#i was fucked up outta my gourd
drowninginfelines · 9 months
(vomit warning) yall im not gonna lie i got fucked UP last night and threw up five fucking times and then passed out on my floor
woke up a few hours later and managed to crawl into bed
im okay now but WHEW. THAT SUCKED LOL
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loadednachosao3 · 2 months
i really want to start writing fanfic but im not good with words, do you mayhaps have some advice? please lacho lord pretty please😭
answering this while I'm a little zonked outta my gourd since it's thunderstorming and that's setting off my chronic illness, but never fear LN is here
if you worry you're not good with words, my biggest tips would be...
the age-old "show, don't tell!" now, sometimes telling is just fine, if it makes the writing read smoother. there's nothing wrong with occasional cliches or saying "he's really fucking sad" when the moment calls for it. but, say you wanna really make sure we know he's sad. you can write, "his lower lip trembled, and he bit it to make it stop. as tears stung at his eyes, he looked up at his lifelong friend and felt a heaviness on his heart that he feared would never lighten." or something!
this does NOT extend to using epithets (epithets being things like "the blonde," "the veteran," "the blue-eyed woman," etc.). please try to use those as sparingly as possible. I know sometimes it seems like you NEED to because pronouns get confusing, but I PROMISE you, if you write a certain way, your readers will be smart enough to figure out who you mean -- even in a same-sex scene! take for example: "Nacho looked at Lalo, and he seemed sad. Why, he wondered? Because he'd turned him down?" on its own, you may be like, "which he turned him down? who's wondering?" but if you've already written Nacho turning Lalo down in a previous scene, and used the tips above to convey sadness from Lalo in the previous paragraph, and have been writing this whole time from third-person limited POV, obviously you don't need to go, "Why, Nacho wondered? Because Nacho had turned the chipper don down?" clunky!!!
speaking of "third-person limited!" learn about what perspectives are used in writing. pick one. stick to it for the duration of your story. so, if you're doing third-person limited, you can write, "Nacho wondered why Lalo was acting so strange. He didn't understand what was going through the guy's head." but third-person limited is LIMITED to what Nacho knows, more or less, so you could not then say in the next (or worse, same) paragraph: "Lalo was sulking because he couldn't believe Nacho had the audacity to treat him like that. He loved him, couldn't he tell? Lalo was so upset he could cry." if you want to explore what's in both of their heads, use third-person omniscient instead (which I personally have a lot of trouble getting right, because it can be hard to keep a consistent narrative going if you can bounce between multiple people's heads -- try alternating third-person limited POVs between chapters as a good in-between! so one chapter from Nacho's, the next from Lalo's, the next from Nacho's, etc.). first-person (I did this, I did that) is often not well-received in fandom, but can work. second-person (you did this, you did that) works best for quirkier things (see: Homestuck, my first lacho game) or x reader stories.
try to avoid too much word repetition unless it's intentional/thematic. see the difference between these passages: "He wanted to make Lalo want him, but he didn't want him to hate him. As he stared out the window at the rain pattering on the window's surface, he wondered if he'd drown in the rain if he couldn't make up his mind soon." OR "He wanted Lalo to want him. But, as he stared longingly out the window at the rain, he couldn't help but wonder if his plan would make Lalo's warm feelings turn to hatred instead. Water dripped down the glass, and he knew he needed to make up his mind." there, we take away the repetition of the words want, rain, and window, in some cases replacing them with synonyms (water, glass). we also use "wanted Lalo to want him" as a minor bit of thematic/stylistic repetition. now, there is NOTHING wrong with using similar words adjacent to each other, particularly if they're very common! and you don't need to bust out the thesaurus to tell us Nacho desires Lalo as he observes the H2O running down the aperture or some overly-complex shit like that. but when you repeat the same words too much too close together, it becomes very noticeable, and will take your reader out of the story.
these are the biggest things I see people doing poorly that will make me less likely to read a fic. but honestly, I (and many other people) will put up with a lot of fumbles for a good story! so don't be too hard on yourself. I'm sure you've got some great ideas to put into the world!
remember: at the end of the day, we're all nerds doing this for FUN and for FREE as a HOBBY. don't judge yourself by professional writing standards! everyone here just wants to have fun! and if someone is mean to you about your fic, that says more about their sad little life than your work.
have fun writing!
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woozyhere · 2 months
🔪 ————— @bullsh1tterz
This shit was so fucking lame. Sitting around, listening to people trauma dump about their mediocre, b-grade survival stories just to keep up appearances? Give him a break. Half the people in this support group were only there for the attention their stories brought, and the other half took the healing process far too seriously.
And then there was Stu.
Stu, who had survived - barely, in fact - a traumatic event, though had brought upon the horror all himself. Well, not entirely himself. His accomplice, however, was hardly in any condition to say otherwise. Stu had killed everyone in that fucking house, and now he was here. If only they knew.
Seating himself farther away from the group, he's rolling a joint. What, can anyone really get through these sessions sober? He's invaded the space of another man; not entirely, just close enough to give him an excuse to yap at someone, but far enough away to be appropriate. "This shit suuuucks, dude."
He lolls his head back theatrically, huffing a sigh before turning his attention back to the task at hand.
"Do you, uh," Stu mimics smoking before presenting his finished joint with a proud smirk. "'Cause, fuck, man. I don't think I can handle another minute without bein' stoned outta my gourd."
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scammydoesstuff · 1 year
So about that OPLA...
My boyfriend, John (@jchristievo ) and I just finished watching One Piece live action on Netflix and I gotta say, fuck the haters. This was so goddamn fun.
So I'mma take a minute to gush about it cuz I gotta!
For context, John's a major fan of the manga/anime while I'm over here like, 'I saw the 4Kids dub for a hot minute when I was a child and was like nope!' I did watch several episodes leading up to Arlong Park with him as we geared up for the live action release, so I became familiar with most of the main parts of the intro of the series and before that, I respected the series for what it is and means to people. Because of the latter, I was definitely skeptical when I first found out about the adaptation, worrying for how they'd handle such a beloved series, but all the promotional stuff got us both hype af and had me hopeful that it'd be good. Not to mention Oda himself over here like, "Yeah, I want this to be a thing and it's gonna be made to my satisfaction or I'm pulling the plug".
For the creator to have so much involvement was such a game changer already and the cast are so delightful. Iñaki is 🌟Grade A Certified Good Shonen Boy🌟, Mackenyu is badass incarnate, Emily is a fucking weeb, Jacob consistently had me in stitches, and Taz was suave and also a badass. I absolutely adored all these goobers so much just from seeing them interact in the promos. Granted, I know those were staged to a degree, but their chemistry was there regardless and made me grin ear to ear every time.
I'm now familiar enough with the first arc to know what changes were made and some of what I'd expect when we went in, and I really like the way it was paced to cover everything it needed to. It can't be a one-to-one, but anyone expecting such a thing is out of their gourd. I think the story told here was very well done from beginning to end.
I did have some issues, of course. The series isn't perfect and there are definitely nitpicks I could name if given the time. While I think the acting was good, I think Arlong was one of the weaker aspects in terms of visuals which I think were otherwise excellent. He was intimidating enough, but his stature robbed him of some of that just a bit. It might be my main issue, in fact.
In regard to changes made, I'm probably the most happy that they left out Don Krieg. Even watching the anime, I never felt intimidated by him and got kinda bored with that whole span of episodes. They just wound up dragging so much imo with him doing very VERY little that I'm glad he was relegated to what was barely more than a cameo.
I think that's about all I wanted to cover as far as my main reaction. Only other thing I could conceivably mention would be...
I never expected that Buggy the fucking clown would be my favorite fucking character. Oh my god, I am so goddamn happy that he kept showing up. He was such a highlight and had me howling. For real, his actor was just
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He was the perfect amount of unhinged and sassy and I was here for every second. I'm absolutely watching the series again to be on the hunt for Easter eggs with John, and to watch it with the og Japanese VA dub, but I'm likely gonna be watching Buggy's episodes the most cuz he's the best and I didn't get nearly enough Buggy.
Overall, 8 outta 10. Needed more Buggy. 🤡
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upwards-descent · 2 years
Taiyō stepped elegantly over empty bottles and broken porcelain, holding his robes high pinched between his fingers. A few celestial envoys bounded around his feet, leaping silently off the walls and bouncing carefree. The sun god followed one in particular, a harlequin rabbit with a bell at its collar that signified it was a more direct servant to Usagi.
He found the moon god right where he expected, singing some jaunty tune off-key while knocking back liquor on his throne. Usagi was down to one silk nightgown that parted to show off his body. Taiyō couldn't help but wrinkle his nose. As much as he loved his younger brother, his antics were often a little too... Pedestrian. The moon god didn't even shape his body to be slim and sleek or big and muscular; he had a soft belly and plush thighs and his eyes were always too narrow and upturned for Taiyō's taste.
"I drank... The reserve," Usagi slurred, scowling up at his brother. He threw the drinking gourd he'd been sipping from and it thudded across the floor, too empty to spill. "All those gifts from our stupid ugly family. Surprise, surprise, Hoshi's was the best. Smug prick. I should backhand her for such deliciousness."
"You're a terrible drunk, Usagi," Taiyō sighed. He pulled an object from his sleeve. "I brought ginseng--"
"Fuck off with your TUBER," Usagi barked in reply. He attempted to stand and staggered, leaning heavily on his pale throne to support his shaking legs. "It's STUPID, YOU'RE STUPID, get outta my fucking house, you traitor--"
"I'm not leaving until you're okay--"
"Well!" Usagi's resounding laugh was manic, his mismatched eyes wide and wild. "I guess you'll be here forever then!"
"Dooooon't you 'Usa~aagi' me, you cunt," The moon god staggered, waving a finger as threateningly as he could. "Do you know-- do you know I could fucking WIPE out humanity if I wanted? Just... POW! KaBOOM! Throw the whole fuckin' moon into the planet, KKAPSH! Mass extinction!"
Taiyō's soul ached. He hated when Usagi got like this. It hurt.
"You wouldn't," The sun god corrected gently. "You can't. You love them too much."
"Whatever," Usagi turned away and waved his hand before yelling for his servants. "One of you! Bring me more sake! I'm starting to feel sober."
"Please, Usagi. Take a nap, a hot shower, get something healthy in you," Taiyō frowned, daring to step closer. "You can't drink yourself to death but you can certainly make yourself miserable and I--"
"Oh, I'M making myself miserable?" Usagi laughed bitterly. An elegant bottle was brought to him between two soft paws. He flicked the cap off with his finger and chugged half the bottle. "I'm sorry-- I didn't realize that I decided the pecking order, that I enslaved myself to this fucking rock with no real strength, no real purpose, no real freedom. Sorry, I must've imagined the past few million years."
"You have a purpose!" Taiyō forced a smile to appear optimistic. "You're the lord of the night, the steward of the moon, the bringer of the tides! Humanity needs you as much as it needs me or Hoshi or Kūsho--"
"You think humanity needs the VOID equivalent to the MOON?" Usagi's jaw dropped and he nearly poured out his drink across the tile. 
"Well. I--"
"You've always been a fucking coward, Sun," Usagi hissed. "Since before we even had names, you've been a tryhard, always eager for the scraps and ready to put your nose in shit for it."
"I only want to keep this family together," Taiyō replied cooly. "Unlike some of us who are intent on fighting all the time."
"Oh! Oho! There it is!" Usagi laughed and hurled the half-empty bottle into his scrying pool. The dark surface rippled and distorted, turning a sickly greenish color. "You ever think about how a solar eclipse only lasts a few minutes but a lunar one lasts hours?" Usagi drawled. "Of course you could say it's because the moon's shadow is too small to cover the sun but the Earth's is big enough for the moon but I dunno, other factors could be at play."
"I'll take my leave," Taiyō huffed, snapping his robes as he pulled them tight around himself. "It's clear I'm not welcome here."
"You're not!" Usagi waved him off with a drunken swagger, abruptly sitting on his rear beside the pool. "Fuck you very much!"
Taiyō stomped through the palace, knowing exactly what halls to march and which corners to turn. It wasn't until he was in the entrance courtyard that he took a deep shaking breath.
The Earth looked beautiful from here. He had to give Usagi credit for that one; the view was gorgeous. Unlike the sun, which was hot and blinding and terrible for hosting company, the moon was quiet and pleasant and cool. Taiyō often thought that the little body's temperament suited his younger brother.
"Here, could you give this to him when the moment feels right?" Taiyō handed the lump of ginseng to the same harlequin rabbit from before. "Not now, he's... Just... Take care of him? Please? He's... Really all I've got."
While the rabbits never spoke, their eyes were like infinite space, dark and deep and all-knowing. It snuffled before bounding back inside, leaving Taiyō to deliberate on the front steps before he vanished out of sight.
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archieism · 4 years
hi i have nothing to say except that i sincerely hope things get better and the pain your life eases soon. rooting for you. ❤️
thank you 💖 idk where you’re at personally but i’m rooting for you too
#anonymous#answered#2020 calls for all of us rooting for each other#idk quarantine has changed my life in no respect than i am now Aware how fucked my life's been social-wise#like growing up without a community has truly fucked my entire psyche over#not just growing up ig i still don't have one#like so much is fucked about the world and america specifically and capitalism makes me wanna kms BUT#i'd rather be poor in literally any other place than where i live#there is no community of any kind but christian conservatism#and i think my brief hipster phase of being an individual was highkey an attempt to cope with that reality but that Did Not Work#clearly#like my town doesn't even have a grocery store i truly have nobody i am realizing i am Alone and ways of escape require a local community#so... the problem of not having a local community is Really hard to solve with just the internet to work with#because not having a local community fucks over my social life as well as opportunities for ANYTHING in life#my town is a black hole even relatives who've come to visit will literally point out the shift as they first drove into town#like due to being depressed outta my gourd i Really feel like having a local community of ANY kind like irl relationships at all#would Really help me cope with stupid realities that are gonna make me depressed no matter what but not having that safety net is#fucking me up to where getting a job so i can Escape this hellhole is even harder.. because i don't have support along the way#like capitalism sucks but unless an actual revolution happens we kinda have to find ways to work around it and not kill ourselves#and having friends and a community is like........ at the top of the list of things that would make me feel 100% better#idc how poor i am at this point it's tempting to be like homeless as long as i'm in a bigger city with groups i can meet and connect with#and i know that's honestly privileged to say but not having local resources of any kind for a decade & counting is truly fucking me up#ANYWAYS this is all fruitless complaints when piratical solutions is what i need most rn and should probably focus on but uh#it's been a tough week in particular#//endrant sorry for the word vomit & thank u for the ask truly <3 online friends are the closest thing to a supplement i've got rn so#i truly means a lot thank u <3#*edit: piratical solutions.................... practical but also yes more piratical solutions tbh#vent cw#honestly all i've done this week is vent and it's Cringe in my brain but at the same time it's rly hard to care in 2020 on tumblr dot com <3
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deadratinhotcar · 2 years
I just wanna get stoned outta my fucking gourd n lie around
I mean
That’s all I’ve been doing bc I’ve been sick but like
My tummy is finally settled enough that coughing will hopefully not cause me to get sick so I can take fat fuckin dabs n color my hair maybe bc my roots are growing out bad in the black and the bleached parts so I gotta do a full fix up and I texted my friend who does hair to see if she has any openings tomorrow or Friday bc I wanna feel gooooood ✨ I need some layers and while I have my shears and layer scissors, I genuinely find doing my own layers v tedious bc I like them so choppy but wispy and flowy???? Idk I always just razor the shit out of them
Oooooh. I should find my fuckin razor holy fuck
I’m gonna search my cosmetology bag tomorrow for my razor 😍
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ceabu · 3 years
Gamkar au anon >:3 OK so. The au is multi fucking layered but I'll start at the gamkar. Karkat has to run like hell from the drones, realistically leaving his lusus but I don't like the idea of him dying so he's fine just Not Here. He comes across gamzee's place and hides there bc he thinks it's abandoned. The drones come knocking & karkat thinks he's screwed until gamzee answers the door & is like No I haven't seen any suspicious activity officers I was busy being stoned outta my gourd :o) karkat realizes he was saved by the stoner & gamzee isn't as lonely anymore so there's no harm in staying right? Mutually beneficial scenario, except they're both on eggshells around each other terrified that the other will change their mind. 1/? Need to go afk for a sec
ok im back where was i. gamzee n karkat tiptoeing around like cats trying to get acclimated to each other. gamzee ends up watching a romcom bc the cover looked cool & karkat very much pretends like hes not interested but watches from the kitchen. they start developing a genuine friendship & start trusting each other more, and eventually gamzee gains the social safety net (& concern/responsibility of his friend) to wean himself off sopor (2/?)
(cont) he eventually does but realizes hes SUPER mentally screwed over both from a lifetime of ostracization from the church that was supposed  to be his familly and a lifetime of drug usage. he starts trying to fix some of the more pressing gaps, but it's not something that's wholly fixable. for the most part his friends are understanding, and don't see him any less for it. meanwhile, karkat's still traumatized! gamzee's adapted to help accomodate some of karkats issues, but still. (3/?)
(cont.) ok so a quick break for AU Lore. my whole theory as to why the church is Like That is because non-mutated psychic abilities are always attempting to be used, even on the troll that has them, and most trolls w fear-inducing chucklevoodoos have anxiety attacks 24/7. i specify non-mutated because karkat also has psychics. ive got this whole Explanation for how but the tldr is he's got "stagnant" psychics & is an empath with no ability to Use it. the empath bit is also a mutation btw(4/?)
(cont) last one unless you actively want more. but even tho both of them are anxious as hell, when gamzee (originally accidentally) uses voodoos on karkat theyre just. quickly overpowered by karkat's hella psychic buildup, and it ends up creating a feedback loop of "yo dude calm down we're both fine" and ofc it starts out as Just Lending A Bro In Need A Hand but eventually they cant really do anything but acknowledge yea thats pale as hell and maybe we have fallen ass backwards into Romance(5/?)
oH!!! OH I LOVE THIS!!!!! whoa whoa anon uve got all this already figured out!! id love to read more yeah yeah!!!
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us-ugay · 3 years
im bored outta my mf gourd today lets make up a million new AUs cuz i got literally shit fuck all to do
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fuctacles · 6 years
BakuKiriKami Week Day2
Day 2 - Hanging out / Fighting together / Bakusquad
A/N: I was supposed to have it posted earlier but I’m in a rly bad mood recently, so I don’t know if i’ll manage to do all the prompts :/ I started writing day 5 tho. Fun fact: Michael in the bathroom went on when I started writing this, thats why
Ship: Bakugou/Kaminari/Kirishima from BNHA, duh | Rating: T bc ‘fuck’ | Wordcount: 2310 because i love writing domestic scenes
Read on AO3
The Morning After
The bathroom tiles were cold under his bare feet. He wasn’t sure at which point had he lost his socks but lying in a bathtub seemed like a bigger concern anyway. His back was all sore from the hard surface and weird position he was in.
Near his feet, propped up against the bathroom wall, there was another pair of feet. He looked to the side trying to emerge from the foggy haze of his mind and maybe remember how he got there.
Next to him his buddy Sero was splayed in all the glory of his long, tangled limbs. Between them lied two empty cans of beer. He checked himself for any damage and when didn’t find any, braced himself intending to get up.
He stopped mid-movement when the doors to the bathroom opened. Something cracked unpleasantly  in his neck when he turned around in its direction.
‘Denki, idiot, I’ve been looking for you.’ Bakugou hissed, entering the bathroom. He was usually the one to drink the least but he kept his voice quiet and soft. Kaminari liked to believe it was because he was a caring friend even if he wouldn’t admit it himself. ‘You okay?’
‘Yeah’ Kaminari nodded, his voice raspy and unpleasant. He tried clearing his throat. ‘Help me get out of here though?’ He asked but Bakugou was already near him intending to do so anyway. The empty cans clattered against the hard bathtub surface, making Sero stir in his sleep, when Bakugou lifted Kaminari with no effort and put him back on his feet, a supportive hand on the small of his back.
‘Can you open the doors for me?’ he asked softly in case Denki was more hangover than he looked. He wasn’t going to leave any losers in the bathtub so after making sure his boyfriend wasn’t going to kiss the bathroom floor anytime soon he grabbed Sero to haul him up.
Kaminari felt a sudden surge of affection towards his soft spoken, reluctantly caring man. He leaned in and pecked him on the cheek. ‘Sure babe.’
Bakugou grumbled something under his breath but when he was passing by Denki holding the doors for him, he leaned in for another one. Kaminari happily skipped behind him, following him to the living room.
Their couch was unfolded into a spacious bed where Kirishima was snoring with Mina drooling on his t-shirt. Kaminari snickered at the sight while Bakugou dropped Sero next to them with all the delicacy he could muster. Then he dropped a pillow on Kirishima’s face to muffle the snoring, and grabbed Kaminari’s hand to pull him into the kitchen.
He didn’t let go when he asked ‘Coffee?’ He didn’t let go when he was grabbing mugs from the cupboard or turning on the coffee machine. When he set it on and all there was to do was wait for the coffee, he pulled him in to nuzzle into his neck with a sigh. Kaminari winded his arms around him, rubbing circles onto his back. They both were in their clothes from the night before, tired and not caring about changing or cleaning up for now. It was soft and sleepy in their little kitchen, save for the sound of coffee dripping into a pot.
‘Whaddya want for breakfast?’ Katsuki murmured into his skin, tickling his neck. Kaminari hummed in thought.
‘It’s not breakfast.’ Bakugou snapped back. Kaminari pouted although he couldn’t see it.
‘Do we even have any maple syrup left?’
‘If Kiri haven’t drank it.’ They both chuckled.
Katsuki pulled back to kiss him despite his protest. He was quick to melt into the kiss which made Katsuki smile into his mouth. They kissed lazily for a while, until the coffee machine signaled the coffee was ready. Then they pulled away with a quiet smack. Kaminari licked his lips, the motion followed by Katsuki’s gaze.
‘I need coffee’ he explained somewhat apologetic, before giving him a last quick peck and untangling from his embrace.
But Bakugou wasn’t having it. With a soft growl he pulled him back by his hips and planted one last slow kiss on his lips. Kaminari chuckled into it. He liked when Katsuki was getting reluctantly affectionate. Especially in the mornings.
Bakugou started making pancakes while Kaminari poured them both coffee. Black and sugary for Katsuki and with cream for himself. He leaned on the counter watching his boyfriend work on their breakfast knowing that if he sits down he may risk dozing off again.
The smell of caffeine slipped from beneath the kitchen doors, emerging further into their apartment, into the living room and around their friends sleeping there. Coffee was a magical thing that always managed to make their redhead boyfriend get up when they couldn’t. This time was no different; when the door opened they revealed a sleepy Kirishima whose face immediately lit up at the sight of his boyfriends. He quietly closed the door behind him, eyeing hungrily the mug in Kaminari’s hand.
‘Hi’ he murmured to him, immediately latching onto his mouth and making Kaminari let out a stifled groan. He held the mug further away so he wouldn’t spill it on them, while his other hand rested on his boyfriend’s hip. Then in a blink of an eye Kirishima was gone and so was his coffee, now clutched between redhead’s greedy hands and being hungrily gulped down.
‘Hey!’ he yelped but Kirishima hid himself on the other side of the table so he couldn’t reach and smiled at him teasingly from there. His soaked in drool t-shirt was gone, leaving his admirable pecs on display. His hair was in utter disarray, sticking up here, flat over there. Kaminari wanted him back between his arms.
‘You two behave, I don’t want them awake before I have enough pancakes for everyone.’ Bakugou growled from his place at the stove. Kirishima took it as his cue to give him some attention. He put the coffee on the table, from where Kaminari snatched it away immediately, and approached his other boyfriend from behind.
‘Good mornin', Blasty’ he murmured into the nape of his neck, looping his strong arms around his stomach, smelling him and the first batch of pancakes he was working on.
‘Mornin’’ He tore a piece of one of them and reached to his shoulder, where Kirishima was quick to catch it. Bakugou leaned into his chest.
‘So good.’ Eijirou sighed, peppering his neck and visible shoulder with little kisses. To his right Kaminari made himself another coffee. Kirishima’s coffee preference was drinking theirs so it was no use to make him his own. When Bakugou reluctantly nudged him out of the way, redhead grabbed his grenade mug to sip a bit of his black coffee. Then he stretched with a sigh, both of his boyfriend’s eyes on him, and announced he needs to shower. ‘Anyone?’ he looked at them playfully. Kaminari slapped him on the hip.
‘We have guests dum-dum.’
‘I’m just joking’ he giggled jumping out of his reach and left the kitchen. Kaminari proceeded to prepare the table and Bakugou kept adding to his pancake tower.
Their banter didn’t go unnoticed as soon after he left Mina entered the kitchen with a yawn and a soft ‘Hello’, Sero tailing after her with pained expression.
‘I smell coffee’ she commented, sniffing the air and eyeing the mug in Kaminari’s hand, who brought it closer to his chest protectively and then moved aside revealing the still half full coffee pot behind him. She cheered and raided the cupboard to find herself a mug.
Meanwhile Sero slumped on a chair almost putting his head in one of the plates. ‘Do you guys have yerba?’
‘Yeah, I’ll make you some just get your damn hair out of my plate.’ Katsuki appeared above him, swatting his head away from the table. He put down a plate full of pancakes. ‘Eat up fuckers and get outta my house.’
‘Me too?’ Kaminari quirked his eyebrow while Mina sat down with her coffee and grabbed a plate to load it with pancakes.
‘It’s your house too, moron.’
‘We’re not going anywhere.’ Mina piped up after swallowing a bite of syrup covered pancakes. (Turned out Kirishima drank only half of the bottle.) ‘We gotta burn the pancake calories in the Just Dance dance off.’
‘Just don’t eat the pancakes you ungrateful fuck.’ Bakugou growled, putting a yerba mate gourd in front of Sero. He thanked him, and took a long sip.
‘Katsuki, your pancakes are too good, we both know this.’ Ashido pointed an accusatory fork at him.
‘It’s just a ploy to make you fat and slow you down.’ Bakugou shrugged.
‘Just take the fucking compliment, dude!’
‘Well, thank you for being so easy to please!’
‘Ugh!’ She threw her hands in the air, while the other two listening to them snickered. Kaminari finally sat down between his friends. That’s when Kirishima decided to join them, hair damp, sweatpants and a tank top thrown on.
‘Did I miss something?’ He asked, settling on the last vacant seat.
‘Just alien face not wanting to admit she wants to crush us in her stupid game.’
‘Babe. Like you’re one to talk.’
‘You sound like you don’t want to eat.’ Bakugou looked at him threateningly. Kirishima put up his hands in defeat then motioned to zip his lips shut.
When Sero was halfway through his yerba he mused out loud. ‘We can’t just go jumping right after breakfast.’
‘What do u suggest?’ Kaminari piped up, hopeful. He wasn’t looking forward to it neither. Especially that Bakugou was getting too intense every time they played Just Dance with Mina. Kaminari was quite good at it himself, while Bakugou always got frustrated he couldn’t beat the game through sheer willpower itself.
‘We could watch a movie?’
Everyone at the table groaned. From their movie watching experience they knew it took at least half an hour to settle on a movie everyone would want to watch.
Bakugou turned off the stove, put the last pancakes on the plate, and motioned Kirishima to make room on his lap.
‘We can just roll a fucking dice, you know.’ He suggested, starting on Kirishima’s half eaten pancake while the redhead leaned on his back, arms around his middle.
‘That’s… actually a good idea?’ Kaminari grinned from in front of them, nudging one of his boyfriend’s legs with his foot. He didn’t know which one. ‘Lemme go grab a dice.’ He announced and left the kitchen to go rummage through their board game boxes.
‘Since when are you such a good mediator, Baku?’ Sero tilted his head, his hair now pulled back in a short ponytail with a hair band borrowed from Kirishima.
‘Since I started dating two dumbasses I guess.’ Bakugou shrugged, feeding Kirishima his own pancake above his arm. It didn’t look comfortable, but it worked.
‘Got it!’ Kaminari came back victorious with a yellow dice.
They took their turns rolling, Sero groaning when he got a one while everyone else let out a sigh of relief. Last time he choose a movie they ended up watching some foreign indie horror about creepy bunny Jesus. Kirishima rolled a five and when nobody beat it he whooped in victory.
‘So, what are we watching?’ Nudged him Mina. Nobody really minded his victory, because Kirishima’s movie taste was more or less like him. Loveable by everyone. He hummed in thought.
‘Uh, would you rather watch a gay movie or an old British comedy?’
‘That’s a tough one.’ Bakugou rolled his eyes.
‘The British one.’
‘Everyone who is against Sero’s choice hand up.’
Kirishima raised Bakugou’s hand for good measure, even though the gay movie would win anyway.
‘Alex Strangelove it is!’ Kirishima cheered. ‘Last time I tried to watch it somebody kept distracting me.’ He narrowed his eyes at said someone. Kaminari shrugged with an innocent smile.
‘Sorry I’m so distracting honey.’
‘Guys don’t be gross.’ Mina made a face of disgust, badly hiding her fond smile.
‘You’re gross.’ Bakugou retorted stuffing his face with pancakes.
‘Yes, yes, now let me go I’m gonna turn on Netflix, maybe check for some chips.’ Kirishima patted his boyfriend’s hips but he didn’t budge.
‘No. You’re comfy.’
‘You can sit on my lap?’ Kaminari offered.
‘You’re bony, no thanks.’ Bakugou squinted at the idea.
‘…I can sit on your lap?’ He tried again. Bakugou was silent for a couple of seconds. Sero was biting back a laugh.
‘You can go, Ei.’
Eijirou laughed, pecking him on the cheek and letting him go. Then he grabbed one of the few pancakes left and went to the living room, from where they heard the signature Netflix sound. Meanwhile Kaminari skipped around the table to settle on Bakugou’s lap with a sigh, leaning onto his broad chest. Bakugou let him for a while, and then nudged him on the side.
‘Turn around I want to eat.’
Kaminari did as he was told, looping his arm around his boyfriend’s neck and leaning on his shoulder, so he could finish his breakfast. He motioned Ashido to hand him his mug and he sipped the remaining coffee.
Ashido and Sero gathered the dishes and started cleaning them up together, Kaminari navigating them through the drawers and cupboards when they didn’t know where to find something or where to put something back. Then Sero found some popcorn and went on to prepare a big bowl of it.
‘Are we watching on the couch or on the floor?’ Kirishima yelled from the living room. The four looked at each other.
‘I’m taking the couch, fuck you.’
‘You’ll miss on the cuddles, you know.’ Reminded him Kaminari, pinching Katsuki’s cheek. Mina took their empty dishes to finish cleaning up. Bakugou growled, looping his arms around him.
‘Floor!’ Kaminari yelled back.
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shiftxdxquilibrium · 6 years
‘Trick or Treat! 🎃’
Tricks and Treats l accepting~
Spirit of the Season
“MIKI!” Henrietta shouts as she kicks open the door, her arms full as she runs into the apartment. “It’s time!”
The sound of a bass from another room stops and the rocker opens the door. “Time? Time for what?”
There’s a loud thump as Henrietta deposits a pumpkin the size of their heads put together on the table. “Halloween motherfucker!” She throws her arms into the air with a breathless yet delighted whoop.
Miki looks between her and the pumpkin. “Where did you get that?” She asks.
“It doesn’t matter where I got it,” Henrietta strides over, a manic grin on her face. “What matters is what I’m gonna do with it.” She pecks her tiger on the nose, before looking for something to throw over the table. “Help me get stuff, we’re about to dissect a gourd!”
Twenty minutes later the table is covered with plastic bags, knives, a ladle and a marker. Henrietta rubs her hands together and Miki laughs. “So what are we carving?”
“Not sure yet. Probably gonna just think it up as I go along.” She muses, grabbing one of the bigger knives. In an instant, Henrietta’s jabbing it into the pumpkin, chuckling evilly as she carves out a hole.
“Carve my band logo.” Miki offers, watching with her elbows propped up on the table.
“You’d have to do that, I’m a shit artist.” Henrietta replies, the top of the gourd popping open. “Awww, yeah, now we’re getting good.” She’s giggling as she tugs it off before her nose crinkles.
Miki holds a hand over her face and mouth. “How does something that tastes so good smell so bad?” She asks between gags.
“Maaaagic.” Henrietta draws out the sounds, looking inside at the pulp before an impish grin spreads across her face. Without a second thought, she scoops up some pulp with her hand, before throwing it at Miki. The white haired girl blinks, as if attempting to process what just happened, before the tiger grins at her chickadee.
“Oh it’s on now.” The next thing Henrietta knows, there’s pulp flying her way, splattering against her face and hair.
“Fuck!” The shout is the bell that announces the brawl, pumpkin pulp whizzing through the room as laughter fills the air. She’s vaguely aware of the sound of feet padding and being pushed to the ground with a white blur following her.
Henrietta’s on her back on the floor with Miki on top of her, pumpkin pulp dripping off of them.
“Welp,” Henrietta laughs breathlessly, “That got outta hand.”
“Yup.” Miki nods. “The kitchen’s a mess.”
Henrietta nods, a hand moving to her hair. “So’s my hair.” Miki moves and the next thing Henrietta knows, she’s in Miki’s arms.
“You thinking what I’m thinking?” Her white tigress is grinning ear to ear, carrying her from the kitchen.
“We gotta wash the floors? And the walls? And the table?” She offers, only to have Miki kiss her nose.
“Bathtime first.” She says it like it’s the first step on an itinerary, yet somehow Henrietta thinks bathtime isn’t going to be just about bathing.
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fromtheringapron · 4 years
WWE Survivor Series 2006
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Date: November 26, 2006.
Location: Wachovia Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 
Attendance: 15,400.
Commentary: Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler (Raw), Michael Cole and John Bradshaw Layfield (SmackDown!).
1. Survivor Series Elimination Match: Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Ron Simmons, and Sgt. Slaughter (with Arn Anderson) defeated The Spirit Squad (Kenny, Johnny, Nicky, and Mikey) (with Mitch). Flair was the sole survivor. 
2. WWE United States Championship Match: Chris Benoit (champion) defeated Chavo Guerrero (with Vickie Guerrero). 
3. WWE Women’s Championship Match: Mickie James defeated Lita (champion). 
4. Survivor Series Elimination Match: Team DX (Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, and CM Punk) defeated Team RKO (Edge, Randy Orton, Gregory Helms, Johnny Nitro, and Mike Knox) (with Melina and Kelly Kelly). All of Team DX survived. 
5. First Blood Match: Mr. Kennedy defeated The Undertaker. 
6. Survivor Series Elimination Match: John Cena, Bobby Lashley, Kane, Rob Van Dam, and Sabu defeated Big Show, MVP, Test, and Finlay (with Armando Alejandro Estrada). Cena and Lashley were the survivors. 
7. World Heavyweight Championship Match: Batista defeated King Booker (champion) (with Queen Sharmell).
My Review
I remember ordering Survivor Series 2006 on pay-per-view being weirdly hyped for it. I don’t know why; I just saw a lot of potential in the card, I guess. Sure enough, the show fell well below my expectations and I quickly disavowed it and never rewatched it again until recently. So how do I feel about it in 2020, our year of the Lord? Well, it’s not horrendous or anything, but it’s still not good. Some important-ish things happen and I still think there was potential here for this show to be so much better; it just feels like not a whole lot of effort was put into it.
If the show can’t shake its staidness, it’s certainly not done any favors by its main event. The feud between Batista and King Booker was WWE’s attempt at cashing in on the real-life heat between the two, but it never caught fire in translation. By all means, it should’ve worked. Batista was in his prime and Booker was enjoying one of the best stretches of his career yet it ultimately became a case of the two guys simply not meshing. Their match here is just a whole bunch of whatever to me. What should be the satisfying culmination of Batista’s year-long road back to the World Heavyweight title is instead anticlimactic. It feels more like an epilogue tacked on to a novel than an epic final chapter.
The most enjoyable part of the show is easily Team DX vs. Team RKO, which is a squash match single-handedly elevated by the charisma of its participants. Team DX —Triple H, HBK, CM Punk, and The Hardy Boyz — is often mentioned in the discussion of greatest Survivor Series teams of all time and that’s pretty difficult to argue against. It’s such an iconic group overflowing with star power that watching them share a ring together feels truly special. The Philly crowd is well-aware of the moment too and they don’t let it go to waste. A part of me would’ve wanted to see a more competitive match, and the potential was definitely there, but the trade-off is a surge of energy that’s much needed at the midpoint of the show.
The remainder of the card mostly ranges from forgettable to downright offensive. The other elimination matches here are fun sprints, but they embrace the worst qualities of the match’s modern iterations. Granted, I’m a traditionalist who thinks the elimination matches should always be the focus of the Survivor Series, but I do think at a baseline they shouldn’t feel like everyone is trying to get it over with as fast as possible and that’s the vibe I get here. Elsewhere, Chris Benoit and Chavo Guerrero square off over Eddie Guerrero’s namesake, whose death is still being sadly exploited for storylines a full year after the fact. The lowest moment, though, is the tasteless sendoff for Lita in her retirement match. In a way, there’s something admirable about Lita wanting to go out like a complete heel, but having her slut-shamed and her items put up for grabs in a “Hoe Sale” isn’t it, and it’s ultimately flat-out disrespectful to one of the most influential women in WWE history.
Overall, Survivor Series 2006 has all the ingredients yet it can’t bring them all together to make a great show. One look at the card may have you think otherwise but in the history of WWE’s Thanksgiving tradition, this is the equivalent of a fake colorful gourd you stuff in a cornucopia⏤it looks good, but don’t be fooled; the taste is underwhelming.
My Random Notes
I’d like to reject the notion that JBL was ever funny on color commentary. Maybe I’m alone here, but I find him super obnoxious? I get that’s he’s trying to channel Jesse Ventura; it’s just that he unfortunately translates that into yelling a lot without saying any good soundbites.
It’s hard to not look at Test here and feel sad. There’s the steroid bloat, yeah, but he just seems tired, almost like he’s phoning it in at some indy show.
Vickie Guerrero is pretty early into her heel run at this point so she’s nowhere near as over-the-top as she’d later become, but I do like her cold Real Housewives energy here. There’s that one moment in the video package where she says “Hi, Chris” so frigidly that I had to check my nose for frostbite.
Speaking of Chris, it’s already tough to stomach watching Eddie Guerrero’s death exploited for storylines, but it’s especially so to watch Benoit get involved when you know how badly Eddie’s death fucked him up. And, yes, I do have that Dark Side of the Ring episode on my mind. That was some seriously haunting shit. 
Fun fact: Ric Flair is undefeated in Survivor Series elimination matches, having been the sole survivor in two of them 15 years apart. The more you know!
Dusty Rhodes pinned Dolph Ziggler on a pay-per-view in 2006. Also the more you know!
A huge yikes @ the chair shot Taker gives Mr. Kennedy. No way that would fly now. Hell, it wouldn’t even fly less than year after this.
The Mickie James face turn truly happened outta nowhere, huh? I just remember there was one episode of Raw when she lost the Women’s title to Lita and — bam! — suddenly she’s a face, as if she wasn’t threatening Trish Stratus that she’d dismember Ashley Massaro less than six months prior.
I have little recollection of an MVP/Mr. Kennedy alliance, but it does seem like the most mid ‘00s WWE thing to happen. Remember when these two guys absolutely felt like the future faces of the company? The lost generation, indeed.
Alas, here we bare witness to the final days of The Spirit Squad. A night later, they’d be squashed by DX and literally sent back to OVW in a crate. To this day, I’ve never got the hate for them, other than it’s clearly a mid ‘90s WWF gimmick stuck in a mid ‘00s WWE. I used to think was the most obnoxious person on the roster, which I guess means they did their job well.
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upwards-descent · 1 year
Also I absolutely took the day off tomorrow because I wanna get blitzed outta my fucking gourd and I'm very excited, send asks just to chat if or if you are or aren't also getting lit the fuck up tonight
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