#i wanted to draw dave strider idk man
slavhew · 6 months
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turnstechgodhead · 8 months
pls draw sis strider.. pls i need to see her in your style. especially with how yummy your design for bro is.. i gotta see her 🙏 i love her /p
also maybe gamzee if ur feeling silly like that. love the clown man too
i dont really like doing cisbends but just for you bc you asked nicely + i do like a fucked up women
im also assuming you meant beta sis but theres some alpha sis in there too.
because i. Hrmg. . business womin Boob.
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i feel like if dave was a woman (and wasn't dealing with beta sis raising her) she'd really lean into being a badass bombshell bitch (but ultimately be the same. still directs sbahj)
meanwhile woman dirk is like . The exact same. sis dirk even buys the same fucking shirts. they dont fit as well bc of the boob.
but it'd give dirk some issues post-scratch i think. she'd be trying to style herself after her Sis but that's just. too much. her hair isn't the same texture as her Sis'
Hmmm... i do want to draw gamzee though... he is kinda interesting but this clearly turned into another striders post. sorry. maybe later.
i Honestly am seriously thinking dirk would still just be named dirk. But. idk. dior is an option. dess? desa?
i think dave would be dana. i like the idea of cismale!rose calling her danielle (when her name is just dana, like david-dave)
also just in case, for everyone else: PLEASE dont ask me to draw any cisbend/genderbend characters aside from the striders and maybe the lalondes. im not a huge fan of it
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skeletood · 5 months
PLEASE please please tell us all about your thoughts regarding davesprite. it does NOT HAVE TO BE COHERENT!!
I mean, it's nothing insane or hasn't already been said before. but god damn the knight making the ultimate sacrafice thing and then it never going appreciated fucks me up. plus it's fucking dave so the dude already spent his life under appreciated so this kid cant catch a fucking break. somebody i was talking to the other day said something about the guardian angel going thankless ? yeah dude imagine doing that when ur 13 and just want yourself and your only friends to live. fucks me right up dude dave is such a good fucking person to his core.
SO FUCKING MAD HE DIDN'T GET LIKE. Idk man i felt like he was actually getting set up for a lot more. like yknow, the dude that had to give up everything for the alpha timeline to keep going? he just gets shit on by his best friend for three years, explodes sometimes and then idk fuckin turned into a cat girl? THAT'S how you one let one of the most important daves to go out?? man... ok i guess..... i guess it is something of a reminder of like. the futility and how little the dead players mean to the alpha timeline. like, you were important but you're still just some stepping stone and i cant even imagine how hard that is for the dude who already doubted he could he anything great or heroic. FUCKING DAVES NOT THINKING THEYRE HEROIC AND THEN SACRAFICING THEMSELVES HEROICALLY. I want you dead dave strider im coming to your fucking house to get you man. i love this stupid kid. like most of davesprites reactions are so fucking normal for a kid that's lashing out or throwing a tantrum. and dude deserves to oh my god. not saying that hes infallible but like! he's a person still! and he has big emotions! why cant anybody but jade see the big emotions in this boy :( i mean i get it they technically both share the commonality of being a sprite at some point, in jades case. ok if i keep going down this thought path im its going to turn into a me shaking john around for being the kind of dude he is. which is like. i love him. but holy shit man.
actually. yknow what im one of the johndave guys. this extends itself to johndavesprite. i gotta put the insane ramblings i had in here too. fuck you im taking it as an excuse to talk about john psychology too and you CAN'T STOP ME.
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so yeah theres that. apolocheese for the itty bittiest fuckin text ever.
in conclusion, davesprite rules, and john drools because hes dumb. i love him! but hes so special and especially stupid. BUT YEAH DAVESPRITE HES SO COOL. and fuckin fun to draw too actually i have some art to post i'll do that here in a sec
BUT YEAH THANKS FOR THE ASKING OF MY THOUGHTS. glad i dont have to be coherent either, shockingly enough its not really my style lmao. hope any of this made any sense o7
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harley-style · 4 years
Dream = Wilbur : Dream comes into the server to help these two kids who are trying to stir shit up -- why not, right? He's got a fondness for chaos but also very protective and caring over his friends. VERY FOND OF TUBBO. To the point of.. well, brotherhood. Wilbur = Dream : He had a vision, to create a place where people could emancipate -- he's not above being the bad guy to keep that ideal in place. He's charming and self-confident and isn't afraid to use blackmail or get all up in your business. Has dirt on everyone but Dream. Constantly threatens secrets but subtle, yanno? Again, very charming, very persuasive.
Tubbo = Tommy : Still very sweet, but Big Crime often comes out to play more often than not. Also a huge trouble magnet, tried to start a...Honey smuggling empire? For some fucking reason, despite its innocent sounding plan, is a threat to Wilbur's land but no one has any idea why. Tommy = Tubbo : Tommy has an innate fucking fixation on music discs. He's got Cat and Mellohi personally. He dreams of starting up a music cafe/music area...? He and Dream get along swimmingly, Dream actually gifts Tommy a few music discs too, but also pins Tommy with the name discount Dave Strider.
Fundy = Eret : Was convinced earlier on by Wilbur to continue his 'legacy' and ideals. Fundy further grows into a neutral party, doing things only when it benefits him. Is the traitor from the first war. Eret = Fundy : Gets far too involved with stuff and the only way out is if he wiggles through the restraints on him. Yes that's metaphorical.
JSchlatt = Technoblade : Assists through uses of contracts and business deals. Like, hello, Tubbo's Honey smuggling business? He and Dream make an agreement, he supplies Dream and Tubbo with shit, and Dream does favors for Schlatt. Technoblade = Jschlatt : Anarchy lmfao. Was actually brought on by Wilbur in secret. Acted as a benefactor for Dream before turning around and causing chaos in the land Dream Tubbo and Tommy built. Blood for the blood god, only the strongest gets to the top kind of government. There's always fucking pitfights. Oops.
Philza = Callahan : Largely uninvolved in the events, mostly just there to supervise Wilbur, Tommy and Techno. Duh. Callahan = Philza : Has personal history with Dream, tries to convince him not to do the thing that could hurt everyone else. Minimally succeeds.
Alyssa = Niki : Ready to defend her home and her family. Niki = Alyssa : Neutral, but ready to back Wilbur up if need be.
Sapnap = Bad : Arsonist, goes around and burns shit whenever he wants to. His base is a Nether inspired fortress. Also, he has to deal with a Nether problem in reference to the Red Vine problem from the original SMP. Hotlands? LMFAO Bad = Sapnap : Helps when asked. Started out on Wilbur's side, as a favor, but slowly shifts neutral due to the conflict between factions.
Karl = Skeppy : Gets held hostage? That's what preoccupies Sapnap's time. He suddenly disappeears or gets trapped in a cell. Skeppy = Karl : Runs around doing supply runs. Gets his friends into various stints to try and settle the conflict through friendly rivalry and competition. It doesn't always work.
George = Ranboo : Unlike original Ranboo, George is highly unsympathetic and needs concrete fucking facts before he acts, and that kind of backfires on him in the end. As a favor to Dream (how many favors is Dream involved in honestly) he runs messages back and forth from Tubbo to Tommy. Ranboo = George : Largely uninvolved in the conflict, like Niki, but unlike OG George, is not absent. He's just there to assist. One of the most innocent and purest people on the SMP, knows when to keep his head down. When his house burns down, he doesn't really believe its Tubbo who did it -- he knows the kid has been framed because he'd been WITH him at the time, but Wilbur pressures him to admit it.
Quackity = Punz : Wilbur's loyal paid henchman. Quackity will cause shit for the appropriate price, he's not exceptionally picky. That stunt he did as Mexican Dream was great and everyone in L'Manberg loved it. Punz = Quackity : One of the best fighters under Techno. Has more morals, but keeps them secretly. Very good at hiding his true intentions/feelings.
(sorry about the other characters not being on here, i dont know them enough to make swaps, or dont know who they'd make a good swap with. Swap who you wanna swap though! i'd like to hear your take on this matter! HEADCANONS ACCEPTED TOO AT THIS POINT EVERYTHING HERE IS FROM WHAT I REMEMBER AND MY HEADCANONS)
-Wilbur starts the SMP with Niki, slowly invites others like Ranboo, Tommy, and Tubbo.
-Tubbo expresses a desire to Fuck Shit Up and Tommy says they can get Dream, he's an expert at getting away.
-Dream is extremely protective of them both. Tubbo more than Tommy but that's fine because Tommy is largely independent.
-Tubbo gets in the weirdest shit but Tommy can roll with the punches really quickly.
-Wilbur gets tired of their crap and burns down Tubbo's establishment. It's like the Disc Wars except it's the Great Honey War. Bee War? Basically he's tired of Tubbo hogging all the Honey related expenditures.
-Dream gets the idea to make a honey smuggling empire, as a joke, but Tubbo is Big Crime and he's going with it. Tommy just wants chaos, and he was getting bored tbh.
-Eventually the Honey thing turns into Resource management, so Tubbo Dream and Tommy have a hold on all major supplies
-Shit happens and Dream, Tubbo, Tommy, Eret, Sam, Fundy and Alyssa establish an independent nation. Dunno what to call it bc the server is called the L'manberg SMP so....
-The fight for indepencence still happens. Instead of 'Green boy' Wilbur is named 'E-boy'. Dream still says "WE HAVE NO MERCY FOR YOU" when Wil calls for a ceasefire negotiation, but Wilbur does threaten the nation saying  "If there is no white flag by tomorrow, then you can kiss your sorry little arses good bye. That's my final warning."
-Turns out Fundy's been secretly funneling information to Wilbur in exchange for the safety of his friends, and also because Wilbur's his dad....uhm. Also! He and Dream are circling each other and others are like "OH MY GOD YOU GUYS ARE DEAD RINGERS FOR QUEERPLATONIC MATES JUST MARRY ALREADY" bc I like FundyWasTaken but others might not and its okay, we'll label it as platonic, but can be read otherwise depending on your tastes. But for this, it's very close platonic.
-Wilbur goads Tommy into a fight, as brothers do, but Tubbo steps in and Wilbur fucking jumps at the chance.
-This is the start of Dream's descent into madness. No one fucking threatens or pulls one of his friends like that. Denied. It's still subtle though, so he's okay for now.
-Tubbo and Wilbur face off. When Tubbo pulls back bc he genuinely doesn't want to hurt anyone, Wilbur takes the chance and beats him.
-Tubbo, however, makes a deal. Let their nation stand on its own, and he'll give up the Resource Empire he started. Wilbur accepts, with the condition that they unify their alliance with a...marriage? So basically, political marriage between Wilbur's heir, Fundy, and Dream, the leader of the revolution.
-They're strained at first, but Dream and Fundy slowly mend their relationship post-betrayal.
-Fast forward a few months later. The Nation doesn't really have a leader, as per the agreement, but it does have a representative. All decisions are made via majority votes, and that decision is voiced by the rep and sub-rep, Dream and Tubbo respectively. Tommy's just there to have a good time and causes chaos as per usual.
-Enter Technoblade. He's been called in by Wilbur to...ah. Dismantle a little...nation. Sounds right up his alley. But he asks Wilbur to wait and see what happens.
-Tommy and Dream get the idea to hold a tournament to celebrate their independence, an all out brawl for everyone to kick back and relieve stress. There. That's where Techno comes in.
-He gets Punz to join him after like, being paid (ofc) and they fucking dominate the tournament. Dream's about to congratulate them but Techno turns the fuck around and declares his right to rule the nation. If anyone wants to fight him for the title, they're welcome to try.
-Dream loses another life to Techno trying and failing to fight it. He and a few others lost their first life sometime elsewhere? I guess? Probably by being blown up by Wilbur, idk.
-Tubbo and Dream are chased out by people who reluctantly follow Techno's orders, and Tommy, torn between his friends and his brothers, stays behind. Oh jeezus.
-Since Techno is a fighting GOD, no one's able to usurp him to make things turn back to normal. But Dream is smart, and knows Wilbur's 100% behind this. Fundy kind of knew but didn't do shit about it, which is why Dream rejects Fundy's offer of sanctuary. He can't be sure his husband will stay on his side, after all. It's nothing personal.
-Dream and Tubbo hide away somewhere, probably not a ravine but?? A mountain or something? They manage to get Sam away enough to ask him to build a super cool Redstone contraption thing that opens for them. ooooo.
-I'm not good at names but for the sake of jokes I'm gonna call their land the 'Bee's Knees' bc at some point Tubbo finds a fuckton of Hives hanging from Trees. Bee Mountain if Dream's feeling especially salty.
-SPEAKING OF DREAM. his insanity is on course now, it's slowly eating away at him and in fear of hurting Tubbo he's slowly distancing himself away. Tubbo's like what's wrong but Dream can't answer -- he doesn't know what's wrong with himself either.
-Tubbo and Dream need to go back and confront Techno, but they can't wait for long else Techno's going to obliterate everyone and their extra lives. They call Schlatt in.
-Schlatt's a pure business man and draws up a contract. He'll aid them in terms of supplies, but most of the revolution is on them. They agree.
-Tommy is actually really fucking good at lying and skirting around what he reveals to Dream and tubbo as a spy that Techno would have believed him if he didnt' know his brother. and Wilbur's warnings, of course. That results in Techno just being fucking done with Tommy's bullshit and plans his execution in another tournament? I guess?
-It doesn't go like the festival. First of all, Schlatt can't fight for shit, so why would Techno call him up the stage? No, Schlatt fights dirty. techno doesn't set much rules so theres no rule against poisoning Tommy quick and easy before the fight. Tommy loses another life and is on his last. Tubbo is spitting mad, but Schlatt points out that nothing in the contract covered this, so he's free to do as necessary. Tubbo is stopped by Dream who, at this point, is just overtaken by the need to one-up Techno.
-Also, Wilbur's been slowly persuading Dream to just. Let go. Let the monster inside of him free, he 'deserves it'. By the end of it all, Dream does. He snaps and lets loose the monster crying for blood inside him.
-Callahan is left to convince his old friend not to do it. In a moment of clarity, Dream stares on in horror of what he'd done. In his rage he managed to deplete ALL of Techno's lives (not really but shhhh), cause massive bloodshed, and terrified everyone in the process. He asks Callahan to kill him. Callahan does.
-Yes we'll get to Ghost Dream eventually.
-Anyway, Schlatt still does the Wither plan, because, uh, Drunken Rage. He was so stressed out from the ensuing conflict that he's like "LETS JUST FINISH THE REST OF YOU. THERE WILL BE NO CONFLICT IF YOU ARENT THERE TO FIGHT."
-and then he uses the line from the Lego movie on Tubbo like "Oh, Tubbster. It's nothing personal. It's just Business(tm)".
-Schlatt still dies of stroke. He does come back as a ghost though, that's one main difference.
-After everything's said and done, and the dust has settled, everyone decides to disband the nation, and just live their lives. like, they're done, wilbur, they get your point, jfc, let them rest.
-but uhhhh someone frames tubbo for setting fire to ranboo's (the server sweetheart) house. wilbur immediately decides to exile tubbo in 'anger'. acutally, he wants tommy and tubbo separated.
-tommy's not standing for it though, he fucking fights his way until wilbur threatens him and tubbo's like YES FINE OKAY I'LL AGREE TO BEING EXILED STOP THREATENING YOUR BROTHER
-tubbo's exile arc is not as sad as tommy's, but rather very tense because wilbur keeps riling tubbo up and taunting him. he still keeps contact with tommy though because they arent going to be separated just like that. no way. tubbo just gets a little more mad and gets short tempered like a lot.
-ranboo's not even that mad about it, he knows tubbo would never burn his house, there was a conspiracy on board and even if there wasn't he's like "arent yall overreacting its just a house, didnt you all do this like before the first war even began, what even (also, ranboo was WITH tubbo at the time of his house allegedly being set on fire. Not that he'll admit to it, because he and tubbo made that agreement long before)
-eventually he finds out that wilbur just wanted to pin the blame on tubbo to make him leave, and ranboo's like "IM DONE WITH YOUR CRAP WILLBUR STOP HURTING THE PEOPLE I CARE ABOUT" and leaves
-with the nation gone, people started to solidify their groups. sapnap and karl deal with their own thing, quackity still runs errands for wilbur, george is the main person ferrying messages from tubbo to tommy back and forth, etc.
-there's a funeral for dream, ofc, fundy arranged it. all of dream's shit was hidden because fundy doesnt want wilbur to get it.
-niki's still there managing her bakeshop but doubles as an informant for wilbur because she's well liked within the server
-ghost dream is present and he's a chaotic troll who mostly hangs around tommy. he's really hyper active and is always on the move, you can never catch him sitting still for like, 5 minutes
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dihalect · 2 years
saw thoughts
adam: *exists* gabriel urbina w359: someone put that man on a space station or so help me god
i. i understand the "adam is so gnc i want to be him" thing now
@nekropsii was sooo right about the saw references in the striders and the cherubs, goddamn. gonna be stewing on this for a while, but rudimentary thoughts (incl. saw spoilers) under the cut
ok obviously, caliborn is the john (the killer)'s puppet façade thing. he thinks of himself as a puppeteer, yes, and he's got the cheek swirls. not to mention that one can draw a connection between his "SPECIAL MIND" and john's inoperable brain tumor.
plus, both the killer and caliborn are marked by serious immaturity in addition to their sadism.
but caliborn (and calliope, i guess) are also coded as the killer's victims. the biggest link here is the fact that they're chained in place, and caliborn has to gnaw off his own foot to escape their room.
of course the master-puppeteer thing makes me think of dirk. but one would think that dave's bro, who was under the influence of lil cal, would've had more of a puppeteer thing going than dirk. maybe dirk needed to adopt that schtick because he didn't have cal around to fill that role....? idk.
oh christ almighty, the cameras around the apartment. constantly watching for puppet snuff material. god.
rrnfngjfdhhdgg i need to reread dave's first appearances in this light. i've seen people compare them to a horror movie but god Damn. the lens of this movie just adds so much to that.
there's gotta be some connection between dave's photography (namely his reminiscing on his selfies) and adam's photography. forced to fight with himself, like lawrence was forced to try to kill adam? idk, that doesn't quite fit.
notably, there isn't really a parallel to alison and diana (lawrence's wife and daughter), or to the cheating thing. it's just the guys. maybe you could draw some sort of connection between alison and diana and calliope?
on that note. i'm thinking about how tapp was convinced that lawrence was the killer, and was watching him because of it. i feel like there may be a connection between the trolls watching the kids and john + tapp watching lawrence and adam. in particular, karkat thought the kids were responsible for the mistake that screwed up both of their sessions. when in fact it was karkat's mistake that had caused the tumor. idk i may be reaching on this one
also. adam noooooooo :(((((( and i may have a new interest now. oopsie daisies.
recall that caliborn is a lord of time. at some point, someone (i think alt calliope?) notes that only a powerful time player could've conquered all 15 of his planets in time. contrast this with the killer, who of course has limited time to live because of his cancer, and all of his victims, who are given only a couple of hours to try to escape.
oh man how did i forget TAPP'S NECK SCAR. it's honestly a small detail in the film itself, but the strider connection is huuuuge. my initial thought is that, well, tapp got that scar from a traumatizing incident, after which he was discharged from the force and fell into a spiral, obsessed with catching lawrence. obviously, neck scar = dirk in my mind. specifically, i'm thinking of ultdirk's obsession with controlling the narrative. the parallel isn't one-to-one, though.
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ariapmdeol · 3 years
for the character thing, ranboo and/or dave strider
How I feel about this character: hands down one of my favorite characters on the SMP!! He’s so so well written and ABSOLUTELY an intriguing character!!! He inspires me to put more effort into writing my own OCs honestly, Ranboo’s Character really shines through in such little details? like,,, the way his character nods around and just casually picks up and moves blocks? There are just so many subtle details that add so much depth to his character, I really like it!!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: N/A
My non-romantic OTP for this character:  Tubbo and Technoblade!! Honestly I love his interactions with everyone, but him and Tubbo both have so much fun with their characters together, it’s really sweet!!
My unpopular opinion about this character: ENDERWALKBOO WOULD N O T KILL TUBBO OR MICHAEL PLS this man is just VIBING,, He’s not a different person or possessed or anything, he’s just sleepwalking let him LIVE
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: LOSE A LIFE! LOSE A LIFE! pls the angst this one has,, I now i said this about techno too but Ranboo has SO many totems, I’d love to see what effects using them multiple times will have :) Also less serious but theres a part of me that wants Ranboo to have gone with Tommy during exile as like. a massive canon divergence au,, I’m tempted to draw it at some point!!
Dave Strider:
How I feel about this character: DAVE!! I love him honestly!! I appreciate all the beta kids a TON but dave is SUCH a fun character!! His whole character arcs in both Game Over and the Retcon timeline are so so nice and well structured? I just really like how he found and accepted himself more and gained a bit more determination!!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Jade, Karkat, I think him and Aradia are cute too! Time gang!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Rose!! Strilalonde sibling gang!!
My unpopular opinion about this character: Idk if this is an unpopular opinion but this man is BI OK
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: More interactions with characters!! esp Dirk and roxy!! I wish he and Dirk had a better friendship rip,, Epilogues took their convo before S collide and ignored it entirely :( let them be siblings!! and LET HIM BE HAPPY ISTG,,
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adam-is-suffering · 5 years
What I know about the "Beta Kids”
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- He kins blue, or basically has a theme of blue as I can see from his tracksuit
- He doesnt like his dad?? I don’t think??? So he has daddy issues??
- I think there’s a trans thing about him which is real dope, saw something on Twitter about it
- The game makes him have wind powers so he’s essentially Aang
- Big Nerd, likes games, computers and mullets since I think he grows one in the future or smth
- His uncle is Obama
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- She has the most fanart from what I’ve seen so I am guessing she is a favourite to either draw or in general and I support
- Ah yes, kins the colour purple
- H.P Lovecraft enthusiast, I am just waiting for her to summon some demons in Homestuck and every one of her friends goes through the trials and defeats of their own inner minds that they cannot escape nor control. And yes I am referring to Inception. Because wouldnt that be dope?
- She’s either preppy or goth and everything is pointing to both at the same time
- A probable lesbian with the other lesbian character
- Also mommy issues, I’m pretty sure
- Alcoholism? oh shit is that alcohol? Isn’t she supposed to be like 12?
- In conclusion, she’s Stella from Winx Club, idk same vibes not that I’m suggesting Stella from Winx Club is an alcoholic lesbian with mommy issues tho
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- Oh god its him, its the one everyone fucking loves
- I feel if I don’t end up liking him, I’ll be shunned by the fandom and sacrificed for fun
- Man, I just tried looking up some images of ONLY dave but apparently his page differs from everybody else because he’s made into fanart with…. wait let me count
- 5 people, Jesus christ, he’s shipped with 5 people? He gets around, ig
- If he’s not at least bisexual, I’m not sure what the author is doing with themselves
- Giving me douche vibes but I’m pretty sure he’s just chill
- So he also kins a colour since I don’t see one image where he DOESNT have some sort of red on him which is valid, red is cool
- I’m pretty sure I ironically bought a shirt with that symbol on it without realizing it could have most certainly been a Homestuck shirt
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- She’s a furry
- She’s like a ray of sunshine, I don’t think I’ve seen one picture in which she is either frowning or angry…. this is concerning, is she okay? Or is she genuinely happy 24/7? Because let me tell you, nobody is and this is Homestuck which I heard has death at some point I think, so RIP Jade Harley I bet you she just snaps and becomes this badass who doesn’t think anything is funny anymore whilst being a furry.
- Wait, scratch that, I found one frown and she’s talking to a 69 now that’s also an issue who wants to willingly choose 69 as a symbol on their shirt, I say, as I scribble my first fan-kid into typing only using 69′s in place of binary.
- She likes to wield guns and overall fight people, you know what I respect this furry, she is cool
- Okay so while looking at pics I found an MLP Homestuck character and I’m not too sure I’m in the right section anymore
- So she’s also a witch, wow, she has a lot of hobbies, oh god thats a lot are those puppets?
- Okay so her infobox has Big game trophies, mummies, rude trolls for things she hates and that is.. such an odd thing out of context. Like I’m sure I’ll understand it one day but goddamn. Mummies? Honestly hun, same tho.
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saintcheryl · 7 years
McElstuck Classpects (So Far)
I don’t have all of them because I’m simply not familiar with some of the players. Also just went over possible players, not all of em have to be there. Anyways, here’s what I got.
Bard of Light: He needs the codpiece it’s the only way. His story-weaving prevalent in many different pieces of content could fit with the vibes of a traditional fantasy bard, but fuck it, I’ll admit it, the outfit is just really funny. He needs it. He needs the goof. Now for the light part: look, a bard “invites destruction through aspect/allows for destruction of aspect.” Light is about fortune and knowledge. I think that fits pretty damn well, most prevalent in TAZ but honestly? I get that vibe from him in a lot of things. He has the knowledge of games (especially Bethesda) that allows (invites) him to destroy them even more thoroughly.
Knight of Hope: He is an optimistic, friendly boy whom I love, and I trust. Did you see his mentorship with the Teens? He is supportive and believes in them and a knight takes advantage and fights with their aspect. A valiant, noble agent of hope, of belief. A good man. He does a hit sometimes, yes, but he apologizes. That’s just the knight-y tendencies coming through a little more. And everyone learns from the experience. Don’t do a hit! (Addendum: All HS knights “hide their innermost selves.” Travis may be hiding his true strength, his true power, his capacity for destruction since he does not want to hurt anyone.)
Heir of Blood: Blood’s all about camaraderie, and in this case with his bros it’s very literal. There isn’t much solid lore behind heirs, but they seem to be surrounded by their aspect in some way, speculated to “protect themselves with,” “become,” or “receive” the aspect. In Justin’s case, his relationship to his brothers is an essential part of his life, not just because of blood relation but also because of their bonds of friendship. As the oldest bro, it makes sense for him to embody such values.
Rogue of Life: He literally, in a way, gave the boys life. Life also pertains to his role in TAZ, or at least the role he’s SUPPOSED to have, and the safety he contributed to his town through Peace on the Playground. I was struggling with the class and settled on Rogue, but that’s still up for debate. And I’m not saying he’s going to kill anyone (that’d be more thief-y), but there was that story of him POSSIBLY killing that guy in college and selling (redistributing) all his stuff, or whatever. He also “distributes” country music via radio, which I’m sure some people see as life.
Seer of Space: Originally I felt strongly about him being a Breath player, but after going over descriptions again, Space is undeniably fitting of his role in Car Boys; they’re concerned with “the size of things and their velocity, and their existence in relation to physics” which is basically Car Boys? Dimension, creation. The whole deal with frogs, and Nick DOES greatly enjoy Kero Blaster, starring a frog. Seers “use knowledge to coordinate their team,” which I feel he does since he’s established that the workings of playing beamNG.Drive are VERY finicky and require a depth of experience. He coordinates the show quite well, and certainly uses all the little intricacies to his advantage. TTS is based around him identifying mods, which are quite obvious at times, but still humors seer tendencies. In a fairly literal sense.
Mage of Time: Okay, I’ll admit, I originally landed on time because of the thought process that went this boy->music/DJ->Dave Strider. But that’s okay, because it works, especially with Nick as space. The boy’s aesthetic caters more to space or maybe void, but works with time because of the theme of reality-bending and alternate universes. Time players are shown to have interests in death and destruction in some way, which this boy has DEFINITELY got with his prominent obsession with worlds ending in unique ways. Especially game worlds, and a huge part of time players is….the responsibility of destroying a game world. A mage possibly “gives up their aspect to gain knowledge of it,” which also just kinda Feels Right for a buncha reasons. Plus, mages are regarded as the counterparts to seers, so there’s even more connection between him and his bro.
Page of Mind: I’m mostly going off of his LAC-persona, but that makes it all the more fun. Mind is concerned with decisions and their consequences, which Russ has some...interesting history with. A page’s untapped potential ties into his development in decision-making over time. Given, a lot of his decisions were based off of Doug (and the plot of LAC definitely has to play a part in this AU with the whole patron troll thing because uhhh how could it not it’s too good) but that could just be the push he needed to become his true self.
Witch of Void: Remember Basketball Ignoring Simulator? She turned their game into a game about nothing, about doing nothing, a void, and despite the efforts of the boys and it being THEIR podcast they couldn’t stop it. They couldn’t. She was simply too powerful. Witches “manipulate” or “unlock,” which is certainly what she did here. She was one of the last members of Rev3 before it died out (became a void?) but she was there til the end, both trying to keep it from its void-y fate (“manipulate”) while also finally deciding when to let go (“unlock”). And I’m not sure how to tie in her appearance on PoolGames, Inc. in which she sat in a hot tub drinking various types of alcohol, but it feels like it fits with the classpect, in some way. Witches may break the rules of their aspect, and while I’m not sure exactly how, I do feel like she’s breaking some void rules and choosing what parts of the aspect she wants (also a witch thing). Maybe my inability to pinpoint these reasons is part of why she’s a void player. Who knows.
Knight of Heart: Heart encompasses soul, motivations, emotions, and possibly attraction. Let’s focus on the last two. Two of Simone’s videos focus on her asking strangers on the street about a) which Joy-con is Sexier, and b) which Pokemon they would date. (Kinda horny things that are also definitely a theme with her.) Very, very focused on emotion and attraction. She brings motivation into it, too, by asking why. A knight “exploits their aspect as a weapon,” and honestly? She really drilled into those people. I wouldn’t say attacking, but it’s got that Vibe, and honestly a lot of these are based on Vibe. She’s also just a funny and honest/open girl in ways that strike me as a heart player. She is, of course, quite jumpy and scared of spooky games, and is quite controlled by her uhhh Feelings during them and voices such. But, she is shown to enjoy them nonetheless, the kind of courage one might associate with a knight. She could grow into it even more; room for character development. Knights also conceal their true selves; she’s suggested that despite her fear of horror games, she absolutely loses it in the moment when playing it. Gets buckwild. Maybe that’s it.
Maid of Heart: I haven’t listened to Still Buffering, but from what I know, she is a Teen and a sweet, sweet girl. Maids may be connected to sylphs, drawing a connection between her and her older sister; they’re also speculated as “made of,” “provider of,” or “protects with” aspect. Heart is the soul or essence of being, and her podcast is all about Being a Teen, something that everyone struggles, struggled, or WILL struggle with at some point in time, and is arguably essential to not only one phase of life but the entirety of one’s life itself. The time in which they learn who they are and find their essence, their soul. The definition of the word “maid” is either a server or an heiress; the former could be a metaphor for how Teens are often controlled by emotions in some way, and the latter could connect to her younger-sisterhood. Thanks, Teen.
Sylph of Breath: She’s a doctor. It’s a given. Making her life just seemed too obvious, and we already got that one heal-y thing going, but breath is also kind of important to living? I haven’t heard her podcasts, so a lot of this is just based on the Vibe I get. Please help.
I still need help figuring out Dwight, Rachel, and Teresa, plus more depth with Sydnee, since as I said, I’m not as familiar with them and their content and don’t have enough to go off of (like I did with some others here that idk as well).
I’ll update this as it happens!
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