#i was able to like tfp but i just cant with this one
space-payacho · 1 year
sorry besties i just cant get into earthspark, the animation kills me
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orions-hound · 1 year
i dont like when people say ratchet "hates kids" or even hates the kids originally, ratchet doesnt hate children he just cant deal with them theyre loud, usually very touchy, nosey, can go against authority figures (like miko) and tend to overall drag you away from things ratchet tries to stay focused as much as he can, he doesnt like people pulling him away from his work, and hes very protective (hes literally a medic its his job), which is why raf is always the one hes seen so often with, raf is calm, helps out, and doesnt cause a ruckus (like miko) his first concern when the tfp kids arrive is that he doesnt want to step on them or have anything at the base put them in danger, sure he can be a grouch but like.. thats just how he is, towards everyone. you can clearly see how gentle he is with the kids, when he has to hide them from megatron during the season 1 finale he pushes miko so gently that she can resist back against his force *at all*, or him using his entire body to shield them when unicron is shaking the base overall, his big thing is his fear and guilt over not being able to protect people, he doesnt like being around kids because hes scared of them getting hurt and him being unable to help, theyre small tiny emotional things! hes a big large emotional thing!! its scary!
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starliights-shining · 2 years
Tfp arcee nsfw and sfw hc's with human female s/o?
I'm kinda taking a moment away form Nsfw, so here are sfw headcannons for Tfp Arcee x Female S/O. Not going to lie this was fun to make. If You want more please jsut request! Enjoy :)
She's a care giver, Always around even when you least expecct it. Either there to lift, grab or steady you. She knows with all these decepticons running around, she's gotta keep you safe. Think like those child leashes with the stuff animal backpacks, but she's willing wants to watch over you.
With that comes internal threats, a chaotic S/O is something i feel like she'd enjoy, but also have a hard time coping with. Sassy S/O she can be sassy back, servos on her hips as you looks down at you in disapproval of whatever you did or said. Plus have you seen Tfp Arcee, everytime I see her shes sassing or telling off one of the autbots, and just becasue youre her S/O doesn't mean she won't give oyu the same treatment.
She tries her best to get into the things you like or are interested in. She wants to connect with you in other ways than just the human help for the autbots, You like legos, so does she. She can't build them but she can just sit and watch you enjoy yourself for hours, as long as she was with you and you are happy.
I feel as tho she also can't really say no to you, The pleading from your eyes and the occasional pouty lip and shes off to get whatever you want. A certain Ice cream only found in stores near large busy cities, Alright put your helmet on, youre going for a ride. She will ride with you for hours to get god knows what, simply becasue she didn't have the nerve to say no to such a cute look.
Tfp Arcee seems like she's not all to found of touching in front of others. SO that being said, when its time to leave for a mission, she looks back at you a winks with the signature smile and her shoulder moving up a bit. She doesn't have the heart to just ignore you, you never know what could happen out there and this wink is her way of saying "I Love you, be safe." without actually saying it.
I like to think when Wheeljack or some other bots come to the base for a vist she get possesive. ushering you into spots where she can see you and your in arms length in case one of them pulls some funny shit. She feels like you can be too friendly sometimes, and its shown when you were jsut caught talking to Soundwave while being held captive. So since that day, when it wasn't one of the 'regular' autbots, she decided you MUST, and I mean MUST be in arms length or line of sight at all times.
Lets not star about how she can get when she cant find you, Panic, but also quite and deadly panic. She doesn't freak out, her optics move around frantically as she tries to spot you, you small, and some of the other bots are large. One wrong move and you cold be seriously injured and she wouldn't be able to forigve herself. SHe truly would keep you in one of stuffed animal leashed, or keep you in a cybertronian to human sized baby carrier. At least until your fully healed and know the ground rules.
That was just her 'I know theyre not in con hands panic', her panic and anger when she finds you in the hands of a con is scarier, you almost felt bad for the way she beat the shit out of Starscream just for holding you in a tight grip above the ground. Her servo grabbing his wrist and twisting it before prying you gently out of the cons servo. She was far too gentle then you thougth she'd be in that moment. A smile on her face as she moved you aside and out harms way, but you saw the dark glint in her optics.
But at the end of the day, Arcee was a lover girl. Desperatly in love with her S/O, no matter how hard she tried to keep this tough autbot act up. All it takes is your voice and shes whipped like no other. But that's what made her yours, your large lover girl.
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get-rammed · 7 years
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Me to me: You should really do what people want you to do
Me: Yeah but like, Transformers and my stupid AU
Me to me: Shit yous right
So now you have a 70ft shark lady. Yay for you
Undyne is a fiercely loyal Decepticon. But she fights for justice! I hear you cry. She has no issue beating the shit out of children and starting a war. Plus it creates a fun dynamic.
She got upset with the Queen and Kings inability to secure land for Monsterbots. So she went to the winning side so she could get some land for her fellow bots.
She’s a Triple Changer. Shark, Submarine, and Bot. She absolutely towers over everyone. Only Sans, and Alphys talks to her. Occasionally Papyrus, when he can get a signal through.
Any bright blue part of her is a weapon. Her hip pieces fold out into shields. Her knuckles obviously gouge anything, and everything. Her crotch plate folds out into a spear.
Mini-facts. Her “hair” is a flame. Since that shit is canon and I can actually use it now. So she still gets her sick ass hair. Her chest, shoulders, and arms are based off of her “Undying” form. She initially had a lot more blue, but I kept muttering “gotta go fast” to myself and changed it. She is the most horrifying submarine/shark to look at. So many clashing colours. 
You can zoom in on this one over here.
EDIT: I completely forgot to mention that Undyne and every Monsterbot/con are outliers. Meaning that have abnormal abilities. Undyne has the ability to summon energy spears and whip them at people
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ppnuggie · 2 years
hello ppnuggie <3
can i have a lost in space match up please :3?
i go by sunny, my pronouns are she/they and im omnisexual!!
i have short, curly ginger hair and a lot of freckles,, im planing on getting little solar systems tattoed on diffrent clutters of freckles which is not really relevant ig but,, freckles
my eye color is a mix of blue and green and people have actually argued over what my eye color is at school lol,, i dont really have an aesthetic but i do have these really cool pants with doodles on them and a little ufo on the back pocket that says "i need space"
i have a very cheery personality around friends and i would literally die for them,, i dont express myself around my family as much because they can be really judgy and im really sensitive,, and if im around someone i absolutely hate/someone who has wronged me significantly, i will let them know exactly how i feel - if i do have an issue with someone i will always try to solve the issue in a civil mannar without hurting their feelings,, i rely on communication a lot and its an important thing to me with different relationships
but other than that, im very friendly with new people and friends, im very open and try very hard not to be intimidating, because as an antisocial and socially anxious person ik how it feel when talking to knew people,, im definitely more confident over social media and texts than i am in person.
im an artist!!! im graduating a year early from high school and going to one of the country's best art schools!! ive had art set as acareer path in my brain since the 5th grade,, art is my life
i also dabble in creative writting, mostly fanfics but its just so incredible to come up with stories,, im a big book worm,, if im not drawing or watching cartoons/syfi films im reading, could be ao3, wattpad, tumblr fics, poetry, or a physical book i bought, i will read it
i love syfi and action that simmer in some romance ya know,, it just hits diffrent,, especially alien robot themed syfi,, idk my brain just eplodes when i see space robots
i hate being surrounded by clutter, my surroundings affect my mental state so i try to be as clean as possible to keep my attitude and motivation up :))
i have anxiety + social anxiety,, especially if im alone in crowded/public spaces- went on a college field trip once in middle school and i had a break down at taco bell because none of my friends were there and i was surrounded by strangers,, students or not,,
i hate broccoli and coliflower and public speaking/presentation assignments
im sorry if this is too much? ive never asked for a match up before but the ones ive seen are kinda lengthy so im not too sure :// i might do another match up ask in the future for tfp if its still open i love those funky dudes
anyways thank you for reading my tf stuff and requesting it was the highlight of my week !!! :D
ahh tysm for requesting !! 🥹🥹🙏❤️ im so sorry i havent been able to reply to the comments and stuff you make on my posts 😭😭 i promise im not ignoring you ,, its just this isnt my main blog but instead a side blog ,, my main one i dont bother or toucb anymore 😭😭 but my dms are definitely open if you ever wish to talk or so <33 and np !! i cant wait to see the finished result for the request :D i like your work so much 🥹 its rlly good !! heres you matchup <33 under the thing ,, and dw ,, you can request again for tfp bc no ones rlly requested so far 😭🙏 congrats on the art school tho ! :D hope you do have fun with that !!
𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 : robot !! :D
• he would stay around you often ,, not bothering to spend time with others and instead stick close to you unless you told him not to
• hes very curious about you ,, lights swirling around inside the glass on his face ,, he finds you interesting and nice to be around
• whilst hes not all that sure about humans just yet ,, as they all act differently from one another ,, he does feel safer and more comfortable around you
• whenever he catches glimpses of your drawings he tilts his head to the side ,, wondering about them in his mind
• he loves to see your drawings ,, how each varies differently from one to another ,, it just makes more memories for him
• he has tried to draw something for you before ,, wanting to indulge in this littke artistic hobby of yours and make something ,, though it was only in the dirt as he doesnt know how to use pencils and stuff yet
• he’ll help you with public spaces and crowds and strangers as best as he can ,, making it known hes there for you shall you need some reassurance <3
the small stick glided around in the dirt ,, shapes starting to form as he moved it about. he had his mind focused on a plant form ,, gazing back and forth at it as he tried to mimick its shaping. the lights swirled softly inside the glass ,, hand moving to make another shape.
once finished ,, he turned to look up at you. the lights never once stopped swirling ,, a soft hum coming from robot as he awaited for your reaction. laid there in the dirt had been a mishapened flower ,, the one just a little bit in front of you two.
he hoped you liked it somewhat ,, hoping you’ll enjoy his creation as much as he enjoys yours. the lights slowed their pace ,, blue gazing into your eyes as he awaited.
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krytus · 4 years
megatrons & how well you can argue they did nothing wrong
cyberverse megatron: he got shot in the pebis so you cant help but feel bad for the guy. vehicular manslaughtered starscream but to be fair starscream acts Like That. was literally physically too gay to kill optimus.
verict: he was too dumb to do anything wrong sucessfully so not only is apologism allowed, it is encouraged
cyberverse megatron x: homophobe. if thou partakes in megs x apologism thou will be hearing from my lawyer
verdict: don’t fucking try it <3
tfp megatron: he did horrible things but he also stabbed himself with satans blood so i just dont think he ever developed that muscle that helps you make good decisions. also too gay to kill optimus but it wasn’t nearly as endearing.
verdict: you can say he did nothing wrong if you make it funny
tfa megatron: i’d say not valid just bc i cant stand the average tfa stan but he did make several points about autobot leadership unfortunately. killed starscream but also failed to kill starscream. had to deal with lugnut which i think is punishment enough for all the terrible decisions he made.
verdict: tfa megs apologism is valid for now but you’re on thin fucking ice
bayverse megatron: i cannot think of anything this guy did that counts in his favor. he destroyed the pyramids of giza so like fuck him.
verdict: why would you want to clown for this guy he’s not even gay
idw / mtmte / comics megatron: i dont know anything abt the guy other than what ive seen in out of context comic panels but he looks gay
verdict: he did nothing wrong probably
prime wars megatron: every other megatron WISHES they were prime wars megatron. if there's one megs you should be willing and able to die on a hill defending its him. deserved the matrix of leadership. yes. THAT matrix of leadership. did optimus's job for him only like four times better bc that's the kind of king he is.
verdict: ten page essay on why prime wars megs did nothing wrong or you're getting hunted for sport
beast wars megatron: he’s included because he’s a filthy little kinny. refused to listen to his cool ex boyfriend dinobot which is like. a crime.
verdict: kinnies don't deserve rights. kinnies are not protected under the geneva conventions.
siege megatron: i want to hate him but then i look into his eyes and those luscious lips and give hasbro my credit card information
verdict: he let shockwave violate the geneva conventions repeatedly which is funny and worth defending
prime wars megatronus: he’s included bc as the original megatron he has. so much to answer for. defeated by the unrelenting power of homosexuality <3
verdict: i hate him so much
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enbyblades · 4 years
Y'know I used to have no opinion on starop but I gotta say you've swayed me to your side it's cute they got a fun dynamic
they do!!! theyve got a fun dynamic and theres so much potential !! particularly in the case of tfp starop bc starscream was so Ripe for redemption in that show...they would have fallen in love had he had a redemption arc u cant change my mind fhsjfjsjnf
u got some good angsty drama with starscream learning to see the error in his ways and optimus trying to forgive him for what hes done, and the Rest of the team trying and maybe not even being able to forgive him, then its just..theyd work so well together bc optimus would give that patience, love, and care that starscream NEVER recieved with the cons and in turn starscream would be like the one bot other than ratchet who doesnt see optimus as like...a diety like everyone else seems to and encourages him to just be himself instead of Being The Prime...its just very good content. also its just fun bc starscream is loud and tempermental and optimus is quiet and cool headed..classic. id like to thank @star-op for converting me
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withered-tears · 4 years
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OKAY SO I'M 95% SURE A FACEHUGGER WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO IMPREGNATE A CYBERTRONIAN BUT FUCK IT ITS CROSSOVER O' CLOCK. I have an entire backstory/headcanon for the fella dhbgdsjhsdjhv
also woah i ranted for too long so more below the cut:
also the design is not final, I still gotta work a lot of things! specially, a vehicle mode, cuz i want they to be a triple changer. But i still gotta figure out HOW thats gonna look like (mostly were to add the vehicle mode kibble) ANYWAY. So i think the most obvious problem when it comes to the, uh, impregnation, is the sheer difference of scale. BUT THEN THERES THE MINIBOTS/CASSETTES. So thats what happened here, some very dumb minibot (coff rumble coff) got too close to a weird abandoned egg. Dont worry tho, cybertronian are pretty tough so he survived with no side effects. Exept trauma. Now for the interesting part, xenomorphs are supposed to be almost mindless drones, connected to the hive and to the queen. BUT at least in some comics they have show that certain species can produce a basically rogue xeno, they are either too aggressive or too different and branch away from the hive.
in this particular case, having a now cybernetic brain, the drone is unable to connect with other organic xenos, so even if they came across another hive they would not be recognized/accepted as one of them. Now, personality wise, remember in TFP how predaking wasnt aware at first that he could transform? same here, this fella spends his first years in his xenomorph mode, but when you combine their ridiculous fast learning brain, with a literal super computer, yeah they are pretty fast at figuring things out.
But even after figuring out how to transform, they still act mostly feral. Not like, berserk feral, just you know, cant talk, sneaks around, hisses, etc.
But then theres Soundwave.
The xeno will stalk Soundwave nonstop, but it takes him a while to figure out why, until fed up Soundwave attempts to scan his mind, and the xeno does so back. Soundwave isnt the only telepath around anymore. From then on the xeno pretty much imprints onto Sounwave, he being the closest thing to a queen or a hivemind.
Soundwave basically gets a new child is what im saying.
I also have this adorale scene in my head of the xeno curling all small and napping inside Soundwave's chest, cuz it feels like home. (they dont have a cassette mode, they pretty much have to kick all the other kids out to fit)
jeegus i didnt mean to rant for so long jhbvjhbvsjdmh PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
[drumming] BEAST WARRRS
wow, me and ruth watching MORE transformers stuff?? its more likely than you think
sooo yeah we started watching beast wars. which seems like the logical next step after reading the comics and watching tfa, tfp, (some of) g1, cyberverse, even the live action movies back in the day...
however ruth and I have always ruthlessly bullied beast wars bc of how outdated the cgi looks, stating that no matter how good everyone says it is, we can never watch it bc its so ugly 
we watched a couple clips, even, including the fight scene from ep2 which is SO funny I'm sorry and we were like ‘yea we cant watch this lol’ BUT LO AND BEHOLD...HERE WE ARE....
so yah this was probably inevitable but yea, ill probably write a few of these post just giving my scattered thoughts
so! so far we’ve watched like 8 eps and I gotta say....I like it a lot so far
as ruth says, ‘it feels like an actual show’ (as opposed to g1 which imo feels more like an extended-toy-commercial-slash-acid-trip)
like, even in the first couple eps, its clear there's actual plot and characters
the bad cgi is admittedly distracting at time, similar to the animation errors in g1 
in terms of the plot, I find it to be really interesting - I like the explanations for the beast forms w/the energon making their robot forms short out
the premise is like, so wild to me, in a meta sense - like, this was basically the followup to g1 (ignoring g2, and all the japanese stuff like headmasters and victory), and its SO wildly different than g1 - premise-wise, beast wars feels like something you'd get 20 years down the line in the franchise when they're trying to go at the source material from a new, fresh angle
instead its the follow-up to g1, bc I guess being able to sell toys that transform into animals rather than cars is a good market 
oh man is this show 90s. like, it came out in ‘96, so obviously its gonna be 90s, but sometimes it just slaps you in the face w/it 
like...the music. lmao like the guitar riffs that play sometimes are so hilariously 90s that I feel myself regressing into an infant (the state I was in irl during the 90s)
plus the dialogue...like half of what cheetor says is just. so very 90s. like Cool Epic Teenz 90s sometimes, which is hilarious and out of date now 
speaking of cheetor I love my boy. I already love him from cyberverse but this is og cheetor and I love him here too. he;s just a great kid appeal yellow character and I luv him. he has freckles that's soooo cuteee my boiiii
as for the characters in general...I like how they all have pretty solid characterizations but also undergo character development. and I like how we don't get all too much exposition about them/their backstories so we get to learn things as we go along 
optimus primal is cool, and interesting when compared to other optimuses (optimii?)...he seems like a Leader™, but he’s kinda frustrated/done with this shit, especially compared to like, g1 op, who was very patient, and tfa op, who felt very young. this op feels very experienced but also doesn't always wanna be here
who else is there...rhinox! he is great, he seems like the only one w/a brain cell. he seems v levelheaded and cool, I like him a lot. he hasn't gotten much spotlight but I'm interested to see what he’ll do. I like his voice
rattrap omg...ruth hates him bc he’s annoying which, fair, but I like him bc he’s hilarious. he’s a rat from new jersey, and joisey rats are just Like That okay
dinobot...omg...I love him. he’s just dramatic and gay. and also a dinosaur. I think its cool that he has a SWORD bc everyone else has guns (kinda boring), and also he has laser eyes. he is cool and interesting and also he and optimus are dating tyvm 
as for the predacons...beast wars megatron oh my goddd....I love him so much he’s SO entertaining lmao...yesssssss....he’s so Shakespearian? idek how else to describe it. he’s very eloquent and he really feels like a high-class play actor who could also rip your face off if he wanted to. he says ‘yessssss’ SO much its so funny. he’s very like, over the top and kinda hammy, but in a completely different way than g1 megs, who could be described similarly but is a very different vibe 
bw megatron is basically the polar opposite of tfp megatron
as for the rest of the predacons, we haven't gotten as much character stuff for them but I'm interested in them for sure
tarantulas.....I wanna see more of him, he’s just so entertaining to me idk. gay little spider man
scorponok omfg he’s such a loser in this hvbajkdsfbwkhdsf I cant get over how completely lame and unthreatening he is lmaoooo he’s such a lil bitch. I could cough on him and he’d explode probably. hilarious
terrorsaur is like the starscream of this show from what I can tell so far since he’s already tried to take over the predacons twice. ruth and I hate the weird bird dinosaur noises he makes. actually we hate when any of the characters make animal noises honestly hbvkjdnsfaksl
waspinator sure is here. he hasn't done much but he’s definitely present! and makes some weird terrible bug noises
blackarachnia just got here and then immediately left, which is hilarious. she saw everyone fighting and was like ‘actually fuck this’ and bounced, which is super valid 
ok I gotta talk abt the animation again vhbahkjsdfhbkjsf its...really painful...I mean it looks great for being 1996, but since its cgi it does NOT hold up at all (compared to 2d animation, which tends to hold up better - tho low-budget stuff like g1 doesn't hold up great, but it looks bad in a much different way than bad old cgi does)
like, I mentioned it above but that fight scene in ep2...there are just so many moments that weren't supposed to be funny but were hilarious due to the animation. like when the two sides run at each other and clash, when they hit each other half of them just fly offscreen like plastic toys vbahsudfbajskdf its SO visually hilarious I rewound it to watch it again lmao 
also anytime they do closeups I cringe so hard, especially on optimus, he just looks so plastic...in general the beast modes looks pretty janky, like cheetors limbs (mostly around the shoulders/hips) look weird af...I feel like rattraps beast mode looks the least wack. beast mode tarantulas also looks weird as hell but I think that's partially bc his colors are so garish lmao
I'm soooo excited to see the stuff that connects beast wars to g1, I know a few things about how its connected thanks to my reading of the g1 tfwiki pages, and I cant wait to see it all unfold
I'm really not spoiled for much, surprisingly...I might know a couple character deaths, and a few other things, but for the most part I have no clue what's going to happen which is really cool actually. I'm excited to see things!!!
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Why is S4 Fucky
I know we've probably waxed poetic about this, but I needed to clear it all so that I can work in the theories.
Also @delorb thought that Johnlockers only disliked s4 because of no canon Johnlock, so to them and all the others who think so, here's why s4 was fucky.
1. Sherlock says to John and Mary that he knows exactly what he's going to do, but says doesn't really know about it to the govt officials.
2. Sherlock's behaviour towards Mary is weird at best, showing WAY too much affection for someone who literally tried to kill him.
3. And he's suddenly trading John for Mary on a case? I mean the three eventually go together on it, but he says that she's better than him, when last episode he was literally praising John (pretty damn smart) in his MP.
4. John is writing his blog but it's actually a .jpg file??? Like did literally no one on the editiing team notice just HOW noticeable that was?
5. Sherlock forgets whether the victim was a girl or a boy (your daughter... Sorry- son.) Smartest guy around indeed.
6. Mary jumps in front of the bullet, so since SHE has he time to do so, Sherlock would have had the time to jump away, and yet the greatest consulting detective of all time couldn't figure that out? Also, Moftiss broke their OWN rules that they'd made, making Mary's death too dramatized ( a bit spurt of blood and you do flying backwards)?? Why?
7. John is somehow blaming Sherlock completely for it, and giving him a note via Molly that we don't ever get to read. Mary in his head and a goddamn angel all of a sudden?
8. Also, John Watson, literally known for his loyalty, apparently cheats on his wife? (Though we're still expected to root for their marriage and believe it was a happy one?)
8. Mary sends a 'Miss me?' Note (What IS that all about? Constantly comparing her to Moriarty if they don't want us to make that connection?)
9. Sherlock is high As a kite, about to OD, and John cant be FUCKING BOTHERED TO EVEN CHECK UP ON HIM? Ruining a character arc much?
10. Also, Eurus dressing up like John for Sherlock and Sherlock for John (all dark haired, mysterious, and doesn't do this with OTHER people but she'll make an exception for John?) To LURE them. Ok. Ok.
11. "Is cup of tea code?" Like why do they fuck us up like that?
12. Culverton Smith is literally dressed up like John?
13. John is beating the SHIT OUT OF SHERLOCK? John Watson who once punched an officer who called Sherlock a freak? Hitting Sherlock until he has to be admitted to the hospital?
14. John doesn't even THINK of saving Sherlock unless Mary tells him thorough a CD? HOW did the two survive before she told them how to breathe?
15. The whole the Hug™ scene just... God. And Irene still making John jealous? This isn't really a point but that scene made me teary...
16. Eurus shooting John with a gun that was definitely NOT a tranquilizer, and then we have NO EXPLANATION of what happened next? Are we supposed to forget it ever happened? Please tell me.
15. Please don't even get me started on this one. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?
16. Again we start with this weird horror house thing and we have no explanation to how things progressed till here?
17. Mycroft talking about the whole Secret Sibling Story™ like Henry Knight in THoB except Sherlock DELETED an entire person from their life who lived with him for years and not just one tiny scene of his life.
18. Eurus being able to get out of Sherrinford but still going back in????? WHAT? WHY?
19. There is a motion sensing bomb. Which grey escape alive. By jumping out of the fucking window. Ok. Fuck pHysics. I get it.
20. Sherrinford is shaped like a heart... Seriously look.
21. They write an entire message on the sand in big ass letters and the most secure place ever doesn't notice?
22. Sherlock not realizing there's NOT a glass in front of him when he's literally two cms away from it? The audience I understand, because of their cinematography (brilliantly done, btw, but lacking logic. Also if we've come to that point. EURUS' THREE DISGUISES WERE MIND BLOWING i didn't have a single fucking idea they were the same person)
23. Sherlock not listening to John when he says Vatican Cameos? Thank you Moftiss for properly destroying their friendship arc.
24. Also those torture rooms were more of a torture for John that Sherlock? Anyways.
25. Eurus connects them on the phone with a little girl, but the girl was actually in her head. So who were they talking to???? Can Eurus also change her voice to a tiny girls? Ok.
26. Apparently Eurus and Moriarty planned all of this in five minutes? In which they just basically creepily mirrored each other's actions and eye-fucked? And Moriarty made all these recordings before his death? Like he knew all of this was going to happen, and her Eurus only did all of this years after his death? Why the delay?
27. (Also NONE of the Johnlock fans wanted the ILY scene to have been with John instead of Molly, and here's why: )
28. The whole shoot either John or Mycroft was really painful, but anyways. Now they're apparently transported to Sherlock's Childhood home and Eurus is able to have people make fake walls all around? Wow that's pretty resourceful.
29. Also the place has a fake dog bowl labelled 'Redbeard' so either Victor Trevor ate out of a dog bowl or Eurus knew Sherlock hasn't figured it out. But that can't be possible, because when Sherlock entered she was amused that he still didn't know ('oh, you still don't know about Redbeard do you?.)
30. John is in a well, and is chained to the said well, though later in the episode he climbs out of it with a rope, because the chain fucking dissolved in the water?
31. Also, John in Sherlock's head could break every bone of a persons body while naming them, but this real John can't tell if he's looking at HUMAN OR ANIMAL bones? Did Moftiss have a personal vendetta against John to destroy him so completely?
32. Also when John is about to die in the well, Sherlock's only response is 'Try not to drown?' The same Sherlock, who,in TEH, stole an motorcycle, rode all the way to a bonfire, jumped into the fucking fire to save John, all bbecause of a text. Wow. Are the same people writing the show anymore?
33. Also a point worth noting. Mycroft sends Sherlock to Eurus, who knows the truth about redbeard, and who could catch him unaware by the fact that he's actually a HUMAN and not a dog, without telling him the truth. Or did Mycroft also repress his memory and turn him into a dog?
34. We save the little girl (with whom we'd been talking on the phone) in eurus head, and eurus too, who wanted to kill Sherlock, but that's cool, everyone near him is trying to do that these days.
35. Sherlock and Eurus are now best mates (and hopefully she wont try to kill him again, but that's okay) and her family visits her, baker street is okay really, like what bomb ever exploded? Just the mirrors broken a and the wallpaper needs replacing that's it.
36. Also, Mary the Dictator is back at it again, telling John and Sherlock how to live, along witH little messages like (I know what you two could be if I'm not there) and life at baker street is back to normal. (Also John never really apologised to Sherlock for beating him to death, but then again, everyone tries to do him in these days.)
37. Also no one talks about the trauma, or literally anything that happened?
38. Also everyone was wearing blue and EVERYTHING was blue until the last few scenes?
Of course this may be just bad writing, but I find it hard to believe that. Maybe there's another reason?
Please feel free to add, or discuss.
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petitelepus · 5 years
Match up with TFA TFP or RiD?(I cant choose) I am an Alien from a secluded part of the Galaxy able to live in extremely low gravity & high gravity environments in the vacuum of space. I tend to float above-the-ground using my extra appendages like hair to keep grounded and maneuver. I was curious about Earth cuz of the visual similarities I had with humans. I am a bean of energy, curious and shy. When meeting the any cybertronians upon Earth my curiosity is what made me approach them cautiously.
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I match you with Prowl!
Prowl is taken aback and extremely surprised when you one day appear before him and rest of the Ground Bridge team. At first, Bumblebee mistakes you for a hostile alien and he has his stingers out faster than you can blink, but at the sight of you turning scared and running away, they are left confused.
Why didn’t you attack them? Sari and Prowl are both certain that you appeared more scared of them than they were of you so they quickly scatter out to find you. Not only for your safety but the people of Detroit also.
Ratchet is surprisingly the first one to find you, hauled in an alleyway where you’re hiding from rest of the planet new to you. The team quickly gathers where you are, only to find you curled with your appendages around you, hissing at them.
Turns out Ratchet isn’t really the greatest at talking you calmly out of your hiding spot, scaring you further into the dark dirty alley. So Prowl approaches you, hands up and talking to you, calmly trying to make you feel safe with his calming aura.
You hiss and lash out on him, alerting rest of the team, but Prowl lets you snap your appendage around his wrist in the bruising hold, but the ninja is made out of metal and you can’t hurt him.
Slowly, Prowl approaches you further while he keeps talking to you and it’s starting to calm you down. Carefully you let go of him and retreat to float away, but Prowl reaches for you and ensures you that you’re safe and you choose to believe him because despite you lashing out on him he never raised his voice at you.
After that, you start living with Autobots and Sari, intrigued by humans just like Prowl is and you both rely on Sari or in each other occasionally when you want to learn something new. You’re both very curious and interested in each other’s species and that just brings you two closer.
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four-flames · 5 years
Tfp Wheeljack, Knockout, and Smokescreen
You are alarmingly good at picking out my faves from each continuity sweets and the only way to thank you is to cry and gush over these guys 😭😭😭
Get randomly assigned as your lab partner for the whole semester: Wheeljack of course. Not only is he a jacked science nerd and we'd pass that class with flying colours, but he'd also have to be able to carry my gay ass bc if any of these guys flirted with me (and they all probably would) I'd combust. Also he'd be the one to make the class the most interesting with literal explosions and sassing the instructor lol
Get trapped with on a broken elevator for 10 hours: Smokescreen, I weep for this boi bc how can he possibly sit still for that long?? How?? I'd do everything in my power to make those 10 hours as fun as possible and honestly if I can make that guy smile for like even a minute you might as well just send me to my grave that's all I need it life
Get as my employee trainer for my new job at McDonalds: Absolutely tickles me thinking that KO would ever work at McDonalds so here he is. Worst employee ever who made him in charge of training the new guy?? Casually flirts, realizes I cant take it and it distracts me horribly so he makes a game out of it and revels in my suffering 😔 gets me a smoothie after bc while he is horrible I like to think he's a lowkey softie
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coffeeteaitsallfine · 6 years
@marsixm replied to your post “i only got a week left before studying abroad, i plan on rewatching...”
are u saying no to both those options or saying yes he got shot by someone else? idk what i actually believe anymore bc i have a "what i think makes sense in the theories ive seen but not explored" opinion which is shot himself and i have a "how i would and hopefully will write it that seems cool and makes sense to me" opinion which is someone else shot him
im saying (mostly) no to both which seems to be an unpopular opinion though i know @shinka at least agrees with me in a general sense. im not averse to either, especially him being shot by someone else cause it wouldnt feel left field at all since TBB is so [eyes emoji] with shan and the left handed man not physically able to have shot himself? ya know? and just every time a gun has been pointed at him lol. it’s in the text but i love red herrings and the last frame of tld seems like a big one to me ngl.
my preferred theory, which im hazy on cause i havent thought about it in a long while (but im sure there are posts about it in my tags somewhere) is that john is certainly considering shooting himself cause he has in the past. but he never went through with it. he abuses alcohol too-- we know this. so i tend to first and foremost look back at all the john mirrors in ASIP where all four specifically the fourth *cough* JW left a note. They all chose to take a 50/50 chance with the pills. rather than chose the gun. which is a fake and sherlock knows it. 
it also reminds me of the cherry orchard with the gun and the guitar. you’re supposed to think its the gun and emotionally the feeling is there except it was the guitar or whatever instrument it was. It’s the chekhov’s gun that goes off but only metaphorically. i also remember a mirror from TFP where the guy couldnt have taken the shot because his hand was shaking too much from being a drinker. John in my opinion cant shoot unless he feels he’s saving someone. i also just think tfp can make a case for both. drinking/sleeping (pills) as well as bleeding out and the eyes being gone can be taken literally or metaphorically. but asip is the most convincing to me. its the inciting incident no?
there’s a lot more to this im sure but it’s where i stand as of now. still id love to see people actually discussing it again lol its fun
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lizzyfish225 · 7 years
Transformers tickle fic.
This is the first tickle fic i have written in a long time, but this has been floating around in y head for a while and i had to wright it down. i know i have one friend who is on tumblr that i know. so if she sees this and puts two and two together that i like tickling. REALY like it. then so be it, i wouldnt need to tell you in person. if you read this, you know who you are, please dont spread this around. there iis a bit of a lead up until the actual tickiling part, so bear with me.
right into it.
Optimus Prime and Megatron had just gotten out of a hostage situation along with their higher ups (TFP season one team prime, soundwave, starscream, and knockout.) the two of them had been foeced to fight together to escape from their past as it was told to everyone bearing wittness. the rivals had been brothers since they were younglings, megatron being ten and optimus being nine. they grew up in orphanages on cybertron. it wasnt until they reached headmisstress Dockra`s home that they stopped moving around. this is the place they met. this woman would beat, rape, and scream at all of the younglings under her care. it wasnt until megatron was able to convince the athoraties of what happened when he turned 18 that they were freed and their headmisstress locked away. they had a big brother-little brother relationship from then on unti the war. and while in captivity, being forced to go through their past, they became brothers once again. they eventualy escaped with everyonr and the autobots were staying on the nemisi to recover. the humans had been informed. the war was still tecnicaly happening, but it was in a sort of dip. megatron as -however- heavily concidering ending it. he had only just gotten his little brother back, and he did not intend to loose him again. but should he realy END the war?
Megatron considered this as he uncontiously walked through the corridor where the autobots resided temporarily. there were ligts above each door to indicate if the lights were still on in each soundproofed room. the one above optimus` door was green. he was still awake. curious, megatron pressed the button for the intercom on the prime`s door.
`Optimus? are you still awake?` megatron asked curiously through theintercom.
`Yes. what do you need?` optimus replied through the com after a moment.
`Nothing, just checking. the light above your door was green. may i come in, Brother?` megatron asked, not catching himself useing the term they had accidentily readopted for eachother. the door slid open after a moment before optimus spoke
`Ofcorce, Brother.` he didnt catch it either. The prime stepped aside to alow the jus slightly taller mech to step inside before closing the door to the private quarters.
`Why are you still up?` megatron asked in his usesual tone. though it lacked the normal malace it useualy held.
`i could ask you the same thing, megatron.` optimus replied. he had avoided that one.
`it`s my ship. im simply out to think. but you never answered my question.` megatron smirked. he still knew all of his tricks from when optimus was orion.
`couldnt sleep. not sure why. no issue though. i was just about to do some reading before you stoped by.` optimus replied before he spun around to face the bookshelf filled withdatapads. egatron snorted.`oh please, you know exactlywhy you cant sleep. dont lie to me Pri-` megatron pushed, reaching to poke optimus in the sholder, only to hit the back of his side istead as he moved forward. megatron was cut off by a short and uncharictaristic squeak from the prime as he spun around holing his side. his optics were wide as he looked at megatron, but they fell to a look of confusion as he realized what he just did. he furrowed his eyebrows together and looked at his siide. juring this, megatron stared with a look of suprize and confusion. in his curiosity, megatron reached forward and poked the prime in the abdomen again, earning a similar noise as before, and the same instand reaction to pull away. it took a moment for it to click, but it did. the both of them assumed this s something that would have been lost when orion because optimus. they were wrong. megatron couldnt helpit and grinned teasingly at the prime for the first time since before the war.
`oh optimus~ dont tell me you never out grew little orion`s weakness...` megatron smirked. the look in his optics was predatory. but not as you would expect from the warlord. it was brotherly. optimus hadnt seen that look in milenia, so he assumed he imagined it and tried to cover up what they both knew.
`i-i have know idea what you mean...` optimus STUTTERED. that was quite amusing for megatron.
`mmhmm... so you dont know what THIS is?` megatron smirked, jabbing the prime in the side to tease him.
`hey!` optimus yelped, turning away to avoid the contact. megatron let out a short laugh and the reaction.`huh. i wonder what that could have been.` megatron gave a few more jabbs with similar reactions. `hold still, prime. i need to make sure you arent hurt or something!` megatron stated as though he was oblivious as to what he was doing. he didnt know why he was doing this, but he was enjoying teasing his long time enemy like his little brother again.
`Megatron! Stop! i am just fine!` the prime spoke quickly between two jabs.
`then why do you keep moving?` megatro teased, speeding up his one finger pokes. this got a couple unavoidable chuckles out of the prime.
`Enohough! Stop pokeing mehe!` the younger chuckled, trying to doge the others fingers and ended up gettng backed into a wall. welp. he was screwed.
`was that a laugh?` megatron smirked.
`oh isee~ i know whats happening. youre still ticklish, arent you prime?` megatron teased, enjoying how the prime`s face heated up.
`I am nohot!`
`nono. the laughing, the squirming, the twitching... defineately ticklish.` megatron stated matter fo factly as he continued poking the prime until he saw the prime flinch particularly hard as he poked one place in particular -right under where the prime`s ribs would be if he were human. megatron desided to linger there. sudden, qick pokes brought a yelp and a short barck of laughter from the prime before he was finaly able to grab megatron`s wrist and push his servo away to arms length with one hand. this would have ended right then had megatron not decided to throw all dignnity out the window and act like a sparkling one more time, diving for prime`s exposed ribs and attacking. tis caused the prime to dyep and shoot his arm down, releaseing megatron`s wrist and attempting to wswatt away the offending appendage. optimus mannaged to get past megatron, only to be pulled to the warmonger`s laughing chest and tickled on his sides with megatron wrapping his arms around the prime. optimus SQUEALED.
`NO! hey! what are you doiIIING! MEGATRON! NOHOHOHO! Stohohop thahahat!` optimus laughed as he gave in, no longer able to hold back his laughter as he tried to get away in his laughter weakened state.
`There we go! what did i tell you, prime? ticklish. now, what was it that always had you on the groud again?` megatron laughed. his smile was wide and genuine. though optimus was smiling wider.
`Megatrohohon! stohohohop! ihi am nohohot a younglihihing anymohohohohohore! gehehehehet ohohohoff!` optimus laughed, trying to swat and push away the elder`s hands.
`right. it was your hips!` megatron smirked egnoreigng the other`s words.
`wait no! megatron doNT! NO! GAHAHAHAHAHAHA! DAHAHAHANMIHIHIHIHIT! STOHOHOHOHOHOP!` Optmus cackled as megatron shifted and started squeazeing the prime`s hips quicky. the prime`s knees grew week and he started sinking down th the floor until he was leaning up againsed his brother`s chest nd trying to squirm away. megatron began to laugh along with optimus. he was so glad these rooms were sound proof.
optimus eventualy managed to roll away, only to get a few short breaths before megatron was leaning over him with his servoes under his arm joints. optimus` shriek was absolutely worth it.
`NO! GAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHOHOHO! MEGATROHOHON! GEHEHEHEHET OHOHOHOFF!! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!` optimus screached as he tried desperately to escape megatrons scrating andscribbleing fingers. he was layng on his back withhis legs kicking, his arms pined to his sides, and his head thrown back as he laughed and tried to squirm away from the hands that had started digging. the laughing and squirming earned him ashort escpe oonce again, rolling over and scrabbleing away, only to be dragged back and to have hands start scrableing allover his ribs, sides, and back from behind. this turned him into a squealing, shreaking and squirming mess on the floor of his temporary chambers abord the nemisis. megatron eventualy mannaged to pull a cackleingprime into his lap with his back to his chest, attacking his sides and abackwardsone wy evil hug to restrain him. once again laughing histaricaly, optimus fought the hands with all his shakeing hands could give. when he saw an opening, megatron went in for the kill. one hand digging in the pries underarm, and the other squeasing his hip, megatron made the prrime squeal, shriek, and squeak all at the same time. the prime was squirming and clawing away with increased vigor. when they were children, megatron would oftin do this to little orion, alway manageing to have him on the floor for the next half of an earth hour. this combination proved to be just as effective now, as optimus stoped paying much atttention to what he was saying. `MEGSY NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! COHOHOHOHOME OHOHOHON! CHEHEHEHEATEHEHEHER! STAHAHAHAHAHAP! PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!` that made megatron pause. MEGSY?
`did... did you just...` megatron whispered. optimus was confused.
`w-what?` he panted.
`did you just call me `Megsy`?` megatron asked with a soft smile the prime couldnt see.
`i... uh... think i did... oops...` optimus admitted sheepishly. megatron froze still for a moment, deciding what to do. optimus hadnt called him that sincethey were children. and megatron had forbidden him from calling him that infront of anyone once he was a gladiator. the waronger couldnt help the soft smile that spread on his face. he realy did have his brother back.
`n-now now. dont be sheepish about it!` megatron teased, stuttering as he got over the shock.
`ahem. can get up now...` optimus asked, shifting uncomfortably. megatron smirked.
`not until you whipe that sheepish look off your fce andtell e why you couldnt sleep.` megatron chuckled, pokeing the prime in the sides a few more times. already sensitive from the privious time, otimus jumped and started emitting deep giggles instantly, squirming away as best he could while trapped in the older`s grasp.
`NO! megatron! come ohon! let gohoho!` optimus grinned. megatron smiled at that. he was in bg brother mode again after so llong. it felt good, and melted away some of that ice in his spark. megatron went at it again, bringing the prime totears with another laughing fit before releaseing him and alowing him to roll away and cover his abdomen. megatron shifter on the floor to lean againsed the wall as he atched the prime calm down.
`now, are you going to tell me why you couldnt sleepor m i going to have to keep going?` megatron asked with a kind smile. a smile that hadnt adorned his face since before the war. optimus gulped and shifted to sit on he oposite wall to megatron to face himwith tired eyes. optimus looked at megatron for a moment, taking in that brtherly smile before gathering his thoughts.
`i was onlythinking about how difficult it is going to be to go backto fighting again. esspetialy ater tonight... but that shouldnt matter much to you. i will take my autobots off the ship as soon as they are healed enough to recover back at base and -as humans say- get outof your hair.` optimus stated, looking down and speaking with his useua shieding and leadership tone adorning his face,as though what had just happened never occered. megatron stared at hi enemy. his... brother... for a few moments beforemaking his decision.
`Prime. i will not loose my little brother again.`
`after so long of war, and seeing you without those guards. acting like yourself again... i lack the streangth to return to battle. againsed you at least.`
`are you saying what i think youre saying...?`
`lets end this, prime. what do you say, fix things and berothers again?` megatron gulped, standing and holding a hand out to hs little brother. prime looked at him, before his optics lit up. taking the hand with asmile, he allowedhimself to be liftedup to hs feet again.
`nagotiations start assoon as everyone is healed up, brother.` optimus smiled. they were both beaming as megatron left the room a fewmuinets later. they both called after eachother to rest least the other would either have revenge or add more to the tickley pile.
both brothers lept like sparkings that night with a sile on their face.
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ppnuggie · 2 years
hi hi congrats on 300 followers!!! (Imo you deserve a million but i mean everyone starts somewhere)
This ask is for the 300 follower special!!
personality :: for this part I'll put good and bad personality traits that I have
Good// I've been told that in general I'm a really nice person and that I care a lot for others,,which i do,, I'm very protective over people that I care about and love,, and will not hesitate to throw hands with somebody who disrespects them,, even if I clearly can't win in a fight,, I'm very open to people that I care about,, and I share a lot with them,, I always try to be there for people,, whether they're a good friend or not
Bad// I've also been told that I'm really gullible and will believe just about anything anyone says,, which is also true,, I tend to let myself be used as a doormat for other people,, I'm also a really needy / clingy person,, another thing is that I'm really touchy person,, not sure if that's a good or a bad thing but I put it here anyways,, especially to people I love I always feel the need to be around them and or touching them in some way,, not in the weird kind of way but touching them like holding their hand,having a hand on their shoulder, Etc,, one last thing is that im really quick to trust people,, it has faded over the years with lots of people coming and going,, but even so I am really quick to trust people
For likes and dislikes,, im not sure if you mean 'what i like in a person' or 'things you like in general', but im assuming you mean things in general
likes :: rainy days,, especially when its dark outside,, reading books about things that interest me,, binging movies/tv shows,, playing video games,, talking to my best friend for hours about literally nothing,,the smell of diesel fuel- (im not joking),,watching youtube,,drawing,,the smell of new alcohol markers,, reading tf x reader fics,,hugs,, and cuddles <3
dislikes :: when someone leaves the faucet water purifier on,, being disrupted when im focused on something,, people talking when im trying to focus,, losing my concentration,, when someone takes wayy to long to respond,, people judging me for how i look and the things I like,, not being able to be myself,,yelling,,and when someone is mean to me or my loved ones
fandom :: Transformers!! Either tfp or bayverse u can pick:)
any sort of gender preference :: male please!! Thank you:))
Also just some facts that might help: i wear glasses that always slide down my nose,, i almost never wear shoes in the house,, and i have a big bumblebee plush from g1 that i always carry with me :)
tysm !! 🥹🥹 im slowly gaining some <33 but hopefully ill reach my next goal ,, 500 followers 😎😎 also i wear glasses too but they slide down too 😭😭 i dont wear them unless im watching smt on tv tho 💀💀 i just cant see too far away ,, heres your matchup thoo !! tysm for being a follower of mine and supporting my content 🥹❤️🙏 i went with tfp with this as well :D also i do like the smell of gasoline too 💀💀 ion know why but i do ,, not that i actively participate in smelling it 💀😭
- ratchet
- breakdown
- ratchet
• whilst ratchet comes off as disinterested or grumpy most the times ,, he does have a slight interest towards you
• he does like that you care a lot for everyone at base ,, but he doesnt say anything about it
• occasionally he’ll spare you a genuine smile or two ,, not much for pda but in private moments he doesnt mind your hands all over him
• he’ll let you set on his shoulder or rest against his helm if it makes you feel better <3
• he doesnt play video games ,, but he can agree that he does love rainy days on earth ,, the soft raindrops bring him comfort and peace
• he can also relate to the losing concentration part 💀 he cant stand it
- breakdown
• hes more loud then ratchet is and more energetic then the old medic
• but it isnt much of a bad thing ,, he does tone it down when hes around you ,, taking notice of your dislike towards yelling
• he’ll definitely play games with you in his mass displaced form tho :D !!
• and for rainy days ,, he’ll take you on drives so you can experience it ,, he’ll drive slow and smooth ,, play soft music and just enjoy both of your guys’ comfort
• he will also binge movies with you ,, he is interested in what you humans come up with for entertainment anyways
• he doesnt mind touching either ,, he really loves it 🥹 he loves your affection a lot <33 so you dont gotta worry about that
soft rain pattered against the window ,, rolling down and away from your view. the sky was a dark grey ,, the sun nowhere to be seen. warm air blew through breakdown’s ventilation ,, keeping you cozy in his alt mode as he drove slowly down the empty road.
he found out that you had enjoyed the rain ,, and soon grew to understand why. he even had a special place in his spark for the weather on earth. even if he wasnt much a fan of the cold or super hot days ,, he didnt mind the rainy weather. not only didnit provide a nice free shower but also time with you.
soft melodies played out his radio ,, strolling down the black road and going who knows where. the scenery was calm and peaceful ,, the moment you two shared would definitely be cherished.
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gundam-jones · 7 years
tagged by @sablestine
questions questions game!! the rules are: you post the rules, answer the q’s you’re given by the person who tagged you, write 11 q’s of your own and then tag 11 people and the cycle continues thusly! below a cut for length!
1. what’s your go-to self soothing when you feel the anxiety coming on? Typically listening to music or singing? Both help to release tension when i feel it coming on, but if a Loud song comes on my shuffle then that can sometimes make it wors e
2. basil, cilantro, or mint? just two? all? none the above?? All are ok for me depending on what they’re in .3.
3. current special interest/intense fixation? can be media or not! Oh god, right now it’s mostly BNHA and pokemon for me? Some of LL is sprinkled in there too, but its still mostly the former because interest in both hit me like a train this summer whoops
4. become invisible or able to cancel out all noises surrounding you? Canceling noise around me would honestly be so good for recording holy shit
5. favourite transformers character and why? if you’re not familiar with transformers just pick your fave media character and say why! I cant choose anyone from mtmte cause ill just say the whole lost light, but from TFP my fav is Optimus Prime :0 Half is cause he seems like a really mellow character and he’s just generally one of my comfort characters, and the other half is that I’m a predictable bisexual
6. favourite transformers continuity and why? again if not familiar with transformers just pick your fave show and tell why!
Oh god I have no idea? Like I think its a tie between Rescue Bots and MTMTE? Cause MTMTE made me cry and Rescue Bots had a lot of character development I was totally not ready to see in that show? Both also and helped me come to terms with the fact that im really fucking gay too lma 
7. keepin up with any good webcomics? recommend me some! I only keep up like with 2 web comics rn, and one is Check Please! I’ve been reading it since my sophomore year of high school, i feel old. It’s about a guy, bitty, who joins a college hockey team, and there is gratuitous baking and bitty crushing on a dude and sometimes crushing it in hockey? Overall it’s very sweet and genuine I think. No prior hockey knowledge is required to read it since it mostly focuses on the character’s relationships and interactions, but the hockey tidbits that are thrown in are p cool. the progression in art/style/color is really cool to see if ur reading it from the very beginning. i’ve cried like 3 times reading it
8. where do you go when you space out? I have no idea?????? I can never remember when i get out of that headspace
9. what’s your fave meme/the one you think is the funniest? God it keeps changing from day to day, but Advanced Country is good. And Kerchoo is also good, my bros have been saying it ever since cars 3 came out
10. animal that you feel most represents you? Oh god i have no idea. I’m gonna say goat, because you can give me almost anything and I’ll eat it. Also, I’ve been told I can climb things pretty well
11. what seems to help you out when you have art/writing block? Typically reading, watching, or learning new things? They help me get inspired and see some new perspectives to try to put in writing or on paper.
Questions? 1. What’s one song from middle school that you still listen to now? 2. If you could turn into any animal, what would you choose? 3. Were you a dinosaur kid, cat kid, or a horse kid in elementary school? 4. What was your least favorite required book to read in school? 5. Who’s the oc you’ve made most recently? Are they from a particular fandom or an original work? 6. What’s a place you would visit solely because it’s aesthetically pleasing? 7. What was the first video game you played? Do you still like it? 8. What’s the weirdest music video you’ve ever seen? 9. Hoodies or knit sweaters? 10. Do you like baking? If so, what’s your favorite thing to make? 11. If you could get really good at playing any instrument of your choosing overnight, which would you pick?
tagging: @gold-storm, @crudimus @the-ultimate-owl @mangoshota @forgedmedic @red-automaton-viii @redacted-metallum @acidwaste @amagurith @dirgeofthedeep @princess-bedhead @dogfjght
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