#i was looking up if she ever toured in canada and saw that her vip package in 2011
sluttynurse · 7 months
been on my emilie autumn shit recently
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Drum it out - Harry Styles
a/n: hiya lovelies! im bringin an OC fic this time only because i had a strong vision about the girl and thought it would be best to have her as one instead of Y/N this time, but hope you’ll enjoy it regardless! Remi Devon is a baddie, i like her!
pairing: Harry x OC
summary: Harry is forced to find a new drummer since Sarah is about to become a mom, but no one seems to be good enough to replace her. It is until he meets Remi Devon, the woman who completely takes his breath away from the moment he sees her on stage.
word count: 7k
warning: NSFW content, some slight spanking
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“Don’t worry, you’ll love her just as much as I do!” Sarah smiles at Harry, giving his arm a gentle squeeze as they make their way into the small but cozy looking bar. Harry is skeptical, mostly because for him, no one compares to Sarah and if it wasn’t for her pregnancy, he would do anything to make her stay in the band. But he is so happy his two friends are starting a family together, it’s only that Harry is now forced to look for a new drummer as it’s getting harder for Sarah to keep up with the hectic lifestyle they’ve been living. Her bump is now pretty obvious and it’s only a matter of time until she can’t sit behind her instrument.
They’ve been trying to find someone to replace her during the second half of her pregnancy and at least the first year after she gives birth, but no one seemed good enough. Truth is, and Harry knew it damn well, that his problem was always the same: they weren’t Sarah.
Now she has dragged him to check someone out, a girl Sarah knows from years ago and who was told to be a mind-blowing drummer, though Harry has doubts about that.
“Sure will,” he hums, not too convinced about it.
The bar was previously a small theater, the seats have been taken out on the ground floor, replaced with tables and stools around the sides and a dance floor in the middle. The gallery is used as a kind of VIP area, this is where the two of them are right now, sitting at a small table in the front corner so they have an amazing sight of the stage where a local band is about to start very soon. Sarah said Remi, the drummer in the talk, is just a jump-in for the night for a friend, but it was a great opportunity for Harry to check her out.
“You know, she beat me at an audition a while ago. This super cool rock band was looking for a drummer for their mini-tour in Canada, because their drummer broke his leg and we both tried for it. There were still some people waiting to audition when she went in and she blew their mind so much, they just ended the audition right there,” Sarah tells him, the story still holds a dear place in her heart. She and Remi used to be close friends, but got a little distant as life took them to different paths. Now they are meeting up every few months when they are in the same city, catching up on everything since they last saw each other, sharing their equally exciting stories.
“Really?” Harry asks with genuine surprise as he takes his beer from the table and glances down at the stage. Everything is set up already and his eyes move to the shiny looking drum set at the back. It’s hard to imagine himself finding someone as good as Sarah, for Harry she has been the etalon ever since they met. But now he is forced to find someone even though he doesn’t want to, not even a bit.
“Yeah. She is the kind of girl that just turns heads wherever she goes without even trying.”
“You think I would get along with her well?” he asks, turning to face her just in time to see the wide smirk on her lips as she nods.
“I think you two would make an epic duo, H.”
“Alright, now I’m interested,” he smiles softly.
“She said they will play a lot of covers.”
“What kind?”
“You’ll see,” she smirks, sipping on her lemonade, a hand going to slide down on her stomach.
The dance floor is not packed, but there are a lot of people, seemingly most of them are here specifically for this band called Striped Shoes, Harry hasn’t heard about them until now but he is always happy to discover new music.
Soon, the lights go down, darkness falling to the theater, the only light is coming from the bars at the back. Then a spotlight turns on and a guy is standing in the middle of it, cheers erupting from the people as he starts playing the guitar and Harry immediately recognizes the song: Smells like teen spirit by Nirvana. Just a few riffs later all the other spotlights come on, each of them illuminating a member of the band and Harry’s eyes flick to the drum set where the only female on the stage is sitting, he catches her the moment she starts playing, the vibrant energy lingering around her almost knocks him off the stool even from this far away. Her hair barely reaches her shoulders, it falls to frame her heart shaped face in soft waves, the roots are a darker color than the rest that’s an odd shade of mahogany, but it suits her perfectly, Harry thinks. She has a few tattoos littered across her arms but not a full sleeve on any of them. They are on full display in the shirt that’s sleeves were seemingly ripped off, the fabric is raw on her shoulders. It seems to be some kind of old band shirt but Harry doesn’t recognize the logo on the front. Her legs are wrapped in ripped jeans and Harry is immediately mesmerized by how steadily she keeps the rhythm while absolutely nailing the song.
She makes it look so easy yet fascinating, her head snaps back a few times, a satisfied grin stretching across her lips as she enjoys the music, clearly a fan on it. She doesn’t miss a beat and flows into the next song that’s an original from the band as if the two songs were the same while she had to switch up the rhythm entirely through the transition.
Harry feels starstruck, watching this woman take the whole show, in his opinion, while simply sitting behind the drum set, playing like no one he has ever seen. She puts all of herself into it and that’s why she manages to outshine everyone else. Harry knows how hard it is for a drummer to get the same kind of attention as other members, but Remi makes it seem like it’s the natural, like drummers are the front people without a doubt.
When the cover version of Rock and Roll by Led Zeppelin comes on, in a way more hard rock version, Harry almost fears the stage is about to catch on fire. The song already has amazing drums in it, but the band gave it even more attention, giving a chance for Remi to show how amazing she really is.
“So? What do you think?” Sarah shouts over the music and Harry suddenly realizes he is not alone. He managed to zone out on the drummer without even noticing.
“She is… amazing,” he admits truthfully, in complete awe of what he is witnessing. This is music. This is passion. This is exactly what Harry always looks for in musicians and Remi has a whole lot of it.
They push the short drum solo a little longer at the end and Harry watches as Remi finishes the song standing, playing so hard that with the last hit, one of her sticks simply snaps into two, flying across the stage as she is breathing hard, skin glimmering from the sweat, her hair a complete mess from all the head shaking she’s been doing, but Harry thinks that it’s the hottest thing he has ever seen in his life.
Sarah knows she finally found her replacement, judging from Harry’s look she knows he is a sucker for Remi so she just lets him enjoy the rest of the concert.
When they play their last song and they all gather at the front of the stage to bow in front of the audience, Harry finds himself standing as he is applauding the band, but especially Remi who doesn’t even know Harry Styles is now a fan of hers.
“Let’s talk to her, shall we?” Sarah suggests once they disappear from the stage. Harry nods, finishing up his beer before the two of them head backstage.
Sarah has been put on the list since she previously let Remi know she would be coming. She was ecstatic to see her old friend, however was not told that Sarah would be coming with someone else so when Remi spots the two of them walking down the small hallway at the backstage, she is surprised but not shocked. She knows Sarah has been working with him for a long time now, but she wasn’t expecting him to be here tonight.
“Hey! There you are, mama!” Remi jokes with a heartfelt chuckle as she hugs her old friend. “Already looking like a milf!” she teases, earning an eye-roll from Sarah.
“Rems, I want you to meet Harry. Harry, this is Remi Devon.”
Remi’s eyes meet Harry’s piercing green ones and for a moment, Harry feels his stomach drop. She is even more breathtaking up close, in her simple but very fitting outfit, hair pushed back from her face carelessly she is easily the first woman ever to make Harry nervous to the point where he is having a hard time to even talk.
Remi holds out a hand for him smiling warmly and he luckily takes control over his actions and shakes it before it could get awkward.
“Nice to meet you, Harry. Heard a lot about you,” she chuckles softly.
“Hope you believed only the best,” he nods with a shy smile.
“Oh, of course,” she winks and Harry swears he felt his heart skipping a beat.
“We actually have something to talk to you about, Rems. Do you have some time for us?” Sarah asks.
“Yeah, just let me wash my face and I’ll be right back. There’s a small green room on the left, feel free to wait there,” she nods and disappears a moment later.
Sarah and Harry move into the room as Remi told them to and just a few minutes later she storms inside, a new shirt hugging her torso, a simple black one, but it’s tight unlike the one she wore for the concert. She sits into the armchair while Sarah and Harry have taken the small sofa.
“Alright, I’m all yours,” she smiles at them crossing her legs. Harry knows he should be the one to bid the offer, but it seems like he is not finding his words just yet. But Sarah is quick to talk when she realizes Harry is at a loss of words.
“I brought Harry today because I wanted him to see you play. We are currently looking for someone to take my place shortly,” she explains, placing a hand to her bump. “I know you’ve been freelancing lately so I thought you’d be interested in working with the band and of course Harry.”
“Oh!” She seems genuinely surprised at the offer. “So this was kind of my audition in secret?” she chuckles.
“You could say that,” Sarah smiles.
“And how did I do?” she asks, eyes meeting Harry’s gaze that hasn’t left her face since she arrived.
“You… definitely passed. The best I’ve seen so far,” he tells her and the smile on her face is worth everything for him. 
“So what does this mean exactly?” This time Harry answers, finally finding his voice.
“If you are not too busy in the upcoming time, I would love to have you as my drummer,” he states, handing her the offer on a silver plate, basically.
It’s an offer most musicians dream of, so Harry thinks she’ll accept it right away, but of course, Remi is not like others. 
“I’ll be needing some more details before I give you my answer though,” she smiles.
And that, she gets. A few days after the concert Remi meets up with the rest of the band and Jeff to talk about all the details. She clearly wants to know what she is jumping into and Harry respects that. At the end she accepts the offer and as Harry watches her sign the paperworks, a huge wave of satisfaction and excitement washes over him. 
The public imagines Harry as the picture perfect human being who is always at his best, never making any mistakes, but that’s far from the real truth. He is as flawed as anyone else, it’s just that not many get the chance to see him in this state.
His bandmates are among the few privileged ones that are bound to see all his ups and downs as well and since Remi is part of them now too, she has witnessed his bad days since they have started working together.
Harry’s growl is heard in the microphone when he is supposed to be singing and the music soon comes to a halt. It’s probably the tenth time he is messing up the exact same part because his head is just not at the right place. He knows he should be at the top of his game, not wasting his colleagues’ precious time, but he just can’t bring himself away from the heavy thoughts that’s been occupying his mind lately. There are days when he is as free as a bird, not a worry in the world, but sometimes everything comes down at once and he feels like crumbling under the weight of his own career.
“Sorry guys,” he apologizes into the microphone, a heavy sigh escaping his lips as he closes his eyes for a few seconds to collect himself. The silence in the auditorium where they are currently rehearsing for tour is harsh, everyone is tired and they can feel the nerves creeping up on them about the upcoming tour and making sure that everything is perfectly in place for the first show.
Remi looks around from behind her drum set, holding her sticks in one hand and she doesn’t like what she is seeing. A group that’s always so happy and carefree is now just a big ball of stress, this is not right. 
“Guys, why don’t you all wrap it up for today, I’ll stay here with Harry and help him get it right,” she offers.
“How do you want to practice without everyone else?” Mitch asks, not at all in an offending way, more like out of curiosity.
“I’ll find a way,” she smiles softly and he doesn’t push it further. 
As the rest of the band is packing up, leaving slowly, saying their goodbyes Harry is sitting on the floor next to one of the speakers, head hanging low, deep in his thoughts. Adam is the last one to leave the place and once it’s just the two of them, she stands up from behind her set and walks over to the desperate man.
“Get up,” she orders, not in a bossy manner, more of a ‘do what I asked, I’m trying to help’ way so Harry obeys. Standing up he towers above her, almost a full head taller than Remi, but still, sometimes she can make him feel so small.
Harry has noticed that her energy is making her push the air out of his lungs sometimes, just the way she stands, looks, moves around a room, it’s making her appear like the ruler of everyone around her. He has often found himself just staring at her from afar since she has joined the band and even though she has caught him ogling her a few times, he just still can’t bring himself to stop admiring her. He definitely has a fat crush on the new addition to the team, however now his feelings are pushed aside, their place taken by his anxiety and worries.
She takes his hands and pulls him to the middle of the stage, putting the microphone stand to the side so they have some space cleared out around them. She then turns to face him, a warm smile tugging on her lips while he is rather curious about what she has on her mind.
“Scream,” she simply tells him, his eyebrows immediately knitting together in confusion.
“Scream,” she repeats, but he is still lost about the situation. She chuckles a little before taking a few steps away from him, twirling around her heels before stopping facing the area where the audience is supposed to be during a concert. “Whenever I feel like I’m locked, like everything around me is so suffocating that I can’t even function normally, I take a minute and just let it all out,” she explains before taking a deep breath and hunching over, the most eardrum-breaking scream bursts out of her, making Harry jump a little.
She holds it long, until her throat is cracking up and she runs out of her breath, then the scream dies and she takes a deep breath, filling up her lungs again. Harry stands there, completely stunned, thinking that if anyone heard her now, they are surely convinced she is being tortured here. 
When she turns back to face him again, she is smiling as if nothing just happened, like it’s the most natural thing to randomly scream from the top of her lungs on a casual Wednesday night.
“Now it’s your turn,” she tells him, but Harry doesn’t feel like it’s gonna be his thing at all. But he still turns to the side, clears his throat and lets out a not too forceful shout that’s quite saddening compared to her scream. “Oh, come on, I’m sure you can do better, Styles,” she chuckles, hands on her hips as she tilts her head to the side.
“Is this really necessary?” he questions, eyebrows still furrowed at her.
“Very much. Now come on, do it!”
“Remi, I--”
He doesn’t have the chance to finish, because she screams at him, knocking the air out of him once again, making him flinch at her sudden action.
“Scream!” she then snaps at him.
“I don--”
“Scream!” she repeats forcefully and Harry gives up. Taking a deep breath he lets his voice out in a hoarse scream that’s way more vibrant than his last attempt. “Yes! Again!” she grins nodding and he does it again.
And then again and again, until he feels like his chest is completely empty, like nothing is keeping a tight grip on his insides anymore. He is panting, mind racing as he realizes how much better he is feeling now, meaning that Remi’s technique worked.
“How are you feeling?” she asks, smirking, her arms folded on her chest.
“Fucking awesome,” he chuckles out of breath, running his hands through his messy hair. 
“Great. You think you can handle going through the song now without messing up?”
“I… think?”
“Alright, grab your guitar and I’ll give you the beat.”
She moves back behind her set as Harry grabs a guitar, throwing the strap over his head, turning to face Remi behind him as he places the microphone stand in front of him.
“I’ll go softer on the beats, you just do your thing okay?” she tells him and he just nods, fingers already on his guitar.
Kiwi sounds a whole lot different with just the drums playing weakly and only one guitar playing, but it’s not what matters. Harry finally manages to go through the song without messing anything up.
When the song ends and the music is replaced by silence, Harry can’t help the grin stretching across his face.
“I fucking needed that,” he sighs, his head falling back for a moment as the last bits of euphoria settles in his body.
“Want to go over something else?” she asks, turning back and forth to the sides on her stool, playing with the sticks, twirling them between her fingers easily.
“You sure don’t want to go home like the others?”
“Let’s see what choices I have. I can go home and watch an entire season of Love Island on my own, eating leftovers from two days ago or I can stay here, play music with a hot dude. I think I’m fine with the second option.”
Harry’s eyebrows shoot up at how simply she just called him a hot dude, his heart fluttering in his chest again like the first time he saw her play, only difference is that now her eyes are piercing on him and it’s just the two of them in an empty room. He is already having thoughts that should probably be pushed down.
“Did you just call your boss hot?” he teases her then.
“I don’t think you’re my boss,” she scoffs. “You need me here more than I need to be here, so I think I’m the one having the higher ground,” she points out and Harry knows she is so damn right. “Besides, I know you find me hot as well.”
He is quick to blush at her words, but that doesn’t stop him from questioning her.
“What makes you think that?”
“I see you staring, Harry. I’m not oblivious or naive. I know you like checking my butt out every time I’m fixing my set leaning down,” she chuckles and now he is certain his ears are a deep shade of red, he was caught more often than he thought, it seems like. “Also…” she smirks slyly. “If you think you hid your hard-on cleverly the other day when I played my solo, you are wrong.”
“For fuck’s sake,” Harry mumbles, cursing himself for being such a horny teenager around her, but he can’t help it. The woman is the epitome of everything Harry finds so fucking attractive, it’s like she was made for his imagination specifically. “This, um, this is a little awkward, but I’m sorry--” “Oh, don’t be,” she chuckles. “I’m just lucky I’m a woman and my arousal can’t be seen that easily,” she comments and Harry almost chokes on his own breath.
Did she just admit she has been turned on by him before? When? What did she think about? What was it that made her turned on? Harry needs answers, however he is not given the chance to get them.
“Alright, you can choose two more songs we’ll go over and then we are off,” she simply says, as if they weren’t just talking about being horny a moment ago.
“Uh, maybe Only Angel and, um, Lights Up?” he prompts, trying his best to regain his composure. 
“Cool. Let’s do them.” And with that, she switched back to work mode without batting an eye.
It feels like the crowd will never stop screaming. It just keeps going and going, people are probably losing their voice, but the screaming just continues as Harry stands at the front of the stage, his adrenaline jumping to the sky, eyes roaming around the full arena. He throws a few more kisses, placing his hands to his chest one last time before turning around and heading off the stage, his eyes meeting Remi.
She is not wearing her usual clothes, instead, she is now sporting a pair of high-waisted dress pants in a lavender color, a white top tucked into it, her matching blazer thrown to the floor, she probably got hot the moment she started playing. Her tattoos are on full display and she looks just as sweaty as Harry feels. But still, for him she is a sight he would love to look at for the rest of his life.
Their eyes meet and she smirks at him, eyes glimmering from the high she experienced through the concert, it’s a feeling they all share every time they perform together and it’s clearly like a drug neither of them wants to come clear of.
“Good job, Rockstar,” he reads her lips saying and he laughs, winking at her.
Ever since their one-on-one rehearsal, things have felt to change between them. It’s like a barricade that’s been lying between them has come down and they are feeling much more free around each other. Secret glances, touches and flirty comments are their usual and they don’t care that the people around them are starting to catch on it as well. They love the game they are playing and neither of them plans on stopping it.
Harry stops at her drum set, holding out a hand to help her up and walk her off the stage, knowing well she doesn’t feel the most comfortable in her stage clothes and feels a little too restricted by the end of the concerts, but she understands that her style does not go well with the look they are going for. 
She snatches her blazer from the floor and gladly takes Harry’s helping hand as he walks her off the stage, her Gucci boots feeling a little too tight at the moment.
“One of these days I’m gonna rip these pants off,” she jokes, pulling on the tight waistband of them.
“Just make sure I’m around when it happens, Darling,” Harry teases, making her laugh as they walk backstage, everyone congratulating them and the band following behind on their way.
“Oh, you’d love that, wouldn’t you?”
“Very much,” he admits without shame, the blushing long gone from his cheeks and ears. The buildup has changed his nervousness around her lately and he is enjoying the teasing and flirting all too much. 
The whole team agrees that tonight’s show was exceptionally good and that it deserves some celebratory drinks. A few blocks away from the hotel where everyone is staying there’s a cozy looking bar and the rather loud lot occupies half the place as they flow in and start ordering their endless rounds of drinks. 
Harry is sitting at one of the tables they have taken up, going strong with his third beer of the night, half zoned out of the conversation with the small group he is sitting in. His eyes are fixated on Remi’s figure who is standing at the bar with Charlotte, unlike every other female around she is not sipping on some kind of fancy drink or a cocktail, she went straight for the crafted beers the place had to offer. She has changed her stage clothes, wearing her usual tight black jeans and a sheer top with a simple black sports bra underneath it. Harry can’t stop his eyes from raking down her body, taking in every curve, tattoo and tiny detail about her and he thinks that there is not one thing on her he doesn’t find attractive. 
Her eyes find him, a playful smirk playing on her lips Harry has been thinking way too much about lately, and she cocks an eyebrow at him in a way that yells at him: Like what you see, Rockstar?
As an answer, he just simply shrugs with a growing smirk until she turns back to Charlotte, who is still talking to her, she hasn’t even noticed that Remi was focusing somewhere else for a moment. Remi laughs at something her bandmate said and Harry wishes he could be closer to hear her voice, he has grown quite a liking to her laughter, he has been trying to crack as many jokes lately as he can just to hear it.
He takes his eyes off her just for a second when someone at the table asks him something. He mumbles his reply and reaches for his beer as his gaze shifts back to her figure, only to find that Charlotte is not gone and a not so friendly looking guy is behind her, clearly trying to chat her up.
The dude is standing way too close to her for Harry’s liking, leaning in to talk to her, but she keeps backing away, however he does not care about that. She is clearly not enjoying the exchange and when the guy reaches up to her face Harry is quick to jump to his feet, ready to go to her rescue. But it’s not needed.
Just as he takes one step towards the scene near him, he witnesses as Remi grabs the bloke’s hand before he could touch her face and with a strong and quick move, she twists his arm behind him, keeping the guy on his toes as he is trying to escape her deadly grip on his wrist, his hand pushing into the middle of his back.
Harry’s mouth hangs open as he watches Remi tell something to the guy in a not too friendly manner before letting him go and the man flees before Harry could blink twice.
“That was impressive,” Harry tells her, walking up to her at the bar. Remi just shrugs, gulping down the rest of her beer. 
“I know some tricks.”
“How come?”
“Grew up with three older brothers, had to learn how to defend myself when they decided to attack me out of nowhere.”
“Three brothers? That must ‘ave been wild,” he huffs impressed.
“I surely didn’t have a girly childhood, I’ve always been kind of a tomboy,” she shrugs again. As a teenager, she often wished she would be like the girls in her class, but later on she realized how big of an advantage it is that she speaks the boys’ language so easily.
“I think it just made you… badass,” Harry smirks, leaning against the bar counter.
“Is that what I am?”she arches an eyebrow cockily. 
“Definitely. A handful, but the good kind.”
“Oh, just be careful, Rockstar. I might think you are trying to get into my pants,” she chuckles and as Harry hears her laugh he can’t stop himself from taking it further. She is too intoxicating.
“And what if I am?”
Remi doesn’t seem surprised at his comment, not even a bit. She is clearly enjoying the flirting once again, but when she answers, he surely is the one who is surprised.
“Then I gotta say you are working way too slow. I’m losing my patience.”
His eyebrows rise, lips parted as he stares back at her, the words that left her lips pushing the air out of his lungs once again, he is done for her. Utterly and completely. He wants to say and do a million things, but then settles on just one simple question.
“Want to get back to the hotel then?”
“Thought you’d never ask,” she smirks and simply heads towards the door without another word spoken. Harry is quick to grab his stuff from the table and catch up with her at the exit. 
The crispy night air feels a little sobering as they both step out of the bar, heading to the nearby hotel with rushed steps, keeping their silence but they both are grinning madly. When their eyes meet they can’t push down the laughter and Harry grabs her hand before he starts running, pulling her after himself.
By the time they reach the hotel they are both out of breath, adrenaline running high once again as what’s been building up between them since the first time they saw each other is finally about to bloom fully.
Remi pushes the button for the elevator and as it moves down painfully slowly Harry’s hands find her hips, pulling her back against his chest. His lips tease the soft skin on her neck, peppering kisses everywhere he reaches while his fingers dig into her skin under her sheer top. She leans against him, head falling back to his shoulder and she pushes her bum against his crotch, a whiny moan escaping his lips that makes her smile in satisfaction. 
“Fuck, Remi,” he breathes out, eager to finally have her all to himself and make all his fantasies come to life. The elevator finally dings and as the door slides open Remi turns in his arms abruptly and grabbing onto the collar of his shirt she simply pulls him inside, hand snapping on the button of his floor and just as the door slowly slides closed and they start moving up, her lips finally crash against his.
They are kissing hard, eager to take as much from each other as they can, they are both greedy, wanting the other all to themselves, the heat of the moment lighting up the small elevator. His fingers rake through her hair, grabbing a handful of it in each of them while one of her hands slide down his upper body until it stops on the obviously growing bulge in his pants. Harry moans shamelessly when she gives his erection a teasing squeeze and she smirks against his lips, satisfied with how easily he reacts to her touches. 
Harry melts into her, wanting to devour every bit of this moment with her, he is seeing stars when she takes his lower lip between her teeth and tugs on it. A hand flies down to her ass and he squeezes it hard without shying about how much he is enjoying touching her.
The elevator reaches their floor and once again he grabs her wrist and starts pulling her down the hallway towards his room. Her lips are glued to his neck when he is trying to get his keycard from his back pocket and open the door, but when he finally succeeds, they basically fall into the room, tangled into each other and the door snaps closed behind them. 
He is quick to push her against the door, lips attacking her neck, nipping and sucking on her skin until he is sure a mark is left on her. 
“Off with it,” she pants, her hands tugging on his shirt and they work with all four of their hands to unbutton his shirt until it flies across the room. Remi pushes on him, hands spread across his hot chest as they get farther inside the room. The bump into some furniture on their way, lips glued together again until they finally reach the bed and fall right onto the perfectly made sheets. They are both showing dominance so it’s a constant fight for the lead between them, rolling around until at last Remi ends up on top, strangling his lap. She straightens up and grabs the hem of her shirt, getting rid of it fast before she does the same with her sports bra, baring her upper body completely to Harry’s greedy eyes.
“Fuck,” he breathes out, pushing himself up until he wraps his arms around her, mouth meeting her chest, littering her heated skin with sloppy kisses until his lips reach one of her nipples.
“Yes!” she moans as he starts playing with it, his hands coming to cup her breasts, massaging them continuously before his mouth moves over to her other nipple, giving it the same attention. 
Harry uses her momentary weakness and turns them over, his crotch coming in contact with her center as he pushes his hips between her legs forcefully. He kisses down her stomach before he leans back and works fast on the buttons of her jeans. The tight material hugs her legs stubbornly, but he is eager to get rid of them and he soon succeeds, leaving her in just a lacy black thong. He undoes his own pants in a heartbeat, pulling them off and throwing them to the side before he gets on top of her again, kissing her lips so hungrily as if it hasn’t been just a few moments since he kissed her last. 
She whimpers under his touch when he moves a hand between her thighs, running his fingers along her clothed folds, her arousal already soaking the fabric. He doesn’t hesitate to slip his hand into her underwear, her juices wetting his wandering fingers and he teases her hole and clit playfully.
“You better not fucking tease me, I don’t like that,” she pants, her dark eyes meeting hers and he can see the threat behind her words, she is not joking.
“Then what do you like?” he breathes out, eager to please her so much, she’ll forget about everyone else she has ever slept with.
She doesn’t answer, instead, a devious smile tugs on her swollen lips as she pushes him off until she is able to move. Harry is now kneeling on the bed and watches as Remi pushes her ass up into the air, back arching perfectly, her thong looking so delicious on her round butt and when she pushes herself back so her behind meets her throbbing dick in his briefs he could cry from the sensation. His hands immediately grab onto her asscheeks, pulling her even harder against himself.
“Smack it,” she breathes out, glancing over her shoulder.
“Do it,” she nods and Harry doesn’t need more encouragement, he lifts a hand up and smacks her ass so it leaves a little redness after it. Remi moans erotically, enjoying herself fully and seeing how much it turns her on, he smacks the other cheek as well.
“You are gonna be the death of me,” he whines and pushing down his briefs his erection finally springs free, he grabs it with one hand, stroking himself a few times while his other hand is keeping a tight grip of her ass.
Remi wants to see him naked, so she quickly pushes herself up to her knees and turning around her eyes fall on Harry stroking himself. Hunger fills her eyes as she launches forward, lips meeting his while her hands simply take the place of his on his length, doing the job for him.
“I’m on birth control. When were you last tested?” she mumbles against his lips before leaning back so she can get rid of her thong and Harry does the same with his underwear.
“Three weeks ago, haven’t been with anyone since and I’m clean,” he mumbles in a rush.
“I’m clean too. You can ditch the condom if you want to.” “I wanna feel you,” he pleads desperately as she lies back on the bed and he gets on top of her again.
“All yours,” she smirks, spreading her legs wide for him, the sight in front of him is easily beating any art he has ever seen, he thinks. 
He positions himself to her entrance, but doesn’t push into her just yet, leaning down so his lips brush against her ear as he whispers into it.
“Let’s see if you feel just as amazing as I imagined.” And with that, he pushes into her with one swift movement, stretching her all the way until his whole length disappears inside her.
“Fuck, Harry!” she cries out, back arching at the sensation. He sucks on her neck once again as he starts moving in and out, fitting inside her so perfectly, he is convinced she was crafted just for him. 
He is going fast and hard, their pants and moans completely filling the hotel room and they can only hope they can’t be heard by anyone right now. She circles her legs around his hips, the angle he is reaching making her toes curl behind his back.
“You feel so fucking good,” he chokes out, face contorting into a blissful frown as he is getting closer to his orgasm with each thrust.
“I want to be on top,” she gasps, already pushing on and this time Harry doesn’t hesitate to obey. He rolls to his back, pulling her with him so now she is on top. Her hands come to rest on his stomach as she starts riding her, circling and lifting her hips so perfectly, so breathtakingly that Harry could cum just from the sight of her bouncing on him, but the feeling is making it a mind blowing experience. His fingers dig into her hips as she is starting to move faster and faster, before Harry starts bucking his hips up to meet her rhythm as well, going so deep into her, he is having a hard time deciding where she ends and where he starts. They are completely merged together in one hot mess. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum!” she screams gasping, her head falling back as she doesn’t fall out of her rhythm, still being such a drummer even in the bed, dictating the beat. 
Harry pushes himself up into a sitting position, wrapping his arms around her so he can push her naked chest against his, their sweaty skins sliding against each other relentlessly, creating friction.
“Scream my name when you cum,” he orders, his lips finding hers once again, but it’s a messy kiss, their teeth are clanking, noses are bumping together as they are both nearing their high.
“Harry, oh fuck!” she exclaims and with her next movement he can feel her clench around him.
“Louder!” he growls on the edge of his own orgasm.
“Harry! Harry!” she screams shamelessly, throwing him over the edge, a guttural moan bursting from him as they both fall out of the rhythm, satisfaction washing over them in waves.
“Oh shit!” she breathes out, lips against his as she keeps him close with her hands on the base of his neck. 
“Fucking Hell, Remi. I think I almost had a heart attack,” he breathes out with a soft chuckle making her laugh as well. She pulls him into another kiss, but it’s way slower now, the hunger and greed taken by their pleasure, now it’s time for something softer.
When they fall back to the bed, arms and legs tangled as they are still trying to stay close to each other, Remi looks up at him with a tired smile.
“So, was it like you imagined?” she asks and he chuckles softly.
“A thousand times better. But now we have a problem on our hands.”
“And what would that be?”
“Now I’m hooked. I won’t be able to stop thinking about you, not that it hasn’t been the situation since the start.”
Remi chuckles shortly, pushing herself up enough so she can look comfortable at his flushed out face. 
“Well, it’s a good thing we are kind of locked together for months.”
“I’m one lucky man, aren’t I?” he smirks, so full of himself before he pulls her back down, kissing her like they have all the time in the world on their hands.
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4am-miracle · 6 years
a saga: kelowna m&g experience
okay i got about a hundred messages asking for the m&g experience, so here it is. i’ll start from the beginning. i hope you’re ready cause it’s long so it’s under a cut (is under a cut still a thing? am i showing my age??) there are some pictures at the bottom as well.
before the show or right after, you need to check in with your meet and greet ticket. there is a separate table/area for this, and they’ll give you a little red maple leaf lanyard that says “the thank you canada tour vip” on it and they will tell you where to go after the show.
after the show you line up and wait for a while for the cast to change and get ready and come out. we were in a tiny little lounge with terrible backgrounds and lighting but oh well. @paulsens and i were about 3/4 of the way back in line. it was at least an hour until we finally got in the room, but we weren’t in a rush.
first table was kaetlyn and patrick. they were super cute and signed my picture and said it was a cool idea. kaetlyn signed and then told me she spelled her name wrong??? she said she had never actually spelled her name like that before lol. we mentioned we were from the states and patrick asked where and said that there had been a lot of people from the states there already. 
kaitlyn and andrew were at the next table and were lovely. kaitlyn was stunning in person. we talked a little bit about them doing the rhythm dance for the show. they signed and were trying to figure out where to sign because their area was pretty dark. i told andrew i had a silver sharpie if he wanted to use that, and he pulled a silver right out of his pocket. i accidentally grabbed kaitlyn’s black sharpie as i went to leave and when i realized i put it back and was like “oh that’s not mine” and she (jokingly) snatched it off the table and said “MINE!” it was cute.
there is very little to tell about eric and meagan. they were super quiet and not that talkative lol. i told eric i loved his piano piece and said it was cool to get to see something so different at an ice show.
i remember exactly nothing about what happened with elvis because vm were next and i was freaking out. he liked my photo and was nice?
they save the best for last of course. i could not stop staring at tessa. she was so beautiful and had the most lovely voice in person and i’m just so in love. i had the photo and book, but when we were in line they told us we could only get one thing signed so i went for the photo. scott saw it and thought it was a really cool idea, then gave it to tessa to sign. after she signed she looked at my book and asked if i wanted them to sign that too. i was like “yes, but they said...” and she said they would do it anyway. breaking their own rules lol. i told them i was also at the show yesterday and scott asked which one i liked better. and i said “well the one yesterday had confetti...” and he goes “yeah don’t tell anyone that!” (lol) and talked about the difficult load in they had which is why they didn’t have time for confetti (it was clearly true, they were still building the tunnel when they opened the house and started letting the audience in). 
tessa and i talked about the newsroom/molly’s game/aaron sorkin for a minute. there were lots of little side convos going on between them the whole time, whenever there were a few seconds of downtime (while signing, getting ready for pictures) they were saying things to each other that i couldn’t hear/understand/ever hope to follow. 
their handler dude asked if we wanted to take a picture (aka not so subtly moving things along) so i took a picture with both of them. i asked if i could get a picture with tessa alone and scott literally shot up out of his chair to get out of the way. i’ve never seen someone move so fast. he pretended to wipe his tears away and said we needed a girls picture (yes, scott. girls picture. it’s not because i’m in love with your business partner or anything...). we took our picture and i jokingly said “sorry scott!” and tessa threw in that usually people were asking for pictures with scott alone. (please don’t take this as seriously as some people are making it out to be. i promise they are both very okay with it and used to it. neither of them find it disrespectful in any way. they didn’t even think twice). kind of wish i had asked her for a hug but she’s clearly not as effusively physical as scott and i didn’t want it to be weird lol. next time. i was so, so happy to get a picture with just tessa because i wasn’t sure i was going to ask for it until i got to them to feel it out. made my entire life. i love tessa virtue only.  
tessa was just as stunning up close and they were both so, so kind and genuine. they really make you feel like you are the person they were waiting to talk to all night. and then they do that with the next person. it’s incredible. i was worried that it would feel super rushed with them and while the experience was really quick they don’t make you feel like you are a burden on them even a little bit. i was honestly floating for hours afterward. i still can’t believe i got to meet them and if it were a realistic possibility i would quit my life in a heartbeat to follow the show around canada for the next 2 months. i never want to care about anything else again.
the entire show was electric and a weekend i’ll never forget. the energy in both buildings (abbotsford and kelowna) was incredible. tessa and scott and the rest of the cast are freaking amazing (anyone bitching about the show or either of them can take their business elsewhere honestly). it was the most incredible experience and worth every penny to get up to canada from la. plus i got to meet my amazing friend @paulsens in person and now we’re bonded for life. 
i hope this was helpful/fun to read and i’m happy to answer any other questions.
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kayleygoestolondon · 6 years
A Year Gone By...
Well, folks... here’s the final update. Yesterday was my last day of work for the 2017/2018 school year (which my colleagues and I celebrated with much enthusiasm). I absolutely cannot believe that I survived, much less the fact that it’s already been a whole year. Sometimes it feels like I’ve been here forever, and some days it feels like I only moved here a couple weeks ago. Right now I’m preparing to move to a new flat and then I’ll be on my way home to Canada for three weeks, so I figured I should do one last post before I go.
I haven’t posted since my last big trip in April because I haven’t done any spectacular traveling since then. Instead, I’ve just been enjoying time with friends in the beautiful weather we’ve had. I’m told this weather isn’t normal, and I literally haven’t stopped sweating since the beginning of June, but I’m not going to complain because it’s better than rain or snow! Since the end of April, I have:
Spent a week exploring England with one of my best friends from home. Kenz came to visit me at the end of May and we had a week-long riot. We went to Windsor, Oxford, Brighton, and Canterbury; we sat and drank beers in a 400 year old pub, in a cocktail bar in Soho, and on a beach by the Atlantic Ocean; we went to a cabaret show in central London. We had such an incredible week (excluding the last hour of our tour bus ride where I had to pee so bad I thought I was going to die) and lots of laughs. I had to sleep for about two days to recover after she went home, but it was so worth it.
Enjoyed the sunshine at Hyde Park, Greenwich Park, and Regent’s Park. London has some of the most massive and gorgeous parks, which are the perfect place to enjoy a beer (since nobody cares about outdoor drinking here) and a Mr. Whippy (the ridiculous name for a soft-serve vanilla cone). 
Checked out the British Museum and Science Museum. This essentially completed my mission to do all of the main museums around the city. They really put Canadian museums to shame.
Went on a three-day overnight camp trip with my students. Kody and I took all of the Year 6s to an activity centre in Hampshire. We did archery, rock climbing, kayaking, and a ton of other fun activities. I found new ways to impress the kids, because ten year olds are literally impressed by everything, even my mediocre archery skills. I’m pretty much Katniss Everdeen. 
Got backstage access at the Katy Perry concert. A friend of a friend gave me a free ticket and I got a backstage tour before the show. Such a cool experience - I’ve never been so VIP. I didn’t meet Katy, but I got to see her dressing room, so that’s basically the same thing, right? 
Saw the London Symphony Orchestra perform in Trafalgar Square. It was a free performance, and it was such a cool experience to be there in the square with so many other people.  
Watched a LOT of football games. With England making it into the semi-finals for the World Cup, I spent more than a few nights in pubs watching the games. The atmosphere here around the games was so much fun. I still don’t know anything about football, but I can name about three players so I guess I’ve made progress. 
Survived SATs. My students wrote their government exams in mid-May. It was one of the most stressful weeks of my career because their results are so important for the school. I think I was even more nervous than the kids. We managed to improve our reading scores from last year, so that was a success. I don’t know why on Earth I’ve signed myself up to do this all again next year. 
Signed up for a half marathon. In March 2019, I will be running the London Landmarks Half-Marathon as a charity runner in support of Breast Cancer Now. I couldn’t support a better cause... I just hope I can get my ass in gear in September to start training. 
Directed the year-end production at school. It was a pirate spoof called Pirates of the Curry Bean (lol), and trying to get thirty children to remember all their lines, and where to stand on the stage, and the moves to all the songs, and which props they need, and what their cues are... it was madness. The fact that I don’t have grey hair yet is a miracle to me. It definitely was not Broadway material, but the parents really enjoyed the show.
A Year In Review:
It’s scary to me how a year can pass by in the blink of an eye. When I scroll back through all my past posts, and I look through the 4000 photos I’ve taken this year, I find it hard to believe I actually DID all the things I’ve seen and done. This experience has been, without a doubt, one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Some days I’ve been so homesick that I’ve laid in bed and cried because I wanted to go home so badly. Some days at work have been so frustrating that it made me wonder why I left a school I loved so much for a broken education system in a country that doesn’t value its teachers. And lately, being broken-hearted has made me question why I’m staying another year. 
Then I think about all the positives. This year has been so rewarding. I’ve traveled all around England and through thirteen other countries in the past year. I’ve seen incredible sights, like Stonehenge and the Taj Mahal, which I had only ever dreamed of being able to visit one day. I’ve experienced a variety of different cultures, which has allowed me to learn and grow as a more open-minded human being. I’ve become a much better teacher by being exposed to a different school system and curriculum. Best of all, I’ve met so many amazing people. I have made some life-long friends that have helped me create unforgettable memories. I’ve shed a lot of tears in the past week over the fact that some of them are leaving, but I remind myself that they are moving on to bigger and better things. I hope I am too. Thanks to all of you who have supported me, from near and far, as I completed this journey. I couldn’t have done it without you. Canada, I’m coming for you. 
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Chapter Sixty-Five: Party in the USA
Disclaimer: see Prologue
A/N: Thank you for your kind words of encouragement! In other news, there are  parts of Harry’s speech from the Orlando Invictus Games here, just so you know. As always, xx Bea _____________________________________________________________________
They were flown by the Royal Helicopter from Kensington Palace to Heathrow Airport VIP lounge to take the jet to Florida that morning. Hector, as ever, was their pilot, and this time they were accompanied by Ronald, Daniel, Lisa, John, Leo and Alfred. The staff still hadn’t hired a still female RPO, as Elle had requested, but they were getting into that. According to Lisa, John - being the senior of them all - was soon to become the head of hers and Harry’s security team, dealing with things from London and a position would be open for another officer.
At the airport, they walked to the landing field while all their things were loaded unto the jet. Harry talked to Hector before they boarded and Elle was checking recent weather reports with Lisa, trying to decide on what outfit to put on for their landing. That was when Ronald approached her, holding his old-fashioned pocket watch in hand.
“ Your Royal Highness, I believe we better be off. We wouldn’t want to be late.”, he said, in a short yet gentle voice.
“ Of course, Ronald.”, Elle replied. Turning to her left she saw her husband still talking to their pilot.
“Harry, darling!”, she shouted. He turned his head and gave her a smile. “ We must be off.”, she continued, receiving a nod from both men, as Hector too checked his watch. And in a moment, they were all aboard the plane, heading for Orlando.
Mid afternoon, Elle had changed into a knee-high, sleeveless, stripped white and blue summer dress while Harry had put on his suit, with a light blue tie that had small owls printed into them, making it all a little funnier.
“ I love this tie, you know?”, she told him. “ It’s cheeky… very you.”, she continued grinning, which earned her a smirk from her husband. “ Well, it does gives it a bit more personality.”, said Harry, making Elle chuckle. She adjusted his tie knot, when Ronald approached them smiling.
“ We’ll arrive in two hours’ time, Your Royal Highnesses.”, said the man. The couple nodded their heads and took a seat next to each other. Soon enough, tea and biscuits were brought to all for a light meal before they arrived in Florida. Due to time zone differences, they’d arrive in Orlando a few minutes past noon.
A few hours later, the summer breeze blew on Harry’s dress as she as Harry walked hand in hand down the steps of the airplane towards the Vice President of the United Stated, Joe Biden, his wife, Dr. Jill Biden and a few representatives of the armed forces. The couples shook hands, and Elle received a kiss on the cheek from Dr. Jill, while Joe gave her a polite kiss on the hand.
“ Welcome to the United States, Your Royal Highnesses.”, said Joe Biden. “ And it’s a pleasure to officially meet you, ma’am.”, he said to Elle, who smiled.
“ It’s wonderful to meet you both, as well.”, she replied. “ Oh, and thank you so much for receiving us.”, said Elle smiling. The men shared a few joked around while Elle and Dr. Biden walked side by side towards the car.
“ Is this your first time in the United States, Your Royal Highness?”, the older woman asked.
“ It is... and please, call me Elle. It’s incredibly strange to hear people calling me that.”, said Elle and both chucked. “ Truly. It’s still something I have to get used to. And in any case, I much prefer being called by my name.”, she continued. Dr. Jill grinned and nodded her head.
“ I can see why Harry’s chosen you. You’re very much alike.”, she said. “ We’ve watched your wedding on the tv. My… you looked stunning. But, the most beautiful part in all of it was when he…”, she continued, eyeing Harry who was currently engaged in a deep conversation with her husband. “… saw you. You could that he held his breath as you stood next to him.”
“ I remember Joe saying, ‘Jill, that boy’s got it bad. I know he does, because he’s looking at her the same way I look at you everyday.’. And seeing you both here, just this quick moment of you getting down those steps together - not one before the other, but together - proved his point.”, Jill finished.
“ Wow… I… thank you.”, said Elle, not knowing exactly how to respond to something like that.
“ Don’t thank me, dear. I’m just glad to meet you.”, said Dr. Biden kindly. “ And I’m told you’re a Historian?she asked.
“ I am. A Medievalist, actually.”, Elle replied smiling as they approached the car.
“ I was also told you’re interested in education and has worked on it extensively?”, continued Dr. Jill.
“ Yes, I’d not say extensively but,  while I was completing my masters and then my doctorate, I took part in a tutoring and mentoring programme, helping teenagers and young adults on their studies. It was very rewarding and something that I’m very keen on.
“ Well, then we have to sit down for some coffee - or tea!…”, she quickly added and Elle chuckled. “… and you can tell me all about it.”, Jill continued as an army officer opened the door to the car for them. The couples sat together on the black SUV and were escorted to city hall, where they’d meet the Mayor of Orlando and his wife for lunch.
After an uneventful lunch with the politicians, Harry and Elle toured some of the facilities in which the sport competitions would be held. She received a posy of sunflowers and verbena from a daughter of a US navy competitor. Almost kneeling down tot he floor, Elle smiled as the little girl extended her the flowers.
“ Thank you very much. They’re lovely.”, she said to the black-haired girl.
“ I think you're very pretty.”, said the little girl. “Thank you.”, Elle said and smiled kindly at her.
“ My name is Elle. What’s your name?”, she asked the child.
“ Lilly.”, she replied in a quiet, timid manner.
“ Now that’s a very pretty name. It’s the same name as a flower. Did you know that?”, she said and the girl nodded her head. “ And how old are you, Lilly?”, Elle asked. Putting four fingers up, the girl gave her a shy smile.
“ Wow, four already! My, you’re such a big girl and with such a beautiful smile!”, said Elle, making Lilly and her parents, that stood behind her, smile.
“ You know what, I think a big girl like you deserves to get a flower too.”, said Elle. And so, she smiled kindly and gently, took one of the smaller sunflowers from her posy and extended it to the girl. “ Here, now you have flowers just like me.”, Elle finished and the girl looked at wide-eyed.
Harry, who had been watching his wife’s interaction with the little girl, grinned proudly at the red-haired woman who was walking back to his side. As she approached him, he laced their hands together and kissed her cheek, lovingly, making her smile. “ You’re something else, wife.”, was all he said to her, while they walked through the facilities, smiling, waving and shaking hands with the people around them. That afternoon, they watched one of the sitting volleyball matches between the Netherlands and Canada, which to their happiness, Canada won.
At four in the afternoon, they were finally escorted to their hotel - where they’d spend the week at - for some quiet and rest before the opening ceremony of the 2nd Invictus Games. As they stepped into their suite, Elle sighed seeing her dress was already hanging in the corner of the room, along with Harry’s navy blue suit. Walking closer to her husband, she pulled him by the hand and put her left hand on the back of his neck, smiling.
“ So, tell me husband, what do you intended on doing until the Opening Ceremony?”, asked Elle smirking.
“ Well wife…”, he began, walking forwards, which made Elle walk backwards, until her legs hit the bed. “… I have a few things in mind…”, he finished by pushing her into the bed, which made her giggle.
With her hair in a half updo, dressed in L.K. Bennet’s Lasana, bold yellow and black poppy print knee-high dress and black Jimmy Choo’s, Elle left the hotel with Harry in a black SUV towards the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex, where the games, opening and closing ceremony would held.
They could hear the cheer from the crowd as the car pulled to a stop, near the stage. Joe Biden and Dr. Biden were already there, as well as members of the military. Dr. Biden, The First Lady, Michelle Obama and actor Morgan Freeman would also co-host the opening with Harry. Taking his hand, Elle stepped out of the car, smiling as the flashed of the cameras almost blinded her. She waved with Harry at the public and took her seat onstage, near Vice President Biden.
Dr. Biden began the evening by thanking everyone’s presence and reminded them of the true spirit of sportsmanship and companionship between each and every one of those brave and fearless men and women who served their countries proudly.
“ Now, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the Duke of Sussex, Prince Harry!”, introduced Jill, and Harry walked up the stage to the sound of thunderous applause. Elle beamed and clapped harder as she watched Harry take a deep breath before beginning his speech.
“ Hello Orlando!”, he shouted and the crowd cheered. “ Thank you Michelle, thank you all. I cannot tell you how proud and excited I am to open the second Invictus games here in the United States. I'm a long way from London tonight. But when I look out and I see so many familiar faces, servicemen and women, and all the people who have got them here - I feel like I'm at home. “, he said and glanced at Elle.
“ I spent 10 years in the British Army and I was deployed to Afghanistan twice. I served alongside soldiers from all over the world. I saw the sacrifices you and your families made to serve your nations.”, he said. “ And… when I travelled back from the battlefield on a plane carrying the body of a Danish soldier and three young Brits, fighting for their lives, I began to understand the real, permanent cost of war.”, he continued on a more somber tone.
“ I joined the Army because, for a long time, I just wanted to be one of the guys.”, he said Elle felt her heart tighten. “ But what I learned through serving was that the extraordinary privileges of being a Prince gave me an extraordinary opportunity to help my military family. That's why I had to create the Invictus Games - to build a platform for all those who have served… to prove to the world what they have to offer.”, he continued and the crowed cheered more.
“ Over the next four days, you will see things that in years past just wouldn’t have been possible. You will see people who by rights should have died on the battlefield - but instead they are going for gold on the track or in the pool. Mark my words, you will be inspired, you will be moved, and I promise you will be entertained.”, Harry said, taking a deep breath from what was to come next.
“ It is not just physical injuries that our Invictus competitors have overcome. Every single one of them will have confronted tremendous emotional and mental challenges. Let’s cheer for the woman who fought through post-traumatic stress…”and the cheer grew louder. Elle’s eyes misting as Harry kept on.
“… and let’s celebrate the soldier who was brave enough to get help for his depression. Over the next four days you will get to know these amazing competitors. They weren't too tough to admit that they struggled with their mental health, and they weren't too tough to get the help they needed.”, Harry finished, and by then, Elle had tears streaming down her cheeks.
“ To end, can I just say thank you to all of you guys.You are fierce competitors.You are role models that any parent would be proud to have their children follow.You've made me a better person. You are about to inspire the world and I’m proud to call you my friends. So, let’s put on a hell of a show in memory of all of our fallen comrades who didn’t make it back. We are Invictus!”, he shouted and the cheers and applauses grew even louder than before.
Harry waved at the audience and made his way back towards Elle, who stood from her seat and clapped along with he crowd. As he got near to her, she walked the remaining steps towards him and hugged him, while Michelle Obama took over the stage once again.
“ I’m so proud of you, my darling. So very proud.”, said Elle, smiling and sighing, as a few tears still stained her cheeks. “ What you’ve done… what you’re doing here, is changing people’s lives, Harry. It’s changing how we see the world. And it’s changing it for the better.”, said Elle. She then pulled him to her and gave him a quick peck on the lips than a tight hug, and pulled him to where she had been sat, to listen to the First Lady’s speech.
“ Well hello everyone! It’s truly an honour to be here tonight and help quick-off this year’s Invictus Games. I wanna start by thanking Prince Harry for his outstanding leadership and for bringing the Invictus Games here to Orlando. He is truly our prince charming, isn’t he?”, she began and there was a roar of laughter in the crowd.
“ Mind you, he’s recently married and his wife is here as well. Let’s give her an applause too.”, said Michelle and Elle blushed as the public cheered. “ I’m sure, like us, you are very proud of the man who stands beside you. And he should be proud of himself for this work. I’ve loved getting to know Prince Harry and his family and I am thrilled to be here tonight, supporting this amazing work and all our veterans.”, she carried on. “… lastly, I wish you all, all the best of lucky in the competitions to come and I hope you have a lot of fun along the way!”, she finished her speech to more applauses.
The evening went on, with Morgan Freeman reading a poem with words of encouragement and bands from each military force playing along as the Invictus Anthem was sung by Laura Wright, with the same lines as the poem. Military drills and an explosion of lights and fireworks concluded the night.
At the small reception at the mayor’s home, Elle had the time to finally talk to both Dr. Biden and Michelle Obama. The trio sat on the corner of the spacious living room, and she could see Alfred from the corner of her eye, keeping watch. She could also see that Harry had engaged in a deep conversation with a couple of representatives from Team GB and Team USA and she smiled seeing him talk so energetically with them.
“ He’s in his element there, isn't he?”, said the First Lady making Elle break her daydream.
“ I’m sorry…”, said Elle. “… but yes, he truly is in his element. Harry loves talking to people and they, to him. He has this incredible ability to make everyone feel at ease.”, she continued and the women smiled.
“ Well, Your Royal Highness, may I just say it’s an honour to now properly meet you. In your wedding reception, my husband and I barely had time to talk to you. But now we’ll remedy that. I want to know all about you.”, said Michelle.
“ True… there were so many people to talk to, to greet… some that I didn’t even know. In fact, the entire reception seems just a blur in my memories.”, she comment, chuckling.
“ And please, no need for formalities. As I’ve told Jill, you can call Eleanor, or Elle. Either works fine by me.”, said Elle.
“ Very well. Eleanor then, so tell us about you. I know that you’re a Historian and has worked with education, according to Jill.”, said Michelle.
“ I am… Medievalist, actually. And yes, I’ve worked with an education’s programme back in the UK. I mentored and tutored a few students whilst completing my Masters and Doctorate in Scotland. I took a few of them under my wings, per say, and one of them, Trevor, ended up being my assistant at the Tower of London, where I worked until last year.”, replied Elle. “ That’s interesting. And what are your thoughts on higher education?”, asked Jill.
“ It’s something to strive for and definitely something that needs to be available for all. I was fortunate enough to have been born in a wealthy family, whose name and position, allowed me to study in one of the oldest, most respected and recognized universities in the world. But not everyone has that chance. Actually, most people don’t have that chance. I believe scholarships are the path to those who can’t afford higher education but not the solution. We need to stop thinking about meritocracy and start thinking about equity, which is more than equality. It’s the idea of eradicating the differences by giving the same chances for rich and poor in the most basic level of learning.”, said Elle, passionately.
The women before he were speechless. They didn’t know quite how to respond to what they had just heard. Seeing their faces, Elle realised she had, perhaps, spoken out of turn; maybe even lectured a little.
“ I’m so sorry for rambling… I just can’t seem to stop once I’ve started it.”, she apologized and the women, finally broke their trance and smiled brightly at her.
“ Not at all.”, said Michelle. “ It’s just… I.. we weren’t expecting such a passionate and well-thought reply.”, she continued.
“ Not that we don’t think you’re capable of it, far from it, but we’d just never heard something like that from a member of the British Royal Family.”, said Jill.
“ I understand… and don’t worry about it. I’ve became accustomed with the stereotype that surrounds me, my family, the way I was brought up and so forth. I know it’s uncommon for aristocrats and royals to have such social political views, but our not all of us are single-minded or conservatives.”, Elle replied and the women nodded their heads.
“ I’ve seen first hand the struggle of the lower classes and so did Harry. He has never spoken something like this openly because there’s a certain unspoken rule that the royal family cannot openly speak or protest against politics from the government or any kind of politics at all. We can’t intervene. Only the monarch can, and even so, not that much.”, Elle continued, sighing.
“ I know I’ll probably be called a revolutionary due to my views on society and politics, specially by the senior generation, but I have to do something. When I married Harry, I made my decision very clear to him and the staff. I want to work not only with the things that fall into my area of expertise, History for example, but also with the needed, the hungry, the sick… all of those whom are left behind and overlooked. If we don’t take a stand, even a small one, nothing is going to change. Fortunately, people like us, who are in the spotlight, have the power to raise awareness to a multitude of themes and subjects, that can benefit from our voice, from the light we shine on them.”, finished Elle.
To say Michelle and Jill were impressed with the young woman before them was an understatement. They certainly weren’t expecting her to be so vocal and passionate about her beliefs. But then again, Harry was just the same. It seemed fitting that they’d be together. Grinning, Michelle chuckle and said:
“ I can see why you and Harry are married. You’re a team, complete in sync. I knew you had to be someone incredible to be with him, but girl, you’ve got you’re own thing going on. You’re your own person, with strong ideals and beliefs, and I like it!”.
Elle chuckled as did Jill. “ We should get you to speak to a few organisations here in the US about education. We can arrange a visit for when you’re able and, in the meantime, we can keep talking about your ideas and see if we can, somehow, create a joint venture on the theme. A partnership between the US and the UK, providing good education for all.”, said Jill.
“ I’d like that very much.”, replied Elle smiling.
“ So it seems you and the presidential duo of ladies had a good time together…”, commented Harry, as he loosened up his. Elle smiled and nodded her head. They had been back to their hotel for a few minutes and were desperate for some quiet and alone time together.
“ We did. As it turns out, we have much in common.”, replied Elle and her husband grinned.
“ I knew you would.”, he said, leaning down to peck her lips. “ I was certain you would get along splendidly. Great women tend to bound together.”, he continued and she smirked.
“ They want to start a project on education with me.”, she said, seating of the edge of their bed.
“ That’s awesome, Elle! I’m happy for you! This can be a great opportunity to strengthen out relationships with the USA.”, said Harry, seating beside her, beaming.
“ Well, I hope so. I… I want you to be proud of me, Harry. Just as I am of you.”, she confessed, looking down at her hands.
“ I already am, my love.”, he replied. Placing his hand under her chin, he lifted her head and looked into her eyes.
“ Where did this sudden lack of confidence in yourself come from?”, he asked her and she shrugged. “ You’re are brilliant, Elle! Never doubt that. Everything you do, you do wholeheartedly.”, said Harry, kissing her cheek.
“ You, my dear wife, is the most incredible, clever, intelligent, beautiful, passionate, caring and loving woman I have ever met. And that’s saying I lot.”, he continued and she chuckled.
“ I just don’t want to embarrass you. Specially on our first official visit overseas.”, said Elle, sighing.
“ You won’t.”, he assured her. “ Did you not see how they were all entranced by you tonight? How they all cheered and smiled at you? You’ve already conquered them, my love. And they barely know you. Wait to they see the amazing person you are. They’ll love you! But not as much as I do.”, said Harry. Elle smiled and leaned in, closing the gap between them.
“ You’re so cheesy sometimes. But thank you… my husband.”, she replied. Smiling, she joined their lips, pulling him by the back of his neck, keeping their kiss. Pulling apart smiling, Harry said:
“ Well, as much as I’d love to continue this, we have a full day tomorrow and we need to rest.”
“ You’re right. We have not only tomorrow but the next three days full of competitions to see and award.”, said Elle and Harry nodded his head.
On the four days of Invictus Games, Elle and Harry attended almost every major competition, awarded a few medals and saw the motivation, strength, resilience, joy, achievement and determination of the competitors. On the third day, just before the closing ceremony on the following evening, Harry finally took Elle to visit the Walt Disney World Resort themed parks. To her delight, she was able to meet her favourite characters from her childhood movies, go the famous rides, including Splash Mountain, which left both herself and Harry soaked.
“ I can’t believe I had never been here before!”, she exclaimed as they left the ride. Harry chuckled and smiled at her.
“ What else shaw we do? Where do we go next?”, she grinned, excitedly. Her husband laughed at her childlike excitement and pulled her to next ride, which was the Haunted Mansion. They spent the morning and afternoon as carefree as they possibly could in the themed parks, stealing an ocasional kiss or two, here and there.
Back in their hotel room, Elle threw herself on the bed and sighed deeply. “ Gosh, I’m worn out. I never thought I’d be this exhausted after visiting a few themed parks.”, she said and Harry chuckled.
“ Oh, I believe I warned you, dear wife. Disney World is not for the faint-hearted.”, he joked, throwing himself on the bed beside her. She humphed and nudged his ribs with her elbow.
“ Are you calling me a light-weight?”, she questioned him, raising an eyebrow.
“ I was joking!”, he said, throwing his arms in surrender.
“ You better be! Or else…”, said Elle, looking mischievously at him.
“ Or else what, wife?”, he asked, smirking. turning her head to face him, she grinned and said:
“ Or else… you’ll have to be punished, husband.”, and she pulled herself on top of him, straddling his hips, holding his arms above his head as he stared at her in awe.
“ Well, I’m sure I won’t mind being punished…”, said Harry huskily. She giggled and kissed him fiercely, leaving bite marks on his neck and jaw, only to suddenly get off of him and run to the bath room, smirking devilishly at him as she did so.
“ Oh you’re such a tease!”, he said. “ You can’t leave me like this! Elle! Come back! Oh... you’ll pay for this later.”, he shouted from the bed as she shut the bathroom door.
“ I told you you'd be punished.”, she replied, opening the door just at little, a smirk gracing her lips and very little clothes adorning her body.
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thereviewsarein · 5 years
The Country Wild Music Festival is coming back to Cobourg in 2019, with a new vibe, and they’re ready to roll!
The one-day country music festival is changing things up this year, moving to a more Nashville style show, even bringing in celebrated up-and-comers from Music City to join Canadian favourites on the shores of Lake Ontario. CJ Solar, Ray Fulcher, and Ross Ellis will all be making the trip north to join returning fan favourite, Marshall Dane, and the always wonderful, Kira Isabella.
Related: Cobourg Gets Country Wild to Kick Off 2018 Festival Season
While the names may not be familiar, the talent will be undeniable.
Tickets for the 2019 Country Wild Music Festival are in pre-sale now for mailing list members (you can still get on the list by visiting the Country Wild website) with General Admission passes at $35 and VIP passes available for $85. If you have a pre-sale code, or you want to learn more about tickets, click now: eventbrite.ca/e/country-wild-tickets.
“Country Wild – The Heart of Nashville” is a new take on Country Music festivals in Canada… and it’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before.
The songwriting, singing, and performing talent amassed on the Country Wild lineup will make for a great day of country music. It’s an opportunity for fans to take advantage of a great price point to see artists that are going to give you a chance to look back someday soon and say “I saw them before they were big stars”.
Now, check out the lineup, learn a little something, something, and start planning your drive to Cobourg, ON this July 20 for the Country Wild Music Festival!
2019 Country Wild Music Festival Lineup
★ Kira Isabella ★
For most of a decade, Kira Isabella has been a staple on the Canadian country music scene. Fan favourites and hits like A Real Good Radio, Gone Enough, A Little More Work, and Quarterback are always strong when she plays live for a crowd of fans. And when you add in her newer songs like Little Girl, We Should Be Together (with Levi Hummon), Danger Danger, and Handcuffs there’s a setlist that we already can’t wait to hear.
The singing along will be loud, the energy will be great, and Kira Isabella will make her Country Wild Music Festival debut in 2019!
★ CJ Solar ★
He’s been named a Country Artist you need to know by Rolling Stone and The Independent Artist of the Year at the 2019 MusicRow CountryBreakout Awards, and now CJ Solar is getting ready for his first show in Canada.
The hit songwriter (Morgan Wallen & Florida Georgia Line’s Up Down) has been a regular at the acclaimed Whiskey Jam since its inception and will no doubt be an entertaining force at Country Wild in July.
★ Marshall Dane ★
Marshall Dane took the stage in the second half of the 2018 festival day, and he’ll be back for more in 2019. The fan favourite has played stages all over Canada, and never seems to slow down.
Country fans should be ready for an energetic show from a professional performer who knows how to get things going when he and the band take their turn in front of the crowd.
★Ray Fulcher ★
He was a co-writer on an impressive eight songs from budding superstar Luke Combs’ debut album, he’s toured with Combs and Morgan Wallen, and he’s for a lot more coming on both the writing and performing sides of things.
Another Whiskey Jam regular, and one of the honoured artists to have played on the Grand Ole Opry stage, Ray Fulcher will make his Canadian debut in Cobourg, ON at Country Wild.
★ Ross Ellis ★
Ross Ellis will also play his first Canadian show when he takes the stage at the Country Wild Music Festival. The singer-songwriter has had his tracks recorded by Tim McGraw, Tyler Farr and more, and he’s crossed the United States opening for big stars including Brett Young, Old Dominion, Eli Young Band, and more.
This small town boy will be ready on July 20, you should be too.
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Stay tuned for more news, previews, and info as we get closer to the 2019 Country Wild Music Festival.
Country Wild Music Festival Adds Kira Isabella to 2019 Lineup The Country Wild Music Festival is coming back to Cobourg in 2019, with a new vibe, and they're ready to roll!
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