep a bunch of houseplants, and occasionally dabble in outdoor container gardening. Currently I'm into the NY Times crossword and their Spelling Bee game, as well as virtual mahjong solitaire, but which particular puzzles/games I am into varies with time.
do you have any pets? Tragically, no, but someday I will have a dog! ...Or perhaps a cat, if I can get some allergy shots and buy one from a less allergenic breed. Or maybe some fish, or a snake, or... look, I enjoy animals. I just don't currently have enough free time to adequately meet the physical and emotional needs of a dog, and other pets would require more prep work.
Houseplants require much less investment.
how tall are you? 5'3"
favourite subject in school? Y'know, I actually liked all of my classes? At least when the teachers weren't complete wastes of space, and even in those cases I generally still enjoyed the subject. I like learning things. The world is absolutely fascinating -- who doesn't want to know more about it?
I think if you'd asked me around age 16-22, I would have said chemistry, but it's harder to keep up with chemistry when you're not actively in the field so my most enduring interest is probably history. (If you'd asked me at age 6-15 I am pretty certain I would have said math. I still do love math, but again, harder to keep up with when you're not actively in the field.)
dream job? I'm pretty happy with my current job(s), but if they paid twice as much I sure wouldn't say no!
I tag: @wordsforrain, @longroadstonowhere, @ickaimp,@violsva, @asukaskerian, @curlicuecal, @branch-and-root, and anyone else who wants to participate. (*)This will be less confusing if you remember that Elizabeth is my middle name, not my legal first name.
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May I have a ship 🔮 for MCU? Preferably male, thank you 💞
I'm 19, Southeast Asian with Spanish descent, Libra, ENFJ-A/ENFJ-T, Neutral Good, Ravenclaw, and a Bi Pan Genderfluid girl using the pronouns She/Her or He/Him with Cherubic-like face. A friend of mine told me that I (kinda) look like Marinette from 𝗠𝗶𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘂𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗟𝗮𝗱𝘆𝗯𝘂𝗴, Musa from 𝗪𝗶𝗻𝘅 𝗖𝗹𝘂𝗯, and Alexandra Trese from 𝗧𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲 (a Netflix animated series), but the exception is I'm short (5'1.2") plus sized Southeast Asian woman with Spanish descent that has messy/wavy brunette medium hair, chocolate brown eyes, oriental skin and a small beauty mark on the forehead. My sense of fashion is in between emo and boyish plus korean glam.
Distant, quiet, and shy at first cause' I dunno how to initiate a conversation, but a total opposite if I open up---friendly, ambivert, witty, laughing loudly on a daily basis, talkative, eats a lot, awkward, daydreamer (I got embarrassed from knocking at the door even I'm inside the classroom 😂), EXTREMELY CLUMSY (mostly tends to get bruises from bumping and being careless to my belongings), secretly likes affection, easily overwhelmed, prone to melt over wholesomeness, flusters on compliments, lightly blushes on cheesy banters, eager to share what I know (especially about Catholic Church---my past teacher joked that I'll become a saint because of it 🤣), oftenly speaks full of sarcasm with a lowkey crackhead energy citing meme references, and talented girl who can be your no.1 supporter and unashamed to be true to myself. In terms of leadership, I only educate and guide than being a prefect (I might take the role seriously), will lift my group when there's lacking/incompleteness. About doing projects in school, I become too extra and prepared for efforts, but I'll forget the process in the end.
People thought I'm a demure self-effacing woman that looks "immaculate" or "one of a kind," (due to my protective parents, a reason why I've never been in a relationship) but the truth is, I'm eloquent, warm-hearted, willig to help, kind, intelligent, supportive, nice, creative, enthusiastic, laid-back, determined, tough, competitive, and feisty outside, but a real softie that can be childish and dramatic that cries so easily (but will enlightened real quick by smallest things that makes me smile) filled with doubts, frustrations, and insecurities with fear of failure that pushes off the limits to to please everyone because they might get dissappointed from expectations, yet I still managed to be stronger than ever, even it's a slow burn process. I can be intimidating, sassy, and a douchebag if I receive ends. Immature, headstrong, perfectionist, demanding, hesitant, jumpy, very indecisive, overthinker, quick-tempered, sensitive, and anxious (no joke, my nervousness makes me think worse scenario will arrive). Though can be procrastinator and arrogant, I raised as a religious 𝖺𝗇𝖽 diplomatic person, willing to fight what I believe (including my dreams and what's important to me) and what is right. In addition, I have a habit of staying up late and doing sign of the cross to ease nervousness.
Blunt but the loudest idiotic feeling-brokenhearted and bitter friend in the group who fangirl a lot, swears like sailor, will call out on people that we loathe, will crack up over your stupid antics before helping, vent out everything I despise (having a bad day, toxicity, poorly written soap operas, how am unlucky when it comes to love life) and bring gossips, but a hopeless romantic who tends to banter with sarcasms or pick up lines as an endearment (but gets grumpy if I received sappy or offensive one), Still generous and concerned person in a subtle way.
My hobbies are singing, drawing, roleplaying, listening to music, chatting/browsing on social media, conceptualizing, writing, and reading some stuffs. I'll include making corniest jokes/puns, sleeping, and dancing when nobody's around or walking like a model if I feel so bold (even I'm terrible at both xD). I also used to learn Italian language a bit. Lastly, my best assets are smile, eyes, personality, singing voice, artistic skills, writings, intelligence, and oratorical skills...so I can consider myself as a singer, artist, orator, and a top student who's a former campus ministry member (choir member, psalm singer, and reader) and in coming college freshman. Currently learning how to cook and have so many interests, to the point I don't know what I'm into because of my dreams to become a popular Filipino YouTuber, a novelist, and being part of a successful chorale...I also consider joining pageants too once the pandemic ends, but maybe.
Hi! Sorry this took so long for me to answer I've been busy all day. Thank you though!
🔮- Tell me about yourself and I'll give your a boyfriend/girlfriend (specify sexuality and fandom)
Okay, marvel Boyfriend. Easy Pietro Maximoff. I mean if he didn't y'know💀. Okay, but on a serious note, if you are about to fall or anything since you are clumsy he helps you and like saves you from the fall. Also, I'm clumsy, and if you're like me, you probably drop your phone too. (I saw you said you're careless with your belongings) he totally catches it every time. And jokingly scolds you for it. He loves your jokes corny as they may be, he's totally walked in on you dancing, and acting like a model he loves it and starts dancing with, since you like music he shows you sokovian music all the time. He'll support you in all your dreams as a man should! He's learning to cook with you cause he wants to spend extra time with you. He's terrible at it but nonetheless.
Okay It's 3am good night. Thank you for participating in my sleepover!
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ducklingdraws · 5 years
My Idea for a Scooby-Doo! Reboot
So a while back, after noticing that Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated was on Spectrum On Demand, I decided, "Hey, I'm gonna rewatch this show." I don't know why I did it, because I rarely ever rewatch shows. I'll watch reruns, but never have I actually decided to rewatch a television series. But, I did it for Scooby-Doo.
And frankly, I had forgotten how good the show was. It's honestly really dark, while also being absolutely hilarious; and in its humor, the show actually does really unique things with the Scooby-Doo gang, with the biggest example being this show's version of Fred Jones. It's wild. But in my opinion, the thing that really makes this show what it is...
...is its story. I feel like the story and characters are fuel for this show in a way that feels different from other shows, somehow. I don't really get it, but that's the way I see it.
So, seeing as there's all these serialized cartoon series nowadays, and Scooby-Doo is always getting rebooted in one way or another, I figured... what if I rebooted Scooby? If I had the opportunity to reboot Scooby-Doo and the only Warner Bros requirement was "just make it," what would I do with it?
Without further ado, this is To the Future, Scooby-Doo!
First up: The Premise
To kick things off, I'll discuss how the show is set up. This version of Scooby-Doo is set in the future. Technology has become more holographic and stuff like in the movies, but fashion hasn't evolved to be nothing but latex bodysuits yet. Flying cars are real but not very widely used, and clothes can tell the time.
On the biological side of things, prosthetics are holographic as well, and incredibly easy to attach. It's almost like having your original limb. Food is healthier while also being more environmentally friendly, and animals have been genetically modified for a very long time. They have been allowed to mate, which has eventually lead to many domesticated animals being able to speak!
The main setting is a large port town known as Port Intrigue, where all sorts of goods are traded, and many people lead peaceful lives. It's a nice place, and a lot of the economy is structured around it. There are other important trade cities like it, but Port Intrigue may be the most powerful.
It's also probably the weirdest, because in true Scooby-Doo fashion, no one can just "be a criminal." Heck no! Where's the fun in that?? If you're gonna try and get money through illegal fear tactics, you've gotta do it in style!!
And for some reason or another, the police get a little help with solving a lot of the more, uh... colorful mysteries. Help from a group of kids attending Intrigue High...
Next up: The Scooby Gang!
So here's the big part! All of my redesigns of the classic gang! Let's kick it off with:
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So this version of Fred is definitely toned back from various recent versions of Scooby-Doo, particularly the DVD movies and Mystery Incorporated. He's a lot more laid back, and has a sort of "cool guy" persona.
One day a long time ago, his parents, 2 great scientists, didn't pick him up from school, and apparently they mysteriously disappeared. So since then he's been living with Shaggy. At Intrigue High, he is in the theater program as a Tech, so he's good with pulleys and ropes and other various behind-the-scenes theater things, which makes him really good at making weird Rube Goldbergs - and traps, whenever the need arises. But when would Fred ever need to build a trap?
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...Y'all can excuse the scribbles in the lower corner, right?
Anyway, this version of Shaggy is just as uptight as he always is, but instead of that only being attributed to mystery solving and creepy ghoulies, it's evolved into some much, much greater!!!
He's the mom friend now.
Y'know, telling everyone to watch their eating habits and be careful of opening soda cans because so help me if you scratch yourself...!
Long time ago he lost his arm so now he has one of those cool prosthetics. The trauma of losing it though has made him extra cautious, and a bit of a scaredy cat. Of course, he's willing to do whatever it takes for his friends, just like the Shaggy we all know!
He still likes to eat and is a bit of an amateur chef, participating in the culinary club at Intrigue High.
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This is my rendition of Velma Dinkley. She's still the smartest one of the group, and good at technology, but is also a boxer! She's not just strong, but also strong willed!
The Dinkley's have a long, long history of scientific endeavors, and Velma's father is a great scientist as well! Though really, it's more of a hobby for him.
Velma lives with her younger sister Madelyn (who some of you might remember from Abracadabra-Doo) and her father, Victor.
This Velma is snarky, yet quirky. She's got a real go-getter mentality, which everyone can't help but to respect.
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Daphne Blake is a bit of a softie. She was never very forward with making friends, but developed a clique of her own with Fred, Shaggy, Scooby and Velma.
Her house used to be the gang's main hang out spot, but after the kids moved on to high school, they haven't been over to her house at all.
Daphne likes to draw, and really wants to be a fashion designer. In fact, she's a part of Intrigue High's costume design team for the theater program!
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Scooby-Doo has been part of the Rogers family ever since he was a puppy, and Shaggy was a little kid. The two have been basically inseparable their whole lives, with Scooby even attending school with everyone else.
He likes belly rubs, scratches behind the ear, and food. So in other words, he's the same Scooby we all know and love! Still fearful, but dedicated to his friends, including...
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Shaggy and Scooby may have been buds since they were little kids, but before Shaggy, Scooby had Measles.
Since they're both GMO animals, they both have the ability to speak human language, which they would use to try and get food. Eventually, Measles was able to get Scooby into a good home with the Rogers family. Unfortunately, Mr and Mrs Rogers couldn't afford to take care of Shaggy, Fred, a dog, and a cat, but Measles promised to visit Scooby whenever she could, or that they'd at least see each other around. And she's kept that promise! Even to this day, the gang will sometimes find her in random locations, like... the Theater Program's costume box?
Measles has a lackadaisical, yet somewhat snarky personality, but definitely cares for her friends. It just may take a while to show it.
Last up: Everything Else
Uh, hm. I guess this is the generalization of the show.
Well, it's a giant celebration of Scooby-Doo. The gang wears different outfits, rarely wearing the same one in consecutive episodes. And each outfit would be pulled from a previous Scooby series (yes, including *shivers*... Get a Clue).
Also, other characters from previous series and Scooby media are not only in the show, but play decently sized rolls. For example, I already mentioned Madelyn Dinkley, but there's also Red Herring from A Pup Named Scooby-Doo, or Mayor Nettles and Sherriff Bronson Stone from Mystery Incorporated (they're married from the start this time!). Even the dreaded Scrappy Doo makes his return at (what I imagine to be) the start of Season 2, hopefully to redeem himself and not be relegated to a tired joke about "lol Scrappee sux XD"
Flim-Flam is back too, but is rebranded as Frida McScam, the fast talking troublemaking free spirited girl who takes everybody's crap and spins it in her favor (and also might be psychic).
Scooby's family tree is mentioned, and his parents even have a major role in Season 1.
Just a whole lot of Scooby-Doo trivia and stuff. Stuff that I imagine the people working on the show would be way, way better at remembering and putting to use than I am!
As for the overarching plot?
Well, what futuristic setting would be complete without aliens? I imagine the aliens would be a race of owl creatures known as the Willawaw (another Scooby reference because I hope this show is FULL OF THEM). Basically, these aliens are the bad guys, both in the show proper, and in a lot of the show's backstory. They're like myth villains, or greater scope villains, or something.
I was even thinking like, when the gang ends up running, rather than using a recyclable run cycle from a side view, everyone could have brand new running animations, like to distinguish them all as unique. Although I guess that's what the running cycles were... but the chase scenes are a lot like Mystery Inc, where they were a lot more action packed. It could be great! And of course, everyone would use the classic running style at some point throughout the show, because that seems to be tradition for Scooby-Doo.
This was a really big post! But if you read all of it, thanks a million! I hope you liked the small amount of art within, or just the idea in general! Maybe I'll even draw my reimagined takes on the other characters some day. But for now, I'll leave at this.
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IF you're still doing the ship meme, y'know i'm weak for anthony/ginny winks i mean what
    send me a ship & I’ll break them DOWN        
How did they they meet? In school on the Isle as kids in the Selfishness 101, very romantic.
Who developed romantic feelings first? Definitely Ginny. Dumbass Anthony was hung up on someone else for quite a while.
Who is their biggest “shipper?” Harriet? Ginny doesn’t count.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances? I see it being at a party during Spin The Bottle honestly.
Who confessed their feelings first? Ginny surprisingly.
What was their first official date? Anthony set up dinner in his family’s shop.
How do they feel about double dates/group dates? Anthony says NO NO NO. But Ginny is okay with double/group dates. Are there even other couples to have them double date with?
What do they do in their down time? I lowkey just see them sitting around while she plays with his hair.
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like? I feel like Gothel was a lot more against it. Anastasia definitely isn’t the type to dictate who her kids date (if she was, she’d be repeating her mother’s mistake and if Ana had listened to Lady Tremaine - she wouldn’t have met her true love) but it was surprisingly okay.
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it? It’s over her coffee order. They just chill out and move on. It wasn’t a big fight.
Which one is more easily made jealous? GINNY GOTHEL.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat? Whatever. They eat garbage y’all.
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position? Ginny is the cuddly one.  And there cuddling is usually like this.
Are they hand holders? Not really. He’s a giant and she’s like 3 feet tall, holding hands is awkward.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances? They wait until Ginny initiates it. Anthony is a hoe so it’s not his first time. But he also wants it to be special for her. The timing is never right until they have a random alone moment and Ginny is like “Let’s do this.”
Who tops? Anthony.
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into? It was either over how he doesn’t like Maddy and doesn’t want to participate in her ridiculous schemes or how Anthony still had feelings for Evie (or Mal, it depends.)
Who does the shopping and the cooking? Probably Anthony? He does all Ginny’s dirty work lol I figure that would include
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness? Anthony. He stress cleans and the boy is always stressed so..
Who proposes? harriet does it for them tbh.
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate? Separate. Ginny goes with Maddy & Harriet and Anthony goes with the G.Twins, much to his annoyance.
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids? Harriet is the maid of honor. Anthony probably has a best maid instead of a best man and it’s one of his sisters.
Big Ceremony or Small? Small.
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where? No honeymoon but the rest of the evil five + harriet agree to leave them alone for a week.
Do they have children? How many? They end up having one son.
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saotome-michi · 8 years
I'm someone who agrees with your opinion on yoi completely! A lot of my friends are big fans so I don't really have anyone to discuss my issues of representation with seriously, so I'm happy to have found your blog!!! Also, what are your opinions on Flip Flappers and their LGBT representation?
Hello! Sorry for the late reply, wanted to finish watching Flip Flappers before I answered your ask ;) also I’m glad you’re enjoying my blog and yoi criticism posts!
I’m not 100% sure what you mean by your question though. Are you asking whether I think Flip Flappers is LGBT rep? Or are you asking about how I think Flip Flappers depicts Papika/Cocona’s relationship?
If its the former, I’ve talked about how anime is a gray area when it comes to lgbt representation. Particularly shinya anime. It’s just not on the same scale as tv dramas or mainstream movies or books (that are not marketed as BL or GL). So while there are probably Japanese wlws who love Cocona and Papika’s story to most Japanese ppl it just doesn’t really “register” as LGBT representation, y'know? Especially since Yuri at this point is a well-established genre.
You can kind of see that in this interview with the Flip Flappers Director, Oshiyama Kiyotaka (https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/5m1p17/an_interview_with_flip_flappers_director_kiyotaka/) Note the way he talks about yuri, as something “viewers nowadays find easy to hook into” with its own rules and conventions that one shouldn’t break.
If it’s the latter that you’re asking about however, I can talk about Papika/Cocona and yuri references. I recommend that you first read a post I made on yuri media recently, including the article that I link to in that post.
Post: ( http://saotome-michi.tumblr.com/post/157599879119/i-got-these-two-similar-asks-so-i-thought-id)
Finished reading? Cool, let’s move on to Flip Flappers.
Flip Flappers is a moe anime with really obvious yuri themes and references for yuri fans. The setting has no boys who are Cocona’s age and few important male characters,and the Papika/Cocona relationship is sprinkled with romantic undertones.
The main theme in the anime is Cocona’s fear of making her own decisions and failing. For example, Episode 3 with the desert land has Cocona running into a goddess(?) who just oozes the ero sadomasochist yuri archetype. Her interactions with Cocona warn us of Cocona’s desire to submit. Not sexually, but just submit in every way possible by letting someone else take the reins and make the decisions for her, which foreshadows what Mimi does towards the end of the series. Similarly, Episode 5, which is chock full of Class S Yuri references, from the all girls school to the constant lily imagery, has Cocona and Papika fall into a loop where they become passive participants in the dimension.
Ep 7 is the fan-favorite episode for Papika/Cocona. I’ve seen meta posts here on tumblr saying that its about Cocona struggling to leave the closet which was ?? to me tbh. I can understand why people interpret it that way, but to me this episode was strictly about Cocona’s lack of confidence in herself and her relationship with Papika, placed in the format of a dating sim/otome game. At the beginning of the episode, Cocona is scared that her actions in PI have caused Iroha senpai to change. This causes her to lack faith in herself and Cocona, which is why the PI in this episode is a world that doesn’t change, where Cocona and the different Papikas can do whatever without fearing the consequences of their actions. However, after spending time with the different Papikas, Cocona realizes that such a world is not worth it. She’d rather stride forward, knowing Papika will always catch her, and live with the consequences.
Sidenote: You know that nail clippers scene in ep 7 that ppl on reddit/tumblr were saying was a sign of lesbianism? I actually thought of the Japanese horror legend thing that goes “Don’t cut your nails at night otherwise your parents will die and you’ll never see them again” especially with the creepy Papika in the scene (btw this legend freaked me out as a kid I never clipped my nails at night) Thought it was a hint that Salt was Cocona’s dad. But as it turns out, they literally just put the nail clippers there for fun lmao. No deep meaning to it at all, they just brainstormed what could be in the desk and someone suggested nail clippers and that was apparently the most interesting idea they had. Source: https://mobile.twitter.com/315ByFFK/status/819949388134957060
I’m not denying that a part of Cocona’s journey is acknowledging her ~sexuality~ but I disagree with those who focus solely on that. On a more basic level it’s about Cocona finding the courage to make her own decisions and Papika helping her do that, by assuring her she’s not alone and by pointing out the ways their world is fun. Hence why the PI at the very end of ep 13 is a dull, drab world- because Cocona thinks that its a world without Papika.
But now that I’ve finally finished Flip Flappers I’m wondering if there’s PapiCoco fic that actually acknowledges that Papika is mentally around 18 years older than Cocona and is besties with her parents. Where is that fic, I would like to read it.
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