#i was like ''cool let me tag my mutuals'' & then i realised that i honest to god do not know who my mutuals are save for a select few LMAO
astro-nautics · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
Tag game time. Thanks to @yakowo for tagging me! (twice even <3) Most of the songs I currently have on repeat are from Gerard Way's Hesitant Alien album :') but here are a couple others I've been listening to a lot!
Devourer - Aidoneus
Carrion Comfort - aeseaes
I had gay sex with god (it could've gone better) - Juno Lev
Freakin' Out On the Interstate - Briston Maroney
The Watch - Kyle Stibbs
bonus five favorite bands/musicians I've been listening to: Nothing But Thieves, MCR, The Amazing Devil, grandson, The Last Internationale
tagging: @lakka-arts @god-lore @assasinglasses @pa-pa-plasma & whoever else wants to, idk, consider yourself tagged. Ofc no pressure, only do it if you want to, etc etc <3
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hellroots · 3 years
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— here you will find my rules or can also find them on my gdocs as well once i’m done with it. please like this if you read it, but otherwise don’t interact with this post, thank you. rest assured that i always read my moots rules before following and that i fully expect the same courtesy. i tried not to let them get too long but feel free to ask me anything you wanna know about them if it’s not clear ok?
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shy but friendly ! i don't follow for follow, if i follow you that means i've read your rules and want to write with you. i have no triggers nor squicks of my own except drama in the dash, for that reason i do not engage in callouts/witch hunts and if you do it on a constant basis i might have to hard block you for my own peace of mind. although i may come off too strong/harsh, i am always up to talking things out privately. as long as you are civil, so am i. any form of hate will be deleted and blocked -  sometimes mocked, if i’m feeling cocky…
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primarily run on a low activity \ effort and with a slow speed.. my muselist changes a lot, depends a lot on what i’m watching lately so bear with me please. this is a drama free zone, therefore do realise that mun ≠ muses and (obviously) writing ≠ condoning !! as a quick note, do keep in mind that my blog is my safe space, just as your blog is yours - you are responsible for your own internet experience just as i am responsible for mine. should anything in my blog annoy/trigger/squick you, i strongly encourage you to block me & not write with me - your mental health is far more important ( for me, and hopefully for you as well ) than rp. on that note, please do not softblock me - that’s annoying, just hardblock please.
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i  usually  tend to write for trigger heavy fandoms (such as asoiaf, kingdom and others) and may incorporate some of it into my writing, muses' backgrounds and overall characterization. if you're bothered \ squicked \ triggered by that, i kindly encourage you to reconsider and not follow me. no amount of rp fun is worth your mental health.  i try to tag everything accordingly and i fully expect the same courtesy for our followers' sakes. be aware that there may be mentions of death, gore, violence, consanguinamory \ endogamy (especially when it comes to the lannisters and kekkei genkai clans), rape ( kingdom, though it will only be mentioned on the character’s backstory ) and cannibalism ( hannibal and kingdom ) , as well as unhealthy relationships and dynamics alongside with powerplay, and otherwise bad behaviours.  for all that is sacred, please, do note that i, the mun, do not approve, support or condone any of these actions or behaviours !!  i simply am capable of separating fiction from reality. as long as everything is properly tagged, with mutual consent and there are no minors involved (muse and especially not muns), . i support the right of a consenting adult to explore these awful dark topics in a safe fictional environment with other like minded consenting adults, people shouldn’t have to share their traumas to strangers on the internet to explain why they write what they write, be considerate. if that notion bothers you perhaps you might not want to interact with me, for both of ours sakes. fair warning, most of my graphics and aesthetics might trigger those who have xylophobia/hylophobia (phobia of trees or wooded areas), and considering it is a main theme here i will not be tagging it, i'm sorry. but its too many. however, if you want me to create a special tag for you, there's no issue! it will be either "[your mun name] don't look!" or "[your url] don't look!", whichever you prefer. QUICK EDIT/ADDITION: i do not believe that aging up fictional characters is inherently a bad thing - from what i understand, the whole appeal of aging up a character is that while you like their personality but you do not want them to be kids (for whatever reason) but insteasd adults. if you are one of those who think that aging up a character is automatically something bad (without even knowing why it was done in the first place) don’t bother following me because i do think that opinion is quite silly.
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my tagging system is simple, i tag triggers as "tw; x" and . images that may be sensitive or triggering as "cw; x". you can further see how my tags work by taking a look at my tag dump post, just search ‘tag dump’ on my blog and you will find the most recent one i’m using.    i shitpost and talk oocly on the dash constantly but you can easily blacklist my tag if it bothers you.  here's something you should know about me:  when i'm doing drafts i usually don't feel like chatting much, so please do not spam me because i won't be able to reply, i love to talk with my moots but sometimes it overwhelms me.  on that note, please don't pester me for replies ic or ooc, i am slow and chances are that if you try to guilt trip me or just nag me about it i'll leave as the ones i'll get to in the later end on purpose, just out of spite. yes, i be like that.   please be patient - i’ll never pressure you and expect the same in return.  plotting wise: i prefer to just wing it with just a faint idea of where to take the thread but honestly i'm cool with anything. please be considerate when formatting your replies, i have a bad eyesight & if i can't read it, i won't bother with it.   my own formatting is simple and clean.   on a smaller note, please bear with me and my muses as my muses ramble a lot but you don't have to match the length, just give me something to work with. if we write together, the chances of me making edits/tagging you in stuff are really big, just lmk if you don’t like that though !
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i love shipping but i like my ships to be devices to move the plot/dynamics/muses forward, every once in a while though i partake in some much loved self indulgent shipping. just because i ship a certain pairing don't presume that my characters are approaching yours with second intentions, please.   most of the time i like to reblog those relationship memes, so if you’re interested in a ship the best way (other than  sending me a message ofc) to let me know is by sending ones. there will be some triggering ships here ( like the lannisters, both cersei x jaime and joanna x tywin are my otps, and potential inter clan ships, like with the hyugas - i mean how the hell you think they keep the byakugan in their family?? ) that may either be played with trusted friends or be mentioned/reblogged sometimes, all properly tagged so you can easily blocklist/avoid it.  most of my muses are either bi or pan, those who are not will be specified. don't be afraid to reach out to me for shipping right off the bat - i'd rather have you to be open and honest with me about the interactions you want than lying to me, just know that there will be needed some plotting and threading first to see if your muses match. as an adult, my blog is smut friendly, i partake in sexual sunday a lot because some of my muses are very lewd in nature, you can blacklist my tag if that bothers you as well.
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lastly but not least, general rp etiquette applies on my blog: no godmodding, forced ships, etc. there’s only ONE thing that truly makes me go apeshit crazy, and it’s when people don’t read my rules. i ALWAYS find out and it’s not pretty; i block it like it’s hot, ♪ ♫ ♬ block it like it’s hot ♪ ♫ ♬.   i strongly assure you that i always read your rules before both following you and also before sending memes, just in case. on a much smaller note, i’m not so hot on single shipping and i really feel weirded out about people forcing me to pic who i’m going to interact with due to theirs DNI’s. while i get DNI’s when it comes to actual predators, when it’s something seemingly random chances are that i’ll softblock you because it weirds me out how volatile some can be when it comes to a hobby. i have some trigger heavy hcs ( for example, the one about jiraiya’s hypersexuality being rooted in trauma that he suffered at a young age ) that i share with only a few muns that are closer with me, so i’ll be mentioning them every once in a while but won’t share them, please don’t insist.  i don’t really like most of the main characters of the franchises i write for, and when it comes to certain characters  i reserve the right to decline an rp for my own comfort. for further info on what i use to make my graphics please check my “CREDITS.” tag.  most of my stuff is made by me, i’ve got a lowkey rph in case you wanna check it out it’s @brazucahelps, however if you want a custom content i can see if i get a free time to come up with something :D
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talas-starlight · 4 years
a modern romance - peter parker x reader
summary: the downfall of meeting peter online and falling for him
warnings: angst, rly sad lol, confusing feelings - not that long?
a/n: hiya friends!! this is my very first marvel/ peter fic & im hella nervous but lmk what you think!! hehe 
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The moons iridescent glow glimmers upon the sad expression that etched its way onto your face. There’s nothing special about the sky on this particular night. The deep blue so dark, you’d pass it off as a plain black if anyone asked. You suppose it perfectly matches the emotions which have weaved its way through your soul. Muted ticks of the living room clock squeeze their way under your door. It’s not loud enough to block out the silence that encompasses you, allowing the thoughts you skilfully blocked out throughout the day to invade your mind. Yet as you sit on the edge of your bed after your entire family has finally fallen asleep, for once in your life you wished it was loud again. Loud enough that you wouldn’t be so consumed with your thoughts that you don’t even notice the small breeze swaying your curtains side to side because you forgot to shut the window.  
It’s not your fault.
Screwing your eyes shut, you take in the deepest breath you can muster. Your lungs filled to the brim with air, but instead of making you feel alive, its wholeness makes you choke back a small cry.
Deep down, you acknowledged that you fell for him. You even saw it coming with your history of getting attached for too quickly, but for the first time you were bothered by the outcome. So, bothered you wanted to scream.
On one hand, you knew the chances of it working out were slim to none. How could you so foolishly let yourself open up to the point where you’d fall for his sweet, bright smile and soft curls through your phone screen?
Online relationships never work.
But alas, after talking so consistently for so long, you allowed yourself to believe that for once it could genuinely work out.
“Did you know we’ve been talking for three months straight now?!”
“Really?! It honestly feels longer than that. To think it was all because I tweeted about being stressed for my chemistry final.”
His laugh fills your heart, “You’re lucky I came to the rescue. But I guess you could say this is our anniversary.”
Your heart skipped a beat. Anniversary? Does he mean he’s interested in me?
Letting out a small breath you didn’t even realise you were holding in, you giggled, pushing the hopeful thoughts aside. It wouldn’t work; he lives in a completely different country.
Eyes glancing to the side, you’re nervous to even look at him. You gulp. “How are you so sure?”
It's silent. Despite the slightly blurry connection between the two of you, you notice a small blush creep its way onto his face.
“I may or may not have scrolled all the way to the top of our conversation to check?”
It was at that point where you felt like your heart skipped a beat. Your chest was freezing completely and every logical thought you’ve been trying to drill into your brain not to yearn for the American boy fly’s out the window.
Play it cool.
“Aweee! I knew you were whipped.”
As the weeks went on from that conversation, you continued to grow more and more infatuated with the boy through the screen.
That was your exact downfall.
While only ever being able to communicate online at obscure times of the day, you initially saw it as a blessing. Study for uni during the day, talk to peter before you go to bed.
Alas, it was a curse in disguise.
Finding yourself thinking about how he would make you laugh and completely over the moon every single night, you eventually became reckless. As he would fill you in on the Star Wars marathon he had with Ned while you were sleeping, it became impossibly hard to ignore how your heart would yearn to be there with him. To see him in his complete element in person. To rest your head on his shoulder as he stared with amazement towards the screen. You knew it wouldn’t happen, but what did you do instead? You confessed.
It all seemed harmless at first. What could go wrong? Yes, he might not feel the same way, but it’s not like you’d actually have to face him. He’d still want to be your friend regardless.
Or at least that’s what you told yourself.
Cringing at the confidence you had in yourself a week prior to your confession, frustrated words of abuse towards your actions swim in your mind.
When you confessed during a game of truth, he actually admitted there were feelings there for you too. Yet as the days went on, feeling confident enough to tell him how cute he looked during your daily facetimes or snapchats… you felt him drifting away—pulling back. Almost as if he were a man overboard that didn’t want you to jump into the ocean to bring him back.
Smooth streams of air push their way out from your parted lips. Screwing your eyes shut, you shove the heels of your palms against them desperately willing yourself to not break down in sobs.
Why did you have to ruin it?
You wanted to be mad. Furious. You kept telling yourself that he could’ve said something. He could’ve been honest with you and give you a chance to get over your feelings so you could both stay friends. But he didn’t. The reality was it honestly felt like he let go completely, and it didn’t matter how frustrated you were as you suffered halfway across the world.
You didn’t know what you could do to bring him back, and there was absolutely not a single thing you could do about it.
It was a notification from peter. It wasn’t a ‘hi’ or a ‘how are you?’ but he sent a TikTok to you for some random comedy skit. The first form of contact in three days.
Maybe it wasn’t like before. It may never return to how it was before and your contact with him will most likely fade into nothing at all, but you couldn’t help but smile a little because he was still there.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:
taglist: lmaO ok so i dont have a taglist for peter or tom or whatever but im just guna tag some mutuals/ friends i do have on here that are involved in the fandom - im so sorry for tagging u in this if u didnt want to be! i wont do it in the future unless u actually want me to but eep! but eek feel free to give me feedback or what u think :)
@kelieah @hollanderfangirl @peterbenjiparker @euphorichxlland​ @stuckonspidey​
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Christmas miracle| H.O
A/n: Surprise!! K, i wrote this for you! So, I wrote this for @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh 1K celebration. Wanted to post it earlier, but i changed my story a couple times. This week i decided to change it all to a Christmas special. It might not be Christmas anymore, but where i live it's still Christmas. Anyway, i hope you'll enjoy it.
Another note: the prompts that I used are bold and the italics are readers thoughts
Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x reader
Word count: 1.4K
Prompts: (16) "What's so funny" + (23) "I told you so"
Summary: Christmas miracles do exist! (Sorry I suck at summaries)
It was the beginning of december and you were hanging out with the Hollands. It was a nice day, not too cold and no rain. Peaceful, you would say.
Harrison was spending time with his mother, Sam was working and Tom left an hour after your arrival. So, it was just Harry, Tuwaine and you.
The question what to do when youre bored wasn't easy to answer, except when it's december. Do something Christmas-y. And that you did. The boys didn't have a tree yet nor decorated their house, but luckily you were there to help them.
Their home was almost done. Tuwaine was searching for some more boxes with decorations while Harry and you finished the tree. And while you where doing that, the two of you were talking about Christmas. You would spend Christmas with them in the evening and visit you parents in the morning. It is going to be the first time celebrating Christmas with them on Christmas itself. You were excited for that, but still nervous.
"Ugh no, don't be! It's not that special, if you look at it realistically.  It's just us hanging out like we always do, only this time there are presents and so much delicious food. " Harry reassured you.
"I know, it's just the holiday stress. " you stayed quiet before saying "It's also because of the gifts i got you all. I really hope you and the others like it"
"Ofcourse it will be good. And if it's not, then it's good because of your intensions" Harry said elbowing you. You smiled as response
The subject changed to Christmas movies. Talking about how it's not realistic and making comparisons about real life situation.
"I'm just saying that things like that don't just happen. "
"Well, maybe its going to happen to you,  you never know"
"Yeah right, now why would that happen to me?" You asked a bit sarcastic
"A Christmas miracle!" Harry smirked
"Keep dreaming, harry " you shook your head.
As on cue, Tuwaine entered the living room with two boxes. The three of you continued decorating the house. When you were all finished you decided that it was time for hot chocolate and a movie, a Christmas movie of course.
A couple days later, you thought back at the conversation you had with harry. Why would he say that to me? What makes him so sure that something is going to happen?  Did i do something? Did someone else do something?!
"Ooooh" you said out loud. Harry knew.
You had crush on Harrison. He is one of you best friends and you had known him for a some years.
What can you say, you drowned in those ocean eyes.  Well, that and he is just an amazing person. He is kindhearted, funny, smart and the biggest div you know.
That you have a crush on him is put mildly, actually you fell deeply in love with him.
You played it off cool, at least that's what you thought. You never thought soemone would notice, it's not something you want to tell everyone, especially Harrison. It would kill you if you ruined that friendship.
And him being into you romantically is something that is not likely to happen .
Finally Christmas!
You were sitting in the car, getting ready to hit the road. The boys lived around an hour away from your parents. Luckily, it's not that bad, you just need a good playlist and you'll be there in a blink of an eye.
You arrived just in time for dinner. You walked through the front door and you could smell the delicious food Sam prepared. After you'd put your bags in spare bedroom, you walked to the living room. You were greeted with lots of cheering 'hey's and 'hello's'.
Sam and Tom brought their girlfriends. You hadn't seen them in a long time, so you were excited to spend time with them again.
After dinner, everyone sat in the living room by the Christmas tree. It was all very cosy. Just talking and having fun.
And then it was time to open the presents, which was very exciting.  Luckily, they all loved the gifts you bought them and you loved theirs. After everyone opened their presents, you all decided to watched a movie.
The guys went to change into comfortable clothes, while the ladies made some hot chocolate. Then, you and Sam's and Tom's girlfriend went upstairs to change.
You were the last one upstairs. As you walked back to the living room, where everyone was sitting on the couch and on the ground, everyone went suddenly quiet. It wasn't long before they started laughing, not loudly, just kind of giggling to each other. You stood still under the doorframe. You wanted to laugh with them, but you were so confused.
"What's so funny?" You asked them. You felt nervous, hoping there wasn't somthing on your face or something else that you could feel embarrassed.
"I told you so" said Harry. He smirked and that turned into a proud happy smile.
You frowned quizzically and you started to panick at little. What did they do?
You didn't know how long you had been quiet, thinking what it could be. When suddenly a voice came from behind you. You were startled by it. It was pretty close to you.
You didn't have to look to see who's behind you. That voice, that sweet and smooth angelic sound, could only come from one person. You still looked behind you, and of course you were right about to person who stood there.
"I think they're talking about this." Harrison said pointing up with his finger while looking at you with a significantly sweet, charming and gentle smile. Oh, that smile
Looking up, you saw it, a mistletoe. How did i miss this? Why didn't I just walk faster? So, now what?
So many questions were rushing through you mind. You were so zoned out, that you didn't notice that harrison stood even closer to you.
He placed his hand on the left side of your face and leaned in. You didn't realise what was happing, until you were brought back to reality by his soft lips touching yours. As a reflection, your hand rested on his chest, while his other arm was wrapped around your back.
You were kissing harrison! Actually he was mostly kissing you.
The kiss was truly amazing. It felt like kissing a cloud, so soft. The butterflies in your stomach were out of control, like they were exploding. Going off just like firework.
The silence was broken by loud cheering, some were also whistling at you and harrison.
The two of you parted, but still looked at each other. You were still confused and scared to be honest. Did he kiss you for the sake of the mistletoe or because he liked you?
Your face expression changed by the rushing thoughts you were having. You wanted to say something, but what is the right thing to say. There were so many people present when you shared your first kiss with Harrison. It's a little uncomfortable, especially because you don't know the real reason behind the kiss.
Harrison noticed your changed expression and pecked your lips again. Hinting that he is into you.
You smiled shyly and gave him a slight nod, signalling that you understood what he meant but didn't what to say or do anything right now.
The two of you joined the rest on the couch, hoping no one would start asking questions. They didn't, but they were staring and smiling at the both of you and wiggling their eyebrows. "Just start the movie already" Harrison said laughing to get the tension off of the two of you.
Everyone went to bed after cleaning up. Harrison stayed downstairs, while you went up. Couple minutes past before you came downstairs again.
"That kiss was something, huh" You stated shyly. You bit your lip.
"Yea, it was" Harrison said almost whispering. You both stood in the middle of the living room. The only light in the room came from the Christmas tree, which made the whole ambience feel so romantic.
"In case you didn't know, i really like you Haz." You looked at his eyes, stepping closer to him.
"I know." Harrison whispered and closed the gap between you. His lips dancing again with yours.
It really felt like a Christmas miracle.
K, I hope you liked it. At first i wanted to write something angsty, since it's your thing yk. You're an amazing writer and I wish I could write so smoothly like you. Love ya 🤍
Let me know what you think of this, feedback is more than welcome! 
And let me know if you want to be tagged :)
destiny's children @blueleatherbag @hjoficrecs @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh
Mutuals: @fanficparker @miss-nobody576 @puffpastrysucks @uglypastels if you don't want to be tagged pls let me know
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5sosbitchfest · 4 years
Alrighty, Nonsters.  We currently have 290 Asks in our box!  As much as we might try, I know there is NO WAY we’re going to be able to get through all of them.  Everything exploded this weekend when MessyGate went down!   I don’t want to ignore any asks just because I already answered a similar one.  So, I’ve tried to gather as many similar Asks as possible to let your your voices be heard.  Y’all are definitely NOT alone in your feelings.  Get ready for a lot of opinions on Messy’s Twitter Drama.  
Also, if you sent in an Ask and we haven’t answered it yet, please feel free to resubmit it!  I do try to scroll through all of them but it is a daunting task and personal stuff and work make it difficult for me to get through everything in a timely manner!
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I’m really disappointed in Luke and this band in general, the way they deal with things. “honest policy” with messy? So he knew all of this and it was okay? Or he confronted her on this and he is okay with what she has done? I’m not sure this whole thing would be a deal breaker for me, but it certainly would make me real mad at my SO and some whiny excuses wouldn’t be enough to make things alright. Radio silence would’ve been much better than that story he posted, made himself look like a fool.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: These girls will sooner or later become their downfall if their management or them does not realise they should rely on other things than bringing relationship up front to sell their music. I find it extremely bad that they are behaving as if nothing happened, I hope there will be changes once touring will be possible again and we won’t see these girls tagging along everywhere or being brought up in interviews all the time but somehow I’m not counting too much on that.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I wonder if Luke knows everything that Messy got exposed for or just the parts Messy wanted to show him. Bc Luke said in his Story that he wasn't online lately so maybe he wasn't on Twitter too and Messy just showed him the parts that make her look good and he still doesn't know that she spoke bad about Ashton or how she stalked the fans also after she knew that they didn't hack his email adress cause he wasn't on Twitter so he couldn't see the screenshots.🤷‍♀️
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm just waiting for the day one of them date someone who isn't a part of their circle. tired of them passing around the same toxic girls.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: These girls are just digging a whole for these guys and they want be able to get out of it soon
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: It was a chicken move for Sierra to do it as a reply and no one has talked on twitter that she deleted it because they probably think her deleting it is saying it wasn’t true
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Am I the only one who thinks that guys really only heavily interact with us when they want to promote something or say something about the music? I do understand they have lives so being on Twitter isn't number one priority and with all the drama that surrounds this fandom its very easy to not want to be online a lot, I just can't help but feel that way
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm talking about this messy situation (no pun intended) with my friend and she said to me that Messy should consider changing her career if she can't handle that not all people are going to like her. (that ofc doesn't include any form of harassment bc that's not cool)
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I really don't know how to feel about the Luke situation. At first I was upset and disappointed of Luke but now I almost pity him bc real or not either the management would want Luke to defend her or Messy. And I think Luke isn't the kind of person who would stand up against the management or Messy (even though it would probably be better for him if he would). And most people don't realise when they're in a toxic relationship so I can't really blame him. I just hope this ends asap.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I literally was so angry and frustrated with Luke and this whole situation yesterday that I couldn’t even look at him on my home screen, I had to change it. It’s really a disappointing thing to witness. Whether management put him up to this or he genuinely believes this toxicity is okay, I’m just very grumpy with him at the moment. He deserves better and WE (the fans) deserve better.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I think Luke really needs to be in a relationship with sb who either isn't famous and doesn't want to be or with someone who is famous bc they have a successful career too and who doesn't need Like to be famous.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I’ve only seen a few accounts on Twitter who are attacking Messy and Crusty to the core and exposing every bad thing they’ve done with receipts for the sossies defending them! I’m happy that karma is finally getting to those con artist who think they can get away with anything
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: that recent lierra picture is photoshoped lmao. if you look at Sierra's hand you can see color coming off from it and her arm looks hella weird.her forehead looks hella weird and look couldn't have taken the picture because I doubt that he could stretch his arm that far and make a perfect picture. also we haven't even seen Sierra's face so I still don't believe they're together
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: The Lemon pic was like a punch in the face (even though Petunia and Luke are looking cute there). But I've been asking myself lately if Luke has seen the whole drama going around on Twitter or just the posts Messy wanted him to know so the ones who make her look like the victim (and not the ones where she insulted Ashton or she made it clear that she stalked his fans). Cause Luke said he hasn't been online lately.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I mean we dont know how much of the story he truly is aware of and how much s changed to fit her narrative and get L to feel bad for her. Plus he was under pressure from management to do damage control and not standing up for his gf is a very bad look for outsiders who dont understand why she's at fault. It was a pretty neutral statement and he was obviously told to make the post so I dont blame him and just blame her more for putting him in the situation in the 1st place
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I wonder how much toxicity happens behind the scenes, we know S is very manipulative and L is very much a people pleaser so.. and with how much they have to sell their "love" and "happiness" in the relationship. Minipulation is a powerful thing and it could explain why hes out of touch with reality, especially lately since he's isolated with her and doesnt have the voices of the band to raise any concerns and he's been getting skinny again and seems very "meh" rather than happy, idk
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I feel so disconnected with this fandom rn. I feel like no one is streaming CALM and that makes me sad bc it's such an amazing album. The boys aren't even online anymore, everyone is mad at each other and now Luke comes up with this shit... tbh I wish I would wake up tomorrow and see him tweeting something like yeah I'm sorry about my ig story I still love y'all lmao
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Wait wait wait wait ive been gone from the fandom for a little while now and what the fuck is going on with Luke and S? What did S do that she made a fake ass apology for?? I’m so lost please help me! 😂
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm seeing a lot of my mutuals unstanning and I'm just so mad bc Sierra started this drama and got Luke into it and I'm sad that people are leaving bc of this, it's just too much toxicity and it shouldn't affect the band and their connection with the fans but with Luke saying this he makes it seem like he supports the ugly things she does
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I am a Luke stan and I've always loved him bc he has inspired me so much through the years but when he does this things it's like...damn. I feel like he's invalidating the fans' feelings by being like "if you don't like my girlfriend, ur fake" like he has never noticed me on Twitter or anything but my biggest fear is to be blocked by him or just ignored bc I don't like her (although I never expressed it publicly) n yeah anyways :// It feels weird
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Going back and re-reading the DM’s messy literally confirms that she accesses Luke’s account by saying “we couldn’t get in” or some shit like that
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I hate being a luke stan, sometimes it just seems like he doesn't care? he always puts these toxic gfs before the ones who adore him and pay his bills. might just move into Cashton's lane. unproblematic kings.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: He literally posted a picture of him cuddling her and petunia within the hour
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: The saddest part of this situation is it’s like a repeat of Arzaylea. Luke has no idea what a respectful, mature relationship is. We saw it with Arz and were seeing it again it’s just a little bit different. He stays being controlled and manipulated by toxic partners. I really think homeboy needs to be single for a WHILE and focus on himself. He needs to unlearn the things his past and current relationships have taught him about love because if I know anything, it’s that this ain’t real love.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Is it bad that I just want the larzaylea drama back?? Like everyone could at least agree on their feelings then...
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Just checked messy’s insta and of course, everyone that still supports her filled her tagged with just the single picture
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I feel like the reason Sierra is getting away with what she’s done is because she isn’t that known. Like yeah she’s associated with 5sos, but they’re also like not that big which is probably why it’s getting swept under the rug. I’ve only seen the 5SOS fandom calling her out for her actions. If this had happened with a well known celebrity, they probably would’ve been dragged and been trending on Twitter. I might be wrong but I feel like this is what’s happening which is just unfair.
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teddybasmanov · 4 years
Oh, my god, I (my main account @theodorebasmanov ) was tagged! By @trek-tracks . Thanks a lot!
Rules: Answer 17 questions and tag 17 people you want to get to know better.
Nickname: Don’t really have any, let’s go with Teddy.
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: 5’5” (small boy, that’s me)
Hogwarts House: Slytherin 
Last thing I googled: C++ this (sorry, to be honest, the last thing I searched online was Clayton from Polygon, but I used Ecosia for that).
Song stuck in my head: “Free Me” by Paul Jones, I’ve just rewatched “The Gentlemen” in the original, after I downloaded it for my grandma. 
Following: 112, unfortunately a lot of blogs aren’t active anymore.
Followers: 353 (gosh, most of that amount are real people!)
Amount I sleep: about eight hours, maybe a little less. It may sound good, but unfortunately I need more...
Lucky Numbers: don’t really have any, but I like even numbers.
Dream Job: doing the same stuff I do for my blog, by monetised - watching a lot of cool stuff and writing about it, but it’s very unrealistic. What’s a little more realistic is a programmer. Probably UX/UI, well, definitely front-end - to see the result. 
Currently Wearing: black T-shirt (“officially”, it’s my sport T-shirt, but I have a physics lesson in Skype today, so I had to wear something appropriate), black leggings (good for nothing leggings, but so comfy).
Favorite songs: that’s unfair for a person who claims to love musicals. Let’s be pretentious -  the whole “Ivan the Terrible” oratory and the whole “Jesus Christ Superstar”. 
Favorite Instrument: I don’t know, I like different national instruments - like a bagpipe and a balalaika, but in general, I like unusual use of the instruments - like a trumpet in a rap song, or a violin in punk-rock.  
Random Fact about Me: I have a special pet-name for every (important) fictional crush. Some of them are in German and it doesn’t correlate with the crush origin. All the Russian pet-names belong to my MAIN (I’d even say self-determining) fictional crush. (And yes, that’s what the attempt not to brag left me with.)
Favorite Authors: that’s probably also a little unfair, but let’s go with A.K. Tolstoy and Strugatsky brothers. 
Favorite Animal Noises: the noise my dog makes, what she barks in sleep. It’s so cute. 
Aesthetic: too many! Let’s pick punk, folk and fantasy (yeah, the vaguest I could have said, because it can be anything between LOTR elves, “Tanz der Vampire” and Max Fry’s magicians).
Tags: Seventeen people is a lot (I don’t have that many)...I’m going to go with mutuals/people I see in my notes. Please don’t feel pressured to do this! @xenolinguistics-department (yes, sorry, I tag you in this thing again), @kerkikerk (I’ve just realised that we’re mutuals...), @pixelfishpineapple , @kattangeln , @billybastard .
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All the Time in the World (Dan x MC)
This fic is inspired by day 24 of the Choices July Challenge hosted by the amazing @kinda-iconic under the profile @choicesjulychallenge !
Dedicated to @mariaoz and @lady-kato , my wonderful friends who helped me so much in this fic!
Tagging also the wonderful @jlpplays1 @itsbrindleybinch and @desiree-0816 ! You’re the best! =D
Day 24 Prompt: Memories
Pairing: Dan x MC (Jade)
Summary: Prom arrives, and Jade has no date. Is this the perfect opportunity to do something?
Somehow, after everything they endured, prom arrived. Dan didn’t know what to expect from it, but he hoped this time he won’t end up staring at Jade the whole dance.
If he was honest, he didn’t really know how exactly it happened. After the terrible ordeal in Mr. Red’s house, Dan found himself growing closer and closer to Jade. He may have been closer to Stacy beforehand, but life changed the both of them. Stacy started hanging more and more with her cheerleader friends, while he drifted away from them. Jade was so kind, so welcoming, Dan quickly realized how much he missed her in all those years they were apart. Somehow, he felt like she was the only one who understood.
So he opened up little by little, until one day he reached an unsettling realisation.
He trusted her. More than the others of the group, more than his family, more than anyone else. Jade was the first person he would turn to when he needed help, and he hoped she saw him the same way.
“Hey,” Dan approached Jade once the dancing started. She sighed, but didn’t look at him immediately. Her posture was stiff as if she was standing in the spotlight, one of the worst experiences Jade could ever experience. He traced her gaze to Lucas, who was dancing awkwardly with Ava. She didn’t look heartbroken, but rather bitter.
“I could’ve been there. At least then I would have someone to dance with,” Jade pouted. Dan smiled, and when Jade’s eyes met his a similar one bloomed on her face. 
“You’re acting as if being single at prom is the worst thing that can happen to a person.”
“Almost as bad as being Prom Queen.”
“At least then you don’t have to dance alone.”
Jade laughed. “True.”
They watched the dancing couples, and something about the sight made Dan itch to do the same. A part of him urged him to do that, while the other whispered for him to run as fast as possible somewhere safe and Jade-less.
He decided to go with a compromise.
“Let’s head outside.” 
It wasn’t a strange request. In their friendship, Dan and Jade spent many evenings outside, sitting and talking about whatever they wanted. They both preferred that simple quality time over anything else, and these meetings were Dan’s favorite moments of the day.
But if he was honest with himself, every moment with Jade was a treasure.
They walked outside and sat on a cold bench. Usually, Dan was very at ease with Jade, but now he fidgeted. Not every day could he find himself sitting in a tux next to a beautiful girl in a shimmering gold dress. This situation was familiar yet still strange, almost as if it was a dream he once had and forgot. And maybe he did. Ever since Winter Formal he’d been hoping for this moment, in which he would take Jade’s hand and ask her how she felt.
And he would totally do that... at some point. Which was not today.
Dan gazed at his surroundings. Behind him stood the whole school structure, while ahead of him lay the fairly-packed parking lot. To his right was the forest, and to his left the town. Just like always he sat there, wondering what he would have done if he was here so long ago. How would it have been to watch the skeleton monsters attacking homecoming?
Maybe, if he wasn’t under Redfield’s control, he could have… no, would have come. Maybe, in this moment, he wouldn’t be shifting uneasily because Jade would already have given her answer.
However, that wasn’t the case. Something, maybe some force up in the sky, decided then that he needed to be a weird zombie version of himself. He did get the short end of the stick, for sure, but his moment with Jade, deep in that forest, made one thing clear. They shared something special between them, and Dan was lucky he had the opportunity to explore it further.
“It’s nice out here. Cool and comforting.”
Dan met Jade’s eyes, and at that moment he wished he could capture her in a photo. The way her eyes shined, as if she was a brand new person, set his heart pumping faster than he knew was good for him.
Somehow, she succeeded in making his body act like that. Just like, so long ago, she managed to help him escape from Redfield’s control.
Jade really was something special, undoubtedly.
“Doesn’t it bother you seeing Lucas like that?” Dan found himself asking. He shifted slightly, and somehow his arm brushed hers. A strange rush of warmth passed through him, but he forced himself to act nonchalant. The last thing he wanted to do was to give Jade any unease.
She shrugged. “We parted on good terms, and it was fairly mutual, so… no. We’re still great friends, but more like Lily and I. Nothing romantic there.”
Jade didn’t answer immediately, as if she was weighing her words carefully. “Honestly, we’ve been more like friends for quite a while now.”
Dan studied Jade carefully. She shied away from him, refusing to meet his dark eyes. What was she trying to say? Was he wrong to hope that maybe-
“That’s why you broke up?”
“One of the reasons.”
Before Dan could say something else, Jade changed the subject. “I’ve missed you, you know. Back then, with Mr. Re- I mean, Jane.”
“When, exactly?”
She blushed. “Well, I’m not sure exactly. Maybe ever since you entered the hospital, and the rest of us got to know one another better. Maybe… later.”
Dan swallowed. Why was there suddenly so much tension between them?
It was strange to see an uncomfortable Jade. If Dan himself wasn’t nearly as flustered, he may have reveled in it. “Later as in…” she released a heavy breath, “um… homecoming.”
“Oh.” Would she have asked him out if he was awake then? “I wish I could have been there.”
Jade swallowed. “Yeah, but… you’re here now.”
“I am.”
She turned, so she was once again looking into his eyes. Her shoulders were set like that of a warrior’s, and her eyes were more exasperated than ever. “So… do you want to dance, as a way to make this up to me?”
Was it him, or was her voice still slightly uneven?
“Alright, if you’re sure.” Dan hesitantly answered. He got up and held out his hand, as if he actually knew what he was doing. Jade smiled before she put her hand in his. Her body was still tense, but her steps were confident, as if she knew exactly what she wanted. She led him far away from the bench, so they had enough room to comfortably dance.
“So, what exactly are we dancing?”
Jade’s eyes sparked. “Let me pretend, for one moment, that I’m not single.”
He swallowed. “Slow?”
How did his heart manage to pump even faster?
“Got it in one.”
Jade’s arms circled his neck, and Dan forced himself to wrap his own arms around her waist. Somehow they started swaying to nonexistent music, almost as if they were rehearsing for a big scene at the end of a play.
This was strange, but since when was his life not unusual?
“Not bad,” Jade smirked, “almost lets me forget that I still don’t have a prom date.”
Was it too much to say that he wanted to be her date?
“Don’t look so tortured,” Jade laughed, “there’s more to this dance.”
“Of course,” Dan smiled weakly, and Jade’s smirk immediately disappeared.
“Are you uncomfortable? Because if there’s someone else you want to dance with, it’s okay. I was only joking.”
Dan didn’t know what to say. “No! This… is nice. Like really nice. I-”
A slow smile gradually rose to Jade’s face, and she daringly pulled Dan closer. He could swear that at that moment his heart beat as if he just ran a marathon, and his breaths grew quicker and shallower. Did she notice his strange behavior?
“I have one more question.”
Dan nodded uncertainly. “What is it?”
The mischief twinkled in Jade’s eyes, and once again Dan was struck with how beautiful this girl was. He needed to come closer, but there was no way he would force himself on her like that.
So he forced himself to stay put as Jade’s warm breath touched his ear, her lips whispering words he never thought he’d hear.
“Kiss me.”
Dan froze. He blinked as all the doubts in the world rose inside him. He was probably just hearing things. There was no way that-
“Of course, you don’t have to, but it will help me. And friends help each other, don’t they?”
“Yo-you’re absolutely sure?”
She pulled him so close that their heads were nearly touching. Jade smiled, the sight sending strange tingles down Dan’s whole spine. “Positive.”
She gazed at him expectantly, and a small smile rose to Dan’s face. He gently cupped her face, his thumb rubbing gently on her cheek, before he lowered his head. His lips carefully brushed hers, and suddenly Jade kissed him back. It was strange, this feeling, but Dan dreamed of this moment for years, and he wasn’t going to let anything ruin it. Not his doubts, his worries, his messed-up life. Nothing.
Once they parted, Jade beamed at him. She searched his face for something, and once she found it her smile grew even larger. She laughed wholeheartedly, and Dan gazed at her with all the affection he could muster. This was so amazing, the last thing he wanted was this all to be a means for escape.
“I’ve waited for this for quite a while,” Jade smiled.
“How long?”
“Longer than you, I’m sure. You know, I broke up with Lucas because of you. It’s just that Lucas and I weren’t much of a couple anymore, and… well, I started having feelings for you.”
Jade nodded. “You never take a hint, do you?”
Jade laughed. “No, you don’t have the guts. I had to do it all, huh?”
His cheeks heated up. “I’m sorry. I should have-”
Jade’s warm hand tilted his head so he looked right at her, her eyes so much darker and deeper than before. “You’re cute when you’re flustered.”
Somehow, they started dancing again. Dan sunk in the sea of his thoughts, until one floated to the surface. “So what are we now? Are we still friends?”
Jade shook her head. “I’m friends with Lucas, Dan. But you… well, if you don’t mind, I’d like to go out on a date.”
“I’d be happy to.”
Jade’s cheeks reddened slightly. “Good. At least I won’t be single anymore.”
Dan smiled at her, and she winked at him. A strange sense of content settled on both of them, and so they continued dancing like that. Slowly, yet as if they had all the time of the world in their fingertips.
And at those moments, Dan could’ve sworn that really was the case.
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blurhawaii · 5 years
Yuletide 2019
dear yuletide writer,
hello and happy yuletide! this is my fifth year taking part and my longest letter yet so i’m just going to jump right in. the suggestions are guidelines. if you’ve got a great idea, go for it. i only ask that you steer clear of my dislikes.
feel free to go through my tumblr for each of these fandoms. i should have tags for them, tho your mileage may vary. i might even have more stuff on my side blog: here. likes:
dysfunctional relationships eg. codependency, messed up father/son dynamics, enemies to lovers, power imbalances.
found family
big loyalty kink. love it when trust is earned and kept.
praise kink
vulnerability in men
open and honest communication between partners
i love ot3s. it’s the journey of them getting together and making it work that interests me the most. or how an established pair goes about bringing in a third person.
stories set in canon. or a divergence of canon.
dark/bleak fics. don’t be afraid to drag characters through the mud. happy endings are welcome but i like the struggle.
i’m fine with anything from gen to porn but would be happiest with something in the middle. i love first times.
canon typical violence is fine and to be expected from some of my choices of fandoms.
detective stories/film noir
magical realism/cosmic horror. weird hints of it in an otherwise normal universe
redemption arcs
characters and relationships are more important than plot for me
AUs that are completely disconnected from canon e.g. coffee shop AUs.
established relationships
feminisation of male characters
fics that are entirely fluff
A/B/O fics
first person fics (i have no problem with second person fics tho if you think that could work. they really wow me when done well.)
The Departed (2006) *Billy Costigan             *Sean Dignam
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one of my favourite films ever. i request it every year so you can't really go wrong with this as i am thirsty for anything. most of my love is for dignam and his tough love attitude towards his job and the undercovers he's responsible for. it's obvious he cares, i don't think you could do a job like that and not care, but those rare and few moments when he softens around billy --we need you, pal-- that's what i would like to see more of. i have written a couple of departed fics myself, centred around costigan/dignam, but in all honesty, i would be happy with anything involving them both. shipping is preferred but whatever you are comfortable with is fine. due to the nature of the film, i am perfectly comfortable with violence and the screwed up relationship they are bound to have. the friction born of the situation vs the fact that they need each other to get through this is what i am all about.
codependency, power imbalances and enemies to lovers tropes are abound here.
fics where billy lives are my usual go-to. the survivability of being shot in the head, that kind of stuff can be hand waved away in fic, and i'd love something that explores the angst of billy's ‘where the hell were you when i needed you’ reaction towards dignam following that ending.
or a canon divergence fic with their totally antagonistic relationship being front and centre. i just ask that there be an underlying level of affection, no matter how buried. when billy is undercover, there’s a special kind of relationship that comes with dignam and queenan being the only people he can talk to.
something i’ve never seen for this but would actually love: a time loop/groundhog day fic
Jurassic Park Original Trilogy (Movies)
*Sarah Harding                  *Ian Malcolm                  *Nick Van Owen
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i originally wasn’t going to ask for this again this year (i was lucky enough to get treated with a fic a couple of years ago) but then someone other than myself nominated nick van owen which surprised and delighted me and i figured why the hell not.
my passion here is the ot3 potential. i view these three in the same way i view the trio in the first film, meaning i see them as three people who have bonded over a traumatic experience and come out of it forever linked in some way. they spend the entire film looking out for each other and keeping each other safe, and they all separately take care of ian’s daughter at one point and i am fascinated by this and how that could continue in the future. (in fact, i love stories where adults treat kids like adults, not talking down to them–see any shane black film.) i’m looking for an actual relationship between them but would be happy with anything that showcased a connection with every side of this triangle.
anything post-film with them dealing or not dealing with what happened would be amazing. there are quite a few fics based around this idea for the first film’s trio, i’d love to see something like that for these three. (i’ve always been kind of bitter about the way nick just disappears for the last act but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ that’s what fics are for, i guess.)
i don’t like the jurassic world films but i’m fine with fics that take that future into account. a lot of the trauma for these characters comes from the idea that the parks still exist and continue to fuck people up.
Godless (TV 2017)
*Roy Goode                 *Bill McNue                 *Alice Fletcher
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i’m a massive fan of westerns. the harsh way of life, the violence, the isolation, drawn out revenge plots, the murkiness of good vs evil or sheriff vs anti-hero, the importance of honour and heroism and how that differs for men and women, especially in this universe with its town full of widows. having said all that, i’m still very much a sucker for cool cowboys in a shallow female way.
as you’ve probably already gathered my favourite thing is turning every love triangle into an ot3. so i’d love a fic post canon where roy comes back after realising found family is just as important as real family despite frank’s influence. i imagine bill would try to do the gentlemanly/self depreciating thing of bowing out and letting roy and alice be together but i’d love for alice to actually get a say in this where she wasn’t allowed in the show. however you jigsaw them together my main thing is that bill doesn’t get left out.
i feel the roy/bill aspect in particular could be explored a lot more. i love that they don’t hate each on sight. they learn mutual respect and then smoothly move around each other during the gunfight at the end. (bill’s deteriorating eyesight side plot also fascinates me, how it goes with his loss of purpose -”losing his shadow”- and comes back when teaming up with roy to defend the town. maybe there’s a fic possibility where it flares up again due to his insecurity of roy coming between him and alice. either way, the hints of magical realism here and with frank’s repeated insistence that he’s seen his death and this ain’t it are great and i wouldn’t mind seeing more of that.)
the usual ideas of western masculinity get all twisted around when roy and bill are in the presence of alice and they both seem kind of subby towards her, which yes please. the way alice kisses the scar she gave roy and the fact that he simply lets her is *chef kiss* because i also love the parallel that bill got shot in the hip trying to get revenge for alice. they all have scars that tie them together.
i’m actually very okay with letting them be soft with each other after all of their tragedy.
honest communication between partners could work wonders here.
Barry (TV 2018)
*Barry Berkman                     *Monroe Fuches
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i expected to like this show. dark comedy, depressed hitman, henry winkler, it’s a perfect combination of things. i didn’t expect to get obsessed with barry’s obvious fucked up father-figure hangups. but hey ho, i was pleasantly surprised.
pretty much every one of barry’s relationships in this show has an element of fucked-upness but the barry/fuches one is by far the worst. it’s codependent, it’s manipulative, it’s a little abusive, the power is constantly flip-flopping and most importantly there’s the father/son dynamic that could so easily tip over into something sexual. it’s everything i love. any time fuches calls barry “his boy” it kills me. and i am fascinated by the way barry can go from needy and touch starved to a rampaging killer hunting fuches down by the end and still have that dynamic going strong.
the parallels between them and the barry/gene cousineau relationship, which is fucked up too just in a very different way, are great. love the jealousy it brings and i would even be into a fic set post the season 2 ending, if you could find a way to swing that. though, while i like a little darkness, i would still rather see them fall back into old unhealthy habits than kill each other.
any kind of prequel fic would be amazing too.
and just to be clear i’m more than okay with a sexual relationship between these two but if you don’t want to write it that’s fine. I’d just like all the other aspects of their shitty relationship delved into.
L.A. Confidential (1997)
*Bud White                         *Ed Exley
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pretty much all of my bullet pointed likes come into play here. i’ve nominated two characters but i’d be happy with almost any combination of the characters available in the tagset as long as exley is involved in some way.
ships i like: bud/exley,  exley/vincennes,  bud/exley/lynn
but if we matched purely on both bud and exley then:
i love the opposites attract partnership bud and exley have and i like that they both seem angry at their attraction to each other. hate-sex with reluctant feelings? always good. i'd love anything that deals with their perceived difference in intellect and/or education. bud being turned-on by exley's smarts, exley realizing how much he's underestimated bud, them being mutually impressed by each other.
if you choose to go down the ot3 route then:
i love fics where exley shows up in arizona and they fall into weird domesticity. i love seeing how three people--especially three people who aren't used to the idea of poly relationships--work their way towards realizing and accepting what they want.
and while i’m not sure what you could do with this knowledge, i’d just like to add that i’ve read the book and i’m somewhat obsessed with the existence of dream-a-dreamland in general. if you could incorporate that in any way i’d be hugely impressed.
POKEMON Detective Pikachu (2019)
*Harry Goodman                        *Hide Yoshida
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this is totally a last minute request that i’ve edited in but is by no means less wanted than the others. i watched this film back when it came out and was honestly surprised by how much i enjoyed it. i’m a massive pokemon fan and have been since i got my pokemon red when i was seven years old and, let me tell you, getting to see all those growlithes waddling about the real world was like a childhood dream come true.
i had a good time and i moved on.
a few days ago i stumbled on a piece of art : here : and it was like the little goblin that is my brain just sat up straight. the very concept of these characters together had never crossed my mind before that but then suddenly the desire for this just casually strolled through my entire headspace, turning on every light as it went.
i love detective stories, i love cop partnerships, i love hot single dads who happen to be cops with cute little pokemon cop partners. i love that harry is kind of a shitty father but he’s now trying his best. i love that hide had nothing but praise and respect for harry when he meets with tim and that he knew things like tim wanting to be a pokemon trainer when he was younger (meaning he and harry had talked about stuff like this.) i love that hide inexplicably has a spare key to harry’s apartment in his desk drawer. i love how absolutely certain hide was in saying harry loved his son more than anything in the world.
there’s history there is what i’m saying, and i’d love to know more about it.
anything set pre-film would be cool. loose cannon harry throwing his whole being into his job to deal with the loss of his wife and his fractured relationship with his son. hide the tired lieutenant trying to rein him in, quietly talking about tim together, keeping him grounded and safe. all up until he can’t, that is. (great angst potential with hide genuinely believing harry is dead.)
anything set post-film would be even better. harry struggling to find balance between being a father and a cop. probably doing a shitty job at it in the beginning. hide trying to help. would love for tim to be an actual presence (outsider POV could be amazing here.)
may sound strange but my favourite thing that used to happen in digimon a lot is when characters would interact with each other digimon partner. i would be massively into a fic about the two of them growing closer through each other’s pokemon partner.
thank you writer and best of luck.
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the-darklings · 6 years
[lets talk about writing]
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Thank you so much to my lovely girls @deviantramblings & @thedragonkween for tagging me, this was a little different but I really enjoyed answering these! 
(putting answers under the cut because I got carried away ayyy)
short stories, novels, or poems?
Novels. This is purely because I like stories building from the ground up and getting completely sucked into a different world. I could spend days upon days reading novels tbh. Short stories have recently grown on me though. They can really pack a punch and take a lot of skill to do well. Poems...everyone has very different opinions on what is actually considered “poetry”. 
what genre do you prefer reading?
I’m huge on Fantasy. Throw in some Romance (rarely on its own though), Sci-Fi, Mystery and we’re good to go. I enjoy the richness of fantasy worlds because it takes a really good author to do good world building/magic systems etc. Also, I’m a sucker for political manipulations and magic. 
what genre do you prefer writing?
Depends on my mood. I suppose at the core of my writing is Romantic fluff/angst. Though I also really enjoy writing Sci-Fi (though, again, I’m nowhere near intelligent enough for hard Sci-Fi lol).
are you a planner or a write-as-I-go kind of person?
I used to be a chaotic writer. Never planned anything and suffered for it tbh. Now I certainly plan more but I’m also a very big mood person so it’s a mix between the two truthfully. 
what music do you listen to while writing? 
I have entire playlists built for certain characters and had music inspire me while I’m writing lots of times before. It’s like air to me. But the actual content of these playlists varies because some songs might be there for a certain reason? Sometimes it’s sad, sometimes it’s very upbeat or dark. Each song usually corresponds to certain fics/scenes etc.
fave books/movies?
We’re going to be here a while ayyyy:
Books: Harry Potter, The Book Thief, The Poppy War (is it duology? series? dunno but the first book alone is worth a mention), Misborn Series, Shades of Magic Series, Vicious, The Grisha Trilogy/Six of Crows Duology, The Hunger Games, Alice (and many, many more)
Movies: The Shawshank Redemption, Inception, Beauty and the Beast, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Gladiator, LOTR/The Hobbit trilogies, Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron, Rise of the Guardians, the majority of Marvel movies (and many more yet again.)
any current WIPs?
Too many to count ayyy. But I’m currently slowly writing my first Arthur Morgan x Reader fic. It’s at 3.5k so far. 
if someone were to make a cartoon out of you, what would your standard outfit be?
Black jeans, white/black/white/red or grey shirt, leather/denim jacket and sneakers. 
create a character description for yourself:
A (poorly) multitasking idiot addicted to coffee and complex characters that will never be real. 
do you like incorporating people you actually know into your writing?
Rarely. But fun fact, in by the grace (of hatred in my veins) the criminal that kidnaps the Reader? He was based on my former best friend lol. 
are you kill-happy with characters?
Depends on the situation. I typically dislike unhappy endings because I want shit to work out in my fiction, ya know? Make me suffer but gimme a happy ending. That being said, as all of you know by now, I’m fine with hurting/killing characters if the narrative requires it. I do what needs to be done lol. 
coffee or tea while writing? 
Both. Tea more often than coffee because I do most of my writing later in the day but yes. 
slow or fast writer?
Again, depends. I can write anywhere from 200 a day to 4k a day. Depends on the day/time I have available to me, and most importantly, inspiration.  
where/who/what do you find inspiration from?
I’m a very visual person. I have Pinterest boards, writing inspo tag etc. photography, quotes, they all inspire me a great deal. Music as well. They’re all crucial to my creative process. 
if you were put into a fantasy world, what would you be?
Assassin. Because I would be out to get all that ass and get rich obviously. Bonus points if I get cool superpowers. 
most fave book cliche? least fave book cliche?
Fave: enemies to lovers or just power couples in general. Nothing more brilliant that two people who hate each other and through circumstances come to realise that they are more alike than they ever imagined. Terrifying separately, a pure nightmare together. Shout out to mutual pining, and slowburn too. 
Least fave: cookie cutter “chosen one”. I’ve seen this trope done really well but most of the time it irks me so much. Especially in fantasy books because I feel like I’m reading the same character over and over again. 
fave scenes to write?
Angst and romantic tension scenes. Kisses are fun too because you really poke around the sensations/thoughts/feelings of a character. 
most productive time of day for writing?
I try to do as much writing as possible during the day but it rarely works out because I’m typically really busy during the day. Evening time is when I sit behind my computer properly so I try to dedicate it to the blog (like answering your questions etc) but I now take a more chill approach and write more during the evening time. But again, my productivity depends on my mood/health. 
reason for writing?
Enjoyment (despite how painful it is). The idea of others liking my writing is amazing though. I’ll be honest, I also find people really fascinating? I like thought process/construction of characters and these wild stories you are able to tell through words alone. Writing is just pure creation? I love it. My friends would probably tell you that I also have a lowkey God Complex lmao. 
tagging: @drmsqnc // @connorshero  // @deviantcrimes  // @thirium-ink // @deviancy-wasteland  // @deviantsupporter // @the-kryomancer // @shadows-echoes & @negotiator-on-site and anyone else who decides they’d like to try it!!
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pastelplushie64 · 6 years
Tag Game: 15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
I was tagged by @dragonbooks249 to do this, and it was such a surprise to me! I’m more than happy to do it of course! I just feel bad if I don’t have much to say when answering some of the questions XD
Are you named after anyone?
My middle name comes from my Mummy, who is called Michelle. And since I went to a Catholic school I had to choose a Saint's name for my Confirmation, which was St. Maria Goretti!
When was the last time you cried?
2 days ago.
I still don't really know why I started crying. I guess I've been overwhelmed with school without really realising it???
I don't have anyone I recognise in my new classes, so I've had to stay quiet most of the time. Which I've just realised is something I really don't like XD
I started crying in the middle of a monologue I was performing in my Drama class, and my teacher came and hugged me!
Do you have kids?
Luckily no; I'm only a 16 year old after all XD
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not often, but I really over exaggerate it when I do so XD
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Maybe their facial expressions? Or their height? I don't know, I don't seem to recognise people until I see them a few times XD
What’s your eye colour?
Scary movie or happy ending?
I love happy endings! But, I definitely wouldn't argue with some scary things along the way to a happy ending XD
Any special talents?
I love to draw, and have been drawing for the past 5 - 6 years! I feel like I've been improving a lot lately too, so that's a plus!
Where were you born?
In a hospital...
Yeah XD
What are your hobbies?
Of course, I really love to draw! But I also love singing to my favourite songs, but I genuinely don't know if I'm good or bad at it XD
I mean, I was in my school choir for years and was complimented on my voice, but that was a few years ago now, so I’m not sure anymore XD
Do you have any pets?
I have a brown labrador called Toby! He's a year and a half old, but he's a huge pup! XD He's a very active and excitable puppy too!
How tall are you?
Last time I checked my height was probably about 2 or 3 years ago, but I like to assume I'm around 5"5 or potentially 5"6
But who knows I guess! XD
What sports do you play/ have played?
None really, I'm not a sports person to be honest. You have no idea how relieved I was when I no longer had PE (Physical Education) as a mandatory subject XD
Favourite subject in school?
SPEAKING OF SCHOOL SUBJECTS! Right now, I'm in a subject called Creative Media and it's only been a week but I love it already!
Right now we're working of creating a comic, and I'm using my own personal project ( @project-star-gazing ) as the basis for the story!
Dream job?
Hmmm... I've had to come back to the topic of a job time and time again, and I still don't feel certain on what I want to do. Right now I'm sure something art-related (especially character designs/ concept artwork/ animation) would be enjoyable and work well for me.
Something tells me it's probably gonna change again though XD
Let’s see now... I think I’ll tag @tomaturtles , @cosmio , @kellodoggo , @sssssssinbad , @nu3-4b , @blubipbop , @ponyboys-nipples , @star-hill-zone , @trashical-girl , and anyone reading this who would like to do it!
If you don’t wanna or can’t do it, that’s all good! It would just be cool to get to know y’all more! <3
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evakfanficsrecs · 7 years
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Hello! I know you’re probably confused as to why an Evak fics recs blog is posting a Yousana masterpost right now... At first I only meant to reply to an anon’s request for a few fics, but then it kinda turned into this, so I hope y’all don’t mind. I think we all are in the need for some kind of glimmer of hope and light in the form of fluffy fics right now anyway. 
The list is divided into oneshots and chaptered fics and will be updated over time, so make sure to like/bookmark it. My personal favorites are tagged with a “ ★ ”. Completed chaptered fics are tagged with a “ ✓ ” 
All the fics can be found under the cut. Have fun.
Besides all of the ao3 fics bellow, I wanna quickly mention the lovely Anna and her writing tag, where you can find some of her answered Yousana prompts. Her writing is beautiful and she was one of the people to start writing Yousana, so give her some love!
plain black coffee (with a side of sugar) by meridianline Summary: He's Elias' cool friend, the one who gets all the girls. There's no way he's interested and Sana's not a girl for pipe dreams. So why can't he just leave her alone? Or, Yousef catches Sana, after the Facebook add.
All you have to do is stay by minttobe_treehill Summary: And there it was again. The feeling of his eyes on her. Or, the girl squad + the balloon squad go to a party together.
Captain of the Football Team by mango22 Summary: Yousef holds his daughter in his arms for the first time.
Mutual by sterekwonders Summary: Sana had known from the moment that she started liking Yousef that the attraction was one sided. But sometimes, life isn't always what it seems.
just a little longer by kingsandqueensofthebarrel Summary: Sana and Yousef aren't dating. But they are in love.
sana x yousef | beginning forever by WritenStuff ★ Summary: Excitement and nerves run through Sana and Yousef as they begin this new chapter of their lives together. So many firsts to savour and enjoy. Well, if Sana can brave leaving the bathroom that is. Forever starts here.
Chicken by nusmag Summary: Sana’s pretty sure it’s Vilde who orchestrated for her brother and his friends to play a game of chicken with them. Yes, she’s with Magnus, but as she sagely elaborates, the game isn’t about kissing — it’s about exactly the opposite. Sana agrees to this game about non-kissing, determined to come out on top whomever she plays with. Only it turns out Yousef is quite determined to win, too.
When Did You Fall For Me? by mango22 Summary: Sana asks Yousef when he knew he loved her.
I want you and I always will by nicospenguin Summary: Girls and balloon squad decided to organise a horror movie marathon. Sana is not happy.
sana x yousef | jealous by WritenStuff Summary: When the balloon squad interrupt our study buddies, Sana and Isak, Yousef is hit with the green beast.
Eid Mubarak by mango22 Summary: Yousef spots Sana outside the mosque after the Eid prayer and for a moment forgets how to breathe.
I don't wanna say that love is a waiting game by minttobe_treehill Summary: Sana smiled, both dimples on full display, and looked down, not really knowing what to say or what to do. And Yousef lingered his gaze on her, softening his features in an instant. If Isak hadn’t been standing right behind Sana, nobody would’ve seen it. Or, Isak and Sana are biology partners. Isak meets Yousef. What could go wrong?
a ghost made flesh by thefudge ★ Summary: He wants to raise his eyes and catch her looking, like he did before. He wants to see the deep pool in her eyes, the desire for a beginning.
Jealousy by mango22 Summary: Yousef is Jealous™ of Isak of all people and Sana finds it funny (and maybe even likes it a little bit). 
floating (like balloons) by OHfairytales Summary: Yousef's eyes found her immediately when she passed the living room. He was caught staring at her, his fingers pushing away his dark hair from his eyes. He smiled hesitantly at her and her heart broke one more time. He was so beautiful. Lower your gaze. Or – Sana tries to reflect and find back her inner peace after Yousef’s devastating text message.
i might be okay, but i'm not fine at all by meridianline Summary:  It's been a week but Yousef still messages.
It's all going to be okay by Nothesc Summary: “Does this have something to do with my sister?” Elias said making Yousef stop dead on his tracks. Or, Elias notices that something is going on with Yousef and decides to ask him. Set after 4x03.
Text messages by Nothesc Summary: Text messages on Saturday, Sunday and Monday between Sana and Yousef. Set after 4x03.
sana x yousef | add friend by WritenStuff Summary: Send failed. You don’t have permission to chat with this person. // It takes a moment for Yousef to realise what's happened. It must be a mistake, surely. 
Are you ignoring me? by b43b3n Summary: She unfriended Yousef and immediately regretted it, but the website about getting over ex boyfriends told her that she had made the right move.
faithless by thefudge Summary: Post 1x03. You can't part if the air between you is always an arrival. 
Is it just me or do you feel it too by HALLElujahaha Summary: Yousef is malfunctioning and becoming very poetic when he sees Sana, as per usual. 
it changes everything, by kingsandqueensofthebarrel Summary: By the time she put the cup back on the table and the smile back on her face the others had already approached. Her heart stuttered painfully in her chest and if this was heartbreak she never wanted to feel it again. 
Even On A Bad Day by sterekwonders Summary: Sana was having a bad day but not all bad things have to stay that way. 
jeg dømmer ingen (wallaahi) by Fandine Summary: On the way back home from school–-elementary school, she’s either in second or third grade–-baba tells her about Yawm al-Qiyāmah. About how the ground will crack and flaming lava will erupt. About how lightning will strike and everyone will collapse, will fall dead. About how everyone, those who die that day and those who died million years ago, those who were already buried, will rise, their bones lifting and their skulls turning so they face the sky. Yeah, them, us, we will all go to Allah for judgement. She doesn’t know what judgement means, but Sana knows she’s afraid. 
Sunshine, Freedom, And A Little Blue Flower by mango22 ★ Summary: Sana asks Yousef what he wanted to say at the end of the night? And he replies in typical Yousef fashion. 
How Lucky You Are Sana by mango22 Summary: Yousef visits Sana at school after the seventh message is left on read. 
Dying to try by Nothesc Summary: “What was I going to say?” Yousef said with a shy smiled. Or, what would've happened if Sana and Yousef hadn't been interrupted at the end of 4x04. 
in the rain, give you sunshine by cynical_optimist Summary: “Do you ever worry?” Isak asks. “Because I haven’t seen it.” Sana smiles, shakes her head. “Never,” she replies, and she isn’t sure whether she’s joking or outright lying. - Sana tries to repair something.
still, like dust, i'll rise by meridianline Summary:  Sana, after she sees Yousef and Noora (at the end of 4x05)... 
Every Saturday. by Thesuncameout Summary: Set after S04E5 Clip 5.
Two sides to every story by neomaxizoomdweebie Summary: Sana had always had a lot of self control. Her homework always got done, no matter how boring the assignment. She always went to basketball practice, no matter how tired she was. She never yelled at Vilde, no matter how infuriating she was being. But as it turns out, even she has her limits.
What We Could've Been by mango22 Summary: Post 4x05. Sana and Yousef have an honest conversation. 
Who I am by HeWhisperedBrave Summary: Sana is left numb and in shock when she sees the boy she's in love with kissing her best friend. 
I didn't ask for it. by surrealdelicacy Summary: Sana - after she saw Yousef and Noora kiss. 
Saturday May 13th 2017 by Minkefreak Summary: Sana goes to the last place she expected to go and finds some comfort. 
Let me explain by Nothesc Summary: Yousef kissed Noora back but he stopped it, because he realized he couldn't do it. 
I'm Sorry by Thesuncameout Summary: Sana and Yousef resolve (some) of their issues, Sana actually opens up to someone for once, and finally, finally she can pray. 
Bliss by narratrice Summary: In which Sana and Yousef's alternating points of view recount their shared experience the night of their heart to heart by the basketball court. Nevermind these precious gumdrops' lack of communication in the past few episodes and let's just reminisce for a moment.
Basketball by Nothesc Summary: 5 times Yousef made Sana smile with basketball and the one time Sana did.
something just like this by deansfallenangel Summary: Noora never had a thing with Willhell and started dating Eva instead. She also never kissed Yousef who's in a happy relationship with Sana. Or in which Nooreva and Yousana go on double dates, at least 50% of what happens in canon isn't acknowledged and everyone is happy.
sana x yousef | beautiful, intimate, odd thing by WritenStuff Summary: Kissing was an odd thing. A beautiful, intimate, odd thing. 
goosebumps by vacant Summary: “Fuck. Is this really happening, Sana?” He asks with a laugh, warm against her cheek. 
Used To This by omgbellamy Summary: Sana and Yousef finally have a talk regarding the texts Noora showed Sana in the latest clip. They lay everything out on the table.
paper thin in love with you by idontshaveforsher_yesyoudo  Summary: Their first date is to the movies. 
Colors by mango22 Summary: A soulmate au where whenever your soulmate touches your skin, the part they touched turns a different color. And not faded colors, but like bright rainbow colors. 
communication by vacant ★ Summary: A novel concept: Sana and Yousef talk.
The Daycare. by Thesuncameout Summary: When Sana has to enter the battlefield that Yousef calls his workplace, aka the daycare. 
Oh, I Think that I Found Myself a Cheerleader by ifwallscouldspeak ★ Summary: Contrary to popular belief, Elias Bakkoush wasn’t clueless when it came to Yousef and Sana’s feelings for each other. If anyone was clueless about this whole thing, it was Sana and Yousef. And Elias? Elias was fucking fed up. (Or, five times Elias tried to set up his best friend and his sister, and the one time they finally get together.) 
Not enough by Angelinee Summary: Carrots are thrown. 
to open the world and send it reeling by Odestaholyship Summary: What would have happened if Mama Bakkoush hadn't interrupted Yousana's goodbye?
Truth or dare by Nothesc Summary: All the squads get together to play a game of truth or dare and well, things get interesting.
Don't You Let Me Go Tonight by SEHale Summary: Loosely based on the prompt: "Sure, I used to be a regular, but I literally haven’t been to this coffee shop in two years. How do you still remember my order?" Or, an AU where Sana leaves for university having never resolved or confronted her feelings for Yousef, who is not only her brother Elias's best friend but also the local barista at her favorite coffee shop.
Months by Angelinee Summary: Yousef comes home from Turkey and is met with Sana and the balloon squad. 
A Lazy Saturday by Thesuncameout Summary: Lazy days are Sana's favourite.  
I'm A Little Bit Lost Without You by SEHale Summary: Based on the prompt: “I’m a new hire and you’re trying to show me how to use the espresso machine. I actually already know how to use it, but I’m pretending to be incompetent so that you’ll keep talking to me. Please don’t fire me.” Or, an AU where Sana works part time at a coffee shop to earn money while studying at university, and new hire Yousef is taking up another barista job for the summer while kindergarten is out.
Red Velvet by mango22 ✓ Summary: Sana tells Yousef about her "Russe Bus Money" dilemma and he comes up with a plan to help her. A plan which involves a lot of kitchen shenanigans and one perfect red velvet cupcake.
Science Buddies by Bellakitse ★ ✓ Summary: Sana opens her mouth when she hears the front door open followed by the laughter. She picks out one voice in particular. “Crap, it’s him,” she whispers as she quickly smooths out her clothes, running a finger under her bottom lip to check her lipstick isn’t feathering. Isak’s eyes widen and mouths ‘the boy’ to which Sana nods furiously too, she doesn’t get to do anything else as Elias and Yousef enter the living room, stopping short when they spot Sana and Isak.* Isak and Sana study at her place, she tells him what’s been bothering her. Isak meets Yousef.
✓ read at 21:30 by asteriaria Summary: Yousef spends an unnecessary amount of time on texts.
evak & yousana | the hot baristas by WritenStuff Summary: When Isak finds perfection works in the local coffee shop, he can't resist dragging Sana there for their biology study date.
The Chronicles of Texts by Ms.Bakkoush and Mr.Acar by Thesuncameout Summary: A series of messages between Sana and Yousef.
A kid's play by Nothesc ✓ Summary: Monday is Yousef's free day, he has Sana's number now and the kids from his kindergarten are performing today. Sounds like a good plan. Basically, Yousana being cute and going out on a ¿date?
erasing myself from the narrative by asteriaria Summary: The crash, the tumble, and the burning of the girl she once was. Or, what happens to Sana after the disastrous, fiasco of a party in S4E5.
The Opening by Rumaan ✓ Summary: With his mind in chaos, Yousef can't forget Sana's words about prayer.
Possibilities by Nothesc ✓ Summary: Two endings based on yesterday's clip (clip 2 4x09).
I'll Be Coming Home, Wait For Me by dahlstrom ★ ✓ Summary: dinner!au; Even and Yousef open a 1950s American-style restaurant together - Even is the creative genius in the kitchen, Yousef keeps the trains running on time, and Isak, Chris B, and Magnus are all along for the ride. Falling in love over food while Elvis serenades from the jukebox. Welcome to the Throwback Diner. 
Find My Way Back by mango22 Summary: The story of Yousef and Sana's relationship and how it progresses after season 4 ends. 
Turkey by Thesuncameout ★ Summary: When university student Sana Bakkoush goes on a trip to Turkey with her best friends, she meets a certain tour guide who's warm brown eyes, and floppy hair, captivate her. And suddenly her three week trip becomes something much much more.
We met in a kindergarten by Nothesc Summary: Sana has to pick up her niece from her kindergarten and there she meets a very interesting teacher.
Raindrops and Sunshine by Rumaan ✓ Summary: Sana rushes to the airport to tell Yousef how she feels.
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frozenbluecookies · 7 years
Ask meme time! I was tagged by @violetren :) Here we go.
The Rules:
1. Always post rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people
The Questions:
1. Have you ever taken the Harry Potter patronus quiz? If so what did you get? I’ve taken it three times, actually, and gotten a different answer each time. A silver swan, a calico cat and...I can’t quite remember the other one but I’m p sure it was some kind of dog. On my own I’ve decided that my actual patronus would be either a cat or a turtle.
2. What was the book series or movie that you obsessed over as a kid? You mean...like...just one?  A few from my list, in no particular order: Harry Potter (the books, specifically), Deltora Quest (and really, just any book written by Emily Rodda), The Famous Five, Percy Jackson and the Olympians (although that didn’t come along ‘til later in childhood), The Lion King 2, Beauty and the Beast. To name but a few. Don’t even get me started on cartoons and anime.
3. Do you have or do you want any tattoos? I don’t have any yet, but I’d like to get one at some point. Something in the traditional style of my homeland, probably.
4. Videogames! Do you play? And if you do do you prefer Multiplayer or Single player? Yes, but not as much as I’d like to. I only really have single-player games, so... *shrug*
5. What is your favourite board game? How often do you play it? I don’t play board games so much anymore, but I’d probably pick Cluedo. I love that game. Unless you count cards. Bc I play various card games with my family quite often, and I like it.
6. When you imagine your dream home where do you imagine building it? Here at home, in the same valley where I live now. Except further up the valley, where it’s more isolated and there are pretty much no people around XD
7. If you could have any animal (wild or not) as a pet what would you get? I would probably stick with a plain ol’ cat, to be honest. I love cats. Or a bat. A pet bat would be cool. My grandfather has a pet bat. 
8. Which Artist/Album you have listened to the most in the past week? Uh... I think it’s Emma Heesters’ cover of Let Me Love You (by DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber). I’ve been listening to the one song over and over again and picturing one of my ships xD
9. What is the last thing you read that made you smile? Wren’s version of this ask meme, in which she tagged me. I was smiling as I read it.
10. What is your favourite fan fic trope? Do soul mate AUs count as a trope? *frowns* *is unsure* I also really love friends to lovers, and enemies to friends to lovers.
11. If you could see any two of your favourite fandoms have a crossover event, which two would you pick and why? ..... I HAVE TOO MANY FANDOMS THIS IS TOO HARD ....... I guess...Deltora Quest because I love those books and the world they created with my entire soul and they need more love. And...the Shannara Chronicles, bc it’s my newest fandom (after having seen exactly one (1) episode, lol. It sucked me in really quickly and now I cry bc I don’t have the rest of the episodes. Or the book) and I’ve had it on the brain all week. Also, I think the characters would slot well into the word of Deltora, and vice versa. Just epic fantasy world crossovers. They would be all I need in life.
Alrighty. My turn to ask eleven questions.
1. If you could have any creature, domestic or wild, real or fictional, as a pet, what would it be?
2. Would you rather go to Hogwarts or go on a Pokemon journey? Why?
3. Last book you read?
4. Favourite recently-discovered movie, book or TV series? (As in, you stumbled upon/were introduced to it recently)
5. Do you have a favourite genre of music, or a favourite music artist? If yes, what genre, and who?
6. Mangoes or chocolate?
7. Pick one celebrity who you’d most love to be good friends with. Why?
8. Pick one fictional character who you’d most love to be good friends with. Why? (and yes, you can only choose one)
9. Dream job? (And by “dream”, I mean your true dream job, no-holds-barred. Realistic, fantastical, whatever you want)
10.Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
11. What do you love doing most in the world? (How you interpret this question is up to you. It could be something you’re passionate about, something you want to dedicate your life to, it could be an activity that brings you joy, it could be something as simple as laughing with your friends or watching the sun set. Up to you :) )
And now to tag eleven people.
@mortal-apollo! @idioddyssey! @starscrumbling! @that-gay-slytherin! @schotts-fired! @oceannabeth! @fandoms-own-my-soul! @sameirah! @harukaze-001! @twodii! @thedorkofoz! @girl-of-ink! I CHOOSE YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!
(can you tell I’m in a pokemon mood lol)
If you feel like doing it, that is  :)
Also, any one of my followers or mutuals who wants to do this, go right ahead. Eleven people isn’t enough to tag all of you, but if you wanna do it, consider yourself tagged :)
Edit: I just realised I tagged twelve people, not eleven, whoops. @ me, learn how to count. Oh well :) If you guys wanna do it, you’re tagged.
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idornaseminary · 7 years
Chapter Sixty-Nine: Natasha and Calix
The festivities in Old Aroon were in full swing by the time Natasha got there. As usual, plenty of alumni had shown up, desperate to see their old school again, which meant there were far more people around than usual. She still had no problem cutting through the crowd, as almost anyone who saw her wanted to get out of her way. She gave off an aura that made people wary and uncomfortable, which she liked quite a bit.
She had planned on staying in her room and preparing for the dangerous trip that they were about to embark upon, but she had an issue to settle first. None of the others seemed to trust her much, besides possibly Beatrice, and even that was shaky. She didn’t mind at all, and in fact didn’t particularly want their trust, but Calix was going to be an issue. If something went wrong, she doubted he would be very willing to help her, and may even blame her. In the interest of self-preservation, she had to make nice for at least a bit.
She had checked the infirmary and around the castle for him, but wasn’t surprised to not find him there. That was why she had ventured into Old Aroon, to look for him so that they could talk. When her eyes finally landed on him, he was with Beatrice and a man she didn’t recognize, presumably an alum. She still had no issue walking up to them with a sweet grin on her face.
“Beatrice, Calix, hello!” she said, the dangerous note in her chipper voice barely detectable. “Fancy meeting you here.”
Calix’s blood, filled with passion and joy as he spoke with his girlfriend and her father, who had returned to say goodnight before retiring, ran icy cold like a river of ichor frozen in late winter at the sound of the enchanting siren’s sickly sweet voice, the underlying danger and menace scarcely noticeable through the cheerful and lively veneer. He glanced up at her from the confines of the wooden booth, an inclement tempest building in his grey eyes. Calix had been through enough that evening, with more peril to come at the stroke of midnight, without the arrival of Natasha Kraus.
“Fancy that. Can we help you,” he snapped, but the anger was hidden behind a wall, not wanting his emotions to govern his actions in front of his girlfriend’s father and his boss. He slipped past Beatrice to the edge of the booth and stood protectively in front of the Selwyns.
Natasha pretended to look shocked at his hostility when in reality she would have been more surprised if she hadn’t heard it. “I just wanted to say hello,” she told him, tucking a bit of her dark hair behind her ear. “I’m sorry if I’ve interrupted something. But I also wanted to ask you about that project for our Charms class?” she asked. “I was hoping we could discuss it outside.” She was sure Calix would be well aware they did not share a class together, but hoped he would want her away from the Selwyns and would go with her anyway.
Calix clenched down hard on his tongue, his teeth slicing through the soft skin and a rivulet of blood pouring forth as the thin barrier collapsed under the pressure. Calix knew Natasha had never shared a single class with him, but he understood the inherent message behind the fabrication. He nodded, afraid his words would betray him, turning on his heels to kiss Beatrice’s forehead gently, cupping her rosy cheeks in his strong hands.
“I won’t be long, my love,” Calix softly spoke, “I’ll be back in a few short moments.”
He begrudgingly stepped away, unwilling to leave Beatrice, and glared at the witch. He pointed towards the crowd, pushing past her and stepping through the rapturous and raving masses towards the cold air of the moonlit streets outside.
Natasha couldn’t help her slight smirk as Calix pushed ahead through the crowd, offering a friendly wave to the two left in the booth as she followed after him. Once they were in a relatively private area, she dropped the pretenses.
“You don’t like me,” she said, her voice a bit flat as she looked at him. “I know that, and the feeling is mutual. But tonight, it will be by far in your best interest to put just a little bit of faith in me. Do you think you can manage that?”
Natasha had no doubt that the mediwizard would have no hesitation to hex her if he had the chance, which was why she was having this conversation with him in the first place. She wanted to survive this trip that already seemed like a suicide mission, and was trying to eliminate unnecessary risks.
When the air hit him, Calix shuddered, the cutting, boreal wind seeping into his bones. He cursed himself not forgetting his jacket in his anger, his warmth and compassion leaching out into the surroundings, lost to the world around him. He defensively crossed his arms in front of him, half the cogs in his mind screaming at him to draw his wand and get the answers that he wanted one way or another when the witch dropped her schrade, and the remaining gearwheels were begging him not to do something rash that could endanger those closest to him.
“You’re right,” he concurred, “We don’t like each other. Why? Because ever since Sam met you here in Old Aroon, he can’t stop freaking out whenever he thinks of you. Every time he sees you, he panics, like it’s some sort of Pavlovian conditioning. And, if I’m honest, I actually think there’s something very twisted about doing that to another person. But, let’s say I can manage to play nice, taking I could’ve hexed your sorry ass back in the Den when you were completely exhausted if I’d wanted to, will you be able to stand by me and not piss me off like a spoilt brat? Or try and get inside my head like you do with everyone else? Is that something you can do?”
The German had expected hostility. That didn’t come as a surprise to her, but considering how well the boy had done at holding his cool in front of others, the sudden outburst she got was a bit of shock. She smirked slightly though, impressed that even if she couldn’t manipulate him as she did most people, she could still get him this riled up.
“I did you and your little group a huge favor by doing that. I owe none of you anything, anything at all, which means that, effectively, you owe me. So I’ll behave however I want to, and you can stay out of my way. And I can guarantee that hexing me then would have been a bad choice, for both your and Sam’s sakes, as it would be now.”
Calix took a deep breath, filling his lungs with glacial air that pierced and numbed the tissues and made breathing difficult. The witch’s smirk, cunning and sadistic, like a fox on the hunt for prey or a crow diving for carrion, was caustic. When she mentioned Sam, Calix’s fingers flexed, crying out for the smooth touch of his wand, tucked beneath his shirt for later. He realised too late that he had allowed her to gain a foothold, allowed her to slip past his defences and start chipping away at the protective walls he had built. He wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.
“You did that favour out of the goodness of your heart,” Calix said, a mocking tone mirroring the German’s sickly sweet voice, but varnished with a pleasantry that was difficult to peel back, “No one forced you to help us. No one. You did that all of your own free will, and I’m sure you’re marching into the Gladur with us in the same frame of mind. I know exactly why you’re tagging along, my dear, and I have no problem in playing house with you, if you’re willing to do the same. Let’s not forget, you started all this horrid business. Alright?”
Natasha raised an eyebrow. “Really? You think you know me?” she asked, stepping slightly closer. “You think you understand why I’m helping you, when any sane person would be running as far away from this suicidal task as possible?” She smirked a bit, seeing how he was almost twitching with annoyance, how his fingers were trembling with the desire to draw his wand and curse her. She was pushing her luck, but she didn’t care. He was just too much fun to play with.
“And I am happy to play along, although I’m sure you have more of a stake in it than I do. I would hate for poor Beatrice to be upset by us fighting. The girl is just a bit too...fainthearted for that.” Natasha had something of a threat in her voice, the smirk still toying at her dark lips.
Calix steadied himself, bracing when the witch mentioned Beatrice’s name as well, a feeling of utter disgust twisting his stomach into knots and poisoning the butterflies that fluttered there.
Of course, she knows.
He unwisely closed his eyes for a second to regain his composure. Natasha was an expert at manipulation, at exposing someone’s natural weakness, the fault lines and stresses that when pressured shattered into a thousand shards and allowed the siren’s voice to sweep in and take control. For Calix, it was the people he loved, those closest to him that he would move mountains for - they were his greatest strengths and his greatest weaknesses.
Unlike her, he wasn’t a manipulator nor a persuader: he couldn’t fight at her level. But, with a smirk, he knew she couldn’t win either. There would be no victory, no loss - that he could play. He contemplated playing the one trump card he knew would break through every little barrier the witch had, watch what happened when Calix turned the tables of faith and enjoyed the changing biochemistry if he mentioned McKayla Steele. But, he wasn’t like her. He wouldn’t do that, even in his anger.
“I think, you’ve drawn all this on yourself. I don’t know you like you said, and maybe if you weren’t so intent on being a bitch all the time, we’d actually get on. But, hey, that’s up to you. Just leave them out of it. Do I make myself clear? Because it’s your insistence on hurting those around me that’s the problem.”
Natasha shook her head a bit. She knew this was her fault, and frankly, didn't care. She watched him for another moment and told him, “I won't touch or harm either of them. Is that what you want to hear?”
She smirked softly. She was still under the impression that he had him cornered, not that he was withholding some sort of trump card that she knew nothing about.
“Just remember that I can break Sam like a twig if you try to mess with me, okay?”
With a small wave, she walked off, proud of herself for what she assumed was a victory.
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