#i was gonna write binary in the white patches but I did not have the energy to
starmagnets · 2 years
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I came back here again
Anyways. White Lily with a dragon S/O (like my man pitaya)
And how will the other ancients react to white lily's S/O
(sorry for my bad english since english isn't my first language)
-That one white lily simp
hey anon !! your language was perfect, don’t worry. but in the future, you shouldn’t refer to pitaya as a man (or woman) as they are non-binary !! also gonna write this as a oneshot, hope you don’t mind :))
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white lily with a dragon s/o oneshot <33
“white lily…” you said somewhat quietly. “i’m not so sure about this. what if they don’t like me ? hollyberry is a dragon killer, for witches’ sake !!”
“i know, dear… but it will be alright. i’ll make sure no harm comes you, be it verbally or physically.” your girlfriend replied.
today was the day that you were to meet white lily’s friends. even though you were a dragon, you were quite nervous. at least two of her friends were known to have brought harm to your kind before, and you didn’t want to be a new addition to their lists. fresh feelings of fear & reluctance swelled inside you, messing with your head and diminishing your normal confidence.
you were sat with white lily in the kitchen of her cabin. you were eating a sandwich, and she was too. she had made them so you both wouldn’t get hungry on the walk to the vanilla kingdom. although it wasn’t far, if you hadn’t eaten, you would’ve definitely got hunger pains (especially you, since you’re a dragon). you looked over to white lily. she seemed to be lost in great thought, so you kept eating your carefully made sandwich.
“huh ?! a dragon ?? your partner is a dragon !?” golden cheese exclaimed, a look of shock on her face.
“yes…” white lily said, a bit upset at the negative reaction from her friend.
“hmph… are you sure they aren’t using you for your knowledge on cookies, white lily ?” hollyberry asked. she had experience with dragons, and most definitely did not like them.
white lily gasped. “no, not at all ! i’ve known them for many months now… i know they wouldn’t do that.” she seemed even more upset now.
“months ? and you didn’t tell us ?” pure vanilla said abruptly, hurt etched on his face.
“i was scared of your reactions… i’ll be talking my leave now.” white lily said softly. before she could walk away however, pure vanilla grabbed onto her arm.
“please, stay with us, white lily. perhaps we can all process this news together, hm ?” pure vanilla added, turning his head to golden cheese & hollyberry as he did so. a grunt was all that came from hollyberry, as golden cheese struggled to hold back from rolling her eyes.
“right…” you said, finishing your sandwich. “shall we get moving ?”
“yes, we shall !” white lily giggled, standing up.
“oh, you aren’t done your sandwich. do you want to stay here for longer ? i’d be happy to wait with you.” you suggested.
“no, it’s ok, dear… i can eat it on the way.” your girlfriend replied. you nodded your head & took the bag which was packed with a few bottles of water, more sandwiches & a bottle of berry juice, a block of cheese (wrapped in tinfoil) & a big bar of bitter chocolate. a bouquet of vanilla orchids was sat beside the bag, the eyes watching you & white lily.
these were your own personal gifts to the heroes. you had bought them yourself, not wanting them to have a negative first impression of you.
you picked up the bag & slung it over your shoulder, making eye contact with the flowers before picking them up too. white lily felt a surge of love for you as she watched you do this, overjoyed that you wanted to make sure her friends liked you. she walked up beside you, taking your hand with a smile before opening the door, the bright light of the morning sun shining on the pair of you.
as you walked through the forest together, white lily saw a group flowers she particularly liked. honeysuckle, to be exact. she guided you over to the small patch, still holding your hand. she picked a few, and placed them on top of your ear.
“do you know what they mean ?” white lily asked. you shook your head.
“devoted and everlasting love, darling.”
“hmm, then shouldn’t i be giving you them instead ? i am a dragon after-all.” you said smugly, a smirk upon your face.
“we’re both immortal, if that’s what you’re implying.” white lily said back, chuckling.
“white lily, how about we meet your partner first, before making any assumptions ?” pure vanilla suggested.
“yes… i think that would be good.” replied white lily.
“hmph… yes, i suppose it would be beneficial.” golden cheese said reluctantly.
“personally, i don’t want to. i don’t negotiate with dragons. but, i shall make exceptions this once, white lily.” sighed hollyberry, a frown on her lips.
“i hold the same opinion as hollyberry,” said dark cacao, “normally i am not willing to interact with dragons, but i shall talk with your partner, white lily.”
finally, you & white lily had arrived at the vanilla kingdom. well, not exactly. you were beneath the actual kingdom, since it was in the sky. it seemed there was no clear way to get up there.
“you thinking what i’m thinking ?” you smirked. you gave your bag over to white lily before you transformed into your dragon form. you put your long tail directly on the ground, indicating to white lily that she should climb up it. after finally getting onto your back (which would’ve been a challenge for others, but white lily is strong, she’s an ancient hero !!) she gave you a strong tap, silently saying you could start flying up now.
you flapped your wings & rose off the ground. it didn’t take long to get to the vanilla kingdom, only a few seconds. you landed, and once your girlfriend was safe on the ground, you transformed back into your cookie form. you gave white lily a hug & a kiss, then took your bag & the bouquet of flowers from her. you began walking up the castle together, and if you looked hard enough, you see two large blobs of pink & yellow beside each other.
“oh, they’re here !” hollyberry said.
“did you see that dragon ? what a beast…” golden cheese added.
“hey now, golden cheese ! we should be treating them with respect.”
“huh ?? but you weren’t respectful at all when we were first told about white lily’s partner !!”
hollyberry sighed. “my opinions have changed. slightly.”
“haha !! that’s the hollyberry i know ! never fully accepting of any dragon, hm ?” golden cheese laughed.
“hah… let’s see how good this dragon treats white lily, and we can decide from there…”
•time skip to when you arrive at the castle•
“ah ! what a lovely palace !” you exclaimed. “and it’s in sky !! it can’t get better than this.”
“thank you for your kind words, y/n dragon.” pure vanilla said suddenly. you didn’t even know he was there ! we’re your senses starting to fail you ??
“what a honour to meet the king of the vanilla kingdom ! please, have these flowers.” you extended the flowers out to pure vanilla, a small smile on your face.
“thank you, my friend ! i shall cherish these dearly.” pure vanilla replied, taking the flowers from you.
to be honest, pure vanilla was a bit scared of you. you were far taller than him, and spikes adorned your armour. he smiled as he talked to you, but it was definitely a nervous one.
“come, and follow me.” pure vanilla said to you & white lily, as he began to walk up a flight of stairs.
“where’s he taking us ?…” you asked your girlfriend.
“ah, probably the throne room… or the solarium of unity…” she replied.
after a short walk, you arrived in a beautiful room. there was 5 tall stained glass windows, each depicting the heroes. and there they were, in the very room you were standing in. the heroes… the very cookies who protected earthbread like they’re life depended on it…
even though you were quite nervous on the inside, you put on a smile & greeted them.
“good afternoon, your majesties. i hope you have been well,” you started off. “i have brought some gifts for you. pure vanilla has already got his, but please don’t get excited, as they aren’t very big or exciting…” you added.
“gifts ?…” golden cheese whispered, intrigued.
“for you, golden cheese, i brought a block of the finest cheese i have ever seen.” you handed the cheese to her, a smirk appearing on her face.
“ha ! thank you ! this is one of my favourites.” the queen replied.
“hollyberry, for you i have brought a bottle of my personal favourite berry juice. i do hope you like it.”
“huh… thank you, y/n dragon.” hollyberry said. she wasn’t expecting you to be so generous. were you different from the other dragons she has encountered ?
“and dark cacao ! i have got you a bar of the bitterest chocolate i could ever taste.”
“hmph… i normally don’t indulge in such foods… but i shall try this one.” said dark cacao, smirking slightly.
time passed, and white lily’s friends started to warm up to you. especially golden cheese.
“yes, but do you have such gold ?? nothing like it is seen outside the golden cheese kingdom !!” golden cheese boasted, showing off her wealth to you.
“hmm, i suppose i don’t. you’ve got me there, golden cheese.” you said reluctantly, not wanting to admit that you didn’t have the same riches that she did.
“y/n dragon !! you wouldn’t come arm wrestle with me, huh ?” hollyberry asked you, waving you over to her.
you sat down opposite her, and started the arm wrestle. it was difficult, but you finally beat hollyberry.
“oh my ! i’ve never had someone beat me in a arm wrestle before ! good job, y/n dragon !!” said hollyberry.
i hope you enjoyed this, anon !! this actually took quite a while to write, so i’m happy to get it out finally.
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