#i was reading the manga and suddenly? outta nowhere???
jenmisukke · 1 year
case number 457962 of naruto antagonists bringing up sasuke out of freaking nowhere to tease naruto
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violaceaes · 4 years
this is random but truly, 07-ghost is such an underrated manga and it deserves a better anime
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bbyhaikyuu · 4 years
idk how to do these things so 👀
I haven't written anything in like 4 years, so.. Hi? Im taking it easy a bit by doing these hc's(is that what you call it? Or is it called a scenario???? Idk help im a babieee) first before doing oneshots/short fics hehe
: Daichi and Sugawara: Finding out that someone is drawing them.
I did not proofread oops i just wanted to get it over with and finish
TYPICAL hallway bump shenanigans eheheheeeee
You were carrying quite a lot of stuff, well of course, being the class rep means that you have to pass the class's workbooks to the faculty room.
Your dumbass forgot that you put your sketchbook right on top of the pile??
Chaos suddenly came and the next thing you knew is that the books were on the floor.
Looked up and saw it was Daichi??
Bumping to this mf feels like walking right into a stone wall
lmAO felt like your shoulder dislocated a bit there eh?
Daichi is a gentleman ofcourse he would help you gather the books. Suga and Asahi was with him too, which made the cleanup much more faster.
Y'all exchanged apologies(and thanks) before you sprinted away like your life depended on it.
The trio was about to head to their respective classrooms, but suga noticed something on the corner of his eyes and picked up a black sketchbook.
They knew it wasn't a typical notebook because the cover was sort of like soft leather??? Damn it felt expensive.
Sugawara quickly found your name written at the bottom center and read it out loud.
"Isn't she from class 3-A?" Asahi asked them, they nodded in reply.
All of the 3rd years knew each other's names, despite never talking or interacting.
The bell rang, lunch break was over.
"Guess she's going to be late because of us. " Daichi chuckled, though guilt was evident.
"Aaand that is why you are the one who is gunna return that to her, personally." Suga smiled before shoving the notebook to Daichi's chest and darting towards his classroom.
Asahi is gone too???
Daichi sighed and went back to his own classroom.
The period turned out to be a study hall since the teacher didn't bother to show himself. There isn't really anything to study anymore tho?? They had exams just last week???
Bored Daichi decided to flip through your sketchbook and found himself at awe and intrigued each time he flipped a page.
He quickly learned that you were into action mangas. Each page was littered with dynamic poses. Though there were some full illustrations here and there.
When he got to the last page with a drawing he CLOSED IT BY ACCIDENT BECAUSE HE WAS SURPRISED.
Homeboy got stared at lmao
Anyways he opened it up again and got an even closer look.
On the upper left, there was a messy headshot sketch of someone. Messy yet you can actually tell who it was yk what i mean????
Daichi smirked because he KNEW it was him 100%
the nowhere finished full body sketch of someone recieving a ball with the #1 below the headahot gave it away.
The facy that it has "?????" beside it is very amusing to him. He knew you had a hard time figuring out the pose.
So when y'all got dismissed, he quickly went to your room and searched for you, holding up the black sketchbook in his hand. You almost died that day because you thought you lost it.
"You look like you could use some help there, wanna come watch me and the boys practice? "
You almost blew a fuse but hey, atleast you finished that drawing of yours.
You're at a cafe, hoping that the change of environment will help you think and draw more.
Wrong. You needed a live reference. Pinterest pics just wont cut it.
How do u draw men???? When its women you can go like swoosh and its already decent and *chef's kiss. But men???? Boink.
So when you looked up and saw a pretty boi (cue sugawara) sat across you, you were like "hell yeah, jackpot".
You started doing sketches on your ipad(and apple pencil), your hands felt like they were moving naturally.
You know how weird it is to draw someone you completely didn't know, based from experience.
Soooo you tried to keep your stares to a minimum and only looked up when you really needed to.
Too bad, Sugawara already had his eyes on you and your ipad. he sounds like a thief wtaf
So he decided to stay still and scroll on his phone for a little bit more casually sipping his coffee.
He observed you for a while, whenever you weren't staring at him.
He would smile a lil bit every once in a while.
You thought he saw a meme. Nah hoe, he's entertained that you thought he didn't know 👀
You did 3 sketches of him???? You're so happy????
You finally stretched your arms and let out a smol sigh
Pretty boi started gathering his things already :(
You were sad that you didn't get to know him, but hey atleast you got these bomb ass sketches of him.
You decided to clean it up a bit and colour it in.
Damn his beauty mark beside is eye is perfection.
Your ass was so engrossed in finishing the drawing you didn't notice him coming to your table.
Him putting the coffee on your table startled tf outta you.
Pretty boi??? Smiled??? Im simping????
He hurried out tho, looks like he's busy.
pretty boi left a sticky note!!!
"Wanna hang out? I'll be your French girl ;)))"
xoxo Sugawara Koushi
Attached: His number with a heart
Took you a while to compose yourself.
You smiled and thought :
J a c k p o t
So that's all for now!! I accidentally made daichi's a bit longer
I kinda like this writing style???
Im thinking something mafia au related for the next one
Feel free to send me some suggestions! I could def use them hehe 👉👈
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derireo · 4 years
were you surprised? / all troupes
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Request: Hello hello~ I just discovered your blog and I've been reading your a3 fics and I love it!! ❤️❤️ If it isn't too much trouble can I request a scenario with all the troupes planning a surprise bday party for the reader/director? the writing could be similar to steambun and be mine sorry if it's too much ._. anyways hope you're having a wonderful day 😘
Thanks, Anon, for the support! I’m really happy to hear that you enjoy reading the fics I write! Also PS. I accidentally wrote this in third person rather than second person so it might be a little... weird. >.< Thank you for the request! And also I did not proofread this lol!
「 Read full ver. on AO3 」 「 3k words 」
.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.
"Yeah," Itaru picked at his fingernails, itching to grab his phone and play a game, "we are not doing that."
Masumi had come up with a less than original idea of popping out of a large present box to surprise their director on her birthday. He thought it'd be something that would truly shock her, and he didn't think him being the present wasn't too shabby either.
Despite the solemn, disagreeing looks on Itaru and Tsuzuru's faces, Masumi only shrugged and wrote it down on the paper that had a list of what they were going to do for the impromptu celebration.
"You know we only have a couple of hours to do something, right?" Sakuya's voice was trembling with anxiousness and he fiddled with his thumbs when he took a quick glance at the clock hanging on the wall.
They had learned it was the director's birthday when Matsukawa gleefully greeted her in the morning by placing a party hat on her head.
It was also quite the surprise for everyone in the morning when Tetsuro was seen holding a small cupcake in his large hand with a single lit candle stabbed in the centre. It seemed so uncharacteristic of such a large silent man, but it was endearing to the birthday girl.
Masumi almost crushed his glass of water when he watched her hug Tetsuro as thanks.
"We don't have to think big. Just some thank you cards and cupcakes should suffice." Tsuzuru reasoned with Masumi while Itaru and Sakuya nodded in agreement.
Citron frowned alongside Masumi, and with crossed arms, plopped down onto the sofa between him and Itaru who was fiddling around with his phone without anything on the screen.
"Doesn't the director deserve more than just that though?"
Aggressively nodding his head, Masumi dropped the pen on the table and sat back, not willing to write anything else on the piece of paper that has their plans.
Tsuzuru quickly swiped a hand down his face out of habit of stress and looked for both Itaru and Sakuya for help. The two could only shrug sympathetically.
"Itaru and Sakuya are writing cards," the university student clapped his hands decisively, "Masumi, Citron, you're helping me bake cupcakes."
And so their surprise party for the director was in full effect! It was terrifying for Sakuya considering he kept looking at the time, waiting for their director to arrive home early from work or something, but Tsuzuru gently comforted him and told him not to worry.
The cards were finished by the time the cupcakes were done cooling down and everyone helped take part in decorating them! Except Masumi had somehow escaped without Tsuzuru noticing, and he had wandered off into his room to do something.
By the time all of them were done doing their respective tasks, the director was walking up the steps. Hearing her footfalls; everyone panicked save for Itaru and Masumi (who was still gone) and tried to clean up their mess as she whistled a joyous tune. Their feet were stumbling as they tried to get the cards in order and the cupcakes lit up with some candles as the light turned on.
Quickly, Itaru used another switch to turn the light off to distract the director, and before she could question it, the boys got in position a few feet away from where she would be standing.
"Surprise!" They all shouted gleefully when she reached the top of the stairs, Itaru flicking the light switch on again. Unexpectedly, she screamed in fright, and had the business man not been there to grab her arm to keep her from stumbling back, she would have taken a small tumble down the stairs.
Suddenly, Masumi, from his bedroom, darted out and rammed himself into Izumi when she was pulled away from the staircase, a large boy wrapped around his head.
"Happy birthday." He murmured affectionately, clinging to the director as everyone sighed in exasperation.
"What are we going to do?" Tenma groaned as he slumped back against the sofa with his hands sliding down his face.
The Summer Troupe had just found out it was the director's birthday just a couple hours ago from Matsukawa, and they were running out of time on what to do for her.
Yuki had complained earlier that he wouldn't have enough time to make a new set of clothes for her nor go shopping, and Muku was also panicking because he felt bad for not knowing what to give as a present.
Misumi suggested a triangle present that was gently shut down by Tenma. The only adult of the group, Kazunari, who had actual money to spend on their director, did not have money at this crucial point in time.
The Summer Troupe was at a crossroads.
"We are going to have to improvise." Kazunari murmured behind his hands that were hiding his mouth. The obvious statement could only make Tenma roll his eyes, and while everyone was brooding with how ill-equipped they were, the director was finishing up her work around an hour or two transit away from the dorm.
"Okay," Kazunari loudly clapped his hands together as he spotted a stack of used newspapers sitting beneath the coffee table, "Sakyo will hate this, but Muku, I want you to shred the newspapers to pieces. I will take responsibility." He went to grab the junk and handed it to the middle schooler who was staring at the university student in shock, his mouth falling open.
"O-okay.." The pink haired boy whispered anxiously under his breath, quickly scurrying to his bedroom to get ahold of the scissors he shared with Yuki when he wanted to cut up some manga panels or when his roommate needed to snip some threads. His feet gently padded down the hallway until he was nowhere in sight, and redirecting his attention to the other members who were with him, Kazunari grinned.
"We still have those cookies our director loves so much, right?" His eyes were glowed with hope while the rest of the troupe shrugged.
"Alright!" Kazunari began to quickly move towards the kitchen where he made a straight beeline towards the cabinet that hid all of the director's snacks, the other three members that were still with him following suit. "We're going to decorate some of her cookies. We use the pre-made icing Omi uses for Juza's desserts to spell out 'Haps BDay!' and Misumi can draw triangles on the rest!"
At the mention of triangles, the ball of energy quickly bounced towards the fridge to get the icing tubes Kazunari was talking about before while Tenma and Yuki both sent each other a dubious glance, moving to sit down at the dinner table as their second oldest member found the cookies and brought them where nearly everyone was gathered.
Everyone began to work diligently, the whole dorm quiet with the occasional tune from Misumi who was having the time of his life.
Half an hour later Muku had returned from his room with an armful of shredded newspapers in the form of makeshift confetti. Kazunari was ecstatic at the beautiful work done by the younger boy and pet his hair lovingly, causing him to beam happily.
Everyone was so distracted by their work that they didn't even notice when the director had come home with Sakyo following right behind; the older man having picked her up from her location.
Tenma and Kazunari basically screeched in terror when they saw Sakyo, but Misumi seemed to pay no mind as he threw all of the newspaper confetti into the air when the director turned her head in the direction of the kitchen. Muku shouted in shock while Yuki sighed as Sakyo's eyes widened at all the shredded up paper in the area, and the mess that the troupe made.
"Happy birthday!" Misumi sang, Yuki grumbled, and Muku squeaked.
Sakyo wasn't very happy, but the director definitely was!
"Calzones are so fun to make!" Taichi shouted as he punched his fist into a generous amount of dough while Omi and Juza were already finishing their own batch.
After Sakyo had dropped off the director at work did he tell the Autumn Troupe that it was her birthday, and upon hearing such jubilant news, everyone suggested that they make a food that she would love to eat.
Omi offered making calzones, and Taichi, not knowing what it was, demanded that they make it for her birthday.
"If you keep doing that the dough is gonna get tough." Sakyo scolded the fake redhead with a roll of his eyes while he checked his phone. He wasn't doing much to help out, considering he bought all of the ingredients with a side of party items, but Taichi poked his tongue out at the adult out of pettiness anyways.
"Move outta the way, dude." Banri complained for no particular reason. Juza was only standing at the kitchen counter trying to help the shorty make his own calzone, so, swallowing down his temper, he merely glared and went back to showing Taichi what to do.
Annoyed at being ignored, Banri opened his mouth to say something else only to have the back of his head smacked by Sakyo who had conjured himself out of nowhere.
"Stop trying to pick fights, Jackass. It never ends with you." The adult said with a steely gaze, causing Banri to snarl and put his prepped calzone beside the other ones on the baking sheet.
"Haha." Taichi laughed mockingly behind Juza who was now working on the youngest member's calzone as the redhead mocked Banri by pulling the skin beneath his eye down while poking his tongue out. It didn't happen a lot when Banri would go quiet, but today seemed like an exception considering it was the director's birthday today and they were supposed to work together to get things done.
It was Taichi's turn to get a push of the knuckles to the temple by Sakyo who was also frowning at him. "And you. Start pulling your own weight. Don't make Juza do it for you."
"Now, now, everybody. Let's focus on the task at hand." Omi chuckled and spilled out one of the proofed batches of dough onto a separate counter covered in a light sheen of oil, hands skilfully flattening it into a thin circle. The kind chiding of the tallest member had everyone else grumbling to themselves, Taichi even nudging Juza away so that he would be able to work on his own masterpiece.
Sakyo did the bare minimum by putting the ready to bake calzones into the oven, then went to wash his hands to go and get the party items he bought ready.
Everyone got into a rhythm by the time Sakyo left the kitchen to blow up like, 5 balloons and pulled out a large birthday cake out of nowhere, setting it on the coffee table as the younger members were busy finishing up in the kitchen with the food they made specifically with Izumi in mind.
There was a rattle coming from the front door not too long after Taichi's calzone made it out of the oven, and the youngest member screeched in shock when he looked out the window to see their director unlocking the door to the dormitory. Removing himself from the window, he began to slap Omi, Juza, and Banri on the back in a panic, whisper shouting that the director was coming up soon and that they needed to hurry!
Sakyo was already turning off the light switch by the time Taichi reached him and the teenager wrapped his arms around the blond's waist with a terrified whimper. Her footsteps going up the stairs were daunting as Banri and Juza stayed put in the kitchen while Omi went around to light up the candles on the cake that Sakyo left on the table.
By the time the director reached the top step, Taichi and Sakyo were already singing the birthday tune in a soft murmur as Omi started to approach her with the cake in his hands, the two other high schoolers going to grab the small confetti poppers that the blond man reluctantly decided to buy.
Taichi looked over Sakyo's shoulder with sparkling eyes as the director stood in front of all of them, frozen in shock once Omi reached her with the flames of the candles reflecting in her gaze.
When they finished singing, she gently blew the candles, effectively causing the living room to go dark. After a few seconds, Sakyo switched on the lights again only for Banri and Juza to startled everyone when they opened the confetti poppers, making Taichi squeal and the director to flinch at the loud sound.
"Happy birthday!" Each member crooned in their own special way, and she couldn't help but smile bashfully when they all came to her to either give her a hug or to pat her head.
Happy birthday indeed!
"A small poem to tie onto each stem." Homare said, handing thin strips of paper to the other four troupe members as they sat at the dinner table with an assortment of flowers splayed in front of them.
Tasuku and Tsumugi both gave each other a look of hopelessness, but listened to Homare anyways and poked a small string through the hole punched poems they were given as Hisoka failed to keep his head off the table. Azuma was keeping himself busy by hole punching the other poems that Homare didn't touch yet as he played a sweet song list from his phone.
The Winter Troupe had overheard the director speaking on the phone with one of her friends, laughing shyly as she thanked them for remembering it was her birthday. The five men were surprised to say the least, as she had never mentioned to them when her birthday was at all.
They thought it was their duty to make sure she came home to an exciting display, so when they saw her leave for work, they all began to brainstorm. There wasn't much any of them could do as Hisoka didn't have any ideas and Azuma's suggestion costed a lot of money, so they all resorted to picking out a bundle of flowers with the guidance of Tsumugi and his expertise.
Homare suggested that he write a few poems for the director, and as much as no one else liked the idea, Tasuku noticed that she actually liked the poems Arisugawa wrote, so reluctantly, he told everyone to listen and to trust him. Just this once.
Each and every one of them worked their best to make sure each flower had a poem connected to it, and with what little energy Hisoka had, gathered each stem and created multiple bouquets for them to give to the director once she arrived home from work. The teamwork was amazing, and it almost made Tasuku wish that his troupe would join the Mankai Futsal Club.
It wasn't very difficult for all of them to finish on time, but curious, Azuma took a look at a few of the poems on the flowers that were sitting in front of Hisoka and couldn't choose between smiling and frowning.
"Some of these have the same poems." He noted softly, causing Tsumugi and Tasuku to briefly glance at each other before looking at an indifferent Homare who was still tying a poem to a stem. The gazes that were on Homare only forced him to give them an answer, and he sighed faintly as he set down the flower that was cradled between his lithe fingers.
"My inspiration can only go so far, gentlemen." Homare frowned, gesturing towards the other members with a suggestive eyebrow. "I wouldn't mind if you all helped me produce some more. Add a little variety."
And with a collective sigh, everyone else agreed and made the necessary preparations to get their own poems put on some flowers.
Most of them had their tongues sticking out as they wrote whatever they wanted to say to the director with the most flowery of words they could muster at the time. They were taking the situation so seriously that they did not even notice how long they had been working on their present for the director; and she was to be home in a few minutes.
They were actually so focused that they didn't hear her creeping up on them, but she had no idea what they were doing at the dinner table with an ungodly amount of paper and flowers everywhere.
Tasuku jolted in surprise when he felt a small hand rest on his shoulder, and when he turned his head to look at who it was, he slightly flushed in embarrassment when he saw a soft gaze looking down at him with a curious smile.
Tsumugi was equally as flustered while Homare continued to work on his paper. Azuma merely smiled when a new presence arrived and twirled a flower in his fingers as the director stood in the space between Tasuku and Hisoka to brush her fingers through the hair of the sleeping man, head tilted.
"What are you guys doing?" She asked, still oblivious.
"Oh, you know." Azuma hummed, smiling as he reached across the dinner table to hold out the flower in his hand. "Just Troupe bonding."
Taking the stem in her fingers, the director immediately went to unravel the poem that wrapped around it to read two simple words, Hisoka grumbled at the loss of her warmth as he moved to curl himself around her waist, the other members anxiously looking at her.
With a surprised noise, the girl looked at all the men surrounding her with a bright smile, her nose scrunching up in a cute manner as cupped her cheek in her palm with the cool stem pressing into her skin, her other hand going to pet Hisoka's head again.
"You boys are so sweet." She cooed playfully, bumping her elbow into Tasuku's shoulder as the man flushed even more when she took the flower from his own hands to see what he had written, her smile only growing wider as she whispered the words to herself.
Seeing your face everyday gives me the strength to become better. And someday I hope that I can be by your side when you start to bloom yourself.
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
Player 2 part 1
Warning: Stalking, Smut in the next part
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Shigaraki met you through a discord server. One of his online friends added you before a DOTA 2 game and Shigaraki had to agree with his friends that you were good. Ofcourse those online friends had no idea that he was THE Shigaraki Tomura, one of the most wanted villains. It all started with small talk during gaming. Eventually, he started to have full blown conversations with you. You exchanged social media IDs and at one point, Shigaraki decided that maybe he had a thing for you. Just maybe he loved the fact that you were almost as good as him when it came to gaming. Maybe he liked the fact that you didn't approve of heroes either. You laughed at his dark jokes and infact, you sent him dark memes too. You were almost perfect and there is a big emphasis on the word 'almost'.
Firstly, you were careless. Hell, after stalking your social media a bit, he found out where you lived, where you worked, everything. Your workplace was literally there on your Facebook ID and finding your home wasn’t difficult since he literally just had to follow you. Secondly, you flirted with other people. Honestly, Shigaraki told himself that he was stalking you only because he found you interesting. However, watching you flirt with your coworkers made his blood boil and he realised that he liked you. Like-liked you. Which is why, he texted you the other day that he wants to meet up. He decided that he would kidnap you cause he doesn't share and you definitely wouldn’t be with a villain, right? Based on this assumption, he made this decision and almost face palmed himself when you agreed to meet up. "She really is too naive for her own good..." he sighed.
All his life, Shigaraki never found someone who met his standards. Ofcourse he didn't, everyone was just those hero loving brats who had no video game knowledge or any interest in manga. Hell, he'd be damned if he ever found someone relatively close to being perfect. Relatively close to being his player 2. That was until you stumbled upon in his life and he just had to make you his.
Shigaraki had no intention to meet you in the first place. Infact, he was planning to kidnap you as you were on your way to the restaurant he asked you to go to. However, he didn't expect things to go the way it did. To be fair, at the begining, his plan was working flawlessly. He was waiting near your home, hiding in plain sight before you got out. When you left your home, he followed you with stealth till you had to pass a certain empty alley. However, just before he grabbed you, you suddenly stopped walking and called out, "Don't bother, Shimura-kun or should I say, Shigaraki-kun? I'll not run so you can skip the violence.".
To say that Shigaraki was shocked by the sudden turn of events would be an understatement. Thoughts like "Could she be an undercover pro hero" went through his head. "Relax, I'm not an undercover pro hero." You giggled reading his mind. "How the fuck did you figure it out?" Shigaraki asked, getting cautious. "Well, let's just say that I'm not who everyone thinks I am. Wait, I'll prove my identity to you. In a few moments, a man will walk into this alley and die of a heart attack." you explained, leaning against the wall. Matching your statement, almost immediately, a middle aged man walked in the alley. Suddenly the man looked absolutely terrified and died of a heart attack. "Well, I could've just explained everything straight away but you wouldn’t have believed me if I didn't demonstrate my quirk. Besides, I really just wanted to kill someone because I feel too excited about actually talking to you face to face!" you gave Shigaraki a huge smile. "You... You're that serial killer who kills people with heart attacks... No hero actually caught you yet..." Shigaraki mumbled as he figured out your identity. "Bingo! And I know the villain league is trying to recruit me cause I've read your mind way too many times. My quirk allows me to read minds and give hallucinations to anyone in a 10 meter radius of me. Which is why, I knew exactly who you were when you visited me at work. I'm so sorry about flirting with those idiots at work though. It was obvious that you were denying your feelings for me and I just wanted you to realise that you like me cause I really like you too." you explained, looking bashful. "So you know that I stalked you..." Shigaraki mumbled, still trying to process everything. "Yes! I was so happy when I found out! No one really cared enough to look out for me like that you know... Infact I did the same! It's really nice that you fap to my pictures you know... Makes me feel all giddy..." You told him excitedly yet bashfully. Shigaraki felt embarassed about being called out like that for a second but then again, this meant that you were not naive at all. Infact, this made you perfect. "Alright, you’ve convinced me. Join the league, (Y/N). That way, I won’t have to try to kidnap you." Shigaraki stated, scratching his neck since he was not comfortable with his plan being completely ruined and with you knowing things that you were definitely not supposed to know. "You can't kidnap me, Shigaraki-kun. I can make you hallucinate and escape you know. Anyway, that doesn't matter cause I do want to join the league of villains. Working alone gets kinda lonely after all..." you answered, still smiling. "Okay, let's go to the hideout then you little creep" Shigaraki smiled slightly at your enthusiasm. "Hey! You're a creep too! Don't think I didn’t notice you when you were watching me change clothes all those times! Besides, you just thought that I'm perfect so don't complain!" you pouted before giving him your cute smile again and asking, "but heyyy, I really did want to go on a date with you. Let's go to a manga cafe then? I know you like manga and I like them too!". Shigaraki looked at you in awe. How the fuck can someone be so perfect? "Okay. Let's go." he muttered as you squealed and held his elbow, as the two of you walked out of the alley.
[Author's note: I literally have like 3 asks in my ask box and I'm writing this stupid fic cause it just came to my head outta nowhere. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?
P.S:I'll get the asks done asap I promise!
P.P.S: Why are days not longer than 24 hours cause I don't get enough time to procrastinate grirhhsiehskdbajgwj]
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giyuu-no-tsuma · 4 years
Heeeeeey, since you are manga caught up and you have read the ending, how about, Sumihiko and co time-travel to the Taisho era and meet their ancestors?? How interesting would that be, and Touko would recognize they all existed! (Also Kanata x Touko is cute, screw the sick minded people saying it's incest)
Ahhhh, what a awesome and interesting ask! Well, I don’t really argue with close-minded people about something, so if they still want to be stubborn and still want to think it’s incest, best thing is to leave them be, because we know it’s not incest and Gotouge already explained it, their fault they’re stubborn not anyone else’s. 
Anyways to the ask! Without an illustration since there aren’t GIF’s or pictures:
PS: Time-travel doesn’t seem realistic to me, so excuse me if I took it into my comfort zone, I had a better idea for it!
Sumihiko and his brother were having a sleepover over the Agatsuma’s, Kanata mostly by Touko’s side, holding her hand and both smiling to one another. Sumihiko and Yoshiteru talking about anything really.
Their conversation went on, until Sumihiko brought up the story of their ancestors and how they fought with the demons and the Demon King.
Touko listened to their conversation and rolled her eyes, stating that it was just fiction, that their great-grandpa was just someone with big imagination. Upong which Yoshiteru argued her statement, earning a harsh pull on the ear.
“What if they actually existed and fought against them? Can you prove it’s fiction?”
At Sumihiko’s answer, Touko had much hesitation, she herself didn’t have any proof to her statement. So she just said she didn’t.
“What if we time-travel?”
*Of course Yoshiteru was greeted by his oldest sister’s scolding and ear pulling.
“You dummy! Time-travel doesn’t even exist! Why is it that you’re like this always! Was great-grandpa Zenitsu like this?!”
“Of course time-travel is impossible... But if they existed, then surely some memory or something may be there.” Kanata tried to reason and calm Touko down, so she could stop pulling on poor Yoshiteru’s ear, which was pretty swollen and red.
Touko stopped doing what she’s doing, smiling and giving the reason to Kanata. That boy surely made her relax a little.
“Well, great-grandpa Tanjirou fought with this katana right?” It was when Sumihiko pulled out the katana they kept as memory.
Kanata wasn’t that happy his younger brother took the memorial katana without asking.
“Sumihiko, you shouldn’t have taken it. It’s a memorial.”
“I know, I know, but I’m curious about great-grandpa and his adventures with the demon slaying job! How he and great-great-great Aunt Nezuko had it. We know the story of our three-times great uncles and aunt dying and our three-times great aunt turned into a demon, how they went throught it, so many things I want to know!”
Sumihiko’s enthusiasm was evident, and it all started to get Touko more interested in the topic. Well if they really did existed, then maybe there is something somewhere to know about them.
The four talked about the topic until pretty late, and called it a night, everyone sleeping in futons in the living room. Soon, they all started to dream. It was a shared dream. In the dream, Sumihiko woke by started, he was in a different house, didn’t seem to be Touko and Yoshiteru’s. It all looked pretty ancient, like the Taisho era.
“Eh? Where are we?” The boy looked around, and felt pretty out of place and worked out, he noticed his brother was sleeping next to him and shook him lightly. “Kanata, Kanata! Nii-san wake! We’re not in home!”
Kanata groaned and slowly opened his eyes. “Sumihiko? What are you saying-” He was quick to sit up, his brother was right, that wasn’t  home. He quickly turned to Touko sleeping by his other side and shook her. “Touko? Touko-chan, wake up, something’s up.
Touko was quick to be up and smacked her brother awake. “Wake you you dummy!”
Yoshiteru yelped and scrambled to his feet. “Wha, nani nani?!”
“We’re not home, where is here?!” Touko was becoming pretty agitated, when Kanata held her hand and she calmed almost immediately.
“Don’t worry Touko-chan, if you’re here with me, then nothing can happen to you.” He reassured her softly.
It was night in that strange place. Soon they heard some voices, turning looking in awe.
“Tanjirou! Where are we going?!” A blond with the same appearance as Yoshiteru but save from the blond to orange hair.
Then the called boy stood there, it was Tanjirou, Kanata and Sumihiko’s great-grandfather, very alike with Sumihiko, save from the earrings and the scar.
“Great-grandpa Zenitsu...” Touko whispered
“And great-grandpa Tanjirou...” Sumihiko echoed.
“It was real after all...” Touko was no convinced and Yoshiteru took advantage of it.
“I was right all this time, not Nee-san?”
“Urusai, baka!” Touko kicked him in the side, she had such a temper, once again she found herself being held by the hand by Kanata and she calmed.
“I wonder why my sister is such a hooligan...” Yoshiteru grumbled, but then quickly shut up at the glare said sister shot him.
Soon it came the time where Nezuko pulled out of the box and stood next to her brother. Many similarities with Touko. The other girl at seeing her three times-great aunt, she got a real shock, she was demon. All the stories told by their other family members were right and the diary her great-grandpa wrote also was right, she could tell that this was a time where they still were not close to defeat the threat that was Muzan.
“Woah, that kid Giichi’s ancestor” Sumihiko commented, meaning Giyuu who was with the trio, same hair but longer, same deep blue eyes and face shape. Giichi was an elementary kid he often ran into when he was in a hurry to his school, he was watching the ancestor of that kid.
Suddenly Yoshiteru had parted from the group and it was only by Touko who freaked out.
“Ah, where did that idiot go?! Yoshiteru!!” She barked, searching around, they were in an unknown territory but that kid really had to disappear just like that?
Kanata put an arm around her. “Don’t worry Tou-chan, we’ll find him, that’s for sure,” Though he really was in the same with his girlfriend of wanting to smack that kid good.
Yoshiteru had adventured himself a little in the dense forest, wanting to see a demon or see if one would come. He was curious. And his urges to do so came when out of nowhere one jumped at him. The boy screeched. “GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!”
“Oh no that idiot got into trouble!” Touko ran where she heard her brother’s scream, going along with Kanata and Sumihiko. When they got there, they froze seeing it was a demon.
Soon a voice was heard. “Water Breathing, Second Form: Water Wheel!”
The demon’s head was sliced off, and Yoshiteru turned to look at his savior, Tanjirou stood there, going over to see if the boy was okay.
“Are you okay?”
“Yoshiteru!!” Touko ran over and immediately smached her brother upside the head. “Baka! Only you would think on getting lost and into trouble in unknown territory, you idiot!” She smacked him again, having half the mind to just smack his tush for that, but restrained herself.
“I-I’m sorry Onee-san...I was scared!” he immediately started screeching with tears, but this time his sister sighed and hugged him. She turned to look at Tanjirou... her three-times-great uncle...
Tanjirou blinked. “H-hey, you kid... you look like Zenitsu..” He stared at Yoshiteru then to Touko. “You like Nezuko...” And then was Kanata. “And you like Kanao....” what got him into a freeze was Sumihiko who looked like him, saved from the earrings and the scar.
“Tanjirou, what’s wrong?” Giyuu soon joined and so did Zenitsu and Inosuke.
The four kids from many, many, many years later where stared at like they were aliens.
“G-great-grandpa...” Sumihiko started.
“Great-grandpa?” Tanjirou blinked, was this some sort of dream? Was he asleep and dreaming that he had a great-grandson? Where were his kids and grandkids then? If this kid was his great-grand son? He didn’t understand.
After a big explanation, Tanjirou understood, in the future he was to marry Kanao, have kids and grandkids, these two Sumihiko and Kanata were his last generations, therefore in the time where these kids were from, he and the others were likely dead.
“This is unbelievable but, here you are.” 
“You were awesome, great-grandpa, really awesome!” Sumihiko exclaimed happily. “You fought with everything and the others too. I’m glad I was able to meet you, something that I thought impossible.”
Soon, back to the current time, the four were starting to wake.
“Uh what?” Sumihiko looked around, they were back at the Agatsuma’s home, so all that was just a dream?
Kanata rubbed his eyes and looked around, unsure of what just happened a while back.
Touko yawned and blinked. “A dream?”
Yoshiteru was simply sleeping soundly still.
“That dream felt very real.” Kanata commented. “So it might’ve been a clue to the mystery of our ancestors.
“Still awesome we got to talk to them even if a dream, that’s checked outta the bucket list!” Sumihiko chirped.
Touko smiled. “Great-grandpa Zenitsu, simply like Yoshiteru, a cowardly yet heroic and strong man. Not that Yoshiteru is that, but our great-grandpa was.”
“Now we now they existed, the heroes.”
From now on the ancestors were remembered as existent and so the demons, even honored. The dream was actually a real thing.
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the-nysh · 4 years
At what point in the story you started liking Garou as a character? What was his first impression on you and how did it changed later as the story progressed?
Oooh! What a GREAT question, I’m so glad you asked! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ (Cause yes, my perceptions of him certainly did change over time! And that’s one of the fun things I love to see happen with other opm fans too.) So let’s see…*pulls up a chair and shovel to dig thru nearly 5yrs of archives* where to begin~
It was definitely a gradual process (so buckle in, this is gonna be a looong chronological trip thru memory lane. About 3500~ words!)
First impressions
Early on (and cause I’m skeptical to most new characters who I don’t ‘know’ yet), I remember feeling kinda like ‘huh? Who the heck is this guy? This wannabe Hiruma-lookalike (recognizing some of Murata’s recycled Eyeshield 21 char design elements for him) with some silly double Vegeta hair? The hell does he think he’s doing??’ Beyond being kinda incredulous about him, I honestly didn’t really give him much passing thought or attention either, and definitely not anything on a deeper level yet. He was just kinda there (I suppose?), but also out there forcefully (cockily and somewhat annoyingly?) inserting himself as the ‘villain’ into the story at times (which wasn’t really my thing), seemingly WAY in over his head with reckless antics and overambitious about what he was claiming to be and challenging himself to do (which I thought seemed both ridiculous and ironic to set up like that when characters like Saitama exist to directly check/refute his aims).
So at the time I wasn’t fully ‘on board’ or invested much in his story/concept yet cause I hadn’t really seen him…define himself (beyond those first impressions) into his own fleshed-out character. Because he still kept reminding me too much of other characters (I even heard him with Hiruma’s voice) rather than breaking out on his own. Murata’s early art also had yet to really evolve and settle him into his own distinguishable ‘face’ for that matter too (he would though later, when he’d draw ‘Garou’ recognizable as himself and not like…‘Hiruma’s shadow’ anymore). So with all that coming in, it’s hard to ‘see’ or genuinely ‘like’ a char at first when they haven’t done much yet to distinguish themselves from others and grow into their own. (Oho, how time will tell~)
This impression of Garou hadn’t really changed much and continued all thru the Metal Bat fight, by the way. (I actually caught up to the manga around the time Murata introduced MB with the centipedes and was about to start his fight with Garou. Events which weren’t on my highest priority to see either, cause I still mostly preferred seeing Saitama + Genos interact instead.) But on a surface level, I at least knew Garou was fun/impressive to watch and his excitable/feral energy was infectious and entertaining (Murata really knew how to hype him up too), but other than that, I’d yet to really ‘like’ him on his own (enough to talk/blog about) still.
I first eased into reblogging stuff with him back in Oct 2016, which included the first reblog of his back muscles (lol) appreciating how Murata drew him facing Watchdog Man so ksjggh that part of the story (when Murata was teasing their fight) was also when Garou starting having a presence on my blog. :O
First turning point
However, I distinctly remember the first ‘aha I see now’ point in understanding him better was when I did a second reread of the webcomic. (I don’t exactly remember when that was, but probably sometime during the tournament arc when the pace was kinda dragging, so I prob reread the wc around then for fun.) It was around early-April 2017 when I later admitted that (in the tags):
I’ve come to really like Garou, a second read of the webcomic made me fond of him, of his background and ideas he wished to set out and change, his heart was in it and he had his set of morals, but he was young and brashly took the wrong path, I really want to see him return someday now that he's learned better
Cause following the big webcomic reveal at the end of his arc (when Saitama calls him out), going back thru his entire story again you could totally spot all the consistent hints and signs (from both his backstory and actions) ONE sprinkled the entire time, making everything revealed about him true, and not suddenly sprung up outta nowhere. It was finally like ‘aaah, I understand what’s up with him and can sympathize where he’s coming from. Yes that makes sense. :O’ However, this clarity/acknowledgment had yet to shift from simply ‘seeing’ or understanding a thing as knowledge, to actually feeling it (connecting on a deeper/personal level) later. That’ll remain a big distinction.
May 2017, I first started writing some early meta break downs about him, starting with his end-arc parallels in Suiryu’s despair moment and from this, there was acknowledgement how all ONE’s manga additions (up til then this was still all tournament arc stuff) were only building further context towards what’s to come much later on in the webcomic.
June 2017, I started posting stream coverage about him (vs Watchdog Man stuff when he intercepts King and Saitama.) Around this time I also admit this kinda stuff in tags ‘goodness how I love that this nerd has a soft spot for that kid (truthfully he's not monstrous at all)’ for appreciating the manga’s wholesome extra Tareo moments.
Second big turning point
Around Sept-Oct 2017 was when post content/stream coverage kinda started exploding during the whole vs A/B heroes + shed fight. This whole sequence, following the tournament arc, was the first big long-awaited return back to the wc’s script (with style!), but with significant expansions (esp to his character) never seen before. In particular, the bullet shielding moment was changed/revised from him simply standing there in the wc, to Garou protecting Tareo in the shed.
Truly awesome and moving because dang, he selflessly put his life on the line for that ‘Garou the determinator fending off the impossible while protecting a kid ;o;’ Firmly standing up to (injustices) and revealing his solid moral core, like wow, what a guy. <3
Murata’s stream output picked up significantly back then too (compared to his slower pace drawing the previous arcs), so I also admitted: ‘gosh been cheering for Murata's hard work just like Garou's in-chapter determination!’
But also cause this whole fight was like the first actual, legit demonstration (shown, not told) of Garou’s prodigious fighting skills, intelligence, tenacity, resourcefulness, perseverance, etc. Like this is what he’s actually capable of when pushed to the brink; testing the actual quality of his character (showing his true colors) and allowing those merits to shine while under unfavorable, difficult, and desperate conditions. And all impressively done in a way to make the audience both believe it and root for him (presented from his side much like a protagonist? Wild! 8D) It was extremely thrilling and badass (truly that whole shed part was brilliant, narratively and spectacle-wise. As I’ve repeatedly gone back to write about many times and again. :’D) My impressions of Garou around this time:
yoooo boi see I really like Garou, the wild prodigy determinator with a misguided goal, going all out and demonstrating his talent and prowess (even tho he gets in over his head), PROTECTING CHILDREN WHEN HE PRETENDS HE DOESN'T CARE, omfg what a softie (as Saitama would say) :'D, yaaa see he was never a 'real' monster at all, Saitama can see straight through him, and what he REALLY wants to achieve
Dec 2017, first started getting some sporadic Garou anons after the whole epic manga spectacle vs Genos + Bang + EC fight with everyone.
Jan 2018, back when Garou was captured in the MA base and then left to his own devices above ground…things started getting really interesting. Including noticing ONE’s more careful (or perhaps more transparent?) approach to writing Garou’s manga portrayal this time around. Different and more nuanced from the wc for instance, so there were many fascinating contradictions and complexities to uncover (break down meta-wise) about his convictions, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and how he applied those thru his actions and behavior (revealing decisive acts of character). This was when @gofancyninjaworld also started joining in to discuss and explore Garou’s ongoing dilemma with his goals and mindset. “His heart is in the right place, but his means are not, because at his core, he’s not a monster.” I admitted ‘Garou’s one of the most well-written characters in the story, I feel.’ And I was really looking forward to all the significant changes ONE was doing to make his manga story all the more defined and cohesive than it already was in the wc. That made things extra engaging (when there’s a desire to look deeper into things for fun and excitement for more).
Third turning point
Feb 2018 Oooh man. It was around here, (when Garou saves Tareo from the bullies and confronts RR and Bug God) that I was really starting to feel that shift happening (the impression of him turning into something more), so I had to comment on his ongoing characterization presented thus far (budding into a well-rounded, 3 dimensional character) and how ONE was (re)writing him in a more personal, sympathetic light that made him so easy to root for and genuinely likeable. I was fully AWARE of this happening and what both Murata and ONE were doing to increase his appeal. Admitting the more they revealed of him the more I was falling deeper for him, and fully welcoming it by narrative design. (Like alright let’s goooo! 8’D) Cause it was obvious how much differently and expansive he was getting portrayed vs the wc (with much less moral ambiguity). I said:
“Garou’s not simply a rogue, prodigious teen going on a spiteful rampage with an overconfident, slasher smile. Consistently, he’s been shown what really makes him tic: what gets him serious, passionate, sincere, and desperate – things that force his hand to either fight or defend against, with standards and ideals that he’d put his life on the line for. All of it is great: a variety of expressive emotions and definitive acts of character that all build towards the whole. Which we’re then left to ponder exactly what that is. Is he truly a villain or a hero? Is he really a troublemaking bad guy or actually a misguided ‘nice guy’? The answer isn’t so black and white; it’s more like a mix of ALL of the above. And I LIKE that. As ONE has presented him, Garou is Garou, and not really someone to align or classify as simply one or the other. He’s in that kind of delicious gray zone where he’s getting put to the brink to show his true colors. And it’s so GOOD and refreshing to see.”
That plus the manga showing his deeper bond with Tareo, his gruffly protective qualities (ok but that’s kinda hot?) and a more sincere showing of his morals (which he refused to budge on no matter what anyone else ordered him to do), brought on all the feels. :’)
Stream coverage + ch commentary devolved to like unintelligible screaming, with some ‘man he’s so fucking cool,’ or ‘damn protective Garou’s SOO good,’ or ‘I swear the more Murata draws of him the more I fall for him like wtf,’ or even the flat out ‘GODDAMMIT MURATA ;A;’ types of suffering reactions, ahaha.
At this point I was all ‘bring on the Garou appreciation; he deserves it; I have a mighty NEED’ but was kinda annoyed/frustrated with the fandom cause there was hardly any recent fan content of him (relevant to his current plot progression, it was all suspiciously dry or old ship-related content I wasn’t interested in cause the plot had moved on, so I was like omg where is everybody, hello?!) It was already a dry spell in between seasons so overall fan content was slow anyway, but it seemed like there were so few actual fans of him (to my confusion?!) So I started making my own content (beyond just the stream coverage and ch reactions/commentary + meta) with the expression posts appreciation.
March 2018. U-uhoh, things (and posting frequency especially) were starting to escalate. His reaction to literally getting backstabbed by the monsters and losing Tareo (his quiet but seething controlled feral rage) definitely had me feeling™ things.
Final nail in the coffin
April 2018 Oshit;; Garou forcefully storming and bulldozing his way thru the MA base, his awesome BIG DAMN HEROES moment rescuing Tareo from Royal Ripper, to his hilarious absolute tsundere™ moment denying it (before running into Rover and immediately protecting the kid again) pretty much destroyed me. This was also like the first time I’d seen ONE make a character go full tsundere mode and pull it off in a genuine comedic way (with the classic ‘it’s not like I came here to save you or anything baka’ line and all) so pfft, that was so much endearing icing on the cake. :’D
At this point someone even asked me who’s my favorite opm character, to which I was all, ‘Garou’s current manga content has been on fire so he’s been quickly skyrocketing into my favs (if he wasn’t there already)!’
But then Murata soon dropped THIS ‘protect the child’ page all with perfect timing, and I was…fucking doomed.
'sugoi ojisan' was pretty much the moment of instant death for me ;A; my constant reaction to the streams has been that gaijin 4koma meme with laser heart eyes for emphasis, and I'm pretty much losing my ability to articulate much beyond screaming at this rate
Garou’s behavior could then be summarized as ‘a very stubborn and in denial asshole tsundere little shit nerd. <3’ But there was classic ONE heartwarming irony in there too, cause Garou hadn’t fully ‘lost’ his battles either…during those critical times where he actually assumed the role of the ‘hero’ for Tareo instead. (Oho~)  
basically Garou is a great character, the more you look into how ONE has built him the more meta af it gets
May 2018 (the long-awaited debut of the wc ‘scarf’ vs Rover towards Garou vs Orochi’s epic wtfshitstorm) lolwhoops~ I finally made the inevitable back muscles compilation while also writing longer, more in depth meta posts about him.
Murata delivered some of the best stream content we’ve seen of him. (Completely on FIRE, both literally and figuratively. And looking back, this was probably some of the most fun Murata’s stream sessions ever got. :’D Was awesome to be a fan tuning in during this time.)
even Murata was doodling chibis of himself freaking out in the margins XD
Delivering content from the pose of peak badassery…to dropping stream doodles of peak heartwarming/cuteness (Garou & Tareo in suits) on the fans for good measure.
bam Murata’s out to kill us with his art ...Murata can you like -maybe- chill? ABSOLUTELY NOT
Basically Murata knew exactly what he was doing, always delivering and servicing the fans (drawing the coke bottle was a fan suggestion too) yet also remaining a huge tease~
Towards S2 and beyond
June 2018, following the Orochi fight, Garou was put on a bus and absent from the manga for a while, so I went back revisiting older content again (rereading the manga for fun) and realizing/noticing/wondering stuff I hadn’t really caught about him before like…oh no why is he cute?? Was he always this way or had my eyes finally opened after everything??? (Cause aside from him being a little shit or a cool badass, he was also a complete dork and a nerd, and an oblivious dummy, and just…that was so…wtf endearing, a full package of fun to enjoy.)
But we soon got clips of Midorikawa’s voice reveal (from the opm drama cd) and all hell broke loose among the resident Garou fans. 8’D Especially cause his voice was ‘dark/smooth/mature/sexy’ as opposed to a higher-pitched, unhinged teen voice many had expected (remember that old Hiruma voice I first thought for him? So interestingly many fanboys were disappointed with this deeper voice casting). But also cause Midorikawa said “I’ll do my best to make Garou even more charming than before,” so we were excited to see Garou’s popularity spike even more cause of s2.
Aug 2018, the s2 key visual revealed with Garou prominently featured up and center and I WAS NOT PREPARED!!! I remember having like a full hyper-incoherent breakdown because of this so…yeaaaaah. 8’D I was all rationalizing,
If anything it’s all Murata and ONE’s fault that (the hype and appreciation for him) feeling’s grown even stronger. He was already a thoroughly fun walking meta source, but the manga made his softer/compassionate moments much more obvious (than in the wc). Just watch as this badass dorky nerd becomes even more hugely popular than he already is!
April 2019 was his anime debut…coincided with his post-arc WEBCOMIC DEBUT AFTER 5 FUCKING YEARS (before he even returned in the manga even) IMPECCABLE timing from ONE, holy shit people lost their minds. Including Murata, who had to draw him too! With all that and the anime airing (adding even more wholesome cute Tareo interactions not seen in the manga), fandom participation (+anons) really started to kick off.
I remember seeing the influx of new fans and how so many (who didn’t ‘know’ him yet either) would unironically label him as genuinely ‘evil’ or a ‘heinous villain’ at face value, which….uhhhhhh were the kinda takes that were hard to take seriously, but I appreciated how ONE’s writing allowed the readers to see and think for themselves as the narrative revealed more (rather than believing everything the characters said or claimed), so it’d only be a matter of time until they ‘saw’ the truth about him too. :’)
May-July 2019 the anime continued airing with fandom activity popping, until August when he finally reappeared and ‘awoke’ in the manga! ;A; After like an entire full year of him mia too. This was also the time frame when all the thirsty (and interestingly meta-hungry) Garou anons started (finding me???) regularly chiming in with fun participation. I was grateful though, cause they prompted certain takes I couldn’t have come up with on my own, and allowed me to think, examine, and explain things much more closely and thoroughly than I had ever posted before. (Yaaay~) Such as looking into just what IS it about him?!
“Garou wouldn’t be as compelling, engaging, and appealing as a character without (all) those other interesting layers and nuances to talk about too! :D It’s even better that way! Cause Murata can draw everyone looking drop-dead gorgeous and conventionally attractive, so just having a pretty face and impressive muscles isn’t enough to make him stand out in a special way from the rest of the cast. Already all those things (about him) are certainly impressive, so just what is it about him in particular? (That makes him unique.) The fact Garou has all that AND those other compassionate & interesting qualities to him just makes it the icing on the cake for a complete, well-rounded package. The fact we can know him, for all his feelings and attitude why he behaves and acts the way he does, such as when he’s contradictory, troubled and tsundere-like sometimes, to hardcore and badass other times, to softer and empathetic to fiercely righteous, protective and determined other times, and all portrayed in the way he’s capable of the range (and makes us feel) the entire spectrum of emotion too. …Like whoa (I could keep going but I’d be preaching to the choir at that point aha), all that only enhances what’s already there. In this way, I feel the Garou we’ve come to know by now is much more endearing and appealing than the one we were introduced to at the start. Because as he appeared then, he may have seemed like just another wannabe thug-of-the-week we might not have given much passing thought & attention to. But now…uhoh, you could arguably say he’s grown to the point he’s almost taken over the rest of the manga (within good reason!) by challenging our perception of who’s even the active protagonist. :O Who keeps us engaged and tuned in to see more. Buaha, just what the hell happened?! Now that’s quite the impressive feat from both ONE and Murata to create a character with a lasting impact like that!”
…So that’s what happened. :’D In my opinion, I feel Garou’s best moments where we (or really, I) got to know him better (shed scene, Elder Centipede aftermath, dine n dash, rescuing Tareo, all up towards his fights vs Rover & Orochi) mostly only happen until after s2 so… Since those were some of my absolute fav manga moments (which only enhanced my perceptions of him), those’ll be the moments I’m really looking forward to see animated in s3. But most of all, I’m hoping to witness some of that same ‘aha!’ gradual realization process happen to newer fans who come to appreciate him too. :’3
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otakween · 2 years
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I’m Standing on a Million Lives - Volume 12
After an 8 month hiatus, I return to this decent fantasy series. The anime was C-tier, but I find the manga to be pretty interesting. I had forgotten what the heck happened, but was able to get myself back up to speed pretty quickly. It helps that the arcs are so distinctly segregated so I only really needed to remember as far back as a volume or so. 
Apparently vol. 13 is already out in paperback but won’t be out as an ebook until December?? I don’t get that. I thought the formats were usually released simultaneously, no? 
Ch. 55 
-Nice to see the “400 year old loli/teenager” trope averted. Finally a 400 year old who actually looks like they’re 400! 
-Yusuke’s motivations for “getting revenge on humanity” are still extremely stupid. Also, why did the construction company have mob ties? Just to make them seem extra evil? How is construction work/deforestation of a tiny area Yusuke’s Joker moment? They couldn’t come up with something better?
-Does having massive amounts of MP in this world mean your magic is more powerful or does it just mean you can cast an infinite amount? Because if its the latter than having 10 million MP is kinda less impressive. 
-I don’t get the “dragon’s” powers. What is the evolutionary benefit to “transforming into what a person imagines it will look like?” Is it like a bogart? What if you just stumble upon it without any prior knowledge, then what? 
Ch. 56
-What a twist! I didn’t see it coming, but it’s also hard to be that shocked by a surprise villain reveal when you just met said villain one chapter ago lol 
-The writing felt pretty clunky this chapter. They also did that thing where they randomly/abruptly decide to bring in a narrator out of nowhere. Don’t like that...
-So far it’s really been the Yusuke show. Kusue and Glen are there but hardly get any screen time/lines. I wish things were more balanced.
-Oh snap. It’s been awhile since the stakes were so high (everyone dead but one) pivoting to Habaki is a good twist, but will they take the easy way out and be like “jk lol Yusuke’s fine”? 
-The 2 frizzy eyebrow guys look so identical to me that I was really confused for a moment and thought that was another plot twist (secret twins!?) Really I just forgot who they were...
-The old dude being body snatched kinda came out of nowhere. Like...okay, so I guess dragon bishops do that now?
Ch. 57 
-This chapter was all strategy and economics. I really appreciate the thought put into this manga. It’s nice to read something that’s not totally brain dead every now and then. 
-Habaki comparing his plan to half-ass his way to victory to his job as a “third-rate” programming was a nice metaphor. I did some crappy programming today at my job so I was like “it me” lol 
-Totally forgot about that Basma dude. I thought he was from a different arc? 
Ch. 58
-Following up a strategy chapter with a chapter that’s 100% battle, now that’s what I call a balanced diet. The powers used in this fight felt kind of silly. Like, sure, I can buy using poisonous wasps as an attack, but why did he have to have a coatimundi unleash the wasps? A little too outta left field
-Fatina showed up wooooo! It’s always kind of a deus ex machina moment when she suddenly appears, but I don’t care. Looking forward to seeing her versus Ozu.
-One thing that feels special about this series is how they play with time. The fact that every arc is a time skip means we get to see the affects on one generation to the next. I liked Fatina introducing herself as Jahdu’s Master’s Master, for example. 
-Why does that one knight lady have cat ears tho? 
Ch. 59
-And we’re back to politics. This chapter felt kind of like an Ace Attorney trial lol. I could hear the bgm in my head as the characters argued about the evidence.
-I just realized how much Habaki’s glasses stand out as modern in this setting. I wonder if he looks like some kind of futuristic spaceman to the NPCs
0 notes
fairytales-magic · 7 years
Wisteria and Night Owl from the crayon asks? :)
Ask me: Crayola Crayon Color Asks
Thanks girl!!! :)
Wisteria: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
Uuuuuhhh…that’s always a hard one. Idk honestly, maybe how big of a bookworm i am? I inhale books. Big, small, manga, comics, i love reading and i’ve been known to read an over 600 page book in less then 2 days (Percy Jackson: House of Hades, was up till 3am finishing it but totally worth it :P).  
Night Owl: Describe a very interesting dream that you had.
*cracks knuckles*
Alrighty. I’ve actually had several but this is the one i remember most vividly. For some reason i was Sherlock’s partner in it and we were investigating a house that he was positive Moriarty had been in. So we’re going through each room looking for any clues and the weird part was that every time we went into a new room the door would disappear, like it was never there. Then Moriarty pops up outta nowhere all ‘Did you miss me?’ style and suddenly i’m locked in the basement and the room’s on fire. I saw a small ground level window at the top of some shelves on the wall and start climbing them to get out. As i climb my hands start getting cut and bloodied because of the small glass bottles on the shelf i have to also grab in order to pull myself up, so they end up breaking under my grip. Half way through i slip thanks to the blood coating my hand and fall back to the floor. Then for some reason i think I need to tell Sherlock what happened in case he comes back so i scribble onto a separate wall with the blood on my hands “Hey Sherlock, i found out who M (moriarty) is. Please find me.” and signed it Rachel (which is not my name but for some reason it was in the dream). I somehow managed to climb the shelves without falling a 2nd time and crawl out of the little window onto the grass. I see a pair of shoes standing directly in front of me and roll over onto my back to see Sherlock staring back down at me.
And then i woke up. :)
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naivivation · 6 years
Just disclaimer things... :
Firstly, this is purely my opinion. If you have anything against this, yeah its fine I don’t really care but i’m not trying to offend anyone out there.
And secondly, I’ll be talking about King’s Game and Danganronpa. So don’t pull the WHY DID YOU SPOIL IT FOR ME card.
Fourthly, my vocabulary is limited as fuck lols.
Just 3am things while thinking about King’s Game aka Ousama Game : “King’s Game” is a waste of time.
For anyone who has no idea what this is, let me give you a brief synopsis. This series started out as a novel written by Nobuaki Kanazawa. It has 3 mangas, “King’s Game : Origin” , “King’s Game” and “King’s Game : Extreme”, and an anime adaptation for “King’s Game : Extreme”. So basically, the entire story revolves around this bunch of students that has to follow commands given by the “King”. He sends his demands through messages and you have to complete them or you’ll die brutally (Examples : decapivation , dismembering, incineration, heart attack). It gets pretty fucked up as those characters are forced to make decision as to follow or not. And you’ll be put through that mental state, fearing death, “i’ll die if i don’t” kinda thing. Betrayals here and there. So, I read all the manga and decided to skip all 11 episodes of the (FUCKING LONG WINDED, WASTE OF TIME ANIME. Cause basically its just about the main character trying to convince people about the game, they dont believe it, people get killed, they suspect the main character, and MORE PEOPLE GET KILLED, then there would be someone appears to be insane trying to get rid of everyone but is lowkey an angel trying to figure shit out.. BLAHBLAHBLAH) anime to find out that it is impossible to stop and survive in this game because everyone who participates in this game will have this virus that will keep on spreading if you dont kill yourselves. Also, every single time someone dies, there would be a letter that is located inside the dead person’s phone, so the last 3 survivors who have been through the King’s Game, have collected all the words and they found out about oh so they hafta fucking die. AND BASICALLLY, theres no end to the bloody game unless EVERYONE DIES okay? So, after watching the finale about another game starting somewhere OUTTA NOWHERE (i guess cause the virus travelled through the internet into this guy’s phone or whatever), they actually stated “To Be Continued..” AND GOD I WAS JUST THINKING “OH GOD PLEASE NO” and “WHY THE FUCK HAVE I WASTED LIKE 3 HOURS OF MY PRECIOUS SLEEP READING THIS ENDLESS CYCLE OF DEATH?” (Rhetorical question by the way) I looked into wikipedia and found out that there might be 2 more stories incoming (NOT CONFIRMED YET) about ...YOU GUESSED IT : Students-dying-while-trying-to-figure-shit-out-but-ultimately-ends-up-in-despair.
Ok so 3 reasons why I think this story is a failure and a waste of time.
1. It is already figured out that the game cannot end unless everyone dies, cause the virus will keep spreading.
2. The plot will be as predictable AS FUCKK.
3. The ending of the entire series is already being set up from the start : Everyone has to fucking die or theres a sole survivor that carries on in the next episode but eventually dies
LIKE, even Danganronpa V3 (AKA Danganronpa 53) revealed that oh thats the 53rd game thats being conducted, and they dont spend 50 seasons showing how everyone is killed or whatever. Even the first 2 stories has PLOT DEVELOPMENT. (Although it goes all to waste on V3 cause the developers decided that Danganronpa should be a reality TV killing game that runs on views...... Really disappointed cause of how much built up there was for the story and SUDDENLY YOU TELL ME EVERYTHING IS FABRICATED?! ok..)
But the thing is that Danganronpa’s characters have REAL DEPTH (unique personalities to keep the characters alive, great character design and art) Sure more than half of the crew dies in the end but they’d still hold some emotional connection to your heart whether you’re sad/happy/angry that they died, BUT THE KING’S GAME? After awhile you’ll just really get tired of trying to remember who the fuck died. AND IT DOESN’T MATTER.
IN CONCLUSION, unless there is going to be some MAJOR PLOT TWIST, please do not waste your time on this (unless you enjoy watching the various ways of people dying, THEN...yeah. Just. Do what you do!)
Ok bye.
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