#i was so mad i was going to the vape store bc my vape is dying like i can taste the metallic u know the vape is dying taste bc i was like
bibleofficial · 2 years
this gas station cashier was fuckin around w my cigarettes after i bought them & i nearly hopped over that damn counter
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Today was p nice!
I hung out w ES yesterday and then we decided to stay up all night so we were both super tired this morning. Spending the whole night together w one of my best friends was great tho, we laughed a lot and had ice cream bc she brought ice cream to my place and we talked abt video games and lots of other fun things.
ES hung out w me a bit in the morning and we just talked abt stuff and we also talked a bit with DS.
During the first class I was rly tired and bleh and I also felt very unreal and Not Good before English (I think it was triggered by FR acting a bit weird when he said he’d rather stay inside than go outside w me when I asked) but by the time English class started it got better.
The third-years who have English w my class are out working right now so we started this film-project and our teacher spent most of the lessons explaining things to us. I got put in a group w EM, AS and A and A reacted bad to that for some reason?? Like he called me a killjoy and when I asked him if he meant me he said he meant EM. Idek.
The last five minutes were spent just talking abt our project and the theme. We came up with some dumb idea that we can probably make work in some way so that was good.
I decided to skip lunch and hang out w ES instead which was p cool, and then I hung out a bit with DS and two of his friends before digital creations class started.
We had this student who was there to ~try out~ being at our school and the teacher sat them down w me and AS which was rly awkward bc the person was really quiet and didn’t say much so I didn’t know what to do. CG came in and talked a bit to them but then sent them right over to me again bc her laptop decided to give up on working. UgH.
I went out w AS after class bc he said if I waited inside for three minutes he could go outside w me while I smoked and. We didn’t talk too much but it was nice when we did talk. Also he tried throwing snowballs at me. Bastard.
I was a bit late to ensemble class and the teacher had been searching for me apparently. The class itself was pretty uneventful honestly. Like the same people who usually slack off and act annoying were annoying and EM literally got mad abt it. I think that was the first time I’ve ever seen him genuinely mad. ‘Twas weird.
We decided on a song to work with next week though which was good I guess, but we didn’t decide on what to do w the song I suggested.
After school I talked a bit with F and found out he’s getting disowned by his mom and since he’s too old to be put into foster-care he’s gonna get help with getting his own apartment and stuff. It was good to talk to him a bit despite all that.
I met up w ES a bit after that and we went w her dad and brother to this store and she got a vape. Then her dad drove us home. We ended up hitting a few stops on the way home and at two of them ES’s brother got me and her candy??? That was very nice of him tbh.
Bc of these stops we got home a bit later than we should’ve tho, like I’m home now ‘cause they just dropped me off and it’s 7 pm. Since I didn’t sleep last night I’m gonna eat now and then go right to bed bc I’m exhausted. Not sleepy, not tired, just straight up exhausted.
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specialchan · 4 years
Homemade CBD oil by a noob (contributions welcome) via /r/CBD
Homemade CBD oil by a noob (contributions welcome)
Good people here,
I said I’d write a post detailing my experience making homemade CBD oil. Please note that I do not have the pretension that this is anything remotely a “definitive guide.” Rather the opposite, my motivation is from the searching I myself did when I started with CBD and the number of lost fellow Canadians I’ve come across on this subreddit, who’d ask questions that I myself wanted the answers for, and there would be one or two promising leads, then the OP would ask a follow up questions, and the people who provided a helpful lead were not heard of again. I hope this chronicle would be a starting point for those who also want to reap the benefits of CBD oil, with the financial pressure from having to purchase pre-made CBD oil alleviated by having the option to explore avenues that may be more affordable and sustainable in the longer term while still being able to enjoy the benefits from the compound.
A bit of background: I had a puff of Cannabis from a joint more than ten years ago and I was not interested. I ordered some buds (Purple Kush) and some pre-made CBD and THC tinctures in May this year, when I began seriously exploring what cannabis could do for me. My chief interest was THC to begin with, as I have had a difficult relationship with alcohol for a long time (I’m a high-functioning alcoholic) and I tried different cognitive approaches (seeing alcohol as a friend, as enemy, with indifference) and the difficulties remained (hence I’m technically an alcoholic). I smoked some of the buds I bought and took the tinctures, doing the latter more consistently than the former, smoking probably once a week with a tiny joint (my throat is inflamed from vaping nicotine previously) so I didn’t have to 1) smoke outside and feel vulnerable for standing out and 2) cough like mad. My cannabis experience is that I reaped the unintended benefits, which piqued my interest in researching more.
Previous to this attempt to make CBD oil at home, I had success making THC oil at home. The buds that I ordered, I didn’t want to smoke them, and I thought I could “get rid” of them by making them into oil. I bought some organic MCT oil from the Superstore (hello hello fellow canadians), the whole shelf of which was 30% off. That’s convenient!
I’m not going to recap what I did making the THC oil, although from that experience I am able to research further into a few things and make a few tweaks as a result. I welcome any comments because the process I followed was rookie and I’m truly a noob in cannabis, and my biggest wish is that the mistakes I am making, will be a signpost for what to avoid. Thank you for the questions that are asked on this subreddit because they enrich my knowledge, and the receptiveness to questions on this subreddit (y’all), because I genuinely think questions are never a waste of time or redundant.
Sourcing high CBD flowers:
Located in BC, I naturally look towards the BC Cannabis Store (government rec cannabis sales) for materials. I found something that looked good to me: the grower’s spiel is that the flower is a phenotype of cannatonic, which I learnt is one of high CBD strains and which also gives you a body high (like indica) rather than a head high. Concurrently, I found a source from Ontario (non government) that sells industrial hemp flower sourced from Oregon. These work out cheaper, about $100 (before tax) for 1 oz of hemp flowers, while I eventually paid $130+ approx. (before tax) for the “cannatonic phenotype”. I picked the cannatonic phenotype because its terpene profile appealed to me. I know I can get the hemp flowers in the future and it’s likely as I am interested in making CBD oil for my animal, for whom I’d invest in time and whatever it takes to protect it from the adverse effect of trace THC.
Amount of flowers
The cannatonic flowers came in packages of 3.5g (thank you non-metric friends for your patience and understanding). I used four packages, making it approx. 14g of flowers. I used this amount because it happened to be near the amount of leftover Purple Kush I had to get rid of, so I know how much MCT oil to add to result in comparable concentration in each dropper.
Preparation of flowers
I turned on the oven to around 240 F but turned it off again, because I realised it’d take me a while to grind the 14g of flowers down. I ground the buds to loose leaves and spread the results on a baking sheet, taking some care to make it a thin and even layer. With my last attempt, I left the leaves in a mason jar, the lid loosely on, and placed it on the cookie sheet with a damp towel and the mason jar lying horizontally on it. The reasoning I read was that terpenes are better preserved and the smell is better contained in an apartment. Doing it differently this time, it smells, but I think it smells like ginger nut and hope I can get away with it (this remains to be seen. Wish me good luck!)
THC and CBD have different release points, and from memory, I believe CBD has a lower decarb temperature. I found that there are many instructions for decarbing on the internet and even in this subreddit, and I think at the end of the day, it’s hit and miss which method we choose to use. I decarbed the flowers at 240F this time. Instruction says 60 minutes. I set the alarm to 30 minutes at which time I flip the sheet this way and that for even decarb. I’m hoping the terpenes wouldn’t be burnt off completely or deactivated too much because they are the reason I picked the cannatonic over the hemp flowers this time.
Double boiler
I put the decarbed leaves into a mason jar and mixed them with approx. 250ml of MCT oil. I set up a double boiler with a pot and a steamer on which I prop the mason jar. Last time, I think I burnt the THC oil (it gave me heartburns and I left it alone for a week or so and the burn disappeared) because the mason jar was touching the boiling water for around 30 minutes. This time, I let the mason jar touch the water (not submerged) but the water is simmering on low heat. The method I am following this time says to let the the chemistry work for 2-3 hours (it says even more if you want). I stir the content every half hour or so.
I strain the oil with cut old pantyhose (they are versatile) and leave it to cool before transferring to some old bottles from commercial products and a jar which I refrigerate until I need it.
Thank you for reading and I hope this thread becomes a safe place for noobs like me to ask more specific questions in the process of at-home extraction. I also welcome any feedback, including what I could have done better.
Submitted August 08, 2020 at 07:45PM by tripoverastone via reddit https://ift.tt/2PCzMDX
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