#i was gonna put in how im trying to learn more abt astrology but..
dawnilith · 1 year
Community-building Tag Game
Tagged by: @peaceful-roadkill
Name: Dawn, Dawnilith, silly lil ding dong seal
Pronouns: they them
Where do you call home?
Im from the texas coast but currently ive enjoyed living in the dallas area and its been my home for a long time
Favorite animal:
Orca, manta rays, cephalopods, seals a lotta marine life rly lol
Cereal of choice:
Trix cereal
Are you a visual auditory or kinesthetic learner?
Def a visual learner its hard for me learn new things if im not being shown how
First pet:
Im gonna instead go with the most memorable pets i had which was two weenie dogs hannah and susie, me and my sister loved them a lot
Favorite scent:
Petrichor, the smell of gummy candy, breakfast tacos, and the scent of someone when i get to cuddle them
Do you believe in astrology?
I try not to believe in it too much cus its just for funsies but i do enjoy talkin and hearing abt it
How many playlists do you have on Spotify/apple music?
Majority of my music i listen to are mp3 files downloaded to my phone, i have a lotta playlists on there too, mostly of putting all of an artists stuff into one playlist, or my calm down playlist
Sharpies or highlighters?
Hmm i did learn recently how useful highlighters can be for drawing but i was more accustomed to using sharpies for inking/coloring
A song that makes you cry:
Ancestress -Björk, winter melody -donna summer; this womans work, all the love, mrs.bartolozzi, a coral room, and dream of sheep - kate bush, tokyo sunrise -LP, crazy world -WALLA, as the world caves in -matt maltese, kimono beat -seiko matsuda
A song that makes you happy:
Try me i know we can make it, happily ever after -donna summer, love and anger -kate bush, clouds -prince, birthday, who is it, big time sensuality, cocoon, in the musicals, ovule, allow, triumph of a heart -björk
And finally what do you write/draw/create? If so use this as an opportunity to shamelessly(😉) promote yourself!
I enjoy drawing my many burly queer oc's and i post them on my art blog! @dawns-art-blog and also on twitter @dawnilith
Nominations: @dantelupine @daybydayartwork @gr-74 @nikodavisflores @thermav and whoever else im mutuals with/wants to
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joonslesbian-remade · 6 years
i want to get to know you better! when you get this post 10 random facts about yourself and pass it on to 10 lovely people you want to know better too!
!!!! ilu !!!! tysm for sending me this :(( i read ur list too it was rly cool to find those things out abt u !!!
1. i try to draw everyday ! i’m alright at objects and stuff but i rly want to get better at drawing ppl and find my own style so every night i draw 3 a5 faces from the top of my head !
2. i’m also learning japanese bc i’m going there next summer as by 18th birthday present ! im using duolingo at the moment but it’s quite a short course so i’m gonna have to move to smth else in a couple motnhs uwu
3. i’m hopefully getting my hair dyed a peachy colour in a week or so !
4. i love making playlists on spotify ! i have around 15 set up at the moment for different moods and events and im still going through a massive playlist i made last yr to try and sort that out into these other playlists ! i also rly want to start making playlists that remind me of ppl and characters !
5. for the bts concert in october i’m thinking of making my own design and putting it on a shirt on redbubble and making it a private design so only i have it uwu,,,, i can then also make it rly cheap it’s great,,, it’ll probably be smth to do with agust d !
6. even tho my aesthetic is dark and edgy on here im actually in love with everything cute ! this is just the type of blog i always look up to so i thought id start being that blog uwu,,,, i used to have a massive collection of those animal rubbers that u can take apart And my favourite colour is actually pastel pink hehe
7. i have a pet hedgehog ! his name is gerald and even tho im still kinda scared to pick him up without a ‘blanket’ bc his spines are v spiky dont let that fool u ! i love him with my entire heart and hearing the pitter patter of his feet on his wheel at night makes my heart go boom
8. i saw hamilton on saturday ! it was Amazing and i nearly cried at wait for it bc it’s my favourite song from the soundtrack ! (i also nearly cried at it’s quiet uptown but thats more valid),,, im so happy caits mum managed to get us tickets !
9. hehe time to brag but i used to be so good at academic stuff ! in my gcses i got all As and above, and i even got a 9 (which is the highest grade in some new grading system they tested out on my yr idk) in maths and english lit !!! i was so in love with maths (but no ones allowed to know that) that i also got an A* in further maths hehehe,,,, in fact,, i got A*s or over in everything except the three sciences where i got As but like,,,, that was good in itself im not gonna say i wish i got higher fdsgdhfkl
10. i’m also a big ol’ dumbass !! i read recently that sagi suns are smart but lack common sense and i was like ‘finally ! an explanation for why im like this uwu’ i ask the most Stupid questions to my friends sometimes and get confused by rly easy social concepts ghfgkl
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baddiedaddy7 · 3 years
5th house✨🌻
the 5th house is not what you attract, it’s how you are in the dating world/casual dating, what dates you may like, how you are in the beginning stages of a relationship and flirting. it’s also about your passion, and what you may like to do in your spare time. then lastly, children. feminine signs-more likely to have a female or child with feminine energy. masculine signs-more likely to have a male or child with masculine energy. do not plagiarize🙃.
likes the chase(being chased or vice versa). gets bored fast, so needs somebody that keeps them guessing. bold/upfront, will probably tell you if they like you, or how they feel in general. may do things too fast(say “i love you” early, get over excited easily, etc). daring in the dating scene/at the beginning of a relationship. flirting style may be physical(confident/not rlly awkward, and makes flirting obvious), or playful(play fight, tickles lmao, laughs more, etc). might prefer dates full of thrills(amusement park, hiking, skydiving, rock climbing, sports, party, etc). hobbies may be sports, karate, working out, violent or sporty video games, etc. indicates a liking for vigorous/explicit music lmao. children may also be into sports, karate, exercising, etc. most likely one of your children will have mars/aries in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be rude, full of energy, bratty/spoiled, passionate, bossy, etc, since these are traits of aries. a LOT of ppl with these placements get a c-section, atleast once, and most likely w/the first child. unexpected pregnancy is also seen here. oldest is most likely going to be a boy. since aries is fast, your kids may try to be born early, or are born earlier than due date.
“slow and steady wins the race” types. sensual. conventional. very romantic. stable. likes to touch/skin to skin. not complicated, some may find you “boring”. warm in the dating world/at the beginning of a relationship. flirting style is most likely polite(not perverted, well mannered, may come off as reserved even though they’re interested, etc). dates shall be lavish or romantic lol. candles, dinners, beautiful park, etc. hobbies may be baking/cooking, napping, binge watching tv, beauty(makeup, hair), shopping, tending to a garden, etc. you may like love songs, pop, rnb, jazz, slowed + reverb, etc. most likely makes sure their kids are dressed up/styled😎. kids are most likely beautiful, and in great condition. kids may like to watch you cook/bake, or do it with you. most likely one of your children will have taurus/venus in their chart, probably the oldest. children will most likely be patient, stubborn, well mannered, cold, practical, lazy, etc, since these are traits of taurus. pregnancy is usually smooth. oldest is most likely going to be a girl. i’ve known quite a few ppl w/this that actually like being pregnant. it makes so much sense that kylie jenner has this, literally all this applies😭.
another placement that gets bored quickly, so keep them guessing. probably has a new crush every week or multiple at once. intelligent, and talkative. daydreams/thinks abt crush a lot. most likely tells their friends abt their crush too. happy-go-lucky in the dating world/at the beginning of a relationship. flirting style is most likely playful(calling eachother names, play fighting, etc). dates may be at a fair, library, etc. hobbies usually are social media, reading, trivia, writing, socializing, etc. honestly most likely likes all genres of music, but esp hyper music(edm, rap, pop, etc). most likely one of your children will have gemini/mercury in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be sneaky, curious, smart mouthed, witty, moody, etc, since these are the traits of gemini. adoption is indicated here. twins, or many kids in one pregnancy are also indicated here, and if that’s the cause then they’re most likely going to be male(s). pregnancy may seem quick.
loving, and affectionate. try to avoid being obsessive, and easily jealous. you may get attached too early in a relationship. they might be shy at first, gotta get them out their shell. tender in the dating scene/at the beginning of a relationship. flirting style may be traditional(man asks first/initiate, gazing/eye contact, etc) or sincere(blushing/makes it obvious, laughing a lot, etc). may prefer dates at home, museum, or park. hobbies may be mainly at home(cooking/baking, knitting, listening to music, watching tv, sleeping, watching little kids/younger relatives, etc). listens to certain music genres based off of mood, likes music that’s relatable, and in depth. most likely one of your children will have cancer/moon in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be caring, moody, emotional, clingy, kind, jealous, etc, since these are the traits of cancer. usually very fertile, and may have many kids. oldest is most likely gonna be a girl. try not to be obsessive w/your kids or too protective. i recommend using more than one source of protection😂.
confident, and friendly. usually social butterflies. selfish with their partners lol, wants all their attention. jolly in the dating world/at the beginning of the relationship. flirting style is physical(confident) or playful(joking around/calling eachother names playfully, etc). shows their partner off. for dates, they seem like they’re down for anything. hobbies may be acting, singing, socializing, partying, painting, taking selfies, social media, etc. probably one of those assholes that play music so loudly/on speakers lmaoo. their music taste is in ✨good taste✨. most likely one of your children will have leo/sun in their chart, probably the oldest. confident, overdramatic, energetic, bossy, friendly, etc, since these are the traits of leo. you will shove your kids good traits in other parents faces💀, or just show them off in general. oldest is most likely going to be a boy. kids will most likely have great health.
(im gonna say “we”, since this is my placement lol)
if we really like you, you can do no wrong in our eyes. we should try not to put our interest on a high pedestal, as we get disappointed easily sometimes😭. we have to learn that nobody is perfect, and make sacrifices. intelligent and chatty also. selfless in love/server love. another placement that most likely daydreams/thinks abt crush a lot. also talks abt crush a lot to friends. cautious in the dating scene/at the beginning of a relationship. flirting style is traditional(smiley, if a women/someone attracted to men expects the man to initiate lol or atleast wants him to, shy) or polite(pleasant, good manners, non sexual, etc). i admit, some of us send mixed signals😭. likes dates where you can talk/get to know eachother, so a library, coffee shop, etc. hobbies may be social media, hanging out, cleaning, shopping, making plans, debating, etc. another placement that likes all/most music genres. most likely one of your children will have virgo/mercury in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be clever, critical, fast learners, complainer, pragmatic, etc since these are the traits of virgo. we will worry/stress out abt our kids a lot. may also adopt or foster. twins/multiple births at once is indicated, and they’re most likely gonna be female(s). another placement that makes pregnancy seem like it goes quick.
loves compliments. probably shallow tbh. easy going with partners. charming in the dating scene/beginning of a relationship. flirting style is sincere(makes eye contact, plays w/hair, etc). likes “beautiful” dates(beach, park, garden, etc) or dinners, it just needs to be romantic lol. hobbies are socializing, social media, taking pics, beauty(makeup, hair, skincare, etc), shopping, etc. may like love songs, rnb, jazz, pop, or multiple genres in general. most likely one of yours children will have libra/venus in their chart, probably the oldest. oldest is most likely going to be a girl. children may be social/popular, shallow, easygoing, etc since these are the traits of libra. makes sure their kids dress nicely.
likes to keep details of relationships private, but that doesn’t mean they’re gonna keep YOU private/hidden as a whole. probably falls hard. tries to hide vulnerability in love. don’t be neurotic in love lol. intense in the dating scene/beginning of a relationship. flirting style is sincere(mysterious, good eye contact, genuine interest, etc). might like “dark” dates (abandoned places, cemeteries, horror movies, etc.) hobbies are astrology, conspiracy theories, anything taboo, witch craft, watching videos abt crime, being alone, etc. likes “dark” music, maybe even like satanic shit. music abt scorpio themes(death, sex, etc). explicit songs. rap, rock, things like that. most likely one of your children will have scorpio/pluto in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be secretive, clever, possessive, intense, emotional, etc since these are the traits of scorpio. try not to be over controlling or possessive of children, and be open to change. usually fertile.
generous in relationships, gives, and gives. might not take things seriously when they should. spirited, and optimistic in the dating scene/the beginning of a relationship. flirting style is playful (inside jokes, more giggly around “them”, etc). carnivals, short traveling, anything wild(skydiving, bungee jumping, etc), are ideal dates for these ppl. hobbies consist of hanging out, learning(esp of other cultures, and religions), sports, reading, etc. probably likes religious music lmao, or music in languages they don’t even understand, if not then pop or rap. most likely one of your children will have sagittarius/jupiter in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be loud, rude, honest, selfish, curious, etc since these are the traits of sagittarius. ppl with this placement have/want a whole gang(like a lot of kids lmao), “the more the merrier”. probably gets pregnant without trying/the first try lmao.
doesn’t have time for games. a reliable, and loyal partner. serious in the dating scene/at the beginning of a relationship. flirting style is traditional(man speaks up first, clever, etc). dinner, museums, wine tasting, etc are good date ideas for you. hobbies may range from reading, working, shopping, learning abt history, collecting, etc. might like classical music, chill music/slowed + reverb, music from back in the day, etc. most likely one of your children will have capricorn/saturn in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be responsible, “boring”, caring, standoffish, reliable, etc since these are the traits of capricorn. you’re might not even want kids, or might have them in your 30s or even 40s, and if you do have kids it’s likely not that many(1 or 2 lol).
some will be turned off by your distantness, some won’t mind. open minded in the dating scene/in a beginning of a relationship. flirting style is polite(aloof, might be awkward, honest, etc). painting, video games, go donating blood together, etc are probably ideal dates for you lol(also anything eccentric). hobbies are technology, social media, helping others, astrology, unusual sports, theories, etc. music taste may not be mainstream. might like unusual music genres like vapor wave, nintendocore, etc lmao. may also like alt, edm, etc. most likely one of your children will have aquarius/uranus in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be unique, cold, thinks outside the box, arrogant, etc since these are the traits of aquarius. you might adopt, or get unexpectedly pregnant. if you want kids of your own, you’re gonna need to know when you’re ovulating, since your fertility is likely all over the place.
selfless, and dreamy partner. another placement that may ignore red flags, when feelings are involved. wholesome in the dating scene/beginning of a relationship. flirting style is sincere(blushes easily, stares, more smiley, makes it obvious, etc). painting, cuddling, listening to music with each other, etc are ideal dates for these ppl, but honestly i feel like they’d be down for anything. hobbies may be painting, singing, listening to music, sleeping, having friends over, drugs, and alcohol, etc. probably has many playlists, and listens to everything. “stoner” music lmao. most likely one of your children will have pisces/neptune in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be bashful, over sensitive, imaginative, lazy, sweet, etc since these are the traits of pisces. children’s birth may have hidden details(ancestry, hereditary, etc).
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planetdream · 3 years
hihi if you're still open to giving your thoughts on people's natal charts im wondering what you could tell me abt mine 👀 any scalding truths you think i needa hear or reads on kinks mayhaps? 👀 (if not thats ok u can delete this ask lmao)
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hiiii. i told myself i wouldn't do these for a while (for several reasons) but i had to read yours because i LOVE looking at a full chart (literal heart eyes). i also needed a quick warm-up before i get to the several other chart readings i need to do 😭
— also kinda spoke a lot about love in this my bad 😔 also a bit delirious rn so if this seems scattered, my apologies.
"bad" stuff first so...scalding truths? you're an aries moon... quit being a hothead. i know anger is a natural emotion...but my advice to all aries moons is....try crying sometimes <3...but ur moon is at 20° (scorpio degree) and in the 4H (cancer) so maybe you do cry often idk idk...and your chart as a whole?? ik you have to speak ur mind on like...everything (being opinionated is fun, trust me, i know)...but sometimes it's okay to just...not... like!!! not even in a bad way, it's just that silence is nice sometimes :)
okay, sexy things now <3 your venus placement—and this singular placement is another reason why i had to answer this ahah—sagittarius venus in the 12H at 5°. lets do a semi-deep dive into this (sorry this is just the first time ive felt !!! looking at a chart in a very long time):
— venus in the 12H (karma, spirituality, subconscious, etc) is one of, if not, my favorite place for venus to be positioned in. having venus in the 12H is all about wanting to be drowned in love (that's certainly a way of putting it, wow). by drowned in love, i basically mean: a soulmate connection, karmic connection, whichever you want to call it. kinda just being a very deep hopeless romantic with a side of "let me suck the soul out of your dick" type beat.
— sagittarius venus...the best thing about love is that you can learn in it. sag venus' typically want to be taught something, anything by their lover. so when a sexual partner has a kink that they're interested in, you might like to be taught more about that kink (visual learner type beat).
— people w sag placements are also very good at sex (or so i've heard...and combine that with ur scorpio sun and cap rising....yeah). now, and, this is kinda me being astrologically stereotypical...i find that people with sag placements (fire placements in general) can easily separate love from sex...but sometimes specific placements can get in the way of that. you're a scorpio (w an aries moon), so you're possessive in nature and that's okay! also, you have a pisces placement..so... that i'll get to soon :))
— 5° is a leo degree...which i always find funny when leo (whether that be sign or degree) is in the 12H cause it's just like....do you want to hide or not?? anyways...i feel like you're kinda...loud in bed? just a feeling rlly.
now that with your mars placement: pisces mars in the 3H at 9°
— oh you wanna be in love so bad oooo....but since your mars is in pisces, sometimes there are times where it's hard to accept that you deserve to be in love OR you have a hard time making the whole love thing happen!! pisces mars people give me 75k words, enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn vibes idk idk
— 3H (ruled by gemini...communication) so im just gonna guess that you love dirty talk, yeah? (especially since you're a scorpio mercury) and being flirted with and/or romanced (because pisces be like that). how do you feel about one-night stands? or simply, just casual sexual relationships. bc i think you'd enjoy it? but u also have water placements so it might end up a bit romantic even if it's not exclusive.
— mars at 9° (sagittarius degree) again, you're into experimenting and people that have a lot of experience (ur a cap rising...ur a bit attracted to experience and status).
and then (and very briefly), your venus square mars aspect. you like that push and pull—the fight for dominance just makes sexual relationships so much fun for you. are you into enemies to lovers? cause that's the vibes i get lol
some possible kinks: experimenting. anything involving cum. POLY (scorpio sun in the 11H. the 11H means groups of people so...yeah). roleplaying. spanking probably. choking probably. quickies in public places—basically the whole "we could get caught" dynamic. dom/switch/sub aspects but make it spicy so, probably even "taboo" kinks. dirty talk (maybe even heavy emphasis on backtalk and degradation). kinda just being...bullied but lovingly. body worship (that's where praise comes in). not a kink but cuddling after sex lol, just very very nice aftercare. again, not a kink but fun sex!! lets not be so serious allll the time lol.
lastly (and i always make sure to say this), there are specific asteroids that can point even further in-depth to ur kinks and the things you might like. if anyone wants me to, i could share a few and even give examples using idol charts or something idk.
but that got long and i think i hit all the points i wanted to lol. but!!! i hope u liked it and i hope that i was able to bring you some insight <3
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gg-astrology · 5 years
heyy! one of my friends is a cap sun/merc/venus/mars + a virgo moon and talking to him can get so EXHAUSTING and it's not just me saying this, a lot of other people i know say the same thing but i'm looking through the astrology point of view and i wanted to hear your thoughts on it. also is it true that virgo moons can be emotionally detached/have trouble expressing their emotions or does that depend on their other placements?
hey there! 💙🖤❤️ i totally get what you mean, I know someone like that too.. but I have to say this, once again, (as a precaution) try not form opinions of the sign/placements based on bad experiences. Just moving forward, in order to learn techniques and stuff properly. This is just a precaution to keep in mind?
About and For the Virgo Moon Person ⬇️
🚫long post 🚫
So…how do i say this.. virgo moons… they think alot because they want to help? that’s their mode of caring? 
In a way, being useful/thinking logically is how they provide help for others. Even if people don’t like them, virgo moon’s detachment stems more bc they care about others than an actual detachment/isolation itself (i.e. see aquarius  detachment as well, but of a different kind than virgo).
I think it’s that kind of thing y know - like, detaching ur emotions so u can still offer objectives first. But in a way they also like to over-analyze and over-think a lot of stuff. Especially emotions and how to deal with it/process it moving forward. I think that’s why a part of the archetype is those of a giver and ultimately self-sacrificial, because they will put other priorities before themselves - whether it’s people, objectives, or getting their views across to help the situation. 
Even if they bury or suppress their own sensitivity and emotions a lot of the time in order to do that (provide help/offer assistance/support). It’s a good idea to keep in mind that they are burying it underneath. 
Let’s look at it from their perspective for a second - you’ve probably already realized this (or if not, it’s never a bad thing to look at it again and maybe realize how empathetic they can be) - they process emotions themselves very logically, so when others come to them for help - they tend to give advice/reflect that back in the same manner, without getting too attached to the emotional side of things (being capable vs being too emotional). 
However, they ARE sensitive to the environment - to people around them + what is sourced. If they can’t identify the problem/isn’t sensitive to that - then they wouldn’t be able to offer any advice regarding it. It’s good to keep in mind, that the moon receives energy from others. So when their advice is criticized, thrown away, hurled back or hurled at them. They may hide behind a mask of indifference (bc, again, logic and understanding rationally that not everyone can like you) – but it does still hurt. 
That kind of creates a loop contributing to how they suppress or have difficulties occasionally with expressing themselves, or letting themselves talk about stuff freely. Because as much as they want to help - sometimes they think they’re not translating well, or is not helpful to others, the idea of what they’re giving being the opposite of helpful - wasteful or a burden - sometimes repels them too (more like, ‘if it repels them personally it would repel others as well’. That’s how they’d think about it.) 
So. You can imagine what that would be like if you’re stuck in a loop of trying to be the Best Version of Yourself Possible (that you think is needed/that you’re proud of or accepted yourself as) but not being actually accepted by others - it’s kind of a hard life to have?? Virgo/Pisces have this thing where being accepted is nice, is what makes it - ultimately fulfilling. They have a role in the universe and a function - and sometimes it’s just hitting and hitting a metal bar until something fits - whether its a place, person, environment, life. That’s when it’s truly ok to feel accepted. 
I guess the best way to say this is that Virgos can think sometimes that emotions get in the way - which can be true - of fixing things. And that’s how they function? 
I can totally understand your frustration - especially if the person has a lot of Capricorn as well (wanting to be right, prideful, wanting to be Good and the Best even if they can be low-key about it!) - but, again, this is just very earthian. And ultimately - if you’re asking for my perspective, they deserve some empathy. They’re not? really doing harm to anyone. And sometimes it’s just that. 
I don’t blame the person altogether, I think it’s an everyone’s problem where no one’s developed or doing well enough to accept each other which is a? thing that happens sometimes in groups and maturity (the idea of developing). A boat is being balanced, someone needs more help than others because they’re rocking it with their own personal problems - but it takes a team to actually keep it together and not throw them overboard. 
You don’t have to be friends with those you know you can’t handle right now, I’m just saying 1. look out for yourself, your own boundaries and mental well-being 2. hopefully this will help with empathizing with the person in question a little bit more. At least keeping in mind that they have their own perspective and emotional stuff too. and 3. If things don’t work out right now - don’t worry about it. Time is a long long journey, and people can grow and change - doesn’t mean you have to be there or be obligated to that.
Anyways, as an ending note I just wanted to say I do think Earth moons all kind of have similar problems with opening up - but emotional detachment doesn’t mean they don’t have emotions inside. It’s good to keep that in mind! 
If you need any advice on how to help this Virgo Moon person - usually offering detailed and logical advice right back analyzing the topic (whatever it is, like, hey lets talk about boundaries, or hey lets talk about how we both want to be treated?) tends to help. I think they’d appreciate it, just as long as it remains neutral and not a personal attack/direct criticism. They’re still a mutable earth sign, so they CAN get slippery if the tone isn’t right skkskskskkd but - otherwise, I think just spelling it out to them on how to DO stuff that you (and others) are comfortable with is nice. 
The problem with this combination is that they don’t KNOW if nobody teaches them. They don’t know what people expect, what other people require, they’re trying to do their best figuring it out themselves and trying to provide from their own perspective. Feedback really helps, but done so in a way that’s like proposing a new concept to discuss/discover together. Rather than a criticism of how shitty they made someone feel.
I hope this helps?? 💙🖤❤️ Again, if you’re interested in learning about this astrologically - try not to have prejudice by learning archetypes of these signs. It tends to help, alongside the placements. 
I think most of the time we’re trying to line up our experience with what we’ve learnt, simultaneously at the same time. But sometimes we miscalculate and turn into our experiences over-blinding what we should learn. I recommend reading up on what the planet does as well - if you’re looking into further details about the topic! As it tends to help.
Right.. so. Hm! I can’t take all the credit for this myself, since I did have a long discussion with my friend who’s an Aquarius/Virgo. I think they’re very empathetic, and it helped me a lot with how I wanted to form this answer. So I’m gonna add in some excerpt incase it helps:
Aquarius/Virgo friend: 
“i process emotions w a logical approach and when ppl for some come to me for help I’m v much able to help them and give them advice without getting emotionally attached at all? this sounds bad bc it sounds like im not emotionally supporting the person truly nhhhdh yeah it can be useful for advice and knowing how to go on from a bad situation nd move on but it’s not always ideal since. duh. feelings r made to… be felt.. properly” 
“but emotionally detached like FR…. idk man…. i think we care a lot abt people, we always want to help nd we’re not ok if they’re not. virgos r actually v sensitive to their environment and how others r feeling as well”
“and true i do feel like all earth signs have issues w expressing emotions. they’re grounded nd they know themselves… so they all think they’re self sufficient. or want to be or whatever. but ofc it’s not true y'all do need somEone sometimes. but its hard bc everyone relies on earth signs i think… so yeah”
“take good care of Virgos. we’re sensitive. we need love. we want people to like and need us. we’ve been through more than u know. yes i will process that you don’t like me logically but i do care deep down, I’ll just bury it so I don’t stop being logical. bye”
“also as u know we’re really good over analyzers nd over thinkers nd w that being said pls reply u were typing but didnt send did i say something wrong i hope i didnt but i idk idk what I’m talking about but  am i dumb??? reply plsssksskkjsjd where are u…   but then we never send these despite thinking them bc it’s an earth sign supposed 2 be cool for everyone nd grounded all the time”
   So! 💙🖤❤️ They’re kind of worriers! 💙🖤❤️ But they’re pretty harmless and nice once they learn how to relax and be chill a little bit more. I guess I’m saying sometimes you just gotta sit a cap/virgo down and be like my dude… mayhaps not?? and be done with it!! 💙🖤❤️ I hope this helps! 💙🖤❤️💙🖤❤️ 
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hiyaaa!! could i pls get a written matchup for ikesen, ikerev, & mlqc? 💞 bi but i prefer guys! i have an older twin sis~ 5'4 young girl~ medium-length straight-ish black hair & dark brown eyes. ambiverted INTP! hufflepuff/ravenclaw. fun-loving & friendly scorpio. if not given attention, i feel unwanted/sad. quiet w/ people im not close w/. easily annoyed but guilty after 'cause im soft-hearted. playful/serious, childish/mature, competative/laidback, funny/shy, talkative/good listener, loud/soft, kind/quiet, emotional/solemn, sweet/smart, bright/deep, poetic/intellectual, daydreamer/studious, annoying/lovable. hopeless romantic! sorta socially anxious, i have a fear of judgement. my personality is like half fun/happy and half deep/quiet- very awkward. i want to be the best! im not innocent but ppl think i am at first. its easy to make me smile & laugh but i also get jealous often. i have trouble asking for help even if i help others a lot! im the type to do fun stuff and loosen up, but im also the type to just cuddle and have long conversations about life and the world. emotionally mature but a bit emotionally unstable (mental health problems-) i look fine on the outside but on the inside its a MESS. im actually a complex person, and i rlly think a lot to myself. i feel rlly scared tho if im not completely sure if im correct abt smth, n i get rlly anxious when ppl r looking at me blankly w/ smiling- likes: diff kinds of jokes, testing myself, affection, animals, doing exhilirating things, music, movies, books, games, family, friends, astrology, astronomy, learning new things, & mythology. dislikes: too much heat, school presentations, creepy dolls, being under pressure, dirty things. i love weapons (esp swords n guns, i like magic too tho)!! i think they're super cool- omg im super srry cause i think this is too much- tysm anyway!! feel free to take your time (health comes first!) n have a great year! 💞
Aww, thank u so much! This was submitted to me quite a while back and I’m really sorry for the major delay. However, I’ve finally gotten to this. Hope you still enjoy it :)
Ikemen Sengoku
I’d pair you with.................. Hideyoshi Toyotomi!
Honestly, I was having difficult picking just one person since you have such a complex personality (don’t worry, this is a good thing). For a while, I was leaning towards Mitsuhide at first because your personality would’ve made the perfect MC for his route. You’re sweet enough to get him to open up, but not a complete ditz. He’d love to learn all the different sides of your personality, falling for every single piece. After all, there’s no puzzle that he can’t solve.
However, I’m gonna go with Hideyoshi on this one. His simple attitude would best compliment all your different traits, creating the perfect balance. Whenever he’s being hard-headed, your multi-dimensional personality will provide him with another side that he hadn’t considered.
Don’t want to ask for help? Not a problem because Hideyoshi is going to help you anyways (whether you want or not). He’ll be at your side all day, making sure that even the smallest of tasks have dealt with. Once your work is done, he’ll linger around for a little bit, waiting for that last good-bye kiss. 
You manage to pull him out of his comfort zone, going on small adventures together! He’s not the biggest fan of them, but he always tags along to make sure you’re alright. His favorite adventures are when you two go into the forests, observing all the different animals. There’s nothing like seeing the sweet smile on your face to brighten up his day.
The day always ends with the two of you heading back to his room, laying on his bed, and looking at all the cool stuff that you found. He’ll have his arms wrapped around your waist, resting his chin on top of your head, listening to you rave about the adventure. But when you remind him that there’s no place that you’d rather be than in his arms, Hideyoshi can’t help but turn into a puddle. It’s just a night of cuddles and endless affection.
Hideyoshi is also the best person to go to when you’re feeling like a complete mess. Even if he’s busy, he’ll always put time aside to comfort you. If you’re feeling scared or unsure, the warlord will stroke your hair and remind you about all the times that you’ve been right (and all the things you’ve accomplished because of that). Even if things go awry, he’ll always be there to hold your hand for comfort’s sake. After all, you’ve guided him through his messes, so now it’s his turn to repay the favor.
Another Possibility: Mitsuhide Akechi
Ikemen Revolution
I’d pair you with............... Ray Blackwell!
So there’s not a lot of leeway here since your description really just screamed “RAY” to me. However, I feel like I could throw you at Blanc! He’d do his best to make you feel welcome in the Cradle and slowly crack through your quiet demeanor. Once he learns what’s inside, bunny boy is absolutely charmed! It’s hard for him to stay away, especially since he just gravitates towards your cheery energy. Nevertheless, the Black Army King won over in the end.
When Ray first meets you, he appreciates your quiet side. Not too noisy or annoying, unlike certain members in the Black Army. Besides, you seem to have your head screwed on straight, so he won’t have to worry too much about you getting into endless trouble. Your maturity throughout the entire situation will only garner his respect.
When Fenrir cracks a crude joke and you stifle your laughter, Ray raises an eyebrow. There’s definitely more to you than meets the eye and he’s interested in what exactly hides behind your quiet exterior. While he may not go out of his way to search for it, Ray takes mental notes when you do something that pleasantly surprises him.
Bookworm buddies!! Every now and then, you two engage in a reading competition: who can read the most books throughout the week? For the prize, the loser has to listen to the winner’s commands for an entire day. While the winning party varies, it’s always a close call.
Ray is always teasing you for being a hopeless romantic. However, that’s just his way of hiding how he thinks that your mentality towards love is adorable. If he’s completely honest, you remind him of the main heroine in most romance novels. Does that mean he’s willing to be your love interest? Why don’t you ask him and find out ;)
Ray notices the twinkle in your eyes when you watch him practice with his sword. When you ask him about it, he’ll happily show you all the types of swords and guns that are used in the Black Army. He even gives you confidential information about the latest gun prototypes. At one point, he’ll even gift you with the weapon of your choice (you can customize it however you want). Whether you choose to use it is up to you (but little tip here: Ray finds it hot when you carry it around on your belt).
Another Possibility: Blanc Lapin
I’d pair you with............ Victor!
Before I unveil first place over here, I think you and Kiro would also have amazing chemistry too! You two would mesh so well together, being the biggest balls of sunshine. When you’re feeling down, you can always expect his teddy-bear smile to cheer you up in an instance. It gives me such “wholesome couple vibes” that I’m not even sure how to put it into words.
So you must be wondering, “Why Victor?” It’s because our loveable grump needs some sunshine of his own (a ray of sunshine that he won’t throw out the window or chastise to death). From the beginning, Victor takes a liking towards you. You’re mature, dependable, and want the best for the company. Even if you’re not directly involved, he appreciates your efforts towards becoming the best. There’s something about you that makes him want to root for you.
And so he does, pouring a decent amount of money into your dreams. However, Victor will constantly watch you from the side (after all, he’s gotta see how his investment is being used). This may cause you some discomfort, but he’s doing it to make sure that you get to the top of your dreams. 
When you’re feeling unsure of yourself, Victor will give you the guidance that you need. He’ll try his best to give his input on the situation, making sure that it gets you closer and closer to the answers that you need. Once you manage to pull everything together, he can’t help but feel a little tug on his chest. It’s a combination of both pride and something a little sweeter.
Victor also finds your multi-faceted personality quite impressive. It’s amazing how you can show a range of emotions and feelings, especially when you’re dealing with different types of people. He doesn’t have such a range of emotions, so he tries to pick up on a few of your traits. It doesn’t always work, but you always get a good laugh out of it.
Whenever Victor has had a long day at work, the two of you lay on the grass and watch the night sky. There’s something about the stars that calms him and he wouldn’t have known it if he never met you. So he’ll always be grateful for the peace that you’ve given him. 
Another Possibility: Kiro
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charteuuuse replied to your post “does anyone wanna complain about virgo venus/venus in 8th/venus square...”
Hi! ran upon this post, im a venus virgo in the 8th with a venus square pluto and wanted to know your thoughts on how that translates to relationships. Also a leo sun/7th and gemini moon/5th.
hiii!! i love talking abt astrology haha my thoughts are just gonna be very rambly so if you need to explain anything i will do so, also i am not at ALL plutonian but my moon is opposite pluto and pluto is in my 5th house so i’m into that energy
i knew a guy with those exact venus placements and i currently know someone with those placements minus the pluto and being around both of them felt really intense and confusing, like that’s just the vibe they give off like you know how they feel but you also don’t.
virgo venus is like inherently repressed as a venus sign because it’s the placement to put themselves down in love, you won’t think you’re good enough for your love interest and you feel like it’s not something that should get in the way of daily life, and because it’s in the eight house there’s a need to hide romantic interest, but as it’s in the eight house--in essence it is a fixed (succedent) house--any romantic feelings you have are felt more intensely, so romantic feelings feel like the weirdest push and pull. i’ve read that if people have planets in your eight house you’ll be repulsed by them or pretty much obsessed, but i think virgo venus in the eight feels this more than any other venus sign in the eight house would, because they will feel both at the same time. i joke that virgo venus is a sapiosexual placement, but virgo really does like to intellectualise, thinking ‘oh i should not be interested in them that much, there’s not been enough time, they’re not my type, etc.’ so some days you try to keep your distance, but the obsession also accumulates so other days where you just WANT to be around them. i think in terms of imagery, it’s like putting your love under a microscope. sometimes there’s stuff you don’t want to see, but at the same time you keep looking back to it, scrutinising, trying to find everything you can.
venus square pluto i think makes you more susceptible to playing mind games with a romantic interest, like the bad qualities of having a scorpio venus, but i think this also adds to the obsessive nature, like you need to know EVERYTHING about the other person. i think the overarching theme is love is transformative for you because you feel so much, so any romantic interest is gonna change you quite a deal because you’ll learn so many lessons--you with one person, is not going to be the same as you in your relationship with the next person
leo sun in the seventh, okay seventh house personal placements, more than any (unless it’s libra placements in the seventh), have a need to be with someone, because they cannot stand being alone. with moon in the seventh they need to be with someone because it makes them emotionally fulfilled. with sun in the seventh, although it might sound contradictory, i think they need to be with someone in order to gain a stronger sense of identity, they feel more like themselves in a relationship, even tho it’s in leo where the sun is domicile. it’s not really the need to be ‘one together’ in a relationship, it’s just easier to identify yourself, your personality when you’re in one. because it’s your sun in the seventh as well, you’re more likely to be attracted to people who are similar to you.
gemini moon in the fifth. when you’re dating you can be more sentimental and i think there’s also a tendency to be more childish because not only is it gemini in the fifth house, but it’s also the moon--all three give off a childish energy, but this might also make you moodier in relationships. i think you might want to be babied a little bit by your partner, but, coupled with leo sun in the seventh, there might also be a need for a LOT of attention from them
this is sooooo long but i’m on a writing spree haha but i hope this helps with what you wanted to know!!
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dyketectivecomics · 6 years
{{ So I saw your post about Raven, Azar, and Astrology. And read your tags, and I just had to input that if Tarot divination (via the Madam Xanadu stories from around 2010) can be Real As Frick, then why the heck can't astrology? It might as well already be canon.
Initial thought: astrology in the DCU is Absolutely Real As Frick bc Bruce Wayne being a Pisces explains So Fucking Much about him and I will Fite God and the Devil himself over it. 
(deeper thoughts under the cut, rip mobile users tho sorry)
With the nuances of how more than just the sun sign can come into play when predicting personality traits of a person, and juxtapose that with how sometimes they’re just Qualities one would want to see in themselves… I mean, I see it as being no different than other forms of divination & prophecy. A character can grow & learn to be more than what ‘the Stars’ say they are (and likewise they can defy what a prophecy has in store for them). Which is why on the surface some characters’ canonical sun signs don’t always 100% match up with who they’re presented as in canon (but also bc writers like to Do What They Want with characters too rip)
i just rlly like astrology & canon birthdays in general bc I love comparing what aspects they actually take on in canon & it often helps me when Im trying to figure out an angle to write from. with how many versions of any one DC character that there have been over the years, it can help sometimes to clear the board (within reason) & start building their personalities from a few key points. i don’t put a lot of stock into astrology irl (i rlly like the memes & when it just so happens to Get Too Real), but it being Real Within Reason is something I’m 10000% Down for
That being said, something i’ve been thinking way too much abt recently are characters that share star signs
Like, Cass Cain & Rose Wilson are both Aquarians & that has me Shook. Listen, you get two Aquarians together its a lot to keep up with if they’re on the same wavelength. they’re gonna leave everyone behind as soon as they get even a Single Similar thought. (I Should Know.)
Constantine is def a Taurus & Zatanna might be one if you go with one birthday… OR she has the exact same bday as Bruce- which again makes them BOTH pisces and I Cant with that
Dick Grayson has way too many fuckin birthdays but I usually go with him as a spring-baby esp as an Aries… which he would share with Kate Kane just like… it Makes Sense. they’re both too hot to handle lmao
Steph & Jason are both Leos too and that can Be A Lot to Deal with, but I need more interactions between them dammit. I just know they’d have amazing pseudo-sibling chemistry (plus leos are p rad)
i could go on about this but like… i rlly shouldn’t lmao i’ve taken a rlly long time with this already. but bless thank you so much for bringing this up
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