#i was fighting it and i couldn't help but to wonder if zhongli goes and visits it to see if it's recovering well enough
estellxli · 9 months
(small drabble before i sleep ;w; also it's been a while since I've posted lolol)
My Woman
Your shivering hands reached out for the door knob of your home. Smoke leaving your mouth as you walked in. Relief comforted your body as the warmth embraced you.
"Welcome home, darling." Your husband says, donning an apron. That's when your nose finally picked up a familiar scent, your lips tug in a smile. A smile he treasures.
"Here, let me." he says, as he takes of your coat, the fabric absorbing the melted snowflakes. He hangs it on the coat rack.
"Thank you" you say as your right feet goes behind the other, about to attempt to take your boots off. Just then, Zhongli kneels down to your surprise and grabs your left boot, waiting for you to raise it.
A giggle leaves your lips. This damned man, doesn't he know this gestures of his makes you fall for him more? It's bad for your heart.
Feet free from its cage. His hands guiding you slowly, making sure you won't trip.
He looks up with that devilish smile of his. You quite like the view up there, he reminded you of a cute schipperke.
Zhongli grabs your hand, his lips soft and smooth on your skin.
"Perfect. I made us dinner"
As he stood, you were reminded once more of how he's much taller than you. You can't help but wonder if you looked like a dog to him too, or a cat.... or a bunny.
Your trance ended as you were swiftly off the floor, your husband carrying you bridal style. A giggle leaves once more. Really, what is up with him today.
He brings the both of you in the dining room, sitting you down and moving your chair in for you.
Clearly, your nose didn't betrayed you as bowl of slow-cooked bamboo shoot soup is presented on your table. Zhongli watched you eat his dish in delight. He couldn't help but laugh at your pantomime attempt of expressing how good his dish was. You knew how much it was cooked with the utmost care and technique, using only the finest ingredients just for you. He loved doing things for you. And oh, how incredibly grateful you are for that.
"Finished, my dear?" you nod as you gulp the last sip of your water.
He needn't ask if you liked the soup. He knew you did. He knew, since he'll only give you the best and only the best.
"Come now," Zhongli stood from his chair and walked beside you. " — let's have you cleaned for bed."
The both of you sauntered in the bathroom, bathtub filled with water and bubbles foaming out. It smelled like lavender. Zhongli helping you take off your clothes ones more. Heat slowly rising on your cheeks. You've seen each other many times, but you can't seem to help it. Thankfully, the bubbles will hide it soon.
You dip your toe first in the bathtub, and surely enough, it was in the right temperature. Water spilled on the ceramic floor as the bathtub contained to people.
Zhongli sat in front of you, with his feet beside you, legs slightly bent as the bathtub was small for his size.
He placed the bathtub tray containing sweets, and pulled out a bottle of wine, and like the Zhongli you know, he rambles with insightful knowledge.
You exchange conversations while enjoying the desserts he prepared. Which then slowly becomes a water fight as you finish. The room filled with laughter and the floor becoming more wet as the water continues to splash. Closing your eyes and turning your head on the side in case a water splashes on your eyes. Words of conceding escapes your lips accompanied by laughter. The water on the tub slowly calms down.
Zhongli grabs your feet and placed it on his chest. Massaging it with the utmost care. You've been walking around Liyue all day to the point it was tingling.
He kisses the sole of your foot tenderly. "That tickles." a giggle, and a slight jerk on your foot.
He looks at you intensely, the flicker in his eyes didn't leave your notice. Your own foot was blocking the view of his lips, but you knew he was smiling behind it.
He kissed it once more.
"My woman."
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sangoqueenkoko · 2 years
it’s you.
part 1. part 2.
Summary: You, the Dendro archon, went missing in the archon war. Zhongli has tried to find you, but has had no luck since.
Warnings? Nope!
Includes Traveler, Paimon, and of course Zhongli!
Again, thanks to azurebluesugar on wattpad for the help and support on this part.
Written time before 3.0 Sumeru was released! Where we didn’t have much information apart from lore.
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"You will remember me if something happens, right? When this war is all over?" [Y/N], the Dendro archon, asked as she looked to her side, up at the Geo archon as he stood beside her. Stood slightly ahead of her, his arms crossed across his chest with his white cloaked hood up. Silent. He has always been a mysterious figure to her, yet knowledgeable.
"Of course I will," Lapis said in his usual low voice, still looking away. Sending a small, light shiver down her spine, yet she still stayed composed. He sighed, knowing that the current stirring situation could cost him anything or even everything. His homeland, his own life, or the life of his lover.
"Rex," she said in a low, quiet voice. He instantly turned to face her as he heard the shaking in her voice, eyes making contact. He saw the fear in her eyes that he wished he could take away from her. But knew he couldn't. That is what hurt him the most.
He gently put a warm hand on her cheek, his heart breaking for her. He wiped a tear away just before there was a sudden rustling from bushes and trees nearby, animals sensing her emotion retreating to safety, plants wilting to save their vulnerability, away from what was about to change everything.
And just before anything else could happen, loud sounds came from every direction. They both had to fight for themselves and their land. And only a grim outcome would be the result.
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After years and years of the gods fighting, there was finally an agreement of peace. Rex Lapis spent the rest of his time searching for [Y/N]. While making his way through the lands on Sumeru, he noticed that all the once vibrant colours... were mostly still the same. Not much had wilted or died. And over time he heard nothing about it, there were no changes to the archon roles. Until a small finch came to him, he held up his hand and it gently perched on his finger. The only sound was of its small chirps, most were still in hiding.
This and his surroundings made him think, but his suspicions could not be confirmed.
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After hundreds of years, the thoughts and memories of the war lingered in Morax's, now Zhongli's, mind. Always around the same time of year, you are on his mind. He wishes that he could find you and be with you again, know where you are and where you ended up after the war.
He wants things to be how they used to be between you two.
Not long before Rex Lapis' supposed passing, Zhongli met a young traveler that goes by the name Aether, along with his travelling companion, Paimon, in Liyue where he now resides.
Throughout the time they spent together, he told them more about the history of Liyue and how it became what it is today. Aether also mentioned the legend about the Dendro archon that used to watch over the nations as well as her own at the Wanwen Bookhouse. The more of you that was mentioned, the more Paimon got curious as she noticed Zhongli's sudden change in emotions.
"Um... Mr Zhongli?" She asked with her hands behind her back, Aether and Zhongli, who had a cup of tea in his hands, sat around the table at Third Round Knockout listening to the storyteller, "back at the bookhouse, we read in a book about Rex Lapis and someone else. What was their name?" she asked herself quietly, "Oh that was it, [Y/N]. Paimon wonders why the two were together a lot."
Zhongli averted his gaze away from them and sighed to himself as he put the cup down in front of him, he knew that he could not escape these thoughts, "it is ancient history. They are nothing more than a memory. A memory I deeply regret."
Aether and Paimon exchanged confused glances. Paimon shrugged.
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beardrabbles · 3 years
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rock solid bonds.        pt. one
characters: zhongli, female reader, gimel ( geo hypostasis )
warnings: none
word count: 3,858 ( it’s LONG, y’all, sorry )
notes: first thing tossed into the genshin fandom is zhongli because i’m weak. so very weak. i know this idea is strange, but i’m running with it. this will have many parts, just not sure how many. anywho! :D hey. how’s it going? nice to meet’cha. oh!! also. i don’t have a beta reader, so there may be typos i’ve missed. oof.
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You had made this trip several times before, and you assumed that this trip would be no different. You skirted around small packs of curious hilichurl, scooped up seashells from the many beaches you followed and swam through the clear, blue waters of Guyun Stone Forest until — finally — you reached the island you had been visiting over the course of several months.
The moment your water-logged feet touched solid ground rather than loose sand, you felt it — the faint traces of a low, constant vibration. It was a steady buzzing, except where the intensity would pulse every now and again, like a living heartbeat.
‘ It’s here, ’ you thought, ‘ good. ’
You hurried to rest against the crumbling wall of the ruins where the hypostasis often lingered, allowing yourself a moment to dry off and rummage through your supplies. No matter how routine this was, you knew you couldn’t become complacent. You could handle the stubborn bundle of geo, no problem, but you knew it never hurt to be prepared.
From your bag, you pulled out a wrapped bundle of fried fish and a single, elegant vial of a bright yellow liquid. You sloshed the liquid around, recalling the last time you’d been overconfident and forgone making the geo dampening potion. You had returned home that day with several more bruises the usual, and so you had firmly reminded yourself at you would prepare some, even if it had meant several days worth of butterfly chasing.
“You got lucky last time. Saw you learned a new move, but I’m smart. I learned.” You lifted the stopper out of the vial and knocked back the contents. The effects were immediate. You didn’t look it, but you felt thicker, sturdier, more centered. You hoped that was the effect of the potion, anyway. Nothing would sour your mood more than to realize the person you’d hired to make the potion had fouled it up.
Shrugging, you placed the empty vial into your pack, gulped down several bites of fried fish, then left your pack tucked up against the wall and behind a mess of tangled roots. Your hands moved next to the handle of your weapon, which peeked out from over your shoulder. With a heave, you brought out the claymore you so adored. It was nicked in places and scuffed in others, yet you found you were too attached. It had gotten you through too many battles, and it felt wrong to abandon it.
“Alright, we’ve got this. Just a few more months of this, and we can——!” Your self-given peptalk was cut short when you glanced around the wall and found that the hypostasis wasn’t alone. Choking on your own words, you quickly ducked back into the hiding. “Dammit! Someone’s already here.”
You set your claymore aside and pressed your hands to the wall, using it to lean around and peek.
“Huh.  .  .” Strange. Nearly every time you found the raw elemental, it had its defenses up. Even as it seemingly napped in place, it surrounded itself in solid, almost unbreakable basalt. Now, in front of this tall stranger, it was nothing more than its small, brightly glowing core. It bobbed and spun, giving off the sunshine-bright disposition of a puppy.
It was almost cute.
Interesting as the hypostasis was in this form, you found yourself drawn to the stranger interacting with it. Slender but strong, standing tall and straight, with a single hand that wove through the air around the exposed core. From where you stood, you couldn’t quite tell who he was, but something about him felt familiar.
‘ I’ve seen him before. ’ The earthen tones of his clothes and hair, the elegance and the poise. You were certain you had seen someone similar making their way through the streets of the harbor before. And, in his wake, came dreamy sighs and low purrs of admiration from all manner of people. The name eluded you, mostly because you didn’t care. He was a stranger, and you had no reason to acknowledge him until now.
“Why does it look like he’s playing with it?” You huffed through your nose, feeling thoroughly irritated that your chance to mine precious gems from the hypostasis had been squandered.
Without meaning to, you let out a groan of frustration.
The elemental core gave a sudden jolt, it’s small form jerking away from the man. In an instant, it wrapped itself in its armor, dark basalt etched with shimmering lines of gold appearing in large, even chunks. You gasped and ducked back for a second time, your heart rapidly beating against your chest. It didn’t know you were there. It couldn’t! You weren’t that loud, were you?
“Moron!” You scolded yourself and made to snatch your pack up when a voice, smooth and deep, reached you.
“I know you’re there.”
You stopped and stood still, as if that would render you completely untraceable. Breath held, but heart still hammering, you waited.
“It would benefit you greatly to come out of hiding.” The voice continued, calm and even.
Something about the voice made you reluctant to run. Shuddering and setting aside your things, you willingly stepped out from behind the crumbling ruins. Hands up and empty, you first revealed that you were unarmed. Harmless. Totally harmless.
“Ah, there you are.” There was a hint of satisfaction in the man’s tone, but you hardly paid attention. Your focus was intent on the sensation soaking through the soles of your boots. The vibration from earlier wasn’t as calm as it had been, the heartbeat-like thrum from earlier replaced with an anxious tattoo that traveled through your legs and up into your chest. You found yourself catching your breath, a horrible feeling welling inside your ribcage.
“Am I causing that?” Your own voice was soft and feeble and sincere. The man approached at a slow but steady clip, until he stood a mere foot away. His arms were folded behind him, making him appear even more refined up close.
“I wasn’t expecting you to realize your mistake so quickly. Good. I wasn’t looking forward to explaining it.” He arched a single brow. “Might I ask your name?”
“Uh.  .  .” You shook yourself from your mounting guilt and lowered your hands. He was polite, but you could tell from the sharp look in his amber eyes that he didn’t approve of your presence, and rightfully so. Still, you didn’t want to deny him your name when he had yet to force you off the island. You muttered your name, and he let out a thoughtful hum before repeating it.
Never had you heard your own name on a voice that alluring. It balanced on a fine line between heavenly and sinful, and you wished deeply that he would never, ever say it again. It sounded too good, and your heart already had its share of problems to deal with at the moment, shame being one of them.
“Seen you around the harbor before, but I can’t remember your name.” You gently prompted him to give his own name in return, hoping it wouldn’t be seen as rude. The corner of his lips turned up a fraction, but that hint of a smile didn’t last long.
“I am Zhongli. Under different circumstances, I would say it was a pleasure to meet you.” Still scolding, still disapproving. You shrank under his gaze, but still found it in you to speak in turn.
“I’ve never seen it out of its armor for that long before.” You observed.
“I wonder why that is.  .  .” Zhongli turned to face the elemental, his broad shoulders rising and lowering with a heavy sigh. Guilt punched you in the gut again.
“I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong!” You didn’t mean to raise your voice, but you had never once been convinced that your mining had been detrimental to the hypostasis.
“It cannot speak for itself, so you were lead to believe that your harvesting was harmless.” Zhongli mused as he ventured towards the elemental again. “That is understandable. But now that you are aware, now that you feel the effect your presence has on it, are you willing to change?”
You opened your mouth to answer, but were stopped but a sudden thought.
For the sake of a voiceless, sentient being, were you willing to change? Yes.        Were you able? No.
You hurried to follow Zhongli and weren’t the least bit surprised when the hypostasis kept its distance, basalt armor quaking with fear. You stopped your advance, keeping well behind Zhongli.
“I can’t.”
“Oh?” He didn’t turn his attention to you, but kept it intent on the elemental. He lifted a gloved hand, the palm resting carefully along the surface of one cube of armor. “That is a shame. I was hoping you’d be agreeable.”
“No, it’s — it’s not that I don’t want to. I want to! I didn’t know it was.  .  .”
“Capable of feelings?”
You nodded despite knowing he couldn’t see you.
“All things feel, all things remember. The lack of a voice does not make one unworthy of thoughts or memories, good or bad.” Zhongli smoothed his hand over the armor of the hypostasis. “It remembers. You are quite brutal.”
“I’m sorry.” You directed this to the hypostasis rather than him. “I didn’t know.”
“And yet you blatantly refuse to change your behavior?” Zhongli’s sharp gaze landed on you again.
“I have an obligation! I’m bound to my word.” Your hackles rose for a moment, but were lowered again soon after. “I have a contract.”
At this, Zhongli came to face you. “A contract?”
“I don’t know why I should tell you.” Your stubbornness reared its ugly head in that moment. Arms crossed, you waited for him to coldly dismiss you. Instead, he folded his arms behind his back and cooly stared you down.
“Contracts are, for better or worse, binding. I understand that, when broken, there can be dire consequences. Is this an official contract?” He wondered. You wanted to hold firm to your refusal to speak of it, but the man’s calm nature made it difficult.
Shifting uneasily, you gave another nod.
“Are you barred from discussing the terms of the contract with people unrelated to the contract itself?” Each question was asked quickly and sharply, as if practiced. You frowned, moreso out of thought than offense.
“I don’t think so. No one’s ever told me I’m not allowed.”
“Then, please, indulge me. What about this contract requires you to mine as often as you do?”
“You want the long version or the short version?” You reached up to rub at the space between your eyebrows, mounting stress threatening to bring forward a headache.
“Whichever you’re more comfortable with.”
“If you say so. My family’s in a tight spot, yeah? We owe some people a lot of money, but most of the people involved are too old, too frail or too inexperienced to go out and earn the mora we need. The people that are hounding us thought, hey, let’s get the daughter to go out and find these precious materials. No one can pass up on free labor, right? I work for them, I slowly whittle away at the debt my family’s worked up for the last few years.” You shrugged casually to hide the fact that the contract was draining you of your free time and, apparently, your morals.
Zhongli frowned, a wrinkle knitting his brows together.
“What are the exact terms on your contract?” He asked, ignoring a nudge against his shoulder from the hypostasis.
“There are quite a few, but the one causing me the most trouble right now is the fact that I need to come here every day and pick out the prithiva from your friend there.” You didn’t miss the shudder in the rocks or the way the hypostasis fled yet again, putting space between you and itself. Zhongli motioned for the hypostasis to calm, but the trembling remained.
“I need the terms as they were worded the day the contract was made.” Zhongli requested firmly this time.
“Three prithiva gems, whole and unblemished, every day for a year. Even if it means getting the slivers and asking someone to do their alchemy-thing on it, I gotta get those gems.”
Zhongli’s stern gaze softened as he motioned for the hypostasis to come nearer.
“That’s all?”
“When it comes to this fella, yeah. I just need the gems.” This time, you were the one to step away from the coming hypostasis. It was clear you had scarred the creature, and you weren’t about to disrespect it in front of this man, who so clearly cherished the living geo.
“You aren’t required to fight and take it?” He continued.
“They never said I did, but it was the only way I could think to fulfill the terms.” You slumped in place and let out a little whine. “Don’t tell me I could have just asked for it.”
“Did you consider the possibility?” Zhongli quipped.
“No! I didn’t think it could understand people!” You stressed with a growl. Zhongli chuckled, the sound taking you aback.
“It doesn’t understand language, but it understands intent. Come here.” The command was subtle, but you felt compelled to obey. Cautiously, you took to Zhongli’s side. His taller frame shadowed yours, and you swore you caught the scent of sun-warmed stones and hints of glaze lilies as an errant ocean breeze whorled past. “Put your hand out, like me.”
You hesitated, and he took note of this.
“Be calm. If you’re afraid, it will know.” He coaxed you, sounding far gentler than he had since calling you out of your hiding spot.
“I’m not afraid,” you corrected, “I feel bad.”
“As deserving as the feeling is, you can make it right if it is your intent to.” Zhongli pointed out. You sucked in a breath, nodded once, then held your hand out. The hypostasis shuddered again and bobbed backwards. Zhongli frowned like a disapproving father and clicked his tongue. “I understand that she’s been cruel, but I believe her when she says she was unaware of how sentient you are. If we are to make amends, the effort needs to be mutual on both parts. As long as I am here, neither of you will come to harm.”
The hypostasis twitched and the armor around it lowered for a moment, but it was fleeting. In a small fit of hope, you drew closer and placed your hand against the glimmering armor. The protective chunks of rock snapped back into place around its dim core, spun rapidly in the air, then sunk down into the ground where all that remained were spider-web cracks that glowed as warm and bright as the sun.
You stood there, hand out and mouth agape.
“It ran away!”
Zhongli lowered his head for a moment. “This was not the result I imagined, but it is progress.”
You lowered your hand and rolled your eyes.
“How is that progress?” You snapped. Zhongli didn’t so much as flinch at your aggression, but sported a knowing smile that irritated your further.
“Gimel let you near without attacking out of instinct. I would say that counts as progress, small step as it is.” He spoke assuredly, and you supposed he had a point.
“It has a name. It may work in your favor to remember it.” Zhongli added.
“Yeah, well — what am I supposed to do now? I can’t go back empty-handed.” You grumbled and turned away, stalking back to the spot where you had stashed your bag. The effects of the potion you had drank earlier had begun to ware off, leaving you feeling oddly light and slightly off-balance. That, coupled with your plummeting mood, made you want to leave behind the island and hope that your contract wasn’t seen as broken.
Behind you, you heard the steady click of boots as Zhongli followed behind you.
“I have an offer.” He stopped when you did, and he didn’t miss the flicker of confusion and wariness in your eyes when you spun around.
“What kind of offer?” You were like a cornered animal, and you wondered if he had sensed your growing worry since Gimel had disappeared. You weren’t desperate yet, but that may have been because you had yet to fail in completing your end of the contract. The consequences were unknown, but you were sure you would regret returning to Liyue Harbor without the gems you were asked to retrieve. Still, you were concerned, and you knew it was hard to hide when you fidgeted the way you did.
“A contract.”
“One that won’t break the conditions of the contract you’re currently bound to.” He continued in spite of your quick refusal. You crossed your arms and wrinkled your nose, but it only caused him to smile again. “Don’t be stubborn, girl.”
You scowled and felt a rare flare of anger rise, but he interrupted you with a shake of his head and a raise of his closed hand. Long, slender fingers unfurled, revealing a small handful of pristine prithiva topaz gemstones. It wasn’t out of greed that you lunged forward, but a deep desire to protect yourself and your family. You didn’t grab the gems, of course. It wouldn’t do to anger this man after he had shown you patience, but you wouldn’t deny that it was a tempting sight to see him holding the gems out for you to take.
You whetted your lips with a quick swipe of your tongue and spoke past the sandpaper feeling in your throat.
“What are your terms?” You croaked.
“You return to this place every day, unarmed and alone, to spend time with Gimel. In return, you will be rewarded with the gems required of you. As it’s clear they didn’t specify how you acquire them, it will not interfere with the terms of your current contract.” He raised both brows this time and held the gems out further. Your fingers twitched as you reached, but you didn’t take them.
“That’s all you want out of me?”
“We are merely acquaintances, but I hardly find it worthwhile to trick you into a dishonest contract. My terms are as simple as they sound. You cease hostilities against Gimel and attempt to right your wrongs, and you will have your gems. I only ask for a few hours spent here, nothing more. I can’t expect you to wrap your entire life around this one task.” He reached out to take one of your hands, turning the palm up. His touch was gentle and didn’t contest with your own freewill, but you let him do as he pleased.
His thumb uncurled your your fingers, followed the deep lines in your palm and smoothed over your wrist. Your cheeks burned, but you blamed the glaring sun overhead. He was only being kind, you told yourself.
“If I accept these, does that mean I accept the contract?”
“I’m afraid so.” He stepped closer, head and voice low. His dark hair framed his stoic expression, yet his hand on yours remained kind. “Your answer?”
You swallowed hard, weighed your options, then peered up into those vivid, autumn-tinted eyes. “Will you be here too?”
You weren’t sure what prompted such a question, but it seemed to catch him as off-guard as well. He blinked and pulled back for a moment. “Is this an amendment?”
“No,” you shook your head and dared to laugh, “just a request. I don’t think Gimel will trust me on my own, not at first.”
“Its trust will be be earned by your own merits, not because I am here.” Zhongli informed you stiffly.
“I didn’t mean it like that. I just think — maybe it would help if I observed you for a little while, maybe a few days. I can see how better to approach, then you can leave us be.” You tilted your head. “Is that unreasonable?”
“I.  .  . suppose it’s not. You are willing to learn, at least, and I cannot fault you for that. Very well. Starting tomorrow, I will accompany you for three days. After that, you are expected to use what you’ve learned on your own.” He closed his fingers around the gemstones and twisted his wrist, readying himself to drop them into your waiting hand. “Has your answer changed?”
You shook your head. “No, I planned to accept before.”
“Then we’re in agreement? You are aware of what will happen if you break the contract?” He warned. You nodded.
“I’m aware, trust me.” You wiggled your fingers impatiently. Zhongli placed the gems into your hand one at time, being sure not to chip or scratch them.
“Then it is done. I won’t be truly satisfied until you’ve signed a physical contract and we’ve made it official, but I will hold onto your word for the time being.” He helped your hand close around the gems, both of his own hands wrapped tightly around your clenched digits. “Find me at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor later tonight, and we can document our arrangement.”
“Sure thing, boss.” You pulled your hand away, the sensation of the gems in your grasp bringing you far more ease than you were happy with. To be so dependent on them made you nauseous, but Zhongli’s willingness to help made it a little less so. Although, you couldn’t help but to wonder why he was so quick to help. “Why are you doing this for me?”
“Is it not human nature to want to help?”
“I guess, but.  .  . there aren’t many that are as open and willing as you are. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful. It’s just unexpected. I didn’t think today would end the way it would.” You squirreled away the gems in your satchel, slung it over your shoulders, then affixed your claymore onto your back.
“Are you disappointed?” Zhongli calmly watched you pack up, head tilted slightly.
“Not at all.” You spared him a smile, a weight gradually lifting off your heart and shoulders. “I was annoyed at first, but I’m glad we got to meet, Mr. Zhongli.”
Another peel of soft laughter left the man, but it was hidden behind the side of his hand. “Then I will readily admit that I wasn’t expecting you to say that. I’m relieved you were so willing to cooperate, and.  .  . I am glad we had the chance to meet as well.”
You bounced once on the tips of your feet and gave him a mock salute. “Guess that means I’ll be seein’ you later! I’m going to pass these gems on, then I’ll pop by your place to sign my life away!”
You didn’t address the crinkle in his face at your jest, but you did snicker as you fled the island. Only when you were well out of sight did Gimel return, its core open to the air and nudging against Zhongli’s elbow.
The archon reached back to give the hypostasis a gentle stroke, but his eyes remained in the direction you had wandered off in.
“I have a feeling that our time with her will be very interesting.”
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