#he gave me a pack of golds at first even tho i was CLEAR - a pack of marlboro red shorts PLEASE
bibleofficial · 2 years
this gas station cashier was fuckin around w my cigarettes after i bought them & i nearly hopped over that damn counter
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bkfics · 4 years
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The next morning you wake up earlier, so you go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone, but after a while Ryota wakes up too with Kazuhiko on his back.
‘Ohāyo Okāsan.’ your baby boy tells you with a raspy typical morning voice.
After you greet them, you wonder where your baby girl is, but then she runs with her open arms to you.
‘OKĀSAN!!!’ She screams with a worried tone, so you pick her up as soon she reaches you.
‘What’s wrong honey??’ You ask her with a comforting voice.
‘Okāsan…’ then she starts crying. Ryota starts worrying too and comes to you two and tries to get Kisara from you, but she refuses.
‘O-okāsan my… I can’t find my gel for hands.’ She cries harder.
‘Kisara it’s okay. Niichan will give Kisara his gel for hands okay?’ Kazuhiko tries to comfort her, but she shakes her head.
‘NOOO I WANT MINE! MINE HAD EEVEE ON TOP!’ She yells this time.
‘Yea.. about that.. I might.. hmm.. gave it to Sakusa yesterday…sorry.’ Ryota tells you scratching the back of his head.
‘Why would y-… nevermind’ You tell him sighing.
‘Kisa-chan, Otōsan will buy you a new. With an eevee one, or whatever you want ok?’
This time she nods and goes to Ryota to let herself get pick up.
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[Sakusa Kiyoomi POV]
After having breakfast I go to the bathroom to take a shower.
As the hot water starts hitting my head, I start thinking about her, and memories of when we were together in high school. I start smiling and laughing as I remember how I was the first one that fell for her and the first time I talked to her I said ‘Use this mask and stay away from boys... except me or else you’ll get sick.’
‘Why did I even leave you? If I could only go back time. I would go back to 4 years ago and tell you how much I love you.’
‘Whatever Kiyoomi, she already has a family, it’s time to move on.’
I start getting frustrated so I quickly finish showering and go run around the neighbourhood to clear my mind.
Time passes by and parents with their kids keep popping up left and right of my view, so I start running faster, but my shoes are so worn out that the soles are so consumed that a hole is formed.
‘Great! Now I have to go buy another pair. This day couldn't get any better UGH!’ I start yelling in my head as I make my way back home and start getting ready, putting on the necklace I can’t seem to let go of…
[at the mall]
I now just parked my car, making my way inside the mall and going straight at the sport centre, making sure I have my spray disinfectant and hand sanitizer-
‘What is this?.. A hand sanitizer with a Pokemon in it? Why do I have this? Ah right.. Y/N husband gave it to me.. Tch, whatever.’
I go inside and I hear three familiar voices, too familiar for my liking, they are: Atsumu, Hinata and Bokuto.
‘Shopping with my friends!’ Atsumu says taking a video to post it on his story.
‘Wait, you have friends?’ Hinata says with a mocking face while Bokuto tries not to laugh.
I seriously don’t wanna deal with them right now so I turn around, going to the opposite direction, hoping that they don’t notice me. Arriving at the running shoes isle, I grab their new released one, it’s even in our jersey’s color, it’s all black and there's a little stripe in gold, so I ask the employee if they could give me my size of this model. After she gives it to me, I go and pay for it and right at the exit, I get stopped by a woman and a man.
‘Hello sir! Our pharmacy has a new cleaning product and even a new hand sanitizer! It’s better than the previous one, it’s less stickier and has different scents! The new cleaning product cleans better than any other! We’ll be so grateful if you could at least have a look at it! Have a good day sir!’ The man tells me.
I just nod, those new products don’t sound bad, might as well have a look.
The mall’s big and after walking for a good 5 minutes, I see the pharmacy but I bump into someone.
‘Oh, nice to see you again Sakusa.’
‘Same here Wakatoshi-kun and Kageyama.’
‘Are you here to go to the pharmacy too Sakusa-san?’ Kageyama asks me as we start walking.
‘Yes, what about you two?’
‘We were bored so we decided to come here at the mall.. hmm what about having lunch together Sakusa?’ Wakatoshi asks me.
‘Hmm sure, why not.’ I answer him.
We arrive at the pharmacy and get in line.
‘Wow this guy’s so tall’ Kageyama says amaze by the man with purple hair in front of us, eating snacks as he was waiting to enter the pharmacy with his friend too, me and Wakatoshi-kun agree with him.
We then decide to eat first and come later as the line was long.
After finding for a good restaurant not packed of costumers, we order our meals and few minutes later we start eating.
‘Itadakimasu.’ we say at the same time.
While we’re eating, we start hearing whisperings from the people eating inside the restaurant.
‘They are so hot, omg.’
‘I know right!’
‘Let’s sit on the table beside them.’
‘Wait girls, aren't those Sakusa Kiyoomi, Ushijima Wakatoshi and Kageyama Tobio?’
‘OMG you’re right!’
‘Look! Sakusa-san is so handsome!’
‘I agree, but wait.. look at his necklace.. Isn’t that a ring?’
‘Oh.. maybe he has a girlfriend already…’
As they keep on whispering, we finish our meals and make our way to the cashier, then we go around the Mall to buy new clothes or things we need for our places. It‘s getting late, so I offer them a ride home since we live close to each other, Wakatoshi-kun is beside me in the passenger seat and Kageyama is in the back seat.
‘Sakusa-san, I’m curios too.. why do you have a necklace with a ring? Do you have a girlfriend?’ Kageyama starts a conversation.
‘Hmm no.. this ring belongs to my first love.. even if we aren't together anymore. I just can’t seem to throw it away and i wearing it became a habit.’
‘If it really means a lot to you, just keep it.’ Wakatoshi-kun adds.
‘Yea.. but, how are you guys doing?’ I ask, wanting to change the subject.
‘We’re doing good, tho our manager took a week of to spend time with Kise-san, since he just came back and will be going back to the States in 2 weeks for the NBA preliminaries.’ Wakatoshi-kun answers.
‘NBA? That’s cool, also who’s Kise-san?’ I ask.
‘He’s that blonde haired guy who was with her and the kids.’ Kageyama answers.
‘Ahh.. the father of that cute little boy.’ I say with a normal expression but feeling sad inside.
‘Ah no, he’s not the father.. he’s just Y/N-chan’s best friend..’ Wakatoshi-kun says..
‘The father left Y/N-chan..’ Kageyama continues.
‘The father left Y/N? He really left her to raise a son alone?’ I ask, irritated by the fact that a man left her alone.
‘A son? She has two kids. They’re twins. A girl and a boy.’ Says Kageyama.
‘Twins? D*mn, he still left them? He’s not a man. He’s a b*stard.’
After some time, I proceed to drop Wakatoshi-kun to his place first, then I drop Kageyama, but before he could open the door, I stop him and ask:
‘Kageyama, can I ask you for something before you go? ‘Cuz I feel like I won’t be able to do it if I don’t..’
‘Sure, what is it?’
‘Can I ask you for Y/N’s phone number?’
‘WOW. So you’re that type of guy, huh? That goes after women with kids..’
‘HUH?! It’s not, you weirdo. I have something to talk with her in person, so I need her phone number to set up a rendezvous.’
‘I’m just playing, no need to get so worked up, chill.. alright, it’s …’
‘Thank you, see you later.’ I say after getting the phone number.
‘Hey, don’t try doing something stupid, ‘cuz you’re not the only one with your head on the line. Also thank you for dropping me off. Bye and drive safely!’ He says while he enters through the door without looking back.
Well, now.. How should I even start a conversation…
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[Back to normal POV]
[2 weeks later. Kansai International Airport]
‘Well, I guess it’s time to board. I already checked-in..’
‘Otosan.. are you going away?’ Kazuhiko asks with tears in his eyes.
‘Are you coming back?’ Adds Kisara
‘Of course.. I’ll be back in no time and you won’t be able to notice that I’m back. I’ll be gone for a while, it’s not a long time.’ He tells the twins with a comforting voice while he’s on his knees hugging both of them.
‘So, while I’m away, I want you two to eat healthy, grow up faster, always help Okasan and always smile, alright?’ He adds before letting go of the hug.
‘Hai, Otosan.’ The twins answer simultaneously while crying and hugging him tighter.
‘Alright, alright. Kazu-chan, Kisa-chan. Stop crying or he’s going to be late. We don’t want that, right?’ Kuroko takes the kids with Momoi.
‘Kise-kun, good luck for the tournament. Also, say hi to the others from me. Have a nice flight!’ Kuroko says with Kazuhiko on his arms crying.
‘Say hi to them from me too! See you later!’ Adds Momoi with Kisara crying on her shirt behind her.
‘Ryota-kun, say hi to the others from me too, also, thank you for your help at the house and for the kids too. I hope you enjoyed your rest time here.’ You tell him with a little bow and a smile.
‘Of course I enjoyed it! Also, I’ll always be here for the kids, I’m their “Dad” after all.’ He says jokingly with a big smile.
‘You’re right! Then, see you later, Ryota-kun. Have a nice trip, call me after you land, alright?’
‘Alright, Y/N-cchi, stay safe when you’re going back. Kazu-chan, you’re the man of the house while I’m not here, alright? Kisa-chan, don’t cry and smile a lot, you’re beautiful eyes and smile need to be shown more!’ He tells the twin before he turns and goes to the departure gate.
You’re all still there watching his back between the crowds of people passing left and right in front of you. Before Kise makes his way to the gate, he turns one last time and stops to look for you. Once he finds you, he says something that really shocks the shiz outta you.
‘I-love-you, Y/N.’ He says it like a whisper and smiles at you, not knowing that you understood what he said, then he goes straight to the gate.
You keep thinking of what he just said, while your face shows how surprised you are, it’s probably something not important.. but you know what he said. You read his lips even though there’s an ocean of people you could read his lips once both of your sight met each other.
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masterpost | III. | V.
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Sakusa was pissed that a guy left you with two kids alone, but was also relieved that you don’t have a man in your life.. but he’s now hoping that you and Kise are just best friends.
Kuroko and Momoi are dating. 
Kuroko Tetsuya:
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Kise is in a NBA team with Aomine Daiki, Murasakibara Atsushi and Kagami Taiga. 
Murasakibara Atsushi: 
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Kagami Taiga:
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@rrroadkill @samwise-though @lola2001 @velociraptorenthusiast @mjade1321 @farmertoshi @kurosiee @googiembul @hohoshiumi @floralkawa @miwtze @crapimahuman
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yonymii · 4 years
secret garden
a/n: shoutout to my chamaedorea plant, Debrah 🤩 (also @gigis-galaxy for telling me to write for mattsun) his characterisation is wierd but whatever,, this took wayy too long to write sjkdjkdjks i think i change tenses at the end?? I liked it tho so i kept it
Wordcount: 4.4k
pairing: matsukawa issei x gn!reader
Warnings: cursing
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Matsukawa didn’t notice you the first time he saw you. Of course, he’d seen you sat leaning against the wall scribbling notes onto your hand, but he hadn’t really noticed you, not enough to be able to describe your appearance. Like every other year, he’d just sat near his friends and started talking, completely missing your voice reverberating off of the plain white classroom walls, your laugh never reaching his ears. Your friends were always sat in front of you, blocking you from his field of vision, so it was no surprise when you two had been partnered up for a history project he’d had to ask who on earth y/n l/n was.
You hadn’t noticed him either, though. Matsukawa was one of those kids who joked around in class, throwing paper balls at their friends and drawing bad pictures of the teacher on scrap pieces of paper but was too discreet to ever get caught. You’d heard his voice but never bothered to turn around and learn whose it was, never scanned the classroom to take in and memorise the faces of your classmates. In your opinion, they were irrelevant unless you needed them for something. 
Unfortunately, you needed Mattsun for this grade.
You waited for him to approach you, not moving from your seat, occasionally glancing over to see whether he was coming to sit beside you (on the table your friend had begrudgingly moved from). After what felt like hours, there was shuffling in that spot and you heard the chair legs scrape across the wood flooring, then a figure slump into the plastic seat. He looked over to you but you were already sending texts to your friends on the other side of the classroom, trying not to laugh so you wouldn’t be caught by the teacher. He thought you were quite attractive; not like Oikawa, though. Like you were unaware of your appearance, as if you didn’t spend too much time staring in the mirror worrying about how you look to others. 
It was silly, really. That he was thinking so deeply into it when all you two had to do was study together and then produce a poster on World War One. It wasn’t difficult, except everytime you started speaking he felt obliged to look over at your face, your expressions. Mattsun desperately needed to focus, and you weren’t helping.
“Are you free to work on this over the weekend or do you want me to finish it?” he heard you ask as he was packing his bag on the Friday before your project was due. You two had mainly worked on it during his free lunches, seeing as all your clubs were on afterschool and not at lunch break. He turned to see you stood at the doorway of your empty classroom, tapping the end of your foot on the floorboards. He nodded, zipping up his backpack and meandering over to where you stood. “Yeah, you have my number, right? Text me your address and i’ll come over at twelve tomorrow,” he started walking off but looked over his shoulder at you, “If it’s okay with you, that is?”
You just agreed politely, joining your friends on the field at the back of campus. You could hear them talking, but you weren’t listening. You had your phone out but it was hidden under your blazer in case any teachers walked past and saw you; as you sent your address to Mattsun you couldn’t help but worry about the state of your room.
Not that it was messy. In fact, it was abnormally clean for a teenager. It was just… full. You had no idea how to tell your partner that you had no desks to work on because they were all occupied by your various houseplants your grandmother gave you? You sure as hell weren’t moving them just so that he could work. 
Your room was a long rectangle, your bed positioned carefully so it fitted perfectly into the thin space by the window (which was occupied by a long pot of forget-me-nots), and you had two desks; one that was for plants all along and the other was now home to plants but was previously used for studying. You did most of your work sat in bed with a tray for stability nowadays.
“Hey y/n! The bell’s gone, we’ll see you Monday, m’kay?” your friend said as they tapped your shoulder and headed off. You just nodded, tucking your device into the inside pocket of your blazer and packing up your things ready for your next english class. 
There were crescent moons of dirt underneath your fingernails and when you put the trowel down to sit back and bathe underneath the late afternoon sun you felt a presence behind you, their shadow above yours. 
You pulled one of your airpods out, turning to gaze up at them. They were stood directly in the way of the sun, the skin on their arms illuminated with gold. You hummed in response, shifting onto your backside and exposing your mud and grass-stained knees. They chuckled and bent down to meet you; you shielded your eyes from the brightness of the sky.
"You're partnered with Mattsun for the history project, right?" Iwaizumi asked, his head tilting to the side. You nodded, fingertips digging into the soil beside you. There were a few younger students kneeling to weed the flowerbeds and vegetable patches beside yours, but they were silent. Iwaizumi lowered his voice, noticing the alck of noise in the area. There were crickets chirping quietly and the heat seared your skin. You wiped your forehead with the back of your wrist.
"Yeah, why?" your cousin smiled, standing back up as he noticed your eagerness to get back to work. 
"He's skipping practice some lunches and won't tell anyone what he's doing. It's driving Shittykawa mad." you laughed at the nickname but still smacked his leg. "Don't call your best friend names, Hajime! And yeah. It'll be done by the weekend so don't worry, m'kay?"
The brunette nodded, turning away from you and starting to leave, waving lazily at you while still turned. You shouted goodbye as he walked off, spinning round to face the bed of flowers and positioning yourself onto your knees comfortably.
Your doorbell was broken when Matsukawa tried ringing it. He marveled at the vast number of window boxes filled with vibrant flowers (which he couldn't name), knocking three times on the wooden door. It was mid afternoon, the sun was hidden behind a few clouds and when you opened the door and invited him inside there were no lights on, only open curtains and white walls and carpets to brighten the rooms.
"Where are we going?" he asked when you led him to the back door and opened it, ushering him outside. It was a large green lawn, surrounded by tall bushes and beds of flowers. There was a small allotment behind a wooden fence and grey brick wall and he saw a tall wooden structure supporting a plethora of different vegetables, along with all different shades of sweet pea blossoms. In short, your garden was something out of a children's story book. 
By the time the pair of you were sat on the blanket underneath an old looking tree, the sun had come out and was lighting the area. There was a stack of textbooks by the roots and you handed him a few which he opened to the bookmarked pages. Mattsun had been the one to keep hold of your poster so he set it down on a tray in the centre of the blanket, along with his stationary.
"What do you want to focus on for the last segment?" you broke the silence with a question which he was quick to respond to.
"Uhm, the causes? Of the war?" you nodded in agreement and opened a textbook. Mattsun cleared his throat and spoke again.
"Whose garden is this? I mean, uhh, who like, takes care of it?" 
You had to hold back a laugh at his nervous tone, suppressing your grin when you explained that it was, in fact, your garden, and you lived mostly alone. 
He just nodded, avoiding any eye contact.
"It was my grandmother's but i look after it now." Mattsun nodded again, ruling a line along the bottom of your poster to mark off the last section. "It's really nice," he said, looking up at you. You slipped your shoes off, tucking your feet under your legs and meeting his eyes.
"You must enjoy it." 
A smile adorned your lips and you hummed in agreement, outlining the title of your poster (causes of World War One) and explaining your hobby to your partner. Honestly, you knew he probably didn't care, but he would listen, even if it wasn't particularly interesting to him.
"When i was younger i lived with my grandparents and sometimes my dad. He's away on business most of the time though. My grandmother used to bring me out and tell me about all of the plants, and after a while let me grow a few myself. When she passed i took over the garden," you giggled as soom is the sun appeared from behind the clouds and lit up your face, " It looks the same as it always did though. I haven't changed it much."
Although you'd assumed Matsukawa wasn't listening, he hadn't transferred any of your notes onto the large sheet of paper. He was laying on his back staring up at the sky through the leaves of the large oak tree and there were little dots of sunlight decorating his skin and hair. His eyelashes were fluttering against his cheeks; he was stunning in a way you'd never noticed before. You probably wouldn't have been able to see him this way if you'd have only been with him at school, volleyball practice or at games. It was different, but not in a bad way. You didn't know Matsukawa Issei, but you wanted to.
Clearing your throat to gain his attention (which you had anyway), and looked over at him once again, only to see his eyes on you, cheeks flushed a little as he gazed at your face under the shade of the tree. "We should really get this done, Matsukawa. It's been an hour and a half already."
He agreed, sitting up and resting his soft cheek on the palm of his hand, picking up a pen and copying out your notes in neat while you cut out pictures to accompany the writing.
Three sharp knocks at your front door woke you up from the light nap you’d been taking on the sofa laying next to your dad who’d come home for the weekend. You watched sleepily as he stood up to answer whoever it was, expecting a delivery or the friendly postman who was also your neighbor.
It was Matsukawa.
“Y/n!- Oh, uhm, hello, sir.” he said, looking down at his shoes and fiddling with his fingers. After the project you’d turned in the pair of you had become good friends and you now often sat with the volleyball team at lunches, visiting them after school during practice and going to watch practice matches. You’d done this every once in a while because of Iwaizumi but it had become significantly more frequent over the last few months.
“Why do you need y/n?” your dad asked Issei, crossing his arms protectively and leaning all his weight onto one leg. The boy who’d come over to see you just smiled up at him as you peeked out from behind the doorway and waved, pushing your dad to the side gently to allow him over the threshold and towards the door leading to your garden.
“He’s a friend, dad. I told you why i got all that food ready this morning, right?” The sun was setting on the horizon as you took Mattsun’s bag and ran up the stairs to your room, putting it by your desk and running back down to meet your friend on the lawn.
He sat on the tyre swing that hung on the oak tree, his legs threaded through the hole as he swung gently in the evening breeze. “You didn’t tell him i was coming over?” Mattzun said, resting his chin on the rubber. 
“I did! I just didn’t give him any specifics is all.” You collapsed onto the blanket that was spread out over the green blades, your head on a large grey pillow. There was a basket by your feet full of cakes and drinks, and you had a speaker resting in the hollow of the tree trunk. The stars were starting to appear in the sky and the moon was hanging low in the orange glow near the rooftops, their silhouette bold against the slowly darkening backdrop. It was beautiful, and with the silence between you two you didn’t notice Mattsun crawling towards you to lay down on your stomach, a can of cola held loosely between both of his hands. He tapped his short nails against it as he looked up at the sky, his delicately carved face illuminated in the fiery sunset.
"You ok, Mattsun? You're being quiet, it's scaring me," you said, looking down at him as he breathed gently, chest rising and falling slowly as his lungs filled with air. You felt him nod against your stomach, hair sticking slightly to the fabric of your shirt. When he sat up to look at you, it was sticking out in weird directions; he looked like someone from a movie who'd been electrocuted. A giggle escaped your lips and he brushed a hand over the back of his locks, smoothing it down effectively. 
He hummed when you pressed one fingertip to the tip of his nose and then the screen of your phone to play some music. Your dad shut off the upstairs and downstairs lights so now it was almost completely dark; the light of the full moon kissed Mattsun’s cheeks and made him glow, your heart stuttered and your breathing becoming laboured and heavy. The boy was laying down on his back on your blanket, chewing a biscuit and sitting up slightly to swallow it before laying down again. The stars blinked at your through the green leaves of the tree, and you leaned forwards to grab your cup that was filled with tea; the warmth radiating from it met your skin and sent a shiver all the way down your spine. You could hear your breathing fall into synchronization with his, your mind clearing and the only thing present in your thoughts was the boy laying beside you.
“Y/n, you never sit with us anymore. Just this lunch?” you shook your head at your friend (who you had indeed ditched for the Seijoh volleyball club a number of months ago), sighing loudly so that she heard you. 
“Seriously, i don’t want to sit with you today, okay?” she just stared at you, face not showing any emotion, “I’ll sit with you guys when i feel like it. That isn’t right now.” and you ignored her pleads as you walked to the stairs where Makki was standing, one foot against the wall and his hands shoved into the pockets of his blazer. His bag was leaning against the surface and one of his shoes was sticking out of the side because the bag as too full. When he saw you he picked it up, slinging it over his shoulder and not speaking, just wandering lazily up the staircase and towards the rooftop where you assumed the rest of the third-year volleyball players would be.
The door was open; there were voices coming through the opening and you heard Mattsun’s laugh, your ears singling out the sound and blocking away everything else. 
Your bag dropped to the ground next to Iwaizumi, sitting on the concrete and letting the wind brush across the bare skin of your arms, blazer discarded on your chair a few minutes away in your classroom. It was a nice day; the sun was overhead, your friend group situated in the shadow of the building. The sky was blue and there were fluffy white clouds floating past, but you payed no attention to them, instead choosing to listen to the conversation the third-years were currently having.
“So you’re skipping detention and sitting with us? For what?” Oikawa said, gazing at Mattsun lazily, the sun almost in his eyes but not quite. He shuffled to the left a bit so he could sit completely in the shade. “Won’t you just get afterschool tomorrow, Mattsun?” 
The boy nodded, fluffy hair bouncing atop his head. His lips were set in a straight line and he opened his mouth to speak, bored expression sticking to his features almost comically, as if he were a doll that only had one emotion. You knew his face never reflected his feelings though.
“Yeah,” he gave no further explanation, just ripped a bit of bread from his lunch and pushed it past his lips into his mouth, chewing slowly and looking over to you. You smiled gently, taking a sip of the chocolate milk you’d picked up from the vending machine that morning but hadn’t had a chance to drink. “Why are you staring at me?” was what you decided to say to Issei after a few minutes, your eyes still locked with his. The corners of his mouth twitched up into a smirk and you sighed, cheeks puffing out. 
“You’re so irritating sometimes, Mattsun. I swear Hajime’s the only responsible one here,” you looked over to your cousin, nudging his knee with yours and adding with a coy smile, “And me, of course.”
The brunette shook his head but didn’t bother to speak. “Y/n, you bring plants to school everyday.” Makki deadpanned, nodding his head towards your schoolbag. . You instinctively pulled it closer by one of the straps, crossing your legs so it was in between your thighs. “Not today, Makki. I didn’t bring anything but my work and lunch.”
Oikawa laughed, seemingly flying over to you and snatching up your bag. When he set it down there was a quiet clink, indicating there was, in fact, something inside. “Y/n seriously, you act as if they’re animals. Just leave them on your windowsill or something.” Makki stated as the captain unzipped your bag. You looked down in defeat when he pulled out a small terracotta plantpot with a tiny succulent in the middle. A burro’s tail, Mattsun thought. He recalled you showing him one when he was at yours after practice once.
The group snickered at the plant and you snatched it away, patting the soil to see if it was in need of water and pulling out your waterbottle to give it a bit. It clinked again when you set it down and Mattsun pulled your face up by the chin to see your expression just as you were about to give the plant a drink. You were pouting, he saw, and your eyebrows furrowed when he laughed at you, his lips curved into a beautiful smile as his voice escaped them.
That’s when you realised just how close his face was to yours. The volleyball team had gone quiet and were all watching you two but you didn’t think Issei had heard you, his forefinger hooked under your chin while his thumb brushed over the top. There was a lot more heat in your cheeks than before, you noticed and you’d dropped your bottle, spilling it over the pale concrete and staining it the colour of slate. Your ears picked up a snort from one of the boys and you tried to wiggle away from Mattsun’s grasp, shaking your head but he gripped your cheeks, squeezing them gently. “Stay there.” he ordered, voice low so the other’s probably couldn’t hear.
Issei leaned in closer, but to your surprise, his lips moved past your face and stopped at your ear, a snicker escaping. “You’re a dumbass, y/n.” was all he said but it surprised you and you yelped from the volume, your head banging against the wall. Your vision clouded and went dark, and when you woke up and raised your hand to the back of your head there was warm liquid over it. You didn’t know if it was blood or the water you’d spilt earlier, but when you saw all four of the third years crouched over you, you assumed it was blood. Iwaizumi pulled you up by your back and leant you against the wall, tapping your nose like he used to when you were kids. 
“Mattsun, you fucking idiot! Shit like that can kill people!” you heard Makki’s voice and then saw Issei’s face above yours, worry filling his eyes. “Fuck, y/n, i didn’t mean to do that, i was trying to joke around,” he whispered, hand on your cheek. Oikawa pulled you up and wrapped your arm around his shoulder, his own slung across your back in case you were dizzy. He turned his head to face his teammates, “I’m taking them to the nurse’s office. Go to class without me,” the brunette informed them and when you stepped through the threshold of the office and collapsed onto the bed, Oikawa setting your bag down on the chair (along with your plant) the bell had rung and you saw the others pass by the office, glancing at you, Haijime waving as he passed. 
You didn’t see Mattsun.
It wasn’t until the next weekend you saw Issei again. You were sat on the swing under the shade of the oak tree, swaying gently to the beat of some soft piano music after watering the dying rose bush when your dad called you out of the garden. 
It took a few moments for you to recognise the boy sat on your sofa. Mattsun was holding a yellow plantpot in his hands delicately, tapping it with the edge of his too-long fingernails. He didn’t look at you when you sat down beside him but his cheeks puffed out and he set the pot down on your coffee table, your dad watching quietly from the kitchen with a cup of tea cradled in his hands. 
“I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry.” was the only thing your friend said, after a long but comfortable silence. You nodded, hand on his thigh, “I know. I’m not mad though! Are you free now? We could go sit in the garden if you wanted to,” your voice grew quiet when the brunette looked up at you. He nodded, hair bouncing as he stood up and reached out a hand to help you up. You laced your fingers with his, smiling gratefully as he led you outside. You heard the kettle boiling and mugs clinking as your dad made two drinks for the pair of you.
It was still warm in your garden when you finished your picnic. The sun had started setting and the horizon was growing amber, the silhouettes of birds on telephone lines. The skin on your arms was golden from the light and Mattsun was laying next to you, his eyes closed so that his long eyelashes fluttered gently against his cheeks, long shadows extending across his skin.
Your fingers were tangled in his hair and you didn’t want to move them in case he woke up. Really, you had nothing to worry about. Issei wasn’t asleep, but you didn’t need to know that. The breeze fanned over your bare legs and the hairs stood on end. Maybe it was getting a little cold.
Issei opened his eyes when you shifted to move one of your blankets across your legs. He sat up and pulled it over his, shuffling closer to you. His lips were curved up into a delicate arc, tinted red from biting them constantly. His cheeks were flushed pink and his eyes were gazing over at your figure lazily, hooded and tired. You reached over to your bottle, opening it with a fizz. A little of the drink got onto your nose and Mattsun patted it away with the corner of his sleeve, his smile dropped and biting his lip in concentration. 
“Mattsun?” he hummed, placing his hand over yours as you fiddled with the leaves of a hydrangea bush. “You look like you want to say something. What’s up?” your voice was very quiet, but he heard it just fine. The boy shook his head, curls ruffling against your shoulder. 
“It’s nothing.” 
You furrowed your brows but didn’t push any further, knowing that he’d deny it and eventually just leave if you kept asking. The hand that was resting on top of yours moved to your calf that was slung languidly across his thighs, his thumb rubbing circles into your warm skin. It was quiet, without any bird chirping in the background. You heard a car go past your garden; then silence.
His eyes shone when he looked over at you, and you didn’t know if it was the light from the house or if he was really just that beautiful, but it took the air out of your lungs all the same. The usual lazy smile danced on his lips and he pulled your head down and pressed the smile to your cheek, the feeling of his lips on your skin leaving a burning sensation; it felt good. The heat rose onto your face and it felt as if your whole body was on fire, all the way from the tips of your fingers to the top of your nose. 
He was already looking away, though. 
For Mattsun, this was enough; he didn’t know why his heart was pouding so hard it felt like his ribcage was going to crack open or why his eyes were trying to look anywhere but at you. And as much as he was scared, he liked it this way. If not telling you what he thought was happening to him meant that you could stay with him like this, he’d do it. He’d do anything.
The only thing stopping him was the feeling of your hand on his cheek and something heavy crawling into his lap; not until your lips met did he notice it was you who was so close to him. He saw the moon out of the corner of his eye, and the stars around it but nothing at that moment shone as brightly as you did. It was almost blinding, you were almost blinding.
Mattsun had never been very good with his words but he didn’t need them with you. You thought the look in his eyes when you both pulled away was enough to explain what he was thinking.
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uhhh @reiningsun​ 👉👈 mayhaps?? KJBDKW im so embarrassed
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restingdomface · 5 years
MDZS lightsaber colours for my crossover AU
Lan Wangji: pure white handle and clear crystal for a blindingly bright fire stick. Light holder indeed. We. Do. Not. Ask. Where. The. Handle. Has. Been.
Lan Xichen: They shade a twin crystal in this AU so his is the same blade, but his handle is baby blue with pretty silver inlay. The last time he actually used the thing for anything other that sparing (before the clone wars starts cause he got sent to Coruscant to help protect the kiddos, so that thing did get used on a few clankers) was for cutting down a tree that was gonna fall over and into Jingyi’s window when lightning hit it in the middle of the night. The fact that he didn’t grow up in the Jedi temple makes all the Jedi masters wonder why he has the twin to LWJ’s saber...
Wei Wuxian: Black handle, red blade. He got a wild side eye from the Jedi masters from that back when him and LWJ were in the temple, and he still thinks it had something to do with why they refused to knight him, but he knew they never would anyways, so he shrugged and moved onto his own path anyways. The crystal is shockingly well maintained for something that’s over a thousand years old. Through most of the clone wars he’s actually not on the front lines. He’s tending to the zombie clones and creating new weapons at their encampment. He uses LSZ to heat metals instead of a furnace cause fire magic is more useful than a stupidly hot tent that he’s probably just gonna blow up anyways. He misses his hubby and plays really bad trap music through the camp loudspeakers that both annoys Dooku and also blows up clankers if they get too close. He tried to rehabilitate him and Ventress once. It worked for Ventress but Dooku tried to get in his head and WWX got annoyed and punched him before leaving him to General Kenobi to deal with. He won’t stop arguing with Qui-Gon’s force ghost about how to cook soup (can you hear Kenobi crying in the background cauee both their cooking is poison and everyones shitting to death instead of dying in the war lol) and helps Obi-Wan see him earlier than in canon.
Lan Jingyi: baby blue blade, shares a twin crystal with A-Yuan. They found it on a camping trip with WWX when they were like five. Handle is white with a baby blue band around the top. His main weapon tho, is just crying at the enemy until they get uncomfortable. One time Hondo Okana kidnapped him and he wouldn’t stop pestering him so he actually tried to sell him back to WWX who was all ‘no thanks, youre his father now, take responsibility’ and now Hondo is actually on their side cause he’s finally met someone more annoying than him.
Lan Sizhui: same as Jingyi, but his handle is white and red, since he was nostalgic when he chose it and he misses uncle Ning, but A-Die says he’s still mentally connected to WN and they’re on their way from Earth but Earth has shitty intergalactic travel rn so it takes like 150 years to get to them. WN’s probably gonna do that nearly-crying thing that zombies do when they get emotional when he sees the saber. Except, he doesn’t use it very much since he found that flame thrower... when the clones first saw him with the flame thrower they nearly shit themselves. Someone gave him a jet pack and now they’re trying to steal him from the weird cultivator clan. I mean. Wens are sorta fireproof imo so it’s okay.
Jin Ling: gold on gold babey, but with a red band around the top. But he doesn’t really use it much cause JiuJiu gave him a bowcaster and so he’s. Like. Scary. Armed child. Did you know he’s like 153 in this AU???? But he looks like a 15 year old???? When the clones saw him with a bowcaster they nearly had heart attacks wtf. Plz child youll shoot your eye out.
Ouyang Zizhen: Red and blue!!! The handle is red lol. The clones are thankful some of these babies have normal weapons but that sentiment is short lived after they watched him yeet his weapon (unlit too) at the enemy and then cry for twenty minutes. One of the medics has adopted him and is teaching him how to do field work so they don’t have to Deal With That Again.
Jiang Cheng: Listen. He showed up after WWX and the kids got kidnapped. And he’s got. An electric whip. And just fucking whipped through pure durasteel to get them out of their cages. And then stopped to throw a bitch fit that WWX actually brought the kids to this (‘They’re over 150 years old JC!’ ‘Do they look like adults to you? How many times a week does one of them ask you for a bedtime story?’ ‘...listen I didn’t LET them come here, they’re stowaways, no one’s letting them stay they’re just. There.’) and the clones that got kidnapped with them are all ‘omfg do we have to listen to their family bullshit...’ and it’s beautiful. Hot uncle with a whip and one of these clones is all ‘I would climb that but he’s shorter than me’
Lan Qiren: He IS a weapon and his effect is to make children behave. They sent him to the main Jedi temple to teach their kids some manners. The kids love him to death till they encounter punishment in the form of doing handstands while copying the Jedi code over and over. Those lucky little shits don’t even have to suffer through using a traditional calligraphy brush to copy 5000 Lan sect rules why they complaining omfg. They gonna get strong.
Jiang Yanli: poison soup. She’s really good at fucking up cargo shipments to send the sith contaminated ingredients and making them too sick to do anything. Also her saber is pink and purple. The blade is pink, the handle is purple.
Jin Zixuan: goooooooold but the blade is actually green. He also has a bowcaster but it’s an antique and he doesn’t really use it in battle.
Meng Yao: they’ve all unanimously agreed that he isn’t allowed weapons anymore. He just whines really loud for DaGe and a giant man comes out of the shadows to either scare you into running away or beat your ass. It took them like four lifetimes to get back to being their dumb gay married selves, but now they’re clingy as WangXian and MY just has to pout to get what he wants. It’s really horrible. TBH no one knows what they’re doing during the clone wars, they just show up sometimes and help out/cause trouble and everyone is all ‘oh. Okay.’ But they Always have Huaisang with them and he always stands there looking pretty and untouchable and glaring at anyone who looks at his DaGe wrong. If someone tries to hurt MY tho he’s unlikely to help lol.
Nie Huaisang: Fan and gossip and also looking at you like you’re the scum he stepped in on the way here and also you’d beg him to step on you and spank you with that fan and Jesus Christ there is a line of clones willing to ask him to do exactly that-
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arcanawildcard · 5 years
How about shuann soulmate marks au? First meeting and no powers?
taking requests here! (be prepared for a wait tho orz)
read on ao3
By the time ‘来栖 暁’ appeared on Ann’s wrist at the age of 16, she had her type nailed down to a T. Her reasoning was that if she was going to live her life without a soulmate (like 95% of the world’s population) she was doing to make perfectly sure that the guy she did fall for was as close to a soulmate as he could get.
He had to be about her age or a little younger. Good-looking and strong and smart and brave. A romantic. He had to be able to make her laugh and always cheer her up when she was feeling down. Taller than her, but only a little, with broad shoulders. Kind, gentle, reserved, but a bit of a rogue too. The perfect gentleman with a hint of mischief and a sliver of danger.
(”You might as well start on hair and eye colors with a list like this,” Shiho told her when she found Ann’s notepad.
“Oh! That’s a good idea.” Ann retrieved her notepad and tapped her lip with her pen. “What do you think about grey eyes?”
“Don’t ask me.”)
He couldn’t be fair-haired because there was only room for one dumb blonde in their relationship, she didn’t have the best impression of redheads for various reasons, and brown was just so... normal, you know?
(Shiho had been muffling snickers at that point, but she helped Ann come to the conclusions of dark grey eyes, curly black hair, preferably Japanese without further commentary.)
It was kind of silly, she knew, but it felt like a talisman. She’d have a soulmate, or she’d have a guy who was perfect for her anyway. Her standards didn’t have room for the likes of Mr. Kamoshida or that one Photography Club member who kept trying to get creepshots of her when she passed by. The girls could call her a bimbo and the boys could call her a frigid bitch and it would all be fine because she was just waiting for Mr. Right.
So her perfect guy had to be good with kids and kind to animals. He had to be a little bit noble and a little bit sly. He had to hold her hand in public. He had to want her—not her looks, not her body, not her connections or status, but her—more than anyone else.
He had to listen to her. He had to hold her but couldn’t coddle her. He had to support her in her dreams. He had to want marriage and children one day. He had to—
And then, one sunny afternoon in April, three kanji hastily inked themselves across her wrist, and no amount of scrubbing washed it away.
‘来栖 暁’
After so much time spent wanting to know who her soulmate was, it was kind of a shock to find out that he’d actually gotten close enough for their souls to, well, brush.
Maybe he’d moved to Tokyo, or maybe he’d just come to visit, or maybe-maybe-maybe...
Well, it wasn’t like she had any idea how to find him—at least not yet. The name would probably pop up online, if nowhere else, and he might even come looking for her first, but right now, at this moment, he could be just another face in the crowd shuffling through Shibuya Square and she’d never know.
It was an odd feeling, but she didn’t have the time to dwell on it. Her agency had her weekend packed and she barely even had the time to make an attempt at her homework before it was Monday again.
Monday was misleadingly clear until it started pouring down right in the middle of her walk to school, and she found herself ducking under an awning with another unlucky student who’s forgotten his umbrella.
She was just contemplating making a run for it (she’d look totally lame, but it would probably be even lamer to turn up soaked through) when she felt a stare burning into the side of her face.
The other student was the culprit, eyes wide and lips parted in that kind of open awe she got sometimes, that kind that didn’t feel hungry or creepy the way some did, just... admiring.
It was a warm feeling, one that bubbled giggly in her throat—and then she registered the actual look of him
And blinked.
Dark grey eyes, curly black hair, definitely Japanese, a little bit taller than her, handsome and broad-shouldered and somewhat reserved—
Ahahaha, no way.
It was ironic that she’d meet a guy that looked like a perfect 10 on her (slightly joking) list of requirements only a few days after finding out her soulmate was nearby, but that just had to mean things were looking her way, right?
She smiled at him, then resettled herself and went back to contemplating the rain. Inconvenient as it was, it was also really pretty.
Mr. Kamoshida was... nice enough to give her a ride to school and save her from looking flustered and lame or soaked and lame, and she made it to class without further incident.
And then, just slightly late, the boy from under the awning walked in after Ms. Kawakami.
He was a transfer student, Ms. Kawakami said, and he’d be studying with their for the rest of the year.
He wrote his name on the blackboard and murmured his greetings in a low, velvety voice that she could really get used to hearing, but she couldn’t fully appreciate it.
‘来栖 暁’ he’d written. Pronounced as Akira Kurusu, he’d said.
That was her soulmate.
Akira’s soulmate was in Tokyo. He was pretty sure, anyway.
Somewhere, somehow, ‘高巻 杏’ was or had been close enough to ink their name on his wrist in the space of a nap on the train.
It was one more new thing in the whole slew of new he was walking into, and it should have been a shock, but he was traveling out of his hometown for the first time, he was alone in a big city, he had narrowly escaped a prison sentence for a crime he hadn’t committed, and he was barely acquainted with a picture of his new guardian, much less the man himself—
Well. Tokyo was the biggest city in Japan. There were over 9 million people here and more passing through on the daily. His soulmate could be... anyone, really.
Well, no. They were Japanese, he knew that much, and 杏 was generally a female name—an Azu, or Anri, or Kyou, or Suume...
That was about it, though. He should probably start looking for her while he was in Tokyo; much more convenient and accessible than his hometown, if nothing else.
Just... maybe not right now. Right now, he needed to sleep for a week.
Forgetting an umbrella on his first day at his new school felt like just par the course for his current string of luck.
The girl who joined him under the awning he’d taken shelter under did not.
Pale gold hair like starlight, eyes blue enough to make up for the muddied sky tenfold, quiet melancholy on a face so beautiful it was almost ethereal. She stood with casual confidence and enviable ease, like this was just another day to her, like she’d been like this so long she didn’t even notice that the world was hers anymore.
Which she didn’t, he guessed, but meanwhile his breath was caught in his throat, pulse throbbing in his fingertips, because oh, wow...
He’d known people looked like that in magazines, but seeing the real thing—seeing someone who was about as flesh and blood as divinity could get with his own two eyes—now this was something else.
She met his eye with a much milder surprise than his own, her confusion unfurling into a warm smile (oh) and quiet giggle (oh), and then looked away while he gaped like an idiot.
Just proof that there were all sorts of people in Tokyo, he supposed once he’d shut his mouth and scrambled his wits back together. It was a crazy city to put people like the two of them side-by-side.
Not that it really mattered.
He’d probably never see her again, and he was one of those lucky few with a soulmate he had to find besides.
Tokyo was a crazy city, but maybe... maybe it wasn’t all bad.
He saw her again.
And, for all intents and purposes, he’d be seeing her six days a week for as long as he was in the city.
Since, you know, he sat in the seat behind hers in homeroom.
Their homeroom.
The homeroom that they shared, being in the same class and the same year and the same school and all.
The school that was now buzzing with rumors about his probation and what kind of cruel, evil, morally bankrupt deeds he’d done to earn it.
Not that it... really... mattered...
It wasn’t like he’d ever had a chance in the first place, but he’d give just about anything to be entirely invisible in her eyes (and the rest of the school’s, if he was being honest) if that would mean she didn’t look at him with quite so much... alarm.
Oddly, it was her best friend who was the first person after Ryuji that didn’t look at him askance.
“Hey,” she said after he’d bumped into her just inside the door to the courtyard. “Don’t let them get to you. This school loves rumors.”
“What rumors?” he deadpanned, though the words were very, very welcome, he couldn’t lie.
She smiled, genuinely relieved. “I’m glad you’re doing okay.” Then the smile dropped as she looked behind him. “Ann? What’s wrong—”
The girl—Ann Takamaki, professional model at the age of 16—gave him a contorted attempt at a smile of her own and unceremoniously hauled Suzui-san away.
...Juuuuust his luck.
He was really going to go get his lunch and try to eat away his sorrows, but on his way to getting a drink from the vending machines, he heard Suzui-san’s voice from the rest area within and paused to eavesdrop.
“What do you mean, ‘don’t know how to talk to him’?”
Apparently it was Takamaki-san she was talking to, because it was her voice that answered, “What if I mess it up?”
“Don’t you just go up and say hello? Ask how he’s settling in? This is small talk, not rocket science.”
Were they talking about... him? No way, right?
“I can’t do that!” Takamaki-san squeaked. “It’s gotta be, like, special! D-Doesn’t it...?”
“I don’t think so. He seems lonely. I bet he’d be happy even if it wasn’t special.”
Right, so, it definitely wasn’t him they were talking about because he was pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to take the disappointment if he thought they were talking about him and they weren’t. Maybe they were talking about one of Takamaki-san’s coworkers or something.
Maybe. Probably.
Definitely not him.
“Well, if you really want it to be special, you could always start off by shoving your wrist in his face,” said Suzui-san. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”
“Sorry... It never seemed to be the right time.”
“It’s fine. I’m going ahead, okay? And talk to him the next time you see him.”
Takamaki-san groaned with a shluff of fabric that suggested she’d slumped in her seat, and then Suzui-san was rounding the corner and Akira had nowhere to hide.
She slowed to a stop when she saw him, pursing her lips and blinking big puppy-brown eyes.
The look faded into wry acceptance after about two seconds. Walking closer (out of Takamaki-san’s earshot?), she murmured, “You heard all that, huh.”
He nodded cautiously. No sense in denying the obvious.
She studied him for a moment, then decided, “That makes things easier... I think. Follow me for a second?”
He nodded again, still mentally trying to catch up with this new turn of events.
Suzui-san led him... in a circle. Back into the school building and out another door, then back to the vending machines, where Takamaki-san was still sitting at the table.
“Look who I found,” Suzui-san announced, and then looked at Akira expectantly until he entered the rest area.
Takamaki-san, for her part, was just as gorgeous and just as alarmed as ever. Akira was of the private opinion that the way the light played over her face and throat belonged on the silver screen... preferably aiming that look at someone who was not him.
“Ann wanted to talk to you,” said Suzui-san, the blatant liar. “I’m going back to class now. See you later!”
And with that, she left Akira alone with Takamaki-san’s steadily growing horror.
The seconds stretched out like eons as the blood drained from her face and tried to rise in his, his mind pinwheeling as he tried to grasp why Suzui-san thought Takamaki-san wanted to talk to him when she was so blatantly terrified of him.
“Um!” she finally squeaked. “Hi!”
“...You feeling okay?”
“M-me? O-oh! yeah, I’m- I’m fine!”
She was a terrible liar. That would have been adorable in any circumstances but these.
When he didn’t immediately reply, she flushed, gaze darting away as she blurted, “So! Um, how are you liking Tokyo?”
“It’s alright,” he said slowly, the eavesdropped conversation dancing through his brain. “Kind of hectic. I never knew trains could be that packed.”
That was about three times what he’d normally say, but Takamaki-san looked borderline desperate.
Seriously, what was going on here?
“Oh yeah, that shocked me too when I first moved here, y’know? I grew up in Finland and it was way quieter than here.” She was gaining her composure back piecemeal, and she managed to look him in the eye with a shy, unsteady, but real smile. “Speaking of trains, have you had the chance to check out the Underground Mall at Shibuya Station?”
“No, not yet.” Suzui-san hadn’t honestly led him here for small talk, had she?
“Oh man, you totally should,” she said, still pink-cheeked and breathless but blossoming into a vivid expressiveness that had butterflies sparkling to life in the pit of his stomach. “They have, like, everything there—you have to see it to believe it.” She scratched the back of her head, suddenly bashful. “I could, um, show you around sometime... if you want.”
His heart lodged itself in his throat, and he had to clear it to speak. “I’d like that.”
Takamaki-san actually glowed, which was putting a whole lot of holes in his theory that she was scared of him. “Great!”
(It was also putting a fair number of holes in his heart and his cool, because there was only so much a guy could do with a smile like that aimed at him and Cupid wasn’t blind.)
“Was there something you wanted me for?” he asked then, because this was good but he probably needed to leave to go cool his head down soon.
Takamaki-san sat bolt upright and flushed again. “No, well, just- just this, I mean—I really did just want to talk to you, and see how you were doing because transferring is hard, I should know, and I know I’m a little late with the welcoming committee but you should definitely check out the city, and... ugh...” She buried her face in her hands. “I’m babbling, aren’t I?”
“It’s cute,” he offered.
She shrunk in her seat and blushed right down to her collarbones. “I... don’t think this qualifies as cute.”
“You’re right; it’s adorable.”
Her head jerked up, and even her mortification was beautiful.
“That... not fair,” she said weakly.
He tilted his head with a half-smile, entirely unrepentant. Making her blush was a way bigger ego boost than he ever would have guessed.
(...If this maybe-definitely crush didn’t die a quiet death soon, meeting his soulmate was going to be a mess.)
Almost as if echoing his thoughts, Takamaki-san wrapped her hand around her wrist and squeezed. There was an enigmatic little grin on her face, her eyes bright and distant. “Guess Shiho was right after all.”
“About what?” he said, wrong-footed by the non-sequitur.
She didn’t seem to hear him. “Hey, so, um...” She dropped her head, shoes scuffing against the ground in a fidget. “There... there was something else that I... wanted to ask you about.”
He waited.
She took a deep breath, then jumped to search her pockets, muttering ah, shoot, and eventually pulling out a crumpled receipt and a pen.
He had a brief moment to think that maybe she would suggest trading numbers, but then she started sketching out a kanji.
“Y-your name...” she said, and his stomach flipped clean over. “It’s, um. It’s spelled like this, right?”
She’d written out ‘来栖 暁’ with astonishingly neat penmanship.
“Good memory,” he said, and his voice came out rough. Especially good considering that she’d only seen it once.
(Unless she hadn’t only seen it once...? whispered something in the back of his mind.)
“Y-yeah,” she said, and exhaled slowly. “And... my name is written like this.”
‘高巻 杏’
(Maybe this rapidly growing crush wouldn’t be that much of a mess after all.)
He wasn’t sure what his face looked like at that moment, but it was enough to make her chest shift in a gasp in his peripheral vision. He was still kind of stuck on the 高巻 杏 part.
Then she started shifting her sleeves, and the glimpse of skin under them had his full attention.
And, there, like a dream, was his name.
“April ninth, around two P.M.,” she said, this actual goddess with a shy smile and his name on her wrist.
“I... was asleep on the train,” he croaked dumbly, then belatedly thought to offer his own wrist to confirm.
The look on her face made him wish that he’d done it ages ago. Timid trepidation met honest joy and unfiltered relief, stained-glass hues of emotion painting her face like art.
The sleeve slipped to cover his name when she went to push her bangs to the side, then rub the back of her head, then, mind apparently made up, she stood and walked over to face him.
“Nice to meet you,” she said, offering a hand—for him to shake, for him to leave his heart in—and meeting his eye, endless wells of sky blue and just as open, just as enticing. “I’m Ann Takamaki, and I’m your soulmate.”
It took three weeks for Ann to dig her old list back up.
She went through the whole thing, checking off almost all of them, then adding amendments to the rest and then checking them off.
Shiho, who was hanging out to borrow Ann’s 3DS, button-mashed what sounded like a combo and said, “I still can’t believe you managed to get the hair and eyes right.”
Ann flushed, pen hovering over the page. Her most recent memory of ‘the hair’ was the way it felt tangled in her fingers and the low groan that had rumbled in his chest when she tightened her grip just so, and her most recent memory of ‘the eyes’ was how the looked when they were glazed and dark and a little bit wild.
“Oh, well, y’know. I have a type.”
“Or psychic powers,” said Shiho, teasing.
Ann sat up. “Oh man, you think?”
“Better start picking out your title now,” Shiho agreed, then muttered, “Ah! Darn...”
Ann flopped back on the bed and held the list high above her. “Ann Takamaki, finder-of-the-Perfect-10-who-is-also-her-soulmate!”
“Rejected. It’s too long.”
“Guess I’ll have to think on it.” She let out that sigh sitting high in her throat.
Then she rolled over and grabbed her phone, because Akira might have some good ideas (or some funny ones, or some intended to make her blush down to her toes), and she really wanted to see if she could make him smile again (coaxing them out was becoming her new favorite pastime), and she had a really funny story to tell him about looking out for the perfect guy and finding out that she'd been unknowingly looking for her soulmate all along.
She was pretty sure he’d be able to appreciate the humor.
fun fact for those who don’t know already: kanji generally have a few readings, but that number goes through the roof when it comes to names. you could name all your kids the same kanji with different readings and they’d hate you for life, but like,,,,, you could do it. both ann and akira’s names have 11 common readings each, at least according to jisho.
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entamewitchlulu · 5 years
Arc V Month Day 12: Favorite Ships
ohohohoho, did you mean my favorite day??  I love talking about ships, I love exploring possible character dynamics whether those are romantic, platonic, sexual, antagonistic, or whatever, and Arc V is FULL of great character dynamics as well as great potential ones that while they never interacted much or at all in canon, I still think would be really fun to play with
I could talk for hours about ships, and I have a LOT of faves within Arc V (arc v was actually the beginning of my multishipping tendencies, before this I was a strict single-ship-per-character type), but for the purposes of time and space I will talk only about my “starter pack” as I like to call it lol.  Tho, if you would like to hear my thoughts on any other Arc V ship, please don’t hesitate to drop into my askbox!  I love to talk about this >w<
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Escapeshipping (Asuka/Osiris Red Girl)
One half of the ship may not even have an actual name, but that doesn’t stop me from being in love with this little rarepair.  I’ve always liked the idea of bi Asuka, but before Arc V, there really wasn’t a female character I really enjoyed shipping her with.  Arc V came to the rescue by giving her a gf (it also gave Crow a bf...Arc V said gay rights).  Even though all we get of them is one flashback, it’s pretty clear that the two of them were close, close enough for the Osiris girl to confide in Asuka her treasonous thoughts and to want to save Asuka by bringing her along in her escape rather than simply escaping on her own.  And it’s the Osiris girl’s sacrifice that drives Asuka to be as much of a rebel against Academia that she is.  That’s the set up for a powerful tragic love story right there, and we only had half an episode -- that’s pretty epic imo.
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Chaperoneshipping (Gongenzaka/Sawatari)
I named this rarepair, so it has a special place in my heart lol.  I just think it’s probably one of the funniest, and yet sweetest ships I’ve got for Arc V.  The two of them are pretty much diametric opposites -- Sawatari never stops moving or talking and is super full of himself, while Gongenzaka is based on standing completely still and has a pretty healthy understanding of himself and his limits.  Every single interaction they had was gold, as the two of them have such different ideals and beliefs, but they play off of each other so well.  They’re literally the tol gay + smol gay and I love them and their banter a lot -- plus, I legitimately think that the two of them are pretty good for each other.  Gongenzaka can help ground Sawatari but also take care of him when his inevitable loss of confidence spirals back again, and Sawatari can put an exasperated smile on Gongenzaka’s face and help him loosen up here and there.
rest are under the cut so this doesn’t get TOO long lol
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Darkrebelshipping (Shun/Yuto)
This is one I haven’t actually paid as much attention to lately, but I still do really enjoy it!  It’s a little cliche, but I just find their relationship pretty interesting.  It’s clear that they’re close friends who trust each other, but there’s also a lot of friction between them because they have such fundamentally different value systems.  They both want the same things, but what they’re willing to do to achieve those things is very different, and seeing how that effects the two of them in different situations is very interesting to me.  Plus, I just kind of love how they both look like they would go to Hot Topic together lol.
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Moonblossomshipping (Ruri/Selena)
Am I using my own screenshot edit for these two?  Yes, yes I am, because despite my deep and abiding love for this ship, they never officially got to interact while not possessed lol.
As the above mentioned lack of interaction notes, this ship is mostly in my head, but I think it has a lot of interesting potential as a dynamic.  Ruri and Selena may be parts of the same person, but they have some unique differences that make their potential relationship intriguing.  Selena is a very headstrong person who rarely thinks before she acts, acting on an innate sense of justice that may be skewed because she rarely takes the time to closely examine where that image of justice is coming from.  She’s an angry and impulsive person determined to prove herself, and yet she’s also very disciplined in other places.  Ruri, on the other hand, comes from a much softer world, and from what we’ve seen of her, she also has a strong sense of justice -- though her views on it come from a place of sympathy/empathy and a desire for compassion towards others, rather than Selena’s warrior-like take on making justice happen.  That softness + Selena’s sharpness makes for a great contrast, and the fact that their two worlds are pretty much perfectly opposed in the struggle in canon also sets up for some great star-crossed lovers shit which I’m ALWAYS into.
And outside of that?  They just are....so pretty.  They have the best aesthetic together.  I was shipping them somehow before Ruri was even revealed, I am here for the long haul.
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Duskshipping (Dennis/Yuuri)
Here’s another ship that gave me less than half an episode of content and made me go absolutely wild over it.  Yuuri and Dennis may have only interacted for a few moments and only twice overall, but there’s something about those moments that still captivates me.  The whole concept of Yuuri being this terrifying force that people run to the side of the hall to avoid, even as a child, but then being met by a laid-back, cheerful greeting from Dennis, fascinates me.  Dennis isn’t scared of Yuuri at all, in fact, he seems to find Yuuri amusing to some degree.  He’s the only character in the entire show who hasn’t immediately viewed Yuuri as some terrifying monster.  Part of that may be simply due to Dennis’s cheerful + semi suicidal personality, but I think there might be a little more to it than that, especially since Yuuri doesn’t seem at all annoyed at Dennis’s lack of respect.  There’s this sense of relaxation to their interactions, as though they’re used to hanging out, as though they’re comfortable with each other.  For people like the two of them -- Dennis, with his self-loathing covered up by a mask of cheer, and Yuuri, with his monstrous, malicious glee towards destruction, that unspoken comfort with anyone, much less people so different from each other, feels very important.
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Stealthshipping (Sora/Tsukikage)
This one hit me like a frieght train all at once.  For most of my favorite Arc V ships, I got the sense that I would like them early on into their character introductions.  Basically from the moment I saw most of them, their first interaction or even their first introduction alone, I had the feeling I was going to love them as a ship.  These two?  I had no idea I was going to make THIS my favorite ship for the two of them...and honestly, my only romantic ship for either of them.  And like, why would I have?  Their first interaction is where Sora kills Tsukikage’s brother.  Angsty, to be sure, but I barely thought they’d even meet again.
When they did, however, and how it all played out after that, I was smitten.  Two soldiers who met on opposite sides of the conflict, who had every reason to hate each other, and every reason to destroy each other, who found themselves slowly, slowly putting that unease aside for the common goal ahead of them, until they became a team to be reckoned with.  Sora apologizing for what he did to Tsukikage’s brother and even offering to atone any way Tsukikage wanted as long as he could save Yuzu and Yuya first, Tsukikage putting down his grudge “just for now,” slowly becoming the two of them coming to each other’s aid and fighting like a team?  It was so powerful.  I definitely need to create more content for the two of them.
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Genesishipping (Ray/Zarc)
Let’s be honest, we all ship this one a little bit.  They’re the penultimate tragic, antagonistic couple, even if they probably never actually met in the past.  They’re perfectly opposed forces, creation and destruction, and Ray is more than willing to come back over and over again to fight Zarc, while Zarc builds pretty much his entire self around being able to defeat Ray again.  Plus, considering all of the bonds between their counterparts? It’s obvious that in another life, these two would have been friends, or even lovers, which just makes their actual first meeting all the more tragic.  They have a wealth of possibilities to explore, and it’s one of the most popular ships in the fandom for a reason.
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Appleshipping (Rin/Yugo)
otherwise known as THE CUTEST OTP....I don’t know what to say about Apple that I or others haven’t said before.  They are such a power couple.  They’re so sweet and wholesome, but they’re also inherently kind of tragic.  They grew up in a world that didn’t want them to survive, but they did.  Yugo’s pure love for Rin, and Rin’s motherly nagging, probably out of fear that Yugo’s happy nature might end up with him getting hurt in this awful world they live in, hiding her own deep love for him back, is just such a sweet, beautiful combination.  The way they constantly work together and constantly think of each other is just so sweet and lovely, and I love them a lot.
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Lustershipping (Yuzu/Masumi)
The ORIGINAL Arc V gays, the one I shipped before I even started watching the damn show.  Shallow bit out of the way first, but they’re a pink/blue ship, and their color schemes together are GORGEOUS, which is my weakness.
Past that, though, this is the first pair of significant f/f rivals we’ve gotten in YGO to my knowledge, and I’ve found lately that I’ve become something of a sucker for some brands of rival pairs.  They’re antagonistic, but it drives them both to be better, and they shit-talk each other, which is great to see with an f/f rival pair, but they end up being super respectful and even grateful to each other for pushing them to get better and better.  And if you don’t think Masumi’s got a crush on Yuzu at the very least, I don’t know what to tell you lol.  She gave the girl a ROSE.
I’d love to play with their continuing relationship more with the pair of them as rivals who eventually become friends before they know it, and then perhaps something more :)
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Pendulumshipping (Yuya/Reiji)
And here we are.  You all knew it was coming if you’ve been here for longer than 10 minutes, lol.  Yuya/Reiji was my fave from the beginning, and it only grew and grew and grew until it became my most important and favorite OTP of everything I’ve ever shipped.
I’ve told the story a million times, but I first began shipping them when Reiji imagined he was dueling Yuya while testing his pendulum cards.  What kind of a person do you have to be to move someone as immovable as Reiji, who’s spent his entire life making himself strong and unaffected for the task ahead?  What kind of person do you have to be to stick in Reiji’s mind like that?  And for a while, it felt very one-sided to me, though I played around with the idea of Yuya eventually returning those feelings -- still, back then, I felt almost guilty about the ship because more than one person called it potentially abusive, and I could see where they were coming from -- canon at that point had shown them as antagonists towards each other after all.  And then canon kept trucking along and showed me that it wasn’t just that at all -- a seed of trust was starting to blossom between the two of them.  The moment that Yuya called out Reiji’s name by his first name out of concern to see him trapped with the Council, that’s when I realized they absolutely did both have some level of trust in and care for each other.  And when Yuya shouted out his trust in Reiji despite Roget’s revelation about Reiji’s father, proving that he did trust Reiji and his judgement after all, and when their tag duel arrived, and Reiji decided he would throw in with Yuya all the way, that he would stand behind him and believe in him til the end and the two of them fought together, that was it.  It’s place as my favorite OTP was sealed.
There’s just something so soft and gentle about them, despite their beginnings.  They don’t have the same antagonistic air to them that most main ygo protag/rival pairs have to time.  Despite their beginnings, they were always on the same side, and it was never about trying to one up the other, even at their last battle -- it was always about working together for a common goal, and making the other better.  And I just really, really love that.
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writcrinthedark · 7 years
The Spoils of War: Thoughts on the episode
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First of, we get the creepy creep creeping creepily around Winterfell. We all know there is only one person who requires this many creeps. I love how he was trying to turn Bran to his side with his sweet talk and Lord Stark this Lord Stark that, then Bran ’404 Emotion not found’ Stark just went “chaos is a ladder” on him. Which is, of course, part of his long spiel in the throne room some seasons ago about his ambitions. He is understandably creeped out. How does it feel being on the receiving end, Baelish? Maybe now you’ll stop whispering weird shit in poor Sansa’s ear.
ARYA!!! HOME!!! IN WINTERFELL!!! REUNITING WITH SANSA IN FRONT OF NED STARK’S CRYPT!! dude. the significance of this i cannot even?? they’ve come full circle. ned used to try to get arya and sansa to stop fighting by saying that line we heard in the trailer:
“When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.”
And here they are, living that truth, in front of his grave. Can somebody?? please??? scream with me?? And it was a little awkward and a lot perfect and dude. Wow. Mentioning the kill list and having Sansa laugh is a nice touch at how long the Starks have been separated. Arya’s reunion with Bran is !!!!! like she got a sweet new Valyrian steel dagger but good ol’ Bran is still channeling the Terminator, if the Terminator was psychic. It makes me so sad that Bran would never be the same again. None of the characters ever will be, but Bran more than most. He didn’t even acknowledge Meera much when she left, and that is incredibly telling. Gods, I’m getting so emotional over this.
I’m glad Arya and everyone else agrees with me that command suits Sansa. I really like the sound of Lady Stark, and how you can see both Ned and Catelyn in her in both appearance and demeanor. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Sansa has one of the best character arcs in the entire series full of good character arcs, given that it didn’t kill off that character prematurely.
The Arya sparring with Brienne scene made me live like 50 years longer than my life span. The joy on her face. The confusion and pride and mix of emotions that played out on Sansa’s face. Littlefinger nodding to Arya, which makes me beyond nervous. I imagine that Arya would want Sansa’s approval, having been so long without family and the lack of Jon at this moment. Speaking of, that is the only Stark reunion left we’ve yet to see, and I know it would be the best one yet. Sansa acknowledged it herself. I just really, really, really want to see Arya and Jon’s reunion. Please just give it to me, Thrones. Don’t deprive me any longer.
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The subtle Jonerys nod in the scenes on Dragonstone, though. The knowing looks Missandei gives Dany, Davos teasing Jon, like dude, give it allll to me. I cannot even handle. This aside though, Dany’s persistence that Jon bends the knee is understandable but like, girl, just let him have the North. What would you even do with it?? You’ve both come so far to be here. But hey, I totally get where they are both coming from. It’s exactly the fact that Dany has come so far to be here that she demands complete loyalty from Jon. She has been betrayed before, so she is understandably wary. Asking her to lay off would be a little unrealistic of us and Thrones knows it.
That’s all I’m gonna say about it. I’m scared I’ll go on a long spiel that will make everyone lose interest in this post. If anyone ever feels like fangirling with me, just message me and I swear I can keep on going forever.
But hey, Dany made that nod to the theory I had last week. Mentioning the enemies as Tyrion’s family. It’s a bit harsh of her to put him on the spot like that, but wow, I love it when Dany loses her temper. It hints just enough that she isn’t as perfect as we hoped she would be. (To me she kinda still is, since the following scene of her actually riding Drogon to war just made me go !!!! inside)  
Now, for That Battle ™. Guys. I don’t have any words to say except that this is the first time in seven seasons we’ve seen a fully grown dragon in action. I had zero pity watching Lannister men burn. Cersei might have drawn first blood in this war, but goddamn Dany has gone for the kill. You can see that she has ridden all this way out to the Reach with blood on her mind. Tyrion watching, concerned, on the sidelines is a nice flip on the trope that women are always wringing their hands while men go to war.
Consider how significant this battle could be in the war: Jaime is either captured (again) or killed (highly unlikely), all of that Tyrell gold is gone in the flames, Dany now realizes how mortal her dragons actually are. This could easily be the best battle scene in the series, except I harbor a special fondness in my heart for Hardhome and the Battle of the Bastards.
Here I’ll add another section: what I think based on the preview of Episode 5. Varys telling Tyrion that they need a way to make Dany listen to them is feeding even more fuel to the fires of the Mad Queen Dany theory rampaging through Reddit lately. I’ve always loved Dany’s conviction and confidence and the strong need to exact vengeance, which has been with her since the finale of Season1, but what happens when these qualities turn against her and turn her into Cersei? Even Tyrion is starting to look concerned. If Tyrion betrays her, I think that will be her last straw.
(I really hope that doesn’t happen. I love Tyrion and he’s in my Top Five, but what will happen to him if he betrays Dany???)
Right, I’ll leave you guys now with this. Season 7 just keeps getting better and better. Can you believe there are only 3 episodes left until we’re all back to the endless wait. The wait between seasons is the Long Night for Thrones fans, indeed. This episode was so insanely good that my mind is blown and now I need time to recover. For being the shortest episode this season, it gave me so many emotions than I know what to do with.
I’ll see y’all next Sunday for more emotional wrecking and suffering if I don’t end up in therapy before that. Thanks for going on this wild journey of screaming and screeching and crying with me :)
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ter2seok · 8 years
time traveler's wife au
Time Traveler's Wife AU (Really loosely based because i hate awful angst and i love canon) - Yuuri is the time traveler and Viktor is his husband ofc - (Because damn don't i love pining Viktor i'm sorry my child) - Yuuri started time travelling when he got his first panic attack, which was after a competition when he was fourteen - He loves the ice and the ice grounds him so he never takes off when he is performing, no matter how badly - His time travelling is pretty unpredictable tho. It can happen once between six months, or twice a week, or only twice between three years. - Besides his family, only Yuuko and Minako knows because he took off in front of them the first time and also Phichit because he disappeared into thin air after a particularly stressful exams - Future Yuuri has visited Viktor since Viktor was seven - But the Yuuri who visits little Viktor is the Yuuri who already has Viktor in his life, like after 23 years old. So Yuuri does not know that he is in Viktor's life so much - Before meeting Viktor, Yuuri will visit his younger self or his future self before Viktor - Since the early days, Yuuri only gave Viktor very few informations about himself. Of course he told him he is Japanese, he told him he loves katsudon, he would eventually also tell Viktor that he loves dancing and also figure skating. But he never disclosed his actual identity that could lead Viktor into finding him, how they met, how they are both competitive figure skaters, etc. - He made Viktor swear not to look for him, because it would compromise the timeline and everything - Viktor developed a gigantic crush on Yuuri since early on, Yuuri has been his best friend since forever. He got pretty heart broken when he realized Yuuri is married to someone since he is always wearing this extra sparkly gold ring even when Yuuri always shows up stark naked every time. Although later when Viktor was eighteen and very sad and lonely, Yuuri revealed that they are married in the future - (psh, Viktor totally did his first time with a twenty four years old Yuuri when he is legal enough ofc) - But still, the years without Yuuri is basically torture because Viktor is in love and pining - He feels guilty if he is so much as looks at someone else - So he focuses on competing, on being the best, he loves skating after all, it is that one constant thing other than Yuuri, it is older. - Also maybe, just maybe, if he is the best, his Yuuri will come to him finally - (Cue Yuuri being adamant on not meeting his idol until he is good enough since the stress might actually send him into time travelling lmao) - But it hurts. He is a star in figure skating world, he is a fucking Olympic gold medalist and everyone is clamouring for his attention, but he is twenty three and Yuuri hasn't visited in months thus why he is sad and heart broken and empty so he tries dating some people, tries having casual fuck - (Yuuri encourages him to live his life anyway, not to tie himself to some unreliable time traveler who can appear and disappear at any second, taking his heart without a warning) - Poor boy can't do it tho, the flings do not last and after one particular disastrous fuck, he cries himself to sleep - (damn i want a jealous Yuuri appearing between this time, with extra spiteful and sad Viktor yelling and insert rough make up sex yes please) - Viktor cuts his hair - He immerses himself into skating again, his focus solely on winning as he buries his longing in skating - He settles into waiting and waiting, making the most everytime future Yuuri visits him, believing into the promise that they will eventually meet and he can keep Yuuri close by his side - The public will know Viktor Nikiforov's programs for being passionate and always heart wrenching - They will wonder who broke this boy's heart as they watch him becoming the living legend, the very best - Viktor is twenty seven and worn out, he has almost lost his passion for skating, he is only walking through life as it is. He choreographed Stay Close to Me with a visiting future Yuuri, who begged him to wait, please be patient because he is getting there, please wait for him. Viktor hopes again, but tells Yuuri he is thinking of retiring. "I hope this will reach you after all these years," Viktor told Yuuri half-joking, Yuuri kissed him in assurance. - He skates his best but he does not pay attention to his fellow competitors, hence why he does not put two and two to arrive in conclusion that Katsuki Yuuri the Japanese figure skater is his Yuuri - Viktor does not recognize Yuuri when he offers the commemorative picture - Only after Yuuri turns his back on him, EVERYTHING SINKS IN - HOLY FUCK - That's him, that's his Yuuri - He is frozen on the spot. His Yuuri looks so young and sad and he has just fucking asked the love of his life if he wanted to take a commemorative picture wow good job Viktor - The only reason he does not chase is because Yuuri has disappeared into the crowds and Yakov is yelling at him to pay attention Viktor what the hell you better prepare nicely for the banquet - Oh yes, the banquet - Viktor sees Yuuri and it takes every ounce of strength within himself for him to refrain from not immediately telling Yuuri that, hey, I am your future husband and we have been best friends all my life please don't disappear on me again - But well, Yuuri is drinking his sorrow and probably liver away, and the whole dance battles happen, of course Viktor's heart is set on fire - When they dance, that's the most alive he has ever been - And when Yuuri asks him to coach him while practically grinding him, he is ready to pass out right there - With the help of Celestino, they bring Yuuri back to his room, Viktor slips his number and hopes Yuuri will come to him - (Yuuri does not. But on the morning when he was about to have another episode of panic attack, Yuuri takes off for the first time to meet a silver haired little boy who immediately hugs him and brings him clothes, the boy babbles in Russian and when it is clear Yuuri is confused and sad, the boy hugs him tight and warm and everything feels right and okay. It last for ten minutes before he is taken back to the current with Celestino pounding his door.) - (He is too busy packing he does not find the number Viktor gave him) - Viktor is left to agonize, and now openly, which drives everyone around him insane - He watches every performance of Yuuri, he searches for every article and information out there, fuck the rules, he has met Yuuri now and this is public information - "Vitya if you sulk one more time instead of practising for World Championship I swear I will burn your recent collection of that Japanese Yuuri posters" - tired Yakov - Viktor's pining is full blown and he is ready to fly to Japan at any moment, his bags are packed and he just needs a sign - He almost gives up hope after World Championship - Only to find Katsuki Yuuri tried to skate Stay Close to Me already went viral - Oh, there you are - Dasvidaniya, Russia
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