#i was looking thru the cgs
waraueuphoria · 3 months
clean dishes just from the cgs feels like killing stalking but if sangwoo and yoonbum switched colors
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momomallowart · 10 months
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The new CG has me in a mood (and the mood is punk goes pop) ʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔ🤘
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thejojolands-moved · 9 months
Making assets for video games sucks since it'll be great after great that you can get used to looking at a long period of time and then The Failure. Like I am quite happy with most of my assets currently, I always have been when making games. Sometimes though? The Failure. I have to redraw this I can't let it go into the final game, not at all. My players can not see The Failure ever or I would die a thousand deaths.
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all the gorgeous ikerev wallpapers cybird keeps posting over on twt has me sobbing into my pillows... just a bittersweet unofficial send-off at this point. no more new gachas, events, routes... tears a whole in my heart as i frantically scramble to get through more while i still can, so many routes i've yet to touch bc i joined late or didn't have the time to... damn shame 😓
cradle and wonderland have been so, so good to us (even with their shitty epilogue format-) and had so much incredible lore... will forever be bitter we didn't get dean, mousse OR BLANC ROUTE LIKE WTF... and more harr lore, bc i feel like i know next to nothing about the man's backstory. like how tf was there more lore in dalim's route about what's under the eyepatch than in his own im- ??? (like yeah we got an explanation but there was more context and stuff and it was just like... whooaa wtf- but also i feel like his family or prior to the whole tower stuff there's just like.. no info...?? unless i just missed out on a ton but idk even in any events he was in they kept up the "mystique")
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All propaganda and what each competitor is from under the cut
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)
The case in which his father died is the root of all the tragedy in the first 3 games. He even thinks he killed his father at first which is very sad and he has lasting trauma from the incident (his father died in an elevator during an earthquake. edgeworth is shown to panic and shut down during earthquakes or something similar like airplane turbulence and he avoids taking the elevator whenever possible)
Miles Edgeworth is the most repressed individual you'll ever meet. He is a chess player and everytime he has a chess board he puts the red pieces (him) cornering a blue piece (HIS RIVAL/THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE). He told the aforementioned rival his ex girlfriend died by telling him "her metabolic processes are concern of only historians". He dresses like a victorian child. He is a steel samurai fan. Almost christmas means it wasn't christmas
Sakuya Sakuma (A3!)
OUGH okay hello I’m gonna yell about my little guy here. Obviously he’s an orphan; parents died when he was really small, passed around to different family members, and BOY does it affect him. He’s not colossally depressed or anything but it does give him abandonment issues, a general sense of loneliness, and a latent fear that if he’s too sad or angry then he’ll get sent to live somewhere else. Even after he joins his live-in theater company, though he does start moving past it there. Despite all that, he always strives to be kind and caring and cheerful, yes in part because he felt like he had to be but also because he just generally is. He’s so very loved in the place he’s at to the point that a number of grown adults (he starts the series at 17!) openly admit that they look up to him. TRULY one of the characters ever I’m so incredibly normal about him
ok so i havent been caught up in years so forgive me if i get the details wrong but he's just a ball of sunshine despite all he's gone thru (multiple foster homes, never really feeling like he belonged anywhere). like he literally put his everything into acting because it was the only place he could go that wasn't back to a foster home (the company has dorms for the actors), to the point where he was doing "solo" shows (he had a bird as a supporting actor) just to bring in enough people to keep the acting company from shutting down completely. also it's the way that he FINALLY found a place to call home and people to call family and he was SO DESPERATE to hold onto that when his fellow troupe members threaten to leave (at least once for each of them for a minimum of 5, but only one at a time. u would think they would catch on at some point and not do that). also the sleepover cg in act 1 makes me feel like crying like they're finally on the same page and ready to work together and they look so comfortable and vulnerable with each other and it just AUGHH because they only did that after sakuya decided to sleep on the stage on his own and got caught by another troupe member who dragged in the rest of them too like hello?? crying
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bibibi-tchx · 27 days
I feel like Dom has a picture wall in his room that’s just filled with pictures of him and his cgs! Like all of them on the road, him helping Damian cook, playing video games with Finn and cuddling with Rhea!
A lot being just candid pictures the other cgs, mainly Finn, have taken of cute moments they’ve seen
awwwww anon yes like this lil man has more photos than the queen herself
cus they have a fam gc, more often than not when hes out of his headspace, he’ll see it and just be bombarded with his cgs sharing photos of whatever he got up to whilst being small- he doesnt really remember a lot of it, but judging by the fact that theres twenty different videos of him giggling and laughing, he enjoyed it!
like when helping damian - which yes anon you are 10000% correct it is always finn taking them photos cus what else are daddys for- he’ll jus be clinging to his papis back like a koala, or legs swinging from the counter as damian holds his arms to help damian mix whatever needs to be mixed
and the cuddles with rhea!! the amount of times finn makes sure he gets the perfect shots of dominik sleeping in the funniest positions on his mami, bcus lil bro looks at his cgs n just sees climbing frames really. or like when she dresses him up for her own lil photos, finn has all the ones of rhea getting him ready where hes :[ about the certain onsie or whatevs
just the ones with finn though? yea finn absolutely has the silliest filters on his baby, or like them filter games where both him and dom start angry shouting on the phone, and finn does find it more than hilarious when he’ll scream at the phone, then dom repeats it back
n poor dom when hes big just has to sift thru all of the random nonsense of his cgs on the gc cooing at him and the photos they send
ty anon!!
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going thru your account makes me regress positively which doesn’t happen much so ty,,, as a gift here’s more headcanons!
i think pete age regresses, but prefers to have alone time. but if he can’t, like if he’s with friends, he gets cared for by richie (is cg/agere flip the right term? he switches between cg and agere) and ruth (also a flip, but more often a cg).
one time, he was with ethan at the mall (i hc them as reluctant friends) and he started feeling himself slip into littlespace and tried so hard to resist. but then he saw a toy store and it was all over /lh. Ethan was totally cool with it though and took him to a quiet space…
i sleepy now 🌙⭐️
YAY guys look…loookkkk…I love nerdy fellas who regress
Also yeah! Flip is the correct term :3
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asbestieos · 11 months
hiWOW the desktop layout really is ugly. anyhow!! my account was charged for an months-old expense i thought was already paid. SURPRISE!! IT WASNT PAID!! AND THEYRE CHARGING ME TODAY!! LOL!! im opening up some commissions to try and cover this before i get overdrafted. i am Broke broke rn and itll be one week until my second job's payday. please consider rbing this post!!
shit i can do (open imgs in new tab for better quality + zoom)
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i draw holy cow do i draw. sketches $10 (left), full art $30 (right), backgrounds add +$5, no additional price for added characters. no limits here i can go crazy and draw whatver you want ill draw your oc ill draw your sona your furry your mecha your faves your faves slorcking each others sundays etc etc :thumbsup:
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ref sheets!!! with block text (left) and handwritten text (right)!!! im not very good at making them look good or aesthetic so ill charge $20 flat for all ref sheets
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i like to call this the ENSTARS SPECIAL. aka ill edit/draw in the enstars art style for you. i can draw emotes, cg/card art, live2d sprites, character profiles, character icons, chibi sprites, enbasic! chibi sprites, fake song album art, The List Goes On. I will Do it for you. base price for any of these will start at $5 and will increase by complexity, subject to my discretion. cg/card art starts at $30.
non-negotiable clause: in great fear and awe of the mighty HappyEle, all enstars-styled commissioned work will be watermarked as a fan-made work. also a disclaimer, my work will never 100% match the official enstars art, litrlly a Whole studio full of hundreds of artists draws these cards!! but i do my best to emulate the style!!
i currently can only take payment thru my p4yp4l and k0fi !! thank you so much for reading i really appreciate. it wont be the end of hte world if i cant get enoguh money but i got bills to pay and this sudden expense will stack on toppa them u_u
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juicezone · 4 months
could i request derek and stiles from teen wolf like how u drew bones taking care of u :0 (with a sleepy stiles on dereks lap wearing an orange sweater and a matching pacifier)? his hair changes a lot thru the show but i liked it best when he had a buzzcut! as for derek can be wearing whatever generic outfit that may look nice (like t-shirt and jeans or something)
-@bebbie-bilinski thank u!
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Hope this looks good!! it's definitely the 1000000% way i wanna be held and cuddled but i love. love regressors + cgs holding each other. @bebbie-bilinski ^^!
Check my pinned if you’re interested in sending in an agere/related art request ^^!
DNI if nsfw/K!NK/ur blog isnt safe for a kid
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arcadayo · 4 months
The problem I actually have with CGI movies - disney live actions cough cough - is not just because CGI artists get underpaid in labour, but that achieving ultra-realism with purely digital productions was never? The point?? Of digital tools?
Like. Mocap and CG were made as tools to aid artists in filling in the gaps when the real thing wasn’t accessible! CG and visual art forms in general are supposed to be like icing on the cake, a way to enhance the fantasy or access media that isn’t available to production thru recreation. Of course practical effects look cooler! Because if the goal of the project is realism… isn’t it more believable to use the real thing?
So the qualm I have, and I believe many people do, is not the existence of CGI, but rather how it’s often misused as a replacement of practicality when it was never the sole actor of a piece.
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youdontdiceadie · 8 days
so my cyberpunk 2 idea
you know how like when cyberpunk even got pushed with phantom liberty it never feels like a completed story in a way. the redemption v has is like no redemption at all, and the story is unfinished, so i started out to analyse the genre of redemption at whole
now you see, there are two games with the same delusionary element to them: that's darkness II and shadow warrior 2 (spoilers will follow, so skip this part, if you think you gotta play them first)
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jenny and kamiko (as the part of hallucinating through corruption)
both jackie (estacado) and samurai (of shadow warrior) (does this get too much intersected in themes?) are hallucinating the girl that's like in the corruption of the story (either it's jenny or kamiko), so what exactly happens?
in darkness 2 jackie travels to the core of the darkness, but jenny turns out from jackie's corruption (ie the darkness) to her own corruption, thus becoming angelus. in shadow warrior 2 kamiko redeems herself to stop the corruption
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alt to johnny, johnny to v
but in cp2077 v never is guilty for being corrupted, corruption that johnny brings is also not his own, but the way game deals with this is utterly wrong, it never proposes a solution, just an escapist element to it.
i think, the core idea of 2077 is that arasaka corruption is never dealt with at the core level, so the bigger idea is to discover that netwatch aka blackwall are exposing a hidden demeanour that is the core of this corruption
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reach out and touch the ghost world
what if the reason for v's corruption is behind the blackwall (as 2077 intends to think when it saves v just transposing her there), that would mean that to fight the corruption v needs to go behind the blackwall, but in terms of 2077 she can't, but in terms of sequel she could've
and so i got this crazy idea how both alt's digital world and ghost world aka hong kong is but a gimmick put out by blue eyes aka some hidden agent in hong kong. lore would suggest it needs to be col. gurung of ghurkas.
now imagine this, plague was never there, and col. gurung that's like an ultimate buddhist as he's from nepal interjecting from blackwall on any business
v would need to fight like the power behind the ultimately controlling force. but for that she'd need an ally, an ultimate netrunner like so mi, so what if in these 6 months left so mi returns and reaches out to v
next goes a piece of my fic media (i read it in female japanese dub voice)
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drink your coffee, takamura
starting point: diner somewhere on cali coast
old woman: life's only starting in 60s
v: that's when my did
(v sitting at the table and eating)
jukebox: can you feel it
v: can feel it, johnny
v: wonder if that's how decapitation feels
(songbird sound twitting at the counter, v turns her head at the counter)
so mi: and then i rushed thru
so mi: sorry, gotta take it
(so mi passing v and leaving her a note)
v: must be flooding out again
(v gets to taxi, delamain hacked by somi saying the address, v spaces out, v wakes up at some motel)
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blackwall inc.
so mi: almost had me
v: so mi?
so mi: but i got through
so mi (nervously): i got through
v: ease up, mi
v: myers?
so mi: nusa has no idea what i'm onto, v
so mi: it's bigger than nusa
so mi: it's bigger than arasaka
v: past this, so
v: gotta find a tree to bury myself under
so mi: bigger than blackwall
so mi: it's not an engram that's killing you, v
so mi: it's ghost world
cyberpunk ghost world (i mean, THAT's a cool name)
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a home to transcend (actually not, that's taiwan)
so i also have this idea for pitch trailer
Takeshi Kaneshiro as Col. Gurung
Keanu Reeves as Johnny Silverhand
V is not revealed until the end
(camera in motion closing up from ground up on CG)
CG: They don't know what's coming
(flashbacks on plague times, word plague on TV)
TV: Chinese authorities says there's been another breakdown in Hong Kong Peninsula
CG: That's what the world wants to hear
CG: And I'm the world
CD Projekt Red presents
SH (looking at Hong Kong): Much more like Alt's, this one
So Mi: There is an engram of you in Blackwall
SH (joking on liably dead Hong Kong aka Ghost World citizens): So, you've been ghosted too?
CG: There's a saying in Nepal
CG: Don't ask for address you don't visit
Cyberpunk Ghost World
V: Seems like a nice place
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when you've eaten all the canned pineapples (source)
ok if someone in cdpr reads this please consider this stuff ok
i wonder if cp2 follows v yet, so that's like a solution if you wanna
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greywitch · 19 days
hi, i love your work and your grasp of luluc!! not sure if you still check this blog, but if so, do you happen to have any fic recs for luluc in this day and age?
i do still check this blog!! every so often haha and thank you im so glad to hear that people are still finding and reading and enjoying my luluc works! i may not have the time/energy to write for them anymore but they will forever be my favs 💖 as for recs aaaahhh honestly so many of my recs are Old Fic but i will share in case anyone hasn't seen them before!
for one, you can check out any of my cg bookmarks on ao3 (there's not that many but still haha) i believe some of my bookmarks the authors have hidden the works to guests so would be best if you have an account
shiitsuu has a tag for fanfic, many written by eachainn (who also has an ao3 iirc!) that are 💯 and would highly recommend checking those out bc ive always loved eachainn's characterization of the trio 💞
one of my fav authors.... stripperzaku 🪦... unfortunately the account is gone BUT you can see some of her fics/snippets reblogged here on cluclufics, which also is a great account for browsing other tumblr luluc fics as they've archived/reblogged a lot!
obligatory mention of other boy by cat in my fridge on ff.net thats suzac and abandoned (🪦) BUT the characterization is top notch. if characterization is your bread and butter its 👌
now im going thru my other tumblr looking for fics ive reblogged in semi-recentish years haha and night calendar by greyempress-blog is a fav for sure.
i thinkkk thats about what i can rec without rly digging into my rly old ff.net bookmarks 😂 hope you found a fic u havent read before among these! 😊
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77ngiez · 1 year
hello drdt fandom i have a thought. you see i was skipping thru the different ch2 episodes to try and find the cactus scene (<- mentally ill) when i came across the bit where david tells everybody to reveal their secrets.
if you’ll recall, there was a cg in that bit. he was just sitting at the table, and he got more and more annoyed until he just told everybody to shut up and play nice.
im too eepy to go into detail abt it but it just seemed rlly, random and spur-of-the-moment. and it didnt seem like it was for the reason he said it was in trial, it looked like he was just sick of everybody fighting.
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I love love love how you draw the sinners (especially Outis), you do them so much justice. They look so human in your art style, it's so nice seeing diversity in the body shapes (fat faust is so real) and in facial features. You are so real for this.
THANK YOU, fat faust truthers unite! hehe. i love seeing other people take the sinners and just go ham, a lot of other artists inspired my takes on them.
i feel sad that almost everyone has anime faces and thats my one complaint with limbus companys art style is a lot of the sinners have very boring faces and bodies to me.
and i explicitly need outis to be the old ass woman she is. she has her little tiny eyebags that might be easily glossed over depending on the cg and im aasjfnsdk. <3
but thank u again. i try to find a way to help accentuate a character thru their appearance that might not get translated as clearly in the og art style. but also just do whatever i want (old ryoshu. long hair heathcliff. curly hair sinclair/ishmael. etc.) i hope down the line when the other sinners get delved into i can adjust and have more fun with their designs.
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tricobicofriend · 4 months
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su half agate si au 2: resident evil 7-village crossover
ramblings & snippets from my original text dump of this concept/s under the cut
resident evil 7
ethan calls her instead of steven in to help find his wife because steven is v well-known, & he(ethan) doesn't want media attention over his wife's disappearance.
-the gloves are tech from yellow--they give strength 7 can secrete corrosive & sticky substances, plus protect her hands!
-the goggles are glasses from white--they record everything she sees (she can turn them off with a signal from her gem), can take pictures, help her see in the dark, & can send parts of the recording/s to white!!
-the stars were made by steven & the cgs!! they have a tracker in them & allow her to talk to "home base" on any mission! (home base can be the main cgs, just steven, or any other trusted gem/s!!) they also function as strap buckles!!
-overalls are just regular, waterproof & fast-drying, human clothing
-u can't see it but she's wearing boots
-considering having the shirt be laced w technology from blue's court that can lessen pain (happy clouds) or keep her temperature at a comfortable level
ethan, to a literal cop: hey, you have to give me your gun. half-agate si: oh my god, winters, you can't just ask cops for their guns!! also si saves the cop bc he's the only exception to acab
mae(half-agate self insert) after "papa"'s fucking shoulder face pustule blows up on her & ethan: "uhhh…that's nasty. imma go throw up--" cw EWWW general re grossnes
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So, i'm giving mae chemical knowledge (she learned in order to help use diamond essences for human ailments) so she uses some of the diamond essence stuff stored in her gem to help make enough cures for all of them. So all four get to leave.
Mae & ethan fuse for the final battle with papa, and ethan's fungus strength boosts mae's electricity powers (since holly blue's whip is electrified, blue agate mom gets electricity powers & so does mae) to just fry the shit out of him and destroy him completely.
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They unfuse to fit on the boat, but when something rocks it by the big-ass boat, mae grabs ethan's hand, an unspoken word of "we need to protect them" goes thru their eyes, & they fuse, grab zoe & mia, then jump onto the boat.
Mae has them crawl thru the tunnels with ethan in front & her in back. Zoe asks why & mae says it's bc her & ethan r the only one w weapons & who've had food recently. Anyways they all escape safely bc i said so
resident evil 8/village
When the first shot rings out, zoe & mae press mia down, & mae bubbles mia & zoe and sends them to the temple, but can't prevent the capture of the baby, herself, or ethan. The agents pull out mae's gem & throw it far away or put it in a containment unit (or just use a device that disables both her gem & human sides), and((the following is to set up re village w avi & moon as ethan's companions)) she wakes up either at the carcrash site or at a gem settlement, maybe desperately sending word to avi & moon?? That, or she pinned a distress signal thingy to ethan, & avi & moon picked it up.
mae: ah, looks like someone was punched through a wall here. ethan: ...i'm afraid to ask, but why do you know what that looks like?mae: got punched thru a wall once. : D
Imma say mae saves the old shotgun dude & he books it (which she don't blame him for, bc zombies terrifying), but then she gets taken somewhere else & meets back up w ethan at the castle? And in the lil village itself, ethan meets avi & moon?
I was just thinking of like. Ethan coming back to castle dimitrescu post-game (i still haven't seen anything further than entering heisenberg's factory) & seeing lady d holding mae(who was like, insurance both to protect lady d's daughters & to ensure ethan wouldn't try to sneak around & kill them) up with one hand and brandishing her claws with the other & he's like "what the FUCK is going on you said she'd be SAFE--" & mae just blurts out "she's giving me top surgery!!!" in an attempt to break the tension They all never talk about it again😔
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felikatze · 2 months
ROLL CREDITS, 2!! oh hey the music bangs. did the knife ending have credits? i dont think it did.
anyway, throwing out my assumption that clover killed junpei in knife ending (also p sure clover kills people in axe ending, cuz i saw the cg from it once...?) so.
there's a tenth person on this ship hey whadda hell. WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU. GET OVER HERE. LET ME LOOK AT YOUR FACE. BITCH.
whoever stabbed everyone here also did knife ending i'm p sure. so once the gang go thru the last set of doors whoever this is just goes "yup, time to kill."
either that ORRRR one of the two people who died previously (either snake or the ninth man) managed to fake their deaths by using like... a different corpse? would have to be snake since everyone could hear the ninth man explode, and they could only identify snake's body by the clothes...?
i mainly throw this into the ring as a theory cuz that's what ashe did in a route of witch's heart, lmao. forever iconic. "hey ashe is dead and sirius disappeared" ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT. that route was sooo fun.
anyway. time for playthru 3.
i did in fact look at an ending guide, just to have an idea of what gets me where. i made some tiny charts for myself of what i wanna do in what order, because my typical modus operandi for multi choice VNs is exhaust one path before going to the next, so i'd have done 5-7-6, then 5-7-3, then 5-7-2, then 5-8-6, so on and so forth, and once i'd hit repeat endings i would probably be furious. yah.
This run was 5-3-2, for the curious.
Good on the chart i have for showing me p much only the last door choice matters outside two endings, and that door 3 locks u into door 2 automatically. door 3 is such an iconic choice for junpei tho, go king be manipulative. he is kinda a shit, especially since he rigs the vote for the last doors in the 8/7 path. fuckhead. fantastic.
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