#i was just trying to help and make sure tthings were done and people were so rude to me
sharkdays · 7 months
im so fed up
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gettin-bi-bi-bi · 4 years
1 this evening I came out to my mom in an argument and now I regret it so much. It was a really dumb argument too. I wanted a friend to sleepover(Hes gay) and my mom kept saying that that makes her uncomfortable, even tho nothing could happen and stuff. And I said “well I guess I don’t need to have sleepovers with anyone because I’m bi, so they’d all make you uncomfortable.” I really pissed off my mom and then had to have a talk with my dad. During that he said he doesn’t care if I’m bi
2 but he said he hopes it’s a “stepping stone towards something bc bi people don’t live very happy lives”. Then he told me about a friend that dated a bi women(who had just gotten out of a relationship w/ a women) & she ended up leaving him. He said I should “pick the 51% and stick with it.” I haven’t talked to my mom bc she’s still pissed about the argument. I feel like shit now, & I also feel so dumb for the whole argument. I just got so excited to make plans w/ a friend I never get to hang
3 out with. I just want to be able to have fun w/ him like I can w/ all my other friends(tho I may have ruined that for myself now). I never thought I’d come out this way. I always planned to never say something unless I dated a girl. I’ve never cared for coming outs and like to be more private. My parents have never been homophobic, but I guess bi isn’t as solid of a thing for them like gay. It was a horrible decision since I still have some internalized biphobia too that is now very intense.
4 I just don’t know what to do now. Do I have... unaccepting parents? That’s a really weird idea to think about. I feel like I always manage to make things worse for myself
Hello sweetie,
I’m so sorry about how things went down. That isn’t the ideal coming out that everyone hopes to have. But this isn’t your fault that it went that way. You aren’t responsible for your parents’ shitty reaction. That is all on them. But let’s go through this from the beginning.
If I had been in your position I also would’ve argued with my mom on that topic because I just find it absolutely ridiculous that she wouldn’t allow your friend to sleep over. Especially since he’s gay. But even if he wasn’t. Honestly? If I had a teenager and they started to become sexually active I’d rather they do that in my house where I can make sure there’s plenty of condoms available than do it at some party elsewhere where alcohol might be involved as well.
So that’s that and I think your argument to say “well then I shouldn’t be allowed to have sleep overs with anyone bc I’m bi” was a very reasonable one. Okay, it may have been an impulse decision but still a solid argument. If it backfires depends on how open-minded your mother is or will grow to be. That info probably came out of left field for her so I take it she didn’t really know how to respond to that then?
Your dad is.... wow. He basically took how “how do I respond in the most biphobic way possible when my child comes out to me”-spreadsheet and decided to go with every bullet point on the list, didn’t he? Pardon my french but: what a fucking asshole. I honestly hope he’ll come around to seeing how much damage he has done with that reaction and that he will apologise and repent. Because none of what he said was okay. Hoping you will eventually pick a side is biphobic. Digging up the story about his best friend who had a bad experience with one (1) bisexual woman and using that as an excuse to talk down on all bisexuals - that’s biphobic. “bi people don’t live very happy lives” he says and then goes on to say a bunch of biphobic shit to his child - well, why might that be, dad? Why might we have such high rates of mental health problems and intimate partner abuse, huh? Maybe because of biphobes like you. And maybe that one (1) bisexual women left his friend because that was a biphobe, too.
Goddddddd, your dad makes me so angry.
It sucks that you and other kids are constantly put in that position where they have to teach their parents how to be better parents. It sucks that queer people have to educate the ignorance out of others and hope they will put the least amount of effort into opening their minds for us. It sucks. I’m sorry that things happened the way they did.
But tthing is now: the cat’s out of the bag. I don’t know what advice would be best here because I don’t know enough about your situation but depending on what your parents are like I’d either not mention it again and hope that they leave you alone with it or sit them down and tell them (especially your dad) how hurtful those comments were. In a diplomatic way you could say “I know you’re worried about me but that’s why I need extra support from you now. Bi people can live very happy lives but what’s important for that is to have people who accept us as we are. There are many hurtful stereotypes about bisexuality and they harm people like me so I’d appreciate it if you supported me through this.” I don’t know if your parents are susceptible to that kind of talk but it may be worth a try.
Until then: hang in there! It does get better. It may not look like it for a while but it does absolutely get better! And for your own internalised biphobia, here’s some advice that might help.
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orionsknightsky · 5 years
*incoherent word ramble cuz I both do and don’t feel like talking/ seeking out someone to talk to rn and so that means it gets to go on tumblr I guess*
It feels like absolutely nothing is happening in my brain right now but also that’s cuz I can just feel that everything has been sped up and so word thoughts are gone cuz I think they’re going to fast to hear, either that or they got dumped and it’s only other kinds of thoughts that I don’t know how to focus on happening now. Idk, like, I had whole lots of coffee (like six smallish cups of coffee but also it’s been literal months since last I drank even one cup so that is soo much) cuz it was free at work this morning and I got to sit around while people chatted for almost two hours today and just eat the free snacks and coffee, which was super cool cuz I’ve literally been looking forward to this all week, even though set aside time for morale-boosting office place gatherings are and interesting beast.  
So back to word thoughts coming from current state of being instead of explaining why current state of being is being (heh). It feels like everything is and exists so much rn and I don’t care, cuz like also there is just nothing that is me? There is no solid “me” that exists, and their is no solid me that cares about things I’m doing/knows where I should start in order to help in things that matter/isn’t scared to find where I’m supposed to be. *but also like, supossed to is such an interesting term, and I should maybe reexamine the frequency with which I tell myself I should do something or that I’m supposed to do it, cuz there is no inherent purpose to the universe and so nothing matters. But also like, a good reason why I’m alive is cuz I have frequently told myself that I’m supposed to stay alive in order to not make other people upset. And so maybe I should just tell my self that I feel like I should stay alive cuz I don’t feel happy when I make people upset? Or is that just a different version of what I have been already doing? (the actual thing is maybe that I’ve got to find a thing that I feel makes me want to continue to exist cuz it makes me feel the feels I want?, but idk what that means and also I don’t know why or how or where I’m gonna find it and I don’t think it’s gonna be until after I’m done with college {only one more quarter, woot fuckin woot!!!!!}, so I got to keep figuring out what things make my brain want to keep caring?, or just keep on telling my brain that even if it doesn’t care, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t care cuz future brain does and will care, but also nothing matters and there is no purpose to anything even if I find purpose so is everthing just a conundrum and why will I just keep existing to live within a purposeless conundrum) I’m curious about what else there is but also I know that there’s no thing that makes it so people know why we need to be alive, and everyone is so scared of dying? and like, it will supposedly almost definitely be a painful and awful experience?? but also a lot of things are? and I don’t know why that matters cuz I’ve suffered before and got through it, and I’ll continue to suffer and get through it, and then one day I’ll supposedly suffer and not get through it, and apparently that suffering is more important to postpone then other suffering? Nothing makes sense (including and definitely this word spew) and yet everyone/society pretends like it does and that it matters and that anyone has anything figured out. but we just don’t. We just really, don’t. And that doesn’t matter, but  my brain does thing /unless it doesn’t/ and I’m supposed to continue to do things even while my brain does things even though I don’t want to do things and so I don’t excpet when I do- which is both often and unoften cuz boy the world sure just keep on coming and it don’t stop coming- but I like just observing, participation is so much hard when I have to exist as me, (school participation is not hard cuz I don’t exist as me and I just learn the things and say the words that professors/teachers need to hear in order to continue to advance a subject/teach a class) (I’ve written much of this, I think I probably am going to post this cuz words are words and whoever reads can decide not to whenever cuz like, you can decide to not do most things just whenever, but at least stopping reading this won’t have negative consequences upon your life for whatever reason -unless it does, in which case, fuck I’m sorry, that’s a weird and somewhat unforeseen circumstance)
Why do people act as if words are easy? Communication is so impossible and yet people think they do it? and to some degree people sometimes do? But also no one ever knows if they actually successfully communicated in entirety, but also there are ways to be more successful? (and I’m not currently using most of the ones I normally do!)
But maybe just saying all the words in all the stupid orderr and not reading or working with them or doing them in more than just the way I’m “thinking” will just make them have a meaning even if it’s not important beyond what it makes them not in my head cuz fuck proper coherence nothings ever made a goddamned sense
(have you ever just exist in a place? and not made sense, even when you hear what people say? not being able to understand is weird.
Hope this doens;t)
Some of this is purposeful incoherence, but I don’t know what it means that you can just, one can just choose to then make a words how they happen in your head and that they then don’t make sense. I don’t know what I’m saying! why do other?
Why do people understand eachother, why do people think things make sense? Why do they sometimes,
gosh when people tell you to just write and see what happens they really do mean that it won’t be good the first time, but also fuck having word s that make good, it doens’t mattetr
. It just djorenst ay doesn’t.
This entire mess both is and isn’t because of the addition of caffeine to my present. Wild It’s shared because of the caffeine, but it’s existent because my existing is incoherent and not wanted/understood/necessary/working out how I imagined cuz I’ve rarely if ever imagined what existing would be./
Idk, I assumed I’d be dead when I was 10 and hadimagined that life had no understood purpose at and before then, and I never really did stop with it and that think. ogsa gshi gi gi g igi we i
Fuck man, what is
I hope if you read this you at least realize a little bit that nothing makes sense/has any purpose/matters, but that, like, that’s both freeing and makes it hard to do things and is maybe a good idea to fairly regularly ignore? Cuz none of this 
(also if you read this I hope you’re doing okay and undrstand that even though nothing makes sense and there’s no proof of purpose there’s no proof of unpurpose and so maybe just caring about people will make something better, cuz maybe happiness in the present is as good as it will ever get and so it’s okay to find and seek that out when you can?
Words are hard and don’t make any sense even when they’re in my head and what I’m trying to think. Why am I even trying to think cuz I do that anyway (as evidenced my most if not all of this words cuz dan g if not any of it was I trying to think beyond the thinking involved in not letting my thougghts rowrds thingk.
Was gonna edit it cuz the typose werewakl twp gajow
cuz the typos were and weren’t purposeful and how can you know when your actions are simulated to achieve a specific purpose and when they aren’t and why do I feel as though purposeful word order to achieve specific thoughts is a tthing to not because not. ?.
Nothing needs to make sense and I hope you’re having fun.
I also hope you’re not making the world worse, but I’m not convince I’m not, and if you are and it’s not purposeful then it’s okay if you give yourself some slack and breathe and move past it to get to where you are and can be contributing not good and not bad and maybe just good or the morality that you want to achieve and make  be in what
Fuck senssfm, sorry if 
If I pause for too long does that mean done? I think i t means slowing down and that it might be done soon, if I’ve said something that you read and word was harmful, I don’t think I did but that’s cuz I didn’t stop to think and did not intend harm but am willing at time when can think more to try and thing positively but also I’m fairly certain this isn’t somethings that  is in any way too much offensive and is probably just overly personal in an not sense making kind of way that might seem like too much later or more likely I’ll just forget about cuz who thinks. sfljagwjogogohi
Gosh I don’t like when the overthinks so trying to make this end is making that happen which makes it feel like it need s to keep being word sthat come out of my brain and do the typing even thoeugh I was trying kind of to make it stop cuz it felt like maybe it was reaching an end but why would I let it reach an end if the entire point (if there was a point which apparently I’m trying to assert that there was even though I didn’t let my self assert that there was at the begiinnning cuz obviously theres is jsust htat wacky randomness of words that just happen and not every thing that is written serves any purpose or thoughts to convey cuz If when if I try and let my words b e with and wiithout no purpose then when nad if nothing word isa than to make sens b cause thaen word that I’m trying don’t matter and that good? Fuck yah I managed to lean into not want ting to say that sentance when I lost it. In conclusion there isn’t one?
Sorry, brains and words are weird and I’m glad I did this but I don’t know what it means I and I don’t know why I said it and I dont’ know why or if you read it but I hope you knew the words you understood and wanted. Hope you’re having good, hope you find coherence, hope we have good.
#personal#I don't know what this is and I don't really intend to reread it within any known timeframe but apparently thsi is what words when I odn't#tldr this is just me stream of conciousing with semi-caffeine induced existentialism?? and no editing#and if you read it feel free to tell me what you think or feel free to not#this simply exists cuz there was no reason not to let it exist and that's okay#now to figure out how to make this a read more cuz that is definitely what this post should be cuz it's way too long#and very much just the concept of you can just say whatver you damn well want/don't want can't you#and so I did and am kind of continuing to do in the tags cuz that's what tags are for and also I don't know when/ how to shut up#(I also don't know how/when to speak up#but that is a both the same and a different issue)#Words!Just!Happen!Why!#also like really feel free to not read this cuz I don't know what it is beyond letting my brain be completely not filtered for a bit#(but also feel free to read if you want to I guess cuz that's apparently the point of being vocal within the world/on tumblr)#I'm losing the coherence of what it means to think the words in my head again so I'm actually gonna stop and figure out the read more stuff#okay I did the thing it is a read more but now I got to just briefly mention that not rereading this is while cuz I almost started to#and then that first tag both would and wouldn't kinda be a lie#but boy the fact that you can actually say words and then people have a way to know more and less things about who they think you are#dang that is just wild
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angisam · 7 years
Your wild side
Chapter 3: the odyssey
Ao3 (español)   Ao3
tumblr(español): 1  2 3
tumblr : 1  2
Word: 1980
I hope it’s ok writting, bad english
The cell faded and again the forest was devoured by the shadows as if nothing had happened. In order to inspect the damage done to his brother, I have used a blue “pocket” bone that has kept floating in his hand, giving enough light to inspect the downcast monster on the ground. But first of all ….
“SANS … ARE YOU DEAD? MMM …” Clearly not. But it had to make sure, adding to the formula a few strokes with the spear. I had no interest in seeing those dangerous teeth close at face again. Apparently he wouldn’t trouble him so he crouched and began to examine his brother by bringing the hand with the shiny bone. Apparently one of the bones hit squarely on the side of the head specifically in the sphenoid of the left wing the blow had not been very serious but it was enough to make a small crack, nothing that would leave sequels in the future, with Healing magic Or simply over time would heal without problems.
Now that he could see more calmly the physicist of Sans began to inspect his new physique; His face had not really changed except that the gold tooth had disappeared, maybe it regenerated when it started to change? , his ears; As pointy as hairy …. Soft to the touch. Papyrus did not want to admit that he had  long time caressing, them was so unusual for a skeleton. Their paws; Just as hairy as the ears, to the touch could you notice the bones beneath the … flesh? He put the bone on the floor and began to pull his hair away to see what was beneath. Oh, it was something like ecto-flesh. it could see that underneath that translucent magic of reddish color was the bone, although it was complicated to see with so much hair and so little light. As Sans showed in his positions during all his struggle, the morphology of the same had changed to some canine paws. And finally his tail … soft to the touch. ok,was more than clear that his older brother was a kind of werewolf, now came the real problem. Transport Sans to home. How could he reach the privacy of his home in time before his furry brother woke up? It was already a real odyssey unconscious but if he woke up it would be a real headache, the road to Snowdin was long but at least counted on the sentinels that were around the area were already at home (or Grillby) in that sense had freedom . But there was still the detail of the possible fight that could bring the downed skeleton in the case he woke up. After a few seconds of thinking possible Papyrus was agreed that in all the sentry station they had a capture kit; Nets, shovels, lanterns and especially ropes, that would be perfect to avoid another fight, or worse, another disappearance.
He took Sans on his back and began to walk through the woods while continuing to hold the small “pocket” bones in his hand. If it was well located, Sans’s station  is position was more or less 15 minutes from his position.
After being for half an hour walking with a skeleton on top of him, he finally reached his destination. He carefully left Sans sitting in the chair with his head resting on the wooden boards (the last thing he needed was for the snow to blow up before him) began to look for the catch kit between his brother’s accumulated crap, food bags Trash, bottles of mustard, etc. The kit was of considerable size, large enough to carry everything but at the same time suitably small to carry it easily.
Papyrus’s eye lit up and his face was as red as the blood itself as he stared at Sans sleeping peacefully in his seat, raising his fist as he squeezed it tightly, trying to cope with the urge to drown his brother’s mammon with his own hands , When his soul no longer ran the risk of catching fire I took a deep breath and turned my gaze back to the capture kit which was now filled only with bottles of mustard, everything else had disappeared.
he grabbed Sans’s unconscious body again and followed the path, Doggo’s stacion was a few feet ahead. It was better for Doggo to have everything in order, or else dust would cross Snowdin’s air.
When he arrived at the Papyrus Sentinel post he repeated the steps taken at the Sans post, when it was time to open the kit, he found that besides the corresponding equipment there were also dog biscuits, well, it was forgivable. Papyrus pushed Sans back along the table and pulled out the ropes. Two ropes; One to tie the front legs and others to the rear. His sharp mouth was now missing. He could not use the spare strings to obstruct his brother’s sharp mouth, it would be like using a sword to hold the rope that would help you down a cliff, the rope would be cut without warning. Instead I used his long handkerchief, it was still easy to crack, but at least I would have time to react. He enveloped Sans’s mouth with two turns completely concealing it and tying it with a knot from behind.
It felt strange, to see how the other looked like a hunting piece but was a necessary evil thing if he wanted to get as easy as possible. After that he made the heavy skeleton-wolf to his shoulders taking head and front legs to the left with the tail and hind legs to the right beginning to walk light at first and then to accelerate the pace. Right now it was at night time so there would not be many resident monsters strolling around in the surrounding area, although the truth is that it was unusual to see people strolling away from the security of their house at that time of the “night”.
Although clearly Sans became increasingly heavy he had no real difficulty in moving him, he still slept placidly. The only thing that really gave him work was the dilapidated bridge, when crossing a single monster was already pretty fucked but to do with an extra weight was already another level of instability, Papyrus almost jumped the bones when he lost his balance to one side of the damned bridge.
Thanks to King Asgore that in Snowing there were two transport points in the shape of an igloo, one at the entrance of the village after passing the shop and the inn and the other right at home. He remembered that at first he wanted to destroy it, it made him no fun to have so visible access by his house, but he didn’t because according to Sans those transporters were made many years ago with the intention of making it safer for children to go from one place to another of the town and that in addition of no potentially dangerous monster would use such thing. The tall skeleton sigh and caress the other’s skull “GOODNESS THAT I  HAD LISTEN YOU …”. To pass through the city without being perceived would be impossible unlike that in the forest the city was much more alive and it was certain that at some moment of the passage they would meet with somebody.
Already in the entrance of the town with the great poster massacred by the mistreatment of the time it said cheerfully “welcome to Snowdin”. A quick glance made a Papyrus with tired shoulders perceive that the inn expelled light from its windows, he would have to run past unless he wanted the owner of the posara to notice the load he carried, and he did not feel like anyone knew Of this problem (let alone the gossipy sisters …). Once out of “danger” made a quick look around you could see the square in the background but no monster prowling in it.
He started to leave the body on the ground and once finished stretching began to put the skeleton through the entrance of the igloo, had certainly been made for children the entrance was small there was no problem in putting Sans, first the head and then push the rest of the body inward. When he returned to look, he had disappeared, he was supposed to be at the side of the house. All right. Just when Papyrus crouched to enter the teletrancarrier.
“Sir Commander!” His eyesockets remained dark and he felt a cold sweat begin to slide down his skull. They had seen him.
“WHAT DO YOU WANT!?” - I have turned his attention. He was no more than a lizard boy with a  sweater of red and black stripes with hands all over his body, his tail bobbing timidly for happiness. His face held steady in the face of the Commander who had been speechless. Could this child have seen what happened?
“Sir Commander! Sir Commander! I just wanted to say that you and the Captain Undyne the coolest monsters ever ! you are my idols! ”- Papyrus literally thought he would burst with emotion, at least he did not give signs of having witnessed anything-“ ….you would give me his autograph?”-He said timidly, lowering his tone of voice for the shame, he dont have time for nonsense. “I HAVE TO GO,KID” he got up and started walking. He had to get home as soon as possible to pick up Sans. “One day I would like to become a high-ranking officer of the royal guard like you” - “WITHOUT HANDS I DON’T BELIEVE IT"the burlesque tone of the words rush with the lack of sympathy of the same did  a click on the little boy, really Papyrus he didn’t so with malice he simply released it without thinking. When he turned to see the little monster he immediately regretted being a bigmouth. The creature in front of him had his head down and trembled trying to hide his tears, had given him where it hurt him most- "I-I’m sorry m-much sir  * hip * I don’t know what I would be thinking about it and I … sorry for be lost his time * hip * ”- Well done sack of bones … He thought to himself the child was beginning to leave when Papyrus placed his hand on his head as he crouched. The small body began to shiver but kept his head down. “LOOK,I SORRY FOR BEING SO ABRUPT I HAVE BEEN AN INBECIL WITH THAT. DO NOT MAKE ME CASE ”-“ b-but you’re right "sobs * everyone says the same to me” - “KID, DO NOT LET NOBODY REMOVE YOU DESIRES IS THE ONLY ONE tTHING THAT MAKES US STRUTES OF ALL THIS SHITTY” - the body was set straight. yeaf,fir I know that you have to keep your refutation “- Papyrus nodded in affirmation after that the child just ran away happier than it ever was. It wasn’t a lie he had to maintain his reputation even if he was a cold-blooded killer he still had empathy (even though he never showed it) children were the only monsters that could be called "pure” inside this world of shit ruled by the powerful. He remembered how small, silly and naive he was. He thought everyone could be good people, but that very day he got his scar, the same day that brother lost his tooth, showed him the opposite. He understood how this world worked perfectly remembered the pain he felt in his soul for being so stupid in spite of that Sans was always there helping and encouraging him.
When he got home it found the still unconscious body on the floor in front of the igloo, grabbed it again and took it to the shed.
thank for reading ^^
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angisam · 7 years
Your wild side
Chapter 3: the odyssey
Ao3 (español)   Ao3
tumblr(español): 1  2 3
tumblr : 1  2
Word: 1980
The cell faded and again the forest was devoured by the shadows as if nothing had happened. In order to inspect the damage done to his brother, I have used a blue "pocket" bone that has kept floating in his hand, giving enough light to inspect the downcast monster on the ground. But first of all ....
"SANS ... ARE YOU DEAD? MMM ..." Clearly not. But it had to make sure, adding to the formula a few strokes with the spear. I had no interest in seeing those dangerous teeth close at face again. Apparently he wouldn't trouble him so he crouched and began to examine his brother by bringing the hand with the shiny bone. Apparently one of the bones hit squarely on the side of the head specifically in the sphenoid of the left wing the blow had not been very serious but it was enough to make a small crack, nothing that would leave sequels in the future, with Healing magic Or simply over time would heal without problems.
Now that he could see more calmly the physicist of Sans began to inspect his new physique; His face had not really changed except that the gold tooth had disappeared, maybe it regenerated when it started to change? , his ears; As pointy as hairy .... Soft to the touch. Papyrus did not want to admit that he had  long time caressing, them was so unusual for a skeleton. Their paws; Just as hairy as the ears, to the touch could you notice the bones beneath the ... flesh? He put the bone on the floor and began to pull his hair away to see what was beneath. Oh, it was something like ecto-flesh. it could see that underneath that translucent magic of reddish color was the bone, although it was complicated to see with so much hair and so little light. As Sans showed in his positions during all his struggle, the morphology of the same had changed to some canine paws. And finally his tail ... soft to the touch. ok,was more than clear that his older brother was a kind of werewolf, now came the real problem. Transport Sans to home. How could he reach the privacy of his home in time before his furry brother woke up? It was already a real odyssey unconscious but if he woke up it would be a real headache, the road to Snowdin was long but at least counted on the sentinels that were around the area were already at home (or Grillby) in that sense had freedom . But there was still the detail of the possible fight that could bring the downed skeleton in the case he woke up. After a few seconds of thinking possible Papyrus was agreed that in all the sentry station they had a capture kit; Nets, shovels, lanterns and especially ropes, that would be perfect to avoid another fight, or worse, another disappearance.
He took Sans on his back and began to walk through the woods while continuing to hold the small "pocket" bones in his hand. If it was well located, Sans's station  is position was more or less 15 minutes from his position.
After being for half an hour walking with a skeleton on top of him, he finally reached his destination. He carefully left Sans sitting in the chair with his head resting on the wooden boards (the last thing he needed was for the snow to blow up before him) began to look for the catch kit between his brother's accumulated crap, food bags Trash, bottles of mustard, etc. The kit was of considerable size, large enough to carry everything but at the same time suitably small to carry it easily.
Papyrus's eye lit up and his face was as red as the blood itself as he stared at Sans sleeping peacefully in his seat, raising his fist as he squeezed it tightly, trying to cope with the urge to drown his brother's mammon with his own hands , When his soul no longer ran the risk of catching fire I took a deep breath and turned my gaze back to the capture kit which was now filled only with bottles of mustard, everything else had disappeared.
he grabbed Sans's unconscious body again and followed the path, Doggo's stacion was a few feet ahead. It was better for Doggo to have everything in order, or else dust would cross Snowdin's air.
When he arrived at the Papyrus Sentinel post he repeated the steps taken at the Sans post, when it was time to open the kit, he found that besides the corresponding equipment there were also dog biscuits, well, it was forgivable. Papyrus pushed Sans back along the table and pulled out the ropes. Two ropes; One to tie the front legs and others to the rear. His sharp mouth was now missing. He could not use the spare strings to obstruct his brother's sharp mouth, it would be like using a sword to hold the rope that would help you down a cliff, the rope would be cut without warning. Instead I used his long handkerchief, it was still easy to crack, but at least I would have time to react. He enveloped Sans's mouth with two turns completely concealing it and tying it with a knot from behind.
It felt strange, to see how the other looked like a hunting piece but was a necessary evil thing if he wanted to get as easy as possible. After that he made the heavy skeleton-wolf to his shoulders taking head and front legs to the left with the tail and hind legs to the right beginning to walk light at first and then to accelerate the pace. Right now it was at night time so there would not be many resident monsters strolling around in the surrounding area, although the truth is that it was unusual to see people strolling away from the security of their house at that time of the "night".
Although clearly Sans became increasingly heavy he had no real difficulty in moving him, he still slept placidly. The only thing that really gave him work was the dilapidated bridge, when crossing a single monster was already pretty fucked but to do with an extra weight was already another level of instability, Papyrus almost jumped the bones when he lost his balance to one side of the damned bridge.
Thanks to King Asgore that in Snowing there were two transport points in the shape of an igloo, one at the entrance of the village after passing the shop and the inn and the other right at home. He remembered that at first he wanted to destroy it, it made him no fun to have so visible access by his house, but he didn't because according to Sans those transporters were made many years ago with the intention of making it safer for children to go from one place to another of the town and that in addition of no potentially dangerous monster would use such thing. The tall skeleton sigh and caress the other's skull "GOODNESS THAT I  HAD LISTEN YOU ...". To pass through the city without being perceived would be impossible unlike that in the forest the city was much more alive and it was certain that at some moment of the passage they would meet with somebody.
Already in the entrance of the town with the great poster massacred by the mistreatment of the time it said cheerfully "welcome to Snowdin". A quick glance made a Papyrus with tired shoulders perceive that the inn expelled light from its windows, he would have to run past unless he wanted the owner of the posara to notice the load he carried, and he did not feel like anyone knew Of this problem (let alone the gossipy sisters ...). Once out of "danger" made a quick look around you could see the square in the background but no monster prowling in it.
He started to leave the body on the ground and once finished stretching began to put the skeleton through the entrance of the igloo, had certainly been made for children the entrance was small there was no problem in putting Sans, first the head and then push the rest of the body inward. When he returned to look, he had disappeared, he was supposed to be at the side of the house. All right. Just when Papyrus crouched to enter the teletrancarrier.
"Sir Commander!" His eyesockets remained dark and he felt a cold sweat begin to slide down his skull. They had seen him.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" - I have turned his attention. He was no more than a lizard boy with a  sweater of red and black stripes with hands all over his body, his tail bobbing timidly for happiness. His face held steady in the face of the Commander who had been speechless. Could this child have seen what happened?
"Sir Commander! Sir Commander! I just wanted to say that you and the Captain Undyne the coolest monsters ever ! you are my idols! "- Papyrus literally thought he would burst with emotion, at least he did not give signs of having witnessed anything-" ....you would give me his autograph?"-He said timidly, lowering his tone of voice for the shame, he dont have time for nonsense. "I HAVE TO GO,KID" he got up and started walking. He had to get home as soon as possible to pick up Sans. "One day I would like to become a high-ranking officer of the royal guard like you" - "WITHOUT HANDS I DON'T BELIEVE IT"the burlesque tone of the words rush with the lack of sympathy of the same did  a click on the little boy, really Papyrus he didn't so with malice he simply released it without thinking. When he turned to see the little monster he immediately regretted being a bigmouth. The creature in front of him had his head down and trembled trying to hide his tears, had given him where it hurt him most- "I-I'm sorry m-much sir  * hip * I don't know what I would be thinking about it and I ... sorry for be lost his time * hip * "- Well done sack of bones ... He thought to himself the child was beginning to leave when Papyrus placed his hand on his head as he crouched. The small body began to shiver but kept his head down. "LOOK,I SORRY FOR BEING SO ABRUPT I HAVE BEEN AN INBECIL WITH THAT. DO NOT MAKE ME CASE "-" b-but you're right "sobs * everyone says the same to me" - "KID, DO NOT LET NOBODY REMOVE YOU DESIRES IS THE ONLY ONE tTHING THAT MAKES US STRUTES OF ALL THIS SHITTY" - the body was set straight. yeaf,fir I know that you have to keep your refutation "- Papyrus nodded in affirmation after that the child just ran away happier than it ever was. It wasn't a lie he had to maintain his reputation even if he was a cold-blooded killer he still had empathy (even though he never showed it) children were the only monsters that could be called "pure" inside this world of shit ruled by the powerful. He remembered how small, silly and naive he was. He thought everyone could be good people, but that very day he got his scar, the same day that brother lost his tooth, showed him the opposite. He understood how this world worked perfectly remembered the pain he felt in his soul for being so stupid in spite of that Sans was always there helping and encouraging him.
 When he got home it found the still unconscious body on the floor in front of the igloo, grabbed it again and took it to the shed.
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angisam · 7 years
Your wild side
Chapter 3 the odyssey
tumblr : 1  2
Word: 1980
The cell faded and again the forest was devoured by the shadows as if nothing had happened. In order to inspect the damage done to his brother, I have used a blue "pocket" bone that has kept floating in his hand, giving enough light to inspect the downcast monster on the ground. But first of all ....
"SANS ... ARE YOU DEAD? MMM ..." Clearly not. But it had to make sure, adding to the formula a few strokes with the spear. I had no interest in seeing those dangerous teeth close at face again. Apparently he wouldn't trouble him so he crouched and began to examine his brother by bringing the hand with the shiny bone. Apparently one of the bones hit squarely on the side of the head specifically in the sphenoid of the left wing the blow had not been very serious but it was enough to make a small crack, nothing that would leave sequels in the future, with Healing magic Or simply over time would heal without problems.
Now that he could see more calmly the physicist of Sans began to inspect his new physique; His face had not really changed except that the gold tooth had disappeared, maybe it regenerated when it started to change? , his ears; As pointy as hairy .... Soft to the touch. Papyrus did not want to admit that he had  long time caressing, them was so unusual for a skeleton. Their paws; Just as hairy as the ears, to the touch could you notice the bones beneath the ... flesh? He put the bone on the floor and began to pull his hair away to see what was beneath. Oh, it was something like ecto-flesh. it could see that underneath that translucent magic of reddish color was the bone, although it was complicated to see with so much hair and so little light. As Sans showed in his positions during all his struggle, the morphology of the same had changed to some canine paws. And finally his tail ... soft to the touch. ok,was more than clear that his older brother was a kind of werewolf, now came the real problem. Transport Sans to home. How could he reach the privacy of his home in time before his furry brother woke up? It was already a real odyssey unconscious but if he woke up it would be a real headache, the road to Snowdin was long but at least counted on the sentinels that were around the area were already at home (or Grillby) in that sense had freedom . But there was still the detail of the possible fight that could bring the downed skeleton in the case he woke up. After a few seconds of thinking possible Papyrus was agreed that in all the sentry station they had a capture kit; Nets, shovels, lanterns and especially ropes, that would be perfect to avoid another fight, or worse, another disappearance.
He took Sans on his back and began to walk through the woods while continuing to hold the small "pocket" bones in his hand. If it was well located, Sans's station  is position was more or less 15 minutes from his position.
After being for half an hour walking with a skeleton on top of him, he finally reached his destination. He carefully left Sans sitting in the chair with his head resting on the wooden boards (the last thing he needed was for the snow to blow up before him) began to look for the catch kit between his brother's accumulated crap, food bags Trash, bottles of mustard, etc. The kit was of considerable size, large enough to carry everything but at the same time suitably small to carry it easily.
Papyrus's eye lit up and his face was as red as the blood itself as he stared at Sans sleeping peacefully in his seat, raising his fist as he squeezed it tightly, trying to cope with the urge to drown his brother's mammon with his own hands , When his soul no longer ran the risk of catching fire I took a deep breath and turned my gaze back to the capture kit which was now filled only with bottles of mustard, everything else had disappeared.
he grabbed Sans's unconscious body again and followed the path, Doggo's stacion was a few feet ahead. It was better for Doggo to have everything in order, or else dust would cross Snowdin's air.
When he arrived at the Papyrus Sentinel post he repeated the steps taken at the Sans post, when it was time to open the kit, he found that besides the corresponding equipment there were also dog biscuits, well, it was forgivable. Papyrus pushed Sans back along the table and pulled out the ropes. Two ropes; One to tie the front legs and others to the rear. His sharp mouth was now missing. He could not use the spare strings to obstruct his brother's sharp mouth, it would be like using a sword to hold the rope that would help you down a cliff, the rope would be cut without warning. Instead I used his long handkerchief, it was still easy to crack, but at least I would have time to react. He enveloped Sans's mouth with two turns completely concealing it and tying it with a knot from behind.
It felt strange, to see how the other looked like a hunting piece but was a necessary evil thing if he wanted to get as easy as possible. After that he made the heavy skeleton-wolf to his shoulders taking head and front legs to the left with the tail and hind legs to the right beginning to walk light at first and then to accelerate the pace. Right now it was at night time so there would not be many resident monsters strolling around in the surrounding area, although the truth is that it was unusual to see people strolling away from the security of their house at that time of the "night".
Although clearly Sans became increasingly heavy he had no real difficulty in moving him, he still slept placidly. The only thing that really gave him work was the dilapidated bridge, when crossing a single monster was already pretty fucked but to do with an extra weight was already another level of instability, Papyrus almost jumped the bones when he lost his balance to one side of the damned bridge.
Thanks to King Asgore that in Snowing there were two transport points in the shape of an igloo, one at the entrance of the village after passing the shop and the inn and the other right at home. He remembered that at first he wanted to destroy it, it made him no fun to have so visible access by his house, but he didn't because according to Sans those transporters were made many years ago with the intention of making it safer for children to go from one place to another of the town and that in addition of no potentially dangerous monster would use such thing. The tall skeleton sigh and caress the other's skull "GOODNESS THAT I  HAD LISTEN YOU ...". To pass through the city without being perceived would be impossible unlike that in the forest the city was much more alive and it was certain that at some moment of the passage they would meet with somebody.
Already in the entrance of the town with the great poster massacred by the mistreatment of the time it said cheerfully "welcome to Snowdin". A quick glance made a Papyrus with tired shoulders perceive that the inn expelled light from its windows, he would have to run past unless he wanted the owner of the posara to notice the load he carried, and he did not feel like anyone knew Of this problem (let alone the gossipy sisters ...). Once out of "danger" made a quick look around you could see the square in the background but no monster prowling in it.
He started to leave the body on the ground and once finished stretching began to put the skeleton through the entrance of the igloo, had certainly been made for children the entrance was small there was no problem in putting Sans, first the head and then push the rest of the body inward. When he returned to look, he had disappeared, he was supposed to be at the side of the house. All right. Just when Papyrus crouched to enter the teletrancarrier.
"Sir Commander!" His eyesockets remained dark and he felt a cold sweat begin to slide down his skull. They had seen him.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" - I have turned his attention. He was no more than a lizard boy with a  sweater of red and black stripes with hands all over his body, his tail bobbing timidly for happiness. His face held steady in the face of the Commander who had been speechless. Could this child have seen what happened?
"Sir Commander! Sir Commander! I just wanted to say that you and the Captain Undyne the coolest monsters ever ! you are my idols! "- Papyrus literally thought he would burst with emotion, at least he did not give signs of having witnessed anything-" ....you would give me his autograph?"-He said timidly, lowering his tone of voice for the shame, he dont have time for nonsense. "I HAVE TO GO,KID" he got up and started walking. He had to get home as soon as possible to pick up Sans. "One day I would like to become a high-ranking officer of the royal guard like you" - "WITHOUT HANDS I DON'T BELIEVE IT"the burlesque tone of the words rush with the lack of sympathy of the same did  a click on the little boy, really Papyrus he didn't so with malice he simply released it without thinking. When he turned to see the little monster he immediately regretted being a bigmouth. The creature in front of him had his head down and trembled trying to hide his tears, had given him where it hurt him most- "I-I'm sorry m-much sir  * hip * I don't know what I would be thinking about it and I ... sorry for be lost his time * hip * "- Well done sack of bones ... He thought to himself the child was beginning to leave when Papyrus placed his hand on his head as he crouched. The small body began to shiver but kept his head down. "LOOK,I SORRY FOR BEING SO ABRUPT I HAVE BEEN AN INBECIL WITH THAT. DO NOT MAKE ME CASE "-" b-but you're right "sobs * everyone says the same to me" - "KID, DO NOT LET NOBODY REMOVE YOU DESIRES IS THE ONLY ONE tTHING THAT MAKES US STRUTES OF ALL THIS SHITTY" - the body was set straight. yeaf,fir I know that you have to keep your refutation "- Papyrus nodded in affirmation after that the child just ran away happier than it ever was. It wasn't a lie he had to maintain his reputation even if he was a cold-blooded killer he still had empathy (even though he never showed it) children were the only monsters that could be called "pure" inside this world of shit ruled by the powerful. He remembered how small, silly and naive he was. He thought everyone could be good people, but that very day he got his scar, the same day that brother lost his tooth, showed him the opposite. He understood how this world worked perfectly remembered the pain he felt in his soul for being so stupid in spite of that Sans was always there helping and encouraging him.
 When he got home it found the still unconscious body on the floor in front of the igloo, grabbed it again and took it to the shed.
0 notes
angisam · 7 years
Your wild side
Chapter 3: the odyssey
tumblr : 1  2
Word: 1980
underfell, wolvesfell
The cell faded and again the forest was devoured by the shadows as if nothing had happened. In order to inspect the damage done to his brother, I have used a blue “pocket” bone that has kept floating in his hand, giving enough light to inspect the downcast monster on the ground. But first of all ….
“SANS … ARE YOU DEAD? MMM …” Clearly not. But it had to make sure, adding to the formula a few strokes with the spear. I had no interest in seeing those dangerous teeth close at face again. Apparently he wouldn’t trouble him so he crouched and began to examine his brother by bringing the hand with the shiny bone. Apparently one of the bones hit squarely on the side of the head specifically in the sphenoid of the left wing the blow had not been very serious but it was enough to make a small crack, nothing that would leave sequels in the future, with Healing magic Or simply over time would heal without problems.
Now that he could see more calmly the physicist of Sans began to inspect his new physique; His face had not really changed except that the gold tooth had disappeared, maybe it regenerated when it started to change? , his ears; As pointy as hairy …. Soft to the touch. Papyrus did not want to admit that he had  long time caressing, them was so unusual for a skeleton. Their paws; Just as hairy as the ears, to the touch could you notice the bones beneath the … flesh? He put the bone on the floor and began to pull his hair away to see what was beneath. Oh, it was something like ecto-flesh. it could see that underneath that translucent magic of reddish color was the bone, although it was complicated to see with so much hair and so little light. As Sans showed in his positions during all his struggle, the morphology of the same had changed to some canine paws. And finally his tail … soft to the touch. ok,was more than clear that his older brother was a kind of werewolf, now came the real problem. Transport Sans to home. How could he reach the privacy of his home in time before his furry brother woke up? It was already a real odyssey unconscious but if he woke up it would be a real headache, the road to Snowdin was long but at least counted on the sentinels that were around the area were already at home (or Grillby) in that sense had freedom . But there was still the detail of the possible fight that could bring the downed skeleton in the case he woke up. After a few seconds of thinking possible Papyrus was agreed that in all the sentry station they had a capture kit; Nets, shovels, lanterns and especially ropes, that would be perfect to avoid another fight, or worse, another disappearance.
He took Sans on his back and began to walk through the woods while continuing to hold the small “pocket” bones in his hand. If it was well located, Sans’s station  is position was more or less 15 minutes from his position.
After being for half an hour walking with a skeleton on top of him, he finally reached his destination. He carefully left Sans sitting in the chair with his head resting on the wooden boards (the last thing he needed was for the snow to blow up before him) began to look for the catch kit between his brother’s accumulated crap, food bags Trash, bottles of mustard, etc. The kit was of considerable size, large enough to carry everything but at the same time suitably small to carry it easily.
Papyrus’s eye lit up and his face was as red as the blood itself as he stared at Sans sleeping peacefully in his seat, raising his fist as he squeezed it tightly, trying to cope with the urge to drown his brother’s mammon with his own hands , When his soul no longer ran the risk of catching fire I took a deep breath and turned my gaze back to the capture kit which was now filled only with bottles of mustard, everything else had disappeared.
he grabbed Sans’s unconscious body again and followed the path, Doggo’s stacion was a few feet ahead. It was better for Doggo to have everything in order, or else dust would cross Snowdin’s air.
When he arrived at the Papyrus Sentinel post he repeated the steps taken at the Sans post, when it was time to open the kit, he found that besides the corresponding equipment there were also dog biscuits, well, it was forgivable. Papyrus pushed Sans back along the table and pulled out the ropes. Two ropes; One to tie the front legs and others to the rear. His sharp mouth was now missing. He could not use the spare strings to obstruct his brother’s sharp mouth, it would be like using a sword to hold the rope that would help you down a cliff, the rope would be cut without warning. Instead I used his long handkerchief, it was still easy to crack, but at least I would have time to react. He enveloped Sans’s mouth with two turns completely concealing it and tying it with a knot from behind.
It felt strange, to see how the other looked like a hunting piece but was a necessary evil thing if he wanted to get as easy as possible. After that he made the heavy skeleton-wolf to his shoulders taking head and front legs to the left with the tail and hind legs to the right beginning to walk light at first and then to accelerate the pace. Right now it was at night time so there would not be many resident monsters strolling around in the surrounding area, although the truth is that it was unusual to see people strolling away from the security of their house at that time of the “night”.
Although clearly Sans became increasingly heavy he had no real difficulty in moving him, he still slept placidly. The only thing that really gave him work was the dilapidated bridge, when crossing a single monster was already pretty fucked but to do with an extra weight was already another level of instability, Papyrus almost jumped the bones when he lost his balance to one side of the damned bridge.
Thanks to King Asgore that in Snowing there were two transport points in the shape of an igloo, one at the entrance of the village after passing the shop and the inn and the other right at home. He remembered that at first he wanted to destroy it, it made him no fun to have so visible access by his house, but he didn��t because according to Sans those transporters were made many years ago with the intention of making it safer for children to go from one place to another of the town and that in addition of no potentially dangerous monster would use such thing. The tall skeleton sigh and caress the other’s skull “GOODNESS THAT I  HAD LISTEN YOU …”. To pass through the city without being perceived would be impossible unlike that in the forest the city was much more alive and it was certain that at some moment of the passage they would meet with somebody.
Already in the entrance of the town with the great poster massacred by the mistreatment of the time it said cheerfully “welcome to Snowdin”. A quick glance made a Papyrus with tired shoulders perceive that the inn expelled light from its windows, he would have to run past unless he wanted the owner of the posara to notice the load he carried, and he did not feel like anyone knew Of this problem (let alone the gossipy sisters …). Once out of “danger” made a quick look around you could see the square in the background but no monster prowling in it.
He started to leave the body on the ground and once finished stretching began to put the skeleton through the entrance of the igloo, had certainly been made for children the entrance was small there was no problem in putting Sans, first the head and then push the rest of the body inward. When he returned to look, he had disappeared, he was supposed to be at the side of the house. All right. Just when Papyrus crouched to enter the teletrancarrier.
“Sir Commander!” His eyesockets remained dark and he felt a cold sweat begin to slide down his skull. They had seen him.
“WHAT DO YOU WANT!?” - I have turned his attention. He was no more than a lizard boy with a  sweater of red and black stripes with hands all over his body, his tail bobbing timidly for happiness. His face held steady in the face of the Commander who had been speechless. Could this child have seen what happened?
“Sir Commander! Sir Commander! I just wanted to say that you and the Captain Undyne the coolest monsters ever ! you are my idols! ”- Papyrus literally thought he would burst with emotion, at least he did not give signs of having witnessed anything-“ ….you would give me his autograph?”-He said timidly, lowering his tone of voice for the shame, he dont have time for nonsense. “I HAVE TO GO,KID” he got up and started walking. He had to get home as soon as possible to pick up Sans. “One day I would like to become a high-ranking officer of the royal guard like you” - “WITHOUT HANDS I DON’T BELIEVE IT"the burlesque tone of the words rush with the lack of sympathy of the same did  a click on the little boy, really Papyrus he didn’t so with malice he simply released it without thinking. When he turned to see the little monster he immediately regretted being a bigmouth. The creature in front of him had his head down and trembled trying to hide his tears, had given him where it hurt him most- "I-I’m sorry m-much sir  * hip * I don’t know what I would be thinking about it and I … sorry for be lost his time * hip * ”- Well done sack of bones … He thought to himself the child was beginning to leave when Papyrus placed his hand on his head as he crouched. The small body began to shiver but kept his head down. “LOOK,I SORRY FOR BEING SO ABRUPT I HAVE BEEN AN INBECIL WITH THAT. DO NOT MAKE ME CASE ”-“ b-but you’re right "sobs * everyone says the same to me” - “KID, DO NOT LET NOBODY REMOVE YOU DESIRES IS THE ONLY ONE tTHING THAT MAKES US STRUTES OF ALL THIS SHITTY” - the body was set straight. yeaf,fir I know that you have to keep your refutation “- Papyrus nodded in affirmation after that the child just ran away happier than it ever was. It wasn’t a lie he had to maintain his reputation even if he was a cold-blooded killer he still had empathy (even though he never showed it) children were the only monsters that could be called "pure” inside this world of shit ruled by the powerful. He remembered how small, silly and naive he was. He thought everyone could be good people, but that very day he got his scar, the same day that brother lost his tooth, showed him the opposite. He understood how this world worked perfectly remembered the pain he felt in his soul for being so stupid in spite of that Sans was always there helping and encouraging him.
When he got home it found the still unconscious body on the floor in front of the igloo, grabbed it again and took it to the shed.
0 notes