#i was actually carried by shadow the hedgehog...bridal style
marzinstarz · 9 months
nothing gayer than breaking the sound barrier 3 times for the person dying in your arms 💥💥
[unedited under cut]
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tenebraevesper · 5 months
Sonadow Moments in Sonic Cyber Revolution (The Final Haunt Arc)
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''Got it!'' Amy nodded, with Sonic curling up into a ball and hit him with her hammer. Sonic flew above the Buzz Bombers, right towards the Egg Hornet. However, Eggman saw this, pressing another button that unleashed another homing missle, hitting Sonic mid-air and knocking him out.
''Sonic!'' Lucas shouted as the cobalt hedgehog fell, dazed from the explosion, while Eggman laughed gleefully that he got the last hit on his nemesis.
There was a sudden flash of light blue light, with a dark figure catching Sonic mid-air, followed by another flash of light, with both the dark figure and Sonic landing on the ground safely. Sonic groaned in pain, feeling dazed and his vision clearing as he looked up at the person who saved him and was currently carrying him bridal style.
''Shadow?'' Sonic was stunned to see his rival.
''You can't go one day without running into trouble, do you?'' Shadow responded. Sonic's eyes narrowed.
''I don't think you're the one to talk about avoiding trouble,'' he responded.
Shadow avoided his gaze, clearly feeling troubled, but then added in an irked tone, ''Do you want me to drop you, Faker?''
''Nah, I'm good. Feels nice being carried around,'' Sonic responded, smirking. Shadow just rolled his eyes and dropped him regardless, with Sonic hitting the ground with a hard 'thud'.
''I suppose this brings us to what I had experienced,'' Rouge said, sitting on the table, her legs crossed. ''I can verify that your friends had indeed been abducted by Mephiles and his partner, but I don't really know what exactly had happened before I had arrived.'' Her eyes narrowed as she added in a more serious tone, ''Whatever they had done to your friends, it broke Touka. The last I saw her, she seemed to have suffered from some kind of mental breakdown. She just… shut down.''
''I guess that explains why Shadow left so soon,'' Sonic commented, his tone solemn.
''Honestly, I think it would be a good idea to give them some time and space to process what had happened,'' Makoto suggested. ''We can talk to them once they're ready.''
''I think that's a good idea,'' Lucas replied, glancing at Sonic. The latter had his head lowered, clearly thinking about his teammates. Lucas knew his partner well enough to be aware that Sonic wouldn't let this be so easily.
Three days… Three days of complete radio silence from both Touka and Shadow. Lucas had sent Touka a message to ask her how she's doing, but there was no reply. She didn't even read it.
''We should go check on them.''
''I'm not sure. You know that neither Touka and Shadow have a tendency to check their messages. Maybe we should leave them alone for the time being.''
''I don't think so. What if they never answer?''
Sonic frowned as he sped through the streets of Neos City, the conversation he had with Lucas still echoing in his head. He knew that Lucas was worried about Touka and Shadow, but unlike his partner, he felt that they should actually confront the two rather to leave them on their own. Still, he agreed to wait. Fortunately, he didn't have to worry about Eggman, as the Doctor didn't show up after the attack three days ago. He and the rest of the gang had figured that he was occupied with something else, with Rouge having admitted that she did mess with the computer at the Egg Base, so he would remain busy with that.
So, in the meantime, Sonic decided to occupy himself with testing out his new ability, which he referred to as the ''Boost''. He had figured out that, in order to trigger it, he would have to remain focused and steady while he increased his speed in small bursts. It did drain him of his own energy, but it was something he could use without using Chaos Surge, so he felt it was worth it. While his stamina was finite, he had more than enough of it for the training sessions. As a matter of fact, he actually wanted to show off his new ability to Shadow, maybe challenge him to a race. However, given the current circumstances, he wondered whether that was even possible.
What I didn't tell Lucas was that I also sent a few messages to Shadow, asking him how he's doing. Sonic sweatdropped as he pondered about the ebony hedgehog's reactions to his messages, figuring that his rival was probably annoyed by them. At least he could see that he was reading them, so that was a good thing. I still don't think that's a good idea, leaving them alone without even knowing whether they'll be fine or not. Sonic hummed. Maybe I should pay them a little visit, just in case.
Grinding to a halt, he turned around on his heel and sped right towards the Kageura residence.
Touka was lying in her bed, having pulled the blanket over her head and staring at the wall, her back turned towards Shadow. The ebony hedgehog was sitting on the swivel chair, just staring at her in silence as he thought about how things have been like this the past three days. After he had warped both of them home, Touka went to the bathroom, closing it right behind her and didn't come out of it for hours. When she did, Shadow noted how she had washed off Sakamoto's blood, having thrown Tomoe's light blue dress into the trash, and how her eyes were dark and red, having clearly spent a good amount of time crying her heart out. She barely spoke as she walked into her room, her only words being:
''I don't want to talk to anyone. I want to be left alone.''
That was the last 'conversation' they had before Touka once again completely shut down emotionally, barely even acknowledging him.
Shadow felt an overwhelming sense of guilt while watching her like this, just wasting away, but there was nothing he could do. There were times when he wanted to talk to Touka, but what was he supposed to say? How was he supposed to comfort her? He knew what was on her mind, but at the same time, he felt like she was a complete stranger to him. This was not the Touka he knew; she wasn't the determined, mischievous and protective older sister who took comforted him when he was at his lowest, who was defiant to the point of going against anyone who had authority or control over them and making them listen to her. She was always so strong, something Shadow deeply admired, but now? Now she was broken, a former shell of herself.
Shadow blamed himself for this, even though he knew that this was not his fault whatsoever. He wished that he could've done more to protect her, to shield her from the unfortunate truth. They both wanted to learn more about their past and they dug to deep, eventually getting buried in it. And when he didn't feel guilt, he was overwhelmed by the sensation of rage, the same kind he felt when he woke up after years of believing his beloved sister had died at his hand. The voice in the back of his mind returned, convinced him to find someone, anyone, and take his anger out on them, to punish them for what they had done to Touka. The first person who came to his mind was Sakamoto… and that's when the voice turned cold and the memory of his death replayed in his mind over and over again, like a broken tape. Shadow felt not pity for the man after what he had done to them, but the sudden brutality of his death did make his stomach squirm.
Shadow's ears twitched at the sound of voices coming from downstairs. He glanced at the hatch, unable to make out anything specific with his sensitive hearing, but he was sure that there was someone else in the downstairs besides Kisaki. He glanced at Touka, who hadn't moved from her position, having refused to leave her room unless absolutely necessary. He wanted to be there for her, and yet he couldn't.
He felt like a failure.
Sighing, Shadow got up and opened the hatch, leaping down into the hallway and walking to the stairs, the voices becoming louder. He stopped in the middle of the stairs, where he wouldn't be seen by anyone but still hear the ongoing conversation in the living room. Just as he had assumed, one of the voices was Kisaki's, but the other…
Sonic. Shadow frowned harder, clenching his fist as he listened in.
''Thanks once again for letting me in, Kisaki,'' Sonic said as Kisaki brought him a coaster and a glass of orange juice. ''I guess Shadow and Touka are at home as well, right?''
''Yeah, they are,'' Kisaki replied, as she sat down on the couch, sighing heavily. ''Unfortunately, neither of them is in the mood to talk. Touka has basically locked herself up in her room and Shadow refuses to say anything. I only see him whenever he comes down to get food for Touka.'' She pressed her fingers against her temple. ''I don't know what is going on with the two. Just a few days ago, they were both fine, if a little brooding, but now…''
Kisaki trailed off, clearly deeply concerned by the whole situation. Sonic's ears were pinned back as he thought about whether he should tell her what he knew. He wasn't that familiar with the relationship Touka and Shadow had from Kisaki, aside from the fact that Kisaki was Touka's adoptive mother on paper only and Touka never considered her a parental figure. However, seeing just how worried Kisaki was about her adoptive daughter, he decided that it would be the right thing to say something.
''I've heard that the two had been through a really traumatizing event. I don't know the details, though,'' Sonic responded. It wasn't a complete lie – he really didn't know all the details besides what Rouge had told them about witnessing Sakamoto's death, but he figured that Kisaki was better off without knowing that part. He reached for the orange juice, taking a sip out of the glass.
''I see… Thanks for telling me,'' Kisaki muttered, noting how Sonic was glancing at the stairs after putting the glass back on the coaster and fidgeting anxiously. ''If you want to talk to them, you can try, but I doubt you'll suceed.''
''I know you said that Touka and Shadow refuse to talk to you, but I'm persistent. Maybe I could get them…'' Sonic trailed off when Kisaki shook her head.
''It's not just that,'' she said, taking a deep breath. ''Listen, I know Touka and Shadow for a long time now, and when it comes to Touka, her being this closed off is not normal. I have never seen her behave like this, and I fear that, whatever had happened, it may have broken her mind. However, before you even get to talk to her, you would have to deal with Shadow.''
''Don't worry, I already know how to handle him,'' Sonic replied confidently, only to be met with Kisaki shaking her head again.
''I'm sure that you're well aware of just how protective Shadow is of Touka,'' Kisaki started, with Sonic nodding, having witnessed it first-hand. ''This kind of loyalty runs quite deep, and when put in the right mindset, Shadow will refuse to listen to anyone but Touka. This is one of those situations.'' Kisaki glanced at the stairs. ''I had tried to go to talk to Touka, but Shadow refuses to let me inside the room. He had told me that Touka wants to be left alone, and he's enforcing her will with an iron fist. So, unless you want to get caught up in a fight, I doubt you'll get through any of them.''
''So, Touka willingly put herself into isolation and Shadow's supporting her decision,'' Sonic voiced his thoughts, a little astounded. He knew that these two weren't particularly social, but he felt that this was going too far. He then gave Kisaki a confident grin. ''Well, I'm not afraid to get into a fight if necessary. I already know how Shadow is like.''
''There is one more thing I need to tell you,'' Kisaki added, feeling a tiny spark of hope when she saw just how confident Sonic was. She had to wonder if the blue hedgehog would be able to get drag the two out of their self-imposed isolation. ''I don't think Shadow wants this either.''
''You mean, isolating himself and Touka?'' Sonic asked, giving her a curious look. Kisaki nodded.
''Shadow may not be someone who is open with his emotions, but I could tell that he's frustrated with the whole situation and himself, and he doesn't know how to fix it. He knows Touka is hurt and he's doing everything in his power to prevent anyone from hurting her further, even if it means to keep her isolated.''
''That's even more reason for me to confront him,'' Sonic responded, grinning confidently. ''Just leave it all to me. I'm sure I'll be able to fix this.''
Shadow, who was listening to this, scowled, and walked back upstairs into his and Touka's bedroom, not wanting to listen to anything anymore. To his surprise, he saw Touka on her feet, all dressed up. She still had that solemn look on her expression, but she wasn't anymore hiding under the bedcovers.
''Touka, are you-?''
''I wanted to go outside. Are you coming with me?'' Touka asked, extending her arm. Shadow nodded, taking it and he could feel through his glove that her hand was cold and clammy. She was clearly not feeling well, but he figured that this was still better than nothing. There was a flash of blue light, and a moment later, they vanished.
A few minutes passed, with Sonic opening the hatch to the room, surprised to see that it was empty. ''Hey, they're gone!''
''What? But, we didn't see them leave!'' Kisaki shouted back from downstairs. Sonic ran up to her.
''They probably warped away. Don't worry, I'll find them and talk some sense into them,'' he said. Kisaki just put her hand over her mouth, supporting her elbow with her other hand as the hedgehog dashed off, hoping that he was right.
''I… I wasn't supposed to be like this…'' she said, shaking. ''I'm… I don't deserve any of this. I-I stole another person's life. I'm living a lie.'' Touka bit her lip, feeling as if someone was outright choking her. She couldn't breathe. ''I… Sometimes, I wish I was never created at all.''
Shadow felt like he was thrown into icy cold water, any breath he had vanishing and his eyes wide as he stared at his older sister. He knew that the situation was bad, but he had no idea it was this grim.
''Touka, don't say things like that!'' he suddenly shouted at her, only to immediately regret it.
''Shadow, please, just leave…'' Touka turned to him, her tone suddenly firm. Her eyes were still hazy from the tears, but there was an unmistakable look of determination in them. ''I don't want you to be around me anymore,… for your sake. You've done enough for me. More than enough.''
Shadow stared at her silently, unable to come up with a response. He wanted to respect her wish, but at the same time, he feared what would happened if he did. Sighing, Shadow got up and stepped in front of Touka.
''If I leave now and return later, will you still be here?'' he asked, his ruby eyes narrowing as he stared straight at her. Touka didn't respond. ''Touka, promise me that you will be here when I return.''
''Shadow, I…''
Touka was caught off guard when Shadow suddenly snapped at her, staring at him for a moment, before slowly nodding.
''I promise,'' she whispered. Shadow just nodded in response and turned around, walking away. He hated the idea of leaving her alone, but if that was what she wanted, he wanted to respect it. He knew that while he was away, he'd be clutching onto this promise with his dear life, his only hope that Touka wouldn't do something to endanger herself.
Besides, he still had something else he needed to take care of. He walked onto the street and, just as he predicted, saw a blue streak of light zooming towards him. Sonic was relieved to have found Shadow, having searched the whole city for him and Touka.
''Hey, Shads, I was just-!''
Before Sonic could even finish his sentence, he was sent flying by Shadow, who punched him straight in the face. Sonic landed on the ground, shaking his head and rubbing his cheek, which was burning to the touch. He stared at Shadow, who was glaring daggers at him as he approached him, hands balled into fists, baring his fangs, completely livid.
''What makes you think that you have the right to stick your nose into my personal matters?!''
Shadow took another step as Sonic quickly got up. ''Shads, I know that you're angry, but I just want to help you.''
''I don't want your help!''
Shadow grabbed Sonic by his neck, lifting him up as they vanished in a flash of blue light. Sonic then felt a sharp pain in his back as Shadow slammed him against a wall. He realized that the wall was actually the underpass where they had one of their previous battles, not too far from the park they were previously at.
''I have enough of your self-righteousness! Only because you get to play hero, you think you can now be everyone's savior!'' Shadow growled furiously. ''Let me make something clear, Sonic! You can't fix everything! You can't fix me and you can't fix Touka! So stop trying!''
Shadow suddenly stumbled back as Sonic managed to kick him in the stomach, forcing him to let go of his rival. Sonic rubbed his neck, taking a deep breath. ''Okay, I get it. You're frustrated that things are falling apart. I understand. However, if you just talked to me about what happened, then…''
''There is nothing to talk about,'' Shadow cut him off, his tone harsh and cold. He was done with Sonic's antics. Sonic, on the other hand, sighed.
''Okay, then. I guess we'll have to do it the hard way,'' he said, stretching his arms above his head before getting into a battle stance and smirking. ''You know, I was actually looking forward to this, Faker.''
''I'll make you regret ever approaching me in the first place,'' Shadow responded.
The two hedgehogs then rushed forward into another clash.
Sonic dodged a punch from Shadow, which was followed by another punch, then a kick. Sonic just kept up avoiding the blows until he could find a good opening, but Shadow was relentless. Sure, Sonic fought him before a couple of times, but he had never seen him this furious. Although, he'd take furious Shadow over Shadow who had nothing left to fight for any day. Sonic briefly glanced back, noting the wall behind him, and he managed to dodge another sweeping kick to his head, stepping back and using the wall to bounce and tackle Shadow to the ground, trying to pin him down.
''Do you have enough?'' Sonic asked, grinning as he pressed Shadow's shoulders down. Shadow's response was to kick him with his knee, leaving Sonic reeling from the pain and then punching him again in the chest.
''Hmph, I've seen better from you,'' Shadow responded, staring at Sonic coldly as the latter recovered from the hit.
''Yeah… You did,'' Sonic responded, suddenly dashing forward.
Shadow braced himself for an attack, but Sonic zoomed past him, circling around him in a zig-zag manner to confuse him. Shadow kept calm, though, having understood what Sonic was planning to do, and when Sonic vanished from his sight, Shadow turned around, expecting a sneak attack from behind. However, instead, Sonic performed a homing attack from above, hitting Shadow and knocking him down. Sonic leapt back with a smirk on his expression as Shadow slowly got back up, knowing well his rival wouldn't just go down from one attack.
Admittedly, Sonic's plan wasn't to defeat Shadow. He just wanted the latter to vent his aggression through a battle and calm down so they could have a proper conversation. It was a simple stalling tactic, at least on paper, but Shadow was everything but simple. Sonic just hoped that he'd have enough stamina for this battle.
''Chaos Spear!''
''Yikes!'' Sonic managed to side-step the energy spear, letting it fly past him, feeling a little alarmed. If Shadow was willing to use his Chaos Powers, then things just got more complicated.
Another Chaos Spear formed in Shadow's hands, but instead of throwing it, Shadow used more like a weapon, swiping at Sonic. The cobalt hedgehog curled up, doing a spin attack at Shadow, who used the Chaos Spear to block the latter, energy sparking all around them. As the Chaos Spear dissipated, Sonic bounced back, uncurling, with a faint scent of burnt fur filling his nostrils. Before he could do anything about it, Shadow suddenly charged it for another punch, but to both of their surprise, Sonic blocked this one by grabbing Shadow's arm.
''You know, if you already want to fight me, then at least we can also talk!'' Sonic told him, sweep kicking Shadow, who leapt back, dodging the attack.
''There is nothing to talk about!'' Shadow growled. However, Sonic persisted, avoiding another punch and kicking Shadow in the chest.
''I understand that you're angry at me. I probably shouldn't have sent you so many messages either…''
''You spammed me 50 messages per day!''
Shadow managed to punch Sonic in the face, sending him flying. Sonic landed on the ground, shaking his head. ''Ughhh… I guess I deserved that one.'' He quickly got up, having to use his super speed to dodge another punch form Shadow as the latter warped right in front of him. ''However, I still think you should've just gone out and talked to someone than isolating yourself!''
''I don't want your advice!''
Sonic rushed down the street, forced to dodge Shadow's attempts at punching and kicking him as he warped around him. He saw a street lamp, rushed towards it and used it to circle around, kicking Shadow right in the gut as he warped in front of Sonic. Shadow fell on one knee, glaring at his rival as he clutched his stomach.
''I'm not saying that you have to take my advice. I just want to understand what is going through your head. I know that you're traumatized-'' Sonic replied when, suddenly, Shadow tackled him, warping both right back to the underpass and pinning Sonic below him.
''What do you know about trauma?!'' Shadow snarled furiously, glaring daggers at Sonic. ''What do you know about losing the most important person in your life?! What do you know how it feels when the whole world is against you?!''
''I… don't…'' Sonic responded in a defeated tone. Shadow stared at him, still angry, but noticeably calmer after hearing Sonic's response. He furrowed a brow when Sonic then looked back at him with a determined gaze. ''However, I know that you're feeling really lonely, as if everyone had abandoned you, and that you're carrying a huge responsibility on your shoulders. I want you to help with that burden, because I understand that feeling of loneliness. I told you before, and I'm telling you now, even if this is the path you have chosen, I won't give up. I will continue to fight for my friends, for Neos City, and especially for you, Shadow. So, stop being so stubborn!''
To Shadow's surprise, Sonic managed to kick him off him, causing him to stumble backwards, with Sonic getting ip on his feet. He expected Shadow to attack him again, but instead, the latter just stared at him with a steely gaze.
''Why?'' Shadow asked, suddenly walking towards Sonic, who quickly stepped back, feeling a little nervous, only to feel the wall behind him once again, with Shadow slamming his palm next to Sonic's head, keeping Sonic pinned against the wall once again. Shadow stepped even closer, with Sonic catching a faint scent of lavender coming from him. ''Why are you so determined to be so close to me?''
''Because I think you're an interesting person and I like hanging out with you. It's simple as that,'' Sonic responded in a chipper tone, giving Shadow a smug grin. Shadow's expression fell, avoiding eye-contact with Sonic.
''Right… It's simple as that,'' Shadow muttered, stepping back, his ears drooping as he stared at the ground, fists clenched. Sonic exhaled, feeling relieved that Shadow had finally calmed down. Shadow then looked back, his glare sending shivers down Sonic's spine, making him wonder if Shadow found another reason to be angry at him. ''You're still insisting on that, despite me showing no interest in being your friend like the others do. I agreed to being your ally and rival, but nothing beyond that.''
''Well, regardless of what you think, I still consider you my friend,'' Sonic replied happily, much to Shadow's chagrin. ''So, what happened to you and Touka? If you don't want to talk about it, could you at least give me a hint or something?'' Sonic noted the glare Shadow shoot at him, his ears drooping. ''Okay, I know I'm not really the best person when it comes to talking things out, especially emotional stuff. Amy's way better at this, so if you're more comfortable with that, we could go to talk to her. Or if you prefer a more blunt approach over a compassionate one, we could also talk to Minami.''
Shadow remained silent, giving Sonic a steely gaze, then lowered his head, staring somberly at the ground, arms folded across his chest. He closed his eyes when he felt a hand on his shoulder, followed by a surprisingly gentle tone coming from Sonic, ''Shads, I'm serious. You're not alone. If you still believe that, then I'll be always here to remind you that you have a friend by your side.''
''You're really a thorn in my side,'' Shadow responded, with Sonic feeling a little concerned, only to see Shadow's expression change to a more vulnerable one. He sighed, showing a pained look as he continued, ''I-I feel like I'm losing Touka again.''
''What we learned at that place, the truth… It completely broke her. I never saw her like this before; it's like she has turned into an empty shell of the person she used to be,'' Shadow explained, his hands falling by his side and clenched his fist, shaking. ''I hate seeing her like this and it frustrates me that there is absolutely nothing I can do to help her. I want to protect her, but how do you protect someone who is hurting themselves? I feel like a failure.''
''Shadow, I don't think you have failed,'' Sonic said, stepping up, with Shadow giving him a look of genuine surprise, only for it to change to a frown when Sonic placed his arm around his shoulder. ''I see this as a setback. Yeah, things were going great before, but you tripped and now you don't know how to continue. All you can do now is get up and keep going.''
''I'll consider your advice… Would you take your arm off my shoulder?'' Shadow growled.
''Sorry,'' Sonic quickly stepped back, grinning sheepishly. ''Also, next time you feel like venting your frustrations through a battle, just ask. I'm always up for a sparring match.''
''I'll keep that in mind,'' Shadow responded. Sonic just smiled at him happily, with Shadow still feeling a little irked by his positive outlook, but at the same time, the weight he felt on his shoulders wasn't as heavy as before. He was too used to act and fight on his own, with only Touka by his side, and he felt like there wasn't anyone beside her he could trust. Sure, there was also Kisaki, who would watch over them, but even then, they would exclude her from many things. During their life at the Codex Research Facility, they had developed an ''us against the world'' mentality and it was hard to shake it off. He hated the fact that he had just cracked under the pressure, but at the same time, he knew that he had to accept outside help to find a solution to this problem. It was quite frustrating for him, but at the same time, he felt a sense of relief.
''Now, let's go pick up Touka and…'' Sonic was about to walk away when, suddenly, a bunch of crystals shoot out of the ground, stopping him in his tracks. ''Whoa- What was that?!''
Both suddenly heard a cold chuckle coming from somewhere above. They ran out of the underpass, spotting a shadow-like figure hovering on the top of it. Shadow frowned, growling, ''Mephiles!''
''It was quite amusing watching you fight and struggle, but having you heal from your emotional trauma is certainly not part of the plan,'' Mephiles told him. Sonic glanced at Shadow, then back at Mephiles, realizing that this was the ARNav Rouge had told them about.
''Dude, what are you talking about?'' Sonic asked the Dark, while Shadow understood immediately.
''You didn't bring us to that place just to meet Prof. Sakamoto. His death was planned from the start,'' he said, with Sonic giving him a confused look. Mephiles gazed at him, at first not answering to his accusation, but then relented.
''I see that you put quite some thought into what had happened,'' Mephiles started. ''You're correct in your assumption though. The reason Toshiro and I brought you to meet Prof. Sakamoto is because we hoped that you would eventually succumb to your prior programming as a weapon after learning the truth and go on a rampage. The additional trauma you and Touka had experienced was just the cherry on the top and I sincerely enjoyed seeing you at your lowest. Touka's breakdown was especially amusing. Is it true that she has actually become suicidal?''
''You-'' Shadow gritted his teeth, baring his fangs. ''You'll pay for what you've done to Touka!''
''Hmph, I'd like to see you try!'' Mephiles rose up his arm, with flames suddenly bursting from the crystals that had sprouted from the ground, going right after Shadow. Sonic quickly tackled his rival, getting both of them away from the fire.
''This guy looks like real trouble,'' Sonic said, with Shadow glancing at him, noting the determined look on Sonic's expression. Sonic winked confidently, ''How about we take him down together?''
''How about we make it a competition and see who gets the most hits?'' Shadow responded, with Sonic grinning widely, looking excited.
''Now you're talking!''
Both nodded and then turned towards Mephiles, who just frowned in return. This was not the kind of reaction he wanted to see.
Both Sonic and Shadow dodged a wall of flames Mephiles sent towards them. Sonic then used his super speed to rush towards the Dark, only to be surprised by a barrage of sharp crystals growing out of the ground. Fortunately for him, Shadow fired a Chaos Spear, shattering the crystals and clearing the path for Sonic, who launched into a spin attack towards Mephiles. However, instead of hitting the Dark, he spun right into the flames that Mephiles had conjured.
''Sonic!'' Shadow shouted as he saw a ball of fire emerge from the flames, spinning and hitting a nearby wall. He uncurled, clearly dazed and singed. Shadow then turned to Mephiles, who fired a whirl of flames towards him. Shadow warped around them, about to punch Mephiles, only to pass through him, with the shadow-like copy disappearing and Mephiles appearing right behind him.
''You're so predictable,'' Mephiles hissed, with Shadow turning around in an attempt to roundhouse kick him in one swift motion, but the Dark already merged with the hedgehog's shadow, avoiding the attack. Shadow looked down, only to for crystals to sprout from the ground, enveloping the dark hedgehog completely.
''Shadow!'' Sonic screamed, holding onto his hurt arm, his eyes wide as he saw the ghastly crystallic structure with Shadow in the middle of it, trapped. Mephiles emerged from the shadows on the ground, looking at his little masterpiece in interest.
''I expected you to put more of a fight,'' he said. ''But, I suppose I should've expected this from someone so weak-minded and easy to manipulate.'' Mephiles then turned to Sonic, who tried to ignore the pain in his arm and took a battle stance. ''I suggest you to back down unless you want to end up the same as this idiot. My business is with Shadow.'' Mephiles' gaze then changed for a moment. ''Although, I wouldn't mind taking you down as well.''
''I know that you hurt Shadow and Touka, and I will make sure that you- huh?'' Sonic cut himself off as he saw a glowing red light behind Mephiles. The Dark too turned around, realizing that the red glow was coming from Shadow, his whole body enveloped in crimson light.
''Chaos BLAST!''
The crystallic prison exploded due to the blast of red energy, with Shadow falling down on his knee, breathing heavily, the glow in his eyes fading. Unfortunately, he had to use up a lot of energy just to free himself from Mephiles' trap and he was winded from the attack. Still, he got up, glaring at his opponent. Mephiles' eyes narrowed as he stared back. He had to admit, Shadow was stubborn. Nevertheless, he was the one standing on the top. The so-called Ultimate Lifeform and his equal were clearly unable to make a scratch on him.
''I had fun playing, but-'' Before Mephiles could even end his sentence, he suddenly felt something wrap around his chest, pulling him backwards. A string? Before he could even respond in any way, whoever was holding onto the string swung him into the wall of the underpass, causing him to hit it hard and fall over.
''You're being really mean.''
''Big?!'' Sonic and Shadow's eyes widened in complete surprise when Big emerged, holding a fishing pole, with Froggy on his shoulder. He was glaring at Mephiles, who cut through the string with his claws and glared back at Big. Rest assured, he clearly didn't expect for him to appear in join the fight.
''Why you-?!'' Mephiles felt a sense of rage overwhelming him. He made it clear that no one was going to even put a scratch on him and if this purple cat wanted to participate in this battle, he would make him pay. However, before he could do that, Shadow suddenly rushed forwards, using the moment of distraction to launch an attack at Mephiles. Unfortunately for him, Mephiles turned back, creating once again a wall of fire to stopped Shadow in his tracks. ''Tch, you can't defeat me!''
''Leave my brother alone!''
Too distracted by what was going on in front of him, Mephiles didn't even register Touka sneaking up behind him, holding a pipe in her hand and whacking him over the head with it. She glared at him as he fell over, seething with rage. Shadow was shocked to see her here, only to get elbowed by Sonic.
''Hey, Shads, remind me to never make Touka angry,'' he said, a soft grin on his lips. Shadow couldn't help but grin in response, as this was the Touka he was familiar with. The teenager dropped the pipe and then ran past Mephiles and towards the hedgehogs, Big and Froggy.
''Are you guys okay?'' she asked, a look of concern on her expression.
''It's nothing that we can't walk off,'' Sonic responded in a casual tone. Shadow gave her a worried look.
''What about you?'' he asked. Touka shook her head, responding with a look of guilt.
''I'm so sorry for making you all worried about me,'' she replied. Shadow was about to respond, but Sonic interrupted the two.
''You know, we can talk about this once we're done with Mephiles,'' he said, pointing at the Dark, who got up. Despite the glare he shoot at them, there was clearly a slight hint of alarm in his gaze, especially since Touka was clearly more than willing to aid the group in the battle rather than be consumed by her depression and trauma. Shadow noticed that, stepping out.
''Care to prove your status as The Ultimate Weapon against the Chaos Surge-boosted Ultimate Lifeform?'' he asked. Mephiles frowned, backing away into the shadows. He knew that without Toshiro's aid, he would have a hard time against Shadow powered up by Chaos Surge.
''This won't be the last time we see each other!''
The group watched him disappear, before collectively sighing in relief. Sonic then put his arms behind his head, adding in a causal tone, ''Well, that was fun.'' He smiled sheepishly when he saw the exasperated look Shadow gave him, turning towards Big and Froggy. ''Thanks for the help, guys!''
''You're welcome,'' Big responded happily, glancing at Touka, who had a smile on her lips, despite her clear look of discomfort.
''I… I suppose there's a lot to explain,'' she started. Shadow raised an eyebrow, surprised to see that she was actually willing to come clean about what had happened, with Touka catching on his non-verbal question. ''I had talked to Big, and I think it would be a good idea for the rest of Team Neos to learn the truth.''
''Are you sure?'' Shadow questioned her. Touka gave a firm nod, with Sonic and Shadow exchanging glances. While Shadow was still uncertain, Sonic just gave him an encouraging grin and a thumbs up.
''I'll call Lucas and the rest of the team, then.''
''You're already familiar with Mephiles, right? He also has a partner named Toshiro Miwa, and just like Touka, Toshiro is an artificial creation, albeit for a different purpose,'' Shadow explained.
''They're the ones who will destroy the future,'' Silver said in a grim tone, drawing everyone's attention as he approached Shadow. ''The kind of fire powers Mephiles has is identical to that of Ignis Infernalis, and considering how I was sent from the future to the exact moment of the past from which the fire originates, I'm certain that it's him who will be the catalyst for this disaster.''
''Then we will stop at nothing to make sure to prevent that,'' Shadow said in a firm tone. He and Silver were suddenly startled by a blue blur, with Sonic appearing right between them, placing his arms over their shoulders and pulling them closer.
''Shadow's right! Be it past, present or future, nothing can stop us from making the world a better place!'' Sonic said cheerfully, with Silver smiling back at him, while Shadow shoot him a glare, clearly still not liking the idea of being touched.
#Sonadow Moments in Sonic Cyber Revolution (The Enter The E.G.G.M.A.N. Arc & The Babylon Rogues Arc)
#Sonadow Moments in Sonic Cyber Revolution (The Starfall Arc & The Green Hill Zone Arc)
#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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12neonlit-stage · 2 years
Joe Rogan Podcast, a love story
430 words; tags: sonadow, morons to lovers, fluff
"Joe Rogan podcast" Sonic says, gazing into the ebony hedgehog's ruby eyes.
".. what?" was the only reply that managed to leave the hedgehog's mouth.
Shadow had been quite fascinated by the corner of the room, and far too self-confident to admit that the speed demon's sheer presence was enough to make his face flush.
"Joe Rogan podcast" Sonic repeats himself once more, eagerly awaiting for his rival's response.
While still embarrassed, he still strongly wished to get closer to the blue speedster, secretly wishing he'd notice the small hints he'd flash every now and then.
Unfortunately for him, Sonic was incredibly romantically awkward, dense, clueless, inexperienced... other words that mean this same thing.
And so was he, as it seemed.
Sonic's perspective was somehow the same, wanting to get close but being unsure how to do so.
That's what happens when you put two emotionally constipated hedgehogs in the same room.
'Hedgehog's dilemma', the fear of getting close to others. Or, more specifically, the fear of hurting others and getting hurt by those you get close to.
To the point where you find yourself not knowing how to get close afterwards.
Even after having sonic repeat himself, Shadow did not quite know what to do.
Should he say it back? Smile? Nod and move on??
He did not even understand the meaning of the phrase the other was muttering; why is Joe Rogan? What’s a podcast? Can you eat them? Actually now that I think about it I haven’t eaten in a while, I’m quite hungry.
(That’s a lie, I was trying to be humorous, I ate literally 20 minutes ago.)
Noticing Shadow’s confused expression, Sonic took matters into his own hands. Literally.
Before he could retaliate, the red-striped hedgehog found himself getting carried bridal style by the lance to his Keith.
They both headed to a secret place only known to sonic because I’ve seen that fucking cliché in all sonadow fanfics I’ve read; like that’s actually crazy, it’s like all sonadow fans are part of a hivemind or something-
While actively tuning out the rambles of the narrator, who, much to their dismay, was now going on about the ‘shared unconscious’ theory, they find themselves sitting on the grass, gazing at the stunning pinkish sky of dusk.
Finally understanding the true meaning other the words his partner had once uttered to him, Shadow found himself saying them once more. “Joe Rogan podcast…”
Green eyes meet red ones, as they stare in anticipation before leaning towards the other, kissing passionately.
Only one small whisper could be heard leaving Sonic's mouth, "..poggers!".
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valleyfthdolls · 2 years
Sonic HC’s please bestie i need to know them
JESHBRFEBHRRHFHRGRGR *grabs this ask tightly*
I'm operating under the assumption you're talking about the character and not just my general headcanons for the series so here are my headcanons about The Boy.
First off I headcanon that Sonic is trans, as many people have pointed out Sonic lacks the chest fur most male hedgehogs have, instead having the tan chest more common in female characters, plus as a few pointed out with the IDW "imposter syndrome" comics Surge was introduced when it was announced as a clone of Sonic of sorts, but where Sonic was male, Surge was female, however Kit- Tails' [clone]- was still male. I haven't been keeping up with those comics tho.
Related to that headcanon, Sonic chose his own name in relation to his speed power. He probably thought he was super clever for that one lmao.
I also think he's gay, and that's probably related to his discomfort and awkwardness regarding Amy's feelings for him.
However I can think of two characters I like to imagine he is romantically attracted to, Knuckles and Shadow. He has a thing for badass redheads I guess.
That, or he has a thing for ex-enemies who can beat the everloving shit out of him.
I love to think that he just, like, genuinely hates Eggman. Like, sure, Eggman is a pretty lovable villain, despite constant attempts at world domination he's just a little guy, but I also think you're out of your fucking mind if you think I'm going to just brush over his destruction of South Island's animals via roboticizing them in the original game, constantly endangering Sonic's life and that of his best friend, turning Knuckles against them, unleashing a literal god to wreak havoc, blowing up half the moon to threaten the world into submitting, blowing a HOLE IN THE EARTH TO UNLEASH ANOTHER GOD, ELECTRICALLY MORPHING SONIC INTO A WOLF MONSTER, THROWING HIM OUT OF HIS WEIRD DICK-SHAPED SPACE WEAPON, KEEPING HIM AS A PRISONER OF WAR FOR SIX MONTHS, no. No, Eggman is maybe a lovable little guy of a villain to the fans, but not to Sonic himself. He hates Eggman.
I actually hc that Sonic has just a lot of repressed anger from the shit he's gone through in the various games. Why do you think I'm obsessed with the concept of Dark Sonic so much it's LITERALLY a Super Sonic transformation dominated by his intense anger I would KILL to see this in a future game.
Ok as for some more lighthearted headcanons-
Sonic is pretty strong for his size (partially due to the repressed anger issue) and hfhdfkghf I came up with the headcanon a while ago that Sonic can lift Shadow up and carry him bridal-style with ease and it's now my favorite.
He has ADHD and I don't think a single part of this fandom will disagree with me on that.
Sonic is TERRIBLE at flirting. Good for making a complete fool of himself, but unfortunately, that's not what he wants when he tries to flirt. Despite putting on a suave overconfident persona and generally being very confident and cocky, the kid's a disaster.
(Doesn't help that neither of his crushes get flirting in the first place, let alone his awful attempts at it.)
Ok that's all I have to go to school. Thank you sm for the ask :D
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somewhereinchaos · 4 years
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@rujv​: smooches him. "you're such a good..." she sounds tired, painfully so. her eyes lidded and though her smile is wide, it's strained. "such a good boy. good friend. good - good friend. to me." then she collapses against his chest. safe and warm in the white fur of his chest. she's asleep. shhh.
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          ╳ ┊ u l t i m a t e  »  He closes his eyes at the smooch on his cheek, giving her a slight pout. His hands have a firm grasp on Rouge’s arms— it’s pretty obvious she’s feeling really tired. “You’re rambling..” Shadow looks at her with a hint of worry in his eyes. “I’m not that..” Ah, but it’s useless to argue with her at a time like this. She should go to bed.. But before the hedgehog could even suggest anything like that, she’s already sleeping. On his chest fluff. Oh.
          There’s a moment of complete silence as he’s trying to figure out if he should try to wake her up or not.. Probably not. With a sigh, Shadow decides to pick her up in bridal style and carry her to bed. It’s his bed, but he doesn’t use it much. Actually he doesn’t really use most things in his apartment. It was more like a.. storage for him. Because he was always on the move. But sometimes, like today, he spent time here with Rouge. Watching TV, drinking coffee and other things. She’s the only person who doesn’t judge him.. or at least that’s how he felt. It was just really easy to talk to her. Because he knows she can be trusted.
          Shadow closed the curtains before leaving the room. He would let her sleep for a bit.. but he knows he would have to wake her up soon. After all, she probably would have wanted to remove her makeup before passing out..
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another-sonic-blog · 7 years
ShadAmy Week Day 2: Forbidden Love
ShadAmy Week Day: 2
Forbidden Love
The first time I meet Amy Rose, I thought she was….strange. It was strange to see a hedgehog, even more a female one. At that time, I was curious of what kind of abilities she may have. So just in case, I made sure to keep an eye on her. Then I saw that she had some kind of relationship with that blue hedgehog. It does not seem strange, after-all they were both probably the last two hedgehogs in the world, besides me of course. She was impressive indeed, she may not be the strongest, nor the fastest, but she had a kind heart. That was enough for me to respect her and try to bring peace to the world, back then in the ARK. Somehow, I always found myself going back to her, even when the possibilities of doing so were extremely small. Even when I lost my memories and had to work with the BlackArms, I still went to her. I remember seeing her at some castle, I helped her find her rabbit friend. Why I did it? I honestly don’t know. Its as if she had some spell over me, as if everything she says would have an impact to me.
“Shadow, are you ok?”
I opened my eyes and I looked up to see Amy looking at me with a worry face.
“Yeah… I was just thinking”
“mmm what were you thinking?”
“I was thinking about…you”
Once again, I feel like as if the universe doesn’t want me near Amy…no matter how much I try to get near her, I can’t find myself getting closer to her. I stood up from the grass and stood beside Amy, waiting for Sonic to arrive.
“Great..like always…”- I thought to myself, and prepared for Sonic’s arrival.
“Hey guys! What’s up?”- Sonic said as he stopped by.
“We are just chilling, and you Sonic?”- asked Amy, getting closer to him.It was honestly not a pretty sight to see.
“Nothing much I was passing by and found you guys here…oh and I found another hedgehog”
Amy and I were really impacted and ultimately, we didn’t know how to react.
“That’s impossible, we are the only ones left…”- Amy said not really believing Sonic.
“He is actually not from here…”- Sonic began
“He?”- I asked.
“Yeah, he is a ‘he’, but he seems a bit confused… I think it would be good if you both come to my place, so we can talk to him.”- Sonic said prepared to run off. On that moment, I thought it was my chance to get close to Amy, however, it seems like no matter what, destiny its on my way.
“Ah how can I forget!”- Sonic said as he got closer to Amy.
“Let me carry you, miss Rose”- Sonic said and bow to Amy, which made her giggle and slowly nodded her head. Once again, I didn’t like this sight, it should of be me carrying Amy bridal style. I decided to look the other way, so I didn’t have to pay attention to the couple. Yes, couple. Sonic and Amy were officially dating. I was just Amy’s “friend” someone who she could spend time with when Sonic wasn’t around. We run at the same speed, and quickly reached Sonic’s home.
“Well, we are here. Please be nice…Shadow”- Sonic looked at me as he put Amy down. I just rolled my eyes and followed them close by as Sonic opened the door of his house. He entered first, then Amy and lastly me. I was really doubting that anyone was really in his house until, I heard someone eating loudly.
“SILVER, DID YOU ATE ALL OF MY FOOD?!”- Sonic yelled as he found Silver pigging out his fridge. I flinched immediately, no this was impossible-
“TIME TRAVELING TOOK ALL MY ENERGY OUT OK!”- Silver said and he dropped all of Sonic’s food to the floor.
“AHHHHAJSDHUCDHFJD”- Sonic just moved away as if not wanting to attack Silver.
“uh, hi… I am Amy Rose, nice meeting you”- Amy said and waved at the silver colored hedgehog.
“Yeah, my name is Silver…Silver the Hedgehog”- Silver said as he picked up the food and began heading towards the living room. He sat down on the sofa and began eating again. Amy, Sonic and I followed him and took a sit on the other small couches as well.
“Well, Silver, can you tell us.. what brings you here?”- Amy began.
“Like I said, I was time traveling”- Silver said as he kept eating.
“But why?”- I asked, I was honestly curious about how the heck he got here, this most be a mistake.
“That’s…top secret, I am sorry”- Silver said, not looking at me.
“I found him this morning in front of my house, and he won’t tell me either”- Sonic added.
“That’s because, what I came here for its none of your business.”- Silver said and began eating again.
“You ate all of my food… its my business now!”
“Sonic, please don’t start”- Amy began. I noticed that Silver would look at Amy constantly which of course I didn’t like. He suddenly stood up and walked in front of Amy.
“However, I do have business with you.. can we talk somewhere?”- Silver said and pull out his hand in front of Amy which she accepted as she stood up from the couch.
“I will taking her for a few hours, you won’t mind right?”- Silver said as he looked at me, which surprised me and Sonic.
“HEY! That question is supposed to be for me!”- Sonic said as he stood up.
“Oooohhh yeah yeah, I forgot sorry, well anyways, we are heading off”- Silver said and he made Amy follow him to the door bur before exciting, he looked back at me.
“And Shadow… don’t you have to show Sonic…that?”
“What? “
“You know what I mean, that small black box?”
“…How did you-”
“I just know”- And with that Silver and Amy left Sonic’s house. I still don’t believe that Amy went with another hedgehog and I still can’t believe that he-
“Hey Shadow… how does even Silver know you name? You didn’t even introduce yourself… that’s weird”- Sonic said as he interrupted my thoughts. And for once I had to agree with him.
“Where are you taking me to Silver?”
“I want to prepare you…”
“Prepare me? For what?”
“The future”
“Ok you are scaring me now”
Of course I understood that Amy most be really confused. I was grabbing her hand still, not wanting to let go. We reached a small place, the place in which, I Silver the Hedgehog ,was meant to spend most of my childhood. My home was of course not built yet, but it was still nice to be around the massive forest, peaceful, the perfect place to develop my telekinesis.
“Why did you take me here?”- Amy asked again, finally letting go of my hand.
“Can you promise me one thing?”
“Yeah..Sure why not?”- Amy said and she looked straight at me. I was ready to complete my plan.
“So Shadow, what was the black box Silver said you needed to show me?”- Sonic said and I pretended not to hear. I really didn’t feel like telling him about the reasons why I had that black box.
“Shadow…tell me”
“Come on Shads! I thought we were friends!”
“Cause we are? Aren’t we?”
It took a me a few minutes to realize that indeed, Sonic was one of the few people I trusted. There was nothing wrong with was inside the black box, however explaining the reason why I got it would be kinda uncomfortable for the both of us. However, I knew that no matter what, this feelings I was keeping to myself would sooner or later show.
“Fine, I’ll show you”
Sonic show off a smile and we quickly headed towards the forest, impressive trees surrounding us, always a peaceful place and that’s why I hidden that box in there. There was a particular tree that had a whole in it, I put my hand inside of it and took out a small black box and gave it to Sonic. Sonic looked at me as if he was asking permission to open the box, I looked back again to him and as he opened the box, his eyes open in disbelief.
“This is…how long were you hiding it?”- Sonic asked looking at me.
“Long enough…”- I said, not looking at him.
“Did you ever told her?”
“No, she doesn’t have a clue and besides she has you and its not like it would work”
“You don’t know that”
“Its forbidden, it will never happen”
“Don’t lie to yourself Shadow you-”
“She loves you, and its not like you will ever let me-” ’ “Shadow…that’s not my decision, its Amy’s”- Sonic said interrupting me once again.
“Promise me one thing Shadow…. Please promise me that If something ever happens to me, you will take care of Amy, and you will make her happy”- Sonic said and he looked at the blackbox again.
“You will never leave, don’t be-”
“SHADOW!”- Sonic yelled at me and he got closer.
“This means that Silver is…”
“Don’t even mention it, it will never happen”
“…I think we need to ask Silver about this”
“Look, its just a stupid-”
“Picture of you and Amy carrying a baby, or better say, me”
Sonic and I turn around to find Silver resting on a near by tree, looking at us with boring eyes.
“Where’s Amy?”- I suddenly ask looking at him.
“She’s a few meters down here, don’t worry she’s fine”
For some reason, he seemed worried about something, he came closer to us.
“I’ll be taking this, this belongs to the future. Of all people to find this picture, it had to be you, hehe”- Silver said as he took away the blackbox Sonic was holding along with the picture.
“You both will soon forget about all of this, you won’t even have a clue, however your subconscious would know what to do”- Silver said and then he suddenly turned to look at Sonic.
“I wish you good luck with you journey Sonic, we all believe you will come back. The resistance will aways await for your return”
“what are you talking-”- Sonic began but Silver interrupted Sonic as he quickly turned around to face me.
“Don’t you ever think that love is something that should be forbidden to you, dad. If you think that way, you will never be happy with mom and I am never going to be born and the future should never exist. I wish I had more time to talk to you.. I have so many questions, but right now you won’t know the answer…take care dad”
Without giving Shadow the time to react about his words, or to ask anything back, Silver disappear into nothing, erasing the memories of Sonic and Shadow.
“What are we doing here?”- Sonic asked and I was also confused.
“AMY!”- Both Sonic and I recognized Amy’s screams, we knew she was near by and went towards her as fast as possible that we could. We reach her quickly and found Amy sitting on the ground.
“Amy, what happened?”- Sonic said as he closer to her and I did the same kneeling facing her.
“I don’t know… I fell asleep here, I had a nightmare, I don’t know about what. Sorry”- Amy said really confused.
“We too, we didn’t know what we were doing just moments ago”- Sonic said.
“Well, this side of the forest is pretty calm don’t you think? It really can take you to places…don’t you say this will be the perfect place to build a house? May be have a family in here?”- Amy said looking around the forest, absorbed by the natural beauty.
“…Yeah, it is”
Looking at Amy like this, I knew that no matter what… I wasn’t going to give up on my feelings for her.
~Years Later~
“Shadow the Hedgehog, leader of the resistance, Lord Infinite request your presence”
A small looking robot came into our secret hiding place, it has already been five years since Sonic’s disappearance, Infinite came along soon after. Nobody has been able to take him down. Shadow and I formed the resistance, hoping for the day of Sonic’s return and help us destroy Infinite once and for all.
“Very well then, I’ll go with you”- Shadow said and I turned around to look at him, already having tears in my eyes.
“But Shadow!”
“I’ll be back soon Amy, I promise… take care of you and Silver, you are in charge while I am away, go back to the others for now”
Shadow then kiss my forehead, and touched Silver’s quills showing him so much affection. He left with that robot a year ago,we haven’t see him ever since. But just like Sonic, I’ll always wait for Shadow.
What would you do if love was not what you expected? Falling in love with the least expected person and for that person to love you back. But no matter what you both do, you both can never really be together… destiny? karma? God? I don’t know. May be its just forbidden love.
A/N: I promised myself that I won’t be writing any ‘Sonic Forces theme” fanfiction until the game comes out, but I just couldn’t wait! I hope you enjoyed reading this, a small idea that I had for ShadAmy Week~ Thank You for reading
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another-sonic-blog · 7 years
First Impressions Pt.4
First Impressions Pt.4 Shadamy Boom! Amy could not get a blink of sleep. One because she couldn’t stop thinking about Sonic’s confession and the other one because of Shadow’s sudden actions.  Amy never thought that Shadow was the type to make a girls’ heart flutter. Well, now that she thinks about it. Shadow did had that mysterious and bad boy personality that could impress any girl. Not to think about that he is savior of the world, his crimson eyes that can captivate, his smile that could outshine the sun and his laugh that- “What the heck am I thinking!”- Amy thought to herself and she took a quick look to Shadow who was standing outside the cave as if he was looking for something. She picked up the Chaos Emerald, put it on her pocket. Amy stood up and went over to him. The sun was already coming out and it was so peaceful, you could hear all the life around the forest “Ready to-?”- Amy wanted to asked but suddenly she felt Shadow’s hand on her mouth, the movement made her be in front of Shadow’s body. With his other hand, he put one finger on his mouth as to indicate her to be silent. This surprised Amy and could not think about moving away from him. Shadow went closer to her and whisper in her ear. “We are being followed, don’t make a sound, I’ll carry you and we will get out of here.”- Next movement, Shadow carried Amy bridal style and left the cave running at his fast speed. Amy knew it wasn’t the moment to be thinking about it but... Shadow looked so cool. Amy then reacted and saw air missiles coming their way. “Shadow there are missiles following us!”- Amy said as she moved her way to be position in Shadow’s shoulder instead, Shadow was now carrying Amy with one of his hand around her waist and even if he didn’t want to, he needed to put one of his hands on Amy’s tails, in order to prevent her from falling. “Heeeeyyy!!!- Amy yelled embarrassed. “Just focus on tackling those missiles down Rose!”-  Shadow said as he dodge several trees with his speed. “Got it!”- Amy said as she pulled out her hammer and began to hit missile by missile, however, that didn’t seem to work as more missiles would come out of the trees, bushes and sky.  “There’s too much of them, I won’t be able to keep up for long!” “We gotta jump Amy!” “Wait wha-”- Amy couldn’t even finish her sentence as she notice that Shadow was heading towards a waterfall. “Hold on tight!”- Shadow said and without hesitation he jump in towards the waterfall. Amy felt how quickly Shadow moved under her in order to protect her in case the deepness of the water wasn’t enough to soften the fall. As both Shadow and Amy came out of the water to take a breath, Shadow saw how one of the missiles successfully sensed them and how it came towards Amy at an incredible speed and so, in order to protect her, he embraced her and received the attack instead. It wasn’t the fall that injured Shadow, but it was the missile who got to him. “Shadow!!!”- Amy yelled, still so taken back by Shadow’s action. The last thing Shadow saw was Amy’s worried face.  Sonic finally decided to go inside Amy’s house today. It wasn’t like he wanted to invaded her privacy, he just wanted to make sure that there no thief in Amy’s house. He looked through a window and everything seemed to be fine, except that a letter with the header of “Team” plastered on the paper caught his attention. And so, he went it. He cautiously looked around the room, and grabbed the letter that was clearly meant to be read by the team, he open it and began to read it. “This doesn’t make sense”- Sonic said, but his thoughts were interrupted by the communicator that he has on his wrist. “Sonic, we need you right now!”- Tail almost yelled. “On my way”- and with the letter on his hand, Sonic left Amy’s house. Tails, Sticks and Knuckles were all motionless by Eggman’s threat. They couldn’t really say or do much. Watching the scared villagers running without scape was really a painful sight to see. They turned around as they saw the blue fur coming their way. “Well it seems like you are ready for your daily beat up, Egghead”- Sonic said as he arrived at the scene. “I think today is going to be different blue rat”- Eggman had that malicious smile, meaning he was up to no good. “What do you want Eggman?!”- Tails yelled at him. “Oh its something very simple, I want Sonic’s Chaos Emerald.” “Sonic does not have a Chaos Emerald, right Son-” Knuckles began to said but as he saw Sonic’s expression change, he knew that he was wrong. “Sorry guys, I didn’t want to tell you...I thought I was protecting you” “Hurry up Sonic and give me that emerald!”- Eggman said as he showed Sonic a small box containing a red button. “Who told you?! There’s only two other hedgehogs besides me that can sense Chaos energy and that’s Amy and Shad-!”- Sonic realized that there was only one person capable of sensing Chaos energy from a great distance. “Sonic, where is the Chaos emerald?”- Tails asked. “Its hidden, I am the only who knows the place, meaning that it couldn’t be Amy since she can only sense Chaos Energy when she is really close to them. The only other option, is Shadow” “Shadow? But what? I thought he had left with Amy for a mission!”- Tails said surprised. “Yeah... A mission to find the Chaos Emeralds.”- Sonic said as he looked at the letter Amy wrote for them. “That doesn’t make sense, why didn’t Shadow asked to have your Chaos Emerald?!”- Sticks was smelling something fishy about the situation. “HAHAHA I just love seeing you breaking your head to figure this out.”- Eggman interrupted, the small brain storm. “Speak at once Eggman!”- Knuckles told him, already wanting to break his face. “Just like you said, there are only three hedgehogs that can sense and transfer Chaos energy. You don’t trust Shadow, so you wouldn’t help him, unless you had your friends around. The only other option was Amy Rose to work as the Vessel to transfer Shadow’s immortality to Lyric!” “What?!!”- All the team yelled surprised at Lyric’s uprising. “You took advantage of Amy’s good-nature, all of this time... Shadow was working for you!”- Sonic screamed, he was infuriated. “Exactly, all of this time Amy spent with Shadow was just a farce planed by us. Everything, from finding Shadow injured on the woods and finding the Chaos Emerald, to the missiles that followed them just a day ago...and now Sonic, since Shadow already has the Vessel,and will soon find the last Chaos Emerald needed in order to complete our plan, the only thing left to do is for you, to give me the Chaos Emerald you were hiding!.”- Eggman smile became even bigger as he knew he had the blue hedgehog where he wanted. “I won’t give it to you unless you tell me where Amy is!”- Sonic began to feel paranoiac.  “Oh is that how you want to play?”- Eggman said and he click the red button that was inside the small box. Suddenly, the house of the villagers began to burn in fire, explosion were happening all around the village. Sticks and Knuckles were fast to go and help the villagers in need. “and that was only one click! I wonder what a second click will do!” Tails looked at Sonic with pleading eyes, hearing the villagers screaming in terror, he couldn’t do anything but to agree. “Tails, go and help, I’ll bring the Chaos Emerald.” Shadow doesn’t remember much, he honestly couldn’t bring himself to think in what place he was in right now. Shadow slowly opened his eyes, even-though he still has the pain on his stomach, he managed to stand up. As he did he notice that he was in a small room, probably someone’s guest room from a near by house. He stopped thinking about the room, and directly looked at Amy, who was in a chair sleeping next to him. In order to not wake her up , he made sure he did every movement carefully. He successfully got out of the bed without making any noise and took a blanket and put in top of Amy. Then he slowly went to the door, open it and close it behind him. He could smell some “pancakes”, or that’s what Amy called it whenever she made them. He followed the smelled and found himself in the kitchen. The sunlight blinded him for a second, the window was facing him and he couldn’t make out who was the person making breakfast. It took a few seconds before his eyes could adjust to the sudden brightness.  “Good morning, how was your sleep?” Shadow notice that it was an old lady, she had feline features. She was wearing a long yellow dress with purple flowers, a white bow that went around her waist and ended attached at her back. “My name is Ana...Please have a seat, I’ll serve you some food”- She sweetly said and Shadow did nothing but to agree and did as she asked. She proceed to serve him some pancakes and some orange juice. He began to eat rapidly, it felt like ages since he had eaten anything. “Seems like you are really hungry, I don’t blame you. You were actually sleeping for two days” “Two days?” “Yes, your girlfriend brought you all the way here carrying you on her back, she was exhausted. But even so she wouldn’t leave your side, not even to eat.”- Ana said as she began to eat as well. In that moment Shadow thought that he really needed to do something for Amy in order to pay her back after all she did for him. “Miss Ana, I can’t find Shad-” Speaking of the devil. Amy sighed in relief as she saw Shadow in the table eating with Ana. “I am glad you woke up”- Amy smiled at him and Shadow felt...weird? “GHRRRRR” “It seems like you are hungry miss Amy, please take a sit.” And just like Shadow did, Amy did the same thing. All of them ate quietly, after a while, Shadow notice that all were done eating and had to say the following. “Amy and I have to leave soon, but if there’s anything you need help with, please let us know.”- Shadow said as she looked up to Ana. “Oh I thought you could do some shopping for me?” “Shopping?”- Amy asked curiously. “There’s a near by village around here, but I am already too old to be walking and carrying heavy things around. I’ll be having some guests today, and I will like to prepared a great dinner. Why don’t you stay to eat and then leave tomorrow morning?” “We can’t afford to waste another-” “We will do it!”-Amy interrupted Shadow and he already knew this was going to be a long day. The village wasn’t so far away, but Shadow could see how the distance could affect an old lady like Ana. “Let’s go Shadow, we are almost done.”  Amy turned around and notice that he stopped mid way looking at a store. He then looked at her, his expression changed a bit. “Why don’t you go ahead? I need to get something from here, it’s from the list.”- Shadow said but didn’t pay much attention, after all they will finish sooner if they spread apart. “Ok then, I’ll see you at miss Ana’s house.”- Amy then took her leave and heard Shadow said “Got it”, before entering the store. Sonic felt defeated. Even after giving Eggman the Chaos Emerald he protected and hide so much, he still couldn’t do anything when Eggman decided to not follow his word and click for a second time the red button, which cause many robots to come along and destroy anything in their way. It took a while to beat them and put the fire down.  “Now, what should we do?”- Sticks asked as she looked at her team. “We need to find Amy.”- Sonic said, however he knew he couldn’t leave the villagers without home nor protection. “You need to look for her Sonic..wait what about her communicator?”- Knuckles said, looking over at the villagers. “I tried that earlier, but it seems like it doesn’t work.”- Sonic confirmed “Sticks, Knuckles and I will stay here and help the villagers, you need to go find Amy and stop Lyric.”- Tails looked at Sonic, with such confidence and strength that it impacted him. “I’ll leave it to you all then, I promise to bring Amy back.” All the team nodded and went back to help the villagers search for their values among the ashes as Sonic went into the woods, ready to fight anyone who cross his way. As Amy made her way back to Ana’s house, she notice that it began to snow. Which was bizarre, since in her village it does not snow as often. The village was very lovely, she noticed couples passing by, drinking hot chocolate together and wonder when would it be the day she will be able to enjoy something like that. Then in her mind it crossed a picture of her and Shadow holding hands and enjoying each others company.  She stopped mid way and realized that the hedgehog she didn’t think all of this time was Sonic. But why? Was it because she had other more important things to think about? Or may be.. may be she had began to feel ‘something’ for Shadow?. Amy shook her head and decided to not think about it in the situation they were in right now. She could only think of making her way to Ana’s safely. Amy made it to Ana’s house, as she opened the door she was greeted by Ana who smiled at her. As soon as she entered she recognized that smell. “Are you baking cookies?”- Amy asked as she went along with Ana to the kitchen to place the grocery she bought. “Oh not me... but your boyfriend is”-  As they made the turn to go into the kitchen, Amy was surprised as Shadow pulled out some cookies out of the oven. “You taught him well.”- Ana said and she gave Amy a small touch on her shoulder. Amy smiled again and Shadow notice and once more that feeling... he felt so strange. “Well if you all can help me with the food, I will be very grateful.” And so they did, Shadow got to admit that in reality he was enjoying the time he was spending with Amy.  He really wished his life could be simple like this. Getting home after work, helping Amy cook, eat together and just fall asleep in each other arms... Wait what? Why was he thinking- ‘KNOCK KNOCK’ “Oh, the guests are here, I’ll go open the door”- Ana said and left Amy and Shadow alone in the kitchen. The air around them was getting tense, Shadow notice that Amy was blushing for some strange reason and this made Shadow feel.. nervous? That’s when Amy noticed that Shadow was missing both of his wrist rings, she was about to ask when- “HAPPY LOVE FEST!” Oh, so that’s what they were celebrating. Amy left Shadow in the kitchen in order to greet the guests, which were coming one by one until they filled up the whole living room, it even seemed like she recognized some people from the near by village.  “Oh hello cutie, would you mind becoming my love tonight.”- A fox arrived near her and put his arm around her shoulder, Amy was surprised at his action as other males were coming on her way, all of them courting her. “Tsk... Amy?”- Everyone looked around and notice the black hedgehog. Which was not alone for too long as many females began to form a circle around him. Both seemed to be trapped. “Hehe children, I am sorry to say this but they are both taken by each other.”- Ana said but  everyone didn’t seemed to care as they continue to try and talk to both hedgehogs. “You see dear, here we have “Love Fest” is a tradition in which single youngsters come to the oldest person’s house, which is me, and they try to find love here.”- Ana said loud enough for Amy to hear. However, Amy looked distracted as she saw a girl give Shadow a small kiss on his cheeks. For some reason Amy was..angry. “Oh so, you all are single? Let’s have some fun tonight.”- Amy had flirty eyes and smiled to all the boys around her. She went as far as giving a kiss in the cheek to the guy who had his arm around her shoulder. It was all fun and receiving compliments from guys was nice, until she felt someone grab her by the wrist and drag her across the room up the stairs. Amy had never seen Shadow act that way. She didn’t actually think Shadow will get... angry. Shadow open the door and put Amy inside and locked it behind him. “Hey, we need to help Ana serving the guest-”- Amy began but was interrupted by Shadow. “No, I have already put the food on the plates.” “But Shadow, I want to-” “No” But-” “No” “Oh so you can go and flirt with girls but I can’t?” “I wasn’t” “Yes, you were!” “At least I wasn’t kissing them”- Shadow went over to take a sit next to Amy who was sitting on the bed. Amy didn’t really have anything else to say. She looked over to Shadow and her eyes went over to his hands. Shadow knew that she must of notice that he was missing both his ring. Shadow sighed and open the small compartment from the small cabinet that was next to the bed. He pulled out a small box and gave it to Amy. Curiosity won the best of Amy and she took the box from Shadow’s hand and open it carefully.  Amy was awe at the gold and blue wrist ring Shadow gave to her. “ I stopped at the smelter shop today and I asked for one of my rings to be melted with a crystal, one that Lyric wanted some time ago. If you use it, it will make you stronger.”- Shadow said and he looked at Amy. “And your other ring?”- Amy asked, a strange feeling raise from her insides. “I didn’t have any money, so I had to give up my other ring in exchange.” “Shadow.. you didn’t have to.. I-” “For everything that you have done... Thank you.” Amy smiled at him and looked at her own rings, she took one out and put instead the one Shadow gave her. She then grabbed Shadow’s hand and put her old ring into his wrist. “Thank you Shadow, for making me choose the right decision.” Amy couldn’t do anything but to look at him. Their faces were getting closer, the moonlight shining on them, making  everything look so beautiful. Shadow’s eyes capture hers and Amy’s eyes did the same to him. Shadow began to do the same thing that he did to her when they were in the cave. Caress her, showing her that she did in fact, matter to him.  And they kissed. A/N: I am happy people are readying my story~. I hope you keep supporting. If I see enough support, I’LL POST NEXT CHAPTER TOMORROW!
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