#i was gonna stay off longer but. well. death stranding 2 ... i was doomed
robyn-goodfellowe · 4 months
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thank you god for transgender lesbians
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myblueeyedbuggers · 3 years
My Boys
Chapter 12
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11  Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Pairings: Steve Rogers X Reader (Best Friend) Bucky Barnes X Reader
Word Count: 2420
Warnings: Slight bit of swearing
Summary: After being abandoned by her parents in Brooklyn in 1929, y/n makes a living for herself by working for the Црни лабуд gang until she meets two boys in a back alley and her life slowing begins to change.
Eyup My loves! Soo How’s your week been? Good I hope, so a bit of news for you all, there’s only  two/three more chapters left till this book is finished and then we’ll be moving onto (Drum roll) The First Avenger! Woooo! I hope you’re all as excited as I am. Anyways without anymore rambling, I give you chapter 12, enjoy!
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So I can safely say that the rest of the week passed pretty quickly, with only a few ‘minor’ incidents, one of em being a massive food fight caused by yours truly and Steve getting himself stuck in the basement for 2 hours after seeing, and I quote ‘a possessed girl dressed as undead batman’.
I still haven’t told him that was me….oops
Apart from that it was pretty normal, cut to today where I’ve been blessed with the task of lookin’ after my best girl for Buck’s parents anniversary whilst they go into the city to celebrate, I mean it’s the least I could do for em. Plus, the last time the lads were trusted with lookin’ after Becca, Buck’s parents came home to the entire house covered in flour with Becca laughin’ at em cause they managed to lock themselves in a cupboard. We had to call the fire department to get em outta there.
Anyways, we kicked the boys outta the house so Becca and I could have a girls day in, now don’t get me wrong I absolutely adore this girl and I would practically do anything for her.
“Y/n can we play princesses please?! Mama got some dresses from our cousin we can wear!”
I can literally feel my soul burning right now. I honestly tried to say no, there’s nothing more I hate more that being forced into them things but one look into her bright little eyes made all my resistance die away and so I uttered the words that sealed my doom. “Of course, Becs only if we can have a tea party in em”. So here we are, me in a navy style party dress, lace covered my arms and the hem of the sweetheart neckline resting just on my collarbone,  the knee length satin skirt covered my legs.
Honestly, I wasn’t as bad I thought it were gonna be, I even let my hair outta the classic ponytail it’s always in so Becca could style it a tiny bit, to her credit she did a decent job. My h/c locks fell in small waves across my back, with the longer strands near my face tucked behind my ears and Becs even convinced me to pop on some of her mama’s makeup. Now I ain’t a fool, I know makeup’s pretty expensive and only let her pop on a shimmery light gold eyeshadow and some tinted lip balm, much to her disappointment I confiscated the mascara, I refused to let that death stick near my eyeballs.
Becca looked absolutely adorable, we’d managed to find her dance dress from last year and it suited her down to the ground. Baby pink lace covered her arms up to her wrist, the middle part had little gems dotted here and there with a pink satin ribbon separating the skirt from the top, from the looks of it the skirt was made outta some layered netting that poofed outwards when she span around. Don’t ask me how but I managed to wrap some ribbons in her braids and added a lil tiara on the top of her head and if you’d asked me, she looked like a real-life princess to me.
“So, your highness, what would one prefer to do? Would one like to have tea in the parlour or waltz in the ballroom?” my attempt at the British accent was apparently appalling, judging by the level of giggles coming outs Becca’s mouth. Eventually she calmed down enough to give me an answer “I think a waltz would be most fun lady y/n” she said in an equally bad accent. Slowly a smile spread across my face as I moved over to the record payer, I didn’t even pay attention to which one I put on before I turned back to Becca and offered her my hand, lowering myself into a bow that looked like a squid tryin’ to tap dance. Very elegant I know.  
You’d think after the past few weeks I’d been with the Barnes family, I’da got used to being tackled by the siblings, but alas I am surprised every-time, hence why I’m on the floor with a hyperactive 4 year old sat on top of me. Becca’s giggles filled the entire room, she quickly got off me and started jumping around to the sound of the jumpin’ jive and leaving me to slowly die on the floor, for all of 5 seconds before she yanked my arm outta my socket to get me dancing with her. I swear this girl isn’t even human, one second she’s sweet and delicate the next she’s bulldozing people to the ground and pullin’ em to the next life, I mean she’s 4 she shouldn’t be that strong!
Thank the lord she’s adorable. Quickly the music took over my mind, my feet moving along to the music, Becca was doin’ some twirls around me with the biggest smile on her face, I don’t know what made me do it but I grabbed her gently by the waist and spun us around in time to the music, her little arms reached into the air as we both laughed our heads off. Of course, me being me, I lost my balance and my butt suddenly met the sofa, with Becca landing next to me with a small yelp, it was quiet for all of 2 seconds before we burst out laughin’. Think it took us about 3 minutes before we calmed down, a comfortable silence fell between us, the music slowly faded to a stop as the record reached its end, and we stayed like this for a while before Becca broke the silence.
“Y/n, can you sing like mama? She don’t do it often cause it reminds her of my nana….” My eyes drifted over to Becs, her lil eyes dulled a little when she said it and now they were filled with a small glimmer of hope, and I really didn’t wanna be the reason for that light goin’ out. If I were being completely honest singin’ wasn’t something I ever wanted to do again, during my time with the Црни лабуд, singing was the only thing that made me feel like….well me I guess. It was the only sliver of light in so many years of darkness and once I was free from them I made myself a silent vow that I’d never do it again, that I was a new person. But one look in her little eyes was enough to make me break it. “I ain’t too bad, only know a couple of songs on the piano but I can try if you wanna”
Apparently Becca didn’t need to be told twice, in a flash of pink she was off to the other room, bellowing for me to follow her, I mean it ain’t like I gotta choice in the matter is it ? the sound of something hitting the floor in the room opposite me made me move even quicker (if that were even possible). Becca was stood in front of a oldish looking piano, a small bench was tuned over in front of her, and a white sheet was discarded on the floor next to her as she bounced up and down excitedly, I couldn’t help the smile on my face as I turned the bench over on it’s feet. Not even 2 seconds later Becca clambered up on it and looked at me with a bright smile, I swear she gets cuter every second like how does this happen ? I try it and I end up put away in a mental asylum.
“You got any requests princess ?” my legs carried me across the room and towards the seat, cracking my knuckles together and stretching out my fingers before turning to look at the younger lass, a look of concentration covered her face in response and it took her a few seconds to answer. “Dream a little dream of me ? think that’s what mama calls it” I swear I tried to stop the soft smile, but I really couldn’t help it this time. “sure sweetheart” and with that I hit the opening notes, the feeling of the keys under my fingertips were so familiar it was like no time had passed since I last played, I kept my voice soft and quiet as I sang. I think I was halfway through my second verse when I felt Becca cuddle into my side, she ducked her head under my arm and put her head in my lap, a soft yawn left her mouth as her eyes started to close to the sound of the music. It was at the end of the song that I looked at her again, soft snores escaped her mouth and her hand was grasping gently at the top of my skirt, I felt my heart melt even more that I thought possible, completely unaware of the small audience I’d gathered until a small cough came from behind me.
Aw shit…..
Bucky’s POV
If you’d told me a year ago, that after spending a couple of hours at Coney island with my best mate I’d come home to what must be an angels voice singing my sister to sleep. I’da never of believed ya, think you coulda imagined our confusion when me and Steve heard piano coming from the dining room. Steve shot me a look of pure bewilderment, and I couldn’t blame the guy to be honest, “thought you’d said your mama gave up piano couple a years ago”. I’m guessing my face mirrored his, cause I ain’t the slightest clue either, mama stopped playin’ years ago so who the heck could it be? “yeah she did bud, swore she’d never set her hands on it again…..”. I’m completely and utterly baffled at this point, where’s Y/n when ya need her ? she’d figure this out.
We both took a step towards the closed door, eager to know what the hell was going on when something stopped me, the sweetest sound I’d ever heard in my life sang along with the melody, I coulda sworn it sounded like the lullaby mama sang to us when we were kids. I guess I spent too long listening cause Stevie boy pushed past me and walked in, the sounds were so much clearer and more vibrant it felt like I’d died and gone to heaven right then and there. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I realised just who was creating this beautiful sound, there she was, sat in front of the piano as her fingers danced gracefully across the keys. Her voice, oh god her voice sounded like that of an angel, the weak afternoon sun shone over her hair and made her look even more angelic than humanly possible. I barely even noticed Becca asleep in her lap before Y/n finished her song and the ever-living pain in my ass decided to reveal that we were there. I mean he coulda chosen any other way of revealing our presence but no he had to let out the tiniest little cough, coulda got her back for the eyebrow incident….
Y/n literally went stiff as a board before she turned to look at us, her cheeks were red as a rose and a sheepish smile covered her face, it was only a couple of seconds after that both Steve and I noticed what she was wearing, he burst out laughin at her but me, I for once in my life couldn’t say a damn thing. She looked absolutely breath taking, her hair fell down in soft waves and framed her face, the shade of blue in her dress brought out the small flecks of green in her e/c eyes and brought out her hourglass figure. Her lips were drawn into a natural pout and it was that second it dawned on me she asked me somethin’….shit.  
“whaaaa…….” Nice one Bucky.
Steve, the lil punk, could barely stop himself laughin’, at some point he’d moved to take Becca off Y/n and stood behind y/n with his fist in his mouth to smother his laughter. My best friend ladies and gentlemen. If looks could kill he’d be 10 feet under right now.
“Buck ? I was askin’ if you were okay ?” Y/n’s face showed a tiny bit of confusion and much to my horror amusement, “YeAh I’m okay….” And just at the moment puberty strikes in the form of a voice crack, as if this weren’t embarrassing enough. At this point Steve was barely keeping it together, he had actual tears coming outta his eyes and went bright red in the face tryin’ to stop himsen laughing, in front of me y/n furrowed her eyebrows and did look genuinely concerned for my mental state. She didn’t say anything for a few seconds, just looked at me before she lifted her hand to my forehead and held it here for a minute, thank god Steve chose to leave the room before this or I’da never heard the end of it.
“You sure you’re okay, feelin’ a bit warm and ya actin weirder than usual Buck” okay quick say something before this gets even more embarrassing, first thing that pops into ya head in 3,2,1…
“Yeah I’m sure, think I ate somethin’ funky down at the pier, makin’ me real gassy”……why am I like this? Normally I can charm any girl of their feet but with y/n, I’ma bumbling mess.  She didn’t say a damn word, she just raised her eyebrows whilst a small smirk covered her face, before she turned and left me to have a very small breakdown underneath the dining table.
Meaning I let out a noise that sounded like a bear stubbing it’s toe in the middle of winter.
I thought my luck couldn’t get any worse, but nooo old lady luck decided today I needed a second helping, cause the second I did that Y/n walked back into the room. Brilliant. I was too busy stumbling over my words to processes what she was doin’, before I knew it she’d walked back to me and stood on her tip toes….then planted a small kiss on my cheek.
“You’re cute when you’re flustered Barnes”
And just like that, she left me with my jaw on the ground and heart beatin’ outta my chest, cause I’m starting to think that she was right. I’m sure as hell coming down with something, and I’m pretty sure it ain’t a regular ol’ bug…..
SOOO, if you got this far hope you enjoyed it, as always any feed back or constructive criticism is welcome, thank so much for reading and hope you have a great day/night/week.
lots of love
Rose xxx
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autisticbee · 4 years
What, no ring?
Master Frown twirls spaghetti around his fork, the only joy (ha.) being watching the strands break. He's known to be a complainer but this is without exaggeration the worst spaghetti he's ever had, it doesn't even slightly compare to what he and Brock can make at home.
"Dude, are you not gonna eat that?" Brock eyes his plate like it's not too much of an abomination to even call food.
Frown's brow creases even more. "Nope." Without any further words he shoves the detested plate to Brock's side of the table.
Brock shrugs. "It's not that bad, not that good either but not that bad." He shoves a fork full of the discarded meal into his mouth and Frown isn't sure what to make of the fact he keeps thinking about how that fork was in his own mouth a few minutes ago.
Stop being weird, brain. He thinks to himself.
"I dunno why we even had to come here, their food is shi-" Frown cuts himself off realising there are kids at a table nearby and then internally scolds himself for being soft and to stop letting Unikitty, or Brock for that matter, rub off on him. "-Garbage."
Brock stifles a laugh. "C'mon, eating out once in a while is cool, I don't wanna cook alllll the time."
"Well, maybe I do." Frown crosses his arms in petulance. "We don't even have the money for desert, which is the only good part about eating in a stuffy place full of too many happy-dappy people." He glares indiscriminately around the room.
Brock rolls his eyes. "Whatever man, just, stick it out for a little while longer, Okay?" He asks, pleadingly.
Frown keeps his glare for 3 seconds, before heaving a heavy sigh. "Fine. But we are getting dessert."
"What? You just said we don't have the money-"
Frown waves an arm wildly. "Gimme a second, I'll think of something." He has like 2 cents so yeah, he's broke. Could order something then not pay but then they'd get banned and maybe he'd do that on his own but Brock would be pretty peeved off because for some reason he actually likes this place sooooo-
He leaps up from the table, a slightly maniacal smile on his face. "Ha! I got it."
"The perfect plan to score free dessert."
"Oooh, fake a birthday?"
"What? No! no one falls for that anymore." Yeah he had kinda used that one to death.
"Then....? Can you kinda hurry up I need to pee."
"Wait, you're part of the plan you can't go yet." Frown reaches across the table and grabs Brock's hands in a vice grip. "Fake. Proposal." He whispers.
"Um, I don't know...how about we just go home now and I can make cookies, my treat!"
"Dude, we could get like the most expensive dessert on the menu! People love all that sappy stuff, especially people who work at restaurants." He leans back into his seat and sticks out his tongue in (faux, not that he'd admit) disgust.
Brock glances at the menu nervously. "It does sound really good. Aren't you worried something like that could get back to the doom lords though, pretty sure that'd damage your image."
"Pffft. It won't, even it did I'd just tell them the truth and we could have a good laugh about it. Look I've been really good with minimal complaining today, can't I do a little something to tip the balance to the other side?"
"Okay, but I'm not taking the blame if they figure us out, this is the only good place we're still allowed into."
"Yeah, sure." Frown loudly screeches his chair back, drawing the attention of various patrons. "Play along." He whispers to Brock before standing up on the chair. "Brock, baby," He pitches his voice a bit louder. "Will you marry me?"
Brock feels unexpected heat in his cheeks and wills it to go away. "What, no ring?"
"Uhhhhhh." Frown rubs the back of his head. "It's...taking longer than expected to get it engraved...?"
"Then maybe you should have thought about that before proposing? Kind of a let down."
"The ring isn't important!" 
"Oh wow, if that's how you feel about it I'm not sure I should say yes." 
Frown face-palms, willing Brock to remember the plan. "Can we not argue before we've even had dessert." He says pointedly.
"Oh. Oooh, yeah you know what you're right it doesn't matter, so yes, I guess."
"You guess?" This was not working out well, why the heck did Brock have to get so into it?
"I think I'm just still kinda hungry, also I still need to pee and it's making me cranky, heh that rhymed." Brock smiles to himself. "Uh-Anyway, 'course I'll marry you, who else is gonna be by my side." 
Frown tries to ignore how that almost sounded genuine, and plasters on a fake smile. "That's great, go to the bathroom and I'll order us something special."
He notices a waiter approaching as Brock gets up and practically runs to the closest toilet. "Hey can we have Ultimate Desse-....oh nooooo, I seem to be out of cash." Frown says in a dramatic tone.
The waiter rolls their eyes. "It's on the house, for the sake of your poor fiance."
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" Frown sulks back into his chair.
By the time the order arrives, which makes Frown cringe at how it must have been prepared for quite a while to come so quick, Brock has come back to the table.
In theory every dessert on the menu mixed together sounds great but in actuality it's a monstrous mix of ice cream and chocolate and cheesecake and bananas and...gingerbread? And jelly and sprinkles and it just...
"Wait, you don't even like sweet stuff." Brock points out, the 'except for my cookies' is left unsaid.
Realisation hits Frown like a brick. 
Brock just looks uncomfortable. "I don't think I can eat all this, why did we want this again?"
"I don't know." Frown bangs his head against the table top.
"That was pretty impressive I've got to admit." 
"I made myself eat half of it and then I threw up." Brock clutches his stomach as they enter their apartment. "All that mess..."
"Uh yeah! That's why it was so impressive, think of how much longer the person who has to clean that up will have stay after work." Frown tries his attempt at evil laughter, which in the past has earned mocking from his fellow doom lords.
Brock collapses on the sofa. "I can't think about it anymore, I just wanna sleep for like ten thousand years."
Frown fits himself in the gap at the free end of the sofa. "Does that mean I can have the TV to myself?"
"Go for it man, just not too loud." 
But Brock starts shifting about on the sofa, which Irritates Frown too much to let him watch tv. "What's wrong with you?"
"I can't get comfy, and my tummy hurts." Brock whines. 
Frown rolls his eyes. "Come here, dork."
Brock does as told and Frown motions for him to rest his head on his lap. "Hey that's no way to talk to your fiance." He giggles then regrets it as his stomach jolts.
Frown starts rubbing his stomach, it's not really something entirely out of the usual for them both but for some reason things this have started seeming more and more intense. "...You're never gonna let that go, are you."
"Nah." Brock grins lazily, the motion making him want to sleep even more. Frown's rarely soft with anyone but him and he'd be lying if he said he didn't sorta revel in it. Brock wonders for a moment what would change between them if earlier hadn't been a ploy for free food, what it'd be like if they actually got married. They basically bicker like a old married couple already and they even kiss every night.
Just not, you know, in a romantic way.
They just kiss on the lips every night in a totally platonic bro way. Yep. 
Brock leaps up, startled by a sudden revelation. 
"Hey what the heck, you need to puke again or something?" 
"No! Just decided I'mma head to bed, haha." 
"Oookay." Frown stares at him strangely. "Want me to tuck you in and-"
"Nope! I'm good!"
"Thought you couldn't sleep without your nighty-"
"I'm good! Goodnight!" Brock rushes off to his room and slams the door.
"That was weird." Frown stares at the closed door for a minute, feeling oddly disappointed, then he shrugs and turns up the TV. 
"Whoa, look at that." Brock points to poster on a nearby building. "Free vacation."
Frown raises an eyebrow, and reads it closely. "Yeah, for couples. And it's a competition in the unikingdom, ew."
"Well...what if we...pretended again?"
"What?" Frown baulks. He did consider the idea himself but wouldn't have imagined Brock being the one to bring it up. "Why?"
"We could never afford something like that, plus you could always like, tell Unikitty it was fake after the holiday and that would make her pretty sad maybe?"
"...I'm listening." Frown pauses in thought. "We'd have to play it up more."
"By play it up more do you mean holding hands orrr french kissing?" 
"I don't know! just whatever it takes." The blush on Frown's cheeks could in fact ruin his reputation and he needed it stop like right now, There's no reason to blush about the idea of kissing your best friend on a more...intimate...level like a teenager with a crush. 
Because obviously he doesn't have one. "When does this thing happen anyway?"
"In about, twenty minutes." Brock squints at the poster. "How long has this been here?"
"Where the heck is everyone?" Frown glances around the empty gymnasium that was supposed to be the setting for the vacation competition.
"I hear crying behind that curtain on the podium." Said crying abruptly stops.
Frown rubs a hand down his face. "Oh boy."
There's a quiet like the lull before a storm before a pink and glittery blur flies out from behind the curtain. "OHMYGOSH THERE'S ANOTHER COUPLE HERE PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE NOT FAKE-" Unikitty cuts herself off and glances down at Frown and Brock. "Oh it's you two...Master Frown if you're here to ruin this you're too late! Everyone was a bunch of fakers." Unikitty bursts into tears.
Frown groans. "No, we're here to enter your stupid competition, buuuut since no once is here I guess we win by default." 
Unikitty's tears stop again. "Whaaa? You guys are TOGETHER? LIKE REALLY TOGETHER?! SO THAT PROPOSAL RUMOUR WAS TRUE!"
Frown scowls. "How do you know about that." Great, now they really needed to put on a ruse.
"Uh, Unikitty, the competition?" Brock prompts kindly.
"Sorry, sorry! I can't help it I just looooOve weddings, ahem, I can't just let you guys win, Hawkodile needs to make sure you're the real deal because everyone who else who came earlier were just pretending to be a couple, can you believe it! It's so sad." Unikitty pauses to suck in a deep breath. "But I'm sure you're not lying, I always knew there was a thing between you two." She winks.
"Since when-Ow!" Frown glares at Brock after getting jabbed in the ribs.
"Dude, you'll blow our cover." Brock tries to subtly whisper, despite being a bit taken back too. Sure they're close but did they really give off that vibe? Or was that just because of Unikitty's rose coloured glasses?
"Princess, do I really need to test them? They're obviously faking! I mean, it's Master Frown." Hawkodile gestures exaggeratedly at Frown.
Frown creases his brow. "When did you get here." 
"Yeah but it's also Brock! We can trust him." Unikitty looks pleadingly at Hawkodile.
Brock winces.
"Ugh, fine. But they're gonna have to pass the quiz of true love to convince me." Hawkodile crosses his arms.
"That's a ridiculous quiz name." Frown tries to ignore the fact he's started sweating.
"You're ridiculous!" Hawkodile turns his gaze to Brock and points a finger at him. "You!"
"Yeah...?" Brock tries to keep a neutral face.
"What's Master Frown's favourite colour?" 
Frown bursts out laughing. "Oh come on that's an easy one-"
"Black?" Brock speaks tentatively.
"Wait it is? I just thought black would be your thing because darkness and all that sort of stuff."
"Blue is the colour of sadness and tears!" Frown pouts, aghast that that they had failed on the very first question.
"Hmmm." Hawkodile strokes his chin. "Okay, Frown you're up."
"What's Brock's favourite video game?"
"Uhhhhh, the dead one 7?" 
"Are you serious?! Don't you remember me saying how I had to wait out in the rain to get a hold of dawn-breaker 3 and that it was all worth it because it was the greatest game ever?" 
We are not getting that trip. Frown thought, as Brock looked ready to cry.
"Guess I was wrong about you two." Hawkodile speaks.
"You were? I mean, uh yeah you were." Frown fakes confidence.
"Yeah, anyone actually faking would have memorised each other's favourite things too well, like they had only just found out that day, and tried to look like the perfect couple but clearly you guys have some issues." 
"No kidding." Brock turns away from Frown with a 'Hmph.'
Unikitty, who had been unusually quiet for the last few minutes, flies around and groups up Frown and Brock into a hug. "Yaaaay, I'm so happy you guys didn't let me down, HEY! If you get married at the beginning of next year you could use this holiday as your honeymoon!!! WOULDN'T THAT BE AMAZING."
"Get off." Frown struggles out of her grip, leading to a short fall to the ground. "Ugh."
"Wait, why did you say next year?" Brock asks in befuddlement. 
"Didn't you read the poster? The vacation is for next year! This competition was kindaaaa a last minute idea what with valentine's day coming up and all and it turns out that everything was already booked up for this year...sooo..." Unikitty sets Brock on the ground gently.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" Frown screams, face down on the floor. 
"It's still better than never, right?" Brock laughs nervously. "Sorry bro, I must have missed that part..."
"She did write it in really small print." Hawkodile points out.
"Shhhhhh, thanks for your help Hawkodile! But I need to discuss something with Master Frown and Brock in private please." 
Hawkodile squints, turning to leave. "Uh, okay. I'm watching you, Frown."
Frown gets up, dusting himself off. "Can we leave now." 
"Hang on." Unikitty pulls out a piece of folded up paper. "While you two were busy with Hawkodile I decided to write down some wedding planning ideas!" The folded piece of paper unfolds into a very, very long list.
"Well, I would really like to hear your ideas, Unikitty." Brock smirks at Frown.
"I should have just stayed on the floor." 
"Did you seriously have to listen to every single one of her hare-brained ideas in excruciating detail?" Frown gestures wildly, standing in front of the TV.
Brock moves his head to the side, trying to see and continue playing his game. "You really hurt my feelings, you know how important gaming is to me." Brock exits the game in frustration as Frown moves to block him even more. "I thought we had gotten better at this communication stuff since...you know..."
"And you know how important misery is to me! You couldn't even remember my favourite colour." Frown glances down at the ground. He knows he's being childish...but he's naturally defensive.
"That's not the same thing, this is a huge part of my life! One day I could be one of those gamers that wins those like huge tournaments and bringing in the big money! And then we could live in a huge awesome house and wouldn't have to worry about landlords, or the rat infestation we can't afford to deal with or-"
"Hang on, you still see us living together even if you became a big shot gamer?" 
"Duh! Look we've been faking a lot of stuff but I meant it when I said 'Who else is gonna be by my side', you're always gonna be a part of my future no matter what happens. I just wish you'd support me more..."
The guilt Frown had been pushing down for this entire conversation pushes it's way out at the sight of Brock's sad eyes. "Look...I'm sorry, okay? You're right, I just expect you to go along with my schemes and then I don't support you enough with what you wanna do, I'll...work on that." Frown rubs his arm.
"I mean, you did support with that holiday thing, and there was cheerleading thing..."
"...Maybe, you should do the cheerleading thing again sometime, you were pretty good at it and it could be a back up plan in case the gaming falls through."
A small smile appears on Brock's face. "You really thought I was good at it?"
Frown rolls his eyes. "Uh, yeah. You were awesome. Uniform suited you too-I mean, yeah, pretty good." 
Brock contemplates on if he should risk saying something, to test the waters for a whole other kind of thing I wants to ask. "I thought you looked pretty cute in the uniform too." 
Frown splutters. "I-I'm not cute! What are you even-Cool and handsome maybe, but cute? Seriously?!" 
Despite his protests, Brock notes how Frown's face is turning incredibly red. "Nah, you're definitely really cute."
"Yeah?! Well, you're really handsome, so there." Frown's head screams a chorus of WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING. 
Brock stifles a laugh. "Was that supposed to be a comeback? You think I'm handsome? Oh no I'm so hurt." This time he can't stop the laughter and doesn't even mind the pink on his own face. 
Frown scrunches his face up. "Whatever! You realise Unikitty is never gonna leave us alone now, it's my worst nightmare." He walks over to the couch and sits down next to Brock, quietly fuming.
Brock coughs to clear his throat. "I mean...there is a way we could stop that happening in the long term."
"Like what?"
"She just wants to help us plan our 'wedding' right? As soon as that's over it'll be back to the usual."
"Which is never going to happen since a wedding is not actually going to happen, how does that help." 
"What if it did?" 
"What if...what did?" 
Brock taps his hands together, focusing on them. "What if we got married, like, for real."
"...You've lost me."
"Think about it, we kiss every night-"
"That's just to get you to sleep."
"-We have baths together-"
"It saves time!"
"-We've even shared a bed before-"
"Look sometimes I just get really cold, and it saves on heating in the winter."
"What I'm saying is, it's already like we're married, and if we were actually married we could get the benefits that come with that too. It makes sense, right?"
"Like one of those platonic marriages? Between bros?" 
Brock sighs. "Is that how you feel? I just thought-Never mind."
It dawns on Frown that all the confusing thoughts and feelings he's had for a while now, proved that was in fact not how he felt at all. He'd been trying to deny it the whole time but truth is... "No. I kinda...enjoyed pretending we were together, we didn't do much but just knowing people thought that-" Thrilled him, didn't seem like the right words. "I might be...in love with you or something." He refuses to look at Brock.
"Phew, that's a relief. Pretty sure I'm in love with you too, dude."
"Oh." Still stubbornly not looking. 
"C'mon, look at me." Brock reaches out and cups Frown's face, turning him to face him. "I love you."
"Oh." Frown repeats, in a much softer tone. He's not really good with words, more so with actions, he leans in without thinking. 
They've kissed many times before, but they were always brief pecks and without overt romantic intentions. Because of that, it's still a fairly light kiss but with more passion, more feeling given into it. 
"Mmm." Frown finds himself moaning as Brock pulls away. "That was embarrassing." He mumbles.
"Nuh uh, that was great. I like kissing you."
"Stop, this is already too mushy. Hey, is that why you ask for one every night?" 
"Huh? You don't remember?" Brock asks, clearly perplexed.
"Remember what?"
"When were kids, and I had my first sleepover at your house but I couldn't sleep because Mama used to kiss me on the cheek every night, so you offered to do it-"
"Ugh, yeah. You never specified where so I kissed you on the mouth and you said I did it wrong." 
"And youuuu said you weren't my mom so 'Of course I'll kiss you different, silly'." Brock mimics the high pitch child's voice he can still hear in his mind. 
Frown groans. "Don't remind me, I was a weird kid."
Brock snorts. "Weird adult too. Also really sweet, I mean you're still willing to give me a nighty-night kiss so you're not as bad as you like to make out."
Frown gasps. "You take that back! I'm a menace!" 
"Oh yeah, sure. A real menace who gives his best friend tummy rubs when he's sick, kisses him before bed, and who just said he's in love with me."
"Yeah...but you're different, yanno? There's no one I like as much as you, I wouldn't do that stuff for just anyone." Frown recoils at his own words. "Gross, I'm being sappy again." 
"Aw, I don't know dude, I like it." 
"Can we just go back to the kissing?" Frown pouts.
"Not until you answer my question."
"What questi--Ohhhh." It's Frown's turn to look nervous. "I'm not opposed to it, as long as we have a loooong engagement period, there's no way we're actually gonna have our honeymoon early next year."
"Wait, so that's a yes? You're really okay to jump straight from a blooming relationship to engaged?"
"I'm saying, yes, I will probably marry you at some not yet set date in the future. Thought you'd be thrilled."
"I am! I totally am! Just, if you don't want to you don't have to...I know it's kinda rushing things."
"I know I don't have to, I want to. Is it that hard to believe that I wanna marry your dorky butt and grow old together or whatever." 
"We gotta do this right then, and go ring shopping."
"...I don't think you're supposed to do that together."
"I thought you were a bad boy." 
"You better believe I am, baby! In fact, maybe we should go steal rings."
"Okay, not that far. What was that you said about going back to the kissing?"
Frown grins as he draws closer. "Now that's a better idea."
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